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shingi | is anybody available to answer my questions | 03:34 |
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shingi | anybody available to help me | 03:41 |
jpds | shingi: Which question is that? | 03:41 |
shingi | ok, i want to start packaging. I have read the documentation and have done some packaging on my computer | 03:42 |
shingi | how do i now get involved | 03:43 |
jpds | shingi: This page might help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | 03:49 |
shingi | ok, will have a look at it | 03:54 |
jmarsden | shingi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing will probably be worth your while too | 04:44 |
shingi | ok thanks. I am trying to build the Sphinx package and when I ran pbuilder it reports that it cannot find MySQL include files and yet I have done sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev | 04:46 |
ScottK-laptop | shingi: Does the package build-dep on the -dev package? | 04:49 |
ScottK-laptop | Installing it locally doesn't make it available inside the pbuilder chroot. | 04:49 |
ScottK-laptop | It only pulls in the build-deps. | 04:49 |
shingi | sorry I cannot get your question ScottK-laptop. I am new to packaging. | 04:51 |
ScottK-laptop | shingi: In your package in debian/control there is a field called build-dep (for build-dependencies). | 04:52 |
ScottK-laptop | Is libmysqlclient-dev listed there? | 04:52 |
shingi | let me just check | 04:52 |
shingi | its not listed | 04:53 |
jmarsden | shingi: This issue (not having all the necessary build dependencies specified) is one of the things pbuilder is very good at testing for you. So most likely you should add libmysqlclient-dev to the Build-Dep line and try building the package again. | 04:53 |
shingi | ok, will do that now | 04:54 |
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shingi | the build was successfull | 05:00 |
ScottK | After you added that in? | 05:00 |
shingi | yes | 05:00 |
shingi | So what do i do if I want this package to be in ubuntu? | 05:01 |
ScottK | !REVU | shingi | 05:01 |
ubottu | shingi: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU | 05:01 |
shingi | I will check it out. I really want to help in this area | 05:02 |
quadrispro | can anyone ACK a sync? | 08:53 |
et3 | lintian produced this "E: md4sum: FSSTND-dir-in-usr usr/man/" | 12:34 |
et3 | how can I fix the problem? | 12:35 |
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azeem | et3: the manpages should go into /usr/share/man, not /usr/man | 12:36 |
azeem | so you will have to fix the upstream build system to correctly install them, or (less preferred) move them there | 12:36 |
et3 | azeem: what file do I edit to fix it | 12:37 |
et3 | ? | 12:37 |
et3 | rules? | 12:37 |
azeem | no, the upstream build system | 12:37 |
et3 | what's the first step? | 12:37 |
_ruben | passing some extra options to configure might do the trick depending on upstream's build system | 12:37 |
azeem | no idea what is, probably Makefile.in or so | 12:37 |
et3 | alright | 12:38 |
et3 | so I should look in the Makefile.in? | 12:38 |
azeem | obviously, we are not looking at the upstream source, so we cannot advise | 12:38 |
azeem | you will have to research it yourself | 12:38 |
et3 | you can find it here: bzr branch lp:md4sum | 12:40 |
et3 | is this a big deal? : | 12:42 |
et3 | E: md4sum_0.02.03-0ubuntu0~kolbyheacock1_i386.changes: bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file jaunty | 12:42 |
et3 | I thought jaunty was a good distribution name | 12:42 |
azeem | out-of-date lintian I guess | 12:42 |
et3 | alright | 12:42 |
et3 | I think I fixed the man dir problem | 12:45 |
et3 | i worked. ^^ | 12:46 |
et3 | the edited file was Makefile.Linux | 12:46 |
pmjdebruijn | can someone please take a look at my new package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lensfun ? | 12:47 |
et3 | azeem perhaps it's an out of date standards version? 3.7.2 ? | 12:49 |
et3 | pmjdebruijn: What do you need people to look at with your package? | 12:50 |
