
LaserJocknubae: well, we don't know what that's going to be yet00:00
nubaewe can plan ahead though00:00
LaserJockI think we're gonna have to do some thinking about that00:00
nubaewe should plan ahead00:00
LaserJockfor sure, and that's what UDS is all about00:00
LaserJocklet's see, we need to get you a spot on the wiki00:02
nubaeI think that should be straight on edubuntu.org, whats wrong with that?00:02
LaserJocknubae: it's not a place for you to do the work00:03
LaserJocknubae: a place to stick a "nubae rocks!"00:03
nubaehmmm ?00:03
LaserJockone sec00:04
LaserJocknubae: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Devel/RoadMap00:11
nubaecool, what does that mean practically?00:17
LaserJocknubae: means you're in charge of that00:19
LaserJockand hopefully at the end of the release we can write up a "holy cow, look what all we did!"00:20
nubaeok, but where can I actually start doing that...00:20
LaserJockon edubuntu.org00:20
LaserJockwe're just task tracking00:21
nubaeok, cool, I'll set up a link and get you to review it, cool?00:21
nubaeunder drupal we can set something that isn't visible to others, and that way review its ok00:22
Eeyore-Jrsudo exportfs -a exportfs: /etc/exports:1: syntax error: bad option list00:23
* LaserJock stares at a list of 170 Edubuntu wiki pages01:10
nothingmanhi, all03:24
nothingmanbeen using an Edubuntu terminal server for a couple week03:25
nothingmanI like it, and the teachers I've shown it to have been impressed03:25
HedgeMagenifty :)03:30
nothingmanI want to make a default 'student' user who logs in to sugar03:31
nothingmanwith no password03:31
nothingmanall the tutorials for fat clients seem to be toward NFS, but I know that Edubuntu uses NBD now, right?03:43
nothingman(note to self: never ask for confirmation of what you say you know)03:43
nubaenothingman: we have to use nfs for fatclient08:22
nubaebut only for the /home parition08:23
nubaethe rest is still nbd08:23
nubaefor sugar, and for fat client for that matter please take a look here: www.nubae.com08:23
russell_nashsbalneav, i thought I would just let you know that my LTSP mysteriously started working yesterday, but I made no further changes so it is probably just coincidence. I hope it stays that way but I suspect the problems will return. Latest errors file http://paste.ubuntu.com/84297/      Thanks.11:58
nothingmannubae, thanks for answering my unasked question! :-D15:23
nubaeno problem15:30
nubaewe're all happy go lucky people in here as sbalneav said ;-)15:30
nothingmanah, I knew I recognized the name15:36
nothingmanI've been reading your blog quite a bit15:36
nothingmanit was one of the few resources I could access from my retail job's computers!15:36
nothingmansome very good howto's there15:37
=== DeathKin3 is now known as DeathKing242
stgraberogra_, LaserJock: I have a new ltsp and ldm ready for upload to Jaunty, any of you has a minute to upload ?23:57
LaserJockoh geeze, let me see if I even have a Jaunty chroot up yet :(23:58
LaserJockI'm kinda behind23:58

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