directhex | hm. do i still serve any purpose being here? are we happy about the mono 2 transition as applied to kde4bindings? | 00:01 |
* Riddell hasn't looked at the mono issue at all | 00:02 | |
Nightrose | (no updated kaffeine yet) | 00:02 |
Riddell | Nightrose: have patience | 00:03 |
ScottK-laptop | Riddell: Would you please do the binary New processing on quassel in intrepid-backports? | 00:03 |
Riddell | or go to bed and wake up to working kaffine | 00:03 |
ScottK-laptop | I'd like to give it a try ... | 00:03 |
Nightrose | what is that patience you are talking about Riddell? :P | 00:03 |
Nightrose | but yea - i should go to bed | 00:04 |
ScottK-laptop | directhex: I don't thing there are any remaining issues specific to the Mono transition. | 00:04 |
Nightrose | but still stuff to do :( | 00:04 |
ScottK-laptop | directhex: You're welcome to hang out anyway though. | 00:04 |
Riddell | ScottK-laptop: accepted | 00:05 |
directhex | ScottK-laptop, i don't run kde, so don't have anything useful to offer in the context of this channel, now that the main issue is resolved. so i shall /part | 00:05 |
ScottK-laptop | Riddell: Thanks. | 00:05 |
ScottK-laptop | OK, we can break Mono again now. | 00:05 |
ScottK-laptop | ;-) | 00:06 |
siekacz | hi | 00:10 |
ScottK | Now to see if my sarcastic comment gets published. I read and commented that how about we make it so our translations aren't worse than what upstream provides first before we get all high and mighty about localization. | 00:12 |
NCommander | Riddell, or ScottK, do you know specifically who I can send an email to about kdebindings? | 00:14 |
* ScottK looks at Riddell and runs away. | 00:15 | |
ScottK | Actually going off to pick up $YOUNGEST_CHILD from the FINAL Nutcracker rehersal. | 00:15 |
seele | Tonio_: get in albor now | 00:17 |
nixternal | Tonio_: WHERE ARE YOU? :) | 00:22 |
NCommander | Nightrose, you floating around? | 00:23 |
Nightrose | jep | 00:24 |
Nightrose | wasup? | 00:24 |
rgreening | yo | 00:24 |
siekacz | do i need to install google gadgets to use google widgets in KDE 4? | 00:24 |
NCommander | We just had a great moment in real life | 00:24 |
Nightrose | hehe tell | 00:24 |
NCommander | Nightrose, ask seele | 00:25 |
Nightrose | seele: tell! :P | 00:25 |
jjesse | seele and NCommander what was te great moment? | 00:25 |
jjesse | did i miss the best part of #uds? | 00:25 |
rgreening | some funny stories from tonio | 00:26 |
jjesse | ah | 00:26 |
rgreening | my side stil hurts | 00:26 |
Nightrose | oh come on | 00:26 |
Nightrose | tell us | 00:26 |
rgreening | what happens at UDS stays at UDS | 00:26 |
Nightrose | :( | 00:26 |
rgreening | unless you beg | 00:26 |
rgreening | :P | 00:26 |
* Nightrose begs | 00:26 | |
Nightrose | :P | 00:26 |
jjesse | that's not what i heard | 00:26 |
seele | Nightrose: freudian slip when i went to say your name | 00:26 |
rgreening | OMFG | 00:26 |
jjesse | oh boy | 00:26 |
rgreening | hahahahahah | 00:26 |
Nightrose | oh dear :P | 00:27 |
Nightrose | do i wanna know? | 00:27 |
NCommander | Probably not. | 00:27 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 00:27 |
Riddell | Tonio_: session now? albor | 00:27 |
seele | Tonio TOOOOOONIO | 00:28 |
jjesse | he's probablly out smoking | 00:28 |
seele | for 30 minutes? | 00:28 |
Hobbsee | !vistalover > nixternal | 00:28 |
ubottu | nixternal, please see my private message | 00:28 |
nixternal | thanks Hobbsee! | 00:29 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: you're welcome! | 00:29 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: so, about this MIRC.... | 00:29 |
nixternal | I LOVE MIRC!!! | 00:33 |
* Hobbsee updates ubottu | 00:37 | |
* Jucato kicks nixternal and Hobbsee before disappearing into the void | 00:38 | |
* Hobbsee tickles Jucato | 00:39 | |
* Jucato dies laughing.. in the void | 00:40 | |
* jpds thinks that UDS makes everyone hyper. | 00:40 | |
Jucato | good that it does :) | 00:40 |
Jucato | that hyper has to last for 6 months :) | 00:40 |
jpds | I'm going to miss everyone till next time though. | 00:41 |