pmjdebruijn | et3: I need to get it approved | 12:50 |
pmjdebruijn | et3: I don't have a specific problem... I'm looking for reviews... | 12:50 |
et3 | pmjdebruijn: that's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure. I can't help you approve the package. | 12:51 |
pmjdebruijn | et3: no problem | 12:51 |
pmjdebruijn | I think my package is in pretty good shape | 12:51 |
et3 | ^^ cool | 12:51 |
pmjdebruijn | But of course... I'm not the best judge of that... | 12:51 |
et3 | lol. I am new at packaging | 12:52 |
azeem | et3: what is a problem? | 12:56 |
et3 | I want to remove the jaunty-is-not-an-OS error | 12:57 |
azeem | it's not an error | 12:57 |
azeem | your lintian version is just too old | 12:57 |
azeem | so ignore it | 12:57 |
et3 | okay | 12:58 |
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et3 | my package was rejected and now when I try to use dput to re-upload after I fixed the problem, "Already uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net" | 13:12 |
et3 | so it doesn't upload. I'm using the --force option too | 13:13 |
et3 | azeem: I'm having a problem again | 13:13 |
pmjdebruijn | et3: check the .upload file? | 13:15 |
et3 | what am I checking the upload file fore? | 13:16 |
pochu | you can't upload with the same version number to the ppa | 13:17 |
pochu | you will have to bump the version number in debian/changelog | 13:17 |
pochu | e.g. instead of 1.0-1~ppa1, use 1.0-1~ppa2 | 13:18 |
et3 | okay | 13:18 |
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azeem | pochu: hrm, even when the upload got rejected as et3 said? | 13:54 |
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et3 | azeem: I fixed what rejected it | 14:03 |
et3 | what if I just deleted the .upload files? | 14:05 |
azeem | using --force has the same effect, AIUI | 14:06 |
et3 | alright | 14:06 |
et3 | we'll see if this worked. I find it funny this is how I spend half my weekends | 14:08 |
\\localhost | hello folks | 14:10 |
\\localhost | i'm on the last step to make a package, it compiles fine | 14:10 |
\\localhost | but in order to install, it must write in admin acess only dfolders | 14:11 |
\\localhost | i mean '/usr/lib' | 14:11 |
\\localhost | in pbuilder the script isn't allowed to do such a thing | 14:11 |
azeem | you're not supposed to write anywhere above the source directory during package build | 14:12 |
azeem | so you need to install the program at a staging location, usually debian/tmp, and assemble the .deb from there | 14:12 |
\\localhost | oh i see | 14:13 |
azeem | most build systems will obey the DESTDIR variable during installation and install there, so point DESTDIR to $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp | 14:13 |
\\localhost | thats the defaults, you right | 14:13 |
\\localhost | thank you, i'm gonna test | 14:14 |
\\localhost | because i was calling "make install" which install the build in the system | 14:14 |
\\localhost | hmmm the default is calling make from /usr/bin , but i would like to know if the 'make install' from cmake can have a destdir set ? (cmake site is down, that's why i'm asking) | 14:29 |
azeem | cmake obeys DESTDIR, yes | 14:30 |
\\localhost | oh nevermind, since cmake is calling make | 14:31 |
\\localhost | thats because i have set the buildir to build/ (since cmake don't have clean rule) to rm-rf build/ on clean process | 14:31 |
\\localhost | so the CURRDIR mut be set to build to find make rules | 14:32 |
azeem | you need to cd to your build dir in order to run make, rather | 14:32 |
\\localhost | yep | 14:33 |
\\localhost | i've done the fix | 14:34 |
\\localhost | we will see :) | 14:34 |
\\localhost | azeem it works | 14:44 |
\\localhost | thanks for your support | 14:45 |
azeem | cool | 14:45 |
pochu | azeem: oh, I didn't read that part. Then I guess it's not necessary | 14:48 |
azeem | k | 14:48 |
\\localhost | azeem is it possible to specify the package to add a line in a existent conf file on the system , | 14:49 |
pochu | which conffile do you want to modify? | 14:52 |
\\localhost | php.ini | 14:53 |
