
RAOFphix: You'll want to file a bug, attaching the output of alsa-info.sh (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems) and a pulseaudio log; you can get that by killing the current daemon with "pulseaudio -k" and starting a new one with "pulseaudio -vvv 2>&1 > pulseaudio-debug-log"00:00
Keybukwpa supplicant is worse00:00
pochukees: btw, in case you hadn't seen it: http://www.coresecurity.com/content/vinagre-format-string00:01
keespochu: ah, I hadn't.  thanks!00:01
keespochu: though, strangely, still no CVE00:02
RAOFphix: As a work around you can probably edit /etc/pulse/default.pa and defining a static alsa sink using hw:0,3 - the comments should make it obvious how to do this.00:04
pochukees: I think upstream confused that with a cve :)00:05
pochukees: so no idea if there's one...00:05
phixRAOF: yes I tried that with no success, I will try again :\00:06
phixRAOF: VLC doesn't play anythin, I can't use totem as it crashes when I use ATI properitary drivers00:07
keespochu: s'okay00:07
phixwhy am I finding all of the bugs for? :)00:07
RiddellMacSlow: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/notifier.py00:07
Riddellthat does into /usr/share/apps/kde4/notifier/00:08
keespitti, slangasek: uhm, okay, where is libhttp-response-encoding-perl ?  I don't see a build and I don't see it in NEW...00:35
slangasekum... context?00:36
slangasekwas this the sync you were waiting for a while ago?00:36
keesslangasek: it's related, yes00:38
keesslangasek: but it should have already been pulled in.00:38
kees(it's a build-dep for the thing I was waiting on)00:38
* Hobbsee wonders if that's a ppa bug, coming back to bite us00:38
slangasekkees: ok; looking00:39
Hobbseeseeing as LP doesn't seem to know about a source.00:39
keesslangasek: cool.  mostly I just don't know where it might be hiding.00:39
keesHobbsee: it seems to know it exists, but without any files.00:39
Hobbseekees: that's why I suspect it's the ppa bug00:40
Hobbseekees: ppas were creating those pages for any new source that was uploaded to a ppa, as a package in ubuntu00:40
Hobbseebut never had sources attached to them, as the sources weren't actually in ubuntu.00:41
keesHobbsee: yucky.  this package _should_ exist in Ubuntu, but ... I don't know where.  It would have been NEW on Nov 28.00:41
kees(assuming a debian-sync was run then)00:41
Hobbseewhile they fixed the bug, i don't think they ever removed the pages that shouldn't ahve been generated.00:41
Hobbseei presume slangasek will try to resync it00:42
slangasekyes, currently trying00:42
slangaseksince I didn't do archive admin duties yesterday anyway :)00:42
pwnguinfeisty's dead right?00:48
nhandler_Yes pwnguin00:48
pwnguinsigh, users...00:48
nhandler_It has reached its End of Life00:48
pwnguini was just thinking, if they sit on this for much longer00:49
pwnguinthere wont be a good upgrade plan00:49
tseliotRiddell: we need to talk. Celeste knows why01:27
Riddelltseliot: that sounds worrying :)01:34
RiddellI'm in the desktop room01:34
slangasekdoko: is gcc-spu meant to be in main instead of universe? (newlib dep-wait on powerpc)01:35
slangasekkees: ^^ newlib is the package going a little funny during the autosync01:35
slangasekso I'm following through on that, maybe it fixes us01:35
ScottKslangasek: If you've still got your archive-admin hat on, I'd appreciate it if you'd also sync mlt++ (Bug 306257)01:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306257 in mlt++ "Please sync mlt++ 0.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30625701:37
StevenKI think mlt is still in NEW01:37
dokosladen: yes please01:37
slangasekStevenK: mlt didn't just FTBFS on all archs?  That's where it was last I'd looked01:37
StevenKIt got given back on lpia01:38
slangasekand it succeeded?01:38
tseliotRiddell: so am I, I hadn't noticed. No, it's nothing to worry about01:38
slangasekdoko: fixed01:39
Riddelloh aye, there you are01:40
slangasekkees: bah, have to wait for a publishing run to be sure I know what's going on there01:40
StevenKslangasek: I think it should be given-back everywhere, since it was Build-Depends things01:40
TheMusocrimsun: Did you attach the pulseaudio jaunty debdiff to bug 202089?01:41
ScottKmlt built on i386 and amd6401:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 202089 in pulseaudio "Pulseaudio is blocking normal sound after resume" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20208901:41
crimsunTheMuso: no, I can do that now (it's also in my ppa)01:41
slangasekStevenK, ScottK: ah, ok01:41
ScottKStevenK: mlt is out of New and built at least on amd64 and ii38601:41
TheMusocrimsun: No need, I'll fetch from your PPA.01:41
crimsunTheMuso: ok.01:41
slangasekthanks, I'll take mlt off my to-be-followed-up list :)01:41
* ScottK knew he'd done a test build somehow01:41
