
jjesseevening from miniapolois00:27
Jucatomorning :)00:28
jjesseevening i think00:28
Jucatowell, the sun isn't coming out, so ok, I'll agree to that :)00:29
Jucatohow are things going in here? :)00:30
jjessein the airport waiting for last flight home00:30
jjessesuper tired and super hungry but no time for innder00:30
Jucatoaw :(00:30
jjesseat least its just an hour00:30
Jucatoeat something, like crackers or whatnot... just to keep you from collapsing due to hunger00:31
Jucatowhooops I think that highlighted someone :D00:32
jjessecan't have crackers due to wheat allergy00:32
jjesseand i don't have any snakcs i can eat on me :(00:32
Jucatodouble ouch :(00:32
jjesseyay time to board l8ter g8tor00:36
Jucatobye! take care00:36
_Groo_hi/2 all..01:52
_Groo_any dev alive?01:52
_Groo_could use some help01:52
* ScottK-laptop uploads another Krusader snapshot, "because it's been a while."04:36
=== glade88|ZzZ is now known as glade88
vbgunzI was inside #kde and had a little episode about "Windows Explorer" Vs "Konqueror" on an NTFS partition and a directory with over 5000+ files. Anyhow, I ran strace and we both think we found something that could be a bug. Can someone tell me why strace prints out over 1700 lines over 2 files? I mean this probably leads to 4,675,000 lines over a 5000 file directory... http://dpaste.com/98392/07:18
vbgunzpoint being, not to start a war, Windows Explorer screams like lightning in that directory and Konqueror just needs to be put out of its misery with termination. Is that paste a bug?07:19
glade88pakage gtk2-engines-qtcurve has been removed?07:24
glade88ok. that was adept not finding it :/07:25
_Groo_hey ppl anyone alive?07:48
_Groo_im having a tough problem in the launchpad builder07:49
_Groo_im building koffice-kde4 beta4 but the builder says he cant find Missing dependencies: libglpk-dev although its in universe. i already have my ppa pointing to the backport deps.. what else am i missing?07:50
_Groo_locally it build just fine, and i corrected all new files and such..07:50
_Groo_so koffice2-kde4 beta 4 is good to go, providing the ppa is able to build it :P07:51
_Groo_any dev alive?08:13
_Groo_could really use the help08:13
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu-devel's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:13
_Groo_!cookie _Groo_08:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cookie _Groo_08:13
_Groo_!cookie| _Groo_08:14
ubottu_Groo_, please see my private message08:14
stdin_Groo_: why not just say what the problem is and wait patiently?08:16
_Groo_hi stdin, i already did, half an hor ago08:18
_Groo_im building koffice-kde4 beta4 but the builder says he cant find Missing dependencies: libglpk-dev although its in universe. i already have my ppa pointing to the backport deps.. what else am i missing?08:18
_Groo_locally it build just fine, and i corrected all new files and such..08:18
_Groo_so koffice2-kde4 beta 4 is good to go, providing the ppa is able to build it :P08:18
stdinPPA's don't build against universe/multiverse08:19
_Groo_ah :( thats the problem then08:19
stdinfwiw, PPA questions should be in #launchpad08:19
_Groo_where can i upload it for you guys to review?08:19
_Groo_stdin: ok, noted08:19
stdinyou just need to "apt-get source libglpk-dev" then create a new changelog entry with (version)~ppa1 and upload08:20
stdinthat will let it build in the PPA but not need you (or your users) to download the package from your PPA if they have universe08:20
_Groo_ahh ok08:21
_Groo_and then i can notify you here so you can review it?08:21
stdinreview in what way?08:22
_Groo_so you can accept it and put it into kubuntu ppa08:23
_Groo_i also have fixed the libamsn needed by kopete to suport the live msn protocol, after koffice i would like to upload the changed kdenetwork so you guys could update the kubuntu repo also08:25
stdinI'll have a look, but I won't add. at least not without a few ACKs from other devs08:25
_Groo_sure, thats the idea :)08:27
* Jucato waves at stdin09:02
stdinooh, it's Jucato09:02
Jucatohow are things in Kubuntu-land? :)09:03
stdinrocKing along09:04
stdinand very shiny09:04
Jucatojust wanted to drop by and spend a few moments before saying goodbye :P09:04
