dazjorz | devilinops: if you put my nickname in front of your messages when responding to me, it helps me notice your messages earlier | 00:00 |
hischild | Paddy_EIRE, there's no real profile about him on there. he only gave it so we can check his pc. I understand your reluctance on it, but he is allowed to do so. | 00:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | dazjorz, yeah.. I am planning a system for providing help and support more efficiently over IRC | 00:00 |
dazjorz | devilinops: do not just PM me. | 00:00 |
watermelonstorm | !enter | watermelonstorm | 00:00 |
ubottu | watermelonstorm, please see my private message | 00:00 |
watermelonstorm | Intresting. | 00:00 |
modumass | tripps, indeed, so its like i have a small monitor and no matter what i do i cant get ubuntu to believe me | 00:00 |
hischild | nordin, yes, it is possible. | 00:00 |
ziroday | watermelonstorm: do you have a question we can help you with? | 00:00 |
dazjorz | Paddy_EIRE: sounds good. want to have a chat? :) | 00:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | hischild, yeah except the ads and "xfire" and all that :) | 00:00 |
watermelonstorm | Well, yep. | 00:00 |
=== ketzusaka__ is now known as Ketzu | ||
nordin | hischild, if you wirte software, do you look what kind of CPU your app will run on. No! | 00:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | dazjorz, I am in offtopic | 00:00 |
hischild | nordin, don't make me call stop on this | 00:01 |
nordin | that's up to the compiler | 00:01 |
ziroday | watermelonstorm: may we know your question? | 00:01 |
nordin | hischild, ok maybe next time on a another channel | 00:01 |
rockinWorlds | Spoonfeeding is sweet, can someone spoonfeed me a guide to dual booting ubuntu & linux? | 00:01 |
mker | I have a problem with changing home directory for user accounts used for SSH (more specifically the SFTP part of SSH). Can someone take a look at my thread in the forum please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 | 00:01 |
devilinops | dazjorz: sorry pm thos os beter but ya iv tryed all versond and brunt like 4 disk for all and still frezzes in 3 min after login | 00:01 |
ziroday | !dualboot | rockinWorlds | 00:01 |
watermelonstorm | The problem is: I always have to stick in headphone cable into line-out after logging on to make only the headphones play sound. | 00:01 |
ubottu | rockinWorlds: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 00:01 |
dazjorz | nordin: what's the problem? | 00:01 |
dazjorz | devilinops: could you try writing readable English for me please? | 00:02 |
rockinWorlds | ubottu: thanks for the spoonfeeding! | 00:02 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:02 |
ziroday | watermelonstorm: you mean you have to replug them everytime? | 00:02 |
devilinops | im sorry im using erganomic key board still geting use to it | 00:02 |
watermelonstorm | dazjorz: "Sorry, these are better but I've tried all versions and wasted 4 CD-Rs for it. It freezes 3 minutes after login. | 00:03 |
nordin | dazjorz, there is no problem, it's just hischild doesn't believe an app that runs on 64 bits processor will run on a 32 bits. But your OS just did :p | 00:03 |
watermelonstorm | ziroday: Yep, I always have to replug them. | 00:03 |
emilien | watermelonstorm, you do an md5 check ? | 00:03 |
watermelonstorm | ziroday: Only one time, but it sucks. | 00:03 |
DasEi | modumass: ? | 00:03 |
ziroday | watermelonstorm: okay, if you open up the volume control do you see any tabs titled "switches"? | 00:04 |
watermelonstorm | I turned that on manually. | 00:04 |
watermelonstorm | Yes, I've got Headphone on. | 00:04 |
refefer | anyone know of an automatic tool I can download that ban people who try to bruteforce my ssh? | 00:04 |
Flannel | refefer: check out DenyHosts (its in the repos) | 00:04 |
topi | refefer: fail2ban | 00:04 |
dazjorz | nordin: no: you can compile a program for several architectures, for example i386 or x86_64 - programs compiled for 64-bits processors (i.e. x86_64) will run only on 64-bits processors, programs compiled for 32-bits processors will run on both. | 00:04 |
dazjorz | nordin: but, on 64-bits processors, they will not be optimal for that processor. :) | 00:05 |
watermelonstorm | Well, I've a got a bigger problem: | 00:05 |
tripps | modumass, it definitely seems to try harder to play the movie, i.e., it pauses longer and a screen briefly displays with the wide screen aspect ratio but then back to the same messages/behavior I had before | 00:05 |
dazjorz | nordin: so actually I'm being stupid running a 32-bits Ubuntu on my PC, because the 64-bits Ubuntu will run a lot better, but I'm too lazy to make the switch now. | 00:05 |
nordin | dazjorz, if so, why are there several compilers for each architecture | 00:05 |
watermelonstorm | ziroday: Totem always crashes when I attempt to play a media file. | 00:05 |
watermelonstorm | os[Linux 2.6.27-9-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "intrepid" 8.10] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU T2350 @ 1.86GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.86GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 80.7% free] disk[Total: 45.6GB, 88.9% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon X2300] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel] | 00:06 |
ziroday | watermelonstorm: okay, when you run it in the terminal is there any errors? | 00:06 |
dazjorz | nordin: there aren't, compilers are programs of their own, they are compiled for a specific architecture too - but as a special added value to compilers, they are also compiled *to compile* for a special architecture | 00:06 |
nordin | each compiler compiles source for their platform and so it optimizes it | 00:06 |
Quagmire | I got my xchat server issue resolved and I'm tickled with that ...now I need a new thing to tackle LOL ....Tell me something fun to check out about ubuntu. | 00:06 |
Flannel | nordin, dazjorz: mind taking it elsewhere? It's sort of veered off topic. Thanks | 00:06 |
nordin | Flannel, ok sorry about that | 00:07 |
dazjorz | Flannel: sure. | 00:07 |
dazjorz | nordin: PM okay? | 00:07 |
watermelonstorm | ziroday: Now it works again, looks like an Update fixed it. | 00:07 |
nordin | ok | 00:07 |
ziroday | watermelonstorm: great | 00:07 |
rockinWorlds | Is it recommended to install Vista normally, and then shrink its partition, and then afterwards to install Ubuntu? | 00:08 |
tripps | mmm now that I've reactivated medibuntu repos, etc., the update manager doesn't let me upgrade them and displayed a dialog telling me I could perform a partial upgrade. how do I apply these other updates? | 00:08 |
rockinWorlds | I want this dual boot to work perfectly this time around | 00:08 |
watermelonstorm | rockinWorlds: Well, that's how I did it. | 00:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, its never recommended to install vista at all | 00:08 |
dlew86 | lewl | 00:08 |
watermelonstorm | Paddy_EIRE: If you need to use it.. | 00:08 |
rockinWorlds | Paddy_EIRE: lol good point | 00:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | watermelonstorm, I dont create the need to use it | 00:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | ;) | 00:09 |
coppro | okay, this has been a point of irritation for a while | 00:09 |
x-ip | ou ... passwords, all is about passwords | 00:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, 1 sec | 00:09 |
coppro | some applications, notably firefox, in the file dialogs, have an irritating auto-complete feature | 00:09 |
watermelonstorm | ziroday: I already installed Ubuntu multiple times (7.something, 8.04, 8.10), and I like it. | 00:09 |
DasEi | rockinWorlds: just leave space for ubuntu when installing vista | 00:09 |
coppro | namely, they will complete paths as I type them | 00:09 |
coppro | I type /u, it adds "sr", and I end up with /usrsr/binin/okularlar or some equally stupid path | 00:10 |
coppro | how do I turn that off? | 00:10 |
danielbw | I have the latest catalyst drivers, 8.12 installed on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.10 for amd64. I bought two ATI FireGL V3600's so I can stretch one big desktop across four monitors. I am only able to setup two big desktops: one per gpu, but with two screens each. There is no way to join all four screens to one big desktop. How can I set it up so that i can have one big desktop across all four monitors without enabing xinerama? | 00:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, this is the best dual booting guide available at the moment.. http://apcmag.com/the_definitive_dualbooting_guide_linux_vista_and_xp_stepbystep.htm | 00:10 |
Watkins | I Have a question, everyone tells me 'your mime.types" for my problem, but no one can give me a damned answer. My server, I am hosting a webpage, when you load it instead of loading the page it tries to download it, anyone know a fix for this problem? I've re-installed php, apache2, all of that | 00:10 |
rockinWorlds | DasEi: This will be my third attempt at getting it install perfectly, last time it was perfect and then moutherboard failure | 00:10 |
hischild | coppro, don't use your arrow keys, keep on typing. | 00:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, Just select your install type and it will give you the appropriate guide :) | 00:10 |
coppro | hischild: no, that's exactly what I do | 00:10 |
coppro | and it fills in the path like I described | 00:11 |
alexis1_ | hi all | 00:11 |
coppro | in the middle of me trying to type it | 00:11 |
bobbob1016 | I have a drive that was working before a reinstall, from 64 to 32bit, since I was told coreavc was better with 32, and one of my drives doesn't show files, but it does say 6gig free, which was what it had before. I tried show hidden, but no luck. Any ideas? | 00:11 |
devilinops | thanks for not helping me at all id have better help by shouting my self then sit here for another hour | 00:11 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, Start as you mean to go on.. use reliable guides and sources of information | 00:11 |
mrwes | hrmmm...whining? | 00:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | mrwes, ? | 00:12 |
mrwes | sorry.... | 00:12 |
tripps | oh it's a distribution upgrade it wants to do. i think i'll leave that for later ;) | 00:12 |
richard_ | how do i see if permissions for /media and /media/cdrom0 are correct? | 00:12 |
Frogging101 | how do you connect 2 ubuntu computers with ssh? The computers can't seem to find each other. I am using a crossover cable, and the network connection won't work. | 00:12 |
Quagmire | evolution or thunderbird email client? | 00:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | richard_, correct? | 00:12 |
rockinWorlds | Paddy_EIRE: Many of them seem to not work for my system | 00:12 |
Quagmire | evolution or thunderbird email client? | 00:12 |
mrwes | richard_, from nautilus, right mouse button the directory | 00:13 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, you will normally find its PICNIC | 00:13 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, Problem In Chair Not In Computer (PICNIC) :) | 00:13 |
Quagmire | oops sorry for the double posting | 00:13 |
templaedhel | okay, so I have ubuntu 8.10 and a dell inspiron e1505, and when I close the lid the screen doesn't shut off, but when I open it it turns of briefly then back on, like its just realizing the lid was closed | 00:14 |
richard_ | mrwes , i know that, but i mean.. is it right that i cannot create and delete without loging as root or sudo in terminal? | 00:14 |
rockinWorlds | Paddy_EIRE: lol... i've read many headaches people have with Dells | 00:14 |
infosoak | I see a directory call .aptitude in my home directory (~). Not sure what that is. Anyone know? | 00:14 |
Frogging101 | how do I connect 2 ubuntu computers with ssh/puTTY? The computers can't seem to find each other. I am using a crossover cable, and the network connection won't work. | 00:14 |
ultratek | anyone: if i got back to windows and shrink my hardisk some more for unallocated space....can i add this to my ubuntu partition with disk mngmt in vista 32? | 00:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | rockinWorlds, I have been *Incredibly* lucky then I guess O_o | 00:15 |
D3RGPS31 | Anyone willing to help me setup Polipo? | 00:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | !anyone | D3RGPS31 | 00:15 |
ubottu | D3RGPS31: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:15 |
Gnea | Frogging101: no network, no ssh. | 00:15 |
cellofellow | I've got this old computer with an onboard Matrox MGA G200 and whenever X starts up it freezes, only thing that works is hard shutdown. How do I get X working? | 00:15 |
D3RGPS31 | Paddy_EIRE: the question was asked | 00:16 |
dazjorz | hischild, nordin, Paddy_EIRE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/106447 <-- there we go. The bug was already reported by someone else :) | 00:16 |
carpii | is it possible to replace the common file open dialog which most kde apps use ? | 00:16 |
carpii | or some way to find out what it is using | 00:16 |
ultratek | dazjorz: do you know..up a lil? | 00:16 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: Well, how do I setup a network between the two? It won't work. No error messages, except "network disconnected" | 00:16 |
Gnea | D3RGPS31: no one's going to scrollback with all of the traffic going on here, you're better off just to re-ask. | 00:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | D3RGPS31, try and be a bit more specific we will help you help yourself as you go.. | 00:16 |
Gnea | Frogging101: are you sure you have the correctly wired ethernet crossover cable? | 00:17 |
dazjorz | ultratek: no, Vista does not recognise non-Microsoft filesystems | 00:17 |
dazjorz | ultratek: even, I don't think Vista's disk manager can resize its own partitions on the fly | 00:17 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: It works when I connect with one computer using windows, including internet sharing. | 00:17 |
ultratek | dazjorz:well can i add the unallocate space with linux partition app? | 00:17 |
dazjorz | ultratek: though if you shut down Vista correctly, you can resize the NTFS partition from inside Linux, ntfsresize can do that. Be careful though, back up all your data, it goes wrong sometimes. | 00:18 |
dazjorz | ultratek: yes, there are ext3 resizing applications which do just that :) | 00:18 |
Gnea | Frogging101: is it the same computer? | 00:18 |
mbrigdan | Hi hischild, i'm that guy from before that was having problems connecting to the internet. I ran the dh_client manually, and it worked getting me a connection, by I would like to fix it, so I don't have to do that every time. (I also need a static IP addr, because I use my computer as a backup for my family's network) | 00:18 |
Frogging101 | ultratrek: and MAKE SURE that vista isn't hibernated | 00:18 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: yes | 00:18 |
vaxius | ultratek: gparted ftw, i haven't found a type of partition it doesn't work with | 00:18 |
ultratek | yea vista can do it on the fly...this is how this current version iam running is working | 00:18 |
hischild | mbrigdan, good to hear it worked! | 00:18 |
Spencerical | where is the default wallpaper stored on the disk? | 00:18 |
Gnea | Frogging101: are you using dhcp or static ip assignments? | 00:19 |
Spencerical | nevermind | 00:19 |
ultratek | of linux | 00:19 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: when I use it with one computer running windows? | 00:19 |
hischild | mbrigdan, well, lets check your default settings then shall we? i presume you're in a graphical env? | 00:19 |
mbrigdan | hischild: yes | 00:19 |
Gnea | Frogging101: yes. | 00:19 |
oshin | is that flash player 10 issues? | 00:19 |
D3RGPS31 | How do I set the port for Polipo, the directory where website cache are stored, and is there a space limit in the package | 00:19 |
hischild | mbrigdan, under system -> administration you should find network tools. You found it? | 00:20 |
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi | ||
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, What? | 00:20 |
DarkKnight | will i really affect the performance if i install more than one type of sever on a single system | 00:20 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: It assigns the IPs automatically on one computer, and it's static on the other | 00:20 |
mbrigdan | hischild: yup | 00:20 |
angelo | anyone can help me with iphone+amarok? cnt get it working:( | 00:20 |
emilien | can I add Nubuntu sources to ubuntu ? | 00:20 |
Paddy_EIRE | !nubuntu | 00:20 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu | 00:20 |
Gnea | Frogging101: okay, so it's dhcp on the linux system that's connected to the internet, and then static on the second nic and static on the windows/linux box? | 00:21 |
jrib | angelo: what firmware version? | 00:21 |
angelo | 2.2 | 00:21 |
hischild | mbrigdan, oh wait, sorry wrong one. Under prefences it's network configuration (names are alike, they're really totally different) | 00:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | emilien, if it is an unofficial derivative then be it at your own risk | 00:21 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Ok, I have that open now. | 00:21 |
hischild | mbrigdan, you see that default eth0 connection? click it, then on edit. | 00:22 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: No, the Windows system with wireless internet has a static ip, and it shares the internet with the linux machine, which has automatic IP | 00:22 |
GodfatherofEire | Anybody know of a way to fix this issue with bass in Intrepid? | 00:22 |
hischild | mbrigdan, then go to ipv4 settings and tell me what setting it is on. | 00:22 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Method = Manual | 00:22 |
DarkKnight | will i really affect the performance if i install more than one type of sever on a single system | 00:22 |
mker | GodfatherofEire, probably not unless you say what the issue is. | 00:23 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: but when they both use linux, the network doesn't work, and the computers dont show up in "///network" | 00:23 |
aoeuid | I just activated some sort of accessibility feature by pressing some shortcut key and now my screen is zoomed in on my desktop | 00:23 |
Gnea | Frogging101: okay, then you need to tell the linux machine to use a static ip instead of dhcp/automatic. | 00:23 |
aoeuid | how do I turn this off? | 00:23 |
hischild | mbrigdan, aight. You should be able to connect just fine if you set it to automatic (dhcp) , which is the top option. Should it not work, you can run the command again and it should reconnect. | 00:23 |
oshin | paddy_EIRE: i had PM you | 00:23 |
GodfatherofEire | mker, basically, using my default speakers, the bass on Intrepid is up WAY too high | 00:23 |
Gnea | !pm | oshin | 00:23 |
ubottu | oshin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 00:23 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: my problem is that when the BOTH use linux, it doesn't work | 00:23 |
mker | aoeuid, click there | 00:23 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Updating connection failed: nm-ifupdown-connection.c.82 - connection update not supported (read-only).. | 00:23 |
aoeuid | click where? | 00:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | !pm | oshin | 00:24 |
hischild | mbrigdan, o.O wait what? it errors here? o.O | 00:24 |
mker | aoeuid, depends on what you want to turn off. | 00:24 |
aoeuid | everything is like normal, except the pixels are four times as large | 00:24 |
Gnea | Frogging101: well that's a problem then, because it's just too many problems at once. | 00:24 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: but when the both use windows, or only the one with wireless uses windows, they work | 00:24 |
oshin | hi, is that flashplayer 10 not working well, cause i was read forum saying that and it happen to me too? | 00:24 |
aoeuid | I want to have it look normal | 00:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | !info adobe-flashplugin | oshin | 00:24 |
ubottu | Package adobe-flashplugin does not exist in intrepid | 00:24 |
DarkKnight | will i really affect the performance if i install more than one type of sever on a single system | 00:24 |
m1xram | Q: Does anyone know what happened to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty the directory is missing? | 00:24 |
Gnea | Frogging101: so you need to figure out which one you want to get working first. | 00:24 |
aoeuid | it had nothing to do with clicking anything, just a random shortcut that I accidentally hit | 00:24 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Not *exactly* there, but when I hit apply, it says that. | 00:24 |
oshin | two of my desktop not working well after upgrade on FP 10 | 00:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | !adobe-flashplugin | 00:24 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | hmm | 00:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | aoeuid that is zoom from compiz | 00:24 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: forget windows, how do you make two ubuntu computers connect to each other and share internet and stuff? | 00:25 |
hischild | mbrigdan, ok well let's try another way at it. Create a new profile, name it to what you like on top and go to ipv4. Then apply that. | 00:25 |
aoeuid | I don't have compiz | 00:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 00:25 |
Gnea | !ics | Frogging101 | 00:25 |
ubottu | Frogging101: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 00:25 |
mbrigdan | hischild: seems to work fine | 00:25 |
oshin | just try Paddy_EIRE | 00:25 |
aleka | I seem to have lost my forefox profile... not sure if an upgrade to FF overwrote my existing profile or if it created one... I can only find one instance of my profile in ~/.mozilla/firefox (running FF on Ubuntu 8.10 | 00:25 |
InfectedWithDrew | Just installed Ibex on a Compaq Presario V2000 series. Auto eth0 doesn't work. And I know the following: 1) the cable works 2) the router accepts DHCP 3) the router has internet connectivity. When trying to acquire a network address, it searches for a long time and then gives up, saying I was disconnected. Any help? Please and thank you. | 00:25 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: but first shouldn't i get them to at least recognize each other? | 00:25 |
hischild | mbrigdan, left click on nm-applet and you should see your new profile int here. Can you do this? | 00:25 |
Gnea | Frogging101: if it's just the 2 systems, i would just do static with both | 00:25 |
oshin | it make me stress | 00:25 |
scoremeformusic | can anyone help me connect to wireless? | 00:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, Which version of ubuntu are you using? | 00:26 |
hischild | mbrigdan, then click on the profile to activate it. | 00:26 |
oshin | hardy heron 8.04 | 00:26 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: okay i will try that | 00:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, 1 sec | 00:26 |
aoeuid | anyone have any idea how to unzoom? | 00:26 |
oshin | okay | 00:26 |
Gnea | Frogging101: making sure that your subnet information is identical on both sides is key | 00:26 |
angelo | anyone can help me with iphone+amarok? cnt get it working:( | 00:26 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: What do I say for mac address and MTU? | 00:26 |
carpii | i think my system is defaulting to dolphin for file manager and open/save dialogs. How can i change this to Konqueror ? | 00:27 |
mbrigdan | hischild: how do I activate it? Clicking it once doesn't do anything (or so it seems). Double clicking opens the edit page. | 00:27 |
GodfatherofEire | So, anybody know how to alter/lower the amount of bass, system wide under intrepid? | 00:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, select the '.deb' for ubuntu here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ | 00:27 |
Gnea | Frogging101: oh, don't worry about those | 00:27 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: What do I put for gateway? | 00:27 |
hischild | mbrigdan, clicking on the network manager applet on the top right should bring down a dropdown menu, one of the entries should be named to the profile you just created. | 00:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, follow this guide http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-adobe-flash-player-10-in-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html | 00:28 |
mbrigdan | hischild: oh, the applet | 00:28 |
oshin | paddy_EIRE: i had several download adobe flashplayer and installing several times too. and the result is my desktop not wrking | 00:28 |
hischild | mbrigdan, yes :-) | 00:28 |
Gnea | Frogging101: well, your system with the wireless is your gateway to the internet | 00:28 |
mbrigdan | hischild: hold on a sec, the applet seems to be gone. :-( | 00:28 |
hischild | mbrigdan, alt+f2, nm-applet, enter :-) | 00:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, follow that guide | 00:28 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: What about DNS Servers and search domains? | 00:29 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: and routes? | 00:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, are you using 32-bit or 64-bit? | 00:29 |
mbrigdan | hischild: nothing seems to happen. :( | 00:29 |
hischild | mbrigdan, define nothing | 00:29 |
hischild | !nothing | mbrigdan (i like this one) | 00:30 |
ubottu | mbrigdan (i like this one): Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail. | 00:30 |
oshin | is that affect 32 bit or 64 bit? | 00:30 |
mbrigdan | hischild: The run window disappears. The applet doesn't appear. | 00:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, what? | 00:30 |
oshin | cause i dont know inside of my desktop | 00:30 |
oshin | i just buy to my friend | 00:30 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Hold on for a bit, I'll try it in a terminal | 00:30 |
hischild | hmm, it might be running still. Open up a terminal (bless god for inventing loads of terminals) and fire it up from there, Might tell you something about why it won't pop up. | 00:30 |
scoremeformusic | sorry for repeating, but I'm having trouble connecting to my wireless. Earlier, the problem was that it was showing up on the network list in the tray, but wouldn't connect. So, losing patience, I plugged out the router, plugged it in agin after about 10 mins, tried to connect while the computer was connected to the router through the lan cable, and it worked! Then, I had to unplug the router for an unrelated reason, and now it won't wo | 00:31 |
mbrigdan | !pastebin | 00:31 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:31 |
DarkKnight | will i really affect the performance if i install more than one type of sever on a single system | 00:31 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: What about DNS servers, search domains, and routes? | 00:31 |
Gnea | Frogging101: i suggest you read this: http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-networking-for-basic-and-advanced-users.html | 00:31 |
Frogging101 | Gnea: Thanks | 00:31 |
mbrigdan | hischild: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84602/ | 00:31 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, open a terminal and type 'uname -a' and tell me if it says "i686" or something like that | 00:31 |
InfectedWithDrew | Just installed Ibex on a Compaq Presario V2000 series; installation went smoothly. Auto eth0 doesn't work. And I know the following: the cable works, the router accepts DHCP, the router has internet connectivity, and no settings in the new installation have been modified. When trying to acquire a network address, it searches for a long time and then gives up, saying I was disconnected. Any help? Please and thank you. | 00:31 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, if it says x86_64 then you are using 64 bit | 00:32 |
watermelonstorm | Yep. | 00:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, otherwise 32-bit Okay | 00:32 |
hischild | mbrigdan, one screwed up line. ps aux | grep nm-applet returns anything? | 00:32 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: open a terminal and type this: tail -f /var/log/syslog and try to connect again, it should give you some debugging info | 00:32 |
m1xram | Q: Feisty repo directory is missing from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ . Anybody from Ubuntu.org here? | 00:33 |
oshin | hmmm wait a minute | 00:33 |
mbrigdan | hischild: yes, matthew 8951 0.0 0.0 7452 892 pts/1 S+ 17:33 0:00 grep nm_applet | 00:33 |
hischild | Gnea, are we both trouble shooting a network problem here? | 00:33 |
usser | m1xram, feisty reached end of life. repos are most likely are being taken down | 00:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, do not type the quotes obviously from that command | 00:33 |
hischild | mbrigdan, hmm not what i was hoping for. | 00:33 |
m1xram | usser ok | 00:33 |
zsquareplusc | !eol > m1xram | 00:33 |
ubottu | m1xram, please see my private message | 00:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, just to make sure that is not what you are doing | 00:33 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, there is already a bunch of log data from when I tried to connect it, can I just paste that for you? | 00:34 |
Gnea | hischild: pretty much | 00:34 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: please use the pastebin site | 00:34 |
Gnea | !pastebin | InfectedWithDrew | 00:34 |
ubottu | InfectedWithDrew: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:34 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, I'm aware. Just a moment. | 00:34 |
watermelonstorm | !pastebin | watermelonstorm | 00:34 |
InfectedWithDrew | Wait, Gnea, I can't connect to the internet on it... | 00:34 |
ubottu | watermelonstorm, please see my private message | 00:34 |
oshin | Paddy_EIRE: it i686 | 00:35 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: can you type it in? | 00:35 |
oshin | so i should doing what? | 00:35 |
almark1 | Hello room, I'm installed Ubuntu so I want to know what pkgs I have installed reciently, how do I find the list to backup or better yet I want to restore those pkgs from apt-get downloading them again? | 00:35 |
donavan_ | any one know what the best virtual machine to run a linux host with windows guest is right now ? | 00:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, ok cool just proceed with that guide I gave you | 00:35 |
Gnea | !best | donavan_ | 00:35 |
ubottu | donavan_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 00:35 |
oshin | okay, im following | 00:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | oshin, follow only for 32 bit users not 64 :) | 00:35 |
almark1 | Reinstalling I mean | 00:36 |
DasEi | !best | donavan_ | 00:36 |
Gnea | donavan_: vmware or virtualbox can do it alright | 00:36 |
DasEi | donavan_: either vmware or virtualbox, see : | 00:36 |
DasEi | !virtual | 00:36 |
ubottu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 00:36 |
hischild | mbrigdan, a second, checking something about nm-applet | 00:37 |
donavan_ | yeah sorry about the polling after I sent I realized the evil I might have unleased there ... thats for the response though | 00:37 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Don't worry, I have lots of free time on my hands. | 00:37 |
jolter | !vmware | 00:37 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, I transferred it via flash drive. Here is the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84604/ | 00:37 |
ubottu | VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 00:37 |
watermelonstorm | I recommend VirtualBox. | 00:38 |
watermelonstorm | Closed Source Edition, but If you want to make changes, OSE. | 00:38 |
hischild | mbrigdan, good:-) | 00:38 |
watermelonstorm | !vmware | 00:38 |
ubottu | VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 00:38 |
watermelonstorm | !VirtualBox | 00:38 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 00:38 |
watermelonstorm | ^- | 00:39 |
watermelonstorm | Hey. | 00:39 |
hischild | !fishing > watermelonstorm | 00:39 |
ubottu | watermelonstorm, please see my private message | 00:39 |
donavan_ | with virtual box is there a work around for the lack of USB support ? | 00:39 |
eseven73 | i dont care for vmware's web interface, so personaly I'd go with Virtualbox | 00:39 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: hrm, doesn't look like any networking problems confirmed there... is the router set to allow only certain MAC addresses or do you even see anything on the router logs about it? how about the lights on the NIC of the compaq? is it lit up and/or blinking? | 00:40 |
watermelonstorm | donavan_, use the Closed Source Edition. | 00:40 |
watermelonstorm | It has USB support. | 00:40 |
hischild | mbrigdan, can you verify if network manager is running? --> ps aux | grep network -i | 00:40 |
bmeynell | what's that thing called where I can just hit F1 or whatever and i can quickly run a command? | 00:40 |
donavan_ | watermelonstorm ... I cant find it I looked on the site but I must be missing it | 00:40 |
=== VerticalAsymptot is now known as Guest40619 | ||
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, the ethernet cord lights up. The router is set to accept all MAC addresses, I believe. | 00:41 |
watermelonstorm | 8.10: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.0.6/virtualbox-2.0_2.0.6-39765_Ubuntu_intrepid_i386.deb | 00:41 |
scoremeformusic | can anyone please please help me?? but I'm having trouble connecting to my wireless. Earlier, the problem was that it was showing up on the network list in the tray, but wouldn't connect. So, losing patience, I plugged out the router, plugged it in again after about 10 mins, tried to connect while the computer was connected to the router through the lan cable, and it worked! (without the lan cable) Then, I had to unplug the router for a | 00:41 |
watermelonstorm | 8.04: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.0.6/virtualbox-2.0_2.0.6-39765_Ubuntu_hardy_i386.deb | 00:41 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, the cable was just unplugged from a computer running Windows XP, and that was how it connected to the internet. I'm thinking it's an Intrepid bug. | 00:41 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Yes, it is running. Along with something called nm-system-settings | 00:42 |
donavan_ | watermelonstorm... you are my hero for the day... thanks | 00:42 |
templaedhel | anyone^^^ | 00:42 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: check this script out - you should be able to copy it over the flash to test things out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=148593&postcount=9 | 00:42 |
hischild | mbrigdan, good. | 00:42 |
watermelonstorm | donavan_: No problem. | 00:42 |
hischild | mbrigdan, one down, loads to go. | 00:42 |
mcquaid | doesn't gnome a gamepad setting in preferences? | 00:42 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: i've installed Intrepid on several machines, never had a single problem with networking. in fact, wireless is easier than ever. | 00:42 |
mcquaid | I thought it had it by now | 00:42 |
watermelonstorm | Gnea: Yep. Ubuntu simple as pie as networking, especially when using Intrepid. | 00:43 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, paste the entire script into a .sh file and then run it via terminal? And by the entire script, everything in the [code] box? | 00:43 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: have you tried setting a static ip? | 00:43 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: correct. | 00:43 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, that option isn't available in auto eth0... | 00:43 |
InfectedWithDrew | At least... that I know of. | 00:43 |
Unknown0BC | Greetings :) | 00:44 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: well, now that all depends on how you're going at the network configuration - are you using the network manager or editting the interfaces file? | 00:44 |
darkhornet | hello all | 00:44 |
DarkKnight | will i really affect the performance if i install more than one type of sever on a single system | 00:44 |
hischild | mbrigdan, well this shouldn't be needed at all, but could you reboot and check it if runs then? | 00:44 |
Unknown0BC | How can I add a folder shortcut to the Places menu Ubuntu ( gnome ) has. | 00:44 |
mbrigdan | hischild: sure | 00:44 |
ocRob | DarkKnight: probably not, what types of servers though? | 00:44 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, network-manager, and it only gives me the one option of auto eth0. I'm doing this fresh out of an installation - the Broadcom driver isn't even installed yet. | 00:45 |
DarkKnight | ocRob; samba, mysql, web | 00:45 |
ocRob | DarkKnight: nah not at all | 00:45 |
Bruce | how can i mount multiple harddrives? | 00:46 |
five | can somone help me with a usplash theme | 00:46 |
Bruce | any help on that? | 00:46 |
DarkKnight | ocRob; because...even my desktop sever sometimes gives me certain problems sometimes...such as the cpu usage pumps up to 90% | 00:46 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, there was no output. It ran some code quickly before my eyes then closed the terminal. | 00:46 |
DasEi | Bruce: permanently or manually ? | 00:47 |
watermelonstorm | Croppa, did you turn off your router/modem with a Remote? | 00:47 |
Unknown0BC | Is it possible to as a menu to the Places men u? | 00:47 |
watermelonstorm | Joking. | 00:47 |
Bruce | permanently | 00:47 |
DasEi | !who | Bruce | 00:48 |
ubottu | Bruce: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 00:48 |
watermelonstorm | !tab | 00:48 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 00:48 |
DasEi | Bruce: attach the drives, open a terminal | 00:48 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: one sec | 00:49 |
DasEi | Bruce: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 00:49 |
yagga | !fstab | Bruce | 00:49 |
ubottu | Bruce: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 00:49 |
DasEi | Bruce: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit | 00:49 |
DasEi | Bruce: give url from last cmd in here | 00:49 |
Octoroks | Ubuntu Christian Edition! | 00:50 |
Flannel | Octoroks: How can we help you today? | 00:50 |
=== fernando is now known as Guest89856 | ||
standarshy | Hey rooom. I'm having trouble with getting irc:// links to work from firefox | 00:50 |
Guest89856 | Hello all! | 00:50 |
watermelonstorm | Hey, guest! | 00:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | !who > Octoroks | 00:50 |
ubottu | Octoroks, please see my private message | 00:50 |
standarshy | I'm actually using linuxmint, I hope you guys can still help | 00:51 |
watermelonstorm | *Guest89856 | 00:51 |
Octoroks | sorry | 00:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | standarshy Nope | 00:51 |
Flannel | !mintsupport | standarshy | 00:51 |
ubottu | standarshy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org | 00:51 |
Guest89856 | what is the command to register a nick name? | 00:51 |
Flannel | Guest89856: /msg nickserv help register | 00:51 |
watermelonstorm | Guest89856, "/nick yourname" | 00:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !register > Guest89856 | 00:51 |
ubottu | Guest89856, please see my private message | 00:51 |
watermelonstorm | Oh. | 00:51 |
Guest89856 | thx | 00:51 |
Brucee | got disconnected, sorry | 00:52 |
DasEi | Brucee is Bruce ? | 00:52 |
Brucee | i want to assign permanently an ip to a netcard, | 00:52 |
Quagmire | I followed a link to watch a youtube video and it prompted me to install Adobe Flash Player version | 00:52 |
Quagmire | .deb for Ubuntu 8.04+ | 3.8MB | 00:52 |
Brucee | yes DasEi | 00:52 |
mcquaid | ok gnome doesn't seem to have a gamepad test/config what's a small game that i could test a gamepad? | 00:52 |
=== Brucee is now known as Bruce | ||
DasEi | Bruce: attach the drives, open a terminal | 00:52 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: okay, when you say "auto eth0", is that what you're seeing when you first open the network manager? | 00:52 |
DasEi | Brucee: attach the drives, open a terminal | 00:52 |
hischild | mbrigdan, welcome back. Any luck? | 00:52 |
chadwickofwv | hello, has anyone tried running battlezone II in wine 1.1.10 | 00:52 |
Bruce | DasEi then what? | 00:53 |
Quagmire | that didn't go through and now I'm wondering where do I go to get adobe working right | 00:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | chadwickofwv ask in #winehq | 00:53 |
Flannel | chadwickofwv: You might have more luck in #winehq | 00:53 |
DasEi | Brucee: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 00:53 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Network -i is still running after restart. It seems that my internet is also working | 00:53 |
DasEi | Brucee: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit | 00:53 |
hischild | mbrigdan, so that's good news then, right? | 00:53 |
DasEi | Brucee: give url from last cmd in here | 00:53 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Yup | 00:53 |
chadwickofwv | sorry wrong tab | 00:53 |
hischild | mbrigdan, does that solve your problems? or did i miss some part? | 00:53 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: because it looks like you just need to make a new profile | 00:53 |
five | i installed this fingerprint usplash theme but all i get is text on boot | 00:54 |
mbrigdan | hischild: If I could get a static IP though, that would be better, because I need to use my computer as a backup system for the other computers in my house. | 00:54 |
watermelonstorm | Yay. | 00:54 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | hello | 00:54 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, yes. It's also the only option under the little menu that appears if you just click your connection status. Wireless and other options aren't available to me. | 00:54 |
hischild | mbrigdan, how much is your pc on? like once every 24 hours? | 00:54 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | I have a process that simple don't die, even with kill -9 | 00:54 |
buntoaster | ok i cant find terminal on this new version of ubuntu can someone help? | 00:54 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | what can I do? | 00:54 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, you mean make a new user profile...? That's really strange. Maybe because I had this one auto-login? | 00:54 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: that's weird. | 00:54 |
watermelonstorm | I'm bored. | 00:55 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: no, I mean, to the right of "auto eth0", there should be an 'Add' button. | 00:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > watermelonstorm | 00:55 |
ubottu | watermelonstorm, please see my private message | 00:55 |
InfectedWithDrew | buntoaster, applications -> accessories -> terminal | 00:55 |
mbrigdan | hischild: pretty close to that, if I get what you're saying. (You mean I turn my computer on about once a day right?) | 00:55 |
=== eli_ is now known as dotblank | ||
kansan__ | from the command line, how can replace all instances of "localhost" with "myhostname.com" in a given file foo.conf? | 00:55 |
watermelonstorm | /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:55 |
watermelonstorm | Whoops. | 00:55 |
jrib | kansan__: you can use sed | 00:55 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, there is. | 00:55 |
buntoaster | ty infectedwithdrew. | 00:56 |
Gnea | kansan__: perl -pi -e 's/localhost/myhostname.com/g' foo.conf | 00:56 |
hischild | mbrigdan, more if the time it's shut down is more then 24 hours. If so, there's the need for a static IP. Normally, they lease for about a day | 00:56 |
buntoaster | sudofdisk/ | 00:56 |
DasEi | Brucee: url ? | 00:56 |
jolter | !Wireshark | 00:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Wireshark | 00:56 |
jolter | !kismet | 00:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kismet | 00:56 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: okay, just use the MAC address from the 'auto eth0' profile in the new profile | 00:56 |
hischild | !fishing | jolter | 00:56 |
ubottu | jolter: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 00:56 |
DasEi | !fishing > jolter | 00:56 |
ubottu | jolter, please see my private message | 00:56 |
mbrigdan | hischild: well, I don't normally shutdown for more than that, but with school exams and stuff like that, it really depends. | 00:57 |
yagga | jolter | #wireshark | 00:57 |
leandro_ | Hi. I own a prescott p4 and would like to know if thermal throttling is ative. How do I do that? | 00:57 |
hischild | mbrigdan, i'm afraid that's a subject to ask the channel for now. At least we did get your internet working, but i'm afraid i'm to tired to help you on setting up static up. | 00:57 |
kansan__ | sed -s/localhost/hostname.com/ input.conf input.conf | 00:57 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: when you have the static info set in the new one, then you should be able to switch the 'connect automatically' switches on both (turn the first one off, turn the new one on) | 00:57 |
mbrigdan | hischild: Is there a way I could play with my router to give just my computer a permanent lease? | 00:57 |
kansan__ | jrib, something like that | 00:57 |
hischild | mbrigdan, yeah, you should be able to find a place where you can enter your MAC and an IP, and it should always give yout hat ip | 00:58 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, I'll go try that out now. Over and out. | 00:58 |
=== playya__ is now known as playya | ||
mbrigdan | hischild: ok, thanks | 00:58 |
jrib | kansan__: something like this: sed -i 's/FOO/BAR/g' FILE | 00:58 |
Psi-Jack | How is Ubuntu 8.10's ATI video card support for the X1600 Pro these days? Is it worthwhile yet? | 00:58 |
n8tuser | mbrigdan-> settings are in /etc/network/interfaces | 00:58 |
hischild | mbrigdan, np | 00:58 |
bobbob1016 | Psi-Jack, It isn't really Ubuntu's ATI support, it is ATI's Linux support, but not sure apart from that, it should be ok though, I had an HD2400 in here that worked fine | 00:59 |
kansan__ | jrib, sed [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]... ... what does the [] and the {} syntax mean? [] = required .... ? | 00:59 |
lstarnes | kansan__: optional | 01:00 |
gustavo | oooo vida margurada !!! | 01:00 |
Psi-Jack | bobbob1016: Good to hear. And yes, I know it's not Ubuntu-specific, but Ubuntu has the ability, I believe still, to use the ATI drivers without having to manually go download and install them from AMD's website, etc. | 01:00 |
kansan__ | lstarnes, what is optional | 01:00 |
lstarnes | kansan__: it's not required | 01:00 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, it didn't work. | 01:00 |
kansan__ | lstarnes, but you mean {} is optoinal or [] is optional | 01:00 |
lstarnes | kansan__: both are | 01:00 |
Bruce | how can i mount multiple drives to ubuntu server? | 01:00 |
Psi-Jack | I'm not even going to be using Compiz most likely. No need, and it interupts the usability of opengl applications, like Second Life. likely stay low and just use fluxbox or something. | 01:00 |
Bruce | fdisk sees the drive | 01:00 |
kansan__ | lstarnes, how do they introudce required | 01:01 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: you might've missed a step - what exactly did you do? | 01:01 |
arktvrvs | why is flash not working? even directly from adobe.. | 01:01 |
Flannel | !fstab | Bruce | 01:01 |
ubottu | Bruce: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 01:01 |
yagga | !fstab | Bruce | 01:01 |
ubottu | Bruce: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 01:01 |
gustavo | alguem ai me entende ? | 01:02 |
bobbob1016 | I have a drive with a bad superblock or something, how would I fix it via a LiveCD? fsck -A -y was all I found, is that safe? | 01:02 |
Flannel | !br | gustavo | 01:02 |
ubottu | gustavo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 01:02 |
gustavo | sim | 01:02 |
bulio | I'm trying to install ubuntu on an inspiron 1520 laptop | 01:02 |
bulio | I've tried 8.10 regular and alternate install | 01:02 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea: right-clicked on network manager, went to auto eth0 and hit edit and copied the MAC address. Then I added a new profile, gave it a name, then pasted the MAC address in there. Then I set both to NOT connect automatically (I figured that this wouldn't be an issue). Then I plugged the cord in and told it to connect via the one I just created, and the same thing happened. | 01:02 |
bulio | both freeze after I choose something on the menu prompt | 01:02 |
ronandi | how do you get urxvt to be undecortated every time you open it (openbox) | 01:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | bulio burn the disk at the slowest possible speed, yes, even if it self test fine | 01:03 |
bobbob1016 | Flannel, Nice catch, I was going to do pr or something, didn't know they abbreviated it br, learn something new every day | 01:03 |
Flannel | bulio: That sounds like bad burns | 01:03 |
Bruce | ok thanks yagga | 01:03 |
bulio | Both times though? | 01:03 |
adub | running ubuntu 8.04 and i dont know whats going on with my wireless networking but my wireless application isnt show access points maybe im doing something wrong it use to show em | 01:03 |
NetSkier | I | 01:03 |
Flannel | bulio: Yep | 01:03 |
bulio | I do get kernel panic on one | 01:03 |
DasEi | Bruce: url ? | 01:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | bulio did you md5 the iso | 01:03 |
lstarnes | kansan__: I think that's without brackets | 01:03 |
NetSkier | Is this the appropriate channel to get help in fixing KDE which broke upon upgrading to Intrepid? | 01:04 |
bulio | Jack_Sparrow, no | 01:04 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: okay, you got the first step done, but you missed the rest: you need to edit the IPv4 Settings to change it from an automatic assignment to a static one | 01:04 |
bulio | how can I do that on windows | 01:04 |
Bruce | DasEi : i am trying with fstab thanks.. let me try something | 01:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | NetSkier #kubuntu might be better | 01:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !md5 > bulio | 01:04 |
ubottu | bulio, please see my private message | 01:04 |
bulio | thanks | 01:04 |
NetSkier | Jack_Sparrow, thanks; got em both open now. | 01:04 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: and: manual == static | 01:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | cool | 01:05 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, what do I fill in for those fields? | 01:05 |
InfectedWithDrew | And OpenDNS for the DNS servers? | 01:05 |
jolter | hi what is the command to "open" a textfile in terminal i dont really want to open it just that it will show the content of the textfile | 01:05 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: whatever corresponds to your internal network settings | 01:05 |
Mal3ko | how do we find for specific commands we executed in terminal? | 01:05 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, all right. | 01:05 |
Flannel | jolter: less file | 01:05 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: i assumed you had all of this written down already | 01:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | jolter nano path/file | 01:05 |
jolter | Flannel: thx :) | 01:06 |
=== Guest89856 is now known as fernando | ||
* Gnea smacks himself for assuming | 01:06 | |
Mal3ko | i mean commands that we have used before | 01:06 |
ultratek | how do i extend a partition in gparted? | 01:06 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, I know what to fill in by memory (this router and I go waaaay back). | 01:06 |
jolter | Jack_Sparrow: yeah i know that but i dont really wanna open it but thx anyway m8 :) | 01:06 |
n8tuser | adub which wifi card do you have? what chip it uses? | 01:06 |
=== fernando is now known as Guest48399 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | jolter how are you going to open it and look at it without opening it | 01:06 |
adub | one sec ill find out | 01:06 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: hrm. i would boot it into windows first and record the IP information from there. it uses the same mac address, so giving it a different ip might confuse the router and not make it work right. | 01:07 |
ultratek | gnea: how do i extend a partition in gparted? | 01:07 |
Gnea | ultratek: if I knew, I'd tell ya | 01:07 |
ultratek | kool | 01:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | ultratek Please hold down the repeating | 01:07 |
ultratek | ty though | 01:07 |
=== Guest48399 is now known as fernandof | ||
ultratek | ko | 01:08 |
claudioll | hey guys | 01:08 |
fernandof | hi all | 01:08 |
linuxman410 | how do i installed video drivers for savage 4 in ubuntu | 01:08 |
jolter | Jack_Sparrow: nvm got it working now :) | 01:08 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, you want me to install a new OS, come back in 4 hours after I install THOSE drivers, and then try it again? Nah, I'm just going to put in the address the computer it is taking the cord from has normally. | 01:08 |
fernandof | I can not write email under hotmail | 01:08 |
msutton | Is this an appropriate place to ask about configuring raid in ubunut? | 01:08 |
fernandof | is it here teh right place to get help on that? | 01:08 |
adub | n8tuser it is a broadcom bcm4306 | 01:09 |
Babbelaar | hey all | 01:09 |
claudioll | fernandof, the problem could be the incompatibility of M$ with firefox | 01:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof if you mean you cannot acces hotmail via pop.. they charge for that access. | 01:09 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, I don't know what to fill in for netmask and gateway. How would I retrieve those from another computer? | 01:09 |
Babbelaar | anyone use ubuntu for gaming? | 01:09 |
mcquaid | i only have blank dvds. can i burn a bootable cd iso to a dvd? | 01:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | !games | 01:09 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 01:09 |
jrib | Babbelaar: best to just ask the channel your question. If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you | 01:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | mcquaid yes | 01:09 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: sorry, I was under the impression that you had the system dual-booting. | 01:09 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: long day... | 01:09 |
fernandof | claudioll : how can i check and solve that? | 01:10 |
mcquaid | thx | 01:10 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, no, but it's ok. But, even if you're tired, you should know that Windows isn't worth the trouble ;) | 01:10 |
msutton | Whats the different between the alternate and the server install disks? | 01:10 |
fernandof | jack_sparrow: thx ...but it is not the question to get pop mail access | 01:10 |
claudioll | not sure fernando, i don't use hotmail, but you can try with opera web browser | 01:10 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, I'm actually doing a fresh install of Ibex since the last install wasn't done by me and I just want to make sure it's ok. I'm trying to get the Broadcom driver working... | 01:10 |