nixternal | I am not going to miss any of you! | 00:49 |
nixternal | just kidding | 00:49 |
NCommander | nixternal, it could be worse | 00:50 |
NCommander | nixternal, we could just follow you home to Chicago | 00:51 |
nixternal | we have plenty of guns in chicago, so be careful | 00:52 |
Jucato | well, I will miss you all :) | 00:54 |
Jucato | well, I guess that's that! goodbye everyone! thanks for the help, the time, the company, and the Kubuntu :D | 00:57 |
Jucato | I wish you luck, power, and more ninjas | 00:57 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: oops... too concentrated on the amarok packaging.... missed that one,but for good reason :) | 01:10 |
rgreening | ~twitter update UDS is finished (for me at least) and going home... cheers | 01:19 |
kubotu | status updated | 01:19 |
rgreening | apachelogger: kde4bindings fails due to csharp | 01:29 |
Riddell | new spec! | 01:30 |
ScottK | So this is way harder to set up than Konversation. | 02:18 |
ScottK | I think it'd need some real work to be suitable as a default, but who knows ... | 02:18 |
Riddell | yeah, it's a geek app is quassel | 02:50 |
ScottK | How much does dumping Konversation off the CD save us? | 02:54 |
* ScottK would look at the HP printing stuff for space savings first. That's all pretty irrelevant if you don't have an HP printer. | 03:14 | |
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh | ||
manchicken | Howdy. | 04:45 |
ScottK-laptop | Howdy manchicken. | 04:46 |
manchicken | How goes schtuff? | 04:46 |
ScottK-laptop | Nightrose: One thing that would be a huge help with quassel is if they'd add an openssl exception to their code so we can link quassel against openssl and legally ship an SSL enabled version. | 04:47 |
ScottK-laptop | Nightrose: See for a good explanation. | 04:47 |
ScottK-laptop | manchicken: OK. UDS is over and so I guess everyone that went is en route back home. | 04:48 |
ScottK-laptop | They decided no more KDE3 in Main, so we need an IRC client to replace Konversation. | 04:48 |
ScottK-laptop | They also decided KPackageKit and no more Adept too. | 04:48 |
ScottK | So I'm experimenting with quassel a bit. | 04:50 |
ScottK | It'd not read for average users by a long shot. | 04:50 |
ScottK | read/ready | 04:52 |
ScottK | manchicken: ^^^ | 04:52 |
manchicken | Interesting. | 04:53 |
manchicken | Need any help with any of that? | 04:53 |
manchicken | heh | 04:53 |
manchicken | I've been getting slightly bored from time to time. | 04:53 |
ScottK-laptop | I'm certain KPackagKit will need significant love. | 04:55 |
manchicken | Ack, he left. | 04:58 |
ScottK | Not really. | 04:58 |
ScottK | KNetworkManager hiccuped. | 04:58 |
ScottK-laptop | There's a list around here somewhere. | 04:59 |
=== ScottK-laptop is now known as ScottK2 | ||
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-laptop | ||
ScottK-laptop | manchicken: So what do you want to work on. | 05:01 |
manchicken | ScottK-laptop: What do you want me to work on? | 05:02 |
ScottK-laptop | manchicken: You're a volunteer, I want you to work on something you think will be fun. | 05:02 |
ScottK-laptop | I know that's not an answer. | 05:02 |
manchicken | hahahaha | 05:03 |
manchicken | I'm not a volunteer, I'm manchicken. I sporadically work on whatever you want me to work on... then I disappear for a year. haha | 05:04 |
ScottK-laptop | OK | 05:04 |
ScottK-laptop | How about a KDE front end version of apturl? | 05:04 |
manchicken | And apturl is? | 05:05 |
ScottK-laptop | I know we need that and I don't think anyone is working on it. | 05:05 |
manchicken | Is that like gdebi or something? | 05:05 |
ScottK-laptop | Some thing for grabbing crap from third party repositories. | 05:05 |
ScottK-laptop | ish, although that's for installing and this is more for finding I guess. | 05:05 |
ScottK-laptop | Dunno much, just know we need it. | 05:06 |
manchicken | This? | 05:06 |
manchicken | Is that an authoritative source? | 05:06 |
* ScottK-laptop looks | 05:06 | |
manchicken | Err, that looks rather empty | 05:06 |
ScottK-laptop | | 05:07 |
manchicken | Is that a kio slave that we need then? | 05:07 |