hungerJucato: Where are you going?09:04
Jucatojust dropping off from the Kubuntu radar09:06
stdinas long as you still use KDE, I'll forgive you09:06
Jucatoof course :)09:07
JucatoI have a somewhat bigger responsibility now up there :)09:07
etretyakJucato: a child? ;-)09:08
hungerJucato: Well, thanks for all the stuff you did for kubuntu. I hope you have fun outside kubuntu land!09:08
Jucatoanyway, my membership runs out next month, so not gonna renew09:08
Jucatoetretyak: yes! KDE is my child now! :P09:08
Jucatohunger: thanks too. see you in KDE land! :)09:09
Jucatoluckily/hopefully we'll still cross paths in KDE um.. "continent" :)09:09
Jucato(although I will be missing Hobbsee :P)09:09
stdinshush, she'll bring the stick!09:10
hungerJucato: Dunno. I'm rather inactive myself wrt. KDE at this time:-(09:10
JucatoI no longer ph34r the stick. it can't reach me :)09:10
Jucatohunger: aw... :(09:10
stdinone think I've learnt, never underestimate the stick09:10
Jucatowell, we all have our seasons. unfortunately we're not all like Riddell... KDE/Kubuntu all year round :)09:10
Jucatostdin: hm.. yeah... I might have forgotten that during my hiatus :)09:11
stdinwell Riddell is a dedicated guy for sure09:11
hungerJucato: Well, Riddell has the luxury of being paid for kubuntu. I'd spend more time on kde too, if I did not have to do something else to pay the rent.09:11
stdinwell, we'll always have !autostart-#kubuntu to remind us of you :)09:13
Jucatostdin: hahaha! I need to update that for KDE 4 asap :)09:27
stdinyou're still on KDE3?09:27
stdinhow have you survived so long? :p09:27
Jucatoof course not :)09:27
stdinah, you're guide, yes09:27
Jucatobut there are times that I do wish I was on it :)09:27
JucatoI can escape nvidia borkage in KDE 3 :)09:28
stdinI never want to look back now, plasma is my friend09:28
Jucatoyou must have a very recent/decent graphics card/driver :)09:28
Jucatobut it's not only Plasma.. but Qt/KDE 4 in general09:28
stdinit's not really recent, or decent :p09:29
stdin00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)09:29
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=3&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 3 | Source imported09:29
stdinbut it works fine09:29
stdinhuh, ubottu you know that wasn't right09:30
Jucatostdin: in this context, any Intel is more decent than a legacy nvidia :)09:31
JucatoI'm talking about 96.xx.xx legacy :)09:32
stdineven my intel 810 works fine with plama, gotta love open drivers :)09:32
Jucatoyeah I have an i810 as well on the laptop09:33
_Groo_hi/2 all11:43
_Groo_can anyone tell me if there is any way to add unvierse packages to a ppa without having to upload them one by one?11:43
_Groo_maybe adding a ppa dependencie that points to universe packages?11:44
stdin_Groo_: no, you have to do it manually11:48
_Groo_stdin: it making me nuts.. i been on this for hours now, just to make the damn koffice2 to compile in the ppa11:48
_Groo_stdin: and to think the simple act to add universe would solve everything..11:49
_Groo_oh well11:49
_Groo_trying to be a kubuntu dev isnt easy :P11:49
_Groo_!cookie| _Groo_11:50
ubottu_Groo_, please see my private message11:50
_Groo_ahhh cookies11:50
doc___hi there12:15
ScorpKinghi everyone. where do i find the kickoff menu icon in kubuntu 8.10? i don't see any kickoff related icons on my box. i'm using kde 4.112:18
smarterScorpKing: it's the K icon on the left12:50
smarterScorpKing: but please ask this type of question on #kubuntu12:51
ScorpKingsmarter: i know. how can i make it pink? ;)12:51
ScorpKingsmarter: yes i know. stdin just helped me there. thanks anyway12:51
smarterokay, you're welcome12:52
smarter(btw, you can actually change icons color using systemsettings --> appearance --> icons --> advanced ;))12:53
stdinis that different in 4.1.80, because you can only change the effects with 4.1.x12:56
smarterstdin: actually, one of the "effects" is the color13:22
stdinsmarter: ah, I thought you meant you could change the actual icon to something else13:22
apacheloggerstdin: don't be silly :P13:34
* apachelogger sends stdin and smarter to the batcave13:36
* Jucato plays adam west batman background music in head13:40