Babbelaar | no specific ?s, just making conversation and hoping to hear people's experience with gaming and ubuntu | 01:10 |
claudioll | they have a package that you can install in ubuntu | 01:10 |
jrib | Babbelaar: #ubuntu-offtopic then please | 01:10 |
templaedhel | Babbelaar: I play tremulous | 01:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof So in a browser and on hotmail you cant send/receive | 01:11 |
fernandof | yes | 01:11 |
claudioll | Babbelaar, try crossover of codeeavers | 01:11 |
fernandof | my browser is firefox and I am happy with it | 01:11 |
Babbelaar | how is tremulous, is there alot of exploiting, a good number of people to play with? | 01:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof Which browser | 01:11 |
yagga | Bruce | //computer/sharename/media/sharenamecifs user,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode00 | 01:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Babbelaar `offtopic.. this is support | 01:11 |
fernandof | Firefox | 01:11 |
MHz128 | hello world! | 01:12 |
MHz128 | I am looking for data recovery type software.... is there anything avaible for Ubuntu? or any linux platform? | 01:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof how far do you get into hotmail | 01:12 |
fernandof | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; pt-BR; rv:1.9b5) Gecko/2008041514 | 01:12 |
templaedhel | I have ubuntu 8.10 and a dell inspiron e1505, and when I close the lid the screen doesn't shut off, but when I open it it turns of briefly then back on, like its just realizing the lid was closed | 01:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | MHz128 to recover windows files? | 01:12 |
fernandof | every day i get there | 01:12 |
msutton | Anyone boot RAID 1 in here? | 01:13 |
MHz128 | Jack_Sparrow, yes, it was an ntfs drive... now its reading as "RAW" | 01:13 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: sounds like a plan | 01:13 |
claudioll | MHz128, try easyrecovery | 01:13 |
MHz128 | claudioll, windows? | 01:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | MHz128 not good, but boot ubuntu livecd and see what you can recover (to usb as needed) | 01:13 |
Alejo-Expat | hi, i'¡ve always been a happy ubuntu user, but my ubuntu 8.04 is so slow that it's unusable. I've googled and i've seen people complain, but i haven't seen any solutions. What do i do? | 01:13 |
yagga | MHz128: there is PTK that rus with autopsy | 01:13 |
MHz128 | Jack_Sparrow, why boot the livecd? | 01:13 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, but how would I retrieve that information? I actually don't know what it is or where to find it on Windows. | 01:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid > msutton | 01:14 |
ubottu | msutton, please see my private message | 01:14 |
MHz128 | yagga, what is that? | 01:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | MHz128 to avoid writing anything to the drive and adding to the problem | 01:14 |
claudioll | connect the damaged disk into another computer, and then recover the data with that soft | 01:14 |
Grant-A|afk | is ext2 a good choice for a flash drive? | 01:14 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: just go to network connections in your control panel, right-click on 'local area connection' and then the 'support' tab | 01:14 |
InfectedWithDrew | Thank you, Gnea. | 01:14 |
Gnea | InfectedWithDrew: you can get 'details' there. :) | 01:14 |
msutton | Whats the different between dmraid and mdadm? | 01:15 |
msutton | Jack_Sparrow I've been reading through those | 01:15 |
yagga | MHz128: it is pat of the repo (Autopsy) it offers recovery of faild drives after imaging with dd for examplw | 01:15 |
MHz128 | yagga, what is autopsy? | 01:15 |
MHz128 | oh cool! | 01:15 |
m1dn1ght | Hey - does anyone know if it's possible to install the 2D SiS Mirage 3 video driver in Intrepid? Forums seem to suggest no-one has figured it out yet. | 01:15 |
Alejo-Expat | what is the solution to the massive slowdown in ubuntu? | 01:15 |
Mal3ko | lawl..uploading 100 files in ubuntu server is like a pain. isnt there ftp uploader that supports simulatenous upload? | 01:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | m1dn1ght vesa will be ablut the best you can hoppe for..1024x768 | 01:16 |
Gnea | Mal3ko: FTP is an ineffecient and archaic protocol. | 01:16 |
Anusien | Mal3ko: Also, try FileZilla | 01:16 |
msutton | From what I understand at least, I don't really want to use dmraid. | 01:16 |
m1dn1ght | Jack_Sparrow: Yah - that's what I thought :( Will have to stick with Hardy until someone figures it out | 01:16 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, when I put into Netmask it reverts to 24 after I save the settings. | 01:17 |
Mal3ko | Anusien: it's ubuntu server :p need Cmds | 01:17 |
mker | I have a problem with changing home directory for user accounts used for SSH (more specifically the SFTP part of SSH). Can someone take a look at my thread in the forum please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 | 01:17 |
claudioll | hey yagga, you are talking about a bunch of utilities to recover data? | 01:17 |
fernandof | Jack_Sparrow : any suggestion | 01:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof nope< i dont have an account so I cant test it | 01:17 |
Alejo-Expat | ubuntu has become so horribly slow that i can't use it. What do i do? | 01:17 |
MHz128 | claudioll, what company makes 'easyrecovery'? or do you have a url? there are lots search results... | 01:17 |
jesper_ | Hi, im wondering how to acces windows partition from ubuntu interpid? | 01:18 |
yagga | claudioll: no it is full bodied recovery | 01:18 |
mker | Alejo-Expat, how did it become slow? Did you do any changes before it got slow? | 01:18 |
claudioll | MHz128, google it! | 01:18 |
m1dn1ght | Jack_Sparrow: I don't suppose you know what the sticking point is? I get the impression it's the new Xorg? | 01:18 |
Alejo-Expat | mker, upgraded to 8.04 | 01:18 |
mcquaid | hmm, put in a few blank cds and get Buffer I/O error on device sr0 | 01:18 |
MHz128 | claudioll, ya i did, there a lots of other programs called similar things....... | 01:18 |
mcquaid | but it can read my existing dvd's cds fine | 01:18 |
DasEi | jesper_:go to mount it | 01:18 |
MHz128 | Brothersoft? | 01:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat What flavor of ubuntu are you running, and what all have you added from outside official repos? | 01:18 |
claudioll | MHz128, let me see if I can find the url | 01:18 |
Kassah | is there an easy way to remove old kernel packages? | 01:18 |
claudioll | thanks yagga | 01:19 |
jesper_ | DasEi: ive installed ubuntu with Wubi, makes any diffrende? | 01:19 |
fernandof | thx | 01:19 |
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, it's 8.04 hardy, and i have added nothing | 01:19 |
DasEi | jesper_: nope | 01:19 |
mker | Alejo-Expat, maybe try a clean install of 8.04 then, or 8.10 which is the latest version. I'm just guessing though. | 01:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | jesper_ yep it does, wubi is not a real install it is a test drive inside a file on a windowsa box | 01:19 |
fernandof | does anyone knows if there is a specific channel for help on that issue? | 01:19 |
jesper_ | So what should i dp? | 01:19 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
fernandof | that issue means firefox does not allow ro write emails under hotmail | 01:20 |
DasEi | jesper:open a terminal in ubuntu | 01:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat what flavor of ubuntu and can you pastebin your sources.list for us.. NOT in the channel | 01:20 |
fernandof | I can do it under MSWINDOWS | 01:20 |
jrib | fernandof: what happens exactly? | 01:20 |
Quagmire | anyone care to weigh in with some info on adobe flash player? I can't get it to work and no one has anything to say over at ##Flash ...I assume that's the correct channel. | 01:20 |
DasEi | jesper:sudo fdisk -l | 01:20 |
fernandof | but not under ubuntu | 01:20 |
eseven73 | come down off that fence and actually install Ubuntu :) | 01:20 |
jesper_ | DasEi: Yes | 01:20 |
fernandof | the window to write does not allow to write there | 01:21 |
DasEi | jesper:devicename of the ntfs-parti ? .. /dev/sd.... | 01:21 |
DasEi | *device | 01:21 |
fernandof | neither in new message neither in reply procedure | 01:21 |
m1dn1ght | fernandof: Are you having trouble using the full version of hotmail under Ubuntu? | 01:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > fernandof | 01:21 |
fernandof | I can write on address window | 01:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste > Alejo-Expat | 01:21 |
ubottu | Alejo-Expat, please see my private message | 01:22 |
jesper_ | DasEi: /dev/sda1 * | 01:22 |
january | Hello | 01:22 |
fernandof | > | 01:22 |
jsjones96 | Alejo-Expat: Is is painfully slow at boot/logout? | 01:22 |
yagga | MHz128, claudioll | http://ptk.dflabs.com/ and http://www.sleuthkit.org/autopsy/ | 01:22 |
m1dn1ght | fernandof: I was reading an article about using hotmail under linux if that's your problem: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/hotmail_doesnt_work_with_firefox_2 | 01:22 |
Techtronic | smb help me pls | 01:22 |
Alejo-Expat | http://paste.ubuntu.com/84611/ | 01:23 |
MHz128 | yagga, thank you sir | 01:23 |
claudioll | thanks a lot yagga | 01:23 |
jrib | Techtronic: best to just ask the channel your question. If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you | 01:23 |
fernandof | thx midnight did not understand your post | 01:23 |
DasEi | jesper: sudo mkdir /mnt/win | 01:23 |
january | Question: how can I make a program to start w/o window manager decorations? (default ubuntu Gnome desktop) | 01:23 |
m1dn1ght | !ask | Techtronic | 01:23 |
ubottu | Techtronic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:23 |
Techtronic | ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) | 01:23 |
vaxius | Techtronic: with? | 01:23 |
fernandof | sorry | 01:23 |
claudioll | ok guys... se ya | 01:23 |
fernandof | midnight thx | 01:23 |
bulio | hmm, MD5 checks out | 01:23 |
Alejo-Expat | the 3 main problems: stuff like sendmail takes ages to start, so the system takes ages to start. Nautilus is slow as hell. FIrefox uses gb's of memory despite it being version 3 | 01:23 |
bulio | I guess its a bad burn | 01:23 |
fernandof | I understand ... and I am going to read it | 01:23 |
DasEi | jesper: sudo mount -t ntfts /dev/sda1 /mnt/win | 01:23 |
m1dn1ght | fernandof: Good luck with that. | 01:23 |
=== hlab is now known as eut` | ||
jesper_ | DasEi: Looks like nothing happend | 01:24 |
DasEi | jesper: only looks so | 01:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat did you upgrade through all version of jump from feisty to hardy | 01:24 |
DasEi | jesper: cd /mnt/win | 01:24 |
DasEi | jesper: ls | 01:24 |
InfectedWithDrew | Gnea, in case you missed it, I put the subnet mask in for netmask, and that's, but it changed to 24. | 01:24 |
DasEi | jesper: files there ? | 01:24 |
=== eut is now known as Guest37767 | ||
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, i skipped 7.10. I went from 7.04 to 8.04 | 01:24 |
fernandof | the article is about firefox 2.0 | 01:24 |
fernandof | I am using 5.0 | 01:24 |
jesper_ | DasEi: Now in getting | 01:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat BAd mojo.. you cant do that | 01:25 |
jesper_ | DasEi: /mnt/win$ | 01:25 |
vaxius | Techtronic: I don't really have any experience with MySQL | 01:25 |
DasEi | jesper: ls | 01:25 |
january | fernandof: there is no firefox 5.0 :-) | 01:25 |
DasEi | jesper: files there ? | 01:25 |
donavan_ | I just installed virtualbox from the closed source binaries and everything seemed to install correctly but now I am getting the following error "Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" I thought the closed source was supposed to support USB any one have any ideas on this one? | 01:25 |
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, i just told it to upgrade, shouldn't it be clever enough to either do it smoothly or tell me: you can't do that! ? | 01:25 |
teratorn | donavan_: use google. that is a known issue. | 01:25 |
=== eut` is now known as lechon | ||
jesper_ | DasEi: So i have to acces the files through the "commandpromt" | 01:26 |
yagga | Techtronic: did you start mysql | 01:26 |
fernandof | right 5.0 is my mozilla version | 01:26 |
teratorn | there are ubuntu-specific changes you have to make | 01:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat if you change the sources and tell it to upgrade it will try to do it | 01:26 |
fernandof | I am using 3.0 firefox | 01:26 |
DasEi | donavan:though wrong channel ; I think you gotta fix that in vbox'es preferences | 01:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | !upgrade | 01:26 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:26 |
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, i didn't mess with the sources, i promise | 01:26 |
donavan_ | teratorn: gotcha thanks | 01:26 |
fernandof | 3.0b5 to be more exact | 01:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat k, sources.list looks a bit odd | 01:26 |
DasEi | jesper: or via nautilus; do u want to alter the files or write to the parti ? | 01:26 |
Techtronic | yagga: mysqld? | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof that isnt from our repos is it? | 01:27 |
ariswong | hi guys | 01:27 |
ariswong | how are u today | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask > ariswong | 01:27 |
ubottu | ariswong, please see my private message | 01:27 |
fernandof | yes it is , but upgraded | 01:27 |
jesper_ | DasEi: Just want to read the files not write | 01:27 |
DasEi | jesper: graphical : places > mnt> win | 01:27 |
Circs | I have a server of unknown pedigree with either raid 1 or 0 on it that appears to have had a HDD failure. Any help? | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | fernandof upgraded HOW? | 01:27 |
fernandof | I installed all my software from ubuntu repos | 01:28 |
DasEi | jesper: so nothing else to do, want to have it permanent ? | 01:28 |
Gnea | !raid | Circs | 01:28 |
ubottu | Circs: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 01:28 |
fernandof | And I have no windows on this computer | 01:28 |
mcquaid | hmm, my drive can't read any cdrw or dvd-rw media | 01:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find firefox | 01:28 |
ubottu | Found: firefox-greasemonkey, firefox-launchpad-plugin, firefox-sage, firefox-showcase, firefox-ubuntu-it-menu (and 23 others) | 01:28 |
mcquaid | but all other dvds cds are ok, and i could burn use blank media in hardy | 01:28 |
fernandof | just accepted the updates recomended by system | 01:28 |
Quagmire | !find adobe flash | 01:28 |
ubottu | flash is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'medibuntu', 'partner'] | 01:28 |
=== mgco is now known as mushroom | ||
=== mushroom is now known as mushroomcheeseom | ||
yagga | Techtronic: yes /etc/init.d/mysqld strat | 01:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find flashplugin-nonfree | 01:29 |
ubottu | Found: flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound | 01:29 |
yagga | start | 01:29 |
Gnea | !info flashplugin-nonfree | 01:29 |
ubottu | flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia) | 01:29 |
ariswong | ga oleh yo wes | 01:29 |
jesper_ | DasEi: i dont have nautilus on ubuntu :/ but isnt there someway that i can get a shortcut for my windows dir on my desktop or something, im a complete newbie so fat | 01:29 |
Quagmire | Jack_Sparrow, do yo have any insight into my adobe flash player problem or where I can find it at??? | 01:29 |
sproingie | quick question: actually working vmware-tools for 8.10. actually possible without a blood sacrifice? | 01:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !flash | 01:29 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 01:29 |
Techtronic | yagga: bash: /etc/init.d/mysqld: No such file or directory | 01:29 |
mushroomcheeseom | anybody can answer hardware glitches here too? | 01:29 |
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, so what can i do? It's driving me crazy, and after 4 and 1/2 years of using ubuntu i'm pissed off enough to go back to windows. I didn't mess with it. I just clicked on the button offering me to upgrade to the newest version. | 01:30 |
DasEi | jesper: it's dolphin then, graphical as I said, on Desktop > rightclick on desk, > configure > show mounted drives | 01:30 |
yagga | Techtronic: try sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start | 01:30 |
DasEi | jesper: want to have it mounted permanent ? | 01:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat install your last backup | 01:30 |
Gnea | mushroomcheeseom: anybody can, somebody might, nobody has to, and everybody could. | 01:30 |
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, as in.. my last system backup ? | 01:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 01:31 |
jesper_ | DasEi: yes permanent | 01:31 |
sproingie | has anyone successfully installed vmware-tools from the linux.iso in the workstation bundle? | 01:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat if you have used ubuntu for 4.5 years and never had a backup and never had to reinstall , windows is sure to disappoint | 01:31 |
mushroomcheeseom | @Gnea: i guess i thought i may find someone who will or won't | 01:32 |
DasEi | jesper: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 01:32 |
DasEi | jesper: scroll down that file, add a line : | 01:32 |
Gnea | mushroomcheeseom: you should get a bit more specific, vagueness is often looked down upon in here. | 01:32 |
daaaman64 | I'm having a problem with my dual boot. My menu.lst entry for WinXP isn't working. Anyone know a valid one? | 01:32 |
mushroomcheeseom | just wondering why my system hangs... | 01:33 |
DasEi | jesper: /dev/sda1 /mnt/win ntfs ,user,auto, ro 0 0 | 01:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | I need the bot trigger for !indonesia | 01:33 |
Gnea | mushroomcheeseom: yeah, that's pretty vague... when does it hang? | 01:33 |
DasEi | jesper: leave the file with a blank line (simply hit enter ) Save it, close gedit | 01:34 |
eseven73 | Oh noes! openvpn screwed up my network, so i uninstalled it, now i get no internet at all /etc/init.d/networking restart says | 01:34 |
daaaman64 | Anyone know where I can learn about my problem? | 01:34 |
eseven73 | 'unknown interface eth0 | 01:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !id | 01:34 |
ubottu | join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 01:34 |
Gnea | eseven73: did you try rebooting? | 01:34 |
Alejo-Expat | Jack_Sparrow, no, i had to reinstall it 20 billion times. Granted, left often than windows. But still a lot. And it doesn't take a phd to install your sound or your video card. I have advocated ubuntu for years, but i'm really angry at the moment | 01:34 |
jesper_ | DasEi: I have started Dolphin now, what was it i should to there | 01:34 |
eseven73 | not yet, Gnea really hate to reboot :( is there another way ? | 01:34 |
mushroomcheeseom | no particular time or trigger. so far i remember it has hung 5 or 6 times since a fresh install 7 or so days ago | 01:34 |
DasEi | jesper:filesystem > mnt > win | 01:35 |
scoremeformusic | hey room, I need to make my wireless default, I've been told to create "local file" in /etc/init.d, then update-rc to run it at startup, then add the commands necessary for establishing the connection to that file. Can anyone run me through it? | 01:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alejo-Expat So no backups? Sorry you are frustrated , but this is not the place to vent your frustration | 01:35 |
MTecknology | How do I show my layers toolbar in gimp? I lost it and can't get it back... | 01:35 |
sproingie | i don't know an OS i don't get angry at, windows and linux included | 01:35 |
mushroomcheeseom | i'm thinking it's because i use 256MB of RAM only... | 01:35 |
jesper_ | Dasei: The files wont show up there | 01:36 |
Gnea | eseven73: well, if it's not talking to the internet right now, it's not going to really make a difference | 01:36 |
sproingie | i've also never had a car i didn't hate on several occasions | 01:36 |
Phantom77 | good evening | 01:36 |
mushroomcheeseom | good morning! | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 01:36 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:36 |
Phantom77 | hah | 01:36 |
jesper_ | Dasei: Or must the files be shared in windows? | 01:36 |
Gnea | mushroomcheeseom: that could be it... have you considered xubuntu? | 01:36 |
DasEi | jesper : nope | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | MTecknology #gimp may be a better choice | 01:36 |
eseven73 | ok Gnea ty,,,umm what if rebooting doesnt help whats the next step? I dont want to have to completly reinstall if possible. | 01:37 |
MTecknology | Jack_Sparrow: alrighty | 01:37 |
boGGdy | I have troubles editing the menu.lst, to be able to change the default boot. anyone can help me? | 01:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | MTecknology I use it , but just enough to be dangerous | 01:37 |
DasEi | jesper: places > filestem > mnt > win ?! | 01:37 |
Gnea | eseven73: i wouldn't bet on a reinstall just yet - see if it works or not, we can troubleshoot from there. | 01:37 |
eseven73 | ok | 01:37 |
mushroomcheeseom | i'm pretty new with linux and as you may have gathered, it hasn't been 2wks yet since my 1st install. so i guess i'll have to read up on xubuntu? | 01:37 |
x-ip | hi :) | 01:37 |
DasEi | boGGdy: sure, paste your menu.lst | 01:37 |
mushroomcheeseom | @Gnea thanks | 01:38 |
IndyGunFreak | mushroomcheeseom: why do you need xubuntu? | 01:38 |
Gnea | !xubuntu | mushroomcheeseom | 01:38 |
ubottu | mushroomcheeseom: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 01:38 |
jesper_ | Dasei: Nothin | 01:38 |
Phantom77 | anyone played with 8.10 yet? | 01:38 |
Gnea | Phantom77: all the time | 01:38 |
DasEi | jesper: if you just : mount , parti still mounted ? | 01:38 |
Phantom77 | cool | 01:38 |
gnubie | mushroomcheeseom; http://www.xubuntu.org/about | 01:38 |
Gnea | beyond the 'playing' part, actually | 01:39 |
caligarn1037 | does anybody know any cool notification applets for the desktop? | 01:39 |
jesper_ | DasEi: how do i se if its still mounted= | 01:39 |
LjL | mushroomcheeseom, if by "hang" you mean the HD starts being noise and everything gets very slow, that's one thing, and it's probably due to not enough RAM. if by "hang" you mean it freezes solid, that has nothing to do with RAM. | 01:39 |
DasEi | jesper: type mount in trml | 01:39 |
vaxius | Phantom77: just be sure you don't have the intel 4965 wireless before you upgrade | 01:39 |
boGGdy | dasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84618/ | 01:39 |
Phantom77 | interesting | 01:40 |
DasEi | boGGdy: which shall be your default boot ? | 01:40 |
Phantom77 | I am having trouble connecting to my network | 01:40 |
boGGdy | DasEi: Win. :( | 01:40 |
doglino | :) | 01:40 |
boGGdy | my wife hates ubuntu | 01:40 |
jesper_ | Dasei: se a bounch of thins, dont whink its mounted anymore | 01:40 |
vaxius | Phantom77: yeah, it's a bug in the newer kernel, not Ubuntu's fault, but you may never get wifi working if you have that chipset | 01:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > boGGdy | 01:41 |
ubottu | boGGdy, please see my private message | 01:41 |
yagga | jesper, this is how i have my shared drive mounted: //computername/shareddrive/media/shareddrivenamecifs user,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode00 | 01:41 |
DasEi | jesper_:sudo mount -a , try again | 01:41 |
Phantom77 | its on my old laptop | 01:41 |
Phantom77 | its a p3 | 01:41 |
yagga | DasEi: mount -a i think | 01:41 |
Phantom77 | 256k of ram | 01:41 |
Phantom77 | :P | 01:41 |
Phantom77 | but ubuntu runs well on it | 01:42 |
jesper_ | Dasei: line 8 is incorrect | 01:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > Phantom77 | 01:42 |
ubottu | Phantom77, please see my private message | 01:42 |
Phantom77 | oops | 01:43 |
Circs | 256k? | 01:43 |
jesper_ | DasEi: /etc/fstab is incorrect | 01:43 |
duanedesign | while in the bathroom my cat stepped on my keyboard. Now my computer beeps with every key I press. How do I get this to stop | 01:44 |
jrib | duanedesign: did you reboot? | 01:44 |
sproingie | wrap your cat with duct tape whenever you shower | 01:44 |
buridan | kill yourself? your cat is clearly in need of entertainment and eating your face is right up there on kitty entertainment | 01:44 |
duanedesign | lol | 01:44 |
eseven73 | Gnea: ok rebooting fixed it thanks! | 01:44 |
jrib | buridan: please don't do that | 01:45 |
sproingie | you probably interrupted the cat as he was logging into his botnet account | 01:45 |
boGGdy | DasEi: still working on it? | 01:45 |
D3RGPS31 | How do I set Polipo to download everything the users see? | 01:45 |
buridan | don't do what> | 01:45 |
DasEi | boGGdy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84618/ | 01:45 |
DasEi | jesper: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 01:46 |
DasEi | jesper: pastebinit /etc/fstab | 01:46 |
buridan | perhaps the gentleman is in the united kingdom, if so, he has a legal obligation to provide entertainment to said kitteh | 01:46 |
=== lifi is now known as _lifi | ||
DasEi | jesper:^ url ? | 01:46 |
boGGdy | DasEi: that's what I gave you | 01:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | duanedesign It sounds like you cat did more than step on your keyboard... | 01:46 |
jrib | buridan: stay on topic with relevant support | 01:46 |
jesper_ | DasEi: yes | 01:46 |
xp_prg | hi all, I am on 8.04 I waqnt to upgrade to 8.10, what is the best way to do that? | 01:47 |
jesper_ | DasEi: http://pastebin.com/f7b1e6acf | 01:47 |
DasEi | boGGdy: http://pastebin.com/m264f3212 , yup, wrong tab | 01:47 |
buridan | oh there is no relevant support | 01:47 |
eseven73 | !upgrade | 01:47 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:47 |
LjL | !ot | buridan | 01:47 |
ubottu | buridan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:47 |
bazhang | buridan, please take chat elsewhere. | 01:47 |
Gnea | eseven73: cheers | 01:47 |
Noerya | Hi | 01:48 |
buridan | i might suggest encouraging turning off the auto join to this channel if you prefer not to have people join the channel | 01:48 |
DasEi | jesper: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab > /dev/sda1 /mnt/win ntfs ,user,auto, ro 0 0 to /dev/sda1 /mnt/win ntfs user,auto,ro 0 0 | 01:48 |
MooCowss | I'm having trouble getting flashplayer to work for FireFox | 01:48 |
MooCowss | or any browser for that face | 01:48 |
DasEi | jesper: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab > /dev/sda1 /mnt/win ntfs ,user,auto, ro 0 0 to /dev/sda1 /mnt/win ntfs user,auto,ro 0 0 | 01:48 |
MooCowss | fact | 01:48 |
C0nn0R | sudo apt-get install nonfree-flashplugin | 01:49 |
boGGdy | DasEi: thank you, but can you tell me why is it 3? - I want to understand what's going on there | 01:49 |
ubuntu008 | MooCowss: what is your troubles? | 01:49 |
xp_prg | guys that uses xwindows, I don't have xwindows to use, only a command prompt as root :( | 01:49 |
MooCowss | Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. document.write('Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe\'s Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.'); Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. | 01:49 |
MooCowss | E: Couldn't find package nonfree-flashplugin | 01:49 |
DasEi | boGGdy: the num starts to count from 0, an your win is the 4th title in menu.lst | 01:49 |
ubuntu008 | seems you don't have flash installed | 01:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | MooCowss reverse that nonfree at the end | 01:50 |
DasEi | MooCowss: flashplugin-nonfree | 01:50 |
boGGdy | DasEi: it will ignore the one on line 161? | 01:50 |
MooCowss | flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version. | 01:50 |
MooCowss | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 01:50 |
MooCowss | libqt3-mt | 01:50 |
MooCowss | Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. | 01:50 |
FloodBot3 | MooCowss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:50 |
sproingie | I'm guessing you either java JavaScript turned off | 01:50 |
sproingie | or your have an old version of Adobe's Flash Player | 01:50 |
D3RGPS31 | How do I set Polipo to download everything the users see >.> | 01:50 |
jesper_ | DasEi: yep | 01:50 |
sproingie | i bet if you got the latest Flash player ... | 01:51 |
buridan | quite rude there | 01:51 |
DasEi | boGGdy: it's a divider | 01:51 |
etfb | Every time I wake my laptop from Suspend mode, it flashes up a message before it restores the X server: "i8042 aux 00:09 activation failed". What the *&%$@ does that mean??? | 01:52 |
MooCowss | JavaScript is enabled in FF | 01:52 |
boGGdy | DasEi: believe it or not, one time I had that selected by default | 01:52 |
boGGdy | of course, it didn't boot | 01:52 |
DasEi | boGGdy: really ? ;-) | 01:53 |
=== [1]Sharpiedeluxe is now known as Sharpiedeluxe | ||
boGGdy | DasEi: you have my word | 01:53 |
mcrandello | is the 8.10 proprietary drivers dialog giving anyone else problems for the ATI videocard driver? | 01:53 |
duanedesign | input_beep_chans | 01:54 |
DasEi | mcrandello:yup , probs with 8.10 xorg 7.4 | 01:54 |
mcrandello | when I click "activate" for mine it briefly flashes the "downloading and installing" dialog and then goes back to the main drivers panel without having done anything | 01:54 |
mcrandello | ah | 01:54 |
mcrandello | so I should go ahead and use this then? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 01:54 |
DasEi | jesper:save fstab, again : sudo mount -a | 01:54 |
Kidfork | in #cinelerra | 01:54 |
jesper_ | DasEi: Mount failet, its busy, dont know how to put it in english | 01:56 |
vaxius | mcrandello: yes, use the --buildpkg option, so you can manage it through the package manager, it's how i do it | 01:56 |
Kidfork | How do you speed-up video projects in cinelerra? | 01:56 |
DasEi | jesper:restart ubuntu | 01:56 |
jesper_ | Okey | 01:56 |
jesper_ | Be right back then | 01:57 |
MooCowss | still doesn't work | 01:57 |
MooCowss | I don't see any flashplayer in the FF plugins | 01:57 |
Chug | hi all | 01:57 |
NAAB | WHAT IS AN DEBIAN????!!!! | 01:58 |
usser | !debian | 01:59 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 01:59 |
DasEi | !caps | NAAB | 01:59 |
ubottu | NAAB: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 01:59 |
MooCowss | I even tried the manual install | 02:00 |
DasEi | !flash > MooCowss | 02:00 |
tw2113 | anyone know how to get a geforce2 mx200 graphics card working above 800x600 resolution on Hardy? | 02:00 |
ubottu | MooCowss, please see my private message | 02:00 |
mcrandello | DasEi, vaxius, thanks! | 02:00 |
tw2113 | not necessarily looking for compiz to work and everything | 02:00 |
tw2113 | just a higher resolution | 02:00 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a proxy package that downloads everything a user visits? | 02:00 |
omega1 | t | 02:00 |
omega1 | !flash > omega1 | 02:00 |
ubottu | omega1, please see my private message | 02:00 |
NAAB | HOW DO I WUBI DEBIAN??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? | 02:00 |
jesper_ | DasEi, Back, now what to do | 02:00 |
bazhang | NAAB, you dont | 02:00 |
vox | troll. | 02:00 |
DasEi | jesper_: places > mnt > win ??? | 02:01 |
Xenu | What is a decent GMA 3100 framerate for Compiz Fusion? | 02:01 |
=== Xenu is now known as Guest58274 | ||
bazhang | Xenu, ask in #compiz | 02:01 |
icehawk | Hey so can someone possibly help me out with a problem with an application i was using last night | 02:01 |
Guest58274 | I dont have this machine built yet, just want to know what kind of FPS i can expect in compiz@1024x768 | 02:01 |
=== Guest58274 is now known as Xenu- | ||
icehawk | application was gournal | 02:01 |
jesper_ | DasEI: nothin, in dolphin its root>msn>win? ar am i doing it wrong? | 02:02 |
DasEi | jesper_: places > mnt > win ??? | 02:02 |
Chug | i lent my ubuntu 8.10 usb live key to a friend to scan his computer and he ran the update manager now there is no room on the key. should i reformat it or is there some way i can un update it? | 02:02 |
ari_stress | hi guys, do we have KPDF in 8.10? I cannot find i | 02:02 |
Quagmire | Am I way over my head wanting to play with Compiz Fusion and try to make ubuntu do some crazy stuff or shoul give it a whilebefore I just into something lie that? I mean I've got a whole day under my belt. ;) LOL | 02:02 |
tw2113 | should i just get an update to this computer and get it off such an old card? | 02:02 |
Quagmire | jump into something | 02:02 |
Gnea | Chug: just delete the packages off of it | 02:02 |
MooCowss | DasEi: I installed libflashsupport also and still no dice | 02:03 |
jesper_ | DasEi: finding nothing | 02:03 |
Chug | thanks Gnea | 02:03 |
Sharpiedeluxe_ | Anyone know if there is a known list of issues when upgrading from hardy to intrepid? | 02:03 |
icehawk | The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:03 |
DasEi | jesper: mount | pastebinit | 02:03 |
Xenu- | What is a decent GMA 3100 framerate for Compiz Fusion? Don't have the machine built yet (Q6600 CPU) and would like to know if compiz @ 1024x786@60 can have an FPS at or above the screen refresh rate (vsync) | 02:03 |
DasEi | jesper:url ? | 02:03 |
Xenu- | with cube reflection and other niceties enabled of course. | 02:04 |
Hasbro | Hi | 02:04 |
jesper_ | http://pastebin.com/f50fadfb3 | 02:04 |
Hasbro | Anyone have experience with mysql + ubuntu | 02:04 |
DasEi | MooCowss: using the 64 bit version ? | 02:04 |
tw2113 | do you people get questions besides ones with compiz, btw? | 02:04 |
Hasbro | It only allows me to connect to my mysql via an ssh tunnel | 02:04 |
teratoma | assssssssssssk a question | 02:04 |
icehawk | someone please help me out with gournal problems The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:04 |
MooCowss | DasEi: no | 02:04 |
teratoma | Hasbro: what user, and does the user have permission to connect to your mysql server from the ip you are using | 02:05 |
vaxius | !intrepid | Sharpiedeluxe_ | 02:05 |
ubottu | Sharpiedeluxe_: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 | 02:05 |
Hasbro | Yes tera | 02:05 |
Hasbro | % = all | 02:05 |
Hasbro | yes? | 02:05 |
Sharpiedeluxe_ | thanks so much | 02:05 |
Xenu- | ... | 02:05 |
Hasbro | It only works when I connect over an ssh tunnel | 02:05 |
icehawk | someone please help me out with gournal problems The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:05 |
icehawk | (09:04:37 PM) teratoma: assssssssssssk a question | 02:05 |
DasEi | MooCowss: did you restart browser after plugin-install ? | 02:05 |
Xenu- | is everyone ignoring me because i'm insulting scientology using my nickname or does no one know the answer? | 02:05 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a software channel for ubuntu? | 02:05 |
MooCowss | DasEi: Yes | 02:05 |
xp_prg | can't seem to find any documentation on how to upgrade to ubuntu 8.10 from 8.04 using command line, anyone know of anything? | 02:06 |
Xenu- | lol | 02:06 |
icehawk | someone please help me out with gournal problems The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:06 |
R0b0t1 | Greasemonkey wants me to select my preffered text editor. Where can I find gedit? | 02:06 |
Xenu- | ... | 02:07 |
teratoma | Hasbro: maybe the ip you are trying to connect to, is not on the subnet your mysql server is on. what is ip of your mysql server, and what ip are you trying to connect from | 02:07 |
popboy_Geni | hi | 02:07 |
icehawk | someone please help me out with gournal problems The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. Later it cracshed and would never run back up again. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:07 |
Hasbro | Tertoma | 02:07 |
Hasbro | I'm trying to connect from my home ip | 02:07 |
BlueEagle | R0b0t1: open a console and then type: which gedit | 02:07 |
Hasbro | and my mysql server is on | 02:07 |
Hasbro | arcemu.info | 02:07 |
Hasbro | and ONLY | 02:07 |
FloodBot3 | Hasbro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:07 |
BlueEagle | R0b0t1: That should give you the path to the executable. | 02:07 |
Hasbro | works when I tunnel into from ssh, sorry. | 02:07 |
teratoma | Hasbro: giving permission to % is not going to be enough | 02:07 |
Hasbro | Silly bot. | 02:08 |
tsrk | what's sudo -i? | 02:08 |
BlueEagle | Hasbro: I would say that the bot did the right thing. Don't use ENTER as punctuation. | 02:08 |
Hasbro | teratoma, how do I make it so you can connect without over ssh | 02:08 |
Hasbro | Tsrk: That makes your session root/sudo | 02:08 |
teratoma | Hasbro: what's wrong with using your ssh tunnel ? do you want peopel to hack you? | 02:08 |
tsrk | Hasbro, is it like sudo su? | 02:08 |
xp_prg | is there an ubuntu server channel? | 02:08 |
icehawk | someone please help me out with gournal problems The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. Later it cracshed and would never run back up again. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:08 |
Hasbro | teratoma, because I don't want to give my ssh info out to some people who need to connect to the mysql server.. | 02:09 |
vaxius | tsrk: equivalent of su | 02:09 |
rebel_kid | vlc is refusing to play a dvd, i choose open disc and it sits there flickering between pause and play | 02:09 |
Xenu- | you know what, i hate ubuntu. im going back to Vista. | 02:09 |
Hasbro | Bye Xenu, rofl. | 02:09 |
Xenu- | lol i was kidding | 02:09 |
DasEi | tsrk:yes | 02:09 |
lstarnes | tsrk: I think it's more safe than sudo su | 02:09 |
Flannel | vaxius, tsrk: use sudo -i instead | 02:09 |
Xenu- | i dont even use ubuntu, i use debian | 02:09 |
BlueEagle | !codec | rebel_kid | 02:09 |
ubottu | rebel_kid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:09 |
DasEi | !sudo > tsrk | 02:09 |
tsrk | Ok, thanks | 02:09 |
Xenu- | either way, w/e this is pointless | 02:09 |
ubottu | tsrk, please see my private message | 02:09 |
vaxius | Flannel: um, i know | 02:09 |
icehawk | can someone please help me. | 02:09 |
Hasbro | For instance.. | 02:10 |
icehawk | It seems that i am being ignored as everyone else is being helped | 02:10 |
vaxius | icehawk: with? | 02:10 |
Flannel | vaxius: Ah, indeed. | 02:10 |
teratoma | Hasbro: i think you're doing it wrong | 02:10 |
msutton | Do I need a seperate /boot partition from the system partition? | 02:10 |
Hasbro | I have a php script that's supposed to connect to my mysql serveer, as well as software that needs to connect to it, and they don't support connecting over an ssh tunnel.. | 02:10 |
Flannel | msutton: nope | 02:10 |
vaxius | msutton: nope | 02:10 |
icehawk | vaxius: help me out with gournal problems The problem is that last night i was using it fine after i downloaded it with synaptic. Later it cracshed and would never run back up again. after reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu 8.10 it cannot be found with snynaptic( on my system) and so when downloaded from the website it will not run. Please help | 02:10 |
IndyGunFreak | icehawk: that sounds like an application error, start the application in a terminal, and see what error it spits when it doesn't start | 02:10 |
BlueEagle | msutton: No, you don't have to have a separate boot partition. | 02:10 |
msutton | Didn't think so, but I wasn't sure | 02:10 |
Hasbro | Any ideas anyone? | 02:10 |
icehawk | Indy: i did run in termal no goes | 02:10 |
aprilhare | hello: i want to run video as background (like windoze dreamscene). does anyone know how to achieve this in intrepid? i read you need xwinwrap however I can't find it. | 02:11 |
IndyGunFreak | icehawk: did you get an error? | 02:11 |
vaxius | icehawk: did you try apt-get update? It's in the universe repo | 02:11 |
icehawk | no it just did run | 02:11 |
Hasbro | aprilhare, what is Windoze dreamscene? | 02:11 |
Hasbro | . | 02:11 |
icehawk | vaxius: what is apt-get update? | 02:11 |
BlueEagle | msutton: There are a couple of reasons for having one tho. One is that older boot loaders require it. Another is to make sure your kernel is not overwritten by accident as you don't have to mount /boot unless you want to change the kernel or boot loader information. | 02:11 |
aprilhare | Hasbro, windows dreamscene :) video as backdrop. | 02:11 |
msutton | Yeah | 02:11 |
BlueEagle | icehawk: man apt-get | 02:11 |
Hasbro | lol, Windows* you mean :P | 02:12 |
icehawk | it just didn't run after trying to run in terminal | 02:12 |
aprilhare | Hasbro, it looks quite impressive | 02:12 |
vaxius | icehawk: like clicking "reload" in synaptic | 02:12 |
jesper_ | DasEi: need to install Geparted? | 02:12 |
Hasbro | I know April was kidding | 02:12 |
msutton | But I've already set up my RAID 1 and I don't wanna change it | 02:12 |
icehawk | ill try but i doubt that'll work | 02:12 |
BlueEagle | icehawk: That will give you the manual for apt-get. The same with `man sudo` will give you the manual for sudo. | 02:12 |
Hasbro | Anyways, anyone have any ideas for me? | 02:12 |
DasEi | jesper: url of mount | 02:12 |
DasEi | jesper: url of mount ? | 02:12 |
icehawk | so what should i type in to terminal | 02:12 |
vaxius | !apt-get | icehawk | 02:12 |
ubottu | icehawk: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 02:12 |
jesper_ | DasEi:http://pastebin.com/f50fadfb3 | 02:13 |
teratoma | Hasbro: read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/connection-access.html | 02:13 |
qcjn | hi, i've bought a little jazz HDV188 videocam, and i've read about it using a h264 codec. How can i check if i have it ? | 02:13 |
icehawk | so what should i do with this apt-get | 02:13 |
aprilhare | !xwinwrap | icehawk | 02:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xwinwrap | 02:13 |
NotADJ | !fedora | 02:13 |
ubottu | Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) | 02:13 |
fryguy | Where is the alternative installer for 8.10? I can't seem to find the option in the boot menu. | 02:14 |
Hasbro | !hasbro | 02:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hasbro | 02:14 |
Hasbro | :( | 02:14 |
Flannel | fryguy: You need the alternate CD | 02:14 |
LjL | !botabuse | Hasbro | 02:14 |
ubottu | Hasbro: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 02:14 |
BlueEagle | fryguy: For the alternative installer you need the server or minimal installation disc I think. | 02:14 |
fryguy | Flannel: I thought the CDs were combined in 8.10? | 02:14 |
DasEi | jesper : /dev/sda1 on /host type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096) | 02:14 |
LjL | !botabuse > NotADJ (NotADJ, see the private message from ubottu) | 02:14 |
Flannel | fryguy: No, that wouldn't make sense. They go about installing in entirely different ways. | 02:15 |
dekkong | Hi guys! anyone in here that know how to use the terminal based xmms2 player? | 02:15 |
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keepsake | dekkong: Have you tried "man xmms2"? | 02:15 |
DasEi | jesper : I really don't like wubi | 02:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | dekkong, man xmms | 02:15 |
msutton | Hehehehe | 02:16 |
DasEi | jesper : places > host ?? | 02:16 |
msutton | This is cool. Listening to my 6 1.5TB drives thrash as they write the file system | 02:16 |
fryguy | Flannel: any other feasible method of installing to an encrypted LVM? And do you happen to know if suspend-to-disk functions as expected with an encrypted LVM | 02:16 |
xp_prg | do-release-upgrade doesn't exist in my path on ubuntu 8.04 why is that? | 02:16 |
Mal3ko | could someone please recommend me a cmdline ftp uploader that support simultenenous uploads? | 02:16 |
jesper_ | DasEi: how do i get to the thing i should edit | 02:16 |
Flannel | fryguy: Nah, the alternate/server/minimal CD is the only way to do LVM (although that'll hopefully change in the future) | 02:17 |
Flannel | xp_prg: Do you have the proper packages installed? | 02:17 |
xp_prg | I don't know, how can I tell? | 02:17 |
DasEi | jesper: for some reason , your sda1 isn't mounted on /mnt/win but on /host , so you gotta look there | 02:17 |
xp_prg | I install with apt-get right? | 02:17 |
keepsake | xp_prg: Don't forget to sudo =P | 02:18 |
Flannel | xp_prg: install update-manager-core, yeah | 02:18 |
xp_prg | thanks ok | 02:18 |
playya | hi. I'm trying to build a .deb for wuala. where do i have to install it that ia32-java finds it? | 02:18 |
fryguy | Flannel: and does suspend-to-disk work as expected with encrypted lvm? | 02:18 |
xp_prg | if I want to install ubuntu-server what do I do? | 02:18 |
Flannel | xp_prg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended) | 02:18 |
Flannel | xp_prg: What do you mean? What do you currently have? | 02:19 |
Flannel | fryguy: I have no idea. | 02:19 |
xp_prg | I have seen this, I don't have gui support :( | 02:19 |
keepsake | !ubuntu-server > xp_prg | 02:19 |
ubottu | xp_prg, please see my private message | 02:19 |
jesper_ | DasEi: Yep the files are in host, ive have to say thank you for your patience with my and thanks for your help :)! | 02:19 |
xp_prg | I have ubuntu 8.04 right now but not sure if that is ubuntu-server or not | 02:19 |
Flannel | xp_prg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has a number of installation methods for various set ups, some are headless (others are remote, etc). Ah. | 02:19 |
DasEi | jesper:np, but better think of a dualboot to avoid such .... | 02:19 |
Flannel | xp_prg: Linux makes no differentiation between a "server" and a "desktop", they're all just programs. | 02:20 |
xp_prg | Flannel is there some way to know if I am running desktop or server? | 02:20 |
keepsake | xp_prg: What does "sudo uname -a" say? | 02:20 |
fryguy | xp_prg: see if the "ubuntu-desktop" package is installed | 02:20 |
keepsake | xp_prg: oops, no need to sudo | 02:20 |
vaxius | xp_prg: did you have to install a desktop environment? | 02:20 |
jesper_ | DasEi: The problem was that when i was going to install ubuntu, my cd wont boot it up, i get to the bot screen and choose instal, but there it just frooze :/ | 02:20 |
vaxius | xp_prg: if not, then you have desktop | 02:20 |
Flannel | xp_prg: There's no difference. Theres a separate kernel for the server that has some stuff you may or may not actually want. But "everything" can be a server, and there's not really a hard fast line for what a "desktop" is either. | 02:20 |
xp_prg | this is a virtual server so I just said to go with ubuntu, it all happened behind the scenses | 02:21 |
aprilhare | ok: i got video on backdrop going using this http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-loop-movie-or-video-as-desktop.html however all my icons disappear! | 02:21 |
jstritar | does anyone have experience repairing ext3 file systems with fsck? | 02:21 |
aprilhare | this of course isn't very helpful. i need icons | 02:21 |
aprilhare | any hints? | 02:21 |
DasEi | jesper_: 80% of that is bad installation media or cd-drive | 02:21 |
Mal3ko | could someone please recommend me a cmdline ftp uploader that support simultenenous uploads? | 02:21 |
msutton | 7.5TB is a lot of porn. | 02:21 |
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jesper_ | DasEi: yea but i have 20 live cd's at home, and the only thing left was wubi :P | 02:22 |
vaxius | !find ftp Mal3ko | 02:22 |
keepsake | Mal3ko: Dumb suggestion, but try separate Terminal windows with ftp? =P | 02:22 |
ubottu | Mal3ko is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'medibuntu', 'partner'] | 02:22 |
jstritar | When I run fsck I get this ... Superblock has an invalid ext3 journal (inode 8). ... I'm a little scared to run fsck -y ... is that the normal way to repair a file system? | 02:22 |
vaxius | !find ftp | Mal3ko | 02:22 |
ubottu | is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'medibuntu', 'partner'] | 02:22 |
Flannel | !ftp | Mal3ko, vaxius | 02:23 |
ubottu | Mal3ko, vaxius: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 02:23 |
tomvolek | hi , running ubuntu 8.1 ...No video is shown once i go to youtube... any ideas | 02:23 |
tomvolek | in firefox 3 | 02:23 |
euxneks | hrm | 02:23 |
DasEi | jstritar: run e2fsck from a live cd on the NOT mounted drive, try : sudo e2fsck -p /dev/sdXX | 02:23 |
Mal3ko | keepsake: what do you mean? | 02:23 |
euxneks | I ran across how to clean out KDE from your system but I've since forgotten the commands | 02:23 |
maddhat | Hey guys, | 02:24 |
keepsake | Mal3ko: if you do "ftp" in Terminal, it opens a command-line FTP "program", | 02:24 |
jstritar | DasEi: Its on a RAID array that's not mounted right now | 02:24 |
vaxius | Flannel: thanks, just starting to get the hang of ubottu | 02:24 |
DasEi | jstritar: if that doesn't work, e2fsck suggst an alternative superblock mostly | 02:24 |
ekontsevoy | Is anyone using command-line version of bittorrent? In my case btlaunchmanycurses seems to ignore --max_upload_rate option: my download speed is 27kb/s while upload is 110kb/sec (max) making my connection barely usable | 02:24 |
keepsake | Mal3ko: and if you have two or three Terminal windows each running FTP, you essentially have multiple connections | 02:24 |
thiebaude | euxneks: do you mean sudo apt-get autoremove | 02:24 |
Flannel | !puregnome | euxneks | 02:24 |
ubottu | euxneks: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 02:24 |
Mal3ko | keepsake: i know, but does it really support uploading smultenous uploads? | 02:24 |
euxneks | ahh | 02:24 |
euxneks | that's the one | 02:24 |
Mal3ko | afaik, no | 02:24 |
euxneks | puregnome thanks | 02:24 |
keepsake | Mal3ko: I haven't tried, sorry =\ | 02:24 |
maddhat | how good is ntfs support on ubuntu? cuz i cant get my 1.5tb formatted to ext3 properly with gparted/fdisk | 02:24 |
CyaniCs2 | anyone know an easy way to bing keystrokes to extra mouse buttons? | 02:24 |
keepsake | maddhat: qtdisk? | 02:24 |
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fryguy | maddhat: support is pretty much flawless | 02:24 |
RB2 | Evening. Amarok is reporting my sound device as being in use but it isn't. Is there a way I can see what applications are supposedly using the device? | 02:25 |
keepsake | maddhat: qtparted, sorry | 02:25 |
keepsake | !qtparted > maddhat | 02:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about qtparted | 02:25 |
DasEi | jstritar: I don't know much about raid /e2fsck, but basically you got to check hd/parti per hd/parti | 02:25 |
fryguy | RB2: lsof | 02:25 |
maddhat | whichever is on the live cd | 02:25 |
jstritar | DasEi: ah... I ran the fsck -y right before you said that | 02:25 |
DasEi | jstritar: Is it stripeed or mirrored ? | 02:25 |
jstritar | both | 02:25 |
RB2 | fryguy, thanks! Any suggestions on a string to grep for? | 02:25 |
mushroomcheeseom | @Gnea it freezes solid. so it's not RAM then? what are the possibilities | 02:25 |
vaxius | maddhat: it's very good, just be aware that it doesn't support ntfs journaling yet | 02:25 |
keepsake | maddhat: The default ones don't work so well with ntfs, get a bootdisk with qtparted. | 02:25 |
jstritar | its raid 10 with a 3ware controller | 02:25 |
fryguy | RB2: read the manpage, and use lsof on the device node | 02:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | mushroomcheeseom overheating | 02:26 |
jstritar | i verified the raid unit before running it | 02:26 |
em_pleh | is blu-ray supported in ubuntu? | 02:26 |
maddhat | the default what? | 02:26 |
RB2 | fryguy, thanks. | 02:26 |
fryguy | em_pleh: sure | 02:26 |
keepsake | maddhat: afaik qtparted is a much better alternative to Gparted | 02:26 |
keepsake | maddhat: default partitioning software, i.e. gparted | 02:26 |
em_pleh | fryguy: what player will play them? | 02:26 |
maddhat | ah ok | 02:26 |
fryguy | em_pleh: mplayer | 02:26 |
em_pleh | does it support blu-ray live? | 02:27 |
maddhat | well it's in the midst of formatting now to ntfs, but ill try qtparted on the other one! thanks | 02:27 |
jstritar | DasEi: you can lose data on ext3 drives that aren't cleanly unmounted?? | 02:27 |
vaxius | maddhat: I've used the gparted on System Rescue CD and GParted's own distro, and I've never had a problem with it. Maybe you're using an older version? | 02:27 |
keepsake | maddhat: I did partitioning on my ntfs drive with qtparted, so I can tell you personally it works fo rme | 02:27 |
fryguy | em_pleh: no idea | 02:27 |
DasEi | jstritar: I'm not familar with hard-raids, but think from live you check one per one (partition), maybe tryy to find a more experienced user | 02:27 |
ian__ | hey guys, I am newish to linux and am duel booting vista/ubuntu. Under vista my wireless strength is 100% but with ubuntu it is only 38%. I am using all linksys hardware. Any ideas? | 02:27 |
icehawk | i tried to run apt-get update and it gave me E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:27 |
RB2 | fryguy, strange. It doesn't show that any application is using the sound device. :-/ | 02:27 |
fryguy | RB2: you are probably using the wrong sound device | 02:27 |
keepsake | icehawk: did you sudo? =P | 02:27 |
fryguy | icehawk: close the gui updater | 02:27 |
maddhat | well it was a brand new drive, it didnt have anything on it..(not even ntfs) and it gave the error "cannot have -1 sectors on partition" | 02:27 |
coz_ | RB2, do you have synaptic package manager opened? | 02:27 |
DasEi | jstritar:in worst cases, but mostly it can be repaired, if any probs at all | 02:28 |
jstritar | ok | 02:28 |
maddhat | but i wouldve thought fdisk shouldve worked :-/ | 02:28 |
mikef | ian: were you root? | 02:28 |
keepsake | maddhat: Try running testdisk to fix some problems. | 02:28 |
RB2 | fryguy, this happens after I let the system sit overnight with Amarok or another multimedia app open. | 02:28 |
nbeebo | can some1 be nice and add a clock into my conky? noone in #conky | 02:28 |
vaxius | ian__: it might be missreporting the strength, does it seems any slower? | 02:28 |
RB2 | coz_, no, not atm | 02:28 |
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maddhat | testdisk installed by default? or is that the package name to get? | 02:28 |
keepsake | maddhat: package name | 02:28 |
DasEi | jstritar:shouldn't happen with a raid 10 | 02:28 |
ian__ | yes was root and yes it does seem slower | 02:28 |
maddhat | alright thanks! | 02:28 |
icehawk | i tried to run apt-get update and it gave me E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:28 |
jstritar | DasEi: its because i put the computer into standby | 02:28 |
coz_ | RB2, mm you will get a similar error from the terminal if synapitc is still opened | 02:28 |
jstritar | that fucked up the whole thing | 02:28 |
keepsake | icehawk: Did you run it with "sudo apt-get update"? | 02:29 |
thiebaude | !language | 02:29 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 02:29 |
icehawk | yes i did | 02:29 |
euxneks | thank you all | 02:29 |
jstritar | DasEi: i couldn't even boot for a while, and the bios didn't recognize any devices | 02:29 |
DasEi | jstritar:hibernation is often an problem leading to hard resets, mmh | 02:29 |
keepsake | icehawk: And if you have the Synaptics Package Manager or an updater running, close it. | 02:29 |
maddhat | stay away from these 1.5tb seagates guys.. you have to update the firmware on some cuz it randomly drops out.. its so bad that they even have the download link on newegg's site | 02:29 |
