
Pawmrwes: now what is ibex another form of ubuntu?00:00
mrwesPaw: well, give hardy a change00:00
IndyGunFreakPaw, well, just start downloading the 8.10 iso on you laptop.00:00
lexrexwow -- my monitor just went tan -- no option to do anything -- before i knew it i was logged out -- now xrandr isn't working -- any idea what is going wrong?00:00
mrwesPaw: it's version 8.1000:00
elementzfosco_: ok, so there is no difference between the driver in the repos and the driver provided by nvidia?00:00
steve1967I wonder when they are going to fix the problem with nvidia display drivers and 3d desktop.  In this config the buttons in the title bar wont redraw correctly at times.00:00
HalitechPaw, Ibex is the latest version of Ubuntu00:00
mrwesbut it's not long term support00:00
Pawmrwes: version 8.10 is ibex?00:00
fosco_elementz: no00:00
IndyGunFreak!intrepid | Paw00:00
mrwesPaw, yah, Interpid Ibex00:00
ubottuPaw: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81000:00
elementzfosco_: k, thx00:00
Pawwrwes: im installing 8.10 :-p00:01
almarkIs is possible to upgrade Ubuntu  8.10 to Ubuntu Studio, the Studio live cd gave me problems installing. The cd is Ubuntu 8.10 also00:01
mrwesdanke sehr mista bot00:01
PawI am doing ibex without knowing it aahaa00:01
steve1967what is ubuntu studio?00:01
PawWell that was kinda lucky wasnt it..00:01
IndyGunFreakPaw, wel thats good.00:01
almarkIts for musicians and music lovers.00:01
Veinorfor some reason, on my dual monitor laptop setup, Ubuntu always treats the laptop monitor as the secondary monitor (it puts the GDM screen on the other one, the panels start there, etc.)00:01
Veinorhow do I change this?00:01
PawIm a sophmore in college, CS major.. just started my programming classes... trying to get ahead by forcing my self :)00:01
almarkIt is a multimedia Ubuntu00:02
mrwesanyone ever install Ubuntu Ultimate?00:02
Picisteve1967: It includes a set of default applications that are geared for artistis.00:02
Picisteve1967: Artists rather, not people with arthritis.00:02
Pici!ultimate | mrwes00:02
ubottumrwes: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition00:02
almark:mrwes I have to intense on my cpu00:02
Wickedafter having firefox open for a day or so...flash geeks out and skips or wont play00:02
mrwesrut row...OK00:02
steve1967i bet there is a master package to install the studio part00:02
nunocruzpleaso some one could advise me for something so good the nero to record avi in dvd with subtitles or recod in svcd also with subtiltles files00:02
Picisteve1967: There are a few metapackages, ubuntustudio-*00:02
nunocruzlike nero in windows or better ?00:02
Paddy_EIRE!flash | Wicked00:02
ubottuWicked: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:02
Wickedi have flash00:03
Paddy_EIREWicked, which version of flash are you using?00:03
IndyGunFreaknunocruz, gnomebaker, k3b, are both good burning programs00:03
almark:ubottu do you support Ubuntu Studio?00:03
Wickedshould be the real flash00:03
steve1967to install flash cleanly just run from a terminal sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:03
Paddy_EIREWicked, dont00:03
Halitech!pm psudo00:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pm psudo00:03
Paddy_EIREWicked, that installs a lot of other cruft to00:04
Halitech!psudo pm00:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about psudo pm00:04
Sync08!wtf do you know ubottu :P00:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
almarkIs is possible to upgrade Ubuntu  8.10 to Ubuntu Studio, the Studio live cd gave me problems installing. The cd is Ubuntu 8.10 also. Do you want more info from me?00:04
mrwesnunocruz, there are several programs....dvd::rip, acidrip, avidemux, etc00:04
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE It installs a lot of stuff he really should have anyhow..00:04
SergeantPonyanyone using vpnc?00:04
Wickedi already have the restricted stuff installed00:04
jbernard_SergeantPony: yep00:04
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, yeah I prefer to let people install as they go00:04
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org00:04
nbeeboanyone know a good site for guides on how to start a forum?00:04
rdw200169almark: yeah, just, after installing ubuntu (regular ubuntu), just add the ubuntu studio repos, and apt-get install ubuntu-studio00:05
Halitechnbeebo, phpbb00:05
SergeantPonyjbernard: can you help me`with the conf file?00:05
cr4z3dnbeebo: you can try out drupal for a full fledged content management system with forum capabilities00:05
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, ubuntu-restricted-extras does not really convey a lot of information about what you are installing and what it may be used for00:05
almark:rdw200169 hmm its that easy huh thanks00:05
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, I feel people learn better this way00:05
rdw200169almark: the same thing goes for kubuntu, xubuntu, etc...00:05
jbernard_SergeantPony: i can try, i use the network-manager interface, so i never have to modify the config file00:05
=== peoples is now known as crash
Halitechpsudo, in theory yes, you could host your own domain you purchase from any regsitrar00:06
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nbeebohalitech no thank you i dont like it.,..00:06
almark:rdw200169 thats is just to cool :) how do I get the repos, I'm still new to Ubuntu00:06
SergeantPonyjbernard: ok, thanks00:06
nbeebocr4z3d yesi will try whatever that means00:06
rdw200169almark: check the ubuntu studio website, they have them00:06
Halitechnbeebo, there are lots of forum software out there, just pick one you like the looks of and install it on a server00:06
almark:rdw200169 just repos and apt-get install (studio) is all that I need00:06
badawiSergeantPony: kvpnc might be able to do what you need00:06
RobertGonzalezHalitech: I think there is that option but he says that the installer is telling him that installing without a GUI could lead to things not working right. Seems odd for Ubuntu, but I took him at his word00:07
mrwesPaw, bwahahah...nice00:08
Pawalright restarting! lets se how ubuntu is!00:08
Paddy_EIREWicked, If you open "System > Administration > Software Sources" and look in the "Third-Party Software" and see if the "Partner Repository" is ticked/enabled.00:08
rdw200169almark: ah, it seems that the ubuntu studio stuff is in the normal repos.00:08
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jbernard_SergeantPony: you'll need your username, group name, passwork and group password00:09
HalitechRobertGonzalez, I would certainly try, something doesn';t sound right or he wanted th gui cause he doesn't want to do things on the command line00:09
Jack_Sparrowrdw200169 Did they add it for ibex..?  Good to know thanks00:09
WickedPaddy_EIRE, no its not00:09
rdw200169Jack_Sparrow: almark, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromHardy00:09
PawThank you all who helped me, I am now at the desktop of ubuntu!!!!00:09
almark:rdw200196 I'm still new what are repos00:09
mikhailtHalitech: he already left but yea i told him the same thing, some people just don't like to deal with the Cli00:09
eseven73!yay | Paw00:09
ubottuPaw: Glad you made it! :-)00:09
PawNow what to do..00:10
almarkthanks guys00:10
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, Ubuntu_Studio is now an official add-on in the same fashion as edubuntu00:10
rdw200169Jack_Sparrow: almarkthe rules should be the same for ibex, as far as what applications you're installing00:10
Pawumm now that i have it installed and semi working what do i do ahah00:10
mikhailtPaw: you can do whatever you do normally00:10
Halitechmikhailt, I was nervous of it at first but now I find it easier in alot of cases00:10
Pawmik: thats boring lol00:10
WickedPaddy_EIRE, do i want these enabled? or should i leave them disabled?00:10
rdw200169Paddy_EIRE: thanks for clearing that up00:10
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Paddy_EIREWicked, yes00:10
Paddy_EIRErdw200169, :00:10
sobersabreif I am setting up ntp server on a machine, do I need to run ntpdate localhost once in a while, or does ntpd keep system time in sync with the local ntpd ?00:10
NickyMCYo, yo.00:11
PawOh wow.. 161 updates..00:11
mikhailtHalitech: the scripting and the pipling FTW00:11
NickyMCWhat's going on people, anyone free to answer a question I have?00:11
Pawmik:  you rock!00:11
jbernard_is there any plan for cutting 8.10.1 to include all the updates since the release?00:11
Paw!ask | NickyMC00:11
ubottuNickyMC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:11
Halitechmikhailt, exactly, plus getting info from files quickly with cat00:11
=== peoples is now known as whack
mythnot linux related but i bought a new computer and it won't post.  the mobo green light is on i hear the harddrives spin up but nothing on the screen00:11
mythi tried an old pci video card but same thing.  the keyboard caps lock light lights up for a second on start up but then go very dim00:12
Halitechmyth, video card not seated properly, ram not seated properly00:12
sobersabremyth: refer to the manual.00:12
qzhzhanghow to show the ppt files in xububntu?00:12
mythand cycling caps lock does nothing00:12
mikhailtPaw: yea there'll be updates everywhere, millions of packages in ubuntu, so many things you can do with it00:12
Paddy_EIREWicked, ok open a terminal "Applications > Accessories > Terminal" and type "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin" without the quotes of course.. or just copy paste and answer Yes to any questions00:12
sobersabreprobably the CPU is not seated properly00:12
almark:rdw200169 i did see that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromHardy site so I can use that to upgrade intrepid ?00:12
rdw200169almark: yes00:12
RobertGonzalezOk, I am back. :) Found out the real issue.00:12
mythi tried a different video card, and now i've taken out the ram entirely00:13
HalitechRobertGonzalez, oh?00:13
mikhailtHalitech: cat and GREP00:13
almark:rdw200169 thank you.00:13
rdw200169almark: that, or you can seek out those packages in synaptic00:13
Paddy_EIREWicked, Got that?00:13
mythbooting a computer with no ram should still be able to get to the bios no?00:13
mikhailtRobertGonzalez: do tell us00:13
Halitechmyth, no00:13
WickedPaddy_EIRE, ok doing now. thanks =)00:13
PawWhat happened to me?00:13
qzhzhangwho knows how to show ppt files in xububntu? which software is the lightweight one?00:13
Halitechmikhailt, don't use grep much00:13
rdw200169almark: just make sure you get linux-rt, that's the realtime kernel00:13
RobertGonzalezThe issue is that the GUI was installed as part of the installation and our admin, the one with the Unix/RH background, is used to going into /etc/initab and telling the gui to not start up on boot.00:13
Paddy_EIREPaw, you flooded the channel00:13
NickyMCYou know the boot screen, standard one is just ubuntu logo with a loading bar, well is there anyway to make one of those that isn't a picture+loading bar but one where a picture of white foot steps appear and if possible fade, but move a long the screen diagonally .00:13
qzhzhang who knows how to show ppt files in xububntu? which software is the lightweight one?00:13
qzhzhang who knows how to show ppt files in xububntu? which software is the lightweight one?00:13
Paddy_EIRE!paste | Paw00:13
PawPaddy: how lol :-p00:13
ubottuPaw: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:14
qzhzhang who knows how to show ppt files in xububntu? which software is the lightweight one?00:14
mythhmm, i'm pretty sure i've booted a computer with no ram, and you get that no memory error from the bios00:14
almark:rdw200169 will I need to recompile the kernel, kernel compiling is fun Do it all the time in Gentoo00:14
Halitechmyth, depends on the board maybe, I've never had it work00:14
mythjust trying to determine if it's the ram or cpu00:14
RobertGonzalezSo he went into preferences and attempted to disable the GDM (which I am totally forgetting what that means right now) and it is telling him that disabling the GDM could result in data loss and system performance issues.00:14
mikhailtmyth: not all motherboards support that, but pretty much standard that it just beeps when you power it on but it doesnt boot at all00:14
nnullanyone know how to id go about creating 2 different accounts, the first has compiz enabled with my profile loaded, and the other account has metacity no compiz and dual monitor support (so different xorg.conf per user) ???00:14
rdw200169almark: no, that's what linux-rt does for you, it get's the realtime timing working right so JACK doesn't spew errors00:14
Paddy_EIREPaw, perhaps I am mistaken :P00:14
almark:rdw200169 I have read on UB studio site they don't have the real time kernel yet, I Don't know what that means thought00:14
Paddy_EIREPaw, what where you trying to do?00:14
almark:rdw200169 I have read on UB studio site they don't have the real time kernel yet, I Don't know what that means though00:14
mythi wonder why the caps look goes dim green00:14
mikhailtRobertGonzalez: GDM is the Geome Desktop Manager i believe00:14
RobertGonzalezThe ideal situation for him is to be able to login to the machine over KVM and land on a prompt then launch the GUI from there if need be00:15
mythlike it's half on...00:15
RobertGonzalezmikhailt: Thanks. Sounds about right for what he is doing.00:15
fosco_RobertGonzalez: do not dissable GDM, or you will get no graphic desktop00:15
Paddy_EIREmyth, really?00:15
rdw200169almark: well, i don't know then, now you know more than me ;)00:15
Jack_Sparrowmyth Power supply?00:15
almark:rdw200169 I can't get jack to work right in Gentoo, so I thought I could try Ubuntu .00:15
xat_nnull: weren't you the one who asked that xorg.conf per user question before :P00:15
PawVery General Question, how do i learn how to costumize and make ubuntu the best thing ever?00:15
mythwhen i first turn it on the caps lock light comes on fully then goes dim green00:15
NickyMCYou know the boot screen, standard one is just ubuntu logo with a loading bar, well is there anyway to make one of those that isn't a picture+loading bar but one where a picture of white foot steps appear and if possible fade, but move a long the screen diagonally .00:15
nnullxat_¬ probably why00:15
badawiRobertGonzalez: an alternative can be xdm and kdm00:15
mythand pressing caps lock doesn't after the light00:15
Pythonzhi guys! does firefox3 have a bug in clearing history?00:15
RobertGonzalezSo how does one setup the install so that when you login you land on a prompt but can still launch the GUI when and if you want it?00:15
WickedPaddy_EIRE, well it usally takes a day or two of ff being open for it to mess up.....i hope this fixes this. thanks again00:15
mythbrand new power supply00:16
nnullxat_¬ #xorg isnt exactly a free flowing channel :P00:16
almark:rdw200169 Just basic kernel stuff is my game don't get me wrong I'm no guru ;)00:16
mythwell everything is brand new00:16
xat_I thought you asked it here00:16
rdw200169almark: jackd is always a pain, but it works, and it works well, so we deal with it ;)00:16
=== whack is now known as peoples
Paddy_EIREmyth, on a laptop or standard keyboard... and as Jack_Sparrow said the power supply or perhaps keyboard cable has a malfunction00:16
badawiRobertGonzalez: that's by changing the runlevel i guess00:16
nnullxat_¬ i always ask questions in a variety of places00:16
Halitechmyth, heatsink and fan both installed properly and the fan plugged into power?00:16
mikhailtRobertGonzalez: ummmm. i am pretty sure there is a better way to do that, unfortunately, i am curious as well, i just dont sue gui at all, im sure somebody else here will be able to tell you00:16
radecekHi I cant visit this site.. why? Is it dns error? >> http://sylva.pravdavitezi.eu/?id=1437100:16
MaT-dgPythonz: yes there is00:16
RobertGonzalezActually, perhaps a better question is are there any installation flags that can be applied during install that would tell Ubuntu to not load certain pieces of the interface at boot/login time?00:17
Pythonzmyth: check that the motherboard does not touch your chassie on the bottom incase there is metal00:17
Paddy_EIREmyth, and "BRAND NEW" is not infallibly perfect00:17
Jack_Sparrowmyth You dont have the keyboard plugged into the mouse port do you00:17
PythonzMaT-dg: is there anyway to fix it?00:17
nnullsomeone actually gave me the idea how to do it one night but ive forgotten lol00:17
mythno i made sure it's plugged into the keyboard port00:17
mikhailtRobertGonzalez: yes, modifying the runlevel00:17
RobertGonzalezmikhailt: Thanks for taking an interest. I do appreciate the help you have offered thus far.00:17
almark:rdw200169 about 2 years ago I tried to install Ardour and jack gave me loads of trouble, never could get it to work.00:17
mythand ya brand new could equal doa00:17
Paddy_EIREmyth, are there any kinks in the cable?00:17
MrWizeGuy1983what's the best place to go to get help with a graphics driver on ubuntu?00:17
Halitechradecek, Sylvia looks nice to me :D00:17
RobertGonzalezmikhailt: badawi: Any idea what to do with the runlevel?00:17
nnullMrWizeGuy1983¬ here, or #xorg00:18
badawimikhailt: RobertGonzalez : but runlevels in ubuntu is kinda different from the rest, for example there's no /etc/inittab file00:18
MaT-dgPythonz: Not that I know off, we jsut have to wait for the devs to fix it...00:18
mythsay a heatsync wasn't installed properly, wouldn't it still boot but the cpu would get hot really quick?00:18
MrWizeGuy1983oops lol00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel00:18
cappizcan i have eth0 and eth0:1 both setup with dhcp?00:18
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:18
PythonzMaT-dg: ok :(00:18
Jimi__Hendrixis it possible to downgrade to hardy wihtout reinstalling?00:18
Jack_Sparrowmyth yea.. it would do that ONCE then burn up00:18
xat_nnull: yeah. I see you're in my logs; did writing a script to do it not work out for you?00:18
fresco20i've problems updating OO packages, everytime i upgrade it requires the "partial upgrade" option and then this fails, any suggestion?00:18
Halitechmyth, depends on the board, some might some might not00:18
RobertGonzalezbadawi: Exactly, which is why this challenge came up, because that is the first place he looked to get it the way he wanted (because it is like that on RH systems)00:18
Paddy_EIREmyth, Or perhaps your eye-balls are malfunctioning :D00:18
radecekHalitech: if you want i more picture send a link with 14371 id a send you link on her picture :)00:18
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:18
Paddy_EIREJimi__Hendrix, I would not recommend it00:19
PawIs Evolution Mail, hard to set up?00:19
badawiRobertGonzalez: yeah, i'm not good with it either, sorry :(00:19
PythonzMaT-dg: well nvm I use seamonkey :)00:19
mlLKis there totem plugin for *.rm files00:19
nnullxat_¬ can you send me the logs at all (not via ddc maybe pastebin?) i was probably drunk, i have memory of talking about it, can't remember what we said heh00:19
Paddy_EIREJimi__Hendrix, just keep your home directory backed up00:19
Halitechradecek, depends, is she single? ;)00:19
Paddy_EIRE!home | Jimi__Hendrix00:19
ubottuJimi__Hendrix: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:19
xat_nnull: yeah uh let me see00:19
RobertGonzalezbadawi: Ok, thanks. At least I have something to go on for now. Looks like google and I may be having a late, intimate evening tonight. :)00:19
RobertGonzalezThanks again for all the help everyone.00:19
badawiRobertGonzalez: anyway it's called upstart, maybe you should look into that00:19
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:19
MrWizeGuy1983hey, my friend just got a sony vgc-js110j and the graphics driver is some new intel and it won't properly load the driver on ubuntu, can anyone help?00:20
Halitechradecek, but yeah, site works for me so might be either a DNS issue or you are blocked from your location00:20
radecekHalitech: I dont know :)00:20
RobertGonzalezbadawi: Thanks, looking at it now00:20
nnullMrWizeGuy1983¬ xorg channel is usually slow responding, but when they get around to answering usually a good one.00:20
Paddy_EIREMrWizeGuy1983, do "lspci" in a terminal on the laptop and paste the results to pastebin.. return the link pastebin gives you back here.00:21
MrWizeGuy1983thanks nnull i asked the same there and i'm waiting00:21
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Paddy_EIRE!pastebin | MrWizeGuy198300:21
ubottuMrWizeGuy1983: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:21
Halitechradecek, never hurts to take a look :)00:21
Paddy_EIREWicked, how are things going?00:21
nnullMrWizeGuy1983¬ listen to Paddy_EIRE. about as good a helper as you'll find in here :)00:21
Paddy_EIREnnull, :)00:21
radecekHalitech: 2 people sylva site and I have next picture :00:21
WickedPaddy_EIRE, seem to be working fine00:22
MrWizeGuy1983will do, friend will reboot his machine into ubuntu soon, thanks nnull00:22
nnullnp's, good luck.00:22
MttJocyI am not sure if it is here or the application channel I should be asking this, but is it okay if I describe the problem and then perhaps someone can direct me to the correct place or provide help as is appropriate?00:22
Paddy_EIREWicked, excellent.. I have had no problems with it myself00:22
MrWizeGuy1983i use ubuntu on my laptop all the time and it's a sony too, but it didn't have any odd driver issues00:22
WickedPaddy_EIRE, ah good. flash and linux have always been a struggle for me00:22
mikhailtRobertGonzalez: http://caulfield.info/emmet/2008/03/add-a-textonly-runlevel-to-ubu.html showed up in google00:22
Wickedthey have always been broken in one way or another00:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about telinit00:23
Paddy_EIREWicked, its getting much much better00:23
Wickedabout time! ;-)00:23
Paddy_EIREWicked, that is the latest release00:23
mikhailtRobertGonzalez: upstart + ubuntu is definately the right start for googling00:23
almarkI can see this is going to install 500 mg to my computer Ubuntu studio, did I do something wrong, Do I need all that stuff?00:23
MttJocyWicked, I have had the same issue, oddly enough in my case they have sometimes worked on one of my systems and on another failed despite replicating my actions precisely when installing the other machine :s00:23
PythonzI have another laptop with Broadcom 802.11b/g wireless and it does not work out of the box! how can I get it to work, what do I need?00:23
fosco_almark: well, this is ubuntu studio00:24
almarkhe he00:24
eseven73ok i got a usb external hdd, i need it to always mount on /media/disk/  (not /media/disk-1,2,3 etc) the usb hdd according to lshw is /dev/sdb , what is the EXACT command needed to enter in /etc/fstab?00:24
mrwesPythonz, what version of ubuntu?00:25
Jack_Sparrow!uuid ? eseven7300:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uuid ? eseven7300:25
Pythonzmrwes: 8.1000:25
badawimikhailt: so that's how you do it, from the menu.lst file, hmm00:25
Jack_Sparrow!uuid > eseven7300:25
ubottueseven73, please see my private message00:25
sobersabreI've got a weird acpid problem.00:25
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, the new "adobe-flashplugin" in the Canonical Partners repository should do the job just fine for you :)00:25
sobersabreacpid for some reason has created a shitload of files in /var/run00:25
Martedianybody know how i can register my nickname?00:25
mrwesPythonz, did you check System | Admin | Hardware Drivers?00:25
Jack_Sparrow!register > Martedi00:26
ubottuMartedi, please see my private message00:26
=== _ is now known as Guest14684
MttJocyAnyway, my problem is this, I installed azureus from the ubuntu synaptic, after install it decided to do it's self update and said it had downloaded and update and needed to restart to apply it, and after restarting said the same thing, again and again and again and so on so forth, this does not stop yet it has only downloaded one single update00:26
Pythonzmrwes: no sry I will do that tomorrow :) but thx for telling me :)00:26
sobersabreit's something related to /var/run/acpid.socket00:26
mrwesPythonz, you should be able to enable the driver for your card in 8.1000:26
systmmikhailt: i was able to get it to start loading the intro video that shows the publisher00:27
Pythonzmrwes: I just have to enable the drivers right?00:27
Martedi!register > Martedi00:27
ubottuMartedi, please see my private message00:27
Pythonzmrwes: yeah :)00:27
Pythonzmrwes: thx alot m8 :)00:27
CaMason_is it possible to make files created in a folder to have a specific set of permissions, even if they are altered with chmod?00:27
mikhailtsystm: what did you do00:27
MttJocyI thought perhaps it lacked the permissions to modify its own installs so I put the list of installed files from synaptic into a file called "files" and did a sudo chown <user>.<group> `cat files` to change them all to my user it still failed to complete the update it seams00:27
robelliott2125Hey all, got a wifi prob.  Basically I've a CNWL - 311 card, and its only being recognised in ubuntu as 1mb.  I found a way to change Belkin's details, but not this one, any ideas?00:27
MttJocyAnyone have any ideas how to help?00:27
unopCaMason_, you can set a umask value - but that affects all files created, not just those in a specific folder00:28
systmmikhailt: i installed libdvdcss but now idk if its gonna load the rest it still didnt work in VLS00:28
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Actually, this particular 8.10 install has succeeded on both machines I have got round to updating yet with working flash so so far so good.00:28
mrwesPythonz, no problem, good luck with it00:28
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, nice one :)00:28
mikhailtsystm: so it sound like encrpytion issue00:28
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Don't suppose you have any ideas re my actual problem though?00:29
Jack_Sparrowrobelliott2125 is this what you used on the belkin.  Speed issue: "force" the speed with sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M to get decent speed (by default i get 1MB/s)00:29
systmmikhailt: it seems that way00:29
unopCaMason_, for files that already exist - you can use chmod again00:29
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, let me look over it00:29
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Did you not see it?00:29
badawiMttJocy: overwrite /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar with the downloaded file, that should work00:30
Kevin__Hi Everyone. I'm trying to install Wordpress on Ubuntu Desktop. Whenever I try and access localhost/wordpress, I'm getting the error (http://paste.ubuntu.com/83771/)00:30
badawiMttJocy: i haven't tried it myself btw00:30
CaMason_unop: ok, thanks. I'll just hack this script00:30
mikhailtsystm: google how to play encrypted dvd in ubuntu, first page should show you how to do it00:30
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, have you done the obvious "sudo apt-get install -f" ?00:30
aracelii am running ubuntu 8.04 lts, and I have flash non free installed, but my youtube videos play but are jerky is there a fix?00:30
robelliott2125Yes Jack_Sparrow, it was working, but under this card it doesn't.  Obviously different manufacturers different strings, but just want better than 1mb00:30
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, had to ask00:30
MttJocybadawi, The file it downloaded with the update in is called Azureus4.0.0.4.jar though00:30
ubuntoilHi, would that be an issue if I totally uninstall pulseAudio -- ubuntu 8.10 / Gnome ?00:30
HalitechKevin__, did you install php?00:31
maxbWhere do I find the documentation for how/when /etc/pm/*.d/* are called?00:31
sobersabreguys, does anybody know if there's a workaround for this bug: Bug #270259 in acpid (Ubuntu Hardy): “Leaks file descriptors and ...00:31
maxbAnd is this the right place to be looking for restoring hdparm settings on resume?00:31
badawiMttJocy: should be ok to rename i guess, backup the original one just in case, i.e. rename to Azureus2.jar.bak00:31
roadfishare there any Linux tools to detect/fix a fake USB pendrive? All the utilities that I've seen are Windows and wine doesn't work ..... Yes, looks like I got suckered into buying a fake USB pendrive on eBay ... I thought with a thousand good user comments that the seller wasn't a scammer.00:31
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Huh, It installed fine, this is azreus which is trying to update itself (the synaptic install was okay) just azureus keeps restarting to install the updated version yet failing to do the updating00:31
Kevin__Halitech, I can access PHPInfo.php from Firefox and it appears to be running. I have version 5.2.500:32
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, I personally dont like azureus/zune.. not that that helps you any :)00:32
badawiPaddy_EIRE: i can never spell the damn thing right00:32
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, I prefered it before the zune thing, but I just stick to using only the "advanced" bit which is like classic azureus00:32
almark:roadfish what usb drive do you have if its a sandisk, I might be able to help.00:32
Jack_Sparrowroadfish HAve you looked at it with fdisk or gparted?00:32
n8tuser2roadfish--> what does it mean by fake usb pendrive?00:32
MttJocybrb then I will give your suggestion a tru badawi00:33
mikhailtKevin__: you need to modify the wp-config.php file beofre you can install it00:33
roadfishread all about it00:33
HalitechKevin__, ok, actualy it looks like its trying to find files in /etc/wordpress00:33
aracelii am running ubuntu 8.04 lts, and I have flash non free installed, but my youtube videos play but are jerky is there a fix?00:33
Kevin__mikhailt: Do I need to create a database in PHPMyAdmin?00:33
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, that is because synaptic handles updates and the version of azureus that you are trying to update to a version which is not in the ubuntu repositories00:33
roadfishJack_Sparrow: I used fdisk. But this is a _fake_ USB pendrive ... what it is reporting is a lie (probably).00:33
cappizcan i have eth0 and eth0:1 both setup with dhcp?00:34
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, there might be a ppa with the latest azureus/zune but it would be a use at your own risk scenario00:34
cappizi get an error when i try to bring the interface up00:34
rdw200169cappiz: no, that doesn't make sense00:34
FloodBot3cappiz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:34
mikhailtKevin__: yes, you need to create the db, db user and password, once you do that, you go to wp-config-sample.php file and enter the db name, db user, password and save it as wp-config.php00:34
Jack_Sparrowroadfish What did fdisk show and what make and model is it supposed to be00:34
roadfishalmark: no, not a sandisk. Is a no-name USB pendrive. ... so is 80% likely this is a fake.00:34
bigbucksbill3hey all. just installed maple on a 8.10 32bit install. i can't find the command to start it so i can make a shortcut. any ideas?00:34
rdw200169cappiz: dhcp is a broadcast protocol, and on any one subnet, there can only be ONE dhcp server00:34
Halitecharaceli, what video card and how much ram?00:34
tim167hello, my network card does not work. i get 'No such device', although on other OSes it works can someone help ?00:34
cappizrdw200169, its not a dhcpserver00:34
rdw200169cappiz: what i mean to say, is on any one lan segment00:34
cappizim rying ot setup to clients00:34
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Azureus insists on restarting to install it's updates by default if you use the old version that is in the repositories though00:35
almark:roadfish I don't know sorry, I'll be listening to see what you say.00:35
rdw200169cappiz: i know, but what you're referring to is taking dhcp addresses on the *same* interface00:35
araceliI have an intel integrated graphics card and I believe it has 128 mb of ram.00:35
almark:roadfish Did you try it in windows?00:35
redrebelis there a good reason to upgrade from 8.04 to  8.10??00:35
n8tuser2roadfish--> using dd , you can write in blocks of 512 or even smaller00:35
rdw200169cappiz: hence the eth0:1 alias00:35
mcpancakesI know you guys must be sick to death of GRUB questions, but I don't know what to google to solve this. I've got XP on the drive inside the computer (hd0,0) and Ubuntu on a USB drive (hd1,0). GRUB boots from the USB drive, and the Ubuntu items boot, but the XP item, when I hit enter, it seems to restart GRUB (it flashes GRUB stage 2 for a sec, then shows me the 'select OS' menu again). I'd welcome any ideas as to why this is happening. Also00:35
mcpancakes, the 'root' for the XP item in menu.lst is set to (hd0,0).00:35
araceliits like intel 910 integrated graphics chip00:35
cappizcan one be static then? rdw20016900:35
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Perhaps it's update feature should be turned off in the default config provided by synaptic then, although it is not.00:35
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, you cant disable update checking in azureus's settings?00:35
FFForeverhow do i stop ubuntu (pulse) from locking my audio to one app only?00:35
Halitecharaceli, are the proper drivers installed for it?00:36
=== _Lurq is now known as Lurq
badawiMttJocy: did it work?00:36
araceliyea, everything is working properly.00:36
redrebelmy system is running well on 8.04, not sure if I should upgrade to 8.1000:36
rdw200169cappiz: but, let me make this *clear*, dhcp will not work when competing with another server on a lan subnet, it just causes dhcp collisions (i can't think of a better term)00:36
=== peoples is now known as lost
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, that would have been among one of the first things I would check00:36
rdw200169cappiz: but yes, one can be static00:36
Halitecharaceli, do you have compiz enabled?00:36
araceliyes I do have compiz enabled.00:36
cappizSIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address is the error i get then00:36
rdw200169cappiz: just save yourself the heartache, and *don't* have two dhcp servers on one LAN segment, please!00:37
n8tuser2mcpancakes--> without the usb pendrive, can you not boot directly to the hd where xp resides?00:37
roadfishJack_Sparrow: how do I get fdisk to report make and model?00:37
whyameyeroadfish: what about taking the simple cmd script for windows given in the link you provided and converting it to bash? Then you can detect at least...00:37
Halitecharaceli, try disabling it, it might just be taking too many resources00:37
aracelithe standard for 8.04.00:37
araceliok I can do that.00:37
mikhailtcappiz: why in the world would you want two dhcp on the same lan segment?00:37
Jack_Sparrowroadfish Fdisk wont,  just thought you would look at the drive itself00:37
cappizdhcp servers?00:37
almarkoh no server connection to universe failed during a ubuntu studio upgrade What can I do?00:38
cappizi have ONE server a linksys router00:38
rdw200169cappiz: save yourself some trouble also, and just use the iproute2 commands, i.e. 'ip addr'00:38
cappizi want to "interfaces" on the ubuntu computer00:38
roadfishwhyameye: these are GUI programs and the USB selector doesn't let me pick the USB drive.00:38
MttJocybadawi, NO00:38
sobersabreguys, my acpid leaks file descriptors.00:38
sobersabreI'm on 8.0400:38
MttJocybadawi, No even, sorry00:38
almarkconnection timed out00:38
xat_nnull: still there?00:38
roadfishJack_Sparrow: no, the item is a no-name drive.00:38
sobersabreactually 8.04.0100:38
mikhailtrdw200169: he isnt setting up two dhcp server, he is trying to set up two dhcp client on same interface00:38
RoastedHas anybody used CloneZilla LiveCD to create an image on a computer???00:38
araceliwould I need to restart my browser or anything00:38
cappizno, i need the interface for firewalling - gonna use it for wmware00:38
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Can find an option to disable looking for plugin updates, not for the app itself unless I am not looking in the right part of options00:38
Halitecharaceli, probably be a good idea00:38
whyameyeroadfish: ??? I don't understand. You want to test if it is a fake drive? Why not a bash script to do this?00:38
Jack_Sparrowroadfish Since this isnt a ubuntu question perhaps you should go to #hardware ?00:38
mikhailtcappiz: installing vmware should set up its own network itnerfaces which you can bridge the same eth0 interface00:39
rdw200169mikhailt: i know... but i don't know his infrastructure, whether or not he controls the whole network, for example...00:39
=== lost is now known as whack
nnullxat_¬ yea sorry dude back now00:39
badawiMttJocy: did you rename Azureus4.0... into Azureus2.jar?00:39
MttJocyPaddy_EIRE, Besides, why exactly are the repositories allowing the install of an app in a way set up to constantly nag anyone who installs it to restart the app?00:39
rdw200169cappiz: agreed00:39
MttJocybadawi, Correct00:39
irvinnnull, i'm on my friend's pc now, his name is irvin (thus the different nick) and i'm ready to do the pastebin thing00:39
roadfishwhyameye: is there a bash script will do this? I copied directories of 5GB to 10GB and they always get corrupted. I also tried this in WinXP and got file corruption again.00:39
rdw200169cappiz: they should be something like, vmnet0 or something00:39
araceliyup that was it00:39
badawiMttJocy: oh well ...00:40
aracelithank you00:40
Paddy_EIREMttJocy, that is azureus developers problem00:40
Jack_SparrowMttJocy Can we see your sources.list00:40
cs_studentIt's ./binary to run a binary, right?00:40
Halitecharaceli, welcome00:40
whyameyeroadfish: did you try the cmd script in windows that was provided in the link you sent?00:40
aracelihave a good day/night. :)00:40
xat_nnull: check your pm00:40
roadfishJack_Sparrow: I wasn't sure who would know. I am also asking in #hardware now.00:40
mlLKhow does one purge a subprocess from aptitude00:40
rdw200169cs_student: sometimes, then again, make sure it has the +x flag set before you try that, or it won't work00:40
badawiMttJocy: maybe you'll need to edit this file and fix the params -> /usr/bin/azureus00:41
rdw200169cs_student: i.e. chmod +x binary00:41
Jack_Sparrowroadfish Sorry but that line of questions is OT for this room00:41
Spoomhi folks, i'm trying to connect to my school's server via ssh / sftp through gvfs (i.e. Places -> Connect to Server) but it times out when given the correct login information, however, if i connect through sftp or ssh on the command prompt, it works fine... the server is a sun sparc running solaris, any ideas?00:41
=== whack is now known as cash
rdw200169cs_student: some binaries, on the other hand, only work when you do "bash binary"00:41
Jack_Sparrow!nickspam > cash00:41
ubottucash, please see my private message00:41
mrwesSpoom, you put the starting directory when using the GUI?00:42
badawiMttJocy: cause if you look at the package, that's it, it's the shell script and the jar file, the rest is text and images00:42
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Why?00:42
Spoommrwes, i've tried with both an absolute starting directory and without, same issue00:42
badawiMttJocy: dpkg -L azureus00:42
Jack_SparrowMttJocy Can we see your sources.list .................to try and see why you have a problem..    also from a term.. please tell us exactly what lsb_release -a    tells you00:42
almarkHow much better is ardour's  latency then say windows (daw ) latency?00:42
systm mikhailt: so check this, my gf's Laptop, Wont play in ubuntu, windows with ridiculous amounts of square artifacts, my desktop, no go, but the xbox 360... perfectly fine00:43
=== cash is now known as hope
mrwesSpoom, but it connects when you try from the command line?00:43
Kevin__mikhailt and Halitech: I updated wp-config and am now getting "Error establishing database connection"00:43
Jack_SparrowMttJocy And please use the pastebin and dont paste into the channel00:43
MttJocybadawi, Well, perhaps the .jar it downloads is intended to be run by the main azureus app to fix the /usr/bin file also, thus why it does not work copying it over the main binary00:43
HalitechKevin__, did you create the database first?00:43
Spoommrwes, that's correct00:43
mikhailt Kevin__: did you create teh db first?00:43
RoastedHas anybody used CloneZilla LiveCD to create an image on a computer???00:43
Spoomssh jarsene@server.f.q.d.n works fine, gvfs does not for some reason, it eventually gives a timeout error00:43
mikhailtKevin__: try bringing up the cli, type mysql -u root -p00:44
=== hope is now known as nitridr
Kevin__?halitech and mikhailt: Yes, I created a database. The DB is the same name as my username... is that ok?00:44
mrwesSpoom, that is weird.....00:44
badawiMttJocy: close azurlala and try this java -jar Azur...4.0.jar, as i said i can never spell it, good thing they changed the name :)00:44
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, The point is that the synaptic install worked fine, until the app was run then it saw an updated version on the azureus site and tried to self update (not through synaptic) because it is configured to do that in the package from synaptic00:44
mrwesSpoom, in the GUI you are choosing SSH, correct?00:44
HalitechKevin__, should be00:44
Spoommrwes, indeed i am00:44
almarkHow come I cant' see ppl talking in UbuntuStudio ?00:44
mikhailtKevin__: is the wordpress going to be public or internal for yourself only?00:44
Spoomis there any way i could, say, get debug output as to what's causing this?00:44
Spoomi just get an error message stating "Timed out when logging in"00:45
Jack_SparrowMttJocy    The whole point is.. that you manually changed and added repos...   and now have a problem00:45
HalitechKevin__, what did you use for the server address?00:45
Babbelaarhey all, how do I see a list of chat rooms, I thought it was /list ut that freezes my app00:45
Jack_SparrowMttJocy   also from a term.. please tell us exactly what lsb_release -a    tells you00:45
Kevin__hailtech: I'm working on getting the cli up, one second. mikhailt: Internal for now.. I'd eventually like to go external, though.00:45
cappizhow can i bridge eth1 with eth0 then?00:45
Jack_Sparrowcappiz firestarter00:45
PawNow that I have ubuntu installed and working I dont know what to do with my self lol.00:45
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Interpid 8.10, I could have told you that though00:46
HalitechPaw, break it so you can fix it ~L~00:46
badawicappiz: bridge-utils also00:46
cappizbadawi, thats more liek it00:46
roadfishwhyameye: is there a bash script that will test a USB pendrive. (and prehaps you would allow /msg so that we don't discuss on #ubuntu)00:46
cappizi allready have a vuurmuur installed00:46
_Zeus_hey, I need some help.  How can I tell if my system screensaver is on or not?00:46
Pawhali: I dont wanna do that yet :-p, There will be plenty of that00:46
Kevin__halitech: I tried to bring up the cli and am getting "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)00:46
badawicappiz: there's and example in qemu and vbox docs00:46
HalitechPaw, if you are anything like me then yes there will ~L~00:47
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:47
mikhailtKevin__: you sure you type the right password?00:47
Spoom_Zeus_, System -> Preferences -> Screensaver00:47
_Zeus_Spoom: no, i want to do it in a script00:47
PawHali: Also have to get it to support my ATI video card :/ its glitchy00:47
Spoomah, my apologies, that was not stated00:47
_Zeus_my fault00:47
Pici_Zeus_: I'd assume that a gconf key would be set, I'd look into that.00:47
mikhailtPaw: focus on the getting the ATI fixed, you dont want to spend alll the time customizing your desktop only to get it screwed up in the end00:48
MttJocyI'll just click restart later when I load it for now, Until I have time to install the proper azureus download from their website, I am sure I have had major issues with the azureus in the repository before when I tried it with an earlier version (7.10 If I remember correctly)00:48
HalitechPaw, good luck, ATI is good but meh in linux00:48
Kevin__mikhailt: Sorry, got it. :)00:48
RoastedHas anybody used CloneZilla LiveCD to create an image on a computer???00:48
_Zeus_ty, pici00:48
PawMik: difficult to fix the ati problem? it saids it activated the driver but still may cause problems :/00:48
mikhailtKevin__: now did you check the wp-config.php to make sure it is the right password00:48
Jack_Sparrow!ot > Roasted00:48
ubottuRoasted, please see my private message00:48
badawiMttJocy: give me a sec, my download is about to finish, i'll try it for you. usually i just ignore the update00:48
MttJocyExcept if I remember right the 7.10 version in synaptic simply crashed without displaying anything but the download from azereus website worked fine00:48
mikhailtPaw: graphic cards are some of the most complicatd thing to get fixed in all linux OS, you just have to read the ubuntu forums and see if anybody got it fixed for your ubuntu version00:49
Pawmik: thanks a bunch... that will be a long search, not only for ati card but for version 8.10 :(00:49
RoastedI'm sorry. Why am I talking to a bot?00:49
hugleoIs ubuntu server reliable to network administration?00:50
Spoomhas anyone else had issues connecting to a solaris server through gvfs?00:50
Halitechhugleo, better then windows00:50
Jack_SparrowRoasted Because clonzilla Livecd is not a ubuntu support question00:50
irvinneed help with sony vaio intel driver on ubuntu00:51
Roastedbut uh... I'm asking for help from people in here... since, ya know, this is a chat room for such questions.00:51
mrwesSpoom, what's in the file ~/.ssh ?00:51
Jack_SparrowRoasted Ubuntu Support questions only00:51
PawI forgot exactly what ATI Radeon I have can someone tell me how to find out?00:51
SpoomRoasted, this is a channel for ubuntu, not windows, and certainly not for general software00:51
Spoomtry #windows00:51
fosco_Paw: lspci | grep -i vga00:51
RoastedI'm not asking for help with windows.00:51
HalitechPaw, lshw -C video00:51
hugleoHalitech, hmm00:51
Pawwhere do i type that in my friends :-p00:51
RoastedI'm asking for help with clonezilla server, which is based on ubuntu as a server... so uh, thanks anyway.00:51
Spoommrwes, tis blank00:51
HalitechPaw, in a terminal00:51
Jack_SparrowRoasted You were not asking for help with ubuntu00:52
Spoomnonexistent, rather00:52
PawThanks a ton00:52
RoastedI need help with clonezilla server that's based on ubuntu....00:52
mikhailtpaw: in cli00:52
hugleoHalitech, Do know the bests linux for that?00:52
Jack_Sparrow!mint > roast00:52
Roastednow, anyway, anybody here use clonezilla? I have a realsimple question if anybody here has created an image before with it.00:52
Spoommrwes, do you mean on the remote server?00:52
Jack_Sparrow!mint > Roasted00:52
ubottuRoasted, please see my private message00:52
HalitechPaw, fosco's will work as well00:52
MttJocybadawi, Well, did you have any more luck than I did?00:52
Kevin__mihailt: Yep, I just checked the credentials and still have the error00:52
Halitechhugleo, depends on who you talk to and what your needs are00:52
PawI hit something and now my screen is black :/00:53
Roastedhey thanks for the boot00:53
mikhailtKevin__: did you create the db?00:53
hugleoHalitech, monitoring others networks00:53
Jack_SparrowPaw try alt F7  ?00:53
Halitechhugleo, and some would argue its not linux but a version of bsd00:53
GyronCan anyone here help me with a Wifi card install? I have the driver.00:53
PawJack: nothing.00:53
Kevin__mikhailt and halitech: Yes, I added both the user and the database and reflected those in the wp-config.php file00:53
[TiZ]Hi. I have a translucent panel, and Quod Libet with the tray icon plugin. QL's tray icon has an opaque background. Any way for me to fix this?00:53
[TiZ]QL is entirely in python, so I can edit the source if necessary.00:54
RoastedDoes anybody have any experience with getting CloneZilla working on Ubuntu as a server edition?00:54
Halitechhugleo, not sure what you mean, monitoring others networks00:54
badawiMttJocy: wait it's asking for missing packages00:54
Spoommrwes, ~/.ssh doesn't exist on the remote server either00:54
exodus_ms!wifi | Gyron00:54
ubottuGyron: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:54
=== almark is now known as almark1
PawJack: it did nothing.00:54
Jack_Sparrowpaw It was just a thought00:55
retourwhat parameters I have to input for mkudffs to get full capacity out of DVD-RAM?00:55
PawUgg I got it working hit the wrong thing and now my screen is black :/00:55
hugleoHalitech, monitoring other machines (traffic by example) using nagios00:55
PawWell this is a bummer.. black screen of death..00:55
MttJocybadawi, What is?00:55
Halitechhugleo, ok, not sure then, I guess any system that is stable and will stay up and running00:55
PawRestarting Computer I guess :/00:56
mrwesSpoom, I can't figure it out...00:56
Jack_SparrowPaw ctrl alt F7   sorrry00:56
PawYes tried that to nothing00:56
hugleoHalitech, is ubuntu stable to that?00:56
PawJust going to force shut down00:56
HalitechPaw, ctrl-alt-f1?00:56
istvanhey, I need some guidence. it isn't really ubuntu related, but where can I find a good irc thread to a free hosting question?00:56
Pawjack: nothing00:56
Spoommrwes, thanks anyway then... tis just an annoyance, i want to be able to edit files directly with gedit but no matter what it times out00:56
Pawjust gonna restartlol00:56
Jack_Sparrow!ot > istvan00:56
ubottuistvan, please see my private message00:56
badawiMttJocy: it worked, u'll need to edit /usr/bin/azureus and change the classpath line to be like this -> -classpath /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar:/usr/share/java/log4j-1.2.jar:$JARS \00:56
Halitechhugleo, should be00:56
eseven73ok so Jack_Sparrow i checked sudo blkid for UUID and found out my external usb hdd is /dev/sdb1 (i think, its kinda hard to tell) so how would i make it mount to /media/disk in /etc/fstab?00:56
Kevin__halitech and mikhailt: I tried the settings with the root user and pass and it worked. Thanks a ton. :D00:57
MttJocybadawi, I think you misunderstand what I am talking about, I installed it from the repos which worked fine, then however because it is turned on by default in the package on the repository it demands the updated version and keeps trying to restart :s00:57
hugleoHalitech, should? :)00:57
Spoommrwes, oh wait, i'm an idiot, i didn't realize .ssh was a directory :^P00:57
Spoomyou want known_hosts?00:57
Jack_Sparroweseven73 I will paste my fstab for you.. it should help00:57
MttJocybadawi, Huh?00:57
* _dUdU está away -=- motivo: TO não - so mais tarde ;D00:57
[TiZ]Hi. I have a translucent panel, and Quod Libet with the tray icon plugin. QL's tray icon has an opaque background. Any way for me to fix this? Quod Libet is entirely in python, so if anyone knows a fix in the code, I can apply it myself.00:57
badawiMttJocy: u need this package to be installed  liblog4j1.2-java00:57
MttJocybadawi, Now you got me more confused00:57
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Halitechhugleo, I don't see why not. is it just going to be doing that ask?00:58
Spoommrwes, there is an entry for gaul.csd.uwo.ca in known_hosts, think i should delete it?00:58
badawiMttJocy: what i'm doing, i'm taking the new .jar file and plugging it in place of the old one, now if ubuntu decides to release a new version, it will overwrite it, but till then this is the workaround00:58
MttJocybadawi, I've never had any issues with azureus updates before, at least not until I decided to install the ubuntu version because I was being lazy00:58
eseven73Jack_Sparrow: ok for sure it is /dev/sdb1 i just checked with lshw as well as sudo blkid00:58
RoastedDoes anybody have any experience with getting CloneZilla working on Ubuntu as a server edition?00:59
BotLobstaanyone know why 'echo -e \\x07' doesnt make my system beep?00:59
Jack_Sparroweseven73 http://paste.ubuntu.com/83782/00:59
hugleoHalitech, backups perhaps00:59
StargazerHey guys, apparently there's an issue with intrepid+laptops+splash(boot). how do i edit out splash ?00:59
mrwesSpoom, yah... try that00:59
MttJocybadawi, Humz I already have that liblog4j1.2-java thing, but it still didin't work when I put that file in over the Azureus2.jar00:59
fletchhow do I access a motion eye camera on my sony Vaio laptop?00:59
Halitechhugleo, then should be good with ubuntu, maybe go minimal install and put xfce on it to keep it lighter00:59
Jack_SparrowStargazer gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst   remove splash from the command line00:59
StargazerJack_Sparrow, so all i do i delete 'splash' from that line ?01:00
ooboontooHello, I'd like to know if the wireless router Linksys WRT54G2 works with Ubuntu???01:00
Jack_SparrowStargazer If I understand your querstion.. yes01:00
dmulhollandooboontoo, It should work no probem01:00
badawiMttJocy: ok great, now edit /usr/bin/azureus and change the -classpath line to look like this -> -classpath /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar:/usr/share/java/log4j-1.2.jar:$JARS \01:01
MttJocybadawi, Is it because I need that classpath megigie01:01
mrwesooboontoo, yes01:01
hugleoHalitech, what's better ubuntu release? 8.04?01:01
ooboontoogreat! then i'll buy it from amazon.com for $44 dollars01:01
badawiMttJocy: yes we're just adding log4j to the classpath01:01
StargazerJack_Sparrow, just to be sure we're on the same line: i want to disable the splash.01:01
_Zeus_Pici, I created a wrapper for the screensaver01:01
MttJocybadawi, Ah, okay give me a minute will try again, need to download the new jar again01:01
mrwesooboontoo, I'd put tomato firmware on there01:01
ooboontoowhere do I find that?01:01
PawAnyone have experience with fixing ATI graphics cards on ubuntu 8.10? Would be a great help01:01
fletchanyone know how to use a motion eye webcam for a sony vaio laptop with ubuntu?01:01
mrwesooboontoo, google tomato firmware01:02
Jack_SparrowStargazer you can try removing splash  for a test on boot.. hit escape  then e  then e  and remove splash01:02
dmulhollandooboontoo, I'd just get it working first, tomato can be nice but not essential01:02
Spoommrwes, alas, same error: Could not open location 'sftp://jarsene@gaul.csd.uwo.ca/' Timed out when logging in01:02
ooboontooWhat does tomato do?01:02
Spoomi'm convinced it's weirdness from the server that's confusing gvfs but i can't fix that as i don't have control over it01:02
Halitechhugleo, 8.04 is an LTS version so I would go with that01:02
dmulhollandooboontoo, it's custom firmware for the router, can give some extra features (bandwidth use monitoring and some others) and some extra speed but for general use not really needed01:02
hugleoHalitech, thanks01:03
eseven73ok thanks Jack_Sparrow, one other thing how do i check to see what file system a drive is?01:03
MttJocybadawi, Ah, yeah that fixed it01:03
badawiMttJocy: but you do realize that after doing this step u're running a version that is not supported in ubuntu, u'll need to use the vuze support then.01:03
FFForeverwhy cant 2 programs produce audio at the same time?01:03
dmulhollandooboontoo, if not careful when installing can also kill the router (although I personally have done it successfully and it's a painless process)01:03
Jack_Sparroweseven73 sudo fdisk -l  last letter is L01:03
ooboontooOh, thanks. I might be adding tomato later. I'm glad Linksys WRT54G2 works with Ubuntu01:03
eseven73ok thanks01:03
agustinhey guys one problem intrepid doest recognize my sata disk on my aus mobo01:03
mrwesdmulholland, jacking up the power on the wifi radio it one of the best features01:03
agustinm2a mvp01:03
MttJocybadawi, Well, I normally used the manual install from them anyway (the ubuntu versions always borked) so that is no biggie01:04
dmulhollandmrwes, it it but not essential for the average user :)01:04
mrwesdmulholland, didn't say it was :)01:04
MttJocybadawi, Is there some way to tell ubuntu to hold off on modifying that package till it asks me first?01:04
ooboontooWill the Linksys WRT54G2 work without tomato?01:04
Jack_Sparrow!pinning > MttJocy01:04
ubottuMttJocy, please see my private message01:04
MttJocybadawi, ie not to stick it in with all the other updates but hold off01:04
mrwesooboontoo, yes01:04
dmulhollandooboontoo, yes it will work01:04
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Huh?01:05
eseven73Jack_Sparrow: it says the file system is Linux01:05
Piciooboontoo: Routers really don't have anything to do with Ubuntu, any router should work with any OS.01:05
Jack_SparrowMttJocy Sorry, that was probably not right01:05
ooboontooWell... what if they come with a Windows-only installation CD?01:05
dmulhollandPici, ooboontoo, that is generally the case but some use java software for configuration...01:05
ZoasterboyAnyone here have luck configuring GRUB to load OSX?01:05
badawiMttJocy: i don't know, maybe Jack_Sparrow can help with this one01:05
Picidmulholland: Thats pretty silly of them :)01:05
Jack_Sparroweseven73 Ok.. add it to your fstab.. make sure you have created a proper mount point01:05
eseven73Jack_Sparrow: is Linux file system the same as ext3?01:05
dmulhollandooboontoo, i will work by accessing an address in the browser to set up the configuration, you can generally ignore the command line01:06
dmulhollandooboontoo, i mean ignore the windows only cd01:06
ooboontooThis is the router http://www.amazon.com/Linksys-WRT54G2-Wireless-G-Broadband-Router/dp/B0014J07R2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1228954587&sr=1-101:06
dmulhollandPici, i agree, but so are most software companies :)01:06
agustinany can help me pls01:06
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Not quite sure that is what I was looking for, I just want to tell synaptic to hold off updating azureus unless I manually go into synaptic and say otherwise (keep it out of the update manager thing) or better if possible tell it not to update it if the package is bellow version
eseven73Jack_Sparrow: ?01:07
dmulhollandooboontoo, can almost guarantee it will work with ubuntu, the more important question is if it will work with your internet connection01:07
eseven73is 'Linux' file system the same as ext3?01:07
ooboontooI have a cable modem01:07
Jack_Sparroweseven73 sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt   and stick it in the pastebin01:07
ooboontooI just have to connect the router to my cable modem, right?01:07
Jack_SparrowMttJocy Pinning will lock the current app..01:08
dmulhollandooboontoo, if you have a cable modem with an ethernet connection then that should work no problem (although some might need configuration details which you can get from your ISP)01:08
[TiZ]Hi. I have a translucent panel, and Quod Libet with the tray icon plugin. QL's tray icon has an opaque background. Any way for me to fix this? Quod Libet is entirely in python, so if anyone knows a fix in the code, I can apply it myself.01:08
tacidskyooboontoo id setup some security.01:08
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Ah, I think I might have found something that might work in synaptic I found Package -> Lock Version01:08
Jack_Sparroweseven73 there are many linux setups.. ext3 is only one01:08
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, I assume now synaptic wont try to update it now?01:08
Jack_SparrowMttJocy Did you read about pinning01:08
ooboontooLike he DHCP thing?01:08
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badawi!pinning > badawi01:09
ubottubadawi, please see my private message01:09
istvanhey, what is a good batch photo editing program? i need to crop hundreds of photos to 800 x 60001:09
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eseven73Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/f31259c3f01:09
dmulhollandooboontoo, exactly, some need log in details01:09
Spoomhttp://pastebin.com/m6a8d894f - this is what happens when i connect manually, i'm wondering if the "couldn't set locale correctly" line means anything... i'm trying to connect to this server via SSH in GVFS (i.e. Places -> Connect to Server) but it times out, while working on a terminal, anyone have an idea why that might be?01:09
istvanshould i use gimp?01:09
dmulhollandooboontoo, are you using a machine with ubuntu connected directly to the modem?01:09
Zoasterboy@[TiZ]: Find the image and Gimp it up01:09
dmulhollandooboontoo, then it shouldnt need much configuration or you would have found it more difficult getting the internet to work in ubuntu :)01:10
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Actually no I just noticed it in Syanptic, that pinning thing I thought was something else, it talked about different distributions of Ubuntu and stuff :s01:10
istvanI need batch image croping tho01:10
BotLobstaeseven73, run parted, then type 'print all' and it will show you filesystem types01:10
ZoasterboyUse Gimp and make the background transparent01:10
dmulhollandooboontoo, the router should be able to automatically configure itself and "just work"01:10
retouranybody proficient with mkudffs?01:10
monkeybIs there any reason I havent had any updates for ibex for about 1 month? (apt-get update; apt-get upgrade)?01:10
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:10
[TiZ]Zoasterboy: What can I do for it in the gimp? The image itself has translucency. Or at least it seems to01:11
agustinintrepid doesnt recognice my sata hd why???01:11
ooboontooGreat. How many computer can be connected wirelessly?01:11
dmulhollandmonkeyb, check software sources for where it's getting the updates from and also check if it is automatically installing01:11
Zoasterboy1337 people in the room01:11
tacidskythat was cool tho zoaster01:11
n8tuser2ooboontoo--> plenty01:11
Jack_Sparroweseven73 What does gparted tell you about those partitions?01:11
ZoasterboyOne more!01:11
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Right OK, all I want it to do is leave the new Azureus2.jar and /usr/bin/azureus I just modified stay put :|01:11
eseven73ok i have my fstab entry as UUID=<bunch of numbers/letters> /media/disk auto defaults 0 001:12
dmulhollandooboontoo, quite a few.... upwards of 10 definitely01:12
eseven73that should work?01:12
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, And I locked the version so it is safe now right?01:12
Zoasterboya l337 person!01:12
rzeci just installed unbuntu 8.10 on VBox and i can't log in as root01:12
Halitechooboontoo, in theory 253 devices can get an ip from a single router01:12
ZoasterboyCurses, I give up.01:12
caigesany good alternatives to muine that don't eat up 350 mb of memory?01:12
monkeybdmulholland: how do i check if it is automatically installing?01:12
Jack_SparrowMttJocy It should be.. but since you added repos and such, I cant be 100% sure01:12
n8tuser2rzec--> same thing if it was not a vm install, you can not log on as root directly til its configured01:12
ooboontooGreat! That's enough for my mom and my sister's laptop (which have wireless adapaters that work with Ubuntu)01:12
derekShey guys, am i better off with virtual box or kvm to test other os's in ubuntu?01:13
dmulhollandmonkeyb, go to System > Adminitration > Software Sources > Updates Tab01:13
Halitechooboontoo, I would say so ~L~01:13
Jack_SparrowderekS kvm here01:13
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, I don't recall saying I had done that, but yeah I did put medibuntu on01:13
derekStacidsky, Jack_Sparrow: why to both of yours?01:13
tacidskyto each his own :)01:13
dmulhollandmonkeyb, also launch update manager and hit check (or "sudo apt-get update" from command line01:13
MttJocyJack_Sparrow, Needed it for libdvdcss01:13
tacidskycus virtual box ive used so i guess i see it as easy.01:13
eseven73Jack_Sparrow: it says its ext301:14
Jack_SparrowderekS Personal preference01:14
n8tuser2Halitech--> which theory was that? hehe...its limited by the dhcp server capability running01:14
eseven73why did fstab say it was Linux and not ext3? O.o01:14
derekSthanks guys!01:14
monkeybdmulholland: thanks, that got it for me01:14
dmulhollandmonkeyb, no worries01:14
eseven73err not fstab i mean bah w/e that other command was i used01:14
Jack_Sparroweseven73 So using my example, you should be able to edit your fstab..01:14
RoastedDoes anybody have any experience with getting CloneZilla working on Ubuntu as a server edition?01:14
l337ingDisorderGot an issue I'm hoping someone can help with.. when I run the following command...01:14
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MttJocyl337ingDisorder, Please continue01:15
l337ingDisorder rdesktop -u<my-username> -d<my-domain> -g1024x768 <address>:3390101:15
eseven73ok thanks Jack_Sparrow, ill keep ya posted on the results here in a few mins01:15
lucaxi want to install intrepid on a sata disk, it doesnt recognize it, is it possible to do it? can some one give me a hand?01:15
tacidskyhow can i disable the join / part messages in xchat ?01:16
l337ingDisorder...it works just fine when I run from terminal, but when I assign it to <SUPER>F12 with gconf-editor, nothing happens when I press <SUPER>F12 (but when <SUPER>F12 is assigned to something like firefox it works just fine)01:16
Halitechn8tuser2, if they stay within the same subnet then 253 assuming 1 and 255 are reserved for the server01:16
Jack_Sparrowtacidsky right click the channel tab01:16
MttJocytacidsky, I don't believe you can, they are part of the IRC protocol01:16
dmulhollandl337ingDisorder, have you set it to run in a terminal?01:16
tacidskyoh thanks :)01:16
l337ingDisorderdmulholland: not sure how I'd do that01:16
tacidskywas looking in prefs01:16
Jack_Sparrowl337ingDisorder COmpiz has many of those hotkeys in use01:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Gnomenu01:17
badawiMttJocy: you can ignore them, i'm ignoring them right now in irssi01:17
velkol337ingDisorder, you may put the command in a script and run it instead01:17
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MttJocytacidsky, But you could try asking in #xchat they would know more01:17
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dmulhollandl337ingDisorder, another way to do it is to put it in a script and run that01:17
l337ingDisorderJack_Sparrow: as mentioned, <SUPER>F12 works with other commands instead of the rdesktop command so it's not a conflict01:18
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ooboontooThank you for al your help. Bye bye.01:18
retourAnybody here uses DVD-RAM as a HDD/FDD???01:18
l337ingDisorderI'll try using the script proxy/buffer01:18
l337ingDisordershouldn't be needed though..01:18
Jack_Sparrowl337ingDisorder Turn of effects and see if it works01:18
DarkKnighthey how can i start updates from the internet...wen i try to update..it asks me to insert cd01:18
dmulhollandl337ingDisorder, try it and see01:18
=== tacidsky is now known as tacid-away
Jack_SparrowDarkKnight remove the cd option from your sources01:18
HalitechDarkKnight, in synaptic, uncheck the cd01:18
retourDarkKnight: because it's the only thing in your repos?01:19
Jack_Sparrow!pm > CEW_MENCARI_KEKA01:19
ubottuCEW_MENCARI_KEKA, please see my private message01:19
dmulhollandl337ingDisorder, use the Alt+F2 dialogue to try and run it and that will tell you if it needs to be run from a terminal or not01:19
_Zeus_any idea why I am using ssh, but when I put the key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa, it asks for a passphrase?01:19
_Zeus_i have no passphrase01:19
MttJocybadawi, Well, I am not sure xchat has that option never seen it and I have fiddled in it's prefs alot but I could be wrong (thus my suggestion of #xchat I figured someone there would know if the option existed at least)01:20
badawiMttJocy: yeah i'm with you on that one01:20
l337ingDisorderweird... I tried switching to metacity window manager and it started working.. switched back to compiz, and it's still working...01:20
l337ingDisorderso it looks like compiz just needed to be restarted01:20
dmulhollandl337ingDisorder, when adding hotkeys its always a good idea to restart things...01:21
l337ingDisorderwhich is strange, cause I had that working <SUPER>F12 keyboard shortcut and all I changed was the <address> part01:21
l337ingDisorderthanks for the help guys!01:21
eseven73jack does this look ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/38787/01:21
DarkKnightso suppose if i want it to first check for cd..and if not found then to install from the internet...then what do i have to do??01:21
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ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:22
SoulSeekhi, is there any way I can properly view ASP content within linux?01:22
user1how do i get rid of this keyring crap?01:22
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meistergradoHow can I make ubuntu use OSS as the default sound-thingie rather than ALSA? I just get scratchy feedback with ALSA, but my apps work when I set them to use OSS.01:22
DarkKnightJack_Sparrow, Halitech, retour;  so suppose if i want it to first check for cd..and if not found then to install from the internet...then what do i have to do??01:22
user1keyring is worse than vista01:23
HalitechDarkKnight, I could be wrong but I don't think its an and/or option, if it is checked it is going to look there and fail if not found01:23
dmulhollandmeistergrado, try System > Preferences > Sound01:23
dmulhollandmeistergrado, change the sound playback...01:23
=== ubuntu is now known as Firefishe
BotLobstaanyone know why some programs (pidgin, xchat, gnome-screensaver) beep when I use the arrow keys and it cant move the cursor in that direction?01:24
Halitechuser1, why? because you have to type in your password instead of blindly clicking okay?01:24
node357how do I stop a service from running at boot time?01:24
AnusienOkay, I'm aware of how horribly vague this question is, but I don't know enough to make it less vague.  I have a fairly uncustomized Kubuntu setup, and it's significantly slower than other machines on my network.  By an order of magnitude according to speedtests I've seen.  Where do I start looking into the problem?01:24
psudoHow to check if some one rooted you?01:24
eseven73Jack_Sparrow: does this look ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/38787/01:24
dmulhollandnode357, System > Adminstration > Services01:24
DarkKnightare there any softwares which will help me to build a website without any programming experience01:25
node357thanks dmulholland :)01:25
meistergradodmulholland: I have set it to such, but flash (YouTube) videos still get the ALSA-scratchy sound in firefox.01:25
HalitechDarkKnight, bluefish01:25
dmulhollandmeistergrado, have you restarted firefox since making the change?01:25
dmulhollandmeistergrado, how do other programs sound?01:25
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troublemakerhow do I know the status of my firewall, the 'ntpdate' didn't work and show me the message:  no server suitable for synchronization found01:25
meistergradodmulholland: Other programs sound the same unless I'm able to change the program's sound engine to OSS, like in amarok and VLC.01:26
Robert_Cwhat is the terminal application/window, is that just the terminal window?01:26
DarkKnightHalitech; is it easy to use.01:26
dmulhollandmeistergrado, im not sure then01:27
HalitechDarkKnight, seems to be, I didn't like it but I'm used to hand coding01:27
Robert_Cwhat is the terminal application/window, is that just the terminal window?01:27
meistergradodmulholland: Restarted Firefox, and there is no change.01:27
MttJocytacidsky, Are you still here? I have found a method to remove the join/part messages from XChat,01:27
industrialbsis there anyway to upgrade from 32 bit Ubuntu to 64 bit Ubuntu without totally re-installing *everything*01:27
dmulhollandmeistergrado, have you logged out and back in?01:27
DarkKnightHalitech; so for this no programming experience is required??01:28
theshadowI have questions about the screen being rendered off the edge off the monitor.01:28
HalitechDarkKnight, not that I noticed01:28
anparkshey i just killed my amd 64 x2 processor by breaking a pin off. can i replace the processor (same architecture) and still use my old ubuntu installation?01:28
Halitechindustrialbs, no01:28
DarkKnightHalitech; in the sense??01:28
HalitechDarkKnight, from what I noticed it is pretty much a clone of front page01:28
troublemakerDoes anyone use ntpdate to synchronize here?01:29
gleesondis there a way to force an update on the time and date?01:29
gleesondfor some reason it's displaying the wrong time01:30
DarkKnightHalitech; clone of front page...whose front page??01:30
HalitechDarkKnight, microsoft01:30
NotADJI need a second opinion. Upon getting this error http://2tu.us/arz , I should _______?01:30
anparksnobody on changing cpus?01:30
IndyGunFreakgleesond, are you using ubuntu?01:31
troublemakerI don't get the correct time and date too01:31
NotADJgleesond: Use ntp01:31
gleesondIndyGunFreak: yes01:31
NotADJ!ntp | gleesond01:31
ubottugleesond: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)01:31
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anparksmy cpu is broken01:31
DarkKnightHalitech; okk...thanq for the info01:31
anparksa few of the pins are bent, one has broken off01:31
meistergradoI've logged out and back in after changing system sound preferences to OSS, and there is no change in the startup sound (still just scratch scratch), and no change in YouTube sound either.01:31
nnullanparks¬ try ##hardware mate01:31
Halitechanparks, if you keep all the hardware the same then yes, you should be able to use your existing install01:32
industrialbsWhy isn't songbird in synaptic ?01:32
IndyGunFreakindustrialbs, who knows, there's a dozen programs there that work as well as songbird.. if you want songbird, download the source and compile it.01:33
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industrialbsIndyGunFreak: They provide a pre-compiled version to download, I just wonder why it isn't.01:33
xylogis there an Ubuntu app to read .chm files ?01:34
anparkswould i have to get the exact same cpu?01:34
IndyGunFreakindustrialbs, oh, i dunno.. could be any number of reasons01:34
Halitechanparks, shouldn't have to, linux is usually pretty good about changes01:34
DarkKnightHalitech; i have heard that even joomla and drupal are good..wat do u say??01:35
dmulhollandanparks, in the past I have had ubuntu properly installed on a USB hardware that I took around lots of systems and it just booted each time with no problem01:35
industrialbsMaybe it' too new for it ? who knows, it works nonetheless.01:35
anparkssuper. thanks all! thankfully with newegg i wont have to wait past thursday for a new processor :)01:35
HalitechDarkKnight, no idea, I played around with joomla and personally didn't care for it01:35
wesleyyxylog: there is01:35
wesleyyxylog: named xchm01:35
NotADJJoomla is ugly.01:36
NotADJTry Drupal01:36
dmulhollandxylog, try GnoCHM as well01:36
xylogwesley, thanx!01:36
DarkKnightHalitech; the problem is that i have to build a good website with very little HTML coding experience01:36
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t0m__Hi ppls i am attempting to try and reporr a bug and need a little adviccce this is against the 8.10 on the latest standard kernel 2.6.27-9-generic but this bug has existed ib previous versions i am in lanunchpad but not sure how to go about it ?01:36
wesleyyxylog: there is also gnochm01:36
HalitechDarkKnight, try drupal like NotADJ suggested01:37
xylogok I see those both in Synaptec I will try them out01:37
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Ayyadanparks, just a quicky... if its compiled in the kernel.. it will work.. unless you compile your own "light weight" kernel chances are the new processor you are getting is already compiled into the default kernel that you are using.01:37
=== uewbie is now known as ntp_how
_Zeus_anyone know how to fix this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/83791/01:37
ShiroUsagiHi, can anyone help me with NFS? I`m getting the same error while mounting over and over again. "mount to NFS server 'rpcbind' failed: timed out, giving up"...01:37
peleg__Do you know how can I customise multi-keys in X?01:38
dmulhollandpeleg__, you can use them within keyboard shortcuts01:38
dmulhollandpeleg__, System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts01:38
DarkKnightNotADJ, Halitech; i installed drupal...but i seem to have not installed it properly...there's some existing problem....can you help01:38
Ayyad_Zeus_, did you check google?01:38
HalitechDarkKnight, probably not unless you have an error message, I've never installed it or used it01:39
PawUmm guys I was on ubuntu, and randomly my monitor went off and said power save mode.. any ideas?01:39
peleg__dmulholland, thanks, I'll have a look!01:39
xylogis DVD ripping a taboo topic here?01:39
xanderpcould someone please point me to a good howto on converting my root & swap to LVM2?  I've googled and only found howto's for installing into LVM2, not for converting to it after the fact... thanks01:39
peleg__dmulholland, oh, that lets me only to edit existing shortcuts, but not add new ones.01:40
PawUmm guys I was on ubuntu, and randomly my monitor went off and said power save mode.. any ideas?01:40
AutoMatriXis there a way to be warned when someone is ssh'ing on my machine ? to have a sound played eventually ?01:40
peleg__dmulholland, eg, <Multi_key> <p> <bar>                        : "¶"01:40
name_nameI got a 5gb partition with vista on it, I haven't booted to it for like a month, I still don't want to well because.. I was thinking of vmware, can it boot that vista partition inside ubuntu without having to turn the good system off?01:40
dmulhollandpeleg__, I know you can add new shortcuts using gconf-editor but I've never done it01:40
Reformer81Why is it that every time I play a song in Amarok, I need to shut it down before sound will work in any other application?  For example, right now... playing a song in Amarok.  Paused it to listen to a video in Firefox, but it won't play.  I need to close Amarok AND restart Firefox.01:40
peleg__dmulholland, I see, thanks.01:40
Ayyadxanderp, my understanding is, you would need to re-size your partitions, create temp mount points that you can use, then create the lvm, move everything back, and update the configs01:40
ntp_howanyone know how to fix this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/83792/01:41
Ayyadname_name, yes it can01:41
peleg__It is very useful: for example, <Multi_key>ss ---> ß01:41
NotADJDarkKnight: I may be able to help.01:41
Reformer81This same sound issue has been around since PulseAudio... but now switching to ALSA still doesn't help.  Any thoughts?01:41
eseven73what's a good software that plays like a wav/mp3 if your cpu is too high?01:41
xanderpAyyad: I've got another drive entirely that I can use for this...01:41
Ayyadname_name, you sort of need to read the vmware docs though.. but yeah.. its pretty straight forward01:41
name_nameso it's a function of it01:42
name_namenot very hard for vmware to do01:42
Meeso_OSwhenI turn off xubuntu, it goes to some black and white prompt thingy01:42
Meeso_OSsome errors show up01:42
Ayyadxanderp, then its a matter of moving everything to the other drive, updating fstab, etc. doing the lvm on the old hard drive, then moving things back01:42
Meeso_OSpertaining to the wireless access01:42
Meeso_OShow do I fix this?01:42
Meeso_OSI tihnk it has to do with me not being able to connect to my wireless access point01:42
Meeso_OSI installed it on the same comp01:42
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:42
name_namentp_how: google --> ntp sync + ubunutu01:42
Meeso_OSwith wubi01:42
xanderpAyyad: don't I have to do anything to tell ubuntu to get LVM running before it even can hit the root partition?01:43
cs_studentHow do I exit out of vim :(01:43
ntp_howname_name, ntp sync + ubuntu? CLI?01:43
xorlimwhere did my /dev/fd0 disappear? I use Ubuntu 8.10, upgraded from 8.04. And I installed some program that tried to destroy some /dev/fb*01:43
lstarnescs_student: :q, :q! (to exit without saving), or :wq (to save then exit)01:43
NotADJ!drupal | DarkKnight01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drupal01:43
Ayyadwell.. basically it would be as if you are doing it from scratch (using the console).. i've never done it using a gui01:43
Ayyadwell.. i lied.. i did before, but i cant remember!01:43
jeremy_Hi guys01:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fd001:44
jeremy_IF somebody could please help me set up dual monitors01:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dev/fd001:44
jeremy_I would be very appreciative01:44
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment01:44
gleesondi think ntp is broaken on my machine I followed all the documentation, and it's still giving the wrong time...01:44
Meeso_OS when I turn off xubuntu, it goes to some black and white prompt thingy some errors show up pertaining to the wireless access how do I fix this? I tihnk it has to do with me not being able to connect to my wireless access point I installed it on the same comp with wubi and it worked fine. I wiped the drive, installed linux on the whole drive and it wont connect01:44
jeremy_Can somebody please assist me in getting dual monitors set up, please PM me01:44
jeremy_It would be much obliged01:44
name_namentp_how: http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/ntp/#toc801:44
theshadowAnyone, I'm using an LCD TV and the desktop is stretched outside of the edges of the screen. Can anyone give me a hand, point it in the right01:44
xorlimis /dev/fd0 removed from 8.10 intrepid ibex?01:44
name_namethanks ya'll01:45
Ayyadjeremy_, the only way i've done that is through the nvidia-settings thingy.. other than that.. sorry, i cant help you there01:45
name_namegtg vmware is calling01:45
eseven73what's a good software that plays like a wav/mp3 if your cpu is too high?01:45
gleesondwhen I run the ntpupdate command it tells me that ntp socket is in use01:46
AnusienWhat does "if your CPU is too high" mean?01:46
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Meeso_OScan someone please help?01:46
eseven73it means just what i typed01:46
AutoMatriXAnusien, if temperature is higeher thant 59 °C01:46
eseven73like a cpu monitor application01:46
geniieseven73: Too hot in temp? Too high clock rate if battery dying?01:46
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Pawcan someone tell me how to check what video card i have i forget01:47
xorlimwendy_: hi01:47
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=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
Anusienespacious_: Temperature?  Elevation?  Utilization?  Illicit drugs?01:47
eseven73clock rate i guess was what i was getting at, sorry01:47
Anusieneseven73: So your plan is "When the CPU is overworked, launch another program"?01:47
gleesondPaw: vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:47
eseven73no just make a sound01:47
BotLobstaPaw, run lspci and it should be in the output somewhere01:47
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wendy_i just installed vuze from the file in the website01:47
xorlimmy ubuntu has been smoking something, it has removed /dev/fd0 (device floppy drive 0)01:47
wendy_how do i create a shourtcut?01:47
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Anusieneseven73: right another program... to play sounds01:48
eseven73cpu + 50% make a alert sound01:48
peleg__So my question is actually this: how gnome knows which Compose file to read, given a chosen language? There are many Compose files, but there is no one-on-one correspondance between the language symbols and the Compose files01:48
ntp_howname_name, ...you got the same problem as me when using ntpdate?01:48
waffle__I need help guys, when i play urban terror it runs fine (65 fps) but when i look at other people playing the game it goes down to 5 fps.01:48
eseven73Anusien: yes :)01:48
lstarnesxorlim: are you using the amd64 version?01:49
xorlimlstarnes: no, 32-bit version.01:49
Anusieneseven73: try http://www.google.com/search?q=linux+system+monitoring+tools&sourceid=opera&num=%i&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-801:49
waffle__im using the i386 one01:49
GodfatherofEireAnybody know of a way to get the drop down for firefox to be removed without the odd half-bar dropdown?01:49
wendy_how do i create a shortcut of a program i installed?01:49
eseven73ok Anusien ty01:50
lstarnesxorlim: I think I see some things related to floppies not working in ubuntu 8.1001:50
Ayyadwendy_, a shortcut to the "executable" ?01:50
Meeso_OS when I turn off xubuntu, it goes to some black and white prompt thingy some errors show up pertaining to the wireless access how do I fix this? I tihnk it has to do with me not being able to connect to my wireless access point I installed it on the same comp with wubi and it worked fine. I wiped the drive, installed linux on the whole drive and it wont connect01:50
lstarnesxorlim: try doing "sudo modprobe floppy"01:50
rdw200169wendy_: the easiest way, (proof of concept) is to make a 'Launcher'01:50
jeremy_Could somebody please explain how to set up dual monitors on my computer?01:50
AutoMatriXAnusien, if you could think about having a sound played when the /var/log/auth.log changes, that would be nice01:50
rdw200169wendy_: just right click on the desktop, and click 'Create Launcher...'01:50
xorlimlstarnes: the result is nothing.01:51
wendy_yea so that is shows under applications/internet01:51
rdw200169jeremy_: what video drivers are you using?01:51
lstarnesxorlim: now see if you have the device nodes for the floppy drive01:51
peleg__ok, so a more specific question: how can I know what is my defined locale?01:51
waffle__I need help guys, when i play urban terror it runs fine (65 fps) but when i look at other people playing the game it goes down to 5 fps.01:51
irvinhow do you change which of the installed drivers ubuntu uses??  I really need help here01:51
xorlimlstarnes: yes, I do!01:51
Ayyadoh that.. i think you go on "Applications" ->*right click* -> edit menus01:51
rdw200169jeremy_: ah, i don't know then, you should consult the driver documentation... i only know how to do it on Nvidia01:51
jeremy_maybe you can help me with my problem01:52
Meeso_OSmy ubuntu distro CDs dont burn properly, every single one doesnt install it right :/01:52
jeremy_Do you know anything about a RadeonX800 driver?01:52
rdw200169jeremy_: no.01:52
lstarnesxorlim: for some reason, ubuntu 8.10 doesn't load the floppy module by default anymore, likely because floppies are rarely used.  I'll see if I can figure out how to make ubuntu load that module on startup01:52
xorlimlstarnes: and mount /dev/fd0 makes the drive light light.01:52
xorlimlstarnes: ok, thanks!01:53
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lstarnesxorlim: open /etc/modules and add the floppy module to it01:53
AyyadJeremy_, if you check with google.. i know there are alot of docs about this... i honestly cant remember how it was done directly from the xorg.conf file.. but I remember it was simple!01:53
FirefisheI'm currently testing the live cd version of Kubuntu 8.10, KDE 4.1, on an Asus G50V-X1 laptop (Intel T5750 CPU, Nvidia 9700M GT GPU.  Is there any specific reason to upgrade to the 64bit variety over the 32 bit variety?01:53
=== JesusChrist is now known as bruenig
rdw200169Firefishe: no, not really01:54
rdw200169!64bit | Firefishe01:54
ubottuFirefishe: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.01:54
Babbelaarcan anyone explain what the differences would be between installing ubuntu and adding the studio package:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation versus just installing ubuntustudio01:54
Meeso_OScan I run kubuntu on a comp with 1.8ghz and 256 RAM?01:54
AyyadFirefishe, if you have 4GB+ ram... plus.. on some benchmarks.. some things do run a bit faster01:54
rdw200169Firefishe: dang, that's not what i wanted, there are some docs out there that talk about this with ubuntu, and the general consensus is that it's not worth the trouble01:55
FirefisheAyyad:  I have 4GB exactly...01:55
xorlimlstarnes: great! do I boot the computer or do something else like init -q?01:55
rdw200169Firefishe: except for what Ayyad is talking about01:55
nnullguys ive got ubuntu installed on a old p3 600 with 400 meg of ram, got everything working but the sound is very choppy, ive never had ANY sound issues in ubuntu before, any ideas where id start fixing this?01:55
Firefisherdw200169:  No worries :-).  I hit the wrong buttons sometimes, too.01:55
nnullthe soundcard is onboard and rather old01:55
AyyadI think you should go with the 64 bit version then... I know that ubuntu doesnt support PAE by default.. unless you want to compile your own kernel.. go for the 64 bit version01:55
rdw200169Firefishe: more ram was the primary reason for the push to 64 bit, and that's more of a server thing nowadays01:56
lstarnesxorlim: you don't need to do anything else.  The modprobe command took care of loading the module and /etc/modules defines extra modules to load when booting01:56
xorlimlstarnes: thanks! I will boot now to see if the effects are in effect.01:56
xorlimlstarnes: ok01:56
exodus_msnnull, Are you using 8.10?01:56
nnull.04 exodus_ms01:56
exodus_msnnull, alsa? pulseAudio?01:57
PawSo does anyone know how to fix the 8.10 ATI Radeon problem :( My screen keeps freezing01:57
Pawand graphics are mega glitchy01:57
FirefisheAyyad:  Well, this is a laptop, not a server.  I'm on the live cd, and I'm absolutely loving kde 4.1.  I've got debian lenny (testing) on the hard drive right now, and it's giving me nothing short of excruciating headaches ;-).  Long dns lookup times, takes my browsers forever to load.   I had to use OSS as alsa doesn't work, and my Atheros wireless doesn't work on it.01:57
nnullit's using alsa by default, don't think its compat with pulse being as old as it is01:57
nnullexodus_ms¬ ^01:57
kindofabuzzBAbbleprobably nothing01:57
Babbelaarnp diff01:57
kindofabuzzBabbelaar, probably nothing01:57
FirefisheWith the live cd, I'm on my wireles, sound is great in Amarok, and I need to test my ethernet connection, but everything else seems to be working.01:58
BabbelaarI am thinking of doing with the ubuntustudio distro and adding Compiz Fusion!01:58
AyyadFirefishe, i have ubuntu 64 on my laptop and i'm not complaining :P01:58
exodus_msnnull, aplay -l01:58
wendy_how do i add a icon image to a shortcut?01:58
AyyadFirefishe, as for the long DNS lookups.. I'm sure its not a debian thing.. but rather a configuration problem01:59
rdw200169Ayyad: Firefishe, i went with 64 bit a few years ago and gave up, but that was back in the day when you had to build chroot environments for 32bit libraries etc...01:59
bidossessihi folks01:59
f4cel3sshey i need some help01:59
j_xinudsbgo ahead ask!01:59
gleesondah there we go dpkg-reconfigure tzdata was the ticket01:59
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Ayyadrdw200169, I agree .. in the past, it was horrific01:59
exodus_msnnull, And you said you had success before? Was it 8.04?01:59
f4cel3ssok i have a 160 gb external hard drive that i cant copie files to02:00
bidossessiis there a sane way for me to get syslog-ng running on hardy withouth loosing body parts? i'd like to see some syslog messages on a tty like tty10,, ans serioulsy syslog is pretty old02:00
nnullexodus_ms¬ has one device on card 0 Riptide [Riptide] device :0 Riptide [Riptide] -- Subdevices 2/3 then it just says subdevice a bunch of time02:00
j_xinudsbf4cel3ss: mounted as r02:00
nnullexodus_ms¬ nah mate havent had success at all with this, just trying it now and not working, its on 8.04 now.02:00
f4cel3ssneed a little help with that02:01
bidossessif4cel3ss, can u see what's on the hdd?02:01
Guest66429How can I install KDE on a just upgraded 8.1?  KDE broke on the upgrade from Hardy, but worked after the upgrade from Gutsy.\02:01
Ayyadf4cel3ss, check permissions/ownership of the mount point02:01
f4cel3ssyes i can see wats on it02:01
FirefisheAyyad:  I don't know what's up with the dns lookups.  I just know it takes 30 seconds on average--in iceweasel--to load a page from scratch, cache cleared.  Konqueror takes even longer--although I've always liked konqueror's rendering of pages...looks beautiful to me ;)02:02
j_xinudsbf4cel3ss: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk nosuid02:02
f4cel3sshow would i do that Ayyad02:02
exodus_msnnull, You said you are using alsa, so your sound drivers exist?02:02
Firefisheon kubuntu 8.10, no lag anywhere02:02
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PawAnyone know how to fix Ati Radeon graphics card on Ubuntu 8.10?02:02
bidossessif4cel3ss, does it appear automatically when you plug it?02:02
AyyadFirefishe, you might want to check your /etc/resolv.conf (bind config as well if its running)02:02
bidossessistop advising peoplle to bypass hal02:02
nnullexodus_ms¬ i guess so? sound comes out its just all choppy and when loud things happen speaks just go all DUURR02:03
bidossessif4cel3ss, is it fomatted with ntfs?02:03
Matsondoes ubuntu support 64 but systems02:03
xorlimlstarnes: great, thanks! now I can browse my floppies normally with the "GNOME" and the console!02:03