* ScottK-laptop notes that mikearthur in #ubuntu-motu is a kdepim developer (he says). Perhaps someone else wants to help entice him in here to help us.13:43
ScottK-laptopDo we want an announcement on kubutu.org that 4.1.3 is in intrepid-updates now?13:44
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: I doubt it's useful since updates is on by default anyway13:49
* apachelogger merges klibido while kdepimlibs is batbuilding13:50
ScottK-laptopGood point.13:50
ScottK-laptopI guess it'd just be the PR value of announcing we're keeping people up to date.13:51
_Groo_apachelogger: so im uploading the universe packages one by one and waiting for them to build so i can finally build koffice on ppa13:53
_Groo_apachelogger: is there a good reason for universe not being accepted in ppa build? cause its a pain in the utt13:53
apacheloggerit should be13:54
_Groo_stdin said otherwise13:54
apacheloggerstdin: why would ppas only support building against main packages?13:55
stdinahh, they did once13:55
stdinit was -backports I was confused with13:55
stdinwhich seems to be fixed on edge now13:56
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah, learning the hard way.. i hope i get a cookie when im finally done13:57
apacheloggerhave to think about that :P13:58
_Groo_apachelogger: what? no cookie??? :(13:59
_Groo_apachelogger: small kitten? banana?13:59
apacheloggermaybe a pony14:00
_Groo_apachelogger: hmm they are very nice with potatoes... maybe a good wine...14:00
_Groo_is anyone working on koffice2 beta 4?14:01
_Groo_hope not :P14:01
* apachelogger notes that _Groo_ will nevar get a pony14:02
apacheloggerNightrose: honey!14:02
Nightroseapachelogger: honey?!14:03
_Groo_apachelogger: ahhh :( i was almost tasting it already :P damn...14:03
_Groo_apachelogger: what about a puppy?14:03
Nightrose_Groo_: you don't get any of them if you are going to eat them!14:03
_Groo_apachelogger: they are very tasty also... but dont have much carb14:03
_Groo_Nightrose: what else was i suposed to do with a pony???14:04
Nightrosehug it of course14:04
Jucatoride 'em14:04
apacheloggercuddles it!14:04
apacheloggerNightrose: so, do we know anyone with broken kde-nightly?14:04
Tm_Tand then eat it14:04
Jucatocolor 'em pink14:04
_Groo_can i eat it AFTER cuddling and riding?14:04
* apachelogger is wondering if the run yesterday did finish at all14:04
Jucatoand *then* eat 'em... raw14:04
Nightroseapachelogger: havn't heard any complains in the last 24 h14:04
apacheloggerwell, I'd like to hear some praise14:05
Nightrose_Groo_: NO!14:05
apacheloggeror rather, if it works at all14:05
* Nightrose cuddles apachelogger14:05
_Groo_apachelogger: i can give it a test later14:05
apacheloggerfair enough14:05
apacheloggerthat would be worth a cookie I guess14:06
_Groo_apachelogger: puppy? oO14:06
_Groo_apachelogger: with sugar on top?14:06
_Groo_so if i get it straight.. trying kde-nightly which doesnt involve any effort = 1 cookie14:07
_Groo_making the koffice2-kde4 beta4 package which is kicking my ... since last night = no cookie, pony or any edible mamals14:08
_Groo_you know, im pretty sure i read in the kubuntu membership guide lines that kubuntu devs are allowed to eat any kind of mamals14:08
apacheloggerI am quite sure they are not14:09
apacheloggerotherwise we should do a meeting right away14:09
_Groo_apachelogger: wait for me to get my membership so i can vote :D14:10
apacheloggeronly the council would vote :P14:10
_Groo_apachelogger: damn...14:11
apacheloggerthat said, I am the councils supply of cookies... :P14:11
_Groo_apachelogger: why did they disabled universe for ppas? too easy for devs? :P14:12
apachelogger_Groo_: they did not14:15
apacheloggeryour issue must be a different one14:15
apacheloggerbackports is not on by default14:15
_Groo_apachelogger: yes it is.14:15
_Groo_apachelogger: i mean, i enabled it14:16
_Groo_take a look: https://edge.launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive14:16
_Groo_its becoming a freaking nightmare, so close yet so far14:17
apachelogger_Groo_: you shouldn't build against intrepid by default14:17
_Groo_apachelogger: ???14:18
apachelogger_Groo_: if you want me to sponsor the package has to be done for jaunty14:18
_Groo_apachelogger: hum.. why? isnt intrepid the standard?14:18