vaxius | ian__: it could be power management problems with your hardware, try googling your chipset | 02:29 |
icehawk | k ill try it again | 02:30 |
RB2 | coz_, a reboot fixes it. But, times like now, when I have 20 application windows open, it's not very convenient to reboot. | 02:30 |
jstritar | DasEi: luckilly i just have data on that disk and not the os | 02:30 |
DasEi | jstritar: how many drives are in the box ? | 02:30 |
coz_ | RB2, yeah i understand but at least it is fixed | 02:30 |
jstritar | DasEi: its 4 on the raid 10 and then ubuntu is on an ssd | 02:30 |
RB2 | coz_, I missed one in the lsof. It says the mixer app is using the device, but is that not normal? | 02:31 |
DasEi | jstritar: so if it's just storage, you'd have to run e2fsck 4 times from live then | 02:31 |
jstritar | why do you have to run it so many times? | 02:31 |
coz_ | RB2, is this for your sound? | 02:32 |
DasEi | jstritar: ... unless each drives contains one partiton only | 02:32 |
jstritar | oh i see | 02:32 |
RB2 | coz_, yes. If I leave it overnight with any multimedia app up, the next day I have no sound from any app and it says the device is in use. | 02:32 |
jstritar | DasEi: all 4 drives form 1 partition | 02:32 |
jstritar | thats what the raid does | 02:33 |
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coz_ | RB2, you might want to ask in #alsa they may have more info for youabout this | 02:33 |
AzizLight | how can I enable completion for sudo commands please? | 02:33 |
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gluonman | I've been going over article after article online and I can't seem to figure out how to resolve the issue of gspca not compiling in Ubuntu 8.10 and the most recent kernel. I need it to be able to use my Logitech Quickam. Any ideas? | 02:34 |
fryguy | AzizLight: run in a proper root shell (nobody in here likes doing that), or just type the command out like normal, and then hit "ctrl-a sudo " | 02:34 |
fryguy | gluonman: "not compiling" doesn't mean much to us. paste an error | 02:34 |
mortal1 | hey guys, is there an init.d script to restart the ubuntu sound deamon thingy | 02:35 |
gluonman | fryguy, sure thing. | 02:35 |
icehawk | i just installed gournal through apt-get so where is it gonna be? It isn't under my apps tab | 02:35 |
DasEi | jstritar: run a live, use sudo fdisk -l to get correct partition-names, put them into e2fsck - p | 02:35 |
AzizLight | fryguy: is it possible to enable completion for sudo commands? | 02:36 |
fryguy | AzizLight: no idea, I don't use sudo | 02:36 |
fryguy | AzizLight: and when I do, i do like i described above | 02:36 |
mortal1 | fryguy: sudo su, har har | 02:37 |
AzizLight | ok, I think loging as root is overkill most of the times. After, it depends what you do | 02:37 |
vaxius | AzizLight: it works for me | 02:37 |
AzizLight | vaxius: I use linux because it doesnt just work, and I use a mac for the exact opposite reason ;) | 02:39 |
vaxius | !info gournal > me | 02:39 |
ubottu | gournal (source: gournal): Note taking application for non-windows platforms. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1 (intrepid), package size 71 kB, installed size 332 kB | 02:39 |
fryguy | AzizLight: you mean you use osx? | 02:39 |
fryguy | AzizLight: I run linux on my mac hardware at work | 02:39 |
AzizLight | yeah | 02:39 |
keepsake | vaxius: > me sends it to everyone else too, I think =P | 02:39 |
icehawk | i installed gournal through apt-get so where would it be? It isn't under my apps tab up top | 02:39 |
Draceee | hello | 02:39 |
fryguy | icehawk: "which gournal" will tell you where it is, if you need to create a launcher for it, go ahead and do that | 02:39 |
eseven73 | what kernel version does ubuntu 6.06 have? | 02:40 |
Draceee | I cant enter my password at terminal | 02:40 |
fryguy | icehawk: if you think it should be adding a menu entry by itself, file a bug on launchpad | 02:40 |
AzizLight | fryguy: I use a macbook pro with osx and ubuntu on my desktop | 02:40 |
fryguy | Draceee: just enter it and press enter, it doesn't echo text back to you | 02:40 |
thiebaude | icehawk: it could be in usr/bin | 02:40 |
Draceee | ah | 02:40 |
Draceee | this time it worked | 02:40 |
vaxius | AzizLight: I don't know what to say, tab completion with sudo has always "just worked" for me without any fiddling | 02:40 |
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Draceee | Im trying to install java | 02:42 |
Draceee | rpm command doesnt work for me | 02:42 |
lstarnes | Draceee: ubuntu does not sue rpm | 02:42 |
lstarnes | *use | 02:42 |
vaxius | !apt-get | Draceee | 02:42 |
ubottu | Draceee: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 02:42 |
keepsake | Draceee: Ubuntu uses .deb =P | 02:43 |
fryguy | Draceee: ubuntu is debian based, it uses apt by default, not rpms | 02:43 |
Flannel | !java | Draceee | 02:43 |
ubottu | Draceee: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 02:43 |
thiebaude | Draceee: java is in synaptic | 02:43 |
AzizLight | vaxius: lol Im so sorry, I misunderstood what you said before :S on my friend's compy it's working too, but he's using debian... | 02:43 |
Hasbro | How do I make a new user | 02:43 |
Hasbro | and make him admin? | 02:43 |
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Hasbro | sorry, via ssh | 02:44 |
icehawk | So i found gournal and the application ran good but how do i get a copy of an icon on the desktop | 02:44 |
keepsake | Draceee, thiebaude: It's actually even in Add/Remove..., if you set the dropdown to All Available Applications | 02:44 |
fryguy | adduser command, make them part of the adm and admin groups | 02:44 |
vaxius | Hasbro: adduser | 02:44 |
thiebaude | icehawk: make a launcher | 02:44 |
Hasbro | adduser makes them root? | 02:44 |
lstarnes | Hasbro: no, it just creates an account | 02:44 |
fryguy | Hasbro: no, the second part of what I said does | 02:44 |
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icehawk | how do i make a launcher | 02:44 |
Soliloquial | what's the fastest way to install a lamp stack in intrepid desktop? | 02:44 |
vaxius | Hasbro: no, !adduser | 02:45 |
fryguy | icehawk: right click on the panel and add it | 02:45 |
thiebaude | keepsake: i didn't know that,:) | 02:45 |
Hasbro | !adduser | 02:45 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 02:45 |
Flannel | Hasbro: adduser username then adduser username admin | 02:45 |
Hasbro | Thank you | 02:45 |
fryguy | Soliloquial: sudo apt-get install apache php5 mysql-server | 02:45 |
Flannel | Soliloquial: sudo apt-get tasksel lamp-server | 02:45 |
Flannel | Soliloquial: er, ignore the apt-get | 02:45 |
vaxius | Hasbro: np | 02:45 |
icehawk | when i right click on the icon for gournal creating a luancher isn't an option for me/ | 02:46 |
keepsake | icehawk: Just right click on desktop | 02:46 |
keepsake | icehawk: And make a launcher from there, targetting /usr/bin/gournal | 02:46 |
keepsake | icehawk: or wherever the file was | 02:46 |
thiebaude | icehawk: then browse to the location where your program is | 02:46 |
vaxius | icehawk: it should be in the applications menu too, so you can right-click and choose "add this launcher to desktop" | 02:47 |
keepsake | vaxius: It's not in the apps menu, that's why he needs to make the launcher =P | 02:47 |
thiebaude | usr/bin | 02:47 |
vaxius | keepsake: oic | 02:47 |
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ryaxnbwacko | hello does anyone have a site with a list of vesa bios boot codes for linux | 02:50 |
ryaxnbwacko | you know vga=768 or whatever | 02:50 |
Soliloquial | Flannel, it's not parsing the php | 02:50 |
ryaxnbwacko | I am using VM in virtualbox and don't want to install the guest additions] | 02:50 |
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qcjn | hi, i,ve got myself a little Jazz HDV188 videocam, & it is supposed to read mp3, so i've put some in it, but it don't see it ? Can it be something about the permission ? | 02:52 |
gluonman | I'm trying to install gspca so that I can use my Logitech Quickcam, but I get errors. http://paste.ubuntu.com/84628/ | 02:52 |
ryaxnbwacko | and... crap playing around with Yast now my system won't login. Now i really need those boot codes because the one I have doesn't work at all anymore :( | 02:52 |
ryaxnbwacko | Before I had 800x600 now it just logs out when you login after looking really strange for a second | 02:53 |
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DasEi | ryaxnbwacko:yast ? > suse, this is ubuntu | 02:56 |
bobbob1016 | I've been looking around for how to repair the superblock on an ext3 formatted hd, and I can't find any tutorials that give options, just say "this worked for me" I don't want to lose data, can anyone help me find the right settings? | 02:56 |
jrib | !lamp > Soliloquial | 02:56 |
ubottu | Soliloquial, please see my private message | 02:56 |
vaxius | gluonman: do you have linux-headers installed? | 02:57 |
mangojambo | hello there ... how can I easily install the new KdenLive 0.7 on Intrepid ? | 02:57 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: get the correct identifier of the device ... | 02:57 |
gluonman | vaxius, I assume so, but let me double check that. | 02:57 |
Soliloquial | jrib I understand what lamp is; I just overlooked an apache config error | 02:57 |
Soliloquial | jrib; oops thanks | 02:58 |
jrib | Soliloquial: the link ubottu gave you contains a troubleshooting guide to your issue. But if you've sorted, then it doesn't matter :) | 02:58 |
gluonman | vaxius, yes, I do have linux-headers installed. | 02:58 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, As in /dev/sde1? I wasn't too descriptive I noticed, I did fsck /dev/sde1 and it said zero-length drive or something | 02:58 |
Draceee | where is the mozilla firefox directionairy located? | 02:58 |
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vaxius | I guess it might need the whole source, idk | 02:58 |
guman | hi ! | 02:58 |
jrib | Soliloquial: you shouldn't need to manually edit the apache config to get php working by the way | 02:58 |
guman | i need help | 02:58 |
vaxius | guman: hi! | 02:58 |
Draceee | Where is the Mozilla Firefox folder? | 02:58 |
keepsake | Draceee: /usr/bin/firefox-* | 02:58 |
vaxius | guman: i do too, but no one's qualified :-P | 02:59 |
guman | im sorry for my english is not good enough | 02:59 |
Draceee | ah thanks | 02:59 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: from a live cd on the NOT mounted hd : sudo e2fsck -p /dev/sde1 | 02:59 |
vaxius | Draceee: .mozilla/firefox | 02:59 |
guman | i cant unnistall google earth | 02:59 |
gluonman | vaxius, ever since the upgrade to 8.10, webcam compatibility has gotten worse. I'm a die-hard linux fan, and particularly in love with Ubuntu, but when it comes to webcams, Ubuntu just doesn't have it together. I can't even receive webcam invitations in kopete anymore. | 02:59 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, Ok, I'll reboot. The drive isn't mounted now, or so says gparted, but I'll reboot just to be safe, if need be | 03:00 |
Draceee | Its not in bin | 03:00 |
vaxius | gluonman: I don't remember what I had to do to get mine to work on my other laptop, but I know the driver wasn't in the repos | 03:00 |
guman | i used syanptic to uninstall but still there | 03:00 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, that isn't destructive is it? | 03:00 |
keepsake | Draceee: Try the directory vaxius suggested, ~/.mozilla/firefox | 03:01 |
gluonman | vaxius, gscpa-source is in the repos, and it supports quickcam. But ever since the newer kernel came out, it no longer compiles. | 03:01 |
mangojambo | guman: yes... from the googleearth installer and not Synaptic, right? there is an uninstall file on googleearth folder, i guess ... | 03:01 |
guman | well | 03:01 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: it either runs through, with a very little chance of destruction, or gives you additional information | 03:01 |
Draceee | What would ~ indicate? | 03:02 |
fryguy | Draceee: home directory | 03:02 |
keepsake | Draceee: Home Folder | 03:02 |
keepsake | Draceee: directory, my bad =P | 03:02 |
DasEi | Draceee: home folder | 03:02 |
vaxius | gluonman: hmmm, i've been having trouble with the new kernel too (wireless with me), so I'm still kickin it with hardy | 03:02 |
guman | really i unistall but still working the lauch icon from aplications | 03:02 |
Draceee | I dont see it there... | 03:02 |
keepsake | Draceee: press Ctrl+H | 03:02 |
gnutron | gluonman: i had the same problem, try this- mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0 | 03:02 |
gluonman | vaxius, yeah. I have been working on this webcam for 13 days no and still no luck. | 03:02 |
gluonman | gnutron, I'll give that a try. | 03:03 |
gnutron | gluonman: mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0 | 03:03 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, Mind if I ask what it's doing? e2fsck is a specific ext2 thing right? So I guess I heard right when I heard ext3 was ext2+, but what does the -p do? | 03:03 |
DasEi | Draceee:try : cd ~/Desktop | 03:03 |
ultratek | how do i merge a partion with the partition i have ubuntu running on? | 03:03 |
gluonman | gnutron, what exactly is that doing? | 03:04 |
Draceee | Ehh no...its not in desktop | 03:04 |
fryguy | ultratek: use a partioning tool like partition magic or gparted | 03:04 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: ext3 is just ext2 with journaling, so the same tool does both | 03:04 |
DasEi | Draceee:try : man e2fsck , p is for preen, automatik repair, and as I said, if bigger probs occur, it stops and gives additional info | 03:04 |
ultratek | fryguy: there is no merge option in gparted | 03:04 |
gnutron | gluonman: run that line in a terminal, it uses mplayer, intrepid whacked my vlc | 03:04 |
fryguy | ultratek: you'll have to copy data over, delete partition and then resize | 03:05 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, I'm trying now, I'll report back. | 03:05 |
guman | well everybody is busy here, i comeback later,but the way xubuntu 8.10 working good with logitech qickcam4000 | 03:05 |
ultratek | fryguy: how do i copy my current linux setup over ? | 03:05 |
Draceee | Fouind it | 03:05 |
gnutron | gluonman: it'll display your cam if its on /dev/video0 | 03:05 |
Draceee | usr/lib/mozilla | 03:05 |
gluonman | gnutron, but will that allow me to build gspca and view/send webcam in kopete? | 03:06 |
fryguy | ultratek: cp, dd, cat, nc, depending on what exactly you need to do | 03:06 |
gnutron | gluonman: nah | 03:06 |
myth | i'm trying to set nautilus to overburn, what's with schema values in gconf-editor? it won't let me enable it | 03:06 |
ultratek | duplicate this running setup on the new partition | 03:06 |
runpain2 | how do i change clock to 12 hour instead of 24 | 03:06 |
gnutron | gluonman: intrepid aint intrepid imho | 03:06 |
andrex | alguien sabe el canal irc de ubuntu en español???? | 03:06 |
gluonman | gnutron, yeah. That's the problem I'm having. Getting my webcam to work. | 03:06 |
keepsake | runpain2: Right click on clock, Preferences, 24 hr | 03:06 |
runpain2 | i am using kubuntu 8.04 | 03:07 |
andrex | alguien sabe el canal irc de ubuntu en español???? | 03:07 |
andrex | alguien sabe el canal irc de ubuntu en español???? | 03:07 |
vaxius | fryguy: when installing, keep /home to a separate partition, then you can keep your settings and files, and easily recover them if something bad happens | 03:07 |
runpain2 | keepsake, there is no preferances | 03:07 |
fryguy | vaxius: why are you telling me this | 03:07 |
Soliloquial | Is there a way I can set a function key to hide all windows? | 03:07 |
bebis | hi | 03:08 |
keepsake | runpain2: The clock in the upper-right corner? You should get something like Copy Time, Copy Date, Adjust Date & Time, Preferences | 03:08 |
vaxius | fryguy: i might have misread, you want to port your settings from a previous install, right? | 03:08 |
runpain2 | keepsake, i got configure clock at menu bottom | 03:08 |
qcjn | gnutron: hi, i've bought myself a little Jazz HDV188 videocam, it say's it can play mp3, but the cam doesn't see it. I've made a drag and drop..Could it be right problem's ? | 03:08 |
runpain2 | when i right click | 03:09 |
keepsake | runpain2: Sure, try that. | 03:09 |
runpain2 | did no setting to change time format | 03:09 |
bebis | hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 03:09 |
mushroomcheeseom | so aside from overheating (& if it's not RAM), what else could make the system freeze? | 03:09 |
fryguy | vaxius: no | 03:09 |
vaxius | fryguy: yep, i misread, that was ultratek | 03:09 |
Draceee | I dont have permission to move a folder into /usr? | 03:09 |
keepsake | runpain2: What version of Ubuntu are you running? Are you changing the clock in the bar at the top, to the right? | 03:10 |
fryguy | Draceee: right, /usr is a system directory, trying to move something in there is (probably) wrong | 03:10 |
gnutron | qcjn: depends on the module it uses, google your camera modules for intrepid, you may need to build and install the module manually. im not gonna bother. | 03:10 |
runpain2 | apperance or time zone tabs only no way to change format | 03:10 |
myth | can nautilus itself burn an iso and not use brasero? | 03:10 |
runpain2 | Kubuntu 8.04 | 03:10 |
Danu | Hello. ¿how are you? plese could you tell me a super cool theme please | 03:10 |
gnutron | qcjn: google the camera + intrepid | 03:11 |
qcjn | gnutron: ok, thanks ! | 03:11 |
fryguy | Danu: art.gnome.org and www.gnome-look.org | 03:11 |
keepsake | runpain2: Ah, I thought you were using Ubuntu | 03:11 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, It gave me a bunch of results, ata9.00 UNC errors, and the last line was "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sde1 Could this be a zero-length partition?" | 03:11 |
Danu | I know those pages Mr. fryguy, but a name of a cool theem | 03:12 |
gnutron | Draceee: don't mess with the 'nix filesystem heirarchy, its a recipe for disaster. | 03:12 |
Danu | theme* | 03:12 |
fryguy | Danu: visit the pages and pick something that appeals to you | 03:12 |
keepsake | runpain2: google tells me to right-click on the clock, and choose Time/Date Format, then change it to 24 hr | 03:12 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: did you check /dev/sde1 with sudo fdisk -l or looked it up in gparted ? valid ext parti ? | 03:12 |
runpain2 | sorry wrong room | 03:12 |
Danu | there's so many... | 03:12 |
grafix1 | Does anyone know how to check which graphics driver is active other than xorg.conf? | 03:12 |
cr4z3d | Danu: that's the beauty of choice | 03:13 |
keepsake | runpain2: try right clicking and choosing time/date format | 03:13 |
fryguy | grafix1: /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 03:13 |
Danu | :( | 03:13 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, What do you mean? Yes, gparted showed a partition, and said it was there, not sure exactly what it said the problem was. I'll do sudo fdisk -l. | 03:13 |
runpain2 | did not there either | 03:13 |
grafix1 | fryguy: thanks, I'll try that | 03:14 |
cr4z3d | Danu: if you don't like the default theme try blubuntu, see this link how to do it: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/02/26/turn-ubuntu-blue-using-blubuntu/ | 03:14 |
keepsake | runpain2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=793466 | 03:14 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: and type ext2 or 3 ? | 03:14 |
nclife | hi, I want to convert a .m4a file into .mp3. Anyone knows a program that does that? | 03:14 |
fryguy | nclife: lame | 03:14 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, ext3 | 03:14 |
runpain2 | found it thanks | 03:14 |
ross` | what packages do i need to isntall to run vmware client? | 03:14 |
Draceee | it gave me a permisssion denied when trying to create a symbolic link | 03:15 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: did e2fsck suggest an alternate superblock ? | 03:15 |
runpain2 | keepsake, | 03:15 |
fryguy | Draceee: why are you changing things in /usr? you almost certainly shouldn't be. | 03:15 |
vaxius | !info vmware-server | ross` | 03:15 |
ubottu | Package vmware-server does not exist in intrepid | 03:15 |
gnutron | Draceee: sudo ln | 03:15 |
ross` | no no | 03:15 |
ross` | not to install it | 03:15 |
nclife | fryguy, lame is the name of the program? | 03:15 |
ross` | im talking about | 03:15 |
ross` | what packages do i need to run it | 03:15 |
Draceee | Im not | 03:15 |
ross` | ? | 03:15 |
FloodBot3 | ross`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:15 |
fryguy | nclife: right | 03:15 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, Not that I saw, it just gave me a bunch of those ata9.00's and the Attempt to read... at the end | 03:15 |
gluonman | Can anyone spare the time to check out my compilation errors that I've posted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/84628/ ? I need to find a solution so that I can get my webcam running. | 03:15 |
mker | nclife, soundconverter | 03:15 |
DasEi | ross`: you can get vmwareplayer as tar.gz from vmware, not the repo and then see: | 03:15 |
Draceee | Just installing java, and mozilla is in usr | 03:15 |
DasEi | !compile | 03:15 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 03:16 |
ross` | NO, what do i need to RUN vmware | 03:16 |
Lord_of_Nothing | Can anyone walk me through the process of mounting my c drive? | 03:16 |
ross` | i already have all the files but i get errors running them | 03:16 |
=== mannnnnnnnnnnnnn is now known as mannn26 | ||
nclife | fryguy, mker oks, thanks | 03:16 |
fryguy | Draceee: install java from the package repository | 03:16 |
Draceee | ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7 | 03:16 |
keepsake | Lord_of_Nothing: Is it in your Places dropdown? | 03:16 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, I saw a few posts online about putting in a "superblock" thing, I just thought that was drive-dependent, so I wasn't sure where to figure out where to put mine | 03:16 |
gnutron | !ntfs | Lord_of_Nothing | 03:16 |
ubottu | Lord_of_Nothing: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 03:16 |
vaxius | ross`: just installing it from repos will resolve dependencies | 03:16 |
Draceee | Eh so? | 03:16 |
Lord_of_Nothing | keepsake: Only my data drive, not C | 03:16 |
Draceee | how so?* | 03:16 |
ross` | vaxius: but i already downloaded and isntalled it | 03:16 |
gnutron | Lord_of_Nothing: also install ntfs-config | 03:16 |
ross` | so id rather just install the prerequesites | 03:17 |
keepsake | Lord_of_Nothing: Do "sudo fdisk -l" and see which partition it's in | 03:17 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: try again with fsck without any options | 03:17 |
ross` | and run it | 03:17 |
ross` | rather then uninstall and reinstall | 03:17 |
Lord_of_Nothing | gnutron: I'll try that thx. | 03:17 |
keepsake | Lord_of_Nothing: The /dev/sda1 or whatnot | 03:17 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, Just fsck, not e2fsck? | 03:17 |
Lord_of_Nothing | Reportin back in a few | 03:17 |
gnutron | Draceee: thats wrong syntax | 03:17 |
vaxius | You shouldn't need anything extra, just run vmware-config.pl | 03:17 |
DasEi | ross`: you got vmwareplayer installed.... and got a vmware-image for it... , right ? | 03:17 |
ross` | vaxius: i did | 03:17 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: yes | 03:18 |
alex_21 | I am using Edubuntu Server, and I added the line default_server = to the file /etc/pulse/client.conf What do I do for the changes to take effect in LTSP? | 03:18 |
ross` | when i run ./vmware | 03:18 |
ross` | i get an error | 03:18 |
ross` | i got no error isntalling | 03:18 |
ross` | but i need something | 03:18 |
ross` | to run it | 03:18 |
FloodBot3 | ross`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:18 |
gnutron | Draceee: man ln or google making symlinks | 03:18 |
ross` | that i dont have | 03:18 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, I did "sudo fsck /dev/sde1" and it called e2fsck, and did the same thing | 03:18 |
vaxius | ross`: what does it say you need? | 03:18 |
Draceee | i used ln | 03:18 |
ross` | carandraug: libcairo or somat but i already ahve it | 03:18 |
Draceee | but it gives me permission denied | 03:18 |
ross` | idk its weird | 03:18 |
DasEi | !compile > ross` | 03:18 |
keepsake | !enter > ross | 03:18 |
ubottu | ross`, please see my private message | 03:18 |
gnutron | Draceee: you used it wrong | 03:18 |
keepsake | !enter > ross` | 03:19 |
keepsake | lies, ubottu doesn't like me | 03:19 |
vaxius | !info libcairo-dev | ross` | 03:19 |
ubottu | Package libcairo-dev does not exist in intrepid | 03:19 |
vaxius | grrr | 03:19 |
ross` | vaxius: thanks | 03:19 |
carandraug | ross`, you used the wrong nick in "[03:18] <ross`> carandraug: libcairo or somat but i already ahve it" | 03:20 |
alex_21 | I am using hLTSP on Edubuntu Server, and I added the line default_server = to the file /etc/pulse/client.conf What do I do for the changes to take effect in LTSP? | 03:20 |
alex_21 | LTSP, sorry | 03:20 |
gnutron | Draceee: ln -s targetdir symlink | 03:21 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, I have spinrite, butI know some people don't like it, should I try it anyways? | 03:22 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: you can then try alternate superblocks, maybe try a: sudo hdparm -z /dev/sde before it | 03:22 |
gnutron | Draceee: do that from the dir you want the symlink in. | 03:22 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: looks like you're in deeper trouble | 03:22 |
ross` | nope | 03:22 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, What will hdparm give me? | 03:22 |
ross` | still not working | 03:22 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: rereading partition table | 03:23 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: i'm a spinrite user, and it's probably the best on low-level problems | 03:23 |
mker | When I change the home directory of a user I can no longer log in for SFTP. I've written all about it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 would really appreciate if someone could take a look. | 03:23 |
bobbob1016 | vaxius, And is this a low-level thing or no? Could this hurt? | 03:24 |
gnutron | bobbob1016: don't run hdparm unless you know what your doing. read up. | 03:24 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: next to alternate superblocks, I follow vaxiu... | 03:24 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: it won't hurt, but it will take a while | 03:24 |
rastahead | morning | 03:24 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, I just get the same ata9.00 and buffer i/o errors | 03:24 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: e2fsck -b 8193 | 03:24 |
bobbob1016 | gnutron, Too late | 03:25 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: best to run spinrite overnight | 03:25 |
bobbob1016 | vaxius, I was about to go to sleep anyways, 10:30pm here | 03:25 |
gnutron | bobbob1016: nothing ventured, nothing gained, but be aware it can be risky. | 03:26 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, Is that a safe block size or whatever? It's a 320gig drive, formats to 298 and change | 03:26 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: the problem is that we don't now, if/where there are backups could also try : -b 32768 -b 32767 -b 32769 | 03:26 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: k, oh, and it beeps...LOUD...scared the crap out of me the first time i ran it, lol | 03:26 |
bobbob1016 | vaxius, I know spinrite beeps | 03:26 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, But can I damage it if I put the wrong one in? | 03:27 |
gnutron | bobbob1016: uhhh yeah | 03:27 |
iShock | K guys, so I has this problem on Xubuntu 8.10 .. I copy my music to my PSP, but it doesn't stay. My PSP isn't saying USB Connection like it should either. Any idears? | 03:27 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: yes, bigger chance than -p option | 03:27 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: you may want to backup your partition(s) before experimenting with hdparm | 03:28 |
iShock | K guys, so I has this problem on Xubuntu 8.10 .. I copy my music to my PSP, but it doesn't stay. My PSP isn't saying USB Connection like it should either. Any idears? | 03:28 |
alex_21 | How do you restart pulse? | 03:28 |
keepsake | iShock: "dmesg" in console and pastebin it for people to look at. | 03:29 |
DasEi | vaxius: the hdparm - z itself is harmless, unlike it's other options | 03:29 |
keepsake | iShock: I meant Terminal | 03:29 |
nimbus | Anyone know what would be the terminal syntax to find and delete all files named "thumbs.db"? | 03:29 |
bobbob1016 | vaxius, Too late. Can I cancel it or no? It seems stuck | 03:29 |
gnutron | alex_21: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart | 03:29 |
fryguy | nimbus: find / -name thumbs.db -exec rm {} \; | 03:29 |
mker | Can anyone tell me how to change the home directory of a user to something else than /home/user and still be able to log in with openssh? | 03:29 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: last cmd you ran ? | 03:29 |
bobbob1016 | DasEi, your hdparm one | 03:30 |
nimbus | That seems to work, fryguy | 03:30 |
bobbob1016 | hdparm -z | 03:30 |
iShock | K guys, so I has this problem on Xubuntu 8.10 .. I copy my music to my PSP, but it doesn't stay. My PSP isn't saying USB Connection like it should either. Any idears? http://vertex.cluenet.org/paste/10 for dmesg | 03:30 |
vaxius | bobbob1016: no worries, then | 03:30 |
alex_21 | Thanks | 03:30 |
fryguy | mker: just make sure /etc/passwd has the right entry for the user. There shouldn't be any other steps required, unless strange permission things happen | 03:30 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: easy, no prob, but alternate superblocks have a risk | 03:30 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a way to change the way cache-dir displays cached sites, /dir/google.com instead of /dir/0A/00/... | 03:30 |
D3RGPS31 | in squid* >.> | 03:31 |
maddhat | hey guys, printer question: have an hp1012, and on every page it prints what i want it to, but about 1/2 page down it starts making a copy of the same thing it just printed, but very faded. i was thinking the fuser is overheating? | 03:31 |
nimbus | deleting *.db might not be all that great though because there is a lot of .db files that were linux generated it seems. | 03:31 |
fryguy | nimbus: so then don't do that, nobody told you to | 03:31 |
keepsake | nimbus: thumbs.db is useless, hoever | 03:31 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: the superblock~ is an attempt to find a backuped , correct filesystem to repair the partition, which can fail | 03:31 |
vaxius | iShock: just copy it onto the stick without the psp, and then stick it back in when you're done | 03:31 |
iShock | vaxius: How would I go about doing that? ... | 03:32 |
mker | fryguy, It has the correct entry. I've been having this problem for ~2 weeks now and no one has an answer (well actually you're the first to reply). I've written more about it in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 but no replies there either. | 03:32 |
rodolfo | guys, what codec do i need to play .wav files? the automatic codec finder cannot find anyone... | 03:32 |
fryguy | mker: are you asking about ssh or sftp? | 03:32 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: hdparm-z just rereads parti-table (<> zero length ?!), but doesn't alter the hd | 03:32 |
mker | fryguy, sftp | 03:33 |
vaxius | if you have a card reader, stick the memory stick duo into the memory stick adapter, and plug the whole thing into your card reader | 03:33 |
mker | fryguy, the user is 'locked' so only sftp works | 03:33 |
iShock | I don't, vaxius. This is a Xubuntu problem, not a PSP problem, vaxius. | 03:33 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: are there important data's on it ? which size ? | 03:33 |
fryguy | mker: using the scponly shell, or something else? | 03:33 |
mker | fryguy, using the command 'sftp | 03:34 |
fryguy | mker: how did you lock the user | 03:34 |
fryguy | mker: using the scponly shell, or something else? | 03:34 |
vaxius | iShock: k, just trying to bypass the psp altogether | 03:34 |
iShock | Again, it's not a PSP problem. | 03:34 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: if so, another idea is to try a knoppix live and to save data before further attemps | 03:34 |
mker | fryguy, Locked it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 shows the settings I have in it. | 03:35 |
vaxius | iShock: can you write to usb drives? | 03:35 |
mker | fryguy, It works fine when home directory is /home/user but not when I change to /media/disk/mystyff | 03:35 |
iShock | vaxius: Not a clue, don't have any. | 03:36 |
daaaman64 | hey what are people using for a gnome media player? I'm thinking amarok like... | 03:36 |
gnutron | !codec | rodolfo | 03:36 |
ubottu | rodolfo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:36 |
scientes | how do i keep ubuntu from removing old kernels? | 03:36 |
fryguy | daaaman64: for audio i use mpd, for video i use mplayer | 03:36 |
Guest20372 | vlc is good 2 | 03:37 |
daaaman64 | fryguy thanks. | 03:37 |
raylu | mker: i think it has something to do with how you must own your directory | 03:37 |
gnutron | scientes: it doesnt remove them by itself that i know of | 03:37 |
vaxius | iShock: well, your best bet is still to get a card reader, my psp doesn't connect directly with ubuntu either, but i know my solution works | 03:38 |
mker | raylu, Apparently the home directory should be owned by root to lock the user there. That's what I havefor its folder in the /home directory and it works. | 03:38 |
gnutron | mker: what are you trying to do? | 03:38 |
alex_21 | Hey, I want to set up an opendns server, and have entries updatable via ip. How can I do this? | 03:38 |
iShock | vaxius: You're a fucking idiot, I'm not wasting money just because your piece of shit OS doesn't work worth a damn. I fucking miss Debian | 03:38 |
keepsake | mker: Symlink the folder? | 03:38 |
keepsake | !language > iShock | 03:39 |
raylu | mker: wtf? | 03:39 |
raylu | mker: i've never heard that before | 03:39 |
ubottu | iShock, please see my private message | 03:39 |
iShock | No | 03:39 |
alex_21 | I mean, updatable when IP addresses change, like with ddclient | 03:39 |
fryguy | iShock: lol | 03:39 |
Soliloquial | My monitor seems to have a strange red tint :\ | 03:39 |
Soliloquial | http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3091/3103248807_275e06e177.jpg | 03:39 |
bazhang | iShock, no cursing here | 03:39 |
iShock | bazhang: This crap OS doesn't even work, why should I care? | 03:39 |
mker | gnutron, keepsake, I'm trying to use /media/disk/mystuff as home directory instead of /home/sftpuser but when I change it I can't log in anymore. There's more info in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 if you think you can help / are interested | 03:39 |
slipp3d | does anyone have a how to or a site that helps with the install of ooo3 | 03:40 |
amikrop | Hello. What is the equivalent of FL Studio? | 03:40 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web oroxy cache that stores the data in a readable hierarchy? /dir/google.com/... | 03:40 |
nimbus | What does FL studio do? | 03:40 |
cr4z3d | alex_21: are you trying to setup your own dns server or are you trying to use ubuntu to update information in opendns? | 03:40 |
micky | can i used a wireless card that is found using ndiswrapper in access point mode ? | 03:40 |
vaxius | iShock: then use windows; we're trying to help | 03:40 |
gnutron | mker: you're messing with the filesystem heirarchy, not a good idea really. | 03:41 |
alex_21 | I want to set up my own equivilant to dyndns for my users | 03:41 |
mker | raylu, Says so in the man file for sshd_config http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sshd_config&sektion=5 "Specifies a path to chroot(2) to after authentication. This path, and all its components, must be root-owned directories that are not writable by any other user or group." | 03:41 |
fryguy | alex_21: WAAAAAAAAAY outside the scope of this channel | 03:41 |
mker | gnutron, I am? How do you mean? | 03:42 |
risco | help, when i'm installing flash in terminal appear "NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.", so what i should to do? | 03:42 |
fryguy | mker: that's for openbsd, not ubuntu. security implications such as what you are mentioning are quite possibly different | 03:42 |
mker | gnutron, /media/disk is my second hard drive | 03:42 |
cr4z3d | alex_21: take a look here: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/343 it might be what you're looking for | 03:42 |
fryguy | risco: install flash from the repository, not manually | 03:42 |
joanki123 | can anyone tell me of a good program to use to compress a pdf file to a smaller size? | 03:43 |
risco | okay i will try | 03:43 |
joanki123 | im trying to upload a pdf file but it's too large | 03:43 |
vaxius | !info flash-nonfree | risco | 03:43 |
fryguy | joanki123: bzip2 probably will | 03:43 |
keepsake | mker: Does "ln -s /media/disk/mystuff /home/sftpuser" do anything? | 03:43 |
ubottu | Package flash-nonfree does not exist in intrepid | 03:43 |
raylu | mker: er... | 03:43 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that stores the data in a readable hierarchy (/dir/google.com/...) | 03:43 |
dr_willis | joanki123, rar, zip, bgzip2, | 03:43 |
joanki123 | it has to be in .pdf format tho | 03:43 |
keepsake | mker: Oh, you're trying to move your home folder to a diff drive, haha, my bad | 03:43 |
raylu | mker: that merely describes the ChrootDirectory directive. merely making the directory root-owned isn't enough | 03:43 |
vaxius | one of these days i'll give it the right package name... | 03:43 |
joanki123 | so i need a program that will save it as a smaller file | 03:43 |
Soliloquial | Does "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda1" do anything to my drive? | 03:44 |
rodolfo | gnutron, I'm not sure this works for .wav files... | 03:44 |
mker | raylu, what do you mean? what would be enough? | 03:44 |
vaxius | Soliloquial: it wipes it | 03:44 |
keepsake | Soliloquial: It replaces your first HDD drive with nothing | 03:44 |
fryguy | Soliloquial: it'll write random data to the partition | 03:44 |
usser | Soliloquial, and takes it sweet time doing it | 03:44 |
usser | *it=its | 03:44 |
keepsake | Soliloquial: Usually your C-drive or Recovery Drive | 03:44 |
Soliloquial | C drive? | 03:44 |
amikrop | !flstudio | 03:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flstudio | 03:44 |
mker | keepsake, does that create a symbolic link? I was told that wouldn't work since the user is chrooted in its home directory | 03:45 |
amikrop | !dj | 03:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dj | 03:45 |
raylu | mker: ...no | 03:45 |
amikrop | !fl studio | 03:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fl studio | 03:45 |
raylu | mker: what you're reading is a requirement of the ChrootDirectory directive | 03:45 |
amikrop | !audacity | 03:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about audacity | 03:45 |
keepsake | mker: it does make a symlink, maybe try it? | 03:45 |
Flannel | !fishing | amikrop | 03:45 |
ubottu | amikrop: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 03:45 |
amikrop | !what do you know, then? | 03:45 |
ubottu | I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:45 |
raylu | mker: it means that, after you set ChrootDirectory, the dir you set it to must be root-owned | 03:45 |
raylu | mker: it doesn't mean that setting your home to a root-owned dir will make it the chroot | 03:45 |
amikrop | /msg ubottu Bot | 03:45 |
amikrop | /msg ubottu Bot | 03:45 |
amikrop | /msg ubottu Bot | 03:45 |
FloodBot3 | amikrop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:45 |
raylu | mker: on the other hand, i believe there's a security feature that prevents login if you don't own your home | 03:45 |
cr4z3d | amikrop: you're going to getyourself kicked | 03:46 |
mker | fryguy, I read that you do that in a guide for ubuntu too. But if that's not how you do it in Ubuntu then how *do* you do it? | 03:46 |
vaxius | !info audacity | amikrop | 03:46 |
keepsake | amikrop: doubleclick on ubottu in your user list. | 03:46 |
ubottu | audacity (source: audacity): A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-2 (intrepid), package size 3155 kB, installed size 9188 kB | 03:46 |
cr4z3d | haha double click.. | 03:46 |
raylu | cr4z3d: agreed | 03:46 |
iShock | K guys, so I has this problem on Xubuntu 8.10 .. I copy my music to my PSP, but it doesn't stay. My PSP isn't saying USB Connection like it should either. Any idears? http://vertex.cluenet.org/paste/10 for dmesg | 03:46 |
risco | fryguy and vaxius: i have installing flash-nonfree in synaptic package manager, but it did not work when opened youtube. so what suppose to do? | 03:46 |
keepsake | raylu: I don't understand =( | 03:46 |
amikrop | keepsake: oh huh | 03:46 |
fryguy | risco: restart your browser | 03:46 |
mker | raylu, Did you look at my thread in the Ubuntu forum? That's not all I did, I also set it in sshd_config | 03:46 |
risco | you meant close my firefox? | 03:47 |
amikrop | keepsake: oh huh | 03:47 |
keepsake | amikrop: to test random things with ubottu, private message ubottu | 03:47 |
fryguy | risco: yes | 03:47 |
keepsake | amikrop: =P | 03:47 |
amikrop | keepsake: I think I see | 03:47 |
gnutron | rodolfo: lame will convert them to mp3, lame file.wav file2.mp3 | 03:47 |
vaxius | risco: it should have had a license agreement thingy, did you agree to it? | 03:47 |
gnutron | rodolfo: is that what ya want? | 03:47 |
rodolfo | gnutron, Yeah but those .wav files are on a cd... | 03:48 |
iShock | K guys, so I has this problem on Xubuntu 8.10 .. I copy my music to my PSP, but it doesn't stay. My PSP isn't saying USB Connection like it should either. Any idears? http://vertex.cluenet.org/paste/10 for dmesg | 03:48 |
DasEi | bobbob1016: so you want to try spinrite ? | 03:48 |
raylu | keepsake: ome of us have irc clients with no gui | 03:48 |
raylu | keepsake: or channel list | 03:48 |
fryguy | iShock: define "doesn't stay" | 03:48 |
rodolfo | gnutron, so I just copy and paste em to my hdd and then i exec the lame command....? | 03:48 |
keepsake | raylu: haha, my bad! =P | 03:48 |
gnutron | rodolfo: you can use the full path, or cp the wav's to your hdd | 03:48 |
iShock | fryguy: I close it, it's not there. My PSP also displays "USB Mode" instead of "USB Connection" | 03:48 |
risco | no, when i'm going to install, there is no word that should agree | 03:49 |
keepsake | iShock: The dmesg says it's getting I/O errors, meaning it can't write to the PSP. Why? I'm not sure, sorry | 03:49 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that stores the data in a readable hierarchy? (/dir/google.com/...) | 03:49 |
joanki123 | did anyone answer my q? | 03:49 |
gnutron | rodolfo: that'll work, btw, wav files wont work as system sounds. | 03:49 |
raylu | mker: i think you should set the users' home dirs back to their defaults and set the chrootdirectory to /media/whatever | 03:49 |
risco | fryguy: still did not work? | 03:49 |
raylu | mker: that's the purpose of chroot directory | 03:49 |
joanki123 | how i can getr my pdf to be a smaller size but not change it from a pdf? | 03:49 |
rodolfo | gnutron, what does that mean? | 03:49 |
fryguy | risco: no idea, works fine for me | 03:49 |
fryguy | joanki123: you (usually) can't just compress things for free. | 03:49 |
keepsake | joanki123: That's not really feasible | 03:49 |
gnutron | rodolfo: that was irrelevant actually | 03:50 |
joanki123 | oh great so i have to do it manually | 03:50 |
joanki123 | alright then | 03:50 |
joanki123 | thanks | 03:50 |
mker | raylu, I'll try | 03:50 |
raylu | there is pdf "optimization" | 03:50 |
risco | are you use flash plugin 10 to? | 03:50 |
joanki123 | raylu - how? | 03:50 |
fryguy | risco: I have a few flash plugins installed, they all work fine | 03:50 |
mker | raylu, but say that I have several users and I want to lock them to their home directories. Shouldn't it work just changing their home directories? | 03:50 |
raylu | joanki123: try pdftk | 03:50 |
alex_21 | I want to set up my own equivilant to dyndns for my users. I run a service where people can use hard drive space on their home hdd to store stuff and access it via username.vipbc.org instead of ipaddress | 03:50 |
risco | in my other cpu when using flash 9, is work well | 03:50 |
keepsake | joanki123: If the PDF is purely text, it cannot be compressed more. If it contains pictures... you can unmake then remake the pdf with lower image compression. | 03:50 |
raylu | mker: again, i think there's some security thing about owning your home directory | 03:50 |
joanki123 | keepsake, it has a background | 03:51 |
raylu | mker: there should be a way to congigure chroot on a per-user basis, though i'm not familiar with how | 03:51 |
vaxius | risco: maybe you'll find something helpful on the howto page: | 03:51 |
linux_user400354 | this video wont play for me in ubuntu :( http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=168975&title=cop | 03:51 |
joanki123 | but has text too | 03:51 |
raylu | mker: regardless, changing their home directories is really not the solution you're looking for | 03:51 |
vaxius | !flash | risco | 03:51 |
ubottu | risco: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:51 |
mker | raylu, but /home/sftpuser is owned by root and that works | 03:51 |
rodolfo | gnutron, is it normal a wav file to have almost 51MB of disk space...? | 03:51 |
fryguy | rodolfo: yes | 03:51 |
keepsake | joanki123: You can probably extract a .doc or something from the pdf, then delete the background and remake it. | 03:51 |
linux_user400354 | does this video play for anybody in ubuntu? http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=168975&title=cop | 03:51 |
nimbus | The video plays for me, unfortunately, linux_user400354 | 03:51 |
keepsake | rodolfo: seeing as WAV is uncompressed, of course =P | 03:51 |
joanki123 | how do i extract a .doc keepsake | 03:51 |
rodolfo | gnutron, I see.. | 03:52 |
linux_user400354 | nimbus, i have flash 10. what could be wrong? | 03:52 |
linux_user400354 | nimbus, does it use java? | 03:52 |
raylu | pdftotext will extract the text... | 03:52 |
gnutron | rodolfo: thats a big wav file but yeah they have no particular limit | 03:52 |
raylu | pdfimages will extract images... | 03:52 |
nimbus | linux_user400354, have you tested that page with other browsers? | 03:52 |
joanki123 | actually raylu pdftk looks good | 03:52 |
keepsake | rodolfo: how big is your pdf? | 03:52 |
fryguy | rodolfo: a single CD in wav format will be 700-800 MB | 03:52 |
risco | please linux_user400354: i think you got something wrong like me? | 03:52 |
raylu | joanki123: good luck with it | 03:52 |
joanki123 | is it hard to use? | 03:52 |
risco | linux_user400354: i think you got something wrong like me? | 03:52 |
kaiser10123 | does mythbuntu have a channel? | 03:52 |
=== mcpancakes_ is now known as mcpancakes | ||
gnutron | linux_user400354: i can play that video in firefox | 03:53 |
keepsake | joanki123: When in doubt, "man pdftk" | 03:53 |
raylu | mker: then i'm not sure | 03:53 |
linux_user400354 | nimbus, in windows, i couldnt get it to work with firefox but it worked with IE. i guess i can install epiphany. | 03:53 |
Flannel | rodolfo: wav files are about 85KB per second | 03:53 |
robb_m | kaiser10123, #ubuntu-mythtv | 03:53 |
raylu | linux_user400354: there is no java involved | 03:53 |
risco | linux_user400354: i think you got something wrong like me, my flash 10 didnot work well to | 03:53 |
linux_user400354 | risco, u using 64-bit? | 03:53 |
iShock | How do I add files to a .zip? | 03:53 |
gnutron | linux_user400354: use just dont have flash installed properly. | 03:53 |
risco | no, 32bit | 03:54 |
mker | raylu, I tried changing ChrootDirectory and changed the home directory of sftpuser back to /home/sftpuser, when I logged in I came to /home/sftpuser and not /media/disk/mystuff as planned | 03:54 |
linux_user400354 | gnutron, flash works fine for other things like youtube | 03:54 |
rodolfo | I just don't get why....see, it's just a music-type format...right? | 03:54 |
risco | ugghhhh, so stress bout this problem | 03:54 |
Flannel | rodolfo: Indeed. | 03:54 |
linux_user400354 | i could try the flash deb from adobe.com instead of the one in the repos. should i try that? | 03:54 |
fryguy | iShock: use the "zip" command, see the manpage for specific usage | 03:54 |
keepsake | linux_user400354: Video plays fine for me | 03:54 |
alex_21 | I want to set up my own equivilant to dyndns for my users. I run a service where people can use hard drive space on their home hdd to store stuff and access it via username.vipbc.org instead of ipaddress. How to do this, is what I am after | 03:55 |
rodolfo | gnutron, well, the lame command returns 'excess arg track' | 03:55 |
risco | linux_user400354: is useless if you try it, i had try last hour and did not work to | 03:55 |
raylu | iShock: zip zipfile.zip file1.a file2.b | 03:55 |
Flannel | alex_21: How bout vipbc.org/~username/? | 03:55 |
linux_user400354 | risco, does youtube work for you? | 03:55 |
linux_user400354 | youtube works so i dont know why this video wont | 03:55 |
usser | mker, is there anything in your /home/sftp that u need? | 03:55 |
gnutron | iShock: zip nameoffile.zip * would probably zip all files in the present dir. or zip filename.zip afile ...would zip up afile | 03:56 |
rodolfo | does anyone know what that means? | 03:56 |
risco | no did not | 03:56 |
mker | usser, no, just some test files to see that I'm really there | 03:56 |
linux_user400354 | is this a java video? are you sure its flash? | 03:56 |
nimbus | Its flash | 03:56 |
keepsake | linux_user400354: Flash, and works for me. | 03:56 |
nimbus | Did you try another browser to test? | 03:56 |
risco | all of website that need flash to display i | 03:56 |
linux_user400354 | im using open source java called openjdk and it doesnt work with everything like yahoo games | 03:56 |
gnutron | iShock: zip archive.zip file-to-archive wildcards work | 03:56 |
usser | mker, you're sure its not currently linked to your /media/disk/mystuff? | 03:56 |
alex_21 | Flannel: but then wouldn't it still have to know their IP addresses, and how would I find them | 03:56 |
keepsake | linux_user400354: Try Sun Java? | 03:56 |
linux_user400354 | keepsake, nope, they dont have a 64-bit release yet | 03:57 |
vaxius | linux_user400354: interesting, doesn't work for me, but everything else Flash does | 03:57 |
gnutron | linux_user400354: you want sun-java6-jre | 03:57 |
Flannel | alex_21: Oh.... you're redirecting to their IPs? | 03:57 |
risco | linux_user400354, seems to, i guess is all about flash 10 | 03:57 |
linux_user400354 | vaxius, same here | 03:57 |
keepsake | linux_user400354: Strange, I'm running x86_64 and everythign works for me. | 03:57 |
usser | mker, because we will need to delete the entire folder to link it to /media/disk/mystuff | 03:57 |
risco | keepsake, are you use flash-nonfree 10 to? | 03:58 |
* linux_user400354 is going to try the flash deb from adobe.com | 03:58 | |
rodolfo | gnutron, do you know? | 03:58 |
keepsake | risco: Yes, Shockwave Flash 10.0 d20 | 03:58 |
gnutron | linux_user400354: good luck. | 03:58 |
risco | maybe only work on 64bit | 03:58 |
gnutron | rodolfo: know what? musta missed it | 03:58 |
keepsake | risco: That and Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12 | 03:58 |
vaxius | linux_user400354: i'm using 10, maybe comedy central's vid player doesn't work right with it? | 03:58 |
rodolfo | gnutron, the lame command returns 'excess arg track' | 03:58 |
mker | usser, yes, I forgot to restart the server but now I did and now I can't log into it anymore (ChrootDirectory in sshd_config is /media/disk/mystuff and home directory is /home/sftpuser) | 03:58 |
alex_21 | Flannel: Yes. I got an idea though. If I make a seperate virtual host in apache, then point that with all needed modules to the IPs in question, then ... | 03:58 |
keepsake | risco: Doubt it, it was made for 32bit | 03:59 |
mker | usser, how do you mean link it? | 03:59 |
Flannel | alex_21: right. You'll need them to ping you orsomething to get their IPs | 03:59 |
alex_21 | Good night though | 03:59 |
alex_21 | Good night. Bani bash | 03:59 |
gnutron | rodolfo: could be to big, did you cp them off the cd? | 03:59 |
keepsake | risco, linux_user400354: For java, I'm using IcedTea, apparently. | 03:59 |
linux_user400354 | vaxius, isnt most people here using 10 who can play the video? | 03:59 |
rodolfo | gnutron,yes | 03:59 |
linux_user400354 | keepsake, im using that with openjdk | 03:59 |
gnutron | rodolfo: try a small one first] | 04:00 |
risco | keepsake, but in my 32 not work, when using FP9 last week all work perfect | 04:00 |
gimpscape | hi | 04:00 |
rodolfo | gnutron, the smallest is 50,7MB | 04:00 |
keepsake | linux_user400354: If you go in Add/Remove, and change the dropdown to All Available Applications and search for "java", Sun Java 6 Runtime should be the first thing available. | 04:00 |
keepsake | risco: That's strange, but I wouldn't know why, since I'm running 64bit =\ | 04:00 |
gimpscape | do I really need separate swap partition? I have read here that swap file is as fast: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq | 04:00 |
linux_user400354 | risco, think you should go back to using 9? | 04:00 |
gnutron | rodolfo: whoa, change of plan is in order. i dunno | 04:01 |
linux_user400354 | gimpscape, swap is slow. you dont need any if u have enough ram. | 04:01 |
Flannel | gimpscape: you don't need a partition no. You don't even need a swap file if you've got enough RAM | 04:01 |
gimpscape | but it doesn't mention hibernation. Does hibernation work with swap files? | 04:01 |
gnutron | rodolfo: check the lame website | 04:01 |
usser | mker, wait nvm i was thinking something else... sorry | 04:01 |
risco | linux_user400354, are you work well now when try it? did you know how to install fp9 | 04:01 |
linux_user400354 | gimpscape, i dont think linux can tell the difference between a mounted swap file and a swap partition when its mounted | 04:01 |
gimpscape | I remember that I needed separate swap partition long long time ago to be able to hibernate my system | 04:01 |
badawi | !minimal | 04:02 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 04:02 |
rodolfo | that's weird...if .wav files are as big as you guys told me it's supposed to be, then the lame command should handle it | 04:02 |
Cpudan80 | Hey all | 04:02 |
Cpudan80 | Does anyone know of a desktop app to play pandora stuff? | 04:02 |
mker | usser, that's alright. I appreciate all the help or attempts to help. really amazing that no one knows how to do this though, I doubt I'm the first to do this | 04:02 |
Cpudan80 | not just a ffx shortcut to pandora | 04:02 |
nimbus | what is pandora? | 04:03 |
keepsake | !info pandora | 04:03 |
ubottu | pandora (source: pandora): GIMP Plugin For Creating Panoramas. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB | 04:03 |
=== Wick|away is now known as Wickk | ||
usser | mker, you basically want to chroot everybody who sftps remotely right? | 04:03 |