Ayyadf4cel3ss, the easiest (not best way) that i can think of is just giving yourself ownership on the directly its mounted.. so as root chown yourUserName /dir/to/mount/point02:03
f4cel3ssJ_xinudsb i did that and it says i can only do it with root02:04
exodus_msnnull, have you tried configuring 'alsamixer'02:04
bidossessidon't use root's name in vain. find the problem, instead of quick-fixing it02:04
Ayyadf4cel3ss, dont try to mount it!!!! it is already mounted (since you can see whats on it)02:05
f4cel3ssok ok02:05
gnutronMatson: yes use the amd64 iso it supports 64 bit  intel/amd cpu's02:05
FirefisheAyyad:  Already been there, done that.  DNS resolves to three name servers via my ISP.  Oddly, when I switch between dhclient and dhcpcd daemons (remove one, install the other), dhcpcd changes the order of them in /etc/resolv.conf.  I notice no difference in lookup times with either.   I think I'm just going to install this and be done with it :) .  Updates are coming for 4.1 quickly now, so there shouldn't be any problems.02:05
Ayyadbidossessi??  it needs to be done as root (sudo if thats whats bothering you).. but at the end of the day.. its the same thing!02:05
bidossessif4cel3ss, one possibility. all usb/external hdd stuff should be automounted by hald. so you should not need to doit by hand.02:05
Guest66429How can I fix a broken KDE from the console; KDE does not start properly.02:05
nnullexodus_ms¬ howso? change devices or? sorry as i said ive had no sound issues previously so havent had to do this before02:06
AyyadFirefishe, you can always try something like nslookup hostname dns1.yourisp.com02:06
kristian1Question : i'm currently using putty and am logged onto my ubuntu machine via WLAN, however when the ubuntu machine goes into "sleep mode", irssi starts to lag. how can i prevent this?02:06
bidossessias a result if you have manually created a folder in the mount target direcotyr, it probably belongs to root02:06
Ayyadand see if its a problem with one of the DNS servers02:06
hppdf font rendering is horrible. is there anywhere to improve it?02:06
f4cel3ssna i haven't done thT02:06
exodus_msnnull, Just type alsamixer in the terminal and see if you can make any changes that suffice.02:07
f4cel3ss1 sec brb02:07
bidossessif4cel3ss, which folder does your hdd appear in?02:07
nnullexodus_ms¬ alsamixer in terminal just brings up a bunch of audio volume controls in CLI format?02:07
darclainenoob here02:07
AyyadFirefishe, also you could try a dig +trace some.hostname.com .. it should give you a better picture02:07
guest_mythtv scrambles picture on channel change,  both on laptop and desktop computer,  does anyone know of a fix?02:07
Ayyadand on that note.. i'll brb02:07
Matsongnutron: thanks02:07
darclaineif I just throw in my questions will I be considered rude?02:08
FirefisheAyyad:  k, I'll consider it....but I'm really loving kubuntu here *drool* +*Poof* <napkin for room>02:08
exodus_msnnull, ok, thats correct.02:08
nnullexodus_ms¬ do i want to add more gain or ? see im lost here no nothing about audio :s02:08
FirefisheAyyad:  I've used kubuntu/ubuntu before.02:08
gnutronhp: install msttcorefonts, gsfonts and gsfontsx11 not real sure of the last two, search or ask. it might help.02:08
FirefisheAyyad:  just not on this laptop02:08
bidossessidarclaine, i think you are SUPPOSED to do just that02:08
darclainety bidossessi02:09
hpthanks gnutron02:09
theshadowTrying to figure out how to make the desktop fit within the dimensions of the screen02:09
f4cel3ssbidossessi wat exactly do u mean02:10
exodus_msnnull, type cat /proc/asound/modules and see if you can choose a default...02:10
bidossessif4cel3ss, i mean : when you plug your hdd, it pops up a window right? what path can you read in that window?02:10
f4cel3ssah ok media/disk02:10
nnullexodus_ms¬ only 1 too choose from: 0 snd_riptide02:11
AyyadFirefishe, i'm not advising you agasint ubuntu.. i personally love it.. I'm just saying that your DNS problems can easily be solved02:11
darclainetrying to get jbidwatcher and moneydance to work but only get full graphics in the top left hand corner of the window.- used the package manager and the add/remove to get all the java/sunjava/iced tea I could find .. still no change ideas?02:11
bidossessithat is hald's target path? when you unplug that hdd, does that folder still exist?02:11
exodus_msnnull, ok, hold on pls...02:11
nnullexodus_ms¬ no worries.02:11
f4cel3ssno it dont02:11
f4cel3sswhen i unplug it the folder is no loger there02:12
bidossessif4cel3ss, then it's not a permission issue, since hald knows how to handle that easily on userspace. u need to figure out if you have an ntfs hdd and if you have ntfs-write capabilities installed02:12
f4cel3ssok how would i find out if i have those capabilities02:13
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
bidossessiwell i suppose there is a ntfs-3g package, isn't there? find out if it's installed on your system02:14
schnauzerWhen I boot Ubuntu, usplash quits and I see a load of instructions that I can't seem to find in any boot log. It ends in "for more details, see man 8 mount" if that helps. I also had a separate hard drive whose partitions were messed up, but I physically unplugged the drive and commented out its fstab entry. Any ideas?02:14
Sicarioalguien habla español?02:14
rdw200169!sp | Sicario02:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp02:14
f4cel3sshow would i dot hat02:14
rdw200169!spanish | Sicario02:14
ubottuSicario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:14
f4cel3ssthat *02:14
gnutronschnauzer: did you view dmesg?02:14
exodus_msnnull, --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/83811/02:14
revbelsoundSicario creo ke nadie habla español02:15
bidossessif4cel3ss, use the package manager i guess02:15
FrozenFireHow long does it usually take for a package to be updated to the latest version of a piece of software? Apparently Sun released 6.11 of Java, and the package in the main repository is 6.10.02:15
Ayyadbidossessi, if he plusgs it in, the folder is there.. if he unplugs it, the folder isnt there.. that concludes that its not a permission issue?02:15
bidossessiAyyad, yes it does, if you know how hald works02:15
Sicariojoin ubuntu-es02:15
Ayyadbidossessi, so setting the ownership or the permissions on the mountpoint wont fix this right?02:16
nnullexodus_ms¬ i haven't installed any driver's specifically for the card, assumed it would be using a default driver automatically for me to be hearing sound at all?02:16
j_xinudsbrevbelsound: espanol : ke nesesitas ?02:16
revbelsoundsicario: /join #ubuntu-es02:16
revbelsoundj_xinudsb gracias le digo a Sicario cómo entrar a ubuntu-es02:17
f4cel3ssok i had to install it thx if it still wont work ill let u no02:17
mamo[at]workneed help02:17
bidossessiAyyad, there is no mountpoint until the drive is plugged in. hald autocreates and mounts without user (and thus root) intervention. so if there's a read-only message, it means mount has not been able to be done rw02:17
mamo[at]workmy wired network not working on 8.1002:18
Izinucsmamo[at]work: ask02:18
darclaineFrozenFire can I ask what version of ubuntu you are using02:18
darclaineit's connectd with your java comment02:18
mamo[at]workIzinucs: its on my laptop02:18
f4cel3ssok i still cant send items to the hdd02:18
t0m__anyone had any luck with VLC and Compiz ans Xvid?02:19
f4cel3ssi get a read only error02:19
darclainein 8.04 it says in the forums that they still are having java bugs have they sorted it in 8.10?02:19
bidossessif4cel3ss, try typing "mount" in a console and look pastebin the result02:19
darclainetom I use vlc and it runs fine whats up?02:19
f4cel3ssfailed to open ............. (read-only file system) thats the full error02:19
Guest66429iS this the right room for Kubuntu questions, or is this only for Ubuntu questions?02:19
Izinucsmamo[at]work: have you tried right mouse clicking the network icon by the clock and disabling networking then enable it again?  might work.. other than that I'm no network guru..02:19
Guest66429iS this the right room for Kubuntu questions, or is this only for Ubuntu questions?02:19
Ayyadbidossessi, your correct.. mybad.. i am sort of in the middle of something so i'm not reading everything said.  in the case of hald.. you are correct!02:20
FrozenFiredarclaine: What sort of bugs? I've been having huge issues with Java recently.02:20
t0m__O have a lovely flashing while or black effect like a strobe02:20
IzinucsGuest66429: depends on the question.. throw it out there and see if  you get referenced to #kubuntu02:20
mamo[at]workIzinucs: okay i try it 1st02:20
f4cel3ssnope no where did i see that02:20
clusterany one there02:20
bidossessif4cel3ss, open a console (gnome-terminal/xterm) and type "mount"02:20
darclainetrying to run programs but I can only see the top left hand part of the window the other three quarters art matt02:21
clusterCan i get help here?02:21
darclaineare just matt colour02:21
Izinucscluster: about 1300 of us or so.. just ask.. someone will answer if they know the answer02:21
Guest66429Izinucs, how can I fix my KDE which broke upon the dist-upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid?02:21
philippe_Hello. I want to install a theme but I'm not able to. I have download this theme : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Clear+Night?content=91128 but once with the file I just don't know what to do.02:21
Guest66429Now it just boots into a console.02:21
clusterI need to connect my laptop to my xbox02:21
f4cel3ssok what do u want me to look for02:21
bidossessif4cel3ss, actually, type "mount | grep media" to filter out what we don't need02:22
IzinucsGuest66429: I'll let someone else handle that.. I don't run kde.. but you might want to redo your question to be more specific.. what actually broke.. or what's not working.02:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:22
clusterno one?02:22
FrozenFirecluster: Be more specific.02:22
bidossessif4cel3ss, we're looking for the type of partition your hdd is formatted with02:22
guest_does anyone use mythtv?02:22
Guest66429Izinucs, Now it boots into the console, and no longer into X with KDE.02:22
Izinucscluster how do you mean.. ?? what are you trying to do.02:22
f4cel3ssok this is wat i got /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type fuseblk (ro,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)02:22
FrozenFireguest_: I fiddled with Mythbuntu a while back02:23
IzinucsGuest66429: I'm guessing you might have a video issue.. what kind of video card do you have.02:23
clusterok i have a cross over cable and have connected it to my xbox all i need to do now is share my internet connection through my ehternet port, on windows all i would do is share the connection02:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:23
Izinucs!ics | cluster02:23
ubottucluster: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:23
exodus_msnnull, idk, you can try this to see if it helps --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/83815/  might be a little overkill but it might be something you can try if everything else fails02:23
nnullexodus_ms¬ ok cheers for your help02:24
clusteri have firestarter but when i run it it says "eth0 not ready"02:24
mamo[at]workIzinucs: i have try that and still not working02:24
inktrihey guys02:24
x-ipcluster, ifconfig shows eth0 up ?02:24
inktrii'm getting video flicker with vlc, mplayer, etc02:24
inktriwhat can i do to fix it?02:24
Izinucsmamo[at]work: I'll leave it to others to help you.. I02:24
f4cel3ssbidossessi u still there02:24
x-ipClaw6, no more ideas :S02:24
exodus_msnnull, np, wish I could have helped you get your sound running. Stick around, there might be someone else here that could help you more02:24
bidossessif4cel3ss, did u just install ntfs-3g?02:24
Izinucsmamo[at]work: I'm no good at diagnosing these issues02:25
Jack_Sparrowinktri turn off effects02:25
mamo[at]workgonna eat my breakfast 1st02:25
onetinsoldierGuest14684: you might try update-alternatives --config x-display-manager and update-alternatives --config x-window-manager02:25
inktrijack_sparrow effects under where?02:25
inktrivlc? ubuntu? which menu?02:25
clustersee thats why i am stuck02:25
bidossessif4cel3ss, it's a kernel module so it will need to be loaded for it to be usable? two ways: reboot or modprobe. i advise reboot02:26
x-ipwhy eth0 is not ready ....02:26
onetinsoldierGuest14684: if that doesn't do it then have a look at the man page for update-rc.d. you'll want to make sure you have runlevel startup scripts for kde02:26
clusteri don't know02:26
Jack_Sparrowinktri right click desktop, go to wallpaper, last tab on the right02:26
f4cel3ssok i installed it and this is the error02:26
f4cel3ssFailed to open "/media/disk/midi_G_RSP_v3.2a_TES_Elite_dAd.rar" for writing (Read-only file system).02:26
onetinsoldierGuest14684: ooops. i maent 'kdm'02:26
clusteri think it is becaus ei followed some how tos that didn't work and they messed it up02:26
x-ipcluster, tryed to remove ur 'eth0' kernel module ?02:27
x-ipand then modprobe it ?02:27
inktrijack_sparrow thanks worked. so i have to do this whenever i play avis? why?02:27
clusterno i don't know how02:27
* x-ip goes for more beer02:27
onetinsoldierGuest66429: you might try update-alternatives --config x-display-manager and update-alternatives --config x-window-manager02:27
f4cel3sssee u later02:27
bidossessif4cel3ss, you can't use it right away that way. for the automagic to happen, you should reboot first (or modprobe the specified module) then it will all start working automatically02:27
Jack_Sparrowinktri #compiz can explain and or try to get them behaving for you02:27
onetinsoldierGuest66429: if that doesn't do it then have a look at the man page for update-rc.d. you'll want to make sure you have runlevel startup scripts for kdm02:27
nnullexodus_ms¬ will do :)02:27
x-ipcluster, are u connected right now with eth0 ?02:28
clusterno i use wireless to get on the internet02:28
Guest66429onetinsoldier, Thanks.  I gotta run now, but I will be back.02:28
onetinsoldierGuest66429: ok. gl02:28
theshadowCan anyone help me figure out why the desktop is displaying outside the width and height of the LCD screen?02:28
x-ipcluster, try in a shell 'lscpi | grep Ethernet'02:28
* x-ip cold beer, now i'm happy ^.^''02:29
clusterbash: lscpi: command not found02:29
darclaineFrozenFire try this it is a java bug finder http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/?gclid=CIv_iuTBt5cCFQoi3godMCBSTA02:29
x-ipcluster, uh ?!02:29
clustersorry what does in a shell mean02:29
x-ipcluster, the black screen with white chars ?02:30
FrozenFiredarclaine: My issues are in an applet, not with any code I'm working on.02:30
clusteryou mean the terminal?02:30
x-ipcluster, yeah!02:30
clusteryeah well bash: lscpi: command not found02:30
x-ipsorry, i should told 'terminal'02:30
x-ipthats not good02:30
gnutroncluster: check spelling, lspci02:30
dr_williscluster,  its lspci02:30
x-iplspci cames with the base instalation02:30
bidossessiisn't that an admin-level command02:30
bidossessiguess not02:31
bidossession ubuntu02:31
x-ipnopes bidossessi02:31
darclainesorry :(02:31
badawisudo apt-get install util-linux02:31
darclainelikeI said noob02:31
badawioops :/02:31
clustersorry :) 0a:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation PRO/100 VE Network Connection (rev 02)02:31
x-ipbetter ^.^''02:32
bidossessiintel... pretty common, ain't it?02:32
x-iplets check which kernel module use this card ...02:32
clusterhow do i do that02:33
x-ipcluster, in my case ? using google02:33
clusterok what do you mean by kernel module (i am sorry very new)02:34
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bidossessicluster, you could call it the linux equivalent of a driver, for now02:34
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Anacranomcluster, x-ip , why not sudo lshw -C network02:35
x-ipAnacranom, i didnt know that command02:35
clusterwhats that command do exactly, update the kernel?02:35
Anacranomx-ip, for ubuntu, it is very handy02:35
x-ipexcellent Anacranom !02:35
x-ipcluster, nopes, we are trying to know which kernel module use ur network card02:36
x-ipand Anacranom told the solution ;)02:36
x-ipcluster, write the command that Anacranom says02:36
x-ipand look a string that will say 'driver= xxx '02:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:37
x-ipcluster, only tell me the part that says 'driver= xxx '02:37
theshadowNot sure if this is the place. I have a computer with a nVidia GeForce 7300 GT connected to a 40" Sony Bravia LCD Tv. My issue is that the desktop isn't being rendered within the dimensions of the TV (As in I can't see my top or bottom bars because they are slightly off the screen)02:38
cluster driver=e100 driverversion=3.5.23-k4-NAPI fir02:38
x-ipcluster, excellent02:38
bidossessiis there a way i can install syslog-ng without loosing ubuntu-minimal, or can i afford to loose ubuntu-minimal in a normal system without adverse effects?02:38
PawSo how is everyone :/02:38
x-ipcluster, do this in the terminal : sudo rmmod e100; modprobe e10002:38
bidossessiPaw, pretty green02:38
peleglook at this bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=469755 --> I think that I have the same bug in ubuntu 7.1002:39
PawIs there anyway to run Ubuntu on safe graphics mode, ubuntu hates my video card..02:39
x-ipbidossessi, if u need it, install it02:39
pelegThat is, whenever I run notify-send from a fullscreen, it is not shown (not only not shown OVER the fullscreen, but not shown at all; for example, if I run it without being in the fullscreen at the moment - I still can't see it from the outside)02:39
clusteri go thtis after modprobe e10002:40
clusterFATAL: Error inserting e100 (/lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/kernel/drivers/net/e100.ko): Operation not permitted02:40
un_davewhat will happen if i attempt to unmount a drive mounted as /home on my system?]02:40
tsrkshould /vmlinux be writeable by all?02:40
bidossessix-ip, like i said, installing it automatically removes ubuntu-minimal. what i want to know is how critical that package is to my daily life02:40
x-ipcluster, ups, sudo rmmod e100; sudo modprobe e10002:40
un_davei have a raid 5 array mounted there, and i need to unmount it to check the filesystem before growing it.02:41
x-ipbidossessi, its a 'logger system', not critical02:41
clusterok done, thanks by the way02:41
krizalidubuntu-minimal is a meta-package afaik02:41
bidossessix-ip, talking about ubuntu-minimal02:41
krizalidmeta-packages can be removed without any problem02:41
x-ipbidossessi, krizalid told it02:41
x-ipcluster, well, try again firestarte02:41
krizalidmake sure it is a meta-package first02:42
bidossessithat was helpful: thanks02:42
krizalidread its description02:42
clustersame error02:42
x-ipcluster, uuhhhh ... lets check at googl02:42
bidossessikrizalid, can this be done in cli?02:42
pelegI have read in some places that this is a bug in compiz02:42
outboardihave a problem with booting up , the xserver crashes , prety sure it is because of the ati drivers i installed  , how do i configure /remove the new driver and use the ubuntu default driver ? using 8.1002:42
outboardfrom the comand line02:43
x-ipcluster, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23406802:43
x-ipthey solved by asigning a fixed ip address02:43
x-ipstrange to me , ... but i didnt use firestarter02:43
Anacranomx-ip, havent seen you before, seem very adept, cool, hope i helped a bit, hope to see ya more, l8tr02:44
x-ipAnacranom, heh thx for ur 'welcome' ;)02:44
outboardihave a problem with booting up , the xserver crashes , prety sure it is because of the ati drivers i installed  , how do i configure /remove the new driver and use the ubuntu default driver ? using 8.1002:44
x-ipi'll be in this channel as i have time to help some in what i can :)02:44
sHaWnMHanyone know a good program to use with ipod touch 2g02:44
pelegsame thing was reported here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=46975502:44
pelegsorry, here: http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/164502:45
bidossessioutboard, i'm sure u can boot in init 3 and use some dpkg script to reconfigure X02:45
krizalidsHaWnMH: Amarok02:45
clusterok x-ip i found a similiar thread, it tolded me to change the ip to a static but the menus it went on i couldn't find....so how do i do this02:45
bidossessicluster, does your eth0 show up now?02:46
outboardinit 3 ?02:46
scienteswhat are the default sans and sans-serif fonts in bubuntu?02:46
scientesthey are nameless02:46
x-ipcluster, u can do that doing: sudo ifconfig eth0 for example02:46
sHaWnMHkizalid: will amarok be able to sync all the itunes would02:46
x-ipwhen u reboot, ur changes will be lost02:46
un_daveanyone know if i can safely unmount my /home directory? while the system is running? or will i have to boot from a live cd or something?02:46
bidossessioutboard, yes, during the grub part of your boot up, or later,by typing "init 3" as root02:47
x-ipso you can add this line to rc.local script02:47
earthmeLonHello everybody!!!  I'm having trouble with irssi not beeping on hilites.  I am pretty sure I have irssi's setting correct.  Is there something I need to do in gnome-terminal?02:47
x-ipcluster, first try if this work (i mean ifconfig ....)02:47
|{ursecan anyone explain why i have to comment out all interfaces but loopback in /etc/network/interfaces in order to get nm-applet displaying wireless networks on openbox?02:47
|{urseim confused02:47
bidossessioutboard, that should drop you too a non-X runlevel, where you should be able to reconfigre X, but i fail to remember the name of that particular script02:47
n8tuserun_dave-> why would you want to do such a thing?02:48
|{ursebidosessi sudo init 302:48
bidossessiun_dave, you want to resize your /home?02:48
genii|{urse: Because any entry there tells network manager that the interface has been manually configured so it doesn't bother doing anything with it02:48
un_daven8tuser: its a raid5 array, and i need to chk the fs before i grow the ext3 filesystem02:48
t0m__ahh bad news on the ATI flickering video and 3D games :( on 8.1002:49
|{urseOH! well that actually makes sense thx Genii02:49
un_davebidossessi: yes. it's on a seperate drive, and i just grew the raid5 drive02:49
outboardx server shut down on start  so i am already at that level02:49
clusterok, firestarter started but at the begining it said unknown error and i can't connect to the laptop through my xbox02:49
badawihow do i find to which package does a file belong to?02:49
genii|{urse: You're welcome02:49
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n8tuserun_dave-> i dont think it will work though02:49
geniibadawi: You could search packages.ubuntu.com02:49
bidossessiun_dave, you'lll have to use a live CD, or do whatever you need to do in minimal init02:49
x-ipcluster, firestarter is at ur laptop running ?02:50
|{urset0m try running gstreamer-properties and set noXv under the video tab02:50
|{urseworked for me02:50
outboardi am guessing i need something to restore the defualt video drivers  in a xorg.conf fil02:50
pelegno one here uses libnotify?02:50
RoastedDoes anybody here have any experience with CloneZilla on Ubuntu?02:50
badawigenii: installed package, /usr/bin/ls for example02:50
un_davebidossessi: ok02:50
bidossessioutboard: google for "reset X configuration ubuntu"02:50
un_daven8tuser: why wouldnt it work?02:50
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geniibadawi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ls&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any                reports ls belongs to package coreutils for instance02:51
un_daven8tuser: oh, the unmount wont work... ? yeah. i guess i'll have to boot from a live cd or soemthing.02:51
druntar_Hey folks having some issues. I had to reinstall 8.10 64 bit , and it's not picking up my broadcom wireless adapter.02:51
badawihow do i find to which package does an installed file belong to?02:51
bidossessiun_dave, you could unmount from init 102:51
geniibadawi: I just explained it to you.02:51
badawigenii: i'm sure there's an easier way not involving the internet02:52
un_davebidossessi: whats init 1?02:52
druntar_It won't let me install the broadcomSTA driver that I know works as it was working fine before I had to reinstall02:52
x-ipcluster, well. .... u'll have to read something about firewalls, and read the documentation from firestarter ... i think that the problem about 'firestarter doesnt start' is 'fixed' ... u have homework ;)02:52
geniibadawi: If you suspect what package, query it with:     sudo dpkg -L and it lists the files therein02:52
bidossessiun_dave, runlevel 1 (single-user, no network)02:52
Kelen^FoxHi everybody!02:52
badawigenii: i'm looking for the inverse of dpkg -L02:52
geniiun_dave: init level 1 is single user mode02:52
geniibadawi: There isn't one02:53
* |{urse needs chocolate milk brb02:53
clusterMan i can't believe something that in windows is a check box in ubuntu is a MASSIVE mission02:53
geniibadawi: Once a file is extracted from a package it does not keep a record of whence it came02:53
bidossessigenii: rpm allows you to find out wxhat package a file belongs to. aptitude must have its equivalent somewhere02:53
badawigenii: are you serious02:53
un_davebidossessi: heh, yeah, but i'd have to do that from home anyways i guess. i'll be easier to boot from live cd then? i'm accessing the box from work at the moment.02:53
clusteropps :)02:53
badawigenii: in rpm it's rpm -qf /usr/bin/ls forexample02:54
bidossessiun_dave, safer, and more convenient02:54
un_davebidossessi: out of curiosity, how would i start in init 1 if i wanted too?02:54
geniibadawi: That would work well if ubuntu used rpm. But it doesn't02:54
bidossessibadawi, opensuse?02:54
badawigenii: thank you02:54
dr_willisThe apt/dpkg system has similer commands.. check the apt-get manuals.02:54
bidossessiun_dave, i guess "sudo init 1" or just entering "1" at grub should do it02:55
onetinsoldierbadawi: dpkg -S /path/file02:55
bidossessidr_willis, i knew it MUST have it02:55
|{ursedeleveling from an already running xsession will not kill X02:55
|{urseso run it from tgrub02:55
badawionetinsoldier: thank you, that's what i was looking for02:55
geniionetinsoldier: Nice :)02:55
onetinsoldierbadawi: you're welcomne02:56
ellaI'm running firefox and although it worked before, I cannot hear any audio on youtube anymore. Everything else (mplayer, etc) works fine. What could have caused this?02:56
mikhailt!sound > ella02:57
ubottuella, please see my private message02:57
bidossessi|{urse, it won't? doesn't changing level rerun the rc scripts on ubuntu?02:57
cakeyplease see my private02:57
un_davebidossessi: sounds like i'll stick to a live cd02:57
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:57
un_daveanyone here know anything about mdadm, and raid setups?02:57
|{ursebidosessi: try it02:58
bidossessioh my. it's quite different from my world02:58
ellamikearr: ALSA is selected02:58
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un_davei'm curious wether changing the physical drive locations in my box will confuse the raid, or if it's smart enough to track the ids of the drives.02:58
RoastedDoes anybody here have any experience with CloneZilla on Ubuntu?02:58
bidossessiin other distros, rc scripts are compartmented by runlevel, so each time you cange, they are rerun, and since X only belongs it init 5, it's automatically killed if you change to any other02:58
bidossessiu live, u learn02:59
badawi!upstart | bidossessi02:59
ubottubidossessi: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:59
palomerbidossessi, that's a song!02:59
onetinsoldierun_dave: i tend to think you could get into your linux system by passing a kernel option that tells it where the root filesystem is and then edit the /etc/fstab file. but i tend to think it isn't just going to boot up for you like nothing happened03:00
bidossessibadawi, it's ubuntu-specific, i see. thanks for the info03:00
* |{urse stands corrected03:01
|{ursei forget what distro that was that wouldnt let you into a real init 103:01
pelegactually, it doesn't matter if I'm executing notify-send from the fullscreen window; as long as there is at least one fullscreen window, the command fails, even if its executed from another non-fullscreen window.03:01
pelegthat should absolutely be a bug03:02
bidossessi|{urse, and that would be ubuntu? no init 1 here?03:02
onetinsoldierun_dave: however, i know nothing about raid setups.. so maybe it would, i dunno03:02
mamo[at]workcape de03:02
edjuipod successfully recognized, but I'd like a persistent device name.  Anyone w/ a pointer to a good howto re: navigating the /etc/udev/rules.d gibberish?03:02
|{urseno i was wrong, i issued a sudo init 1 and i got a blinking cursor03:02
|{ursewhat i said was it wouldnt kill x03:02
bidossessiand it didn't?03:03
|{urseyeah it did03:03
bidossessiwoopy, i guess?03:03
|{ursei said that 3 times03:03
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ksbalajijrib, Jack_Sparrow , for your kind information. I have EnvyNG (some kind of display package installation controlling application) installed. A kernel update slowed down my computer. Spending consideerable time I found out updating EnvyNG separately solves the problem. Info will be of use to volunteers here.03:03
andresmhstupid question: how do I check whether I am using Pulse, Alsa, or something else?03:03
|GaiJin|anyone able to connect the iphone 3g yet, and transfer music to the thing??03:03
|{ursenot me, i'd love to know03:04
bidossessiandresmh, look under your sound options03:04
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andresmhbidossessi, Sound Preferences has so many options for devices: there is Sound Events, Music and Movies, Audio Conferencing and Default Mixer Tracks03:04
andresmhand there are subcategories03:05
mediaslaveHey I have convert from imagemagick installed in /usr/local/bin/convert how can I make the imagemagick installation show up in /usr/bin/convert?03:05
ksbalajijrib, Jack_Sparrow , for your kind information. I have EnvyNG (some kind of display package installation controlling application) installed. A kernel update slowed down my computer. Spending considerable time I found out updating EnvyNG separately solves the problem. Info will be of use to volunteers here. Some volunteer please acknowledge.03:05
bidossessithe first tab is the tab you're looking for03:05
andresmhI have Pulse in some and HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer) in others03:06
andresmhyeah, that's where i am looking bidossessi03:06
un_daveonetinsoldier: sorry, was afk, but anyway, ubuntu should boot, because the boot drive is on a single drive, and the home drive is the raid503:06
myk_robinsonI need help with EXTREMELY slow usb transfer rates in Intrepid03:07
bidossessiandresmh, i don't think it can get simpler than that. but some apps bypass pulseaudio (now a standard in modern gnome distributions)03:07
j_xinudsbthe usb is Fragmented03:07
j_xinudsbor about to die03:07
myk_robinsonj_xinudsb: is that toward me?03:07
test34I wonder why a sound card can have 5-6 devices in ubuntu ...and yet I cant decide if the sound goes in the front or back plug03:08
onetinsoldierun_dave: ok, sounds good03:08
j_xinudsbyes, or is USB 1.103:08
j_xinudsband not 203:08
un_daveonetinsoldier: also, in my fstab it references the uuid for the drive rather than the /dev/sd* or something like that03:08
myk_robinsonit is a new 4GB SanDisk USB2 flash drive03:08
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myk_robinsonworks fine on my 8.04 machine and in Vista03:08
onetinsoldierun_dave: ahh, i see03:08
bidossessiun_dave, that could be an issue. i suggest you use the /dev/sd* schema03:09
t0m__<|{urse> thanks it worked but it doesn't like rendering on a 32 inch HDTV ;)03:09
un_davebidossessi: why is that an issue?03:09
andresmhbidossessi, so this is how my sound preferences look like: http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/3227/screenshotsoundpreferenve9.png03:09
mamo[at]workanyone can help me on 8.10 networking? cause my wired and wireless and 3g notworking at all03:09
|{urseoh try using the realtime kernel t0m_03:09
|{ursego google rtkernel ubuntu03:10
|{ursethat should fix you up03:10
un_davei thought uuid was better than /dev/sd* because it's not dependant on phyisical drive location03:10
andresmhi am oconfused about th edefault mixer tracks device and the options underneath, i am not clear what they control03:10
bidossessiandresmh, looks like mine, and even skypre runs fine on my machine03:10
t0m__I am not that worried about it i am not watching too many movies it just is a bug and i no likey03:10
|{urseah ^^ '03:10
andresmhbidossessi, glad to hear that :) so the fact that i have Device: HDA Intel (Alsa mixer) doesn't mean i am using Pulse?03:11
bidossessiun_dave, it "could" be an issue if your uuids get shifted around, using /dev/sd* is relatively safer, and still supported03:11
=== Ned_Flanders is now known as Ned_Flanders7
t0m__wait for the 7.5 xorg to come out the box03:11
test34maybe you should uninstall pulse03:11
nickrudbidossessi, uuid's aren't supposed to change, they're written to the partition. Manual intervention is required to change one03:12
bidossessiandresmh, pulse will run above alsa and act as a "sound-traffic cop" for all apps that need sound03:12
test34bidossessi, until it segfaults03:12
ksbalajijrib, Jack_Sparrow ,  I have EnvyNG (some kind of display package installation controlling application) installed. A kernel update slowed down my computer. I found out updating EnvyNG separately - solves the problem - (info useful for volunteers). Please acknowledge.03:12
t0m__Pulse is a pain onmy ATI card using HDMI :(03:12
un_daveYAY FOR UUIDS. ok. i'm going to go eat lunch. i'll bbl and read back to see if you guys resolve this whole uuids thing. :)03:12
Luminerd__Hello all, have several linux boxes with ubuntu, one does not print. Intranet connection is good, driver is the same but it won't print, any ideas? Thanks03:13
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:13
mamo[at]workanyone can help me on 8.10 networking? cause my wired and wireless and 3g notworking at all03:13
test34what's so good about UUIDS ?03:13
n8tuserLuminerd__-> host is on same subnet as the printer?03:13
t0m__test34 yes in i want to know this too03:13
bidossessiluminerd, try "lpstat -s" in a console03:14
andresmhI see, so what is the meaning of the list of items underneath the Device Mixer Tracks? items like master, pcm, microphone, etc?03:14
pelegok, also zenity --notification is not working03:14
=== Jguy2 is now known as Jguy
andresmhbidossessi,  I see, so what is the meaning of the list of items underneath the Device Mixer Tracks? items like master, pcm, microphone, etc?  what is that supposed to allow me to change?03:14
|{ursewhat wm are you using peleg?03:14
n8tusermamo[at]work-> are you going to be using one router to connect all these?03:14
=== John is now known as supercotos
pelegsorry, that one is working.03:15
bidossessiandresmh, those are device mixers that you can control. just like in all things linux gives your a plethora of control points03:15
|{urseo that didnt work for me on pekwm for somereason03:15
mamo[at]workn8tuser: wireless and wired yes. 3g im using hua wei e22003:15
Luminerd__N8tuser yes as far as I know, but I'm not too knowledgeable about the network other than that it is a closed intranet with access to the printers ip and a few other sites03:15
andresmhand a device mixer allows me to do mix what?03:15
bidossessiandresmh, unless somethinig isn't working for you, i suggest u go with the flow03:15
ksbalajijrib, Jack_Sparrow , for your kind information. I have EnvyNG (some kind of display package installation controlling application) installed. A kernel update slowed down my computer. Spending considerable time I found out updating EnvyNG separately solves the problem. Info will be of use to volunteers here. Some volunteer please acknowledge.03:16
n8tusermamo[at]work-> are you familiar enuff with routing?  how would your packet know which way it will take if you have both wired and wireless connected to same router?03:16
Awsoonnifconfig reports an interface vnet0 and I don't know where it came from and wish to remove it, how might I find the source and remove it?03:16
test34t0m__, just found this: http://www.linux.com/feature/14695103:16
incadudeFhello im trying to get unreal tournament GOTY to run on my ubuntu 8.10. Can someone point me to a tutorial for ubuntu 8.10.  Thanks03:16
nickrudtest34, bottom line, because an indivudual uuid is reasonably reliably unique, across all uuid's03:16
bidossessiLuminerd__,  try "lpstat -s" in a console to see whatsup03:16
andresmhbecause one thing i've noticed is that if i am playing sound on flash plugin on firefox, i cannot play sound on other apps until i close firefox03:16
n8tuserLuminerd__-> well confirm that they are really in same subnet03:16
andresmhit's quite annoying03:16
ksbalajiEnvyNG ?03:16
mamo[at]workn8tuser: the other 8.04 clients 15 pc works perfectly wired, but not my 8.10 laptops03:16
bidossessiAwsoonn, did you install vmware?03:17
andresmhand sometimes even if i close all the apps i still cannot play sound until  i reboot03:17
error404notfoundI have a domain hosted at my home server which is also DHCP, DNS and Firewall, how can I access that domain behind the gateway, as I try and it keeps connecting for ages and then fails...03:17
test34nickrud, /dev/hda1 is unique too until you mess with your partitions03:17
adaykinhey has anyone installed php6 on ubuntu > 8.04 ??03:17
n8tusermamo[at]work-> are you familiar enuff with routing?  how would your packet know which way it will take if you have both wired and wireless connected to same router?  <- are you understanding my question ?03:17
ksbalajianyone knowing EnvyNG ?03:17
incadudeFanyone have unreal tournament on their ubuntu laptop03:17
Luminerd__Whoops sry, iPhone typing LOL. It returned the ip of the printer. How would I confirm the subnet? Thanks03:17
bidossessimamo[at]work, try ip route show / ip a to see whazzup03:17
onetinsoldierAwsoonn: is it in your /etc/network/interfaces file?03:17
andresmhlike right now, clicking on "Test" doesn't play any sound bidossessi03:17
|{urseyes incadudeF03:18
|{ursei do03:18
geniierror404notfound: Connecting how? browser? ssh? something else?03:18
error404notfoundgenii: browser, ssh, whatever...\03:18
=== ushdf||Work is now known as bruenig
nickrudtest34, yeah, but libata (which translates hda1 to sda1 in newer installs) can change that label. And nicely, if you swap around your disks fstab doesn't need changing. Newer grubs seem to understand uuid's in all places as well03:18
mamo[at]workn8tuser: im not really familiar with routing :(03:18
error404notfoundcan't even ping03:18
incadudeFi have the code weavers crossover app but it doesnt work03:18
nickrudtest34, but we're a bit off topic, I need to remember that ;)03:18
Nithi'm trying to back up a drive using 'dd if=/dev/sda of=dev.sda.binX count=4GB seek=XGB' If I do this 10 times incrementing X by 4 each time, will I back up the whole drive and be able to restore the drive/duplicate it using these bin files?03:18
|{urseincadudeF, install it the linux way, the windows way is slower03:18
Nithif that got cut off, please let me know03:19
bidossessiandresmh, check sound levels on the mixer03:19
geniierror404notfound: For icmp your router should respond to that. For the others port forward whatever services the server is running from the router to it's internal IP03:19
|{ursegoogle loki unreal tournament installer03:19
n8tusermamo[at]work-> okay, then do not have both your wifi and ethernet of same host connected to same router, your packet will get confused which way it should take (wifi or ethernet)03:19
incadudeFis there a link you can give me03:19
gerbilquestion, How can I get the best audio quality out of ubuntu, using laptop with conexant HD audio.03:19
test34nickrud, ok, thanks I see the point now03:19
|{ursehold on ill find you one03:19
Awsoonnbidossessi: yes, at one point I did,03:19
n8tusermamo[at]work-> have only one of them on at a time03:19
geniierror404notfound: So for browser forward port 80. For ssh port 22. etc etc03:19
Awsoonnonetinsoldier: it's not listed there03:19
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:19
onetinsoldierAwsoonn: try  ifdown vnet003:19
nickrudtest34, just watch out if you use dd to duplicate a partition for some reason: the uuid would be duplicated as well.03:19
error404notfoundgenii: All traffic is already NATed to the server, that's why outside people ca browse the site...03:19
aracelimy flashplayer is still running a little slow, and this websites menu, which normally works on windows, is broken snkneogeousaconsumer.com I see large gray errors over wherever flash would be until I click them then flash starts03:19
mamo[at]workip route show:03:20
=== john is now known as Guest18766
Luminerd__Bidossessi it returned the ip of my printer. It is correct03:20
bidossessii'm part of the people who find it rude to pm without warning03:20
mamo[at]work192.168.1.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
mamo[at]work169.254.0.0/16 dev eth0  scope link  metric 100003:20
mamo[at]workdefault via dev eth003:20
araceliany help would be appeciated03:20
mamo[at]workoops sorry bidossessi03:20
|{urseincadudeF, http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=51 UT is linux native enjoy ^^03:20
nickrudonetinsoldier, did you get your install ok?03:20
onetinsoldiernickrud: nope.03:20
incadudeFthanks dude. You have a good one.03:20
andresmhbidossessi, how do I check sound level on mixer? i ran alsamixer from the command line and all the levels were up03:21
|{urseyoure welcome mang03:21
test34nickrud, I guess dd usage is less common then fdisk03:21
nickrudtest34, yes. But I went round and round on that one time. it's why I know more about uuid's than I care to :)03:21
geniierror404notfound: So you are calling up the site by for instance fqdn in browser but it times out from inside your lan this way?03:21
aracelii have the flash-nonfree plugin03:21
bidossessiit's 4:21 here and my wife wants some sleep. nice meeting the ubuntu community for the first time. for my first day using the distro, it wasn't too bad. see yall later, hopefully03:21
onetinsoldiernickrud: i can't beleive it since my md5sum looked all good, but i have read that perhaps re-downloading the iso might work. so i'm doing that now from a different server03:21
_Zeus_cya bidossessi03:22
error404notfoundgenii: yup///03:22
geniierror404notfound: try:  tracepath fqdn                                       and see where it dies03:22
nickrudonetinsoldier, if you can, try it on someone elses machine, see if it will get to the desktop. At least you'll know if it's image/hardware issues03:22
mamo[at]workn8tuser: should i pm u and paste it?03:23
Luminerd__N8tuser, would you mind informing me how to check if it is on the same subnet? I would google it but google is blocked -_- and all I have is my iPhone to IRC with03:23
aracelimy flash non free plugin is still running a little slow, and this websites menu, which normally works on windows, is broken snkneogeousaconsumer.com I see large gray errors over wherever flash would be until I click them then flash starts03:24
error404notfoundgenii: it dies at my gateway...03:24
onetinsoldiernickrud: it's a kernel message, i that either the kernel that the installer uses doesn't get along with my sata dvd drive, or it's a bug in the kernel, or the iso was not good even tho the md5sum was ok. anyway, i cannot try it on someone elses machine.03:24
_Zeus_araceli: you might want to look at getting the flash 10 prerelease03:24
Awsoonnonetinsoldier: I did indeed do that, and it's down now, but how about makign it never come up again? :)03:24
geniierror404notfound: Looks like your router settings need examination then03:25
gerbili'm loving 8.10 :)03:25
aracelihow do I get that zeus03:25
_Zeus_araceli: standby03:25
gnutrongerbil: did you upgrade from hardy?03:25
gnutrongerbil: ok03:26
onetinsoldierAwsoonn: well, that's why i asked if it was in that file earlier. since it's not in there, i dunno where it came from. you'll probably see again next time you reboot(as you seem to know), but i don't know. someone else might tho!03:26
error404notfoundgenii: I get this in messages of the gateway: http://pastebin.com/m49ba786703:26
lordblaahi guys - really weird problem here.  If i leave any usb drives plugged in when i boot up, they don't work and i get told to run chkdisk and reboot into windows twice, and buffer I/O errors in dmesg - but if i remove it and plug it in again it works fine03:26
lordblaaanyone had anything like this before?03:26
geniierror404notfound: "martian" means your router thinks someone is trying to spoof into your network03:26
_Zeus_araceli: download this file, http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz , and extract the file in the tar to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins03:27
gerbilI'm not very knowledgeable of linux.  If I remove pulseaudio, will it affect sound quality?03:27
amikropWhat is the best quality video format?03:27
gerbilI need to remove it for skype.03:27
_Zeus_amikrop: umm, for what?03:27
usser_lordblaa, yea i had that, couldn't find a fix myself. try running ntfsfix on those drives from ubuntu03:27
error404notfoundgenii: and that's the only thing I get in logs, may be sysctl.conf is too strict03:27
amikrop_Zeus_: for watching03:27
CuriosCatAnyone running ubuntu 8.10 in vmware get vmware tools to compile successfully (all modules)?03:27
aracelithanks you. ill let you know.03:27
_Zeus_amikrop: do you care about space?03:27
amikrop_Zeus_: no03:27
geniierror404notfound: It's refusing traffic from IPs which are supposed to be internal lan numbers.03:28
lordblaausser_, what package is it in?03:28
Ned_Flanders7CuriosCat: not currently but a few days ago I had that03:28
gerbilalso would it be better to install flash from the adobe site or get a package?03:28
_Zeus_amikrop: i guess uncompressed avi will be fine03:28
_Zeus_i think that would be the best03:28
amikrop_Zeus_: ij, thanks03:29
amikrop* ok03:29
usser_amikrop, nothing beats uncompressed raw video :) but amount of space taken is enormous. But seriously apple's mp4(h264) is really good03:29
error404notfoundgenii: any idea how can I reload sysctl.conf? touch sysctl.conf will help?03:29
usser_lordblaa, ntfsutils03:29
incadudeFdamn i getting error: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:29
amikropusser: I see ;-)03:29
_Zeus_incadudeF: what were you running?03:29
usser_lordblaa, ntfsprogs sorry03:29
incadudeFloki installer for unreal tournament goty03:29
Guest18766hey every1! can someone enlighten me on how do i open an ftp account on ubuntu so i can access my files remotely?03:30
Awsoonnonetinsoldier: thanks for the help anyhoo, If i figure it out, I'll send you a pidgin :_03:30
geniierror404notfound: I don't know if you want to do that.03:30
=== Guest18766 is now known as zenabo
zenabohey every1! can someone enlighten me on how do i open an ftp account on ubuntu so i can access my files remotely?03:30
mamo[at]workn8tuser: im just plug the wire and turn off wireless, since my office wireless using WPA and my laptop wirelss not supported WPA only WEP03:30
onetinsoldierAwsoonn: hehe, sounds good! :-)03:30
_Zeus_zenabo: scp?03:30
usser_zenabo, there are plenty of options, proftpd, vsftpd03:30
_Zeus_you want to access your files from out of the house>03:30
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd03:30
n8tuserLuminerd__-> i stepped out for a few...hang on03:30
onetinsoldierAwsoonn: and you're welcome03:30
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP03:30
usser_zenabo, try GProftpd03:31
n8tusermamo[at]work-> okay, so just use your ethernet and not also the wifi at same time03:31
zenaboi was gonna ask for u to recomend one03:31
error404notfoundgenii: I changed sysctl.conf, its loaded at boot time, correct? how can I reload it after a manual change in the conf file. Normally we can reload the conf of most of daemons and etc if we just change the modification time, say by touch, correct?03:31
zenaboill try that one out03:31
_Zeus_if all you need to do is remotely access files, i would try scp03:31
mamo[at]workn8tuser: yup only the ethernet03:31
geniierror404notfound: sudo sysctl -p03:31
_Zeus_zenabo: would this be on your local network?03:31
=== tonswin is now known as tonsofpcs
usser_zenabo, also ftp is inherently unsecure. transmits passwords in plaintext across internet for more secure options use ssh, sftp03:31
_Zeus_zenabo: just setup a nfs server then03:32
_Zeus_that's not hard03:32
jerickemoebody speak spanish?03:32
zenaboany tutorial r something?03:32
bdizzleneed some serious help with an issue03:32
nickrud!es | jericke03:32
ubottujericke: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:32
n8tusermamo[at]work-> now just having the ethernet connected to a router, what is the issue?03:32
usser_zenabo, nfs is kinda complex, try openssh03:32
_Zeus_zenabo: standby03:32
usser_zenabo, sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:32
bdizzleI'll be patient but I need to get this done tonight03:32
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:32
zenaboneeded something easy, pratical and quick03:32
usser_zenabo, once its done from another linux machine on the terminal sftp serveraddress03:33
jerickewhat is ubuntu03:33
bdizzleI had to take out my hard drive from my laptop and put it into one of those external hard drive enclosure kits03:33
n8tuserLuminerd__-> what is the ip of the host and the ip of the printer?03:33
nickrudbdizzle, ask your question, completely, in one line if possible :)03:33
zenabousser and if im accessing from windows?03:33
zenabojust ip?03:33
_Zeus_zenabo: for NFS, use this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto for scp, just type scp user@host:/path/to/file /local/file/location03:33
bidossessizenabo, sftp is built -in gnome now03:33
_Zeus_zenabo: if you'03:33
bidossessiguess i'm still up, he he03:33
_Zeus_*re in windows, you want samba03:33
gerbildoes anyone know why title bars of apps like pidgin, firefox, vlc are glitchy03:33
usser_zenabo, from windows you can use putty, which is a windows implementation of ssh protocol03:33
mamo[at]workn8tuser: to the switch/hub its say not connected.... directly to router still not connected03:33
incadudeFdamn i getting error: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Im trying to use a loki installer to install unreal tournament GOTY03:34
Trampboy931=D sweet03:34
bdizzleI had to take out my hard drive from my laptop and put it into one of those external hard drive enclosure kits. Windows was able to see the windows partition but not the linux partition of the drive. I tried booting into linux on my desktop and running it from there, but linux won't even see the external drive03:34
bdizzleanyonek know how to get it to mount it and read from it?03:34
_Zeus_zenabo: you can also use a program called WinSCP in windows03:34
Trampboy931hey uhh, can anyone help me? im new to linux and i need adobe flash player.03:34
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:34
gerbilfor example if i mouse over minimize, the bar loses its color and the buttons disappear03:34
onetinsoldierincadudeF: do you have the gtk2 libs installed?03:34
_Zeus_Trampboy931: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:34
n8tusermamo[at]work-> whats giving this status? what command you typed?03:34
=== hakr is now known as h[a]kr
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:34
bdizzlenickrud: any ideas?03:34
Trampboy931sudo? ill try, thx03:34
incadudeFi wouldnt know. I just installed ubuntu 8.1003:35
Trampboy931me 203:35
onetinsoldierincadudeF: dpkg -l '*gtk2*' | grep '^ii'03:35
Trampboy931xubuntu is kinda cool =D03:35
nickrudbdizzle, I ended up plugging my external into a different usb port, when I had a similar problem.03:35
mamo[at]workn8tuser: when i try to click the network icon its saying: "The network connection has been disconected", i did type any command03:36
bdizzleok, I'll try that03:36
Trampboy931wait, zeus what do u mean by "-not free"03:36
bidossessibdizzle, dmesg03:36
_Zeus_Trampboy931: it's not open source03:36
onetinsoldierincadudeF: get anything back from that command?03:36
_Zeus_but that's ok, most people use it anyway03:36
edugonchHello, I just install xubuntu 8.10, and configure the network using the tool that comes with xubuntu, but the configuration is not saved, every time I restart I need to reenter the data, how can I do?03:36
Trampboy931umm, meaning (sorry)03:36
n8tusermamo[at]work-> use the command line to check your connectivity,  ifconfig  to check the status03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig03:37
bdizzlebidossessi: for what?03:37
bidossessiifconfig is deprecated. use "ip" instead03:37
n8tuseredugonch-> i think there is a bug reported for that..03:37
n8tuserbidossessi-> dont give mis-information03:37
mamo[at]workn8tuser: which command line im kinda new at linux03:37
bdizzlebidossessi: it claims error -7103:37
edugonchSo I'll need to enter the data every time I restart03:38
n8tusermamo[at]work-> i gave it to you, ifconfig03:38
zenabohow do u see me network ip in the terminal?03:38
edugonchuntil it get fixed03:38
usser_zenabo, ifconfig03:38
bidossessin8tuser, where would the mis-information be?03:38
Trampboy931zeus, im absolutly totally new to linux/ubuntu i dont really know what open source is. :/03:38
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing03:38
_Zeus_first link03:38
n8tuserbidossessi-> stating ifconfig is deprecated which is not03:38
_Zeus_it's not a big deal, though...03:38
mamo[at]workn8tuser: i paste it to u in pm?03:38
Trampboy931ima try this03:38
bidossessiAvoid ifconfig. It does not show unlabelled secondary addresses, does not show down interfaces by default, and uses an older kernel accessing method. Instead, please use: ip. Examples: ip a, ip r. See !ip for more information about the ip command.03:38
_Zeus_90 % of people use it03:38
WyzardWhat's the actual difference between the -generic and -virtual kernel flavors in 8.04?03:38
onetinsoldierRichards M. Stallman is the Jesus Christ of software03:39
Trampboy931so whatabout java, same?03:39
n8tusermamo[at]work-> post in pastebin03:39
_Zeus_umm, no03:39
incadudeFyeah i did. Sorry im a slow typer03:39
_Zeus_wait, maybe it is03:39
_Zeus_not sure03:39
Trampboy931oh well, i think i found something03:39
usser_onetinsoldier, careful with that.03:39
mamo[at]workn8tuser: dunno how to paste it to pastebin03:39
Trampboy931"java runtime"03:39
Trampboy931is that it?03:39
n8tuser!pastebin | mamo[at]work03:39
ubottumamo[at]work: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:39
Trampboy931oh well, brb guys =D03:40
_Zeus_Trampboy931: java is open source03:40
nickrudonetinsoldier, that is a better subject for #ubuntu-offtopic ;)03:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:40
copprohow do I see what packages were updated recently?03:40
badawioops :/03:40
_Zeus_Trampboy931: try java6-runtime03:40
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ip03:40
nickrudsilly badawi03:40
geniibadawi: Don't do that03:40
badawitypo sry03:40
bidossessilookup the man for "ip"03:40
nickruda typo on his part, Genesis^03:40
nickrudgenii ;)03:41
onetinsoldierincadudeF: so what's happening? get it worked out?03:41
zenabogot ftp up and with putty sucessfully logged in... now.. how can i upload or import files trough putty?03:41
zenabois it possible?03:41
Trampboy931yeah zeus, im trying it =D03:41
Trampboy931its dling03:41
mamo[at]workn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83825/03:42
bidossessii don't know that pputty has a builtin ftp client. maybe03:42
gnutronzenabo: try pscp03:42
Trampboy93117 mins -.-03:42
incadudeFyeah i have that package installed03:42
kereshow do i tell if i have certain dependencies?03:43
n8tusermamo[at]work-> okay, your line 3 show your ip address...now what is the issue again? i cleared my buffer i cant scroll back03:43
zenaboinstalled it.. now? list of commands how can i see it?03:43
bidossessizenabo, you could share your source folder using samba (nautilus) and look it up in windows with network neighborhood03:43
kereslike gtk+, gtkglext, libxml2, zlib, libpng, and libmhash?03:43
Trampboy931what are all these "read error" or "lost connection" do they just have bad connections?03:43
onetinsoldierincadudeF: that didn't work. try a /msg <message>   instead. but you shouldn't do that without asking first tho. not considered proper IRC etiquette to do so without asking first03:43
gnutronzenabo: what are you trying to do, from where?03:43
kereszenable: dependencies i think, not programs03:43
tommy_mancinonoobie question. I added a user "dev" for our web developer, how do I share the public_html folder with him from the admin user so he can interact with the site?03:44
keresi'm compiling a program, :S and i need these03:44
keresdon't know if i have them03:44
zenabofrom putty on windows already accessed to linux desktop, now i wanna know if its possible with this soft to transfer files both ways..03:44
gerbildoes anyone know what is up with my title bars.  they're turning grey and the buttons are disappearing03:44
bbelt16aghi peeps  did the  hardy repos update the mplayer package??  casue I did several updates and I can't  find the packages mplayer  and mencoder need03:44
gnutronzenabo: easy03:44
mamo[at]workn8tuser: the i paste is on my 8.04 system. my 8.10 laptop cannot connect with wired. samething when i tried to connected with wireless or 3g03:45
lordapexIm looking for a application for editing mp3, ie clipping out certain parts.  Anyone know of an app for linux?03:45
gnutronzenabo: first get out of your windows user dir, do this in windows mkdir \temp03:45
zenabohow o i install nautilus?03:45
n8tusermamo[at]work-> am getting confused,  can you draw your network layout and show what devices are connected to what?03:45
bidossessizenabo, nautilus is installed on your ubuntu machine. it's the file browser03:45
tommy_mancinoHow does the dev user see the ~/public_html folder from the main admin user?03:46
scunizionetinsoldier, just curious .. what are you chastizing incadudeF for.. I haven't seen anything he's done to object to.03:46
gnutronzenabo: cd \temp   putty has pscp builtin, yhis command would copy ubuntu files to c:\temp03:46
Severianlordapex, if you don't mind the command line, mpgtx is a good choice.  It lets you edit directly.  That is, you don't decode and recode the mp3, so you lose no quality.03:46
Trampboy931what do u do if it says "time: unknown" just be patient?03:46
Trampboy931nvm guys it done03:47
geniiTrampboy931: Yes. It will either start to report an estimated time, or else timeout eventually03:47
mamo[at]workn8tuser: modem > router > hub/switch > 15 client of 8.04 and my 8.10 laptop03:47
gnutronzenabo: pscp -r user@ip-adresss:dir/ . enter  the dot is required03:47
lordapexseverian: so i can use that command and be able to cut say the first 30secs out of an mp3? ill man page that beast03:47
n8tusermamo[at]work-> are you the admin at your work? for these 15 hosts?03:47
Severianlordapex, yes.  I use it to cut out the commercials at the beginning and ending of podcasts regularly.03:48
gnutronzenabo: that'll recurse and copy the dir out of your home dir03:48
lordapexseverian: thanks for you help03:48
bidossessidoes the dhcpcd-test script exist on ubuntu?03:48
=== _acyd_ is now known as acydlord
zenabothanks a lot :)03:48
gnutronzenabo: welcome03:48
mamo[at]workn8tuser: kinda cause im the one install all the os to all the client but  the 8.04 works okay03:48
elvisanybody use any client such as flashget for multiple rapidshare download?03:49
gnutronzenabo: the other direction is about the same03:49
araceliok I have adobe flash 10 installed, but i installed some stupid program that is putting gray boxes with player triangles over my flash and messing it up. Does anyone know the name of the program so i can remove it?03:49
n8tusermamo[at]work-> you ought to pay for support, you are getting paid for doing such yes? what do you think?03:49
nickrudbidossessi, apt-file search dhcpd-test doesn't find it, so likely not03:49
ffej2ffejHello, everyone03:50
kereshow do you install zlib, gtkglext, and libpng and such?03:50
mamo[at]workn8tuser: im not getting paid at all since i work fo my sister :(03:50
n8tusermamo[at]work-> let me speak to your sister, she ought to be paying you03:51
araceliit puts the boxes over it then you click the box and it starts the flash, it is like flash block but not.03:51
Severiankeres, I would open synaptic.  Search for them and install them if they are found.  Most of those, at least, should be there.03:51
TritePseudonymmamo[at]work is she atleast feeding you?03:51
elvisanybody knows what this means when you open a media file "Could not get/set settings from/on resource" ????03:51
araceliit was one of the 3 choices when I initially choose my flash03:51
nickrudbidossessi, a broader search, and grep found libnet-dhcp-perl: /usr/share/doc/libnet-dhcp-perl/examples/dhcpd_test.pl and ltp-network-test: /usr/lib/ltp/tests/linux/testcases/bin/dhcpd_tests.sh03:51
mamo[at]workn8tuser: she at s'pore now visting her father in law03:51
=== x-ip is now known as xip|sleeping
n8tusermamo[at]work-> singaporean are filthy rich folks, they ought to pay a fair compensation03:52
mamo[at]workTritePseudonym: yes paying me around $330 a month as salary and work as marketing, purchasing, IT? :(03:53
bidossessinickrud, it's a standard root command on opensuse, so i assumed it'd be available. useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues03:53
TritePseudonymhey #ubuntu, is there like installing ubuntu on a box with an existing copy of windows tutorial?03:53
n8tuserbidossessi-> since it is a script you can customize it when porting to ubuntu03:53
scunizi!dualboot | TritePseudonym03:53
ubottuTritePseudonym: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:53
TritePseudonymubottu: THANKS :D03:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about THANKS :D03:54
mamo[at]workn8tuser: she not s'porean tho just visiting father in law (he living the only for old days not s'porean either)03:54
TritePseudonymlol i just talked to a bot03:54
scunizi!welcome | TritePseudonym03:54
ubottuTritePseudonym: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.03:54
nickrudbidossessi, an equiv might be available, debian has it's ideosyncracies03:54
TritePseudonymi just failed the turing test03:54
scunizituring test?03:55
nickrudhahahah @ TritePseudonym03:55
scuniziah.. bot talking..03:55
bidossessimamo[at]work, are you using networkmanager or ifup for your connexion?03:55
TritePseudonymnickrud: i'm just gonna assume that you'rea  bot too :D03:55
mamo[at]workbidossessi: im using network manager03:55
bidossessimamo[at]work, is your network configured for roaming?03:56
svchostdid you guys see that hilarious letter that this teacher sent to the founder of the HeliOS foundation?03:56
svchostor helios project or whatever it is03:56
ffej2ffejI have a question about mail.  I downloaded a file from the /var/mail directory that bears the name of the administrator.  In it, there are details about several unsent mail messages.  It gives instructions on how to list the messages with mailq -E and says several times that the messages can be re-sent with the command sudo unfreezemai []......  I have read through the message thoroughly to find out why the messages weren't sent in 03:57
SeverianK_Dallas, Do you live in Dallas, TX03:57
dalekleadersvchost, yes, definate ignorance03:57
ffej2ffejAll I could find was 'permission denied.'03:57
svchostit was pretty amusing dalekleader.. some people shouldn't be allowed to breed03:57
kereshow do you install this dependency: "gtk+ >= 2.4.0 (requires glib, atk, pango, iconv, etc)"03:57
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i dont think so i just fresh install 8.10 on this old laptop03:57
dalekleadersvhost, or at least teach our young03:57
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svchostis it easy to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?03:58
K_DallasSeverian, I get this a lot. It is actually Corbain Dallas, you know: multi-pass ;)03:58
zenabohi agian03:58
K_Dallasand now, i don't live in Dallas03:58
sidDoes anyone get Eclipse with Subclipse working with 8.10 ?03:58
n8tusersvchost-> before you upgrade, hang around here for a few days, and see what people complaints are regarding upgrading03:58
TritePseudonymhow much HD space does an install of ubuntu use?03:58
SeverianK_Dallas, I was going to invite you to the local UNIX group if you were local.  Have a great day03:58
svchosti have 8.04 and i wanna upgrade to 8.10 but i cant connect to the net with it03:58
svchostand its got vista on there too. my laptop.03:59
bidossessimamo[at]work, maybe the module for your nic is broken. check if it's been loaded. you said wifi isn't working either? don't you see your hotspots?03:59
nickrudsid, yes, by using eclipse from eclipse.org03:59
zenaboi shared a folder with ubuntu, when accessing from windows get access denied. where to change Login and pass in ubuntu?03:59
svchostbut everyone is saying 8.10 has better broadcom support03:59
quentusrexsid: I've got it working. I don't remember how, but it works.03:59
svchostso i wanted to upgrade and see if my network card actually works03:59
svchostunlike now03:59
K_DallasSeverian, I appreciate it the same. Thanks03:59
mamo[at]workbidossessi: yes i have hot spot at the office03:59
dalekleadersvchost, why can you not connect to the net?03:59
gnutronsvchost: i'll tell you in approximatly 45 minutes.03:59
svchostnetwork card isnt working on 8.0403:59
onetinsoldierkeres: try  aptitude why glib (ect)03:59
dalekleadersvchost, which network card?04:00
svchostmy wireless card04:00
bidossessimamo[at]work, one fix at a time. let's try the wired first: is it's module loaded?04:00
n8tusersvchost-> broadcom ethernet card are supported,, its just the bcm43xx thats being difficult04:00
dalekleadersvchost, what model?04:00
svchosti think i have 43xx :-P04:00
sidHmm guess i'll give that a shot, i tried the install via Add/Remove04:00
SeverianTritePseudonym, my Ubuntu takes less than a square inch04:00
malaeumI am having trouble with my USB flash drive. I attempted to create a USB Startup Disk using the provided utility in 8.10 but it seems to have failed. Now when I plug it in Ubuntu will not auto-mount it nor is a device node being created for it in /dev/sd*. I believe that the drive is setup to appear to the system as a cdrom drive and it is not functioning as expected, hence why the kernel does not create a device node for it. In /var/lo04:00
dalekleadersvchost, dell machine?04:00
fden8tuser: bcm43xx is deprecated, its b43 now04:00
TritePseudonymSeverian: jjeeeez idk if i can spare the room then04:00
egcis songbird in any ubuntu repo?04:00
mamo[at]workbidossessi: to check it?04:00
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4304:01
svchostits a 431004:01
TritePseudonymmy  laptop's pretty light weight04:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about songbird04:01
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:01
n8tuserfde i hope thats an improvement :)04:01
bidossessimamo[at]work, in a shell, sudo lshw -C network04:01
TritePseudonym!hard drive requirement04:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:01
dalekleadersvchost, hmm, all of my dell laptops use 43xx without issue.  just need to connect with the wired to get restricted drivers04:01
svchosti cant connect to the interent with it ubottu04:01
n8tusersvchost-> using ethernet you tried?04:01
TritePseudonymoman i'm getting owned by this bot04:01
fden8tuser: well, the issue is the need for the user to get the firmware separate, which hopefully the guide will tell him about04:02
svchostit would be very difficult to do that n8tuser04:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about selfDestruct04:02
svchosti wouldnot be able to talk to anyone while i was doing it04:02
svchoston here04:02
fdesvchost: then you'll have to do a good old fashioned sneaker net04:02
svchostwell i guess i could actually04:02
SeverianTristam, ! means not, so I don't know what you want other than hard drive requirement.  That is where Ubuntu is stored.04:02
svchostnow that i think about it04:02
svchostfde: how? where are the drivers?04:02
SeverianTritePseudonym,  ! means not, so I don't know what you want other than hard drive requirement.  That is where Ubuntu is stored.04:02
n8tusersvchost-> difficult to get the ethernet interface working?04:02
fde!broadcom > svchost04:03
svchosti dont have a cable04:03
ubottusvchost, please see my private message04:03
Trampboy931sweet, im back =D04:03
dalekleadersvchost, ethernet cable?04:03
n8tusersvchost-> kind of lame excuse, go out and get one04:03
svchosti usually throw them away (stupidly)04:03
svchostdont have a car n8tuser04:03
dalekleadersvchost, go buy one04:03
svchostim stranded at my home04:03
TritePseudonymuhhh, when you guys make a fresh install, how much space does it use up?04:03
dalekleadercall a taxi04:04
n8tusersvchost-> have your gf buy it for you04:04
svchostor i could wait04:04
fdedalekleader: ugh, you're not helping, let svchost follow the guide I pointed him to  :/04:04
bidossessimamo[at]work, i assume that hardware is not the issue, did you find the modules used by your nics?04:04
geniiTritePseudonym: Usually about 2.5Gb04:04
Trampboy931>.> the world cant b that cruel for him if he has a comp04:04
egcTritePseudonym: size of a CD?04:04
svchostLMAO girlfriend... thats funny04:04
TritePseudonymegc: doesn't it decompress / compile etc?04:04
TritePseudonymgenii: thxxx04:04
svchosthold on... i have a box of cables in the basement.. ill go look around for it and come back i 'spose04:04
egci dont think anything compiles04:04
dalekleaderfde, sry, you sent the guide private so I do not know what you said04:04
chaztripcan some one help with a quick question on kubuntu??04:04
geniiTritePseudonym: np04:04
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i need to paste it to txt editor then pastebin wait a sec04:04
* xiroV is away: I'm AFK you cunt ! ~ www.xirov.dk04:05
egcdont know about decompressing though04:05
Trampboy931id try and help, but i have xubuntu04:05
fdedalekleader: the factoid was already stated in the channel, no need for it to be here twice within a couple mins  :/04:05
bidossessimamo[at]work, no need? look at it yourself and fine "module=xxx"04:05
mamo[at]workbidossessi: module=e10004:06
dalekleaderfde, i am not following you but no matter i'm stepping back from that one04:06
chaztripI am trying to install mono and I keep getting an error trying it install mono..   trying to paste command in web browser and its saying apt protocol not supported.   works fine in ubuntu with firefox  :-(04:06
bidossessimamo[at]work, well, that is for the ethernet, right? now lets try and modprobe it: "modprobe e100"04:06
bidossessimamo[at]work, "sudo modprobe e100"04:07
Trampboy931wow, have you guys seen the ban list1?04:07
araceli*working* yay so I have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed uninstalled flash non-free installed flashplayer 1004:07
psudohttp://pastebin.com/mc55c106 Please help04:07
araceliwill it matter that I removed flash non-free from the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?04:08
fdearaceli: no04:08
bidossessimamo[at]work, no error?04:08
araceliok cool thanks.04:08
mamo[at]workbidossessi: say nothing04:08
Trampboy931idk :/ i think it might (i know yur not talking to me)04:08
aracelithanks for all the help04:08
fdearaceli: it will of course remove ubuntu-restricted-extras, but its just a metapackage04:08
bidossessimamo[at]work, that's a good thing in linux :), now "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"04:08
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i guess no error04:08
onetinsoldierpsudo: what version of zlib1g do you have installed?04:09
* calc is irc'ing from the second floor of the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA :)04:09
Trampboy931no, dont listen to me ::P ive only had linux for like 1 day04:09
psudoonetinsoldier,  i dont know04:09
bidossessimamo[at]work, french folks say "no news, good news"04:09
onetinsoldierpsudo: do  sudo dpkg -l zlib1g04:09
scunizi!who | Trampboy93104:09
ubottuTrampboy931: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:09
Trampboy931oooohhhh k04:10
psudoonetinsoldier,  No packages found matching zliblg04:10
onetinsoldierpsudo: try to install it and see what message you get04:10
chaztripnot to flood but can someone assist with trying to install mono in kubuntu?04:10
fdemamo[at]work: note, if what bidossessi says works, you can go ahead and type: echo e100 | sudo tee -a /etc/modules ... that way you don't have to probe it every time you reboot04:10
scuniziTrampboy931, it's just easier.. if you type part of and hit TAB it should auto complete the nick04:10
onetinsoldierpsudo: sorry, that probably won't help.. but worth a shot04:10
mamo[at]workbidossessi: :( still not working04:11
fdemamo[at]work: did you try 'sudo ifup eth0' ?04:11
Trampboy931scunizi: thx, im kinda new to linux :/04:11
svchost1hello all04:12
fde(probably there is no eth0 definition currently actually)04:12
svchost1okay im on my machine downstairs connected to ethernet. now what?04:12
fdesvchost1: hey again04:12
mamo[at]workfde: its saying ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth004:12
svchost1i have no links or anything down here04:12
scuniziTrampboy931, no problem.. we all begin somewhere..04:12
bidossessimamo[at]work, fde, spot on04:12
fdemamo[at]work: type: echo e100 | sudo tee -a /etc/modules ... then reboot - it should do everything else automatically04:13
svchost1just lemme know when you have a chance plz :-D. tyvm04:13
onetinsoldierpsudo: did you try to install just zlib1g? what happened?04:13
psudo onetinsoldier  i gave false info04:13
bidossessimamo[at]work, hold on first04:13
psudowhen i did dpkg i spelled wrong04:13
joemac1My GPU drivers have stopped working on upgrade to intrepid, can anyone help?04:13
psudomind if i pm out come it is 4 lines04:13
onetinsoldierpsudo: ok, roger that04:13
svchost1also, i have an nvidia 8200m go romsething like that. i need to get the drivers for that or whatever04:13
fdesvchost1: I told you already: /msg ubottu broadcom ... I recommend installing the packages from cafuego04:13
bidossessifor your wireless, try this04:13
Trampboy931_Zeus_, my java keeps having an error whnever i dl it, what can i do?04:14
=== jason_ is now known as DBO
onetinsoldierpsudo: ok04:14
fdebidossessi: broadcom... no firmware yet04:14
svchost1on it boss04:14
bidossessifde, oh, that one, hey?04:14
fdebidossessi: yup04:14
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:15
shad0w0fsindoes anyone know how to bypass the login manager and autologin to a user and then immediately lock the screen?04:15
svchost1which one do i get?04:15
copproso, any help with getting a list of packages recently installed?04:15
svchost1hardy cafuego?04:15
Trampboy931shad0w0fsin, sorry, no04:15
joemac1Can anyone help with hardware driver issues?04:15
fdesvchost1: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/intrepid-cafuego/broadcom/   the .deb04:15
scuniziTrampboy931, where are you trying to DL it from?  the repos via synaptic?04:15
scunizijoemac1, be more specific and someone will answer04:16
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:16
striderHow do I get the exact look like this them here -- http://canistra.deviantart.com/art/Rosenrot-Port-GTK-and-Emerald-9011394404:16
gnutroncoppro: sudo less /var/log/dpkg.log04:16
=== ApOgEE-_ is now known as ApOgEE--
Trampboy931scunizi, no im trying to dl it from the add/remove thing04:16
fdesvchost1: or just add the line to /etc/apt/sources.list and sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install b43-firmware04:16
bidossessi!repo > svchost104:16
striderThe emerald themes seems to be ok...04:16
ubottusvchost1, please see my private message04:16
svchost1i have 8.04, does that matter fde?04:16
striderbut, not the GTK+ THEME04:16
mamo[at]workbidossessi, fde : i so hate my old laptop. not support WPA :(04:16
Trampboy931scunizi, in aplications/system04:16
svchost1how do i do that fde? lol04:17
fdesvchost1: ahh, yes... hold on04:17
Trampboy931scunizi, applications*04:17
fdesvchost1: you do that by following what bidossessi said04:17
svchost1sorry, i've never actually used linux before really04:17
nbeebois anyone pro on conky that can help me add a clock into my conky?04:17
fdesvchost1: or rather what bidossessi told ubottu to tell you04:17
scuniziTrampboy931, basically the same place.. but you might close that and go to System>Admin>synaptic package manager and try there.. you might get an error code that we can use..04:17
svchost1im reading now04:17
Trampboy931scunizi, ok ill try brb04:17
joemac1My nvidia drivers have stopped working on upgrade to Intrepid. They were fine in Hardy. I have tried 173 driver and 93(?) drivers to no avail. On restart it tells me there is an issue with the drivers04:17
fdesvchost1: you want b43-firmware, the .deb here: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/hardy-cafuego/broadcom/04:18
striderAny ideas?04:18
fdewonder why he packaged fwcutter and bcm43xx stuff though  :/04:18
AranelIf I install Amarok 2.0, it'll replace my existing amarok, right?04:18
bidossessifde, to have it all in one place? :)04:18
joemac1I can't seem to get the 177 drivers for nvidia04:18
mcquaidfresh 8.10 install, admin -> hardware drivers just hangs on 'searching for available drivers'04:19
Ned_Flanders7idk if this is what you're looking for but theres : b43-fwcutter - Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware in the repos04:19
fdebidossessi: bcm43xx is deprecated, and b43-fwcutter is in hardy I would think... psst, cafuego you around to clarify?04:19
Trampboy931scunizi, sunjava or javacc?04:19
scuniziTrampboy931, sunjava04:19
mcquaidi applied all updates change synaptic to find fastest rep04:19
nexus23can someone help me with installing flash in opera04:19
fdeNed_Flanders7: he is getting the firmware that that extracts04:19
Ned_Flanders7if it does the same thing I would use the repos04:20
fdeMe too, which is why I am wondering why cafuego has it packaged in his repo04:20
fdemamo[at]work: of course it supports WPA... what version of Ubuntu?04:21
mneptokBCM43xx devices shouls be handled through Jockey in Hardy or later.04:21
scuniziTrampboy931, since you're so new at this you might enjoy a little reading. the link will allow you to download a pdf book on Ubuntu that you could buy in the store too if you wanted.. good place to start. http://www.scribd.com/doc/8778392/Apressbeginningubuntulinux2ndeditionmar200704:21
fdemneptok: would jockey get the firmware automatically?04:21
mneptokfde: shouldn't have to.04:22
fdemneptok: cuz the wiki points you to packaged firmware04:22
mamo[at]workfde: 8.10 but the things is my hardware doesnt supports it04:22
mneptokfde: System > Admin > Hardware drivers04:22
bidossessimamo[at]work, what chipset do you have there for your wifi card?04:22
mamo[at]workn btw my wired still not working04:22
fdemneptok: then it needs to fetch the firmware, trust me04:22
skylarSis there a vim package that I can get that will give me syntax highlighting without getting vim-full04:22
mneptokfde: try Jockey.04:22
fdemneptok: I've only set up about 100 broadcom cards, what do I know?04:23
qcjnhi, i think i've got an error in this command, it give's me not a regular file..scp /media/SEAGATE_NEX/Ma\ musique/Rock/Sparks/1974\ -\ Propaganda/ qcjnserv@
mneptokfde: i only work at Canonical. what do i know?04:23
Trampboy931scunizi,  ok im gonna try that then04:23
Trampboy931scunizi, umm, sorry to say but, i can decide which 1 to download04:23
copprookay, this is weird04:23
Trampboy931scunizi,  there's "docs" and "cores" and all sorts of thins04:23
* mneptok goes back to paying customers04:23
FloodBot3Trampboy931: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
Trampboy931scunizi, omg sorry, i meant i cant* decide04:23
copproI have a gray, rounded rectangle in the top left corner of my screen04:23
Trampboy931FloodBot3, sorry but, what?04:23
chaztripanyone here using the latest kubuntu?04:23
scuniziTrampboy931, hang on I'll look.. did you see my previous post with the book link?04:24
gnutronqcjn: i dunno if scp will support whitespaces04:24
fdemneptok: then take it away with svchost104:24
Trampboy931scunizi, no i didnt, ill look04:24
copprowait... that's a speech bubble04:24
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i dunno, its really old laptops04:24
nexus23how do i get flash working in opera?04:24
copproprobably compiz issues :/04:24
mamo[at]workcE_LutcHu: halo halo04:24
gnutronqcjn: mv them to a simple dir first04:24
svchost1i still dont get how to edit sources.list..04:24
gbear14275Is anyone hear aware of the ubuntu-vuze update issue?04:24
mamo[at]workcE_LutcHu: apa kabar?04:24
nexus23its showing up in the plugins04:24
Trampboy931scunizi,  found it! ill take a look04:24
scuniziTrampboy931, do the sun-java-<x>.bin file and it will probably pull in some other things to go along with it.04:25
fdesvchost1: don't worry about it... is anything displayed in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers about the broadcom?04:25
mneptoksvchost1: did you try Jockey?04:25
mamo[at]workbidossessi: its used lucent/agere04:25
qcjngnutron: hi, to my knowledge, it did before..but it's a good suggestion04:25
bidossessimamo[at]work, you should see it in your shell where you ran lshw -C04:25
gnutronqcjn: try tossing in a wilcard at the end04:25
mneptoksvchost1: System > Admin > Hardware drivers04:25
n8tusersvchost-> you need to do a tutorial on vim or nano or joe as editors..04:25
Trampboy931scunizi,  sorry ill be right back, i gotta go eat04:25
gnutronqcjn: or scp -r maybe04:25
qcjngnutron: i think that' it04:26
mamo[at]workbidossessi: driver=oricono  <-- oricono chipset?04:26
fdemneptok: what was the broken intel NIC in intrepid... not e1000 but the one with the additional letter... did it ever get fixed?04:26
copproxkill isn't working; How do you get the PID of a window?04:26
mneptokfde: i think the 5100 series have issues. dunno what the bug status is.04:27
scunizicoppro, in terminal type top04:27
bidossessimamo[at]work, oricon != boradcom, or i missed something04:27
copproscunizi: that doesn't help04:27
scunizicoppro, or on the task bar (upper or lower) right mouse click and "add" system monitor.. you can kill stuff there.04:27
bidossessiis there a firwmare for that?04:27
copproI don't know what window it is04:28
copproI just want to figure out what the PID is so I can kill -KILL it04:28
qcjngnutron: that was it ! Thanks ! so thats what it's gonna play, in a couple of minutes04:28
mamo[at]workbidossessi: and i saw this too: 82801DB PRO/ VE (MOB) Ethernet Controler, vendor =  intel04:28
gbear14275anyone here have a lenovo t6104:28
mamo[at]workbidossessi: wireless vendro is TOSHIBA04:29
bbelt16aghi peeps  did the  hardy repos update the mplayer package??  casue I did several updates and I can't  find the packages mplayer  and mencoder need04:29
mneptokgbear14275: Atheros wifi issue?04:29
scunizicoppro, same thing as the last post except add the "Force Quit" appellate.. click that and then the window and it should close04:29
bidossessimamo[at]work, is it a pcmcia card?04:29
gbear14275no, microphone issue04:30
gnutroncoppro: gnome?04:30
copproscunizi: tried xkill04:30
copprognutron: no04:30
copprodoes it matter?04:30
FloodBot3coppro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
mamo[at]workbidossessi: built in04:30
mneptokgbear14275: what's the issue?04:30
=== Teiseiii is now known as Teisei
gnutroncoppro: what kind of 'window'?04:30
gbear14275mneptok: don't seem to know how to get it working in ubuntu... issue raised itself when trying to use skype the other night04:30
gnutroncoppro: a konsole?04:31
fdecoppro: the window is on the screen? ctrl+esc should change the mouse curser... then just click the window04:31
copprognutron: a gray bubble that looks like a taskbar message or something, but is stuck in the top-left corner of my screen04:31
gbear14275mneptok: should say ubuntu 8.1004:31
copprofde: nope, tried that04:31
mneptokgbear14275: does the mic work in the Sound Recorder app?04:31
Trampboy931scunizi, ill be back in a while, ima read up and eat dinner04:31
copproit apparently isn't sending SIGKILL, which is what I need04:31
scuniziTrampboy931, k.. cya04:31
gbear14275nope :-/04:31
svchost1W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/nvidia-glx-new_169.12+
svchost1  404 Not Found04:31
copprowow, it's gone04:31
svchost1whats up with that?04:31
fdecoppro: can you take a screenshot and throw it onto http://imagepaste.com/ ?04:31
gnutroncoppro: i did that, telekinesis04:32
gbear14275just to be sure, the t61 has a mic located under the fn key right mneptok04:32
mneptokgbear14275: you tell me. it's your laptop ;)04:32
copprooh, I think I know... it was adept notifier04:32
copprothat thing has never worked for me under compiz04:32
copproand I just did an apt-get update04:32
svchost1anyone know why im getting a 404 when i try and install these nvidia drivers?04:32
coppro(btw new adept sucks)04:32
gnutroncoppro: compiz does weird stuff04:33
gbear14275mneptok: lol, looks like a mic... and thats where this saying has to end04:33
copprooh wait, that's synaptic.04:33
copprosame difference04:33
fdemneptok: can you not do separate devices in jockey? apparently he's having to mess with nvidia stuff now, which I suspect is due to no connection on the machine...04:34
gbear14275i'm not familiar with the way the device list works in volume control... anyone able to explain why the list is so long and why some devices have labels and others dont?04:35
fdemneptok: seems like it'd be difficult to get jockey to do anything useful without network access btw04:35
mneptokgbear14275: Double click on the speaker icons on the right side of the top GNOME panel. Select Edit > Preferences from the menu. Turn every option on. Go to the Recording tab and bring the volume up and make sure that the speaker and microphone icons are not muted (marked by a red "x" if muted).04:35
gnutronsvchost1: 404 is http for file not found04:35
mneptokfde: so use wired.04:35
fdemneptok: he doesn't have wired04:35
mneptokgbear14275: Go to Applications > Sound and Video > Sound Recorder and test. If the microphone does not function, and other microphone input options are available, alter the input options and see if others may work.04:35
fdemneptok: hence getting him to grab it and sneaker net from cafuego's site04:35
svchost1when i type in su04:35
svchost1whats the password supposed to be?04:36
svchost1cuz what i thought it would be, it isnt it04:36
fdesvchost1: your password04:36
tritium!sudo | svchost104:36
ubottusvchost1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)04:36
svchost1my password didnt work04:36
fdesvchost1: ahh, sudo, not su04:36
tritiumsvchost1: the root account is disabled.  use sudo04:36
gbear14275mneptok: thanks... i'll play around and report back04:36
mneptokgbear14275: # If the microphone is working properly on the system, you may need to change Skype's input options. From Skype's main menu select Options > Sound Devices and alter the preferences.04:36
svchost1sudo what?04:36
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.04:37
tritiumsvchost1: read the URL above for more info04:37
fdesvchost1: so either you get to find a cable for your nic... or its back to what I was telling you, I hope you wrote it down, cuz I'm about to leave04:37
svchost1i am connected on there04:37
svchost1but i still dont know how to edit this file04:37
svchost1so i can get this thing04:37
gnutronsvchost1: sudo some command that requires superuser rights04:37
Trampboy931scunizi, sorry but i dont know what to open adobe flash player download with, can you help?04:37
tritium!enter | svchost104:37
ubottusvchost1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:37
Jack_Sparrowsvchost1 as in sodi nano /path/file04:37
svchost1sources.list.. i dont know how to edit that, it says i need to04:38
fdesvchost1: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:38
nexus23how do i get flash working in opera and how can i get bookmark titlebar?04:38
bidossessifde, can't that be done graphically?04:38
gnutronsvchost1: sudo /etc/apt/sources.list   ...backup first04:38
Jack_Sparrowsvchost1 do you have gui or cli only04:38
gnutronsvchost1: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   ...backup first04:38
svchost1why backup?04:38
svchost1if i mess it up i'll just wipe it and redo it :-P04:39
Trampboy931scunizi are you there?04:39
fdebidossessi: what do you mean? it'd be nice if you could right click > run as superuser or something, but I don't think its there yet in the menu04:39
gnutronsvchost1: insurance04:39
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i guess i should back to 8.04 for this laptop04:39
bidossessisvchost?? wipe it? there's a lot of stuff already there04:39
scuniziTrampboy931, fast dinner04:39
onefunkgreetings all.04:39
Trampboy931scunizi, lol yeah04:40
bidossessifde, i mean, add repos from a gui (makes it safer for the new-user, less prone to go sudo vi /etc/fstab for instance)04:40
fdebidossessi: yes, you can, and you pointed him at how... but apparently he's ignoring it04:40
svchost1i got an error04:40
svchost1something about no public key..04:41
fdesvchost1: just say yes, and/or ignore it04:41
Trampboy931scunizi, so what do use to open the flash downloader with?04:41
bidossessisvchost1, you can relatively safely ignore that error04:41
fdeTrampboy931: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree04:41
scuniziTrampboy931, the little box on the left of the file name.. click that and choose install.. when done at the top of the box is "Apply"04:42
bidossessifde, tried that one today, and it didn't work. had to use the deb from  the adobe webpage04:42
svchost1i still dont see the network card04:43
Trampboy931scunizi, ack i dont c anything like that im confuzzled04:43
mamo[at]worksame here T.T04:43
bidossessidon't you sometimes wish you had a plane handy? lol04:43
svchost1do i need to reboot to see this stuff?04:44
Peter_GHello, everyone.  I need some help creating a "symbolic link," I was told.  I have a laptop running Ubuntu, no internal optical drive.  I have an external USB DVD reader.  When I try to watch a homemade disc in under Xine, it tells me it can't find any device.  I was told a symbolic link will fix this.  But when I look, the DVD reader is showing up under cdrom0.  Is this part of the problem, or can it be worked around?04:44
mamo[at]workfde , bidossessi : i guess im back to my old 8.0404:44
FormodeHi All, I have Ubuntu and Windows both installed on my hard drive on seperate partitions. I installed Linux then Windows, I am not getting GRUB come up. Do I need to reinstall it?04:44
copproFormode: yes04:44
svchost1im gonna try rebooting i guess04:44
svchost1see if anything happens04:44
copprowindows will overwrite GRUB with its own bootloader04:44
Formodecoppro, Do you know how I would?04:44
bidossessimamo[at]work, it seems counter_intuitive. did your laptop connections use to work using hardy?04:45
scuniziTrampboy931, did you do the install already?04:45
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copproFormode: hmm... I believe you make a live CD, chroot into your Linux installation, and run grub-install04:45
Trampboy931scunizi, no, i dont know what do to T.T04:45
scuniziTrampboy931, ok.. is Synaptic still open?04:45
Trampboy931scunizi, yars04:46
mamo[at]workbidossessi: yes its wired works okay on 8.04, but not the wireless but its okay for me wireless ^^04:46
Formodecoppro, I have read that doing so would overwrite my Master Boot Record, which may bother windows, is that true?04:46
scuniziTrampboy931, find sun-java-<number>.bin and to the left of the file name is a box.. put a check mark in it04:46
eseven73!grub | Formode04:46
ubottuFormode: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:46
copproFormode: you may have to modify your boot configuration for GRUB, but other than that, you should be fine04:47
bidossessiguess the update breaks your wired, then. you should report it to the bugs-muncher ubuntu uses04:47
Formodeeseven73, Thank you so much04:47
bidossessiif it hasn't been done already04:47
fdebidossessi: I'd be willing to bet she uses the intel card that is blacklisted due to causes physical damage to cards, but didn't read the release notes to know not to upgrade04:48
Trampboy931scunizi,  i found sun-java6-bin04:48
Trampboy931that wrok?04:48
scuniziTrampboy931, that's it..04:48
mamo[at]worki have my 8.04 with me now04:48
bidossessii really need to sleep now, but this irc linuxing is bloody addictive!! lol04:48
mamo[at]workbidossessi , fde : thx ya'll04:49
Trampboy931scunizi,  im installing =D04:49
fdeTrampboy931: you probably want to just 'sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras' it has all this stuff, and codecs and stuff so you can play music04:49
