
arabdmurray, sbeattie: do you already have a xmas tree: http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2008/12/in-spirit-of-yesterdays-post.html?01:12
sbeattieara: schwuk may want to make one of those.01:14
bdmurrayWhat would I do with all the Mountain Dew?01:16
arabdmurray: you can still use heineken cans01:17
bdmurrayara: awesome!01:21
charlie-tcaJaunty Question: Finally got an alternate cd image that loaded. If /home/$USER is carried forward, the user can be added!01:32
charlie-tcaThe user does not currently exist, but /home/$USER does. Trying to add the user generates an error that home directory exists.01:33
charlie-tcaIf the user does not currently exist, but /home/$USER does. Trying to add the user generates an error that home directory exists.01:42
charlie-tcaIs this a known bug?01:42
charlie-tcaAny workaround to add the user if /home/$USER exists without losing the home directory?01:51
hggdhcharlie-tca, I do not think this is the right channel...02:33
hggdhbut did you check if the userIds (user number) are the same?02:34
charlie-tcaYeah, Sorry. I asked in #ubuntu+1 and then found the bug from hardy02:34
charlie-tcaUserIds match. I´ll give it a day or two.02:34
davmor2bdmurray: could you not just have a tickbox put in launch pad for sru?18:20
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davmor2cr3: what happens about 3d driver issue/ compiz issue on these machines is it possible to test these?19:38
cr3davmor2: for laptops, that requires on site assistance from myself19:39
davmor2Okay cool.  Will there be some way to inform the developers of this?19:41
cr3davmor2: upstream or distro?19:41
davmor2I'm guessing distro19:41
davmor2or is this what the advanced search thing will do?19:41
cr3davmor2: this could be documented and the three points of contact proposed could answer this kind of question19:42
cr3davmor2: the advanced search thing is strictly to find what hardware has what19:42
davmor2cr3: I think a quick doc listing what is available where I think would be better quicker and easier.  Also if all the lappy tests need you around then the points of contact can only redirect to you.19:43
cr3davmor2: the certification website already has a listing of everything available and where, but that's only moderately useful considering most questions I've received are for specific devices19:44
davmor2cr3: what's the max resolution on the monitor etc?19:49
davmor2on non laptops19:50
cr3davmor2: through the kvm? not sure, but rather low19:51
davmor2so how would you go about checking hi res issues would that be a case of manual testing on the laptops?19:52
cr3davmor2: I'm contemplating automatic graphics controller testing which would: 1. cycle through all supported resolutions; 2. take a screenshot and compare against golden images; 3. have a human only validate one of the resolutions19:54
davmor2cr3: Okay cool.  Only other thing hardware wise is external devices being pluged in.  i.e. dell inspire ..... doesn't work with my ipod etc19:56
cr3davmor2: yeah, that's a tough one... lego mindstorm bots running around, plugging devices in and out?20:02
davmor2It's getting the devices too :)20:03
davmor2cr3: do any of the servers come with impi cards in if so that will tell you if it has power from a remote location20:08
cr3davmor2: the servers have various heterogeneous ways to get that information from the serial port, but each are probably different :(20:08
davmor2cr3: okay I just remember a talk at the lug about impi 3 and how useful it was for remote power switch on/reset etc20:10
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davmor2schwuk: that's an outrageous lie ;)20:23
davmor2ara: that's most cos we have no pr in the testing team :D20:40
davmor2ara: will you be covering layout and base format for the testcases?23:26
aradavmor2: sure, that's the main topic of the sessoin :)23:26
stgraberdavmor2: sound quality's ok ?23:27
davmor2stgraber: quiet but okay23:27
davmor2ara: would it be possible to create a template for a blank testcase page while the majority of the team are in one place?23:29

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