\\localhost | its just a line to add like echo "xxx" > /etc/php5/php.ini | 14:54 |
azeem | eh, > doesn't add | 14:54 |
\\localhost | >>* | 14:54 |
azeem | in any case, you're not supposed to touch other packages' conffiles | 14:55 |
\\localhost | ah okay, so it must be the user to do that | 14:55 |
azeem | see whether PHP maybe supports dropping files into /etc/php5.d/ | 14:55 |
azeem | or something | 14:55 |
\\localhost | ok i will see then | 14:56 |
\\localhost | thx | 14:56 |
pochu | what's an ICE io error? | 15:00 |
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ScottK-laptop | pochu: Internal Compiler Error. You don't want those. | 15:30 |
pochu | ScottK-laptop: thanks :) that sounds scary | 15:33 |
liw | an ice error can also indicate warm cola. you don't want that either. | 15:52 |
pochu | :-) | 15:58 |
Laney | Requested sponsorship of my first upload into Debian, scary! | 16:11 |
cutout | Hello I have a package for a JAVA application any one interested in reviewing it??? | 16:37 |
laga | cutout: put it on REVU | 16:39 |
cutout | It is on review it is name is "monajat" | 16:40 |
cutout | I also have another one "rmconverter" | 16:40 |
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et3 | Is anyone here? | 18:36 |
geser | perhaps | 18:37 |
et3 | if I wanted to make a package put a file "foo" in a directory /usr/share/foo-files" how would I do that? | 18:38 |
\\localhost | in the make file | 18:38 |
et3 | alright | 18:38 |
\\localhost | in the install rule of makefile | 18:38 |
et3 | so make puts it in the debian/DEBIAN location and then in the filesystem? | 18:39 |
\\localhost | to be exact, but maybe there is another ways to do that | 18:39 |
et3 | well, I was wondering what the standard way is? | 18:39 |
\\localhost | et3 are you talking about the rules file of dbhelper ? | 18:39 |
geser | if the upstream Makefile doesn't do it for you, you can use dh_install in debian/rules | 18:40 |
et3 | hmmmm | 18:40 |
geser | and put something like "foo /usr/share/foo-files/" into the debian/install file (or <package>.install file) | 18:40 |
et3 | alright... if I put "/usr/share/foo-files" in the debian/install file and then had a directory like (base_dir)/foo-files, it will automatically copy the files? | 18:42 |
et3 | I think I could do it with make... but how do you do it with dh_install? | 18:43 |
\\localhost | geser do you call in the build install section dh_install like dh_install "foo /usr/local/foo" ? | 18:44 |
geser | you call dh_install binary target and dh_install will use the "install" files from debian/ to see where it should copy which file | 18:45 |
\\localhost | i see, thx for the hint | 18:48 |
et3 | how does it know? | 18:49 |
et3 | are you saying I could just throw a bunch of binaries, fonts, sounds, and pictures and it will organize them into debian packages? | 18:50 |
et3 | I don't quite understand. | 18:50 |
geser | it uses the information from the install files from your debian/ dir you provided | 18:52 |
et3 | please give me an example and I'll understand | 18:52 |
geser | say you have a font.ttf file in your upstream dir and want it copied to /usr/share/fonts | 18:52 |
et3 | you'd put /usr/share/fonts in the debian/install file. and I'm not sure what to do in the debian/rules. | 18:53 |
geser | so you can either do it with a cp call in debian/rules | 18:53 |
geser | or put a line "font.ttf usr/share/fonts/" into debian/rules and call dh_install in your binary target in debian/rules | 18:54 |
et3 | "cp ../fonts/foo.tff /usr/share/fonts/" and "font.ttf usr/share/fonts/" work the same? | 18:55 |
geser | dh_install will look into the install file and cp font.ttf to debian/<package>/usr/share/fonts so it end later in the package (which is build from debian/<package>) | 18:55 |
et3 | alright. | 18:55 |
et3 | that's very interesting. thank you. | 18:56 |
et3 | That has been the main problem I've had in packaging. | 18:56 |
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* kolby is bored | 20:57 | |
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