tritiumbidossessi: there is no bleeding involved, typically04:49
bidossessijust a short last question: anybody implementing an ubuntu-desktop infrastructure in an business environment ?04:50
nickrudau contraire tritium you've done a bit of it yourself, metaphorically04:50
gbear14275mneptok: hmm... ok I've gotten limited success... I managed to get the sounds to work... although I don't really know why or how my settings affect that... and skype can work with the left speaker only04:50
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i did04:50
fdetritium: speak for yourself, I regularly have a bloody forehead from headbutting things... hah04:50
ballbidossessi: I tried, but failed04:50
mamo[at]workbidossessi: my office using ubuntu 8.0404:50
gbear14275mneptok: although if i set the ring out to one device and the sound out to another... the test sound will come out both speakers04:50
bidossessii'd love to compare notes (i have opensuse running successfully on a few desktops at work with ldap at the back.) maybe there's a blog out there04:51
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:51
mamo[at]workbidossessi: i didnt make blog tho, we're using ubuntu cause the other "os" keep on calling me to buy their products04:52
bullgard4Synaptic says that the program streamtuner is a 'stream directory browser'. What is meant by 'directory browser'?04:52
Aperculumis there a way to set Terminal's encoding on the commandline so I don't have to set it manually everytime I want to connect to my server04:52
onefunkhi all, can anyone tell me why i keep getting this error msg and what to do to fix that? thanks in advance. here's the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83844/04:52
Trampboy931fde, ill try that after im done with scunizi, he helping me right now :/04:53
gnutronbullgard4: you want it, dont worry04:53
Jack_Sparrowonefunk Please post a description and not just a link04:53
Trampboy931scunizi,  im on wireless, it says itll take 1/2 an hour04:53
bullgard4gnutron: oO04:54
Severianonefunk, it means your install did not complete because it needed a program it could not find.04:54
scuniziTrampboy931, that's a slow connection or you have the wrong mirrors chosen to download from.. where are you located?04:54
onefunkJack_Sparrow, sorry newbie luck. i get this error specifically when trying to add programs through synaptic. http://paste.ubuntu.com/83844/04:54
=== Wiki is now known as _Leppers
DefunctProcesshow do i select which login manager i want to use kdm or gdm?04:54
gnutronbullgard4: it allows you to browse available streams, a good thing.04:54
tritiumDefunctProcess: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:54
Jack_Sparrowonefunk What changes have you made to your sources list04:55
gnutronDefunctProcess: gdm04:55
DefunctProcesstritium, theres no config file I can change?04:55
nbeebohow do u log in here?04:55
=== _Leppers is now known as Leppers_
tritiumDefunctProcess: run that command, and you'll be asked to select.04:56
DefunctProcessgnutron, i have both KDE and Gnome I want to be able to choose which manager, right now its kdm but i want to change it04:56
vanbergeso - if i do "glxinfo | grep direct"  and that comes back yes... why wouldn't i be able to enable desktop effects??04:56
Jack_SparrowDefunctProcess at the login you can pick which you want to use04:56
gnutronDefunctProcess: at the login screen in options choose what you want04:56
_svchostwell.. i screwed it up04:56
_svchosti tried installing the nvidia drivers that it said to install on there.. and now the screens always black04:57
DefunctProcessJack_Sparrow, thanks but thats not the question i asked, I know how to chose gnome or kde session im talking about the login daemon, tritium was correct04:57
DefunctProcesstritium, I got an error after choosing should i be worried? invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.04:57
_svchostany recommendations?04:58
tritiumDefunctProcess: it was one of the choices, right?  So, it should be installed...04:58
_svchostguess not, lol..04:58
DefunctProcesstritium, yes i chose it gdm was there but after i chose i got that error04:59
onefunkJack_Sparrow, yeah, i did this in the terminal: sudo apt-get update04:59
onefunk and i get an error msg there too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83847/04:59
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:59
bjl-wow - that's a lot of people05:00
tritiumDefunctProcess: try again: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart05:00
bjl-alright, I am running Ubuntu Intrepid on an HP dv9700t (a laptop)05:00
nexus23how do i see if a package is installed?05:00
Jack_Sparrowonefunk Disable the cd in system//admin.software sources05:01
bjl-Each time I attempt to use firefox3 for any site with substantial javascript it locks up my system to the point of being unresponsive05:01
scunizitritium, I haven't seen that command before.. is it the same as sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart ??05:01
jribnexus23: apt-cache policy PACKAGE05:01
jrib!apt > nexus2305:01
ubottunexus23, please see my private message05:01
svchost1hmm, damnit05:01
bjl-however I do not have this problem (ff locking the computer) with ff205:01
nexus23how do i see if a package is installed?05:01
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > svchost105:01
ubottusvchost1, please see my private message05:01
jribnexus23: I just told you05:01
eseven73bjl-: do you have JRE 6? and all that good stuff?05:01
tritiumscunizi: it's safer, as it respects any runlevel constraints or local policies you may have set05:02
onetinsoldiernexus23: sudo dpkg -l <package>05:02
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svchost1anyone know how i can get my monitor to show up? it stopped working after i installed these nvidia drivers..05:02
bjl-eseven73: yes05:02
djuhl35Does anyone log on using a smartcard?05:02
XLoneXWolfXheh #ubunto has more users than #linux05:03
Severiansvchost1, wow, and it made your monitor invisible.05:03
nexus23thanks onetinsoldier05:03
svchost1ha, no.. it doesnt show up on the display. i dont know how to word it..05:03
onetinsoldiernexus23: yw05:03
svchost1you know what i mean05:03
jribonetinsoldier, nexus23: there's no need to sudo that command05:03
eseven73bjl-: ok cause also there's a JRE 6 plugin too, and fonts, etc05:03
nexus23i didnt05:03
svchost1the screen is just black.. nothing on it.. thats the gist of this whole thing..05:03
onetinsoldiernexus23: the 'man dpkg' command will tel you more05:03
cowbudwhen I provide init=/bin/bash on my boot command line it doesn't drop me to a shell is there another option I need to add to that?05:03
bjl-eseven73: unny thing is, it happens even if I /don't/ have the plugins installed05:03
nnullanyone help me with my sound problem? using alsa its an old onboard soundcard, sound from flash movies in firefox works PERFECTLY! .. any other sounds including ubuntu startup sound ive found so far make terrible speaker damaging noises when trying to play set audio media, any help guys?05:03
Severiansvchost1, can you do a Ctrl-Alt-F2?  Do you know what that means?05:03
nexus23does anyone know how to get flash working for opera 9.605:04
onetinsoldierjrib: oh, roger05:04
svchost1what will that do severian?05:04
eseven73bjl-: what i did was in synaptic, i just installed everything that said "JRE 6 blah blah" and it fixed it for me :)05:04
eseven73have you tried using Opera to see if the java works on that bjl- ?05:04
Severiansvchost1, That will take you to a text login.  There, you can login and look at the log files.05:04
djuhl35nexus23, I've never gotten flash to work with Opera... I use firefox05:05
nexus23i cant take firefox anymore05:05
* _dUdU retornou -=- motivo: TO não - so mais tarde ;D05:05
bjl-hrm, I'll try tha05:05
Severiansvchost1, That is called a virtual terminal.05:05
eseven73me either nexus23 , Opera for me05:05
svchost1blah.. forget it. linux isnt worth all this trouble..05:05
djuhl35If I could get Opera to use flash I'd use Opera...05:05
nexus23have you gotten flash working eseven73 ?05:05
tritiumsvchost1: it certainly is05:05
eklypzehey guys.. anyone using kubuntu 8.10 know how to set console default size upon open?05:06
Severiansvchost1, Linux is generally easier than BSD, but use what works05:06
eseven73djuhl35: what version of opera did you try? the one in the repos does NOT work good (flash broke)05:06
nnulleklypze¬ #kubuntu maybe of better help ;)05:06
svchost1nah, windows is better anyways.. i was only going to use linux because its more secure. but if i have to spend 40 hours just to get it to work, its definately not worth it05:06
eklypzeoh, sorry xD05:06
eseven73you want the Opera .deb file from opera's site, it has working flash05:06
djuhl35It was a relatively recent one... 9.6 I think05:06
tritiumsvchost1: since you mentioned nvidia, did you follow instructions on the wiki?05:06
scunizisvchost, where did you get the nvidia drivers from .. nvidia's site?05:06
nnulleklypze¬ ill forgive you this one time... but if it happens again... i want a kidney.05:07
svchost1no, i went into the device drivers thingy05:07
nexus23i did eseven7305:07
nexus23still not working05:07
Severiansvchost1, windows is not better than anything I can think of.  But, good luck.05:07
nexus2310 apparently has alot of problems05:07
svchost1there was an nvidia drivers thing.. i checked it.. and rebooted and now nothing05:07
svchost1windows works, which is more than i can say for linux05:07
djuhl35Now I am interested in smart cards... But have no clue where to get the cards or how to set anything up... Google has too many hits to find a starting point05:07
eseven73Opera 9.62 is what you want djuhl3505:07
vanbergewould anyone help me with glx, etc.   base install...  glxinfo | grep direct = yes.  but can't enable desktop effexts05:07
onefunkjack_Sparrow, thank you. i did that. now i'm not getting the error msg in the terminal.05:07
svchost1you know how much trouble i had building my desktop with windows? 0...05:07
Meshezabeelheya, my little switch user icon in the top right corner, used to be a circle, now it's always a red triangle, any ideas why?05:08
djuhl35eseven73, and flash 10 will work?05:08
tritiumsvchost1: do yo have a support question?  Otherwise, you're offtopic.05:08
Severiansvchost1, Actually Linux works much better than Windows.  You may have a problem, but it sounds like it is the hardware you have.05:08
jribsvchost1: if you want support, ask a support question.  If you want to complain, please take it elsewhere.  Yes, not everything works.  That's why channels like this exist.  And that's why the bug tracker exists05:08
svchost1blame my hardware..05:08
onefunkJack_Sparrow, i still get this msg when installing progs in synaptic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83848/ any advices?05:08
scunizisvchost1, that's because most drivers are built for windows.. manufacturers are just now opening things up to make it easier on other systems..05:08
djuhl35eseven73, I'll give it another try05:09
bazhangsvchost1, windows discussion in ##windows05:09
nnullsvchost1¬ linux works for free :P05:09
* vanberge wants support... :-(05:09
Aperculumso you say that encryption can make use of 64-bits better, but has linux's built in encryption algorithms been optimized for 64-bit systems?05:09
TritePseudonymcheer up vanberge!05:09
vanbergeTritePseudonym, i would like to but i am 3 hours down to this!05:09
svchost1you know what i do to install a driver in windows? i click on an executable file and follow a simple and painless gui, then it works.. linux drivers are all kinds of command line bs, editing stuff with admin priveleges thru the terminal and all kinds of other bs. they ought to wrap all that stuff up in gui's and make it painfully easy to do05:10
icehawk78Hi, I'm trying to convert to Ubuntu from Vista on a laptop and can't seem to figure out how to connect to my home network/05:10
friendofyhwhHello everyone....I'm having trouble understanding enough about samba to get my Windows XP Pro machines talking to my Ubuntu 8.10 machine05:10
|{ursesvchost1 perhaps you should go back to windows since its so idiot proof05:10
tritiumsvchost1: there is no cli for installing drivers.  You click on the restricted drivers gui, and you're done.05:10
nnullsvchost1¬ im running ubuntu on pc's ranging from p1 166's to 3gig quad cores.. so its doable im sure whatever it is your tryin to do05:10
nexus23eseven73, can you make a bookmark title bar in opera like in firefox, its kind of irritating to have to open several new windows everytime05:10
djuhl35eseven73, my internet really sucks it will take 6 mins to download 8M05:10
eseven73painless easy GUI is BORING...zzzzzzzzz05:10
Meshezabeeldoes anyone else have a triangle instead of a circle :(05:10
jribMeshezabeel: eh?05:11
abchirksvchost it isn't true anymore... most drivers are menu supported under ubuntu... and most are working out of the box ;). Bu thats a support channel, complain elsewhere05:11
svchost1so how about this05:11
Severianfriendofyhwh, tell me more.  Which machine is the server?05:11
svchost1ill let somebody remote connect to me via linux05:11
scunizinnull, he's just got a black x screen after installing the nvidia drivers provided.05:11
eseven73nexus23: that i dont know sorry05:11
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svchost1and you can set the whole tihng up for me05:11
Meshezabeeljrib: in the top right corner of 8.10 I have a triangle, it used to always be a circle05:11
djuhl35apt-get keeps on complaining about missing keys...   How do I know what keys to get and how do I install them?05:11
jribsvchost1: no.  ask a support question or move the discussion elsewhere05:11
|{ursehow about you learn how to do it yourself and argue with yourself about it later?05:11
nexus23how do i get flash eseven73 ?05:11
nnullsvchost1¬ can i come around your house and do the dishes for you too? :)05:11
nexus23i installed 9.6 from the deb05:11
abchirkMeshezabeel for what is the symbol?05:12
friendofyhwhthe Ubuntu machine, of course...mind u the XP machines are all "non servers"05:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:12
|{urseu can do mine yo05:12
svchost1yes nnull, you can05:12
jribMeshezabeel: ah.  Don't know about that.  Maybe a screenshot might make it easier for others to help you05:12
nnullsvchost1¬ lol..05:12
bazhangplease take chat elsewhere05:12
Anacranomsvchost1, then stay with your M$ and let it tell you how you can use your box, let M$ tell you you are secure while you pay someone else to protect you, and they cant, so listen to jrib  and leave or get help to make this work05:12
Meshezabeelabchirk, jrib, it is the "Switch users or shut down" symbol05:12
* |{urse looks @ the flamebait and urges everyone to ignore it05:12
vanbergeis it normal for my xorg.conf to not show a 'driver' line under my video device ?05:12
Trampboy_931scunizi,  im back, but idk, it has an error x-X05:12
eseven73nexus23: you go to like youtube.com it will complain you dont have the required plugins yada yada , it will take you to the flash site and download a Flash .deb file05:12
svchost1windows really isnt that unsecure though.. noscrpit on firefox is pretty much all you need to be safe05:13
Severianfriendofyhwh, can you post your smb.conf to a pastebin, so I can look at it?  comment out any passwords you might have put there.  There probably are no passwords, but that is to be safe.05:13
Meshezabeeljrib: , abchirk oh, I think I figured it out :)05:13
nexus23it doesnt eseven7305:13
nexus23im at youtube05:13
|{urselol svchost1 thats funny05:13
nnull|{urse¬ your falling for it :P05:13
scuniziTrampboy_931, don't know what that is.. it's got me stumped.. maybe someone else knows.05:13
abchirkMeshezabeel how?05:13
|{ursei know05:13
* vanberge shakes head. 05:13
icehawk78I've added the wireless network's info, but I can't see to connect or figure out how to have it tell me if I've connected or not05:13
Trampboy_931|{urse, do tell05:13
vanbergeicehawk78,  type ifconfig in terminal....  look for wlan005:14
|{ursetell what?05:14
nnullanyone help me with my sound problem? using alsa its an old onboard soundcard, sound from flash movies in firefox works PERFECTLY! .. any other sounds including ubuntu startup sound ive found so far make terrible speaker damaging noises when trying to play set audio media, any help guys?05:14
burlitsai need some help with ubuntu05:14
Meshezabeeljrib: , abchirk it is pidgin adding itself to the "Switch users or shut down" menu, instead of a red power symbol, pidgin takes over this symbol.05:14
Trampboy_931|{urse,  didn't you say you knew?05:14
|{urseto what are you referring?05:14
Trampboy_931|{urse,  aww nv, :/05:14
abchirkhm well, pidgin-05:14
|{urseoh no trampboy i was talking to nnull05:14
nexus23/usr/lib/opera/plugins/libflashplayer.so eseven7305:14
vanbergennull, why alsa specifically vs just auto ?05:14
nexus23but theres nothing there05:14
Trampboy_931|{urse,  oh ok :)05:14
Anacranom!ask | burlitsa05:15
ubottuburlitsa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:15
gbear14275anyone else get screen artifacts when navigating launchpad?05:15
nnull|{urse¬ all divx/mp3/even ubuntu startup theme makes bad noises through the speakers, like sounds like it could blow the speakers05:15
AutoMatriXhi folks, how can one play a sound when '/var/log/auth.log' changes ???05:15
djuhl35I just usually ask the questions nobody is interested in lol05:15
|{ursennull try sudo killall esd and play something, tell me if that helps05:15
Meshezabeelabchirk: still, it's weird that pidgin is taking over a standard ubuntu/gnome? symbol ;)05:15
friendofyhwhSeverian...I'm very new to IRC...just barely figured out how to get on this channel...spent about 7 minutes on IRC so far...how to do that?  Well anyway...haven't played much with this issue at home yet...at my workplace I've spent more time modifying things..05:15
nnull|{urse¬ to my amazement i by chance found that the sound is perfectly fine on flash movies05:15
eseven73nexus23: did you install any other flash before this? and you are using Opera 9.62?05:15
abchirkMeshezabeel yes05:16
nexus23after i restarted flash eseven73 now opera:plugins shows /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so05:16
Severianfriendofyhwh, do you understand what I asked?05:16
kurratahi, anyone knows how to import .dev projects to codeblock it gives error all the time?05:16
|{ursennull try sudo killall esd and play something, tell me if that helps <-- posted above05:16
nexus23yes eseven73 its 9.6205:16
burlitsai add to Settings->Repositories a url and now can not open synaptic... E:_cache->open()failed,please report.05:16
industrialbswrong channel05:16
jribindustrialbs: yeah...05:16
=== Leppers_ is now known as Leppers
burlitsawhere can i ask for?05:17
nnull|{urse¬ ok, sorry to start support already actually watching a live broadcast on this tv that i need to finish, will try this command as soon as its finished! again sorry! :x05:17
vanbergeok... ubuntu gurus of sheer rendering direct.  is it 'normal' for me to not have a driver line in my xorg for the display hardware05:17
|{urselmao np05:17
eseven73nexus23: hmmm ok you might have to uninstall firefox, and opera, reinstall opera, go and get the flash from flash's website05:17
_loverboy_why man pages are called online???05:17
Anacranomburlitsa, just ask05:17
friendofyhwhSeverian  I'm also using the PidGin program...05:17
_loverboy_online man pages???05:17
scunizivanberge, yep05:17
Meshezabeelabchirk: pidgin adds four settings at the top of the shutdown menu, just above the Lock Screen setting it adds: "Online, Away, Busy, Offline"05:17
nnull|{urse¬ the pc with the soundproblem is broadcasting, not that im glued to the tv hehe :)05:17
nnullbut yea bbs!05:17
scunizivanberge, setup is handled by xrandr now05:17
jrib_loverboy_: manpages.ubuntu.com ?05:18
|{urseah ^^ i was wondering05:18
Severianfriendofyhwh, OK, although I don't understand the relevance.05:18
quentusrexCan someone help. I can't seem to get munin mysql plugin working on hardy with the default package install.05:18
abchirkthats strane Meshezabeel I use kopete ;)05:18
vanbergescunizi, so what would cause me not to be able to handle enablin desktop effects ?05:18
friendofyhwhhow to paste into a pastebox?05:18
tritiumindustrialbs: careful05:18
scunizivanberge, which effects are you looking for?05:18
danhmdoes anyone know how the hard drives on a dell laptop are partitioned?05:18
burlitsacan smn pm me for help?05:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit05:19
icehawk78How do you connect to a wireless network? I've tried adding the network information to the Network Connections, but when I click on the network icon, only eth0 shows up. Same if I run ifconfig.05:19
vanbergescunizi, just simply right click desktop; click effects tab; and enable desktop effects.05:19
jrib!pm | burlitsa05:19
ubottuburlitsa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:19
vanbergescunizi, if i do glxinfo | grep direct  it shows yes05:19
Anacranomburlitsa, just ask your questions, explain your issue...05:19
industrialbstritium: Why ?05:19
industrialbsIt *was* an accident05:19
scunizivanberge, have you looked under system>preferences>appearance and tried there.. also you might need to install ccsm05:20
nexus23ok eseven73 i got it working. i just copied ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflash.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/05:20
FormodeHello, how would I go about finding the (HDx,x) address for my windows partition to apply to GRUBs menu?05:20
Severianfriendofyhwh, There are several pastebins available.  Pick one and go to their main page.  Put your text in the big box and send it.  It will give you a URL you can put here.  That is the way you show big blocks of text to people in this channel.05:20
scunizi!ccsm | vanberge05:20
ubottuvanberge: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:20
almarkHello what do all the extra files in Ubuntu 8.10 within /boot do like "abi- ?05:20
vanbergescunizi, k... t hx05:20
eseven73nexus23: ok whatever works :)   glad ya got it working at least.05:20
scunizivanberge, if you're looking for the rotating cube effect ccsm is where you configure it.05:20
Severianfriendofyhwh, If you don't know a pastebin, just go to http://pastebin.com/05:20
nexus23it works for youtube eseven73 but not the daily show05:21
nexus23do you have daily show working?05:21
eseven73i have flash 10 im hoping it would?05:21
Severianfriendofyhwh, I want to see the contents of you /etc/samba/smb.conf file05:21
burlitsai add to Settings->Repositories a url and now can not open synaptic... E:_cache->open()failed,please report.05:21
nexus23can you check eseven7305:21
_loverboy_jrib : thanx man....:)05:21
friendofyhwhSeverian...I don't know what a "pastebin" is or how to find one...that's why I mentioned that I'm using pidgin...05:22
nexus23also mine disappears after the video plays05:22
Severianburlitsa, Then, I would take it out.05:22
nexus23so i cant hit replay05:22
zer0do linux need anti virus??05:22
eseven73nexus23: sure hang on05:22
=== zer0 is now known as Guest91981
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:22
almarkHello what do all the extra files in Ubuntu 8.10 within /boot do like "abi- ? what are they for besides the kernel05:22
FormodeHello, how would I go about finding the (HDx,x) address for my windows partition to apply to GRUBs menu?05:22
tritiumalmark: please don't repeat05:22
=== Guest91981 is now known as cQ
cQdo linux need anti virus??05:23
eseven73nexus23: yep dailyshow works05:23
Severianfriendofyhwh, That is why I explained where to find one and what to do with it.  If you still don't understand, can you be more specific.05:23
almarkok :)05:23
eseven73cQ: no not really05:23
nexus23how do i see what version im using eseven73 ?05:23
tritiumcQ: no, it _does_ (not do) not05:23
cQlinux no need AV?05:23
SeveriancQ, Linux does not need AV.  Some users might.05:24
Anacranomburlitsa, make sure the check mark is off on the "cd..." part,05:24
jNoxxcQ, OMFG05:24
eseven73nexus23: go to Tools>Preferences>content>Advanced tab, click on "Plug in options" button05:24
jNoxxWhat does it mean?05:24
eseven73cQ: Asked and answered 3 times, what dont you understand?05:24
Formodecq, You don't need Antivirus. Sorry.05:24
tritiumcQ: please stop05:24
nnull|{urse¬ isn't esd the default sound driver in ubuntu? ifso what driver is the card going to use once it's killed?05:25
jNoxx<cQ> do linux need anti virus??05:25
Severiannnull, alsa is the default normally.05:25
Trampboy_931scunizi, the error says W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/s/sun-java6/sun-java6-jre_6-10-0ubuntu2_all.deb05:25
Trampboy_931  Could not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (113 No route to host)05:25
nnullahh kk05:25
jNoxxI had some problems with alsa and wow05:25
cQi read article that linux have virus also.n some of windows virus can affected linux too05:25
almarkHow does one use the extra files within /boot I don't know what they do but I know abi is a pdf program please help.05:25
gbear14275what is the difference between azureus and azureus-gcj05:26
tritium!virus | cQ05:26
ubottucQ: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:26
friendofyhwhSeverian: put it into a pastebin on the link you gave me...posted for one month under my handle...05:26
icehawk78If a wireless connection is displaying as DISABLED but you've already checked the hardware switch, is there something else that could be the issue?05:26
gbear14275or rather... what is gcj?05:26
copprognu compiler for java05:26
Severianalmark, When you boot the system, you use them.  If you don't know what they are, please don't disturb them.  You will make your system unbootable.05:27
nexus23daily show isnt working for me for some reason eseven7305:27
systmhow do i figure out what driver my external usb drive is using?05:27
jNoxxDut now i have alsa-oss, and all work fine05:27
jNoxxUse JDK05:27
jNoxxJdk free05:27
eseven73even if linux did have virus', protect your files and have good firewall/router and what not, no worries05:27
jNoxxAnd good=)05:27
friendofyhwhSeverian...it's the standard "default one"05:27
gbear14275anyone here use azureus?05:27
onefunkhi all, i'm getting this response to <sudo apt-get upgrade>: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83852/ any advice?05:27
scuniziTrampboy_931, open a terminal Applications>accessories>terminal and type or cut and paste the following... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ... and see if it pulls in a bunch of updates..05:28
eseven73nexus23: i think you're gonna have to do as i suggested earlier05:28
icehawk78If a wireless connection is displaying as DISABLED but you've already checked the hardware switch, is there something else that could be the issue?05:28
danhmonefunk: is synaptic or something like that open?05:28
nexus23uninstall firefox etc?05:28
mark92691GeForce 6200 doesn't render window title bars correctly in 8.10.  Sometimes a mouse over will fix the rendering, sometimes not.  Bad rendering is a white-out of background (of title bar) which should be dark red.05:28
almark:Severian Well I have installed the UbuntuStudio update tonight, but do I need to use its kernel, that rt kernel is not activated in my menu.lst should I use the kernel?05:28
mattgyverneed to be root05:28
onefunkused to05:28
Severianfriendofyhwh, you don't have any shares defined in the file.  I'll modify it to show you an example.  Give me a moment.05:28
FormodeHello, I have Ubuntu and Windows dual booting here, and I just installed grub, however when I added the line for windows into GRUB, and rebooted, it would not launch into Windows, anyone know why?05:28
almark:Severian Will the kernel use the files Ubuntustudio created?05:28
riz0nHi, I am trying to SSH into a server, and once I enter my password, I get an error: type 2 (protocol error): "Only shell request is supported" What am I doing wrong, and what can I change to make a successful connection to this server?05:29
onefunkdanhm, right i'll close that and re-try. thank you05:29
eseven73and opera nexus23 , then reintstall opera (leave firefox alone for now) then go flash and get that .deb05:29
Racoon1Can SOmebody help me05:29
Racoon1I have no Sound through my headset05:29
Trampboy_931lol james05:29
cQ"check" it05:29
almark:Severian Could I just copy all of them say to my /boot/ubuntu/studio folder just like /boot/ubuntu ?05:29
danhmyou can only have one package manager running at a time, just so you know onefunk05:29
Formoderacoon1, try pluging it directly into your soundcard, not into a front port.05:29
Racoon1What do you mean/05:30
Racoon1its a USB Headset05:30
Racoon1hold on05:30
nexus23nope that didnt work eseven7305:30
gbear14275whats the easiest way to change a mount point?  I keep getting a partition as unmountable because of bad characters05:30
onefunkdanhm, thank you. i'm learning more and more each ubuntu-studio day that passes. cheers.05:30
scuniziRacoon1, if you have it plugged into a usb hub .. plug it directly into the computer05:30
Severianfriendofyhwh, Go, look at the update at http://pastebin.com/m2f3303db05:30
jribgbear14275: give more details05:31
=== dellubuntu is now known as yagga
Racoon1Is anybody going to help05:31
Racoon1it worked05:31
cQhow can i set keyboard shortcut to open terminal??05:31
FloodBot3Racoon1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
scuniziRacoon1, what worked.. which solution05:31
jribcQ: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts05:31
Severianfriendofyhwh, You need to change the /public to whatever directory you want to share.  Change the [public] to reflect the name you want for the share.05:31
Racoon1PLugging it into the back05:31
Racoon1directly to the card05:32
nnull|{urse¬ i tried to kill esd, says no process killed :s05:32
icehawk78If a driver needs to restart the system to active, and you're booting from a LiveCD, will restarting work?05:32
TetracommMy messengers do not disconnect as soon as the network connection goes down, they stay online for a while and then eventually realize and reconnect, why?05:33
nnullanyone help me with my sound problem? using alsa its an old onboard soundcard, sound from flash movies in firefox works PERFECTLY! .. any other sounds including ubuntu startup sound ive found so far make terrible speaker damaging noises when trying to play divx mp3 ogg etc audio media, any help guys?05:33
scuniziicehawk78, what driver?05:33
Racoon1Now I have a new problem05:33
Racoon1I only hear from One end of my headset05:33
tritium!enter | Racoon105:33
ubottuRacoon1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:33
Severianalmark, sorry, I am helping someone else too.  Tell me more about the system.  Are you intending to dual boot between Ubuntu and UbuntuStudio?05:33
ianm_do I really need to reboot to get a wacom intuos2 to work?05:33
icehawk78scunizi: Broadcom wireless drivers05:33
almark:Severian no I"m using both05:34
gbear14275jrib: In my places menu option I keep getting a "Cannot mount volume." error due to "mount point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPERATOR (usually /)05:34
scuniziicehawk78, you don't need to reboot.. there is another way to do it but I can't remember what it is.. someone here will know though..05:34
cQhow can i add in keyboard shortcut??it just can edit05:34
onefunkdanhm, hey there. i did this again <sudo apt-get upgrade> and this time i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/83854/05:34
gbear14275I can force mount the volume in terminal.... but would prefer to fix the error05:34
Severianalmark, you cannot boot both at once.  What are you trying to do?05:34
vanbergeok... if i install xserver-xorg-fglrx  will that do everything automaticall that i need it to?05:34
Racoon1I can only hear sound from one end of my headset05:34
almark:Severian atm I'm using Ubuntu Studio desktop, all I did was upgrade I also have Gentoo and Xp duel boot, all work fine05:34
systmanyone know how to get  the driver for your USB hdd ?05:35
tritiumalmark: it's "dual", not "duel" (there is no fighting involved)05:35
jribgbear14275: external I assume?05:35
Racoon1I can only hear sound from one end of my headset05:35
scuniziCan someone help icehawk78 activate the broadcom drivers he just installed in the live cd?  without rebooting?05:35
jrib!label | gbear1427505:35
gbear14275no internal partition05:35
ubottugbear14275: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.05:35
SeverianSo, your intention was to upgrade the Ubuntu to Ubuntustudio.  Is that right?05:35
danhmsorry onefunk, that's more than i know :(05:35
jribgbear14275: does the label contain a '/'?05:35
almark:Severian I'm using the exising kernel to use Ubuntu studio desktop, I want to use the Ubuntu studio kernel to work with it05:36
almarkoh :P05:36
almarkdual ok05:36
Racoon1I cant hear anything ON YOutube05:36
Racoon1is anybody gonna help05:36
Severianscubacuda, he probably needs to modprobe the driver module.05:36
almark"thinks ppl on here have a bit of a sense of humor.05:36
onefunkdanhm, hmmm. well thanks anyway.05:36
scunizi!patience | Racoon105:36
ubottuRacoon1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:36
gbear14275the label under gparted just shows up as blank... whats the best way to read the partition label?05:36
nexus23whoops wrong window05:36
Formode1Hello, anyone good with Grub? I'm trying to dual boot, and when I select windows partition I get "Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format"05:37
Racoon1Im having too many damn issues05:37
gbear14275using e2label05:37
Racoon1Ubuntu must really suck05:37
tritiumRacoon1: you need to be patient, watch the language, and stop hitting enter in place of pucntuation05:37
scuniziFormode1, do you have more than one drive installed in your machine?05:37
almark:Severian I am going to use a different booting sequence with Ubuntu Studio kernel actually05:37
gbear14275lol, racoon, sounds like a user error05:37
drksplashRacoon1 are you useing vmware for you client?05:37
Racoon1I installed it inside windows05:37
Racoon1I ca hear sound on skype05:37
Racoon1but not on the internet05:37
Racoon1and my microphone into my headset wont work either05:37
tritiumRacoon1: STOP!05:38
scuniziRacoon1, skype hogs the audio.. close it.05:38
Formode1scunizi, No, just one 500gb one, split into 3, Linux Swap, Ubuntu, and Windows.05:38
tritium!enter | Racoon1 (AGAIN)05:38
bazhangRacoon1, wubi?05:38
ubottuRacoon1 (AGAIN): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:38
vanbergei think the problem with my desktop effects is that my dang card got blacklisted.05:38
onefunkhey everyone, is there anyone who can tell me why when i do this <sudo apt-get upgrade> i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83854/ btw i use ubuntu-studio 8.1005:38
Severianalmark, I have no idea what you are trying to do.  I understand the boot process fairly well, and setting up dual boot and such.  What you describe does not make sense.  I am not saying you are ignorant.  I am saying there is a communications problem with getting your goals defined to me.05:38
scuniziFormode1, you might need to reinstall grub.. have you tried that already?05:38
bazhangRacoon1, are you using wubi05:38
Racoon1whats that05:38
bazhang!wubi | Racoon105:38
ubottuRacoon1: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:38
almark:Severian sometimes I just can't explain it .05:38
bazhangRacoon1, you install ubuntu from inside windows = wubi05:39
Racoon1I am05:39
bazhangRacoon1, get the live cd05:39
vanbergedoes anyone know how to bypass blacklisted cards for desktop effects / compiz ?05:39
Formode1scunizi, I just did, actually, following the help documentation. I then rebooted and did not find a windows option, so I made one as per the documentation05:39
tritium!enter | Racoon1 (Please pay attention to this for once)05:39
ubottuRacoon1 (Please pay attention to this for once): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:39
bazhangRacoon1, dont type one word and hit enter. you will be removed if you continue.05:39
Racoon1If you guys are gonna tell me to get a live cd, and not help me solve this one problem then....05:39
nexus23eseven73, do you know how to get password completion in opera?05:39
almark:Severian A spinning gear only concentrates on itself while its spinning.05:39
scuniziFormode1, was windows the first system installed before ubuntu?05:40
nexus23and import passwords from firefox?05:40
Racoon1My webcam works better on ubuntu but I want my sound to be fixed05:40
bazhangRacoon1, we are troubleshooting the issue.05:40
Formode1scunizi, Ubuntu was on there first, I just installed windows this morning, Ubuntu's been around for about 2 months.05:40
Racoon1C-Media USB Headphone set05:40
eseven73nexus23: no sorry, any luck on that flash ?05:40
bazhangRacoon1, by accessing the live cd we can pinpoint the trouble spot05:41
nexus23yea eseven73 i got youtube working05:41
gbear14275Racoon1: is there a reason you do not want to use a live cd?05:41
scuniziFormode1, typically windows likes to be first but there might be hope.. the tutorial you used, was it from the bot in this channel?05:41
nexus23no dice on daily show though05:41
Severianalmark, That seems true.  I don't know if you are trying to reformulate your question or not.  I can't help you with what you have said up until now.05:41
Racoon1I dont have one?05:41
bazhangRacoon1, wubi is not a long term usage solution, more like a demo.05:41
friendofyhwhSeverian...I copied the last few lines into my current smb.conf, but XP still can't see anything...did you change something else near the top?05:41
nnullanyone help me with my sound problem? using alsa its an old onboard soundcard, sound from flash movies in firefox works PERFECTLY! .. any other sounds including ubuntu startup sound ive found so far make terrible speaker damaging noises when trying to play divx mp3 ogg etc audio media, any help guys?05:41
almark:Severian sorry for the confusion lol05:42
gbear14275Racoon1: you ever used bittorrent? you can get one especially fast using that, OR... just download and burn one05:42
Racoon1My Webcam functions better under ubuntu and I dont want to get rid of my WIndows XP which is why I installed "Wubi"05:42
Formode1I installed both OS's just through my own workings, I did the grub restart as per the ubottu's instructions. scunizi.05:42
Severianfriendofyhwh, I only added at the bottom.  There may be more needed, though.  What workgroup are you using on your XP machine?05:42
gbear14275Racoon1: or if you order one they can ship you one for free05:42
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almarktries to answer his own questions lol05:42
scuniziFormode1, can you pastbin what's in /boot/grub/menu.list ?05:42
bazhangRacoon1, you can easily dual boot, that is a different topic however05:42
Formode1scunizi, Yes. :)05:42
friendofyhwhSeverian...JCARTES...ah...have not fixed that as yet...05:42
gbear14275Racoon1: I dualboot both XP and Ubuntu as I did not want to get rid of XP either at first05:43
gbear14275Racoon1: its very easy to install a dual boot05:43
Severianfriendofyhwh, So, you see where near the top of smb.conf you need to change that.  After tose changes, you need to restart the samba service.05:43
Formode1http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6a7cde7 scunizi05:43
gbear14275jrib: you still around?05:44
Severianfriendofyhwh, tose -> those05:44
Racoon1Im wasting my time using Ubuntu for crying aloud05:44
almark:Severian I should have made myself clearer, what I have done is when i installed Ubuntu I didn't want it to install its own grub, I have Gentoo I wanted Gentoo's grub to remain on my MBR I'll type more after a few ppl talk so I don't hog everything.05:44
SeverianRacoon1, Ubuntu is not good for crying aloud.  I suggest Windows for that.05:44
coreyhow do u like gentoo?05:44
copproSeverian: trying to configure a mac works too05:44
Racoon1My webcam is way faster on Ubuntu05:45
bazhang!offtopic | corey05:45
ubottucorey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:45
friendofyhwhSeverian...how to restart samba service?05:45
Racoon1And I wanted a specific software for my webcam which runs under only linux05:45
almarkI like it, but.... you know if you use it. Its a real pain to get things working even in 3 days it takes some real understanding to find out how to make certain things compile the way you want them to.05:45
Severianfriendofyhwh, rebooting the system would work.  There is a command line way, but if you don't do it often, just reboot.05:46
Racoon1Alright well I guess ill come back tomorrow05:46
Racoon1to try and get this resolved05:46
tritiumfriendofyhwh: sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart05:46
bazhangplease take gentoo chat to #ubuntu-offtopic05:46
Racoon1Ill try Kubuntu as well05:46
FloodBot3Racoon1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
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scuniziFormode1, ok.. I think I see the problem.. the "root" line in the menu.lst shows windows as (hd0,0).. if it was the second OS installed and the partition used was more toward the end of the drive then the 0,0 reference is incorrect.05:46
Severiantritium, that will work for friendofyhwh   I just was not sure if he wanted that method.05:47
nnullanyone help me with my sound problem? using alsa its an old onboard soundcard, sound from flash movies in firefox works PERFECTLY! .. any other sounds including ubuntu startup sound ive found so far make terrible speaker damaging noises when trying to play divx mp3 ogg etc audio media, any help guys?05:47
Formode1scunizi, Oh. Ok. how would I find out which is correct?05:47
tritiumSeverian: ok05:47
gbear14275lol, we should have pointed racoon1 to the debian people... they usually are MUCH more tolerant of his type ;)05:47
almark:Severian So because Gentoo's grub is installed in my MBR Ubuntu didn't get the chance to use its own, all Ubuntu did was copy the files for kernel and others to my /boot folder, I then well thats not important. So I had to manually insert the Ubuntu kernel name in the menu.lst in my boot folder. And that is why I'm confused about the files within boot that were installed by Ubuntu. more later05:48
gbear14275jrib: if you are still about, that helped give my drive a label... but didn't help with the mount point05:48
scuniziFormode1, as you count the partitions, the first is Ubuntu (maybe), then /swap, then windows.. so the correct reference might be (hd0,2) ... that references the 3rd partition05:48
friendofyhwhSeverian...tried that in my terminal window but it says unknown initscript05:49
scuniziFormode1, 0=1st partition05:49
jribgbear14275: the mount point is chosen using the label, unmount and remount05:49
Severianalmark, So, are the Ubuntu and Gentoo in different partitions?  I assume so.05:49
almark:Severian Yes they are05:49
Formode1scunizi, Hm. Ok. I think it would be 0,1, then.05:49
Severianfriendofyhwh, Maybe you don't have samba installed.  Check in Synaptic and see if samba is installed.05:49
almark:Severian I had alot to say and more I have to tell you soon05:50
scuniziFormode1, 0,1 would be the first drive second partition05:50
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Formode1scunizi, Thank you, I will try that now05:50
scuniziFormode1, why did you install on a seperate partition?  for gaming? if not for gaming vbox might be a solution05:50
gbear14275jrib: was never mounted when i set the label but its still giving me the same error05:50
almark:Severian due this me having to type the Ubuntu kernel in my Gentoo grub menu.lst All i did was append the names as usual so when I boot up my computer I see Gentoo and others Gentoo kernels in the grub list and ubuntu and xp. More soon05:51
Formode1scunizi, I installed it for UT3 and Photoshop/Lightroom/Illustrator05:51
jribgbear14275: what label did you set?05:51
Severianalmark, What I usually recomment is called chain loading.  You setup each bootable partition with its own grub.  The MBR has options for each OS you want to boot  It is called chain loading because you will be going from the MBR grub to the partition's grub.05:51
nexus23eseven73, do things load really slow in opera for you?05:52
scuniziFormode1, ah.. oh.. usually ut has a native installer for linux..05:52
Formode1scunizi UT3 has not got one yet and I've had the box over a year, so I gave up on waiting05:52
Formode1scunizi, Thank you for your help. :) If I do not return it worked! :D05:52
jribgbear14275: huh?  no, choose a name for it like "gbears_usb" or something05:52
almark:Severian I assumed sorry for taking your word but. I didn't know you could chainload other os's besides windows how would I go about doing that?05:52
scuniziFormode1, no problem.. if it doesn't work play with the second number05:52
kaiser10123im using 1280x768 whats next display up i have 15" laptop05:53
gbear14275jrib: its not a usb drive, its an internal partition and mostly for now was just trying to get it to work right ;)  I'll worry about a better name after it works ;)05:53
Severianalmark, look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/chainloading-other-linux-399108/?s=385782c86c89b5fd94df0191ad6e789d05:53
kaiser10123i have 256mb nvidia video card05:53
gbear14275jrib: I think editing my fstab is going to be the only way but am not too keen on doing that05:54
eseven73nexus23: some sites can be a bit slow, but mostly opera is very fast compared to firefox05:54
jribgbear14275: whatever, the point is your label should not have a '/' in it05:54
scunizikaiser10123, that might be close to the native resolution of your monitor.05:54
nexus23i need to import my firefox passwords to opera05:54
nexus23is there a way?05:54
Severianalmark, I'll see if I can find you a pointer that is clearer.  My system that chainloads Ubuntu from Fedora 10 is down at the moent.05:54
Omar871How do I install the cube atlantis plug-in?05:55
kaiser10123scunizi: i cant force better i want more space on desktop05:55
simon_is anyone know about lynx on solaris05:55
gbear14275jrib: OH!... ok i'll try that then...05:55
jribsimon_: you're in #ubuntu05:55
almark:Severian thanks. But I do have another question about Ubuntu Studio when it installed to my /boot all the files that was cp to it, If I had the chain loading setup on each grub dir in different partitions would It automatically setup my menu.lst in Ubuntu like it should?05:55
friendofyhwhSeverian...you were right...installed and the initscript is now working...will test some more...hang on...05:55
nnullanyone help me with my sound problem? using alsa its an old onboard soundcard, sound from flash movies in firefox works PERFECTLY! .. any other sounds including ubuntu startup sound ive found so far make terrible speaker damaging noises when trying to play divx mp3 ogg etc audio media, any idea's guys?05:55
scunizikaiser10123, you can try.. System>Preferences>resolution and see what the options are that are available.05:56
kaiser10123scunizi: options not there?05:56
gbear14275jrib: still no luck with the name containing no /'s05:56
scunizikaiser10123, then until you can populate that list.. you're stuck.. check docs or google for xrandr for adjustment05:56
danielbwi am trying to setup one big desktop across four monitors using two FireGL V3600 video cards.  If anyone has any experience with this, please shoot me a msg05:57
aeolienMy applications menu doesn't open when clicked on. Places and System work just fine. Any ideas?05:57
almark:Severian And I hope I made myself clearer for all05:57
jribgbear14275: provide details05:57
almark:Severian Just had to explain all of it.05:57
* danielbw is desparate05:57
aeolienI had a message saying there was something wrong with my profile and I couldn't log on, but that disappeared after a reboot.05:57
Severianalmark, The menu.lst on the grub that is pointed to from the MBR would run first.  So, in your case that points to Gentoo.  You'll have an option there to run Ubuntu.  When you choose it, you get taken to the menu.lst of the ubuntu system.05:57
aeolienCan anyone help me?05:57
almark:Severian would you like to see mine?05:57
gbear14275jrib: I named the device "storage" using e2label and still produced the same cannot mount volume error05:58
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gbear14275its an ext3 partition i use to hold extra files05:58
almark:Severian Lol that really would be easier huh05:58
Severianalmark, your menu.lst, I assume.05:58
almark:Severian yes just a sec05:58
gbear14275it was previously working but somewhere along the line of my update to 8.10 broke05:58
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scunizidaniel-w, http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:58
Severianalmark, sure put it in a pastebin.05:58
jribgbear14275: how are you attempting to mount it?05:58
almarkwill do05:58
kr00lcan someone help me get ventrilo installed? I know TS is linux friendly but it's just not an option with my windows friends05:58
tsrkis there a way to log all the commands a user executes?05:59
gbear14275jrib: being able to select it from the places menu is what I am hoping to get working05:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keylogger05:59
gbear14275jrib: I can mount it using terminal but would prefer not to have to do that05:59
gbear14275it is my 8th partition though05:59
jribgbear14275: see if it persists after a reboot (I don't know exactly what services you need to restart)05:59
gbear14275jrib: it does06:00
avesI'm trying to install drivers for my DCP-7030 (printer), but there are no default drivers available for it. The ones on Brother's website are for i386, while i'm running x86_64. Can someone tell me how to install it from .rpm?06:00
almark:Severian I used wgetpaste in Gentoo what is the program to use in Ubuntu at this time?06:00
jribgbear14275: not since you changed label...06:00
gbear14275jrib: true... I'll be back shortly then06:00
ansichartHow do I get a graphical sudo password prompt?06:01
friendofyhwhSeverian....thanks very much!  I can now see the share on my XP box....but still can't see anything when I use this machine by going to the "Places" menu and selecting Network...then Windows Network, then JCARTES....I'm sure you have more suggestions...06:01
almark:Severian I can understand why you guys don't like ppl to beat around the bush, thats got to annoying sorry for that.06:01
avesansichart: gksudo?06:01
Severianalmark, I have never used a program to pastebin text.  I just go to the main page of the pastebin with a web browser.06:01
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almark:Severian could I have the URl please?06:01
Severianalmark, the biggest one is http://pastebin.com/06:02
russKIs there a way to have installer see raid1 boot partition?06:02
gbear14275jrib: problem persists06:03
scuniziSeverian, you can also use pastebinit from terminal06:03
Severianfriendofyhwh, It may be a permissions problem.  The default user name that samba uses to read the share is nobody, with a group of nogroup.  What directory are you trying to share and can that username read the files?06:03
almark:Severian and there you are. : http://pastebin.com/m7b15662e06:04
avesI'm trying to install drivers for my DCP-7030 (printer), but there are no default drivers available for it. The ones on Brother's website are for i386, while i'm running x86_64. Can someone tell me how to install it from .rpm?06:04
aeolienMy "~/.config/menus/applications.menu" file is completely empty. Could I get a copy of someone's working file as template?06:04
jribgbear14275: and you are sure the label does not contain a slash or newline?06:04
WafflesDrhey, can Ubuntu run on a PowerPC G4?06:04
gbear14275label is now "storage"06:04
russKcan anyone help with installer seeing raid1 partition?06:04
scuniziaves, rpm's don't work on ubuntu we use .deb's  redhat uses rpm's06:04
jribgbear14275: what version of ubuntu?06:04
friendofyhwhI'm sharing the directory of /home/arthur/Public on this machine...and SharedDocs on the XP machine...06:04
SeverianWafflesDr, Yes, but not the laest version.  I have done it and it works well.06:04
nexus23eseven73, when you scroll does flash plalyer skip alot/06:05
friendofyhwhhave not created any users for Samba yet...06:05
WafflesDrSeverian, what's the lateset version, do you know?06:05
avesscunizi: hmm, can a .deb be re-maked to force install on x86_64 if it was made for i386?06:05
nexus23and can does embeded code work for you eseven73 ?06:05
nexus23on sites like myspace etc06:05
Severianfriendofyhwh, what does   ls -l /home/arthur/Public    give you?06:05
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friendofyhwhone test file of test.odt06:05
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scuniziaves, you can probably use the 32bit drivers but there's something about installing a library in the 64 bit that allows 32 bit stuff.. unfortunately I don't use 64 bit and don't know the name of it or how to set it up06:06
Severianfriendofyhwh, right, do a   ls -l /home/arthur  and tell me what the Public line shows06:06
gerbilhow can i check my cpu speed in 8.1006:06
almarkis it true that Ubuntu 8.10 doesn't support Hyperthreading or SMP?06:06
avesscunizi: if I try using the package manager, it refuses install (wrong architecture). Should I try extracting and recompiling?06:07
russKcan anyone help getting the installer to see a RAID1 disk for the /boot partition?06:07
rillian_gerbil: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' but that will give you the *current* speed, which isn't the max speed if your cpu support scaling06:07
SeverianWafflesDr, I don't know offhand.  6.6 was the last one I used I believe the PPC version was updated a couple of times after that.06:07
scuniziaves, sorry I don't have the answers06:07
WafflesDrSeverian, it looks like 6.10, thanks for your help06:07
avesscunizi: okay, thanks anyway =)06:07
gerbilawesome  thanks06:08
friendofyhwhSeverian....drwxr-xr-x 2 arthur arthur 4096 2008-12-10 21:57 Public06:08
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nnullanyone know if vinagre is configurable to NOT bring video\flash to the client? (makes vnc unusable if firefox happens to be playing youtube or something)06:09
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Severianfriendofyhwh, with that setting, your windows machine cannot write to the share.  If you want it to be usable on the network for read and write, do    sudo chown nobody:nogroup /home/arthur/Public06:10
aeolienHi! Does anyone know how to restore the Applications menu?06:10
aeolienMines... blank.06:10
loais here users of scite?06:10
avesaeolien: right click, Add to Panel..., then find it somewhere in the list06:11
Severianalmark, I have not forgotten you.  I am looking at the file.06:11
aeolienaves: I should have been more descriptive. It's there. I just get a small blank rectangle when I click on it.06:11
jrib!who | gbear1427506:11
ubottugbear14275: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:11
gbear14275jrib: sorry about that, 8.1006:12
avesaeolien: as in, you have the Applications/Places/System, but it's blank?06:12
almark:Severian you forgot me ohhh lol ;)06:12
jribgbear14275: see if it happens under a fresh new user06:12
almark:Severian just kidding06:12
aeolienaves: Places and System work. The menus open properly. Applications doesn't really open when I click on it.06:12
avesaeolien: have you tried right clicking on Applications -> Edit Menus?06:13
aeolienaves: It's highlighted as if it's open, and there's a small rectangle from it when I click on it. I presume that's an empty menu.06:13
aeolienaves: Edit Menus doesn't open the Menu Editor.06:13
aeolienaves: Nothing happens when I open it.06:13
aeolienaves: I'll try restarting gnome-panel06:13
faryshtaaeolien, try to make right click on the panel, chose "add stuff" or wathever and check if it has a menu option.06:14
aeolienaves: gnome-panel says "Error loading menu layout from "~/.config/menus/applications.menu: Document empty"06:14
friendofyhwhSeverian...just created a new directory from the XP machine on the /home/arthur/Public share...but still can't see anything on my linux box when visiting the JCARTES workgroup06:14
Yossarianushey peeps!06:14
avesaeolien: give me one second06:14
Yossarianusi have a couple of problems that i have encountered in ubuntu06:14
avesaeolien: i'll pastebin mine, so you can try recreating the file06:15
aeolienaves: Thanks!06:15
Yossarianusone: i have an acer laptop with intel GMA 950 graphics chipset. everything works neat, desktop effects etc, but when i start a game like openarena or quake 3 arena, the screen gets garbled in max half a minute. it still runs, just screwed up textures. what's wrong?06:15
almark:Severian I like my menu.lst organized.06:15
Yossarianusi run intrepid 8:1006:16
zykes-how big should 1 tb drive look in the os ?06:16
zykes-932 gb or ?06:16
scunizisounds about right06:17
avesaeolien: http://pastebin.com/m53dd95f5 (replace username in highlighted line =P), tell me if this works06:17
Severianfriendofyhwh, add a line to your smb.conf near the top.  replace linux with the machine name you want, and make it like       netbios name = linux06:17
yaggais there a plugin for youtube sound - audio works fine but can hear youtube audio06:17
almark"turns into a potato"06:17
The_Old_CoyoteHi everyone. I'm trying to lock my desktop settings (menu, wallpaper, icons, etc.) but I don't know how. I have installed Pessulus but I think it wasn't meant for this purpose. Is there a way to accomplish this task???06:17
jribgbear14275: and check gconf-editor for anything in /system/storage/volumes06:17
tytycoonYossarinaus: Have you tried turning off desktop effects when playing said games?06:18
Yossarianustytycoon, completely turn em off?06:18
Yossarianusi have them customized :(06:18
nexus23how do you view background images in opera?06:18
almark:yagga I can't get my youtube.com sound to work either and all other sound works.06:19
aeolienaves: Sweet! I've lost my customization, but that's nothing compared to this!06:19
aeolienaves: Thanks!06:19
aeolienaves: I'll log out and in again to see if it 'takes'06:19
avesaeolien: that's good to hear =), you're welcome06:19
avesaeolien: okay =P06:19
scuniziYossarianus, just change your settings to none in system>preferences>appearance.. it won't loose your customizations just turn them off until you turn them back on again.06:20
gbear14275jrib: works under new user06:20
zykes-scunizi: weird thing is i have formatted the disk with ext3 but i only get 91706:20
Yossarianusokies, a sec and i'll try06:20
jribgbear14275: ok so under old user, check that gconf key06:20
tytycoonYossarianus You used Compizconfig Settings manager? Cause you can save the profiles in it06:20
Yossarianusoh i didn't know06:21
Yossarianusok :D06:21
scunizizykes-, not sure but 10% reduction might be within limits for overhead.. there is also some reserved space for ... arg.. I can't remember06:21
tytycoonYossarianus just goto Preferances06:21
almark"bakes the potato he tuned into"06:21
gbear14275jrib: there is one entry with a mount point of /media... how do i delete it?06:21
gbear14275jrib: or do I not want to?06:21
jribgbear14275: sure, delete it, just click around until you figure out how (not sure)06:22
gbear14275jrib: SUCCESS!  thanks for the help!06:22
aves!yay | gbear1427506:22
ubottugbear14275: Glad you made it! :-)06:22
jribgbear14275: no problem06:22
gnutronso anyone know how to fix the sound in intrepid, its pulseaudio causing the problem06:23
SmegzorHow do I stop the stupid auto network from creating new network entries?  It keeps assigning a random IP even though I have set up a fixed IP on a custom network entry.06:23
friendofyhwhSeverian...added the line "netbios name = ShoeBoxPC" in the "Global" section...right after the workgroup = JCARTES... and restarted the samba server...but still can't see the ShoeBoxPC on the ShoeBoxPC06:23
GneaSmegzor: new network entries?06:23
avesgnutron: what exactly is the problem?06:23
friendofyhwhSeverian...or for that matter....the machine name of Rachel...which is the XP box06:24
aeolienaves: That's it! Thanks!06:24
yaggaalmark: got my googlfu on and found that i needed to install flash plugin non=free06:24
Severianfriendofyhwh, Are you saying you want to see the Linux machine while browsing the network from the Linux machine?06:24
avesaeolien: i'm glad it stayed! =)06:24
gnutronmy intrepid upgrade went fine but sound is dead, i did manage to get a sqwealing noise but thats all06:24
friendofyhwhyes...and the other one tooo06:24
SmegzorGnea: yeah.  In the Wired Networks panel I had 4 auto eth0 entries because they are auto created randomly.06:24
gnutrongoogling says pulseaudio in intrepid is totally whacked06:25
avesgnutron: the only thing I can suggest is to try killing pulseaudio, but other than that, I don't know06:25
Severianfriendofyhwh, did you restart samba after making the change to the smb.conf file.  You just about always have to do that.06:25
almark"yagga thats all huh, what is the apt-get install (flash plugin non=free?06:25
Yossarianusok openarena seems to run ok but i can't even run quake 306:25
Yossarianusblank screen06:25
almark"yagga I like that googlfu lol06:25
avesgnutron: try following this06:25
avesgnutron: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97363706:25
gnutronaves: tried that, tried pulse's site, tried adding myself to the pulse groups, nothing06:26
almark"yagga hands the bakes potato that he was turned into.06:26
gnutronaves: ok06:26
FirefisheI've just installed 8.10, kde 4.1.  What config directory can I delete so that I have a completely default kde desktop?06:26
FirefisheWith the default panel and widgets.06:26
yaggaalmark: not my term06:27
almark"yagga sorry I don't know what you mean?06:27
SmegzorSo is there no way to permanently delete the auto eth0 network entries?  I liked the old way better where I manually configured the network and thats how it stayed.06:27
C0nn0R_whois friendofyhwh06:28
Severianalmark, can you tell me more about the partition layout.  What is on the first partition of hda?06:28
Yossarianusbump! completely black screen when running quake3!06:28
friendofyhwhCOnnOR....my real name is Arthur...06:28
SmegzorYossarianus: have you considered it might just be dark? ;)06:28
qcjngnutron: i found that , i don't know if it can help ??http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86696506:29
almark:Severian sure I need to look for you.06:29
YossarianusSmegzor, or i could be blind, hehe :)06:29
Yossarianusnevermind,rebooted and it starts :D06:29
tytycoonyossarinanus: do you have the texturing problems still?06:30
avesHey, does anyone know why programs "hog" the audio in hardy? Is this a problem with pulseaudio?06:30
Yossarianusnot so far :D06:30
Yossarianusit never occured that it might be conflictive06:30
xyylaves i don't know why but it happens to me too06:30
scuniziaves, skype right?  it's skype's fault.. it uses oss for sound06:30
avesAnd by "hog", I mean if a program is running with audio, another program may not be allowed to have audio simultaneously06:30
Yossarianusso any way to keep the neat desktop effects and still be able to run games?06:31
avesscunizi: not skype, Stepmania 4 and Firefox refuse to share the sound =\06:31
almark:Severian (sda1   Boot     Primary    lInux ext2          size 403.04  (sda2  Primary linux swap      699.15 sda3 Primary linux 12000 gb Gentoo and sda5 logical Linux 15002.92 Ubuntu06:31
Yossarianusor is it just my video card that's antique?06:31
avesYossarianus: It's a problem with Compiz06:31
tytycoonyossarinanus I just switch mine off everytime I play:: I have the same 950 graphics :)06:31
almarkand they all work06:31
Severianaves, My experience with pulseaudio in Hardy was that it did not work too well for multiple apps.  Intrepid seems better, but I have not tested that much.06:31
avesYossarianus: It doesn't work well with renders06:31
avesSeverian: Should I try uninstalling and changing default to ALSA?06:32
darryl_anf idea why I can chat, but not be able to access URLs through Firefox?06:32
qcjnok, good ight, gotta sleep,ciao06:33
Yossarianusi see06:33
Yossarianusthanks :D06:33
friendofyhwhSeverian...any ideas how to get my ShoeBoxPC to see itself?06:34
avesdarryl_: what happens when you try to access a web page?06:35
Yossarianusanother thing i wanted to ask: every time i use the mouse scroll in Krusader it closes06:35
almark:Severian your pretty busy do you have a url I could read at this time?06:36
Yossarianusbut only if there's nowhere to scroll. if there is, it scrolls :)06:36
gnutronaves: that made a big big difference, many profuse thanks man06:36
darryl_aves, my modem redircets me to my ISPs authentifcation page, and that failss.06:36
avesgnutron: no problem =)06:37
Severianalmark, my best reference on chainloading are on the machine that is put away for a bit.  I am looking for some good ones now.06:37
Severianalmark, thank you for being patient.06:37
almark:Severian ok thanks just didn't want to put more on your shoulders06:37
avesdarryl_: strange, and chat works, right?06:37
avesdarryl_: have you tried reconfiguring your modem/router?06:38
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darryl_aves, we're talking! :) Same modem,  same box.06:38
Severianalmark, the grub manual is at http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html06:39
nnooploالسم عليكم06:39
darryl_aves, I spent two hours on thet phone with my PSP tech support folks, they're sending me a new modem.06:39
almark:Severian man those chainloader commands are really confusing don't you think and thanks for your help :)06:40
avesdarryl_: good luck with that, because I don't really know what the problem is, sorry!06:40
Severianalmark, What you need is something like   root (hd0,5)  followed by chainloader +106:40
almark:Severian and does that mean that all the linux distos have their own /boot?06:40
Severianalmark, that is the two lines you want in your main menu.lst.06:40
Severianalmark.  It does not have to be that way, but I find it less confusing.  I try to keep the filesystem separate, except for shared samba drives or somesuch.06:41
darryl_aves, roger on that! Nobody else knows the problem either! Thanks for the reply.06:41
jhamboI can't for the life of me get kamefu to properly launch my emulators with arguments.  Command lines that work in a terminal dont seem to work when I try to put them into kamefu. what's going on?06:42
almark:Severian I have one more question are you up for it?06:43
darryl_jhambo, what is the command line response?06:43
gnutronaves: i had to tweak some volume settings, bass/treble, but sound is nearly sweet again, total hardy to intrepid went perfect otherwise, thanks a million06:44
Severianfriendofyhwh, I guess not.  I just checked and my samba shares don't show up when I browse the network looking for the shares on that computer.  I have never wanted to do such a thing, so I never noticed.06:44
Severianalmark, Sure, go ahead.06:44
avesgnutron: that's good to hear, I'm glad everything is working out again =)06:45
almark:Severian what can I do about Blender just about the new versions always crashing linux and my computer when I use the rotate of the 3d objects, it just crashes I can't do anything but move the mouse around I have push the pwr button in06:45
almark:Severian And my card is a Ati radeon 850006:46
friendofyhwhSeverian...ok then, let's address how to see my XP machine "Rachel" on the ShoeBoxPC "intrepid"06:46
Severianalmark, I can't say.  I have wanted to try Blender, but never have.  You may not have a stable version.  But, I really don't know.06:46
jhambodarryl_: it works fine on the command line and launches my game.  When I put that same command into the field in kamefu configuration, my game doesn't launch.06:46
gnutronaves: no flash issues either, flash sound and amarok or whatever play at the same time, you rock06:47
Severianfriendofyhwh, Is intrepid the windows machine?06:47
almark:Severian I know for a fact all versions work in windows, but that not important.06:47
avesgnutron: awesome =D06:47
friendofyhwhno...the machine named "ShoeBoxPC" is the one running Ubuntu 8.10 or aka intrepid...06:47
darryl_jhambo, ok, I am not familiar with kamfu, but my guess is kamfu doesn't have the same permission you do?06:47
almark:Severian  you should try Blender its great the most amazing CG can be made with it.06:48
gnutronaves: awesome is an understatement :)06:48
outboardwhere is the xorg.conf file found ?06:48
Severianalmark, thanks.  Do you know any good tutorials to get started.06:48
Kelen^Foxoutboard: /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:48
malnilionSo, I want to use a regular metacity window theme with compiz but an emerald theme continues to be applied despite having uninstalled emerald, disabled emerald in my compiz script, and removed libemeraldengine0. Does anyone know what my problem might be? Google has not been helpful.06:49
jhambodarryl_: how do I check that?06:49
gnutronoutboard: /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:49
avesgnutron: haha06:49
outboardKelen^Fox thank you06:49
almarkI am having a problem with Blender lets say all the new versions to work with my ati card in linux it just crashes the computer hard what can I do?06:49
darryl_jhambo, are you familiar with permissions, groups, etc...?06:50
almark:Severian  go to blender.org for the tutorial is is hugh I mean hugh, and try blendernation.org or com blenderunderground.com blendernewbies.com06:50
mib_zn4bo116hi all06:50
Severianfriendofyhwh, Just waiting a bit may help.  I don't have a windows machine to test with.  In the past, when I did, it sometimes took an hour for share to show up.  It has something to do with windows master browser setting, but I did not investigate.06:50
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Severianalmark, I saved those names and I will look at them.  Thank you.06:51
almark:Severian  go to blender.org gnome.com or look for that lots of video tuts, there is so much stuff on it you can't miss it. Gimp is harder to find help though06:51
friendofyhwhSeverian...ok...thanks so much for your help...take care..06:51
almark:Severian  welcome, I just hope you can find them just google them prob work ;)06:51
anr78anyone know how I can allow local lan access on ciscos vpn client?06:51
almarkWhy does my ati card freez my computer with its DRI working when I use Blender if anyone knows the answer it will be greatly appreciated06:52
scunizialmark, do you have effects running? like compiz.. turn them off as a test06:53
almarkI'm using blender versions 2.46 and 2.48 with Ubuntu 8.10 and a ati radeon 850006:53
jhambodarryl_: how do I check if "kamefu has the same permission i do"?06:54
almarkscunizi thanks for the answer, I dont think so but glxgears work06:54
almarkscunizi I don't have compiz atm I will later prob06:54
darryl_jhambo, are you familiar with permissions, groups, etc...?06:54
skylarSsudo apt-get remove nginx doesn't work on a fresh install with basically nothing else06:55
jhambodarryl_ not an expert but I can do a chmod u+x on a script...06:55
scunizialmark, sorry I'm out of ideas. maybe a larger swap file? or low memory problem... processor old?06:55
almarkscunizi It does this in Gentoo too so I know its my ati card or the fast that xfree is to new for my card, and the computer just freezes hard, I have to press the pwr button in just to hard boot the thing06:55
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyone tell me how to run 2 separate instances of xchat at the same time with different settings? 2 separate "profiles" if you will?06:55
skylarSE:sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code06:56
almarkscunizi its the DRI module that does it, If I disable it in Gentoo it works but slower and no problems, I have a P4 3ghz runnning ram 1gb06:56
nick|awayrookeeeeeeeee: why you need that? and also search it at google. there is no need to reinvent the wheel06:56
darryl_jhambo, ok, so you can use ls -al, compare the permissions between the two files, or, in a browser, right click the file.06:56
skylarSbasically this bug06:57
scunizialmark, not having used ati, I'm at a loss .. 1gb might be low depending on the graphic.06:57
Severianrookeeeeeeeee, txchat has a -d parameter that allows you to specify a config directory.  That should do it.06:57
jhambodarryl_: sorry, which two files?06:57
Severianrookeeeeeeeee, that was xchat, not txchat.06:57
skylarSbut I have hardy and the bug is not fixed06:58
rookeeeeeeeeeSeverian, could you elaborate please, that doesnt give me enough information06:58
darryl_jhambo, the file name you enter in the terminal.06:58
nnullanyone help me with sound problem? flash movie sound works perfectly, divx/mp3/startup sound are all distorted and choppy, raising the PCM when playing any of these makes sounds like the speakers will pop06:58
almarkscunizi we all know that what doesn't work in Linux will in windows, but it works fine in windows because the drivers for ati are in windows. But the ones that are in Ubuntu and Gentoo are either to new or something else I can't remidy, opengl works in linux  Ubuntu so I don't know what to do06:59
Severianrookeeeeeeeee, start one from a terminal prompt with a command like    xchat -d ~/.xchat2_other06:59
rookeeeeeeeeeSeverian, how do i run them both at the same time?06:59
pb11Hey guys06:59
almarkscunizi I'll try the blender channel maybe they can shed some light on this07:00
scunizialmark, have you checked ati for any newer drivers .. I seem to remember that they just recently released something new.. a driver or catalyst or something.07:00
Severianrookeeeeeeeee, well you run one and then you run the other.  If you don't stop the first one, they'll both be running.07:00
darryl_rookeeeeeeeee, enter the command twice, or open two terminals.07:00
pb11I saw a guide to booting Fedora off of a usb key07:00
avesscunizi: isn't catalyst essentially just fglrx right now?07:00
pb11Is it possible to do that with Ubuntu?07:01
wowso I installed openssh-server.  I tried $ ssh localhost and got a connection refused error.  what's wrong?07:01
avesscunizi: although I could be mistaken, it's been a couple of months since I've used ubuntu07:01
scuniziaves, or a control center for the drivers.. not sure.. I don't do ati07:01
avespb11: yep! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick07:01
rookeeeeeeeeeok Severian  thanks i created a launcher like that but now the launcher only opens into the new instance, how do i get back to the old one?07:01
gnutronwow: in a term type netstat -tunap  see if port 22 is listening07:01
jhambodarryl_: the command I enter in the terminal is `aoss zsnes -v 4 -1 1 foogame.smc`07:02
SeverianUse the lancher from your origanl xchat for the olther one.07:02
rookeeeeeeeeei did07:02
wowgnutron: no it doesn't seem to be07:02
wowsshd is running07:02
almarkscunizi Catalyst is what windows uses for Ati, yet ppl keep telling me the new ati drives do not support my card07:03
SeverianGo to the applications men.  Choose Internet and then xchat07:03
jhambodarryl_: aoss and zsnes both have -rwxr-xr-x07:03
gnutronwow: try restarting sshd07:03
darryl_jhambo, so what are the permissions for foogame.smc?07:03
rookeeeeeeeeethats what i did Severian07:03
gnutronwow: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart07:03
B_166-ER-XHi, Is there a way to have a full list of 'recent documents' (files that have been oppened) instead of just the last 10, like ,last day, or something ?     please07:03
pb11If I boot ubuntu off of a usb key, will I have problems with writing to my hard drives?07:04
tux9778hi i was wondering is there any howtos for gpixpod?07:04
darryl_jhambo, ok, I'm stummped.07:04
gnutronwow: if it doesnt show up in netstat on 22 it wont work, you'll get it.07:04
wowgnutron: still not listening to port 2207:04
anr78_is /etc/resolv.conf a symlink on your systems?07:04
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avestux9778: have you tried "man gpixpod" in terminal?07:04
tux9778ty i forgot the command on how to do that ty agian aves07:05
avestux9778: np =)07:05
gnutronwow: ps aux |grep sshd07:05
tux9778aves witch ver. u running?07:05
Severianrookeeeeeeeee, unless you changed it, your original launcher will use one config directory.  Run it.  The new launcher will use a separate config directory.  Launch it and it will be a separate window.07:06
avestux9778: hardy07:06
nnullanyone help me with sound problem? flash movie sound works perfectly, divx/mp3/startup sound are all distorted and choppy, raising the PCM when playing any of these makes sounds like the speakers will pop07:06
gnutronwow: /usr/sbin/sshd  is the deamon07:06
Severianrookeeeeeeeee,  If you just want two windows, did you see that xchat has an option to open a new window.07:06
avesnnull: which version of ubuntu are you running? What sound drivers?07:06
gnutronwow: re-install, ive never seen it fail really.07:07
nnullaves¬ 8.04, alsa, onboard soundcard, speaker-tests work fine, flash audio works fine07:07
avesnnull: I don't really know what the problem would be, I'm running the same config, and things work fine, sorry!07:08
nnulllolk, yea ive never had audio prob's before either..07:08
gnutronwow: dpkg -s openssh-server07:08
nnullmaybe the onboard audio cant handle de-encoding the divx/mp3/ogg07:08
gnutronwow: dpkg -s openssh-server will verify install07:08
almarkIs it possible to downgrade my ati-drivers?07:09
wowI guess it's ok.  it's got the line Status: install ok installed07:09
aeolienHi! I get an odd message when trying to open Synaptic: "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file." Any ideas?07:09
avesalmark: have you tried a program called EnvyNG? It might be a helpful program for installing drivers.07:10
aeolienThat message appears whenever any X program needs root privileges, actually.07:10
almarkaves: no how do you install it?07:10
ocRobi just re-installed ubuntu 8.04 and automatic updates has like 312 packages :\07:10
ocRobi tried it about an hour ago though after a fresh install and it basically crashed the system07:10
anr78_any channels where I can get help with vpn?07:10
Severianaeolien, are you running the program on another machine through ssh?07:11
aeolienSeverian: No, it's on my own computer here.07:11
wowgnutron: I guess it's ok.  it's got the line Status: install ok installed07:11
wowgnutron: netstat -tunap has the same output, though07:11
AlexOnRubyi just installed the plugins for mp3 playing and my totem movie player is closing every time i try to play an mp307:11
AlexOnRubywhat could be the problem ? can ya help ?07:12
gnutronwow: strangeness07:12
avesalmark: if you have the "universe" repository enabled, use "sudo apt-get install envyng-core"07:12
pb11It's been ~2 years since I've used ubuntu; is wine better at emulating windows now?07:12
hateballpb11❄ a _lot_07:12
avespb11: There's been significant improvements, as far as I know07:12
wowgnutron:  I'll tinker.  thanks for the help07:12
aeolienpb11: Definitely.07:12
pb11oh thats good07:12
avespb11: Since the last time I used ubuntu a few months ago, Office 2007 is now working07:12
Severianaeolien, sorry.  I don't know  I have seen that error whenI accidentally tried to run a program while connected with ssh, but I have not seen it otherwise.07:13
pb11rebooting everytime I wanted to game was annoyign07:13
pb11which is why I reverted to windows slowly07:13
akioanyone here have an MSI Wind?07:13
pb11I kept figuring that I'd reboot back into it to play games in an hour07:13
whufforI'm using EAC (Exact Audio Copy) Under wine for ripping my CDs without any problem now. Was a bit of an issue a year or so back07:13
akio(and got wireless working)07:13
aeolienSeverian: It's okay. I somehow filled my hard drive, and I borked random bits of Ubuntu.07:13
pb11Oh also, are there any good uTorrent replacements?07:14
moncheviquedid anybody play monopoly 3d online?07:14
gnutronwow: sudo invoke.rc.d ssh  maybe?  jack sparrow knows that method, but ive done dozens of ssh servers no probs?!07:14
whufforpb11: I'm using transmission. rtorrent is great if you don't want a gui. You can ssh in and tinker with it remotely07:15
skylarSwhy does apt-get remove nginx not work?07:15
skylarSwhat a bug07:15
wowI'm wondering if once upon a time I was messing with the config file.  would reinstalling make it go back to default07:15
pb11I'm a windows power user, so I won't be going gui-less for a while :(07:15
pb11Although I am a big fan of minimalism07:15
skylarSwow, probably not07:15
pb11I like xfce :O07:16
whufforpb11: Then you have a lot of fun ahead. Tinkering with config files makes you think you're a hacker :P07:16
akioso there are no MSI Wind owners here?07:16
dragon1can some one help me to install ftp tool,cuteftp on ubuntu 8.10....?07:17
akiodragon1: just use filezilla07:17
everettzIs there a "correct" or "recommended" way to remove pulseaudio and to make sure that applications are no longer trying to use it?07:17
Severianakio, maybe not.  I'd like to try one.  Do you have demo units available?07:17
wowpurged config files and reinstalled.  that did it.  thanks gnutron and skylarS07:18
akioI have a demo right here, it's not doing so well...07:18
avesdragon1: cuteftp itself wasn't made for Ubuntu, so I agree with akio's idea of changing the program, but if you must use it, install it with Wine.07:18
dragon1akio: is it inbuilt in ubuntu...?07:18
AlexOnRubyi will repeat my question , if anybody can answer meh: installed plugins for mp3 play, everytime i open an mp3 with Totem Movie Player the program just closes without no errors. what could be the problem07:18
pb11does uTorrent work well with wine?07:19
akiopb11: just use transmission07:19
SeverianAlexOnRuby, So, what are the errors?07:19
akioit even has a web interface07:19
SeverianAlexOnRuby,   without no errors would be with errors, so it is a fair question.07:20
akioand encryption07:20
avesdragon1: If you aren't afraid of non-GUI FTP, type "ftp" in Terminal.07:20
judgenhow do i change the colours of the cli?07:20
akiodon't let the simplicity fool you07:20
AlexOnRubyseverian : the error would be that my mp3s don't play :D07:21
Severianjudgen, You can edit your .bashrc file to do that.07:21
dragon1 aves:thanks I installed filezilla....07:21
pb11So guys, I have a general question07:21
judgenSeverian: oh yeah thats it07:21
pb11Python vs Ruby, what are your thoughts?07:21
skylarSwow, so now try that with nginx07:21
pb11I want to learn an open-source language07:21
AlexOnRubyruby all the way pb1107:21
skylarSpb11, python of course07:22
* pb11 first time programmer07:22
akiopython +107:22
mirec29_dragon: try filezila from http://www.getdeb.net/07:22
SeverianAlexOnRuby, It could several things.  Maybe the mp3 files are bad.  You might not have the right totem plugin.  Have you tried vlc on the mp3 files?07:22
gnutronjudgen: edit default profile in terminal menu07:22
avesmirec29_: wouldn't sudo apt-get be faster? =P07:22
pb11I have no prior coding skills to form an opinion on either of the two07:22
Severianpython +107:22
pb11other than they both seem useful07:22
pb11I've been leaning to python07:23
pb11why is ruby good?07:23
skylarSanyone know how to more forcefully remove a package.. like quit giving me this error message and get this package the hell out of my face07:23
mirec29_aves: maybe, not sure07:23
AlexOnRubypb11: ruby is more development  friendly^^07:23
avesskylarS: try debfoster?07:23
Severianpb11, ruby has good syntax.  But, the developers have not been as good at extending it, IMHO.07:23
gnutronjudgen: .bashrc just gives you font colors, the edit/profile you can do white on black, fonts etc.07:24
joeb3_skylarS, apt-get purge package07:24
ActionParsnipskylarS: sudo dpkg -r --force-all <name>07:24
ActionParsnipskylarS: man dpkg will help07:24
almark1why did Envy NG install fglrx-amdcccle: Installed fglrx-amdcccle I have a p4 not an amd?07:24
AlexOnRubypb11: just try to do some basic stuff in both langauges and see witch one you like better maybe07:24
ActionParsnipskylarS: try to use: sudo apt-get --purge remove <package> first though as its more graceful07:24
Severianpb11, I speak as someone active in a local Python group, so I may not be completely unbiased.  But, it is something we alll talk about.07:25
skylarSActionParsnip, no luck, nginx bug doesn't allow gracefully removal07:25
ActionParsnipskylarS: nice07:25
* gnutron rocks intrepidly07:26
avesalmark1: amdcccle is the Catalyst Control Centre07:26
avesalmark1: it has nothing to do with the processor, don't worry!07:26
pb11Ruby is more friendly than Python?07:27
pb11I thought python was supposed to be very intuitive07:27
almark1man wuoo good thanks07:27
almark1amd = ati I forgot lol07:27
skylarSpb11 both are better than eachother but I have only used python 2bhonest07:27
avespb11: I find python's tab-based syntax a bit counter-intuitive, and kind of confusing07:28
pb11pb11 both are better than eachother07:28
pb11is that some buddhist philosophy there >>07:28
Severianpb11, At one time, Ruby seemed to be more consistently object oriented.  I think Python is friendlier, but I am not sure what friendly means here.07:28
avesalmark1: yeah, it does get confusing sometimes =)07:28
pb11I was told to not go for something too OO biased for my first language07:28
j3naLhi...how to de-encrypted07:28
skylarSgo ask a really dumb question in both irc channels and see which group of developers you hate more :P07:29
ActionParsnip!best | pb1107:29
ubottupb11: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:29
almark1gotta go thanks all07:29
AlexOnRubyskylarS:  rubyst obviously, they hardly answer any question ^^07:29
whufforI think that in learning a new language you tend to go for the language with the best tutorials and documentation overall, regardless of how difficult the language really is07:29
AlexOnRubyskylarS: they are to busy developing :]07:30
gnutrondeveloping pulseaudio for moobuntu?07:30
skylarSI guess I will have to reinstall the whole operating system like a moron :(07:31
gnutronnegative houston07:31
skylarSb/c nginx won't uninstall07:31
potwakhello all07:31
avesskylarS: try installing debfoster07:31
SeverianPython will probably have a better future.  Guido seems to have a better grasp on where he is headed.  Mats has made public statements about being overwhelmed by the project.07:31
avesskylarS: and using that to remove the packages07:31
skylarSaves oh yeah, I just pulled that down07:31
potwakis there a free training certification for ubuntu?07:31
SeverianBut, if you have a local users group for either, I would start there.  Learn one and you can move to the other.07:32
avesskylarS: have you tried it? =P07:32
whufforI'd like to learn one of those languages too. I used to work with Perl about 10 years ago, but haven't coded anything since07:34
nnullguys ive found the problem for my sound problem ive had all day, when i mplayer a mp3 the AO: is [pulse] instead of [alsa], feeding it commands to use alsa makes it work! so yea can i jsut get rid of pulse without any problems? ifso how pls?07:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apacha07:35
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:35
potwak!patience potwak07:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patience potwak07:35
skylarSaves, can you give me the syntax to remove nginx?07:35
avesnnull: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio07:35
avesskylarS: if you have installed debfoster, just type "sudo debfoster" in Terminal, and follow from there.07:36
gnutronnnull: aves url works, it takes some extra switch tweaking in volume controls however, and lower tones to prevent clipping07:37
acp_hi Im tying to format a 2g usb drive using fdisk after a finish the partition and writing it I got this warning: WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.The kernel still uses the old table.The new table will be used at the next reboot. Even I reboot I still get the old partition can any one help me on this,tnx!07:38
everettzAre there viable audio options other than PulseAudio for Intrepid?07:38
nnullis there any reason i can't just remove pulse all together?07:39
nnullor wouldn't want to*07:39
gnutroneverettz: nnull goto - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86696507:39
kitzhello to all07:39
nnullgnutron¬ it says pulseaudio fixes i dont wanna fix it, lol07:39
nnulli wanna get rid of it, if i can lol07:40
aboSamoorI got this error "monitor mode disabled", how can I solve that ?07:40
nnulldw reading07:40
gnutronnnull: i did get rid of it, it works07:40
skylarSaves, I already ran it and didn't see anything about nginx, now when I run it nothing happens07:40
nnullgnutron¬ getting rid of it works? :D07:40
everettzgnutron: Sadly Pulse doesn't work very well with Orca07:40
danakawhats the basic terminal command to open up a config file such as my xorg?07:41
gnutronnnull: follow that forum post, yes.07:41
gbear14275i'm having problems uninstalling the latest vuze client and its really bothering me...07:41
nnullgnutron¬ where abouts in this essay of a thread is the instructions to remove, you gota replace everything in /asound?07:41
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gnutronhardy sound was fine until intrepid, then it was totally shot.07:41
nnullis that it or?07:41
skylarSaves, okay, found it to take out of keepes07:41
gbear14275can someone tell me how to access the pastebin so I can post up what I'm getting07:41
bitmous1I think I am having a problem with permissions, I have a minimal install with idesk as my desktop manager, unless I run it as root, it crashes every time I try to move an Icon, my icon files as well as their related files (.png's etc) are all within my personal home folder, any ideas?07:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:42
gbear14275oops, caps07:42
skylarSaves but same error is any other programming that is using dpkg07:42
nnullwhats that command to check what version of ubuntu ure using in cli again?07:42
everettzgnutron: would there be any options for improving audio responsiveness of Orca?07:42
gbear14275http://paste.ubuntu.com/83875/  Could someone please take a look at that and tell me what is going on?07:43
rodney_just uninstall pulse make your life easyer07:43
nnullrodney_¬ how?07:43
gnutronnnull: it was simple save the backups, tweak your tone settings, a few tweaks in volume controls and it rocks, no pulse no more.07:43
nnullchanging all the /asounds to alsa is that it?07:43
nnulltone settings/07:44
gnutronnnull: not quite07:44
gnutronnnull goto - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86696507:44
Ayyadnnull, not sure if you mean 'cat /etc/issue' or if it is something else that you are asking07:44
avesskylarS: ah, I didn't realise that07:44
avesskylarS: I don't really know what to do, sorry!07:45
gbear14275can anyone tell me whats going on with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/83875/07:45
danakawhats the name of the cube desktop thing?07:45
bitmous1anybody know why idesk would be crashing everytime I run it as anything but root?07:45
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nnullwhen i force an application not to use Pulse (currently its installed) there is 0 problem in quality for me, so once i uninstall Pulse (which im forcing programs not to use so i can get the quality im happy with) its going to change the way alsa plays the media or?07:45
nnullnot trying to be difficult, simply understand07:46
Ayyaddanaka, compiz?07:46
danakayea, whats the other one too?07:46
danakalike the alternative?07:46
calliopehey I was doing an update all (ok so its been more than a year) and update manager now says update is complete and says succesfully applied all changes ;^)07:46
gbear14275danaka: compiz i believe07:46
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danakaor did compiz finally take over?07:46
Ayyadthere was compiz and beryl, but i believe that is what compiz-fusion is all about07:46
danakaits been a while07:47
Guest8078hey whats the command to list the uuids of your hard drives?07:47
calliope and ;^( except that I get this07:47
gnutronpulse was fine in hardy, in intrepid it was no sound no way no where.07:47
calliopeW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libe/libexif/libexif12_0.6.13-5ubuntu0.2_i386.deb07:47
calliope  404 Not Found07:47
calliopeW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/vlc/libvlc0_0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4.1_i386.deb07:47
calliope  404 Not Found07:47
calliopeW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libx/libxml2/libxml2-utils_2.6.27.dfsg-1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb07:47
gbear14275vuze errors?  anyone? http://paste.ubuntu.com/83875/07:47
FloodBot3calliope: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
pb11how much space does an 8.10 install take?07:47
danakagood size is 8 gigs07:47
nnullid say absolute minimum 5 gig, and you wont be installing anything heh07:47
whufforI installed intrepid yesterday and used 15GB. Seems more than enough for my purposes07:48
calliopethis one seems rather important07:48
calliopeW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-generic_2.
