
mconnorasac: barring a magic fairy making me feel better, I'm not making it today :(00:03
mconnorbeen sleeping most of the day, barely have the energy to sit up00:04
mconnor<-- fail00:04
mconnoroh, perfect timing, message people when the wifi fails... ;)00:11
stevelfta: http://grommit.com/gallery/v/stephen/mozilla_open_house/DSC_5480.jpg.html00:14
mconnorfta: if you're around, please relay to asac.  I'm going to go sleep some more.00:15
asacmconnor: ok ... maybe see you tomorrow00:19
asacget better00:19
mconnorasac: yeah, hopefully another 12 hours of sleep will be enough :-/00:20
[reed]mconnor: ok, I have IRC up on the screen, so you can participate from your hotel00:26
mconnorhi everybody00:33
Ventronmconnor: will you be here tomorrow?00:37
mconnorVentron: I hope so, unless I'm even worse00:37
Ventronanyone remember how to dial an outside line from google?00:37
Ventronassuming anyone tried a phone here instead of just using all your iphones :/00:39
reed_mibbitwe're talking about data integration now... bookmarks, address book, tasks/events01:11
mconnordata integration in what sense?01:12
mconnorlike, syncing to or using a system store for this?01:13
asacmconnor: desktop integration like: on the main screen you display the most used bookmarks /sites etc.01:13
asacmconnor: in the clock you display events from sunbird .... in IM clients you can read the tbird addrbook (or even display your contacts on the main desktop screen)01:14
asacso basically, everything you currently store in your profile and is not available for other apps should at best be storable in some backend01:15
sayrerinteresting, we're not that far away from that01:15
asacsayrer: for addrbook? or bookmarks?01:19
asac(or events/tasks ;))01:19
sayrerasac, we are storing everything in sqlite, and we have projects for server sync. desktop querying is a related wrinkle01:20
asacsayrer: problem with sqlite is that its locked ;)01:21
mconnorasac: that's because we're doing that by choice01:21
mconnor8% faster!01:21
sayrermaybe we should make Places available over DBUS or something like that01:22
asacsayrer: ++01:22
asacwe should make a sane interface then ... not sure if running arbitrary sql commands is what we want to support through dbus01:22
asacsayrer: oh ... there is one problem ... if firefox isnt running the dbus isnt available ;)01:23
sayreryeah, I mean expose the places API, which isn't raw sql01:23
asac(actually its a thing i already thought about)01:23
sayrerhey, we should go multi process anyway01:23
sayrerwhy not leave Places running as a daemon01:24
sayrer(mconnor might kill me)01:24
asacsayrer: if thats an option we can make an auto-activated tiny dbus service out of it01:24
mconnorsayrer: why me? that's dietrich's problem, not mine!01:25
sayrermconnor, you make a good point01:25
sayrermconnor, btw... if we leave places running as a daemon, we win on startup time01:26
mconnorsayrer: guess it depends on the overhead in talking to the daemon...01:27
sayrermconnor, well places is all async now01:27
asacadded one more integration thing:01:27
mconnorsayrer: not all...01:27
asac* gnome-keyring (requires async login manager)01:27
sayrermconnor, ok, so there are still some bugs01:28
asaci didnt add that in the first place because thats a long standing issue that was long discussed01:28
mconnorsayrer: it's still a million miles better :)01:28
asacand 1.9 login manager didnt ring this async feature unfortunately01:28
asac@time los_angeles01:28
ubottuCurrent time in America/Los_Angeles: December 11 2008, 17:29:19 - Next meeting: LoCo Council in 3 days01:28
asacmore info on gnomevfs (how long):01:32
asac02:15 < asac> seb128: any idea when gnomevfs is going to be dropped completely=?01:32
asac02:16 < asac> or will it stay there forever?01:32
asac02:16 < seb128> asac: we still have gtk1 in the archive, 15 years or so?01:32
asac02:16 < seb128> asac: concerned about CD, main, or ubuntu?01:32
asac02:17 < asac> seb128: mozilla wants to know how urgent its to migrate away01:32
asac02:19 < seb128> asac: still 60 sources using it in main01:32
asac02:19 < seb128> asac: I would say jaunty+1 dropping it from the CD01:32
asac02:20 < seb128> asac: it'll probably be in universe for the next lts01:32
timelesshrm, places as a daemon could make my group happy01:32
mconnortimeless: clearly we can't do that01:38
asacok EOS ;) .... to be continued tomorrow 9:4501:49
=== jtv2 is now known as jtv
mconnorreed: yeah, I, uh, I am not making it.16:59
* mconnor is really glad he's not flying today17:00
reedstill sick, or what exactly?17:00
mconnorstill sick17:00
reedok... I'll try getting the phone thing working at least.17:00
mconnorI thought I was doing better until 5 minutes ago. :(17:00