Cpudan80 | keepsake: nope :-P | 04:03 |
risco | keepsake, did you know how to install fp9? i have it but don't know how to install | 04:03 |
keepsake | risco: Google a guide for it, I know know off the top of my head, sorry | 04:03 |
Wickk | How can I get Amarok 2 in Intrepid? The repos keep giving me 1.4 | 04:04 |
keepsake | Cpudan80: my bad =P | 04:04 |
raylu | mker: not everybody. i think he wants it on a per-user basis | 04:04 |
mker | usser, I want to share a folder with sftp and I want the user to be chrooted into that folder so he can't go elsewhere and all he can do it use sftp. Oh and I want that folder to be /media/disk/mystuff, NOT /home/sftpuser | 04:04 |
raylu | er | 04:04 |
raylu | usser: * | 04:04 |
mker | raylu, If I can have per user basis I'll take it but I'm happy if I can just have *one* user somewhere else than in /home | 04:04 |
risco | keepsake, my bad :)) | 04:04 |
risco | keepsake, let me try again install | 04:05 |
gnutron | Wickk: you only get package versions the repo's have due to dependancy issues. | 04:05 |
rodolfo | humm maybe Audacious can handle it | 04:05 |
Wickk | gnutron: Ahhhh ok | 04:05 |
gnutron | rodolfo: if it supports wav it should | 04:06 |
gimpscape | is it a good idea to choose "user" as user name? I mean could this be a security drawback? | 04:07 |
devin | Hello, I have a problem trying to install the Amarok 2.0 deb on Ubuntu intrepid. I get this error: Dependency is not satisfiable: amarok-mysql-data. Any help would be appreciated | 04:07 |
SilentDis | aargh, brainfart of the day. got an ext3 drive sitting at /dev/sda1, i'd like to have it mount every time, with all users able to access it (it's a backup drive). what's the fstab entry i need? | 04:07 |
gnutron | rodolfo: http://www.audacious-media-player.org/features | 04:07 |
keepsake | devin: Install amarok-mysql-data in Synaptics? | 04:08 |
fryguy | SilentDis: where do you want it to be mounted to | 04:08 |
SilentDis | fryguy: /media/backup | 04:08 |
=== _everyone is now known as Aurus | ||
risco | keepsake, when im done installing FP9 appear "NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser." so what to do now? | 04:08 |
devin | gnutron: I was thinking that too but I don't see it in synaptics | 04:08 |
fryguy | SilentDis: /dev/sda1 /media/backup ext3 defaults 0 0 | 04:08 |
devin | keepsake, sorry | 04:08 |
SilentDis | fryguy: why not a 2 for pass? | 04:08 |
Flannel | devin: You cant use Jaunty packages straight in intrepid. You should ask in #kubuntu, they may have a backported version somewhere, or you may end up having to do it yourself (see !prevu) | 04:09 |
fryguy | SilentDis: if you want it to get fsck'd then sure use that | 04:09 |
gnutron | devin: audacious? | 04:09 |
doug___ | hey guys using the dd command. do you have to back up the mbr first | 04:09 |
SilentDis | fryguy: i do, and thanks :) | 04:09 |
doug___ | i did a dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 | 04:09 |
risco | keepsake,??? | 04:09 |
fryguy | doug___: mbr isn't on a partition, so no | 04:09 |
doug___ | and all the data copied i just cant see anything in nautics | 04:09 |
keepsake | risco: one sec, finding folder | 04:10 |
devin | Flannel: that sounds like a good idea to check in #kubuntu. At the risk of sounding ignorant, what are Jaunty packages | 04:10 |
doug___ | im doing a backup of a 250 gb hdd to a 320 hdd that will take its place...so i need a full iso backup | 04:10 |
doug___ | looking for the simplest way to do it | 04:10 |
fryguy | doug___: so then backup the device, not the partition | 04:10 |
Flannel | devin: Jaunty packages are packages for 9.04 (which isn't 9.04 yet, but codename Jaunty Jackalope) | 04:10 |
vaxius | doug___: partimage works great for me | 04:10 |
devin | oh so amarok 2.0 is for a future distro? | 04:11 |
doug___ | yes with partimage i have to backup to iso then write from iso correct | 04:11 |
doug___ | how would one backup the device vise the partition | 04:11 |
keepsake | risco: Can't seem to find stuff today, blargh | 04:11 |
doug___ | if sda of sdb | 04:11 |
risco | keepsake, LOL | 04:11 |
Flannel | devin: Amarok 2 was just released this week, Intrepid will always have the versions of software that it was released with (in October), plus bugfixes. | 04:11 |
risco | keepsake, calmdown | 04:12 |
rodolfo | gnutron, it worked =] | 04:12 |
_Zeus_ | devin: it should be in 9.04 | 04:12 |
vaxius | doug___: partimage has nothing to do with isos, just put the images somewhere and restore them later | 04:12 |
gnutron | rodolfo: rock 'n roll | 04:12 |
keepsake | risco: /home/USERNAME/.mozilla/firefox/SOMETHING.default | 04:12 |
Flannel | devin: So its extremely likely that the package you have for amarok2 is for Jaunty, and not for Intrepid (8.10) | 04:12 |
rodolfo | gnutron, yeeeeeeeaaahh!! | 04:12 |
devin | Flannel: let me check the repo i downloaded it from real quick | 04:12 |
rodolfo | A U D A C I T Y ROCKS!! | 04:12 |
keepsake | !yay | rodolfo | 04:13 |
ubottu | rodolfo: Glad you made it! :-) | 04:13 |
doug___ | fryguy | 04:13 |
doug___ | woudl i just need to drop the 1 from sda and sdb to do a device backup | 04:13 |
risco | rodolfo, claps 4 you | 04:13 |
devin | Flannel: this is the file I downloaded: amarok-kde4_2.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1_i386.deb | 04:13 |
fryguy | doug___: yes | 04:13 |
doug___ | and that woudl leave me with a full drive replacement | 04:13 |
rodolfo | xD | 04:13 |
doug___ | so just dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb and im good to go with the new hdd | 04:13 |
rodolfo | not bad for a beginner ^^ | 04:14 |
Flannel | devin: Ah, that's a PPA. You should ask in #kubuntu, they'd likely know more. That package may be for Intrepid, you just need to add the PPA proper, isntead of just a few of its packages. | 04:14 |
Quagmire | Well I'm just tickled as punch ...I had NEVER ran ubuntu more than a few minutes off a boot disk 2 years ago and today I have loaded 8.10, installed all types of software, including a flash player to make youtube functional and VLC to listen to my local sports talk radio station 600+ miles away from home, xchat (of course) and finally got Compiz-Fusion running with spinning cube desktops and burning windows to top the day off. All i | 04:14 |
Quagmire | n all I've had one heck of a 1st day on ubuntu!!! | 04:14 |
doug___ | me a beginner? | 04:14 |
doug___ | yes sorry | 04:14 |
Zzeiss | doug___: Well, maybe. It'll run. But the partitions won't extend to the full size of the new disk. | 04:14 |
linux_user400354 | anybody know where to find flash 10 for 64-bit here? http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ | 04:14 |
Quagmire | hows that for a 1st day story? | 04:15 |
doug___ | so then just go in gparted and extend them right | 04:15 |
Zzeiss | doug___: what you need to do is after the dd, go onto the new disk with fdisk or gparted and exend them. | 04:15 |
fryguy | Quagmire: seems fine I guess | 04:15 |
devin | Flannel: I really appreciate your help. Just one more question, what do you mean by adding PPA proper rather than a few of its packages | 04:15 |
Zzeiss | doug___: Um. Yeah. :) | 04:15 |
doug___ | ok...but then i have a workig backup | 04:15 |
doug___ | that is so sweet | 04:15 |
doug___ | time for my 160 laptop hdd to go to my ps3...and for me to install my new 320 hdd | 04:15 |
Quagmire | well thanks to all those who helped me today and of course they are probably not here at the moment, but they are still thanked again | 04:16 |
rodolfo | lol thank you guys! Linux is to computing what freedom is to mankind!! LINUX ROCKS!! | 04:16 |
fryguy | where in /proc can I see battery info? | 04:16 |
rodolfo | c ya! | 04:16 |
doug___ | quagmire welcome aboard | 04:16 |
Zzeiss | doug___: Well, then *I* would retire the 250 gig drive into an external USB frame , label it "Archive 2008/12/12" and put it on a shelf. | 04:16 |
Quagmire | Did I mention Vista Sucks? LOL | 04:16 |
devin | indeed, linux is amazing | 04:16 |
linux_user400354 | fryguy, do you have the battery module loaded? | 04:16 |
fryguy | linux_user400354: yes | 04:16 |
Overshard | i finally got ubuntu installed on my new asus 904HA... it is pretty schweet | 04:17 |
doug___ | i am mistaken...i ment to say 160 at first...its a 160 in the laptop which is going into my ps3 | 04:17 |
linux_user400354 | fryguy, find /proc -iname '*battery*' | 04:17 |
Zzeiss | doug___: Well, don | 04:17 |
devin | I still have issues with my graphics card, but from what I understand that's not going away anytime soon | 04:17 |
doug___ | it woudl be nic to keep the 160 as a incase backup.. | 04:17 |
msutton | Does GRUB not like XFS? | 04:17 |
Zzeiss | doug___: don't do it until you are _sure_ everything works on the new HDA. | 04:17 |
linux_user400354 | nvm, dont think the find command works for /proc | 04:17 |
doug___ | of course | 04:17 |
doug___ | wouldnt dare... | 04:17 |
Zzeiss | upgrades done.... time for me to reboot. (new kernel). Catch y'all laters. | 04:18 |
msutton | It doesn't want to install on my RAID 1 system drive | 04:18 |
doug___ | later | 04:18 |
devin | okay i'm darting off to kubuntu. Thank you everyone for your help | 04:18 |
doug___ | off to do my backup | 04:18 |
doug___ | thanks all | 04:18 |
msutton | I switched to ext3, and that seems to work though | 04:18 |
linux_user400354 | where on the adobe website is 64-bit flash for linux? cant seem to find it | 04:18 |
andresmh | so i created a 10GB partition on my disk and Ubuntu does list it on Places > Computer but I have to mount it in order to access it. Is there a GUI interface to set it so it automatically mounts after booting? | 04:18 |
fryguy | linux_user400354: it's an alpha only, you'll have to search through developer stuff to find it | 04:19 |
fryguy | andresmh: add it to /etc/fstab | 04:19 |
linux_user400354 | fryguy, this website wont load for me http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/ | 04:20 |
andresmh | fryguy, /etc/fstab is a bit intimidating, is there a GUI front end to edit it? or a friendly doc about it? | 04:20 |
msutton | It's not so bad | 04:20 |
fryguy | andresmh: there's only 6 settings for a given entry, it's pretty trivial to set up | 04:21 |
andresmh | it seems like i need to know what kind of file system my partition is, is there a way to check the type of FS? | 04:21 |
vaxius | linux_user400354: it works for me | 04:21 |
fryguy | andresmh: it's most likely ext3 unless you created it in a weird way | 04:21 |
gnutron | andresmh: did you format it yet | 04:22 |
risco | keepsake, i has follow what you say to remove xpti.dat | 04:22 |
msutton | Yeah, ext3 is default for ubuntu. At least the last two version I believe | 04:22 |
andresmh | i might have formatted as fat32 so i could share the partition with Win | 04:22 |
risco | the result after i play you tube is .... still not play | 04:22 |
andresmh | it was a few weeks ago, i don't remember :-/ | 04:22 |
gnutron | andresmh: whats the /dev/name of the partition? fdisk -l | 04:23 |
vaxius | andresmh: ext2daemon will allow windows to read ext3 | 04:23 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that stores the data in a readable hierarchy? (/dir/google.com/...) | 04:23 |
msutton | Andresmh: Try df -T | 04:23 |
andresmh | gnutron, fdisk -l returns Cannot open /dev/sda | 04:23 |
linux_user400354 | i like the ifs driver for windows except that it only works with ext3 with 128 bit inodes or smaller | 04:24 |
andresmh | msutton, that worked | 04:24 |
andresmh | i think this is the one: /dev/sda4 vfat 9773992 13104 9760888 1% /media/disk | 04:24 |
linux_user400354 | vaxius, can that driver read ext3 in raid? | 04:24 |
msutton | So you formated it fat then | 04:24 |
vaxius | linux_user400354: if it's hardware raid | 04:24 |
andresmh | msutton, so it's just fat not fat32? | 04:25 |
risco | vaxius, do you know how to change flashplugin-nonfree 10 in synaptic to flashplugin-nonfree 9? | 04:25 |
msutton | er, I'm not sure exactly what vfat means | 04:25 |
gnutron | andresmh: make a mount point in /media then sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /media/mountpoint | 04:25 |
gnutron | andresmh: the mountpoint can be any name | 04:25 |
vaxius | msutton: vfat is displayed whether it's fat16 or fat32 | 04:26 |
linux_user400354 | risco, have you tried googling for flash player 9 linux | 04:26 |
chris248 | greetings | 04:26 |
gnutron | andresmh: then put that line in /etc/fstab | 04:26 |
andresmh | gnutron, is that instead of adding it to /etc/fstab? | 04:26 |
msutton | He'll still need to modify his fstab to do it automatically | 04:26 |
andresmh | ah | 04:26 |
andresmh | :) | 04:26 |
vaxius | risco: you may be able to downgrade in synaptic | 04:26 |
msutton | <3 /dev/md2 xfs 4348405760 5568 4348400192 1% /raid | 04:26 |
msutton | My raid works now!! | 04:27 |
kaiser10123 | anyone here use the dell xps m1530 laptop? | 04:27 |
nclife | anyone knows why when I try to convert a .m4a into a .mp3 with SoundConverter it just makes an empty copy of the file, with 0 file size? | 04:27 |
risco | exactly, i have installer but when im install this, seem not happen anything | 04:27 |
andresmh | gnutron, seems like there is already a /media/disk mountpoint where the partition has been mounted (automatically?) | 04:27 |
risco | vaxius,i did not know command doing that? | 04:27 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, what raid level | 04:28 |
msutton | That's my RAID 5 | 04:28 |
risco | vaxius,do you? | 04:28 |
msutton | 4.5T of love | 04:28 |
msutton | Two of my drives are dead.... | 04:28 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, u should test it by yanking out one of your drives and then rebuilding the raid | 04:28 |
vaxius | System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager | 04:28 |
msutton | Very unhappy about that | 04:28 |
blind | For some reason, when I turned my laptop on, it told me that there was no bootable partition found.. i boot to the live usb, and the partition mounts just fine... what could be the issue? | 04:29 |
vaxius | risco: look above | 04:29 |
msutton | It's still in the middle of a rebuild ATM | 04:29 |
msutton | I'll wait till that's done | 04:29 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, or you can use mdadm to simulate a raid failure. i wrote a guide on my forum for that. | 04:29 |
msutton | Nice | 04:29 |
msutton | can you link me? | 04:29 |
andresmh | gnutron, when you said "put that line in /etc/fstab", do you mean i should put this line: vfat /dev/sda4 /media/mountpoint | 04:29 |
gnutron | andresmh: that might be something else, i cant see it | 04:29 |
msutton | Takes like 5 hours to rebuild the raid, though | 04:29 |
andresmh | gnutron, or rather vfat /dev/sda4 /media/disk | 04:30 |
gnutron | andresmh: well it should have parameters. i'll give you an example, one sec | 04:30 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, my forum is backed up right now because i reinstalled ubuntu when going from hardy to ibex. do you have a way i can contact u when i get it back up? | 04:30 |
msutton | sure | 04:30 |
gnutron | andresmh: /dev/sdb1 /media/LOCAL_DISK vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077 0 0 | 04:30 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, btw, im using raid 0 right now with 2x320gb drives and rsync backups of important files to the 1.5tb drive | 04:31 |
gnutron | andresmh: replace sdb1 with sda4 | 04:31 |
andresmh | gnutron, oh wow, i would have never come up with that by just looking at the comments within /etc/fstab | 04:31 |
msutton | My setup is alittle weird. I'm not sure it's the best, but it seems to be working | 04:31 |
duvnell | hi, I desparately need some help with my partition.. I understand partition tables, devices and file-system.. Okay, so I had an XP partition and, an ext3 partition for / and another for /home and of course one for swap (don't remember if I created extended partitions).. I went tonight to re-install XP.. I booted and told it to install on what looked like the existing XP partition and to format it.. when I went to boot it failed. | 04:31 |
gnutron | andresmh: that will be easy to access | 04:32 |
risco | vaxius, yes i have open but when i click right, there is no option downgrade. | 04:32 |
=== soreau is now known as soreau_ | ||
gnutron | andresmh: uid should be your uid | 04:32 |
vaxius | risco: should be a force version option in the menus | 04:32 |
gnutron | andresmh: you should read up abit | 04:32 |
andresmh | gnutron, oh uh, how do i know what my uid is? | 04:32 |
vaxius | duvnell: you need to re-install grub | 04:32 |
andresmh | everything else in ubuntu has been really user-friendly non-config file | 04:32 |
duvnell | vaxius: but shouldn't the partition table be corrected first? | 04:33 |
msutton | I've got 4 (supposed to be 6) 1.5TB drives. each has 3 partitions, system, swap and 99% of the drive as storage. Then I RAID 1 the system and swaps, and raid 5 the data partitions. | 04:33 |
gnutron | andresmh: its in your /etc/passwd | 04:33 |
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau | ||
linux_user400354 | msutton, my setup is for the best speed | 04:33 |
msutton | I'm more concerned about reliablity | 04:33 |
vaxius | duvnell: the table should be fine | 04:33 |
duvnell | vaxius: plus I can't even get to my menu.lst file at this point | 04:33 |
andresmh | gnutron, so that would be the user id? | 04:33 |
msutton | I just realized...why the hell am I putting my swap in RAID 1... | 04:33 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, did u buy those cheap 1.5 tb drives off of newegg? last time i saw them they were $150 but probably cheaper now. | 04:34 |
gnutron | andresmh: correct | 04:34 |
msutton | Yeah, they had a 24 hour deal for 120. | 04:34 |
vaxius | duvnell: you need a cd-based distro, I usually use System Rescue CD | 04:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ohmy > msutton | 04:34 |
ubottu | msutton, please see my private message | 04:34 |
risco | vaxius, option are 1.mark for installation 2. mark for removal 3. mark for complete removal 4. properties | 04:34 |
duvnell | vaxius: I'm at a prompt in ubuntu live | 04:34 |
vaxius | duvnell: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html for re-installing grub | 04:34 |
andresmh | cool. ok, i'm going to reboot to test now :) | 04:34 |
andresmh | wish me luck | 04:34 |
vaxius | risco: Package > Force Version... | 04:34 |
vaxius | duvnell: that works | 04:35 |
duvnell | vaxius: I believe I'll be stopped at step 4 as the partitions are correct | 04:35 |
msutton | I'm a little angry though, 2 of my drives were dead on arrival. I just got my RMA drives and one of THOSE are dead. | 04:35 |
duvnell | vaxius: are incorrect* I mean | 04:35 |
msutton | That's a ridiculous failure rate. | 04:35 |
chris248 | msutton, than BE ANGRY! | 04:35 |
chris248 | grrrr! | 04:35 |
chris248 | it is | 04:35 |
vaxius | duvnell: just substitute for your own partitions | 04:35 |
chris248 | life sucks | 04:35 |
chris248 | than we die | 04:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | msutton what brand? | 04:35 |
FloodBot3 | chris248: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:35 |
msutton | They are seagates | 04:35 |
duvnell | vaxius: okay.. but.. it doesn't KNOW the partitions | 04:36 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, putting swap in a redundant type of raid is good because if one drive fails, your system wont crash, but its a bad idea to put swap in raid 0 because the kernel can do striping if you set the priority for each swap the same. | 04:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter <> chris248 | 04:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about enter < | 04:36 |
risco | vaxius, okay still process | 04:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > chris248 | 04:36 |
ubottu | chris248, please see my private message | 04:36 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, i think i have the same drives as you. mine are also seagates | 04:36 |
msutton | Ah, that's a good point | 04:36 |
duvnell | vaxius: I don't even have /dev/sda1 2 3 4.. etc | 04:36 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that stores the data (media) in a readable hierarchy (/dir/google.com/...) squid and polipo don't do the job | 04:36 |
msutton | Linux_user400354: Seagate is the only company making 1.5TB drives right now. | 04:36 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, if you read the comments left by buyers on newegg, lots of people had dead on arrivals. luckily i did not. | 04:37 |
chris248 | my memory is almost completely gone | 04:37 |
vaxius | duvnell: maybe it's hda? | 04:37 |
=== DASPRiD|off is now known as DASPRiD | ||
duvnell | vaxius: nope.. /dev/sda is the only device | 04:37 |
msutton | linux_user400354: 50% failure rate out of box is seriously the worst I've ever heard of. | 04:37 |
duvnell | vaxius: any idea why fdisk and parted show different info? | 04:38 |
vaxius | duvnell: k, try using fdisk to print out your partition table | 04:38 |
vaxius | duvnell: ? | 04:38 |
duvnell | vaxius: yeah it's wacked.. nothing recognizable | 04:38 |
duvnell | vaxius: plus verify finds overlapping partitions | 04:38 |
=== DASPRiD is now known as DASPRiD|off | ||
duvnell | XP did a number on me! | 04:38 |
=== DASPRiD|off is now known as DASPRiD | ||
msutton | linux_user400354: Have you heard about a firmware update for those drives? | 04:38 |
risco | vaxius, yes it has been change to FP9, thank a lot | 04:39 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, i hope you didnt install your os on those big drives. they run slower because of the huge amount of space. i just use mine for storage and backups. my os is installed on the raid 0 320 gb drives. | 04:39 |
vaxius | duvnell: you didn't use windows to modify the partitions, did you? | 04:39 |
=== DASPRiD is now known as DASPRiD|off | ||
linux_user400354 | msutton, no, tell me about it | 04:39 |
vaxius | risco: np | 04:39 |
=== DASPRiD|off is now known as DASPRiD | ||
duvnell | what I need is something that can search for inode tables and try to determine the old parition table.. at least some of it.. that is if the Quick NTFS format didn't wipe them out | 04:39 |
duvnell | vaxius: I didn't ask it to modify any paritions.. only to format the one windows was already on (so I thought) | 04:39 |
msutton | linux_user400354: I read in the newegg responses that there was a firmware update that fixed the drive timeout issues | 04:39 |
fryguy | what command runs from the gnome-power-daemon popup screen when you select "hibernate" | 04:40 |
vaxius | duvnell: the ntfs format is strictly limited to the partition, it doesn't touch the table | 04:40 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, how do you update a hard drives firmware? | 04:40 |
risco | now i will try playing metacafe or else which need flash to display | 04:40 |
duvnell | vaxius: which is why I thought it would be perfectly safe to do | 04:40 |
msutton | linux_user400354: Yes the OS is installed on the drives. I'm more worried about redundancy and storage space than speed. | 04:40 |
duvnell | I didn't ask it to delete any partitions or create, etc | 04:40 |
linux_user400354 | msutton, i have rsync for that | 04:40 |
vaxius | duvnell: hmmm...could you give me the output that fdisk gives? | 04:40 |
duvnell | any idea if there is a tool that can inspect the sectors tryng to find the start of a parition | 04:41 |
msutton | I have RAID 5 and RAID 1 for that :P | 04:41 |
ploom | hi, what's the thing with bluetooth in interpid - is hcitool kind of deprecated there? | 04:41 |
duvnell | vaxius: I could try to type it in.. but it doesn't even start at zero.. (something like 13421 or so).. fdisk complains that it probably isn't the correct device (as if I had done fdisk /dev/sda1) | 04:41 |
zgmf-x20a | anyone here running sun xvm?? | 04:41 |
chris248 | so how is Ubuntu's compatibility with Windows XP software? | 04:42 |
vaxius | duvnell: just post it into pastebin | 04:42 |
fryguy | chris248: generally fine, but you should find the linux-based alternatives for software rather than running the windows versions | 04:42 |
bazhang | chris248, check the appdb | 04:43 |
vaxius | !pastebin | duvnell | 04:43 |
ubottu | duvnell: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:43 |
gaminggeek | chris248: depends on the software | 04:43 |
bazhang | !appdb | chris248 | 04:43 |
ubottu | chris248: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 04:43 |
duvnell | vaxius: of course I can't copy and paste | 04:43 |
gaminggeek | there you go or that :) | 04:43 |
vaxius | duvnell: why? | 04:43 |
duvnell | but I'll try | 04:43 |
duvnell | I'm on a different machien | 04:43 |
chris248 | anyone know where i can live where i don't feel so ... dead? :) | 04:43 |
duvnell | chris248: heaven | 04:44 |
chris248 | i think i'll be dead before this winter ends if i stay here :O\ | 04:44 |
=== DASPRiD is now known as DASPRiD|off | ||
chris248 | with my extremely ignorant family | 04:44 |
vaxius | duvnell: i thought you were running the live cd on it? | 04:44 |
ploom | actually the problem with bluetooth for me is that although there is the nice bluetooth applet icon present, it does not allow to switch my computers visibility and also fails to pair my other device even when it's address shows up on the new device dialog | 04:44 |
duvnell | vaxius: I am, but I'm IRCing from this machine | 04:44 |
SPHREAK | Hi, is there a crossover program for ubuntu? | 04:44 |
* chris248 sighs | 04:44 | |
=== DASPRiD|off is now known as DASPRiD | ||
duvnell | vaxius: is there anything you'd be looking for.. the data is quite random for each value | 04:45 |
risco | vaxius, oh why why why still not work playing flash things? | 04:45 |
volcano | kjbjjbj | 04:45 |
vaxius | duvnell: k, you have firefox on the livecd, just pastebin it, and you can give the url instead of typing it all out | 04:45 |
duvnell | 3 partition says it's Novell.. which I've never created | 04:45 |
vaxius | risco: no idea | 04:45 |
duvnell | vaxius: I'm also having trouble with teh graphics | 04:45 |
linux_user400354 | chris248, if you run vmware, then its great for everything except 3d games | 04:45 |
duvnell | so I'm just at alt-f1 screen | 04:45 |
duvnell | ugh | 04:45 |
duvnell | sec | 04:45 |
blind | For some reason, when I turned my laptop on, it told me that there was no bootable partition found.. i boot to the live usb, and the partition mounts just fine... what could be the issue? | 04:46 |
chris248 | what kind of PIM's can you use for Linux? | 04:46 |
chris248 | Zoot? | 04:46 |
vaxius | duvnell: there should be a safe graphics mode that just uses the vesa driver | 04:46 |
duvnell | \ | 04:46 |
SPHREAK | does ubuntu have a crossover program? | 04:46 |
chris248 | or Bookmark manager like Powermarks? | 04:46 |
donavan_ | any one know why my USB DVD drive shows up as /media/cdrom0 instead of a DVD drive? | 04:46 |
risco | vaxius, did you know how to make our desktop to virgin, i meant fresh like new which is no program,files or else? | 04:47 |
gnutron | blind: did you mark the partition bootable | 04:47 |
nclife | anyone knows of an .m4a to .mp3 converter? I've tried audioconverter, which made 0 filesize copies only and lame which left a .mp3 with unconsisten interference-like sounds | 04:47 |
vaxius | risco: um...reinstall? | 04:47 |
blind | gnutron: I've been using it steadily for the past two or three weeks, it was working no problem. | 04:47 |
gnutron | blind: hmm | 04:47 |
vaxius | risco: just remove the programs and files you don't want | 04:48 |
chris248 | ignorance = the belief i act? :) | 04:48 |
privet | how/where do I mount a SD card with the "tifm" module? | 04:48 |
chris248 | ignorance = clinging to an identity that is temporal and always changing in ideas, beliefs, and form | 04:49 |
mker | nclife, have you installed all the gstreamer packages? there'a bad and ugly and maybe another one | 04:49 |
mker | nclife, I think soundconverter uses those | 04:49 |
chris248 | i make no fucking sense | 04:49 |
nclife | mker, I installed the ugly one only | 04:50 |
* chris248 sighs | 04:50 | |
SPHREAK | nclife: google super, good converter | 04:50 |
risco | vaxius, you right. but still not guarantee after reinstall it can be run on flash? | 04:50 |
* chris248 pounds fist into table | 04:50 | |
chris248 | i'm frustrated | 04:50 |
mker | nclife, mp4 is only a container, do you know which codec is used? | 04:50 |
chris248 | anyone want to help? | 04:50 |
reenignEesreveR | i wanna open a shell as different user such that user's init scripts (.profile etc) are executed as well as X Display remains connected to my current XSession. It is posisble? | 04:51 |
risco | vaxius, one of for desktop, don't know exactly | 04:51 |
msutton | Chris248: Help with what? | 04:51 |
nclife | mker, no. How can I know? I only know they are .m4a audio files | 04:51 |
risco | vaxius, one of four desktop, don't know exactly | 04:51 |
chris248 | it's really too bad that if I were in charge of software design, everything would flow so fucking smoothly | 04:51 |
mker | chris248, yes, I have an unsolved problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 (Change home directory for SFTP user (openssh)) | 04:51 |
vaxius | risco: ?, what are trying to do? | 04:51 |
chris248 | alas, here I am, amongst massive ignorant and arrogant family | 04:51 |
n8tuser | !ohmy | chris248 | 04:51 |
ubottu | chris248: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:51 |
SPHREAK | Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu has a crossover program? please.... | 04:51 |
chris248 | while i'm on death's hour | 04:52 |
Peter_G | I have a weird question about Ubuntu connecting wirelessly. I have a new netbook, and Ubuntu is the only distro that configured the wifi immediately. My question is, does this mean its a native Linux driver, or is it using a wrapper (XP is on the hard drive, and I want to wipe it, but I can't do that with a wrapper, right?) | 04:52 |
risco | vaxius, just want to can play games or video. | 04:52 |
mker | nclife, open it in VLC and check codec information (CTRL+J) | 04:52 |
vaxius | SPHREAK: crossover, as in the commercial incarnation of wine? | 04:52 |
nclife | mker, the howto page to enable .mp3 in soundcoverter does not work for the ubuntu explanation -> http://soundconverter.berlios.de/gstreamer-mp3-encoding-howto/ | 04:52 |
nclife | mker, okay | 04:53 |
=== DASPRiD is now known as DASPRiD|off | ||
chris248 | everything is so ... disjointed... disconnected | 04:53 |
vaxius | risco: i thought you had gotten flash working | 04:53 |
mker | SPHREAK, What do you mean crossover? There is VirtualBox or VMWare which let's you run other OS inside Ubuntu and there's Wine which lets you run windows apps. | 04:53 |
risco | vaxius, 3 else cpu with same spec is fine | 04:53 |
vaxius | risco: huh? | 04:53 |
nclife | mker, mh, nothing happens when I press ctrl+j | 04:54 |
reenignEesreveR | so can i open a shell under a different user id which uses X of current user? | 04:54 |
SPHREAK | thats what i want, program to run window progs in ubuntu... | 04:54 |
chris248 | do you guys realize ONE fucking site or bit of info could literally change your Entire Life? | 04:54 |
mker | nclife, tools -> codec information | 04:54 |
SPHREAK | a free one... | 04:54 |
reenignEesreveR | SPHREAK: use WINE | 04:54 |
chris248 | the Internet could do this, if only it was all connected in meaningful useful ways | 04:54 |
vaxius | SPHREAK: try wine, if it doesn't work, use a virtual machine | 04:54 |
mker | chris248, if you don't need help with ubuntu or are here to help then please be quiet | 04:54 |
chris248 | -.- | 04:55 |
mker | chris248, go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:55 |
SPHREAK | ok thx, where can i get wine? | 04:55 |
vaxius | !info wine | SPHREAK | 04:55 |
ubottu | wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7330 kB, installed size 54492 kB | 04:55 |
mker | SPHREAK, just like you install any other program, apt-get, aptitude or synaptic | 04:55 |
nclife | mker, erm, I can't find no tools :p | 04:55 |
duvnell | vaxius: I can't get graphics mode to work in the live CD.. so I won't be able to pastebin | 04:55 |
SPHREAK | ty | 04:55 |
mker | nclife, in VLC? what language? | 04:55 |
chris248 | do you guys realize the darkside is taking over our fucking planet? | 04:56 |
duvnell | I'll enter | 04:56 |
duvnell | manuall | 04:56 |
risco | vaxius, let see, if i want to clear cpu without flashplugin-non free how? and then reinstall it from my installer folder. how to do? | 04:56 |
SPHREAK | !info wine | 04:56 |
ubottu | wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7330 kB, installed size 54492 kB | 04:56 |
vaxius | duvnell: that's strange | 04:56 |
cyphase | windows printer drivers go in /var/lib/samba/printers, right? | 04:56 |
reenignEesreveR | SPHREAD: Goto your package manager (add/remove programs) and install WINE :) ... prolly u'll have it already installed | 04:56 |
nclife | mker, found this on Advanced information: Codec: mp4 :P | 04:56 |
duvnell | vaxius: some frequency problem with teh CRT | 04:56 |
nclife | mker, english | 04:56 |
vaxius | risco: reinstall? you can use synaptic for that | 04:56 |
duvnell | !pastebin | 04:56 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:56 |
nclife | mker, I see File, View, Settings, Audio, Video, Navigation, Help | 04:57 |
mker | nclife, are you using ubuntu 8.10 ? | 04:57 |
scientes | whyhow do i at-cache searh only including installed packages? | 04:57 |
risco | vaxius, i had too, but still not working | 04:57 |
* reenignEesreveR is still waiting for his problem to be solved :( How can i open a shell as different user ID with current X session available to it? | 04:57 | |
nclife | mker, ah no. I'm on xubuntu :S | 04:57 |
mker | nclife, 8.10 ? | 04:57 |
nclife | mker, how can I check that again?= | 04:58 |
mker | nclife, xubuntu = ubuntu only xfce as desktop environment instead of Gnome, imo it's a bad idea of them to call them different names as if it was a different distro. just check which version of vlc you're using instead. help -> about | 04:58 |
vaxius | risco: idk, flash on linux is hard to troubleshoot in my experience when it stops working | 04:58 |
Guest27510 | wireless router help needed here | 04:59 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that stores media in a readable hierarchy? (/dir/google.com/...) | 04:59 |
_lifi | is there any good backup tool for ubuntu like time machine for macos? | 04:59 |
dekkong | hi guys | 04:59 |
nclife | mker, it's 0.8.6e | 04:59 |
msutton | _lifi: I'm looking into something called rsync | 04:59 |
n8tuser | !backup | _lifi | 04:59 |
ubottu | _lifi: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 04:59 |
msutton | !backup | 04:59 |
msutton | !backup > msutton | 05:00 |
ubottu | msutton, please see my private message | 05:00 |
vaxius | _lifi: there's work going on for a clone of time machine, but there's plenty of backup programs like rsync' | 05:00 |
risco | vaxius, now i will try to removal flashplugin-nonfree from synaptic and then reinstall. let see, hopefully did it. | 05:00 |
duvnell | vaxius: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84658/ okay.. typed in by hand | 05:00 |
mker | nclife, ok so I'm guessing you're using 8.04 (last version is 8.10). I don't know how to see which codec in that version of VLC but if you click around I'm sure it's there, somewhere | 05:00 |
vaxius | risco: try the completely remove option | 05:00 |
_lifi | thx guys | 05:01 |
_lifi | vaxius, how is this clone called? | 05:01 |
vaxius | _lifi: I don't exactly remember | 05:01 |
duvnell | vaxius: that should be fdisk /dev/sda -l | 05:01 |
nclife | mker, so .m4a is just the container and I have to find the codec of the audio file? | 05:01 |
risco | vaxius, i allready use remove option, so? | 05:01 |
tosgo | hola a todos | 05:01 |
mker | nclife, yes. do you have Totem? | 05:02 |
nclife | mker, there's a help page for enabling .mp3 convertion in soundconverter on ubuntu, but it does not work -> http://soundconverter.berlios.de/gstreamer-mp3-encoding-howto/ | 05:02 |
nclife | mker, no, only vlc | 05:02 |
Guest27510 | i need help setting up my wireless connection | 05:03 |
_lifi | vaxius, do you mean timevault maybe? | 05:03 |
msutton | My raid is resyncing, is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to start writing files to it even as it syncs? | 05:03 |
mker | Guest27510, Write exactly what the problem is, what isn't working. (but not to me, I don't know anything about wifi :) ) | 05:03 |
Arenlor | Hello,my sound suddenly stopped working, it sounds like a skipping record for some reason, and it's all sound no matter whether it's flash, wav, mp3, mpeg anything | 05:04 |
duvnell | vaxius: interesting: gparted when asking to check parition 1, it says that the partition is 320GB but the NTFS file system it found is only 137 (which might be the original size of my XP parition, but I cant remember if I made it that large) | 05:04 |
=== gyron is now known as Gyron31 | ||
vaxius | duvnell: found in forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-14273.html | 05:05 |
duvnell | checking | 05:05 |
Gyron31 | Excuse me, how do I make it where this wifi card I am currently using loads every time Linux does? | 05:05 |
donavan_ | I know this inst the right channel for this but does anyone know why I cant get dvds to play back in virtual box (xp guest) I can see and explore the disc but it just doesnt want to play it ? | 05:05 |
vaxius | _lifi: i might, i remember seeing it slashdotted one day and thought it was cool, but can't remember what it was called | 05:06 |
Arenlor | Gyron31 what wifi card is it? | 05:06 |
vaxius | _lifi: *it might | 05:06 |
Guest27510 | the check box by enable wireless will not let me check it | 05:06 |
_lifi | ok, thx vaxius | 05:06 |
Gyron31 | Arenlor: it is my ra0 (a Ralink RT2860) | 05:06 |
duvnell | btw- does parted make you save what you do , or does it do it all as you do it | 05:06 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that stores media in a readable hierarchy? (/dir/google.com/...) | 05:06 |
j_xinudsb | Gyron31: need DVD decoder | 05:07 |
scientes | when i build a initrd with mkinitramfs how do i specify the kernel to build against? | 05:07 |
j_xinudsb | why? DVD in vM | 05:07 |
vaxius | duvnell: the solution in the forum doesn't use parted | 05:07 |
Gyron31 | j_xinudsb,: this has nothing to do with my dvd drive. It is for my wifi card, to ensure that it loads with Linux. | 05:08 |
mker | donavan_, that's either a virtualbox issue or an xp issue. try the virtualbox channel maybe | 05:08 |
donavan_ | j_xinudsb: because the I get some pixelation from the dvd decoder under Ubuntu and was hoping it would be better under VM | 05:08 |
Arenlor | Gyron31: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132980 start with (g) and see if that helps | 05:08 |
donavan_ | mker: yeah I am in there now but noone is talking | 05:08 |
mker | donavan_, you want to play dvds in VM because there are pixels in Ubuntu? I don't think that's the right solution :) | 05:09 |
ploom | damn it, turns out that I am experiencing Bug #268502 : Bluetooth association no longer works | 05:10 |
Gyron31 | Arenlor: For some reason, Firefox thinks I am offline | 05:10 |
duvnell | vaxius: well "fixing" the order doesn't fix the fact that the paritions overlap.. I believe xp wrote over the parition sector (if there is such a thing) with probably the first block of the NTFS file system or somethin glike that | 05:10 |
SPHREAK | how do I enable hardware acceleration? I have a nvidia gf2 gts | 05:10 |
Arenlor | Gyron File > Work Offline make sure it is NOT checked | 05:10 |
duvnell | vaxius: btw- I tried what it said (didn't write to disk) and they still overlapped | 05:10 |
mker | donavan_, do you have the dvd on your hard drive or is it an actual disc? what program are you using? (in ubuntu, not in the VM) | 05:11 |
AmroMoussa | hello, is edubuntu an easy Linux introduction for 13-15 kids? | 05:11 |
msutton | what does this return? cat /sys/block/md2/md/sync_speed_max | 05:11 |
mker | AmroMoussa, I don't know about Edubuntu but I'd say yes about Ubuntu. And Edubuntu is just Ubuntu with some educational programs as far as I know | 05:11 |
donavan_ | mker: well here is what i was thinking if I use a windows based program to play the DVD's I dont have to use the linux decoder with seems to square off all the pixels ... I would be using the windows decoder and basically stream the video from the windows machine .... and it is playing from the actual disc | 05:11 |
=== hamza is now known as tiyowan | ||
tiyowan | quit | 05:12 |
AmroMoussa | like a pop-up messages with instructions on how to do what, a simpler command-lines and so | 05:12 |
mker | donavan_, what program in ubuntu? | 05:12 |
Arenlor | AmroMoussa it just includes extra programs, you could always Alias things for them though | 05:13 |
donavan_ | mker: I have tried totem and xine but they doesnt work the | 05:13 |
AmroMoussa | aha | 05:13 |
donavan_ | mker: sorry | 05:13 |
AmroMoussa | thanks | 05:13 |
mker | donavan_, try VLC | 05:13 |
_2 | who can suggest an alternative to "mc" ??? | 05:13 |
donavan_ | mker : I was actually getting to that VLC is the only one that i can actually get to play the DVDs and its the one that does the pixelation | 05:13 |
dcider | donavan_ : sounds like your missing a codec, have you installed w32codecs? | 05:14 |
donavan_ | I think so but let me check | 05:14 |
_2 | someone ? | 05:14 |
mker | donavan_, ah you mean those little pixels? Not like interference when you start or hop around in the movie but when it's playing the video has these small pixels and it just looks bad? | 05:15 |
mker | donavan_, you can get w32codecs from http://www.medibuntu.org/ | 05:15 |
stroyan | _2: Do you want something just like mc? Or do you want something different in a specific way? | 05:15 |
donavan_ | mker: yeah thats exactly it ... it plays fine it just doesnt look that good | 05:16 |
ehazlett | can anyone tell me how to dump a disk (dd) and skip empty blocks? | 05:16 |
_2 | stroyan console based filemanager any | 05:16 |
Guest27510 | no wireless what do i need to install, remove, tweak | 05:16 |
duvnell | vaxius: looks like a util called gpart is used to guess-partitions.. trying to install | 05:16 |
vaxius | duvnell: does gparted do anything? it has some partition repair functions too | 05:16 |
vaxius | duvnell: hehe, same time | 05:16 |
duvnell | vaxius: again.. can't do graphical.. but parted on cmdline shows a single NTFS file system but looks strange still | 05:17 |
mker | donavan_, tools -> preferences -> video -> output, try all the options there and see if it works. I remember having the same problem once upon a time. | 05:17 |
dcider | quite often if the correct codec arent installed the pixelation can get much worse | 05:17 |
duvnell | vaxius: gpart is a diff utility | 05:17 |
_2 | stroyan different in one specific, namely 'doesnt choke on odd chars in file and dir names' | 05:17 |
mib_k4aqyz | when i click on a link to duggmirror i am redirected to a scam website for satellitetvtopc, i want to establish if this is happening to duggmirror or me, can anyone confirm? http://duggmirror.com | 05:17 |
maveric | Hey all, I've been having a problem getting my resolution to work. I've got a 8500gt and my screen should be at 1024xwhater (I think). I think the problem is my computer is not using the nvidia driver, as I had a "Ubuntu isloading in low graphics mode' at startup, and it asks me to pick my screen (Which I don;t know what it is.. it's old) and my graphics card. So I choose the nvidia 8 series. Any ideas on what I should do? | 05:17 |
donavan_ | mker: yeah I tried that and didnt really get anything that looked that good | 05:18 |
duvnell | vaxius: I'm trying to apt-get "gpart", but it says that it's not available, but is referred to by another package.. | 05:18 |
vaxius | duvnell: you should try gparted's livecd: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 05:18 |
duvnell | vaxius: yeah.. I'm thinking I need to d/l that | 05:18 |
mker | donavan_, hm, too bad. did you check out medibuntu? | 05:18 |
duvnell | vaxius: trying | 05:18 |
donavan_ | mker: looking now | 05:18 |
_2 | stroyan problem i'm having is that i'm not seeing any alternative, it's like mc is the only file manager for the console ;/ | 05:18 |
vaxius | or System Rescue CD (the best imo):http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page | 05:18 |
duvnell | vaxius: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Partition-Rescue.html section 3.2.3 | 05:19 |
duvnell | vaxius: .. is what I'm shooting for atm | 05:19 |
Guest27510 | t | 05:20 |
=== w4ett_ is now known as w4ett | ||
Gyron31 | Ok, now I have a real problem. I am told to "create(edit) 'ifcfg-ra0' file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/,", but there is no create(edit) /sysconfig folder in /etc | 05:20 |
stroyan | _2: I see ytree fdclone vifm and others using apt-cache search 'file manager' | 05:21 |
Guest27510 | t | 05:21 |
stroyan | _2: I prefer a CLI like bash myself. | 05:21 |
Gyron31 | there is no /sysconfig folder in /etc, rather | 05:21 |
speps | Hey guys is it possibile INCREASE an hfs+ partition with parted?Thanks | 05:21 |
_2 | stroyan ah i think i may have found one, fdclone | 05:21 |
dcider | donavan_ : I missed the begining of the conversation, you have the linux-restricted-modules, w32codec and libdvdcss2 installed? | 05:21 |
_2 | stroyan yes looking at fdclone now. thanks | 05:22 |
mib_k4aqyz | when i click on a link to duggmirror i am redirected to a scam website for satellitetvtopc, i want to establish if this is happening to duggmirror or me, can anyone confirm? http://duggmirror.com can anyone help me here? this is kinda freaking me out! | 05:22 |
=== eli_ is now known as dotblank | ||
donavan_ | dcider: I think so thats part of what I was trying I can get playback in VLC but it look kinda crappy... trying to get it a prettied up | 05:23 |
gnutron | mib_k4aqyz: you're right | 05:23 |
duvnell | vaxius: http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/user/76201/gpart/ | 05:23 |
tiyowan | mib_k4aqyz: Happening to me, too. | 05:23 |
risco | vaxius, i have been doing all the way. only reinstall linux ubuntu 8.04. i'm give up | 05:23 |
Gyron31 | Ok, now I have a real problem. I am told to "create(edit) 'ifcfg-ra0' file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/,", but there is no /sysconfig folder in /etc | 05:23 |
vaxius | duvnell: yeah, pretty much the same thing, you're trying to guess or round to the cylinder boundaries | 05:23 |
maveric | Hey all, I've been having a problem getting my resolution to work. I've got a 8500gt and my screen should be at 1024xwhater (I think). I think the problem is my computer is not using the nvidia driver, as I had a "Ubuntu isloading in low graphics mode' at startup, and it asks me to pick my screen (Which I don;t know what it is.. it's old) and my graphics card. So I choose the nvidia 8 series. Any ideas on what I should do? | 05:23 |
speps | Hey guys is it possibile INCREASE an hfs+ partition with parted?Thanks | 05:24 |
duvnell | vaxius: no gpart searches for super blocks | 05:24 |
duvnell | guesses | 05:24 |
maveric | Eh, I've reinstalled nvidia-glx. How do I make sure Ubuntu is using the driver? | 05:25 |
dcider | donavan_ : if all else fails you mite look at your video drivers... | 05:25 |
duvnell | dang.. this live gparted cd won't boot | 05:26 |
vaxius | duvnell: you may not realized it, but we're talking about the same thing | 05:26 |
vaxius | duvnell: what does it say? | 05:26 |
tiyowan | maveric: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers | 05:26 |
donavan_ | mker: tried the new w32code.... no change ... I dont think its the video drivers because I dont get it when I am streaming video from the internet | 05:26 |
maveric | tiyowan: it's not in there | 05:26 |
duvnell | so you're telling me that http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/user/76201/gpart/ *is* gparted? or what that forum said to try does the same thing? | 05:27 |
tiyowan | maveric: Then I don't think its being used? :-) | 05:27 |
duvnell | the forums suggestion of using fdisk -> x -> f (for fix) only reorders the paritions to be in ascending order by start sector) | 05:27 |
vaxius | duvnell: no, but we're trying to accomplish the same task, use either one | 05:27 |
maveric | Yes, I want to enable it so it's being used. I've installed it through synaptic | 05:27 |
tiyowan | maveric: Did you get the nvidia settings manager? | 05:28 |
mike2001 | cant connect to wireless have very little experience with Linux ubuntu | 05:28 |
racarter | i'm looking at compiz config settings in ubuntu 8.10 | 05:28 |
duvnell | vaxius: I did not find that the forum post's directions helped anything | 05:28 |
racarter | what is the "super" button? | 05:28 |
tiyowan | racarter: Your Win key | 05:28 |
duvnell | vaxius: or are you suggesting using gparted live CD? | 05:28 |
duvnell | vaxius: (which I'm trying to do, but the stupid disc won't boot now) | 05:29 |
vaxius | duvnell: i'm suggesting that mainly because i have no experience using gpart | 05:29 |
vaxius | duvnell: any messages? | 05:29 |
duvnell | vaxius: no.. just that it thats "Booting CD:", but then attempts to go to the HDD which gets a read error because of the bad parition table (same as if no CD in drive) | 05:30 |
duvnell | vaxius: I simply downloaded and burned the ISO from them | 05:30 |
tiyowan | maveric: What version of Ubuntu are you using and which card do you have? | 05:30 |
maveric | Sorry, someone came to the door.8.04 and it's a 8600gt | 05:31 |
_2 | well lfm crashes out just like mc did, probably used the same source code | 05:31 |
vaxius | hmm....it shouldn't require hd access, that's the whole point of "livecd"; one sec | 05:31 |
racarter | in compiz config... what is button1? | 05:31 |
maveric | Eh, I need the kernal module installed too, right | 05:31 |
tiyowan | duvnell: You need to run testdisk off the livecd to fix your hd's partition table. | 05:31 |
racarter | i'm looking at the screenshot setting... | 05:31 |
tiyowan | maveric: Did you install the drivers manually? | 05:31 |
=== osxdude_ is now known as osxdude | ||
speps | Hey guys is it possibile INCREASE an hfs+ partition with parted?Thanks | 05:32 |
duvnell | tiyowan: huh? we're talking about gparted live CD | 05:32 |
maveric | No. When I went to synaptic just before, nvidia-glx wasn't installed, nor thekernal modules or nvidia-settings | 05:32 |
maveric | tiyowan: I've now got nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernal-common and nvidia-settings installed. Should I restart now use those three things? | 05:32 |
=== osxdude is now known as osxdude|laptop | ||
tiyowan | duvnell: Yeah. What I'm saying is, if yo get an error like that on your HD, then you can fix it with testdisk. Dunno why the LiveCD is giving you that error. Doesn't make any sense. Check to make sure you're booting off the CD. | 05:33 |
maveric | tiyowan: and do I also need linux-restricted-modules? | 05:33 |
tiyowan | maveric: Restart your system first. | 05:33 |
mker | speps, the answer to that should be in the manual or faq or feature list of gparted | 05:34 |
maveric | Thanks | 05:34 |
maveric | Will do that now | 05:34 |
Ediferious | Anyone free to give me a little help with a sound/hardware issue? | 05:36 |
vaxius | duvnell: testdisk sounds like a good thing to try, you can find it on System Rescue CD | 05:36 |
tiyowan | testdisk fixes partition tables - confirmed. | 05:37 |
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gimpscape | hi again | 05:38 |
duvnell | vaxius: are we possibly talking about ubuntu CD's test disk option at boot? | 05:38 |
vaxius | you could try installing it when using the ubuntu livecd, but you'd have to install it again if you need to reboot | 05:38 |
gimpscape | where can I download this package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.27-10.20/+build/793009 ? I can't find download link on launchpad | 05:38 |
vaxius | duvnell: nope | 05:38 |
mker | Ediferious, just ask what you want to know. | 05:38 |
vaxius | !info testdisk | duvnell | 05:38 |
ubottu | testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB | 05:38 |
duvnell | vaxius: what is the system rescue CD then? | 05:38 |
Ediferious | I have a gateway laptop that I threw ubuntu on for a friend, it has a ruined sound card (they just broke the soldering in the jack and 'fixed' it themselves resulting in it being irreparable..Anyway, so they have a 3d sound, model pd552 USB attachment card to access sound. I cannot find anything about this in the forums, does anyone have any idea on how to support this idiotic gadget? | 05:39 |
coolguy4 | if I wanted to copy an ubuntu install to new drive, could I install ubuntu on the new drive then copy all the files from the old drive over the top of the new drive? | 05:39 |
vaxius | duvnell: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page | 05:39 |
duvnell | vaxius: oh at the cmd line? | 05:39 |
vaxius | duvnell: yep | 05:39 |
linux_user400354 | vaxius, i got 64-bit alpha flash from the adobe developer site and now i can play the video at comedy central :D | 05:39 |
flakeparadigm | Helllo | 05:39 |
tiyowan | duvnell: You can't run disk tools -off- your installation. You need to boot into a rescue cd and from there you run the disk analysis tools. | 05:39 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | hi guys, | 05:39 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | anyone know of a good vpn client for ubuntu? | 05:39 |
vaxius | linux_user400354: i have that problem on 32-bit | 05:39 |
Ediferious | Anyone? | 05:40 |
flakeparadigm | I have an install of ubuntu and I want to add an install of windows. How would I do this and keep grub as the boot loader? | 05:40 |
duvnell | d/l-ing | 05:40 |
_2 | vfu dfclone both seem to be able to handle odd chars but, they them selves are odd charictors it seems... ;/ | 05:40 |
fryguy | what command runs from the gnome-power-daemon popup screen when you select "hibernate" | 05:40 |
uman | Hi guys. Im having a bit of a problem with ubuntu 8.10. In the network manager i can add wired/wireless/mobile broadband/DSL connections but the "ADD" vpn connection is grayed out. Any idea on how to fix this: Ps: What is the best way to create a VPN in ubuntu that is compatible with the iphone/ipod touch? Thanks | 05:40 |
tiyowan | flakeparadigm: It'd be better for you if you'd install Windows first. But...install Windows, that should break grub. Boot off a livecd and reinstall grub. | 05:41 |
linux_user400354 | vaxius, try getting your flash directly from adobe rather than the repos, worked for me | 05:41 |
vaxius | duvnell: i have this distro along with gparted's in the first 2 slots of my recovery collection | 05:41 |
vaxius | linux_user400354: k | 05:41 |
flakeparadigm | tiyowan: what would I do to just reinstall grub? | 05:41 |
fryguy | !grub | 05:41 |
maveric | It worked, thanks very much for the help tiyowan | 05:41 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:41 |
flakeparadigm | fryguy thanks | 05:42 |
tiyowan | maveric: no problems. :-) | 05:42 |
tiyowan | flakeparadigm: There's a command you have to run off a liveCD terminal. Read the grub manuall. | 05:42 |
Justin1 | is there any tools for editting GTK2.x???? | 05:43 |
donavan_ | mker: well it appears you were right I managed to get the DVD to play in the VM and its the same deal so it has to be my video driver | 05:43 |
