
\shoh guys...00:03
\shdoko: any clue how to solve this issue...hardy kernels were build with gcc 4.2.3, while gcc 4.2.4 was uploaded to proposed and then moved to -updates...it's strange to see warning messages from vmware-server e.g.00:04
directhexwarnings or actual problems?00:06
\shdirecthex: hopefully only warnings...I'll see this night, if the modules of vmware-server (1) compiled with 4.2.4 and kernel compiled with 4.2.3 are throwing real problems00:07
NickyMCYo, yo.00:09
NickyMCWhat's going on?00:09
NickyMCAnyone free to answer a question for me in here?00:09
=== _j1mc is now known as j1mc
tjaaltondoko: bingo. I found out that building on x86 with the same options failed, so I tried adding the missing options to the lpia build, and adding -D_BSD_SOURCE made it work00:29
dokotjaalton: nice, some cause on armel?00:30
tjaaltondoko: I'll check, but most likely yes00:30
tjaaltondoko: oh well, obviously can't run an armel chroot on x86 :)00:37
StevenKtjaalton: qemu00:37
tjaaltonStevenK: hmm ok00:37
tjaaltonStevenK: it emulates armel too?00:37
StevenKtjaalton: It ought to, but I have an armel board00:38
tjaaltonStevenK: you've got jaunty on one?00:39
* StevenK does00:39
* StevenK is using it to track down an ICE for doko00:39
tjaaltonStevenK: ok, could you try compiling this file then? I can pastebin the command00:40
StevenKtjaalton: And where is the file?00:41
tjaaltonStevenK: grab mesa source, cd src/mesa and then run http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/83774/00:42
tjaaltonit's 42MB unpacked..00:43
StevenKtjaalton: Bleh!00:50
tjaaltonStevenK: :)00:51
StevenKLike my armel has that much space anyway00:51
tjaaltonok, let me try first to compile just that file00:51
StevenKtjaalton: Trying now00:53
tjaaltonStevenK: the includes are problematic, can't just rip that file out00:54
StevenKtjaalton: What you said in the pastebin is correct00:55
ogra_StevenK, you didnt get an 8G SDHC at fry's ?00:55
ogra_we all did ...00:55
tjaaltonStevenK: so adding -D_BSD_SOURCE did it? nice, thanks for testing!00:55
tjaaltondoko: ^^00:56
StevenKtjaalton: No problem00:56
tjaaltonogra_: whaa, they gave those?00:56
ogra_tjaalton, nah, they sold them for $24.9500:56
tjaaltonogra_: heh, ok.. :)00:56
ogra_SDHC micro with mini and std adapter00:57
lifelessfta: reed and asac want you badly outside 150001:17
sladenah, since all you people are in the Google Campus, perhaps you could tell them that they  http://www.google.com/copyright?hl=en  link they publish at the bottom of AFP articles is broken02:51
emgentbug #4419403:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44194 in netbase "wpasupplicant doesn't start when the network start" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4419403:30
keesslangasek: woo! yeah, NEW queue bloated nicely.  :)06:09
ScottK-laptopftp-masters had a busy weekend.06:10
ScottK-laptopkees: clamav did the change to allow us to re-enable modules after we patch them for their next release.  It looks simple enough I think we might consider backporting it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/83722/06:12
ScottK-laptopIt's late enough here.  I'm off to bed.  Good night all.06:16
mnabilguys, i'm building a live cd and i just wanna set the default kernel for the live cd to be linux-rt but every time the iso boots it drops to initramfs shell , any idea ?06:24
StevenKThat the squashfs doesn't include the modules for -rt, or you didn't regenerate the initrd?06:25
YokoZar1the new transparent ubuntu stickers fit great on the U key by the way06:29
=== YokoZar1 is now known as YokoZar
mnabilStevenK, i'm doing debootstrap then i chroot then apt-get install linux-rt06:29
mnabilStevenK, the squashfs module is in the kernel06:29
Mithrandirmnabil: look at casper.log in /, perhaps?06:30
Mithrandirhm, in /var/log, I think06:30
mnabilMithrandir, casper.log says : mount: mounting aufs on /root failed : no such device06:33
mnabilmount aufs failed06:33
keesScottK-laptop: cool!06:43
Keybukthat hot tub is so chlorinated, I think I have second degree burns07:15
YokoZarchemical burns are the best07:36
mnabili regenrate the initrd again , and made a new iso !! still the same problem ! any idea07:39
mnabilor ref. or any thing07:39
=== anil1 is now known as anilg
hughsieayone seen glatzor?12:11
phixhughsie: I could tell you where he's not12:53
hughsiephix: :-) thanks!12:54
phixyou know, to narrow down your search :P12:55
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joaopintoNCommander, not sure this should be included on the specification (Backports Selective Installation), but it wold also make sense to add support on apturl, so you could provide something like apt://name;rep=backports15:15