ScottK-laptop | That or not sure which is better. | 05:08 |
manchicken | Sorry, it's been a while since I've played here, it might take me a few to get back. | 05:08 |
ScottK-laptop | manchicken: I just package this stuff, I don't understand hpw any of it actually works. | 05:08 |
manchicken | Ah. | 05:08 |
ScottK-laptop | hpw/how. | 05:08 |
manchicken | So it looks like the first thing I need to do is talk to mvo. | 05:09 |
ScottK-laptop | I guess. I recall him saying something about making changes to make it easier to put a different front end on it. | 05:09 |
manchicken | Yeah, when we did UDS Sevilla he seemed very interested in making UIs more pluggable. | 05:12 |
manchicken | Oh, wow, he even added an abstraction layer here. That's sexy. | 05:12 |
ScottK-laptop | OK. There you go. Something that needs doing and it's even sexy. | 05:13 |
manchicken | Hah | 05:19 |
* seele yawns | 05:29 | |
seele | sleepy.. want to get on plane | 05:30 |
manchicken | Is your flight being held up? | 05:36 |
* ScottK-laptop finds and thinks someone ought to have a look at it. | 05:45 | |
seele | manchicken: no, it is at 22:30 | 05:45 |
seele | 45 minutes from now | 05:45 |
seele | why do people think that they can start complaining about kde4 to me and think i care, let alone will fix anything | 05:46 |
seele | crimsun: do you go to any of the local events? i didn't get to talk to you much at UDS | 05:47 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: I know he goes to some DC loco stuff. | 05:47 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: Was there any discussion about the fate of guidance-power-manager? | 05:48 |
seele | ScottK-laptop: power devil ftw afaik | 05:48 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: Right, I already unseeded guidance, so it'll drop to Universe the next time component mismatches get processed. I think we should just remove it. | 05:49 |
ScottK-laptop | People will bitch, but it's buggy and not particularly maintained. | 05:49 |
seele | ok | 05:49 |
seele | also, we need to have a kubuntu meeting asap. probably soon after chrismas since Riddell is off galavanting around Cali next week | 05:50 |
seele | there is a lot of coding work this cycle, and a lot of stuff was delegated to package ninjas | 05:50 |
ScottK-laptop | I'll be travelling 12/22 - 29. | 05:50 |
seele | hmm | 05:50 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: manchicken just volunteered to do the KDE apturl thingy. | 05:50 |
seele | there are a lot of "it depends" decisions we'll have to be prepared for | 05:50 |
seele | i dont know what that is :) | 05:51 |
ScottK-laptop | It's on the list of crap that needs doing. | 05:51 |
ScottK-laptop | And the lack of it is what was making Firefox pull in half of Gnome. | 05:51 |
ScottK-laptop | That's about all I know. | 05:51 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: Was keeping Konversation on the CD one of the 'it depends'? | 05:52 |
seele | no.. there will be no KDE3 stuff | 05:52 |
seele | and konversation for kde4 is unlikely | 05:52 |
ScottK-laptop | OK, well there's zip for KDE4 IRC clients. | 05:52 |
ScottK-laptop | svn snapshot of kvirc-kde4 is all I could find. | 05:52 |
seele | right, i think earlier we basically decided no preinstalled irc client | 05:52 |
seele | and if someone wants konversation, they can download and install the kde3 libs | 05:53 |
seele | quassel isn't an option | 05:53 |
ScottK-laptop | Agree on that. | 05:53 |
seele | it would take too much time to port the kopete irc plugin | 05:53 |
ScottK-laptop | Kvirc neither from what I recall. | 05:53 |
seele | i think rgreening will look in to some pykde stuff, but i dont think that is hopeful | 05:53 |
ScottK-laptop | He's already doing a couple of pykde things. | 05:53 |
* ScottK-laptop grumbles. | 05:54 | |
ScottK-laptop | IRC is the primary communication means in this distro. | 05:54 |
seele | which is pretty silly, not everyone uses IRC | 05:54 |
ScottK-laptop | It seems at least slightly counter intuitive to not provide an IRC client in the default desktop. | 05:54 |