apacheloggerjaunty is development series14:18
_Groo_apachelogger: just a matter of changing the changelog14:19
apachelogger_Groo_: at times it's more than that14:19
_Groo_apachelogger: i think im gonna cry... ok.. so need to reupload for jaunty, then universe will work?14:19
apachelogger_Groo_: universe would work for intrpid as well14:19
_Groo_apachelogger: yes i know, some libs mya differ14:19
_Groo_apachelogger: why it isnt then?14:19
apacheloggerthe problem you were facing is that certain packages don't appear to be in intrepid14:20
_Groo_apachelogger: sure they are, i checked with packages.ubuntu.com14:20
_Groo_apachelogger: all of them..14:20
apacheloggeralso the required version?14:20
apachelogger  pstoedit: Depends: libpstoedit0c2a (>= 3.45-4~1padoka1) but it is not going to be installed14:21
_Groo_apachelogger: that one was a bug.. im already rebyuilding it14:21
apacheloggerwell, I don't see another build log14:22
_Groo_apachelogger: the others where for ex: libgraphicsmagick1-dev, libeigen2-dev14:22
_Groo_apachelogger: because is building as we speak14:22
_Groo_try now14:23
_Groo_didnt know why is started compilng that one, if i deleted it and uploaded the ppa1 version :/14:23
_Groo_i mean dont know14:23
* apachelogger is confused :P14:24
_Groo_im using launchpad beta btw14:24
_Groo_and i never had any problems with universe before yesterday...14:24
* _Groo_ is very confused14:25
_Groo_well anyway, gonna wait for the intrepid build to ACTUALLY build, and then im gonna make the jaunty build.. so for you reviews it must be always jaunty then?14:27
apachelogger_Groo_: well, or whatever is development series at the time ;-)14:28
apachelogger_Groo_: in general it makes sense to ensure it also builds against $lateststable-backports (e.g. intrepid-backports) to take appropriate actions in order to get the package backported14:29
apacheloggerfor example prepare the backport of a new library14:29
apacheloggerNightrose: it appears to me kollide is a bit slowish14:30
_Groo_apachelogger: ok14:30
Nightroseapachelogger: heh - probably still due to release traffic14:30
apacheloggerNightrose: awful, how am I supposed to do KDE release packaging :P14:30
_Groo_apachelogger: one deb at a time? XD14:31
_Groo_so beta2 is out? oO14:32
apacheloggerwe (the ninjas) have super exclusive access to the source before it gets released14:32
_Groo_apachelogger: its called svn -.-14:32
_Groo_apachelogger: Super Vindicated Ninjas14:33
_Groo_apachelogger: isnt this (*@&#*(@# suposed to work? pstoedit: Depends: libpstoedit0c2a (>= 3.45-4~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed14:35
_Groo_apachelogger: ive done the usual package by the book.. this ppa is starting to piss me off.. can i just send you my diff?14:35
_Groo_apachelogger: i already build it locally and tested it...14:35
_Groo_apachelogger: 99% chance it will work for jaunty without changes too14:36
apachelogger_Groo_: diff.gz and dsc to apachelogger@ubuntu.com14:38
_Groo_apachelogger: sent14:41
* _Groo_ warns that using groo packages may cause sexual disfunction, loss of hair and wow addiction14:42
* seele yawns14:55
gambixi i need a big help on a problem with glib15:08
gambixthe package seem to be broken15:08
_Groo_seeya later ppl :)15:24
seelehuh.. did pitti remove his blog entry about amarok?15:30
Nightrosehe blogged about amarok?15:33
* DaSkreech tacklehugs Nightrose then throws himself off a cliff15:34
seeleNightrose: he commented on some technical stuff.. but it's removed from his blog now15:34
* DaSkreech hugs seele. Wheee System settings looks much nicer in 4.315:35
* Nightrose tries to find it15:35
stdinwho want's to fix bug #307412 ?15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307412 in kaffeine "Binary executable missing from kaffeine package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30741215:35
DaSkreechIs there a Kaffiene komplete with Koffee for KDE4 ?15:36
Nightrosethank god he removed that15:36
Nightrosemakes him look very stupid15:36
NightroseScottK: Riddell: Did pitti ask you about the amarok db? if so also clarification for you: amarok does not require a db setup by the user16:08
* Nightrose still shakes head about that blog entry16:08
apacheloggerNightrose: bad research16:25