keesslangasek: cool, I'm not in a rush, just deeply curious.  thanks for digging.  did you see doko's mis-tab?01:42
keesslangasek: oh, you did, I can't read01:42
StevenKI was ignoring mlt since it hadn't built everywhere01:42
slangasekScottK: looking now, but there are some other requests ahead of that one in the queue so it'll be a few minutes to churn through them01:47
slangasekScottK: doh, out of time and not there yet, will pick it up after heading back to the hotel02:01
candrewsI'm trying to convince XBMC to use dynamic linking instead of including all the source in their own tree and compiling everything in. Can anyone point me to a policy of Ubuntu, Debian, or another distro that demonstrated why dynamic linking is important?02:23
jdongcandrews: does XBMC use some ffmpeg type stack?02:23
candrewsthey do, but they also include python, faad, pulseaudio, mplayer, and a whole lot more :-)02:24
candrewsI totally understand ffmpeg being included, that situation is nuts.02:24
jdongyeah I was going to point out that they probably have a reason to do this with ABI-unstable multimedia stack02:24
jdongffmpeg and faad I'd put on that list. mplayer possibly.02:24
RAOFs/ABI/API/ :(02:24
jdongbut no excuse for Python or pulseaudio02:25
jdongRAOF: yeah, it's both :D02:25
ScottKcandrews: http://people.redhat.com/drepper/no_static_linking.html02:25
candrewsHere's the conversation if anyone is interested: http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=25259202:25
candrewsIt's driving me nuts - if I was a distro (like Ubuntu) I would never accept such a package...02:26
ScottKWith PIE enabled would it even run?02:27
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jdongonly on i386 IIRC02:27
candrewssdl, mad, sqlite, hal, glew, boost, libjpeg, libpng are also statically included02:28
candrewsthere's way more too - it's like it's own distro02:28
jdongok we'd absolutely not accept that.02:28
jdongit is basically its own distro.02:28
jdongbut then again, I don't feel you should use distribution policies as a bullying tactic for changing the project...02:28
jdongthat's a decision for the project to make02:28
jdongperhaps for their purpose they'd rather have a no-dependencies bundled distribution02:29
candrewsWhat do you think though? If you were them and all...02:30
jdongwell... if I were them I'd have two separate distributions.02:34
jdongI understand their motivation for an all-in-one build02:35
jdongbut at the same time I understand why that's a horrible nightmare for distributions.02:35
jdongBut, if I were them, I would be annoyed as hell if every 2 days someone came asking for the libraries to be de-bundled.02:35
phixRAOF: I finally got HDMI set as default auto device :D  but it should of done that by default as it was the only device there.02:35
phixauto = audio02:36
jdongin my opinion the correct thing to do here is for the packaging community to debundle the libraries themselves for the reasonable libraries to debundle02:36
RAOFphix: Right.  Which is why you should file a bug to document (a) your set up (b) what was wrong, and (c) how you fixed it, so we can possibly make it Just Work. :)02:36
jdongI'd probably leave mplayer and ffmpeg bundled because those have very version-specific bugs, quirks, and APIs and I'd rather not be introducing extra bugs by mutant hybrid compiles of their code :)02:37
phixRAOF: I will try :) but I am no expert in that area02:37
RAOFjdong: And then provide patches to the project, yes.02:37
jdongRAOF: right I was getting to that. Honest :)02:37
phixRAOF: What is your affilation with the ubuntu project if you don't mind me asking?02:37
RAOFphix: I'm a MOTU.02:37
jdongI was going to say that with time upstream will probably appreciate the work you're doing and you can happily merge your efforts as an integral part of upstream.02:37
jdongIt's always good to do something productive/constructive instead of standing there whining, in the open source world.02:37
phixRAOF: I am not familiar with that acronym02:38
jdongphix: it means he's a scapegoat for not-very-maintained packages having bugs.02:38
candrewsjdong - indeed! But, I'm not that familiar with C, especially not on the sheer scale and complexity of that project... and their build system is very large and frankly scares me.02:39
phixcandrews: heh, what is this?02:40
jdongcandrews: the developers probably feel the same way about debundling.02:40
jdongcandrews: hence why I suggested it's probably not productive to whine at upstream to debundle02:40
candrewsphix xbmc02:40
phixI would like to contribute to the Ubuntu project, what can I do? :)02:40
phixcandrews: no idea what that is :)02:40
jdongphix: you can start by doing my decision theory homework...02:40
phixjdong: heh02:41