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yao_ziyuanone of the few things i think fedora does well in is16:45
yao_ziyuanit uses WenQuanYiHei as the default font for large-size chinese characters16:45
yao_ziyuancan ubuntu do that?16:45
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tjaaltondoko: so, should I fix the mesa build issue in the mesa package?18:29
dokotjaalton: please do so!18:30
tjaaltondoko: ok, will do18:31
Riddelltkamppeter: your session needs you19:02
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slytherincan some archive admin please add libjaxp1.2-java to sync blacklist and remove the source from jaunty queue? Please refer bug #25197319:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251973 in libjaxp1.2-java "Please remove the package from repositories" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25197319:59
=== dickydoo2 is now known as WelshDragon
lifelesstjaalton: There is another session on at the moment - https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-hotkey-madness - that apparently you would be very relevant to20:07
lifelesstjaalton: bryce says that if it is possible for you to come - to apollinaris - it would be great20:07
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tjaaltonuhh, ok :)20:08
lifelesspitti: did I get the message right about hal - 'hal -> devicekit, rm hal' (over some arbitrary time period)20:13
radixHobbsee: sorry about the wrong subscription. I had a brainfart. :(20:44
radixand thanks for fixing the subscription.20:45
Hobbseeradix: no great problem.  You're only the billionth one to do it :P20:45
radixthere should be a "find sponsorship" button in launchpad :)20:46
ScottK-laptopradix: "Canonical wants to offer a new feature" isn't a particularly strong SRU justification, I don't think.20:55
slytherinHobbsee: can you please add libjaxp1.2-java to sync blacklist and reject source from jaunty queue?20:55
Hobbseeslytherin: i'll do the latter, i can't do the former.20:56
slytherinHobbsee: then who can do the former?20:57
Hobbseeslytherin: an archive admin who is a canonical employee.20:57
Hobbseesource is already rejected, it seems.20:58
* Hobbsee wonders why that isn't kept in bzr somewhere, like ~ubuntu-archive20:59
Hobbseeslangasek: any particular reason for this?20:59
slytherinHobbsee: Ok. I will keep a watch to see if it gets autosynced again.20:59
Hobbseeslytherin: it likely will, if it's not on the blacklist21:00
Hobbseethey tend to keep running new package autosyncs, it seems21:00
* slytherin is felling sleepy, quits21:04
ScottKpitti: It looks to me like the KDE 4.1.3 updates are ready for copying to -updates.  This is convenient since 4.1.4 was tagged yesterday and it'd be nice to clear the deck for the next update.21:46
=== Riddell_ is now known as Riddell
pittiScottK: right, I'll copy it soon; thanks all for testing22:06
pittilifeless: right, hal -> DK plus DK-power plus DK-disks, etc.22:06
ScottKpitti: Thanks.22:07
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
tjaaltonmy mesa uploads are rejected for some reason I can't understand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/84124/22:28
tjaalton-0ubuntu2 was accepted just fine22:28
slangasekHobbsee: why isn't what kept in bzr somewhere?22:37
Hobbseeslangasek: afaik it is, but it's not public?  or is hidden inside canonical somewhere?22:39
Hobbsee(not in revision control)22:39
slangasekHobbsee: what was the "what" that is or isn't?22:40
slangasekthe sync blacklist?22:40
Hobbseesorry, i misread.22:40
Hobbseeyes, the sync blacklist.22:40
slangasekyeah, it's in bzr; but it appears to be an in-place bzr branch22:42
slangasekthe answer might be "because we don't have an easy way to share it bidirectionally"22:42
Hobbseeas in, can't be kept on lp as a branch for ~ubuntu-archive?22:45
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* StevenK kicks libtool for being obtuse23:16
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keesinfinity: PIE take 1: fail.23:46
slangasektake one pie23:55
slangaseknom nom23:55
slangasekHobbsee: as in, I'm not sure what cocoplum can or can't access at that point, yeah23:55
Hobbseeah, right23:56
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
slangasekHobbsee: the other counterargument that comes to mind is that even if we had it in a branch on LP, that could never be the authoritative branch because that wouldn't be auto-propagated to cocoplum...?23:59

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