Nightroseapachelogger: worst blog in days :(16:26
Nightrosedoesn't matter if it was bad research16:26
* apachelogger doesn't read blogs anymore, so he wouldn't know :P16:26
Nightroseand he said he talked to skot and Jonathan16:26
NightroseScott even16:26
Nightrosewhich makes it even worse16:27
Nightroseand worst thing: people read it and will actually believe the bs16:27
Nightrosebut oh well...16:27
Nightroseat least he took it offline16:28
apacheloggerNightrose: write a blog puting things straight16:28
apacheloggerplanet ubuntu got almost 4k google reader subscribers16:28
Nightroseoh dear...16:29
apacheloggerall those have that stuff in the reader cache16:29
Nightrosesounds like i need to write a blog entry16:30
* Nightrose sights16:30
* apachelogger huggles Nightrose and gives her a hot cup of tea16:32
Nightrose:) thx honez16:32
Jucatogood luck :)16:32
* Jucato waves good night16:33
Nightrosenini Jucato16:33
JucatoI didn't get the blog post from the planet. luckily Google cached it :P16:33
* Nightrose should teach parley not to change her keyboard layout16:33
apacheloggernow that is ugly behaviour :P16:33
Nightrosehehe nah it is what i told it to do16:34
Nightrosethere is just a small bug with it16:34
Nightrosewhen typing in spanish vocabulary i want it to have a spanish keyboard layout so i can type the special characters16:34
Nightrosebut for some reason it doesn't go back to the german layout when i close parley16:35
apacheloggerI am not sure I would want a completely different layout for that16:35
Nightrosewell i wanted to give it a try :P16:36
Nightroseand it is handy i have to say16:36
seeleNightrose: he heard us talking about amarok requiring mysql and no the setup does not require the user to enter a password16:49
Nightrosei see16:49
seeleNightrose: if we use kpackagekit (which we most likely will).. they wont have a chance to set it on setup, it defaults to no password16:49
Nightroseyea shouldn't be a problem then16:50
Nightroseit is completely configuration free16:50
Nightrosemysql != mysql embedded16:50
RiddellNightrose: shaking head at which blog entry?17:01
NightroseRiddell: pitti's - he took it offline already17:02
Nightroseit was very uninformed17:02
smartercare to paste it somewhere so we can all see it? :]17:03
* Nightrose would have expected better of him17:06
Nightrosebut oh well17:06
* Nightrose drinks tea and chills17:06
Riddellhow strange17:06
* rgreening yawns17:07
Riddellhi jjesse, crisis managed?17:53
jjesseRiddell yes crisis managed17:53
jjessecaleb had a fever and was consipitated which is why he wasn't sleeping17:53
jjesseloaded him up on prune juice and cleared up both problems17:54
jjessehow's the discussion todya?17:55
jjessethe discussion must be captiviating as no one is responding18:01
=== rmblr is now known as Ramblurr
jjessewow the prune juice kicked in big time for caleb18:31
=== quassel251 is now known as Riddelll
Riddelllwhy does quassel feel the need to include a window showing the raw IRC protocol?18:41
NightroseRiddell: have you seen the mail on the kubuntu list about kaffeine being removed?18:48
NightroseRiddell: i have that here as well and since my phonon is b0rked i can't watch videos right now18:48
RiddellNightrose: yeah, working on it19:06
Nightroseok thx19:06
Nightroseinstalled vlc now19:06
yuriyhuh nobody here is subscribed to bug 26919119:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269191 in kdenlive "[Wish][Intrepid]Please include Kdenlive 0.7 for kde4 in the repo´s" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26919119:25
yuriybut someone is working on a package, right?19:25
Riddellyuriy: yes, ScottK-laptop19:34
ScottKyuriy: I've been picking at it.19:34
ScottKAnyone wants to jump in and make it work, feel free.  For Intrepid you'll also have to backport mlt and mlt++.19:38
rgreeninggobby stands for gobble up your notes20:12
ScottKHaving read nixternal's blog post ...  What IRC client are we shipping?20:29
ScottKYes we are shipping one, but we don't know what it is yet?20:30
Riddellno resolution yet20:31
nixternalScottK: read the comment in that post, as it will answer that20:35
* smarter votes for Quassel :]20:35