* candrews cringes, and is quite glad he's out of college.02:41
phixRAOF: Nice, a fellow Aussie02:42
mnabil_guys, i want to customize the live cd , i wanna change the kernel on it , any idea ?03:48
mnabil_guys really i got sick from the ubuntu livecd customization how to's  all failed with me, always the live cd drops the initramfs shell03:50
MiladKhajavihow can I create a repository with a pool directory?04:35
cody-somervilleMiladKhajavi, reprepro04:47
MiladKhajavicody-somerville: thank a lot04:50
LaserJockany gnome-app-install gurus happen to be around?05:16
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wgrantdoko: hppa should be on the main FTBFS list in about 15 minutes, I guess. LP is slow.08:25
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AtomicSparkWhat is this?!08:52
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catmandohey all11:40
catmandoi think i've found a rather large bug that's somehow slipped thorugh the cracks11:40
catmandothe 8.10 alternate cd never installs a bootloader11:40
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NCommanderbdmurray, ping14:12
lionelAh NCommander :)14:14
NCommandermorning lionel14:15
lionelWould you mind to approve this backport https://bugs..launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/30326514:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303265 in hardy-backports "please backport lightning-extension-locales from intrepid to hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:15
lionelit would unbreak hardy-backports for lightning users :)14:15
NCommandersure, I'll ack it14:16
NCommanderAs a side note14:16
NCommanderDon't used confirmed in backport trackers14:16
NCommanderThat's a good wayt o make sure your bug isnt' seen :-)14:17
lionelrah, sorry. Second time I've done it :(14:17
NCommanderLet me just test build this14:17
lionelNCommander: that beeing said, you use "In progress" when you approved it and waiting for backport for archive admin14:18
NCommanderDOn't ask, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either14:18
lionelhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports -> this say to put as "Confirmed" when built and tested...14:19
NCommanderA backporters is supposed to do it14:20
NCommandertest building now14:20
lionelhum... that's not what I have observed in backports for some years, I think we should clarify this14:21
lionel(but that's not the topic today)14:21
NCommanderAnyway, once it test builds, I'll ack it14:21
LaneyI thought anyone could confirm, but only a backporter could approve it14:33
lionel<NCommander> Anyway, once it test builds, I'll ack it15:16
lionelI'm a bit surprised by the fact that you can not a MOTU trust but somebody ack the lightning backport without even checking rdepends...15:16
maxb<NCommander> Don't used confirmed in backport trackers <--- but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports  says you should!15:21
NCommanderI fail :-P15:21
jdonginteresting that lightning backport caused so much trouble.15:41
jdongit would seem like from bug 220166 that it received a good deal of testing.15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220166 in lightning-sunbird "New upstream version available (v0.8)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22016615:41
jdongI guess nobody hit all the rdepends.15:41
jdongI am brainstorming on a prevu QA suite for backporting that tests installability, upgradability of a requested package and all its rdepends15:42
lioneljdong: if nobody use locales, it's not catched15:42
lioneljdong: my "pb" is that I opened the bug two weeks ago and we can not get this fixed15:43
lionel(more than things get broken, it's the game with backport)15:43
jdongNCommander: anything holding us back in your opinion on approving said backport?15:47
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tclineksas far as i can tell io.py that is installed by python-stats breaks lxml.etree.parse16:31
tclineksmakes it segfault16:31
ruthgardGreetings what is the esiest way to create a deb file from a binary?16:38
jdongfrom a binary?16:38
ruthgardI have a tomcat webapp that I want to make deb file from, I want it to depend on apache tomcat and to put a file in the conf/Catalina/localhost folder for the tomcat configuration.16:39
ruthgardthe webapp is a .war file16:39
jdongWell the same way you make a deb from a source package16:39
jdongonly you won't have a "build" target but only an install target16:40
ruthgardcan you recomend any guide for creating a deb?16:41
maxbI think it's usually a mistake to look for "guides" that teach you to do a single operation without understanding it16:42
maxbEspecially because people very seldom write them!16:43
ruthgardyou are correct16:43