vaxius | flakeparadigm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 | 05:43 |
Bitmouse | hey, anybody have much experience with SSH? I'm able to connect to my other computer through my network, but not when I try to use it's Global (aka External) IP Address? | 05:43 |
Ediferious | I have a gateway laptop that I threw ubuntu on for a friend, it has a ruined sound card (they just broke the soldering in the jack and 'fixed' it themselves resulting in it being irreparable..Anyway, so they have a 3d sound, model pd552 USB attachment card to access sound. I cannot find anything about this in the forums, does anyone have any idea on how to support this idiotic gadget? | 05:43 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: is your NAT doing internal redirection correctly? | 05:44 |
mker | donavan_, I'd try asking in the ubuntu forums. I don't think it's an unusual problem. | 05:44 |
lucas-UBUNTU | need helps | 05:44 |
_2 | vifm might work for me. seems to handle odd chars ok, and the interface is not completely wierd. | 05:44 |
tiyowan | !hcl | Ediferious | 05:44 |
ubottu | Ediferious: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 05:44 |
mker | Bitmouse, do you have a router? | 05:44 |
lucas-UBUNTU | alguem brASILHEIRO | 05:44 |
_2 | stroyan vifm seems to fill the bill. thanks. | 05:44 |
stroyan | _2: I am glad you found one that works for you. | 05:45 |
lucas-UBUNTU | need help | 05:45 |
flakeparadigm | Thanks guys! | 05:45 |
lucas-UBUNTU | need help | 05:45 |
donavan_ | mker: yeah thats going to be a project for another day ... one question though if you happen to know ... how can I get VLC to be the default for DVDplay back ... right now it calls up totem every time put a DVD in and being that it doesnt work its driving me nuts | 05:45 |
tiyowan | !ask | lucas-UBUNTU | 05:45 |
ubottu | lucas-UBUNTU: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 05:45 |
lucas-UBUNTU | need helps | 05:46 |
duvnell | vaxius: tiyowan: my biggest fear is that after it formatted and wrote files to "C:" it really killed everything.. my only hope is that what it formatted was no bigger that the XP parition originally | 05:46 |
mylogic | is it safe to install amarok 2.0 while running gnome? O.o | 05:46 |
lucas-UBUNTU | all ubuntu | 05:46 |
fryguy | mylogic: sure | 05:46 |
tiyowan | duvnell: What exactly happened? What were you doing? I missed the beginning of your problem statement. | 05:46 |
mker | donavan_, should be in settings somewhere. I think I do in preferences -> preferred applications. don't know how in xfce | 05:46 |
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duvnell | copied from earlier: hi, I desparately need some help with my partition.. I understand partition tables, devices and file-system.. Okay, so I had an XP partition and, an ext3 partition for / and another for /home and of course one for swap (don't remember if I created extended partitions).. I went tonight to re-install XP.. I booted and told it to install on what looked like the existing XP partition and to format it.. when I w | 05:47 |
donavan_ | mker: thanks that should give me a starting point | 05:47 |
donavan_ | mker: and thanks for all you other help | 05:47 |
tiyowan | donovan_: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Apps. | 05:47 |
mker | donavan_, no problem. good luck! | 05:47 |
[NetSkier | mylogic, I think so. The price you pay will be loading in all the KDE support stuff. | 05:48 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Ah I got it. | 05:48 |
duvnell | while waiting for systemrescueCD to burn.. I got gparted live to boot.. it shows a 286GB NTFS parition on /dev/hda1 (on a 320GB physical).. | 05:48 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Now you can't boot into Windows right? | 05:48 |
duvnell | make that 298GB | 05:48 |
duvnell | yeah and the parition table is crap | 05:48 |
donavan_ | tiyowan: thanks | 05:49 |
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duvnell | tiyowan: so I need to get that corrected before I can reinstall grub | 05:49 |
Wickk | I'm having a problem trying to reinstall xchat. I keep getting the error message "configure: error: 'Cannot find glib' and I've tried searching for it in the repos and I can't find it. I'm running off intrepid and aren't sure what the name of the library is that I would need. | 05:49 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Your best bet is testdisk. It'll search for lost partitions and attempt recovery. | 05:49 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | does anyone know a good vpn client for ubuntu | 05:49 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Lemme give you this link as well. Very helpful. | 05:49 |
duvnell | tiyowan: but like I said.. my fear is that the xp installer really did format the file system that big and wrote files there (it was a quick format tho).. | 05:49 |
fryguy | Wickk: install libglib2.0-dev and see if that fixes it | 05:50 |
duvnell | tiyowan: about ot boot testdisk | 05:50 |
fryguy | ohletmeinnowgodd: openvpn or pptp-client | 05:50 |
Wyzard | duvnell: "quick format" just means it doesn't do a surface scan... there's nothing different about the filesystem created | 05:50 |
fryguy | ohletmeinnowgodd: gnome/nm-applet also has support for doing vpn integrated | 05:50 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | fryguy: i installed openvpn, it doesnt seem to come with a gui...is it cmd-line only? | 05:50 |
fryguy | ohletmeinnowgodd: yes | 05:50 |
tiyowan | duvnell: If you specified in the XP setup that it should format your partition, then I think your data's gone buddy. | 05:50 |
duvnell | tiyowan: but I didn't tell it to do anything with partitions | 05:51 |
Wickk | fryguy: installing now, will let you know if it works or not :) | 05:51 |
duvnell | I already had an XP parition and it appeared as tho I was formatting that | 05:51 |
kattollikisd | Hi everyone... I have a Processor: Inter Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz, why ubuntu don' t let me use the compiz-fusion? :( | 05:51 |
fryguy | kattollikisd: what video card | 05:51 |
Wyzard | kattollikisd: That depends on your video card, not your processor | 05:51 |
Gnea | kattollikisd: depends on the video card | 05:51 |
duvnell | it's possible that XP wasn't the first partition and it got confused.. but I think I would have made it the first parition long ago | 05:51 |
duvnell | knowing how stupid it is | 05:52 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Hmmm....can you mount your Windows partition from ubuntu? | 05:52 |
fryguy | tiyowan: sure | 05:52 |
duvnell | tiyowan: haven't tried.. okay I got sysrescue to boot | 05:52 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | fryguy: you mean system>preference>network config>VPN tab? | 05:52 |
fryguy | ohletmeinnowgodd: no, i mean nm-applet | 05:52 |
fryguy | but it's probably similar | 05:52 |
duvnell | don't see testdisk off hand from this first menu | 05:52 |
fryguy | ohletmeinnowgodd: i don't use gnome so i dunno | 05:53 |
duvnell | oh.. now it's booting itself | 05:53 |
vaxius | k, testdisk is already on there just run it | 05:53 |
kattollikisd | fryguy, this is a new mother board that I installed today in the PC, how can I know what grafic card i have? :S you know how? :S | 05:53 |
fryguy | kattollikisd: lspci -vvv | 05:53 |
fryguy | kattollikisd: or just look at the manual for the parts you bought | 05:53 |
Wyzard | the -vvv isn't really necessary and just confuses things | 05:53 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Yeah System Rescue CD is just like any other linux distro. :-) | 05:54 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | katollik: did you plug in anything into the pciexpress/agp slot on the new mobo? | 05:54 |
vaxius | duvnell: should work with testdisk /dev/sda | 05:54 |
vaxius | duvnell: sorry for the absence, my cat was busy knocking something over | 05:55 |
duvnell | np.. it's asking for the parition table type.. this is a standard PC.. so Intel? | 05:55 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | anyone here know how to add a vpn connection into the system>preferences>networkconfig> VPN tab in GNOME? | 05:55 |
duvnell | or none? | 05:55 |
gluonman | I'm trying to get my Logitech Quickcam to work in 8.10 and I'm going to follow some instructions that call for changes to the kernel. My question is: how do I access the kernel's source code? | 05:55 |
tiyowan | duvnell: INtel | 05:55 |
gluonman | In other words, I don't know what I'm doing. | 05:56 |
vaxius | duvnell: yep | 05:56 |
fryguy | gluonman: the kernel source code is available as a package, linux-source-2.6.27 for example | 05:56 |
vaxius | duvnell: then analyse | 05:56 |
duvnell | tiyowan: what makes me think XP is a peice of crap is that the parition table is garbage.. even IF I had created a new parition, I would see 1 NTFS in the parition table. | 05:56 |
duvnell | quick search or backup? | 05:57 |
gluonman | fryguy, the instructions I'm following are telling me to remove stuff from the kernel. I just don't know what I need to do. | 05:57 |
duvnell | I woud have expected quick search or complete search.. what's backup? | 05:57 |
kattollikisd | Fryguy, this command say the grafic card that I have I think " gksu displayconfig-gtk " | 05:57 |
kattollikisd | tha graci card is " 3DLabs - Oxigen gmx " but is wierd because.... it that Driver by name " Vesa Generic VESA etc " | 05:57 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Quick search | 05:57 |
vaxius | clearly the table is damaged, but i've never had this problem with xp | 05:57 |
gluonman | fryguy, I suppose, when it comes down to it, I'm too much of a noob to know how to follow these instructions. | 05:57 |
Setebos | I have an internal HD that I wanted to mount automatically so I changed the files to put it under /media/disk. It has somehow messed up and the time after that it mounted as disk-1 on startup and this time it has mounted as disk-2 | 05:57 |
duvnell | ooo! it found stuff | 05:58 |
tiyowan | duvnell: It should find your partitions. | 05:58 |
vaxius | duvnell: and "no" for vista | 05:58 |
fryguy | gluonman: i modified and compiled a kernel the first day I used linux, it's not that hard :/ | 05:58 |
gluonman | fryguy, but there's no noob-friendly method available to fix the incompatibility between the current Linux kernel and my webcam. | 05:58 |
kattollikisd | Fryguy, Imean that the system is using another driver... no the driver of the grafic card I mean :S | 05:58 |
tiyowan | vaxius: Me neither. | 05:58 |
fryguy | kattollikisd: 3d labs oxygen cards don't have support in compiz as far as I know | 05:58 |
duvnell | it looks good | 05:58 |
gluonman | fryguy, it didn't say anything about compiling a kernel. | 05:58 |
Wickk | fryguy: libglib2.0-dev helped but now it's telling me that I don't have gtk installed and I'm pretty sure I do <.<;; and the only one in the repos is for KDE4 which I don't think would help much | 05:58 |
fryguy | gluonman: you did | 05:58 |
vaxius | tiyowan: i meant the next step for testdisk, but i agree XD | 05:58 |
gluonman | fryguy, I did what? | 05:58 |
duvnell | found NTFS, Linux, then Linux Swap, then Linux which I would have expected to be the way I created it | 05:59 |
tiyowan | duvnell: You have to "write" the recovered partition table after finding all of your partitions. | 05:59 |
duvnell | / and /home | 05:59 |
fryguy | gluonman: after you make changes to the kernel, you have to recompile it and reinstall it for the changes to do anything | 05:59 |
Justin1 | hi,any body can help me, | 05:59 |
Justin1 | is there any tools for edittting gtk theme? | 05:59 |
gluonman | fryguy, I see. Forgive my ignorance. Would you care to see the instructions I'm looking at? That is, if you're willing to help. | 05:59 |
tiyowan | vaxius: I'm interested in seeing whether the data on the Win. partition is still there or not. | 05:59 |
Justin1 | i am in the ubuntu now | 05:59 |
fryguy | gluonman: not really | 05:59 |
gluonman | fryguy, fine then. | 06:00 |
kattollikisd | ohhh... well... thansk anyway fryguy :) | 06:00 |
duvnell | ahh.. it can list my files!!! (dunno if they're overwritten of course) | 06:00 |
fryguy | kattollikisd: those cards are very very ancient | 06:00 |
mylogic | what's the command line to see all of amarok2's dependencies? | 06:00 |
vaxius | tiyowan: should be, we're just fixing the table | 06:00 |
tiyowan | duvnell: If it has found all of your partitions, there should be a "write" option to save the new partition table. | 06:00 |
duvnell | ok.. it's not giving me a write option | 06:01 |
vaxius | duvnell: what do you see? | 06:01 |
duvnell | oh wait | 06:01 |
duvnell | writing | 06:01 |
gluonman | I need help understanding instructions to compile gspca. Is anyone willing to help me? | 06:01 |
vaxius | duvnell: good | 06:01 |
duvnell | can I install grub from here? | 06:01 |
Guest20372 | This is a route issue. i hav 2 nic connections on single machine, I have 1 nic up and running( this is the internet side) but I'm having trouble reaching other network(intranet). any suggestions | 06:01 |
vaxius | duvnell: yep | 06:01 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Splendid. | 06:02 |
vaxius | start with running grub | 06:02 |
duvnell | I'll probably have to reboot, mount my / and tell grub the menu file won't i? | 06:02 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Open up a terminal and type sudo grub | 06:03 |
stroyan | mylogic: apt-cache depends amarok | 06:03 |
vaxius | duvnell: i can walk you through the grub install | 06:03 |
stroyan | mylogic: Actually apt-cache depends amarok2 | 06:03 |
vaxius | tiyowan: this is system rescue cd, there's no need for sudo | 06:03 |
duvnell | tiyowan: I'm still in sysrescue prompt | 06:03 |
vaxius | duvnell: just type grub | 06:03 |
tiyowan | vaxius: Oh, hehehe. :-) | 06:03 |
duvnell | vaxius: es | 06:03 |
duvnell | yes | 06:03 |
vaxius | duvnell: then root (hd0,?) | 06:04 |
duvnell | (curious how it will know my menu file which I *just* recovered the parition table) | 06:04 |
daedelus | anyone know how i can get vista working from grub? ive been working on it all day... | 06:04 |
duvnell | well I guess it doesn't need it? | 06:04 |
vaxius | duvnell: where ? is the number of the root partition | 06:04 |
fryguy | !grub | daedelus | 06:04 |
ubottu | daedelus: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:04 |
vaxius | duvnell: it starts with 0, e.g. sda1 is (hd0,0) | 06:04 |
Bitmouse | Anybody have much experience with SSH? Having trouble logging in for an external network, saying connection refused when I try to login using the global IP of my computer while on an external network | 06:05 |
daedelus | thats not exactly what happened... | 06:05 |
duvnell | root being / of linux where menu.lst is or root as in my bootable disk parition 0? | 06:05 |
vaxius | duvnell: tell me when you need the next step | 06:05 |
pratik1 | my internet gets disconnect after sometime after connecting to internet connecting to internet using sudo pppoeconf command | 06:05 |
duvnell | /dev/sda5 is / | 06:05 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: i already answered your question | 06:05 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: is your NAT doing internal redirection correctly? | 06:06 |
duvnell | but sda1 is probably active | 06:06 |
duvnell | is active | 06:06 |
vaxius | duvnell: k, (hd0,4) | 06:06 |
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duvnell | ok root(hd0,4) done | 06:06 |
vaxius | duvnell: it's the partition that has the /boot directory on it | 06:06 |
duvnell | "Filesystem type is ext2fs, parition type 0x83) | 06:06 |
duvnell | yep. .done | 06:06 |
duvnell | now? | 06:06 |
vaxius | duvnell: k, : setup (hd0) | 06:06 |
duvnell | stuff stuff.. Error 22: no such parition | 06:07 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: I have no idea, how would I check? | 06:07 |
duvnell | (are you sure I don't need to reboot after partition changes?.. I wouldn't think so since all the data is on the disk no) | 06:07 |
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vaxius | damn, this is ubuntu 8.10, isn't it? | 06:07 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: look at the settings for your router and read the manual for it | 06:07 |
immanuel | hello | 06:07 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: how would I know it is correct? | 06:08 |
duvnell | it said.. "Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+17 p (hd0,4)/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/menu.lst" ... failed" | 06:08 |
vaxius | duvnell: you'll have to do the same thing from the ubuntu livecd if it's 8.10, it's a known issue | 06:08 |
duvnell | then Error 22 | 06:08 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: basics of networking? that question is out of the scope of this channel | 06:08 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: the problem isn't when I try to connect internally, the problem is that it won't connect externally | 06:08 |
duvnell | vaxius: I'm booted into sysrescue here.. and haven't rebooted since running testdisk | 06:08 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: so then set up port forwarding on your router | 06:09 |
duvnell | it's 8.04 too | 06:09 |
tiyowan | vaxius: Installing grub off a non-intrepid disk causes bug? | 06:09 |
duvnell | on hd4 | 06:09 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: I already did | 06:09 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: then it works | 06:09 |
grendal_prime | man you know im really haveing a hard time working with gnome still...i mean some stuff is just difficult to do compaird to kde | 06:09 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: well, it isn't that's the problem | 06:09 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: then you need to set up port forwarding | 06:09 |
duvnell | rebooting anyway | 06:09 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: I already did | 06:09 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: no you didn't | 06:09 |
grendal_prime | is there a way to quickly set a group of apps that you want to launch at system startup? | 06:09 |
vaxius | duvnell: intrepid uses a block size that grub usually doesn't like | 06:10 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: yes I did, port forwarding is pretty easy | 06:10 |
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duvnell | what's intrepid? | 06:10 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, gnome and kde bothj have a 'session manager' feature that lets you do that. depending on theapps. | 06:10 |
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vaxius | !intrepid | duvnell | 06:10 |
ubottu | duvnell: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 | 06:10 |
fryguy | Bitmouse: then your ssh connection works externally. That's all there is to it, there is no other step | 06:10 |
tiyowan | gendal_prime: Install startup manager. | 06:10 |
duvnell | 8.04 is installed on here | 06:11 |
vaxius | duvnell: oh... | 06:11 |
grendal_prime | ya but i mean come on...i want to be able to start a group of apps | 06:11 |
duvnell | but did some system update introduce the same error? | 06:11 |
grendal_prime | i dont want 50 apps all starting at one time | 06:11 |
reenignEesreveR | i have an environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH which I set in my .profile script. However it gets overridden by something else so that its value becomes /usr/lib/kde4/lib ... how can i fix it? | 06:11 |
vaxius | duvnell: no, one sec | 06:11 |
box1 | What benefit would I get from a 4-processor system over a 2-processor system? 2.2 GHz Xeons | 06:11 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Could you type find /boot/grub/stage1 from the grub prompt please? | 06:11 |
Bitmouse | fryguy: hmm, then I wonder why it says connection refused when I try it | 06:11 |
box1 | I'm talking about separate processors, not the same die. | 06:12 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, you are not being very clear as to what you want.. | 06:12 |
duvnell | vaxius: after reboot the setup (hd0) succeeded | 06:12 |
duvnell | doesn't the BIOS have to know something about paritions at some point? | 06:12 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Hehehe. | 06:12 |
grendal_prime | and i use the session manager for the ones i use with everything...well ok say im at home and im working on a project that usnes quanta, pgadmin3 and firefox, i want to be able to just fire up a group of apps. | 06:12 |
duvnell | such that a reboot really is necessary after modifying it | 06:12 |
grendal_prime | but i dont want those starting every time i fire up the machine... | 06:13 |
duvnell | anyway. .testing a real boot! | 06:13 |
grendal_prime | at work i use different apps. | 06:13 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, you could make a script that you double click to launch several apps if thats what youi are wanting. | 06:13 |
grendal_prime | whats startup manager. | 06:13 |
grendal_prime | see in gnome every time i try and make a launcher i run into problems | 06:13 |
dr_willis | thats a bit different from 'session' management | 06:13 |
tiyowan | gendal_prime: That's not at *all* startup management. | 06:14 |
[c0re] | can anyone tell me where to get patch for gcursers? | 06:14 |
vaxius | duvnell: k, i was just about to suggest taking a look at menu.lst | 06:14 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, learn to do it right then i guess? :) make a simple script shoulden tbe too hard. | 06:14 |
grendal_prime | like the other day, i just wanted a shortcut to my home dir on the desktop...no dice i wound up with a drawer on the launcherbar. | 06:14 |
vaxius | duvnell: try rebooting without the cd and tell me if it works | 06:14 |
tiyowan | gendal_prime: That's like a custom quicklaunch. Just do some shell scripting, man. | 06:14 |
grendal_prime | all im saying is in kde..drag drop, select make shortcut here...whammo your done. | 06:15 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, you havent used kde4 then have you? | 06:15 |
tiyowan | gendal_prime: Then use Kubuntu? ... erm. | 06:15 |
* dr_willis though his gnome setup had a HOME directory icon allready there... | 06:15 | |
grendal_prime | well just the apps that i have that run in gnome | 06:15 |
duvnell | FRACKING YES!!!! Thankfully Mr Bill Gates apparently only managed to fry the parition table and did not proceed to overwrite my precious data with is satanic zeros!.. vaxius.. fiyawerx... I would kiss you if I were a girl | 06:15 |
tiyowan | duvnell: :-) | 06:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | duvnell Please dont swear even in shorthand.. | 06:16 |
vaxius | duvnell: lmao, np | 06:16 |
duvnell | tiyowan: I mean you not fiyawerx | 06:16 |
grendal_prime | dr_willis: it was already there? see this machine came with ubuntu preinstalled and it did not have a home dir shortcut anywhere | 06:16 |
SSilver2k | is there any log file or somethign to find out why firefox just crashed? | 06:16 |
vaxius | duvnell: that was battlestar galactica swearing, not shorthand | 06:16 |
duvnell | :) | 06:16 |
tiyowan | duvnell: no problem, buddy. | 06:16 |
vaxius | oops, meant to direct that at jack | 06:16 |
duvnell | this CD is definately going in my collection :) | 06:16 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, i have am using my old HOME on a lot of my machines.. so its hard to tell what is default.. but im pretty sure gettting a Home icon on the gnome desktop is rather trivial. | 06:17 |
duvnell | now.. to format NTFS in LINUX and then install | 06:17 |
duvnell | guh.. what a relief | 06:17 |
dr_willis | grendal_prime, you could just put a soft link from /home/whatever to /home/whatever/Desktop/Home if you wanted | 06:17 |
* duvnell wonders can I create ntfs in linux? | 06:17 | |
grendal_prime | thats whats so werid....christ nevermind | 06:17 |
vaxius | duvnell: yes, but why? | 06:17 |
tiyowan | Creating shortcuts is weird? | 06:18 |
duvnell | vaxius: you really think I want to ask the setup CD to format again? | 06:18 |
grendal_prime | its impossible to explain...the kde kio slave just flat out beats the hell out of anyonther dcom ive used... | 06:18 |
dr_willis | Links are not quite the same as shortcuts. :) | 06:18 |
dr_willis | Of course with kde4 - theres not any icons on the desktop by default now. :) | 06:18 |
grendal_prime | but the last kde i used on this laptop would not work with compiz...it hated compiz.. | 06:18 |
onetinsoldier | SSilver2k: i don't think so. you would need a kernel with Segfault dumps enabled. and segafault dumps probably aren't much good to us end users. unless you plan to send them in | 06:18 |
tiyowan | dr_willis: I'm still in "migration" :-) | 06:18 |
vaxius | duvnell: i never had trouble, i don't think that's what damaged the table; but you could try using gparted to do it | 06:19 |
grendal_prime | ya but dr_willis thats probably because its sooo easy to make them. | 06:19 |
lwizardl | Hi | 06:19 |
maodun | is there an easy way for me to use dual monitors? i'd prefer to avoid needing to modify xorg.conf by hand | 06:19 |
SSilver2k | ok, how about this then | 06:19 |
vaxius | duvnell: just know that if windows decides that it needs it, you can't get around it | 06:19 |
duvnell | vaxius: that's what I'm definately going to do.. but NTFS is disabled under format.. searching for necessary tool in synaptic | 06:19 |
lwizardl | anyway to burn .dmg image files on Ubuntu Linux? | 06:19 |
grendal_prime | anyway, ive got to get to work on something | 06:19 |
gimpscape | how to hide bootsplash? | 06:19 |
vaxius | duvnell: gparted | 06:19 |
Firefishe | How do I determine if the system is using dma? Also, how do I set the system to use dma? | 06:19 |
grendal_prime | ill look at startup manager...? is that what it was called? | 06:19 |
SSilver2k | why does firefox have its check for updates greyed out in ubuntu? | 06:19 |
gimpscape | there should be some shortcut for doint this but I can't figure it out... | 06:20 |
SSilver2k | its version 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 is already out | 06:20 |
Firefishe | SSilver2k: Because it's an ubuntu release. | 06:20 |
duvnell | vaxius: what do you mean decides what it needs? I should be able to tell it a parition to install on and not tell it to format | 06:20 |
Wickk | can anyone tell me where to get Glib? I can't find it in the Repos for some reason and I can't find GTK+ in the repos as well and I know damn well they were there in hardy -_- | 06:20 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: howdy! | 06:20 |
SSilver2k | so it is! | 06:20 |
tiyowan | gendal_prime: Yep. | 06:20 |
grendal_prime | thanks whoevery it was that pointed that out | 06:20 |
vaxius | duvnell: yes, but if windows doesn't detect it as ntfs, it doesn't give you the choice | 06:20 |
duvnell | vaxius: no.. the "Format To" has NTFS disabled *in* gparted | 06:20 |
SSilver2k | Firefishe: is that generally a bad thing? can you point me to the way to update it? | 06:20 |
grendal_prime | ill look into it ...does it have groups wher eyou can say...start up my webdev group? | 06:20 |
vaxius | duvnell: then it's already formatted | 06:21 |
Firefishe | SSilver2k: If you want to have firefox able to be updated, you have to use the stock firefox from www.firefox.com. It'll download a single folder, and you just run firefox from within it. I just keep it in my /home/user directory. | 06:21 |
duvnell | vaxius: true, but I expect it to detect it if it's already formatted for it | 06:21 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: :) | 06:21 |
SSilver2k | im used to installing everythign from tarballs and source, package managment is kinda new to me | 06:21 |
duvnell | vaxius: I'd like to reformat | 06:21 |
duvnell | I guess I can delete and create | 06:21 |
vaxius | duvnell: why recreate when you don't need to? | 06:21 |
Firefishe | SSilver2k: I'm surprised you are a fan of package management...with source and tarballs you can build the system however you want it. | 06:21 |
vaxius | duvnell: *reformat | 06:21 |
SSilver2k | Firefishe: heh, i tried that on gutsy and it wouldnt work, ill try it on ibix and hopefully itll work | 06:21 |
tiyowan | grendal_prime: Nope. Startup manager just starts things up at startup. What you want is mass-custom quicklaunch. You could try looking into some sort of docking program? But the best thing imho is just to write a shell script for it. | 06:21 |
* dr_willis notes that one can make a Link to the Home directory by using clicking /draging your home to the 'desktop' and hold down the alt key after you select/drag - the mouse cursor will change to a ? and a menu will pop up when you release the icon on the desktop - with a Link item in it | 06:22 | |
duvnell | vaxius: naw.. still don't have NTFS as an option when creating.. I think I don't have some cmd line tool installed for dealing with NTFS parts | 06:22 |
vaxius | duvnell: you can delete it and create a new one | 06:22 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: I'm using kubuntu, kde 4.1.x now. I just couldn't get debian working. | 06:22 |
SSilver2k | Firefishe: i tried to update firefox on my own on gutsy, and it didnt liek running from a directory, really weird | 06:22 |
duvnell | vaxius: well the option is there. but disabled | 06:22 |
SSilver2k | but i dont usually run linux as a desktop os. mostly server admining | 06:22 |
immanuel | anyone who got the X-Fi drivers to work willing to help me? | 06:22 |
paijo13 | hi all, anyone know what theme is in this snapshot --> http://sqdnguns.deviantart.com/art/Screenshot-Nov-23-2008-104505310 | 06:22 |
vaxius | system rescue cd does if you're willing to reboot...again | 06:22 |
duvnell | vaxius: nah.. | 06:22 |
onetinsoldier | Wickk: you shoudl see it if you search for these with apt-cache... libglib2.0-0 libglib1.2ldbl libglib2.0-data | 06:23 |
Roasted | Does anybody have any experience setting up a DRBL server in Ubuntu? | 06:23 |
duvnell | installed ntfsprogs and now it's enabled | 06:23 |
duvnell | vaxius: ^^ | 06:23 |
vaxius | duvnell: nice, i'll have to remember that | 06:23 |
Firefishe | SSilver2k: Permissions could be mixed up. Just be sure to download the .bz2 or .tar.gz, whichever, to your home directory. You have to handle the starting somewhat explicitly. I find that making a new application link or launcher, with the Application line going directly to the *script*, not the binary, is the proper way to do things. | 06:23 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: roger that. what exactly couldn't you get working in debian tho? | 06:23 |
grendal_prime | tiyowan: ya, then connect one of these..quick launch dodads to it, i guess that makes sence, then i can always just fire it off at a term to if i cant seem to find the ql on the cluttered desktop. | 06:23 |
grendal_prime | alright well ill have to learn to live with gnome i guess. | 06:24 |
grendal_prime | off to the work see ya guys. | 06:24 |
grendal_prime | girls.....umm ya right | 06:24 |
grendal_prime | night all. | 06:24 |
immanuel | anyone who got the X-Fi drivers to work willing to help me? | 06:25 |
duvnell | uhoh.. okay.. I'm putting the naughty disc back in now.. | 06:25 |
Wickk | onetinsoldier: thanks I couldn't find them in synaptics when searching for Glib and GTK+ | 06:25 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: Wifi, sound (got that taken care of, but alsa appears to be working fine in 8.10 here, and I don't have the dns problems I did. Don't know what's different. Although kde 4.1 is laggy on the desktop. I have to wait an average of five to ten seconds to be able to work within gadgets, like the desktop gadget. It's not right, not when I'm using the nvidia proprietary driver and have | 06:25 |
Firefishe | ...4 gigs of RAM. | 06:25 |
onetinsoldier | immanuel: oh man, i wouldn't mind get X-Fi drivers working too | 06:25 |
vaxius | duvnell: yay for porn! oh, windows ;-) | 06:26 |
five | someone said my name | 06:26 |
duvnell | .. right :) | 06:26 |
Firefishe | Even if the system (32 bit userspace--I decided for simplicity) can only see 3.2gb of it. | 06:26 |
brutus | How do I make bluetooth work on my lappie? | 06:26 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that mirrors everything a user visits? | 06:26 |
almark1 | Hello room, I need to know will the synaptic update manager in Ubuntu Studio cause a compatibility problem someday, I don't have a super new computer 4 yrs ? | 06:26 |
onetinsoldier | Wickk: you're welcome :-) | 06:26 |
jhambo__2 | I want to display my laptop video on a seperate monitor but nothing shows up when I hook it up? what do I do? | 06:26 |
jhambo__2 | running kde | 06:26 |
Firefishe | D3RGPS31: dns latency issues, perhap? | 06:26 |
dr_willis | jhambo__2, #1 try the laptops 'special keys' see if one of them kick in the extra monitor. Or try enabling the extra monitor with any special tools for your video chipset. | 06:27 |
duvnell | vaxius: the worst part is.. now it's too late probably to play the game I was reinstalling XP for (new systemboard requires XP reinstall!) | 06:27 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: roger. glad to hear the things that are pretty important are working good for you now :-) | 06:27 |
tiyowan | brb | 06:27 |
duvnell | oh crap.. it wants to format | 06:27 |
riz0n | Can someone tell me what a "SYN flood" is? | 06:27 |
D3RGPS31 | Firefishe: no, i'm looking for a web proxy cache, that mirrors everything >.> | 06:27 |
vaxius | duvnell: lol, welcome to the wonderful world of computers! | 06:27 |
kattollikisd | I can see videos on youtube (I use Ubuntu 8.04 ) I tried alreaddy to install the flash ... but there is a error http://paste.ubuntu.com/84675/ | 06:27 |
vaxius | duvnell: don't worry, it should work | 06:27 |
duvnell | lemme try to "Repair" and see what happens | 06:28 |
duvnell | vaxius: .. but that's EXACTLY what I did last time | 06:28 |
jhambo__2 | dr_willis: laptop "special keys" dont work | 06:28 |
woli | hi | 06:28 |
axisys_ | is there a pkg for lustre filesystem? | 06:28 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: They are, but I want to install kde 3.x, alongside kde 4.1.x. 4.1 is still buggy, and I want a bloody Nvidia driver that doesn't slow up my system. This system is flawless on Vista 64 HP, and there's no reason it shouldn't be fast on the screen eye candy, just no reason. | 06:28 |
tallmtt | I am having issues setting up virtualserver with apache2 in hardy - It is for a wordpress site - I cannot find a good link to walk me through the process successfully | 06:28 |
woli | i want to run a game that requires desktop effects disabled. | 06:28 |
nickrud | riz0n, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYN_flood | 06:28 |
racarter | what's the easiest way to transfer files from my macbook to my linux laptop? | 06:28 |
dr_willis | jhambo__2, you may want to check the ubuntu forums for your specific laptop and video chipset then. | 06:28 |
Gnea | woli: so turn them off | 06:28 |
axisys_ | racarter: ssh | 06:28 |
duvnell | racarter: rsync | 06:29 |
vaxius | duvnell: true, but i'm really sure that didn't cause the problem, as i've gone through the same procedure more times than i can count | 06:29 |
axisys_ | racarter: ssh/scp | 06:29 |
immanuel | anybody got their X-Fi drivers working? :( | 06:29 |
woli | if i do a script that 1. disables effects, 2. runs game, 3. enables effects, will that happen in that order? | 06:29 |
Gnea | woli: if you tell it to do them in that order, yes | 06:29 |
woli | i mean, three commands followed one by another.. will they execute after the previous one is complete? | 06:29 |
duvnell | vaxius: yeah I've done it a few times before.. which is why I didn't worry.. wondering if it's this particular XP home CD I borrowed | 06:29 |
woli | ah perfect | 06:29 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: Incidentally, do you know what the hdparm command is for turning on dma? I suppose it's being used already, but I just want to be sure. Also, do you--or anyone else for that matter--know if 2.6.27 kernels can use E-SATA settings on the hard drive to speed up things? | 06:29 |
Gnea | woli: yes - if you're looking for some kind of fault tolerance, you could always: command1 && command2 && command3 | 06:29 |
almark1 | Where is a good site for help setting up SoundBlaster Audigy SE sound cards for Ubuntu? | 06:30 |
woli | ahhh nice | 06:30 |
woli | thanks Gnea | 06:30 |
Firefishe | I'm currently running my BIOS in Enhanced mode. | 06:30 |
michae | hi | 06:30 |
Gnea | woli: that means, that command2 will not run until command1 finishes. command3 would never get a chance. | 06:30 |
riz0n | Very odd. | 06:30 |
=== _lifi is now known as lifi | ||
Gnea | if the first command doesn't work, the rest doesn't work. simple as that. | 06:30 |
duvnell | what the.. now after power off and on to make sure.. it stuck at BIOS after "verifying DMI pool data..........." | 06:30 |
Roasted | Does anybody have any experience setting up a DRBL server in Ubuntu? | 06:30 |
vaxius | duvnell: i have a crappy BIOS too, just poweroff and back on | 06:31 |
duvnell | tihs will be the 3rd time | 06:31 |
woli | Gnea, do you know of any command for fusion-icon, or for the system itself, to disable compiz and use metacity instead? | 06:31 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: well, you can expect linux to perhaps lag a little behind ms when it comes to eye candy stuff. there is definitely eye candy to be had and high powered desktop environments are getting better in linux, but it's never been linux's strong point, at least not yet | 06:31 |
woli | well anybody | 06:31 |
riz0n | Whatever happened caused my router to stop sending data to my DMZ host | 06:31 |
duvnell | alright.. unplugging too | 06:31 |
Gnea | woli: nope. #compiz-fusion might know | 06:31 |
tiyowan | Umm, really newbie question. Compiz fusion icon shows three window manager choices. Metacity, compiz, and kwin...is kwin something to do with kde? | 06:31 |
dr_willis | tiyowan, yes | 06:32 |
nickrud | tiyowan, yes | 06:32 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: Yeah, I'm finding that out. I'm actually thinking about doing something compleatly different ;) when it comes in the mail. | 06:32 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: oh? | 06:32 |
kattollikisd | I can see videos on youtube (I use Ubuntu 8.04 ) I tried alreaddy to install the flash ... but there is a error http://paste.ubuntu.com/84675/ Can someone help me pleases? | 06:32 |
* onetinsoldier raises eybrow | 06:32 | |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: I sent away for a current copy of Open Solaris 2008.11 | 06:32 |
tiyowan | Ah! I installed some KDE programs on Ubuntu, and just now update manager is listing 12 software updates, all of them kde stuff. Should I install 'em? | 06:32 |
vaxius | duvnell: you'll have to reinstall grub again, i didn't know you haven't installed windows yet | 06:32 |
vaxius | duvnell: windows happily overwrites grub with its own bootloader | 06:33 |
duvnell | vaxius: I haven't since I last just reinstall grub.. I just got to the format question in XP setup and rebooted | 06:33 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: oh, interesting. i knew you were thinking about getting that as you mentioned before | 06:33 |
duvnell | but I didn't format | 06:33 |
duvnell | working on it | 06:34 |
almark1 | Could someone please help me setup my audio card? | 06:34 |
vaxius | duvnell: ic | 06:34 |
D3RGPS31 | Anyone know of something like Squid, but instead of 00-0Z sub-cache_dir it uses the sites names? | 06:34 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: Well, I have an old copy of Solaris 10 I got in 2006. It wasn't 'open Solaris' then, although it was free. It's a different way of doing *nix, and the partitioning is a bit different, too. I don't know if it will win me over or not. It's probably a bit like BSD. | 06:34 |
=== Guest20372 is now known as mike | ||
Firefishe | KDE is available for it, as well as CDE, which doesn't hold a candle to KDE. | 06:35 |
vaxius | Firefishe: it is a bsd | 06:35 |
duvnell | vaxius: using BIOS boot menu and choosing to boot Hard Drive.. it does same thing.. trying CDROM with sysrescue.. wanna see parition table now even though I did NOT do anything in setup but get to the question of formatting | 06:35 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: roger.. gl with it! hope you like it too. | 06:35 |
=== mike is now known as Guest94114 | ||
Firefishe | vaxius: Which fork did it originate off of? I forget. FreeBSD? | 06:35 |
nickrud | kattollikisd, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/304969 | 06:35 |
Firefishe | vaxius: Or old System V? | 06:35 |
vaxius | Firefishe: far, far older | 06:36 |
vaxius | Firefishe: not than v, but older than freebsd; wikipedia has an entry | 06:36 |
Firefishe | vaxius: It's coming back to me now. Back in the days of early UNIX. Sun's implementation. | 06:36 |
Firefishe | vaxius: Wiki...gotcha | 06:36 |
Firefishe | Thaks | 06:36 |
Firefishe | Thanks | 06:36 |
Psi-Jack | CDE originated off Solaris. | 06:37 |
vaxius | duvnell: thinking... | 06:37 |
Firefishe | Psi-Jack: Thank you, I didn't know that. | 06:37 |
Psi-Jack | I used it back then, Motif with CDE. Mmmm yummy! | 06:37 |
=== Guest94114 is now known as mikef | ||
Firefishe | Psi-Jack: You like? Incidentally, does CDE still come with Open Solaris? | 06:37 |
duvnell | holy.. the parition table is fried again | 06:37 |
duvnell | this time sasying it's one parition fat16 | 06:38 |
Psi-Jack | Firefishe: I believe it does, yes. | 06:38 |
duvnell | but is the correct size | 06:38 |
=== mikef is now known as root | ||
duvnell | well... I know what to do | 06:38 |
vaxius | duvnell: are you overly attached to your linux install? | 06:38 |
Firefishe | Psi-Jack: Well, I'll be able to test it out soon. I sent for it yesterday from Sun, and I guess it's a Live CD now, so that will be interesting. | 06:38 |
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duvnell | vaxius: uh yeah | 06:39 |
Roasted | Does anybody have any experience setting up a DRBL server in Ubuntu? | 06:39 |
duvnell | vaxius: well the data on /home at least | 06:39 |
vaxius | duvnell: at this point, i'd delete all partitions, install windows (creating the partition for it there), install linux (creating the rest of the partitions), and call it good | 06:39 |
vaxius | duvnell: keep your home part then | 06:39 |
Firefishe | Can anyone tell me how to install kde 3.x.x on ubuntu 8.10? I know it's not supported after 8.04, but I still want to install it here. | 06:39 |
duvnell | ok.. testdisk fixed it again.. my hunch was when it hung after verifying DPMI data because I figured the parition tale was confusing the BIOS or something | 06:39 |
duvnell | vaxius: but /home is on same drive | 06:40 |
=== Guest7198 is now known as mikef | ||
Firefishe | Do partitions tell tales? ;) | 06:40 |
duvnell | vaxius: I just need to figure out how to get home not to destroy the parition table | 06:40 |
vaxius | duvnell: good, we don't have to do anything that drastic then | 06:40 |
duvnell | perhaps a repair will | 06:40 |
vaxius | duvnell: just delete all partitions but the one that holds /home | 06:41 |
BigUrsis | If I have a nas on eth0, and internet on pppd, should I set pppd to take default route, and add a route on the eth0 interface to the ip of the nas? if so what would such route look like? | 06:41 |
vaxius | windows should be the first partition, then swap, then root, then home | 06:41 |
duvnell | vaxius: I think that's completely unnecessary at this point | 06:41 |
duvnell | vaxius: I'll have a little more patients with it | 06:41 |
vaxius | duvnell: why, it's working? | 06:41 |
=== _wendy_ is now known as Phantom__ | ||
Roasted | duvnell, also, just take a look at how big each partition is. Example - my swap is 2gb, root is 16gb, and home is 360gb... so right then you can see just by the numbers what partition is what. | 06:42 |
duvnell | vaxius: no.. I don't want to reinstall linux if I can help it | 06:42 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there a web proxy cache that caches everything a user visits :/ | 06:42 |
Roasted | Does anybody have any experience setting up a DRBL server in Ubuntu? | 06:43 |
duvnell | Roasted: never heard of it | 06:43 |
tonisius | DRBL? | 06:43 |
tonisius | Oo; | 06:43 |
tonisius | google just failed | 06:43 |
Roasted | DRBL is required to set up a CloneZilla server. | 06:43 |
Roasted | It tells me how to set up a DRBL server, but I actually don't know how to get the DRBL server "running" | 06:44 |
Firefishe | DRBL: Could've fooled me, I thought it was a database system for basketball players and... | 06:44 |
Firefishe | ;) | 06:44 |
Roasted | like I installed it via terminal, no errors... but it's not in the menu system ANYWHERE. | 06:44 |
vaxius | duvnell: at the very least, get rid of the windows partition and go through a complete windows install, using windows to create the windows partition | 06:44 |
Roasted | like I don't know where to go to set up Clonezilla... | 06:44 |
lstarnes | Roasted: ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10? | 06:44 |
* nickrud provides the obligatory rim shot | 06:44 | |
Roasted | 8.10 | 06:44 |
Roasted | 32 bit | 06:44 |
vaxius | duvnell: then we have that step takien care of | 06:44 |
vaxius | duvnell: *taken | 06:44 |
Firefishe | nickrud: *bow* Thank you, sir! | 06:44 |
duvnell | vaxius: but thta's what destroyes the part table.. are you suggesting I then use testdisk after that and recover linux? | 06:44 |
* sloopy applauses the comedian | 06:45 | |
vaxius | duvnell: if you're unwilling to delete everything, then yes | 06:45 |
Firefishe | hee sloopy | 06:45 |
duvnell | yeah I want to delete nothing in my linux install.. ubuntu installation nor /home | 06:45 |
vaxius | duvnell: then you'll have to get windows installed even if you have to repair afterwards, otherwise we just circle back to the beginning | 06:46 |
duvnell | ok.. I'm back to normal.. I have a formatted NTFS on /dev/sda1 and linux bootable on the rest | 06:47 |
tiyowan | vaxius: What I don't understand is...why the partition table get wiped out everytime? | 06:47 |
tiyowan | why *does, rather. | 06:47 |
duvnell | now I need windows on the NTFS parition.. and preferrably I'd like the installer NOT to destroy my partition table again (yes, I know I'll have to install grub again) | 06:47 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: howdy. remember me? i was having problems with the 8.10 installer giving me problems with my sata dvd drive... end_request: Buffer I/O error in sector xxxxx | 06:47 |
vaxius | tiyowan: no idea, id shouldn't happen, but we know know that whatever windows install is doing, testdisk can fix it | 06:47 |
vaxius | tiyowan: *now know | 06:48 |
nickrud | onetinsoldier, oh yes, I remember. Also remember asking if you'd got past it: you said no. | 06:48 |
tiyowan | duvnell: You're installing WinXP right? | 06:48 |
brucebot | how to code for vxworks under ubuntu? | 06:49 |
duvnell | tiyowan: yes.. xp home | 06:49 |
D3RGPS31 | Is there something like Squid, but uses site names as sub directories, and mirrors all files a user sees? | 06:49 |
Gnea | D3RGPS31: wget | 06:50 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: no. didn't get past it.. kernel bug in the kernel version in the 8.10 installer. but i did get Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid install tho! LjL suggested i use a utility call unetbootin. worked out fine after i figured a few things out. i had nver booted from usb stick before | 06:50 |
ultratek | I just formatted my xps420 and installed ubuntu (linux) | 06:50 |
ultratek | i left about 90 gigs of unallocated space to re-install vista as a second os so i can play crysis=) | 06:50 |
ultratek | well when i boot from the vista cd to install vista i come to a installnow button... iam afraid to go anyfurther in fear that i wont have a chance to partition that unallocated space i reserved for vista and choose it to install vista on.... | 06:50 |
ultratek | can anyone help me..i dont want to mess up my linux setup...thanx=) | 06:50 |
FloodBot3 | ultratek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:50 |
D3RGPS31 | Gnea: not helpful :/ | 06:50 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: apparently that kernel bug only affects some people | 06:50 |
nickrud | onetinsoldier, neither have I. Someday I'll buy a stick big enough to make it worth my while | 06:50 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: roger that | 06:51 |
Miesco | How do I record my voice? | 06:51 |
Gnea | D3RGPS31: you could always write a script that uses wget in conjunction with squid in order to achieve that goal. | 06:51 |
vaxius | duvnell: i don't see any alternative, you know that testdisk will fix it afterwards; it's either go through with the install or start with a fresh partition setup | 06:51 |
mker | Miesco, applications, sound, sound recorder | 06:51 |
duvnell | Miesco: for what purpose? | 06:51 |
nickrud | onetinsoldier, I'd bet the bug is cdrom manufacturer/drive specific | 06:51 |
riz0n | has anyone here ever used FreeNX | 06:51 |
Gnea | !info audacity | Miesco | 06:51 |
ubottu | audacity (source: audacity): A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-2 (intrepid), package size 3155 kB, installed size 9188 kB | 06:51 |
Miesco | I wanna see if my mic works | 06:51 |
duvnell | vaxius: can I be sure it will confine itself to the parition I created when it proceeds to create it's own paritions? | 06:52 |
Miesco | Also how do I find out if I have a mic built into my computer? | 06:52 |
mker | Miesco, google its name and read the specs | 06:52 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: i dunno. as i said.. install of debian lenny on cdrom from it works... just fine | 06:52 |
duvnell | Miesco: look for a little hole? | 06:52 |
duvnell | Miesco: laptop? | 06:52 |
brucebot | is there someone who are familar with coding for vxworks under linux? | 06:52 |
nickrud | onetinsoldier, lenny uses a different kernel iirc | 06:52 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: exactly | 06:53 |
nickrud | Miesco, gnome-sound-recorder , should already be installed | 06:53 |
brucebot | or we can only do it under windows? | 06:53 |
vaxius | duvnell: yes, i don't think it's making drastic changes to the partition table, which is why testdisk worked | 06:53 |
duvnell | Miesco: make sure mic is selected and turned up in the mixer | 06:53 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: it uses 2.6.26 | 06:53 |
mker | brucebot, don't ask if someone is familiar, just ask what you want to know. | 06:53 |
duvnell | vaxius: I fear that testdisk worked possibly because no data when out that far on the parition | 06:53 |
duvnell | but if I do a full install it might? | 06:53 |
duvnell | I need to be sure of the sizing | 06:54 |
Bitmouse | thanks for all they help, it looks like I can't do it because I can't access the primary router that I am behind to forward the ports I need. Thanks for your time and help! | 06:54 |
duvnell | vaxius: perhaps I can create it 20 gigs then resize afterwards back to 140 | 06:54 |
vaxius | duvnell: it's not overwriting any actual data, it's just put wonky numbers into the table entries | 06:54 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: anyway. i really like Ubuntu! i am very happy with it so far. :-) | 06:54 |
brucebot | mker: OK. I want to code for vxworks under linux? | 06:54 |
duvnell | vaxius: wait a sec! can't I have the bios warn/prompt me if the MBR is written to? | 06:55 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Is it possible for you to just backup your data and start from scratch? | 06:55 |
duvnell | vaxius: depending on the BIOS of course | 06:55 |
brucebot | mker: do you know how to do ? and which tools I should have ? | 06:55 |
duvnell | tiyowan: yes, but that's trouble. .I shouldn't have to for crying out load.. then again I'm playing with fire here | 06:55 |
nickrud | onetinsoldier, yeah, I like it a lot. After running unstable with bits of experimental for a few years it's a relief ;) | 06:55 |
duvnell | I really don't want to reinstall linux just for this purpose | 06:55 |
onetinsoldier | nickrud: roger that | 06:55 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Because I have a lot of experience with WinXP, and it definitely *shouldn't* be corrupting your partitional table during its installation. | 06:55 |
vaxius | duvnell: ditto | 06:56 |
tiyowan | *partition. | 06:56 |
duvnell | xp home? | 06:56 |
vaxius | duvnell: same os | 06:56 |
mker | brucebot, i don't know but it seems to be a question easily answered by searching google | 06:56 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Yeah, home/pro, whatever. The fact that it *is* corrupting your partition table would be enough for me to get everything out and wipe everything out. | 06:57 |
bart_ | pl | 06:57 |
Roasted | Does anybody have any experience setting up a DRBL server in Ubuntu? | 06:57 |
vaxius | duvnell: you didn't start with a vista installed at first, did you? | 06:57 |
duvnell | wonder if the drive size is confusing it.. this was around 2001 that xp came out | 06:58 |
riz0n | Has anyone here ever used FreeNX on Ubuntu? | 06:58 |
duvnell | vaxius: no.. never touched vista | 06:58 |
rogan | linux users may like this post http://www.blogpirate.org/2008/12/12/teacher-bans-linux-what-you-may-not-have-heard/ | 06:58 |
brucebot | mker: I know that way. Thanks all the same | 06:58 |
mker | Anyone know how I can share a folder with SFTP (openssh)? I want the user to locked into that folder and not be able to go outside. | 06:58 |
vaxius | duvnell: no, vista uses the exact same filesystem as xp, so the size of your drive is fine | 06:59 |
duvnell | ah.. the reason it wanted to format that partition is that even tho I an read/write files to the NTFS partion in linux (I did a test) in repair mode on the setup CD it can't read the file system (dir -> "An error occurred during directory enumeration") | 07:00 |
vaxius | duvnell: bottom line: there's something fishy with your partition table that could cause some major problems in the future; you could go through with the xp install and take your changes, or start from scratch after backing up what you need | 07:01 |
Quagmire | hello, I went to play a dvd and of course it says I'm missing codecs ...uh in the windows world I've always used VLC and never once been asked to add codecs ...I'm using codecs with ubuntu 8.10 and well I'm shocked. What codecs do I need? | 07:01 |
duvnell | so if I had it formatted properly, then I might not get asked to format and not corrupt the parition table | 07:01 |
* tiyowan agrees with vaxius. | 07:01 | |
Quagmire | I meant to say I'm using VLC with 8.10 | 07:01 |
duvnell | vaxius: but I just rewrote the table | 07:01 |
vaxius | duvnell: take your *chances | 07:01 |
duvnell | I am | 07:01 |
duvnell | :) | 07:01 |
duvnell | another bottom line now is that window doesn't like linux's format | 07:02 |
tiyowan | It's better to start from scratch and have the relief of knowing that your disk is clean. | 07:02 |
duvnell | ting | 07:02 |
tiyowan | duvnell: Use Partition Magic or EASUS Partition tools for NTFS operations. | 07:02 |
tiyowan | Neve rmix the two toolsets. Causes problems. | 07:03 |
