
=== fta2 is now known as fta
pittiasac: too late now, I figure16:52
pittiasac: but I didn't have any beyond what was mentioned in the blueprint16:52
ftaseb128, any way to get bug 304385 fixed in intrepid? i can't use evolution /w imap because of that.17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304385 in evolution "crash in account_changed ()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30438517:35
seb128fta: looking, do you have a debdiff to fix the issue? ;-)17:40
lucyphercrevette: I'm simone of : http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56400817:47
ubottuGnome bug 564008 in obex "Merge gnome-obex-server with bluetooth-applet." [Enhancement,Resolved: obsolete]17:47
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lucypherI've installed gnome-user-share , how do I use it?17:48
crevettego in the preferences17:48
lucypherI've configured it trough system>preferences>Personal file shering17:49
crevettethis is an item 'file sharing" or something like that, enable bluetooth17:49
crevetteyep this is this one17:50
lucypherI want to send an image from my phone to the PC...how?17:51
crevetteI don't know how your phone works17:52
lucypherI know how to do it on the phone and it worked with gnome-obex-server.17:53
crevetteah it doesn't work17:53
crevettewhat is your version ?17:53
crevette8.10 I assume17:53
lucypheryes Intrepid17:53
crevetteit's true some people have problem with the new bluez stack17:54
crevettewhat is the error you phone returns?17:54
lucypherImpossible to send17:55
lucypherIt's a Nokia 612017:55
crevettenavigator ?17:55
lucypherno classic ... without GPS17:55
crevetteah :)17:56
lucypherI can explore the device and retrieve images, so it's not a big problem ATM17:57
crevetteso ObexFTP works18:00
crevettelucypher, perhaps killall obex-data-server daemon and launch it in console with the option to not detach (I don't remind the switch) and try again18:01
crevettethis is certainly a problem with obex-data-server18:01
lucyphersdptool browse local | grep OBEX ...gives me nothing18:04
crevettegrep -i ?18:05
lucyphernope... I have to go now... Thanks I'll try later, thanks18:05
PicklesworthPersonally, I think the "lack of theming" is a positive thing, since the experience is already 100% consistent because it's using real GNOME components. Ubuntu's default GDM themes, for example, already put loads of unnecessary effort into looking consistent19:08
knomeglatzor, o/20:14
glatzorhey knome!20:17
knomeglatzor, are you in the chat in irc room?20:18
knomeglatzor, (anseris mons)20:18
* wgrant can't see glatzor here.20:19
knomewgrant, maybe he's hiding. he always lurks at me. :P20:20
glatzorknome, I am in the foundation's room on the other side of the hall.20:21
knomeglatzor, oh. i read "other side of the hell"20:21
knomemight be true as well...20:21
glatzorknome, how is your session going?20:23
knomeglatzor, i'm ircing.20:24
knomeglatzor, really not so concentrated on listening/participating20:24
wgrantglatzor: Backups are being discussed over there now, aren't they?20:26
glatzorwgrant, right20:30
knomeleft, definitely.20:31
knomeglatzor, oo hallo23:24
knomeglatzor, #ubuntu-devel-summit23:25
glatzorhello knome23:25
glatzorknome, thanks I forgot the name of the channel23:25

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