maxbUnfortunately I'm not immediately aware of the right doc to recommend for starting to learn deb packaging16:44
maxbIt's something I've absorbed over time16:44
ruthgardI found an article about how to create a deb for debian, is there any difference with debian and ubuntu debs?16:45
ruthgardor are they the same?16:45
ruthgardI read something about creating a file called debian16:45
maxbvery little, in general. In fact, very many Ubuntu packages are built from the Debian source, unmodified16:45
ruthgardsorry I mean directory16:45
ruthgardand in that file create controlfiles for how the deb should be assembled16:46
maxbIn this case, the "debian" directory refers to the packaging system, rather than the distribution - i.e. yes, it's "debian" for ubuntu packages too16:46
maxbOh, one key thing to know is that many of the details of the format of debian packages are specified in the "Debian Policy Manual" - despite the name, it contains a *lot* of material on packaging too16:47
tormodruthgard: you want this: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/33616:49
pittiGood morning16:51
pittikees: was the libhttp-response-encoding-pel issue resolved?16:52
NCommanderStevenK, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/intrepid-backports/+bug/30324516:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303245 in intrepid-backports "Please backport amule-adunanza" [Wishlist,In progress]16:58
keespitti: let me check, one moment16:59
keespitti: no: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhttp-response-encoding-perl17:00
keespitti: slangasek had some theories and was letting soyuz settle before poking at it some more.17:00
slangasekkees: pitti: it's a bug in sync-sources, plain and simple; I need to have a look to see exactly where the bug is17:01
StevenKNCommander: Found it17:13
NCommanderStevenK, where did it go?17:13
StevenKNCommander: I can't read, and grep can17:13
ebroderIs there documentation somewhere on the process for requesting a package get imported from Debian experimental?17:14
ebroderLike, I've seen wiki pages on DIF, but nothing on the Debian import itself17:15
crimsunebroder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess17:16
ebrodercrimsun: Ah, thanks. I'll check that out17:16
crimsunebroder: (there's also a tool in the ubuntu-dev-tools binary package called requestsync)17:17
ebroderEven better. I'll check that out, too17:17
StevenKNCommander: NEWed17:19
NCommanderThanks StevenK17:19
NCommanderI appreciate it17:19
ebrodercrimsun: Does requestsync assume that you want to sync from unstable?17:22
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crimsunebroder: yes, but see -d17:23
ebroderHmm...that's not documented in my requestsync. New after Hardy?17:24
crimsunebroder: yes, in intrepid17:25
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gicmowhere is he17:27
TheMusogicmo: He is currently in a session, and may or may not be online.17:28
TheMusoSince I can't see him on IRC, I'd say not.17:28
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ebroderAny backporters around who could ACK LP #301302 and LP #305001 ?17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301302 in hardy-backports "Please backport pyyaml (3.05-2) and libyaml (0.1.1-1) from Intrepid to Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30130217:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305001 in hardy-backports "Please backport sqlalchemy 0.4.8 from Jaunty to Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30500117:42
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ScottKebroder: I'll have a look at the first one.18:14
ScottKebroder: Why not 3.06-1 from Jaunty?18:14
NCommanderhey ScottK18:15
ScottKHeya NCommander.18:15
NCommanderScottK, I just had a good talk with mvo on selective backports installation18:15
ScottKAnd ...18:15
NCommanderScottK, he'd be interested in extending APT to do what we want18:15
NCommander(the base is there, libapt needs a write interface, and synaptic needs an interface)18:16
joaopintohow are you planning to support that ?18:16
ScottKNCommander: It'd probably be good to touch base with the bpo people too and see what they'd like.18:16
NCommanderWell, one person showed up at my backports meeting18:16
NCommander(mvo showed, but had to run)18:16
joaopintoNCommander, do you have those ideas somewhere I can read  ?18:17
NCommanderjoaopinto, I posted it in a spec18:17
ebroderScottK: No good reason. 3.06-1 should be fine18:17
joaopintoNCommander, checking, tks18:18
jdongNCommander: if you have mvo hostage there's something else I want to poke him about18:19
NCommanderjdong, I'm eating lunch w/ him18:19
jdongNCommander: in the case when a backport causes a package to be uninstallable it'd be nice for APT / synaptic to fall back on the regular non-backported version if it is installable.18:19
