=== cr4z3d_ is now known as cr4z3d | ||
cr4z3d | hey how do i get a hostmask cloak? | 06:52 |
stdin | cr4z3d: are you an Ubuntu member? | 06:55 |
cr4z3d | stdin: no, should i be? | 06:55 |
stdin | cr4z3d: if you're not then you can ask for an unaffiliated cloak in #freenode | 06:56 |
cr4z3d | stdin: I'm just curious though are the different hostmasks just personal preference or is there any advantage one over the other? | 06:57 |
stdin | cr4z3d: no advantage. if you're a member of a team/group that's registered with freenode you can show that affiliation in the cloak. anyone can get an unaffiliated cloak though | 06:59 |
cr4z3d | stdin: hmm interesting. so if i do sign up how soon do you get a cloak? | 07:00 |
stdin | you don't sign up, you apply for ubuntu membership and get approved | 07:01 |
stdin | then you can get a cloak as soon as you're membership is approved | 07:02 |
stdin | you can get an unaffiliated cloak immediately though, and it can be changed if you become an ubuntu member | 07:02 |
cr4z3d | wow answered my question as i was typing it | 07:03 |
* stdin add 1 ESP to his mana | 07:03 | |
cr4z3d | stdin: hey i clicked sign up for launchpad but i see now way to apply for the cloak? or is signing up for launchpad the same thing | 07:11 |
stdin | to get a ubuntu cloak you need to have a "sustained contribution to ubuntu" then apply for membership | 07:12 |
stdin | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember | 07:12 |
stdin | just joining launchpad is not enough, though it's a 1st step | 07:12 |
cr4z3d | wow there's a lot of good things you get for joining this seems like a good idea | 07:16 |
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cr4z3d | how do i add my gpg key? i've been doing gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys | 22:49 |
cr4z3d | but it doesn't seem to work | 22:49 |
=== nealmcb1 is now known as nealmcb | ||
nalioth | cr4z3d: you need to include the keyid on the end | 23:21 |
cr4z3d | nalioth: how do i find the keyid? | 23:36 |
nalioth | cr4z3d: if you don't know your keyid, you really need to study up more | 23:37 |
nalioth | this gpg stuff isn't something you're gonna do once and never have to worry about it again | 23:38 |
cr4z3d | i can do gpg --list-keys and i don't really see which part of that is my keyid | 23:39 |
PriceChild | cr4z3d: are you following one of the ubuntu guides for this? (link?) | 23:40 |
Pici | nalioth: It might if you're just signing the CoC. I actually don't use mine all that often. | 23:41 |
nalioth | i use mine every day. | 23:42 |
cr4z3d | PriceChild: ah i found it.. but yes i was following the guide for awhile but i didn't see a section that told you what the keyid was or where to find it | 23:42 |
nalioth | wait until you get an encrypted email and have no idea what to do | 23:42 |
cr4z3d | i haven't come accross anyone that needed to send me an encrytped email | 23:43 |
cr4z3d | just yet at least | 23:43 |
PriceChild | cr4z3d: which guide? | 23:43 |
cr4z3d | PriceChild: the one on the wiki for becoming a member had a link to how to use gnupg i don't have it off the top of my head though | 23:45 |
nalioth | there are hundreds of "how to" documents on the internet. gpg is not ubuntu-specific, so any should do | 23:46 |
PriceChild | cr4z3d: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto this one? It *definitely* does. | 23:46 |
cr4z3d | yeah it definitely does now that i look over it again | 23:48 |
PriceChild | good stuff, all sorted now/ | 23:50 |
cr4z3d | should be firegpg made it easy to read the message | 23:52 |
PriceChild | Last time I took a look at firegpg google's way of formatting stuff after pressing send messed stuff at the other end. | 23:53 |
PriceChild | but that was aaages ago, woul dbe cool if that's fixed now | 23:54 |
cr4z3d | oh i don't know it works fine for reading messages though | 23:54 |
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