duvnell | I don't think there's anything wrong with the data on the disk.. the partition table was just newly written by a respectable tool.. and the other file systems are apparently okay.. I can't imagine now what is "fishy" with any of the bytes of data on disk which is all there is | 07:03 |
vaxius | duvnell: the reason we're recommending this is that we've both done this, and no partition tables have ever gotten mangled in the process, so there's something more going on than just a disagreement between windows and linux | 07:03 |
tiyowan | vaxius: Could it be that his Win partition doesn't have the active flag? | 07:03 |
tiyowan | duvnell: The problem is with the Windows installer. | 07:05 |
vaxius | tiyowan: doesn't matter, the bootloader in the mbr (even Windows's) knows what's bootable and what isn't | 07:05 |
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Quagmire | about those codecs??? | 07:05 |
tiyowan | vaxius: True. This just doesn't make any sense. | 07:05 |
=== qbmaniac is now known as qb|away | ||
duvnell | tiyowan: yes.. I agree. the problem seems to be in it's wanting to create the parittion to install on.. I believe if I have properly have it ready for it to begin with then it won't do that step and I won't experience the problem | 07:05 |
duvnell | ..seems to be *during* it's wanting.. | 07:06 |
onetinsoldier | Quagmire: if you're using vlc, i too am surprised to hear any complaints about missing codecs | 07:06 |
tiyowan | duvnell: You wouldn't happen to have a WinXP Pro CD would you? | 07:06 |
mker | Quagmire, VLC doesn't use external codecs and I doubt it's actually asking your for any | 07:07 |
vaxius | duvnell: i simply don't think the blame lies with windows (yes it's painful to say that), and you're better off with a fresh disk | 07:07 |
duvnell | tiyowan: I wish | 07:07 |
* chalcedony smiles | 07:07 | |
msutton | What's a good linux bittorrent client? | 07:07 |
chalcedony | do i need to reboot to change monitors? | 07:07 |
msutton | commandline version | 07:08 |
Firefishe | msutton: ktorrent works for me | 07:08 |
mker | msutton, rtorrent | 07:08 |
vaxius | msutton: i use transmission | 07:08 |
duvnell | msutton: azureus | 07:08 |
Quagmire | it just crashed ...showed about a half a second of video and BOOM | 07:08 |
duvnell | java.. hog.. but nice | 07:08 |
msutton | lol | 07:08 |
tiyowan | duvnell: I second vaxius on this. My gut feeling says it would be better to just wipe out the disk and start clean. Better to work now, than get a very nasty surprise later. | 07:08 |
mker | duvnell, vaxius, that's not command line | 07:08 |
msutton | Transmission is what I use on my OS X box. Does it run via commandline? | 07:08 |
onetinsoldier | msutton: i always like the 'heavy one', Azureus | 07:08 |
mker | msutton, no. use rtorrent | 07:09 |
psudo | * Starting web server apache2 [fail] | 07:09 |
psudo | <----- can some one help me out with this this is all it gives me | 07:09 |
msutton | k | 07:09 |
duvnell | yes it is.. $java auzureus | 07:09 |
vaxius | mker: true, but i've never seen anyone use a commandline bittorrent client, and i wonder why anyone would want to | 07:09 |
oOarthurOo | msutton: transmission is command line too. | 07:09 |
=== richard is now known as Guest13151 | ||
msutton | Because GUIs are for L7 losers. | 07:09 |
mker | vaxius, still that's what he asked for. | 07:09 |
msutton | lol | 07:09 |
Expecto | @vaxius: they're lighter | 07:09 |
oOarthurOo | msutton: That's why you have to install transmission-gtk to use it via gui | 07:09 |
msutton | None of my linux boxes have guis. | 07:10 |
msutton | I never saw the point | 07:10 |
chalcedony | msutton: right on | 07:10 |
Expecto | @msutton: now that's overkill | 07:10 |
vaxius | Expecto: that's why i like transmission light, fast (though a bit limited in the settings area) | 07:10 |
mker | msutton, most people who use command line bittorrent client use rtorrent. apparently transmission can also be used in command line, didn't know that. but I think the best bet would be rtorrent (I've used it myself and its great) | 07:10 |
* oOarthurOo golf claps for msutton, who uses ubuntu but no gui's | 07:11 | |
Quagmire | nope zero snobbery in the linux world ...LOL | 07:11 |
nnull | lawl | 07:11 |
msutton | If I have to use a GUI its because its something that only works in Windows or Mac | 07:11 |
chalcedony | hehe | 07:11 |
Expecto | @oOarthurOo: oh the irony | 07:11 |
Quagmire | what not go back to horse and buggy and be a REAL man | 07:11 |
Quagmire | LOL | 07:11 |
Expecto | Giggidy! | 07:11 |
tiyowan | msutton: No GUI? Wicked, man. | 07:11 |
chalcedony | Quagmire: er you're running Linux? | 07:11 |
Quagmire | nope | 07:11 |
Quagmire | I'm a newbie using ubuntu | 07:12 |
chalcedony | ok | 07:12 |
msutton | The other thing that sorta makes a GUI work is a monitor. | 07:12 |
msutton | I only have 1 | 07:12 |
onetinsoldier | command line is hard to beat for some things... gui, is hard to beat for some things | 07:12 |
msutton | And no KVMs | 07:12 |
cr4z3d | ouch no KVMs.. | 07:12 |
Quagmire | now the dvd drive is lost ...its late, I'm sleepy, been banging the keys since early this morning | 07:12 |
msutton | cr4z3d, that's why the invented SSH. | 07:13 |
Quagmire | time for sleep | 07:13 |
nnull | I have most of my boxes setup to only interpret binary input from the keyboard for input, i don't don't go for this kernal, os, layered programing gizzwizz! | 07:13 |
msutton | I'm currently using 4 computers. | 07:13 |
cr4z3d | msutton: ah good point | 07:13 |
vaxius | well, i use the terminal for almost everything, but for bittorrent, i just want to click the torrent in firefox, click ok when transmission opens it, and then it's happily downloading | 07:13 |
* oOarthurOo snickers at nnull | 07:13 | |
cr4z3d | telnet came first though i believe | 07:13 |
hakr | NO. | 07:13 |
msutton | Lol, yeah. terminal services | 07:13 |
mker | this is a support channel, go to ubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat | 07:13 |
hakr | The chicken came first. | 07:13 |
chx | I am running Hardy and would like have the 27 kernel. i am wondering whether it'd be possible to add the intrepid repos to my sources list and somehow convince apt-get to use those repos for the necessary kernel packages. I presume this is possible, is there some docs I could read on this ? someone would please guide me? | 07:14 |
msutton | mker: aye aye | 07:14 |
nickrud | !kernel | chx | 07:14 |
ubottu | chx: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 07:14 |
msutton | Thanks for the BT client suggestions | 07:14 |
nickrud | chx and compiling is probably a better choice than mixing sources | 07:15 |
mchelen | is there any way to install adobe air besides running the .bin from adobe's site? | 07:15 |
deadlyallance900 | what program would i use to convert .3g2 files to one of these .asf, .avi, .m1v, .mp2, .mp2v, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpv2, .wm, and .wmv | 07:15 |
mker | chx, I don't know if this is for the kernel or only apps but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports maybe? though I'd trust nickrud before me. | 07:15 |
chalcedony | in ubuntu 8.4 i have two CRT monitors, 18" and 15" definitely not usb, do i need to turn it off to add a 21" and eliminate the 15" ? | 07:15 |
onetinsoldier | chx: yeah, the kernel package probably has way to many dependencies to overcome, but you can always compile your own from source(non-package that way) | 07:15 |
chx | nickrud: are you sure? It's not like the kernel woudl use anything from the system ... i just wonder. I know how to compile a kernel, thanks. | 07:16 |
nickrud | chx, if there's one on backports, go for it | 07:16 |
vaxius | deadlyallance900: i think vlc might be able to | 07:16 |
deadlyallance900 | vaxuis thanks | 07:16 |
nickrud | chx, if you're comfortable compiling, you could pull the debs from packages.ubuntu.com and use dpkg. But I don't recommend, or support that | 07:16 |
oOarthurOo | chx: What you want to do is run a mixed system, which you should think long and hard about and be prepared to reinstall if you break things. Then, once you want to do it you should read Lavene's guide on debianforums on running a mixed system. What you're gonna want to do is add the intrepid repos, set them at a lower priority so that nothing is ever installed, except what you explicitly demand, then use apt-get install the new | 07:16 |
kheewa | hi i am kheea brar how are you all of you | 07:17 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ eliminate the 15" take it out with a sledge hammer, ELIMINATE IT! FINISH HIM! heh | 07:17 |
onetinsoldier | chx: i bet i can name a package right off the top of my head that's kernel package dep.. module-init-tools... that's just one example, of many i'm sure | 07:17 |
nickrud | three points for onetinsoldier | 07:17 |
duvnell | yay.. preformatting in recover mode, then rebooting and installing to that didnt' force to format | 07:17 |
chalcedony | nnull: after i'm sure the 21" is compatible | 07:17 |
Phantom__ | how do i use the dead keys? | 07:17 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ what kind of video card you have? | 07:17 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ nvidia? | 07:17 |
chx | compile it is then. | 07:18 |
chalcedony | nnull: i'm not sure, i guess i forgot, how can i tell? | 07:18 |
tiyowan | duvnell: That's great. :-) | 07:18 |
chx | I thought after 15 years I can stop compiling kernels :) naivity. | 07:18 |
nickrud | chx, you might want to look over the patches in the intrepid kernel, see if you want to include any of them. But hey, I said I wouldn't support this ;) | 07:19 |
chalcedony | nickrud: they will do what they want to.. | 07:19 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ oh dear heh, let me get this straight do you have 2 monitors hooked up to 1 gfx card? want to remove one of these and replace with 21" no or? | 07:19 |
chalcedony | nnull: yes i do | 07:20 |
nickrud | chalcedony, nothing wrong per se in rolling your own kernel, I just don't any more. I'm not running cutting edge stuff, and bleeding edge has damaged my brain | 07:20 |
chalcedony | i LOVE my two monitors.. | 07:20 |
nnull | did you configure these to do so? or someone else? | 07:20 |
chx | so just pull the source debs and recompile under Hardy. | 07:20 |
nnull | because if you set them up, should be obvious how to change them :s | 07:21 |
chalcedony | nnull: i guess i did .. | 07:21 |
linux_user400354 | anybody seen this error before? Unable to open URL Error launching "xdg-open 'http://www.illwillpress.com/'": Failed to create pipe for communicating with child process (Too many open files) | 07:21 |
chalcedony | obvious.. i asked 1 question | 07:21 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ how did you change em dude? editting .conf files or using say nvidia-settings ? | 07:21 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ and im trying to answer, but for different cards etc there are different things to consider | 07:21 |
chalcedony | nnull: oh | 07:22 |
chalcedony | nnull: then i need to ask it what kind of card it is | 07:23 |
nnull | if you editted xorg.conf, remove what you added for the 2nd monitor, shutdown, remove 15" , add 21" , reboot, add the 21" like you added the 15" | 07:23 |
chalcedony | that was a year or so ago | 07:23 |
chalcedony | i told him i had to reboot.. he said "you don't need to reboot" .. | 07:24 |
chalcedony | there is only one thing wrong with running vim.. .swp files . | 07:24 |
Parvo | is anyone familiar with this how to? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems | 07:25 |
Parvo | is there a more updated one? | 07:25 |
Phantom__ | Parvo: not me | 07:25 |
boozary | hi all | 07:25 |
Phantom__ | gi | 07:26 |
Phantom__ | hi | 07:26 |
nnull | well if you are de-attaching and reattaching electrical components while the box is on, while i agree it's possible not to need to, my way is a safe bet.. especially considering the infrastructure of older hardware tech's (such as id expect of your 15"er) | 07:26 |
nnull | chalcedony¬ ^ | 07:26 |
boozary | how to i can resolve this problem ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/84687/ please help me | 07:26 |
Parvo | anyone familiar with xorg.conf? | 07:27 |
chalcedony | Parvo: there's a 2008 post on the page you mentioned | 07:27 |
Parvo | oh cool | 07:27 |
oOarthurOo | chx: boozary looks like you setup your vm with fixed disk space instead of dynamic. Trying running sudo apt-get clean in your vm then trying again. | 07:28 |
chalcedony | Parvo: there is a channel for #xorg | 07:28 |
onetinsoldier | boozary: 28 Could not reserve enough space for object heap -that's not a nice error to get. might try rebooting and trying again. i don't know if rebooting will help tho. might just get the same error. | 07:29 |
nnull | Parvo¬ the guys in #xorg know a thing or two about it ;) | 07:29 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, this is in vps i have 1.5GB space | 07:29 |
Parvo | ok i'll try it thx | 07:29 |
onetinsoldier | boozary: or probably what oOarthurOo says | 07:29 |
boozary | onetinsoldier, oops thank you :-) too oOarthurOo | 07:30 |
chx | oOarthurOo: ? | 07:30 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: sudo apt-cache clean sorry | 07:30 |
oOarthurOo | chx: misdirected... plz ignore | 07:30 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, this is not work my cache is cleaned | 07:30 |
boozary | ty | 07:31 |
nnull | boozary¬ ive found it's a good idea to always use dynamic for home use mostly, as it will safe diskspace as well as using as much as it needs.. win win imo | 07:31 |
Parvo | chalcedony: sorry, i dont see the 2008 post. | 07:31 |
Parvo | oh duh | 07:31 |
Parvo | my bad | 07:31 |
chx | sure | 07:31 |
nnull | as well as only* | 07:31 |
onetinsoldier | boozary: you're welcome.. but oOarthurOo has the better solution since that was not a 'memory heap' type of error | 07:32 |
boozary | nnull, this is exactly but i have a vps and it is just 2.5gb and 1.5 gb is free | 07:32 |
nnull | ahh kkk | 07:32 |
nnull | i need to stop jumping in on questions late hehe ;) | 07:32 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: Ahh.. I misunderstood. I thought you were saying you had 1.5 gb of space total. | 07:32 |
boozary | :-s oOarthurOo | 07:33 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: plus the original command was correct. Sorry... I've spent the last three days trying to learn yum commands. | 07:33 |
meoblast001 | mingw32-make.. whats its ubuntu name? | 07:33 |
nnull | lol oOarthurOo, take that blue hat off dammit!! :P | 07:33 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, your welcome np :-x Thank you anyways | 07:34 |
Phantom__ | anyone knows how to use deadkeys? | 07:34 |
onetinsoldier | meoblast001: mingw32 - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) compiler and... mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime | 07:34 |
tiyowan | deadkeys? | 07:34 |
oOarthurOo | nnull: Can't. Looks so good on me. :P | 07:34 |
Phantom__ | yea, so i can type the eynye or n~ | 07:35 |
Phantom__ | the "~" on top of the "n" | 07:35 |
brutus | !cry | 07:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cry | 07:37 |
brutus | !curse | 07:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about curse | 07:37 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: But anyway... sometimes this isn't about running out of space or memory, but about corrupted downloads or installs. apt-get clean will force a redownload of the app. So have you run that command I gave you? It is certainly not certain to work... but it is a place to start. | 07:37 |
brutus | !myself | 07:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about myself | 07:37 |
Bitfish | :D | 07:37 |
sloopy | ñ? | 07:37 |
tiyowan | :-) | 07:38 |
msutton | Where does ubuntu like to put it's libraries and headers? /usr/local/lib? | 07:38 |
Phantom__ | yea but i already got it! | 07:38 |
sloopy | Phantom__, like that? | 07:38 |
hitman1985 | hi there, quick question, how do i get the desktop cube / compiz to run in the new 8.10 64 bit version :? | 07:38 |
Bitfish | msutton, /usr/lib | 07:38 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: Oh, and if it's a corrupted install as opposed to download then you may find a reboot frees up locked and temp files created by apt. So you may want to sudo apt-get clean, reboot the server, then try again. | 07:38 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, from last light since now i use of this command :D | 07:38 |
ardchoille | !compiz | hitman1985 | 07:38 |
ubottu | hitman1985: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 07:38 |
sloopy | Phantom__, yeah my laptop was like that from fresh install was annoying | 07:38 |
tiyowan | hitman1985: System -> Preferences -> Compiz Settings Manager | 07:39 |
msutton | Is that where aptitude puts em by default too? | 07:39 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: Ok... well, what is in /var/lib/dpkg/info? | 07:39 |
Bitfish | msutton, yes | 07:39 |
ardchoille | tiyowan: He has to install that before he can use it, assuming he hasn't installed it already | 07:39 |
Phantom__ | i select a keyboard layout, and then i selected the KB layout options and change ẗhird levels choosers¨ to anything | 07:39 |
msutton | Thank you Bitfish | 07:39 |
onetinsoldier | no ati fglrx 8.11 package available in 8.10 right now? | 07:39 |
Bitfish | your welcome | 07:39 |
Phantom__ | sloopy: ty anyways, but i got it now :) | 07:40 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" | 07:40 |
hitman1985 | tiyowan i dont have that option there :( prolly cuz its an onboard ati 3300hd gfx im running | 07:40 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" i just want it to connect to my wireless network without putting in a password | 07:41 |
mker | hitman1985, hardware drivers under administration | 07:41 |
ardchoille | hitman1985: that menu item is ccsm, which needs to be installed first. | 07:41 |
hitman1985 | mker those are installed :) | 07:41 |
tiyowan | hitman1985: sudo apt-get ccsm | 07:41 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, contain many packages | 07:41 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, wait | 07:41 |
Acedip | i have somehow screwed my system, when i boot, it says error 15 and the cursor keeps on blinking | 07:42 |
b1n42y1 | hey all, gimp left a little square, its not a dead pixel coz mouse covers it, how do i get rid of it, tried tty and back to X, want to do this without restarting comp | 07:42 |
b1n42y1 | gimp has been closed | 07:42 |
jim_p | Acedip, in grub? | 07:42 |
Acedip | jim_p: ya.. | 07:42 |
tiyowan | hitman1985: Plus Hardware Drivers in your System Preferences menu should have the ATI drivers active. | 07:42 |
mker | hitman1985, and you can't choose compiz in preferences -> appearance -> desktop effects (or something like that)? | 07:42 |
jim_p | Acedip, give me a sec | 07:42 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" | 07:42 |
hitman1985 | mker, nope dosent show that, but it shows compiz core and so on is installed in the pckg manager | 07:43 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" i just want it to connect to my wireless network without putting in a password | 07:43 |
jim_p | dowN70, by removing network manager altogether. piece of headache software. | 07:43 |
mker | b1n42y1, ctrl+alt+backspace (the key that removes text, NOT del) restarts X (and all programs in x, but not the entire system) | 07:43 |
tiyowan | Acedip: Error 15 in GRUB is file not found. You deleted something important. | 07:43 |
ardchoille | hitman1985: yes, compiz core is installed by default, but you need to install ccsm to be able to use the compiz settings manager | 07:43 |
ardchoille | !compiz | hitman1985 | 07:43 |
Acedip | jim_p: i cant even try the live cd of ubuntu 8.10, its showing some weird buffer/IO errors but not booting | 07:43 |
b1n42y1 | mker: thanks but i dont want to do that | 07:44 |
oOarthurOo | boozary: disregard. This isn't a disk space issue it's a memory issue. And you're far from alone. | 07:44 |
hitman1985 | ccsm was wrong, but i got the right command goin on now :) | 07:44 |
jim_p | Acedip, what vga are you on? | 07:44 |
Acedip | jim_p: dont remember, i dont think so | 07:44 |
hitman1985 | thanks @ all that helpd :) | 07:44 |
Acedip | jim_p: just put in knoppix to come online | 07:44 |
tiyowan | hitman1985: Type "sudo apt-get ccsm" from a terminal window. | 07:44 |
oOarthurOo | A bit of googling has shown me that donny (me) is way out of his element | 07:44 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: Back. Had to do a recovery, and now I'm on the old nvidia driver. Works much faster now ;) | 07:44 |
jim_p | Acedip, 15 : "Error while parsing number" This error is returned if GRUB was expecting to read a numbur and encountered bad data. | 07:44 |
mker | b1n42y1, ok, but I'm guessing you'll spend more time asking than you would if you did that. good luck anyway. | 07:44 |
tiyowan | jim_p: Isn't Error 15 file not found? | 07:45 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" i just want it to connect to my wireless network without putting in a password | 07:45 |
jim_p | does anyone on ATI use the radeon or the radeonhd driver WITH some 3d application, like a game? | 07:45 |
Acedip | jim_p: it just said error 15 and the cursor kept blinking at the next line | 07:45 |
b1n42y1 | mker: well atm theres no reason why i shouldnt restart but in the future should that come up again and i have a reason ... get my drift | 07:45 |
Hikefu | sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager, not ccsm | 07:45 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: oh, roger that. a recovery? a full recovery of your install? | 07:46 |
jim_p | tiyowan, well blame google! i saw it there | 07:46 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: anyway, glad to hear it's much faster now! | 07:46 |
tiyowan | jim_p: Maybe GRUB v1. | 07:46 |
gsevil | do you know how to find information about boot service in ubuntu? I want to turn off some to speed up | 07:46 |
jim_p | tiyowan, Acedip, 15 : File not found This error is returned if the specified file name cannot be found, but everything else (like the disk/partition info) is OK. | 07:46 |
Acedip | tiyowan: no its 1.5 | 07:46 |
mker | jim_p, I'm sure *someone* does. was that *really* what you wanted to know? don't ask if someone uses the same, ask what you want to know. | 07:46 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" i just want it to connect to my wireless network without putting in a password | 07:46 |
tiyowan | gsevil: Install startup manager. | 07:47 |
tiyowan | Sorry about the incorrect compiz cmd syntax. :-) | 07:47 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: no, just booted via kubuntu recovery mode. Very nice setup. Got a nice ncurses menu that let me to an fsck, attempt repair at x server, and repair packages. Nice setup. I'm sticking with the x driver for this thing. Proprietary is nice, but is slow. I may need a commercial x solution (or Wayland if it ever gets off the ground) to be able to use this system completely. | 07:47 |
Firefishe | *do* an fsck | 07:47 |
jim_p | mker, ok. does anyone use the radeon/radeonhd driver in games? (secondlife in particular) | 07:47 |
Hikefu | no prob, you have to run it with ccsm tiyowan | 07:47 |
Acedip | jim_p: i guess so, but when i try in putting the live cd, it dint boot and showed some buffer/IO errors | 07:48 |
Firefishe | onetinsoldier: I'm not doing 3D work anyway, so whatevah works. | 07:48 |
dft | allright, is the upgrade to 8.10 from 8.04 worth it? | 07:48 |
tiyowan | Acedip: Um, ok. So a file's missing. Did you delete something? | 07:48 |
onetinsoldier | Firefishe: roger that my man | 07:48 |
dft | I'm sure this comes up more than daily? | 07:48 |
Firefishe | dft...if you're stable, I'd wait. | 07:48 |
dowN70 | anyone know how to get rid of this "the application "NetworkManager Applet" (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but is locked" i just want it to connect to my wireless network without putting in a password | 07:48 |
jim_p | dft, are you on ati? | 07:48 |
dft | Firefishe: I'm stable | 07:48 |
dft | jim_p: nvidia | 07:48 |
Acedip | tiyowan: dont remember, i dont think so..but though if its saying then i guess it's maybe not wrong | 07:48 |
mker | jim_p, you didn't get my point. just ask what you want to know, don't ask if someone elses uses a program or hardware or whatever and if someone knows the answer they'll give it to you | 07:49 |
Firefishe | dft: kde 4.1 is nice, but kde 3.5.x is more feature rich. If you're using GNOME, then perhaps it's worth looking into. KDE 3.5.x isn't supported in 8.10. I'd stick with your LTS. | 07:49 |
dft | Firefishe: I'm a Gnome fan | 07:49 |
wsgordon_ | whats the terminal command to install kde ? | 07:49 |
jim_p | mker, ok. does anyone use the radeon/radeonhd driver for secondlife? | 07:49 |
Firefishe | dft: My system has a lot of newer hardware on this laptop--Asus G50V-X1, so I needed the newer kernel. | 07:49 |
mker | jim_p, yes, someone does. | 07:49 |
jim_p | wsgordon, sudo apt-get install kde-core minimal install, i hate kubuntu-desktop and kde that installs all kde bling bling | 07:50 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, http://boozary.com/info_dpkg.txt | 07:50 |
dft | I think I'll stay where I am, everything pretty much works well | 07:50 |
jim_p | wsgordon, the packages named "kubuntu-desktop" and "kde" | 07:50 |
tiyowan | Acedip: Try doing a text-based install of grub off a LiveCD? | 07:50 |
dft | just can't write to my DVDR/CDR drives | 07:50 |
DaveKong | downN70 remove "network manager" from in synaptic and then if you want some ideas for other ways to configure your connection check out the arch wiki | 07:51 |
wsgordon_ | jim_p whats the minimal install leave out | 07:51 |
DaveKong | dowN70, look up two a comment | 07:51 |
Firefishe | dft: I have a four year old Pentium 4 desktop machine that is still running debian etch 2.6.16. KDE 3.2, I think, or 3.4. I'm not messing with it ;) | 07:51 |
tiyowan | Acedip: But wait...how did this problem start exactly? Did you have a working ubuntu system? | 07:51 |
Acedip | tiyowan: u mean using live cd or without it, just from the grub window | 07:51 |
Acedip | tiyowan: yes i did | 07:51 |
jim_p | DaveKong, or use an app like wicd or wlassistant. network manager is not the end of the world! | 07:51 |
mker | wsgordon, just install the whole thing, never mind what jim_p likes or doesn't like, it's your computer not his. | 07:51 |
Acedip | tiyowan: i have mandriva and ubuntu 8.10 | 07:52 |
jim_p | mker, lol | 07:52 |
dft | Firefishe: my work system has 8.04 as well a P4 3.2 with an old Geforce 4800 | 07:52 |
jim_p | wsgordon, let me find the urls | 07:52 |
nnull | mker¬ unless jim_p has his pc rooted of course hehe ;) | 07:52 |
Firefishe | dft: With gnu/linux | 07:52 |
Firefishe | blasted fingers ;) | 07:52 |
DaveKong | jim_p, yea arch has some nice suggestions I personally hate having to input my wifi password whenever i start up | 07:52 |
Acedip | tiyowan: while using mandriva's boot loader, i installed it latrer | 07:52 |
mker | nnull, then jim_p can save the poor guy some time and install the package himself :) | 07:52 |
wsgordon_ | mker advise is always looked for, and considered, KDE has a lot of ploat | 07:52 |
dft | Firefishe: hardy heron | 07:52 |
Firefishe | dft: With linux it's not what's new, it's what works good for you. | 07:52 |
tiyowan | Acedip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297261 | 07:52 |
nnull | mker¬ hehe indeed. | 07:52 |
dft | Firefishe: trust me I understand | 07:53 |
jim_p | wsgordon, http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/kde and http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/kde-core see for yourself | 07:53 |
wsgordon_ | I just hate the themes for gnome | 07:53 |
Firefishe | dft: I'm actually considering Open Solaris 2008.10, although that's a horse of many different colors. I'll probably just stick with linux. Perhaps Mint, Perhaps Gentoo, Perhaps Arch. Perhaps Slackware, provided I can figure everything out. | 07:54 |
boozary | oOarthurOo, ty, not mind bbl | 07:54 |
Firefishe | 2008.11 actually | 07:54 |
onetinsoldier | wsgordon: well, what window manager do you use? | 07:54 |
Ohkie | simple question i guess....... i have a folder with 15 wmv files that i want to convert to avi with mencoder. ive got the convert command down....... i just want to know is there any way i can write the instruction so that it will convert all of the files? | 07:54 |
dft | Firefishe: my work is a CentOS house, but I much prefer Ubuntu for desktops | 07:54 |
UnknownUser57 | j #c | 07:54 |
dft | I used to run e16 on freebsd | 07:55 |
Firefishe | dft: Is CentOS built on debian? | 07:55 |
nnull | Firefishe¬ afaik | 07:55 |
dft | Firefishe: no, RHEL | 07:55 |
nnull | ^^ | 07:55 |
Firefishe | dft: Ah | 07:55 |
Firefishe | dft: Did you like FreeBSD for desktop use much? | 07:55 |
dft | Firefishe: primarily for the better 3rd party compatibility | 07:55 |
dft | Firefishe: it was quite a chore to get things working they way I wanted, especially on the Acer laptop I was using | 07:57 |
nnull | dft¬ where/if at all did you find fBSD fell short? | 07:57 |
dft | nnull: never really did | 07:57 |
ardchoille | !ot | 07:57 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 07:57 |
Ohkie | guys is it possible to rename a heap of files at the same time in terminal? | 07:57 |
dft | at the time I was all fbsd, great learning experience | 07:57 |
hogela | あいうえお | 07:57 |
Ab3L | hello | 07:57 |
* Firefishe going to offtopic | 07:58 | |
Expecto | I'm looking into turning an old HP notebook into an he media center. Recommendations other than myth? And if not, is myth simple enough? | 07:58 |
nnull | Firefishe¬ beware of the troll's | 07:58 |
Firefishe | hogela: What is that? I can actually see the characters | 07:58 |
ardchoille | !jp | hodela | 07:58 |
ubottu | hodela: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 07:58 |
DaveKong | when did ubuntu decide to make their wiki ugly with google adds etc? | 07:58 |
DaveKong | I remember it looking a lot better a week ago | 08:00 |
krish | i installed ubuntu hardy desktop edition on acer aspire 9300, the wi-fi is working fine, but the LAN is not gettting connected. Please help me. | 08:00 |
tiyowan | !offtopic | me | 08:00 |
ubottu | me: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 08:00 |
mker | DaveKong, I don't see any ads. Maybe you should get Adblock Plus? | 08:02 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
wsgordon_ | Finaly found a flash captuer pluging for linux | 08:02 |
krish | i installed ubuntu hardy desktop edition on acer aspire 9300, the wi-fi is working fine, but the LAN is not gettting connected. Please help me. | 08:03 |
DaveKong | mker guess they just went to a good search engine and so it gives google add results but I should bring this up somewhere else | 08:03 |
DaveKong | *goggle | 08:03 |
krish | i installed ubuntu hardy desktop edition on acer aspire 9300, the wi-fi is working fine, but the LAN is not gettting connected. Please help me. | 08:04 |
[c0re] | krish, sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit | 08:04 |
\Kira | what would be the best directories to back up for a game and web server? | 08:04 |
krish | c0re: what will this command do? | 08:04 |
\Kira | Im thinking /etc/ and /root/ and, of course /home/ | 08:04 |
ardchoille | krish: pastebinit is a nice cli app that helps people pastebin things | 08:05 |
[c0re] | krish, that command will pastebin your network configure file | 08:05 |
ibuntyou | Whats a good antivirus for ubuntu? | 08:05 |
\Kira | !hi | !hi | 08:05 |
ubottu | !hi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:05 |
\Kira | well, that was boring... | 08:05 |
ardchoille | !av | ibuntyou | 08:05 |
ubottu | ibuntyou: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 08:05 |
[c0re] | \Kira, get a extra hdd | 08:05 |
krish | c0re: will that make my network work in acer aspire? | 08:06 |
\Kira | [c0re]: I have one, im just wondering what I should back up | 08:06 |
Ab3L | is someone running ubuntu hardy and virtualbox? | 08:06 |
[c0re] | krish, will you do that or not? | 08:06 |
[c0re] | krish, now plz stop asking Q | 08:06 |
krish | c0re: iaaam doing tht | 08:06 |
ibuntyou | ty | 08:06 |
onetinsoldier | ibuntyou: i think Panda is a commercial one. | 08:06 |
ardchoille | krish: [c0re] is trying to get you to pastebin your interfaces file in hopes he can help you fix your issue | 08:06 |
jim_p | does anyone use the radeon/radeonhd driver in games? (secondlife in particular) | 08:07 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | hi guys i need some help with vpnc | 08:07 |
mker | Ab3L, just ask what you want to know, don't ask if someone elses uses a program or hardware or whatever and if someone knows the answer they'll give it to you | 08:07 |
jim_p | oh i also found a secondlife repo! | 08:07 |
ibuntyou | !av | 08:07 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 08:07 |
onetinsoldier | ibuntyou: clamav is available as an ubuntu package | 08:07 |
[c0re] | ibuntyou, but you dont need any antivirus :p | 08:08 |
[c0re] | ibuntyou, YOUR UBUNTU is HAPPY WITHout A/V | 08:08 |
pronoy | can anyone tell me the official channel for ubuntu gaming arena ? | 08:08 |
ibuntyou | lol | 08:08 |
ibuntyou | I use winxp too, so... | 08:09 |
[c0re] | install antivirus on xp | 08:09 |
[c0re] | :p | 08:09 |
krish | c0re: iam getting could nt find package pastebinit | 08:09 |
mker | pronoy, don't know if there is one, there's a section in the forums dedicated to it though. | 08:09 |
tiyowan | No A/V, no malware, no spyware, no defragmenter...total freedom. | 08:10 |
pronoy | mker: ok...ubuntuforums.org | 08:10 |
ibuntyou | Where can I get A/V?? | 08:10 |
Ab3L | i am running ubuntu hardy and i had problems running virtualbox after the last kernel update, so i updated virtualbox following a guide in ubuntu docs. then i installed kubuntu 8.10 as virtual machine. the problem now is that i cannot install the guest additions. | 08:10 |
jim_p | ibuntyou, install some antivirus to scan any suspicious file if you share files with xp. but dont run it all the time | 08:10 |
[c0re] | krish, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 08:10 |
[c0re] | . | 08:10 |
mker | ibuntyou, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/index.html read the "adding and removing software" part | 08:10 |
ardchoille | ibuntyou: !virus | ibuntyou | 08:10 |
onetinsoldier | you can get your winxp anti-virus to scan your linux install if they are on the same computer | 08:11 |
[c0re] | ibuntyou, sudo apt-get install clamav | 08:11 |
jim_p | ibuntyou, antivir, avg and fprot also have linux versions | 08:11 |
[c0re] | lol | 08:11 |
ibuntyou | ok, tyvm guys. | 08:11 |
Ab3L | the log of failed installation is here: http://pastebin.com/d37eea26 | 08:11 |
wsgordon | are there cell phone sync tools for ubuntu ? | 08:11 |
Ab3L | wsgordon: it depends of the cell phone | 08:12 |
[c0re] | wsgordon, gummu | 08:12 |
[c0re] | !info gummu | 08:12 |
ubottu | Package gummu does not exist in intrepid | 08:12 |
Ab3L | wsgordon: i am using multisync | 08:12 |
[c0re] | ergh | 08:12 |
wsgordon | Ab3L it's a htc smartphone, | 08:13 |
msutton | how the hell is make not installed on the server version of ubuntu by default?! | 08:13 |
[c0re] | !info gammu | 08:13 |
ubottu | gammu (source: gammu): Mobile phone management utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.0-1build1 (intrepid), package size 278 kB, installed size 716 kB | 08:13 |
[c0re] | !info wammu | 08:13 |
msutton | or GCC! | 08:13 |
ubottu | wammu (source: wammu): Phone manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.27-1 (intrepid), package size 423 kB, installed size 1780 kB | 08:13 |
msutton | zomg | 08:13 |
shauno | msutton: I think build-essential is a much saner place for it. a server isn't usually a development box. | 08:14 |
[c0re] | wsgordon, what cell phone? | 08:14 |
msutton | yeah, but how the heck do you install stuff that you have to build then? | 08:14 |
wsgordon | the HTC excalibure | 08:14 |
wsgordon | S621 by htc. | 08:15 |
Ab3L | wsgordon: did you get a look to http://tuxmobil.org/phones_linux.html ? | 08:15 |
C0nn0R_ | msutton: extract the tar file and then cd to the new directory and then ./configure then make then sudo make install. | 08:15 |
msutton | magic! | 08:15 |
C0nn0R_ | If you mean compileing software right ? | 08:15 |
Ab3L | wsgordon: did you give a look to http://tuxmobil.org/phones_linux.html ? | 08:15 |
shauno | msutton: I'm enough of a nerd that'd I'd build packages on my laptop, so they can be tracked, managed and updated easier. but apt-get install build-essential if you need to build in-place, isn't a huge deal | 08:15 |
[c0re] | wsgordon, www.gammu.org | 08:15 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | hi guys, i am having issues with network-manager-vpnc, i can connect to the vpn server via terminal invocation of the vpnc program, but cant seem to get it to work with nm? | 08:15 |
Ab3L | also wammu is fine to explore cell phones | 08:15 |
msutton | I've never tried to build into packages | 08:16 |
krish | c0re: network itself is not connecting, hence iam nt able to install anything. iam now in another machine on hte same network to join here | 08:16 |
wsgordon | I just want to manage the phone files from the pc | 08:16 |
[c0re] | Ab3L, wammu wont work without gammu :p | 08:16 |
Supavisah | What Linux editor will allow this extensiveness of highlighting customization - http://www.pastie.org/private/utlo8fvu3edasgt61o3hsa ? | 08:17 |
Ab3L | right, but using synaptic gammu is installed by default when you get wammu | 08:17 |
wsgordon | I'd like to toast the windows smart phone and install a moile linux | 08:17 |
Supavisah | Because I really love the twilight style, it's easy on the eyes and allows me to code more, anyone? | 08:17 |
wsgordon | right now i got to sit and wait for kde to install | 08:18 |
[c0re] | i believe you cant connect windows phone to linux | 08:18 |
dft | ohletmeinnowgodd: what type of cisco vpn concentrator are you hitting? | 08:19 |
wsgordon | c0re i dont believe linux cant access a windows phone, thats hard to believe. | 08:19 |
gaminggeek | Supavisah: gedit? | 08:19 |
Supavisah | I'll look into it. | 08:19 |
tiyowan | Supavisah: emacs? | 08:19 |
wsgordon | c0re with linux theres always a way, | 08:19 |
dft | ohletmeinnowgodd: I had a tricky time of getting that working too | 08:19 |
Supavisah | I'll look into that too. | 08:19 |
[c0re] | wsgordon, i believe there is no apps made yet for windows phone | 08:19 |
dft | ohletmeinnowgodd: vpnc has a know issue with PIX fw's as the vpn concentrator | 08:20 |
dft | ohletmeinnowgodd: you won't stay connected for more than 5mins | 08:20 |
tiyowan | Supavisah: I don't think there's anything that emacs *can't* do. | 08:20 |
Supavisah | aha | 08:20 |
wsgordon | if i can just access the phone and folders, not so much the os. | 08:20 |
Supavisah | LATEX? | 08:20 |
Ab3L | question: how can i install virtualbox guest additions in kubuntu 8.10 ? | 08:21 |
wsgordon | back in a bit. | 08:22 |
[c0re] | ANSWER: I dont know... maybe your best friend can help you (google.com) | 08:22 |
[c0re] | :D | 08:22 |
shauno | tiyowan: last I heard, emacs still didn't boot. it's most of an OS, but it's still not standalone | 08:22 |
tiyowan | shauno: Hehehe. :-) | 08:24 |
Ab3L | [c0re]: -_____- | 08:24 |
cjones | what is a good windows movie maker like program? | 08:24 |
[c0re] | cjones, www.getdeb.org try there | 08:25 |
maco | uh, for reference, yes, emacs CAN do LaTeX | 08:25 |
maco | cjones: thats not really a site MOTU likes to have pointed out... | 08:25 |
headcheese | Has anyone ever have probs install .exe file in Virtual Box? I have a fresh XP load on VBox, and every app I try to install from a cd says "not a valid win32 application". | 08:26 |
maco | cjones: cinelerra is the only video editing app i know of. i know there are a handful but i forget the others' names. | 08:26 |
cjones | i know kino so for dv but i have 3g2 movies | 08:26 |
cjones | maco thanks i ll give it a try | 08:26 |
Skarpz | hey | 08:27 |
Skarpz | anybody awake? | 08:28 |
Mechdave | Nope | 08:28 |
headcheese | Anyone every have probs with Virtual Box? | 08:28 |
maco | Skarpz: no, we're all zombies | 08:28 |
Skarpz | oh | 08:29 |
maco | zombies have no concept of awake or asleep | 08:29 |
Skarpz | that's too bad | 08:29 |
Appiah | no virtualbox works fine | 08:29 |
maco | heh go ahead | 08:29 |
Mechdave | Skarpz, we are the un dead | 08:29 |
Skarpz | Can I ask a question besides this one? | 08:30 |
almark1 | Hello all, I would like to know how to set alsamixer to my card not pulseaudio. | 08:30 |
jim_p | headcheese, what is your vbox problem?? | 08:30 |
Ab3L | my problem with vbox is that it says alway "unable to build kernel module" | 08:30 |
Ab3L | jim_p: if you want to see the log : http://pastebin.com/d37eea26 | 08:31 |
jim_p | Ab3L, is it the ose or the closed source version? | 08:31 |
Mechdave | !ask | Skarpz | 08:31 |
ubottu | Skarpz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 08:31 |
Ab3L | jim_p: ose | 08:32 |
whuffor | I never get why people ask permission to ask a question? No one can hinder you to ask it anyway | 08:32 |
Skarpz | To the zombies: My computer is acting busy as if something is running to make it go slow and I don't know what's going on. It's acting like something was wrong in windows when I had windows. Can anyone help me out? | 08:33 |
jim_p | Ab3L, vbox 1.5* that you try to install was closed source! it has been deprecated because some dependencies changed | 08:33 |
Mechdave | whuffor, I spoze some who are unsure of the reception they will get may be a little nervous about asking the percieved wrong kind of question | 08:33 |
shauno | whuffor: the real world teaches people not to interupt. IRC requires it. It's not always an entirely intuitive transition | 08:33 |
Mechdave | Skarpz, Ok what does your System Monitor say? | 08:33 |
jim_p | Ab3L, cant you install it through apt? | 08:33 |
whuffor | Mechdave: Yes. I suspect it's the equivalent of being polite in a RL conversation | 08:33 |
[c0re] | Skarpz, sudo killall gdm | 08:34 |
cjones | what folder is the sources.lst ? | 08:34 |
Skarpz | System monitor? | 08:34 |
adam7 | cjones: /etc/apt I think | 08:34 |
headcheese | jim_p: It was a cd/dvd-rom setting for the machine. There was a check box for "Enable Pass Through". I checked it and now it works. Thanks for asking though. | 08:34 |
cjones | adam7 thanks | 08:34 |
jim_p | headcheese, lol you are welcome | 08:34 |
adam7 | cjones: and it's sources.list, not sourcse.lst | 08:34 |
Mechdave | Skarpz, System -> Administration -> System Monitor | 08:34 |
[c0re] | cjones, /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:34 |
Ab3L | jim_p: no. i can not use apt, because i am running ubuntu hardy and from the last update of the kernel virtualbox does not run anymore. | 08:35 |
Mechdave | whuffor, I guess you are correct :) | 08:35 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i made the update of virtualbox by using the source code | 08:35 |
jim_p | Ab3L, well you need to remake the module for the new kernel then | 08:36 |
jim_p | i do that on every kernel update | 08:36 |
Skarpz | no process killed | 08:36 |
[c0re] | Skarpz, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 08:37 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i think is what i did, but where do i find the guest additions? | 08:37 |
Skarpz | command not found? | 08:37 |
[c0re] | lmao | 08:38 |
jim_p | Ab3L, well the guest additions are installed on the guest os and they are part pf vbox | 08:38 |
jim_p | *of | 08:38 |
[c0re] | Skarpz, what are you using? kde or gnome? | 08:38 |
Skarpz | kde | 08:38 |
[c0re] | Skarpz, try this sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop | 08:38 |
[c0re] | lmao | 08:39 |
[c0re] | ................................ | 08:39 |
Ab3L | jim_p: but the screen on the virtual machine is always 800x600... | 08:39 |
Mechdave | [c0re], maybe he didn't like the zombies thing?? | 08:39 |
[c0re] | Mechdave, maybe he does | 08:40 |
[c0re] | :D | 08:40 |
Mechdave | lol | 08:40 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i think i have to do something in the guest os to activate guest addistions. | 08:40 |
jim_p | Ab3L, do you get a "Install vbox additions" in the devices menu in a guest os window? | 08:40 |
zjm | aa | 08:41 |
[c0re] | !lol | everyone | 08:41 |
ubottu | everyone: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 08:41 |
sja_ | hello, all! i reinstall Xserver, and now i have next problem. After login in GDM i see window with text: "... i not search your session, i run terminal", and running gnome-terminal (under X), but i type in terminal gnome-session, all loading and working OK. help please :) | 08:41 |
whuffor | Good luck getting ppl to refrain from doing that, ubottu :) | 08:42 |
bluecat | /? | 08:42 |
[c0re] | sja_, explain a little bit more | 08:42 |
Appiah | ubottu: omg lol | 08:42 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about omg lol | 08:42 |
bluecat | WHO | 08:42 |
[c0re] | sja_, and english | 08:42 |
whuffor | What if ppl in RL actually did laugh out loud as often as they type it on the computer. They would appear deranged | 08:43 |
[c0re] | ubottu: gdm | 08:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gdm | 08:43 |
[c0re] | ubottu: [c0re] | 08:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about c0re] | 08:43 |
[c0re] | lol | 08:43 |
sja_ | [c0re], you don't understand me ? | 08:43 |
[c0re] | no | 08:44 |
biouser | I have an iptables script in /etc/network/interfaces ... how can I restart that there? sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart did not seem to be the one | 08:44 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i have not that window. i have a all black screen with inside a small desktop of size 800x600 | 08:44 |
[c0re] | !network | biouser | 08:45 |
ubottu | biouser: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:45 |
Mechdave | biouser, iptables -F (i think... meant to flush iptables) | 08:45 |
jim_p | Ab3L, when you launch a guest os, does nt it get its own window? | 08:45 |
Mechdave | biouser, iptables /path/to/script | 08:45 |
biouser | Mechdave, I think that is the one | 08:46 |
khalfan | anybody here uses ekiga? | 08:46 |
Ab3L | jim_p: no. it starts immediatly with that all black screen. | 08:46 |
biouser | khalfan I have in the recent past | 08:46 |
jim_p | Ab3L, full screen? | 08:46 |
whynot | let me ask you a clonezilla question, please. I know it's not an ubuntu issue, but I couldn't find out any clonezilla help channel. | 08:46 |
Ab3L | jim_p: yes | 08:46 |
biouser | khalfan hoping to get into it some more and maybe learn about asterisk | 08:46 |
Mechdave | biouser, http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables | 08:46 |
alkisg1 | Hello... when we run "gksu gedit", a dialog comes up which prompts us for a password. Does this dialog have a name? (like "uac dialog" for the windows semi-equivelant?) | 08:47 |
Mechdave | alkisg1, it is called gksudo | 08:47 |
khalfan | biouser...did you manage to get it to work? | 08:47 |
Ab3L | jim_p: if i have to deactivate it, do you know how to switch it off ? | 08:47 |
jim_p | Ab3L, then press the vbox key (for me is right ctrl) + F to exit full screen! | 08:47 |
biouser | khalfan | 08:47 |
biouser | yes | 08:47 |
whynot | Do I have to make home/partimag directory manually before I save image in clonezilla? | 08:48 |
khalfan | when i start it..i always get a message saying that i failed to register and that it timed out | 08:48 |
Zitter | hi, is it possible to setup raid1 when installing? | 08:48 |
biouser | khalfan you are going to want to find a link to a better repo probably still, this was only about a week ago | 08:48 |
jim_p | Zitter, software or hardware raid? | 08:48 |
whynot | Does it make the directory automatically by itself? | 08:48 |
Zitter | jim_p, software | 08:48 |
jim_p | !raid | 08:48 |
ubottu | raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 08:48 |
alkisg1 | Mechdave, for example, when I run synaptic, the commandline is: /usr/bin/sudo -H -S -p GNOME_SUDO_PASS -u root -- /usr/sbin/synaptic | 08:48 |
biouser | khalfan look for v3.0.1 in a repository that is not in your sources and it will fix it | 08:48 |
alkisg1 | There's no gksudo there | 08:48 |
khalfan | biouser, i've got hardy installed on ...and i've got version 3.0.0 installed | 08:49 |
Ab3L | jim_p: ok. now i have the window. i clicked on "install guest addition" in the menu | 08:49 |
[c0re] | alkisg1, there is | 08:49 |
[c0re] | !gksudo | alkisg1 | 08:49 |
ubottu | alkisg1: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 08:49 |
biouser | khalfan close all of the ports if you opened any in your router and use stun | 08:49 |
comradekingu | I got a problem, "uname -a" is showing the wrong date, but "hwclock" returns the right time and date | 08:49 |
Mechdave | alkisg1, you got me mate, I don't know the dialog name | 08:49 |
alkisg1 | [c0re]: I didn't use sudo. Ubuntu automatically used sudo when I went to the menu and selected "synaptic" | 08:50 |
khalfan | biouser, how do i use stun? | 08:50 |
alkisg1 | Mechdave: thanks man | 08:50 |
Ab3L | jim_p: ok. now i have the window. i clicked on "install guest addition" in the menu, but the size of the desktop is always too small | 08:50 |
[c0re] | lol | 08:50 |
biouser | khalfan hmm, do you get a choice in the configuration or preferences maybe? | 08:50 |
jim_p | Ab3L, what is the guest os in it? | 08:50 |
alkisg1 | [c0re]: So I think this dialog is *not* part of the gksudo program | 08:50 |
Ab3L | jim_p: kubuntu 8.10 | 08:51 |
[c0re] | alkisg1, is it asking for password? | 08:51 |
alkisg1 | [c0re]: System => Settings => Synaptic package manager. That's the dialog I'm talking about | 08:51 |
khalfan | biouser, i don't get a choice besides setting the account name and password, and the configuration assistant has nothing about it | 08:51 |
alkisg1 | [c0re]: it's the same one that gksudo uses. But I don't think it's part of gksudo. | 08:51 |
khalfan | biouser, i'm behind a router, but i don't think that should affect the register process to ekiga | 08:52 |
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg | ||
jim_p | Ab3L, well vbox additions is an iso that mounts on the guest os drive. navigate there from the terminal in kubuntu (i guess its /media/cdrom) and run sudo sh VboxAdditions-something.sh | 08:52 |
ardchoille | alkisg: the command for System Administration Synaptic Package Manager is "gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic" | 08:52 |
ardchoille | so it uses gksu | 08:53 |
alkisg | ardchoille: I run synaptic, and then switch to tty1 and did ps aux. There wasn't any gksu running... | 08:53 |
jojo1224 | i know this is the ubuntu irc but what should i use for a http/smb server? ubuntu server? freenas? openfiler? | 08:53 |
Skarpz | [c0re]: I think that helped out. Can you repeat the command so I may do it later? | 08:53 |
alkisg | ardchoille: that's what I got: /usr/bin/sudo -H -S -p GNOME_SUDO_PASS -u root -- /usr/sbin/synaptic | 08:53 |
[c0re] | lol | 08:53 |
ardchoille | alkisg: Of course not, gksu ran and handed perms off to Synapitc | 08:53 |
Milos | Because I'm trying to configure NDISwrapper, how can I get the files (http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/misc/ndiswrapper-common) in .deb format? | 08:54 |
Mechdave | alkisg, http://www.nongnu.org/gksu/ | 08:54 |
alkisg | ardchoille: I did ps aux *before* putting the password, while the dialog was showing | 08:54 |
[c0re] | lmaooo | 08:54 |
[c0re] | Mechdave, <Skarpz> [c0re]: I think that helped out. Can you repeat the command so I may do it later? | 08:54 |
[c0re] | llol | 08:54 |
[c0re] | Skarpz, sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop | 08:54 |
ardchoille | probably using libs | 08:55 |
Skarpz | what? | 08:55 |
[c0re] | this one? | 08:55 |
Skarpz | yup | 08:55 |
ardchoille | [c0re]: Please stop with the "lol" stuff | 08:55 |
bazhang | [c0re], please stop | 08:55 |
alkisg | Mechdave: I'm talking about this dialog: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/images/ubuntu-update-manager-permission-required.png | 08:55 |
[c0re] | why? | 08:55 |
jojo1224 | i know this is the ubuntu irc but what should i use for a http/smb server? ubuntu server or openfiler? | 08:56 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i get always the same error | 08:56 |
hotcat | who can give me some suggestions about how to use xchat? | 08:56 |
alkisg | ardchoille: well, I'm writing a manual and I just wanted a name for it... I'll just name it "the password prompting dialog" ... :P | 08:56 |
ardchoille | alkisg: that works | 08:56 |
alkisg | ardchoille, Mechdave: thanks | 08:56 |
jim_p | Ab3L, try a newer version of vbox then and dont compile it on your own. both the ose version and the modules are in apt | 08:56 |
Mechdave | alkisg, would that be part of update manager? | 08:56 |
alkisg | Mechdave: no, it's a part of some ubuntu lib, pops up whenever administrative rights are required | 08:57 |
jojo1224 | plz answer, what os should i use for a http/smb server? ubuntu server or openfiler? | 08:57 |
Mechdave | alkisg, interesting bit of detective work required there :) | 08:58 |
ardchoille | alkisg: If you really want to know, I suppose you could check the source code for gksu | 08:58 |
cjones | maco it was a pain to install at first but so far looks like fun | 08:58 |
Mechdave | jojo1224, depends on what you think yourself | 08:58 |
jim_p | Ab3L, are you on hardy? | 08:59 |
Ab3L | yes | 08:59 |
Ab3L | jim_p: the problem is that hardy is running with the kernel 2.6.24-22, and the last virtualbox-ose is 2.6.24-21 | 09:00 |
Ab3L | jim_p: that's because i needed to compile it by myself | 09:00 |
whynot | I need some help about using clonezilla. Someone help me, please. | 09:01 |
Mechdave | !ask | whynot | 09:02 |
ubottu | whynot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:02 |
whynot | ubottu/Actually, it's not a ubuntu issue, I don't want to bother you. I'm sorry but I'll ask Mechdave. Thanks. Do I have to make home/partimag directory manually? | 09:03 |
gnounc | hello | 09:03 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:03 |
gnounc | i have a program segfaulting | 09:03 |
gnounc | and i was just wondering how i could read its error output | 09:03 |
whynot | Mechdave/ My question is simple. Do I have to make home/partimag directory manually or clonezilla makes that directory automatically? | 09:04 |
jim_p | Ab3L, you can install the 2.6.24-21 kernel and do your work | 09:04 |
Ab3L | jim_p: do you mean that the solution for the moment is to downgrade the kernel? | 09:05 |
jim_p | Ab3L, there is also the closed source solution if you dont mind | 09:05 |
whynot | I checked out the clonezilla website, but it's not clear for a newbie like me to understand. | 09:05 |
Mechdave | whynot I guess the safest way of doing it would be to use the live cd | 09:06 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i do. i try to work only with ose. | 09:06 |
sja_ | hello, all! help please. my gnome is not starting! starting failsafe terminal, don't gnome! in file .xsession-errors in home directore i find line: /etc/gdm/Xsession: Executing /usr/bin/gnome-session failed, will try to run x-terminal-emulator | 09:06 |