anderskIs there an appropriate place to assign bugs in the Ubuntu APT archive itself, such as bug 201179?18:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201179 in ubuntu "Contents.gz empty in dapper" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20117918:22
Hobbseeandersk: a mirror, or archive.ubuntu.com?18:24
Hobbseethat's not what the bug says?18:26
Hobbseeus.archive.ubuntu.com is a mirror18:26
Hobbseesorry, i was probably unclear18:26
Hobbseeandersk: ubuntu-mirror-admins, iirc.18:26
anderskarchive.ubuntu.com has the same bug.18:26
anderskSo this is not just a mirror problem.18:27
Hobbseeoh, so it is18:27
Hobbseeslangasek: where should https://launchpad.net/bugs/201179 get reassigned to, if it's wrong on a.u.c?18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201179 in ubuntu "archive.ubuntu.com Contents.gz empty in dapper" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:28
anderskThanks.  I assigned it to Soyuz, can someone confirm?18:33
btmAre there any plans to pull multipath-tools from upstream or patch multipath-tools for an intrepid SRU to fix the API issues with udev? (LP #306723)18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306723 in udev "udev breaks compatibility with multipath" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30672318:36
joaopintoNCommander, I am not sure I got a clear understanding of the "Pinning dependencies" section, the text "Depends line which explicately pulls in the new version", means it will only pull the version if it's the dependency as a version requirement provided by the backports repos ?18:38
NCommanderThat means if we have a security fix in a backported library, we'd have to update its rdepends to pull it in unless the deps were pinned18:39
joaopintoso, unlike now, you must be sure that the package on backports have proper versions on the dependends, right ?18:40
slangasekHobbsee: I don't have a better place for it than where it currently is :/18:40
slangasekHobbsee: "ubuntu-archive is subscribed" is more meaningful than anything else, I fear18:40
joaopintook, got it18:41
Hobbseeslangasek: ah, so it's ubuntu-archive fixable?18:43
joaopintoNCommander, the implementation should be generic, so you can use this selectivity feature with PPAs or 3rd party repositories18:45
ebroderScottK: Who is the comment on LP 301302 directed at? Me?18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301302 in hardy-backports "Please backport pyyaml (3.05-2) and libyaml (0.1.1-1) from Intrepid to Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30130218:56
ebroderOh - did you want me to switch it to use pyyaml 3.06-1?18:56
ScottK-laptopebroder: Yes and yes.18:56
ebroderOk, cool - I'll check that now18:56
ScottK-laptopebroder: You don't actually have to change anything for a no change backport.  Just build it locally, test that it installs and runs, and then say so in the bug.18:57
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lionelHi ScottK-laptop, could you have a look at #303265 please?19:00
ScottK-laptoplionel: Ack'ed.  It's up to the archive admins now.19:04
slangasekHobbsee: should be, at least in coordination with soyuz19:04
lionelScottK-laptop: thanks a lot!19:05
Hobbseeslangasek: oh good19:05
ebroderScottK: I've updated LP 301302 - it does b/i/r on Hardy19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301302 in hardy-backports "Please backport pyyaml (3.06-1) and libyaml (0.1.1-1) from Jaunty to Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30130219:07
* ScottK-laptop looks19:09
ScottK-laptopebroder: Ack'ed now it's up to when an archive admin has time to process it.19:25
ebroderScottK: Thanks a lot19:27
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PicklesworthOh my.... the synaptics driver is indented with tabs /and/ spaces, by the same person!19:34
ScottK-laptopdoko: Is there some summary of yesterday's Python discussion written up somewhere?  I was trying to listen in, but could hear almost none of it.19:34
dokoScottK-laptop: just the blueprint19:42
ScottK-laptopdoko: Thanks.  That's more than I knew before.19:54
mnemoim trying to build the gvfs backends package but I get this error --> http://rafb.net/p/RcDYTK61.html20:09
mnemowhat am I doing wrong?20:09
ebrodermnemo: You don't have the build dependencies installed20:09
mnemook thanks20:10
ebroderYou should build packages with something like dpkg-buildpackage or debuild - those will tell you if you're missing build deps20:10
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mnemoebroder: what is the exact command for building with these tools?20:10
ebroderWith debuild, you can basically just run debuild. With dpkg-buildpackage, I think you want to do dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot20:11