nnullor doing anything for that matter lol07:48
skylarSevery time I get hyped up about nginx I end up spending a few hours trying to find it can not be gracefully removed07:48
calliopeand so before I hit the close button.... Is this gonna choke on the reboot ?07:48
Guest8078hey whats the command to list the uuids of your hard drives?07:48
skylarS*how it can be gracefully removed07:49
barrientoshi everyone... i need help please07:49
whufforGuest8078: blkid07:49
AyyadGuest8078, i honestly forget, but you can just cat /etc/fstab  the uuids will be listed07:49
barrientosi am using ubuntu for the first time and i really need help07:49
calliopeor which debs or files could be considered 'critical' and I could check to make sure those were actually updated07:50
kernbarrientos with what?07:50
Ayyadyes.. exactly like what whuffor says!07:50
barrientosfirst, i got HD and it doesn't allow me to get it07:50
gbear14275http://paste.ubuntu.com/83875/ can someone help me get rid of this?07:50
gnutronGuest8078: /dev/disk/by-uuid/07:50
Guest8078blkid worked thanks though07:51
gbear14275barrientos: please explain07:51
barrientoswith windows i had the same problem but then i just had to write D: on the direction tab07:51
kernbarrientos is it a windows hdd?07:51
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barrientosit is a HD that always had problems to get in, i could get it double clicking with windows i had to write or select it from the dir bar, but with ubuntu i can't do that07:52
gbear14275barrientos: you have to install ntfs support07:53
barrientoswhere do i get it?07:53
Sparkhi, in intrepid, /usr/lib/libprofiler.so appears to be stripped, which means it doesn't work07:53
Sparkcan anyone else confirm this?07:53
kerneverytime i log into ubuntu my network manager asks for a keyring how can i diable it, or get it to put the passowerd for the keyring in autmatically?07:53
whynotI've been experiencing firefox abnormal termination for a few days.  Does someone has same problem?  Can it be ubuntu issue?07:53
whynotI've been experiencing firefox abnormal termination for a few days.  Does someone has same problem?  Can it be ubuntu issue?07:54
ocRobi installed the flash plugin but when i go to a site w/ flash like myspace or yahoo the flash sections are gray and i have to click play, which plugin fixes that?07:54
Severianwhynot, I have been heavily using Firefox with all updates applied on Ubuntu for a while with no problems.07:54
bitmous1hmm anybody know how to tell wine to open a command prompt and then run a program within that command prompt?07:55
quentusrexCrap. I just accidentally shut down the sshd of a remotely hosted server... is there any was to restore it without going to the server?07:55
whynotseverian/Thanks.  My system has some problem, maybe.07:55
Ayyadbarrientos, ntfs-3g07:56
barrientosthat's the ntfs support software name?07:56
Sparkah figured it out, it's supposed to be linking to .a but this .so is in the way.  the .so is not from ubuntu:  dpkg: /usr/include/libprofiler.so not found.07:56
Sparkproblem solved07:56
gnutronquentusrex: no07:56
Sparkoops no that was include rather than lib07:56
Ayyadquentusrex, if you have a remote console device or something connected to the server, then yes.. else, no07:57
quentusrexgnutron: there is an ssh tunnel from the server that is listening on to another server of mine, is there a way to login through that tunnel?07:57
gnutronquentusrex: with the -X flag you might07:58
gbear14275did you leave any other services open?07:58
Guest8078does photoshop work with wine now?07:58
gnutronquentusrex: i think thats the switch07:58
quentusrexgbear14275: only apache, mysql, etc... :(07:58
gnutronquentusrex: if its a different box, i doubt it, theres still no way to reach to sshd downed box.07:59
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iiwod #boxee08:00
jim_pdoes anyone use the radeon/radeonhd driver for serious 3d usage (aka gaming :P) ? if yes, how good is it?08:00
gbear14275quentusrex: I don't know much about remote admin...  but assuming your security config sucked I think there are ways to use telnet08:00
barrientossorry i lost connection08:01
barrientoswho told me about ntfs-3g?08:01
gnutronquentusrex: if you could attach to that tunnel, then yes maybe?08:01
gbear14275barrientos: me08:01
kernhas anybody installed 8.10  and uses a wireless connection how can i get the keyring to stop asking me for a password everytime i log in?08:01
jim_pbarrientos, what was it? i may be able to help08:01
barrientoscuz i just downloaded it and it comes as a .dmg file so i can't open it08:01
jim_poh ok, sorry gbear1427508:01
pb11Can I split a partition thats full and only reformat one half for linux?08:02
gbear14275jim_p: feel free to help as well08:02
jim_pbarrientos, use apt to install it                sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g08:02
gbear14275barrientos: try using either add/remove or synaptic to install the package08:02
gnutronkern: open the keyring and tell it to remember the pass, i did it with evolution and no more prompts. it might work.08:03
gbear14275barrientos: or what jim_p said as well08:03
nexus23does anyone use opera know how to get the speed dial icons back?08:03
nexus23they suddenly wont show up08:04
vladtsepesh1984i guys i have a problem....i have installed open office 3 but i'm no able to integrate it in the desktop like put the icons on the applications menu....08:04
vladtsepesh1984what i have to do?08:04
fivetwentysixfirefox > opera08:04
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jim_pvladtsepesh1984, how did you install it?08:04
vladtsepesh1984i install it by a dev file downloaded from open office site08:04
gbear14275anyone able to help me resolve these errors? http://paste.ubuntu.com/83875/08:04
barrientoswhat's apt?08:04
kerngnutron i went to encription and keyrings theres an option Defualt key but tthen u can only choose none, prompt for  a key under the passphrase comand i selected always remember08:05
vladtsepesh1984but i have also add the repository08:05
=== billing is now known as setya
kernbut still it keeps asking :(08:05
pb11anyone have an idea about the partition thing?08:05
almark1Hello, the ati catlyst has rendered my Xorg use less, the defualt xorg.conf file doesn't get it back up and running pls help.08:06
jim_pbarrientos, apt is the package management tool of ubuntu. the alfa and the omega of what is installed and uninstalled08:06
jim_pvladtsepesh1984, i think OOo3 is in synaptic. install it from there~08:06
barrientoshow do i use it to install nfts 3g?08:06
kernpb11 yes you can08:07
danakawhats the command to restart xorg08:07
skylarShttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-453053.html <-- if you ever need to remove nginx before they fix it08:07
kernjust resizse it08:07
danakathank you08:07
gbear14275barrientos: did you read what came up during your google search for "ubuntu ntfs"?08:07
almark1I can't copy that link right now hmm08:08
pb11kern, can you tell me how? because when I try to use the default partition tool in ubuntu installer automatically tries to reformat my whole drice08:08
danakauhh, that didn't work08:08
danakait said the server was already active...08:08
vladtsepesh1984i haven't open office 3 in synaptic but only old version08:08
kernpb11 so you're trying to install ubuntu?08:08
gnutronbarrientos: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g08:09
barrientoswhere do i write that?08:09
kernpb11 or are you trying to reformat it while you're on ubuntu?08:09
gbear14275gnutron: I'll walk barrientos through it in pm if you like08:09
gnutronbarrientos: in a terminal or in synaptic search08:09
kernpb11 im sure theres an easier way, however what i did was downloaded gparted live cd.. and i boot that up anytime i want to format something08:10
pb11I want to split my drive, partition one half and install ubuntu on it08:10
pattersonwonder if theres a simple vm package to install xp into ubuntu08:10
barrientosgnutron what??? what's a synaptic search?08:11
aboSamoorhi, while I am trying to run weplab, I got this error "datalink type is not DLT_IEEE802.11 or PRISM_HEADER." ?08:11
almark1SkylarS what was that link again? Im in Gentoo now08:11
skylarSalmark1, for removing nginx?08:12
gnutronbarrientos: install ntfs-config too. synaptic is a GUI package manager in system/administration08:12
almark1SkylarS yes08:12
skylarSalmark1, you can basically just put exit 0 after the shebang in the init script08:12
almark1SkylarS: thanks08:13
wsgordonok, trouble, someone help. I have ubuntu installed, but the usename and pass will not work so can I fix this from a live knoppix cd.08:13
gnutronbarrientos: or in a gnome-terminal or kde konsole aptitude or apt-get will do the same thing but in cli08:13
kernpb11 okay system admin gparted08:13
pb11I'm on windows currently08:13
aaa``im giving up installing ubuntu 8.10.08:13
almark1I wonder what I did wrong with that program08:13
danakahow do i configure my compiz?08:13
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion08:14
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kernpb11 alright well im sure theres a way to do it in windows08:14
jim_p__sorry people08:14
jim_p__blackouts happen08:14
wsgordoncan I use a knoppix live cd and fix a ubuntu install, the live ubuntu cd does not have an irc chat08:15
jim_p__barrientos, are you still there?08:15
kernpb11 but u can also do it while you're installing ubuntu,08:15
jim_p__wsgordon, yes. and ubuntu has pidgin for irc08:15
pb11I know kern08:15
pb11but what I'm saying it08:15
pb11when I do it while installing ubuntu08:15
pb11partitioner wants to format entire drive08:15
pb11rather than the half I'd like08:16
gnutrongbear14275: be my guest if barrientos has questions.08:16
pb11because the drive is full08:16
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gbear14275gnutron: I've got him in a pm session08:16
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almark1thanks skylarS I'll read that, good night08:16
anr78is resolv.conf supposed to be a symlink?08:16
wsgordonjim_p__ i know a working install has an irc, but i just install ubuntu, and the password and user name do not work, theres an issue with the Dell system and the passwords not working .08:16
gnutronanr78: um, no08:16
jim_p__anr78, no :(08:16
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kernpb11 u can resize it, but if the drive is full as you say you can split it in half without losing your data08:17
wsgordonjim_p__ can I manually edit the ubuntu install or boot as admin and fix it08:17
reenignEesreveRhas anyone installed svn 1.5 on ubuntu 8.04?08:17
jim_p__wsgordon, depends on what you want to edit08:17
kernpb11 if you have free space then  u can make a resized partition08:17
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pb11I have enough space to make a partition08:18
pb11and install ubuntu08:18
anr78gnutron: jim_p__ : it isn't here either, but vpnc claims that it has to be for it to work..08:18
pb11but I'd like to reallocate some more space to it later08:18
wsgordonjim_p__ i need to edit the password file in order to boot the hard drive install, all i have access to is a old knoppix live cd though08:18
pb11even though windows partition will be fat32 and ubuntu wont08:18
pb11will that work?08:18
jim_p__wsgordon, chroot it then!08:19
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gnutron/bin/sh: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied08:19
wsgordonjim_p__ explain a bit, please. once i boot the installed ubuntu system, then how do i get root access to boot08:20
kernpb11 sure u can always change the size of ur partitions, provided you have enough space on ur hdd08:20
kernpb11 u may have to free up some space, back up files onto another hdd or cd roms08:20
pb11so say08:21
jim_pwsgordon, well you will have to use chroot to "alter" the existing ubuntu installation and change the password08:21
gnutron../etc/resolv.conf is an ASCII text file, no symlink whatsoever08:21
pb11my windows is on c:/ right now08:21
pb11and it has, like, 5 gigs of space08:21
pb11so I partition that and install ubuntu08:21
pb11if I clear room on c:/ later08:21
wsgordonfrom the installed ubuntu or the live cd ?08:21
pb11can I add that to the newly made ubuntu after the fact of install08:21
pb11fresh install of ubuntu08:22
pb11I got rid of the old one08:22
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pb11I stopped using for about a year =\08:22
jim_pgnutron, my /etc/resolv.conf is a text file!08:22
alfred_you mean add the free space from the C:\ partition to the ubuntu partition?08:22
kernpb11 so you only have 5 gigs and u want to split that in  half for windows and ubuntu?08:22
jim_pwsgordon, you put the live cd in, let it boot, open a terminal, chroot to the ubuntu installation, change password and you are done08:23
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box08:23
gnutronjim_p: right, so is a symlink technically, isnt it? but resolv.conf is just a plain old .conf file08:23
pb11not actually in half08:23
pb11bad wording08:23
pb11I want to use the 5 gigs thats free08:23
pb11and split that off08:24
jim_pgnutron, no its a text file as in plain text. no symlink!08:24
wsgordonguide me or a url link please.08:24
pb11which is no problem08:24
pb11its reallocating space later08:24
pb11which I'm wondering about08:24
jim_pwsgordon, ok give me a sec08:24
gnutronjim_p: youre right, there is a way to get into the box and change the pass08:24
pb11if its not possible I'll have to wait until I clear up more room first08:24
alfred_reallocating space is possible with gnome partition editor, but there's a chance of failure08:24
pb11Have you tried it before?08:24
alfred_yes I have08:24
pb11did it work/08:25
alfred_I've done it 3 or 4 times and it worked every time for me08:25
wsgordonjim_p__ where is the user name and password stored ?08:25
skylarSpb11, it's worked 9/10 or better for me08:25
jim_pwsgordon, dunno08:25
gnutronjim_p: right, i agreed all along. not a symlink. i dunno i need sleep08:25
skylarSpb11, did it ever fail?  maybe not08:25
wsgordonIt sucks ubuntu hates the dell optiplex.08:25
pb11would you recommend fragmenting my windows drive before reallocating some of the free space to ubuntu to improve the chances of success?08:25
skylarSwsgordon, vice versa08:25
pb11sleep deprivation -_-08:25
skylarSpb11, sounds like a plan08:25
kerndo it08:26
wsgordoni just know i will use ubuntu before I install vista... ;)08:26
alfred_back up important stuff, but I think it'll go smoothly08:26
gnutronwsgordon: its encrypted in  /etc/shadow i think08:26
pb11Anybody here try Ubuntu Studio?08:26
kerni have so much hdd space that i never really had to worry about that i guess08:27
Severianwsgordon, I have Ubuntu installed on a bunch of Dell Optiplexes.  I have done it since Ubuntu first came out.  Dell uses such generic hardware that it works well.08:27
skylarSpb11, yeah, kind of sucks imho, sounds like a good idea though08:27
alfred_i've installed the studio kernel on top of a generic one08:27
gnutronwsgordon: install vista first to avoid grub stuff08:27
alfred_the main difference with ubuntu studio is that it includes lots of media editing apps, that's about it.08:28
wsgordonhad vista installed, but I prefer to run a pure linux system, no duel boot08:28
LeonSquallis it possible to install a network printer from windows to ubuntu that is not supported inder ubuntu?08:28
skylarSalfred_, pb11 I think the real time kernel is the key, everything else is just flash and bloat that I can tell08:28
LeonSquallis it possible to install a network printer from windows to ubuntu that is not supported under ubuntu?08:28
LeonSquallcant find a site that explains if that is possible08:28
alfred_I've had bad luck with networking printers08:28
LeonSquallthat's bad news08:29
kernwsgordon thats what i want and i kinda want to try installing windows on linux through vmware or wahtever so i dont have to duakboot08:29
LeonSquallfor me08:29
=== Guest8078 is now known as Tux33
Tux33can i use photoshop cs4 with wine?08:29
skylarSkern, if you have enough mem/proc you can vmware your existing windows partition08:29
skylarSthat is pretty cool but this laptop is not beefy enough08:30
pb11What file system is better?08:30
LeonSquallso it's not possible to let windows do the translation on network printing08:30
gnutronwsgordon: no 'duel' boot is a pun ;)08:30
wsgordonI've installed osx on a dell before, but when theres a install issue and the password fails, im stuck08:30
kernsKylarS hmm how much mem do i need?08:30
LeonSquallsince the driver only suports windows08:30
adv_how can i check for a binary in which pkg it is?'08:30
pb11having a non-NTFS file system won't affect my ability to write to my windows partition will it?08:31
skylarSkern depends on the winduhs but over a gig for XP I would suppose08:31
gnutronkern: i have intrepid on a pentium 1.7 mhz 384 mb ram, runs great08:31
alfred_windows XP can function well on 512mb of ram, as long as you don't multi-task too much08:31
kernskylarS ive got 308:31
alfred_I think the minimum requirment to install XP is 128mb08:32
DennisCollectiveIf Im not constantly pressing a key, ubuntu hangs on boot, but if I press a key it goes boots, same thing with shutdown, has anyone heard anything about this before?08:32
gnutronkern: 128 mb video card helps08:32
kernbot sure about my video card08:32
skylarSkern, yeah, if you have windows already installed it would be nice to VM into the existing partition, eh?  I bit tricky but I did it once08:32
Tux33can i use photoshop cs4 with wine?08:32
PunyHumanHi, I have a problem with my wireless. It stopped working yesterday after a reboot... has beeb working fine for the last 6 months. I have an rt73usb wireless adapter. All other PC's in the house are fine. networkmanager reports that wireless is disabled, all the options are greyed out. 'dbus' detects the wireless adapter but I can't connect. Can someone please  help?08:32
kernskylarS it would be nice i dont even know how to vmware in the first place though08:33
alfred_PunyHuman, you're sure the adapter is powered on?08:33
PunyHumanalfred_: yes it is08:33
jason_hi all08:33
jim_pwsgordon, i cant find a proper chroot tutorial!08:34
alfred_hmm, well I don't know what to say with usb adapters08:34
pb11are the open source compilers for programming python and c++ any good?08:34
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware08:34
pb11people have told me how awesome vim is08:34
jason_wow got to love it when you click callender in evolution and it just shuts down08:35
bitmous1is there a command in openbox to start applications minimized?08:35
wsgordonI'm looking for the url to the site I read the optiplex has password issues on, but cannot locate it08:35
alfred_PunyHuman, it can see the network, right? If so, is your host using WPA?08:35
skylarSkern, http://www.squidoo.com/use-existing-windows-installation-and-apps-in-ubuntu08:36
jason_anyone have problems with flashing in opengl programs?08:36
PunyHumanalfred_: it is not a WPA problem, security makes no difference. when i left click on networkmanager, everything is greyed out. eth0 and the wireless are both greyed out. when i right click, "enable networking" is ticked and enabled, but "enable wireless" is greyed out and not ticked08:36
skylarSkern, i had to juggle a bunch of howto's but it only took me about an hour or so08:37
alfred_PunyHuman, could a recent update have affected the driver in any way?08:37
kernim sure it will take me longer haha08:37
PunyHumanalfred_: lsusb showsthe adapter, lsmod shows that the modules are loaded, dbus detects the hardware. it is some kind of networkmanager problem from what i can see08:37
alfred_well that's very strange08:37
PunyHumanalfred_: i have not done in any updates in about 2 weeks, pc has been rebooted in between.08:38
paranoid_ndroidI'd like to try to get the source from CVS08:38
alfred_I would try re-installing network manager, or using a different network manager08:38
wsgordoncan you boot as root08:38
pb11what irc clients are good on ubuntu08:38
kernskylarS im using stata hdd's08:38
PunyHumanalfred_: i think I will try wicd08:38
ubottucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/08:38
skylarSkern, should be similar08:38
PunyHumanalfred_: i just plugged in my usb memory stick and nothing happened. it seems that no usb devices are working, even though dbus knows they are there08:39
skylarSlinus torvalds loves CVS08:39
PunyHumanalfred_: could it have something to do with the fact that i disabled a few servics at boot time08:39
adv_what does it mean for apt not able to get v 80483e6:       56                      push   %esi08:39
gnutronwsgordon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword  use 'the other way' listed in this document.08:39
adv_what does it mean for apt not able to get verification?08:39
alfred_PunyHuman, all I can say is that trying wicd sounds like a good idea. Reinstalling network manager is a good idea, too08:39
TheoPasti think windows is better08:39
pb11here come the flames =\08:39
paranoid_ndroidis it too difficult?08:40
alfred_yay, lets start an argument about windows vs. linux08:40
PunyHumanalfred_: do you know which services control usb ? i used sysv-rc-conf and disabled some things i probably should not have08:40
kernalright ill try this08:40
kernlater all08:40
jamilHello! Firefox is crashing constantly on intrerpid08:40
TheoPastfirst of learn how to spell! and whats there to argue about08:40
DaveKongwhy might cplay using mpg123 jump from 1% or less cpu usage to 8% switching from gnome to lxde (openbox, lxterminal other recommended defaults)?08:41
jim_pjamil, hello. use flashblock for a start08:41
jamilflashblock ?08:41
jim_pjamil, yea. its a firefox addon08:41
alfred_PunyHuman, wicd is supposed to work a lot better for usb wireless devices. I would try that, and if it doesn't work, then it's a USB problem08:41
gnutronTheoPast: windows is ok if you spend thousands of dollars on software, but it sucks at networking.08:41
jim_pjamil, assuming that crashes are 99% flash faults08:41
PunyHumanalfred_: I have no way of getting wicd on to the pc... it is wireless only, and none of my usb thumb drives are being detected08:41
paranoid_ndroidhow do I set an environment variable?08:42
PunyHumanalfred_: this seems to me more like a USB problem in general rather than a wireless issue08:42
jamiljim_p: should i install flashblock ?08:42
alfred_PunyHuman, I had the issue with having only a wireless card, and no others. I suppose you're right, it is a usb problem..08:42
jim_pPunyHuman, do you have internet connection on that pc? and DO NOT just download the .deb and install manually, use the repo!!!08:42
adv_what does it mean for apt not able to get verification for some pkgs?08:42
jim_pjamil, yea08:42
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zenogot this error in tty1 (wasnt logged in) right before hard freeze: CIFS VFS: Unexpected lookup error: -11208:43
jim_padv_, some authentication key for some repo is missing08:43
PunyHumanjim_p: no, it is wireless only. the router is 300m away08:43
adv_jim_p: is it dangerous?08:43
alfred_PunyHuman, you could try booting into a LiveCD and testing wireless/USB functionality there08:43
PunyHumanalfred_: who can help me with my usb problem them08:43
jim_pPunyHuman, do you have internet connextion now?08:43
gnutronparanoid_ndroid: /etc/environment or /etc/profile i think. ive used both, those are global settins be aware08:43
Acedipjamil: gettting the updates might help overcome it, assuming u installed a downloaded version of intrepid from torrents..08:43
adv_jim_p: is it often ?08:43
TheoPasthay alfred saigh whuts up to bruce four me08:43
PunyHumanalfred_: It works fine. it is something that I have done to my system which is causing it not to work08:43
jim_padv_, depends on the repo, and no its not often08:43
PunyHumanalfred_: livecd works fine but does not help me solve the probem08:43
PunyHumanjim_p: yes, obviously08:44
jamilAcedip: I has feisty which i upgraded to intrepid directly08:44
wsgordongnutron thanks ill give it a try08:44
jim_pPunyHuman, well use the wicd repo to install it!08:44
PunyHumanjim_p: I am using a different PC08:44
jamilAcedip: but firefox was running fine till yesterday08:44
paranoid_ndroidgnutron, what is the command? export?08:44
alfred_PunyHuman: I don't know anything about usb nonfunction08:44
Acedipjamil: ohh..08:44
jim_pjamil, feisty > intrepid at once? or feisty > hardy > intrepid ??08:45
PunyHumandoes anyone know why usb is just simply not working??? dbus sees the hardware but none of it will do anything... storage devices, wireless adapters. surely someone has had this happen to them before!08:45
gnutronadv_: it means you dont have the pgp key installed08:45
jamiljim_p: at once08:45
jim_pPunyHuman, lsusb08:45
jim_pjamil, no wonder why. you jumped from ff2 to ff308:45
PunyHumanjim_p: it shows all of the devices....08:45
gnutronparanoid_ndroid: i think its 'set' then 'export08:46
PunyHumanjim_p: /dev/sdb1 is normally my usb stick. If I try to mount, it says special device does not exist. even though it shows up in lsusb08:46
jim_pPunyHuman, does dmesg say anything when you plug sth in?08:46
jamiljim_p: infact this page crashes  firefox: http://blendernewbies.blogspot.com/search/label/Topology08:46
paranoid_ndroidgnutron, do you have an example?08:46
TheoPast"(03:43:08 AM) alfred_: don't tell anybody, but i really like the new vista program, but if u still wanna meet me for drinks id really like that..." wtf?08:46
PunyHumanjim_p: yes, it shows that it has detected everything08:46
adv_gnutron: how can i install it?08:46
jamiljim_p: firefox is still crashing(after installing flashblock)08:47
gnutronparanoid_ndroid: havent done that for quite awhile, i'll take a look though08:47
jim_pjamil, it doesnt for me!08:47
jim_pjamil, ff does crash for me on some sites like    www.insomnia.gr/forum08:47
Acedipjamil: got damnit..what was that page..even mine's gone08:48
macojim_p: i think the proper question wouldve been feisty->gutsy->hardy->intrepid08:48
jamilAcedip: no that site is trusted one08:48
jim_pmaco, i missed an alphabet letter08:48
gnutronadv_: the repo site should show how to wget the key and import it using tee to install it in root's keyring08:48
jim_pjamil, it does not crash at the main page though08:48
jamiljim_p: all other pages are opening normally08:49
adv_gnutron: it's the same repo i always use08:49
jim_pjamil, try cleaning the cache08:49
jim_pjamil, and as last resort, use opera for that site08:50
gnutronadv_: do you get a warning?08:50
Acedipjust out of curiosity guys..how many websites are there on the internet08:50
paranoid_ndroidit worked just with export08:50
paranoid_ndroidthanks gnutron08:50
Acedipnot the webpages though..08:50
alfred_I think there's over 100 million websites08:50
gnutronparanoid_ndroid: ok, heres a cmd line or two actually- NNTPSERVER='netnews.mchsi.com'08:51
bitmous1anybody know where swiftfox keeps it's configuration files for each user?08:51
gnutronexport NNTPSERVER08:51
Eredorhi, i just installed ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv 9000, i've enabled the restricted drivers by nvidia but still cannot increase my screen resolution08:51
alfred_Acedip: 108 million websites, nearly 30 billion web pages.08:51
adv_gnutron: not the other times08:51
Eredoralso, i can't remember any terminal commands from the short period i used it about a year ago >_<08:52
Acedipalfred_: url ?08:52
jim_pbitmous1, in ~/.swiftfox maybe?08:52
jamiljim_p: from where can i get opera ?08:52
Eredorcan anyone help me please?08:53
gnutronadv_: regular ubuntu repo's i dont recall needing to install the signing key.08:53
bitmous1jim_p: isn't there strangely enough, on either of my accoutns08:53
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
jim_pjamil, open up /etc/apt/sources.list and add the opera repo. then use synaptic for the rest08:53
vertxHi all, I have this problem while logging into my ubuntu box. I'm sure the password I entered is correct, yet the box just returned me to its login prompt. What could be the problem?08:53
gnutronadv_: in synaptic you'll see a few listed08:53
jim_pvertx, select a session08:53
Acedipbut alfred_: that figure is as of feb 2007..its 22 now months after that08:54
Mud|afkcan somone explain how to put permission to the subfolders also?08:54
vertxjim_p: Do you mean the session wasn't automatically selected?08:54
Mud|afkwith chmod it does only main folder08:54
jim_pMud|afk, chown -R08:54
jim_por chmod -R08:54
Mud|afkty :)08:54
Mud|afkthanx \o/08:55
Sparkit seems that ibex's nvidia support now ignores vsync08:55
jim_pnot sure if its R or r Mud|afk08:55
Mud|afkI think r08:55
Spark__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK now has no effect08:55
gnutronMud|afk: chmod -R 755 dir/  for example08:55
Sparkthe glx support doesn't do anything08:55
theeclipseHello guys, How can I change my external drive filesystem without losing my data?08:55
Sparkand nvidia-settings doesn't work either08:55
Mud|afkok gnutron :>08:55
Mud|afksecond question08:55
Mud|afkI have host allow in my samba share08:55
jamilIs chrome available for ubuntu ?08:55
jim_ptheeclipse, you move the data to a safe place and format it to the new filesystem. other methods have non guaranteed results08:56
Mud|afkbut..I want a short ip range exampe in there08:56
Mud|afkhow I do that?08:56
jim_pjamil, no. unless you want to run it in wine08:56
finirasis there a command that i can run to see if this server can handle SATA hdds08:56
Mud|afk10.35.39.20-40 isnt working?08:56
theeclipsejim_p: not even gparted ?08:56
jim_ptheeclipse, nope08:56
gnutronMud|afk: i know nothing about samba configs, sorry.08:56
Mud|afktoo bad :(08:57
jim_pfiniras, does it have sata ports? and sata drives?08:57
theeclipsejim_p: I have lotof problems to make it writable under Debian because it is VFAT, then I thought maybe it is better I change its filesystem, any idea?08:57
gnutronMud|afk: maybe i dunno08:57
jim_ptheeclipse, well vfat is as is writable and readable by any os!08:58
Mud|afkgnutron: I want a short list only, only servers must access the share08:58
bitmous1anybody know where swiftfox keeps it's bookmarks etc for each user?08:58
jim_ptheeclipse, where does debian fail?08:58
Mud|afk20-40 is the server ip range08:58
jim_pbitmous1, are they different than ff bookmarks?08:58
gnutronMud|afk: no samba experience for me.08:59
Mud|afkgnutron too bad :( I find nothing with google :o >.<08:59
theeclipsejim_p: It mounts it but the problem is that non-root users do not have permission of write, and plus I can not change its file permissions even by root08:59
finirasjim_p it doesnt have SATA drives, but the thing is, i have this server that is far from me at the mo and i was gonna buy a new hard drive for this, so i need to know if there are any SATA ports. I have SSH access08:59
bitmous1jim_p: I dunno but I do know when I open it up as root and when I open it up as my user I get two completely different sets of bookmarks etc08:59
jim_ptheeclipse, can you use an fstab entry for that?08:59
jim_phey one at a time!08:59
gnutronMud|afk: samba.org08:59
finirasjim_p i do remember somebody telling me some time ago that it does support SATA but i dont want to risk buying it for nothing09:00
jim_pfiniras, lshw will tell09:00
jim_pi think09:00
theeclipsejim_p: this is my entry for the drive : users,iocharset=utf8,exec,rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=002,uhelper=hal,utf8,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=100009:00
finirasthx, ill try09:00
MrSoundlesshi all I have a rm question09:00
fygnutron hi09:00
MrSoundlessI got a folder with LOTS of files and if I try to remove all with rm *.* it tells me the list is too long09:00
MrSoundlessany idea how else I can remove all files09:00
fy> ompaul   hiiiiiii09:00
jim_pbitmous1, thats correct. root user and your user are different accounts09:00
danakaholy shit... how many files do you have in that folder09:01
MrSoundlesslots of thousands of files09:01
ompaulfy, h09:01
bitmous1jim_p: right, so I figure the config files, bookmarks etc would be in the home directories of each user, but so far i can't find em09:01
fy> ompaul  hiiiiiiiiiiiii09:01
fyhow are you?09:01
fyare you a man?09:01
MrSoundlessany idea how I can get rid of those? :P09:01
gnutrontheeclipse: heres my fstab entry- /dev/sdb1 /media/LOCAL_DISK vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077 0 009:02
theeclipsegnutron: Thanks man I will try it now09:02
jim_ptheeclipse, have you tried setting 2 parameters for this in fstab? defaults,iocharset=utf809:02
fy nirina  hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii09:02
Zealot12Good morning09:02
fyhow are you?09:02
theeclipsejim_p: it is the exact line that I copied from my fstab09:03
gnutrontheeclipse: you may need to chmod and chown manually at first09:03
Zealot12Im doing okay. I am having some xconfig issues...serious ones it seems lol09:03
vertxwill somebody kick the troll09:03
theeclipsegnutron: I chown the mount point first but after mount it changes it to root09:03
jim_ptheeclipse, ok. comment it out and try with these 2 options i gave you09:03
krishhow can i implement firewall on my webserver? I am using ubuntu 8.04 server edition with LAMP.09:04
adv_what pkg do i need for gtk+-2.0?09:04
gnutrontheeclipse: setuid to your uid09:04
paranoid_ndroidafter all the software used svn09:04
Zealot12Whenever I try to use the sudo /etc/X11/xorg/conf to change my driver settings, it says "ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'" Then if I type nvidia-xconfig, it says "Using X configuration file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf  WARNING: The CorePointer device was not specified explicitly in the layout; using the first CorePointer in the config input list" I dont know whats going on, but I even think my comp is running slower. Any ideas09:04
paranoid_ndroidit seems a lot simpler...09:04
fastaWill anything bad happen if I launch 1000 tar processes in about a second? I.e. will I get some kind of error message?09:04
vertxkrish: use shorewall or firestarte, unless you're proficient with iptables09:05
ocRobfasta: try it09:05
hcfasta, are you trying to see what happens if you launch a fork bomb?09:05
fastahc: no09:05
gnutrontheeclipse: then sudo chown you:root /media/disk09:05
whufforMrSoundless: You could try something like this to remove all files from the current directory: find . -name '*' -exec rm {} \;09:05
jim_phas anyone tried fwbuilder? i think is a bit more user friendly than firestarter09:06
gnutronZealot12: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:06
vertxjim_p: I use shorewall myself09:06
finirasjim_p any idea how i can see the output of lshw when its too long for the screen of putty to hold09:06
gnutronZealot12: or editor of choice09:07
jim_pfiniras, dump it on a file like so                lshw > output.txt09:07
jim_pfiniras, or use more to view it page after page                 lshw | more09:07
finirasthx jim_p, does that stuff work with most output commands?09:07
AdvoWorkhow can i kill a process if I have it's id?09:08
jim_pfiniras, yea09:08
jim_pAdvoWork, killall id09:08
jim_pi think09:08
theeclipsejim_p: It doesnt work09:08
gnutronfiniras: lshw > some-filename   then open the file in an editot09:08
MrSoundlesswhuffor: ty, I found it, I just did rm -rf dirname and removed the complete dir :P09:08
theeclipsegnutron: I can not chwon it even by root !!09:08
Mud|afkgnutron: I will join the samba channel for that channel ;)09:08
Mud|afkfor that question*09:08
paranoid_ndroidis there anyway to paste from firefox to a terminal?09:09
gnutrontheeclipse: it must be mounted first09:09
acaslaanyone know why an 8.10 livecd boots on my macbook, but not my acer?09:09
whufforMrSoundless: Glad you solved it09:09
MrSoundlessty for the answer though :)09:09
whufforAs a rule, the find command is very useful09:09
whufforWell worth learning09:09
theeclipsegnutron: Yes I know, # chown behdad:root external/09:09
theeclipsechown: changing ownership of `external/': Operation not permitted09:09
jim_pacasla, is the acer laptop on ati?09:09
mrglinuxhi I have ubuntu 8.04 on my server but I have problem with install some package that I need you can see here http://phpfi.com/38727109:10
gnutrontheeclipse: thats 'chown' btw09:10
theeclipsegnutron: lol, man it was a typo09:10
gnutrontheeclipse: an external drive eh?09:10
acaslajim_p, the acer has an nvidia geforce 8600m09:11
visofhello , something strange occurred in the above bar in the screen in gnome09:11
mrglinuxI install each one but I have problem also09:11
visof i was able to put a lot of the running application on this bar09:11
AdvoWorkive got: rsync      2493       root  cwd   unknown                                 /home/ZimbraBackups (stat: No such device or address)  ive done: kill 2493 and its still there??09:11
theeclipsegnutron: yes09:11
visoflike pidgin, xchat09:11
visofin the right direction09:11
mrglinuxany soultion ?09:11
visofnow i can't do this i don't know what is the problem ?09:11
visofis there anyone understanding me ?09:12
gnutrontheeclipse: i dunno09:12
theeclipsegnutron: Thanks man.09:12
calliopemmmmm gee it feels like I dont even have the right words for my question..   Where/How do I update the list of package sources so that the Update Manger can find the unfound deb files09:12
theeclipsejim_p: Thank you.09:12
finiraserr whats that command line text editor called again09:12
calliopeok so I found a software sources in the add/rem apps -> then preferenc09:12
gnutrontheeclipse: it is mounted right?09:12
calliopeso now where do I find proper source address?09:13
gnutrontheeclipse: type 'mount'09:13
theeclipsegnutron: Yes I can mount it, the problem is that other users can not write on it, even by root I can not change its ownership and persmission09:13
mrglinuxapt-get install libberkeleydb-perl == The following packages have unmet dependencies:   libberkeleydb-perl: Depends: perlapi-5.8.8   E: Broken packages  :-(09:13
mrglinuxbut perlapi-5.8.8 is installed09:13
Zealot12gnutron: Thanks so much man! So I can now go in and rectify the situation...it was using the wrong driver. The "nvidia" driver, I have an old intel graphics chip so that was *not* gonna fly lol09:14
gnutrontheeclipse: hrm, chmod 755 it first maybe09:14
theeclipsegnutron: It is 755 by default09:15
finirascan anybody name a good command line text editor09:15
theeclipsefiniras: VIM09:15
whuffored or ex had been around forever09:15
gnutronfiniras: nano is easy, vi is powerful, emacs same thing09:16
finirasrite thx09:16
gnutronvi aka vim09:16
whufforthose are fullscreen editors though. The question was for a command line editor09:16
theeclipsefiniras: btw if you are under ubuntu why dont you use GEDIT ?09:17
ScixIs it posible to preconfigure WPA securitysettings in the interface file?09:17
amdpoxwell, I'm guessing he just wants a CLI editor, whuffor09:17
whufforMmm. Possibly09:17
finirastheeclipse no im approachign a ubuntu server using SSH09:17
ScixCan't find anything while googleing..09:17
whufforYou can't always use a gui editor if you for instance connect via ssh or something.09:17
finirasits been long since i did this stuff, forgot most of the commands09:17
theeclipsefiniras: Then use SSH -X09:17
dnyyIs envyng still useful in Ubuntu 8.10?  Every mention of it seems geared toward 8.0409:18
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:18
whuffortheeclipse: Why use a gui if you don't have to?09:18
ActionParsnipdnyy: I use it09:18
yourfaceFUCK YOU09:18
finirastheeclipse im using putty from a windows machine09:18
gnutronZealot12: read that file, note the dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver.xorg command09:18
theeclipsewhuffor: Well it is harf to start with VIM, it was just a suggestion09:18
amdpoxfiniras, then you'd need special software if you wanted to use X forwarding over ssh09:18
amdpoxXMing I think it's called09:18
dnyyActionParsnip: Well when it asks me to pick a driver, only one shows up.  I'm guessing it's the correct one?  I really don't want to mess anything up. :x09:18
amdpoxnano is probably the easiest course09:18
theeclipsefiniras: Then as mentioned above, VIM or Nano09:19
whuffortheeclipse: making gui work over a network in a secure way isn't that easy either :)09:19
acaslaVIM was the first editor I ever used, from my noob days. It's not too hard, I think09:19
ActionParsnipdnyy: just instal the driver with auto hardware detection and it'll install what it needs, make sure you run the app with gksudo09:19
finirasamdpox, X forwarding? you mean like send a file from that pc to the one im on now?09:19
acaslai agree that nano is easier than VIM09:19
theeclipsewhuffor: Oh alright man ;)09:19
ActionParsnip+1 nano09:19
amdpoxfiniras, no, it lets you run GUI apps remotely09:19
hcwhuffor, actually ... if you know how to use SSH tunnels its very easy.09:19
dnyyActionParsnip: I'm running Xubuntu and gksudo/gedit seem to never do anything. Is there a xfce alternative or something?09:20
ActionParsnipdnyy: sudo apt-get install gksudo maybe (?)09:20
whufforhc: Agreed, but you have to learn it first. It can be very convenient09:20
theeclipsedennda: MousePad ?09:20
finirasamdpox i know how it works thx. ive done this a lot before only it was a long time ago so i forgot the names09:20
amdpoxdnyy, mousepad is the text editor09:20
hcwhuffor, i use it to administrate a bunch of pc's at school, so yeah, it's really easy.09:20
Severiandnyy, You can install gedit on xfce.  It installs pretty easily.  I assume gksudo would not be bad, but I have not tried that.09:21
ActionParsnipdnyy: according to one post, xfce uses gtk too09:21
theeclipsegnutron: Anyway thanks man!09:21
whufforhc: I think it's great too. My objection was just that learning how to do that just to use a graphical editor instead of a text editor seemed like overkill and not necessary09:21
gnutrontheeclipse: welcome09:21
dnyySeverian: Ah, alright then.  It not coming preinstalled had me confused as to if I should install it or not. :p09:21
amdpoxxfce is gtk-based, but I think gedit has gnome deps09:22
ActionParsnipamdpox: im just trying to give him graphical sudo09:22
ddoomhow do I disable gdm from starting onboot, without removing it09:22
PhotoguyI try to load Rosetta stone using wine vitual desktop, but it says "please insert the correct cd"09:22
dnyyWell it seems there isn't a gnome-based GUI at the moment. :/09:23
Severiandnyy,  xfce has most of the libraries that gedit needs already.  You just add the app.  I always do that on xubuntu.  xubuntu is very nice on my P2/366.  Enjoy it.09:23
ActionParsnipPhotoguy: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=186709:23
amdpoxddoom, install bum and disable the service09:24
hcwhuffor, that's a good point.09:24
dnyySeverian: I do, it runs a lot better with 512MB of RAM than gnome/kde.09:24
dnyySo if there's no GUI for this, I'm assuming sudo will do just fine?09:24
ActionParsnipdnyy: you run: gksudo envyng-gtk09:24
amdpoxdnyy, running graphical apps with plain sudo can lead to issues09:25
PhotoguyThanks I'll try that.09:25
gnutronddoom: you use invoke.rc.d i believe, ask jack sparrow  that question09:25
amdpoxPhotoguy, do you have a language pack CD in?09:26
PhotoguyYes :)09:26
amdpoxIn the physical drive?09:26
Zealot12gnutron: it says "Package 'xserver.xorg' is not installed and no info is available" hmmmm09:26
ddoomgnutron: k09:26
dnyyActionParnsip: It's saying there isn't a GUI, though, other than one for KDE.09:26
amdpoxhmmm, I got rosetta working, lemme try to remembe rhow09:26
PhotoguyIt odes the same with BF209:27
gnutronZealot12: intrepid, probably so, just installed ibex today on one box.09:27
PhotoguyBattlefield 209:27
Severianddoom,  I would do      sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:27
amdpoxSeverian, that's hardly a permenant solution09:28
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gnutronSeverian: but it will restart on boot09:28
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amdpoxPhotoguy, run winecfg and check the Drives tab09:28
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Zealot12gnutron: well I changed my device drivers and saved, do I need to reboot or reinstall this xserver.xorg?09:29
Severianamdpox, and gnutron   Good points.09:29
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PhotoguyOk, but I'm on Windows now..09:30
mrglinuxI have big problem .. my ubunu can not get any package from repository09:30
gnutronZealot12: what version?09:30
PhotoguyUsing Rosetta srtone.09:30
gnutronZealot12: what version ubuntu09:30
amdpoxPhotoguy, you'll have more luck with interactive support if you can interact ;)09:30
danakawhat's the linux equivalent of ipconfig?09:30
amdpoxdanaka, ifconfig09:30
mrglinuxI check repository for example http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com but when I apt-get install . can not find package but when I manual get with wget I can ...09:31
Zealot12gnutron: oh I am on Intrepid I believe (its 8.10)09:31
ActionParsnipdanaka: you can also display single interfaces with ifconfig eth0 for example09:31
amdpoxmrglinux, have you apt-get updated recently?09:31
gnutronZealot12: lsb_release -a in a term. intrepid did away with xserver.xorg09:31
mrglinuxamdpox yes I had09:31
ddoombtw, I did update-rc.d -f gdm remove which worked09:31
SeverianWhen I am changing services, I normall just adjust the symlinks in /etc/rc2.d, but I don't usually suggest others try it that way.09:31
CircuitsoftAnyone know anything about HD Audio?09:32
gnutronddoom: cool. i just learned something, thx09:32
mrglinuxbut it hase a problem im sure.. I could not install anything09:32
mrglinuxI have to get with wget09:32
HewHow do I identify which process is sending packets regularly on a particular port?09:33
Zealot12gnutron: I says "No LSB modules are available" then it lists the Ubuntu distributor ID and release info09:34
gnutronHew: install wireshark09:34
gnutronZealot12: yeah, thats what it does.09:34
Hewgnutron: Done, I can see packets being sent from a certain port. How do I find which process is doing it?09:34
nickla1hello, if I wanna use a usb memory as boot device instead of a cd, and burn the iso to the usb memory instead, what file format should the usb memory be, and can I just unpack the iso and copy the files to the usb memory or do I have to use some program?09:35
gnutronHew: not sure09:35
ActionParsnip!usb | nickla109:35
ubottunickla1: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:35
gnutroni need sleep, night everybody09:35
Zealot12gnutron: oh okay...wow...so I had no idea they did away with that. and here I was running around in circles lol. so, i restart now?09:36
dominic_fnickla1 - if you're using 8.10 there's a menu option to create a memory stick as a boot device.  System->Administration->Create a USB startup disk09:36
nickla1dominic_f: im using the original xandros on the asus eee 90009:36
gnutronHew: sudo tcpdump -i eth0 might work, i dunno. night!09:37
Hewgnutron: Thanks, I'll give it a go. Night :-)09:37
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nickla1dominic_f: I have had other distros installed, but now im back to original, just wanna play and try to install it with usb09:37
Zealot12Severian: You spoke about Xcfe earlier. I am actually running on LESS than 512MBram (256) and I wonder if maybe I should try Xubuntu. I just wasnt sure if it was like the GNOME desktop or if any of the Ubuntu functions/programs would work there09:38
nickla1dominic_f: I have an external cd/dvd burner at home09:38
haiyang_Hello everyone. I want to use Django evolution. But on production server, how can I add the svn evolution directory onto my PYTHONPATH? I'm using Mod_Python + Apache209:39
HURFShey does deluge support importing utorrent style lists09:39
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:39
mrglinuxI need this package how can I find.. I could not find it perlapi-5.10.009:40
haiyang_Because when I run ./manage.py syncdb on production server, it reports: Error: No module named django_evolution09:40
edgarhi, I have a pc that doesnt have usb or network booting, is there a way to make a cdrom that can do the tftp deal and then find the os install files for xp on my ubuntu box over the network.... if that makes any sense...09:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:42
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:43
danakais there a good, fairly complex, but still minimalistic torrent program for linux? like utorrent is to windows?09:43
ActionParsnip!torrent | danaka09:43
a3DmanI use transmission09:43
ubottudanaka: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:43
a3Dmangood app09:43
danakai want to have encryption as well09:44
ActionParsnipktorrent + web interface :)09:44
brandanIs it possible to format a disk without connecting it to the computer or anything because my hard disk is stuck in a verry bad sector and won't boot09:44
dnyyHmm, so that didn't work out.  I followed the instructions, it said the driver was installed successfully, restarted, and was told no display device was found.09:44
ActionParsnipdanaka: ktorrent allows encryption, if you dont have kde libs already installed they will be needed too09:44
danakaalright thanks09:44
ActionParsnipbrandan: no, it needs connecting to a system for power and controling to be formatted09:45
magnetronbrandan→ start from a CD, format it using the tools on the CD09:45
rohdefdoes anyone know of a xxx-commander (like gnome-commander) that asks automatically for sudo password when trying to do something restricted (like editing a file in /etc)?09:45
ActionParsnipbrandan: ive heard of people waving magnets over them but i dont personally advise it09:45
youshaoyunwho know qingshuang ,what is it?09:45
brandanActionParsnip lol09:45
youshaoyunwho know qingshuang ,what is it?09:46
SlimeyPeteActionParsnip: one would have to open the casing for that anyway unless one has access to an enormous electromagnet ;)09:46
ActionParsnipbrandan: if you get the ultimate boot cd, you can run the diagnostic tool from the drives manufacturer to test it09:46
brandanActionParsnip Its under warn by Western Digital I guess i can just call them09:46
ActionParsnipbrandan: sounds like the best route09:46
brandanActionParsnip BIOS won't boot with it linux and Windows Crash09:46
ActionParsnipSlimeyPete: i could make one pretty quick ;)09:46
ActionParsnipbrandan: sounds like the IDE is shot on the drive09:47
brandanCould this happend when windows was writing on it and then it was unpluged (USB extrenal drive)09:47
brandanI took out the drive itself and connected it to SATA09:48
ActionParsnipbrandan: you could have caused a power spike, but dont mention that ;)09:48
rohdefanyone know of a ***-commander (like midnight-commander) that can easily access windows shares?09:49
ActionParsnipbrandan: is the controller pin for master / slave in the right place?09:49
ActionParsnipbrandan: did you try a few SATA cables / molex's09:49
ghdmhgfquestong for u09:49
ActionParsniprohdef: samba / smbmount09:49
brandanBut my computer bitched at me when i switched up the Sata cables09:49
ActionParsnipbrandan: its fried then imho09:49
gamla_kossanhi people. I'm trying to connect to my networks samba share, but I get an error. I click 'Places -> Connect to network -> Windows share', enter the relevant stuff in the fields, but then I get Cannot display location "smb://" No application is registered as handling this file". Anyone have a clue what's wrong?09:49
ghdmhgfhhow to  access a windows share from an acerone netbook09:49
rohdefActionParsnip, ok, I'll take a look at it09:49
paranoid_ndroidthe scroll from the touchpad stopped working, what can I do?09:49
brandanIt makes the hard disk of death sound09:50
ActionParsnipghdmhgf: samba / smbmount09:50
zetheroowhats the command to install the libdvdread3 package?09:50
ghdmhgfi'm locked nto acer repostoires09:50
gamla_kossangretchen: click Places -> Connect to  network -> Windows share'09:50
ActionParsnipzetheroo: sudo apt-get install libdvdread309:50
ghdmhgfand the sambaclient doesnt have smbmount09:50
ghdmhgfonline smbclient09:50
ghdmhgf tried installing k4smbn09:50
ghdmhgfand i Preeviewed the share09:51
ghdmhgfbut it wouldn't MOUNT09:51
FiretrampHi, just installed Ubuntu 8.10, and the interface is rather.. slow. I've heard that upgrading to the Nvidia Beta drivers solves this issue. Is there anyway to get Ubuntu to do this automatically, or will I have to install it manually?09:51
zetherooActionParsnip: sorry I did not mean install it, since it is already installed ... but there was a command to "activate" it somehow ...09:51
ghdmhgfreduce the Effects09:51
ActionParsnipghdmhgf: http://www.linux-noob.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=140409:52
ActionParsnipzetheroo: you dont "activate" libs, they sit and wait until they are needed by apps09:53
SRazigamla_kossan: your subnet mask and default gateway is configured!09:54
zetherooActionParsnip: I dunno how to say it .. there is a command that configures it or something,,,,09:54
gamla_kossanSRazi: I'm sorry what?09:55
mrglinuxI will be crazy now .. I want to install libltdl3 but it say http://phpfi.com/387284  each package that I install I got this .. now I don't know what shaill I do09:55
gamla_kossan+make? =) my if is set up the way it should be. I'm thinking there's a package I'm missing..?09:56
zetherooActionParsnip: this is what I meant :) sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh09:56
DjonAll hi09:57
mathielindjust wanna ask, i installed ubuntu server and choosed english setup and the configured it for swedish keyboard ... now when i use for example nano editor it wont display swedish characters in nano, just weird characters ..aslo if i create a webpage in WINDOWS with swedish characters the apache server wont display them correct .... any help?09:57
chimpHey, I'm trying to add a simple script to startup using update-rc.d and having no luck at all09:58
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:58
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:58
chimpI've tried quite a few variations on the command, and only thing I can make it do is run the script on shutdown09:58
Tch23HI there!09:59
lianimatorhow can I reduce mic hiss?09:59
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=== kame is now known as kamenoko
Tch23I don't understand why...when I add some icone-pack from gnome-art it doesn't appear... instead I got default pack10:00
* mrglinux prefer go on debian.. because ubuntu has lot of problem in dependency also normal user to answer problems 10:00
amdpox!ru | Djon10:01
ubottuDjon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:01
ompaul!ru | Djon10:01
bushwakkoI can't find opennms in apt-cache, but lsb-release says DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.1"10:01
nick|herei want a base system with only x-window-system only. i installed it. but my keyboard and touchpad aren't recognized10:01
ActionParsnip1lianimator: pull down mic volume from 100%10:01
bushwakkowhat's wrong?10:01
lianimatorActionParsnip1: I'm using my laptop as an amplifier for my guitar10:01
kamenokohello, i cannot reveive dcc transfers in xchat-gnome, would someone be willing to help me?10:02
lianimatorActionParsnip1: pulling down would reduce the volume as well10:02
Tch23lianimator: a laptop is not an amplifier you know10:02
ActionParsnip1lianimator: yeah but you crank up the lower volume and you get better quality10:02
daftykinskamenoko, that's probably more down to your router / port forwarding config than Xchat / Linux10:02
kamenokookie dokie10:02
ActionParsnip1lianimator: its lke having your amp cranked up and your cab low, its sounds terrible10:02
lianimatorActionParsnip1: mic down, volume up huh?10:02
ActionParsnip1lianimator: yeah10:03
ActionParsnip1lianimator: please tell me you keep your amp at low levels10:03
kamenokoshould the ports involved be mapped using udp or tcp?10:03
lianimatorActionParsnip1: any idea of what to do with mic boost?10:03
SmokeyDhey people. Is there a tool that allows me to directly edit gpg encrypted text files, which first decrypts the file, let's me edit it, and then encrypts it again?10:03
daftykinskamenoko, TCP - do you have a router yeah?10:03
BrandanActionParsnip, What should I put for the "Please enter the reason for replacing the drive(s) (30 chars max):" :D10:03
boozaryi want install completely LAMP in ubuntu 8.10 on Terminal, please help me !10:03
ActionParsnip1lianimator: mid range i suppose, just play round with different levels, high medium and low10:04
Tch23lianimator: can you copypast your problem once again please, so I can read it?10:04
lianimatorTch23: how can I reduce mic hiss?10:04
SmokeyDboozary: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server10:04
boozarySmokeyD, aah, ty10:04
Tch23lianimator: you got a lot of background noise?10:05
lianimatorTch23: I have mic hiss.. probably a low quality mic10:05
aaaa``can anyone tell me any solution of INPUT/OUTPUT error..10:05
aaaa``I ve been trying to install Ubuntu.. :(10:05
=== Sarah is now known as Guest61584
lianimatorTch23: could be the low Q soundcard10:05
SmokeyDboozary: or http://joeabiraad.com/linuxunix/installing-lamp-on-ubuntu-710-linuxapachemysqlphp/10010:05
lianimatorTch23: some sound drivers in windows had Mic Hiss reduction..10:05
Tch23lianimator: wich mic which card?10:05
SmokeyDaaaa``: please provide some more information10:05
SmokeyDwhen do you get that error?10:06
SmokeyDwhat exactly are you doing?10:06
aaaa``Im trying to install Ubuntu from Ubuntu CD.. It copies the data and reboots ... then comes the Input/Output Errno5.10:06
lianimatorTch23: Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) HD audio controller (rev 02)10:06
daftykinsaaaa``,  so it fully installs but after restarting to exit the LiveCD you get that?10:06
daftykinsis it definitely booting from the HDD at that point?10:07
daftykinsand you've taken the disc out?10:07
aaaa``i tried the downloaded Iso.. + the CD i took by my friend.10:07
ActionParsnip1aaaa``: did you md5 check the image you downloaded as well as checking the cd for defects at first boot?10:07
Tch23lianimator: gish... do you really expect to have good quality with that?10:07
daftykinsrun the disc self checker off the boot menu10:07
afancyHi, i got the error, which library should i install? configure: error: library 'pam' is required for PAM10:07
youshaoyunlet's fuck  qinshuang  ,please say that follow me10:08
youshaoyunlet's fuck  qinshuang  ,please say that follow me10:08
lianimatorTch23: no, but I expect a software mic hiss reduction10:08
FloodBot2youshaoyun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
aaaa``y friend installed from the same disc.10:08
Tch23lianimator: Aidacity can reduce noise by playing with frecquencies but you'll never have a good sound10:08
LoveGuruafancy: i think its saying there library 'pam' missing10:08
Flannelyoushaoyun: Please keep it on topic and family friendly10:08
gregsethafancy: lemme guess... libpam ?10:08
afancyLoveGuru: yes,i see, but i dont know which library10:08
afancygregseth: there is many libspam, but in dont know which one10:09
Tch23lianimator: download audacity, put an hipass filter on your sound and delete high frequencies (perhaps some mid freqs) until your sound is clean enough10:09
aaaa``i tried to find the solution at forums.. no success :(10:09
lianimatorTch23: and audacity can do this on-the-fly?10:09
Tch23lianimator: maybe you'll even find an hiss filter built in10:09
daftykinsor maybe he'll buy something sensible instead of trying to use a laptop for audio related stuffs :P10:10
Tch23lianimator: nop audacity have to calculate stuff10:10
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lianimatorTch23: I'm using my microphone as playback10:10
ActionParsnip1afancy: not sure if this is helpful: http://www.mail-archive.com/pgsql-admin@postgresql.org/msg05772.html10:10
Tch23lianimator: if you want real time effect, it's gonna be painful10:10
Tch23lianimator: well...a little bit more complicated10:10
kernhow come when i set up a wired connection in network manager when i add the netmask as it will hcange it to 24 ??10:11
aaaa``Im trying again.. if again failed.. Ill not try again..10:11
daftykinsaaaa``, i said use the disc checker10:11
daftykinsoff the boot menu10:11
kamenokokekeke, the problem was with auto-accepted dcc's, it's all better now, thanks for the help :D10:11
lianimatorTch23: ever heard of guitarFX3?10:11
daftykinskamenoko,  :) as in they were turned off?10:11
Tch23lianimator: download jack, download some LADSPA from synaptic,10:11
kamenokonah, it was turned on10:11
ActionParsnip1daftykins: you can get reasonable SoundBalster PCMCIA card which will do ok audio sampling but yeah for audio stuffs I'd probably jump a mac10:11
daftykinsah ok, cool10:11
kamenokoonce i had to confirm a send, it worked great10:11
daftykinsonboard sound from a laptop is always going to be highly susceptible to EMI10:12
ActionParsnip1daftykins: dont you just love when peolple dont check the disk at any point then moan the install isnt right10:12
SmokeyDaaaa``: how did you install? Do you have windows as well? Did you erase the whole disk or use existing partitions?10:12
Tch23lianimator:then jackrack or some realtime effect soft... then hook up stuff like that in jack : Mic In->Jack Rack ->output10:12
kamenokoand cosmic rays10:12
daftykinsActionParsnip1, ja :D10:12
Tch23lianimator: don't forget to set up latency as low as you can without having xruns...10:12
Tch23lianimator: if you don't understand what i'm saying...well...RTFM dude... there's a lot of good tutos10:13
Flannel!rtfm | Tch2310:13
ubottuTch23: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:13
lianimatorTch23: RTM is good enough10:13
afancyActionParsnip1: thanks for information, But i still cannot find how to solve this problem10:13
PhotoguyI'm trying to run Rosetta stone, but when I try to run (under Wine) it says "please insert correct cd-rom"10:14
PhotoguyI have it in a physical drive.10:14
ActionParsnip1afancy: im not good with libs, maybe someone else can help translate10:14
Tch23ubottu: rooo... I know that I'm speaking to a bot...but I'm wounded10:14
afancyActionParsnip1: it said the pam is not installect corredtly10:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:14
Flannellianimator, Tch23: the "go away and find it yourself" attitude isn't welcome here.  If you're going to help, be helpful.10:14
ActionParsnip1afancy: then reinstall it10:14
Polysicsi feel stupid for asking for this but... how do i launch a command in a way that makes it continue even if i log out?10:15
ubottuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen10:15
Polysicsi have to do a lenghty geocoding and wanted to be able to turn off the client machine10:15
Tch23Flannel: I knom man... I should have said "it's out of my reach"...10:15
ActionParsnip1Polysics: theres something called screen that does it or something ( i believe )10:15
Tch23lianimator: is it clearer10:15
chimpA script im trying to run in init.d needs full network access before it can run, is there a way I can implement this?10:16
Tch23lianimator: or d'you need some more explainations?10:16
ikoniachimp thats already done10:16
cuonglbhi all10:16
chimpAt the minute it seems to run too early, and doesnt connect10:16
PhotoguyI'm trying to run Rosetta stone, but when I try to run (under Wine) it says "please insert correct cd-rom"10:16
ikoniachimp: innit sciprts are run as root10:16
FlannelTch23: Sounds good.  Thanks.10:16
PhotoguyI have it in a physical drive.10:16
daftykinsPhotoguy, wine won't map the CD to the Linux system CD mount point automatically10:16
lianimatorTch23: thanks, I'm installing jack-rack10:16
chimpikonia: I realise that, its simply when the script is run from bootup it doesnt find the server its supposed to connect to10:16
chimpbut does once its booted10:16
ikoniachimp that doesn't mean it needs root10:17
chimpahh sorry, badly worded10:17
ActionParsnip1Polysics: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-776385.html10:17
PolysicsActionParsnip1, screen is GREAT, thanks :-)10:17
chimpWhat i mean is i need the computer to have fully connected to the network, before the script is run10:17
ActionParsnip1Polysics: np man10:17
Polysicsit's useful for a variety of things10:17
Tch23Flannel: sociological statement : It's weird cause forums push people to "RTFM" and find by themself... While IRC don't.... It may be because forums have limited space while IRC don't... I think I got a forum behavior in the wrong place10:17
ikoniachimp then order it after the networking setup10:18
PhotoguySo how do I assign it?10:18
chimpikonia: How do I do that?10:18
ActionParsnip1chimp: you could have it test the connectivitys at the strat of the script. Once all are ok, run the next bits10:18
chimpHow do i make it run last10:18
daftykinsPhotoguy, not sure how WINE maps a CD drive10:18
ikoniachimp look at the order of the scripts in /etc/rc2.d10:18
cuonglbKernel panic, how can i recovery ?10:18
daftykinsis there anything that looks like "drive D" in ~/.wine/ ?10:18
ikoniacuonglb power off and back on10:18
daftykinsthe place where it puts the "fake" hard disk10:18
cuonglbrepeat power off and back on = n lolz :D10:19
daftykinsback in a bit, got a job to do10:19
daftykinssome IT student can't turn a screen on >_<10:19
ikoniacuonglb thats the only way out of a panic10:19
ha6ican some one help me to troubleshoot audia device? i am using ubuntu 8.10....10:19
ActionParsnip1Photoguy: is there any option to point the 'cd drive' to a folder on the system10:19
Robbie_Crashis there any reason for me to backup ~/.gvfs?10:20
PhotoguyOk, I'll look into it.10:20
ActionParsnip1Photoguy: like rosettastone.exe -source="C:\somefolder\"10:20
ActionParsnip1Photoguy: run the exe with /? on the end10:20
ActionParsnip1Photoguy: or maybe theres a reg hack to get round10:20
DaveKongwhat is a good dictionary application similar to the xfce dictionary without all the dependencies?10:20
cuonglbresolved by myself !!10:21
DIFH-icerootDaveKong: "ding"10:21
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: google has define ;)10:21
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: define:ubuntu for example10:21
ikoniacuonglb how did you resolve a kernel panic ?10:22
ha6irepeating.....can some one help me to troubleshoot audio device? i am using ubuntu 8.10....i am not able to anything. on windows its working right.10:22
Robbie_Crashha6i what soundcard?10:22
sdffirst uninstall windows10:22
ActionParsnip1!sound | ha6i10:22
ubottuha6i: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:22
ikoniasdf thats not funny10:22
DaveKongthanks DIFH-iceroot , ActionParsnip1 I would rather not have to open a browser and like getting the many sources compiled for me without other junk10:23
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: hmm, gimme a sec then10:23
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: xfce4-dict10:23
Robbie_CrashSo, is there any reason for me to backup ~/.gvfs or is it something that I won't need an old version of when I rebuild a system? It looks like all it had on my last backup was a bunch of links to smb shares off my Windows boxes which are backed up elsewhere10:24
DaveKongActionParsnip1, lol, said not that cause so many dependencies :(10:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mp10:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:25
PhotoguyI still can't get the drives to work in Wine!10:25
ActionParsnip1Photoguy: you could no cd its ass10:25
ikoniaPhotoguy #winehq is a better wine support channel10:25
PhotoguyYou mean copy an image of the cd?10:25
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: stardict10:26
ActionParsnip1Photoguy: maybe theres a way to put the files in the installed folder and modify the binary10:26
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: wordweb10:26
PhotoguyOk, I'll try on winehq10:26
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip1: i alreday told him that "ding" is a very good one10:26
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: wordweb needs wine10:27
ActionParsnip1!info ding10:27
ubottuding (source: ding): Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-3ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 90 kB, installed size 412 kB10:27
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:27
ActionParsnip1pretty small10:27
DaveKongActionParsnip1, yea and looks like it has less dependencies as well10:27
ActionParsnip1DaveKong: specially if you already have / use wine10:28
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:29
ultratekhi i need some help10:30
ActionParsnip1!ask | ultratek10:31
ubottuultratek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:31
bullgard4man 2 stat: "stat() stats the file pointed to by path and fills in buf." What does mean 'to stat' here?10:31
ultrateki am new to linux as iof today10:31
nickla1just a simple question, why is it so damn important/cool with the uptime?10:31
ultrateki want to install bukowski 0.9 theme10:31
ultratekit ends with .emerald10:31
bullgard4nickla1: In order that the operator is informed about his system.10:31
PhotoguyHow do I add themes?10:31
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you'll need to install emerald then10:32
ultrateki have compiz ready10:32
ultrateki have those files too10:32
ultratekhow do i install them10:32
nickla1bullgard4: yeah, but why does people write their uptime in irc?10:32
CaesiHi.. Is it possible to automount a windows harddrive under Ubuntu 8.10 and, if so, how?10:32
ActionParsnip1ultratek: sudo apt-get install emerald10:33
ActionParsnip1!ntfs-3g | Caesi10:33
ubottuCaesi: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:33
Caesithanks @ ActionParsnip110:33
shriniHi, My usb is not mounting automatically,  any help?10:33
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:33
ActionParsnip1shrini: does it show up in: sudo fdisk -l ?10:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary10:33
ubuntoilHi, where can I find some help about *.fdi files used to configure stuff like mouse, trackpad...10:34
bullgard4nickla1: An uptime in IRC may matter if somebody has knowledge about a message sent/received or not.10:34
shriniActionParsnip1: yes, I have to mount it manually10:34
shriniActionParsnip1: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb10:34
nickla1bullgard4: ok10:34
ActionParsnip1shrini: you could add it to /etc/fstab10:34
shriniActionParsnip1: ? how?10:34
ActionParsnip1!fstab | shrini10:35
ubottushrini: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:35
moDumassaaaargghhh every time i do a big system update - one that requires a reeboot, my graphics get totally schwaked10:35
moDumasslike 640x48010:35
shriniActionParsnip1: /etc/fstab will mount on boot time only, I think10:35
shriniActionParsnip: I want automount10:36
ActionParsnip1shrini: it will try, if the usb isnt there it will be ignored10:36
shriniActionParsnip1: will it mount it, when it finds one?10:36
ActionParsnip1shrini: if you have it in there it should automount. I dont use automount myself. I prefer to manage my system10:36
firetrapmoDumass, maybe because you are upgrading your kernel and the required graphics driver isn't available for that kernel version?10:36
ActionParsnip1shrini: yeah definately10:36
FluxDHi, what happened to the www-data user on intrepid?10:36
Ian_Corneshrini: mount -a makes everything mount that's not mounted in the fdisk file10:36
ActionParsnip1Ian_Corne: thatd need sudo10:37
moDumassfiretrap, i dloaded the nvidia driver, and installed it so its not that10:37
ultratekhow do i get emerald to start usin it10:37
EeVeeTzAHelp: I tried to instal "fingerprint" splash theme, and I lose the splash... Now i can only see textual look. I'm newbie, so sorry if the explanation was not good10:37
DaveKongDIFH-iceroot, ding appears to be a Dutch / English translator not sure how to make it work like a normal dictionary...10:37
ActionParsnip1ultratek: emerald --replace & 2>/dev/null10:37
firetrapmoDumass, and you downloaded the correct one for your new kernel version?10:37
ActionParsnip1ultratek: if you head into emerald settings manager you can apply the theme10:38
FluxDHi, what happened to the www-data user on intrepid?10:38
DIFH-icerootDaveKong: i am using it for german <-> english, just have to use the correct dictionary-file10:38
moDumassfiretrap, i have 3d desktop. just only 640x48010:38
DIFH-icerootDaveKong: i think i am using the ispell file10:38
firetrapmoDumass, strange, lool10:38
shriniActionParsnip1: fine. Thanks10:38
shriniThanks for all10:38
shriniwill try and tell10:38
ActionParsnip1shrini: if you are gonna mes with fstab10:39
ActionParsnip1shrini: back the old one up first10:39
moDumassfiretrap, yeh tell me about it, if anyone can think of a reason or a way to select a fatter screen size please fill me in10:39
ultratekhow do i undo that10:39
ActionParsnip1shrini: so you can roll back if it gets broken10:39
ultrateknow menu bars to drag by10:39
shriniActionParsnip1: fine10:39
firetrapmoDumass, can't you adjust the resolution?10:39
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you can alt + drag, im guessing you have an nvidia card?10:39
ActionParsnip1ultratek: ok run: compiz --replace & 2>/dev/null10:40
moDumassfiretrap, 640x480 lower are the only options10:40
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you are missing your window decorators10:40
ActionParsnip1ultratek: find a fix for that and you can jump to emerald10:40
moDumassfiretrap, its like its not detecting the monitor type10:40
firetrapmoDumass, try editing your xorg.conf, you can add extra resolutions in there10:40
ultratekhow do i close windows now10:41
ActionParsnip1ultratek: alt+ f410:41
ActionParsnip1ultratek: id switch back to whatever you were on before (compiz or metacity) and fix your window decorator issue10:41
ultratekhow do i fix it10:42
Ned_Flanders7kewl quake4 is running fine10:42
ActionParsnip1ultratek: ive found a post: So I always changed 2 lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from 16bit to 24bit. It ALWAYS WORKED.10:43
Robbie_CrashHow can I create a custom resolution with nvidia drivers, when adding said res to my xorg.conf does not work? I'm a victim of overscanning.10:44
ultrateki will get lost ...10:44
ultratekon that10:44
nickla1!nvidia @ Robbie_Crash10:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
ActionParsnip1ultratek: add the following line to your xorg.conf's device section: Option     "RenderAccel"   "true"10:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
steveccchi all - i have intrepid installed but would like to have open office 3 - i have seen on the web insructions to add another repo and then it is possible to upgrade to it - will this cause any issues later when ubuntu releases the update - woudl i be better to wait?10:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lighttpd10:46
ultratekhow do i do that?10:46
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:46
ultratekjust type that cmd10:46
ActionParsnip1ultratek: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gkfd10:46
allsystemsarego!info lighttpd | FluxD10:46
ubottulighttpd (source: lighttpd): A fast webserver with minimal memory footprint. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.19-4ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 270 kB, installed size 956 kB10:46
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you could try adding: Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" to your screen section10:46
Robbie_Crashnickla1 there's nothing in there that would help with my problem. My drivers are installed properly, the problem is that transmitting to my 1080p at 1080 res cuts off 20 pixels top and bottom and 42 left and right.10:47
FluxDallsystemsarego, what happened to www-data user ?10:47
gunnarahlberg my laptop panics from time to time. I've tried sysrq+r but that doesn't work from X but from terminal. If I'm lucky, I Ctrl-f2 and then sysrq works. not from X. And I can't find the reason for the panics! Help10:47
allsystemsaregoFluxD, some context please?10:47
nickla1Robbie_Crash: I don't know what do about this, it's a known bug I think10:48
nickla1right, it's a known bug?10:48
FluxDallsystemsarego, I thought there was a www-data user and group?10:48
ActionParsnip1ultratek: remember what you added so you can remove them if its no good10:48
Dam0i want to run a vhost on my pc for irc how do i do it?10:48
ultratekdo i add the word option?10:48
FluxDallsystemsarego, upon typing users and groups I see nothing in list10:48
ActionParsnip1ultratek: yep10:49
allsystemsaregoFluxD, yes, grep www /etc/group10:49
Robbie_Crashnickla1 I'm not sure that it's a known bug, it's a known annoyance and known limitation10:49
sinanis there a way to find the temperature of my CPU from terminal?10:49
ultratekall done10:49
ultrateknow switch back to emerald?10:49
FluxDallsystemsarego, I am trying to run some php pages on lighttpd, but I am getting permission denied10:49
allsystemsaregoFluxD, it's hidden, but it's there10:49
Dam0hey how do i get rid od the ` next to my ident?10:49
ActionParsnip1ultratek: ok, save, close gedit and reboot. If its no good, boot to failsafe and edit out the lines with sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:50
ActionParsnip1ultratek: i'd write that down ;)10:50
allsystemsaregoFluxD, yes add your user to the www-data group10:50
FluxDallsystemsarego, then I can see all php pages?10:50
Dam0 how do i get rid of the ` next to my ident?10:51
allsystemsaregoFluxD, you also need to learn about Linux permissions10:51
ActionParsnip1Dam0: means you are connected to freenode somewhere else10:51
FluxDallsystemsarego, and how can I do that?10:51
ActionParsnip1Dam0: so you get that to differentiate10:51
Dam0ActionParsnip1>: yeah im on dalnet...how do i get rif of it?10:52
ActionParsnip1Dam0: i dunno how to solve it. Though, i think theres a self boot command as you know the password for the account10:52
sobersabrehi. any argentinians ?10:53
sobersabreI need help with spanish, and ubuntu-es is a bit silent.10:53
ActionParsnip1Dam0: id wait to see if any ops come in and ask them10:53
=== Kelen is now known as Kelen^Fox
Dam0i didnt think there was ops in here?10:54
Dam0real ones10:54
ultrateki'm back10:54
ultrateknow how do i get enmerald goin10:54
allsystemsaregoFluxD, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:54
ultratekits installed already10:54
sobersabreand while I'm at it...10:55
sobersabreI am trying to setup a multi-terminal computer.10:55
sobersabreI have 2 nvidia cards.10:55
sobersabreboth DVI10:55
bullgard4man 2 stat: "stat() stats the file pointed to by path and fills in buf." What does mean 'to stat' here?10:55
sobersabreI can easily setup a dual monitor desktop.10:55
sobersabrebut I can't get it run with 2 GDMs.10:56
ultratekwhat was the cmd to switch to emerald?10:56
ultrateki'll write it down this time10:56
ActionParsnip1ultratek: emerald --replace & 2>/dev/null10:56
mrglinuxhow to get version of pacge in terminal?10:56
ActionParsnip1ultratek: if you use up cursor you can scrolll your terminals history10:57
ActionParsnip1mrglinux: dpkg -l | grep <name>10:57
ultrateki rebooted though10:57
ActionParsnip1ultratek: its in ~/.bash_history10:57
ultratekway kool10:57
ActionParsnip1ultratek: so yu can boot a million times and it'll still be there10:58
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you can also refire commands using !10:58
ActionParsnip1ultratek: try history | grep home10:58
ultratekyea liek in mirc10:58
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you can use !<some numbr> to refire that command again10:58
ActionParsnip1ultratek: i dont like mirc and never understood running mirc in linux10:59
internat1if i wanted to find the last time a file was access in a specific mount point.. how would i go about doing that?10:59
ultrateknow the interface looks right10:59
ultratekty so much10:59
ActionParsnip1ultratek: uber :d11:00
joaopintointernat1, stat file11:00
ultratekhow do i get that kool icon palette at the botttom of my screen like other peeps have11:00
allsystemsaregoultratek, AWN11:00
ActionParsnip1ultratek: theres avant-window-navigator kooldock kiba-dock11:00
ActionParsnip1ultratek: try a few, see which you like11:00
* Kondensuotas_pie sweiki kales11:01
ActionParsnip1i like kooldock if i HAD to have one11:01
Tex-Twil Hello, I used once a network monitor that shows via a web gui a lot of information about the network traffic per host (bandwidth, protocols, data transmitted .. ). I forgot the name of this app, anyone ?11:02
internat1joaopinto: im told that wont work for what i want.. ie say i have a mnt point /home/share if the last file accessed is /home/share/bob/temp/blah.txt.. does that flow down to /home/share?11:02
allsystemsaregointernat1, nettop?11:02
allsystemsaregosorry Tex-Twil nettop11:02
ActionParsnip1Dam0: /msg nickserv ghost username password11:03
mrglinuxActionParsnip1:I want to install liberperl5.8 but it need perl-base5.8.8-12 but the perl-base5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2 is insatalled if I want to remove it.. large of packge will be removed.. what is you idea ?11:03
ActionParsnip1mrglinux: is there not a libperl5.10 to go with perl-base5.10 ?11:04
mrglinuxI don't know but I try it now11:04
usamahashimiHello everyone!11:05
Tex-Twilallsystemsarego, hmm not sure if this was the one11:05
skenhello ubu guys11:05
ActionParsnip1mrglinux: thats all i can think11:05
usamahashimiIs there any harm if i disable ipv6?11:05
Kohvihoordoes anyone have an idea, why seamlessrdp won't work on ubuntu 8.10?11:05
ActionParsnip1usamahashimi: should be ok11:05
mrglinuxI got it11:05
skeni just wanted to ask  how can i delete google earth , i installed it by terminal11:05
usamahashimiActionParsnip1, how can i disable it?11:05
allsystemsaregousamahashimi, I disabled it and have no issues11:05
ultratekhow do i install kooldock that i just downloaded?11:05
ActionParsnip1Kohvihoor: run it from terminal and you will get intelligent output11:05
skencan anybody help meeeeeee!11:05
ActionParsnip1ultratek: sudo apt-get install kooldock11:06
usamahashimisken, cd /opt/google*; sudo ./uninstall*11:06
ActionParsnip1ultratek: you dont usually have to physically download stuff, it alll on repos11:06
KohvihoorActionParsnip1, i do. it doesn't have any error, or anything. it just does not work, how it's supposed to.11:06
skenist that correct usamahashimi11:06
Debolaz[Pidgin]I'm trying to add a static IP address to eth0, in addition to the dynamic address I already have. I've edited dhclient.conf and added an "alias" entry like it says in the documentation, but the alias isn't added by dhclient when I boot. However, if I restart dhclient with the exact same parameters as ubuntu starts it with, the static IP address entry is added correctly. How do I get the IP address to be added on boot?11:06
PabremerHiho ppl i instaled mandriva and it modificated ubuntus's grub... i was trying to fix it but i failed... now i cannot access both systems... what should i do?11:06
usamahashimisken, go to cd /opt and check googleearth directory!11:07
vyrgozunqkhi guys11:07
skenexpalin man11:07
skeni am a newbie11:07
ActionParsnip1sken: cd ~/google-earth; sh uninstall11:07
vyrgozunqki have a problem, i can't compile gspca on ubuntu interpid with kernel 2.6.27 - 10 ...11:08
usamahashimisken, if installed by apt then sudo apt-get remove googleearth11:08
allsystemsaregoPabremer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:08
ultratekit did its thing...is there a cmd where i have to run to use it?11:08
ssh_rdpMy Xorg process is using 300mb of right now, but when I start X it is using about 50mb, and if I start compiz it start growing slowly. Does anybody knows why?11:08
ActionParsnip1!grub | Pabremer11:08
ubottuPabremer: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:08
vyrgozunqkdo you know whats the problem11:08
usamahashimihow can i disable ipv6?11:08
appotinnProblem with "black screen" after suspend. What to do?11:08
Lord_DeviI am looking for a quality forum outside of ubuntu's focused on programming in linux. I am quite new to programming in general and am hoping to find a helpful community somewhere. Does anyone here have any favorites?11:08
ActionParsnip1usamahashimi: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-87798.html11:09
ssh_rdpIt is a 64bit intrepid with intel GM96511:09
sivajidesktop visual effects cant be enabled in my system please help me11:09
ActionParsnip1ultratek: its in your menus11:09
ActionParsnip1ultratek: or you can run it with: kooldock & 2>/dev/null11:09
usamahashimiActionParsnip1, thanks, can i do it without rebooting?11:09
vyrgozunqksivaji, probably you don't have a driver installed...11:10
vyrgozunqkfor yyour video card11:10
ActionParsnip1usamahashimi: i'd imagine you could run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:10
ultratekwell i dont have any icons to put on it yet11:11
sivajivyrgozunqk, no its installed but its not configured properly11:11
sivajivyrgozunqk, here xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/f3bd79892 xorg log file http://pastebin.com/f345e18b711:11
ActionParsnip1ultratek: well put some one, like browsers and chat clients and the apps you use most11:12
ultratekhow do i put like firefox on my desktop11:13
ActionParsnip1ultratek: if you like it, keep it. if not uninstall and install something different11:13
mic_pHi, I know that my isn't a ubuntu-related question, but... I need to "open" a isolinux cdrom that I have and see it inside, but I haven't found a solution. Some help?11:13
ssh_rdpxrestop shows only 16mb of pixmaps11:13
ultratekmy windows decorators are acting funny since i ran kooldock11:13
ActionParsnip1ultratek: right click desktop -> new link to app (maybe)11:13
ultrateki dont have that option11:14
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyoooooone please help walk me through nfs pretty please with sugar on top11:14
vyrgozunqksivaji, yo're with integrated graphics, sorry i can't help you :/11:14
vyrgozunqkmaybe somebodyy else will...11:14
ActionParsnip1!nfs | rookeeeeeeeee11:14
ubotturookeeeeeeeee: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:14
ultratekthere is create luancher11:14
rookeeeeeeeeeActionParsnip1, ive tried that, i keep getting the same error over and over again11:14
sivajivyrgozunqk, ok thanks11:14
Scare|WorkingHi all11:15
ActionParsnip1rookeeeeeeeee: then websearch for the error you get11:15
sivajihow to install and configure driver for  intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] vga card11:15
rookeeeeeeeeehow can i websearch for "internal error" ???11:15
sinuceh, i mean hi11:16
ActionParsnip1rookeeeeeeeee: when do you get the error?11:16
rookeeeeeeeeewhen ever i try to mount my client computer11:16
skenhelp i cannot uninstall googlearth11:16
bullgard4My GNOME terminal shows in the last but one line a blue status line that displays: "-- MOST: "stdin*    (7,1) 7%". What program does cause this operating mode of the GNOME terminal?11:16
ActionParsnip1rookeeeeeeeee: ok, what mount command are you using?11:16
ActionParsnip1sken: i told you11:16
rookeeeeeeeeeoh god i forgot11:16
rookeeeeeeeeewhat command should i use11:17
sinuc"internal error" sounds like a gui, some gnome mounter stuff11:17
alex_21Hi, what channel is it for the Kurdish Ubuntu Team?11:17
sinuctry to mount via console11:17
skeni can't dude11:17
sinucalex_21: /msg alis list *ubuntu*11:17
skenno such file or directory11:17
sinucdunno which one is, thats how i would search11:17
ActionParsnipsken: ls -a11:17
ActionParsnipsken: sorry: cd ~/; ls -a11:17
ActionParsnipsken: is there something googleearth shaped in that list?11:18
sken.googleearth                                googleearth_4.3.7284.3916+0.5.4-1_i386.deb11:18
rookeeeeeeeeeActionParsnip, what command should i use to mount the system/11:19
sinucgoogle for "how to mount nfs" or alike11:19
ActionParsnipsken: ahhh, ok then11:20
ActionParsnipsken: sudo dpkg -r googleearth11:20
ActionParsnipsken: that will uninstall it11:20
alex_21Well thanks for your help, but I still can't find it, yawn11:20
alex_21Good night. Bani Bash11:20
winterelfhi, just wanted to know what is the command i need if i wanna see what wireless driver i m using11:21
joaopintointernat1, I don't know, it should reflect since to access to a specific patname you need to access throw it's path parts11:21
ActionParsnipwinterelf: lshw -C network11:21
rookeeeeeeeeeok, how do i mount the system in the terminal?11:21
skendpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove googleearth, only the config  files of which are on the system.  Use --purge to remove them too. dimitris@dimitris-laptop:~$ sudo purge -r googlearth11:21
winterelf•ActionParsnip• thanks...11:22
ActionParsnipsken: thats not quite right11:22
skenby the way i installed it it twice with differnt ways11:22
ActionParsnipsken: sudo dpkg --purge -r googleearth11:22
cmv583hello, i am having trouble installing JRE.11:22
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyoooooone please help walk me through nfs pretty please with sugar on top11:23
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:23
ActionParsnipdoes anyone know the gnome equivelant of katapult?11:23
ActionParsniplittle launcher app11:23
skendpkg: conflicting actions -r (--remove) and -P (--purge)  Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*]; Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management; Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values; Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options; Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files; Type dpkg --license for...11:24
sken...copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].  Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !11:24
ActionParsnipsken: id use synaptic then and remove it that way11:24
skennothing happened11:24
Acedipdo we have a video editor tool of the likes of the windows movies maker,i mean the ease of use..??11:25
skengooglearthi uninstalled in synaptic11:25
ActionParsnipAcedip: i only know of kino and avidemux11:25
skenis uninstalle11:25
adv_how can i make the expose style effect'?11:26
adv_im on 8.1911:26
AcedipActionParsnip: and how do they rank in the ease of use column ?11:27
rookeeeeeeeeehey, hello there! could anyone please walk me through the nfs mounting process?11:27
cmv583ActionParsnip: i am trying to save JRE to my ext. HD. located /media/My Book/home/chad. Terminal tells me that directory is bad command? I don't have enough int. hd space. Can i make this work?11:27
adv_how can i make the expose style effect'?11:27
* Panarchy says Hi11:27
Robbie_CrashSo, is there any reason for me to backup ~/.gvfs or is it something that I won't need an old version of when I rebuild a system? It looks like all it had on my last backup was a bunch of links to smb shares off my Windows boxes which are backed up elsewhere11:28
PanarchyHow do I install Ubuntu in text-only mode?11:28
skenactionparsnip is uninstalled in sinaptic11:28
dimebarAcedip: also try Open Movie Editor11:28
fastaIs there a calculator in which I can input hex numbers?11:28
Robbie_CrashPanarchy do you mean install it so that you don't have a gui at the end, or so that you don't have a gui during the install?11:29
rookeeeeeeeeefasta they carry them at walmart11:29
fastarookeeeeeeeee: I meant like a command line tool.11:29
fastarookeeeeeeeee: already found one.11:29
rookeeeeeeeeehey, hello there! could anyone please walk me through the nfs mounting process?11:30
BoogieBooHi, Can anyone help me to find out why the VPN connection using Nertwork manager doesn't work anymore in Ubunutu when trying to connect to a Windows VPn server?? This is extremley necessary to people who LIKE to work in Ubuntu but are forced to stay in companies where the servers are Windows!!!! so far we have  to restart in XP when some corporate file is nedeed and this is really anoying. Thannks11:30
sinucrookeeeeeeeee: some people already helped you out, youve gotta do some of the work by yourself.11:30
adv_how can i make the expose style effect'?11:30
sinucrather, consider, you wasting your time repeating your question.11:30
ActionParsnip!mount | rookeeeeeeeee11:30
ubotturookeeeeeeeee: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:30
skenpor cfare bythqira paskeni qen o11:30
skenpu pu pu11:31
Robbie_Crash!spanish | sken11:31
ubottusken: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:31
sinucdont ejaculate in the channel.11:31
skenhello muchchas11:31
BoogieBooIt seems that vpn connection for PPtP is a taboo or somerhitng else in internet, I can't find any solution to WHY this STOPED to work when Intrepid shoed up, and NOBODY IS GIVING SUPPORT ON THIS11:31
=== sinan is now known as sinant
skenhow can i uninstall the fucking googlearth?11:32
BoogieBooIs there anyone who can help me?11:32
ompaul!language | sken11:32
ubottusken: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:32
skenok sorry11:32
Robbie_CrashBoogieBoo what problem are you having with your vpn?11:32
PanarchyHere's what I need to do11:32
PanarchyUbuntu: no gui > install a windows manager > remove components > add software > rebuild kernel >11:32
=== AndrewButler is now known as AndyB
PanarchyAs I'm making my own distribution built on Ubuntu11:33
PanarchyPlease tell me how to install without a GUI11:33
ompaulBoogieBoo, pptp is not secure so you won't find anyone really interested in it, I would suggest you use openvpn in its place11:33
cmv583Panarchy:  can u help me?11:33
Robbie_CrashPanarchy you could install the server version11:33
ompaul!pptp | BoogieBoo11:33
