[01:27] Rinchen: Nice to see that the coyote barfed you back up. [04:57] hi people in here [04:57] * MTecknology has a question about that killer plugin for drupal ya'll use that was released today [04:57] How do I make it pass the name/email back to the site when they log in and keep them in sync? [05:46] About the same respnse in #launchpad except with curiousity. Any suggestions where I can get help? [05:58] MTecknology, you have to be a trusted website to get that [05:58] cody-somerville: supposedly I am [05:58] h on [05:59] https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/53961 [05:59] MTecknology, do you have a trust root? [06:00] * cody-somerville shrugs. [06:01] Anyhow, #launchpad is the correct place to ask [06:01] aighty - I'll wait for them to answer [06:01] cody-somerville: I'm taking the right approach so far then? [06:01] yup [06:02] Is there any config to do on the website to request that information? [06:02] on the plugins* [06:02] I dunno. [06:02] Ask on #launchpad [06:02] ok [06:03] thanks [06:03] np