jim_p | Ab3L, then i think that a minor downgrade to the kernel is worth the sacrifice | 09:06 |
whynot | Mechdave/I'm using live CD. but it says ...there is no home/partimag directory. It means I'm supposed to make that directory manually? | 09:07 |
sja_ | [c0re], see up 2 messages please | 09:07 |
alina | hi.. how i can open the var / log / messages in the terminal? | 09:07 |
jim_p | alina, sudo cat /var/log/messages | 09:07 |
Crazyguy | whynot, yes | 09:07 |
trwww1 | hello... I'm on a dellbuntu fiesty trying to update the distrobution by pressing the 'Upgrade' button in Update Manager. | 09:07 |
sja_ | alina, cd to change directory or cat to view | 09:07 |
Skarpz | I don't know if the problem is fixed, but it's mostly gone | 09:07 |
Ab3L | jim_p: ok. thank you. | 09:07 |
trwww1 | I'm getting: Error occured during update: | 09:07 |
trwww1 | failed to fetch http://.../ubuntu/dist/fiesty/... 404 | 09:07 |
alina | thank you | 09:08 |
jim_p | you are welcome alina and Ab3L | 09:08 |
whynot | crazyguy/what if clonezilla makes the directory for itself, the directory will be duplicated...isn['t it? | 09:08 |
Crazyguy | whynot, you're using the clonezilla live cd? | 09:09 |
whynot | crazyguy/yes. | 09:09 |
Crazyguy | whynot, where do you want to save the image? | 09:09 |
whynot | crazyguy/usb external hard drive. | 09:09 |
Crazyguy | whynot, I see, I think you can specify another directory where to save the images but the clonezilla expects that the directory exists | 09:10 |
Crazyguy | whynot, and it makes another directory under that for the image and all the files | 09:10 |
alina | ...I opened var log messages but I can not view the whole entries..for example the one about yesterday | 09:10 |
alina | sudo cat /var/log/messages | 09:10 |
Crazyguy | whynot, at least that's what it does when you save over the network | 09:10 |
Shan | hello | 09:11 |
jim_p | alina, sudo cat /var/log/messages | more | 09:11 |
alina | thank you | 09:12 |
jim_p | alina, and scroll them like manual pages | 09:12 |
alina | ok | 09:12 |
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik | ||
busfahrer | Excuse me, my system wants to do the following update, but says the package cannot be authenticated, what's wrong?: libpcre3 [7.6-2.1ubuntu1 -> 7.8-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1] | 09:12 |
alina | ...but how i scroll a manual page? | 09:13 |
hischild | Title bars of windows often get screwed up. The letters will either be unreadable or just go all grey, so i can't see which screen has focus. is there a solution for this? | 09:13 |
alina | jim_p, but how i scroll a manual page? | 09:13 |
whynot | crazyguy/I don't want to make myself ethno centric, but I have to say the chinese(taiwanese) programmer who made that program seemed to fail to deliver and clarify how to use that good program. | 09:13 |
jim_p | alina, by pressing space or some other button | 09:13 |
gluonman | Is anyone here familiar with the gspca bug in Intrepid and have a possible solution? Logitech Quickcam Express Plus works with Cheese and Xawtv (but with very dark and poor image quality), but will not work with camorama, kopete, or amsn. | 09:13 |
trwww1 | hello... I'm on a dellbuntu fiesty trying to update the distribution by pressing the 'Upgrade' button in Update Manager. | 09:13 |
trwww1 | I'm getting: Error occured during update: failed to fetch http://.../ubuntu/dist/fiesty/... 404 | 09:13 |
trwww1 | any advice? | 09:13 |
alina | :-) | 09:14 |
Skrypt | try doing it from the terminal trwww1 | 09:14 |
rww | busfahrer: that package is from a Personal Package Archive. PPAs don't support authentication. | 09:14 |
Crazyguy | whynot, well, I found it quite easy to use... | 09:14 |
Skrypt | sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:14 |
whynot | Thanks anyway, I'm make that directory myself. | 09:14 |
Mechdave | alina, use the down arrow | 09:14 |
hischild | trwww1, feisty is EOL. | 09:14 |
trwww1 | Skrypt: it being 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'? | 09:14 |
whynot | I'll try. | 09:14 |
Skrypt | no | 09:14 |
Skrypt | 'sudo apt-get upgrade' | 09:14 |
trwww1 | hischild: no kidding, thats why I'm trying to update | 09:15 |
gnounc | lol | 09:15 |
busfahrer | rww: Are ppa's enabled by default? I don't remember addding a repository manually... | 09:15 |
hischild | trwww1, you're updating the normal distro, not upgrading to a newer distro. | 09:15 |
hischild | !upgrade | trwww1 | 09:15 |
alina | ...can i search for special word in var log messages? | 09:15 |
ubottu | trwww1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 09:15 |
Skarpz | Thanks | 09:16 |
rww | busfahrer: nope, they're not. Look in System > Administration > Software Sources > Third-Party Software, or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list (and look for entries with "launchpad" in their name) | 09:16 |
Mechdave | alina, use grep | 09:16 |
Skrypt | Alina, man grep | 09:16 |
jim_p | alina, sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep word | 09:16 |
alina | thanks | 09:16 |
crimsun | trwww1: pretty awful timing; feisty was pulled from the archive due to EOL. Are you using the version of update-manager from feisty-updates? | 09:16 |
busfahrer | rww: Dang, it was from the ppa which I added to try out Amarok 2, forgot all about that. Cheers. | 09:16 |
Skarpz | Catch ya lata | 09:16 |
Skarpz | bye Zombies | 09:17 |
trwww1 | Skrypt: 'sudo apt-get upgrade' says '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded' | 09:17 |
bbigtrix | ai galera | 09:17 |
crimsun | trwww1: you probably need the alternate installer image of gutsy, then. | 09:18 |
hischild | trwww1, you won't update to a new distro with that command. | 09:18 |
alina | jim_p, sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep word | 09:18 |
alina | nothing happen if i put this in the terminal..:-( | 09:18 |
hischild | !upgrade | trwww1 and crimsun | 09:18 |
ubottu | trwww1 and crimsun: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 09:18 |
jhambo_ | I'm using kwifimanager. My connection get dropped several times a day. After the connection is dropped, the only way I can get it back is to restart the computer. recommendations? | 09:18 |
trwww1 | ok thanks all... have to say thats pretty sad architecture. | 09:18 |
jim_p | alina, what word do you look for? | 09:18 |
bbigtrix | ai alguenm fala portugues | 09:18 |
Zitter | i'm following link to create raid1 from installation. I don't understand why if I choose / as mount point for sda and sdb the installation doesn't continue. any hint? | 09:18 |
alina | error...or something like that | 09:19 |
trwww1 | I understand that its EOL... but so EOL I cant even upgrade from it anymore?!? | 09:19 |
Zitter | *sda1 and *sdb1 | 09:19 |
hischild | trwww1, what do you mean? Ofcourse you can upgrade to a new distro, but you won't receive updates for it anymore. Look at that link, follow the set of instructions applicable to your case, and you're done. | 09:19 |
alina | jim_p, I looking for error 'cause my pc was freezing yesterday | 09:19 |
crimsun | trwww1: yes, unfortunately. You've been warned before that it was nearing EOL. ;) On the other hand, if do-release-upgrade doesn't do the right thing, then try the ole apt-get method. | 09:20 |
n8tuser | jhambo_-> its a common experience i have with gutsy, i/o interrupt not serviced causes a major lock-up | 09:20 |
jim_p | alina, sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep error | 09:20 |
crimsun | hischild: sorry, I'm not sure why you instructed the bot to tell me about distribution upgrades ;) | 09:20 |
eweb100 | Can Anyone help me with my computer freezing? | 09:20 |
alina | jim_p, thanx | 09:20 |
jhambo_ | n8tuser: any way to fix? | 09:20 |
n8tuser | alina-> you would not see a log of why your host ever lock up | 09:20 |
Mechdave | alina, you need to replace word with the word you are searching for | 09:20 |
hischild | crimsun, you were talking to trwww1 about it. He needs distro upgrade to 7.10 | 09:21 |
jhambo_ | I'm on an acer aspire one | 09:21 |
trwww1 | crimsun: I somewhat agree... but breaking the Update Manager's Upgrade button? c'mon. | 09:21 |
n8tuser | jhambo_-> i suspect its at the kernel level, nothing you and i can do easily | 09:21 |
corinth | I'm getting an error for every single received message in Evolution. "Junk Check Failed: Pipe to Bogofilter failed, error code: 3." | 09:21 |
crimsun | hischild: well, I appreciate the notification [but as a former Ubuntu developer...] | 09:21 |
moDumass | hmm, so today i got from 649x480 to 1024x768, but im trying to get 1440x900 any ideas? | 09:22 |
trwww1 | going through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades now | 09:22 |
crimsun | trwww1: unfortunately backporting into feisty is rather a non-option. | 09:22 |
eweb100 | Can Any One Help me with my comp messing up | 09:22 |
moDumass | its in my xorg.conf, ive got 1440x900 | 09:22 |
lahori | could somebody please help me to do the following: point my domain name (example.com) to my ubuntu machine and use it as my vhost for irc... | 09:22 |
eweb100 | freezing | 09:22 |
Mechdave | corinth, you need to disable check for junk in preferences | 09:22 |
hischild | crimsun, it's not meant personally to you. Anyway, sorry if you didn't want it. | 09:22 |
bazhang | lahori, as a cloak? | 09:22 |
lahori | bazhang: hmmm, i think so | 09:23 |
bazhang | lahori, ask in #freenode , they can provide one | 09:23 |
rww | lahori: Freenode doesn't do vhosts. If you need to hide your IP address, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks (and discuss the subject further in #freenode, not here) | 09:23 |
crimsun | hischild: no worries. Just surprised that I would receive instructions about upgrading after I've spent years trying to smooth the upgrade experience ;) | 09:23 |
hischild | crimsun, i understand. The instructions weren't for you, but as a note to let you know i gave him the instructions. | 09:24 |
crimsun | hischild: fair enough. | 09:24 |
corinth | Thanks Mechdave! | 09:24 |
lahori | ohh thanks, i will try | 09:25 |
n8tuser | crimsun-> oh so you are part of that upgrade experience eh? you been around listening to all these complaints when people upgrade and having hell of a time getting things to work again? | 09:25 |
crimsun | n8tuser: believe me, if I had to relive the architecture sessions for hardy, I would speak louder. | 09:25 |
n8tuser | crimsun-> common complaint after an upgrade, wifi or networking dont work and audio | 09:25 |
corinth | n8tuser: You could always create a small partition to do a clean install with, then if everything goes well, upgrade. | 09:25 |
crimsun | n8tuser: yes, I'm well aware of the infamous audio issues. I triage all those bugs (and have done so since warty). | 09:26 |
n8tuser | corinth-> thats my preferred suggestion to people upgrading. | 09:26 |
Timmy | I just updated my graphics cafrd drivers and 1280x1024 is lo longer a resolution option, how can I get this back? | 09:28 |
n8tuser | crimsun-> what do you mean triage? what does that entail? | 09:28 |
jim_p | Timmy, what vga? | 09:28 |
Timmy | jim_p: Yeah. | 09:29 |
jim_p | Timmy, what vga are you on ? lol | 09:29 |
hischild | Timmy, he wants to know what graphics card you have. | 09:29 |
Timmy | Oh! Sorryy :p Its nVidia drivers, 177 I think, updated using the restricted drivers manager. | 09:29 |
crimsun | n8tuser: it means I handle the bug reports, answer questions on ubuntu-users and in various IRC channels, and generally lose what few grey hairs I have remaining. | 09:29 |
Timmy | nvidia 7300gs | 09:29 |
alina | Connection refused , does this mean that I have restarted the pc? | 09:30 |
Zitter | sorry, do I have to choose *same* mountpoint to partitions in sda1 and sdb1 if i'm configuring them for raid1. I'm doing so, but installation doesn't continue :( | 09:30 |
n8tuser | crimsun-> cool, thanks for the efforts | 09:30 |
Acedip | i have had errors with my grub, cant boot from HDD, running live 8.10, how to re-install grub again ?? | 09:30 |
crimsun | n8tuser: (oh, and fix the bugs. Which generally is a thankless job, which I'm sure everyone here who's a volunteer can appreciate.) | 09:30 |
hischild | !grub | ace2001ac7 | 09:30 |
ubottu | ace2001ac7: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:30 |
hischild | Acedip, see above ^ | 09:30 |
hischild | ace2001ac7, sorry, wrong nick. | 09:31 |
jojo1224 | does anyone here know if openfiler can update itself over the net, becuase i have a older openfiler disc but i want the new openfiler but i have no blank discs | 09:31 |
trwww1 | hischild: theres nothing at that link you provided thats going to let me upgrade via the system. | 09:31 |
hischild | trwww1, explain | 09:32 |
n8tuser | crimsun-> anything particular you specialized in? | 09:32 |
crimsun | n8tuser: well, audio... | 09:32 |
crimsun | but generating key certs? not so much. | 09:32 |
trwww1 | hischild: I press the update button, and I get: | 09:32 |
trwww1 | (4:07:53 AM) trwww1: Error occured during update: | 09:32 |
trwww1 | (4:07:53 AM) trwww1: failed to fetch http://.../ubuntu/dist/fiesty/... 404 | 09:32 |
hischild | !paste | 09:33 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 09:33 |
jojo1224 | does anyone here know if openfiler can update itself over the net, becuase i have a older openfiler disc but i want the new openfiler but i have no blank discs to burn the new one with | 09:33 |
trwww1 | I went here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades | 09:33 |
n8tuser | crimsun-> good, i will direct them your way, once i see folks here with audio issues, thats the part i am not familiar either.. | 09:33 |
trwww1 | from the page you linked | 09:33 |
hischild | trwww1, because the repo's have been taken down. Read the page carefully -->Ubuntu 7.04 does not have ongoing support and has now been removed from the normal archives and mirrors, | 09:33 |
Supavisah | I don't seem to have a terminal link in applications->system tools :S | 09:33 |
trwww1 | but none of that is going to help | 09:33 |
crimsun | trwww1: I presume that's from update-manager/do-release-upgrade, so try just updating sources.list(5) manually, then updating and dist-upgrading. | 09:34 |
crimsun | err, sorry. | 09:34 |
Supavisah | Also.. | 09:34 |
crimsun | trwww1: I presume that's from update-manager/do-release-upgrade, so try just updating sources.list(5) manually, then updating and dist-upgrading. | 09:34 |
FloodBot3 | crimsun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:34 |
Supavisah | how to install LAMP and when I installed ubuntu via wubi it had all these cool effects, then as soon as I installed my ATI drivers, these cool effects went. | 09:34 |
Supavisah | how do I get these cool effects back/ | 09:34 |
hischild | crimsun, he isn't reading the page at all i gave him. | 09:35 |
trwww1 | crimsun: update sources.list to what? What it says at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades? | 09:35 |
trwww1 | Same error | 09:35 |
Arminas | Supavisah, apps->accesories terminal | 09:35 |
Supavisah | ahh :) | 09:35 |
n8tuser | Supavisah-> wubi is sort of a demo install, you dont really want that to be permanent install eh? | 09:35 |
crimsun | n8tuser: I recommend having reporters follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems (particularly http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh) | 09:35 |
Supavisah | n8tuser, yes I do. | 09:35 |
Supavisah | Okay maybe not :P | 09:35 |
nnooplo_ | hi | 09:35 |
nnooplo_ | hi all | 09:36 |
Supavisah | If I really like Ubuntu I'll get rid of Windows, but for now how do I get those cool effects back? | 09:36 |
librah | Escriba el texto aquí....hla | 09:36 |
n8tuser | Supavisah-> i dont think twas designed as such.. better go for a pemanent install | 09:36 |
jojo1224 | supavisah: goto system - preferences - appearance - visual effects | 09:36 |
Supavisah | jojo1224, it says it can't be enabled. | 09:36 |
mangeshbhende | Hi | 09:36 |
jojo1224 | did you try rebooting? | 09:37 |
Supavisah | no.. | 09:37 |
Supavisah | I'll try that later. | 09:37 |
Supavisah | What about windows fonts + LAMP? | 09:37 |
hischild | Supavisah, try that first :-) it'll most likely fix your graphical problems. | 09:37 |
moDumass | hey all, earlier someone gave me some hints on how to add monitors t xorg.conf, and ive got mine a 1440x900@60 how do i add that, because the one thats in there isnt being detected | 09:38 |
jojo1224 | rebooting usually fixes stuff | 09:38 |
krish | which wi-fi adapter goes well with ubuntu. Iam using iterpid ibex | 09:38 |
hischild | !lamp | Supavisah | 09:38 |
ubottu | Supavisah: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 09:38 |
hischild | !fonts | Supavisah | 09:38 |
ubottu | Supavisah: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 09:38 |
n8tuser | krish-> i can say, broadcom is not the one i would recommend | 09:38 |
krish | which external wi-fi adapter goes well with ubuntu. Iam using iterpid ibex | 09:38 |
gnounc | i have broadcomm weeee | 09:39 |
gnounc | and ubuntu auto installed it pretty nicely | 09:39 |
gnounc | 945 mobile i think | 09:39 |
n8tuser | gnounc-> and you still have hair? hehehe | 09:39 |
gnounc | haha | 09:39 |
gnounc | i tried a lot of other distros | 09:39 |
gnounc | and lost lots of hair.. | 09:39 |
gnounc | failed miserably | 09:39 |
gnounc | then ibex came out, JUST installed it today, and was pulling out hair | 09:40 |
n8tuser | i can relate to that | 09:40 |
gnounc | only to realize...that if i would have pulled out the ethernet cord.. wifi would take over LMAO | 09:40 |
gnounc | i was trying to install it wondering why, if everything said it was working, why it wasnt | 09:40 |
jojo1224 | i have a broadcom in my laptop and i have only ever got it to work once with ubuntu out of like 20 reinstalls but it was simple on pclinuxOS | 09:40 |
gnounc | yeah, i really liked tinyme, but alas, i could get no nets | 09:40 |
gnounc | wow, thats very creepy, tinyme is based on pclinuxos | 09:41 |
gnounc | but yeah, i have a lenovo 3000 n100..and it doesnt play well with most linux distros | 09:41 |
gnounc | but intrepid ibex got everything right, which was good, cause i was getting really tired of reformatting | 09:42 |
Photoguy | I can't get Blender to run windowed! Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid | 09:42 |
gnounc | except i cant get teeworlds 3.4 working | 09:42 |
* croddy mourns the loss of gnome font viewer | 09:43 | |
chaos91 | Hello? | 09:43 |
Acedip | highly weird, i couldn't live boot from the original ubutu 8.10 cd but did it with the downloaded one, the same thng i remember happening with me with 8.04 also | 09:43 |
Acedip | the original cd showed me series of buffer/IO errros | 09:44 |
chaos91 | Can I talk to someone about Ubuntu freezing on me for the n-th time, please? | 09:44 |
Ab3L | jim_p: i found a newer version of VBoxGuestAdditions and i do not have the error any more. Just need to know how to activate bigger size screen resolution. | 09:44 |
chaos91 | *could I | 09:44 |
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gnounc | i cant help, but ill listen : ) | 09:44 |
Photoguy | I can't get Blender to run windowed! Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid | 09:45 |
gnounc | photoguy | 09:45 |
gnounc | is there an error? | 09:45 |
gnounc | or you just cant find out how? | 09:45 |
Photoguy | It's an error I think. | 09:46 |
Photoguy | It's set to -w | 09:46 |
Photoguy | But still comes up fullscreen. | 09:46 |
=== bounty is now known as mao | ||
hosstell | jim_p: Do you know if Virtual Box can see USB devices? | 09:48 |
jim_p | Ab3L, sorry i was on the phone | 09:48 |
akira7kaito | Hello.... I'm new to Ubuntu... so I was wondering if anyone here could help me with the device drivers for my graphics chip... intel GMA 915... I probably need some help with my touchpad too.. | 09:48 |
jim_p | hosstell, the closed source one, yes | 09:48 |
akira7kaito | I've searched a few articles about it and I just got a little more confused as to what to do... | 09:49 |
jim_p | Ab3L, if you do have additions installed, ypu will also need to put the Driver parameter in the guest xorg.conf to "vboxvideo" and restartx | 09:49 |
Ab3L | xorg.con in /etc/X11 ? | 09:50 |
Ab3L | xorg.conf in /etc/X11 ? | 09:50 |
petcube | could anyone tell me is there an irc command to auto reconnect to a server until it finally connects? | 09:51 |
Ab3L | petcube: i think it depends of the settings of your irc client | 09:51 |
administrador_ | ubuntu hisspano? | 09:52 |
hischild | !es | administrador_ | 09:53 |
ubottu | administrador_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 09:53 |
akira7kaito | Are there any kernel groups of i915GM for Ubuntu? | 09:53 |
Guisepe | gracias | 09:53 |
bonhoffer | why can't i sudo cd /my/dir, i get: cd: command not found | 09:53 |
akira7kaito | how about creating a kernel group for the drivers is that possible? | 09:54 |
diffred | bonhoffer: to cd you don't need sudo privileges | 09:56 |
NicEXE | how can I use /dev/input/mouse1 ? | 09:58 |
hateball | bonhofferⅅ Some commands you cannot use sudo for, such as cd and echo | 09:58 |
=== banteng is now known as ubuntu008 | ||
NicEXE | i can only use /dev/input/mouse0 right now | 09:58 |
Hali_303 | hi | 09:58 |
bonhoffer | hateball, what if you don't have permissions to view a directory | 09:58 |
Hali_303 | how to add a gpg key, so apt wont complain when using http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main ? | 09:59 |
subgenius | #Conspiracy_Central | 09:59 |
hateball | bonhofferⅅ then you'd use either "gksudo nautilus" or "sudo -i" | 09:59 |
sja_ | help me please start gnome-session automatically!!! pleease! | 10:00 |
NicEXE | how can I use /dev/input/mouse1 ? I can only use /dev/input/mouse0 ... | 10:01 |
bonhoffer | hateball, thanks | 10:01 |
ubuntu008 | i can burn cd, play dvd but not burn dvd, it's dvd-rw drive | 10:02 |
sja_ | NicEXE, what ? | 10:03 |
NicEXE | sja_: how can I use /dev/input/mouse1 ? I can only use /dev/input/mouse0 right now... | 10:03 |
sja_ | NicEXE, you will change mouse0 to mouse1 ? | 10:04 |
nnull | guys i have an odd problem with ubuntu, when playing freecell (in the games menu) anytime through the game moving a card onto another freezes the freecell program, and then in turn freezes the PC requiring a reboot? | 10:05 |
NicEXE | sja_: 1. this can't be done 2. I want to use both mice | 10:05 |
gnounc | play aislerot | 10:05 |
gnounc | easy : ) | 10:05 |
sja_ | NicEXE, see /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add your mouse1. | 10:06 |
nnull | gnounc¬ its not wine'd or anything, its the ubuntu version installed of freecell | 10:07 |
krish | which external wi-fi adapter goes well with ubuntu. Iam using iterpid ibex | 10:08 |
nnull | like it's installed as default | 10:08 |
gnounc | nnul | 10:09 |
gnounc | go to your games menu | 10:09 |
gnounc | and play aislerot | 10:09 |
gnounc | its got frecell in it | 10:09 |
FloodBot3 | gnounc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:09 |
Ax-Ax | hello any1 know how to install a usb sound card? | 10:09 |
NicEXE | sja_: what should I add? | 10:09 |
nnull | gnounc¬ that's a different game mate | 10:09 |
krish | which external wi-fi adapter goes well with ubuntu. Iam using iterpid ibex | 10:09 |
nnull | gnounc¬ click on Freecell Patience and ull see the diff | 10:10 |
tyoc | people, what program I can use for do UML sequence diagrams? | 10:10 |
sja_ | NicEXE, you see your first mouse in section "Input Device" ? copy and change event to mouse1, and change label to mouse1, and add to ServerLayout your new label. understand :) ? | 10:10 |
NicEXE | sja_: no I don't even see the "Input Device" section | 10:11 |
gnounc | freecell patience? | 10:11 |
hischild | krish, ive had good experience with linksys adapters. | 10:12 |
sja_ | NicEXE, 1. you mouse now working? | 10:12 |
NicEXE | sja_: no I don't even see the "Input Device" section | 10:12 |
krish | hischild:, i have a netgeaar wireless router, will linksys go well with it? or how about netgeaar | 10:13 |
hischild | sja_, the newer X has a very minimal configuration, which won't have most sections. | 10:13 |
hischild | krish, i have a netgear router, it works well for me. | 10:13 |
ortsvorsteher | !compiz | 10:13 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 10:13 |
NicEXE | sja_: I only see "Section Device" "Section Monitor" "Section Screen" | 10:13 |
sja_ | NicEXE, wait, please. | 10:14 |
krish | hischild: can u tell the model of ur linksys wireless adapter? | 10:14 |
hischild | krish, i don't have the adapter here so i can't tell you i'm afraid. However, they should all just work fine. | 10:15 |
Psi-Jack | Firefox 3 is in Ubuntu 8.10, correct? | 10:15 |
=== |Ab3L| is now known as Ab3L | ||
krish | hischild: thanks a lot, | 10:15 |
nnull | guys i have an odd problem with ubuntu, when playing freecell (in the games menu) anytime through the game moving a card onto another freezes the freecell program, and then in turn freezes the PC requiring a reboot? | 10:15 |
crimsun | Psi-Jack: correct. | 10:15 |
crimsun | Psi-Jack: (in fact, 3.0.4) | 10:16 |
Psi-Jack | nnull: Sounds like hardware-related problems... | 10:16 |
Psi-Jack | crimsun: Cool. Heh, Firebug and Web Developer add-ons work with it in Linux, do you know off-hand? | 10:16 |
geno_ | Hi..all, I am using DELL Inspiron 1525 and ubuntu 8.04. I am not | 10:16 |
geno_ | >> > able to connect to *Wi-fi or Netgear* .Here,the light for recognising | 10:16 |
geno_ | >> > wi-fi is not glowing at all.I searched in internet for some time and | 10:16 |
nnull | i tried running it from a terminal to check for error/crash msgs, but upon crashing i cant switch between anything in gnome, like cant switch back to the terminal to check for errors | 10:16 |
geno_ | >> > from that information | 10:16 |
Ab3L | re | 10:16 |
FloodBot3 | geno_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:16 |
geno_ | sorry | 10:17 |
nnull | Psi-Jack¬ doesn't seem to freeze any other time? | 10:17 |
crimsun | Psi-Jack: yes | 10:17 |
hischild | !enter | Genesis^ | 10:17 |
ubottu | Genesis^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:17 |
sja_ | NicEXE, see http://rafb.net/p/bKUScr58.html\ | 10:17 |
hischild | !enter | geno_ | 10:17 |
ubottu | geno_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:17 |
geno_ | in ussing dell 1525 can get to enable wifi on ubuntu8.04. any help? 10x! | 10:17 |
hischild | Genesis^, sorry, wrong nick. | 10:17 |
Psi-Jack | Heh, been a while since I used Linux as a desktop, but I decided to go back. Windows is holding me back from really getting into good development. | 10:17 |
Psi-Jack | Least, I'ma try anyway. *chuckles* | 10:18 |
geno_ | in ussing dell 1525 cant get to enable wifi on ubuntu8.04. any help? 10x! | 10:18 |
Psi-Jack | geno_: Repeat that again, I didn't read you the first three times. | 10:19 |
geno_ | i can not enable wifi on ubuntu 8.04, dell inspiron 1525? | 10:19 |
Psi-Jack | Make that 4 times. | 10:19 |
gaff | boas | 10:19 |
gaff | alguem tuga? | 10:19 |
geno_ | psi jack, i own a dell inspiron 1525, running on ubuntu 8.04. i can not use wifi, iti is not enabled. any help? | 10:20 |
robb_m | !br | 10:20 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 10:20 |
Psi-Jack | Oy! | 10:20 |
Psi-Jack | geno_: That meant STOP REPEATING EVERY FEW SECONDS! | 10:20 |
gaff | thanks | 10:20 |
hischild | Psi-Jack, no caps please. | 10:20 |
aboSamoor | how can I listen to my last.fm library using rhythmbox ? sorry I am new to last.fm | 10:21 |
Psi-Jack | hischild: I was affirming a cituation where someone was repeating every few seconds. Yelling at him, hence, all caps, to push the point. | 10:21 |
gaminggeek | geno_: I have an inspiron 1525 it works alot better in *.10 | 10:21 |
gaminggeek | er 8.10 | 10:21 |
eweb100 | For some reson i can't view avi files.. the thing keeps crashing | 10:21 |
hischild | Psi-Jack, an easier and more elegant solution would have been to do !repeat. | 10:22 |
eweb100 | can anyone help?? | 10:22 |
Psi-Jack | hischild: People don't learn by a bot telling them what to do. | 10:22 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: what movie player are you using? | 10:22 |
Psi-Jack | 'sides. I didn't know the bot had that. Nor would I use it, cause I prefer HUMAN interaction, not bot interaction. ;) | 10:23 |
geno_ | gaminggeek, how can i upgrade to 8.10, via update manager? | 10:23 |
eweb100 | I have tried movie player and Mmovie player | 10:23 |
hischild | Psi-Jack, that doesn't give you a green card to yell at him. | 10:23 |
gaminggeek | geno_: yea you can do that or download the ISO and install like that :D | 10:23 |
gaminggeek | although that will whipe your data so you should back up | 10:23 |
Psi-Jack | hischild: Which is worse? Someone flooding the channel, repeatedly, with repeating? Or someone yelling at them for doing it? | 10:24 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: ok so what does it do just crash? | 10:24 |
eweb100 | Gaminggeek: Yes it tries to open then crahes | 10:24 |
eweb100 | gaminggeek: i play audio files fine | 10:24 |
hischild | Psi-Jack, you're trying to make a wrong right, by comparing wrong with wrong. Both is wrong, and both can be avoided. I will not be dragged into a discussion. | 10:24 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: are you comfortable with the command line? | 10:24 |
eweb100 | gaminggeek: shure am | 10:24 |
gaminggeek | sweet as :D | 10:25 |
eweb100 | lol | 10:25 |
gaminggeek | ok install mplayer | 10:25 |
eweb100 | I have | 10:25 |
Psi-Jack | hischild: You put yourself in it. But I rest my case. :) | 10:25 |
gaminggeek | if you dont have it already | 10:25 |
gaminggeek | ok | 10:25 |
gaminggeek | is it the cli version? | 10:25 |
eweb100 | How would i check? | 10:25 |
eweb100 | i just did apt-get insatll mplayer | 10:25 |
gaminggeek | just run mplayer in the terminal | 10:26 |
gaminggeek | ah ok | 10:26 |
gaminggeek | apt-get install mplayer-nogui I think is the package | 10:26 |
Psi-Jack | I prefer VLC over mplayer, myself. | 10:26 |
eweb100 | here ill uninstall then reinstall | 10:26 |
eweb100 | here one sec. | 10:26 |
gaminggeek | Psi-Jack: thats nice but what we are going to do is use the X11 video output | 10:26 |
Psi-Jack | gaminggeek: VLC can do that. | 10:27 |
gaminggeek | to see if the problem is that his graphic drivers XV driver is broken or not :) | 10:27 |
aboSamoor | can you help me with rhythmbox ? I want to play my library that I have on last.fm. I searched but I can not get it | 10:27 |
gaminggeek | Psi-Jack: its easier to just do a quick test with mplayer :) | 10:27 |
sja_ | NicEXE, how do you do ? | 10:27 |
Milos | Could someone help me out - I'm trying to manually download libsysfs2, the .deb file (since network doesn't work) and I have no idea where it is online! | 10:27 |
gaminggeek | plus mplayer is good to have around as a fail safe :) | 10:27 |
Psi-Jack | I've actually had mplayer crash my entire system more often. Course it was older, and stuff. ;) | 10:28 |
gaminggeek | well that sucks :) | 10:28 |
Milos | Never mind, they hid it! D: I found it now. | 10:29 |
Psi-Jack | gaminggeek: --nooverlay, is a useful option too, for VLC. ;) | 10:30 |
gaminggeek | ah ok | 10:30 |
robm06 | Well, I've successfully joined the Ubuntu community, moving from Windows Vista Ultimate edition on my laptop to 8.10 was a smooth transition. I do have a question though, is there an application similiar to OneNote for Ubuntu? If not that's okay, just an interesting app that I liked. | 10:30 |
gaminggeek | well anyway I know how to do it in mplayer | 10:30 |
ubud | how enable wireless for 8.10? | 10:30 |
Psi-Jack | gaminggeek: Can't remember how to set the video mode via command-line, but, --nooverlay pretty much takes it away from the video card acceleration. | 10:30 |
gaminggeek | ubud: it should be enabled already if it isnt you have an unspported network card I'm sorry | 10:31 |
gaminggeek | or you might have to install a closed source driver | 10:31 |
gaminggeek | the restricted driver tool will be able to help you | 10:31 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: got that? | 10:31 |
ubud | gaminggeek: what card is supported? | 10:32 |
gnounc | anybody here play teeworlds? | 10:32 |
gnounc | ...successfully? | 10:32 |
gaminggeek | ubud: there is more than one it would be easier if you just told the channel what card you have | 10:32 |
gaminggeek | or google search for your card name and ubuntu | 10:33 |
eweb100 | Sorry my friend was being a noob and unplugged by power. | 10:33 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: lol thats ok :) | 10:33 |
Antonz | join #ubuntu-cn | 10:33 |
ubud | gaminggeek: dlink DWA-110 | 10:33 |
gaminggeek | gnounc: indeed I have | 10:33 |
tadeu | guys, i want to run X11 over ssh WAN, is it possible? | 10:33 |
gnounc | did you get 3.4 to work in 8.10? | 10:33 |
gaminggeek | ubud: well google search that and ubuntu | 10:33 |
tadeu | i read somethings, but no success | 10:33 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: right is mplayer installed now? | 10:33 |
hischild | tadeu, yup. Use ssh -X <host> | 10:33 |
eweb100 | he stoped it in the middle | 10:34 |
gaminggeek | bugger | 10:34 |
eweb100 | almost done | 10:34 |
gnounc | er 4.3 sorry | 10:34 |
Malformation | Wats almost done | 10:34 |
eweb100 | I ferget how do you check if you have that application? | 10:34 |
gaminggeek | huh? | 10:34 |
gnounc | uh teeworlds 4.3 | 10:35 |
tadeu | hischild, i did, but i think the firewall may be blocking something.. if i "ssh -X" then run "gedit" i get "cannot open display" | 10:35 |
eweb100 | its a command line to check if you have a program installed | 10:35 |
gnounc | i cant get it to work in intrepid ibex | 10:35 |
gaminggeek | mplay and tab key will work if thats what you mean | 10:35 |
gaminggeek | gnounc: what is it doing or not doing? | 10:35 |
hischild | tadeu, are you running an X server on the remote host? | 10:35 |
gnounc | download linux version, and open it | 10:35 |
gnounc | and it freezes | 10:35 |
gaminggeek | hmm thats not good gnounc | 10:36 |
tadeu | hischild, yes, the X running there | 10:36 |
gaminggeek | have you tried launching it from the command line? | 10:36 |
imachine | hello | 10:36 |
gnounc | no i havent | 10:36 |
gnounc | ill try tha treal quick thanks | 10:36 |
imachine | could someone tell me the difference between LTS and non-LTS releases ? | 10:36 |
gaminggeek | gnounc: try that please :) | 10:36 |
imachine | is, for example, 8.10 less 'stable' than 8.04 ? | 10:36 |
hischild | tadeu, echo $DISPLAY <-- what does that give you? | 10:36 |
imachine | what's the point of LTS in general ? | 10:36 |
eweb100 | how do you launch a program in terminal?> | 10:36 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: you could try apt-getting the program that will tell you if its installed | 10:36 |
imachine | eweb100, apps -> accessories -> terminal | 10:37 |
robb_m | imachine, longer support periods.... | 10:37 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: I thought you said you where comforable with the terminal? | 10:37 |
imachine | robb_m, okay, support with ? | 10:37 |
tadeu | hischild, well, it is empty | 10:37 |
robb_m | imachine, support with the version...and everything included with it. | 10:37 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: just type in mplayer -vo x11 movie.avi | 10:37 |
robb_m | !lts | 10:37 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 10:37 |
imachine | robb_m, well, what do I get from such support then ? | 10:37 |
gaminggeek | replacing movie.avi with your avi | 10:37 |
imachine | robb_m, I never had a Linux distro with support. | 10:38 |
robb_m | imachine, you get us obviously, then you can get forum support, and canonical phone support. | 10:38 |
imachine | I was my support, and google was my group of analytics. | 10:38 |
robb_m | imachine, theres a first for everything ;) | 10:38 |
eweb100 | one sec. | 10:38 |
gnounc | ...that didnt go over so smooth | 10:38 |
imachine | robb_m, yeah, but I get you with 8.10 too don't I | 10:38 |
hischild | tadeu, what did you use to connect to the remote host? It should say something like localhost:10.0 | 10:38 |
vyoman | Evolution and MS Exchange, it's unusable my machine freezes five times a day, it concerns me that a mail background process can crash the gnome panel and lock applications. has anyone some insight on the Evolution code quality? | 10:39 |
robb_m | imachine, yep :) | 10:39 |
eweb100 | ok i have insatlled it CORECTLY | 10:39 |
robb_m | until it reaches its end of life.... | 10:39 |
robb_m | !eol | 10:39 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases | 10:39 |
imachine | robb_m, which is how long for ... aha | 10:39 |
imachine | ta | 10:39 |
* robb_m is on top of things today imachine :) | 10:40 | |
gaminggeek | imachine: LTS means they will provide security patches for that platform for like they say 4 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server | 10:40 |
tadeu | hischild, i just ran "ssh -X user@host" then tried start gedit | 10:40 |
robb_m | gaminggeek, thanks for elaborating. | 10:40 |
gaminggeek | robb_m: sorry didnt see you got it :) | 10:40 |
robb_m | gaminggeek, np, always can use some help :) | 10:41 |
hischild | tadeu, hmm ... can you check in the sshd_config if you have X11 forwarding enabled? | 10:41 |
moDumass | hmm, i can pick 1024x768 but dont have the option to choose 1440x900 any ideas, ive been kinda fixin then kinda breakin for a few days now | 10:41 |
robb_m | gaminggeek, if you want..ill let you take over where i left off..if imachine has any other questions? | 10:41 |
* robb_m is about to go to bed | 10:41 | |
tadeu | hischild, yes, X11Forwarding yes and X11DisplayOffset 10 | 10:41 |
gaminggeek | robb_m: nah thats ok :) | 10:41 |
imachine | gaminggeek, no backports tho ? | 10:42 |
imachine | gaminggeek, "just" security patches? | 10:42 |
hischild | tadeu, if you do echo $DISPLAY then, on the remote host with X11 forwarding and all .... it still doesn't give you anything? | 10:42 |
dsch04 | Morning all | 10:42 |
gaminggeek | imachine: to be honest I dont know but I think it is just security patches | 10:42 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: did that work for ya? | 10:43 |
=== Antonz is now known as Anton | ||
=== Anton is now known as Antonz | ||
EruditeHermit | imachine: at some point its a waste of their time to backport stuff because people who want new stuff will upgrade. People who want stability and not to change to newer releases often can stay with LTS and get bug fixes. | 10:44 |
eweb100 | one sec ime playing cod 5 | 10:44 |
gaminggeek | ok :) | 10:44 |
gaminggeek | is cod 5 out? | 10:44 |
eweb100 | ya | 10:45 |
gaminggeek | lol cool :D | 10:45 |
eweb100 | cod 4 was better | 10:45 |
tadeu | hischild, no, the $DISPLAY variable is empty. i'm afraid the firewall is blocking something.. i'm conneting to ssh by and redirec in the firewall | 10:45 |
gaminggeek | yea thats because infinty ward made cod4 :D | 10:45 |
dsch04 | Where can I get older versions of packages? | 10:45 |
gaminggeek | all the even numbered cod game infinity ward make :) | 10:46 |
gaminggeek | and they are the good ones :P | 10:46 |
dsch04 | I want to downgrade from rdesktop_1.6.0-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 10:46 |
hischild | tadeu, check the firewall then if it blocks anything. i'm afraid i can't help you with that. GL | 10:46 |
gaminggeek | anyway getting off topic did that work? | 10:46 |
tadeu | hischild, thanks any way | 10:47 |
arrenlex | dsch04: Check if the version you want is in your cache -- "ls /var/cache/apt/archives/rdesktop*deb" | 10:48 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: I'm sorry I need to go to sleep but if the command that I told you to run works that means that most likly your graphic card driver is broken and if its an opensource one you need to send in a bug report | 10:49 |
eweb100 | ok WAAIIIT | 10:49 |
eweb100 | god..harsh | 10:49 |
dsch04 | arrenlex: no it's not | 10:49 |
gaminggeek | it wasnt meant to be :) | 10:49 |
imachine | EruditeHermit, okay I get it now :) | 10:49 |
imachine | cool | 10:49 |
eweb100 | if it doesn't work your graphics card is broken..thats MEAN ok nvm jk jk ok well that comand line worked | 10:49 |
imachine | taht's sorta the answer I was looking for, i.e. who's LTS etc for :) | 10:49 |
eweb100 | Thank you | 10:49 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: I said you graphics card _Driver_ is broken | 10:50 |
gaminggeek | what graphics card have you got? | 10:50 |
eweb100 | o sorry | 10:50 |
eweb100 | i skim when ever i read | 10:50 |
EruditeHermit | imachine: its a pain for some enterprises to upgrade all their machines every 6 months | 10:50 |
eweb100 | i have radion 1500 | 10:50 |
eweb100 | its ancient | 10:50 |
eweb100 | but i have two nvidia 9800 commin in the mail | 10:50 |
gaminggeek | ah ok :) | 10:50 |
EruditeHermit | imachine: LTS allows then to stick with the same OS release for 3-5 years and upgrade when they want to with knowledge they can call canonical for help and that bugs will be fixed | 10:51 |
gaminggeek | well use the X11 vo for the moment | 10:51 |
eweb100 | can i make that code auto play when ever i click an avi file? | 10:51 |
gaminggeek | its not pretty and doesnt scale but atleast it works | 10:51 |
arrenlex | dsch04: If not, check if it's in any of the repositories. The link is http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=rdesktop&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all but it seems to be down right now for some weird reason, though each individual distribution works. | 10:51 |
eweb100 | ya who cares. | 10:51 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: er ubuntu right? | 10:51 |
arrenlex | dsch04: Not sure what's going on with the website but... | 10:51 |
eweb100 | lolz cha | 10:51 |
eweb100 | ftw | 10:51 |
imachine | EruditeHermit, I get it then. | 10:52 |
gaminggeek | right so right clickon the avi file | 10:52 |
eweb100 | well its kubuntu | 10:52 |
imachine | I think I'll stick with 8.04 for now. | 10:52 |
imachine | and play with 8.10 on other machines. | 10:52 |
gaminggeek | ahh thats what I am trying to establish L) | 10:52 |
dsch04 | This is the bug I want to regress to avoid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rdesktop/+bug/270997 | 10:52 |
gaminggeek | imachine: you can use LST normally :) | 10:52 |
moDumass | 8.10 1440x900@60 how to | 10:52 |
gaminggeek | oh right nm | 10:52 |
gaminggeek | forgot that 8.04 was the lts | 10:52 |
arrenlex | dsch04: Try the one in hardy then. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=rdesktop&searchon=names&suite=hardy§ion=all | 10:53 |
eweb100 | O well thank you gamminggeek.. must be fun handling like 3 conersations at once | 10:53 |
gaminggeek | :D | 10:53 |
dsch04 | Ah, there's a link in that bug report to the version I need! | 10:53 |
eweb100 | i hope to be doing that in two years | 10:53 |
ushimitsudoki | moDumass: laptop? | 10:53 |
lorenabosso | HUM | 10:53 |
rose | Hey People! Is there a magnifier in Ubuntu? | 10:53 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: I'm sure you will be :) | 10:53 |
eweb100 | but doing 5 conversations | 10:53 |
sja_ | where i can find packet x-session-manager ? | 10:53 |
rose | So I can magnify parts of a screen? | 10:54 |
gaminggeek | rose: um maybe | 10:54 |
gaminggeek | do you use compiz | 10:54 |
gaminggeek | or the advanced effects | 10:54 |
eweb100 | compiz is the shit | 10:54 |
rose | gaminggeek: i dont know | 10:54 |
hischild | rose, hold the windows key and scroll up ... if u have compiz that'll zoom in | 10:54 |
gaminggeek | eweb100: it will be alright we you get a better card :P | 10:54 |
Psi-Jack | Eh, compiz is okay, but it ruins 3D applications performance. | 10:54 |
eweb100 | ya and i will be sliing | 10:55 |
dsch04 | arrenlex: Have installed and locked the version so it won't get upgraded again! :) | 10:55 |
eweb100 | them | 10:55 |
AndreasMadrid | hi! I have a problem. My ubuntu has forgotten my wirely card. I had already installed it and it workd fine, but now it's gone. Yesterday i had 0 bytes of free space on disk and "add/remove software" tool crahsed. Maybe that's the cause. What can I do? | 10:55 |
rose | hischild: what means "scroll up"? | 10:55 |
eweb100 | on your mouse wheel | 10:55 |
hischild | rose, with your mouse wheel, scroll up | 10:55 |
zetheroo | anyone know how to get a remote control working in Ubuntu? | 10:55 |
guolovly | is there some body come from china | 10:55 |
dazjorz | Why is linux-source-2.6.27 not in the projects list on Launchpad? | 10:55 |
dazjorz | and e.g. linux-source-2.6.24 is? | 10:55 |
ultratek | i just installed vista after ubuntu...how can i install grub mbr to get the boot back to ubuntu....while i running ubuntu off the live cd? | 10:55 |
gaminggeek | right I'm going to sleep now have fun everyone :D | 10:55 |
rose | hischild: it does not zoom | 10:55 |
hischild | !grub | ultratek | 10:55 |
ubottu | ultratek: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:55 |
arrenlex | !grub | ultratek | 10:55 |
arrenlex | lol | 10:55 |
ultratek | !grub | 10:55 |
rose | hischild: what i mean is a magnifier tool that zooms part of the screen. | 10:56 |
eweb100 | grub is awsome | 10:56 |
eweb100 | i love it | 10:56 |
hischild | rose, do you have your graphic drivers? | 10:56 |
eweb100 | it ownz the noobz. | 10:56 |
rose | hischild: "my graphic drivers"? | 10:56 |
ultratek | what can i do? | 10:56 |
hischild | rose, are you new to ubuntu? | 10:56 |
arrenlex | ultratek: You can click the link that tells you how to restore grub. | 10:56 |
Guest84468 | Is this a room I am allowed to ask questions about my sound card not working?? Thx | 10:57 |
eweb100 | yes | 10:57 |
eweb100 | guest84468: i can help you | 10:57 |
rose | hischild: im using it for 5 years now. was using debian before. | 10:57 |
Sandywells | Hello, is anyone able to give me a bit of help | 10:57 |
Guest84468 | awesome.. one sec | 10:57 |
tiyowan | Hmmm... | 10:57 |
hischild | rose, your graphic card has certain drivers. Did you enable those? | 10:57 |
eweb100 | guest84468: please change your name | 10:57 |
Sandywells | Its regarding dual-booting vista and ubuntu on the same partition | 10:57 |
tiyowan | KDE 4 supported on Ubuntu 8.10, right? | 10:57 |
eweb100 | sandywells: i can help you | 10:58 |
AndreasMadrid | what can i do when ubuntu doesn't recognize my wireless card anymore? | 10:58 |
Sandywells | Heya eweb100, thanks | 10:58 |
eweb100 | sandywells: what is your question | 10:58 |
Sandywells | Well, I installed Ubuntu on my windows partition | 10:58 |
Psi-Jack | Hmm, a thought just came to mind. Are there file indexers, not that just index filenames, but contents of files as well, for searchability? | 10:58 |
Sandywells | how do I remove it. | 10:58 |
ushimitsudoki | rose: compiz has a zoom function. There is also a magnifier tool in the Accessibility tools: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/accessibility | 10:58 |
hischild | !remove | 10:58 |
Sandywells | Heh, it keeps comming up when I boot my PC | 10:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about remove | 10:58 |
Sandywells | It lists vista and it lists ubuntu | 10:59 |
eweb100 | sandywells: you installed it ontop of windows? | 10:59 |
Sandywells | Yep | 10:59 |
benj007 | hi | 10:59 |
rose | hischild: no, i did not do anything regarding graphic drivers. i wouldnt even know how to do that. | 10:59 |
arrenlex | Sandywells: When you installed using wubi? | 10:59 |
zetheroo | anyone know how to get a remote control working in Ubuntu? | 10:59 |
Sandywells | I just installed it using the installer | 10:59 |
Sandywells | I mounted an iso on a virtual cd drive | 10:59 |
Sandywells | to save burning it | 10:59 |
Sandywells | and just installed it ontop of windows | 10:59 |
imachine | gaminggeek, yeah. cheers! | 10:59 |
rose | ushimitsudoki: where can i find the magnifier tool? where are the accessibility tools? are they in ubuntu or do i have to download them? | 10:59 |
hischild | rose, system - administration - hardware drivers. Does it tell you some stuff about your hardware? | 10:59 |
Sandywells | If using wubi is default, then yeah | 10:59 |
Guest84468 | I don't know what happened but I am running 8.10 for about 2 weeks and sound went out. I just hear crackling. Forums haven't helped.\ | 10:59 |
Dr_willis | zetheroo, a lot will depend on the specific remote.. there is the lirc system/tools for most remotes.. ibve not used any in ages however. | 10:59 |
ushimitsudoki | rose: pls see the link. they should be in a default ubuntu install | 10:59 |
eweb100 | sandywells: And now you want to remove ubuntu? | 11:00 |
AndreasMadrid | Sandywells in windows in the remove software section, simply uninstall ubuntu | 11:00 |
Dr_willis | !lirc | 11:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lirc | 11:00 |
arrenlex | Sandywells: What do you mean by "on top" of windows? Using this thing? -- http://johnny.chadda.se/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/wubi.png ? | 11:00 |
Sandywells | Thats the problem | 11:00 |
Sandywells | It wont remove | 11:00 |
Sandywells | The files are gone | 11:00 |
Sandywells | and the installer thinks its gone | 11:00 |
Sandywells | but windows thinks its there | 11:00 |
zetheroo | Dr_willis: is there a GUI control panel for that? | 11:00 |
eweb100 | sandywells: but the grub menu is still there? | 11:00 |
Sandywells | Nope, nothing is | 11:00 |
benj007 | does somebody here have the lpi 199 ubuntu certification ? | 11:00 |
eweb100 | sandywells: Then what is the problem again? | 11:00 |
Sandywells | just when I boot my PC the 'select operating system' menu lists ubuntu | 11:00 |
Sandywells | and I want to remove the ubuntu option | 11:01 |
eweb100 | sandywells: ooo ok now i unsderstand | 11:01 |
Sandywells | because all the files are gone | 11:01 |
Sandywells | and I cant use that option eweb100 | 11:01 |
Psi-Jack | Commonly known as a "Desktop Indexer", for other operating environments? | 11:01 |
Sandywells | because it comes with this error: | 11:01 |
rose | hischild: it says "on this system, no propriatary drivers are used" | 11:01 |
Sandywells | 0x00000000f - winboot/wubildr.mbr corrupt/missing | 11:01 |
rose | hischild: and under "components" nothing is listed. | 11:01 |
Sandywells | some weird linux path to wubildr.mbr | 11:01 |
Sandywells | i didnt list it all down | 11:02 |
eweb100 | sandywells: Ok..gotcha | 11:02 |
eweb100 | sandywells: are you on the live cd or are u on windows? | 11:02 |
Sandywells | So in short: I messed up uninstalled Ubuntu. I want to remove the option for booting in ubuntu when my Pc starts. | 11:02 |
Sandywells | Im on windows | 11:02 |
Sandywells | I tried using the fixbootmrg.exe | 11:02 |
eweb100 | vista or xp? | 11:02 |
Sandywells | or whatever it is | 11:02 |
Sandywells | vista | 11:02 |
FloodBot3 | Sandywells: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:02 |
Sandywells | Vista | 11:03 |
Sandywells | is what I am using. | 11:03 |
Sandywells | I tried using the cd to repair it | 11:03 |
eweb100 | sandywells: There is a program that lets you edit the windows boot maager | 11:03 |
eweb100 | sandywells: that would let you remove that option to boot | 11:04 |
Sandywells | Ok, whats its name? | 11:04 |
Sandywells | I found one but that costs money | 11:04 |
Sandywells | And I couldn't find any good torrents for it | 11:04 |
eweb100 | sandywells: the one that i use and TRUST is called easybcd | 11:04 |
_RadioHead | hi people. i need to install server and configure samba but problem is that company asked me to configure share in that way so users can write/read add files and directories BUT can`t delete it even owner. | 11:04 |
_RadioHead | any idea? | 11:04 |
Sandywells | from neosmart eweb100? | 11:04 |
eweb100 | sandywells: yes | 11:04 |
nibbler_ | _RadioHead: not too easy, if possible at all | 11:05 |
rio | hi, apt-cross dies with Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/DpkgCross.pm line 261. | 11:05 |
Sandywells | Thanks eweb100! You have been a great help! | 11:05 |
rio | any ideas whats wrong | 11:05 |
eweb100 | sandywells: woot you are the first person i have ever helped! | 11:05 |
eweb100 | sandywells: ftw! | 11:05 |
Sandywells | well, lets just hope it works first! | 11:05 |
Sandywells | :P | 11:05 |
nibbler_ | _RadioHead: if they can write, they can truncate, and thats practically deleting | 11:05 |
eweb100 | sandywells: i will be on here for a while and tell me if it doesn't because we could do it manualy, or there are other free programs | 11:06 |
nibbler_ | _RadioHead: maybe move/chmod to a readonly location/permission once writing is finished | 11:06 |
Sandywells | Well eweb100, It looks like it has worked | 11:07 |
eweb100 | sandywells: did you just restart? | 11:07 |
Sandywells | Nope, about to | 11:07 |
eweb100 | sandywells: go ahead | 11:07 |
eweb100 | sandywells: own dat noob. | 11:08 |
Guest84468 | i put in a command "sudo killall pulseaudio" and "sudo alsa force-reload" to try to get speakers to work. Didn't help. Did i mess things up more? | 11:08 |
eweb100 | guest84468: if you can't get your speakers to work i have some options for you to try | 11:09 |
ruyi7952 | wow.hello all =) | 11:09 |
Guest84468 | cool... im all ears | 11:09 |
eweb100 | guest84468: but could you please change your name??? | 11:09 |
Guest84468 | me? | 11:09 |
eweb100 | guest84468: yes please it takes forever to put in | 11:09 |
Sandywells | Thanks eweb100! | 11:09 |
Sandywells | Also, on this topic, I have a bug to report | 11:10 |
Sandywells | When installing ubuntu you can move the installer window to another desktop | 11:10 |
bossak | ahoj | 11:10 |
Guest84468 | ok.. how to change?? | 11:10 |
Sandywells | meaning you cant access it | 11:10 |
bossak | ok | 11:10 |
eweb100 | sandyweells: well, i have no affilation with ubuntu because i am only 13... BUT you could make a thred on it on the ubuntu fourms | 11:10 |
Psi-Jack | Anyway, does linux have a document indexer for it that actually indexes the _content_ of files, not just filenames like locate does? | 11:11 |
eweb100 | anyone know how to change your name?? | 11:11 |
ruyi7952 | 这里有中国人吗? who are Chinese?我需要帮助。I needed help! | 11:11 |
Guest84468 | gimme a sec.... I'll try. | 11:11 |
ushimitsudoki | Psi-Jack: http://projects.gnome.org/tracker/ ? | 11:11 |
eweb100 | guest84468: do /nick ___ | 11:11 |
Psi-Jack | Ahh, tracker does that? | 11:11 |
ushimitsudoki | Psi-Jack: when it works ;) | 11:12 |
Psi-Jack | Oy.. "when" it works? | 11:12 |
ruyi7952 | ati 8.12 as 8.561 it's can't supported x300 in kubuntu 9.04 | 11:12 |
bossak | jak se vede | 11:12 |
ushimitsudoki | Psi-Jack: ah, personally I had problems with it. Give it a shot, tho. There is a native Google Desktop too if you don't mind such things. | 11:13 |
Psi-Jack | Hmm, google desktop kinda sucks a bit. | 11:13 |
zloy | hi | 11:13 |
zloy | all | 11:13 |
ruyi7952 | who can help me ? about fglrx in 2.6.28-2(ubuntu) | 11:13 |
buntoaster | good morning ,can some one help me register? | 11:13 |
ushimitsudoki | Psi-Jack: agree | 11:13 |
Psi-Jack | ushimitsudoki: I'm used to Copernic. :) | 11:13 |
bossak | zoly | 11:13 |
eweb100 | buntoaster: regester what? | 11:13 |
pradeepvglughyd | how to convert video to mp4 which app gives me that option | 11:13 |
Psi-Jack | Where you can isolate out what TYPE of files you want to search. | 11:13 |