ubottuBoogieBoo: pptp is not good according to Bruce Schneier http://schneier.com/pptp.html  here the words insecurity are useful11:33
BoogieBooRobbie_Crash, I am still using hardy, I was used to establish successfully VPN connection to PPTP server in our company network using networ-manager, however since the last Ubuntu Updateds it just stoped to work getting only CONNECTION FAILED11:33
BoogieBooompaul, did you read what I wrote before?? I dont care if PPTP is secure or not, it is my company VPN server and I don't decide wether should be OPeVPN or somehting else, I just need to connect to get files to WORK11:34
skencome on ubu gys11:34
skenhelp sken11:34
stephenbyerleyspeaking of vpn, is there a good client I can apt-get? can't get the version my university supports to build correctly11:34
Robbie_CrashPanarchy or install it, and then remove gnome11:35
skeni wan to uninstall googlearth11:35
BoogieBoostephenbyerley, which VPN server si your university using?11:35
PhotoguyHow can I install themes??11:35
Photoguy*one ?11:35
Robbie_CrashBoogieBoo there's no error number? Have you tried recreating the connection?11:35
PanarchyRobbie_Crash: You said I should install the server version?11:35
PhotoguyCan I use the add/remove applications?11:36
Robbie_CrashPanarchy it's got no GUI at all, it's cli only11:36
BoogieBooRobbie_Crash, looking at the syslog file, just get "Modem Hung up", but if I restart in XP it is actually working fine11:36
PanarchyRobbie_Crash: Well I did, about a day or two ago receive all ubuntu type distro's available from canonical in the mail...11:36
earthlinghow do i find the amount of bandwidth my coumputer has used is there any good GTK monitor?11:36
skenubu guys you are driving me crazy11:36
PanarchyRobbie_Crash: Will I be able to do what I need to do? Like what extra things are in the server version?11:36
earthlingie the amountof kb's that my system has downloaded so far?11:36
stephenbyerleyBoogieBoo, cisco I guess? not sure I understand what you mean11:37
Panarchysken: I know it's somewhere... like sbin or something11:37
Panarchyread the google docs and where it is installed to11:37
Panarchythen type in11:37
BoogieBoostephenbyerley, in synaptic just look for "vpn", there will be the 3 types of clients you will need: pptp, openvpn and cisco11:37
Panarchysudo rm -r 'GOOGLE EARTH DIRECTOR'11:37
=== PKnull is now known as Pooky
skenhow can i uninstall googlearth?11:37
allsystemsaregoearthling, yes, netw. history11:37
PanarchyRobbie_Crash, are you still around?11:37
earthling how do i find the amount of bandwidth my coumputer has used is there any good GTK monitor?11:37
BoogieBoostephenbyerley, and also de vpn services11:37
Panarchysken: I just told you11:37
stephenbyerleyfair enough, thanks11:38
Panarchysken: I just told you11:38
Panarchyread my last 4 or so posts11:38
earthlingallsystemsarego : i need a GUI11:38
cmv583Panarchy: any help with JRE?11:38
Panarchysudo apt-get install11:38
FloodBot2Panarchy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:38
BoogieBooso any idea about my issue?11:38
Robbie_CrashPanarchy probably a bunch, I'm not sure, but I know that you can remove the packages you don't want, and you should be able to choose not to install bind or lamp or anything.11:38
allsystemsaregoearthling, yes, System - Admin - System Monitor11:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:38
Panarchynot working for me11:39
hateballIt doesnt repeat itself11:39
PanarchyHow do I install ubuntu without a GUI?11:39
skenpanarchy it's not working11:39
PanarchyHow do I install Ubuntu in text-only mode?11:39
DJones!alternate | Panarchy11:40
ubottuPanarchy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent11:40
Panarchysken: Read everything I've written on this channel11:40
Robbie_CrashDJones panarchy wants no gui after install11:40
PanarchyDJones... aww, I'll have to DownThemAll another Ubuntu distro11:40
PanarchyBut thanks11:40
PanarchyI'll do that now11:40
Panarchy(xdcc send) lol11:40
skenhow can i uninstall googlearth11:40
FloodBot2Panarchy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:40
=== flax is now known as eduard
Panarchysken: I FUCKING TOLD YOU11:40
Robbie_CrashPanarchy see my last post about extra packages11:40
Titanwhat's the default root password11:40
=== eduard is now known as Eduard
Robbie_Crash!language | panarchy11:41
ubottupanarchy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:41
Titanits not the one I made for my first account during installation11:41
ompaul!root | Titan there is none:11:41
ubottuTitan there is none:: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:41
=== Eduard is now known as EduardWitteveen
BoogieBoofine, so Ubuntu stopes to give support for PPTP because of its unsecurity, so the 90% of people who is workign in a company will stop to use Ubuntu to access their jobs...good11:41
Titanthanks ompaul11:41
Robbie_CrashBoogieBoo I've got a PPTP connection at home, that works fine under Intrepid11:41
ompaulBoogieBoo, you should inform your company about its security problems11:41
Robbie_CrashBoogieBoo try recreating your connection11:42
BoogieBooompaul, so far we ddin't have any unsecurity problmes..11:42
winterelfhi, just wanted to know what is the command i need if i wanna see what wireless driver i m using11:42
PhotoguyHow do I install google earth?11:43
PhotoguyI downloaded the .bin file form google, but what now?11:44
sinucPhotoguy: isnt there a deb packagte fore that?11:44
PhotoguyMaybe, I didn't think to look..11:45
PhotoguyWhere should I look?11:45
sinucheh, i just googled11:45
sinucmedibuntu offers a version11:45
sinucso google for medibuntu repo if not already added, check how its added, then its as eassy as aptitude install googleeath11:46
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:46
PhotoguyOk, cool11:46
sinucheh, meh.11:46
Photoguy@sinuc, need some help spelling things?11:46
sinucPhotoguy: no thanks, just doing too much stuff. usually that doesnt happen11:46
winterelfhi when i m using lshw in the wireless section , it dosent say anything about my driver, how can i know what is the driver that is runing right now on my laptop?11:47
moDumasshey all, ive got 3d goin, but cant select any res higher than 600x80011:47
sinucbut since my content is kinda useful i can do this.11:47
Photoguy@sinuc, it's fine, just wondering :)11:47
Dam0moDumas: have u installed video card?11:47
LBSourcesis there any email client that will support rpc over https connections? AKA corporate email? The same way outlook does.11:47
=== badawi_ is now known as badawi
Robbie_CrashLBSources you can probably use Thunderbird to get email from Exhchange as long as your company has the IMAP server set up11:49
Robbie_CrashAFAIK though, there's no official rpc over http11:49
LBSourcesRobbie_Crash as I said - RPC over HTTPS is what I need .. anything can do IMAP :)11:50
PhotoguyWhere is it that I ad dependincies?11:51
PhotoguyI forgot :)11:51
sinuchow was that with the spelling? lol11:52
ardchoilleis shift+alt+up a gnome thing or a compiz thing? I just discovered it my mistake11:52
AdvoWorkis there a way to check all files in a folder for certain text within the actual file itself?11:52
PhotoguyI know, I spelled it wrong.11:52
sinucand you noticed my typos, lol11:53
ardchoilleAdvoWork: grep "foo" /path/dir11:53
PhotoguyI need to add dependencies, how do I do that?11:53
PhotoguyLike this: libexpat111:53
AyyadAdvoWork, try using google11:53
Ian_Corneapt-get install libexpat111:53
rvrHi. I use an external monitor, which is 4:3, but xrandr -q only shows 16:9 modes, any guess what could be the problem?11:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dependencies11:54
Ayyadnote though.. try -i so that it discards upper/lower case11:54
winterelfwhen i m using lshw in the wireless section , it dosent say anything about my driver, how can i know what is the driver that is runing right now on my laptop?11:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dependency11:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dependencies11:54
sinucPhotoguy: for what do you need rto add depencies?11:55
ardchoille!msgthebot | Photoguy11:55
ubottuPhotoguy: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:55
Photoguy@sinuc For Google earth11:55
administratorwhere is the gos channel ? i tryed #gos its emty11:56
Eredor1hi, i have just installed ubuntu ibex and so far everything is working well, except that when i search for anything on synaptic it never shows anything unless it's already installed11:56
ardchoillePhotoguy: google earth is in medibuntu and the package manager does that for you11:56
ardchoillePhotoguy: Have you added the medibuntu repo?11:57
PhotoguyOh, uh..no.11:57
sinuchow can i use the bot to poke people for not using information they get?11:57
PhotoguyI'm clueless ok?11:57
sinucno, its not ok11:57
PhotoguyI just installed Ubuntu 3 days ago!11:57
sinucdefenately not11:57
ardchoillePhotoguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu11:57
sinucPhotoguy: doesnt matter, you can read. :)11:57
Eredor1help me please?11:57
sinucwe gave you the url for the setup already twice11:58
ardchoillePhotoguy: add the medibuntu repo, then do "sudo apt-get update" and then "apt-cache search -n google"11:58
sinucmay i ask, just out of curiousity why you referr to apt-* ?11:59
rizwanhello. q about torrentflux. how to set default permissions for downloaded files? currently its www-data:www-data 755.11:59
ardchoillesinuc: I've been using it for years and it's never failed me :)11:59
PhotoguyMan, Linux is hard!12:00
sinucardchoille: i know i started with debian woody too, but isnt it sortof confusing for new lusers?12:00
sinucPhotoguy: you didnt use linux at all yet :)12:01
sinucrather you using it, but not touching it :)12:01
PhotoguyFirst time 3 days ago.12:01
sinucyou just learn how to use new gui's and some really nice console stuff :)12:01
ardchoillesinuc: not at all, my 8 year old niece can handle apt-get quite easily ;)12:01
sinucgood one12:01
=== gamphani is now known as mateme
ardchoillePhotoguy: speak up, if you need help with something that's what we're here for12:02
dustrialthe only thing that suxx with linux is all teh hardware made for windows only... my motherboards bios for example is such coded that i cant find root/partition every second start12:02
PhotoguyThanks, for now those links should work.12:03
Ayyaddustrial, you cant find the root partition?12:03
allsystemsaregodustrial, did you try flashing / upgrading the BIOS?12:04
steveccchi all - i have intrepid installed but would like to have open office 3 - i have seen on the web insructions to add another repo and then it is possible to upgrade to it - will this cause any issues later when ubuntu releases the update - woudl i be better to wait?12:04
afancyHi, could anybody help me on this problme? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/94789/12:04
ardchoillesteveccc: ubuntu won't get the update to oo.o3.. we only see bug fixes and security update after release12:05
=== juro is now known as Guest55745
dustrialallsystemsarego:  i didnt upgrade bios till now, because i dont want to mess up something (and ppl with same error reported no improvement yet)12:05
BoogieBooI have re-installed everything for VPN pptp connections, I restarted the system, I created egain the VPN profile, but when connectin the same message: CONNECTION FAILED, I have put my syslog file regarding the VPN connection here : http://pastebin.com/m527448a712:05
BoogieBooPlease, help12:05
stevecccardchoille: oh ok so i will need to wait for next version for 3 to be available - I think i will update from the other repo then - there isnt anything linked to the open office packages is there?12:05
BoogieBooThe syslog file says that the client gets connectected, however the "modem hung up" ¿?¿?¿?12:06
ardchoillesteveccc: I don't know anything about oo.o 3, sorry12:06
Ayyadafancy, you sure you have python installed?12:06
stevecccardchoille: thats fine - thanks for replying12:06
Ayyadlooks like a python related error12:07
Ayyadoh wait.. i'm actually wrong12:07
Ayyadnaah.. i'm right :P12:08
usamahashimihow can i check whether ipv6 is disabled or not?12:08
dustrialDSDT thats the problem here with not finding the harddisc: the windowsOS are better in understanding male-coded code... whereas linux doesnt accept the code if it is wrong! so the normal solution is to re-write the DSDT code ... but i dont want to fuck the hardware =)12:08
ericrosthow do I prevent a usb hard drive from mounting in hardy so I can partition it? the system->pref->removable media now doesn't have actual removable media settings in it12:08
andaxi'm experiencing frequent messages in the console saying 'heci: schedule work the heci_bh_handler failed error=0'  . The error is non fatal, but noticed some sudden spikes in load. Google didn't really turned up to much useful information, i would appreciate if someone could turn me in the right direction to track down what the problem is. ( cannot reproduce, happens randomly but frequently.  ubuntu 8.04 server with constant heavy disk i/o load.12:08
Q-FUNKhowdy!  am I the only one for whom the gnutls update broke https access in firiefox, such as to gmail?12:08
ZeroA4ericrost, you want to partition on gparted?12:09
ompaulQ-FUNK, you not in UDS?12:09
ericrostwell I was actually trying to use parted since gparted seems to scan forever atm12:09
ZeroA4ericrost, you can tell gparted to umount the partitions12:09
ompaulQ-FUNK, no idea, but I would check in #ubuntu+112:09
Q-FUNKompaul: hiya! unfortunately not.12:09
ZeroA4ericrost, or sudo umount -a12:09
ericrostI can unmount it just fine12:09
allsystemsaregousamahashimi, ifconfig12:10
ericrostwhen I try to commit changes it automounts again12:10
Q-FUNKompaul: why +1?  this is on intrepid12:10
ericrostits a usb hdd12:10
usamahashimiallsystemsarego, it gave a lot of output?12:10
allsystemsaregousamahashimi, pastebin it and post the link12:11
usamahashimiallsystemsarego, ok12:11
BoogieBooso, any idea?12:11
ardchoilleQ-FUNK: I am up to date and don't have that issue in ff12:11
BoogieBooor just I can start restarting in XP to work XD?12:11
cmv583anyone answer me, haaad to get kids up.12:11
ZeroA4ericrost, but it automounts after aplying your changes?12:11
ericrostit automounts before committing changes making them fail, its a known behavior with automounting of removable media enabled12:13
ericrostbut hardy moved the spot to disable it and I can't figure out where it is12:13
CaptainMorganI have to believe this is an Ubuntu problem... I have a server that of course uses port 80. I have an application that needs to connect to the internet to get content... I'm assuming that it might be acting like a browser since it too needs port 80. When the application is run it immediately fires back with a tcp connection error at port 80, no route to host. I've shut down apache, redirected ports at the router, shut down port12:13
CaptainMorgans, etc.. anything I can do to all this app to access through port 80?12:13
sinucCaptainMorgan: what sort of applicatoin is that?12:14
sinucif its "acting like a browser" it shouldnt need anything at all, ie port forwarding12:15
sinuccheck routing and resolv.conf first12:15
sinucits nevermind if the daemon has port80 some http running, still the routing should work to access any outside port80 site12:15
CaptainMorgansinuc, it's a small crawler that I hand wrote in Scheme.. why should port forwarding be necessary?12:15
Ayyadno route to host is not an ubuntu problem.. nor is it even an OS problem! (assuming that your server is the one running on port 80)12:15
Ayyadthis is a network problem12:16
sinucwhat does he crawl?12:16
CaptainMorgansinuc, the application works fine when I physically leave the network ... so it's something inside the network that's not allowing it to access12:16
sinucyea, however, i starte with check routing and resolv.conf12:16
sinucnat, dunno12:16
cmv583anyone know command for install JRE?12:17
sinucits routing, iptables or simply your ns config if you use hostnames12:17
generalsnuswe have a ltsp enviroment, and the ltsp servers(xubuntu) authenticates with M$ AD.  we would like to get USB drives to work for the clients..   It used to work on both servers..  now, this has stopped working on 1 of the servers..prolly after a update.. thing is.. we dont really remember how we got it to work the first time around..  So what config files are involved here?12:17
AyyadCaptainMorgan, can you browse any other webpages while you are "on the network"?12:17
sinucCaptainMorgan: aptitude install sun-java6-jre or alike12:17
sinuccmv583: ^12:17
CaptainMorganAyyad, in a regular browser, indeed12:17
CaptainMorgansinuc, why do I need java?12:18
allsystemsaregocmv583, apt-get install sun-java6-jre12:18
Ayyadand that application is run from that same computer that you try to connect from?12:18
sinucCaptainMorgan: i said ops :)12:18
sinucallsystemsarego: thanks for sorting out, lol12:18
CaptainMorganAyyad, yes12:18
=== asna is now known as Guest76928
Ayyadas a start you might wan tto try and telnet to that host on port 8012:18
sinucwhich language is that?12:18
dustrialah yes - here is the problem reguarding the "can't find root partition"12:18
Ayyadsee if its your app thats messing up12:18
sinucyou dont happen to use some weird php stuff?12:19
CaptainMorganAyyad, what do you mean telnet to that host? the host of the server?12:19
CaptainMorgansinuc, already said, Scheme.12:19
Ayyadyes sorry, telnet to the server on port 8012:19
cmv583allsystemsarego: thanx12:19
sinucdidnt even know, some sort of LISP12:19
sinucnever hacked it12:19
Ayyadif not, you might want to install something like tcptraceroute see where the problem is (after making sure that your routes/resolve.conf and the likes are in good shape12:19
sinucif you can open a simple http site in your browser, mostly everything is alright with the routing12:20
CaptainMorganAyyad, I don't telnet... got a command sequence? I'm only familiar with ssh12:20
sinuctelnet <host> <port>12:20
sinucyou can use netcat as well12:20
Ayyadunless he has some weird routes maybe just for the subnet that the server is on12:20
CaptainMorgansinuc, hmm.. did that, I"ll try again12:20
moDumasshey yall, this is eating my brain, i cant choose a rez higer than 600x40012:21
sinuchm, could be too, how do your routes look like then?12:21
moDumassactually 800x60012:21
sinucmoDumass: thats usually good to read :)12:21
moDumassbut not widescreen and not 1440x90012:21
cmv583allsystemsarego:  I keep getting error from frostwire that it couldn't open JRE, that I need new version? command says i'm fully updated?12:21
sinucyou need a mode line in your xconf12:21
sinuchappy fun googlin12:21
moDumasssinuc yeh, yeh it is....12:21
sinuci did that just once12:21
AyyadCaptainMorgan, telnet whatever.domain.com 8012:21
FloodBot2sinuc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
CaptainMorganAyyad, ok, telnet got me through and returned what I see often from the application: Your browser sent a request this server could not understand. Bad Request 40012:22
sinucFloodBot2: fuck you, honestly useless bot im helping not spamming fuck you12:22
sinucand now kick me12:22
sinucgo ahead.12:22
FloodBot2sinuc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:22
bazhangsinuc, watch the language12:22
sinucor else?12:22
allsystemsaregocmv583, install sun-java6-bin as well12:22
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid
sinucbots used to be useful.12:22
allsystemsaregocmv583, "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin"12:22
moDumassi have the latest vid driver installed and enabled and have 3d, but when i reconfigure xorg.conf it doesnt ask anything about my screen or res12:22
Dam0u can go now sinuc12:22
cymeokey im new at this ubuntu im trying to move an directory to wine partition and cant understand how to do it12:23
cymefrom an ntfs partition12:23
CaptainMorganno, sinuc can stay, he's being helpful and is an asset12:23
usser_cyme, your wine partition is here ~/.wine/drive_c12:23
CaptainMorganAyyad, any thoughts on what's returned, as I mentioned above?12:23
cymewllwe where is my mounted ntfs partition12:24
ScixHow can I preseed ubuntu-restriced-extras?12:24
moDumassactually gimme a sec12:24
allsystemsaregocyme, use gnome-commander, it's easier12:24
usser_cyme, type fdisk -l that should show what it is. mount will show where its mounted12:24
cmv583allsystemsarego:  wherein the problem lies, what about command for frostwire? i have .exe. file installed, ahving trouble installing in linux12:24
AyyadI believe that the 400 error is caused by a malformed request to the server (i could be wrong)12:25
usser_cyme, sudo fdisk -l rather12:25
allsystemsaregocmv583, why an .exe file, I thought it was the Linux version of frostwire12:25
cmv583allsystemsarego: me too, i'm kinda new,lol:-[12:27
usser_cmv583, sudo apt-get install frostwire12:27
dustrialah yes - here is the problem reguarding the "can't find root partition" //  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6088197  where to find a nice dsdt?12:27
moDumassnup installed, shouldnt "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ask me anything about graphics, mine doesnt12:28
allsystemsaregocmv583, you need gtk-gnutella which is equivalent to frostwire12:28
usser_moDumass, as of ubuntu hardy it doesnt work anymore all the Xorg configuration is done through xrandr12:28
cmv583usser_: says can't find package12:29
allsystemsaregocmv583, "sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella"12:29
zhjaweIs there IRC room about image processing and matlab?12:30
moDumassusser_, thanks, il look that up12:31
dustrialzhjawe:  i dont think matlab has native image processing? in our lab we use openCV12:31
usser_cmv583, hm it may not be in the repos after all. i don't remember how i got it installed... you may need to get it from frostwire.com12:32
usser_cmv583, get the .deb file not .exe12:32
stevecccdoes anyone here think something like .mac for ubuntu would be useful?12:32
moDumassusser_, what would have caused this, i didnt mess with any video settings12:33
dustrial.mac? you mean haveing a tool to mount macOS-files?12:33
usser_moDumass, nothing it was a political decision all we've moved to configuring xorg on the fly... dpkg-reconfigure was conflicting with that philosophy12:34
magnetronzhjawe→ you should look for any matlab-related rooms12:34
cymeokey some1 said gnome-commander i got it but i cant get to the wine dir12:34
moDumassok, cool12:34
skendoes anybody know how can i uninstall googlearth?12:35
Dr_Willis64sken,  depends on how you installed it.12:35
skeni nstalled it by terminal12:36
Dr_Willis64sken,  that tells us very little.. the thing exists as medibuntu packages/repo. or as a download from the google homepages12:36
Dr_Willis64or you could of downloaded a .deb and used that.12:36
cymeokey can some1 tell me how to select the ~./wine dir in gnome-commander12:37
skenyes with a deb dr_willis6412:37
a380funciona esto?12:37
skenactually i installed it twice with different ways dr_willis6412:38
Dr_Willis64sken,  then you use the package manager tools to remove it.12:38
Dr_Willis64sken,  no idea how the 'different ways' will affect things.12:38
petemcis there an equivalent to debians archive.debian.org, ie a mirror i can grab packages for old releases?12:38
strkThe following packages have unmet dependencies: libgdal1-dev: Depends: libcurl4-dev or libcurl-dev E: Broken packages12:38
stevecccdustrial: no .mac is a internet based disk that enables the os to sync bookmarks, files from home directories etc basically to sync your machine so which ever machine is on you have an environment bought in plus access to an internet based disk for backups etc - thus I am asking if people think this would be useful and questioning whether its somthing people may pay a little to canonical for?12:39
Dr_Willis64sken,  if i recall right the .bin installer from google, insttalls all the files to a directory in the users home directory.  Ive not used that .bin in ages12:39
skenso can you tell me how to uninstall it?12:39
dustrialsteveccc:  imho i think it can be archived easier with workarounds12:40
cymeokey can some1 tell me how to select the ~./wine dir in gnome-commander12:40
badawicyme: .wine is a hidden file, you need to select " show hidden files" option12:40
moDumassusser_, what if xrandr doesnt show anything other than 640x480?12:40
Fret18Good morning/afternoon/night.12:40
ech0s7anyone have an ati HD 3400series (with compiz) ?12:41
Fret18I need help related to YouTube.12:41
Dr_Willis64sken,  the .bin file installed to a directory in the users Home dir.. just delete the dir.12:41
kernwhats wrong with youtube12:41
Dr_Willis64sken,  but the .bin installer might be more up to date then the one in the repos12:41
stevecccdustrial: i agree you could setup something with rsync or ftp etc but .mac is in theory easy to use for non techies and also supplies the storage which people would have to sort out for themselves - i think its a good idea but just want to ask everyoine12:42
steveccceveryone even12:42
pere_Hello everybody, I need help because since last update 3 days ago my evolution does'nt fetch any account, I check all config, and seems to be right.. is very important for me.12:42
Fret18kern: the video doesn't load. The black background of the video player doesn't appear. I get a whole white bg.12:42
usser_moDumass, that means you have incorrectly installed drivers or a weird monitor. theres a way to force resolution in xrandr if you're sure your monitor supports it12:42
usser_moDumass, i gotta go to work. good luck with that12:42
ikonia!give test12:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about give test12:42
* ataufik gives test a football stadium12:42
* teear gives test a rugby ball12:43
kernFret18 have u tried reinstalling flash-player?12:43
Fret18Not really.12:43
moDumassusser_, thanks for the help man12:43
Fret18kern: what's the command for it?12:43
skenwhat the fuck are you teeling me12:43
ikoniasken: STOP that language now12:44
skencan anybody tell me how can i uninstall googlearth12:44
ikoniasken: be polite and respectful to people to participate in the channel12:44
ikoniasken I'm not laughing12:44
Dr_Willis64sken,  if it installed to  the 'googleearth'directory like the .bin did here.. delete that directory.. simple eh?  If you used the .deb - use the package manager.. also simple...12:44
kernFret18, im not sure im not very good with command lol heres a link to the deb http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=DXLUJ12:44
napnaphi all, I try to set quota folder it's possible ? I tried with "quota" but as I see it's only to set quota for entire disk(partition)12:44
Fret18kern: thanks.12:45
napnapif anyone can give me a way to search12:45
Dr_Willis64napnap,  may be some 'fuse' extensions to do that.. but ive never looked into 'quota' ussage..12:46
kernFret18, no problem let me know if it works12:46
saurabhhow can i install nvidia driver in my ubuntu system12:46
syberjjhi all. I am building my own router using ubuntu. NAT doesnt seems to be working right and i wonder if it is couse I didnt create a bridge. But i thought bridges are only needed to put together eth1 and a wireless card. but sinde I have only 2 normal network cards (eth0 and eth2) is it needed? thx12:47
mon^rchsaurabh: System, Admin, Hardware drivers12:47
archmananyone managed to get ibm r50e laptop 56k modem working?12:47
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:49
Dr_Willis64syberjj,  as far as i know the cards being wireless or not dosent matter.12:49
kerndoes anyone know how to get scim-pinyin to work on their ubuntu system?12:49
syberjjubottu - thx ill check on that12:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:49
zhaozhouThe error ubottu is displaying isn't fitting in12:50
zhaozhouShould be "nick:" or so, imo.12:50
Fret18kern: should I download the .db version?12:50
pere_Hello everybody, I need help because since last update 3 days ago my evolution does'nt fetch any account, I check all config, and seems to be right.. is very important for me. o where can I find help about this12:51
Fret18I use ubuntu 8.04.12:51
syberjjDr_Willis64 - yeah but the bridge is used to put together one network card with a wireless card on one side (internat network) and one other network card on the other side for the external connection. I have only 2 network cards, one external and one internal. I wonder if the internal card needs to be in a bridge "alone" to change the way the firewal/NAT affects it... but ill take a look at the pages ubottu sent me first12:51
ech0s7anyone have an ati HD 3400series (with compiz) ?12:51
kernFret18, yeah but an easier method might be to go to synaptic and search adobe-flashplugin12:51
karab44where i can download eee 900 Xandros ?12:54
Dr_Willis64karab44,  perhaps the xandros web site/forums may have info?12:54
waltjoyceubuntu 8.10, totem does not open my subtitle filde (*.srt)12:58
waltjoycewhen i played a movie in gutsy gibbon totem used to open the subtitle file automatically12:59
zhjawewaltjoyce:you may use mplaye.13:00
Dr_Willis64i find totem.. err. lacking :)13:02
cmv583i'm having trouble downloading frostfire from web. tells me i don't have enuff room, but tried to change download folder and don't work?13:02
AppiahI have a annoying problem on 8.10 , each time after boot I need to modprobe pcnet32 and then edit /etc/resolv.conf . I tried putting pcnet32 in /etc/modules but that did not help13:02
droopsta915why do my cd's get read only permissions when I rip a cd?13:02
Stavros1how can i untar something from stdin?13:03
ikoniatar xvf13:03
Dr_Willis64dont use the 'f' for stdin i recall13:03
ikoniaDr_Willis64 sorry thats for a file13:03
Dr_Willis64i thought f = file follows13:03
Stavros1oh, zxvf - worked13:03
Stavros1Dr_Willis64: yes, - is a valid file13:03
Stavros1i was doing zxvf -f -13:03
Stavros1which makes no sense, in retrospect :p13:03
Dr_Willis64i thought  most of the - type optiosn are not used.. but i tend to use 'unp' these days :P13:04
Stavros1Dr_Willis64: what's that?13:04
keres_ is it possible to disable error messages all together in an application?13:05
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM13:05
keres_i have an application that runs perfect on ibex, though it was meant for hardy and gutsy. it displays ~10 error dialogs on startup13:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209813:05
JCA_Question? Hi how do i remotely start and stop x from console so i can log on via vnc?13:05
Dr_Willis64used to be -xzvf  i thought ages ago.. but something with 'stanards' and they cleaneed it all up :)13:05
ardchoilleStavros1: (in the repos) unp - unpack (almost) everything with one command13:05
keres_so i'm wondering if i can disable error messages on this application, so it will *technically* run perfect13:06
keres_(bc the messages are null statements, and really dumb)13:06
Dr_Willis64JCA_,  you could insall a vncserver  like vnc4server., and just start/stop That vnserver.  You dont need X running at all for that.. it would be a hidden desktop so to speak. not shareing the current/visible one..13:06
Stavros1ardchoille: oh interesting, i'm not on ubuntu atm and didn't see that13:06
Stavros1ardchoille: thanks13:06
FazavonnUbuntu 8.12 RC2 is coming out today.. visit them at nubuntu.org13:06
Dr_Willis64JCA_,  or set up GDM to auto-login.13:06
kern!scim installation13:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scim-pinyin13:07
keres_ is it possible to disable error messages all together in an application?13:07
ardchoille!repeat | keres_13:07
ubottukeres_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:07
JCA_Dr_Willis64: hmm, thats sounds great how do i shutdown normal X?13:07
quentusrexAnyone have any thoughts about using munin in a production enviroment to monitor workstations and servers?13:07
Dr_Willis64JCA_,  stop/kill/restart the gdm service is one wah13:07
karab44I want to work my webcam on Intrepid 8.10 dont know how13:08
JCA_Dr_Willis64: Thanks :D13:08
droopsta915how can I burn an mp3 disc using Brasero or K3b?13:08
mahidharhow 2 play .dat files13:08
Dr_Willis64mahidhar,  try gmplayer, vlc, or xine perhaps13:10
mahidharDr_Willis64: i tryied vlc but i didnt get it13:11
zhjawekern: you must install Chinese language pack(full language pack).13:11
Dr_Willis64mahidhar,  run the players from terminal.. look for error messages/clues you may need some codec packs.. or not.. hard to tell i cant recall ever seeing a .dat file befor13:11
kernzhjawe, not just the scim-pinyin?13:12
ardchoilleDr_Willis64: I thought a .dat file was data (as in database13:12
Dr_Willis64ardchoille,  sounds like yet another generic/useless file extension to me.. like .bin. :) but i think i may have seen some camcorders use it.13:12
mahidharDr_Willis64: k i ll try ....... can i know how can i get gmplayer13:13
Dr_Willis64mahidhar,  its in the package manager..13:13
puppetjoin #ubuntu-be13:13
droopsta915how can I burn an mp3 disc using Brasero or K3b? I dont see an option for this.13:14
zhjaweyes,scim-pinyin is suported by Chinese language pack(by the way,I am a Chinese.:))13:14
kernzhjawe, very cool, i am not Im canadian but i want to get something installed on my computer that is similar to the windows xp language bar so that i can switch between english and mandarin inputs13:15
ha6ican some one help me to install sql converter on ubuntu 8.10...?13:16
gigantohi all, there's something with my eth0, although the network's set to auto DHCP, my card is not detecting it. How do I debug this? Anyone??13:16
zhjawekern: you may install two language packs and switch it when you log in system.13:18
=== XaMuleAduGuest46 is now known as Cri
dragon1i need to install sql converter(spreadsheet to sql) can some one guide me incourse...?13:20
=== Cri is now known as Evoluzione
mon^rchwhats a good first person shooter for ubuntu?13:22
socketbindnexuiz, warsow, sauberaten?13:22
dragon1can some one help me to install sql converter(spreadsheet to sql) on ubuntu 8.10....?13:22
gigantohi all, there's something with my eth0, although the network's set to auto DHCP, my card is not detecting it. How do I debug this? Anyone??13:22
magnetronmon^rch→ nexuiz (free), Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (proprietary)13:23
archmanurban terror, tremulous, assaultcube13:23
mon^rchthanks guys ;)13:24
gregdhi guys, anyone ever tried making its linux-box being a2dp receiver13:25
SSgtSpoonIs there a command I can run (via ssh) to see who, if anyone, is logged onto the machine?13:25
ikoniaskunkworks_: w13:25
ikoniaSSgtSpoon: w13:25
ikoniaSSgtSpoon: or who13:25
skunkworks_ikonia: ?13:25
ikoniaskunkworks_ typo sorry13:25
SSgtSpoonLMAO, I knew that... I'm such a dork. Thanks gregd and ikonia13:25
[biabia]help plz. so i had a pc with only xp on it so when i installed ubuntu i repartitioned it so some space is allocated for xp and some for ubuntu. i wanted to add a third os, but i cant figure out how to change the size of the ubuntu partition13:26
skunkworks_ikonia: no problem :)13:26
ikonia[biabia] use a tol call gparted, but you need to do it form a liveCD as you can't reszie a partition while it's in use13:26
[biabia]ohhhhhhhh!!! ya13:26
[biabia]i can do that13:26
cmv583anyone know code to fix flashplayer?13:26
[biabia]thanks :)13:27
ikoniacmv583 ther is nothing wrong with flash player13:27
aboSamoorXorg takes >180MB is this normal ?13:28
=== hc is now known as iositd
cmv583ikonia:  maybe it's firefox then, keep losing my pull-down tabs and can't change download folder, can't play flash video13:28
gigantohi all, there's something with my eth0, although the network's set to auto DHCP, my card is not detecting it. How do I debug this? Anyone??13:29
gigantojoin #networkmanager13:29
archmananyone knows any alternative to remastrsys backup suite?13:29
ikoniagiganto: run dhclient against it manually to get some debugging13:29
dragon1how can i install sql converter on ubuntu 8.10..?13:30
ikoniasql converter ?13:30
dragon1 ikonia:spreadsheet to sql command converter...13:30
mon^rchrepo's are slow :(13:31
MacGyverNLHow would I go about doing the following: I have a drive containing 2 windows partitions and 1 linux partition. I want to move the linux OS to a new drive, take out the old one and put in the new one. New drive is accessible through USB (though I'm unsure which mount options to use). Should I boot into linux, is there a way I can easily copy over everything and can I in the same operation use a larger target partition?13:31
MacGyverNLAlso, I take it I have to reinstall the bootloader, but I doubt I can do that while the new partition is still on USB.13:31
MacGyverNLThis is Ubuntu 7.04.13:32
ikoniaMacGyverNL 7.04 is no longer supported13:32
MacGyverNLThough I doubt that would really make a difference.13:32
MacGyverNLikonia: Does that in any way change the operation I want to perform?13:32
ikoniaMacGyverNL: you need to boot from a livecd, mount your new disk, copy the ubuntu partition's data to it, put grub on the correct disk, and change the fstab and menu.lst13:32
gigantoikonia, hi, I did a paste bin of the result of dhclient http://pastebin.com/d7ec593f713:32
ikoniaMacGyverNL: yes because 7.04 does not have the same libata configuration as 7.10 and greater13:33
ikoniagiganto you need to use sudo13:33
Halitechgiganto, try running it as sudo13:33
webashello..is there a way to download am.. auto install updates..write them in cd..and load them in pc that doesnt have internet?13:34
Caleb_I need someone to tell me the latest kernal in ubuntu intrepid immmediately (uname -a)13:34
Caleb_grub is pointing to the wrong kernel...13:34
robb_m!aptoncd | webas13:34
ubottuwebas: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers13:34
Caleb_so I need to know the number13:34
gigantoikonia, yup, i did that http://pastebin.com/d7b2f8edf13:34
gigantoHalitech, thx13:34
MacGyverNLikonia: Thanks, if that's all there is to it I think I can manage. I can use tar to copy over the data while preserving permissions, right?13:34
ikoniaMacGyverNL it's that easy13:35
webasthanks robb_m13:35
ikoniagiganto: it worked, you got an ip13:35
cmv583!hi knusperfrosch13:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:35
=== Malformation is now known as Lamer
knusperfroschhow do i remove all packages except those  ubuntu-minimal depends on?13:35
=== Lamer is now known as SerialCoder
dragon1how can i install sql converter on ubuntu 8.10..?13:36
MacGyverNLikonia: Oh, by the way, I made a mistake. It's 7.10, not 7.04. Same operation though?13:36
gigantoikonia, my problem was with eth0 though13:36
Halitechgiganto, one of your devices got an IP, just not sure which, whats the output of sudo ifconfig?13:36
ikoniaMacGyverNL: yup, but you may want to consider using uuid's in fstab and mnu.lst13:36
ikoniagiganto: then run it against eth013:36
robb_mor if that doesnt work webas13:37
[c0re]hi i cant find simple ccsm... any idea how to install it?13:37
robb_m!clone | webas13:37
ubottuwebas: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:37
gigantoHalitech, im at the moment connected to wlan0, I think that's the device which got an ip13:37
MacGyverNLfstab is already using uuid's. How would I get the new uuid from the new disk to put in fstab?13:37
=== Dam0 is now known as dam0-away
Halitechgiganto, ok, and you need eth0 to get an ip as well?13:37
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:38
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:38
gigantoHalitech, yep, im currently on wireless and I can't get eth0 to work ... (the network is set to dhcp)13:38
PhotoguyHow do I install dependincies?13:38
ardchoillePhotoguy: for google earth?13:39
PhotoguyYes, I didn't get my question answered, or at least not exactly..13:39
Halitechgiganto, strange, most have the issue the other way .... have you confirmed the cable is plugged in and good and you have lights on the router showing a connection?13:39
gigantoHalitech, here's the output http://pastebin.com/d6865afa013:39
gigantoikonia, http://pastebin.com/d6865afa0 output with eth013:39
ardchoillePhotoguy: if you install google earth from medibuntu, you don't have to worry about deps, the pm will take care of it13:39
Caleb_What is the latest kernel number in intrepid?13:40
ardchoille!medibuntu | Photoguy google13:40
ubottuPhotoguy google: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:40
gaelfxCaleb_: 2.6.27-913:40
gaelfxI believe13:40
ha6ihow can i install sql converter on ubuntu 8.10..?or can some one tell me is there such tool for linux b'cause i have used in windows.........13:40
ardchoillePhotoguy: this is what I told you earlier, but you must have misunderstood13:40
gigantoHalitech, im currently staying in a hotel so I can't tell if the router's working. However, I got the hotel's IT people to test out the connection and it worked on their XP machine (person brought a XP laptop in to test)13:40
PhotoguyRight, but when I try to install it says it needs dependencies.13:41
gigantoHalitech, cable's definitely working and there's light on the port13:41
ardchoillePhotoguy: then you're not using the medibuntu repo properly, pelase read that link ubottu posted to you13:41
rippsI've just discovered the weirdest thing ever. My computer runs faster after I suspend my computer. Usually, when I player 720p h.264 video, it stutters and is impossible to play, but after I resume from a suspend, it plays perfectly. Fresh boot, h.264 uses 100% cpu, after suspend about 80%. What's going on here?13:41
Halitechgiganto, ok, something doesnt look right with that send_packet: Message too long part13:42
magnetronripps→ the longer you run, the more things will get cached and preloaded13:42
gigantoHalitech, mhmm, im new to linux... what can i do to fix this issue?13:43
gaelfxI'm trying to use QQ for Linux in AMD64 Ubuntu, but I can't change input methods, so I looked in /usr/lib32/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules or whatever, and immodules lacks any kind of scim reference. I suspect this means that there isn't any kind of installed support for SCIM in with my 32-bit apps, how can I fix that?13:43
ardchoillePhotoguy: are you on Intrepid?13:43
magnetrongaelfx→ are you using Pidgin for your QQ chat?13:43
Halitechgiganto, looking into it, its new to me as well13:44
ardchoillePhotoguy: this page has stpe-by-step directions on how to add medibuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu13:44
gaelfxmagnetron: no, QQ just released a 'for Linux' preview, I'm using that13:44
rippsmagnetron: But I tested this theory by suspending right after booting, and the I still had the performance gain. Usually I can play h.264, even when my computer has been on for several hours.13:44
ha6ihow can I install sql converter on ubuntu 8.10..?or can some one tell me is there such tool for linux  b'cause i have used in windows.........13:44
gaelfxmagnetron: I just forced the architecture on the install, and it works, except I can't type in Chinese in QQ13:44
Halitechgiganto, has the wired connection ever worked before?13:44
magnetrongaelfx→ try some of the workarounds mentioned here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM13:45
gigantoHalitech, it worked at the previous hotel lol13:45
mon^rchha6i: why dont you use the same tool under wine then?13:45
Halitechgiganto, ok, then to me it sounds like some kind of issue talking to the router here, lets try this gksu gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf13:45
ha6imon^rch:i need to convert spreadsheet to sql...i swine a such tool for ubuntu(linux)....?13:46
bahrHow do I get my laptop running Ubuntu 8.04 to work together with a projector?13:46
Halitechgiganto, then remove interface-mtu13:46
ha6imon^rch: sorry    i need to convert spreadsheet to sql...is wine a such tool for ubuntu(linux)....?13:47
gigantoHalitech, oh, i thought u wanted the pastebin ... lol here it is anyway http://pastebin.com/d27bef92513:47
Halitechgiganto, save that file then run sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 100013:47
gaelfxmagnetron: well, it's possible that I installed SCIM before I installed lib32 stuff, so might reinstalling scim fix that?13:47
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Halitechgiganto, ok, line 21, look for that interface-mtu and remove it13:48
magnetrongaelfx→ usually no13:48
Halitechgiganto, will also need to restart networking13:48
mon^rchha6i: wine stands for "windows emulator" it allows you to run windows applications on linux sudo apt-get install wine ... and then install whatever you used in windows to do what you want13:49
gigantoHalitech, okay... first, make a backup of the file? Then remove interface-mtu, then run ifconfig eth0 mtu 1000 ???13:49
Halitechmon^rch, actually its WINE is Not a Windows Emulator13:49
gigantoHalitech, lol im scared if i do this, my network won't work again roflmao13:49
mon^rchmy bad13:49
Halitechgiganto, bingo, backup first, remove the line13:49
noogai can't find clear instruction how to set up network manager 0.7 on hardy13:50
gigantoHalitech, okay ... umm how to do a backup ?13:50
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noogais it possible?13:50
Halitechgiganto, you at least have your wireless that should stay working, besides, if it doesn't, just replace the file13:50
zen_hi all13:50
cheathow can i change my network settings, like my computer name and other settings on ubuntu8.1013:50
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gigantoHalitech, lol getting the wireless to work is kinda a pain, im using the free unsecured wireless from across the road I fink LOL (probably from a cafe or smth)13:51
ha6imon^rch: i used in windows on excel sheet... i have doubt that whether it works for spreadsheets on linux... any way i try and come back... thanks...:)13:51
zen_how can i delete my user password on linux 8.1013:51
rookeeeeeeeeecan someone please help walk me through nfs?13:51
gigantoHalitech, im just in range for it lmao13:51
cheathow can i change my network settings, like my computer name and other settings on ubuntu8.1013:52
allsystemsaregorookeeeeeeeee, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo13:52
rippsHow do I mount windows partitions with a gnome-session? I don't want to use fstab, because I don't want it mounted for every user, just a specific user.13:52
allsystemsarego!nfs | rookeeeeeeeee13:52
ubotturookeeeeeeeee: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:52
Halitechgiganto, to back it up, open a terminal and type sudo cp /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf.back13:52
rookeeeeeeeeeallsystemsarego, yeah i read that13:52
mon^rchnice job on 8.10 btw... to bad it doesn't run properly on my machine. Works great in vbox though13:54
falstaffI use intrepid ibex on my laptop, which has a intel wireless card (Wireless Link 5300). As router I use Linksys WAP4400N... so both devices should be draft-N compatible... But i do not even reach 802.11g speed!... what can i do?13:54
falstaffiwconfig shows me link quality of 95 and Bit Rate of 54Mb/s13:54
DawnLighthello. where can i find news about the package upgrades in stable? i'd like to have info on these upgrades before i install them13:54
rookeeeeeeeeecan someone please help walk me through nfs?13:54
gigantoHalitech, i've removed interface-mtu, do i restart networkmanager first?13:55
j_xinudsbrookeee: why nts?13:55
j_xinudsbwhy nfs13:55
rookeeeeeeeeewhy not?13:55
Halitechgiganto, not totally sure by the instructions, maybe try it and see if you can connect and if so, don't worry about the other command13:55
j_xinudsbrookee: just wanted to see what you where doing as there may be other options13:56
roadfishI'm using GParted to shrink an ext3 300GB partition holding 81GB down to 100GB. The "resizefs" portion of operation has been running for over 90 minutes now ... and I have no idea how long it will run. Is a 90 minute duration to shrink 300GB to 100GB normal? Any idea of how much longer this will run?13:56
j_xinudsbsmbd has more control on shared fs13:56
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NicEXEI have 2 fixed HDDs on my PC. I deleted every partition on the one HDD and now GRUB gives me an error 17 on stage 1,5 (I didn't touch the HDD that ubuntu are on) how to fix it?13:57
falstaffCan i force somehow 802.11g (under vista this helped me)13:57
gigantoHalitech, umm so, run 'sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1000' then plug in the cable and disable wireless?13:57
Halitechgiganto, should be able to leave the wireless connected13:57
NicEXEI have 2 fixed HDDs on my PC. I deleted every partition on the one HDD and now GRUB gives me an error 17 on stage 1,5 (I didn't touch the HDD that ubuntu are on) how to fix it?13:58
gigantoHalitech, i ran sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1000 and nothing happened13:58
gigantoHalitech, if i do ifconfig eth0 mtu-1000 it says SIOCSIFADDR: No buffer space available13:58
Halitechgiganto, ok, now run sudo dhclient eth013:58
ubottulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.13:59
ZeroA4roadfish, i think it is normal... to resize one ntfs from 170 to 210 GB took 7hs to me13:59
j_xinudsbNicEXE: use a ubuntu like look at the HD and see that in fact the ubuntu hd is not touched13:59
j_xinudsbubuntu like14:00
j_xinudsbnot like14:00
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
roadfishZeroA4: ouch! and this is on an external USB drive too ... so I'm looking at over 10 hours.14:00
NicEXEj_xinudsb: "use an ubuntu...." how to use?14:00
ZeroA4roadfish, maybe... mine was on an internal sata drive14:01
Juaknewbie question: what's the CLI command to get the dns for an ip in ubuntu?14:01
j_xinudsbNicEXE: use a ubuntu live CD and take look at the HD and see that in fact the ubuntu hd is not touched14:01
ZeroA4roadfish, but i think the amount of data that has to bee moved is more important14:02
roadfishZeroA4: too bad there isn't some kind of progress report for resizefs in GParted ... I suppose resizefs reports the size.14:02
roadfish... but GParted doesn't pass it on.14:02
NicEXEj_xinudsb: the ubuntu disc is not touched14:02
ZeroA4roadfish, like in my case it was moving 160GB of data14:02
recon61my computer got a bad case of nerves , on 3rd kernel panic in space of 2 hours up time , info here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/83968/ , anyone any ideas, this is network related14:02
gigantoHalitech, here u go, took a while http://pastebin.com/d571cb52514:03
roadfishZeroA4: ok, so I'm moving half of what you're moving ... but at USB (and not SATA) speeds.14:03
NicEXEI have 2 fixed HDDs on my PC. I deleted every partition on the one HDD and now GRUB gives me an error 17 on stage 1,5 (I didn't touch the HDD that ubuntu are on) how to fix it?14:03
Halitechgiganto, so no further ahead then we were14:03
HalitechNicEXE, you'll need to edit grub in linux14:04
gigantoHalitech, ahh ... want to replace the mtu file?14:04
NicEXEHalitech: how?14:04
gigantoHalitech, i mean the back up file? brb in 10mins14:04
woden_What is the contact manager program for GNOME?14:05
Halitechgiganto, let's replace the original sudo cp /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf.back /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf14:05
recon61NicEXE: boot from a live cd to get at the file14:05
ZeroA4roadfish, i ve let it work and went to sleep14:06
NicEXErecon61: I am using a live cd right now14:06
HalitechNicEXE, you'll need to find out where the drive is with the grub files on them14:07
dragon1can ms office be installed on ubuntu.........?14:07
smailawhy is my computer sending this file when i try to connect whit mozilla to  a port i use for torrent sharing ? file name : VcbjFwpC.bin.part i use 8.04 - transmission14:07
Halitechdragon1, not without the use of WINE or a VM14:07
jimcooncatdragon1: yes, using Wine. Some things are flaky, I've notice problems with the Help in Office 97.14:07
NicEXEHalitech: I have a backup of the disc that I deleted the partitions on it. should I ressssstore any files?14:08
HalitechNicEXE, shouldn't have to unless it had your grub files on it14:08
dayzmanhow do i change the booting kernel to be generic rather than server?14:08
mon^rchcrossover office runs msoffice nicely14:09
flinkhello i think im gonna download ubuntu and run it on my compaq presario 2500 how about the inbuildt wifi wlan ?? and drivers im  a neewbee and sorry 4 my bad english14:09
jimcooncatflink: it will probably work -- you can try it with the LiveCD to find out before installing14:09
recon61NicEXE: find the drive that has a boot folder and look in there14:10
flinkok howabout the drivers is it inbuild in ubuntu ?14:10
rookeeeeeeeeecan someone please help walk me through nfs?14:11
Halitechflink, hard to say, a live cd should tell you if it will work or not14:11
ZeroA4dayzman, install a generic kernel on synaptic and choose it on next boot on the grub menu14:11
jimcooncatflink, many are built in14:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:11
recon61hi flink, you the same flink with the kernel panics, because my machine had gotten panic happy since yesterday14:12
flinkno newone14:12
woden_What is the contact manager program for GNOME?14:12
flinkhow does the live cd works ?14:12
flinkand win programs will not work whit ubuntu ?14:13
thiebaude1flink: just put it in the cd drive and run it14:13
Halitechflink, you download it, burn it to cd then reboot and run it14:13
majnoonis it possible to fsck a swap partition ??14:13
jimcooncatwoden_: default is evolution14:13
Halitechflink, some might work with WINE but not all of them14:13
DawnLighthello... where can i see information about the updates for stable?14:13
w3wsrmnmajnoon: No, it's not an ext filesystem.14:14
majnoonhaving "write" access problems or similar14:14
jamesbrinkis xen available in ubuntu 8.10 amd64 desktop?14:14
woden_jimcooncat:  Is that the only one, or is there another?  Do I have to have an email acccount just to manage contacts or can I open a "contact manager" by itself?14:14
j_xinudsbmajnoon; reformat it14:15
LjLflink: don't count on running Windows programs under Ubuntu. it may be possible in some circumstances, but if that's vital for you, stay on Windows.14:15
thiebaude1hi ljl14:15
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LjLDawnLight: what sort of information?14:15
gigantoHalitech, back, now what can i do lol14:15
Halitechgiganto, did you restore the file yet?14:16
majnoonthrough like qtparted ??14:16
w3wsrmnmajnoon: Check which device is swap with "cat /proc/swaps" then remake swap with mkswap. use -c flag to check for bad blocks.14:16
Halitechgiganto, sudo cp /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf.back /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf14:16
gigantoHalitech, yup i did14:16
recon61kernal panic info anyone :) -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/83968/14:16
panfisti am having problems with file transfers to a RAID file system. there is a chance that the file transfer can freeze indefinitely. when this happens, I am not sure how to cleanly cancel the file transfer and unmount the filesystem. this has happened to me dozens of times and every time it does i have to rebuild the entire array.14:16
Halitechok, did  you restart networking?14:17
DawnLightLjL: ahm... the reason for the updates. i'm talking about non-security updates14:17
gigantoHalitech, nope14:17
jimcooncatwoden_: I think you can use it without an account.14:17
Halitechgiganto, ok, restart the network14:17
LjLDawnLight, i'm not a GNOME user, but i was under the impression that the Automatic Updater in GNOME *does* normally show a changelog...?14:17
gigantoHalitech, sudo NetworkManager restart?14:17
LjLDawnLight: anyway, on my own KDE install, i have "apt-listchanges" installed, that's a package that will make sure that you always see a list of changelogs before updating14:18
Halitechgiganto, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:18
LjLDawnLight: of course, how in-depth the information is depends on who packaged and wrote the changelog14:18
majnoonw3wsrmn, can you pm me syntax ?14:18
majnoonsays device busy14:19
DawnLightLjL: thanks!14:20
gigantoHalitech, yup did that, but got these  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                          Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.14:20
ardiemhello, how can i disable the ubuntu notice sounds in Xubuntu?14:20
Halitechgiganto, I've seen that before but can't remember the fix, give me 214:21
recon61Halitech: are you sure /etc/init.d/networking restart works with networkmanager?14:21
dupondjeHello, i'm trying to get my samba server secured, I added 2 users to my linux (jl & tine), now I want to make that 1 has access over everything (del/read/write) and 1 that can read everything and del/write some dirs, I set unix permissions, but it seems like the users that shouldn't be able to delete, can deleted everything ... any id ?14:24
Halitechrecon61, it should14:24
barrientoshi everyone, i was yesterday trying to get help14:24
TJ-42which smart phones will sync with ubuntu?  my understanding is that the new iphones will not.  Will the android g1 or blackberry bold?14:25
barrientosmy HD doesn't work, it happend too with windows, but then i could type the direction folder on the direction bar and that was enough now i can't type it anywhere14:25
dayzmanZeroA4, i see. what is the filename of the kernel?14:25
barrientosand i got a little question.... how can i make the back-slash with the spaion keyboard?14:26
recon61Halitech, it's just as far as i recall , the networkmanager has most of it own setup files and the interfaces file should be unmodified14:26
erUSULbarrientos: AltGr + º14:26
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyone help me with the following error please?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/83973/14:27
barrientosthanks a lot14:27
ZeroA4dayzman, search for linux-generic on synaptic14:27
HymnToLiferookeeeeeeeee: you need to specify a mount poit14:27
HymnToLifeor add an entry for it in your fstab14:27
Halitechgiganto, run gksu gedit /etc/network/run/ifstate and add 'wlan0=wlan0' (without the ' ') then save14:27
asalwehi yall14:28
barrientosnow my HD aren't named D: or F: how can i gat into them?14:28
Halitechrecon61, I never liked the network manager myself so never used it14:28
rookeeeeeeeeeHymnToLife,  look at it; i did14:28
Halitechbarrientos, where are they mounted? linux doesn't use drive letters like windows14:28
gigantoHalitech, back that file as well?14:29
HymnToLiferookeeeeeeeee: no you didn't, you only specified the path of the device to mount14:29
Halitechgiganto, probably a good idea14:29
HymnToLifeyou didn't tall where to mount it14:29
rookeeeeeeeeethe device is an entire system HymnToLife14:29
HymnToLifeno it is not14:29
rookeeeeeeeeethats what the ip address is HymnToLife14:29
HymnToLifeit is a directory within a filesystem14:29
HymnToLifeit needs to be mounted at another directory in the local filesystem14:30
Halitechgiganto, then run gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces and add iface wlan0 inet dhcp14:30
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recon61any help with kernel panic from network use :) -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/83968/14:30
rookeeeeeeeeeHymnToLife, im trying to mount an entire file system for networking purposes, do you get me?14:30
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap14:30
giganto Halitech /etc/network/run/ifstate doesn't exist14:31
rookeeeeeeeeeJack_Sparrow, this is a networking problem not a partitioning problem14:31
HymnToLiferookeeeeeeeee: when you mount something, you mount it in a directory of the local filesystem, that's called a mount point14:31
HymnToLifeand you need to specify it on the mount command14:31
barrientosif i want to write a direction into a HD that in windows was D:\instaladores now how is it on ubuntu?14:31
HymnToLifeand if you think you know better, why are you asking ?14:31
Halitechgiganto, dang, so much for that idea14:31
gigantoHalitech, lol ...14:32
telexlHi.  I think I've found a bug in the linux-headers package: I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and sound and nvidia modules aren't compiling.  Further investigation showed that the symlinks in linux-headers-2.6.25-2-386 are pointing to the wrong place.  Has anyone else seen this, perhaps?14:32
Jack_Sparrowrookeeeeeeeee In the future, please post a brief description of your problem and not just a link.. all on the same line.. thanks14:32
gigantoHalitech, skip that part and add ifcae wlan0 inte dhcp?14:32
Halitechgiganto, yeah14:32
HymnToLifeJack_Sparrow: the problem is clear as day14:32
Jack_SparrowHymnToLife    We always request they please post a brief description of your problem and not just a link.. all on the same line.. thanks14:33
HymnToLifeno mount point specified, but someone thinks he knows better, so I'm off14:33
barrientoshey please i really need help i installed ubuntu last night and i can't use two HD i got14:34
HymnToLifeand please don't give me that BS, the link given is perfectly sufficient to explain the problem14:34
Jack_SparrowHymnToLife may I have a brief pm thanks14:34
rookeeeeeeeeecould anyone help me with an nfs problem please? I'm trying to mount my ip address but keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/83973/. what am I doing wrong?14:34
eerfcan explain what sudo su -- does?14:34
dpecka_hi all14:34
telexleerf: gives you a root shell14:35
recon61barrientos: have you looked for the Hdd's in "Places" ?14:35
rippsDoes anybody here know what command gnome uses when you mount a drive from the Places menu?14:35
telexleerf: no, hang on.. should be only one '-' there14:35
LjLeerf: and it's ugly, too, use "sudo -i" when you need a root shell, it's shorter and shinier14:35
Casperovhey...im trying to delete my boot partion with this command: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda  bs=512  count=1 ive done it before, but terminal is saying permision denied...how to i make it so that i do have permision14:35
Halitechrookeeeeeeeee, have you created a mount point in fstab?14:35
barrientosi can't get in through places either14:35
gigantoHalitech, it now looks like this auto lo14:35
gigantoiface lo inet loopback14:35
gigantoiface wlan0 inet dhcp14:35
recon61barrientos: do they show up in you bios?14:35
linuxnoopcan i install the mobile linux version via bluetooth14:35
barrientoshow do i check that?14:36
eerftelexl: I know what sudo su -(one hyphen)14:36
rookeeeeeeeeeHalitech, no i havent. ok didnt know I had to14:36
telexlCasperov: are you logged in as root?14:36
Halitechgiganto, no mention of eth0?14:36
telexleerf: sorry.. it looked like one - on my tty14:36
Halitechrookeeeeeeeee, yes you do14:36
eerftelexl: I am asking sudo su --(two hyphens)14:36
LjLeerf: ah, the two hyphens are to "separate su options from the arguments supplied to the shell" (man su)14:36
dpecka_would someone show me output of `which {chkconfig,insserv}` .. maybe it needs roots privilegues .. thanks .. i have not ubuntu but have a customer on line14:36
lianimatorsometimes when tray icons appear/disappear, some of them overlap another one (visually only. transparent parts show the image of the icon that was there before.) anyone seen this behavior? or understand the problem?14:37
gigantoHalitech, that's the whole file after i added "iface wlan0 inet dhcp"14:37
Casperovtelexi: just logged in normally...how do i log in as root14:37
LjL!root > Casperov    (Casperov, see the private message from ubottu)14:37
Halitechgiganto, ok, add another line with eth0 and the same info but changing wlan0 to eth014:37
telexlCasperov: I always do 'sudo su -'14:37
LjLtelexl: why not "sudo -i"?14:37
telexlCasperov: that kinda ties in what I was talking with the others about, here14:38
gigantoHalitech, after that??14:38
Halitechgiganto, yeah14:38
unbpulseaudio error: W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.14:38
unbW: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Operation not permitted14:38
unbW: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_RTPRIO, (9, 9)) failed: Operation not permitted14:38
gigantoHalitech, ah i meant after adding the last line, what do I do next?14:38
telexlLjL: hmm, yeah, you're right..14:38
eerfLjL:  thanks, cab you explain in more detail?14:38
Halitechsave the file and restart networking14:39
telexlLjL: there are so many different ways to get a root shell.14:39
Casperovok...how do i get root power :)14:39
n8tuserlianimator-> try on a terminal,   xrefresh14:39
LjLtelexl: well, "sudo -s" and "sudo -i" are the ones that make sense, the others are either dangerous or just redundant ("sudo -i" corresponds to "sudo su -", while "sudo -s" corresponds to "sudo su", but there's no real reason to chain sudo and su)14:39
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:39
TetracommCasperov: sudo14:40
TetracommCasperov: Type sudo before the command.14:40
Casperovok cool14:40
telexlLjL: coo.  I'll use sudo -i from now on.14:40
recon61barrientos: try "sudo fdisk -l" and pastebin the results14:40
telexlcool i mean..14:40
gigantoHalitech, i ran the command sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart and ... nothing happened? LOL14:40
LjL!arabic | mib_eiu4yw14:40
ubottumib_eiu4yw: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية14:40
gigantoHalitech * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                   [ OK ]14:40
Halitechgiganto, ok, check your ip address sudo ifconfig or sudo iwconfig14:41
lianimatorI installed jack-rack and now my sound doesn't work anymore. any suggestions on how to revert?14:42
gigantoHalitech, here http://pastebin.com/d6d857b1d :D14:42
eerfLjL:  thanks, can you explain about sudo su -- in more detail?14:42
lianimatorI did "killall lashd" and it's working again14:43
Halitechgiganto, looks okay, lets try to bring it up sudo dhclient eth014:43
Jack_Sparroweerf sudo su is not the best choice14:43
arbelI want to download xubuntu and every time I download the .iso file from the web site, it dos'nt work. am I doing something wrong?14:44
lordblaahey guys i just got a new computer for the first time in many years and its got all kinds of temp sensors and stuff.  When i look with acpi -V it looks like all the cooling is off - just wondering where i should look for turning on/off fans etc as i've never had it before - or is it all definitely automatic?14:44
n8tuserHalitech-> dont let him bring up two nics on same subnet on same host, unless you give him advise to change the route table to make it work14:44
Jack_Sparrowarbel are you running md5 on the download to make sure you got it14:44
eerfJack_Sparrow:  then what is the best?14:44
lordblaai know i've had laptops in the past where the cooling didn't work/worked differently in linux so i want to make sure14:44
Jack_Sparroweerf sudo for cli or gksudo for gui apps14:45
Halitechn8tuser, he's connected wireless to a seperate location14:45
arbelI don't know14:45
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:45
eerfJack_Sparrow:  what about KDE?14:45
n8tuserHalitech-> cool..thats why i specifically said same subnet same host just to be clear14:45
LjLeerf: "sudo su --" alone is the same as "sudo su". if you put something after the "--", it gets passed as arguments to your shell (for example, bash)14:45
Jack_Sparrowarbel when you look at the disk you burn do you see one *.iso file of many files14:45
telexlThanks all. I might be back, this is interesting.14:45
ZzeissAny pointers on using Ubuntu as a dom0, running Xen under Ubuntu, then Fedora 10 or Mac OSX under Xen?  Or am I absolutely nutz?14:46
Jack_Sparroweerf you can add kde to ubuntu if you want and switch between them14:46
LjLeerf: kdesudo14:46
Halitechn8tuser, he had me confused for a bit at first as well until he said he had a wireless connection from next door :)14:46
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:46
eerfJack_Sparrow, LjL: Thanks very much14:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about internet14:46
arbelI birned 6!!! cd's so far! none of them worked!14:47
Jack_Sparrowarbel you need to write as an image not a file, sorry but I need to be afk for a bit..14:47
skygeneticany one can tell me how to get my internal webcam work14:47
=== h[a]kr is now known as hakr
n8tuserHalitech-> also make sure his ip address from next "door" is not same as his local ethernet, or else again...14:47
kingskygenetic, See if it works in vlc14:47
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:47
arbelI burn it as image14:47
Halitechn8tuser, hard to say, not sure what it should be on the wired14:48
rippsDoes anybody here know how the Places menu mounts drives?14:48
kingNow we even have tinyurls in the bot. People stop this plague.14:48
kingripps, I don't think it mounts drives, it just shows the mounted drives. Something else in the pref controls that.14:48
n8tuserHalitech-> it is a risk having both same ip range from your controlled environment and the uncontrolled neighbors :P14:49
onetinsoldierhi. i need help getting around problem with installing ubuntu 8.10, if it's even going to be possible for me. it looks like the installer uses a kernel that has a bug that has prevented some people from being able to install. unfortunately my hardware is a victim of this bug and it's preventing me from being able to install14:49
kingAre there any OO alternatives? The suite is terrible. Unlike all OS software, it mimicks MSFT Office to the core, and fails horribly.14:49
node357onetinsoldier, maybe you should try the "alternate" install image14:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about checksum14:50
Halitechn8tuser, true, guess we just need to cross fingers14:50
gigantoHalitech, here http://pastebin.com/d6d857b1d14:50
gigantoHalitech, net's slow, sry14:50
node357king, koffice ?14:50
n8tuseronetinsoldier-> does it have to be ubuntu 8.10? have you tried other distros? suse and fedora comes to mind14:50
onetinsoldierdos it use the same kernel? i think it does and therefore would not work for me either14:50
kingnode357, On GNOME?14:50
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:50
kingHow do you people feel about polluting GNOME with KDE apps and vice-versa?14:50
mahidharhi can i know how 2 play .DAT files plz14:50
node357onetinsoldier, I'm not sure if it's the same kernel14:50
lianimatorn8tuser: xrefresh doesn't seem to fix the icon14:50
kingmahidhar, vlc14:51
LjLmahidhar: i have no idea what a .DAT file would be14:51
kingLjL, Commonly found on VCDs.14:51
n8tuserlianimator-> oh well, if they overlap, i guess you have to move one of them away14:51
Halitechgiganto, same info as before, what was the output of sudo dhclient eth0 ?14:51
badawionetinsoldier: hey onetinsoldier, which bug are you talking about?14:51
onetinsoldiernode357: i can try it, but it's alsmost certain it uses the same version of the kernel. what i need is a way to install from an already existing linux installation14:51
LjLking: in which case they would merely be renamed mpegs?14:51
mahidharking vlc is not able 2 play it14:51
HalitechLjL, exactly14:52
lianimatorn8tuser: it's not really an overlap. it's a shadow of the previous tray icon in the line.14:52
jimcooncat.dat or .DAT could be any kind of data14:52
kingLjL, I guess so. That is the only way VCD players can play it. In the MPEGAV folder structure.14:52
kingmahidhar, Is it a VCD?14:52
node357onetinsoldier, well, worth a shot I guess, don't know much about that bug...14:52
LjLmahidhar: how about you run "file filename" on the file so you can be sure what it actually is14:52
nvidiahelpI have a geforce 9500 card and when i install the drivers through the prompt on 8.10 it kills x and all i get in tty. On 8.04 I do not encounter the problem. I think it is the new xorg. If i install the drivers manually will that help?14:52
kingjimcooncat, But he wants to 'play' it. You don't 'play' databases14:52
gigantoHalitech, oops, sry. Lets try that again http://pastebin.com/d2039eb0f14:52
mahidharLjL it is a viedo file14:52
ardchoillefile /path/filename.dat should tell you what kind of file it is14:52
mahidharking ya14:52
rippsking: no, it mounts drives. I'm pretty certain of it.14:52
* zhangzhi help!after i just installed the ubuntu with autologin option ,i forgot the login password.how did i do ?14:52
lordblaaanyone know if there's a way to control cpu cooling etc from linux?14:52
onetinsoldierbadawi: i might have to try and dig around to find an exact bug report number or whatever. do a search on   ubuntu 8.10 end_request14:52
kingmahidhar, Open mplayer, right click VCD - play14:52
kingmahidhar, if you google there is also a complex mplayer string to directly play a VCD if nothing else works14:53
n8tuserlianimator-> i dont know how to fix that..i gave you xrefresh hoping it will repaint it and fix it14:53
Halitechgiganto, something screwy there14:53
LjLzhangzhi: boot into recovery mode and change it with "passwd username"14:53
gigantoHalitech, yer ... I dunno what's happening ... need to reinstall ??14:53
zhangzhi LjL thanks14:53
jimcooncatking, I didn't mean a database file. I meant was that .dat has been used by lots of different (windows) programs over the years for all sorts of stuff14:53
mahidharking where can i get mplayer14:53
unbcheese not working, how to fix, i'm using ubuntu 8.1014:54
kingmahidhar, Add/remove software14:54
Halitechgiganto, I'd hate to go to that extreme since it was working at another location14:54
LjL!info mplayer | mahidhar14:54
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17 (intrepid), package size 4322 kB, installed size 10088 kB14:54
kingjimcooncat, I just guessed as he wanted to play it, it must be video.14:54
nvidiahelpDoes anyone else have problems using the 177 nvidia drivers on 8.10?14:54
jimcooncatand I've seen .DAT used for an archiving extension too (Digital Audio Tape)14:54
gigantoHalitech, yeh ... was working this morning in fact, before I moved to another hotel14:54
ardchoillenvidiahelp: which nvidia card?14:55
maek0nvidiahelp, what version .80 or .82 ??14:55
mahidharking k i ll try14:55
mahidharLjL k tnks i ll see14:55
n8tusergiganto-> are you sure the cat 5 cable is good? the port you are plugging to(the hub or router)  is not disabled?14:55
nvidiahelpardchoille 930014:55
Halitechgiganto, I'd almost think its something with the way their router is configured, if its even a router and not a server on site14:55
unbdoes anyone have problem with cheese??14:55
nvidiahelpmaek0 what ever cam up in the prompt. I would assume .8214:56
Halitechunb, I do if I eat too much of it :D14:56
nvidiahelp@unb all the time14:56
ikoniaco_ngangenin: whats up //?14:57
unbHalitech: come on im serious...14:57
beriliohello, i have a funny problem, im on hardy and cant see add remove programs in applications menu, how do i restore that? i tried to edit menus but it isnt there either14:57
Halitechunb, thats the problem with people today, always so serious :)  I can't say I have but then again I haven't tried to use a webcam in quite awhile14:58
nvidiahelpardchoille maek0 think the problem is the new xorg14:58
rookeeeeeeeeecould someone please tell me how to setup a server-client relationship on nfs? it doesnt show how on the nfs how to.14:58
LjLberilio: see if the package "gnome-app-install" is installed14:58
Ximalmental note for ikonia , i believe it was the firefox button that messed things up... because now that i've reinstalled and i have the tor an privoxy running on 8.10 there is no issue with synaptics... so i don't know where but somehow along the line of installing aftr putting the tor button on firefox ... everything went haywire ...14:58
berilioLjL, thanks14:58
gigantoHalitech, but how would u explain the dhclient ??14:58
ardchoillenvidiahelp: No idea, but I have seen other with the 9300 having trouble with the drivers14:59
unbHalitech: it was working on 8.0414:59
berilioLjL, that did the trick, thanks14:59
Halitechgiganto, dhclient is your computer and its trying to talk to the router/server14:59
Halitechunb, not sure, whats the output of lsusb?14:59
gigantoHalitech, oo i see, I thought it was trying to simulate a connection and check if ur device works15:00
nvidiahelpardchoille what was their problems?15:00
FinnishAnyone installed ATI 8.12 drivers? My videos are still flashing when compiz is on15:00
Halitechgiganto, no, its actually trying to talk to the router15:00
barrientoshow can i see both desktops at the same time and move windows between them?15:00
ardchoillenvidiahelp: I don't remember, but the drivers weren't working correctly15:00
onetinsoldierdoes anyone know of a way to install ubuntu 8.10 from an already existing installation of linux?15:00
UnknownUser56Something not directly related to ubuntu,but how can I restart downloading with wget from where it left off ( example ,power cut out and I need to restard the download ) ?15:01
unbHalitech: sorry forgot to mention is the build in cam. the error output is "(cheese:8565): GStreamer-WARNING **: pad source:src returned caps which are not a real subset of its template caps"15:01
Halitechonetinsoldier, what version?15:01
rookeeeeeeeeecould someone please tell me how to setup a server-client relationship on nfs? it doesnt show how on the nfs how to.15:01
gigantoHalitech, well i guess i'll just stick with this wireless then15:01
nvidiahelpardchoille thanks for the heads up!15:01
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Halitechunb, it should still show up in lsusb15:01
onetinsoldierHalitech: i'm currently running debian 5.015:01
Halitechgiganto, I would until you have a chance to test it elsewhere15:02
Halitechonetinsoldier, why would you want to change from Debian to Ubuntu?15:02
ardchoillenvidiahelp: it might be worth searching the ubuntu forums15:02
simplexiorookeeeeeeeee: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html15:03
unbHalitech: out put "Bus 007 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:c251 Logitech, Inc.  Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub B15:03
unbus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 005 Device 002: ID 045e:00d2 Microsoft Corp. Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub"15:03
unbHalitech: nothing wrong though15:04
onetinsoldierHalitech: i guess i could say that there's is no 'need' to. just to see what it's all about and join in the ubuntu fun. and it's harder to help people on here if you aren't running the exact same distro as they are15:04
LjLonetinsoldier: can't you just install Ubuntu from the CD...?15:04
Halitechunb, I'm thinking its the omnivision one but not sure, think I tried helping someone with it before and in 8.10 it doesn't seem to work15:05
gigantoHalitech, I guess that's the best plan for now15:05
gigantoHalitech, thanks for ur help then :D15:05
nvidiahelpardchoille i did the problem seems to be hard to pin down15:05
Halitechonetinsoldier, why not? I'm running Debian here and most things are the same15:05
unbHalitech: so sad...15:05
mahidharking i got tar package of mplayer from google ...... how 2 install it15:05
Halitechgiganto, no problem man, hope you get it figured out and its still working elsewhere15:05
mahidharLjL i got tar package of mplayer from google ...... how 2 install it15:05
mahidhari got tar package of mplayer from google ...... how 2 install it15:05
LjLmahidhar, why did you get a tar?15:06
lordblaabest file-index-search-backend-thing? beagle? tracker? strigi? etc?15:06
LjLmahidhar: mplayer is in the *repositories*15:06
LjL!software > mahidhar    (mahidhar, see the private message from ubottu)15:06
tux91What's better for / : ext3, xfs or jfs?15:06
LjLmahidhar: you install it using "sudo apt-get install mplayer", or any other standard installation method. NOT from a tar.15:06
onetinsoldierLjL: nope, i wish i could and i've tried to use my sata dvd drive to install almost every way forwards and backwards. but there may be 'something' i haven't tried. anyway, i can't do to what i believe is a bug in the kernel the install uses. do a search on   ubuntu 8.10 end_request15:06
Halitechunb, looks like it might be something with the kernel as even gentoo and fedora folks are having issues with that cam15:07
LjLonetinsoldier, but then i fear that the kernel the installer uses is the same kernel that you'll get on a final install...15:07
Rickiwould anybody tell me how to look at my permissions on any given repo (using svn)15:07
cannonballWhat other command(s) besides update-rc.d is there to manage init script processing for various runlevels?  I'm trying to get a list, similar to chkconfig --list on rpm distros.15:07
unbHalitech: ok, than nothing i can do... the pulseaudio also having problem.15:08
ikoniacannonball thats teh command15:08
gigantoHalitech, but using wireless like this is kinda dangerous as well lol, people can just hack in15:08
LjLcannonball: none is installed by default15:08
ikoniacannonball: check config isnt' setup to with with upstart15:08
mahidharLjL mplayer is not there in add\remove program15:08
simplexiocannonball:  sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf15:08
rjunecannonball, chkconfig is available in ubuntu15:08
LjLmahidhar: Add/Remove only shows GUI applications, and mplayer is not one.15:08
thiebaudemahidhar: get mplayer from synaptic15:08
LjLmahidhar: type "sudo apt-get install mplayer".15:08
Halitechgiganto, most of the script kiddies wouldn't know what to do even if the could get in15:09
onetinsoldierLjL: ahhh, but i can always compile and install my own kernel if i can just get the OS installed. i already have a .config waiting for kernel that i have compiled myself recently... config-linux-2.6.28-rc7-git115:09
nvidiahelpAnyone have any ideas on the Nvidia problems?15:09
lordblaai think i'm going to go for strigi - anyone had any problems with strigi or good experiences with other indexers?15:09
Halitechunb, I don't use pulse so no ideas for you15:09
LjLonetinsoldier: you could perhaps install from a USB drive?15:09
Tch23Eyh! Is the RT-Kernel ready to rock with Intrpid?15:09
badawiwhat's the ncurses version of synaptic called? i'm not talking about apt-get btw15:09
unbHalitech: what you use than? maybe i should change too.15:09
mahidharLjL k i m getting it ... tnks alot15:10
Halitechunb, I use alsa15:10
LjL!info rcconf | cannonball15:10
ubotturcconf (source: rcconf): Debian Runlevel configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.21 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 116 kB15:10
rjunebadawi, aptitude is what you're thinking of15:10
zibribadawi: aptitute15:10
rjuneHalitech, alsa does not preclude pulse15:10
webashi guys..anyone has notebooks? well i dont even see where to modify screen brightness15:10
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA - Jaunty doesn't even really exist yet, but join #ubuntu+1 for help and discussion.15:10
rjunealsa is the driver archetecture, pulse is a mixing daemon15:10
badawirjune: zibri yes it is thanks15:10
gigantoHalitech, yeah i guess, but if you can just capture the packets lying around, and if u know what to look for ... its good enough ?? I dunno much about hacking wireless, I have been trying to do it so that I can get some free wireless back where I stay cos its a pain in the ass to register for one/even be willing to pay for it I thought i'll just hack just to keep things simple lol15:10
LjLbadawi: which is really not an "ncurses version of synaptic", as it's quite unrelated to synaptic, but yes, it's probably what you're looking for...15:10
unbHalitech: ok, i will that too.15:10
TrinitrogenFresh install yesterday, suggestions for a MP3/FLAC player?15:10
[c0re]!info deluge15:11
ubottuPackage deluge does not exist in intrepid15:11
LjL!players > Trinitrogen    (Trinitrogen, see the private message from ubottu)15:11
Halitechrjune, huh?15:11
cannonballThanks everybody.  I prefer commandline over gui or even ncurses apps, so the fact that chkconfig and sysv-rc-conf can both do it from CLI works for me.  Again, thanks to all.15:11
Halitechgiganto, but then you run the risk of getting in trouble ;)15:11
rjuneHalitech, you said you didn't use pulse, you use alsa. they do two different things. alsa sits on top of the hardware, pulse sits on top of arts15:11
gigantoHalitech, lol Im quite save, I know they don't know how to secure their wireless as well15:12
shadowwulfi have a machine, it goes into screensaver mode and when you come out of it, the desktop does not return, any suggestions15:12
onetinsoldierLjL: nope... the thing is, even tho i get the end_request: Buffer I/O error in sector xxxxx from my sata dvd drive, the installer/live cd will finish loading up, but if you try to install to hard drive -or- use the option that writes the installer to usb stick, it bombs out with an error. wheni tried writing to usb stick and checked log file, it reported error #25615:12
Halitechrjune, ok, if you say so, I don't recall seeing pulseaudio installed15:12
rjuneyou may not have it installed, it's not required.15:12
LjLonetinsoldier: but you don't need to use the live CD to save to USB15:12
Halitechrjune, but then again I'll admit I've never gone digging to see it15:12
LjLonetinsoldier: you can use several methods to do that from Debian, one of them is the program "unetbootin", there are others though15:13
LjLonetinsoldier: but - it *will* still be the same thing as the live CD, mind, just running from USB15:13
rjunedpkg -s pulseaudio15:13
onetinsoldierLjL: ah-ha! this is the kind of thing i beleive i am looking for, thank you!15:13
roadfishZeroA4: ok, the operation is done and took around 3 hours. thanks again for your comments.15:14
mib_a8eme5How do you make Ubuntu suck less?15:14
rjunemib_a8eme5, be more specific about your problems.15:14
rjunerandom ranting will get you nowhere15:14
LjLonetinsoldier: note, i'm not particularly endorsing unetbootin, which is not an officially packaged application, and does ugly things such as calling "sudo" all by itself. it's just the only automated "live USB" makers that occurs to me.15:14
nvidiahelpmib_a8eme5 What are your problems?15:14
LjLmib_a8eme5: your question is very much generic. please ask specific questions.15:14
Halitechmib_a8eme5, if you don't like it there are other options out there, like windows15:15
mib_a8eme5rjune: that is if you ignore that ranting in and of itself doesn't make someone feel better.15:15
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rjunemib_a8eme5, I do. ranting may feel better temporarily, but does nothing to solve the underlying problem.15:15
kaiiquestion regarding realtime sip peers..   what must i configure, so that asterisk re-reads a sip peer from the database?     currently when a secret is changed in the database, asterisk does not recognise this change and the phone fails to register with the new secret.15:15
onetinsoldierLjL: ok, understood. i will have a look at unetbootin. i really need some alternate method other than cd and have been wondering if there isn't something. thanks again15:15
nvidiahelpAnyone else having problems with 9000 nvidia cards and ubuntu 8.10?15:15
Halitechonetinsoldier, what about booting and installing from floppy?15:16
thiebaudemib_a8eme5: is there a problem we can help you with>15:16
erischdoes anyone know if the load_cycle_count issue is solved in inteprid ibex?15:16
rjunekaii, I'm guessing, but doing a kill -1  on the asterisk pid *should* do what you want.15:16
kaiiechan ^15:16
LjLonetinsoldier: another possibility would be to just change your repositories from Debian to Ubuntu, cross your fingers, and dist-upgrade, but that's *very* prone to not only failure, but what is worse, "limited success" (i.e. a system that sort-of-works but is full of problems)15:16
kaiirjune: wouldnt this reinitialize anything ?15:16
SammeSomeone knows  how  ubuntu works on acer aspire one?15:16
mib_a8eme5I mean overall, like I think you have ubuntu-studio. Is there any version like ubuntu-sucksless? I mean, who calls this a end user OS? Its ok to delude yourself for a while. But look at it. Aren't there enough problems to post a warning saying, beware this is development buggy software?15:17
rjune-1 is a hup, normally it tells the daemon to re-read it's config files.15:17
j0sherish: didn't experience cycle count raising drastically since 8.0415:17
kaiirjune: regarding asterisk, this is not a good idea. :)15:17
rjunekaii, asterisk has a cmd-line itself, and that probably has a way to do it. but I don't know what that is.15:17
shadowwulfi have a machine, it goes into screensaver mode and when you come out of it, the desktop does not return, any suggestions15:17
archmananyone experienced some problems with hardware and software by upgrading from gutsy to hardy (lts) ?15:17
kaiirjune: echan, wanted to post this question in #asterisk15:17
rjunehence I prefaced my statement with I'm guesing15:17
onetinsoldierHalitech: is there such a method? i know there used to be. however, lately it looked to me as if Debian dropped the floppy netinst do to --> recent kernels being too big to fit on floppy netinst installer. does ubuntu have a floppy installer for 8.10? is so, where might i get it?15:17
nvidiahelpmib_a8eme5 what do you mean? it is pretty stable. Like all os's that you install yoursefl you should check that your hardware is up to snuff15:18
PawDoes anyone have experience with fixing an ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card to work with ibex (ubuntu 8.10)?15:18
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager15:18
Halitechonetinsoldier, I think you end up using the debian boot floppies and then debootstrap it to get to ubuntu, let me see if I can find the link15:18
kaiirjune: yes, asterisk rereads config on HUP ..  and it does not kill active calls.   i'm impressed15:18
UnknownUser56I was downloading a file with wget but the power turned off and teh download was ended short,how can I start downloading from where it last left off ?15:19
kaiirjune: but all realtime configuration that was loaded from database on demand vanishes.15:19
AppiahI have a annoying problem on 8.10 , each time after boot the network dont work.  I need to modprobe pcnet32 and then edit /etc/resolv.conf  . I tried putting pcnet32 in /etc/modules but that did not help15:19
PawDoes anyone have experience with fixing an ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card to work with ibex (ubuntu 8.10)?15:19
olskolircI can't hear media from some web sites, what is the best plugin to use in firefox so that I can share sounds please?15:19
allsystemsaregoUnknownUser56, you have to use wget c for that15:19
ardchoilleI just don't understand, I've been using Ubuntu since 5.04 and I think it's quite awesome.15:19
onetinsoldierHalitech: ok, thanks for helping. if i can get a debootstrap method going that will probably work out good15:20
allsystemsaregoUnknownUser56, that's "wget -c URL"15:20
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen15:20
PawI woiuld love to use ubuntu, but myg raphics card is hated by it15:20
thiebaudeardchoille: i agree, and im testing 9.0415:20
nvidiahelpI like ubuntu15:20
shadowwulfi have a machine, it goes into screensaver mode and when you come out of it, the desktop does not return, any suggestions15:20
UnknownUser56allsystemsarego,many thanks15:20
nvidiahelpuse gnone-do and you'll understand15:20
inzi85i need help with configuring my dvbcard on ubuntu 8.1015:21
inzi85pls hlp me15:21
rjunekaii, sorry.15:21
PawCan someone help me with configuring my ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card for ibex.. ubuntu hates it and I tired everything, with no good returning15:21
rjunethat's expected though.15:21
cannonballHow much breakage can I expect upgrading a standard 7.10 desktop install (very few packages installed beyond the defaults) to 8.10 ?  I'm no linux newbie, I can fix just about anything, but I'm more familiar with rpms than with debs, and am hoping that won't interfer with me too much.15:22
AppiahPaw: what errors do you run into ?15:22
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rjunecannonball, worked well for me.15:22
Pawappiah: I cant run any special effects or my computer glitches and sometimes crashes15:22
cannonballthank you for the feedback.15:22
Halitechonetinsoldier, here is the link to the debian floppies http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/floppy/15:22
n8tusercannonball-> i dont recommend upgrading unless you have really a good reason you have to upgrade15:22
AppiahPaw: are you running the ATI driver?15:22
nvidiahelpcannonball why are you on 7.1015:22
AppiahPaw or Vesa?15:23
rjunecannonball, follow the instructions on their website.15:23
Pawappiah: Basically it hates my graphics card, and yes i was running the driver, but forced to take it off because my computer kept crashing15:23
kaiirjune: theres no reason to excuse, you gave me a good tip :)15:23
rjunethough that might take you from 7.10 to 8.4 to 8.1015:23
onetinsoldierHalitech: ok, going to have a look at the link now15:23
rjunecannonball, which is what I actually did15:23
Arnaud1Does someone know how to disable a PS/2 keyboard on an ubuntu box15:23
rjuneArnaud1, bios option?15:24
shadowwulfi have a machine, it goes into screensaver mode and when you come out of it, the desktop does not return, any suggestions15:24
Arnaud1can't acces bios, it's a remote host15:24
kaiishadowwulf: have the same problem ... disable compiz :)15:24
inzi85i need help configuring my dvb card using dvb-utils.. can someone help me pls15:24
kaiishadowwulf: ati ?15:24
olskolircPaw install this fglrx-control and see what you can do with it in configuring your Radeon card15:24
hateballshadowwulf❄ Does it not display the password dialog?15:24