mnemoebroder: ok thanks I will try those20:11
ebroderBoth of them will attempt to GPG-sign packages, so you may want to add -us -uc to the command line args to keep them from doing that20:12
ebroderIt'll error, but it's harmless20:12
ebroder(That is, it'll error if you don't pass -us -uc)20:12
Hobbseeapt-get build-deps packagename is also useful.20:12
Hobbseesorry, build-dep20:13
mnemoHobbsee: I know that one already, but thank you20:15
dokotjaalton: please fix mesa, ftbfs on armel and lpia, causing build failures on other packages20:33
tjaaltondoko: yes, ideas abou the problem?20:34
tjaaltonwhat to those archs share that makes it fail?20:35
dokotjaalton: create a lpia chroot and check ...20:35
tjaaltondoko: hmm ok20:36
pittiKeybuk: do you see a reason to not upgrade jaunty's udev to 130?20:39
pittiKeybuk: it's needed for latest DK-Power20:39
pittiKeybuk: in fact, current Devkit itself needs it already20:43
mnemoim building a package using "fakeroot debian/rules binary" and then I do "dpkg -i ..." etc.... but can I do the same and also get debug symbols built into the binary???20:45
mok0mnemo: man dh_strip20:46
gicmoaha! mnemo is here20:46
gicmoright at the time I am about to leave for lunch20:46
mnemohey gicmo :)20:46
mnemodid you see the patch Peter Christoffersen attached?20:47
lifelesscr3: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/%7Echeckbox-dev/checkbox/trunk/+merges21:05
lifelesscr3: its odd that there isn't a ubuntu branch for this, which any ubuntu dev/motu can write to21:06
anderskI'm trying to get a new upstream version of OpenAFS into Jaunty so that it will work on the Jaunty kernel: LP bug #303122.  Have I done everything right to request sponsorship for this upload?21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303122 in elisa "[win32] File "lost.305.hdtv-lol.avi" plays partially on XP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30312221:56
anderskSorry, LP bug #30311221:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303112 in openafs "Please upgrade to 1.4.8 for Jaunty kernel 2.6.28 support" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30311221:57
jdonglol at 30312221:58
lionelandersk: I had a look yesterday night. I wanted to give it more tests before uploading22:01
lionelandersk: how did you test it? server/client part?22:01
anderskAfter installing the openafs-client package, you run m-a a-i openafs to build and install the kernel module.  Then you should be able to /etc/init.d/openafs start and see a bunch of stuff in /afs.22:02
lionelandersk: looks ok for the client, but for the server22:04
anderskHmm.  Testing the server is...complicated.22:05
lionelI know22:05
lionelbut that would be cool to have some basic test for it22:05
lionelandersk: yeah, I configured it once, but that's not an "easy" task22:07
anderskPossibly the /usr/sbin/afs-newcell makes this easier.22:08
lionelandersk: well, will continue my work on it. You bug is complete, there is no problem about it, just we are a bit slow processing22:09
anderskGreat, thanks.22:09
lionelandersk: fell free to ping me again if it's not done over the week-end22:09
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
bryce_pitti: btw mdz is asking for you in the online services session (in the desktop room) if you're not otherwise occupied23:25
seb128bryce_: he's leading a language pack session with danilo23:26
bryce_seb128: thanks23:27
gicmomnemo: hmm23:28
tjaaltondoko: the mesa build problems are because lpia/armel don't have MAP_ANONYMOUS?23:39
wgrantdoko: You ran away!23:39
dokowgrant: no, you did ;) anyway, meet in the lobby?23:40
wgrantdoko: Bah, only for a moment. Which building?23:40
dokowgrant: coffe lobby23:40
wgrantSure, I'll be there in a minute or so.23:41
doko$ fgrep -r MAP_ANONYMOUS /usr/include/23:41
doko/usr/include/bits/mman.h:# define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20            /* Don't use a file.  */23:41
doko/usr/include/bits/mman.h:# define MAP_ANON      MAP_ANONYMOUS23:41
doko/usr/include/asm-generic/mman.h:#define MAP_ANONYMOUS   0x20            /* don't use a file */23:41
dokotjaalton: ^^^23:42
tjaaltondoko: so bits/mman.h, not sys/mman.h23:42
dokotjaalton: did you check on lpia?23:42
tjaaltondoko: nope23:42
tjaaltonbut x86 has sys/mman.h23:43
tjaaltondoko: I'll try the chroot23:44
tjaaltondoko: no match for lpia23:55
tjaaltonoh wait23:55
tjaaltondoko: right, better to install libc6-dev before checking that. anyway, it's the same as with armel, so mesa should be patched to check bits/23:57
\shgrmpf...why is the updated hardy kernel build with 4.2.3 but on upgraded hardy there is gcc 4.2.4?23:58
tjaaltondoko: sorry, bits/mman.h is included by sys/mman.h, so it's something different then23:59

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