seele | Lydia is OK with this, and since she is our biggest community relations person then it must not be that big of a deal | 05:55 |
seele | then we need to port the Kopete IRC plugin (which is in c++ which noone knows) or pykde or ponies | 05:55 |
ScottK-laptop | manchicken knows C++ | 05:56 |
manchicken | Barely :P | 05:56 |
ScottK-laptop | You win. | 05:56 |
manchicken | hah | 05:56 |
ScottK-laptop | I'd just like to have a release with a complete desktop. I care a lot less about which KDE bits get used. | 05:57 |
ScottK-laptop | Oh well. | 05:57 |
ScottK-laptop | Off to bed with me before I get too bitter. | 05:57 |
manchicken | hah | 05:59 |
seele | gah.. flight delayed | 06:01 |
ScottK-laptop | Lovely. | 06:03 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: We told people that Intrepid would be a little sketchy and they might want to hold off, but that Intrepid +1 would be the one. I think it's a mistake to deliver less even in a small area. | 06:04 |
seele | ScottK-laptop: sure, but Jaunty isn't LTS so I dont think we should worry about it | 06:06 |
ScottK-laptop | Well I disagree, but I guess the decision is made. | 06:06 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: Was it no KDE3 in Main or no KDE3 on the CD? | 06:07 |
seele | ScottK-laptop: no kde3 on the cd. afaik it will still be in main | 06:07 |
ScottK-laptop | OK, well that's something I guess. | 06:08 |
seele | actually.. i'm not 100% sure about that. better ask someone else | 06:08 |
* ScottK-laptop looks around for someone else who was at the meeting? | 06:08 | |
ScottK-laptop | I guess my best hope is to go distract the k3b devs so that has to stay KDE3. | 06:09 |
seele | ScottK-laptop: theyre probably all out | 06:10 |
ScottK-laptop | Figured. | 06:10 |
ScottK-laptop | I guess I have to either keep pestering you or go to bed. | 06:10 |
seele | heh yeah | 06:11 |
seele | i hope i make it on the plane before passing out. i think i've managed to make everyone around me yawn at least once | 06:11 |
seele | hmm.. looks like only 20 minute delay. but then again we haven't begun boarding | 06:16 |
ScottK-laptop | Well good luck. I am, in fact, going to go to bed now. | 06:17 |
manchicken | seele: So, is the kopete IRC plugin just needing a KDE4 port? | 06:26 |
Riddell | ddddd | 07:05 |
manchicken | Riddell: Howdy. You're home already? | 07:13 |
mornfall | Does that mean I can definitely retire Adept? | 07:47 |
siekacz | hi | 09:45 |
siekacz | By next week, internet will be illegal... ofc in Poland :) | 09:48 |
=== siekacz is now known as siekacz_away | ||
* siekacz_away is away: Gone away for now | 10:37 | |
=== siekacz_away is now known as siekacz | ||
* siekacz is back. | 10:54 | |
=== siekacz is now known as siekacz_away | ||
* siekacz_away is away: Gone away for now | 11:05 | |
=== siekacz_away is now known as siekacz | ||
* siekacz is back. | 11:07 | |
Nightrose | ScottK-laptop: ScottK: I'll let the Quassel guys know - thx | 11:22 |
Nightrose | and i don't know how ready we can get quassel for the enduser until jaunty | 11:22 |
Nightrose | but if seele or someone else is willing to work with them I can push at least one of their devs | 11:23 |
Nightrose | but it definitely needs a good usability person with quite some time | 11:23 |
Nightrose | they know they have usability problems and want to work on it afaikt | 11:23 |
jussi01 | just that they never have enough time.... ;) | 11:24 |
* jussi01 waves to Nightrose | 11:25 | |
* Nightrose waves @ jussi01 :) | 11:27 | |
Nightrose | jussi01: yea that is a problem but if they know our situation and know that they have the chance to become the default irc client it might get things moving | 11:28 |
jussi01 | Nightrose: and If I send them more vodka :D | 11:28 |
jussi01 | but yeah, you are correct | 11:29 |
Nightrose | haha | 11:29 |
Nightrose | right | 11:29 |
jussi01 | we should get them in the loop there. | 11:29 |
Nightrose | jep | 11:30 |
Nightrose | but it really needs someone to help them with usability | 11:30 |