shadowwulfkaii, onboard and unknown ... damn compiz ... seems its screwing everything up15:24
ubuntoilHi, why would  a partition stuck nautilus..??15:25
hateballshadowwulf❄ You can always drop to another console and kill gnome-screensaver15:25
cannonballnvidiahelp: It was the version that several people here had already installed, so I knew I would have no problems with my hardware (Dell with GeForce 8600 GT).  It was before the 8.04 release, and I just haven't had time to upgrade since then.  I'm taking a little time now :-)15:25
Arnaud1rjune:it's a remote host, i don't acces to bios15:25
shadowwulfhateball, its works fine all the way to the desktop until it goes idle15:25
j0shhateball: onboard.. SIS?15:25
olskolircsomeone say my name so that I can see if my colors work please15:25
shadowwulfhateball,  then when you come back and desktop background shows but not the top and bottom panel15:26
rjuneArnaud1, not sure how. not sure why you would want to either.15:26
hateballshadowwulf❄ ah right...15:26
Halitechonetinsoldier, not finding the link I was looking for on installing ubuntu from floppy15:26
rjuneI think the driver for it is compiled into the kernel15:26
t3rrori am not new to linux, but new to ubuntu > what is the package needed for the kernel sources?  I want to compile my own kernel and it seems like all i have available are precompiled kernels15:26
shadowwulfkaii, intel15:26
hateball!hi | coky15:26
ubottucoky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:26
cannonballHeh, could not calculate the upgrade.  So I'll dig a bit.15:26
rjuneArnaud1, in theory you could "disable" the port by rebuilding your kernel without that driver.15:26
Arnaud1rjune: i thinks there is a keyboard issue, /var/log/message is growing again and again15:26
shadowwulfhateball, so its a compiz issue yet again ?15:27
XimalHi guys ... I can't seem to get phpmyadmin to work by going to i get a file not found error :(15:27
rjuneArnaud1, what's the error in messages?15:27
cokyyeh...u di mna15:27
Arnaud1rjune : no easier way ?15:27
rjuneArnaud1, not that I know of15:27
Arnaud1rjune : stuff like Dec 11 16:34:36 luxin kernel: [17187385.200000] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xc4 on isa0060/serio0).15:27
Arnaud1Dec 11 16:34:36 luxin kernel: [17187385.200000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e044 <keycode>' to make it known.15:27
hateballshadowwulf❄ Well I havent had it myself, so I'd go with what kaii says. Altho... for me it works normally, occasionally it wont display the password dialog to let me return to desktop, so I have to kill gnome-screensaver15:28
onetinsoldierHalitech: ok, roger. thank you all the same15:28
inzi85hi coky15:28
shadowwulfhateball, kaii, ok thanks guys15:29
simplexioArnaud1: that sounds easy to fix.15:29
J2daoshdid we just have a kernel update in the last day or so?15:29
Arnaud1simplexio:tell me15:29
inzi85does anyone know why, sometimes when i plug in a pendrive.. and even after running sudo nautilus.. i can't seem to delete files off the pendrive15:29
rookeeeeeeeeecould someone please walk me through this f$#@$n nfs stuff.:( im putting my all into it and not getting anything back15:29
rjuneArnaud1, http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO.html15:29
simplexioArnaud1: hint. you pasted answer15:29
mphillinzi85: maybe hardware failure15:30
J2daoshrookeeee what is the issue?15:30
rookeeeeeeeeei keep on running into a problem when i need to mount something15:30
rjuneArnaud1, loadkeys keyboard disable would do it.15:30
inzi85mphill.. hardware failure? like how?15:30
J2daoshand that problem is what?15:30
t3rrornm: i found it linux-source15:30
rjuneArnaud1, second line, says use "blah" to make it known.15:30
dsandageis there anyone here that can help me with setting up a postfix/dovecot mail server?15:30
rjuneaka map the key15:31
rookeeeeeeeeeit ranges from many things15:31
mphillinzi85: flash drives are only good for so many read / writes then they start to die.15:31
inzi85ahhh ic ic15:31
J2daoshok... being vague isn't going to help me help you... so pick an error and give it to me15:31
inzi85mphill : thanks..15:31
mphillinzi85: if you can not reproduce with another usb drive I would said the thumb drive is end of life15:31
mphillinzi85: personaly the only time that happens if with a linux file system on the usb drive and you don't have permissions15:32
bouazzaHello !15:32
inzi85mphill :yah.. but i gave it permissions.. i mean i ran nautilus with sudo..15:32
bouazzaCan someone here help me with a Xorg problem ?15:32
olskolircare backports safe to use?15:32
J2daoshthats because your mounting wrong15:33
J2daoshyou cant mount a network computer, you can however mount a network share15:33
LjLolskolirc: less safe than the main repositories, but they're generally pretty safe, mostly because only end-user applications that aren't dependencies of anything are in there15:33
rookeeeeeeeeewhy cant i mount the entire computer?15:33
Arnaud1rjune:don't understand15:33
J2daoshbecause you cant15:33
J2daoshonly a share15:33
rookeeeeeeeeecan i mount a drive15:34
j0shmphill, inzi85: I had the same problem sometimes, but I have faulty USB connectors and it remounts the flash drive a few times ocasionally. Then files are "locked". Comes back to normal after next mount tho...15:34
olskolircoh ok thanks LjL what is an example of something that is in backports15:34
LjLrookeeeeeeeee: if it's shared15:34
rjuneArnaud1, I linked to a page that I think has the instructions to disable the keyboard15:34
Arnaud1rjune: what do you mean by blah ?15:34
kubucafter an update yesterday KsystemLog does not start up anymore, i have only a tray icon for 20 seconds wich the disapears, what could be wrong?15:34
rookeeeeeeeeeoh i have to "share" it15:34
bouazzaI've installed the xorg packages from xorg-edgers15:34
LjLolskolirc: everything at http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid-backports/ or at http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-backports/15:34
rookeeeeeeeeenow i get it15:34
rjuneArnaud1, Your two lines that you pasted say a key was pressed and I don't know what it is. do this to tell me what it is.15:34
obhk___hi, when I open scanned books as pdf in evince, it often takes all my memory and freezes all so in the end I have to restart my pc15:35
t3rroris there a decent way to search available packages through apt-get? i prefer command line over gui15:35
J2daoshso share out your c:\, then do 'sudo mount -t smbfs // /mount/point'15:35
rookeeeeeeeeea lot15:35
obhk___could there be a solution to this?15:35
Arnaud1rjune : i tried this command but it does not work15:35
bouazzaMy glxgears FPS increased from 400 to 900 on my Intel 965GM card15:35
LjLobhk___: using another PDF reader that doesn't cache everything into memory might be a solution15:35
kubuct3rror, aptitude search [foo]15:35
obhk___LjL: any suggestions?15:35
rjuneArnaud1, which command?15:35
dsandagefatal: parameter smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout: bad time value or unit; 3600a15:35
bouazzamy keyboard is not correctly detected, it's in qwerty and some keys dont work as expected15:35
Arnaud1rjune : setkeycodes e044 0xc415:35
dsandagefatal: parameter smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout: bad time value or unit: 3600a15:35
LjLobhk___: well, i'm a KDE user so i use KPDF, but that's probably not the best idea on GNOME. let me look15:35
t3rrorkubuc: thx15:35
inzi85ahh thanks josh15:36
dsandageany idea what that indicates?15:36
J2daoshmy nic card/wireless card just disappeared after a reboot. it sees that i have an eth  card, but no wireless card. wtf happened?15:36
bouazzaSo, how can I reconfigure my laptop keyboard ? Thanks15:36
inzi85happens to mee sumtimes too15:36
kubuct3rror, also handy apt-file to search a file within all packages available15:36
PawQuick question, Hardy has a bunch of solutions for ati radeon graphics cards, is there a way to downground to hardy from ibex?15:36
j0shinzi85: try remounting if files weren't locked earlier. I described my situation with both fat32 and etx filesystems...15:37
bouazzaPaw, yes but you will break your X15:37
rjuneArnaud1, ah, ok. I would look through the URL then and see if you can disable it completely15:37
t3rrorkubuc: i will grab it also, thx15:37
inzi85Josh: thaks15:37
LjLobhk___: epdfview uses the same backend as evince (which may easily mean it gets the same issue). you could always try plain old xpdf, i guess15:37
j0shinzi85: no problem, hope that works :D15:37
Pawbouazza: what you mean?15:37
Casperovi really have to delete ubuntu....but for some reason...i cant delete the bootloader.....i do not have a windows cd...i have those stupid acer recovery disks that do not allow me to fixmbr!! please help15:38
obhk___LjL: thanks for the help15:38
Oli``How can I find out which app is bound to a certain port?15:38
inzi85josh: nxt time my friend comes over i shall check it out15:38
Oli``I'm trying to get postfix working but there's something bound to p25 already15:38
t3rrorkubuc: i am coming from a background in gentoo, just using ubuntu for boxee, but this thing is bloated15:38
mphillOli``: man lsof15:38
t3rrorgoing to try and lean it up a little15:38
inzi85Josh ": i'm very new to ubuntu.. using it for only about 6 - 7months.. so.. i'm not really good at it15:38
kubuct3rror, yes, i use debian myself most of the time15:38
inzi85Josh : do u know how to use the dvb-utils?15:38
bouazzaPaw, the xserver-xorg-core from Ibex will not support the Ati/nvidia drivers from Hardy15:38
mphillOli``: or try to telnet to it, maybe it will tell you15:38
HalitechCasperov, look into super grub15:39
onetinsoldierOli``: the lsof command should show that. i'm not really familiar with it tho, so look at the man page for it15:39
mphillOli``: telnet localhost 2515:39
CasperovHalitech: wat does this super grub do?15:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread15:39
j0shinzi85: I use it for about two years now, but I'm still a begginer.. lots to learn and no time...15:39
onetinsoldierahh, i see was too slow :-015:39
Oli``"ESMTP Citadel server ready" =\15:39
Pawbouazza: No I am saying, is there a way to downgrade to hardy, instead of using ibex..15:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat15:39
LjLobhk___: you may also want to file a bug against Evince (it would be interesting to try epdfview and see if there's the same problem - in which case, the bug should be filed against Poppler, i guess)15:40
LjL!fishing | badawi15:40
ubottubadawi: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:40
SlimeyPetePaw: as a rule, you can't downgrade - you need to find a Hardy CD and install fresh15:40
dam0-away!install psybnc15:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about install psybnc15:40
j0shinzi85: no idea, never used DVB...15:40
LjL!fishing | dam0-away15:40
ubottudam0-away: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:40
inzi85josh : ahh ok no problem.15:40
HalitechCasperov, my understanding is it will allow you to restore the windows mbr15:40
Pawslimey: ah I see, well do you think its worth it? or should i just wait for ati to fix it for ibex?15:40
LjLdam0-away: psybnc is not available in the repositories, however a few other bouncers are15:40
inzi85josh : i need to find someone who does.. i hate rebooting in to windows all the time.. haha15:40
gigantoanyone knows which channel to go to for web developments?15:40
Pawor wait for solutions to come out..15:40
gigantolike i need help creating a website15:40
J2daoshwtf, lspci doesn't even show my wireless card anymore15:40
dam0-awayok what ones are?15:41
J2daoshhow can i force it to check for hardware?15:41
PhotoguyOk, so I'm adding a repository..and I tried this address: http://www.medibuntu.org/fta/ubuntu but it didn't work.15:41
Casperovthis is such a mission...the only thing i hate about ubuntu is that you cant delete it!15:41
darryl_J2daosh, lshw15:41
kubucJ2daosh, i dont know command wtf, but probably your driver isnt loaded, look with lsmod into it15:41
bouazzaPaw : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75018515:41
LjLdam0-away: bip, znc, ctrlproxy, dircproxy, madoka, nadoka, plum15:41
j0shinzi85: what hardware do you have? Maybe setting up a virtualbox machine would solve the problem?15:42
bouazzaPaw : it's about downgrading from hardy to gutsy, but it's the same15:42
=== kristian_ is now known as kristianaway
Pawbouazza: thanks15:42
HalitechCasperov, sure you can, just have to know how15:42
allsystemsaregoPhotoguy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu15:42
bouazzaPaw : np15:42
J2daoshwtf... what the f...., anyway, if lspci doesn't show the card, the drivers being installed or not wont matter. I need the card to be seen before i go dinging with the drivers again15:42
PhotoguyI did that.15:43
dam0-away!INSTALL personal vhost15:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
dmulholland_hey, is there anyway to find a computer on a network? any scan function of such for a computer name?15:43
PhotoguyHold on , I'll pastebin15:43
inzi85josh : hmm.. linux does detect the card now.. i wonder if virtual box will work15:43
maticI have a swap partition which is activated at the booting stage but when I use free command it shows 0  value for all parameters which to me means the swap is not active! but when i use swapon it is activated, so what is going wrong here, please help15:43
allsystemsaregodmulholland, ping?15:43
j0shinzi85: you could install a virtual instance of Windows, install DVB card there if it works under virtual machine and watch tv from there? DVB means Digital Video Broadcast, right?15:43
kubucdmulholland, nmap ?15:43
dam0-awayim not playin with the bot man15:43
LjLdam0-away: yes you are.15:44
CasperovHalitech: yes and thats the mission....this is the third time im deleting ubuntu each time has its own set of issues! its never straight 4ward15:44
dam0-awayim asking qestions15:44
LjL!msg the bot > dam0-away15:44
ubottudam0-away, please see my private message15:44
nks_Hello all, have anyone successfully configured vidalia to work with tor and privoxy ?15:44
LjLdam0-away: please stop doing it, and read the warnings i gave you.15:44
aadildmulholland, if u use a wildcard with ping u can ping the whole interweb!15:44
PhotoguyOk, my repositry problem..15:44
dmulholland_ill give it a shot, thanks kubuc15:44
ubuntoilHi, why would  a partition stuck nautilus..??15:44
dam0-awayahh ic sorry15:44
bouazzawell, no one knows how to reconfigure my laptop keyboard ? ( I see in Xorg.0.log something that says I must reconfigure HAL or set AllowEmptyInput to false )15:44
HalitechCasperov, its much easier if you have a windows install cd15:44
dmulholland_allsystemsarego, ping not working sadly15:44
dmulholland_allsystemsarego, i dont know the subnet that the system is on15:45
kubucdmulholland_, it depends a bit wich services the computer(s) you are looking for have running15:45
J2daoshit cant find the card now... it like up and disappeared15:45
PawCan anyone explain how to get / use envy for ibex? i heard it might help with my graphics card troubles.15:45
=== diablosinmusika is now known as Kaiaphas
J2daoshand this is why i keep a windows partition on this laptop15:45
allsystemsaregodmulholland, nmap with the -sP option?15:45
dmulholland_kubuc, i know i have ssh running as thats what im looking,15:45
BujekHello everyoe15:45
PhotoguyOk, my repositry problem..15:45
kubucdmulholland_, then nmap is your friend15:46
PhotoguySorry to bump.15:46
badawiin /etc/network/interfaces, there's no eth0 entry, is that normal? i want to create a bridge, doesn't eth0 has to be defined there then?15:46
dmulholland_kubuc, allsystemsarego gonna go try and get on the same subnet, the system is on a vpn that i can get into15:46
CasperovHalitech: i know....trust me i know......but my acer laptop doesnt come with one...has those stupid stupid recovery cd's........maybe ill just teach my sister how to use ubuntu rather than unistalling it15:46
nks_Hello all, have anyone successfully configured vidalia to work with tor and privoxy ?15:46
HalitechCasperov,  does it have windows installed currently?15:46
=== Kaiaphas is now known as skychurch
gigantoanyone knows which channel to go to for web development ?? I need help creating a new website15:47
LjLgiganto: you can try #webgurus15:48
aadil #html>15:48
Casperovyes it does...ive been running a dual boot setup....but im giving my laptop to my sis and she doesnt use ubuntu, so its a waist of space for her15:48
LjLgiganto: wait no15:48
LjLgiganto: yeah, #html15:48
PhotoguyOk, my repositry problem:        http://pastebin.com/m6580665015:48
gigantoLjL, ah thanks15:48
HalitechCasperov, ok, if all else fails, try this, boot into ubuntu, edit grub so it boots after 1 second into windows, then go into windows and delete the ubuntu partition15:48
Halitechnot the most elagant solution but it works15:49
drownedhello everyone, I'm having permission errors when trying to copy my thunderbird files from windows partition to ubuntu.....15:49
=== diablosinmusika is now known as Kaiaphas
CasperovHalitech: ill try the supergrub method but good idea...thanks15:50
lazymanchi, anyone know how to set your laptop screen as the primary display so that the GUI starts there? (ubuntu 8.10, gnome, fresh install)15:50
aadildrowned, what kind of errors?15:50
sketch_can anyone see the videos on ubuntu 8.10 on http://www.mako.co.il/  just click the first video on the front page15:50
drownedpermission denied, can not open file, etc15:50
HalitechCasperov, I used it 2 years ago and it works, just make sure the boot works first to take you into windows before deleting the partition15:50
UnknownUser56drowned,sudo cmd15:50
=== wolf_ is now known as nick|here
drownedthe command i've tried is sudo cp -r /media/Windows\ XP/Documents\ and\ Settings/dr.owned/Application\ Data ~15:51
drownedand still no joy15:51
PhotoguyDoes anybody have a moment to answer my question?15:51
drownedone error example: cp: cannot open `/media/Windows XP/Documents and Settings/dr.owned/Application Data/Thunderbird/Profiles/vx05muta.default/xpti.dat' for reading: Permission denied15:51
Ximalcan anyone here help me with an issue that concerns myphpadmin ? as it is not sowing up in my broweser... showing ;;;15:51
Ximalerr browser *15:51
inzi85josh : ya i guess so..15:51
inzi85 josh : but im not too sure it will work..15:52
LjLPhotoguy: you're using an invalid address for the Medibuntu repository in /etc/apt/sources.list15:52
drownedi get the same permission errors when i try to copy these files to a flash drive as well15:52
LjLPhotoguy: remove the Medibuntu entries from that file or, if you do want to have Medibuntu available, /msg ubottu medibuntu15:52
mhacan I somehow make a smart release upgrade 8.04 -> 8.10? I use a custom built kernel and the update wants to add nvidia kernel modules, for an ubuntu kernel which I don't and won't ever use. along with 214 new packages which is basically crap as xorg video drivers which I neither use.15:52
sketch_hi can anyone see the videos on ubuntu 8.10 on http://www.mako.co.il/  just click the first video on the front page15:53
kubucPhotoguy, i might be easier if you pastbin /etc/apt/sources.list to see what wrong15:53
LjL!pm | Photoguy15:53
ubottuPhotoguy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.15:53
j0shinzi85: wont hurt to try, right? and even if it fails, you'll have a Windows virtual machine which will save you from rebooting each time you need anything that works in Windows only..15:53
drownedsketch: I can see them...did you install flash?15:53
inzi85i shall try it out tonight.. i think i have virtual box with me15:53
=== lorenzo is now known as figo
sketch_can anyone see the videos on ubuntu 8.10 on http://www.mako.co.il/  just click the first video on the front page15:55
j0shinzi85 unless you have a really slow machine, but I have an AthlonXP 3000 laptop with 512megs of RAM and it really works like a charm. Unless you install antivirus and stuff, then it might slow down a bit.15:55
crayzeesketch_, they want you to use WMP15:55
drownedyeah I saw that too15:56
drownedit still doesn't play after gstreamer and flash were installed15:56
sketch_drowned : are you talking to me ?15:56
PhotoguyOk, here is the pastebin for sources.list:15:56
crayzeesketch_, you can probably bypass it by extracting the URL from the source code.15:56
sketch_crayzee how can I get the url for the video ?15:56
=== alessandro_ is now known as KiNgOfKiLlEr91
crayzeesketch_, but obviously thats a PITA. I'd just boycott the site ;)15:56
sketch_its not for me its for people that use these computers15:57
inzi85josh : moving to ubuntu from windows was the best thing that happend to me. .haha.. i've run a virtual box before.. it seemed towork pretty smooth.. although i think had better get myself a another RAM15:57
nks_Do anyone know how to use vidalia ?15:57
Halitechsketch_, view - page source15:57
saurabhi have installed nvidia driver for in my ubuntu 8.10. but now i cannot hear any sound from  my system15:57
sketch_if it was me i would and actually do boycott the site15:57
sketch_halitech ok so I get the url now where do i put it ?15:58
Halitechsketch_, use wget to download them15:58
LjLPhotoguy: just remove the last line and add « deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ intrepid free non-free » instead15:58
drownedso anyone have a solution to my permissions problem?15:58
bcardarella_I install git with apt-get install but I don't seem to have access to git itself. I try the git command and I get 'command not found'15:58
sketch_wget in terminal15:58
Pawdrowned: version of windows?15:58
Halitechsketch_, yes15:58
bcardarella_So I tried to reinstall and I was told it is already at the newest version15:58
saurabhi have installed nvidia driver for in my ubuntu 8.10. but now i cannot hear any sound from  my system15:58
bcardarella_Any ideas?15:58
sketch_i'll try it15:58
PhotoguyBut, I want to include non free.15:59
sketch_saurabh open the audio and make sure the internal volume is not muted15:59
Halitechsketch_, might work in vlc as well with the open url option15:59
sketch_that happened to me on one pc15:59
j0shinzi85: of course I meant Virtualbox running great :) And the same with me - I've tried Linux a loooong time ago, and found it hard to use. But when I found Ubuntu I switched almost instantly15:59
crayzeesketch_, you'd have to read the JS to find the URLs I'm afraid - its not obvious.15:59
sketch_did you see any ?15:59
sketch_ill try15:59
saurabhno it is not muted15:59
sketch_open the audio so you see 4 audio volumes16:00
sketch_not just one16:00
LjLbcardarella_: if that's Git the revision control system that you're looking for, then "git" isn't the right package for that. the package "git" contains the "GNU Interactive Tools" collection16:00
saurabhi see three audio volumes16:00
PhotoguyLJL:    I want to include the non free apps.16:00
bcardarella_LjL: ah, lol16:00
LjLbcardarella_: you probably want the "git-core" package16:00
mhanoone has some good suggestion for the issue?16:00
sketch_click device and check each one16:01
LjLPhotoguy: and what makes you think that the line that i gave you won't achieve that?16:01
bcardarella_LjL: cool, thanks16:01
j0shinzi85: and I also think about getting more RAM lately.. systems' getting messy and quite slow, can't run few heavy things at the same time (eg. Opera and Virtualbox)...16:01
PhotoguyOh, I thought it said non free..16:01
mhamk. fsck it then.16:01
PhotoguyMaybe I'm just a dumb newbie.16:01
LjLPhotoguy: err yes, it says "free non-free", so that means it will include free apps, and non-free apps16:01
PhotoguyOk, gotcha.16:01
bullgard4My GNOME terminal shows in the last but one line a blue status line that displays: "-- MOST: "stdin*    (7,1) 7%". What program does cause this operating mode of the GNOME terminal?16:02
PawSo fresh istall time for ibex..16:02
* Paw cries16:02
kerngim trying to install nome-globalmenu-0.4-svn964.tar.gz  but when i install it then try to add it to my panel it says error do you want to delete it from the panel16:02
kernhow can i install the gnome global menu/?16:02
LjL!info most | bullgard4, i guess this16:02
ubottumost (source: most): Pager program similar to more and less. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.0a-1 (intrepid), package size 46 kB, installed size 172 kB16:02
Photoguy@LjL umm, how can I make it to allow me to save it?16:03
PhotoguyI tried gksudo natulis16:03
LjLPhotoguy: you need to open it with "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list".16:03
LjLPhotoguy: nautilus isn't a text editor.16:03
HalitechPhotoguy, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:03
HalitechPhotoguy, will give you rights to edit and then save the file16:04
saurabhhello sketch are u there16:04
* aadil wonders if pen and paper is a text editor16:04
j0shoh guys, anybody experiencing ocasional closing of Opera when closing a tab? Happens to me sometimes and veeeery often to my girlfriend, tells me everyday to do something about it... Anyone?16:04
pim_I wish to completely remove a package. Therefore I did sudo apt-get --purge remove pidgin. Then I reinstalled, but it remembered my email adress and password. I wish to completely delete all it's data, how do I do that?16:04
aadilj0sh, memory problems?16:05
LjLpim_: there is no standard way to do that. its user-specific data will be contained in your home directory, and APT never touches that. a likely guess is the directory $HOME/.programname16:05
saurabhi have installed nvidia driver for in my ubuntu 8.10. but now i cannot hear any sound from  my system16:05
archmanafter i have updated to hardy, can i boot with my old gutsy kernel, if something goes wrong with hardy?16:05
* Paw is freshly installing Ibex, because it hates his ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card...and continues to cry16:05
j0shaadil: can't be, although I didn't do a memtest16:05
LjLpim_: but if it's a GNOME program, then its settings might be stored in gconf.16:05
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aadilj0sh, well it can also be a network problem16:05
pim_LjL where is gconf stored?16:06
aadilhave u tried support.opera.com (they have a nice site btw)16:06
Halitecharchman, as long as the kernel info is still showing in grub you can16:06
Radbradanyone like metal music?16:06
aadilcoz am afraid i dont know what could be wrong16:06
LjLpim_: gconf is a set of hierarchical XML files. you can edit it with the "gconf-editor" program.16:06
saurabhi have installed nvidia driver for in my ubuntu 8.10. but now i cannot hear any sound from  my system16:06
badawij0sh: flash might be crashing it or some weird javascript, either way, where did you get opera from? it's not in the deault repos16:06
LjL!offtopic | Radbrad16:06
ubottuRadbrad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:06
bullgard4LjL: Yes.  --  Thank you very much.16:06
j0shaadil: Opera closes itself when trying to close a tab, so can't be network problem16:06
j0shbadawi: Official homepage.16:06
Radbradi didnt know16:06
archmanHalitech: so, upgrade with 'update manager' does not clear old kernel?16:07
LjL!it | kengoo16:07
ubottukengoo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:07
Halitecharchman, not to my knowledge but I could be wrong16:07
archmanHalitech: from grub also?16:07
badawij0sh: need to ask their official support channels, they would be able to help you best, maybe it's a known bug16:07
crik91_2I'm Italian and I don't speak english very well...I have a laptop computer: toshiba satellite a60-332 and the audio does not work!work only when appears login page!In 2 months I don't have found any solutions!Someone can help me please?16:07
LjLarchman: in theory you can, but in practice there might be incompatibilities between hardy and the gutsy kernel. also, i don't really know whether the updater might automatically remove the gutsy kernel.16:07
codebluehey all, Im trying to install my nvidia MX/MX 400 on ubuntu 8.10 but I keeps giving me an error when I restart X saying nvidia module not found, I have it working on nv drivers but I need to use the propriety ones16:08
LjLcrik91_2: you might also want to try #ubuntu-it for support in italian16:08
archmani'm better to stay with gutsy...16:08
saurabhi have installed nvidia driver for in my ubuntu 8.10. but now i cannot hear any sound from  my system16:08
drownedcodeblue: did you try administration>hardware devices16:08
rpfaffim running dual monitors but my background is stretching across both of them as if it were one computer? can i disable this?16:08
LjLarchman: you could always try out a Hardy live CD to make sure its kernel works on your system.16:08
codeblueyeah I tryed that16:08
drownedcodeblue: try synaptics package maneger then and manually adding the nvidia 177 files16:09
crik91_2LjL, in Italian community they can't help me...I have said any times coming here!16:09
dowN70can anyone help me install hamachi16:09
j0shbadawi: thanks. I visited this channel just of curiousity, stayed here as you see :) thought someone might have the same problem or solved it already. But you're propably right, most pages are overloaded with flash banners and it mostly happens when closing such page. But it doesn't hang, just closes instantly with no message..16:09
codeblueI worked b4 but I could only get 640x480 res and I installed some other ones and I figured out how to fix rez but the propriety ones wont work now, I have it installed but It cant find the modules16:10
karab44dowN70: what about embedded VPN?16:10
user1Hi all16:10
dowN70no, i need hamchi16:10
rpfaffim running dual monitors but my background is stretching across both of them as if it were one computer? can i disable this?16:10
[TiZ]Hi. What can I do to recolor gtk hyperlinks for dark themes?16:10
drownedjust search "nvidia" in synaptic and it should give you all the needed ones16:10
dowN70well whats embedded vpn?16:10
amerinesehi i'm sort of new with the ubuntu command line... coming from a windows background... could someone explain to be how i might select all characters from the cursorback to the beginning of a line?  and why should SHIFT+UP result in garbage characters?16:10
crik91_2nobody has been able to solve my problem in two months searches!16:11
archmanLjL: probably works, that means not much to me, i demand from new kernel to work with all my apps, especially jackd, so it's like i want to upgrade just to be supported, but my software and hardware setup to remain untouched16:11
drownedamerin: you could just use the mouse16:11
saurabhi have installed nvidia driver for in my ubuntu 8.10. but now i cannot hear any sound from  my system16:11
LjLamerinese: to select characters, you need to use the mouse. shift+up doesn't really do anything useful in the shell (unless your terminal emulator maps it to something)16:11
n8tuseramerinese-> using a mouse? or you meant via a bash command16:11
codeblueAll nvidia-96 are installed16:11
drownedthose are the old ones16:12
drownedtry installing the 177 ones16:12
codebluethats the one my card uses16:12
LjLarchman: jackd does need the rt kernel, i believe16:12
codeblueothers are not compatible16:12
badawiamerinese: which command line? in gnome-terminal or ctrl+alt+f1 thing?16:12
PawI have an ATI Radeon 9600 i just fresh installed what shall i do so my computer doesnt go boom.16:12
drownednot compatible how so?16:12
archmanLjL: right16:12
amerineseyeah, i meant actually SHIFT+HOME i think, but obviously that doesn't work either; the mouse is a way, i was wondering if there were different shortcuts16:12
crik91_2LjL, what should I do?16:12
archmanLjL: no no no it doesn't need16:12
[TiZ]What can I do to recolor gtk hyperlinks for dark themes?16:12
codebluesay no card found16:12
codeblueonly picks up with 9616:13
archmanLjL: i don't have it, and i don't have heavy latency16:13
badawiamerinese: highlight with mouse to copy, and middle mouse button to paste16:13
LjLamerinese: no, there aren't. the shell and the terminal emulator are two different things. the terminal emulator *might* map some keys to do things (like selecting text), but it usually doesn't because it can't know whether a program running in it will need those keys for itself16:13
drownedtry installing envyng16:14
amerinesebadawi: okay, gotcha, sorta thinking there might be shortcuts that were different from other things i'm used to16:14
allsystemsaregoWhich Debian is Ubuntu based on? lenny or sid?16:14
almark1Hello, I was told yesterday to install EnvyNG to my ubuntu 8.10, but after I did Xorg didn't work anymore, does anyone know how to fix this, I don't know what EnvyNg did so I can't fix it.16:14
crik91_2LjL: what should I do?16:14
badawiamerinese: FYI for ctrl+alt+f1 you need the gpm package to be installed16:14
codeblueit said operating system not supported16:14
LjLcrik91_2: i'm sorry but i don't think i know. but have you checked your mixer carefully? i suppose so.16:14
drownedalmark: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html16:14
dowN70i need help installing hamachi..............anyone?16:14
LjL!debian > allsystemsarego    (allsystemsarego, see the private message from ubottu) sid16:15
crik91_2LjL: as a mixer?16:15
dekkongcrik91_2: are you using alsa mixer?16:15
crik91_2dekkong, I think of yes16:15
PawI have an ATI Radeon 9600 i just fresh installed what shall i do so my computer doesnt go boom.16:15
dekkongcrik91_2: ok just a sec16:15
drownedpaw: start with the proprietary drivers16:15
drownedadministration> hardware16:15
almark1:drowed I have an ati card16:15
crik91_2dekkong, amixer info: Card default 'pulse'/'PulseAudio'16:16
j0shallsystemsarego: some say that sid+1, because it's so unstable.. just Debian users tho, and just for a joke...16:16
Pawdrowned: what you mean?16:16
drownedwell get started by installing whatever quirky drivers you need that aren't open source by default16:16
dekkongcrik91_2: open sound and change everything to (ALSA)16:16
Pawdrowned: I tried so many things on my last install (yesteryda) that i just reformatted and trying again16:16
tr0ndHello gang, I'm trying to install the emu10k1 module for my SB Live! card. And I'm following the instructions found on this page http://www.euronet.nl/~mailme/index4.html#Instructions but I'm stuck at the "Configuring" section, cause I don't got any file called /etc/conf.modules - So my question is, where is this file?16:16
drownedwhat were you trying to do for example?16:16
drownedcause i've messed up too and had to reinstall as well in the past :D16:17
crik91_2dekkong: ok...I do16:17
PawdrowneD: Everything. every possible solution.16:17
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drownedwhat was your problem?16:17
PawdrowneD: Ibex hates my video card, and it gets glitchy and crashs..16:17
drownedwhat video card do you have?16:17
PawATI Radeon 960016:17
DerYumfAnyone know why the nvidia 177 drivers for ubuntu kill my xorg? How do i get the 180's?16:18
crik91_2dekkong: I did it16:18
Shanix_super quick question for related to the server: on hardy server kernel, it should support up to 64G of ram, correct?16:18
Guest68008hi all my tv is capable of doing 1360 x 768 but when i try and set it to that res it fails16:18
robin0800Paw: have you tried editing xorg-conf16:18
almark1I have a ati radeon 8500 myself and have some problems16:18
Pawrobin: what do you mean possibnly16:18
tr0ndDerYumf: Download them from http://www.nvidia.com16:18
crik91_2dekkong: and now?16:18
dekkongcrik91_2: try to play some music16:18
Pawrobin0800: I think i have but i just recently did a freshinstall because i tried so many things i think it messed it up16:18
DerYumftr0nd they're not in the ubuntu repos yet?16:18
tr0ndDerYumf: No16:18
drownedpaw: working on it16:19
guadalinexhay alguien16:19
DerYumftr0nd is there some eta?16:19
Pawdrowned: k waiting :)16:19
crik91_2dekkong: there's no sound16:19
tr0ndDerYumf: I'm not sure, havn't read anything about it. I'm so used to installing drivers from the internet that I never bothered with the Ubuntu ones16:19
robin0800Paw: to get my 9600 laptop card working I had to force linux to use exe acceleration and not aax16:20
guadalinexi dont speak english16:20
drownedok paw someone suggested this: sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*16:20
drownedsudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon16:20
drownedsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati16:20
almark1thanks drowned16:20
DerYumftr0nd kk16:20
Pawdrowned: please do it in pm16:20
DerYumftr0nd 180's should play nice with the new xorg?16:20
Pawi cant type and read that fast16:20
crik91_2dekkong: amixer info is always so: Card default 'pulse'/'PulseAudio'16:20
rpfaffwhen i try to enable visual effects i get this error: Desktop effects could not be enabled16:20
dekkongcrik91_2: what soundcard do you have?16:20
tr0ndDerYumf: It should, yeah.16:21
DerYumftr0nd thanks16:21
drownedrpfaff: do you have compiz installed?16:21
rpfaffdrowned: thanks for your reply, yes. i should add im using dual monitors16:21
PawRobin0800 check your pms please16:21
drownedrpfaff do you have ati drivers installed?16:22
crik91_2dekkong: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/84018/16:22
rpfaffdrowned: no i have nvidia16:22
Pigimonhi has any of you found drivers for inter 2200 wifi card?16:22
Pawrobin0800: how did you get your 9600 working?16:23
crik91_2dekkong: with kubuntu 8.10 livecd or installed version the audio work perfectly!16:23
dekkongcrik91_2: ok and you are know using Ubuntu 8.10 right?16:24
drownedrppfaff: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582207&page=216:24
drownedtop post some ppl say fixed it for them16:24
crik91_2dekkong: yes...in ubuntu the audio does not work after installation or in livecd...in kubuntu the audio was work!16:25
HURFSwhere can i find the default ubuntu grub line? i didnt install grub with my ubuntu16:25
erryHello how o i install a font16:25
HURFScopy to ~/.fonts16:25
rpfaffi need help enabling desktop effects w/ a nvidia cad16:26
erry~/.fonts doesnt exist16:26
drownedyou have to create it erry16:26
drownedin the home dir16:26
HURFSmkdir ~/.fonts16:26
Pigimonanyone knows about wireless driver intel 2200?16:26
Halitecherry, open a terminal and type touch .fonts16:26
dekkongcrik91_2: I think it has something to do with the mixer16:26
erryi dont feel like touching..16:27
drownedjust go into nautilus and do file-> new folder16:27
erryi did that16:27
FloodBot2erry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
HalitechHURFS, erry nevermind, it needs to be a folder, not a file16:27
HURFScan anybody tell me whats the default ubuntu grub line? i want to know the options. ro, rw, whatever16:27
rpfaffi need help enabling desktop effects w/ a nvidia cad16:27
dekkongcrik91_2: go to sound again16:27
HURFSerry: mkdir ~/.fonts16:27
crik91_2dekkong: ok I'm in16:27
drownedrpfaff: it looks like your problem is the fact that you using dual monitors16:27
HURFSerry: cp /where/it/is/nameofyourfont ~/.fonts16:28
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dekkongcrik91_2: ok so now everything is the same right "(alsa)"16:28
erryok just a moment16:28
hat0hi everybody.  so, i've changed the font size in the 'appearances' panel (made it smaller) -- but every time i log in the fonts are the default size, until i go back to the 'appearances' panel..  is there any way to solve this?16:28
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erryi copied it16:28
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HURFSerry: now you have to update the font cache. i dont know the ubuntu command for that16:28
HURFScan anybody tell me whats the default ubuntu grub line? i want to know the options. ro, rw, whatever16:29
drownedhold on hurfs16:29
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badawiHURFS: /boot/grub/menu.lst -> http://pastebin.com/f1b74626516:29
crik91_2dekkong: http://img252.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotxx6.png16:29
the_tormentorhelp me please to choose nice wysiwyg))16:30
drownedhurfs: mine says : /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-2-generic root=UUID=cb0faa83-53c3-4681-a41e-039596ba33a4 ro quiet hpet=disable splash16:30
mavericHey all, I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and am having trouble setting up my comp to use the correct driver for a gigabyte geforce 8600 gt. I think I've got the right driver installed, but my resoulution is set to really lose (640x something, i think). Any ideas how to help? I've tried editing xorg.conf to a higher res, but no luck16:30
badawiHURFS: by default it's "quiet splash" instead of vga=79516:30
drownedmaveric: did you try the nvidia control panel from administrations16:30
drownedthis is fun...like a giant conversation16:31
dekkongcrik91_2: I only see the chat window :)16:31
HURFSbadawi: thanks16:31
Sniper606I notice I have these processes running associated with the evolution email client. I don't use evolution therefore I don't need them starting on startup. How do I make them not start up?16:31
crik91_2dekkong: I'm sorry: http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1vz1.png16:31
mavericdrowned: I've tried going to that, and it asks me to run nvidia-xconfig, which does nothing.16:31
drownedthat means you don't have the drivers properly installed16:31
inzi85rpfaff.. have you installed the restricted driver on ubuntu for ur nvidia card16:31
badawiHURFS: also root=UUID should be your disk UUID as per /dev/disk/by-uuid16:31
drowneddid you install them via the hardware properties control panel item16:31
drownedor did you use synaptic16:32
drownedyeah goto the hardware properties item16:32
drownedand enable the nvidia ones16:32
mavericI had this problem last time I installed Ubuntu, but don't have an idea abotu what I did16:32
drownedsystem>administration>hardware devices or whatever16:32
rpfaffinzi85: yeah16:32
mavericdrowned: when I go to hardware drivers, Nvidia isn't listed. Grr16:32
drownedwhat synaptic packages did you install?16:32
mavericdrowned: nvidia-glx-new16:33
drownedi had this problem too but it turned out i needed to activate them from the hardware item after i synapticed them16:33
onetinsoldierSniper606: you probably have evolution-common starting up. have a look at the man page for  update-rc.d16:33
Sniper606ok thanks16:33
molgrumwhen i upgraded to ubuntu 8.10, my "rear" sound channel stopped outputting any sound. i have a sound blaster live16:33
destuxormaveric: I know this is going to sound silly, but did you reboot it after installing the driver through Synaptic?16:33
rpfaffinzi85: idunno, im confused, it works on just my laptop, but cant get it to work on second monitor16:34
drownedtry nvidia-glx-17716:34
psudoonetinsoldier,  i shot you a pm16:34
reenignEesreveRi wanna undo rm -r -f on a folder i just did16:34
Jack_SparrowreenignEesreveR you cant16:34
onetinsoldierpsudo: oh.. hello. i was afk. i'll have a look16:34
drownedthat should install all needed dependencies and then show up in the hardware devices to be activated i think16:34
reenignEesreveRJack_Sparrow ................................... ok :(16:34
richard1901hi all i have a tv capeable of 1360x768 and i have the nvidia drivers installed but every time i set my res to 1360x768 it fails any ideas16:34
mavericdestuxor: I installed them and then was playign Urban Terror at max FPS (Limited at 90fps) and it was running better than under windows. Then I went out for a few drinks and now this :(16:34
mavericSo, I rebooted just now16:35
inzi85oh second moniter16:35
user1is there any channel for links text browser ???16:35
sketch_drinks before noon nice !!!16:35
inzi85rfaff.. i'm not too good with that.. i guess keep asking ppl on the channell. someone could be able to help16:36
destuxormaveric: When you go to Hardware Drivers does it tell you that you're using proprietary ddrivers and that you need to enable them?16:36
drownedi asked he said they not there16:36
inzi85or try install in the nvidia settings.16:36
mavericsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177   couldn't find packages16:36
drownedjust do it via the syn browser maveric16:36
rpfaffinzi85: thanks for your help16:36
drownedin the control panel16:36
badawireenignEesreveR: google disk forensics if it's very very important data, otherwise let this be a lesson to you, we all go through at one point or another. http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html16:36
mavericdestuxor: When I go to Hardware drivers nothing is listed16:36
endgamerHi. Is there a dedicated IRC channel for sound questions?16:36
crik91_2dekkong: you saw the screenshot?16:37
mavericdrowned: there's no 177 in there16:37
drownedmaveric: just search "nvidia"16:37
destuxormaveric: I'm a little interested in that apt-get didn't find nvidia-glx-177 --- I'm thinking you need to update Synaptic but I don't remember the command16:37
drownedand it should show up as nvidia-glx-177 in the list16:37
mavericsudo apt-get update I think.. will try now16:37
Halitechdestuxor, sudp apt-get update16:38
drownedif you don't see it then you need to update your repositories16:38
inzi85rfaff.. sorry dude.. i wasn't much help16:38
destuxorHalitech: thank you, it's been a while16:38
mavericAfter updating, still no glx-17716:38
rpfaffinzi85: np;)16:38
Halitechdestuxor, no problem :)16:38
drownedmaveric: did you try settings>repositories and enabling all of them16:39
endgamerSorry, killed the window by accident. If someone answered my question (is there a dedicated chan for sound related questions) I missed it...16:39
p1und3ranyone know why my graphics upon shutdown get all messed up?? vertical lines that fade to white? i h8?16:39
drownedthat just fact p1und3r16:39
drownedhappens to me too16:39
p1und3rstrange right?16:39
destuxordrowned: I remember having to do that years ago, but I just installed Ubuntu yesterday and it didn't force me to do that (maybe I clicked OK on a dialog box without reading it).16:39
p1und3ris it from their update?16:39
drownedno it's just the drivers getting shut down in a weird way p1un16:40
rpfaffanyone had luck setting up desktop effects w/ dual monitors? nvidia cards?16:40
p1und3rdrowned oh i see.... nothing to worry about i supposed yes?16:40
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emoncrieffI've observed a weird regression in Intrepid Ibex...Wondering if I should report a bug.16:40
p1und3rdrowned probably cause we have nvidia restricted drivers?16:40
drownedyeah p1un as long as it goes away you fine16:40
chanuxendgamer, search channels /msg alis list *search-term*16:40
mavericWent into the sources for synaptic, checked all and still no nvidia-blah blah 17716:40
mavericPerhaps I shouldn't be using the glx new16:41
p1und3rdrowned thanks for the info16:41
drownedmine does this weird distored quad-splash screen beffore the desktop shows up16:41
badawiJack_Sparrow: FYI http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec16:41
emoncrieffI observe that the display on my laptop goes dim over a period of minutes, and then brightens back up similarly lowly16:41
endgamerchanux: thanks mate.16:41
emoncrieffslowly I mean16:41
crik91_2dekkong: you're still alive?16:41
destuxormaveric: sorry brother I got nothing, been out of the game too long16:41
mavericPerhaps someone can check my xorg.conf?16:41
chanuxendgamer, np16:41
mavericI might be missing somethign silly, am slightly drunk :P16:41
emoncrieffit works fine under Hardy16:41
drownedmaveric: did you do do a update via the administration control panel?16:41
badawiJack_Sparrow: haven't tried either myself so i can't vouch for em16:41
emoncrieffit's an IBM X4116:42
drownedrpfaff try reading this: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61373816:42
mib_n3mj30pqi connect (rdesktop) from ubuntu to w2003, but bloq mayus doesn't work, why??16:42
mavericdrowned: administration software sources16:42
Jack_Sparrowbadawi It was my understanding that the rm   -force -recursive command was not recoverable16:42
drownedyeah maveric: did you also click "refresh" in syn16:43
mavericsudo apt-get install update16:43
drownedwhat gfx card do you have?16:43
badawiJack_Sparrow: nobody said it was gonna be easy :)16:43
kantorhow to change an installed package version manually ? Namely if you have an installed package version 5.6 to change it to 7.8 or whatever number you want . . . .16:44
Jack_Sparrowbadawi forensic data recovery is beyond the scope of the ubuntu support channel16:44
emoncrieffIntel 915GM16:44
dekkongcrik91_2: I'm Back now16:44
subnushow can i get mx revolution to work in ubuntu 8.10 have installed btnx but btnx does not detect the mouse16:44
mavericdrowned: my card is an gigabyte 8600gt16:44
mavericHere's my xorg. http://pastebin.com/d2900c10716:44
badawiJack_Sparrow: i'm with you on that one16:45
crik91_2dekkong: ok16:45
MacrosoftJack_Sparrow, maybe you should quote that in the topic16:45
crik91_2dekkong: you saw the screenshot?16:45
drownedmaverick: googled: http://www.robdian.co.uk/content/view/56/16:45
mavericPerhaps I don't need nvidia-glx-new, but just nvidia-glx16:45
dekkongcrik91_2: the first screenshot yes but I could only see the chat window16:46
mib_n3mj30pqi connect (rdesktop) from ubuntu to w2003, but bloq mayus doesn't work, why??16:46
dekkongcrik91_2: brb back in 3 minutes16:46
endgamerDoesn't look like there's a dedicated chan for sound questions. Okay, maybe someone here can help: I want to route my audio input (microphone jack) to my audio output (headphone socket) on my laptop, so I can use it as a set of speakers for my ipod. I remember way back in the day playing around with audio config files to do this kind of thing, but I have no idea how to do it now! Any suggestions?16:47
crik91_2dekkong: <crik91_2> dekkong: I'm sorry: http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1vz1.png16:47
webbase8Japan does not have a database of members of the acquisition ..!?16:47
endgamerGoogle turned up nothing, by the way.16:47
maverichmm, brb16:47
crik91_2dekkong: ok, tell me when you're back16:48
dekkongcrik91_2: ok that looks fine but i'm gonna check out my laptops sound configuration16:49
drownedomg 30 seconds without a new question16:50
almarkdrowned thanks for your help, Gnome works now :)16:50
crik91_2dekkong: ok16:50
drownedalmark, what was your original problem?16:51
mib_n3mj30pqi connect (rdesktop) from ubuntu to w2003, but bloq mayus doesn't work, why??16:51
drownedi forgot16:51
almarkdrowned: I couldn't get into xorg due to envyNG so I removed it16:51
subnus?question how can i get mx revolution to work in ubuntu 8.10 have installed btnx but btnx does not detect the mouse16:51
drownedoh k glad i could help16:51
mib_n3mj30pqrdesktop -y works, but another doesnt works16:51
endgamersubnus: Even if btnx doesn't identify the mouse automatically, you should still be able to map the buttons one by one.16:52
almark:drowned is it important to update ubuntu with the updates that popup do I really have to?16:52
drownedi personally would16:52
drownedmore likely to fix than break16:52
emoncrieffanyone have any advice on slooooow dim under 8.10, which doesn't seem to happen on 8.04?16:52
almark:drowned but I could break right?16:52
drownedbut no you don't have to16:52
HURFSshould i point the grub towards vmlinuz and initrd.img in the root folder or the ones in /boot that have generic appended to the names?16:52
endgamersubnus: I have the same mouse, and I was able to identify each button in the mapping screens by pressing them, then map them to commands, even though it didn't actually identify the mouse.16:52
drownedits possible but the stuff thats released as updates have already been tested by people like me16:52
subnusendgamer the buttons tab is grayed out16:52
endgamersubnus: Bugger. Hang on.16:53
drownedits only dangerous to do it for stuff that is beta updates16:53
endgamerI'll see what my config is.16:53
almark:drowned what would it benefit If I did?16:53
drownedjust random fixes for problems people have had, new kernels, etc16:54
drownedi'm using alpha 9.04 so i get 50 new updates a day :D16:54
almark:drowned i don't have the newest computer 4 yrs is good but my ati card is older and I thought upgrading might break something.16:54
drownedif everything is working fine almark the rule of thumb for timid users is to just leave it alone16:54
drownedbut you might miss out on security updates...16:54
endgamersubnus: What happens when you press "identify mouse and buttons?"16:55
usamahashimihello everyone16:55
almark:drowned Thats always been my modo16:55
subnusendgamer nothing it find no handlers16:55
QuagmireHmmm "timid users" ...uh how 'bout "clueless users?" LOL16:55
dekkongcrik91_2: what happens if you push the test sound button?16:55
drownedsubnus: http://www.ollisalonen.com/btnx/man/x915.html16:55
almarkthanks again16:55
netzwurmwhat's a good book to give to a ubuntu newbie (never used linux before) that is not totally boring and doesn't have to be read cover to cover?16:55
endgamersubnus: Hmmm. And the mouse is definitely functioning as a mouse up to that point?16:56
netzwurmshe's using xubuntu, so it would be good if it wasn't too gnome specific.16:56
* Quagmire admits to being a clueless user16:56
drownednetzwurm, you'll learn far more quicker by just playing around16:56
Pawdrowned you have experience with fixing ATI Radeon graphic cards for ibex?16:56
drownedno but i'm good with google16:56
drownedwhats the problem?16:56
reenignEesreveRfor some odd reasons, i deleted all files in my home directory :$ ... now my bash shell is not showing colored coding ... what shud i do?16:56
usamahashimiwhen I go to menu and click on Quit, it is showing all other options (like lock screen, logoff etc) but it is not showing 2 options i.e Shutdown and Reboot, can anyone help me that why suddenly this happened and how can I fix it?16:56
almarkthere used to be a pdf linux newbies guide I think its in pdf I have it some where in my archives of many things16:56
Pawdrowned: cant get ibex to accept my ATI radeon card.. i tried everything16:57
Pawlike if i activate it my computer just goes boom16:57
almarktry a search linux newbies guide or guide to linux newbies16:57
Pawand screen turnes black16:57
netzwurmdrowned: yes. i am aware. she really likes books though.16:57
QuagmireI'd like to ask a question or two16:57
drownedlet it out quagmire16:57
destuxorreenignEesreveR: your bash shell has changed color because you inadvertantly deleted the 'dotfiles' (hidden files that start with a '.') that were in your home folder.16:57
subnusendgamer yes it is only the scroolwheel key that does not work as a key i can't use it to open tabs in firefox16:57
drownednetzwurm: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Ubuntu-Linux-Novice-Professional/dp/159059627716:58
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:58
Quagmirecool, just didn't want to be looked at as rude ...when you're a newbie on a channal its a good idea to tread lightly16:58
mib_n3mj30pqplease, i connect (rdesktop) from ubuntu to w2003, but bloq mayus doesn't work in remote host, why??16:58
destuxorreenignEesreveR: you can recreate those files manually, or what would probably be easier is to recreate the account.16:58
drownedyeah this isn't like other douche bag IRC channels where you have to idle for 30 minutes before asking stuff :)16:58
pinnerupI live with people who user my computer a lot - via the new Guest session option. However, I would like them to have access to my music directory. Is there any way to accomplish this?16:58
pinnerup"who use"16:58
reenignEesreveRdestuxor: can i somehow execute the new account files generation script for an old account?16:58
drownedpinnerup: did you try right clicking it and setting permissions16:59
endgamersubnus: Having a dig for more information.16:59
drownedi've never done this before but that sounds like what you'd need to do16:59
dowN70why cant i save files to /etc/init.d/16:59
drownedbecause its a file system folder16:59
emoncrieffI take, from the silence, that no-one has ever seen anything like this.  So I should probably file a bug.16:59
drownedyou have to do it as root user down7016:59
dowN70ok how do i do that16:59
dowN70newbie sorry16:59
crik91_2dekkong: http://img408.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2uv8.png16:59
drownedme too :)16:59
destuxorreenignEesreveR: I'm sure you could but I don't know off the top of my head how to do so. Something I would probably do is create a second account, log in as that second account, copy over all the hidden dotfiles to your real account and then delete the second account. Ugh, sounds like a lot when you type it out ;)16:59
drownedtry terminal gksudo nautilus16:59
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drownedthat'll start up a root level nautilus session17:00
=== Kelen^Fox is now known as Kelen
endgamersubnus: I'm sorry mate, that one's stumped me. Better ask someone who has an indepth knowledge of the mouse handling, I only have my experience. Sorry I can't help.17:00
bouazzaHello !17:01
drownedlol being in this chat forum is teaching me ubuntu faster than anything else17:01
reenignEesreveRdestuxor: i think that wud work for me ... thanx :)17:01
flimacan anyone help me partitioning ubuntu?17:01
bouazzaI've finally got my keyboard in azery mode17:01
drownedflima: what do you want to do17:01
graziano_salve a tutti17:01
chanuxdrowned, alt+F2 > gksu17:01
bouazzaBut, the directional keys don't work ( left and right do )17:01
drownedyes chanux that'll work too17:01
endgamerDid anyone have an answer to my query about routing microphone socket directly to speakers in ubuntu 8.04?17:01
flimadrowned lvm17:01
MaveasWhen I try to run "sudo gedit filename &" nothing happens and that's because you have to enter a password for the sudo - but how do I include the password in the sudo command?17:01
flimaa partition for each directory17:01
bouazzacan anyone help me to choose the right keymap for my Acer laptop ?17:01
jtajireenignEesreveR: all the files for a new account are in /etc/skel17:02
flimabont I dont know the sizes17:02
destuxorendgamer: give me a secnod, I know there was a way to do that...17:02
drownedmaveas: you can't17:02
chanuxdrowned, alt+F2 > gksu nautilus17:02
drownedyou have to enter it on prompt17:02
QuagmireI recently bought a new laptop and it has vista home premium loaded on it (Grrrrr.) The unit has 2 partitions that have the hdd about split down the middle as far as size. 250gb split in half. I've had a person tell me that home premium doesn't like dual booting. any suggestions? I have looked into ubuntu in the past but never pulled the trigger on it. I've also consdered taking my old laptop and putting ubuntu on it after I've taken a17:02
Maveasdrowned, but but why? :S17:02
MenZaMaveas: You don't. You don't want the password to be in ~/.bash_history17:02
fosco__Maveas, you can't, try gksu gedit file17:02
=== root is now known as Guest51018
MaveasOh, smart17:02
drownedmaveas: i didn't write linux so I dunno :)17:02
MenZaMaveas: And you should use gksu instead of sudo when executing GNOME applications.17:02
drownedthat's true17:02
Maveasgksu is?17:02
netzwurmdrowned: thanks.17:02
drownednp netz17:03
Maveasgnome su? :)17:03
KelenHi, all, How to send a offline msg with irc?17:03
MenZaMaveas: g(t)ksu(do) :)17:03
bouazzano one ? :/17:03
Maveasthanks :)17:03
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:03
IntuitiveNippleendgamer: It may possible via the Volume Control applet - you'd need to use Preferences to enable the Playback - Microphone option and then unmute it on the Playback tab. If it doesn't have that option, you're out of look unless you write a small application that loops back17:03
danielbwhi. I have the latest catalyst drivers, 8.12 installed on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.10 for amd64.  I bought two ATI FireGL V3600's so I can stretch one big desktop across four monitors.  I am only able to setup two big desktops: one per gpu, but with two screens each.17:03
danielbwThere is no way to join all four screens to one big desktop.  How can I set it up so that i can have one big desktop across all four monitors without enabing xinerama? I can provide any info you need through pastebin. I really need help getting this to work.17:03
danielbwPlease msg me if you can help and I am not here.17:03
FloodBot2danielbw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
drownedmaveas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30615617:03
pinnerupdrowned: Yes, that didn't seem to work.17:03
drownedpinnerup: what was your original problem?17:04
drownedsry i answering so many ppl i losing track17:04
pinnerupdrowned: I live with people who user my computer a lot - via the new Guest session option. However, I would like them to have access to my music directory. Is there any way to accomplish this?17:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:05
j_xinudsbpinnerup: yes chomod -R 444 /music/17:05
PawHow can I find out what X.Org is.. like i am looking at display drivers for ATI and it saids for X.Org 6.7, 6.8 and so on..17:05
Quagmireyep its tough when so many people are all askng questions ...did anyone get a look at mine? LOL17:06
Jack_Sparrow!who > Quagmire17:06
ubottuQuagmire, please see my private message17:06
bullgard4'~$ stat /etc/fstab; Device: 807h/2055d' What device does this number designate? www.derkeiler.com/pdf/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.security/2006-05/msg00189.pdf: "This identifies the device containing the file."17:06
destuxorQuagmire: so you don't currently have Linux installed on your new notebook?17:06
MaveasWhy doesn't gksu promt for pass?17:06
scotty2Good evening : I'd be very grateful if anyone could help me with this installation problem : halfway through (after partitioning) installing 8.10 from the AMD64 alternate I get a 'Media change' message & am told to insert the CD (which is already inserted)17:06
Jack_SparrowMaveas it holds the pass for a few minutes and only for that window17:07
pinnerupj_xinudsb: Don't you need to have x permission for a directory to be able to list its contents?17:07
PhotoguyI'm trying to play a movie, but it says: An error occured   could not read from resource.17:07
destuxorpinnerup: I've had really good luck with the find command17:07
PhotoguyIt's a dvd17:08
destuxorpinnerup: give me a second to remember what the command was....17:08
pinnerupdestuxor: How could that be used to solve my problem?17:08
j_xinudsbpinnerup: yes chomod -R 444 means User read Group read Others read17:08
Quagmire!tab destuxor no I do not have it installed ...uh how does the !tab thing work exactly?17:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:08
drownedpinnerup: you can try going through this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:08
pinnerupj_xinudsb: So that won't allow people to list the contents of the directories?17:08
drownedbut other than that I'm too new with ubuntu to help. sry17:08
fogravencan anyone help me with opening EPS in inkscape?17:08
eseven73Quagmire: just type like 3 letters of the persons nick and press tab, dont use !tab17:09
j_xinudsbpinnerup: you do or you don't need the content listed?17:09
drownedfograven: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47499717:09
PhotoguyI'm trying to play a movie, but it says: An error occured   could not read from resource.17:09
edjuFinally got my ipod to be recognized.  Now, I'd like to assign a persistent device name.  Anyone with a pointer to a clear howto re: all that /etc/udev/rules.d gibberish?17:09
Quagmireeseven73 thanks17:09
Quagmireeseven73 I'm a newbie with unbuntu17:10
jedi06why doesn't ubuntu have support for different fsb speeds?  Is it hard to make drivers to handle different speeds?17:10
Jack_Sparrowedju you mean have it mount to a name you create every time?17:10
drowneddunno jedi06 but it pisses me off too17:11
destuxorpinnerup: well, I can't remember exactly how yo udo it right now, but you can use find liek this:   find -exec chmod a+x {} \;17:11
pinnerupj_xinudsb: I do.17:11
amikropIf I download something from a torrent, and I turn my computer off. Will the download continue from where it stopped when I turn it on again?17:11
Quagmiredestuxor I do not have ubuntu loaded not yet17:11
destuxorQuagmire: man I just used the Wumi or Wupi or whatever with Vista last night and it's working like a champ17:11
drownedamikrop: it should....17:11
j_xinudsbpinnerup: then that would do it17:11
drownedbut i believe you should pause it first17:11
amikropdrowned: ok, thanks17:11
Jack_Sparrowdestuxor please consider WUBI a test drive and do a real install if you like uit17:11
jedi06drowned I'm thinking of not getting the dell with ubuntu and just get vista and use virtual box17:11
pinnerupdestuxor: But I don't need to find files. I need for my friends to be able to acess my music files when they're logged into my machine using the "Guest session" option new to 8.10 ...17:12
=== kristian__ is now known as kristianaway
PhotoguyI'm having trouble playing a DVD, this is what happesn when I insert it: An error occurred  Could not read from resource.17:12
eseven73Quagmire: well the tab feature is a linux and irc feature, its not really an Ubuntu thing.17:12
drownedjedi06: i don't blame you i'm tri-booting xp, vista, and ubuntu right now17:12
Quagmiredestuxor you have lost me Wumi, Wupi???17:12
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy is it all dvd;s or just a few you ripped17:12
edjuJack_Sparrow, No.  I have an external usb drive and if it's on, it's sdb and the ipod is sdc.  If it's off, the ipod is sdb.  I would like the ipod to be sdc all the time.17:12
=== Zzero is now known as aleX-xx
drownedquagmire: wubi17:12
PhotoguyIt's a real Physical dvdv.17:12
drownedit installs ubuntu to a file so you don't need any partitioning17:12
jedi06drowned that is what i'll have to do too.  what is your fsb speed?17:12
j_xinudsbPhotoguy: need to install medibuntu17:12
Jack_Sparrow!uuid > edju17:12
ubottuedju, please see my private message17:12
PhotoguyI did.17:12
j_xinudsbPhotoguy: and mplayer or vlc17:13
j_xinudsbor both17:13
destuxorpinnerup: well, the reason you'd use find is to make only the directories executable and not the files themselves. It isn't really a big deal, but it's something I've used effectively before.17:13
drownedhmm....i think 200 mhz with a 9.5 multiplier but I overclock with nvidia system tools in xp up to 238 mhz17:13
PhotoguyOk, I tried totem.17:13
pinnerupj_xinudsb: It doens't, tho. The Guest session option is funny that way. Even if I set the directory to 777, the Guest session can't list their contents.17:13
PhotoguyBut it didn't work.17:13
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy is it all dvd;s or just a few you ripped17:13
Quagmiredestuxor so I guess its safe to say some goggling will be my friend and is it an easy process using Wubi?17:13
destuxorJack_Sparrow: I didn't know that about WUBI....damn, I was just getting everything set up the way I wanted it.17:13
drownedquagmire, what os are u in right now?17:14
PhotoguyUmm..you already asked me that...They are REAL dvds, NOT stolen.17:14
Jack_Sparrowdestuxor I personally wont use or recommend it..17:14
destuxorQuagmire: Yeah bro I had Ubuntu completely up and running with zero hardware issues in like a half hour17:14
j_xinudsbpinnerup: chown -R nobody:nogroup /music/17:14
denndaHi. I wrote some simple program that shows a spinning fractal. I would like to use that as screensaver. How do I do that? Just copying it over to /usr/lib/screensavers isn't enough17:14
drowneddestuxor, but are you on a laptop?17:14
drownedi have had soooo many bugs with ubuntu it's insane17:14
destuxorJack_Sparrow: damn. Oh well, guess I know what I'm doing this weekend.17:14
destuxordrowned: yes, I'm on a Toshiba Satellite X205-SLi117:15
j_xinudsbdrowned; bugs?17:15
Jack_Sparrowdestuxor save your /home to usb or another medium17:15
bouazzano one who can help me please ?17:15
drownedstarting with wpa2 for my university encrypted wifi17:15
Quagmiredrowned I'm using Vista Home Premium on this laptop with 2 partitions about 125gb a piece17:15
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy I didnt see where you answered me17:15
PhotoguyAh, ok.17:15
drownedyeah quagmire to use wubi its uber simple17:15
PhotoguyIt's fine.17:15
drownedjust pop in the liveCD, and say "install inside windows"17:16
destuxorJack_Sparrow: I'll figure something out. It's just that I don't have any data, just all the applications I downloaded and installed (it really won't take long, I'm just finding things to complain about since everything else worked out of hte box ;)17:16
drownedit won't delete anything you currently have it just will add an entry to your vista boot menu17:16
rpfaffk so desktop effects work on the laptop screen OR the LCD, but not both at the same time. i have to disable one or the other to get desktop effects to work? anybody?17:16
Quagmire~[ drowned ]~ the liveCD is Ubuntu?17:16
j_xinudsbbouazza: with what?17:16
drownedquagmire, yes, the Ubuntu LiveCD17:16
Jack_Sparrowdestuxor itf you save /var/cache/apt/archives folder you wont need to dl them again17:16
drownedit should automatically pop up a window when you put in in17:17
Quagmire~[ drowned ]~ and I can download it from the ubuntu site?17:17
j_xinudsbbouazza: help with what?17:17
destuxorJack_Sparrow: *awesome* thank you!17:17
bouazzaj_xinudsb : The xorg keyboard configuration was wrong ( some keys didn't work ), so I've run : setxkbmap -model acer_laptop -variant basic -layout fr17:17
bouazzathe UP key don't work17:17
Jack_Sparrowdestuxor if you look in there you should see all your .debs providing you didnt autoclean them17:17
Quagmiredrowned may I pm ?17:17
pinnerupj_xinudsb: Still doesn't work ... never mind. I'll create a separate account for them.17:18
drownedgood idea pinnerup17:18
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edjuJack_Sparrow, blkid reports no UUID - only "hfsplus".  I know that fooling w/ rules.d would do what I want, but it's not very clear to me.  oh, well, I'll keep looking.17:18
destuxorawesome, everything is still in /var/cache/apt/archives so getting my box running tomorrow will take all of 30 minutes now.17:19
=== Kelen is now known as Kelen^Fox
rpfaffk so desktop effects work on the laptop screen OR the LCD, but not both at the same time. i have to disable one or the other to get desktop effects to work? anybody?17:19
Jack_Sparrowdestuxor allow more than that.. :)17:19
shtoomHi, I am trying to delete files using rm command on ubuntu 8.04 server but there are not getting deleted17:19
bullgard4'~$ stat /etc/fstab; Device: 807h/2055d' What device does this number designate? www.derkeiler.com/pdf/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.security/2006-05/msg00189.pdf: "This identifies the device containing the file."17:19
Jack_Sparrowrpfaff  #compiz is a good channel for those questions17:20
destuxorlol I dunno, I'll be shocked out my mind if it takes longer than an hour to have a rock-solid system completely built, updated, adn all my applications installed.17:20
rpfaffJack_Sparrow: thanks17:20
shtoomit says there is not such file or directory but those files are showing up in the directory17:20
Jack_Sparrowshtoom if not under home you will need sudo17:20
shtoomJack_Sparrow: I am root on the server17:20
Jack_Sparrowshtoom you may have the path wrong17:20
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:21
Jack_Sparrowshtoom setting a root pw is not advised17:21
shtoomstrangely enough they have 0Kb and all permission and timestamps are showing like this ????????17:21
inzi85hi robin0800 : have u figured out wats wrong with PAW's graphic card17:21
shtoomI searched all over the web but didn't find solution17:22
allsystemsaregohow many people in this channel are part of the Ubuntu core team?17:22
j_xinudsbpinnerup: if you have subfolders with other permission it wont work17:22
Jack_Sparrow!ot > allsystemsarego17:22
ubottuallsystemsarego, please see my private message17:22
gaintsurais there a way I can recursively delete a file extension?17:22
ffej2ffejI have a working UBUNTU web server and I want my PHP scripts to be able to send email.  I'm getting strange results and I want to know if this is the appropriate place to ask such a question.17:22
LjLgaintsura: "find" has a "-delete" option17:23
LjLgaintsura: careful17:23
gaintsuraLjL no worries its only .wma files =)17:23
crik91dekkong: I'm sorry...ubuntu was crash17:23
Jack_Sparrowffej2ffej you can ask but #ubuntu-server or - apache or maybe php might work better17:23
LjLgaintsura: unless you get it wrong and delete others too17:23
crik91dekkong: this is my first PC...17:23
shtoomplease see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/84040/17:23
dekkongcrik91: hehe np :)17:23
LjLgaintsura: look at the "-iname" option to specify patterns (such as a given extension), remember to put them inside 'quotation marks'17:23
shtoomthis strange problem I've never seen this on linux before17:24
gaintsurathanks LjL17:24
lenswipei currently have no sound can someone please help?17:24
crik91dekkong: found something?17:24
inzi85bye everyone17:25
inzi85thanks for everythig17:25
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crik91_2dekkong: I'm in17:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:25
shtoomeven though ls says it can't find files it still displays them as if they are there17:25
ffej2ffejHere's the situation.  If I try to send an email to my hotmail or gmail accounts, I get nothing.  If I send it to my cell phone, it sends immediately.  I checked for "frozen" messages on the UBUNTU server and all the unsent messages seem to be there.  I tried using the mailunfreeze command for about an hour last night and had no success.  All it kept telling me is that it couldn't find the messages no matter how I specified them or c17:26
crik91_2dekkong: on my little speaker on the bar it's a red mute marks17:26
lenswipeJack_Sparrow: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1008233 it tells u whats wrong :)17:26
dekkongcrik91_2: can you unmute it?17:26
heartbeathi everyone. Anyone knows a channel about linux-ha or HA ?17:27
shtoomJack_Sparrow : rm says there is not such file are directory but ls displays it17:27
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe while I read that , please read the sound link I gave17:27
LjLheartbeat: #linux-ha surprisingly is it17:27
Jack_Sparrowshtoom I cant help with that mess, not sure what happened to that17:27
heartbeatis it in this network ? I suppose17:28
LjLheartbeat: how about you /join #linux-ha and see17:28
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe that link was your post and only says I installed audacity and now sound wont work..17:28
jedi06when do you think ubuntu will support different fsb speeds?  It seems like this would be an easy think to do.17:28
crik91dekkong, No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found17:28
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe did you install it from the ubuntu servers or from off the web.17:29
dekkongcrik91: you need to install codecs m8 :)17:29
PhotoguyWhat is the best video player?17:29
LjL!best | Photoguy17:29
ubottuPhotoguy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:29
PhotoguyOpinions wanted.17:29
destuxorPhotoguy: Kaffeine!17:29
fosco__Photoguy, the one you like most17:29
CoregrlI need to record all key pressed in a gnome session17:29
Jack_Sparrowjedi06 try #ubuntu-offtopic17:29
j_xinudsbPhotoguy: mplayer and vlc17:29
PhotoguyOk, will try.17:30
dekkongcrik91: open an mp3 file with totem player and it will download codecs17:30
PhotoguyYeah U heard jxin17:30
dekkongcrik91: please try that17:30
destuxorCoregrl: like a keylogger?17:30
crik91_2dekkong: ok17:30
j_xinudsbvlc seems to work better with difficult dvds17:30
destuxorCoregrl: How good a keystroke logger do you want?17:30
dennisvhow can I check the bash history...less ~/.histfile doensn't seem to work?17:30
LjLdennisv: tried just "history"?17:31
Coregrldestuxor, easy to use:)17:31
crik91dekkong: An error occurred - Could not get/set settings from/on resource (I have ubuntu-restricted-etras)17:31
j_xinudsbnot less ~/.histfile17:31
dennisvLjL: I'm not looking for my comands, but for some files I installed17:31
subnusto prees button 2 on my mice i have to press button 1 and button 217:32
dekkongcrik91: have you dont sudo apt-get restricted extras?17:32
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe How did you install it?17:32
LjLdennisv: how would the shell history contain those?17:32
Nallemanhi, does anyone know any way to convert a DWG (autocad file) to DXF (common CAD file)?17:32
j_xinudsbis .bash_history17:32
LjLdennisv, the bash history *is* the history of the commands you typed. nothing more nothing less.17:32
dennisvI installed Xubuntu-desktop (sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop), now I want to delete everything related to Xubuntu, so I tried sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop, but this only removed this specific thing17:33
j_xinudsbor less .bash_history17:33
Jack_SparrowNalleman I have done that.. but dont remember what I used...  gimp can read dxf if I remember correctly17:33
destuxorCoregrl: just googling I found this: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO.html17:33
LjLdennisv: try sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop17:33
destuxorCoregrl: I'm thinking the easiest thing to do would be to capture the input as it comes and drop it into a file17:33
dennisvLjL tnx17:34
scotty2Good evening : I'd be very grateful if anyone could help me with this installation problem : halfway through (after partitioning) installing 8.10 from the AMD64 alternate I get a 'Media change' message & am told to insert the CD (which is already inserted)17:34
LjLdennisv: (also, perhaps you should have asked your real question in the first place ;)17:34
crik91dekkong: I don't understand...From yesterday I have: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:34
dennisvLjL, indeed :)17:34
j_xinudsbscotty2; are you using ubuntu 64 and is the cd ok with no damages?17:34
j_xinudsbcheck that17:35
Halitechdennda, check here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome17:35
subnus?question to prees button 3 on my mice i have to press button 1 and button 217:35
dekkongcrik91: ok I have to go away for a while17:35
ffej2ffej(2nd time) When I send an email message from my PHP scripts, it works if I send to my cell phone, but not if I send to my hotmail or gmail accounts.  I tried mailq and it told me all the unsuccessful messages were "frozen."  I tried to unfreeze them and could not.  Any help?17:35
dekkongcrik91: but brb17:35
jim_pscotty2, what do you do and it does so? like... what action causes this effect17:35
scotty2j_xinudsb yes I checked both those things thanks17:35
LjLdennisv: if that command fails, there still is a way to see a list of packages you installed, if they were installed recently, namely: grep install /var/log/dpkg.log17:35
subnushttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=968530 how can i map it to button 1717:36
jim_pffej2ffej, sending php links from emails sometimes fails for me to.17:36
Halitechdennisv, check here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome17:36
scotty2jim_p : It happens halfway through trying to install Ubuntu17:36
ffej2ffejjim_p, what do you suggest?  I need this to work 100%.17:36
jim_pscotty2, md5summed the iso? burned on low speed?17:37
destuxorCoregrl: ok I'm not having much luck with this, but you can do stuff ilke that with the mouse (sudo cat /dev/input/mice) so I sdon't see why you can't do that with the keyboard.17:37
scotty2j_xinudsb : Also, I've tried various different boot parameters17:37
jim_pffej2ffej, i cant suggest something sorry :( i just verify that it does happen17:37
eightyeighthow do i find out the module eth0 is using? i can't seem to find anything in lsmod17:37
crik91dekkong: brb?what is this^?17:37
dennisvLjL i'll take a look at that because autoremove does the same thing as remove17:37
scotty2jim_p : Yes it checks out17:38
juanezscotty2: maybe your CDr is faulty ?17:38
dekkongcrik91: it's be right back :D17:38
jim_peightyeight, what does lspci say about your card that has eth0 reserved?17:38
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juanezscotty2: if you're up for the hassle it might be an idea to try USB boot17:38
scotty2jim_p : also I installed ubuntu onto another PC with the same CD17:38
crik91dekkong: ok...17:38
scotty2juanez: I can give that a go, thanks17:39
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dekkongcrik91: where are you from? :)17:39
heartbeatwell, linux-ha seems a very active channel....17:40
j_xinudsbscotty2; try just F6 and removing acip, quite17:40
PhotoguyDVD drive problems.17:40
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy Please dont do that17:41
heartbeatanybody works with shared storage in HA environments ??17:41
Jack_Sparrowdanielbw It works best if you provide a brief description when you post a link for help.. all on one line thanks17:41
PhotoguyWhat's wrong?17:41
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy PLease dont spam the channel17:42
scotty2j_xinudsb : I'll try that17:42
danielbwJack_Sparrow, Hi. I have the latest catalyst drivers, 8.12 installed on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.10 for amd64.  I bought two ATI FireGL V3600's so I can stretch one big desktop across four monitors.  I am only able to setup two big desktops: one per gpu, but with two screens each.  There is no way to join all four screens to one big desktop.  How can I set it up so that i can have one big desktop across all four monitors without enabing xine17:42
PhotoguyOk, now I know that is spamming.17:42
danielbwI can provide any info you need through pastebin. I really need help getting this to work. Please msg me if you can help and I am not here.17:42
PhotoguyAny reason why DVd playback is really jumpy?17:43
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy turn off effects and see if it clears up17:43
PhotoguyDesktop effects?17:43
bullgard4'~$ stat /etc/fstab; Device: 807h/2055d' What device does this number designate? www.derkeiler.com/pdf/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.security/2006-05/msg00189.pdf: "This identifies the device containing the file."17:43
PhotoguyThe are off.17:43
eseven73how would I give the user 'nobody' write access to '/var/lib/ntop/'?17:43
crik91dekkong: I'm from Italy17:44
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy right click desktop, go to wallpaper, last tab on right set to none and check again17:44
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PhotoguyRight..it's off.17:44
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy what cpu and how much ram, what video card17:44
eightyeightjim_p: lspci -k is exactly what i was looking for. thx17:44
Photoguy2.4ghz p4 AtI 256mb17:44
eseven73how would I give the user 'nobody' write access to '/var/lib/ntop/'?17:45
jim_peightyeight, lol i did not even know that parameter17:45
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Jack_Sparroweseven73 Please hold down the repeats.. thanks17:45
eightyeightjim_p: :)17:45
PhotoguyIt seems to work with vlc.17:45
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy ati can be a bit of work17:45
PhotoguyNo lag.17:45
Jack_SparrowPhotoguy k17:46
jim_peightyeight, you made us both wiser17:46
scotty2j_xinudsb : 'acip' or 'acpi' ?17:46
eightyeightjim_p: sad thing is, i taught linux for a living, and lspci was part of many-a-lecture. :)17:46
Vanescohi guys :) will logging in using ftp and chmodding a file also give it executeable flag? (chmod 775)17:47
jim_peightyeight, :| well done then. as a linux ad says "a small thing can solve an incredibly complex problem". linux prodigy ad by ibm17:47
Vanescoor is that not possible using ftp17:47
j_xinudsbVanesco: no17:48
jim_pVanesco, no. logging with ssh is what you need17:48
gnutronscotty2: i think he meant 'acpi'17:48
HURFShow do i tell hal to only mount removable media17:48
Vanescojim_p: and if this is at a hosting provider?17:49
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scotty2gnutron : thanks17:49
Vanescojim_p: giving it the ssh flag before uploading it wont work?17:49
jim_pHURFS, mount the non-removeble media from fstab and hal will leave them alone17:49
jim_pVanesco, well you need the server to have the ssh service on and ready17:50
Vanescojim_p: i can't ssh to it17:50
jim_pVanesco, does it have ssh installed?17:50
Vanescojim_p: dude, it's my hosting provider, they dont allow ssh access ^^17:50
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jim_pVanesco, can i pm you for a sec?17:51
Jack_SparrowTo get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"17:51
Vanescojim_p: hang on then17:51
=== Vanesco is now known as Thumann
lenswipefograven: hi17:51
Thumannjim_p: go ahead17:51
QuagmireI forgot one question guys ...is Wubi included inside of the ubuntu cd?17:52
Jack_SparrowQuagmire yes, but please consider it a test drive and not a real install17:52
QuagmireJack_Sparrow oh yeah?17:53
scotty2j_xinudsb: With acpi=off I keep getting a timeout message about ATA2.0017:53
flinkis ubuntu plyg and play ? like xp ?17:53
scotty2j_xinudsb: before even getting to the partitioner17:53
Jack_SparrowQuagmire I take exception to the claim that it is a safe way to run ubuntu..  but some have no issues with it17:53
danilo__hi, how to give mdadm command if it says that device is busy? i'm trying also to acces to the shell using installation cd... but mdadm command is not recognized... any hint?17:54
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QuagmireJack_Sparrow what would you advise as I best course of action then?17:54
Quagmireas my best17:54
Jack_SparrowQuagmire THe best is a regular install on it's own partition17:55
scotty2flink: Some things seem to be - my webcams & USB memory sticks worked immediately17:55
Quagmirebut I'm on vista home Premium17:55
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Jack_SparrowQuagmire If you read carefully the wubi faq page they explain how wubi works and briefly that it can kill your windows install17:55
administrator_can any one help me with Gos , it is ubuntu related.17:56
Jack_SparrowQuagmire I dual boot Windows and Ubuntu and have for years17:56
jim_padministrator_, me! .... maybe17:56
Jack_Sparrowadministrator_ Please feel free to ask your question17:56
flinkis ubuntu quicker then xp ?17:56
j_xinudsbwhat is wrong with Gos17:57
jim_pflink, nope17:57
QuagmireJack_Sparrow I know that millions do, but I've heard crazy stuff about using it with vist home prem17:57
jim_pflink, actually it depends on the hardware and the de and the setup you have on both17:57
j_xinudsbflink: quicker in what sense??17:57
flink2.66mhz 512ram17:57
Jack_SparrowQuagmire there is always livecd with usb stick in persistent mode to save your changes, but it will be slow\17:57
noizhi,how can i dual boot windows on linux whithout having a cd but windows in a file .iso or sumth17:58
flinkmy xp orginal is slow and i have reinstall but still slow as hell17:58
xEPxI have a quick question...17:58
Jack_Sparrowflink and it depends on what you are runing,   If you mean Windows games.. no17:58
jim_pflink, my linux boots in 30 seconds, and i am on the xp desktop in 20. the only program i run is the windows sound thing on the tray17:58
ortsvorsteherflink: linux is an parallel system. windows not. it must be quicker ;)17:58
noizhi,how can i dual boot windows on linux whithout having a cd but windows in a file .iso or sumth17:58
LjLortsvorsteher: ...?17:58
ortsvorsteherLjL ? what?17:59
Jack_Sparrownoiz as in vbox?17:59
flinkis it possible to run ubunto on a cd to tryit ?17:59
jim_pnoiz, no. windows cannot install itself from an iso. this is advance linux stuff = space technology for windows17:59
LjLortsvorsteher: parallel system? quicker? what are you talking about?17:59
xEPxIf I plan on installing ubuntu in plans to dual boot, do I partiiton my HDD before I load ubuntu or does ubuntu have a built in partitioning program?17:59
noizim a noob on linux so i dont know howto do it,but how can i do it then?17:59
Jack_Sparrowflink yes, the cd runs in live mode without installing to your drive17:59
jim_pflink, yes. ubuntu and 90 percent of the linux distros come on a live cd17:59
noizsomone told me on wine it is possible to install it whithout having a cd..and im on linux atm18:00
ortsvorsteherLjL: it was for flink, he asked something about.18:00
Jack_SparrowxEPx  it will partition or let you manually do so in the installer18:00
Jack_Sparrow!wine > noiz18:00
ubottunoiz, please see my private message18:00
ShapeshifterI wanted to build ario from svn but I get this error somewhere on the way. any idea how to solve it? ario-mpd.c:(.text+0x28c6): undefined reference to `mpd_glibInit' after this it fails18:00
LjLortsvorsteher: right, but i don't get what sense your reply makes. how is linux "parallel"?18:00
flinkok then ill try it =) so i dont fuckup my xp install18:00
jim_pnoiz, dare i ask what do you want windows for? you can always use a virtualization solution that does accept iso18:00
LjL!language | flink18:00
ubottuflink: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:00
xEPxJack, just double checking if I install ubuntu without partitioning I will still ba able to choose to boot from windows?18:00
noizI need to run some programs i cant run on linux18:00
Jack_Sparrowflink please watch the language.. thanks18:01
jim_pnoiz, name a few18:01
scotty2flink : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu18:01
administrator_ok , when i login the screen flashes  and from tty1 i get tutu bad programmer fix you code when i start Xorg im using gos18:01
flinkok sorry18:01
HURFSjim_p: the problem is that I dont want to mount the non removable media for security reasons18:01
noizhome made flash18:01
ortsvorsteherthats offtopic. if you like, we can talk about that later when i come back LjL18:01
HURFSjim_p: its more like a systemwide policy i want to enforce18:01
j_xinudsbLjL: what he means is that Linux is a true multitasking os18:01
noizi have few SWFs and a .exe that goes whith it and my netframework aynt working well.18:01
jim_pnoiz, that is flash the app... like photoshop?18:01
flinktanx 4 the help everyone !18:01
Jack_Sparrowadministrator_ that makes no sense to me18:01
LjLj_xinudsb: and Windows wouldn't be? that's nonsense. anyway he's right it's offtopic.18:01
* Paw is going to commit suicide beacuse if his graphics card18:01
j_xinudsbmulti user18:01
noizNo as ..hmm flash games etc.18:01
noizim working on those and on linux i cant do nothing18:01
ortsvorsteherthx j_xinudsb18:01
jim_pHURFS, then i cant help. fstab can apply what you want though18:02
j_xinudsbwindows is not!18:02
jim_pnoiz, there is a flash plugin and a standalone flash player for linux!18:02
LjLj_xinudsb: we can discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic18:02
noizno jim18:02
jim_pnoiz, i mean native linux apps18:02
noizit is .exe and swf's18:02
noizSWF can only be loaded if the .exe works18:02
jim_pnoiz, yes, it does open swf's18:03
noizand as i try to run it it gives me errors.18:03
jim_pnoiz, let me find it18:03
noizU cant. i would need to send u it. its not published.18:03
* Paw wants to know if anyone has a fix for ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card for ibex (8.10)18:03
jim_pnoiz, can i pm you?18:03
noizthat is the best way to talk!18:04
jeezymecan i ask hardware questions here?18:04
hateballjeezyme⡶ ##hardware would probably be more helpful18:05
LjLjeezyme: if they're about using hardware in Ubuntu, sure18:05
ChotaZHi everyone.18:05
ChotaZIs anyone ehre with some time to spent explaining me some thing?18:06
flinkis it gonna be some problem whit my wifi on my presario 2500 ?18:06
jeezymei guess its not specific to ubuntu, just wondering if i can have PCI-E and on board graphiics running at the same time18:06
subnushow do i make evdev work with ms revolution18:06
LjLflink: *try the live CD*18:06
flinkLjL yes im downloading it now18:07
ChotaZSo hum... I just got my new computer(literally, 20 mins ago) I installed ubuntu on it and upgraded to 8.1018:07
ChotaZHow do I install kubuntu over ubuntu?18:07
meareweirdhow do i start linux up with no xserver started18:07
meareweirdhey chota18:08
ChotaZHi meareweird18:08
meareweirdi think you could download kubuntu .iso18:08
administrator_Jack_Sparrow,  nor does it to me , got some more erros from gos when i startx . INPUT handel pointer is NULL!  ***Naughty programmer!!***  Encore_event_handler_ del() ***SPANK SPANK SPANK***18:08
hackwinsmaerewieird:with the commad s"tartx"18:08
hackwinsmaerewieird:with the commad "startx"18:09
meareweirddo a fresh install18:09
meareweirdi know how to start x18:09
bazhangChotaZ, install kubuntu-desktop ; no need for another iso18:09
ChotaZso, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:09
meareweirdi want to have my system start in text mode18:09
bazhangChotaZ, yep18:09
administrator_meareweird,  remove gdm18:10
meareweirdduh sorry i shoulda thought of that18:10
meareweirdok so id do apt-remove gdm18:10
ChotaZITs says that I already ahve kubuntu installed, how do i change from gdm to kdm?18:10
administrator_meareweird,  yes " sudo apt-get remove gdm"18:10
meareweirdk thanks18:11
subnus?? how do i make evdev work with ms revolution ??18:11
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danielbwJack_Sparrow, Hi. I have the latest catalyst drivers, 8.12 installed on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.10 for amd64.  I bought two ATI FireGL V3600's so I can stretch one big desktop across four monitors.  I am only able to setup two big desktops: one per gpu, but with two screens each.  There is no way to join all four screens to one big desktop.  How can I set it up so that i can have one big desktop across all four monitors without enabing xine18:12