reedthrew up?17:01
asacmconnor: they have good restrooms here :)17:02
asac... just kiddin', sorry to hear that. hope you get better.17:02
mconnorclearly I'm not hardcore enough17:02
mconnorI'm going to lie down some more17:05
ftaasac, it seems tb3 has no application registered17:07
ftaasac, that's why i have no handler for http17:08
asacfta: what do you mean with "no application registered"?17:13
ftahm, no protocol handler17:14
ftaasac, does i work for you?17:17
asacfta: no. it doesn t work17:24
asacfta: i think the problem is that the gnome support stuff isnt in there17:24
ftahm, right. i don't have gnomesupport.17:27
reedfta: come to Albor17:43
reedfta: ask in #developers on moznet, or ping glandium?18:30
asac@time los_angeles18:37
ubottuCurrent time in America/Los_Angeles: December 12 2008, 10:37:50 - Next meeting: LoCo Council in 3 days18:37
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
=== fta2 is now known as fta
ftastevel, i was wondering while re-reading your blog entry, where did you get the impression that songbird would ever be in main?19:47
stevelfta: i didn't :) i actually didn't realise there was a distinction between main vs. universe.19:47
ftastevel, it's not clear in your wordings then... "one of the ideas asac and I were tossing around was putting a Songbird package into universe instead of main."19:50
ftastevel, several people already asked me where that main thing come from19:51
stevelah; it was new to me because i actually didn't know (prior to wednesday) that there was a distinction between main vs. universe.  hence the "instead of"19:51
ftasorry, crappy wifi, did i miss something?19:55
stevelnot beyond my "ah; it was new to me because i actually didn't know (prior to wednesday) that there was a distinction between main vs. universe.  hence the "instead of" msg20:00
steveli can post a follow-up noting my ignorance if that would help :)20:00
ftawell; sort of. at least it should not confuse other people also trying to have their project in ubuntu20:05
asacstevel: yeah ... so universe is the place to start ... main is only for those applications that are ment to be "essential" for ubuntu20:13
* stevel nods20:14
asacstevel: so one of the guidelines is that we only have one application for each use-case in main20:14
asac_21:14 < asac> stevel: so one of the guidelines is that we only have one application for each  use-case in main20:16
asac_also there has to be a certain amount of demand to actually consider a use-case "mainable"20:17
asac_one way to proof this is by being in universe and having a good popcon score20:17
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacfurter there are other requirements attached to main ... but with those two points you usually get a good feeling for it20:18
asacmaybe also consider if there is another app in main that fullfills the same use-case that that app has to be demoted20:18
asacso more or less like "evoltion" ;) ... fight for the precious space on CD ... fight for the support committment from canonical and so on ;)20:19
asacstevel: does that help a bit?20:19
asac(personally i dont mind if you post a correction .... its just that folks suddenly asked us "why did songbird think that they can go to main" ... but well20:19
asacyou are not really a ubuntu developer, so folks thinking that you know the right procedures would be wrong too20:20
asac@time los_angeles20:23
ubottuCurrent time in America/Los_Angeles: December 12 2008, 12:23:49 - Next meeting: LoCo Council in 2 days20:23
stevelasac: thanks for the clarification; yeah that does help20:35
stevelclearly the better fix is to get people to stop reading my blog20:39
Nafalloasac: oh HAI!20:40
Nafalloasac: I can haz no wirelessscanningcache post-resume plz?20:40
asacstevel: hehe ... no ... misinofrmation is also information ;)20:51
asacno prob20:51
reedasac: fta around?22:55
reedhe should upstream that patch!22:55
reedfta: upstream that patch!23:04
ftanot complete23:05
ftahence the bzXXX23:05
reedthought that just meant you hadn't upstreamed it23:06
reednot that it was "incomplete"23:06
ftareed, where are you?23:07
reedMozilla; coming back in just a bit23:07
=== fta2 is now known as fta
fta<reed> fta: upstream that patch!23:20
fta<reed> :(23:20
fta<fta> not complete23:20
fta<fta> hence the bzXXX23:20
fta<fta> reed, where are you?23:20
reedfta: Mozilla; coming back in just a bit23:22
asacreed: which patch?23:44
asacfta: ^^ ? any clueß23:45
asacfta: you only have one patch?23:46
asacfta: which one?23:46
ftai mean, my last one in the xul branch23:46
ftareed saw the commit mail23:47
asacsaw it now23:47

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