Nightrose | and unless seele wants to do it herself or finds someone else to help i don't see how it would work | 11:31 |
jussi01 | hrm, who apart from seele are our usability experts? | 11:31 |
Nightrose | that is the problem ;-) | 11:32 |
jussi01 | ahhh | 11:35 |
=== glade88_ is now known as glade88 | ||
Nightrose | ScottK: ScottK-laptop: - their working trees are pretty messed up right now so he filed a bugreport so it doesn't get forgotten - but it looks like they have no problem with it | 12:44 |
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying | ||
Nightrose | Riddell: kaffeine seems to be working again | 14:01 |
Nightrose | thx | 14:01 |
sikor_kde | anyone experienced with PyKDE? i am having a hard time connecting signals of kio-slaves, signal/slots work with gui elements, but slaves' signals never reach my slots :/ ( | 14:03 |
smarter | sikor_kde: it's (KJob *), not KIO::Job | 14:16 |
smarter | self.connect(copyjob, SIGNAL("result (KJob *)"), self.slotResult) << works that way | 14:16 |
sikor_kde | smarter: WORKS! | 14:20 |
sikor_kde | thanks! | 14:20 |
smarter | :) | 14:20 |
smarter | y/w | 14:20 |
smarter | found that after a quick search on | 14:20 |
sikor_kde | where is the documentation for that | 14:20 |
sikor_kde | ahh ok | 14:20 |
smarter | is useful even for Python programming | 14:21 |
* sikor_kde scratches his head | 14:21 | |
sikor_kde | i've looked at api pages a 1000 times | 14:22 |
sikor_kde | maybe the python references were outdated here | 14:22 |
smarter | seems correct | 14:22 |
sikor_kde | i'm also a bit puzzled, because my python installation does not seem to like all capitol letters in classnames | 14:23 |
sikor_kde | in tutorials you often find stuff like KURL and KIO | 14:23 |
sikor_kde | by accident i found out, that it's supposed to be KUrl | 14:25 |
smarter | strange | 14:26 |
sikor_kde | is that a special coding requirement for python? | 14:27 |
sikor_kde | because i tend to give my classes uppercase names aswell, if they contain abreviations | 14:28 |
sikor_kde | like MySSLClass | 14:28 |
smarter | maybe the name of the class changed | 14:28 |
smarter | do you have an example of doc using KURL/KIO and it works with KUrl/other? | 14:29 |
sikor_kde | | 14:30 |
sikor_kde | the c++ classes are still named KURL | 14:31 |
smarter | the code in this tutorial works here | 14:33 |
sikor_kde | i cannot use KURL here | 14:35 |
sikor_kde | NameError: global name 'KURL' is not defined | 14:35 |
smarter | "from kdecore import KURL" doesn't work? | 14:36 |
sikor_kde | ImportError: cannot import name KURL | 14:37 |
smarter | something is wrong on your system then | 14:37 |
smarter | try "from PyKDE4.kdecore import KURL" | 14:37 |
sikor_kde | that's the line in my code | 14:38 |
sikor_kde | i just can do import KUrl | 14:38 |
sikor_kde | maybe there is some global python setting to ignore uppercase? | 14:39 |
smarter | oh, hmm, with PyKDE4.kdecore, it doesn't work too | 14:39 |
smarter | with just kdecore it works | 14:39 |
sikor_kde | ah ok | 14:39 |
smarter | anyway, according to you should just use "*" | 14:39 |
sikor_kde | ok | 14:41 |
sikor_kde | anyway: i | 14:42 |
sikor_kde | err | 14:42 |
sikor_kde | do i have to use the c++ signals? | 14:43 |
sikor_kde | <- there are signals listed aswell | 14:43 |
smarter | yes | 14:46 |
sikor_kde | hmm "self.connect (listjob, SIGNAL ("entries (Job*, const UDSEntryList&)"), self.slotEntries)" doesn't seem to work :/ | 14:47 |
sikor_kde | and "self.connect (listjob, SIGNAL ("entries (KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList &)"), self.slotEntries)" will even crash the application | 14:50 |
smarter | KJob* | 14:51 |
cbr | hmm, i'm using the amarok-kde4 package from the ppa | 14:54 |
cbr | and it just won't play one album | 14:54 |
cbr | it outputs this into the console | 14:54 |
cbr | QString::arg: Argument missing: Amarok - ühtki pala ei esitata., 0:00 | 14:54 |
cbr | very strange :S | 14:56 |
sikor_kde | smarter: from where did you get this? says the signal is "entries (KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList &)" :/ | 14:59 |