rhljnkubuntu sometimes boots into a black screen what must be the problem?18:12
niklauz1.4k ppl? why so many today?18:13
tritiumniklauz: always18:13
badawii got ubuntu on a cd, but i want to create and iso out of it, i did dd if=/dev/scd0 of=ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso bs=2048 but the MD5SUM against the one on the mirrors is failing. aren't they the same thing?18:14
benzssi removed something from my panel which allowed me to choose wireless networks ot connect to, but i can't find it in the 'add to panel' window... does anyone know what its name is?18:15
ChotaZI just tried installing kubuntu, but I still have ubuntu's background image, how do i change from gdm to kdm?18:15
niklauztritium: wow, i hadn't been here for a lil while, it was between 800 and 1k then18:15
administratorbenzss, yes , it called notifications something18:16
drownedhey guys i have a quick question...has anyone gotten ubuntu working with wpa2 TKIP and PEAP wifi18:16
[c0re]How to use *.patch file?18:16
tritiumniklauz: it's been busy for years18:16
eseven73how would I give the user 'nobody' write access to '/var/lib/ntop/'?18:16
LjL[c0re]: with the "patch" command18:16
ChotaZSo Ive finished installing ubuntu, about drives for my hardware and audio-video codecs, what should i know?18:18
benzssadministrator: yep, looks like that's the one. thanks!18:18
neofaxAnyonw know how to get the NVIDIA 173.14.12 drivers via apt to compile on Jaunty?18:18
LjL!hardware > ChotaZ    (ChotaZ, see the private message from ubottu)18:18
LjL!codecs > ChotaZ    (ChotaZ, see the private message from ubottu)18:18
amikropIn Gedit how can I highlight PHP and embedded languages in the same document, simultaneously?18:18
amikropLike HTML, CSS, JavaScript.18:18
administratorbenzss, no please clad could help18:18
Alexplayis it possible to compile the kernel with the MTU already set to 1500 ? so i don't have to change it everytime, because if i edit /etc/network/interfaces it fucks up my connection.18:19
jtajieseven73: isn't that supposed to be user 'ntop'? anyway it would be: sudo chown nobody /var/lib/ntop; sudo chmod u+w /var/lib/ntop18:19
amikropLike Notepad++ does.18:19
drownedalexplay, did you ever consider an init.d script on bootup?18:19
Alexplaynope, explain me more please18:19
kereni just installed 8.04 over my 8.10 now my grub was messed up so i used xp to fixmbr now... im on the ubuntu live cd because i tried to get it to reinstall grub i did... and that didnt work.... waht to do now?18:19
eseven73jtaji: ntop uses 'nobody' user for some reason18:19
kerenhow can i fix grub'18:19
amikropHow can I get Gedit to highlight PHP and embedded languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, simultaneously, in the same document, like Notepad++ does?18:20
ibm_eseven73: chown nobody /var/lib/ntop/18:20
Alexplaydrowned: in private plz18:20
jtajieseven73: I have it installed here on intrepid and  /var/lib/ntop is owned by user ntop, group root18:20
jtajieseven73: but now you know how to do it ;)18:20
eseven73hmmm ok thanks18:20
drownedi don't know exacly how to do it but i did that to set my mac address on startup using commands I would normally manually enter into the prompt:http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/18:20
ChotaZhow do i setup so i dont have to insert my password everytime i try to install new packages or updates after I'm logged in?18:20
drownedread the comments section for the script setup18:20
amikropHow can I get Gedit to highlight PHP and embedded languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, simultaneously, in the same document, like Notepad++ does?18:21
soyguillei am argentino18:22
Jack_Sparrow!es > soyguille18:22
ubottusoyguille, please see my private message18:22
jtajiChotaZ: 'sudo visudo', then add this line, replacing user with your user name: user ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL18:22
david_filthpig good albulm18:23
ChotaZthanks a lot18:23
administratorinstalled ubuntu vie usb1 from one usb2 to another however now need usb1 for grub to work any help would e nice =)18:23
PawGuys do you think its smart to install 8.04 since there are many solutions for my ATI graphics card problem ,or just wait for 8.10 solutions to come out?18:24
badawiChotaZ: it is *NOT* recommended but the syntax is -> admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL18:24
badawiChotaZ: it is *NOT* recommended but the syntax is -> %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL18:25
=== dickydoo2 is now known as WelshDragon
PawGuys do you think its smart to install 8.04 since there are many solutions for my ATI graphics card problem ,or just wait for 8.10 solutions to come out?18:26
subnuslooks like ubuntu can't be my primary os and only can be used in a virtualbox18:26
Pawubuntu works fine for me as long as i dont use my graphics card lol18:26
filthpigdavid_: yep :)18:26
administratorinstalled ubuntu from one usb to another usb , however i think i installed grub to installer usb and can't boot with out installer usb as i get grub 21 error18:26
amikropHow can I get Gedit to highlight PHP and embedded languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, simultaneously, in the same document, like Notepad++ does?18:27
drownedPaw, lol18:27
Pawdrowned, i can see how that is funny lol18:28
Pawbeen working on this hard core for the past almost 2 days now.. cant find a single solution18:28
PawActivate my card and computer goes boom lol18:28
drownedyeah ubuntu is like a mystery box...anything can happen18:29
drownedmakes it fun once you get used to it18:29
j_xinudsbamikrop: i dont think you can use Geany in ubuntu18:29
amikropj_xinudsb: What is Geany?18:29
PawI think i might install 8.04.. seems to work with ATI at least there are a TON of fixes for it18:29
ardiemhttp://www.ffado.org/?q=release/apt <-- i am on 8.10 can i use that gutsy repo?18:30
j_xinudsbamikrop: source code editor similar to notepad ++18:30
badawican anyone help me with my question at :14 of this hour?18:30
ardiem(or do you have any good wiki for installuing ffado?)18:30
amikropj_xinudsb: I asked about Gedit.18:31
timposeyI am using xsane on ubuntu 8.04 with a HPL7590 and some way I messed up the scan page size settings and cannot fix it.  It now scans 1 x 588 I'm guessing that is pixels but not sure.  any help out there?  I have tried the xsane website but can't find anything on scan setup.18:31
LjLardiem: trying shouldn't do any harm, since it only contains two packages that aren't in the normal repos18:31
j_xinudsbamikrop: correct but gedit has its limitations as it is more of a text editor18:32
amikropj_xinudsb: Anyway, a "$ sudo apt-get install geany" will do for Ubuntu.18:32
rev667good evening people18:32
j_xinudsbi have 8.10 and it did18:32
hmw_badawi i cant scroll back that far. what was your question?18:33
badawii got ubuntu on a cd, but i want to create and iso out of it, i did dd if=/dev/scd0 of=ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso bs=2048 but the MD5SUM against the one on the mirrors is failing. aren't they the same thing?18:33
snirphey there: I am having trouble installing several packages, in the end it seems to come down to: "Depends: gcc-4.3-base (= 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) but 4.3.2-2~exp3 is to be installed"18:33
ChotaZI'm trying ti isntall the drivers for my XFX GeForce 9600GT18:33
ChotaZi downloaded the .run file18:33
ChotaZan tried to sh <filename>18:33
ChotaZlike it says on their website18:33
erUSUL!nvidia | ChotaZ18:33
ubottuChotaZ: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:33
ChotaZbut it says18:33
FloodBot2ChotaZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
hmw_badawi if you have the same version, the checksums should probably match. dont know really. boot the cd and run the self-check, to see, if the cd is corrupted18:34
LjLChotaZ: ugh, why do you have to install drivers that way, don't the official Ubuntu drivers work?18:34
snirpI get severe warnings when trying to remove "gcc-4.3-base", but it seems to be the worng version18:34
rev667yesterday I managed to install 8.10 and it seems to be fine, apart from one annoying problem... i set my network manually and assign an ip/subnet/gateway/dns etc. it then connect to net fine, but reverts to dhcp after a reboot, how do i make it remember?18:34
ardiemlibffado2: Depends: libxml++2.6c2a but it is not installable18:34
ardiemPackage libxml++2.6c2a is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:35
ardiemThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:35
ardiemis only available from another source18:35
ardiemHowever the following packages replace it:18:35
ardiem  libxml++2.6-218:35
FloodBot2ardiem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
snirpunable to install video drivers, flashplugin, whatever, due to "gcc-4.3-base"18:35
LjLardiem: install that18:35
ardiemi did18:35
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snirpProblems seem to come from trying to update against "debian-experimental"18:36
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ardiembut it still says libffado2: Depends: libxml++2.6c2a but it is not installable#18:36
LjLardiem: you installed libxml++2.6-2 and you still get the error?18:36
snirpThat failed and have been trying to fix ever since18:36
badawihmw_: iso booted in virtual box, and i compared md5sum of the generated iso to /dev/scd0 so the dd is correct, but isn't it strange that it's not matching the official iso? the cd cover says it's ubuntu 8.10 Desktop edition, it's just weird18:36
Bels1Can someone please help me with suspend on a Asus A7Jc laptop? I can't suspend at all. It shuts down devices but leaves monitor on with a cursor and fans go crazy.18:36
ardiemcan i avoid the dep check?18:36
LjL!info equivs | ardiem, no, but you could try using this18:36
ubottuequivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0.1 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 136 kB18:36
frenkelI can't get new message to become yellow in mutt18:37
frenkelthis doesn't work: color index yellow default ~N18:37
hmw_badawi the cd can check itself (has the checksum with it) - did you let the cd check itself?18:37
badawihmw_: ahh, i'll try that one thanks :)18:37
erUSULsnirp: well if you used debian repos ( Problems seem to come from trying to update against "debian-experimental" ) there is not much we can do... mixing repos is not supported18:37
nettezzaumanahi all18:38
hmw_badawi i am quite confident, that the checksums should be identical, so it seem strange, indeed18:38
Lasivianwhich ftpd package would you folks recommend?18:38
snirperUSUL: figured debian is like ubuntu. Was just trying to find a kexi-kde4 version somewhere. Seem to have shot myself in the foot.18:38
fosco__Lasivian, i use proftpd, it works fine for me18:39
Bels1Laisvian: pure-ftpd-mysql is nice18:39
LjL!debian > snirp    (snirp, see the private message from ubottu)18:39
nettezzaumanai've just installed ubuntu 8.10 and can't believe .. howto manage init and services ??? /etc/inittab, chkconfig, insserv are not present .. wth? thanks18:39
Lasivianthanks you two18:39
LjLnettezzaumana: you use "invoke-rc.d" and "update-rc.d"18:39
nettezzaumanaLjL: thanks18:39
fosco__nettezzaumana, try bum18:40
ardiemLjL, installed equivs but i still get the dep error18:40
ChotaZafter editing18:40
erUSULsnirp: have you disabled the debian repos ??18:40
ChotaZsudo visudo18:40
ChotaZhow do i save it18:40
FloodBot2ChotaZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
LjLardiem: err, it's not enough to *install* equivs, you should also *use* equivs to create a fake libxml++2.6c2a package that only depends on libxml++2.6-218:40
ardiemah i see18:40
snirpSome bot just warned me about mixing Debian and Ubuntu. A tad late for me. Where should I go for help then? Bot won't tell me.18:41
ardiemwhere can i get a documentatrion18:41
ardiemthere are no man pages18:41
rev667yesterday I managed to install 8.10 and it seems to be fine, apart from one annoying problem... i set my network manually and assign an ip/subnet/gateway/dns etc. it then connect to net fine, but reverts to dhcp after a reboot, how do i make it remember?18:41
LjLardiem: yes there are, "man equivs-build" and "man equivs-control"18:42
badawihmw_: Check CD for defects said that there are no errors, so it's correct18:42
LjLardiem: use equivs-control filename to create a template file, then edit that file to suit your needs, then call equivs-build on it18:42
=== rob is now known as r0b-
webashow to download autoinstall file synaptic?18:43
ChotaZhow do i save sudoers.tmp after editing it?18:43
LjLwebas: say again?18:43
webasread again :)18:43
fosco__webas, can't understand18:43
webasi need to download synaptic18:43
LjLChotaZ: i think :w (if you're on vim)18:43
fosco__sudo apt-get install synaptic18:43
badawiChotaZ: depends on what the editor visudo used, try typing this -> :x18:43
webasfosco_ i ignore you completely :)18:44
ChotaZit was CTRL+o18:44
LjLwebas, synaptic is always installed by default on an Ubuntu desktop install.18:44
hmw_badawi odd. maybe someone else, who is reading this can clarify; i think, i have 2 different versions of 8.10 desktop. has the dowload of the setup-cd been altered over time?18:44
danubhey all18:44
LjLwebas, if you original question made no sense, and it didn't, others aren't to blame.18:44
fosco__<webas> fosco_ i ignore you completely :) <-- do what you want, the answer was right18:44
danubwhat are the hardware commands for installing a webcam?18:44
webasljl well..this is the problem.. i need to download synaptic autoinstall file.. not to install in this pc.. to download so i can put in flash to copy to paste to another pc who has no internet.. now you understand? LJL :\18:45
LjL!webcam > danub    (danub, see the private message from ubottu)18:45
danubwebas: how would we understand that? if you have synaptic, it wont matter without the internet18:45
ardiemLjL, is this correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/84052/18:46
badawihmw_: seems like it, but what i have is a functional version as far as i can tell, i already have it installed on my computer, and it's official, the cd that i got is from canonical18:46
danubjust copy all the packages you downloaded to a flash drive, put them on your other computer and then dpkg -i them18:46
webasim following some lame guide where synaptic can find drivers in ubuntu cd to install them :| long story..im busy whole day to fix it18:46
LjLwebas: more or less. you have a non-networked computer, you have used the "Generate package download script" feature of Synaptic, and you want to transfer the resulting file to another computer?18:46
webasi need install synaptics in another pc..then with synaptics i will try to install few drivers :|18:47
LjLardiem: no. the package name is libxml++2.6c2a, and the version (if it matters) is 2.2018:48
bazhangwebas, does the computer you wish to install things on have a net connection?18:48
bazhangwebas, you dont need synaptic package manager for that18:48
hmw_badawi if the checksums differ, i can imagine the following reasons: one version of your cds is corrupted (either damaged or intentionally), so i guess there were really two different versions, and you got the older one18:48
webasit doesnt have internet nothing.. im trying to fix it so it can work bazhang18:48
bazhangwebas, which driver18:48
ChotaZhow do i acces that app that alows me to costumize almost everything in kde?18:48
hmw_badawi or you just mixed something up and dont know yet ;-)18:49
fiXXXerMetDoes anyone know which package provides Sys::Mmap?18:49
ardiemshould i do it like this: "Package: libxml++2.6-2  ------ Provides: libxml++2.6c2a" ??18:49
meadowwhen i put my machine to sleep or hibernate it, there is no way to wake it up.  pressing any keyboard keys has no effect.  pressing power button has no effect unless i hold it down to power off.18:49
webashttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper im following this guide bazhang and its difficult to follow it :D18:49
bazhangwebas, which wifi card18:49
LjLardiem: no, the opposite18:49
LjLardiem: i'll do it for you18:49
badawihmw_: most likely the image was updated and what i have a slightly older version.18:50
anfyhi all. Is there a way to backup and reinstall a Wubi install after I format and reinstall windows?18:50
meadowthis has been happening since a while ago when kernel was "upgraded" in 8.04, and is now happening in 8.10.  i filed a bug report but there's been no response.18:50
LjLardiem: try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/84056/18:52
ChotaZHow do i access that app that allows me costumize the visual of my kde?18:52
amikropj_xinudsb: Geany does not do that, either, by default.18:52
djainettehello all. Can someone telle me if it's possible to totally reinitialize the fglrx driver ?18:53
webasam..atheros bazhang - sorry i was making some food :D18:53
LjLwebas: so you need to install ndiswrapper-utils from the CD? you just need to put the CD in, type "sudo apt-cdrom add", and then type "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils"18:53
webasLJL - im hurry to try this18:53
LjLChotaZ: System Settings allows you to customize just about everything in KDE 3. in 4, i don't know. asked in #kubuntu?18:53
orksnorkcan someone take a second and check out a problem I'm having?  I posted it on ubuntuforums two days ago but haven't received any replies...18:54
ardiemthank you LjL18:54
orksnorkIt's making my Ubuntu machine pretty much unusable :/18:54
amikropj_xinudsb: Excuse me, it does it ;-)18:54
ompaulorksnork, have you (A) applied all updates and (B) rebooted?18:55
orksnorkyes and yes. promise.18:56
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webasLJL cd found only ndiswrapper-common :) is that enough i dont know..but thanks - 1newly installed item18:56
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ompaulorksnork, what was with the promise, nm, ok so what driver are you using for your video card and which video card is it18:56
LjLwebas: i don't know. but i do know that Synaptic couldn't find any better than apt-get can18:56
LjL!offline | webas, other possibilities18:56
ubottuwebas, other possibilities: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support)18:56
webasLjL still wireless network list is empty :|18:57
LjLwebas, installing ndiswrapper is certainly not enough, you need to install the driver too18:57
orksnorkompaul: im using a NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] with the proprietary Nvidia drivers (version 96 it says)18:58
drownedwebas, ndiswrapper is just a tool that enables you to install windows drivers18:58
ompaulorksnork, suggest you drop back to NV drivers and forget about compiz18:58
ardiemi want to load "raw1394" module on boot. should i put it in /etc/modules?18:58
ubuntu_Hello guys.anyone know how to install avant-window-navigator?18:58
drowneddid you try sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator18:59
bastid_raZor!avant | ardiem18:59
ubottuardiem: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy18:59
djainetteCan someone tell me if it's possible to totally reinitialize the fglrx driver ? I had TV-out working, then I changed something and I can't get it to work again18:59
MacGyverNL_What's device sr0?18:59
ardiem:) wrong user18:59
orksnorkompaul: that's it? no other ideas to correct the problem?18:59
ubuntu_I downloaded the avant-window-navigator-0.2.6.and extracted to desktop.but I'm stuck there.18:59
drownedyeah just reinstall it djanette via synaptic18:59
LjLubuntu_: sudo apt-get install avant-window-nagivator18:59
LjLubuntu_: why did you download it, when it's available in the very repositories?18:59
bastid_raZorardiem; sorry:: ubuntu_ please see the ubotto link19:00
djainettedrowned: thanks. Will it overwrite the config files ?19:00
LjL!info avant-window-navigator | ubuntu_, install it using standard repository packages, please19:00
ubottuavant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-7ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 62 kB, installed size 292 kB19:00
ompaulorksnork, it is a proprietary driver, if it fails you have no path forward from there, the builder does not let you mess with its internals19:00
LjL!software > ubuntu_    (ubuntu_, see the private message from ubottu)19:00
drownedit should....but if it doesn't you can always come back :)19:00
orksnorkompaul: so how would i drop back to the other drivers?19:00
white_eagleImmediate help needed! Screen flickers after upgrading to 8.10 http://pastebin.com/m4eea7d9d19:00
djainettedrowned: ok, thnaks :)19:00
ompaulorksnork, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:01
ompaulorksnork, I have to go not19:01
ompaulorksnork, I have to go now19:01
drownedso is anyone using 8.10 on a WPA2 nework.....19:01
cigreti am Azer19:02
LjL!lol > dbm    (dbm, see the private message from ubottu)19:03
sunnyHey peeps, I'm an experienced windows user who is running my first ubuntu machine. and I've got a problem19:03
j_xinudsbok, we'll chat later19:03
drownedgo for broke sunny19:03
dbmLjL: ok my apologize.19:03
white_eagleI need help, problems with drivers after upgrade http://pastebin.com/m4eea7d9d19:04
snirpHow dangerous is it to remove "gcc-4.3-base" (sudo apt-get remove gcc-4.3-base)19:04
snirpThe warning seems severe....19:04
sunnyWhen I run youtube videos in FF, the program hangs.19:04
sunnyThe same things happens in epiphany19:04
LjLsnirp, i do believe that having some shape of compiler installed is really pretty necessary19:04
sunnyI've installed all the flash plugins for FF, but it still happens.19:04
snirpLjL: planning to reinstall it directly afterwards19:05
sunnyI haven't been prompted to install plugins for epiphany, and the flash did load, it just made the prog hang19:05
DatzHello, only have ssh access to my system with ubuntu, and want to download and istall the latest updates, is this link the correct one to follow? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1110319:05
LjLsnirp: well, i don't know, what's the warning exactly? i think for instance that gcc is needed to start X (as weird as that seems)19:05
drownedwhat plugin specifically did you install sunny19:05
snirphold on19:05
drownedcause i found that youtube only works with  the nonfree one19:05
LjLsnirp: i'm on Hardy so i don't even have that package flavor19:06
luca__hi everyone19:06
FreddyKruegerwhen i do john -incremental=All --stdout | aircrack-ng -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w - test.cap     aircrack doesnt get anything from the stdout why?19:06
snirpLjL http://paste.ubuntu.com/84064/19:06
MoLoot_I noticed that when I upgraded to intrepid, that some myspace and youtube videos aren't working.. what package do I need?19:06
LjLsnirp: ugh, no, you can't do that. it will remove APT.19:07
sunnyDrowned: Showave Flash 9.0.r999 and same gnash19:07
DASPRiDhi there. i have a problem: just replaced my geforce 8800gt with 2 geforce 9800gt. after that, the xserver didnt start (gave me the error "no devices found". i installed the newest nvidia drivers, but that didnt help19:07
snirpLjL: somebody seems to have done it: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-953169.html19:07
drownedsunny: you can only have 1 plugin installed at a time19:07
snirpLjL: dpkg not an option? Sorry newbe...19:07
drownedif you have nonfree flash installed then you can't have nash installed19:07
LjLFreddyKrueger: where in that command line did you *tell* aircrack to read from stdin?19:07
LjLsnirp: no, because dpkg is also slated for removal in that warning19:08
LjLsnirp: what is it that you're attempting to do, anyway?19:08
sunnyI don't know what to say, I'm looking in the Add-ons window --> plugins, and that's what I read, 2 entries.19:08
drownedoh i understand sunny19:08
FreddyKruegerLjL, with -w -19:08
drownedgoto synaptics19:08
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sunnywhat am I looking for?19:09
drownednow just type gnash into the quick search19:09
snirpLjL: shot myself in the foot by trying to update against "debian experimental". Trying to fix all. This package is on my system, but it is wrong version, so other packages won't install.19:09
onetinsoldierLjL: hi. i beleive i got the 8.10 installer onto my usb stick with unetbootin, but i was wondering if you could help me for a minute if you not too busy(but you look kinda bust atm). i reckon i need to be able to boot from the stick now.19:09
LjLfreeman: ah whoops, i looked but i missed the hyphen anyway19:09
drownedi assume its installed with a green box next to its name19:09
LjLsnirp: oh... erm, good luck.19:09
woden_snirp:  No you got that backwards:  Ubuntu is like Debian ;)19:10
LjLsnirp: (how about you reinstall and save yourself some time?)19:10
onetinsoldiersnirp: man, just reinstall19:10
sunnyyes, I've got gnash, gnash-common, and mozilla-plugin-gnash19:10
drownedok click the main gnash one and say mark for removal19:10
drownedit should also remove the other ones you mentioned then19:10
meadowbummer, that in 2008 power management is just ignored19:10
snirpLjL, onetinsoldier: Oh boy. One package ruining my system. Well, will try to uninstall it anyway...19:11
woden_onetinsoldier:  No manual entry for just19:11
woden_No manual entry for reinstall19:11
woden_just kidding hehe.19:11
sunnyIt didn't mark gnash-common19:11
sunnybut the other 2 are now marked for removal19:11
kbrosnansunny: you need to uninstall all those flash versions and install flash non-free19:11
onetinsoldiersnirp: it's just one package? what is the package?19:11
drownedok now search nonfree19:11
drownedit should pull up the flash one19:11
onetinsoldiersnirp: apt?19:11
snirponetinsoldier: gcc-4.3-base19:12
meadowi install kde-icons-crystal and it depends on konsole and kwrite.  insane.19:12
sunnydrowned: ok, removed19:12
sunnysearching nonfree19:12
dbmIm off,bye people.19:12
snirponetinsoldier: wrong version, so others won't install19:12
onetinsoldiersnirp: are you sure? installing that from experimental didn't require all kinds of other dependencies in order to get it installed?19:12
Bels1does anyone care about the LaptopTestTeam pages on the ubuntu wiki? seems like all the contents is really old19:13
LjLsnirp, are you sure it's just *that* one package?19:13
LjLBels1: try asking in #ubuntu-laptop19:13
snirponetinsoldier: system runs fine, just missing graphics drivers and flashplugin now. Some other packages install properly in fact.19:13
ardiemhow can i restart the jackd service?19:14
Bels1LjL: thanls.. didn't know that one existed :D19:14
olskolirchow do i upgrade to intrepid from hardy at the command line please?19:14
LjLsnirp: that doesn't mean you don't have a whole lot of Debian packages installed instead of Ubuntu ones19:14
snirpLjL: how can I be certain? It always seems to come down to THAT one19:14
Ranakahsudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:14
olskolircthat didn't do anything for me Ranakah19:14
LjLsnirp: uhm, going by memory... aptitude search "~i~Odebian". or lowercase ~o, not sure.19:14
administratorinstalled ubuntu from one usb to another usb , however i think i installed grub to installer usb and can't boot with out installer usb as i get grub 21 error19:15
onetinsoldiersnirp: if it's just that one package, and you pretty sure about this, then just --force remove it and then install the ubuntu version19:15
Ranakahand in update manager19:15
olskolircit just says k3b has been kept back19:15
Ranakahis not interpid on list?19:15
olskolircnope Ranakah not in my update manager list19:15
LjLsnirp: it's like i said.19:15
snirponetinsoldier: so that i get this, --force ignores dependencies?19:16
Ranakahu muss change settings19:16
snirpLjL: search comes up blank19:16
Ranakahin program source19:16
Ranakahto update to non LTS distribution19:16
white_eagleplease help me, having problems after upgraded, here are the outputs when I try to install something or `fix` the problem: http://pastebin.com/m7ff6aa5c and http://pastebin.com/m4eea7d9d19:16
administratorinstalled ubuntu from one usb to another usb , however i think i installed grub to installer usb and can't boot with out installer usb as i get grub 21 error19:16
onetinsoldiersnirp: have you gotten rid of experimental from your /etc/apt/sources.list yet?19:16
Ranakaholskolirc u know where is?19:16
sunnylol, I just switch channels on accident and asked #firefox which nonfree package to download.19:16
LjLsnirp: you must use dpkg to force its removal without removing dependencies. perhaps --force-remove-essential19:16
sunnyand somebody ansered me19:16
olskolircsynaptic Ranakah?19:17
snirponetinsoldier: first thing i did after things went wrong19:17
drownedso sunny did you get it going19:17
LjLsnirp: uhm that's not right then, it should list at least that one package19:17
[c0re]howto restart syslogd?19:17
onetinsoldiersnirp: ok, then you ran apt-get update?  or aptitude update?19:17
sunnyI've got flashplugin-nonfree installed now.19:17
drownedyou just click apply and it'll remove gnash and install the adobe one which = nonfree19:17
sunnyshoudl I test?19:17
snirponetinsoldier: after that i updated againt normal repos. I wen t fine, after repairing some broken packages19:17
drownedyup restart ff and give it a go19:17
Ranakahsoftware resources19:18
Ranakahor software sources19:18
tleeonlyI am having graphic problems in ubuntu 8.1019:18
FloodBot2Ranakah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
RanakahSystem - Administrarion19:18
onetinsoldiersnirp: see LjL 's last message to you... you must use dpkg to force its removal without removing dependencies.19:18
olskolircok Ranakah I have software sources up19:18
sunnyYou are the man!19:18
sunnyit's working great19:18
administratorinstalled ubuntu from one usb to another usb , however i think i installed grub to installer usb and can't boot with out installer usb as i get grub 21 error19:18
Ranakahthen go to Updates19:18
LjL!enter | Ranakah19:19
ubottuRanakah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:19
sunnyMy ff is now fully functional19:19
snirpsudo dpkg --force-remove-essential gcc-4.3-base ???19:19
Ranakahin upgrade distribution19:19
Ranakahubottu ok sorry19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok sorry19:19
drownedyeah the only problem i've noticed with nonfree on my system is that videos can sometimes lag really bad19:19
drownedbut thats better than no flash at all19:19
LjLsnirp: possibly also --force-depends19:20
snirpLjL: will look into the whole --force thing. Thx.19:20
tleeonlyanybody know how to fix graphics problems19:21
sunnyIt is waay better, and as long as it doesn't lag as much as windows did, I'm in better shape.19:21
sunnyThanks fo ryour help19:21
onetinsoldierLjL: that one should work i would think... just   dpkg --force-depends -r gcc-xxx19:21
vagkhello, I have ubuntu 8.04, but I also want to install a win partition (probably vista). any ideas for problems or any guides available? I can only find for win first then ubuntu19:21
onetinsoldierLjL: got a minute?19:21
drownedno problem sunny....have fun with ubuntu19:21
snirpthx guys19:21
LjLonetinsoldier: about one minute, yes, before i'm off to dinner19:22
onetinsoldierLjL: i beleive i got the 8.10 installer onto my usb stick19:22
onetinsoldierLjL: but now to boot it...19:23
LjLonetinsoldier: to boot it you probably need to convince your BIOS19:23
LjLonetinsoldier: which depends entirely on the BIOS19:23
haqe43can someone tell me the gpg command to just encrypt a file symetrically with a passwd/phrase, no public crypto.19:23
sunnyBack to work now. Adios19:23
onetinsoldieri think i might need to know the name of the kernel.. in order to put it into my menu.lst file19:23
LjLonetinsoldier: uhm, did you not do it with unetbootin?19:23
=== latus is now known as latuss
onetinsoldierLjL: yes.. i did19:24
LjLonetinsoldier: it should do just about... everything automatically19:24
tleeonlycan someone help me with graphics problems19:24
LjLhaqe43: --symmetric19:24
onetinsoldierLjL: it said it was installing a bootloader, but it didn't seem to touch my mbr, whch i didn't really want ti to either if it didn't have to19:24
=== latus is now known as flacom
DASPRiDhow to get the busid of the installed graphic cards?19:25
LjLonetinsoldier, it was installing a bootloader *on the USB drive*19:25
onetinsoldierLjL: ok, good, that's what i thought it meant19:25
talntidin grub, does it go in order of menu.lst? whatever is defined first in menu.lst is what gets booted?19:25
haqe43LjL: i do that with gpg -ec file.txt     but it asks for user id. I dont have any ids set up, I just want to encrypt it19:25
gnutronDASPRiD: in a terminal type 'lspci -v'19:26
LjLonetinsoldier: whether your BIOS will know how to boot from a USB device or not, i don't know, but modern ones generally do19:26
tleeonly82815 graphics controller19:26
onetinsoldierLjL: well, i have to figure out how to boot from my usb stick then.. there option in my bios on how to treat the usb stick.. Auto, Floppy, Forced fdd, Hard Disk and CDROM19:26
gnutrontalntid: that is correct19:27
haqe43LjL: sorry my bad. i should be leaving off the --encrypt option, thnx19:27
=== stalin is now known as BTB_Johan
onetinsoldierLjL: but hmmm, perhaps i need to go into the bios and set the boot priority options.. perhaps evenshut down the systme first. anyway. i will get it figured out. thanks for telling about unetbootin! i think it will end up working out for me :-)19:28
Lasivianhow do I reload initd without rebooting?19:28
chmacIs there a clipboard history in Ubuntu? Can I get back something I copied / pasted before the last thing I copied?19:28
chmacI had written some lovely prose and squidoo lost it... :(19:28
[c0re]can anyone help me to setup syslog udp?19:28
=== BTB_Johan is now known as stalin
david_sig hup initd19:29
gnutronhaggus99: you need a gpg key ID, preferable to generate your own key and use it's ID to encrypt to.19:29
erUSULLasivian: telinit ?19:29
david_Lasivian, sig hup initd19:29
b1gbawxhi i just installed ubuntu is there a way to have it boot up to the terminal instead of KDE19:29
david_bigbawx yes failsafe19:29
erUSULchmac: no by default afaik. some apps have it though (emacs)19:29
gnutronhaqe43:  you need a gpg key ID, preferable to generate your own key and use it's ID to encrypt to.19:29
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf19:30
chmacerUSUL: Arg, no worries, it was a long shot, thanks for the confirmation. :)19:30
erUSULb1gbawx: disable kdm on the boot sequence... sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove19:30
chmacklipper does that for KDE apparently, might see if such a thing exists for gnome19:30
gnutronhaggus99: sorry, wrong nick.19:30
Lasiviannevermind, I know what I did wrong now :S19:30
b1gbawxwould i still be able to use it after i do that erusul?19:30
erUSUL!info glipper19:30
ubottuglipper (source: glipper): Clipboard manager for the GNOME panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 636 kB19:30
david_bigbawx yup19:30
b1gbawxok thanks man19:31
david_bigbawx np19:31
erUSULb1gbawx: you can restore the conf "sudo update-rc.d kdm deaults" or use startx from terminal or "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start"19:31
david_startx is best19:32
david_because kdm may be running and not X19:32
drownedhey guys i have a quick question...if i ever mess up a conf file, is there any way to restore it to default?19:32
david_atleast if X fails you know what to fix first19:32
b1gbawxim not sure what visual part im running its the one that comes with ubuntu19:32
b1gbawxim guessing its kde19:32
david_doesnt ubuntu come with gnome ?19:32
tritiumdrowned: keep a backup of the original before you edit it19:32
b1gbawxthey look the same to me19:33
tritiumdavid_: yes19:33
b1gbawxshould i use a diff command for gnome19:33
erUSULb1gbawx: ubuntu uses gnome... kubuntu is the one with kde19:33
david_Im not not running ubuntu  standard flavor so i dont recall thanks tritium19:33
erUSULb1gbawx: replace kdm with gdm19:33
b1gbawxok cool19:33
drownedtritium: do u know the backup command from terminal?19:33
david_amanda  or tar drowned19:33
tritiumdrowned: you simply make a copy (cp <source> <dest>)19:33
david_those are free19:33
david_drowned,  tar is a good way to make a backup19:34
drownedkk guys thanks19:34
tritiumdavid_: not necessary for a single config file19:34
david_tritium, good point, I thought he meant full backup19:34
tritiumdrowned: I'd do something like: cp conf_file confi_file.orig, or whatever you choose to name it19:35
drownedyeah that sounds about right tritium19:36
drownedi remember doing one before but forgot the syntax19:36
drownedbut there's no "default conf" repository somewhere?19:36
CharlieBrownCan anyone recommend a webcam that works out-of-the box on Intrepid (and using Stopmotion). My previously working webcam with Hardy worked fine but not in Intrepid :(19:36
david_conf files with ~ are the older files perhaps look there first drowned19:36
tleeonlycan someone help me with a graphic problem19:37
david_tleeonly, clarify19:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:37
tleeonlywhen my screensaver comes up there are lines but no graphics19:37
gnutronCharlieBrown: try this  in a terminal: mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video019:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.19:38
david_tleeonly, could be glx or nvidia problem19:38
gnutronCharlieBrown: use /dev/video if applicable19:38
chervaSince upgrading to 8.10 TTY 1 - 6 are just black skreeens please help me to fix this19:38
tleeonlyI have a 82815 graphics controller19:38
CharlieBrownI've tried that. Doesn't work. Camera works with "cheese" though.19:39
david_tleeonly, do any screensavers work or just some?19:39
gnutronCharlieBrown: cheese 'eh, thanks for that.19:39
afallenhope|workcan I make a live CD from my current installation?19:39
tleeonlysome but not all19:39
b1gbawxsweet that worked19:39
david_afallenhope you installtion cd is the live cd19:40
YaKaSapt-get install pisg but i cant find pisg.cfg19:40
david_oops your19:40
ChotaZSomeone that has some time on their hands to help me with bais stuff, please pm me.19:40
david_YaKaS,  maybe it didnt actually come up as pisg, did you use -v mode?19:40
afallenhope|workdavid_, I'm talking about my current installing that I have.. can I turn that into a live CD.19:40
YaKaSapt-get install -v pisg ?19:41
david_afallenhope|work, I am assuming you mean to have a direct copy of your hd right for future installs?19:41
david_afallenhope|work,  you need to ghost it or something similar19:41
bluechaos1986hello, when i try to apply the visual effects on ubuntu my computer freezes...does anyone know the problem?19:41
SlartChotaZ: why not ask in the channel.. that way other people can learn too.. and other people can catch any stupid mistakes the "helper" does?19:41
MaveasDoesn't the RT73USB drivers support WPA?19:41
david_YaKaS,  yes19:41
bluechaos1986my video card is starting to die, could that be the problem?19:41
CharlieBrownHas the spca5xx driver changed between Hardy and Intrepid?19:41
badawii create a vbox0 network device, but i want to change the HWaddr for it, how can i do that?19:42
tleeonlymine is an onboard controller19:42
Fenix|workA Jr. admin of mine ran chmod on / with 770 and now noone can log in... any quick fix? :)19:42
ChotaZI've just installed Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, how should i proceed to end up with Kubuntu 8.10? And should I do anything after/before?19:42
chervaSince upgrading to 8.10 TTY 1 trought  6 are just black skreeens please help me to fix this19:42
david_tleeonly, sounds like could be compatibility issue, but did all screensavers not work?19:42
b1gbawxis there a big difference from kde and gnome is there something better then both of them?19:42
gnutronFenix|work: chmod 755 /19:43
david_bigbawx I use fluxbox19:43
euxneksb1gbawx, yes there is a big difference19:43
tleeonlynot all most won't19:43
erUSULChotaZ: upgrade to 8.10 then install kubuntu-desktop there19:43
SlartChotaZ: there is a meta-package called.. kubuntu-desktop I think.. install that and it will install all the necessary apps .. just the same as if you installed kubuntu19:43
afallenhope|workdavid_, I'm making a distro based off of ubuntu.. so I'd like to compress and turn it into a live cd19:43
erUSUL!purekde | ChotaZ19:43
ubottuChotaZ: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:43
YaKaSdavid_,  where i find pisg.cfg19:43
euxneksb1gbawx, it also depends on how familiar you are with linux19:43
b1gbawxfluxbox eh? ill check it out19:43
euxneks!puregnome | euxneks19:43
david_afallenhope|work, hmmm interesting question well your making your own flavor of ubuntu install cd?19:43
ubottueuxneks, please see my private message19:43
CharlieBrowndoh, how do I "get someone's attention" ... /<name>? I'm an IRC noob.19:43
tleeonlyhow do i fix it19:43
david_YaKaS,  umm try this cool thing called google19:43
SlartChotaZ: then you just select kde at the login screen iirc.. I haven't done that part myself so I'm not sure19:43
erUSUL!who | ChotaZ19:44
ubottuChotaZ: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:44
danielbwI have the latest catalyst drivers, 8.12 installed on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.10 for amd64.  I bought two ATI FireGL V3600's so I can stretch one big desktop across four monitors.  I am only able to setup two big desktops: one per gpu, but with two screens each.  There is no way to join all four screens to one big desktop.  How can I set it up so that i can have one big desktop across all four monitors without enabing xinerama?19:44
erUSUL!who | CharlieBrown19:44
ubottuCharlieBrown: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:44
erUSUL!upgrade | ChotaZ19:44
ubottuChotaZ: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:44
tleeonlydavid how do i fix it19:44
afallenhope|workdavid_, pretty much yeah. I'm making my own OS based off of Ubuntu19:44
vegoktos z polski?19:44
gnutronCharlieBrown: type the first few letters of the nick then hit the tab key, it should complete the nick. also works with files in a terminal.19:44
Juakanyone knows how to purge a package after it was apt-get removed WITHOUT --purge?19:44
david_afallenhope|work, your making your own OS and your asking how to make a live cd? something doesnt compute, your not actually writing a new os correct19:45
CharlieBrown!who | ubottu Thanks!19:45
ubottuubottu Thanks!: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:45
erUSULChotaZ: after installing kubuntu-desktop you can uninstall gnome see the link ubottu gave you about purekde19:45
tritiumJuak: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package19:45
SlartChotaZ: ah.. I missed the part that you are on 8.04.. I'd suggest, as erUSUL said, upgrading 8.10 first.. then install the kde stuff19:45
CharlieBrowngnutron: got it19:45
drowneddavid_: it sounds like he's making a custom configuration...not a new OS :)19:45
lamurhey guys19:45
SlartJuak: install it again then purge it.. don't know if there is an easier way19:45
david_drowned,  I kinda thought so originally19:45
lamurdo you guys know how to restart my network with a command19:45
drownedyeah 1 sec19:46
Slartlamur: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:46
drownedsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:46
Juak@Slart: dammit!19:46
drowneddamn it19:46
lamuroke thakns slart19:46
AlexplayWhere's located dhclient.conf?19:46
Slartdrowned: I'm newly caffeinated =)19:46
SlartJuak: yup.. it hurts..19:46
drownedi had to look it up19:46
daaaman64what version are we on now? It's been a while since I've upgraded and I think there should be a new version by now.19:46
erUSULAlexplay: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf19:47
tritiumAlexplay: /etc/dhcp3/19:47
Slartdaaaman64: 8.1019:47
gnutronJuak: synaptic does complete removal of a package when asked.19:47
edjuDoes Ubuntu have a tool to select the best mirro for sources.list, like mirrorselect in gentoo?19:47
daaaman64Thanks Slart, how do I check what version I'm on?19:47
MoLoot_Alexplay: locate dhclient.conf19:47
Slartdaaaman64: lsb_release -a19:47
erUSULedju: yesp system<Admin>Software Sources19:47
afallenhope|workdavid_, not sure how this is relevant. I just installed ubuntu, installed 5 programs and had my custom scripts/programs and now would like to create a "Distro"19:47
Juakgnutron: but does it for packages that are already uninstalled?19:47
tritiumedju: netselect19:47
Alexplayoh nice, thanks19:47
MoLoot_Hi everyone.  I just updated to intrepid and noticed myspace wasn't displaying music player correctly.  What's the package to get to fix?19:48
SithysSo ehm...how to install Java for Knuddels? =/19:48
CharlieBrownIf I may, I like using 'aptitude' vs. 'apt-get' ... seems to do a better job figuring out dependencies.19:48
daaaman64Slart thanks. Is it worth upgrading? I'm on 8.04. I am thinking about doing a fresh upgrade.19:48
gnutronJuak: um, no. i doubt it.19:48
edjutritium, netselect gets debian sources, doesn't it?19:48
tritiumedju: not certain.  I've not used it.19:48
david_afallenhope|work,  http://www.linux-live.org/ try this19:48
Slartdaaaman64: I thought so.. but it would probably depend on what software you are using19:48
david_netselect never used it I used to use emerge on gentoo19:49
afallenhope|workdavid_, do you have ANY idea what I'm talking about?19:49
daaaman64Slart: virtual box and wine are most important to me. ... which sounds kind of stupid.19:49
SithysGuys...i'm just new on Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit and...i don't know how to install java for Knuddels, can you help me please?19:49
david_isnt apt get, emerge all the same as ports from BSD?19:49
tleeonlydavid how do i fix my problem19:49
david_afallenhope|work,  did you see my last response19:49
jdolan_hi, how do i execute a 32 bit binary on 64 bit ubuntu server?19:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:49
david_afallenhope|work, yes try http://www.linux-live.org/19:49
SithysOr is there a german Ubuntu Chat?19:49
afallenhope|workdavid_, I saw that. I'm don't know how that helps really?19:49
keishiahey guys, how do I find out what kind of RAM I've got?19:49
Slartdaaaman64: hehe.. the old habits are hard to break.. if it's a desktop I would upgrade.. but that's just my opinion19:49
tritium!de | Sithys19:49
ubottuSithys: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:49
david_afallenhope|work,  its a link to how to BUILD a distro on cd19:50
Slartjdolan_: just try running it... preferably in a terminal so you see any error messages19:50
distefamhello, I'm having trouble with pulseaudio. I've followed the detailed instructions on the forums, however I still can't get pavucontrol to connect, can someone help?19:50
gnutronkeishia: sudo dmidecode19:50
daaaman64Slart, it isn't intentional. There is no other way around gamedevelopment. And I enjoy TF2. :D19:50
jdolan_Slart, i did, it doesn't run -- it actually silently exits with an error status.19:50
jdolan_Slart, i ran a strace to see where it's dying, it's looking for a rather core system library.  but it's expecting the 32 bit version.19:51
keishiagnutron: cheers19:51
Slartdaaaman64: developing windows games on ubuntu.. kinky =)19:51
david_tleeonly, try (kill -all ) j/k did you ever get back on if all screensavers work or not?19:51
daaaman64Slart, I know right?19:51
jdolan_slart, it's possible to run 32 bit apps on 64 bit OS, correct?19:51
afallenhope|workdavid_, ty19:51
Slartjdolan_: hmm.. no way to make it be more verbose? -v or something?19:51
david_afallenhope|work,  np19:51
tleeonly1 or 2 work rest don't19:51
mphilljdolan_: yes19:51
Slartjdolan_: there are some 32-bit libraries you can install .. ia-32 I think they *were* called.. not sure if they are available any more19:51
afallenhope|workdavid_, read what you wrote wrong lol.19:51
jdolan_Slart, it's the Jaspersoft reports installer, i'm really not sure.  i can get the strace if you want the library name that it's looking for.19:51
david_afallenhope|work,  np19:52
Slartjdolan_: yes, it should be possible.. the problem is usually with libraries.. not the executable itself19:52
mphillewww, jaspersoft19:52
jdolan_open("/lib/ld-linux.so.2", O_RDONLY)    = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)19:52
distefamis anyone familiar with pulseaudio here?19:52
jdolan_Slart, right.19:52
david_tleeonly, hmm well could be a problem with compatibility, honestly I don't know its a good question. I will research n get back to you19:52
_21h_hi. how i can make mysql backup of all bases without codepage troubles after import into new mysql?19:52
Slart!info ia32-libs19:52
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in intrepid19:52
jdolan_will i like ..hose this system if i install ia32-libs?19:53
Slartjdolan_: no, it's designed for just this occasion..19:53
erUSUL!find ia3219:53
ubottuFound: lsb-core, lsb-cxx, lsb-desktop, lsb-graphics, lsb-languages (and 3 others)19:53
david_touch -me :oP19:53
Slartjdolan_: to supply some 32 bit libs for 32 bit apps19:53
jdolan_Slart, wonderful, thanks!  i'll try.19:53
tid-waveHello. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04. Audacity only works  (playback) if Rhythmbox is started. If it's not, I get an unable to open output device. I've tried playing with the output settings in Audacity but no luck. What's wrong?19:54
tleeonlyi need to go be on later bye19:54
keishiagnutron: it says SODIMM, DIMM2, DDR2, 533 MHZ, so what do I need to look for to buy RAM?19:54
david_good luck tleeonly19:54
woden_How do I go about setting up a 'drag and drop' encrypted folder?19:54
Slarthmm.. I've got ia32-libs available to me in synaptic.. wonder where that comes from if ubottu doesn't know about it19:54
=== alessandro_ is now known as KiNgOfKiLlEr91
david_woden_, sounds like pr0n lol19:54
mphillopen office is a 32-bit application so i would assume the 32 library is already there.19:54
Fenix|workgnutron, was chmod -R 770 /19:54
daaaman64Slart, do you know of anything like emerge for ubuntu? It would be sweet if we had a compiling repository too.19:55
Slartmphill: ooo is 32-bit even on the 64-bit ubuntu???19:55
mphillthe package is ia32-libs19:55
daaaman64alternatively of course.19:55
gnutronkeishia: find the motherboard model number and check the specs19:55
woden_david_:  No, password files.  And also, just because I want to and I'm interesting in learning how.19:55
david_daaaman64, apt get or aptitude19:55
Slartdaaaman64: well.. there's apt-get build wich I assume would be kind of the same19:55
mphillSlart: 64-bit processor are more than capable of running 32-bit binaries19:55
ChotaZCan anyone hit my with some link on how to install Kubuntu over Ubuntu 8.10?19:55
mphillyou just need the libraries19:55
david_woden_,  I'm sorry i was being sarcastic, I don't have an answer for you19:55
daaaman64david_ COMPILING. apt-get just adds packages. Thanks though.19:55
james1979sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:56
keishiagnutron, sorry which one in the list is the motherboard?19:56
ChotaZthanks james197919:56
Slartmphill: yes, I know.. I'm just surprised that they aren't doing 64-bit binaries..19:56
gnutronFenix|work: depends if it was recursively done, but it should be 755 not 77019:56
zanberdoI've associated my iPod to open Rhythmbox automatically and I'd like to disassociate them.  How?19:56
Fenix|workgnutron, I know it should be 775... I'm saying my jr. -R 770 on / :)19:57
iShockWhat should I install for listening to music?19:57
mphillSlart: lots of people are slow to get on the 64-bit band wagon, java, Open office, most people that release as a binary19:57
james1979iShock : vlc, rhythmbox19:57
iShockHm vlc19:57
mphillthere is flash 64 which works very well i might add, hats off to adobe19:58
keishiaiShock : banshee19:58
gnutronFenix|work: tough call, the sub dirs are not all 75519:58
doomhzhow to unzip a specific folder from a zip archive in command line?19:58
ChotaZIs the lastest openoffice compatible with MS Office 2007?19:58
gnutrondoomhz: tar -zxvf19:58
james1979vlc for single songs rhythmbox/banshee for your library19:58
tritiumChotaZ: it can open, but not save to, the new format.19:58
CITguy-Artemisdoes anybody know how i can change a folder icon from command line? (for use in a script)19:58
gnutrondoomhz: sorry unzip file.zip19:58
ChotaZif you open a docx with OO it wont save again for docx?19:59
tuxdid the cheese application stop working for anyone ?19:59
jdolan_Slart, it runs, thank you again.19:59
doomhzgnutron: no, I have folder in folder in my zip smth like folder1/folder2/folder3/manyfiles...19:59
Slartjdolan_: great19:59
doomhzgnutron: I need to unzip only the folder3 with his files19:59
Slartjdolan_: you're welcome19:59
gnutrondoomhz: unzip folder3/  i would guess.20:00
CharlieBrowntux Cheese worked for me on Intrepid but Stopmotion won't work anymore20:00
doomhzgutron: can I do smth like unzip file.zip/folder1/folder2/folder3/ ?20:00
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CharlieBrowntux: Cheese worked for me on Intrepid but Stopmotion won't work anymore20:00
gnutrondoomhz: that would'nt work. what is the name of the archive?20:01
ChotaZi cant join #kubuntu on mibbit.com <.<20:01
raftingI give up!20:01
gnutrondoomhz: unzip books.zip20:01
doomhzgutron: and it contains a folder path like home/myname/Books/files_I_need20:02
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doomhzgutron: so I need only that files, I don't need the whole path dyrectory20:02
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woden_If I want to use "Passwords and Encryption Keys" to encrypt a folder or a file, do I want to create a Secure Shell Key or a PGP Key?20:02
gnutrondoomhz: put the file in /home then unzip it from there.20:02
doomhzgnutron: thanks20:02
gnutronwoden_: a gpg key, not pgp20:03
raftingIm tryong to turn off the authentification from my wireless network via windows vsita so that I can logon from Ubuntu. But hwen I do it instead shuts down my connection!!!! So how do I turn off the authentification i vista?20:03
Slartmphill: it seems they are at least trying.. http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Porting_to_x86-64_(AMD64,_EM64T)20:03
gnutrondoomhz: unless ubuntu supports pgp, which i'm not aware of.20:03
woden_gnutron:  In "Passwords and Encryption Keys" I selected "Generate a new key of your own" and I was prompted to create either a "Secure Shell Key" or a "PGP Key".  Which one?20:04
ChotaZGuys, I'm looking to use my ubuntu desktop to watch movies and some anime, is there a good coded pack+player i could get?20:04
Slartrafting: you have to disable authentication on the wireless router.. usually via some kind of web-interface20:04
mphillwoden_: what are you trying to do?20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pgo20:04
zanberdoAt some point when I plugged in my ipod I configured it to automatically load rhythmbox. I'd like to remove that association.  Where can I find this setting?20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pgp20:04
SlartChotaZ: I use vlc.. it handles almost anything20:04
n8tuser2rafting how are you turning off that authentication?  or press the reset button for 15 secs?20:04
Slart!codecs | ChotaZ20:04
ubottuChotaZ: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:04
woden_mphill:  Encrypte a folder or a file on my local filesystem.20:04
gnutronwoden_: secure shell key is for using ssh, so i assume pgp key20:05
mphillwoden_: pgp20:05
mphillencrypt the pr0n folder20:05
rashadالسلام عليكم ورحمة اللة وبركاتة20:06
woden_gnutron, mphill:  I chose PGP Key and it won't let me press the "Create" button.  It's greyed out.20:06
Jack_Sparrow!arabic > rashad20:06
ubotturashad, please see my private message20:06
moDumassmorning all, i cant get my monitor to be recognised and my xrandr output shows this "http://pastebin.com/d40a9f49d" any help would be awesome20:06
linuxkrnhey all, I'm using apt-proxy to cache my files, but starting today I can't seem to find: /ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/main/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 on any servers20:06
niklauzwoden_: you may need to install extra software? do you already have gpg support installed?20:07
woden_niklauz:  Maybe not I will check.20:07
gnutronwoden_: pgp keys will work, you'll need gnupg package20:07
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mphillwoden_: you name strlen have to be > than 520:07
mphilltype your full name20:08
gnutronwoden_: gpg keys will work, you'll need gnupg package, sorry.20:08
ruben_desktop_pchey guys I am having a problem with ubuntu where do i ask for help?20:08
raftingI use vista interface but im not doing what i think im doing apparently20:08
mphillgnutron: intrepid comes with seahorse, its ready to go..20:08
Slartruben_desktop_pc: this is the place.. just ask20:08
woden_mphill:  Yea, that's weird that it has to be 5 characters or more.  What if I don't want to put in any private information here?  Why is that necessary in order to just create a key?20:08
jamesclayden0127i know this is a very stupid question but what do i do if i want pidgin chat to start every time i boot.20:08
raftingim in network and sharing cnter in vista and then i change in properties and then im icjed of, makes no sense but thats what happens20:08
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:09
Slartjamesclayden0127: look above20:09
niklauzwjamesclayden0127: not stupid, did you see the message above?20:09
mphillwoden_: you can right click files files and select encrypt. The string length is a funcion of the hashing algoritm and security20:09
mintonrHi everyone!20:09
jamesclayden0127got it20:09
ruben_desktop_pcOk Ubuntu was working fine and everything but had no 3d support so after updating my packages and rebooting I installed the latest nvidia driver now all I get is the console window how do i fix it?20:09
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1220:09
zanberdo I have associated an application with the automouting of my ipod device.  How can I remove this association?20:10
ptuxsalve a tutti20:10
mintonrI installed Ubuntu and I can connect to my wireless net connection, but can't browse the net or update software packages.... Help please!20:10
moDumasswhat would one do if xrandr only shows 1 monitor running at 640x480?20:10
ptuxqualcuno mi spiega come funziona enigmail?20:10
Buster_HymenIs it possible to do a command line only installation on a USB flash drive?20:10
ptuxin particolare: come si determina quale è la mia "public key"?20:10
Slart!it | ptux20:10
ubottuptux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:10
woden_mphill:  The string length of the *password" is a function of the hashing algorithm and security, you mean?  I'd assume that my "Full Name" is irrelevant to anything?20:10
ptuxops, sorry.20:11
Slartptux: =)20:11
ruben_desktop_pccan I ask someone the question for my problem via PM?20:11
gnutronmphill: thanks, didn't know about seahorse and plugin.20:11
ruben_desktop_pctoo many others in here :P20:11
raftingIt seems impossible to figure out wireless+ubuntu+vista.20:11
niklauzwruben_desktop_pc: try installing and running envyng from cmdline, that should do it20:11
ptuxi just configured enigmail in thunderbird, but i don't know what's my public key.20:11
ptuxcan someone help me?20:11
ruben_desktop_pcI tried envyng and it gave me the same problem20:11
mintonrI need some help getting my internet to wrk20:12
niklauzwruben_desktop_pc: takes a while to type :)20:12
Slartptux: don't you generate a key in enigmail?20:12
moDumasshow do i add a screen size to xrandr?20:12
mphillwoden_: encryption is very strange. I meant full name.  It might be seahorse itself though.20:12
hacked_kernelhow to check if a module is loaded or not?20:12
ptuxyes, but it doesn't show me my public key, or i 've not recognized it..20:12
Slarthacked_kernel: modprobe -l or lsmod20:12
niklauzwruben_desktop_pc:  same problem w/ different kernel? try a previous one20:12
raftingis it easy to get wired internet to work with ubuntu?20:12
CharlieBrowninstall 'wicd' for the network manager ... works better.20:12
archmanrafting: its outof the box in most of the cases20:13
mintonrhow can I install WICD when I can't access the internet?20:13
ruben_desktop_pcsee I tried it with ubuntu's defualt one and the updated one and both gave the same result20:13
ruben_desktop_pcubuntu 8.1020:13
jamesclayden0127kinda on the same question that i asked before how do i find the command to run a program?20:13
ultratekhow do i install google earth from the terminal?20:13
woden_mphill:  I don't think the length of characters in my name is in any way related to the strength of the hash algorithm20:13
CharlieBrownmintonr: Do you have a wired network connection or just wireless?20:14
archmanultratek: sudo apt-get install googleearth20:14
hacked_kernelSlart, modprop -l shows the module while lsmod not, is it ok?20:14
mintonrI have wireless in the house and It says its connected to the net, but i cant browse or update20:14
moDumasshey there, does anyone know how to change the xrandr file?20:14
bobslaedehey people, is there a tool to "fix" vista from within ubuntu, i'm trying to fix a buddy of mines laptop, and i just havent got any idea as what to do with this vista stuff20:14
moDumassis it even a file?20:14
bobslaedesomething like a virus scanner for windows, from within linux20:15
carnage__hey, how do i recover grub from the livecd?  i installed windows over the mbr but my ubuntu partition is still there20:15
ultratekarchman it came back with this line:20:15
Slarthacked_kernel: ah.. modprobe -l shows all modules.. lsmod only shows the ones that are loaded I think20:15
ultratekE: Couldn't find package googleearth20:15
CharlieBrownmintonr: if you can directly connect your computer with an ethernet cable to your modem/router, do that then down load WICD20:15
Slartbobslaede: clamav might work20:15
mintonrWhere do I download from?20:15
bobslaedethanks Slart20:15
mintonrCan I download from another computer onto a flash drive and install?20:16
archmanultratek: you need to setup repositories sudo gedit /etc/apt-sources or something liek that20:16
CharlieBrownmintonr: lemme find exact command to install wicd20:16
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ultratekif i download the bin from google how do i install the bin20:16
ad3mwho speaks German20:16
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jpds!de | ad3m20:16
ubottuad3m: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:16
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gnutronultratek: chmod u+x file.bin  then execute it, ./file.bin20:17
mintonrThanks for the help.20:17
archmanultratek: you on hardy?20:17
Ax-Axmy flux keys stops working randomly what could be causing it? :S20:17
CharlieBrownmintonr: go here: http://wicd.soureforge.net and follow directions in the download tab. you might be able to download it to a flash drive and transfer it.20:18
gnutronultratek: care to be more specific?20:18
moDumasssudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:18
moDumass doesnt ask me anything about screen res, nothing about screen res even comes into play20:18
ultratekwhats hardy?20:18
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gnutronultratek: nevermind. prefix your answers with a nickname is good etiqette20:19
moDumassultratek its the prev release of ubuntu20:19
ultrateki just dl linux for my first time this morning20:19
b1gbawxhey guys do you know why my external harddrive isnt showing in ubuntu but it does in windows.20:19
ultratekmodumass: i have 8.1020:20
houmalawhat dio i have to do to get googleearthlinux.bin to run ???20:20
erkiIs there any way to get the default window manager to open new programs in the workspace I was in when I initiated the launch, instead of whatever workspace I happen to be in when the program decides to draw it's main window?20:20
mphillb1gbawx: how is the drive connected20:20
moDumassultratek, thats intrepid20:20
CharlieBrownultratek: Hardy (8.04) is the previous release of Ubuntu. Intrepid is the latest (8.10)20:20
b1gbawxit was working fine with ubuntu earlier20:20
b1gbawxnow its not showing up in my media folder either20:20
moDumassultratek, the newest version. 1 newer than hardy20:20
b1gbawxbut it works in windows20:20
dekkongHi guys! Suddenly I dont have any sound in totem player! but in vlc amarok etc i have! what could be the problem=20:21
CharlieBrownNew Ubuntu's are released every 6 months or so. Hence the version number 8--> 2008, 10-->October20:21
gnutronhoumala:  chmod u+x file.bin  then execute it, ./file.bin20:22
gnutronhoumala: use the googleearth name of course.20:22
b1gbawxdo i need the mount my external hd or something20:22
archmanultratek: which ubuntu version you have?20:23
archmanultratek: 8.10 ok20:23
archmanjust a sec20:23
mphillb1gbawx: b1gbawx the auto mouter should pick it up20:23
b1gbawxit did pick it up earlier today now im not getting anything but it works in windows20:24
mphillb1gbawx: unplug it, and plug it back in then rugnt dmesg from the command line20:24
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mphillrugnt = run20:24
ultratekyea 8.1020:24
CharlieBrownblgbawx: is the drive an external USB?20:25
b1gbawxyah its usb20:25
b1gbawxits a my book20:25
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n8tuser2b1gbawx-> sudo /etc/init.d/hal  restart      as last resort to re-detect it20:25
Fenix|workdoes 8.1 live cd have open-sshd installed?20:26
ramon_i want to run .deb file i have in my desktop as root....i am using intrepid20:26
ultratekthe view port in google earth is a lil choppy...what can i do to fix this if possible?20:26
magnetronFenix|work⋙ you can install it as soon as you have booted it20:26
gnutronramon_: dpkg -i filename.deb to install, prefix command with sudo20:26
CharlieBrownramon_: type: dpkg --install <name>.deb at the command line20:26
mphillramon_: sudo dpkg -i package.deb20:26
skorasaurusbeat me to it.20:26
CharlieBrownah, -i works too ;)20:27
fang0654is it possible to have networkmanager manage a bridge device (br0) as a wired link?20:27
gnutron!ru | onton20:27
ubottuonton: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:27
ontonпидоры тупые :)20:27
archmanultratek: what? u installed it already?20:27
ChotaZHello, its me again20:27
Pnuxhey, any other software for taking screenshots that will allow me to take it even if i click on a menu?20:28
ChotaZi have a question20:28
cloolussHi. I have an upgrade problem: "Not all updates can be installed" - it tells me to do a partial upgrade, but if i do that it tells me "not all packages could be authenticated" The list of software it mentions seems to be mainly OOo. I have the OOo repository in my software sources. Intrepid 64bit.20:28
ChotaZwhen i was upgrading 8.04 yo 8.10 i got a message saying that an error occured reading or writting information to configure NAutilus20:28
ultratekarchman: yes20:28
gnutronPnux: print-screen button should do the trick.20:28
Pnuxthanks gnutron, gonna try it20:29
cloolussOoops... fell offline. Did I missanything?20:29
Fenix|workclooluss, just the Dixie Chicks20:29
b1gbawxmy external hd stopped working when i disabled gnome from starting up when ubuntu started up. do you think that is what is causing my external hd not to detect now?20:29
Fenix|workand Led Zepellin20:29
tritium!enter | Fenix|work20:30
ubottuFenix|work: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:30
nxxshi all!20:30
fang0654cloosuss: You can probably reboot, and do the upgrade again, and it should pick up the rest of trhe packages20:30
gnutronpaging led zeppelin.... joke, sorry.20:30
fang0654cloosuss:  It probably has some dependencies on a new kernel that got installed20:30
Pnuxgnutron, do you know the name of the one that is preinstalled?20:30
ChotaZwhen i was upgrading 8.04 yo 8.10 i got a message saying that an error occured reading or writting information to configure NAutilus20:30
gnutronPnux: no sorry.20:30
nxxshow does one edit metadata of multimediafiles in avi-containers under ubuntu 8.10?20:30
ChotaZwhat am i supposed to do?20:31
cloolussfang0654: I've tried that, have had this problem a few days. Reboot at least once a day.20:31
b1gbawxdoes anyone have the command to re enable gnome on startup20:31
Fenix|workThanks tritium ... although I think most here can police themselves quite nicely, it's nice to know there is someone who cares20:31
sharperguyWhen building a package with dh_make, how do I change the distro it is going to build for?20:31
cloolussfang: Has there been a new kernel release lately? This was a frsh-from-cd install of ibex, not an upgrade from Hardy.20:32
fang0654clooluss: pretty sure there was one a couple days ago20:32
cloolussfang: OK, how do I fix it?20:32
Pnuxclooluss, yea like two weeks ago20:32
tritiumFenix|work: it was a tad offtopic, but I let it go.20:32
gnutronb1gbawx: update-rc.d gdm start  or 'on' maybe, not sure20:32
fang0654clooluss: Did you do the partial upgrade?20:32
b1gbawxi just want to see if its causing my external hd not to work20:33
cloolussFang: I try to, but it doesn't work. I says that packages can't be authenticated, and then lists a bunch of OOo stuff.20:33
fang0654clooluss: There isn't an option to continue anyway?20:33
cloolussI run OOo 3.0 from the OOo repository, not 2.X from the standard repo.20:33
ramon_i am having problem with playing flash videos (youtube) on firefox...using intrepid20:34
Fenix|worktritium, it was actually humour AND it made someone smile... soooo it was win-win for the whole 'make the users feel welcome' experience that is ever so important here... but again this is off topic, I better start talking ubuntu and become a dull boy.20:34
Piciclooluss: Are you referring to the OOo PPA?20:34
tritiumFenix|work: which is why I let it go.  All is good.  No worries.20:35
jshriverhow can I print from the cli? I tried lp lpr but gives me an error20:35
jshriverPrinting from any X app is perfect20:35
cloolussFang: No. "It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem... try aagin later... see below for list of unauthed packages." I ddon't think it is a transient network problem. Or if it is a netowrk problem, it isn't a transient one - this has been going on since tuesday or wednesday.20:35
* B0ngFrOg is pulling my hair out trying to get a layla20 to show me all the channels (dig and analog) I have a .asoundrc but get a error over it. (the .asound works on this maching with FC9). Any ideas?20:35
ramon_does anyone knows how to fix this on firefox with intrepid?20:36
gnutronjshriver: pipe output to 'lpr'20:36
cloolussPici: Yeah, pp.launchpad...openoffice...intrepid. something like that20:36
jshriverlpr: Error - no default destination available.20:37
fang0654clooluss: What about if you do a sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade20:37
ramon_intrepid...what a mess20:37
jshriverI only have one printer and it's set to default in cups20:37
juanezhow do i add stuff to xorg.conf in ubuntu 8.10 . seems as if the xorg.conf is extremely small these days and "stuff" (keyboard etc) are automagically setup elsewhere. More specifically i'd like to get this working; http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Logitech_UltraX_Media_Remote20:37
Piciclooluss: PPAs do not currently offer the ability to be signed.  So you *will* get an error regarding unauthenticated updates.20:37
KrimZonis there a way to have one specific mounted volume not appear on the desktop? i don't want my ntfs partition on the linux drive to show on the desktop but everything else should20:37
linuxkrnhey all, I'm using apt-proxy to cache my files, but starting today I can't seem to find: /ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/main/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 on any servers.  Anyone know why or what is pulling it?20:37
tritium!flash | ramon_20:38
ubotturamon_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:38
cloolussfang:Reading package lists... Done20:38
cloolussBuilding dependency tree20:38
cloolussReading state information... Done20:38
cloolussThe following packages have been kept back:20:38
clooluss  openoffice.org-base-core openoffice.org-calc openoffice.org-core20:38
clooluss  openoffice.org-writer python-uno20:38
FloodBot2clooluss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
fang0654clooluss: err update, then upgrade :)20:38
gnutronjshriver: set default printer? i dunno20:38
B0ngFrOgany alsa gurus in here???20:38
hatter243ramon_, are you speaking about the 100% cpu flash/firefox problem?20:38
nickla1ubuntu or linux mint? and why?20:38
ramon_tritium synaptic is broken now20:38
sinbox#alsa B0ngFrOg20:38
gnutronjshriver: i see you did that, sorry, try like ls -l | lpr20:39
tritiumramon_: no, it works20:39
cloolusspici: wil this affect other updates that come through synaptec?20:39
Piciclooluss: No.20:39
ramon_i have synaptic broken...i know there  is something i can do on the terminal20:40
B0ngFrOgsinbox _   I'll look there alsa .  g rin   thanks20:40
Piciclooluss: Launchpad will be offering signed PPAs in the next week or so.  So you won't have to put up with this for much longer.20:40
jshrivergnutron: you were right, I went into cups and set it as my default. though I had already but recently changed printers20:40
jshriverlpr works now ty :)20:40
tritiumramon_: how did you break it?20:40
ramon_intrepid broke everything...damn...lol20:40
psyjonizwhat package do i need to install in order to have access to ntfsresize?20:40
gnutronjshriver: welcome20:40
mphillnickla1: mint is a totally lame hack.  its like those stupid hacked up XP discs that are totally lame20:41
fang0654ramon_: ntfsprogs20:41
fang0654err meant for psyjoniz20:41
psyjonizfang0654 : much obliged20:41
cloolusspici: That's good news, thanks. I'll wait it out. Thanks to Fang too.20:41
derklempnerIs it common to receive errors when trying to copy files from a network drive that uses NTFS?20:41
ramon_i feel like i have ubuntu for first time20:42
fang0654Is it possible to have network manager control a bridge interface as a wired interface?20:42
cloolusspici: One last question: Will I have to do anything when these signed thingies come in? Or will it all "just work"20:42
ramon_ok i need to shill..let me smoke this and i will be back20:43
webashow can download ndisgtk for hardy?20:43
Piciclooluss: You'll probably be prompted with a different error.  I'm not sure how it would be worded though.20:43
berryMy first Linux install just a minute ago :)20:43
gnutronramon_: sudo aptitude install synaptic20:43
|REM|how can i do a grep that searches for all files on the system that have a certain extension?20:44
cloolusspici: Ok, see you here next week then=-)20:44
cloolussberry: How did it go?20:44
tritiumgnutron: it is installed by default20:44
fang0654|REM|: find / -iname "*.extension"20:44
Pici|REM|: Use find.  find -iname "*.ext" /some/path/20:44
raftingmy head explodes. how can I check f I have the necessary stuff to get wireless working? what  are the components, how do I find them and how do I chekc if they work? because now I cant even figure out what the actual error is!!!!!!!20:44
|REM|great thank you20:44
gnutrontritium: he messed it up20:44
tritiumgnutron: I know, but he never explained how, or what he meant.20:45
berryClooluss: A few minor graphical errors.. updating Kernel doesnt work.... otherwise OK20:45
PhotoguySkype no sound?20:45
PhotoguyWhat next?20:45
gnutrontritium: nod.20:45
Slade605Hey guys, just got some questions, looking for intel 945 GME graphic chipset drivers? intel.com download center sent me in loops where else can I check?20:45
gnutron!wifi | rafting20:45
ubotturafting: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:45
cloolussberry: What flavour of Ubuntu? When I first installed Xubuntu I had some minor graphical glitches.20:46
tritiumSlade605: there's nothing you need to install.  It will work automatically.20:46
fang0654Slade: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-i81020:46
bavardagewould anyone be interested in packaging something of mine for ubuntu?20:46
PhotoguyNeed a quick question answered...20:46
bavardagesince I don't use ubuntu, I believe it would be awkward for me to package it20:47
PhotoguySkype has no sound Skype 2.0 ubuntu 8.1020:47
cloolussphotoguy: better ask your question then.20:47
gravityeyelidsI'm having a hard time trying to understand the relationship between ALSA and Pulseaudio. Any tips?20:47
gravityeyelidsAre there any tools to specify whether ALSA should output to physical card or Pulseaudio?20:47
tritiumfang0654: xserver-xorg-video-intel, which should already be installed20:47
berryclooluss: ahem... 8.10 desktop edition20:47
raftinggnutron: yeah Ive seen that link a thousand times20:47
=== nettezzaumana is now known as dpecka
berryshit, ive got soooo many guestion about this OS...20:47
gnutronrafting: best i could do, you're not alone20:47
bavardageberry: well maybe you're in the correct place20:48
tritiumberry: language, please20:48
fang0654tritium: Both will work, I believe.  I remember when I set up my laptop, I had to install the 810 driver in order to get the video working correctly20:48
dekkongHello guys! My mother has a HP 6715s laptop. I'm running Ubuntu Live CD on it and it's so slow ..really slow there must be something wrong with it. Does anyone if the support of Ubuntu for this 6715s HP laptop is poor?20:48
PhotoguySkype has no sound Skype 2.0 ubuntu 8.10.20:48
gnutrongravityeyelids: hrm try asoundconf list  in a terminal  asoundconf --usage20:48
ChotaZI'm about to quit.20:49
macrossotakudekkong, livecds are slow20:49
joaopintoPhotoguy, I have you set the playback device to pulseaudio ?20:49
dekkongmacrossotaku: not this slow20:49
ChotaZIt's the second time this is happening to me.20:49
PhotoguyNo, how do you do that?20:49
dekkongmacrossotaku: i've been running live cd many times20:49
mintonrI cant get my internet connection to work20:49
ChotaZI did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04, upgraded to 8.10, installed kubuntu, and no kde, kmenu or anything krelated but kdm20:49
Slade605tritium fang0654 thanks for the help guys, I think I got it from here20:49
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:50
joaopintoPhotoguy, check the skype audio setup options20:50
mintonrcan anyone help me get my internet connection working20:50
mintonrThe network manager connected successfully but i can't download updates, or browse the net20:51
nickla1but ubuntu is the absolutley largest and most popular distro?20:51
tritiumnickla1: yes20:51
PhotoguyOK thanks!20:51
ChotaZCan anyone help me?20:51
ChotaZI did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04, upgraded to 8.10, installed kubuntu, and no kde, kmenu or anything krelated but kdm20:51
raftingRealtek RTL8187B Wireless 802.11b/g 54Mbps USB 2.0 Network Adapter, anyone have that card?20:51
mintonrThe network manager connected successfully but i can't download updates, or browse the net20:51
gravityeyelidsgnutron: I've tried asoundconfig unset-pulseaudio, but it does not seem to help20:52
fang0654mintonr: if you type ifconfig from a terminal, does it show an IP address?20:52
nickla1tritium: based on what?20:52
ChotaZCan't anyone help me???20:52
kfiris it possible to install ubuntu from a DOK after i've loaded it with a CD? (my cd driver is in a bad shape..)20:53
gnutrongravityeyelids: i spent hours last night fixing sound after intrepid upgrade, i removed pulseaudio, your mileage may vary. it was grueling20:53
Cosmo-sanhow do I get a terminal to go to a network folder?  This is a VMware Ubuntu install on XP.  the network is shared and I can get a folder there, but I need to compile code on the XP machine.  cd smb:// is not working.  suggestions?20:53
fang0654ChotaZ: Did you install kubuntu-desktop?20:54
dman777i got my first router today. it's a dlink for $30.00 (wired). i am just using it for a single pc. every few minutes my pages stall out and i have to wait a minute to get the internet connection going again. are all routers like this?20:54
ChotaZi did20:54
ChotaZI did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04, upgraded to 8.10, installed kubuntu, and no kde, kmenu or anything krelated but kdm20:54
ChotaZAFter sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:54
agustinhello guys how did i do to install remastersysy in ubuntu intrepid ibex20:54
danakais there a good disk manager/formatter that has a GUI?20:55
ChotaZi restarted, it onload KUBUNTU, and loaded it again on restart, kdm showed up, but after login, i get gnome menus and style and background20:55
gravityeyelidsgnutrom: I wan't to be able to use Pulse when I'm at home (got a server connected to my speakers)20:55
ChotaZand says that the sesion amanger closed unexpectedly20:55
dman777danaka: i beleive gfdisk20:55
Cosmo-sandman777: no20:55
gnutrongravityeyelids: pulse worked fine under hardy for me20:55
fang0654Chotaz: At the logon screen, click on options in the bottom left hand corner, click Select session, and select KDE20:55
dman777Cosmo-san: to the router or gfdisk?20:55
PhotoguyWhat should I set for audio in in skype?20:55
CarlFKNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found - anyone know what package provides that?20:55
Cosmo-santhe router, sorry.'20:55
zsquarepluscdanaka: gpated? its in the system->admin menu20:56
dman777Cosmo-san: is it because it's so cheap?20:56
danakaoh yeaa gparted20:56
PhotoguyWhat should I set for audio in in skype?20:56
Cosmo-sancould be.  could be the outside network connection, could be a faulty router, but probably not an ubuntu question20:57
joaopintoPhotoguy, for the playback, pulseaudio20:57
agustinPhotoguy, what sound card do you have?20:57
PhotoguyUmm ,I don't know.20:57
joaopintofor the input device, select your device hw20:57
CarlFKlibgtk2.0-dev   yay20:57
Pnuxhey, i just installed KSnapshot, how do i set it to override ubuntu's snapshot taker?20:57
PhotoguyIt;s a dell.20:57
gravityeyelidsgnutron: Pulseaudio server wont start at all in my intrepid20:57
ChotaZWTF! I tried loging off but i got a screen with a bunch of colors and random letters20:57
agustinanyone can tellme how to install remastersys in ubuntu intrepid20:57
dman777does qparted have full functionality as gfdisk?20:58
fang0654ChotaZ: No clue on that one.  If it is locked you can try a ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X20:58
grendal_primeok i cant believe im asking this but ummm...is there a frontside tool for ssh that could use to setup severall port forwarding configs (and like bookmark them)?20:59
ChotaZI restarted and i could get into the login screen again, selected KDE, but after login in i got a box with 1 hdd image in it20:59
dman777grendal_prime: putty?20:59
ChotaZas i clicked it, the box disapeared and now all i have is kdm background20:59
grendal_primeI mean i could build my own scripts but the thing is i have a feeling i will at some point have to pass this administration off to someone.  Putty for linux?21:00
dman777grendal_prime: ya. got it on my laptop21:00
LjLgrendal_prime: not following you, what does SSH have to do with port forwarding?21:00
SteffanHi everyone21:01
mintonrThe network manager connected successfully but i can't download updates, or browse the net21:01
will__Kubuntu with KDE 4: How stable and integrated is this at the moment?21:01
dman777grendal_prime: but i'm not sure putty will do what you are looking for, will it?21:01
grendal_primewholy shit...thanks man there it is...see i never even thought to look for a linux version of putty..Mainly becuse ive always been under the impresson of (why screww up a perfectly good app like ssh) hehehe21:02
ChotaZI just managed to login, everything seems to be working fine now, but my screen blinks a lot, the computer is about new, any guesses?21:02
grendal_primewell the windows version of it does..21:02
SteffanI have a webcam connected to my laptop, to test it i tried 'sudo cat /dev/video0', but it did not output some 'garbage'. It did say 'segmentation fault', ubuntu hanged and the scrlck and capslock led blinked. What does that mean?21:02
SteffanKernel panic?21:02
grendal_primeyour webcam does not work?21:02
locohostwhy would you want to use putty in linux?21:02
CarlFKSteffan: yep21:02
smacfarlanyone install amarok 2.0 on gnome yet? kubuntu has an adept package do I need to have a synaptic one?21:03
dman777grendal_prime: but i'm not sure if putty does port fowarding. do you know off hand if it does?21:03
mintonrThe network manager connected successfully but i can't download updates, or browse the net21:03
LjLsmacfarl, Adept and Synaptic use the very same packages. they're just different frontends to the same APT packaging management system.21:03
came0hey where is the log file where my the commands I type into xterminal?21:03
gnutronSteffan: it didnt like that command :)21:03
Steffanyes, but why not?21:03
gnutroncame0: /var/log/21:04
grendal_primeok here comes the "banter" I dont want to use putty someone else does not want to use a ...and i quote "command line like appthing"21:04
came0gnutron: thx21:04
locohostyou can create ssh tunnels with putty21:04
dman777came0: most likely /var/log/X11/21:04
locohostor, almost any ssh client21:04
grendal_primeya dman777 it does tunnels just fine21:04
smacfarlLjL: So I added the ppa line from the kubuntu page into the synaptic settings and reloaded, and am not seeing the package when I search on amarok? What am I missing?21:04
mintonrcan anyone help? I have connected to my wireless network but can't browse the net or download updates/packages21:04
grendal_primewell at lest the current windows version of it..21:04
gnutronSteffan: it tried to concatenate a video device, not a normal thing that i know of.21:04
cexpert1All: I had a MB Nic, plus 2, on my 7.10 server and just pulled.  Where is a HOWTO on resetting these?  I have static IP in the /etc/network/interfaces file and not finding the help I need.21:04
grendal_primei have to test it with my windows test machine21:04
dman777grendal_prime: wow. i didn't know port fowarding was tunnelling. haha...that's funny about that person. i think putty is pretty friendly21:05
MonieHey, I'm trying to run ubuntu 7.10 on mac os x ppc, but a box comes up saying busybox21:05
LjLsmacfarl: do you remember what the package was called? (or can you give me a link to the PPA?)21:05
Steffangnutron, ok it is not normal... but it should not crash21:05
MonieWhat do I type to get ubuntu running?21:05
locohostwell, port forwarding is not tunneling21:05
=== cexpert1 is now known as TBotNik
dman777grendal_prime: ya, the putty on linux is the exact same as windows21:05
Steffangnutron, it should be 'fool' proof :P21:05
SkittleLinux18_hey, does anyone here know the terminal command to update adept in kubuntu??21:05
smacfarlLjL:deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main21:05
grendal_primewell the port forwarding through ssh is what im talking about21:05
TBotNikAll: I had a MB Nic, plus 2, on my 7.10 server and just pulled.  Where is a HOWTO on resetting these?  I have static IP in the /etc/network/interfaces file and not finding the help I need.21:05
will__SkittleLinux18_: sudo apt-get update21:05
locohostbut, you can tunnel a port that is not forwarded/natted/etc/ through a port that is forwarded,21:05
juanezanyone know how to hack the xorg.conf in ubuntu 8.10 ?21:05
gnutronSteffan: i would have expected screen garbage, but crash, yes very possible, no harm done tho'21:05
LjLsmacfarl: what does "apt-cache show amarok-kde4" tell you?21:06
Static--how do i empty root trash can?21:06
Static--on 8.1021:06
dman777juanez: what do you mean by hack?21:06
mintonrI can't connect to the internet through the latest 8.10 build. I connected to my wirless network but cant browse the internet or download updates21:06
ikonia!trash > Static--21:06
ubottuStatic--, please see my private message21:06
SkittleLinux18_will__: that's apt-get. i need to the command to update adept package manager21:06
locohostdo you have an ip, routs?21:06
juanezdman777: make changes to xorg.conf ... seems as if ubuntu 8,10 seriously changed it21:06
gnutronSteffan: be careful what you type, you just might get it!21:06
LjLSkittleLinux18_: same thing.21:06
TBotNikAll:  Did you understand my Q or do I need to reword?21:07
AlexplayThere's nothing wrong if i remove "interface-mtu," line in dhclient.conf? because i don't want it to reset my MTU everytime i run dhclient, i removed it and all seems ok and works like i want, but will this cause any problems?21:07
LjLSkittleLinux18_: they're both just front-ends to APT, an update will update the other.21:07
dman777juanez: /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:07
juanezdman777: yes, that file21:07
MonieAnyone know how I can get ubuntu to run, just something comes up saying busybox21:07
smacfarlLJL: It says the package is amarok-kde4 and a lot of other stuff this seems like a good response.21:07
SkittleLinux18_really?? hmm... good to know. I was given one yesterday that was a bit longer, but I don't remember it.21:07
dman777juanez: why not just edit the file?21:07
juanezdman777: doesnt work any longer it seems21:07
LjLsmacfarl: then i don't know why you don't see it in Synaptic (you definitely should), but you can install it with "sudo apt-get install amarok-kde4"21:07
mintonrCan anyone help me with an internet issue?21:07
grendal_primethanks dman777 that should do the trick ...also now when i make my flash animation tut's i dont have to do those on the windows machine since the interface looks almost identical21:08
dman777juanez: what is it that you want to change?21:08
Steffangnutron, huh? Might get crashes when i type 'cat /dev/video0' :S21:08
juanezdman777: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Logitech_UltraX_Media_Remote21:08
smacfarlBTW I think since we bailed out the banks, and we're talking about bailing out the auto companies we should have a public works project for gnome and kde devs.21:08
juanezlike to add that in xorg.conf21:08
juanezbut no go21:08
LjLsmacfarl: does it say the version is 2.0?21:08
locohostmintor, you ignored my question to you21:08
ikoniajuanez: you can edit your xorg conf the same as every other release21:08
grendal_primebail out opensource?21:08
dman777juanez: you might want to try to put it in the server section21:08
grendal_primewe all get a million dollar check?21:08
mintonrI must have missed it...21:08
smacfarlLjL: Version 2.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 which looks like the right one?21:09
dman777juanez: how old is that tutorial?21:09
LjLsmacfarl: yes21:09
AlexplayThere's nothing wrong if i remove "interface-mtu," line in dhclient.conf? because i don't want it to reset my MTU everytime i run dhclient because it gets configured to 1500 when the interface goes up, i removed it and all seems ok and works like i want, but will this cause any problems?21:09
gnutronSteffan: /dev/video0  is likely a webcam, cat displays text files, it tried to display a video device in a terminal, not likely to work. i never tried it.21:09
locohostDo you have an ip, and routes to any networks?21:09
grendal_primethats rediculas..now 500,000, not a bad idea (we shouldnt get greedy)21:09
dman777juanez: oh wait...that's what it saids21:09
Steffangnutron, but i can cat my mouse input :D21:09
juanezdman777: from sept 200721:09
dman777juanez: you got the driver installed, yes?21:09
juanezevdev ? yes21:10
gnutronSteffan: i've heard of that, yes21:10
LjLSteffan: you "can", doesn't mean it's a good idea, though, since it'll probably result in mangling your terminal and that's it21:10
TBotNikAll: I had a MB NIC, plus 2 3Com NICs, on my Ubuntu 7.10 server and just pulled them.  Was previously using for load balance on proxy server, but not using box that way now.  Where is a HOWTO on resetting these?  I have static IP in the /etc/network/interfaces file and not finding the help I need.  Previous Inet port was the MB NIC but system had ID'd it as eth2, now is eth0, but not coming up on re-boot, even though I change the settings in the "interface"21:10
dman777juanez:  xorg.conf is still being used. you're gonna have mess with those settings to make it fly.21:10
archmanguys how to make file in konsole?21:10
dman777juanez: you might want to do a lsusb to make sure you got the device label correct21:11
juanezdman777: yeah, it's still used.. but seems something's chagned though. becuase they dont swallow the config21:11
Alexplaysomeone answer me please21:11
TBotNikIfconfig is only showing localhost and no eth ports21:11
zrakwhy i can't edit partitions in gparted21:11
mintonri have 4 sections when i run the ifconfig,eth0,lo,wlan0,wmaster0-0021:11
deepfriedsquirreSyslinux says 'Cannot find kernel image: Linux' when I try to boot my LiveUSB made with usb-creator and I don't seem to be able to fix is by changing the paths in syslinux.conf.21:11
dman777dman777: did you do a modprobe to see if the driver is loaded? or is it in the kernel?21:11
zraki want to create a new partition from a existing but all the options are blank21:11
ikoniaAlexplay: it may / may not cause problems depending on your isp21:11
Steffanarchman, echo "test" > test.txt ?21:11
ChotaZHow can i move widgets within a panel in KDE?21:11
ikoniaAlexplay: we can't say - try it21:11
mintonrlo has net add of
smacfarlLjL: Will it detect my 1.4 install and suck up the data?21:12
dman777juanez: : did you do a modprobe to see if the driver is loaded? or is it in the kernel?21:12