nixternalif k3b comes out with a kde4 release we can use, then it just leaves konvi as the only KDE 3 app, and trying to rid ourselves of that would mean we would lose konvi on the cd, but it would still be available in the archive20:36
smarterdo we have a replacement for knetworkmanager?20:36
nixternalsmarter: nope, but we didn't get to see tonio show off the knetworkmangler kde4 version...pretty pimp but far from perfect20:37
ScottK-laptopWell if IRC is the primary means of getting end user support, I'd think we should ship an IRC client in the default install....20:37
nixternalwe will probably utilize the kubuntu-users mailing list as the primary in the future, as some complaints from new users is that the main support is on IRC, which they are uncomfortable with20:38
directhexpeople complaining because there's not *enough* mailing listage?20:38
* smarter is more confortable with IRC than ml :P20:39
nixternalsmarter: as I am as well, but unfortunately being a fairly substantial community distribution, we have to listen to the users....if it is that much of a worry that we have IRC, I suggest people start helping Sho_ get it ported and working in KDE 420:40
seelemailing lists are much more commonplace than IRC20:41
smarter...or we switch to Quassel :p20:41
nixternalsmarter: yes, the IRC client that connects to localhost by default instead of a real IRC server20:41
nixternalI say screw it, and we ship Irssi20:41
smarternixternal: and we remove X20:42
nixternaloh man, that would rock!20:42
nixternaleveryone complaining about their ati cards...get rid of x and ati cards work perfectly :)20:43
smarterthey will complain about framebuffer drivers not working at full speed :p20:43
* directhex locks up nixternal's framebuffer console20:43
nixternalI haven't locked that up in a super long time20:43
* smarter remembers http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Uncyclux :]20:43
directhexuncyclopaedia is on wikia now? o_o20:44
seeleok.. am i stupid or something20:45
seelei cant get quassel to connect20:45
nixternalseele: change localhost in quassel's settings20:45
seeleadded a connection.. put irc.freenode.net in hostname.. port 666720:45
nixternalhaha, nice20:45
seeleclicked ok.. it's added.. click OK and it says it didn't connect20:45
seeleno other information20:45
seeleso uh.. what did i do wrong?20:45
smarteron the buffer view in the list, you should have Freenode, click on it, then on buffer state and see if it's trying to connect, if not, right click on freenode --> connect20:46
smarteralso, the version of quassel in Kubuntu 8.10 is a bit outdated20:46
seeleno.. its not in that list20:47
seeleoh wait20:47
seelewhat's quassel core?20:47
smarterquassel has two parts20:47
smarterquasselcore and quasselclient20:47
smarterthe client connects to the core20:47
seelei just apt-get install quassel and typed quassel in krunner20:48
smarterthis allow to have a core on a remote system, so that you can stay connected on the net20:48
seeleis that the client or core?20:48
smarternone :p20:48
Nightroseseele: that is the standalone package that has both20:48
smarterthis is a version with both client and core built in the same exe20:48
smarterfor those who don't have a server20:48
smarter(thought it's also handy to stay connected when you reboot X)20:49
seeleok.. so how do i get to the client? i clicked the Quassel icon20:49
Nightroseseele: if you have a server with a core somewhere like i do you only need to install the client and can save some discspace that way20:49
seeleok.. so i installed quassel-client, opened it.. put irc.freenode.net 6667 and it still wont connect20:51
Nightrosewhere did you put it? in the connect dialog at the beginning?20:51
seelewhy does it still say quassel core?  i apt-get removed quassel and installed quassel-client20:51
seeleyes.. the first dialog20:51
Nightrosethat one is only for connecting to the server where your core is running20:52
seelethat's stupid20:52
Nightrose(yes usability of quassel is a nightmare still)20:52
seeleand we want to ship this?20:52
Nightrosei don't think it is ready for that yet20:52
Nightrosei am trying to push them in the right direction from time to time but it needs someone with more time and knowledge to really get it perfect20:52