smarter | sikor_kde: just guessed, maybe I'm wrong | 14:59 |
smarter | never used kio before actually :p | 14:59 |
sikor_kde | ok | 15:00 |
sikor_kde | is there any way to debug this? | 15:01 |
sikor_kde | it's like poking around in the dark | 15:01 |
freeflying | Riddell: is there any possibe to sync the translation with kde now? the trasnlation quality on lp is really not so nice | 15:11 |
sikor_kde | uhm | 15:25 |
sikor_kde | the signal "entries (KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList &)" might just not work in python\ | 15:25 |
sikor_kde | since there is no UDSEntryList | 15:25 |
sikor_kde | just UDSEntry | 15:25 |
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve | ||
rgreening | I'm home.. woo-hoo | 17:10 |
rgreening | ~twitter update Just arrived back in St. John's. It's actually warmer here than Mountainview.. heh | 17:11 |
kubotu | status updated | 17:11 |
rgreening | ~twitter update UDS: Best feel good quote given by a track lead to the Kubuntu team - "you guys rock". Now that's a great compliment :) | 17:59 |
kubotu | status updated | 17:59 |
rgreening | apachelogger: I'm getting all kinds of build issues. I must be forgetting something. Do you have a PPA with the new packages built thus far? | 18:02 |
apachelogger | no | 18:02 |
apachelogger | feel free to upload kdelibs | 18:02 |
apachelogger | pimlibs needs a change though | 18:02 |
rgreening | hmm... have you got the dsc/diff for me to build/upload kdelibs? | 18:03 |
rgreening | seeing you reviewed | 18:04 |
rgreening | NCommander has my usb stick.. ACK | 18:04 |
jjesse-dell9 | afternoon :) | 18:34 |
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh | ||
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
apachelogger | Nightrose: IMHO we should create a small app that can download konversation | 18:55 |
apachelogger | s/download/install | 18:56 |
Nightrose | hmm yea maybe | 18:56 |
manchicken | I thought someone was talking about bringing in the kopete IRC plugin. | 19:08 |
manchicken | Is that not the case | 19:09 |
manchicken | Does it need a KDE4 port or something? | 19:09 |
manchicken | (the kopete plugin, not konversation) | 19:09 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
glade88 | was the adding of new entries to task manager widget intensionally reversed (made left to right) ? | 19:48 |
* JontheEchidna hasn't noticed that | 19:52 | |
glade88 | so guessing, it wasnt intensional :) | 19:53 |
apachelogger | glade88: it sorts them | 19:54 |
glade88 | apachelogger: on what order? no of open windows? | 19:55 |
apachelogger | I dunno | 19:56 |
apachelogger | I am not a fan of it | 19:56 |
apachelogger | as I am not of grouping | 19:56 |
glade88 | :) | 19:56 |
JontheEchidna | my dad's biggest pet peeves about KDE4 (besides things not working the way they used to) is that the taskmanager is one row and that there isn't any grouping | 19:57 |
JontheEchidna | he's got like 15 xterms open at any given time | 19:58 |
glade88 | with 2+ apps open, grouping is "activated" | 19:58 |
glade88 | 2+ different | 19:58 |
glade88 | apps | 19:58 |
glade88 | any idea whats this? | 20:06 |
smarter | JontheEchidna: you can force it to use two rows | 20:07 |
smarter | or more | 20:07 |
smarter | glade88: it sorts alphabetically by default | 20:07 |
JontheEchidna | smarter: he doesn't have 4.2 beta installed | 20:07 |
JontheEchidna | it's his work computer | 20:07 |
smarter | unfortunately the two rows are really small with the default theme | 20:08 |
glade88 | smarter: ah.. thanks | 20:08 |
smarter | glade88: it's configurable (: | 20:09 |
glade88 | +1. /me missed that out :) | 20:12 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
=== glade88 is now known as glade88|ZzZ | ||
Tm_T | hmmmmmh | 23:12 |
Tm_T | who I should blame if after installing some gnome bits, my KDE session gets infested by gnome | 23:13 |
Tm_T | like, metacity overrided kwin | 23:13 |
apachelogger | Tm_T: yourself for installing gnoem bits in the first place? | 23:22 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde |
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