Buster_Hymenis there a config file for programs that auto-start when the system boots?21:12
mintonrwlan0 has net add of
TumpsterI have a question on evolution, I've walked through the sync settings and it syncs with my palm just fine, now how do i get it to download my info from my palm to evolution and what do i hit in evolution to sync each time I use it?21:12
Albatrossall my programs [i'm in gnome] claim they've run out of space and cant save their add-ons, configurations, and other various things they decide to try and save. I'm on a Wubi installation... what might be the problem? i have tools to grow partitions if i need them21:12
LjLsmacfarl: no idea21:12
Buster_Hymeni'm trying to autostart a bittorrent client21:12
Alexplaywell, i tried it and it doesn't change my MTU, and i keep my connection to internet21:12
Alexplayso i guess it's ok21:12
juanezlsmod | grep evdev   ----> evdev                  17696  021:12
ikoniaagustin: don't use caps21:12
ikoniaagustin: people can read lower case and it get's peoples backs up as it's classed as "shouting"21:13
juanezdman777: lsmod | grep evdev   ----> evdev                  17696  021:13
juanezdman777: so i guess it is?21:13
smacfarlLjL: When I find out, is there some community Ubuntu knowledge base I can report the results to, so other people can read what happened?21:13
Tumpster I have a question on evolution, I've walked through the sync settings and it syncs with my palm just fine, now how do i get it to download my info from my palm to evolution and what do i hit in evolution to sync each time I use it?21:13
xhunter<agustin> no caps please21:13
dman777juanez: ya, looks like that is good. probably a setting in the xorg.conf that has to be changed. that tutorial can be out of date.21:13
Reformer81Does the Ubuntu 8.10 LiveCD contain the partition editor (other than the one in the install)?21:14
dman777juanez: i can't imagine xorg.conf not being used.21:14
Reformer81I've tried two versions of the GParted LiveCD and neither will boot.21:14
juanezdman777: it is being used, but xorg.conf doesnt set everything up these days.. (less /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see for yourself)21:14
AlbatrossHello. All my programs [i'm in gnome] claim they've run out of space and cant save their add-ons, configurations, and other various things they decide to try and save. I'm on a Wubi installation... what might be the problem? i have tools to grow partitions if i need them. I hate to repeat myself, but i doubt anyone will read it if i dont... perhaps neither if i do.21:14
MonieAnyone know why on ubuntu 7.10 powerpc, it stops at busybox?21:14
ikoniaReformer81: you can install gparted on the livecd21:14
LjLsmacfarl: not that i'm aware, i don't see a wiki page for amarok 221:15
Tumpsteranyone? evolution help21:15
MonieI'm trying to install it21:15
Buster_HymenHow do i access auto-started programs in xfce?21:15
denndaIs there any gnome trayicon tool that allows quick changing of my keyboard layout? if yes: what's it's name?21:15
ChotaZAnyone that runs kubuntu?21:15
Buster_HymenChotaZ:  try #kubuntu21:15
Tumpster I have a question on evolution, I've walked through the sync settings and it syncs with my palm just fine, now how do i get it to download my info from my palm to evolution and what do i hit in evolution to sync each time I use it?21:15
dman777Reformer81: why not just use fdisk?21:16
ChotaZnot this again21:16
Reformer81dman777: I'm not really comfortable with a command-line partition editor.21:16
Moniemodprobe ide-core21:16
AlexplayHow can i remove the annoying msgs in Pidgin when someone disconnects or connects? it spams my window21:16
Buster_HymenReformer81:  have you tried gparted?21:16
MonieDid not work21:16
FloodBot2Monie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
Reformer81ikonia: So it doesn't come with it then? :) Gotcha.21:17
Reformer81Buster_Hymen: Yes... did you read my original message?21:17
ChotaZnice, now my comp froze ate initializing ubuntu21:17
mads-Hi. I have USB wireless network thingy. Could anyone point me towards a guide to set up a wireless access point on a ubuntu machine? Thanks21:17
ChotaZstuck on that part that says21:17
ChotaZChecking battery state... [OK]21:17
ikoniaReformer81: I could be wrong but I thought it does come in it now21:17
Buster_HymenReformer81:  no sorry. i just caught the bit about you not liking command line partition editors (which i totally understand lo)21:17
ikoniaChotaZ: your using kubuntu21:17
ChotaZi am.21:17
ikoniaChotaZ: you may get better help in #kubuntu21:18
ikoniaChotaZ: more people using it there21:18
navinshenoyanybody knows how to get wpa to work with ubuntu 8.121:18
ChotaZthe channel wont let me join from21:18
ikoniaChotaZ: so ?21:18
mintonrAny help with an internet connection issue? Network connected, but unable to browse internet adn download21:18
MonieAny recommendations? :/21:18
webaswlan mintonr ?21:18
kristian1Newbie Question : when i check "uptime". it says 2 users, how come? :o ubuntu machine is on, and im logged in via putty, is that why or some other reason?21:19
mintonrI have a wireless network in the hose with a belkin router21:19
FloodBot2ChotaZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:19
Buster_Hymenkristian1:  your phsyical terminal is probably logged on so when you log in via SSH, there are two sessions by the same user21:19
Buster_Hymenthat would be my guess anyway21:19
TBotNikAll, which files contain the modules on U server?21:19
biophilewhen I try to boot I keep getting 'error 2', can anyone help?21:20
rubenok guys this sucks lol I installed the envy package and now I cant run the gui............21:20
kristian1Buster_Hymen : thats what i though, but im quite sure i logged off. will i still be on then?21:20
ikonia!envy > ruben21:21
ubotturuben, please see my private message21:21
Buster_Hymenkristian1:  afaik if the physical terminal is logged off then there should only be one... type "users" into the terminal21:21
danakaare there any good tutorials on getting 5.1 sound to work in ubuntu?21:21
biophile!grub > biophile21:22
ubottubiophile, please see my private message21:22
Buster_Hymendanaka:  i'd start with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" lol =)21:22
kristian1Buster_Hymen : ok my user is logged in twice. :-P but there is only one user account on the machine, so there couldnt be any different names anyways.21:22
navinshenoywifi help please need to setup wpa21:22
Buster_Hymenkristian1:  then either you have another open putty session, or an FTP session, or something like that21:22
kristian1Buster_Hymen : oh, and im running screen with two sessions that might be why. :o21:22
juanezdman777: just a FYI; seems as if Xorg is moving to HAL and you're supposed to edit HAL21:22
Buster_Hymenkristian1:  problem solved =)21:22
toastedmilkI'm having problems installing a driver for my ATI card with intrepid on 64bit.  Any takers?21:23
danakawouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole21:23
mintonrI need some help with my wireless internet connection in8.1021:23
toastedmilkdanaka, about mine?21:23
kristian1Buster_Hymen : problem solved! :-P i ctrl+a+c, and checked users, then it was 3, so yes. :) thanks! :)21:23
navinshenoyme too monitonr...21:23
Pilot_51I'm trying to get a couple programs to start through gnome-session-properties, but they won't start21:23
dman777juanez: interesting21:23
Buster_Hymenkristian1:  no problem!21:24
MonieIs there like no support for 7.10 or something?21:24
navinshenoylooks like No help available  here21:24
biophilegrub won't load, I get 'error 2' and stays there21:24
rubenok look I haven't used envy yet but one of the tech guys on here told em to use it21:24
Buster_HymenMonie:  7.10 isn't supported anymore ... AFAIK anyway21:24
rubenthe ones with their names in red21:24
Pilot_51I've been searching Google, but so far can't find anything that solves my problem21:24
toastedmilkI'm having problems installing a driver for my ATI card with intrepid on 64bit.  Any takers?21:24
Buster_HymenMonie:  8.04 is the current LTS version and 8.10 is the most recent21:24
navinshenoybuster_hymen do u know how to setup wifi wlan with wpa  on 8.1021:24
MonieAlright, will those work on powerpc?21:24
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
oreoferretafternon everyone21:25
rubenAlso I cant seem to get a nvidia driver installed so i can have 3d acceleration for games21:25
mads-Hi. I have USB wireless network thingy. Could anyone point me towards a guide to set up a wireless access point on a ubuntu machine? Thanks21:25
kebomixhello , any good programs to create and edit videos on ubuntu ?21:25
xhunter<toastedmilk> I'm having problems installing a driver for my ATI card with intrepid on 64bit.  Any takers?21:25
oreoferretso I once ran linux 0.12 (still have the install document on dot matrix printer)21:25
xhunterthe same to you21:25
oreoferretand after all these years.. I want to run it again hah21:25
j0sh-x1oreoferret: good evening :D21:26
LjLkebomix: /join #ubuntu-bots and "list every video editor" will give a few21:26
oreoferretI can't get Ubuntu (latest version) to work iwth my wireless21:26
rubenand last tiem i tried to do it the old fashioned way it would make me have console mode only21:26
calcoreoferret: its a bit better now, first i used was 1.2.421:26
Buster_Hymennavinshenoy:  it's bad conduct to ask specific users specific questions... we all saw your question, but people apparently don't know.  =)  that said, what problems are you having?21:26
archmancan anyone pastebin me their wvdial.conf layout?21:26
oreoferretthough I believe that are compatible21:26
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:26
dman777juanez: so i want to edit hal i would do it in xorg?21:26
oreoferretcalc - I stopped at 0.96a  around with SLIP and PPP support came out21:26
ikoniaoreoferret: could you take that to #ubuntu-offtopic please21:26
oreoferretikonia - sure21:26
toastedmilkxhunter, In terminal it says it can't run the .run file21:26
ikoniaoreoferret: thanks21:26
navinshenoyi can get wifi to work with out encryption.. WPA does not work... i need wpa..21:26
toastedmilkxhunter sudo sh ./PATH21:26
toastedmilkxhunter, sudo sh ./PATH isn't working21:26
juanezdman777: nah, i guess you'd have to edit stuff in /etc/hal/*21:27
calcoreoferret: what wireless do you have?21:27
Buster_Hymennavinshenoy:  look into wpa supplicant... something like that.  I know ubuntuforums have a bunch of tutorials21:27
juanezwell.. im out21:27
dman777juanez: wow...so hal will contain xorg?21:27
rubenim going to bring my probel onto the forum theirs too many people having probs here to get an answer because they have to all be replied to21:27
mintonrI need some help with a wireless connection. I have connected to the network but cant browse the itnernet or updates21:27
ikoniadman777: no21:27
Buster_Hymennavinshenoy:  and know that wifi is a particularly tricky aspect of ubuntu so it might just not be available with your hardware... you should look at the ubuntu wiki to see if your wifi card is supported21:27
navinshenoyWell i am here after trying to get wpa supplicant to work and failed.. howtos are not very good21:27
juanezdman777: what? no! xorg.conf will be deprectated i'd guess21:28
Firefishemintonr: You might go to a terminal and try:  dhclient wlan0 (or whatever your wireless interface is set to)21:28
Buster_Hymennavinshenoy:  then you're going to need to give us a lot more information.  what did you do? what failed?  what output did you get? do you have any log files?  etc...21:28
mintonrOk, ill try that Firefishe21:28
Firefishemintonr: Tell me if it works or not.21:28
PhotoguyWhen an app unsinstalls in Ubuntu does it remove everything?    Because in Windows it sure doesnt;21:29
Buster_Hymennavinshenoy:  and i really can't help you with any of that... i'm more or less clueless.21:29
slashzulcan u downgrade a ubuntu apache2.2.4 to 2.0 ? How EASY is it?21:29
toastedmilkxhunter, Can you help?21:29
ikoniaPhotoguy: depends on if other things use the dependencies21:29
FirefishePhotoguy: Generally speaking, yes.  However, the .deb file is probably still in /var/cache/apt/archives21:29
mohbanawhat do i need to play wma?21:29
ikoniaslashzul: if there is a package availalbe, not too hard21:29
cppmphotoguy: depends on dependencies, and whether you specify purge to apt21:30
slashzulikonia: umm , not sure, but I need a specific apache version21:30
PhotoguyBut better than Windows anyway?21:30
mintonrI get unkown harware address type 801 can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases PERMISSION DENIED21:30
navinshenoyi think i will give up on this wifi thing until ubuntu support for wpa imporves21:30
ikoniaslashzul: if there is a package - your fine, if there i not, quite awkward21:30
ikoniamintonr: use sudo21:30
dman777ikonia: so, hal won't contain xorg, but if i want to edit xorg i do it in a hal config file?21:30
FirefishePhotoguy: cppm is correct.  The command:  sudo dpkg --purge filename.deb will completely remove it from your system, including the .deb.21:30
biophileI need help with grub. I keep getting 'error 2' during boot.21:31
ikoniadman777: no21:31
mintonrIkonia: how to use sudo?21:31
ikoniadman777: just edit xorg.conf21:31
navinshenoyPPl should not have to waste so much time to get WPA to work,, i have seen plenty of ppl complaining...21:31
ikonia!sudo > mintonr21:31
Buster_Hymendoes anybody know how to autostart a program in XFCE?21:31
ubottumintonr, please see my private message21:31
Firefishecppm....ummm that *is* correct on my part, right?21:31
mohbanawhat do i need to play wma?21:31
dman777ikonia: how is xorg migrating to hal?21:31
ikoniadman777: it's not21:31
aeolienmohbana: Try searching for wma in Add/Remove Programs21:31
ikonia!codecs > mohbana21:31
ubottumohbana, please see my private message21:31
Buster_Hymennavinshenoy:  well it works very well with some chipsets and not at all with others.  you should talk to your wifi card manufacturer to see if they've released drivers for linux21:31
Firefishemohbana: Lost of Wild Maniacal Action?  *duck*21:31
dman777juanez: looks like that may be a false rumor, in less i am misunderstanding21:32
Firefishe<--can't even get a good joke right for wont of spelgng )21:32
Firefishe;) hee21:32
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
moDumasshey all, how do i add a screen res and refresh rate to my xrandr?21:32
Pilot_51Hmm... apparently when I try starting a program with gnome-session-properties the program thinks I'm running it from my home directory, how do I fix that?21:32
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ikoniadman777: what do you want to change21:32
moDumassbecause the only choices are 800x600 and 640x480 50 and 51mhz21:33
dman777ikonia: nothing. i heard xorg was going to migrate to hal21:33
|REM|now im trying to find a certain string in files with a certain extension.  I am doing: find / -name '*.xxx' -exec grep 'string' {} \;      This seems to work, but when it is printing out the output, it does show me which file it has found the string in...21:33
roukounhow can i make firefox ignore the gtk themes ?21:33
Firefishemohbana: Do this:  /msg ubottu wma21:33
cppmFirefishe regarding purge, ye21:33
Firefishecppm...thank you21:33
|REM|*does not show me21:33
ikoniadman777: I've just read some info, it's input devices which are managed by hal, not xorg as a whole21:33
Firefishecppm: Didn't want to give him the wrong info, it's been a while, as I don't usually purge my .debs21:34
Pilot_51In this case I'm trying to run a BF1942 server with this command: /media/sda4/servers/bf1942/bfsmd -daemon -restart -start21:34
mintonrikonia: i don't get the permission denied messages, the last says Bound To  reneal in 91845247477 seconds21:34
dman777ikonia: ok, that clears it up for me. thanx21:34
biophileI need help with grub. It keeps giving 'error 2' when booting.21:34
dman777juanez: is your logitech device managed by hal now?21:34
Pilot_51bfsmd puts a log file in my home dir, which says this: Couldn't find server binary in /home/pilot51! Use -path to specify server directory and/or verify bf1942_lnxded link exists.21:34
Pilot_51It works fine when I run the command from terminal21:35
justin__Hello, can someone help me with Installing Open Office 3?21:36
toastedmilkI'm having problems installing a driver for my ATI card with intrepid on 64bit.  Any takers?21:37
ikonia!ati > toastedmilk21:37
ubottutoastedmilk, please see my private message21:37
mintonrFirefishe: i get wmaster0: inkown hardware address type 801 listening on, sending on LPF/wlan0/00:16:4421:37
mintonrsending on Socket/fallback21:37
mintonrDHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 port 6721:38
toastedmilkikonia, thanks but seen it and still not working.21:38
ikoniatoastedmilk: what part is not working21:38
Paperohi all21:38
mintonrOFFER from
Firefishemintonr: yeah....listen, go ahead and paste output to http://rafb.net/paste21:38
Paperoi've the 7.0421:38
AlexplayCan someone please do # cat /etc/sudoers for me?21:38
typeofkissesHi all, would any of you be able to tell me why this worked in my previous ubuntu but not in 8.10?  Thanks!21:38
typeofkissesyou$ xhost +local:21:38
typeofkissesyou$ su me21:38
typeofkissesme$ gnome-terminal21:38
typeofkisses** (gnome-terminal:6009): WARNING **: Owner of /tmp/orbit-you is not the current user21:38
FloodBot2typeofkisses: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:38
Firefishemintonr: Do you know how to use a pastebin?21:38
ikoniaPapero: 7.04 is not supported21:38
Alexplayand tell me his output21:38
Paperoi've just installed it, how can I upgrade?21:38
ikoniaAlexplay: why21:38
Paperosource list seems not working21:38
Alexplayi need to see something21:39
ikoniaPapero: the repos are gone21:39
LjLAlexplay: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84109/21:39
ikoniaAlexplay: what do you need to see21:39
toastedmilkikonia, I can't install the .run x86_64 driver21:39
Firefishemintonr: What type of system do you have?  Also, what version of ubuntu/kubuntu?21:39
Paperoikonia: what can i do_21:39
ikoniatoastedmilk: why - what's the problem21:39
typeofkissesOh, sorry about the pasting, I didn't know21:39
toastedmilkikonia, sudo sh ./PATH isn't working.21:39
Alexplayto add me because im not in the sudoers file, so i can't use sudo21:39
ikoniaPapero: upgrade21:39
ikoniatoastedmilk: who told you to do that ?21:39
toastedmilkikonia, says it can't open the file21:39
Paperoikonia: it does not work21:39
LjLAlexplay: you shouldn't add you.21:39
toastedmilkikonia, the ATI website21:39
LjLAlexplay: you should merely add yourself to the "admin" group.21:39
mads-Hi. I have USB wireless network thingy. Could anyone point me towards a guide to set up a wireless access point on a ubuntu machine? Thanks21:39
Paperoikonia: not with my repo, where can I find new ones?21:39
Firefishemintonr: Go ahead and paste that there, too.  Please include the output of:  uname -r   in your paste.21:40
Alexplayyeah that's what i was talking abou21:40
ikoniaPapero: you can't 7.04 is not supported21:40
Alexplay%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL21:40
Alexplaythat line21:40
FloodBot2Alexplay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
ikoniatoastedmilk: what is the EXACT command you are typing21:40
FirefisheIs kde 3.5.x available in the Intrepid release?21:40
Paperoikonia: fine21:40
LjLAlexplay: you don't have that line?21:40
Alexplayno, im in debian21:40
SkittleLinux18_that command i was looking for earlier is this: sudo update-apt-xapian-index21:40
xhunterwhay this ?21:41
xhunterwhat *21:41
xhunterwhat this can do ?21:41
ikoniaxhunter: what is what ?21:41
juancsabeis sevidor español?21:41
toastedmilkikonia, sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-8-12-x86.x86_64.run21:41
xhuntersudo update-apt-xapian-index21:41
ikoniatoastedmilk: do "sudo -i" then run ./ati-$blah21:41
mphillxhunter: in the context of file ? is one character * matches any number21:41
lanoxxis it recommended to install the ubuntu-desktop packages on a kubuntu install or should i rather reinstall?21:42
lanoxxwill it lead to the same result?21:42
ikonialanoxx: same thing21:42
Firefishelanoxx:  all that does is give you gnome21:42
Buster_Hymenhow can i get an app to autostart in xubuntu?21:42
mintonrFirefishe ok i pasted it21:42
mphilllanoxx: it will be find but you will have tons of KDE bloat21:42
Firefishemintonr: Copy the resulting URL in the address bar, and repaste it here.21:42
lanoxxFirefishe, i once installed kde-desktop on an ubuntu 7.10 and i got a very messy kde session21:42
LjLlanoxx: it won't lead to the same result because it won't uninstall KDE21:42
typeofkissesHi all, sorry about the flooding.  Would any of you be able to tell me why this worked in my previous ubuntu but not in 8.10?  Thanks!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/84110/21:43
Firefishelanoxx: Well, it's largely, I find, dependent upon hardware.  I used 7.10 and kde just fine for a long time.21:43
ikoniatypeofkisses: why are you doing su me21:43
typeofkissesBecause I want to run gnome-terminal as a user other than the desktop user21:43
quackquacki have a problem with compilation vsftpd2.0.721:43
ikoniatypeofkisses: show us the exact names your using21:43
ikoniatypeofkisses: is one of them root ?21:43
lanoxxwell a reinstall ok kubuntu worked, just the switch in the running ubuntu was strange, thats why im asking21:44
typeofkissesNo, neither is root21:44
joaopintotypeofkisses, you should "su - me"21:44
aeolienBuster_Hymen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74583621:44
ikoniatypeofkisses: do "su - me"21:44
typeofkissesOkay I will try that, thank you21:44
lanoxxif i end up with a corrupted gnome install i would rather consider reinstalling the whole system21:44
Firefishemintonr: Well, it seems that you'21:44
Buster_Hymenaeolien:  lol thanks... why did google not work for me? =)21:44
Firefishemintonr: Well, it seems that you're getting an IP address.  What  happens when you try to browse to a page.21:44
CybolicHi all, I just upgraded ntfs-3g and now I can't write to my ntfs partitions even though they should be mounted correctly. Debug info is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/84111/ - please help. I cam usually fix my own problems but this makes no sense to me.21:44
toastedmilkikonia, sweet, thanks21:45
aeolienBuster_Hymen: search query; xfce OR xubuntu auto start applcation21:45
LjLlanoxx, that's because kde-desktop is *not* the metapackage that Kubuntu is based on. kubuntu-desktop is. likewise, the metapackage that Ubuntu (GNOME) is based on is ubuntu-desktop.21:45
mintonrFirefishe: failed to establish a connection to the server at: ubuntu.com21:45
aeolienCybolic: Were you able to write to your partitions prior to upgrading?21:45
mintonrOr any other site i try21:45
ikoniamintonr: can you ping your gateway21:45
ultrateki ran the sudo cmd to get kooldock now how do i access kool dock?21:45
Firefishemintonr: Try another page.21:45
Cybolicaeolien: Yes, I was.21:46
ikoniamintonr: can you use nslookup21:46
Buster_Hymenaeolien:  i don't ahve the "autostarted applications" entry in my menu...21:46
mads-Hi. I have USB wireless network thingy. Could anyone point me towards a guide to set up a wireless access point on a ubuntu machine? Thanks21:46
Firefisheikonia: Doh....good suggestion.21:46
Cybolicaeolien: I don't know what version I upgraded _from_ though.21:46
LjLultratek: have you tried typing "kooldock" in a terminal or in Alt+F2?21:46
z1so I want to rsync some files from my vista box to my ubuntu box... is this going to be easy, or am I going to have to use scp21:46
z1with putty21:46
mintonri can ping the gate way21:46
typeofkissesNow I have this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84112/21:46
ikoniamintonr: ok, so dns is probably at fault21:46
\slashhow can i setup my ubuntu to listen for ssh connections ?21:46
ikoniatypeofkisses: echo $DISPLAY21:47
ikoniatypeofkisses: why are you doing xohost21:47
\slashi wanna connect to my ubuntu remotely21:47
ikoniatypeofkisses: you shouldn't need xhost21:47
lanoxxLjL, you mean i accidentally installed kde-desktop while what i really wanted was kubuntu desktop, so now if i want gnome i should install ubuntu-desktop not gnome-desktop21:47
LjLlanoxx: correct.21:47
trailbrainCan anyone recommend an app to piece together some .mov files?21:47
typeofkissesRunning other GUI programs as "me" works fine but not gnome-terminal21:47
typeofkissesecho $DISPLAY is empty21:47
aeolienCybolic: It says on line 12 it's mounted as rw21:47
Firefisheikonia: dns...*grumble*  Prior to installing kubuntu yesterday, I'd been having all kinds of dns lookup latency and fail-to-load issues with debian lenny 64bit.21:47
LjLtypeofkisses: then there's no reason why any GUI application would work. export DISPLAY=:021:48
moDumassgrandr and lrandr only give me the options of 800x600 and 640x480 how can i add 1440x900 at 60hz21:48
mintonrIkonia FireFishe: I gotta get going, thanks for the help. Ill check with the dns when I can and see. Maybe later it will work..... thanks again!21:48
aeolienBuster_Hymen: Hmm... Odd. I'm not actually running XFCE, so I don't think I can help you further.21:48
typeofkissesI'm using xhost because that's how I needed to do this in previous versions of ubuntu.21:48
Firefishek mintonr...be well, glad to help.21:48
mintonrsame to you21:48
Cybolicaeolien: Exactly, that's what I don't get. When I try to write to the partition (as with the touch command) it says it _isn't_ mounted rw.21:48
Buster_Hymenok thanks anyway21:48
typeofkissesshould I do that as "you" or "me"?21:48
aeolienCybolic: how are you mounting it? In fstab?21:48
ultratekljl: it says it is already running21:48
Cybolicaeolien: Yes.21:48
lanoxxLjL, i guess i judged wrong about ubuntu then, thanks for correcting my mistake21:49
LjLtypeofkisses: why don't you just use gksudo as intended? "gksudo -u username commandname"21:49
aeolienCybolic: could you pastebin your fstab file?21:49
ultratekljl: how do i get the icon palette at the bottom of my desktop with kooldock21:49
elgransetehey there ppl21:49
Firefisheikonia:  Do you know if dns latency/lookup issues have been an issue in recent *buntu/debian releases at all?21:49
LjLultratek: i haven't the slighest idea21:49
mphilltypeofkisses: xhost +21:49
ikoniaFirefishe: nope21:49
Cybolicaeolien: I'll paste you the line: UUID=1A81229A5F8AF86E /media/storage  ntfs    defaults,umask=0002,uid=1000,gid=100 0 121:49
Firefisheikonia: Must be hardware or localized then.. Okay, thanks. :)21:49
zod21set nick zod2121:50
typeofkissesThe way I'd done in the past, I would run a terminal as the other user because then I could click on URLs in pine, for example, and they would open as a web browser for the other user21:50
aeolienCybolic: Do you need any special mounting options? Or are the defaults fine?21:50
lanoxxLjL, will installing ubuntu-desktop keep me the kde-stuff or will it completely change my system to ubuntu?21:50
Cybolicaeolien: I'm not sure what you mean?21:50
typeofkissesThis is so I can have my personal business in a protected user account but then close those windows and offer my friends a "safe" desktop to use21:51
Buster_Hymenaolien:  sorry to bother you further, but would a startup script be able to help me in my predicament?21:51
moDumassMornign all, can someone please help me edit my xrandr without breaking my machine, its been 2 days at ultra low res and i cant seem to change it21:51
LjLlanoxx: no, as i said, it'll keep KDE.21:52
LjLlanoxx: that's the only difference between that and a reinstall.21:52
typeofkissesxhost + gives me the same error as if I had used xhost +local:21:52
aeolienCybolic: Alright, that answers my question anyway. Are you running Intrepid?21:52
typeofkissesI'm just not sure what changed between versions21:53
Cybolicaeolien: Actually I'm running Mint, but it's based on Hardy and uses its repos.21:53
typeofkissesAnd why it does this specifically for gnome-terminal and not other apps21:53
Cybolicaeolien: The ntfs-3g package was also from hardy repos.21:53
aeolienCybolic: OK, sure! Here's a graphical config program: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config21:54
aeolienOr use Synaptic or Add/Remove to install it21:54
Cybolicaeolien: Thanks, I'll try that :)21:54
Cybolicaeolien: And thank you for your time.21:54
aeolienCybolic: No problem! I'm just giving back after all the help I've received here. Check out this for more: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G21:55
aeolienCybolic: Launch that via gksudo ntfs-config and check the boxes :P21:55
PhaseIs there a command to get the bot to tell you about a package in the ubuntu repo?21:55
Cybolicaeolien: Don't worry, I got it ;)21:56
ikonia!info dpkg21:56
ubottudpkg (source: dpkg): Debian package management system. In component main, is required. Version 1.14.20ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 2177 kB, installed size 6872 kB21:56
ikoniaPhase: like that21:56
Phase!info gambas21:56
ubottuPackage gambas does not exist in intrepid21:56
Phasemeh, k21:56
Phaseikonia, Thanks.21:56
LMoszeSound issues on my Ubuntu 8.10, I've tried to figure out the answer my my self, without any luck. My computer is a HP Pavilion Dv4 with HDA-Intel sound card21:57
jfroebefound out that running notes 7 on Linux using wine has a bug - you need to minimize the window before changing workspaces else the window will be lost21:57
jasa_Hey, anyone who could do small favor ?21:58
Cybolicaeolien: Wow, that thing rewrites the _entire_ fstab file... kind of scary, but it seems to have preserved the options of other partitions, so no worry, just a quick scare.21:58
Cybolicaeolien: It works now - thank you again.21:58
aeolienCybolic: No problem! Actually, I should install that...21:59
Firefishenet split?:21:59
=== spion_ is now known as Guest2340
aeolien!ask > jasa_22:00
j0sh-x1Firefishe: you mean these joins and leaving?22:00
aeolienOh, he was dropped...22:00
Firefishej0sh-x1: yeah (g50v-x1, perchance?(22:00
typeofkissesIf I use gksudo as the desktop user I need to add the program to a sudoers list somewhere22:00
j0sh-x1Firefishe: huh?22:01
Xeroi'd like to try out Enlightenment as an alternative WM, but i don't know where to start. any help?22:01
Firefishej0sh-x1: I was wondering if your nickname was an allusiong to you're owning an Asus G50V-X1 laptop?22:01
typeofkissesBut if i use it as the 2nd user ("me") it gives me a stream of Gconf errors22:01
Firefishecan't spell today22:01
typeofkissesI'm doing: gksudo -u top gnome-terminal22:02
agustinguys why amarok dont take alsa for sound server22:02
j0sh-x1Firefishe: nope, but I loooove my Compaq R3000 xD22:02
agustinits take OSS22:02
=== Riddell_ is now known as Riddell
gnutrontypeofkisses: the 'second' user doesn't have sudo access by default.22:02
Firefishej0sh-x1: I'll be certain to look at it.  Run linux well, does it?  My g50v is proving highly challenging.22:02
ultratekhow do i install wacom tablet drivers for linux...i tried: sudo apt-get install wacom --- and got nothing22:02
typeofkissesright ...22:03
rrplayXero: check out cafe linux OzOs22:03
typeofkissesI didn't need sudo access doing it my way before22:03
typeofkissesWhat changed?22:03
gnutrontypeofkisses: visudo is the program the 'first' user can deploy to add users to the sudoers list.22:03
aeolienOh, i hate borking the sudoers list22:04
Xerorrplay, thank you very much :)22:04
typeofkissesI am skeptical of changing that as well and that there must be an easier way to just get gnome-terminal running on its own22:04
rrplayXero >>> http://cafelinux.org/forum/index.php/topic,2175.0.html22:04
typeofkissesI guess I will just try and figure out the specific error it's throwing myself22:04
jedi06how do you get the version of ubuntu?22:04
gnutrontypeofkisses: upon installation, the initial user is given sudo or gksudo privileges.22:04
j0sh-x1Firefishe: nothing worth looking propably, AthlonXP 3000, 512 megs of ram, nVidia GeForceGo MX420 (32megs), 60gig hdd.. and that damn Broadcom 4306 WiFi... gave me hard times till Hardy..22:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:05
cppmDon't suppose anyone else had the problem where the splashscreen (usplash and splashy) stopped working in 8.10?22:05
gnutronjedi06: type lsb_release -a  in a terminal or konsole.22:05
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=== XtraCt^eSr is now known as E-XtraCt
typeofkissesI'm not running as the administrative user on the desktop22:05
Firefishej0sh-x1: Yeah.  I have a pcmcia linksys card with that chipset in it.  I am now *very familiar* with bcm43xx-fwcutter and b43-fwcutter. ;)22:05
=== E-XtraCt is now known as XtraCt^eSr
typeofkissesThe desktop is running as a "safe" user22:06
=== XtraCt^eSr is now known as E-XtraCt
typeofkissesThat is the reason I want to launch gnome-terminal as another user for some things22:06
Xerorrplay, that's awesome, thanks again =D22:06
Dug_ur_a_MAgoin through the motions thinkin bout the ocean think my girlfriend needs an abortion22:06
aeolienjedi06: Click on System > About Ubuntu22:07
rrplayXero runnig e17 now!! on xbuntu22:07
Xerorrplay, really? anything i should know from your experience?22:08
rrplayXero: you might have  apt-get -f   if error22:08
rrplayXero   may take a good 20 -30 minutes22:08
gnutrontypeofkisses: try su that-user in gnome-terminal, then the password22:09
Xerorrplay, so if that happens i just 'let it settle', so to speak?22:09
=== darrend_ is now known as darrend
typeofkissesthat's what I did here right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/84110/22:09
gnutrontypeofkisses: type 'whoami' to see if it worked.22:09
julle_anyone got experiance of installing Zimbra under ubuntu ?22:09
rrplayXero : and check out other themes log in out a few   did it yesterday ! :)22:10
Alexplayanyone knows how to disable right mouse button click to act as left click? it's annoying when i open a menu22:10
typeofkisseswhoami tells me I am the 2nd user22:10
typeofkissesbut I already knew that from the prompt22:10
typeofkissesLike I said, other GUI programs will launch fine from this subterminal, just not gnome-terminal22:11
typeofkissesI can launch seamonkey and it will be using the history and preferences of the 2nd user22:11
Xerorrplay, you're a star =] installing e17 now, i'll bear that in mind! =D22:11
typeofkissesBut I can't launch a true instance of gnome-terminal where clicking a URL in pine will open that 2nd instance of seamonkey on its own22:12
typeofkissesAnd where opening new tabs will automatically be under the 2nd user, etc.22:12
Fenix|workAnyone have any ideas why when running chroot /mnt/disk I get:  chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied  ?22:12
rrplayXero : gotta fix my mouse to copy out this chat paste x mouse etc  but still a bit of fun22:12
Fenix|work(from the kubuntu destop install disk)22:12
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:12
gnutrontypeofkisses: you might want to login to the desktop as that user.22:13
Alexplayanyone knows how to disable right mouse button click to act as left click? it's annoying when i open a menu22:13
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts22:13
pflanzeHello. Could anyone do me a favour and tell me the maintainer name/email of the gambc package? I can't seem to find out through the web and I don't have Ubuntu installed.22:13
typeofkissesThat's exactly what I wanted to avoid doing.  I thought it was a simple idea since I had been doing it for over a year in previous versions of ubuntu.22:13
typeofkissesSo why does the command 'gnome-terminal' fail to launch?22:13
\slashhow can i securely setup ssh for remote logins?22:13
Alexplayoh ok, thanks22:14
=== sale_ is now known as sale
ikoniaAlexplay: you may want to look at #debian as your using debian22:14
Alexplaybut it happens in both22:14
ikoniaAlexplay: doesn't matter22:14
ikoniaAlexplay: your using debian22:15
ikoniaAlexplay: #debian is the correct support channel for you22:15
Alexplayim there too22:15
gnutrontypeofkisses: my guess is your launching a program from within the same program.22:15
mrglinuxI have ubunu 8.4 and bmc43XX wireless I remember this ubuntu recognize my device but now .. it cand what shall id o?22:15
ikoniaAlexplay I know - so please keep debian questions to that channel22:15
typeofkissesIs that what this error means? "  ** (gnome-terminal:6009): WARNING **: Owner of /tmp/orbit-you is not the current user"22:16
gnutrontypeofkisses: the shell is confused, as am i.22:16
typeofkissesI'm launching a new instance of gnome-terminal, which previous versions of ubuntu were able to do just fine22:16
typeofkissesThat makes 3 of us :)22:16
Jack_Sparrowpflanze http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/doc/gambc-doc22:17
pflanzeJack_Sparrow: so, ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com ?22:18
pflanzeok, thanks.22:18
pflanzeJack_Sparrow: it seems the package is basically being taken from Debian, is it better to discuss packaging with him?22:19
typeofkissesMaybe gnome-terminal added a new "security" feature to block people from doing what I was doing but i have it fully patched in my gutsy install too22:19
pflanzewith Kurt B. Kaiser22:19
peter1138since i upgraded to 8.10 my text consoles don't work, it switches to text mode and the cursor flashes but nothing else is visible22:19
Jack_Sparrowpflanze Since it is OT for here, try both22:19
typeofkissesWait, in this http://paste.ubuntu.com/84110/ is 6009 a process ID?22:19
LMoszeI'm a newbee on Linux/Ubuntu thats struggle allot with slow/choppy sound on my hda-intel soundcard. May anyone help me?22:20
peter1138i can actually type stuff, and login, but cannot see it22:20
rrplaypeter1138,  try starting and stopping gdm ??22:20
makito249Hey, can anyone help me with the unix sort command?22:20
gnutrontypeofkisses: probably is yes22:20
Jack_SparrowLMosze Which version of ubuntu are you running22:20
typeofkissesBecause the process ID of the gnome-terminal I launched from the desktop is 5844, which means the process itself launched okay but it's the new instance of gnome-terminal which failed, not the shell launching it.22:21
Jack_SparrowLMosze the real thing or one of the varients22:21
doug___hey guys...is there a gui based way to do a hdd backup...22:21
typeofkissesAt least that explains why other programs work22:21
doug___i have a 320gb hdd...and i want to image my current laptop hdd to the new drive22:21
kansan__how do i get java sun22:21
Buster_Hymenis there a command to run a command as a different user?  for example:  i'm logged in as A, but i want command X to be run by user B (and B is not root).22:21
LMoszethe real thing i guess,22:21
kansan__how do i get java sun for version 1.522:21
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ dd in a term22:21
ikoniaBuster_Hymen: sudo22:21
keres_is photoshop cs3 supported in wine yet?22:21
makito249I am trying to sort lines that all start with + or -. sort sorts by the first alphabetic letter it finds, how do I make it sort by the first character?22:21
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > keres_22:21
Buster_Hymenikonia:  no i don't want to run as root22:21
ubottukeres_, please see my private message22:21
ikoniakeres_: ask in #winehq22:21
ikoniaBuster_Hymen: sudo is not just for root22:22
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ open a terminal and type man dd22:22
Buster_Hymenikonia:  oh really?  so i can just enter the password of the respective user?22:22
makito249sudo -u <username>22:22
ikoniaBuster_Hymen: no you have to set it up in the sudoers file22:22
Buster_Hymenikonia:  where is that located?22:22
peter1138rrplay, makes no difference22:22
ikoniaBuster_Hymen: you edit it with the visudo command22:22
rrplaypeter1138, defaualt white text ??22:23
doug___ok so i want to do a byte by byte copy22:23
doug___from one drive to the next22:23
makito249Buster_Hymen: I believe you can run a command as another user by running 'sudo -u <username>'. Maybe ikonia can correct me if I am wrong.22:23
doug___and how long woudl that take for about 80 gb22:23
moDumassim reading the xrandr man pages but i dont understand what is going on, does anyone get xrandr?22:23
ikoniamakito249: sure22:23
LMoszeJack_Sparrow: I gues it's the real thing i downloaded it from ubuntu.com for 2 days ago22:23
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ yes, but there are manay many apps , bootable cd's etc that can handle that22:23
Buster_Hymenokay i'll try both22:23
Buster_Hymenthanks a lot guys22:23
Jack_SparrowLMosze ty, it helps us to know.. here is a basic help page for sound issues..22:24
rrplaypeter1138, did you apt-get upgrade from a gui ??22:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:24
mahfouzwhy are the app icons in the panel different from the ones in the menu?22:24
Lamois there any reason in particular why flash show grey lines while playing and locks up firefox and tops my CPU?22:24
doug___ok...well i dont mind doing it via terminal, but if there is a gui it would be easier...22:24
peter1138rrplay, i'd assume it's default white text, i've never changed it22:24
typeofkissesAh yes the number increased to 6### when I tried it again which I didn't notice before22:24
jedi06how do you get take a screen shot?22:24
doug___also how long woudl you assume it would take to write 80gb to a new hdd22:24
LMoszeJack_Sparrow: Thanks allot!22:24
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ running a gui on the drive you want to backup can lead to problems22:25
doug___the new hdd is fresh and just partitioned22:25
peter1138rrplay, actually stopping and starting gdm has made a change -- switching to text console now turns the monitor off22:25
rrplaypeter1138,  play around abit and check it out22:25
doug___because you wnat to have it unmounted22:25
drownedhey guys I'm having a problem.  On battery my screen dims when its inactive but never comes back...does anyone else have this problem?22:25
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ you might want to google up hirenscd..22:25
LamoOr why we haven't received the nvidia 180 driver in an update yet?22:25
gnutronjedi06: print-screen button22:25
eseven73jedi06: you could get a nice GUI screenshot program 'sudo apt-get install ksnapshots'22:25
makito249Does anyone know how to sort a series of lines by the first character? sort will only sort by alphanumeric characters.22:25
peter1138rrplay, oh, and the upgrade was done a while ago, several reboots since then, heh22:25
jedi06I have gimp22:25
rrplaypeter1138,  you may have to reconfigure your xserver22:25
Jack_Sparrow!ot > makito24922:25
ubottumakito249, please see my private message22:25
jedi06what about just a screnshot of a window not the whole screen22:26
peter1138i'll try fiddling with rebooting22:26
rrplaypeter1138,  do you have any nvidia or ati drivers loaded ??22:26
gnutronjedi06: maybe alt+print-screen22:26
typeofkissesIs there a chatroom just for questions about gnome and gnome-terminal ?22:26
rooseli just installed flash 10 and about:plugins lists shockwave flash and yet flash still doesnt work...22:26
doug___looks like everything I need thanks22:26
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ great..22:26
jedi06got it22:26
jedi06gnutron yup that is it22:27
doug___oh i see that drive image does not have usb support22:27
doug___guess im stuck using norton ghost22:27
Lamoroosel: its because flash doesn't work for crap under linux and never has22:27
gnutrontypeofkisses: i don't know, sorry. /list will list channels, very server cpu intensive22:27
rooselit worked fine on 7.1 til flash 10 =(22:27
mahfouzok, try again, question: why are the icons in the panel different from the ones in the menu? (In gnome)22:27
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ google up g4l  ghost 4 linux.. they did change the name but that will get you there22:27
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > Lamo22:28
ubottuLamo, please see my private message22:28
=== fernando is now known as Guest60711
moDumassrrplay do you know how to add unrecofniser resolutions to xrandr?22:28
rooselso flash 10 doesnt work on 8.04 ?22:29
peter1138indeed, booting in single user gives me a text console up until X is started :o22:29
rooseldoes flash 9 ?22:29
j0sh-x1roosel: works fine22:29
kansan__how do i get the latest sun java (java6 u10)?22:29
Lamoroosel: did you install flash-nonfree22:29
dr_willisroosel,  ive seen flash 10 work on 8.04 -  but havent messed with it lately22:29
doug___is that better then the cd you linked to jack22:29
rooselno i ran the .deb installed from the adobe website22:29
rrplaypeter1138,  do you have any ati or nvidia ddrivers ??22:29
peter1138yes, nvidia22:29
Guest60711I am running  8.10 system , but when system starts options are only 8.04 ...is that normal?22:30
Jack_Sparrowdoug___ g4l is kinda dated, not sure it will do usb...   just trying to point yoyou to a few options22:30
rrplaypeter1138,  there you go got to fix that ??22:30
Lamoroosel: maybe you should use the repo one? also there are two other flash packages I had to install last night to get my desktop working22:30
gnutronkansan__: sun-java6-jre i think22:30
rooselLamo what were the other packages22:30
rrplaypeter1138,  try reinstalling those properly22:30
gwennnrose: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:30
peter1138properly? heh22:30
j0sh-x1roosel: enable partner repos and refresh package list. flash-plugin should be there22:31
rrplaypeter1138,  you changed kernels so you may have to simply reinstall them22:31
rooselyou cant apt-get flash plugin no more...22:31
j0sh-x1roosel: in synaptic of course22:31
Lamoroosel: gnash and swf mozilla not sure the exact names22:31
Lamoroosel: firefox should ask you if you want to install them22:31
Jack_Sparrow!info flashplugin-nonfree22:31
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)22:31
Jack_Sparrowroosel It sure looks like it is in the repos22:32
rooselgo ahead and try it jack22:32
rooselyou get a 40422:32
Guest60711is it normal I have only 8.04 options at start when my system is updated to 8.10?22:32
rooselGust60711 what options do you refer to ?22:32
Guest60711I am referring to start up options22:33
Guest60711systems on start up22:33
j0sh-x1roosel: adobe-flashplugin22:33
Guest60711and thx roosel for asking22:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:33
mcquaidjoin #nvidia22:34
Guest60711I am not intelligent  as well and I am not a bot22:34
rooselGuest60711 did you upgrade the system or was it a fresh 8.10 install ?22:34
Vantraxmornin all22:34
Guest60711I did upgrade22:34
j0sh-x1roosel: found it?22:34
dnielis posible to install an ubuntu base-system?22:34
dniellike debian?22:34
dr_willisdniel,  dependiosn on what you mean. theres the ubuntu 'jeos' thats a very minimal system.22:35
rooselj0sh-x1 this is what happens if you try apt-get that Package adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.22:35
Vantraxyes, you can install debian22:35
Jack_Sparrowroosel Sure seems to be there for me..  and here too  http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/i386/flashplugin-nonfree/download22:35
rrplaypeter1138,  check this out http://www.ubuntugeek.com/common-problems-and-solutions-for-nvidia-restricted-drivers-after-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-upgrade.html22:35
funkyHatdniel: like the ubuntu server install?22:35
Buster_Hymendniel:  are you talking about a cli-only system?22:35
mcquaidi've never had a problem before getting vsync to work in linux (usually as long as I disable compiz)22:35
peter1138ah, i've just removed/purged all nvidia stuff22:35
mcquaidbut even with compiz disabled i can't get vsync working in opengl games22:35
peter1138and removed the x config22:35
Vantraxdniel, most linux versions now are based off redhat or debian, but there isnt really a 'base' system22:36
mcquaidi checked vsync in game, in the nvidia config and tried export __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=122:36
j0sh-x1roosel: do you have partner repos enabled?22:36
jedi06how do you see how large a directory is22:36
dr_willisdniel,  http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos22:36
mcquaiddriver version 177.8022:36
rrplaypeter1138,  seee the link above22:36
peter1138just need to reconfigure X... it's set me up in a lovely 1024x768 interlaced mode22:36
toptnchi all22:36
peter1138i will when i get to a browser22:36
rooselj0sh-x1 no i do not22:36
dnieldr_willis: yes I wanna install a base system and then I wanna install my component like kdebase and other aplications22:36
toptncanyone knows why toshiba_acpi module has been removed from stock kernel?22:36
dr_willisdniel,  i dont see the point in doing that.. but its doable.22:36
Buster_Hymendniel:  you can either install ubuntu-server or do a cli-only install with the ubuntu-minimal cd22:37
Vantraxdniel, you'd be better off building a distro from scratch using some of the tools22:37
j0sh-x1roosel: enable, refresh list, check22:37
Guest60711roosel: did you get my answer?22:37
rooselGuest60711 if you manually upgraded your system then you would have to manual edit your grub / boot loader22:37
jedi06How do you see the size of a directory?22:37
dnielbecause ubuntu come whit a lot of tools and aplications that I don't use22:37
Guest60711I get the update automatically22:37
rooselj0sh-x1 honestly im not sure how to add an alternate repo22:38
dnieland I like the fresh instalation22:38
peter1138rrplay, heh, none of that seems relevant... X itself was working perfectly with the nvidia setup...22:38
onetinsoldierhi all22:38
rrplaypeter1138, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:38
Guest60711and it installed well it seems22:38
dnieland then with aptitude install only that I'll use22:38
Jack_Sparrowrrplay that does next to nothing in the new release of ub22:38
Buster_Hymendniel:  you could also try remastering an installation cd22:38
rooselGuest60711 and you are most likely using 8.10 atm and just need to update the words in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file22:38
dnielBuster_Hymen: what is cli-only?22:39
Jack_Sparrowdniel command line interface22:39
rrplayon x 8.10 xubuntu22:39
mcquaidis there a bug in 177.80 with vsync?22:39
dnielOK! but I don't need a server. I wanna a desktop OS22:39
j0sh-x1roosel: start synaptic, use settings menu, select "repositories", go to third party software tab, check the box in line with partner22:39
Buster_Hymendniel:  cli-only is as barebone as it gets.  there's no graphical interface--only a command prompt.  You'd have to install X and GDM and Gnome and all that yourself22:39
Jack_Sparrow!minimal > dniel22:39
ubottudniel, please see my private message22:39
Guest60711roosel: Is there a command I can make on console and print out to let you find out more accurately?22:40
Guest60711what is the command to list the system?22:40
Vantraxdniel, the difference between server and desktop is applications and hardening22:40
j0sh-x1roosel: then close, refresh list of packages. adobe-flashplugin should be there22:40
rooselanyone know what the cl command is to list version ?22:40
rooseljosh-x1 im not sure i have synaptic22:40
gnutronroosel:  lsb_release -a22:40
dnielVantrax: and the kernel?22:40
rooselsee that Guest60711 ?22:41
gnutrondniel: uname -a22:41
Vantraxdniel, kernels will be the same base across all linux, just with different extra bits to harden or limit services22:41
VantraxAnyone know how to edit the apps menu for all users?22:42
j0sh-x1roosel: system ->settings -> synaptic package manager22:42
xiamxIs there a way to make ubuntu console fancy & colorful22:42
gnutronVantrax: alacarte i believe22:42
rrplaypeter1138,  do you have any desktop effects active ?22:42
peter1138not currently22:42
Guest60711see that?22:42
rrplaypeter1138,  and still no text22:42
gnutronxiamx: edit the default profile, in the terminal menu.22:42
peter1138am installing nvidia-glx-177... will see what happens22:43
dr_willisxiamx,  if  You mean the alt-ctrl-f1 'consoles' you can enable the framebuffer and do all sorts of tweaks to it.22:43
xiamxgnutron, I'm not talking about xterm. I mean the native console22:43
rooselj0sh-x1 thx22:43
gnutronxiamx: also edit ~/.bashrc  but back it up first.22:43
ompaulGuest19019, you asked what is the command to list the system, if the command you want is uname -a great if not then your question means nothing to me and needs to be written again22:43
rrplaypeter1138, sure just try ing to get it for you22:43
j0sh-x1roosel: np, glad to help22:43
dnielbut... are there any minimal desktop ubuntu?22:44
Jack_SparrowGuest60711 That question was rather vague22:44
xiamxdr_willis: what should I do after enable framebuffer?22:44
Jack_Sparrowdniel You have been told and shown repeatedly.. the link22:44
Guest60711roosel : it seems it did not update, in fact22:44
frankS2anyone know where this is? http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/679/testri5.jpg22:44
dr_willisxiamx,  thers several wiki pages on the topic. to enable it - i edit the grub menu.lst to set the proper vga=MODE     you will then be able to set different res/modes and fonts, the fbset tool can let you set other things.22:45
Guest60711it  reports 8.04 hardy22:45
LjLfrankS2: just what does this have to do with Ubuntu?22:45
ompauldniel, answer yes: location http://www.xubuntu.com22:45
rooselGuest60711 what were you using to update, typically I use a new installation when upgrading but I use several partitions which makes that more painless22:45
xiamxgnutron: what should I edit in bashrc?22:45
xiamxdr_willis: Thanks, I'm trying it out now22:45
kristian1Newbie Question : i have irssi installed. if i now type "sudo apt-get install irssi", will it then install the latest version or will nothing happen since it is already installed?22:45
gnutronxiamx: there are some lines you can un-comment to add color22:45
dnielompaul: no. It's a ubuntu whit Xfce22:46
gnutronxiamx: also some useful aliases22:46
Slartkristian1: it will probably just report that nothing was installed22:46
j0sh-x1Guest60711: 8.04 is long time support, wont upgrade to 8.10 unless forced22:46
dr_willisxiamx,  theres a great many bash howto/guides/tips on tweaking the bashrc, or other bash customization tips. the ABS guide is worth reading.22:46
Vantraxdniel, just check out the different versions of ubuntu, im sure one or two will work. There should be a configuration with what your looking for, else build your own, there are guides online.22:46
ompauldniel, that is the smallest official ubuntu based distro there is no gnome light version if that is your question22:46
Slartkristian1: since it's already installed.. you can run "sudo apt-get install --reinstall irssi" to make it reinstall it.. if that's what you want22:46
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:47
xiamxdr_willis: gnutron:  thank you for your help22:47
gnutronxiamx: just read the file carefully, you'll see.22:47
xiamx gnutron: I'm doing it22:47
kristian1Slart : but if i am using an older version of irssi, and atp got a newer version, will it automatically update if i type "sudo apt-get install irssi"?22:47
dr_williskristian1,  it should upgrade. yes22:47
peter1138seems to work22:47
rrplaypeter1138,  got text ??22:48
peter1138but "Hardware Drivers" thinks no proprietary drivers are installed... how odd22:48
Slartkristian1: I don't think so.. I think you'd have to run "apt-get upgrade" for it to upgrade .. I'm not entirely sure though22:48
fernandoI am back22:48
kristian1dr_willis : ok, good! )22:48
=== fernando is now known as Guest82585
Guest82585I was talking  with  roosel22:48
kristian1Slart : hmmm. ok. :(22:48
rrplaypeter1138,  you got nvidia-settings and accel render ?? etc ??22:48
gnutronkristian1: you'll only get the version that the repositories are synced with.22:48
j0sh-x1roosel: found that plugin? I'm pretty curious :)22:49
Guest82585Guest82585 ok22:49
Slartkristian1: this is only valid if you installed the older version using apt too... apt cannot upgrade something you installed manually afaik22:49
gnutronkristian1: building newer versions can break dependancies, hence your system.22:49
Slartkristian1: but this is only a questions of semantics.. right? if you upgrade irssi by running "apt-get install irssi" or "apt-get upgrade" doesn't really matter.. the end result is the same,  or?22:49
kristian1gnutron : ok, so will i have to sync the repo myself or does it happen auto?22:49
Guest82585roosel : so it seems i am still on 8.04 and I thought  I was on  8.10  thx.... no problem with that ...22:50
kristian1Slart : ok, that should be no problem since, i used apt-get to get irssi at first.22:50
gnutronkristian1: update and upgrade will keep you in sync22:50
rrplaypeter1138,  when you are good to go save that xorg.conf22:50
Slartkristian1: "sudo apt-get update" will sync your packagelists with the ones from the repos22:50
Guest82585but now when I am trying  to get updates, my application for updates locks and it is not possible to force it to shut down!22:51
kristian1gnutron & Slart : oh! i thought this was automatic! :-P22:51
gnutronkristian1: it can be, that is configurable.22:51
Slartkristian1: check in system, administration, software sources, under the "updates" page22:51
gnutronSlart: thank you.22:52
kristian1ok, so now im updated! :D22:52
Guest82585welcome back roosel22:52
kristian1well, i dont really need it to be automatic, just wondering. :)22:52
kristian1thanks! :)22:52
ejerdoes anyone know a way to make an encrypted file that can be decrypted without other software (except maybe a linux OS), like a self-extracting zip file?22:53
gnutronkristian1: most ppl prefer to be notified first, thats the default setting.22:53
xiamxhow to calculate vga value for framebuffer? if I want 1440x900 24bit, what's the correspond vga value?22:53
gnutronejer: gnupg is a powerful encryption program.22:54
Slartxiamx: I don't think you calculate it.. you look it up in a list.. google for "vga code" or something like that22:54
dnielVantrax: I need a distribution like debian. It ask about if you need a base system or a system with gnome22:54
kristian1gnutron : so sudo apt-get update will sync my list with repo, and sudo apt-get upgrade will upgrade everything ive installed according to repo? :)22:54
elvisola tudo bem22:54
gnutronejer: actually, gnupg is the package name. gpg is the program.22:54
xiamxSlart: then how to get the value?22:54
ejergnutron: yeah I have used most encryption progs, I want something someone could download on a brand new system and decrypt (maybe with no internet, ie off usb, so I can't assume they can install anything)22:54
dnielwith ubuntu is it posible?22:54
gnutronkristian1: correct22:54
Slartxiamx: I don't think you calculate it.. you look it up in a list.. google for "vga code" or something like that22:55
sybuxhi all22:55
dnielI need ubuntu because it have newer package22:55
sybuxanyone know how to change by default the TERM variable to xterm-color in the gnome-terminal ?22:55
gnutronejer: gpg is the linux equivalent to PGP by phil zimmerman22:55
kristian1gnutron : excellent! :) thanks for your and Slart's time. :)22:55
Slartkristian1: you're welcome22:55
Guest82585when i try  "system/administration/ updates/verify" my application for updates get in an infinite loop ... anyone knows how to solve it?22:55
xiamxSlart, ok thanks22:55
octo_what is the kernel named in ubuntu ?22:55
ejergnutron: i know :) I use it... but it is not installed by default22:55
Slart!info linux-image22:56
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB22:56
temppyocto_: linux?22:56
Slartvmlinuz something? I'm not really sure what file contains the kernel..22:56
Jack_SparrowGuest82585 have you made any changes to your sources.list22:56
octo_what is linux-generic?22:57
Guest82585recently, yes ... and I want to know if there are fresh updates22:57
Slart!info linux-generic22:57
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB22:57
Jack_SparrowGuest82585 I would think you have something wrong in there22:57
gnutronocto_: vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic  in intrepid22:57
Slartocto_: neither of these are the actual kernel package though.. check the size.. 2kb is a bit small..22:58
Guest82585Jack_Sparrow: so doI22:58
Slart!info linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic22:58
ubottulinux-image-2.6.27-9-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 2.6.27 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.27-9.19 (intrepid), package size 22848 kB, installed size 92124 kB22:58
Slartthat's the one with the actual kernel, octo_22:58
Jack_SparrowGuest82585 stick it into the pastebin so someone can look it over22:59
kristian1Slart & gnutron : one more question! :-P im currently using my ubuntu machine over putty, but when im on my machine and looking at the gui, there is a red icon at the top, update manager. this is where i can update everything manually via gui. will "sudo apt-get upgrade" do the same as updating through the gui update manager? sorry, this might be a stupid question:-P22:59
ejercompiled kernels are in /boot/22:59
sybuxanyone know how to change by default the TERM variable to xterm-color in the gnome-terminal ?22:59
gnutronkristian1: that signifies updates are ready.23:00
Slartkristian1: not a stupid question.. I think the update-manager uses apt "behind the scenes" to do the actual work..23:00
octo_when a new kernel gets installed via update, doesnt it automatically change menu.lst to use the new kernel ?23:00
Slartkristian1: so it should be the same either way23:00
Slartocto_: afaik, yes23:00
gnutronocto_: yes it does update grub.23:00
octo_i have new than 2.6.24-19 installed but still using -19 in menu.lst23:00
Guest82585how can I make it?23:00
kristian1gnutron : ok, but it is the same thing?23:00
moDumasshey all, i can now scroll around a 1440x900 desktop on my no more than im guessing 800x600 screen23:01
ejersybux: not sure if this does what you want, but to set env: export TERM=xterm-color23:01
Slartocto_: I think it run "sudo update-grub" which searches the /boot/ folder for kernels and adds them to the menu.lst23:01
Jack_Sparrow!pm > dniel23:01
ubottudniel, please see my private message23:01
kristian1Slart : ok, that is good! :)23:01
moDumassplease just point me in the right direction, i cant fix this23:01
octo_ill try that and see if it works23:01
gnutronkristian1: apt-get update apt-get upgrade does the same thing, correct.23:01
craigbass1976was edgy 7.04?  Is it too late to do a feisty upgrade?  I'm trying to get a box up to at least gutsy23:01
sybuxejer: this is the good thing, but I want it to be by default23:02
Slart!upgrade | craigbass1976, see if there are any info here23:02
ubottucraigbass1976, see if there are any info here: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:02
kristian1gnutron : ok tha's what i needed to hear! ::)23:02
craigbass1976Slart, was 7.04 edgy?23:02
ejersybux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables (scroll down to persistent)23:02
moDumassits like, my screen system>preferences>screen res says 1440x900 50hz but im in 800x600 panning around theat desktop23:02
Slartcraigbass1976: I can't really remember the names for all the releases.. sorry23:03
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.23:03
gwennnocto it must ask you if you want to change menu.lst23:03
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supernix2You know one thing come to mind last night while I was upgrading the Vista box I own and that was there is nothing freely available that tracks and updates all programs installed on Vista like you can with Ubuntu23:03
dniel<Jack_Sparrow> If you persist, I will have to assume yuo are a troll... You have all the answers you needed23:03
kristian1Slart & gnutron : this would mean i can keep the machine fully updated from another computer via ssh. :) thanks a lot! :-D23:03
sybuxejer: thanx, I will have a look23:03
octo_ok, grub said it found, and said it updated menu.lst, but when I look in menu.lst, it didnt change anything ?23:03
craigbass1976Slart, nope, did a lsb_release -a and I'm in feisty.  Wonder why the upgrade borked...23:03
Slartkristian1: indeed... you can run ubuntu without using gnome/kde.. then apt-get and friends is all you've got23:04
gnutronkristian1: yes you most certainly can.23:04
supernix2Gnome is working much better for me than KDE was so far23:04
moDumassthis is my xrandr output, its messed up http://pastebin.com/d17cf467523:04
Jack_Sparrowcraigbass1976 because feisty has reached eol23:04
gwennnocto gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:04
gnutronkristian1: aptitude is yet another option to do the same thing as apt-get or synaptic.23:05
supernix2I kept having issues about KDE becoming non responsive after going into sleep mode23:05
onetinsoldierocto_: you didn't have the file open already before you ran update-grub did you?23:05
gwennnocto run as root23:05
craigbass1976Jack_Sparrow, right, just got sources.list updated so I can grab stuff23:05
wsgordon_this version of xchat sucks i cant see the on the server.23:06
NoxzI have a bad vfat on a second harddrive after accidently filling up the space...what took should I apt-get ?23:07
kristian1gnutron : will have a look at that. :)23:07
Noxzto try to fix23:07
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide23:08
PeskyJis it possible to transfer running X applications to a different logged in user? like xchat for example, if I need to log in as a different user but keep it open, without having to switch users all the time to get back to this window?23:08
danielbwI have the latest catalyst drivers, 8.12 installed on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.10 for amd64.  I bought two ATI FireGL V3600's so I can stretch one big desktop across four monitors.  I am only able to setup two big desktops: one per gpu, but with two screens each.  There is no way to join all four screens to one big desktop.  How can I set it up so that i can have one big desktop across all four monitors without enabing xinerama?23:09
Slartis aptitude really a front end to apt? I'm starting to wonder sometimes.. since I've heard people claim they work differently and not everything installed using aptitude can be uninstalled using apt..23:09
LjLSlart: the latter part is nonsense, but aptitude is indeed a bit "sui generis"23:09
SlartPeskyJ: I don't think there's an easy way.. I tried doing some time ago but all I found was half-finished apps and drivers..23:09
gnutronSlart: they all use /etc/apt/sources.list23:09
kristian1Slart : dunno! anyways i think ill just stick with apt-get for the time being! :) it's official so.23:09
five_where can i get syntax help with aircrack23:10
LjLSlart: it's got its own logic for handling unused dependencies (it was the first APT interface to have any, before "autoremove" was implemented in Ubuntu's apt-get)23:10
gnutronSlart: i think anyway, pretty sure.23:10
PeskyJSlart: I figured out how to run xchat as my user when logged in as someone else, using xhost, just thought it'd be nice if I could transfer it around too23:10
Slartthank you all..  and thanks Ljl.. my latin vocabulary is a little bit bigger now =)23:11
LjLfive_: have you tried « man <programname> » and « programname --help » ?23:11
Jack_Sparrowfive_ not here.. perhaps networking or some other23:11
CyberGabberPeskyJ: I'm not sure,<but i believe Package 'screen' will do ( detach /atach screens ) on terminals23:11
five_thnx i will gtg real quick my son just woke23:11
SlartPeskyJ: mm.. it would be nice.. let me know if you find a solution23:11
dahumpyo yo yo checkit23:11
FloodBot2dahump: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:11
kristian1Slart & gnutron : this is the last question from me now! i promise! ;-D once ive done sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade, i wont have to restart my machine, right? it will upgrade and everything will run fine? hopefully.23:12
PeskyJCyberGabber: I use screen on my server machine... I thought it was just a command line thingy.. you mean you can transfer X-apps with it too?23:12
onetinsoldierapt an aptitudes daddy is dselect23:12
Slartkristian1: you'll have to reboot if you've upgraded your kernel.. but otherwise you should be fine23:12
Slartkristian1: note.. it won't force you to reboot.. but you won't be running the new kernel until you do23:13
kristian1Slart : what if i am running irssi and then i upgrade irssi, will there be no problem?23:13
kristian1Slart : ok, thats good. :)23:13
CyberGabberPeskyJ: I'm sorry, only tested it once with terminals.23:13
mcquaidis there a list or something to see typical outputs of sensors (from lm-sensors) for various processors?23:13
Slartkristian1: I'm not really sure about that one..23:13
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Slartkristian1: my personal guess is that you'll keep running the older one until you restart it23:14
kristian1Slart : alright no problem. i got a lot of help so thanks.23:14
PeskyJkristian1: it should be ok, but you will have to restart to run th enew version fo rmost apps.. some apps might have a soft-reboot where they save-state, restart, and reload state23:14
octo_is the program adepto in the repos, or is that something e-fence adds to their Helix ubuntu version ?23:14
drownedhow come it takes so long for bugs to get processed?  Isn't there a whole team of people working to triage them more quickly?23:14
RewI am sharing files on a vista computer that I can access from other computers(xp and vista) but unable to access with ubunutu, I can see the computer with the files on it but the shared folders are not there.  Any suggestions or ideas?23:15
Slartocto_: I've never heard of it.. what is it?23:15
kristian1PeskyJ : ok, as long as nothing stops running, all is good.23:15
gnutrondrowned: they work for free, takes time.23:15
DigitalFizdrowned, im sure there is but as its open source im pretty sure they have regular jobs too23:15
Slartdrowned: since you're here you're a part of that team.. =) I don't think they have people sitting around waiting for bugs23:15
=== ogra__ is now known as ogra
PeskyJkristian1: if you use 'screen' and you update it, you'd better restart it asap as I think it does some stuff dynamically and gets a bit confused if you leave it running23:16
mcquaiddoes anyone have sensors installed and own core duo 2?23:16
Jack_Sparrow!samba > Rew23:16
ubottuRew, please see my private message23:16
onetinsoldierdrowned: because linux and distros are not big corporations. and even big corporations have limited resources. in linux most things are worked on for free, part-time or what have you. something to think about23:16
RewJack_Sparrow I have samba installed23:16
kristian1PeskyJ : yeah, im using screen. thanks for the heads up. :) whenever i update i guess ill just shut down everything for a small period of time, and let it update and reboot if kernal update. :-D23:17
shake-itCan i upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 to Ubuntu 8.10 using the normal CD i.e not the alternate CD????23:17
derklempnerSpeaking of shared Windows folders, is it common to see file copy errors from a shared NTFS network drive when copying files to my EXT3 partitions?23:18
PeskyJkristian1: it's a bit annoying for screen as you kinda want to leave all the stuff you have in there running, but yeah, that's recommended23:18
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craigbass1976Jack_Sparrow, error during update  a problem occurred during update... blahblah some sort of network problem...  Any idea?  I'm trying to go from feisty to gutsy23:18
kitcheLjL: thanks wish freenode would ban mibbit23:18
badawiwhat's CTCP Version?23:19
LjLkitche: no reason, it's not an anonymous proxy.23:19
kristian1PeskyJ : true, but ill live atm. only thing im running in screen after detach is irssi, so not a big deal. :-D23:19
LjLbadawi: a message to request the version string of your IRC client23:19
onetinsoldierbadawi: it's to see what version of IRC client someone is using23:19
ThehelpfuloneLjL: why od you moded +b users?23:19
Thehelpfulonemode +e *23:19
LjLThehelpfulone: ask in #ubuntu-ops if you want to know, it's not really ontopic here23:20
Jack_Sparrowcraigbass1976 it probably cant find fiesty to get you started..  since it is eol23:20
un_davehow can do a simple read/write speed test on a mounted hard drive, without damaging any data?23:20
onetinsoldierbadawi: what kind and what version... if you CTCP version me it should show xchat23:20
rrplayun_dave,  see man hdparm23:20
craigbass1976Jack_Sparrow, balls...  have to reinstall?  I just did this the other day, did the repos dry up in a week?23:20
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details.23:21
Jack_Sparrowcraigbass1976 not too much over a week23:21
derklempner!samba > derklempner23:21
ubottuderklempner, please see my private message23:21
craigbass1976Jack_Sparrow, really though, I did a fresh feisty install (it was the disc I had handy, and I needed old FF and Tbird to import into) then did the upgrades.  Last week23:21
un_daverrplay: i was reading about hdparm. but i'm not sure if i can use it without it writing over my data23:22
Jack_Sparrowcraigbass1976 there are the old repos.. but I dont see how you did regular updates when the eol has passed23:22
craigbass1976Jack_Sparrow, I didn't install anything extra except vim and thunderbird23:23
craigbass1976Jack_Sparrow, waited until I wa sat hardy to install whtat the person would need23:23
rrplayun_dave, you will not overwrite anything just read the basics23:24
Scunizihow do I list the dns domain name in terminal?23:24
gnutronScunizi: whois domain.tld23:24
un_daverrplay: ok. so it looks like i just use the -t command. will it work on raid devices?23:24
Jack_Sparrowun_dave That sounds like a recipe for disaster23:25
gnutronScunizi: whois, dig, host, nslookup all good tools.23:26
un_daveJack_Sparrow: yeah, that's what i thought :S23:26
Scunizignutron: that might work in the irc client.. however I'm looking for the reference for my machine.. maybe nslookup?23:26
Jack_Sparrowun_dave a true hardware raid, not the onboard imitation one, would have no problems.. but the other.. scarry23:27
gnutronScunizi: those aren't irc commands.23:27
derklempnerHow can I browse to a shared network drive through the command prompt?23:27
roosel_how come 8.04 has 2 different kernel boot options ?23:27
gnutronScunizi: well, whois is.23:27
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:27
Scunizignutron: :).. k.. thanks.23:27
un_daveJack_Sparrow: it's software raid, using mdadm.23:28
gnutronScunizi: welcome of course.23:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209823:28
rrplayun_dave, just gogle hdparm raid1 on debian sounds abit scary  http://www.epimetrics.com/topics/one-page?page_id=421&topic=Bit-head%20Stuff&page_topic_id=12023:29
gnutronhdparm can be very dangerous23:29
Scunizignutron: I'm actually looking for a way to list the dns names that my machine uses..  can you give me an example of how to use one of those tools to do that?23:29
five_how do i find what driver is installed for my wifi card?23:30
gnutronScunizi: whois your own domain23:30
kristian1is sudo only for ubuntu/debian?23:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about WAMP23:30
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:30
badawikristian1: no23:30
kristian1badawi : well, is it for all linux distros?23:31
derklempnerHow can I browse to a shared network drive through the command prompt?23:31
Scunizignutron: got it.. ok.. thanks. actually did it in xchat using /exec <bla bla>..23:31
gnutronScunizi: whois cox.net or nslookup your numeric ip23:32
droopsta915how can I make an mp3 disk using brasero or kb3?23:32
tyocHi there people, you know an app for automatize other applications?23:32
russKanyone know how make installer put grub onto raid1 partition?23:32
badawikristian1: yes all distros have it, it's only ubuntu that encourages it23:32
droopsta915oops, running late!! be back later23:33
mib_ohte9cDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 023:33
kristian1badawi : ok, thanks for your time! :)23:33
russKi want /boot partition on raid123:33
un_davewell, how about i use bonnie++ to test the drive speed? It has a parameter 'directory' which would lead me to beleieve it should just operate within a defined directory, and be pretty safe.23:33
Scunizignutron: can changing dns references in my setup speed access to the net.  That is can/might/maybe speed access.23:33
jinhi, I am trying to run Songbird but got this error. http://pastebin.com/m16b7d458  can any one help me?23:33
InfamousBytesCan anyone help me with my GRUB problems?23:33
gnutronScunizi: yes it can23:33
chilli0ello all23:34
Jabone_InfamousBytes: If I can be of assistance23:34
onetinsoldierhowdy chilli023:34
Scunizignutron: is there a way to determine what might be more beneficial than what I currently use? a tool or reference?23:34
InfamousBytesThanks Jabone_23:34
Jabone_InfamousBytes: whats your problem?23:34
chilli0ive asked this allready but meh23:34
gnutronScunizi: you need to talk to a networking specialist for that.23:35
chilli0is there any good tecno music making softwear for linux?23:35
gbear14275anyone know of any equalizer packages?23:35
russKcan /boot partition be on RAID1 device?23:35
keres_if you sudo mv will it merge or delete/replace a folder?23:35
un_daverussK: is raid1 mirror or stripe? i forget23:36
gnutronkeres_: mv will move anything anywhere if its allowed.23:36
russKraid1 is mirror (i believe - that's my intent)23:36
chilli0is there a net split going on?23:36
gbear14275I am really surprised there are not any linux equalizer pacakges or controls :-/23:36
un_daverussK: in theory, you can boot off mirror, because it just sees one instance of the drive, and uses that.23:36
gnutronkeres_: avoid mv to different filesystems23:36
n8tuser2gbear14275-> what does that do?23:37
jsjones96j/ #mutt23:37
un_daverussK: i attempted to setup that with my current system. 100mb partitions on each drive, mirrored, and then the remaining in a raid5 array.23:37
russKun_dave: thanks, i think it's possible but i don't see how to convince installer to see the device23:37
badawihow do i change the mac address of a virtual interface?23:37
=== ChrisBookwood_Ee is now known as ChrisBookwoodEee
U-b-u-n-t-umy cpu is using 100% while I watch avi files with totem..... with past versions it never was that high any idea why anyone?23:38
itrebalusing kboincspy, how do I get a Client State File for an external server?23:38
Artanis00I need to move a copy of /home into the parent directory (I copied the old /home to a partition in preparation to move /home off of the root partition (user error upon install)) but ended up with an extraneous home folder in the tree (eg: /media/newhome/home) so when I try to mount the partition as /home it looks like /home/home. I know I need to grab all the hidden files and links so what command can I use to do that?23:38
gbear14275n8tuser2: basically an equalizer adjusts the sound output of certain frequincies... the treble/bass controls on your radio is in effect a 2 band equalizer23:38
un_daverussK: i think i managed to get it to boot from the mirror, but never managed to get it to mount the rest of the raid 5, to start the rest of the system.23:38
russKun_dave:  also, grub docs don't say much about it23:38
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: that usually indicates a memory leak or other problem.23:38
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron memory leak?23:39
un_daverussK: yeah. on topics like that, i found the documentation very very sparse23:39
gbear14275a 31 band EQ for short would have controls to cut up to 31 different different frequency ranges23:39
aboSamoorI am using ubuntu 8.10 and Amarok 2.0, my thinkpad r61 multimedia keys are not working with amarok. Rhythmbox is just working fine.23:39
russKun_dave:  did you use ubuntu installer?  I had this working with gentoo - they have a good guide23:39
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: poorly written code can easily 'leak' memory.23:39
doug___hey guys i was just in here looking for some help to back up a hdd...23:39
un_daverussK: i was assured it could be done, but no one was sure how23:39
gbear14275you will commonly find, 2, 3, 5 and 7 band eq's23:39
doug___but im a little lost23:39
derklempnerCan anyone assist me on auto-mounting a shared network drive that uses NTFS?23:39
n8tuser2gbear14275-> oh okay, i thought its related to ubuntu admin stuff23:40
un_daverussK: hang on and i'll find my ubuntu post about it.23:40
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron but this is a freshly installed version of 8.1023:40
gbear14275n8tuser2: nope sorry... sound stuff23:40
doug___i guess i have to ask again...what is the best way to image an internal laptop to a 2.5 inch hdd connected via a sata2usb connector23:40
russKun_dave: the gentoo guide for software raid with lvm2 is nice, but i can't convince ubuntu installer to do the same23:40
FloatCan anyone suggest a good WYSIWYG LaTeX editor?23:40
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: it should settle down, it must be chewing on something difficult.23:41
badawinevermind, found it23:41
filthpighi, how do I remove the blacklisted ati gfx card on hardy? I remember them being blacklisted, but not how to remove it o:)23:41
buntoasterwhere can i find info on restoring desk top after installing a restricted driver that didn't work?23:41
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron nothing else is running when I try to view the avi file ith totem it goes from 1% cpu to 99%-100%23:41
un_daverussK: i think i used that gentoo guide as well, but here's my forum links anyway23:41
temppydoug___: have you looked at the !backup factoid?23:42
moDumasshmm, seems its nvidia drivers that are causing the problem23:42
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: could be a codec issue or a corrupted avi23:42
russKthanks un_dave23:42
doug___no where can i find it23:42
moDumassany ideas on how to get widescreen compiz and 1440x900 going23:42
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron I thought of that so I tried 4 other avi files and they all ran the cpu up to 100%23:42
moDumassi cant get that happy combo working23:42
temppydoug___: try typing this: /msg ubottu !backup23:43
un_daverussK: i never did get it to work the way i wanted. :( ended up with an unraided system drive, and raid 5 for my home directory.23:43
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: re-install totem might help. not sure.23:43
un_daverussK: i'd be curious to know what you think about the way i did it.23:43
buntoasterwhere can i find info on restoring desk top after installing a restricted driver that didn't work?23:44
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron I did that too and installed all the plugins and re-installed and I tried another movie player kmplayer etc all the same 100% cpu23:44
buntoasteri would like to read up on this if someone would point me tks23:44
rathelI installed intrepid over hardy when I run pavucontrol and try to change the volume of something, the sound just cuts out until I move the volume back to where it was. Help? I'm using Fluxbox by the way.23:44
doug___duplicity...is that something i can use to image...or jsut a file backup...23:44
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: i can't explain that, strange.23:44
russKok, un_dave, but i'm not real experienced with raid ... i'm just kindof experimenting ... first time with LVM too which i really like23:45
doug___i want to use this new hdd as my main23:45
doug___going from a 250 hdd to a 320 hd23:45
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron yeah its odd I can put those avi's on my vista machine and it doesnt increase the cpu over about 20% and both boxes have the same cpu23:45
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: i would suspect the codecs used to create the file you're viewing.23:45
moDumassi have 177 installed, but i cant select it from hardware drivers, it onlu gives me 173 as an option, but it says another driver is running23:46
filthpigAny idea on how to remove the blacklisting on ATi Radeon 9200 mobility cards?23:46
moDumassbut will 177 i cant enable desktop effects23:46
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron and this has only happen with 8.1023:46
blbrownam I wrong or why can't I restart my machine.  wtf23:46
blbrownby clicking on the restart button23:46
jason__What's up ladies and gents?23:46
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: 8.10 isn't perfect...23:47
jason__Why the dashes between Ubuntu?23:47
bluefox83ok, i'm having issues getting my freshly installed ubuntu 8.10 to see my samba share on my home server (running 8.04) it worked before i reinstalled so i know it's not the server23:47
U-b-u-n-t-ugnutron I think I am going back to 8.0423:47
gnutronU-b-u-n-t-u: your resources are a factor also.23:47
nj32How do I connect to haskell irc from xchat? I am complete noob, using IRC for the first time. Help.23:47
blbrownthat is funny, I can't shutdown my machine.  ubuntu is that good, it won't even let you crash the operating system23:47
Claw6kann mir jemand vll nen news grabber empfehlen ?23:47
blbrownnj32, /join #haskell ....23:47
GodfatherofEireHow might I go about disabling LOTS of system fonts without having to remove them?23:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209823:48
filthpig!de | Claw623:48
ubottuClaw6: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de23:48
un_daverussK: well that was my first attempt at it, and it was about a year ago. i actually revisited the whole topic over the last week, because i added another 1tb drive into the raid5 array, and had to grow it.23:48
un_daverussK: that was interesting :S23:48
nj32blbrown, thanks23:48
gnutronnj32: you need the fqdn then /server irc.haskell.net or .org or .com23:48
Claw6anybody can recommed me a good news grabber for ubuntu?23:48
derklempnerCan anyone offer some assistance in auto-mounting an NTFS partition on a shared network computer?23:48
FloatI installed LyX via Add/Remove programs, but don't see it in my program list. Any one know why?23:48
mon^rchhow can I revert to the totem plugin in firefox (I like the visualizations)?23:49
gnutronnj32: fqdn = fully qualified domain name23:49
jason__Does anyone know if Full Circle (unofficial Ubuntu magazine) released their "Building an Ultimate Server" entry yet?23:49
nj32gnutron, thanks23:49
GodfatherofEireFloat, try altering the main menu via alacarte (I.e. main menu under system prefs)23:49
jinhow do I know if I have the 32bit or the 64bit version of Ubuntu?23:49
onetinsoldierhello. i'm having an installation problem. i have a linux installation already on a hard drive, with 9 partitions(one primary and the rest logical) and a swap partition. now i want to install Ubuntu 8.10 with. 9 partitions of it's own. this ends up being partitions 14-22. whenever the installer gets to formatting partition #16 it fails. i just installed smartmontools and did a 'long extended' test of the drive. no errors. any23:49
onetinsoldierone have any idea what might be wrong?23:49
eternaljoycan Ubuntu 8.04 play DVD movies?23:49
gnutronnj32: whois your domain guesses in a  term to determine if they exist23:50
Claw6eternaljoy, yes23:50
kristian1sudo apt-get upgrade - upgrades all installed packages, but does it upgrade to new kernel? does not explain in help.ubuntu.com23:50
bluefox83eternaljoy: yeah if you install the codecs and aren't trying to play files that are hosted on a windows machine23:50
eternaljoyClaw6: what I need to do?23:50
nj32whois irc.haskell.org23:50
eternaljoybluefox83: how I install codecs?23:50
keres_what does "mv: cannot move `maps' to `/home/keres/.quake2world/default/maps': Directory not empty" mean?23:50
Claw6eternaljoy, i would install vnc player23:50
gnutronnj32: IANA internet assigned names and numbers assigns those23:50
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:50
eternaljoyClaw6: vnc?23:51
bluefox83!dvd > eternaljoy23:51
ubottueternaljoy, please see my private message23:51
gnutronnj32:  http://www.iana.org/23:51
nj32gnutron: do i first have to log in on a server, and then join the channel?23:51
gnutronnj32: yes23:51
Claw6eternaljoy, try "sudo apt-get install vlc" sry vnc is a different thing :P23:51
nj32gnutron: the detail is this:    $ irssi -c chat.freenode.net -n myname -w mypassword23:52
nj32   /join #haskell23:52
user___qhi!  How can i access in terminal directories that have names with spaces? like C:\Program Files23:52
gnutronnj32: omit the spaces preceeding /join23:52
five_how do i patch b43 driver?23:52
user___qno, not on irc23:52
Odd-rationaleuser___q: use tab completion?23:52
kitcheuser___q: like this Program\ Files or use double quotes around it23:52
\slashwhats an easy way to get my ip without ifconfig command23:52
almarkAfter I updated my Ubuntu Studio, the update failed. And Firefox will not work now. What did I do?23:52
user___qthank you, kitche23:53
nj32gnutron: do i also need to log in to chat.freenode.net?23:53
almarkI did a update I mean23:53
kristian1sudo apt-get upgrade - upgrades all installed packages, but does it upgrade to new kernel? does not explain in help.ubuntu.com23:53
gnutronnj32: http://irssi.org for docs23:53
user___qthanks all23:53
brueniguser___q: you are welcome23:53
Vantraxkristian1, I belive it upgrades kernel version but not distro versions23:53
keres_anyone? help?23:53
almarkIt tried to install a kernel but that didn't work, because my kernel is in /boot/ubuntustudio23:53
redrebelhow come I cannot see my windows computers using the Network icon?23:54
redrebeli have samba installed and it's running in the background23:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209823:54
Claw6redrebel, windows firewall maybe?23:54
gnutronnj32: irc.freenode.net23:54
kajoI'm having troubles with mounting iPods in 8.04... anyone able to help or point me in the right direction?23:54
kristian1Vantrax : ok thanks. :) so i guess i have to manually install when new distro are released?23:54
gnutronnjpatel: chat.freenode.net could be an alias i dunno23:55
bluefox83ok, so shouldn't ubuntu show everything hosted on a samba share if i have the samba client installed?23:55
kajoI was trying to use this: http://davesource.com/Solutions/20080225.iPod-linux-read-only.html, but I've had a significant detour from what he writs, and noticed a line that creates an interesting question in my /etc/fstab.23:55
bluefox83like, it should atleast show the shares >.>23:55
almarkDoes anyone know why update failed from within Ubuntu23:55
bluefox83almark: whats the error?23:55
\slashhow can i get my internet addy.. ifconfig gives me local ip23:55
gnutronnjpatel: wrong nick, sorry.23:56
almarkI couldn't install the kernel and the image23:56
almarkIt I mean23:56
bluefox83almark: show the error please >.>23:56
almarkI can't23:56
bluefox83why not?23:56
Vantraxkristian1, there is another tag for that, but yes23:56
kristian1\slash : whatismyipaddress.com23:56
kajoand/or what's a command to check what is connected to your usb port, when it is not mounted?23:56
almarkits not on my screen right now23:56
|unjustice|ubottu: wine23:57
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help23:57
bluefox83almark: that's not very helpful...we can't tell you why it didn't work until we see the error msg23:57
kristian1Vantrax : ok, thanks for clearing things up. :)23:57
=== W_McL_ is now known as W_McL
Vantrax\slash, you will need to set up port forwarding for anything getting sent to your machine at the router level tho.23:57
almarkI know I'll try to update again and hopefuly give you the error23:57
kajoand/or what's a command to check what is connected to your usb port, when it is not mounted?23:57
\slashvantrax i doubt i would have to, but how would i get my real ip23:57
JohnEI have a centos box with no video card.  How can I put ubuntu on it?23:57
user___qsomethingS' wrong with my wine, I think. I just installed it today. Am new to linux. Just as a test i tried the command wine wmlaunch.exe  which is the windows media player. I know there are better players in linux, it's just a test. and i got this: http://pastebin.com/d3411a7ea  What have I done wrong?23:58
kristian1\slash : whatismyipaddress.com23:58
mib_7e261iI need some help, somehow, my subnet mask is stuck at 22, and I can't change it, because an error says the connection is read only23:58
kristian1\slash :-P23:58
\slashkristian i'd like to do it without having to go to url23:58
\slashwindows cmd ipconfig/all shows all ips23:58
\slashim sure ubuntu has a better way of putting it23:58
Vantrax\slash, assuming you can connect to the internet go to www.whatismyip.com which will give you your IP23:58
\slashvantrax i agree but isnt there a better way23:59
gnutron\slash: /whois \slash  will show you your FQDN, that can be used to determine your numeric ip address.23:59
doug___dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 ran from live cd woudl back up one drive to another byte for byte correct23:59
Vantrax\slash ipconfig /all shows local IP addresses too, not your external one to the net23:59
doug___resulting in a bootable second drive23:59
redneckcould some expert tell me what is the safest way to update Hardy's network manager to version 0.7?23:59
kristian1\slash : does cmd ipconfig /all give inet address?23:59
\slashgnutron im on bouncer bro23:59
almarkSorry but I can't get it to tell the error again, I tried to update Ubuntu again, but its says updated less then one hour ago.23:59

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