seeleok.. so.. hmm20:53
seelewhere do i add an irc network?  File -> Networks gave me a dialog that was completely disabled20:53
Nightroseare you running the client only now? without a core?20:53
Nightroseif so that will not work20:54
Nightroseinstall the quassel package if you just want to try it localy20:54
seeleso it's not a client?20:54
Nightrosewhat you have is a client but it needs a core to connect to20:54
* seele faceslaps20:55
Nightroseif you install "quassel" you get both in one20:55
seeleforget this.. apt-get remove20:55
Nightroseit is kinda like irssi with screen20:55
Nightrosebut with a (not yet perfect) gui20:55
seeleand we expect people to use this for support reasons?20:56
Nightroseif you have suggestions on how to improve it one of their lead devs is a friend of mine - i can get you in touch with them or anyone you could recommend20:56
seelethey'll need support just to install the thing20:56
seelei'd rather just get konversation ported :)20:56
Nightrosejep as I said i don't think it is ready for that20:56
Nightroseit needs a lot of work to be usable by joe-user20:57
Nightroseit works nice for me now that i know how to use it and compared to a few months ago it is already a lot better20:57
smarterif it's properly installed and configured(thought I'm not sure there is a system-wide config file?), users shouldn't have too much problems20:57
Nightrosesmarter: there are still too many problems20:58
ScottK-laptopHow's their security history?20:58
Nightrosevery good so far afaik20:58
ScottK-laptopIIRC we patched a significant security bug right before Intrepid release.20:58
ScottK-laptop\sh took care of it, i think.20:58
Nightrosejep he is a friend of sput20:58
Nightroseone of the lead devs20:59
ScottK-laptopYeah.  That's the one.20:59
smarterbetween and the fix) ten days passed, I don't know when the bug was reported but it looks like it was quiet quickly fixed21:00
ScottK-laptopThat's the reason why I asked though.  If that's the only one and they're responsive, not a big deal.21:03
ScottK-laptopI misremembered.  It was apachelogger that took care of the quassel security issue right before release.21:08
jjesseafternoon everyone :)21:35
* jjesse finished christmas shopping today ;)21:35
jpdsjjesse: You're back /home?21:37
jjessejpds: yeah i had to go home early due to family emergency21:37
jpdsjjesse: Ah, sorry to hear that.21:37
jjesseson wasn't sleeping due to fever, ear ache, etc and because of that wife had like 5 hours of sleep all week while i was at uds21:38
jjesseso i came home early21:38
jjessebut a lot of the stuff i cared about was already discussed which was nice21:38
RiddellNightrose: do you know why the library amarok uses is a static library?22:33
Nightrosemysql embedded? you'd need to ask Aides about that22:34
Nightrosehe is the mysql guru22:34
NCommanderhey Riddell22:35
Riddellhi Nightrose22:40
Riddellhi NCommander22:40
NCommanderRiddell, I need your help on something22:41
NCommanderWhere are you heading after this meeting?22:41
Riddellno plans22:42
seeleRiddell: did you get your tshirt?22:55
Riddellseele: nope22:55
seelehmm.. i saw the boxes under the tables but i dont know if they were empty22:56
seelenixternal is crew, you should see if he can nab you one22:57
* seele pokes nixternal 22:57
Riddell<nixternal> they're over there on the table22:58
glatzorTonio_, http://launchpad.net/~packagekit/+archive23:29
Riddell* spec for review https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntyKDEPackaging23:42
RiddellNightrose: is there a new kaffine up?  does it fix your problem?23:44
* Nightrose checks23:44
Riddelli.e. it should be up, might be on your mirror23:44
Nightroseno update yet23:45
Nightrosei am using the main server i think23:45
Riddelloh grr23:46
RiddellI messed up23:46
Nightroseheh no problem - i am probably up for another hour at least if you need me to check later23:47
apacheloggerRiddell: you are in good company23:48
* apachelogger just broke batbuild23:48
* Nightrose hands out cookies to the b0rkers :P23:49
RiddellNightrose: 0.8.7-1ubuntu3~intrepid2 uploaded, look out for it appearing, should be fairly fast I believe the bulidds are quiet this week23:50

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