zloy | does anybody know nvidia 9500 GT supported by ubuntu? | 11:13 |
buntoaster | ewe: my nickname | 11:13 |
zloy | sorry for my english | 11:13 |
ushimitsudoki | Psi-Jack: yeah, nothing that great in Linux that I am aware of. Tracker is not that bad, honestly. Give it a shot | 11:14 |
Psi-Jack | ushimitsudoki: Will do. | 11:14 |
ruyi7952 | 9500GT it's supported in ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 | 11:14 |
eweb100 | buntoaster: is that you? guest 84424? | 11:14 |
buntoaster | ewe: | 11:14 |
Psi-Jack | Bleh, fricken Nero's broken now. | 11:14 |
zloy | but i can't install driver for 9500 GT | 11:14 |
woody86 | whats the command to show me what partitions are on my computer? | 11:14 |
zloy | )^ | 11:14 |
hateball | woody86ⅅ blkid | 11:14 |
buntoaster | ewe: i guess so all i can see is me nick. Do i need a different version of x chat? | 11:15 |
ushimitsudoki | woody86: sudo fdisk -l ? | 11:15 |
eweb100 | buntoaster: one sec.... | 11:16 |
woody86 | ushimitsudoki, thanks :) | 11:16 |
AndreasMadrid | ubuntu doesn't recognize my atheros wireless card, though b4 it did. What can I do? | 11:16 |
ushimitsudoki | woody86: quite welcome good luck! | 11:16 |
Kenny | Ok.. I changed my name eweb100 from k.jacobsen | 11:16 |
lxu | can anyone recommend any good usb soundcard for ubuntu? | 11:16 |
ruyi7952 | 9500 ? please use jockey-kde in /usr/bin. | 11:16 |
Psi-Jack | Prolly the last question for the moment, since I'm finishing off my backups to a local networked desktop running Vista. Samba /works/ with Vista, correct? I've seen stuff about it, but how likely is it to be stable working? | 11:16 |
zloy | could you please help me with driver for 9500GT? | 11:16 |
_eXeCuTeR | woody, sudo gedit /etc/fstab shows the linux partitions | 11:16 |
ruyi7952 | i have useing kubuntu . | 11:16 |
zloy | ): | 11:17 |
zloy | not good | 11:17 |
ruyi7952 | .......:( | 11:17 |
pradeepvglughyd | how to convert video to mp4 which app gives me that option | 11:17 |
Psi-Jack | Anyone have any horror or good stories with Samba & Vista? | 11:17 |
zloy | ok, may be google help me | 11:17 |
ruyi7952 | please go to www.sf.net search ! | 11:18 |
ruyi7952 | goolge it's good . | 11:18 |
buntoaster | ewe: ok | 11:18 |
lxu | anyone know some usb soundcard for linux? | 11:18 |
serg_ | lxu: X-Fi | 11:18 |
_eXeCuTeR | anyone knows a good voice card driver? | 11:19 |
Psi-Jack | Voice card?? | 11:19 |
ruyi7952 | nv to fglrx ? | 11:19 |
tiyowan | voice card? What on earth is a voice card? | 11:19 |
Psi-Jack | heh | 11:19 |
_eXeCuTeR | sound card, sound device | 11:20 |
Psi-Jack | I remember Commodore 64's old Voice Cartridge, but PC's have never had a card for voice. ;) | 11:20 |
tiyowan | !hcl | lxu | 11:20 |
ubottu | lxu: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 11:20 |
Kenny | I put in a command "sudo killall pulseaudio" and "sudo alsa force-reload" to get speakers to work. Didn't help. Did I mess things up more?? | 11:20 |
tiyowan | Psi-Jack: C64 was my first computer. :) | 11:20 |
_eXeCuTeR | im not really familiar with these definitions lol | 11:20 |
Psi-Jack | tiyowan: My second. ;) | 11:20 |
=== obama is now known as Guest34237 | ||
ruyi7952 | ubuntu 9.04 with 2.6.28-2 can't supported fglrx for 3D!! | 11:21 |
serg_ | obama: congratulations with election ! | 11:21 |
Psi-Jack | 9.04? | 11:21 |
ruyi7952 | ubuntu 9.04 with 2.6.28-2 can't supported fglrx for 3D!!only 2D working. | 11:21 |
ruyi7952 | yes! | 11:21 |
Psi-Jack | There's no 9.04 yet. | 11:21 |
ushimitsudoki | ruyi7952: #ubuntu+1 for upcoming versions | 11:21 |
tiyowan | !intrepid | 11:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 | 11:21 |
ruyi7952 | hava kubuntu 9.04 | 11:21 |
zetheroo | I just installed mythbuntu and when I try to start it it goes through a few setup screens and then says "Cannot login to database" ... whats that mean? | 11:21 |
Kenny | having sound issues... can anyone help?? | 11:21 |
ruyi7952 | o!! thansk !!ushimitsudoki | 11:21 |
ruyi7952 | yes i know 8.10 .but i have using 9.04 . | 11:22 |
ultratek | how do i set in my menu.lst for linux to load first by default and not vista? | 11:23 |
sharmo | silly q, if i download and install a binary (lets say it wasn't in the repo) where is the best place to have my files? In /home/me/Applications? Or in /opt etc? | 11:23 |
lxu | ubottu: my internal soundcard not work well for capture, voice very low, impossible to hear, if not turn the volume to 100% | 11:23 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:23 |
=== N is now known as Guest70015 | ||
ruyi7952 | 这里有中国人吗?who are chinese ??? | 11:24 |
ultratek | ? | 11:24 |
ardchoille | !cn | ruyi7952 | 11:25 |
ubottu | ruyi7952: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 11:25 |
lxu | ruyi7952: I'm chinese, but not from china. | 11:25 |
ruyi7952 | !cn | 11:25 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 11:25 |
eweb100 | Sorry guys ime back | 11:25 |
tiyowan | I wonder if this lang is supported. | 11:25 |
tiyowan | !ar > tiyowan | 11:25 |
ubottu | tiyowan, please see my private message | 11:25 |
=== N is now known as Guest15976 | ||
ruyi7952 | channel doesn't exist | 11:26 |
Kenny | eweb... I changed my name from k.jacobsen. What about those sound things I can try?? | 11:26 |
lxu | my internal soundcard not work well for capture, voice very low, impossible to hear, if not turn the volume to 100% anyone have any idea? | 11:26 |
Psi-Jack | ruyi7952: Yes it does! | 11:26 |
Psi-Jack | ruyi7952: You're in it, right now, in fact. heh | 11:27 |
Kenny | Anyone know how to fix any sound issues? | 11:28 |
ruyi7952 | bot??? Psi-Jack you are a irc bot????????????? | 11:28 |
tiyowan | Kenny: Did you try killing pulseaudio? | 11:28 |
Psi-Jack | ruyi7952: Do I look like a dang bot? | 11:28 |
Kenny | yes i did | 11:29 |
tiyowan | Kenny: Did that improve the situation? | 11:29 |
Kenny | and force-reloading alsa | 11:29 |
Milos | Is it F8 that brings up the Grub options? | 11:29 |
Kenny | not at all | 11:29 |
Milos | On boot? | 11:29 |
zetheroo | anyone know how to get mythbuntu going in Hardy? | 11:30 |
tiyowan | Kenny: Hmm...what sound card do you have? | 11:30 |
Kenny | Not quit sure.. I have a Nobilis laptop | 11:30 |
ardchoille | !mythbuntu | zetheroo | 11:30 |
ubottu | zetheroo: Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information | 11:30 |
zetheroo | ardchoille:thanks ... been there :) | 11:31 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: mythbuntu is in the repos, isn't it just a matter of installing it and setting it up? | 11:31 |
lxu | Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) capture problem, have any idea? | 11:31 |
zetheroo | ardchoille: setting it up is what I am stuck on ... | 11:32 |
Kenny | All I hear is crackling in my speakers. They worked for a couple weeks and then... nothing. | 11:32 |
zetheroo | ardchoille: like how do i get it to login to the database? | 11:32 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: oh, ok | 11:32 |
ardchoille | cweet: Please don't PM people without asking permission first | 11:32 |
tiyowan | Kenny: Hmm....does your sound work in windows? | 11:32 |
kern | !flash | 11:32 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 11:32 |
badawi | with the Guided disk partition, how does it allocate by default? | 11:32 |
Kenny | Im not dual booted. Only OS is Ubuntu 8.10 | 11:33 |
eXp`iRc|12048 | hi | 11:33 |
eXp`iRc|12048 | !list | 11:33 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 11:33 |
tiyowan | Kenny: Okay. Is it possible for you to check the speakers on another system? | 11:33 |
Kenny | No.. they are internal. | 11:33 |
eeboy | What is the name of the default VNC (remote desktop) application in 8.04? | 11:33 |
tiyowan | Kenny: What sound card do you have? | 11:34 |
Kenny | Not sure... I have a Nobilis laptop Tiyowan. | 11:34 |
kern | youtube wont work for me | 11:35 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Google keywords: Nobilis <your model number here> Sound | 11:35 |
kern | i installed flashplugin-nonfree | 11:35 |
Kenny | I tried running a device check program made for windows through Wine... didn't workk | 11:35 |
ardchoille | kern: have you installed flash> | 11:35 |
zetheroo | how do I make the MySQL Connection work in Mythbuntu? | 11:35 |
Kenny | ok.. gimme a sec. | 11:35 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Or instead of sound, Specs | 11:35 |
Kenny | ok | 11:35 |
kern | ardchoille Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. i just installed flash... now how can i see about this javaScript ? | 11:36 |
tiyowan | kenny: That's very unusual. Try googling it, and wait. Somebody's bound to come up with a solution. | 11:37 |
ardchoille | kern: kern in firefox, Edit > Preferences > Content tab, make sure "enable javascript" is checked | 11:37 |
mchelen | zetheroo, ask in #mythbuntu | 11:37 |
Lartza_ | why i cant paste files to my psp? | 11:37 |
Lartza_ | paste is greyed | 11:38 |
zetheroo | mchelen: am doing ... they must all be away or asleep :) | 11:38 |
ardchoille | Lartza_: psp? | 11:38 |
Lartza_ | yes | 11:38 |
Lartza_ | playstation portable | 11:38 |
warren_ | oin #gfire | 11:38 |
ardchoille | Lartza_: psp? what is that? | 11:38 |
kern | ardchoille yes is it enabled :/ | 11:38 |
Lartza_ | works like normal usb stick or anything | 11:38 |
ardchoille | Lartza_: I don't think that is supported here | 11:38 |
Lartza_ | so what if i had normal usb stick and that happens? | 11:38 |
Lartza_ | same solution i would guess | 11:39 |
Psi-Jack | Lartza_: It wouldn't. | 11:39 |
mchelen | zetheroo, ah hehe, yeah is likely, have you seen any of the guides for setting up mythbuntu? | 11:39 |
Kenny | Tiyowan: Nothing found in Google. Specs or Sound. | 11:39 |
ardchoille | kern: in firefox url box, type in "about:plugins" and see if firefox recognizes the flash plugin | 11:39 |
mrwes | Lartza_, you copying to a memory stick in a PSP? | 11:39 |
zetheroo | mchelen: not really ... | 11:39 |
Lartza_ | yes | 11:39 |
Lartza_ | and it has worked fine until now | 11:39 |
Lartza_ | i chowned and chmodded | 11:39 |
Psi-Jack | Lartza_: The PSP uses a non-standard method of communication through USB. It doesn't act like a drive, it doesn't use MTP. | 11:39 |
mrwes | Lartza_, do you have the directory structure setup PSP/VIDEOS/MUSIC etc? | 11:39 |
Lartza_ | mrwes: yes | 11:40 |
mrwes | hrmm.... | 11:40 |
mchelen | zetheroo, http://www.mythbuntu.org/installation_manual to start | 11:40 |
Lartza_ | and like i said chown or chmod didnt fix | 11:40 |
zetheroo | mchelen: thanks | 11:40 |
Psi-Jack | Lartza_: Ahhh, perhaps it was mounted by another user, or mounted read-only? | 11:40 |
=== karim is now known as Guest40367 | ||
kern | ardchoille i typed that in how do i know if it recognizes the flash plugin? i cant see it anywhere | 11:41 |
Lartza_ | i did something and now it works | 11:41 |
mrwes | Lartza_, you stick isn't locked is it? | 11:41 |
Lartza_ | it isnt | 11:41 |
Lartza_ | but works now | 11:41 |
Lartza_ | weird | 11:41 |
ardchoille | kern: the flash plugin will be listed among the other plugins there if it is recognized | 11:41 |
mrwes | shrug | 11:41 |
Guest40367 | hi my laptop stops suddenly can anyone tell if that hardware or software proplem | 11:41 |
mchelen | zetheroo, sure, also check http://www.mythbuntu.org/support and see the wiki and forum | 11:42 |
kern | ardchoille then i think it is not recognlized since i do not see it | 11:42 |
anothrguitarist | I'm trying to enable direct rendering on my intel x3100 graphics card. I tried doing it the other day without any luck | 11:42 |
Guest40367 | and this didnt happen in winxp | 11:42 |
anothrguitarist | Anyone want to help me try it again? | 11:42 |
ardchoille | kern: How did you install the plugin? | 11:42 |
=== someone is now known as Guest6087 | ||
Guest6087 | hi, anyone knows how to use bluetooth headset with intrepid? | 11:43 |
kern | ardchoille in firefox it said it wanted to install missing plugins | 11:43 |
billenium | !lamp | 11:43 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 11:43 |
bobbob1016 | vaxius, Just an update, spinrite did fix the drive. I was about to cancel it last night when it said a few hundred hours to fix it, but that was only for the first sector. It was at 14.9%+/- this morning, after I told it to continue after cooling, it shot right up to the 14.9%, and now I see data. Going to back it up now though. Thanks for the advice. | 11:43 |
ardchoille | kern: did you restart firefox? | 11:43 |
Guest6087 | hi, anyone knows how to use bluetooth headset with intrepid? | 11:44 |
anothrguitarist | I'm trying to enable direct rendering on my intel x3100 graphics card. I tried doing it the other day without any luck | 11:44 |
kern | ardchoille several times | 11:44 |
Guest6087 | hi, anyone knows how to use bluetooth headset with intrepid? | 11:44 |
bobbob1016 | !patience | Guest6087, | 11:44 |
ubottu | Guest6087,: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:44 |
ardchoille | kern: Ok, I can't help with that, since I don't install anything outside the repos and flash is in the repos. | 11:44 |
kern | ardchoille i will uninstall and reinstall inside the repo? | 11:45 |
ardchoille | !flash | kern | 11:45 |
ubottu | kern: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 11:45 |
ardchoille | kern: if you can uninstall if from firefox, try installing from the repos | 11:46 |
Psi-Jack | Oy.. Fricken sucks copying from XP->Vista for backup purposes. Soooooo sloooooow. | 11:46 |
Promille | anyone know where to find offical WINE help channel? | 11:46 |
Psi-Jack | Promille #winehq of course. | 11:47 |
Psi-Jack | Promille: here on Freenode, #wine forwards you there automagically. | 11:47 |
Kenny | Tiyowan... you still in the room?? | 11:48 |
Promille | ah.. didnt find anything on #wine you see^^ | 11:48 |
Psi-Jack | Promille: You wouldn't, because it doesn't exist, #wine forwards you to #winehq server-side. | 11:48 |
Promille | ok.. thanks :) | 11:49 |
Kenny | Does it look like I need to reinstall the driver to my sound card?? | 11:49 |
badawi | !pae | 11:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pae | 11:50 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Generally, sound "drivers" are built into the kernel or compiled as modules. | 11:50 |
Kenny | So did i mess it up by doing "killall pulseaudio:? | 11:50 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Was it working before? | 11:51 |
Kenny | Well actually it wasn't working before... I did that to try and make it work. | 11:51 |
Psi-Jack | Okay, pulseaudio is a sound mixing server. I'm not yet sure if Ubuntu is configured out-of-the-box to use it right now, but if so, usually it diverts all alsa sound sources to use pulseaudio instead of native. | 11:52 |
Kenny | Every release of Ubunt since Gutsy... speakers have always worked. Until Intrepid. They worked for a coupple weeks and then nothing. | 11:52 |
ruyi7952 | !cn | 11:52 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 11:52 |
Kenny | Just crackling. | 11:52 |
ruyi7952 | !cn | 11:52 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Have you used pulseaudio before? | 11:53 |
lxu | for me, the captured very weird. | 11:53 |
Kenny | No. | 11:53 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Then, try this, for curiosity if you're interested. Use the ubuntu package manager to uninstall pulseaudio, perhaps. | 11:53 |
Psi-Jack | The uninstallation of it may kick it back to native mode instead of pulse mode. | 11:53 |
anothrguitarist | I can't seem to get direct rendering to work with my intel card | 11:53 |
anothrguitarist | is it because compix is running? | 11:54 |
anothrguitarist | compiz* | 11:54 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: Most likely, yes. | 11:54 |
Kenny | Ok.. Do you think PulseAudio might be an issue with the sound? I'm doing it right now. | 11:54 |
anothrguitarist | How can I stop compiz? | 11:54 |
anothrguitarist | For good | 11:54 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Depends, really.. In the past I had a lot of trouble getting pulseaudio to do what I wanted, how I wanted, but that has been a long while back. | 11:54 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: Use adept to uninstall it, is one way. ;) | 11:55 |
anothrguitarist | :D | 11:55 |
Psi-Jack | Or synaptic, whatever it is now. | 11:55 |
emilien | anothrguitarist, sudo apt-get remove compiz | 11:55 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: Quick way though: | 11:55 |
emilien | i think its called compiz ? | 11:56 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: Right click on the desktop, and turn the graphics detail to the lowest setting. | 11:56 |
vimix | anothrguitarist, u want just stop it or remove it from ur system? | 11:57 |
anothrguitarist | I think I got rid of it... do I have to restart x? | 11:57 |
Kenny | Ok... uninstalled everything to to with PulseAudio. No sound. | 11:57 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: Well.. Yeah | 11:57 |
leiko | hello everybody, do you know an irc chat for NetBeans 6.5 specialazing in J2ME ? | 11:58 |
anothrguitarist | brb | 11:58 |
Psi-Jack | leiko: Umm, try #java? | 11:59 |
leiko | thx I'll try | 11:59 |
leiko | brb | 11:59 |
Kenny | Tiyowan: Removed everything that said pulseaudio. Hope that;s what I was supposed to do...lol | 11:59 |
ardchoille | cweet: This is the last time I'm going to ask this, please do not PM people without asking permission first. | 11:59 |
ronny | hi | 11:59 |
Kenny | hi | 11:59 |
anothrguitarist | Still no direct rendering | 11:59 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Hmm.. Just for curiosity, try rebooting, now, I hate to suggest that idea, but is is, in this case, an easier quick test. | 11:59 |
anothrguitarist | Bit at least I know that compiz won't cause problems | 12:00 |
ronny | in my system some starter links are left, so i have entires in the application menu that just fail cause the tool is allready uninstalled - is there any helper to fix that? | 12:00 |
anothrguitarist | But* | 12:00 |
Kenny | ok... here we go.. brb. | 12:00 |
AndreasMadrid | hi! | 12:00 |
Moradan | hello, I can't launch startx, the error messageis - http://paste.org.ru/?e7d5mw | 12:00 |
AndreasMadrid | how can i define shortcuts to write non-english characters? | 12:01 |
leiko | Psi-Jack, xchat is asking me to identifiate myself.. :( how can I do that ? | 12:01 |
Psi-Jack | leiko: /msg nickserv help | 12:01 |
leiko | Psi-Jack, thx a lot | 12:01 |
Hikefu | Does anyone here use pine or alpine? I've configured it with Gmail (without any problems), but when trying to select an address from the address book, I'm having problems. Some contacts have multiple addies, and I'm stuck with inserting both, then deleting the one I don't need. Is there a "right" way to do this apart from multiple entries? | 12:02 |
anothrguitarist | Anyone know how to find out the exact model of my graphics card? | 12:02 |
linny | newb question :) how does one place rtorrent in the background without killing the process ? | 12:02 |
kurrata | hi, i installed xfce(from grapish instaler) but when i try to launch it it hangs on loading, any idea what i did wrong? | 12:02 |
robin0800 | linny: lspci | 12:02 |
AndreasMadrid | how can i define shortcuts to write non-english characters? | 12:03 |
linny | robin0800, linny: lspci please explain :) | 12:03 |
robin0800 | open terminal and type lspci | 12:03 |
Acedip | the 'create a usb startup disk' option does not recognzie a external drive ? | 12:03 |
Psi-Jack | robin0800: Ummm. What's lspci got to do with rtorrent? | 12:04 |
linny | robin0800, that give me some sort of hardware list ? | 12:04 |
linny | Psi-Jack, good question | 12:04 |
robin0800 | linny: sorry wrong person | 12:04 |
Psi-Jack | heh | 12:04 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: lspci | 12:05 |
Psi-Jack | :) | 12:05 |
yagga | he knew that | 12:05 |
anothrguitarist | ty | 12:05 |
robin0800 | anothrguitarist: see answer to linny | 12:05 |
Psi-Jack | anothrguitarist: Alternatively, open the computer case and look. | 12:05 |
linny | pstree gives me process list bit i tried bg **** rtorrents process no and it didnt work | 12:05 |
Hikefu | Acedip: I couldn't get the usb startup disk to work. I saw that there were a lot of bugs, and instead I used Unetbootin | 12:05 |
Kohlrak | can anyone tell me why firefox seemingly goes to random addresses like www.xn--n8jw52q.com? | 12:05 |
linny | sorry i did ps _A | 12:05 |
linny | ps -A | 12:05 |
Acedip | Hikefu: i want to install a linux distro to my external disk, any suggestions ? | 12:06 |
Psi-Jack | Kohlrak: Perhaps a foreign plugin that's doing it. | 12:06 |
Ko_deZ | Hi. I have upgraded my server, and I am getting a fsck error every time I boot. I get "Failed to open the device 'UUID=ecdc2d1a-219c-40e3-aabd-6957f511c821': No such file or directory", which is wrong. That UUID is available in /dev/disk/by-uuid/, and the disk mounts cleanly. Any idea what could be causing this? | 12:06 |
Kenny | ok... I'm back. I have sounds!! I wonder what the problem is with pulseaudio. I don';t use it. Is there something conflicting there?? | 12:07 |
Kohlrak | Psi-Jack, that's what i was afraid of... but aside from the standard plugins with it, flash, and java, i don't have any plugins... i was hoping that it was something i was pressing on my keyboard or something and some one could tell me what it was. XD | 12:07 |
Hikefu | Acedip: as in an external hard drive? | 12:07 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: Good question. I don't like pulseaudio, until it actually does something useful, like auto-direct sound to a USB headset, when plugged in, but I could never get hotswapping working right. ;) | 12:07 |
Acedip | Hikefu: ya | 12:08 |
linny | Acedip: if its an extyernal drive just get alternate install cd and chose the disk you want to put it on as the external disk | 12:08 |
Psi-Jack | Kohlrak: Curious question then: | 12:08 |
Psi-Jack | Kohlrak: Does it seem to happen mostly when going BACK pages? | 12:08 |
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leiko | ++ all | 12:08 |
metalrellaprince | hey all! | 12:09 |
Kenny | Yeah... I don't know. Tiyowan. Thanks for the help. Psi-Jack: Thanks for the help. It is greatly appreciated. | 12:09 |
kurrata | hi, i installed xfce on my ubuntu 8.10 made .desktop file but when i try to launch it it hangs with such gray sun icon on top left corner, any idea what i could have done wrong? | 12:09 |
Kohlrak | Psi-Jack, not that i know of... However, since i have this laptop it's been occasionally surprising me by going back pages when i'm typing... I'm guessing it happens when i hit something on my keyboard when it's not in focus of a text box or something. | 12:09 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: No problem. Perhaps later if you're feeling resourceful, and could find need for something like PulseAudio, later you can try actually solving it, but for now, at least it's working as expected. | 12:09 |
Hikefu | Acedip: I did it once using the alternate install cd. It detected my USB drive and I instaled as I would to an internal. | 12:09 |
cimon | silly stupid etc. idiot question.. how do I as a regular punter decide whether I should go from the TLS to the newest version? | 12:10 |
Hikefu | Acedip: I'm not sure if it would differ on a live cd. | 12:10 |
Psi-Jack | Kohlrak: Check the keyboard layout settings you have setup, then, in that case. | 12:10 |
ardchoille | cimon: If you have no issues with the LTS version, stick with it, it's supported longer. | 12:10 |
Psi-Jack | Heh, LTS is decent for server usage. For desktop, eh... Not so much, IMHO. | 12:11 |
Kenny | Yeah... maybe I'll try fxing it some time. For now I'm gonna put a movie on and enjoy my sounds... :-D | 12:11 |
Kohlrak | Psi-Jack, should i just look in firefoxes or any other desktop settings as well (incase of a go to URL in clipboard shortcut)? | 12:11 |
linny | cimon> the 8.10 is very stable but if you have a working 8.04 why bother changing if it aint broke dont fix it thats what i say | 12:11 |
Psi-Jack | linny: Software versions. | 12:11 |
Psi-Jack | linny: LTS doesn't keep the latest software versions. Only mostly bugfixes for existing software. | 12:11 |
linny | <Psi-Jack> i see | 12:12 |
ardchoille | Psi-Jack: That's true for all Ubuntu releases, we only get bug fixes and security updates, usually | 12:12 |
Neaai | Hi. I have a fresh 8.10 installation on a system that had previously 8.04. I have noticed that /etc/network/interfaces contains only the "lo" interface. Changing ip addresses, routing, etc from the nm-applet top-right behaves funny and sometimes the settings are not applied. I wonder what was the reason for emptying /etc/network/interfaces and straying away from this debian inherited standard? | 12:13 |
cimon | okay, to complexify it a bit. Let us assume I was going to install a ubuntu onto a machine that I would update now via the net, but would have to spend most of the time without net connection, just off-line work of a normal computer.. What would you put on it? LTS or the newest stuff atm. ? | 12:13 |
Psi-Jack | ardchoille: Hence, why distribution upgrading could get you the later stuff. | 12:13 |
Kenny | Psi-Jack: Not to bug you with irrelevent questions... but how much do you know about Ubuntu and how long did it take you to get there?? What steps did you take?? | 12:13 |
Neaai | Where is the ip/interface information stored ? | 12:13 |
Psi-Jack | cweet: Don't /msg me. | 12:13 |
Acedip | Hikefu: so when u install it on a external drive, its the actual installation and not the live usb thingy ? | 12:13 |
Psi-Jack | Kenny: I have been using Linux since just a little before version 1.0 was FINALLY released. ;) | 12:13 |
Elizeu | #imperatriz | 12:14 |
Psi-Jack | Elizeu: No thanks. | 12:14 |
Elizeu | alguem de imperatriz | 12:14 |
linny | so ... could anyone help me figure out how to make rtorrent switch to the bg without killing the proc ? | 12:14 |
Psi-Jack | linny: Is rtorrent a GUI or CLI ? | 12:14 |
linny | cli | 12:15 |
djo | ai........ | 12:15 |
Psi-Jack | linny: Just run it with rtorrent & then | 12:15 |
Kenny | Oh... ok. Well much thanks to you PSI-JACK & TIYOWAN. I'll probably see ya'll around a little more. Take care. | 12:15 |
cimon | Is there ever an issue with | 12:15 |
* Psi-Jack nods. | 12:15 | |
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linny | <Psi-Jack> but once i get it back to fg i cannot put it back to bg if you get my drift | 12:15 |
djo | alowwwwwww | 12:16 |
cimon | ... the non LTS version having fresh problems? | 12:16 |
Psi-Jack | linny: Sounds like you need a better program. | 12:16 |
linny | hehe | 12:16 |
cimon | I don't know what the word is in english. | 12:16 |
linny | rtorrent is higly regarded i think its just me missing somthing :) | 12:16 |
Psi-Jack | I never even HEARD of it, so obviously not that well regarded. ;) | 12:16 |
Neaai | Why is /etc/network/interfaces empty in 8.10 ? | 12:16 |
cimon | I mean problems having to do with not so many eyes or testing... in the early days. | 12:17 |
dimitris01 | hello | 12:17 |
dimitris01 | why when i use wine my screen is flickering? | 12:18 |
=== C405129` is now known as C405129 | ||
Gandhi | Yo. I'm having trouble connecting to a wireless WPA network on Ubuntu 8.10 using a (ZD1211B)IEE80211 wireless adaptor. I have no access to a wired network or any other adaptor, so any help needs to take this into considertion (ie something I could download from another system and then transfer to Ubuntu. | 12:18 |
Ko_deZ | Hi. I have upgraded my server, and I am getting a fsck error every time I boot. I get "Failed to open the device 'UUID=ecdc2d1a-219c-40e3-aabd-6957f511c821': No such file or directory", which is wrong. That UUID is available in /dev/disk/by-uuid/, and the disk mounts cleanly. Any idea what could be causing this? | 12:18 |
linny | dimitris01, you could run winecfg and play with the graphics settings | 12:19 |
dimitris01 | so expalin what configuratin may i do? | 12:19 |
dimitris01 | linny | 12:19 |
cimon | From the general to the specific. Anyone here involved with Integrated Library Systems=? | 12:19 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | hey guys which repo is tremulous in? | 12:20 |
Psi-Jack | ohletmeinnowgodd: universe, likely. | 12:21 |
hateball | !info tremulous | 12:21 |
ubottu | tremulous (source: tremulous): Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-4.1build1 (intrepid), package size 659 kB, installed size 1540 kB | 12:21 |
Psi-Jack | Ahh, multiverse | 12:21 |
linny | <dimitris01> type winecfg in the terminal then chose the graphics tab then just try some settings that suit you they wont really break it just trial and error to see if it solves your problem ? | 12:21 |
Psi-Jack | I was close. ;) | 12:21 |
Kenny | Gandhi: If im right that is a USB Wireless Adapter.. right? | 12:21 |
linny | what prog are you having the prob with | 12:22 |
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kurrata | hi, i installed xfce on my ubuntu made .desktop file but when i try to launch it it hangs with such gray sun icon on top left corner, any idea what i could have done wrong? | 12:22 |
ohletmeinnowgodd | cool | 12:22 |
TheFuzzball | Does anyone know what is wrong with a hard drive that has Ubuntu and windows partitions and both OSes boot, but in GPartEd and Partition Magic the entire HDD shows up as unallocated space? | 12:23 |
rambo298 | is there an app to control the sound volume? i don't see one ... | 12:23 |
Psi-Jack | rambo298: There are many. | 12:24 |
rambo298 | Ummmm all i need is one | 12:24 |
TheFuzzball | Psi-Jack, alsamixer :) | 12:24 |
linny | <TheFuzzball> very strange ? are you sure your looking at the right disk and are you running gparted with the correct permissions ? | 12:25 |
Kenny | GANDHI: The right driver for your wireless adapter is zd1211b. That should get it to work. Google it and get the driver. | 12:25 |
Psi-Jack | rambo298: As TheFuzzball said: alsamixer | 12:25 |
TheFuzzball | linny, surely, there is no chance that I got it wrong. | 12:25 |
rambo298 | if alsamixer says dB gain=-9.00, -9.00 does that mean the volume is maxed? | 12:27 |
alx88 | ubuntu-it | 12:27 |
Psi-Jack | rambo298: man alsamixer | 12:27 |
rambo298 | yah i should have done that txs for ur help | 12:27 |
linny | <TheFuzzball google an app called testdisk its good for fixing drives maybe that will help you ? http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk | 12:27 |
TheFuzzball | linny, Actually, I have a feeling that that is what broke it in the first place :) | 12:28 |
=== Moradan__ is now known as Moradan | ||
linny | TheFuzzball, its not just for recovery it can fix mbrs restore corrupt partitions and even deleted ones | 12:28 |
buntoaster | is there a web page that has a list of commands and what they do for terminal? | 12:28 |
linny | <buntoaster> http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/linuxcommand.org/ is good for beginners | 12:29 |
Psi-Jack | buntoaster: ls /bin; ls /sbin; ls /usr/bin; ls /usr/sbin, man each one youw ant to know about. | 12:29 |
TheFuzzball | buntoaster, do, ls /bin && ls /sbin for a list of basic commands | 12:29 |
ardchoille | !terminal | buntoaster | 12:30 |
ubottu | buntoaster: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 12:30 |
dicapo | so, ubuntu select wrong usb speed for connected usb flash drive. high speed (12 mbps) instead of full speed (480 mbps). what's up? | 12:30 |
Kenny | BUNTOASTER== Try this for beginner. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=990636 | 12:30 |
Moradan | hello, i can't startx - there is an error (http://paste.ubuntu.com/84761/ - my xorg.conf and xorg.0.log), I've tried "fc-cache -fv" but nothing has changed | 12:31 |
TheFuzzball | Moradan, have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 12:31 |
Moradan | TheFuzzball, with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" - I generated my xorg.conf | 12:32 |
buntoaster | linny: ty because i am a beginner. I put this shuttle computer together and just want it for linux(ubuntu). heck it doesnt even have a cd rom drive lol | 12:32 |
TheFuzzball | Moradan, it was working at some point though? | 12:33 |
linny | <buntoaster>you could make a persistant live usb to boot from | 12:33 |
buntoaster | ty fuzzball,ardchoille thanks | 12:34 |
calliope_ | Hello, im trying to do an upgrade to 7.10 from the Update Manager but the process always chokes on could not download all repository indexes. I have changed the sources dozens of times to find one that will get all the indexes but no success. What Should I do to deal with such a problem?? | 12:34 |
stefg | buntoaster: then you are a candidate for a usb-stick install.. i'd make a bootable netinst usb stick and do a net-install | 12:34 |
Moradan | TheFuzzball, I have removed xserver and then installed it again with openbox - after that I haven't yet started it | 12:35 |
Kenny | Callope:: Are you downloading from the Ubuntu servers or from a Mirror?? | 12:35 |
buntoaster | linny: i tryed to put the live disk on a 2gig flash drive but it was an EPIC failure lol. I didnt have a spare sata drive , so i took out my cd rom drive and used ata drive instead | 12:35 |
diffred | anyone can help me with shell? | 12:36 |
TheFuzzball | Moradan, hmm, you might try using a backup xorg.conf from /etc/X11/ | 12:36 |
buntoaster | linny: then i booted from a usb cd rom adapter to get it on hard drive | 12:36 |
ardchoille | diffred: What do you need? | 12:36 |
linny | <buntoaster> isee so you have ubuntu installed now :) cool | 12:36 |
diffred | I have "find . -name '*.pdf' | xargs evince", I mainly want to find all pdf files of a folder and open them with evince | 12:37 |
Moradan | TheFuzzball, I have no backup | 12:37 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | Ok, Im really confused. I have had Firefox 3 running since it came out. Did an update today (Ubuntu said I had 30+ updates) and suddenly im back to running firefox 2.14, but in synaptec manager, it says the install version is 3.04....HELP! | 12:37 |
diffred | it doesn't work, I only have one pdf file and opens like 30 evince's windows | 12:37 |
TheFuzzball | Moradan, crap, have you tried installing the fglrx driver? | 12:38 |
TheFuzzball | Moradan, if you do that then run sudo aticonfig -a --initial it could fix it. | 12:38 |
ardchoille | diffred: do you have many .pdf files in subdirectories of the dir you're working in? | 12:38 |
diffred | ardchoille: just 2 | 12:39 |
ardchoille | diffred: the "find" app recurses subdirs too with that command | 12:39 |
buntoaster | linny: yes i am still learning. I gave up i while back cause i got frustrated and no one wanted to help | 12:39 |
calliope_ | ok so I run the upgrade manager and I get this Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.mirror.rafal.ca/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 12:39 |
diffred | ardchoille: no problem, I just have 2 pdf files in my HD | 12:39 |
ttt-- | hi, whats an easy way to send a file between 2 computers with ubuntu installed? | 12:40 |
buntoaster | linny: i would like to get the restricted drivers installed for my 8500gt card though | 12:40 |
calliope_ | really stuck on this. is there some other way I can get the files downloaded? | 12:40 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | Ok, Im really confused. I have had Firefox 3 running since it came out. Did an update today (Ubuntu said I had 30+ updates) and suddenly im back to running firefox 2.14, but in synaptec manager, it says the install version is 3.04....can anyone help me? | 12:40 |
kj4hzw | ttt--, ssh | 12:40 |
ttt-- | kj4hzw, whats the command for sending the file once im in ssh? | 12:40 |
calliope_ | ttt--: I recommend man ssh for the sharp details to be on your own screen | 12:41 |
ttt-- | ok, thanks | 12:41 |
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ardchoille | ttt--: also: man scp | 12:42 |
koptein | hi | 12:42 |
eeboy | I am looking through my auth.log and I can see that my SSH server is getting hammered with login attempts. How concerned should I be? | 12:42 |
kurrata | hi, i installed xfce on my ubuntu made .desktop file but when i try to launch it it hangs with such gray sun icon on top left corner, any idea what i could have done wrong? | 12:42 |
buntoaster | linny: got any idea how to reverse the damage if the restricted drivers don't work after restart and no gnome? | 12:42 |
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linny | <buntoaster> you can start in terminal mode to reinstall the orirganal drivers | 12:44 |
linny | <buntoaster> use the sessions button on the gdm | 12:44 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | Ok, Im really confused. I have had Firefox 3 running since it came out. Did an update today (Ubuntu said I had 30+ updates) and suddenly im back to running firefox 2.14, but in synaptec manager, it says the install version is 3.04....can anyone help? | 12:44 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: which ubuntu version are you running? | 12:45 |
buntoaster | linny: would there be an accessible backup ? | 12:45 |
petcube | is there a tool i can use to monitor the total throughput of my bandwidth? | 12:45 |
stefg | !version | Blade_Wizard_Fal | 12:45 |
ubottu | Blade_Wizard_Fal: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 12:45 |
naamloos | hey what is a good 8051 programming environment for linux? | 12:45 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | 8.04 | 12:45 |
petcube | or a program | 12:46 |
shayan | dear all I have a problem logging in my gnome system, I'm typing this from another computer, it's keyboard language is wrong and I can't fix it. anybody have any idea? | 12:46 |
linny | <buntoaster> i think if you go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf there will be a line in that called Driver: try changin it to fglrx | 12:46 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: Hmm.... i think your package manager might be confused. I'd save the firefox profile and completely purge all firefox-packages and then reinstall them. you might have some obscure meta-package that pullt firefox 2 in | 12:47 |
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shayan | any body helping? | 12:48 |
petcube | is there a tool i can use to monitor the total throughput of my bandwidth? | 12:48 |
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psypher246 | hi all, has anyone gotten the new intrepid feuture "create usb startup disk" to work. all mine seems to do after i choose the iso and usb disk is say "starting up" should i just forget about it wait till they make it work right and use unetbootin instead? | 12:49 |
buntoaster | linny: gnome is working good now but i cant run little games and such . | 12:49 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: just did that, now, i get this error when trying to open firefox: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory) | 12:49 |
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linny | burntoaster what graphics card do you have ? | 12:50 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox should give you a working firefox 3... | 12:50 |
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=== AdamM is now known as Adam_M | ||
buntoaster | linny: a cheap PNY 8500gt (nvidia) 256mb ram ddr2 | 12:51 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: and make sure that the firefox-2 metapackage isn't installed | 12:51 |
petcube | is there a tool i can use to monitor the total throughput of my bandwidth? | 12:51 |
linny | <buntoaster> 1 sec let me see | 12:51 |
buntoaster | linny my system is a shuttle SN27p2 with brisbane 2.1 gig duel core processor 1 gig ram | 12:52 |
lianimator | any program to create vector animation? | 12:52 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: got this error: | 12:52 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 12:52 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 12:52 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: close synaptic... only one package mnager at a time please | 12:52 |
KRF | lianimator, inkscape | 12:52 |
psypher246 | lianimator: i was looking at thast a while ago dto do free flash animations, there are some stuff out there just google it | 12:52 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | ok | 12:53 |
psypher246 | KRF: does inkskape do animation? | 12:53 |
lianimator | KRF: downloading inkscape right now, it has animation? cool | 12:53 |
Adam_M | Hello, trying to install 8.04 on Parallels on OS X and having screen resolution issues. I've put a custom xorg.conf in place. The login screen displays well, up to full-screen size. But once logged in, the display shows scan lines all over the place as though the sync frequency is off. Can anyone help? | 12:53 |
linny | <buntoaster> and the reccomended drivers dont work ? | 12:53 |
gnubie | shayan; have you tried System > Preferences > Keyboard layouts? | 12:53 |
shayan | gnubie, I can't login in X | 12:54 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: still no good | 12:54 |
AzizLight | hi everybody | 12:54 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: so what's the error message | 12:54 |
moDumass | hey does anyone know how to add 1440x900@60 to my xorg.conf, becuase i have added it but my machine doesnt recognise it | 12:55 |
psypher246 | inkskape is awesome but not sure if it does animation | 12:55 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | no, i mean it says it installed it, but i still get the "Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)" error when i try to open it | 12:55 |
marc-andre | hiho | 12:55 |
marc-andre | how can i see in the console where to a file is linked | 12:55 |
jrib | !x > moDumass | 12:55 |
ubottu | moDumass, please see my private message | 12:55 |
jrib | marc-andre: readlink | 12:55 |
buntoaster | linny: There is a proprietary driver available. so i assume there is not one installed. i am scared to try to use it. reely scared. | 12:55 |
Psi-Jack | Curious question, is there an ATI utility for linux that can overclock the X1600? ;) | 12:55 |
jrib | marc-andre: or: ls -l | 12:55 |
AzizLight | I have a little...concern: I will install kubuntu on a seperate partition and I will use the same home folder as ubuntu. The thing is, if I do that kubuntu is going to use the same config files as ubuntu, the ones that are in my home folder, right? | 12:55 |
naamloos | is there a 8051 programming interface in ubuntu | 12:56 |
linny | <buntoaster> yea use that one it should work fine | 12:56 |
jrib | AzizLight: yes, but why are you doing that? Why not just install the kubuntu-desktop package on your ubuntu insntall? | 12:56 |
lxu | does anyone know why the alxamixer always back to mute on recording tab, even set it on? | 12:56 |
buntoaster | linny: so enable it? | 12:56 |
marc-andre | jrib: that i know, i'm looking for the other way around, i linked a file, but don't know anymore where the symlink is | 12:56 |
naamloos | lxu: do alsaconfig en tryagain | 12:57 |
linny | <buntoaster> yes then reboot | 12:57 |
jrib | marc-andre: you are looking for symlinks that link to a file? You can't... other than searching your filesystem | 12:57 |
marc-andre | :( | 12:57 |
AzizLight | jrib: I already did that, there are some minor conflicts, nothing important, and I want to try a clean kde install without anything in it | 12:57 |
lxu | naamloos: how to do that? | 12:57 |
recon69 | anyone know why I would have a eth0:avahi network device ? | 12:57 |
buntoaster | linny: ok i will click enable. If i am not back you know it epicly failed lol | 12:57 |
linny | lol it will be fine | 12:58 |
buntoaster | brb | 12:58 |
moDumass | thanks, yeh um, ive posted my xorg.conf file if anyone can see my error please point it out..http://pastebin.com/m7dca28c8 | 12:58 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: i'd try 'sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox* && sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0' ... that will do a complete reinstallation of firefox 3. To make sure there is no zombie process of firefox spoiling everything log out and back in afterwards and try again | 12:58 |
jrib | AzizLight: create a new user to see if it's your user's config's fault | 12:58 |
naamloos | lxu: do sudo alsaconfig in terminal | 12:58 |
AzizLight | jrib: the thing is: I do want to share my home folder but I'de rather not share my config files accross the two installs | 12:58 |
Psi-Jack | AzizLight: KDE doesn't share it's config with Gnome. | 12:59 |
buntoaster | linny: its downloading files i am scared and no one here to hold me lol | 12:59 |
lxu | naamloos: it said command not found. | 12:59 |
linny | <buntoaster> lmao | 12:59 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: and to make sure to download the packages again do a 'sudop apt-get clean' before to flush the package cache | 13:00 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: and to make sure to download the packages again do a'sudo apt-get clean' | 13:00 |
AzizLight | Psi-Jack: wait so when I will install kubuntu and create my new user I will have my gnome user folder and my kde user folder and they won't share anything basically (unless the two users have the same name in which case everything is going to be overwritter). Am I wrong? | 13:00 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: ok, wierd. It removes Firefox (or says it does) but then when it attempts to install it, it says its already the newest version (implying its already there....) CONFUSED!! | 13:00 |
Psi-Jack | AzizLight: KDE and Gnome do /not/ share configuration files. Period. | 13:00 |
ardchoille | AzizLight: you can have gnome and kde installed on the same box and use the same home dir, they write configs to different folders | 13:01 |
Psi-Jack | AzizLight: KDE uses .kde and Gnome uses .gnome | 13:01 |
marcel | hi | 13:01 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: did you do anything unusual with the system? ... 3rd party repos for swiftfox or other stupid things? | 13:02 |
Psi-Jack | AzizLight: The only thing they share, is not because of KDE nor Gnome, but because of Ubuntu's package management system, is the menus. | 13:02 |
AzizLight | Psi-Jack: I'm talking about the user config files, like .bashrc etc | 13:02 |
Psi-Jack | AzizLight: KDE nor Gnome use .bashrc. bash does. | 13:02 |
naamloos | lxu: i see that its not inplemented in 8.10 anymore | 13:02 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | i had swift fox a while back, but got rid of it... | 13:02 |
ardchoille | AzizLight: kde and gnome can co-exist in the same home dir without problems :) | 13:02 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: check your sources.list ... | 13:03 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | how? | 13:03 |
lxu | naamloos: what to do now? do you know hot to fix it, please? | 13:03 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: 'Software Sources' in the 'System-Admin' menu. | 13:04 |
AzizLight | Psi-Jack, ardchoille : ok thanks a lot, going to install kubuntu now :) | 13:04 |
puneeth | MAYDAY... i have packages on update manager which says that they cannot be updated... what should i do? | 13:04 |
ardchoille | AzizLight: you have ubuntu on that machine now? | 13:04 |
moDumass | jrib, yeh thatnks, um, i know what xorg.conf is, mines broken | 13:04 |
jrib | moDumass: the link ubottu gave you includes documentation for adding resolutions to your xorg.conf | 13:05 |
djbeenie | hey guys..anyone know the plugin that docs at the bottom...looks like a doc? | 13:05 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: ok, and what am i looking for here? | 13:05 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: or pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list to !pastebin to lez me have a look | 13:05 |
AzizLight | ardchoille: well im connected on my mac atm but I do have ubuntu on my desptop which is like 45 degres to the left | 13:05 |
moDumass | jrib, yep, im saying thanks, its those docs that have me posting the question i did | 13:05 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: 3rd party repos for swiftfox | 13:06 |
ardchoille | AzizLight: if you want kde on that ubuntu machine, it's as easy as: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 13:06 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: none | 13:06 |
stefg | !sources | 13:06 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 13:06 |
kristian_ | i have ubuntu-desktop 8.10 + all updates. after a reboot/or whenever i switch my computer on, i have to manually login on the computer, i can't ssh to it, before i have logged in and then logged out again. the reason being it doesn't connect to wlan before manual login, is there a way to make it connect to added wireless on startup? i've tried editing the wireless, but it simply won't remember my settings, i read a bit on the inet and fou | 13:06 |
AzizLight | ardchoille: you're the third person to give me that advice ;) I already did that yesterday, but now I want a clean KDE install and in the end I might even completely replace gnome by kde (on the next *buntu release probably) | 13:07 |
puneeth | correction, i have packages on update manager which says that they cannot be authenticated... what should i do? | 13:08 |
ardchoille | AzizLight: Ah, ok | 13:08 |
AzizLight | ardchoille: thanks for the advice tho :) | 13:08 |
ardchoille | yw :) | 13:08 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: back up your sources.list, and use a | 13:09 |
puneeth | AzizLight, Gnome is lesser intense on your CPU, but KDE is awesome... | 13:09 |
puneeth | correction, i have packages on update manager which says that they cannot be authenticated... what should i do? | 13:09 |
puneeth | correction, i have packages on update manager which says that they cannot be authenticated... what should i do? | 13:09 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: back up your sources.list, and use default one , read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto?action=show&redirect=AptGetHowto and uninstall/reinstall firfox once again | 13:09 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: would love to read that, but firefox wont open...given the error i now get after trying to re0install.. | 13:10 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: looks like to repositories are fighting for control over your firefox packages, or your dpkg-database is corrupt | 13:10 |
Try_Hard_Go_Pro | hi guys can u help me a little with skype in dsl? | 13:10 |
moDumass | im off, jrib, everyone thanks thus far, il look over it again in the morning, noob eyes i guess | 13:11 |
ardchoille | Blade_Wizard_Fal: Can you pastebin your sources.list? I'm curious now | 13:11 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser will give you a browser | 13:11 |
linny | <Try_Hard_Go_Pro> ask your question if we can we will help | 13:11 |
biotrox | hi guys, what is the s/w besides vlc that i can use to take a picture from my webcam? | 13:12 |
linny | biotrox> cheese | 13:13 |
Try_Hard_Go_Pro | linny: well when i log in i don't have any contacts in my contact list.when i add someone it appears in the list but still can't chat.i want just to chat. | 13:13 |
biotrox | oke linny thanks | 13:13 |
linny | biotrox> sudo apt-get install cheese | 13:13 |
goog | Hey People! This is a question for you 8.04 and 8.10 users: does "nautilus ftp://user:pass@domain.com" work for you? It worked for me before i updated to 8.04. Is ftp/nautils broken in Ubuntu 8.04? | 13:13 |
rambo298 | any suggestions for apps to extract mp2 tracks from mp4, then convert to cda | 13:13 |
biotrox | i'm here to help also if anybody have a question just shoot, but now i have to AFK for a bit | 13:13 |
Try_Hard_Go_Pro | linny: well when i log in i don't have any contacts in my contact list.when i add someone it appears in the list but still can't chat.i want just to chat. | 13:14 |
linny | <Try_Hard_Go_Pro> ive never used skype mate but keep asking someone will help | 13:15 |
Try_Hard_Go_Pro | dreams... | 13:15 |
Try_Hard_Go_Pro | :D | 13:15 |
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin | ||
serengeti | hi, is it possible to have one screen working at 1024x768 and another at 1280x1024? I've plugged an external lcd to my laptop but the correct resolution doesn't show up in monitor res settings | 13:16 |
jrib | goog: gnome switched to gvfs in 8.04 so I assume that may be why. I don't have an ftp to test though | 13:16 |
nnull | serengeti¬ yea, but im pretty sure the 2nd monitor gets frame buffered to 1280 (which shouldnt matter for what your using it for most probably) | 13:17 |
PeskyJ | to install a mozilla plugin (flash 64-bit) I found stuff saying to put the library in ~/.mozilla/plugins, is there an equivalent directory for all users to get the plugin? | 13:17 |
mnel | serengeti: I've done something similar, but it can depend on the kind of graphics card you have. | 13:17 |
goog | jrib: just put "nautilus ftp:://a:b@ubuntu.com" in your shell. what happens? | 13:17 |
jrib | PeskyJ: ignore that. Just install the flashplugin-nonfree package from the multiverse repository using your favorite package manager | 13:17 |
serengeti | nnull, it probably wouldn't matter much | 13:17 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | ardchoille: i just posted to pastebin | 13:17 |
mon^rch | what would be the proper syntax to recursively rename *.jpg to cover.jpg? | 13:17 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: i just posted my sources list to pastebin | 13:18 |
_RadioHead | anyone can help me ? for samba? | 13:18 |
nnull | serengeti¬ yea like i said for 90% of users they wont even notice i wouldn't think | 13:18 |
jrib | goog: Could not display "ftp:///:/a:b@ubuntu.com". Error: No hostname specified Please select another viewer and try again. | 13:18 |
WIGGMPk | PeskyJ: ubuntu-restricted-extras will prolly be useful too dont you think jrib? it includes flash | 13:18 |
serengeti | mnel, it's an old radeon mobility (ati driver) | 13:18 |
jrib | WIGGMPk: sure | 13:18 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: you need to give us the url | 13:18 |
jrib | _RadioHead: best to just ask the channel your question. If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you | 13:18 |
_RadioHead | i want to install linux server and configure samba BUT shared folder need to be read and write BUT no delete even owner | 13:18 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | http://pastebin.com/me58ea9c | 13:18 |
PeskyJ | jrib: I thionk I just uninstalled that, it's the 32-bit version and doesn't play nice in 64-bit firefox (mostly works but flickers a lot and some stuff doesn't work properly at all) | 13:18 |
_RadioHead | jrib: thx man | 13:18 |
stefg | !pastebin | Blade_Wizard_Fal | 13:19 |
ubottu | Blade_Wizard_Fal: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:19 |
nnull | WIGGMPk¬ installing the adobe flash 10 deb was the only way ive been able to get flash working with 100% consistancy so far. | 13:19 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | sorry...been a long night | 13:19 |
goog | jrib: you really typed "nautilus ftp://a:b@ubuntu.com" ? | 13:19 |
mnel | serengeti: are you using the commercial or open source driver? | 13:19 |
jrib | goog: yes... | 13:19 |
serengeti | mnel, open source | 13:19 |
ghaleb | hello, I'm using ubuntu, I noticed unexplained traffic, using iptraf I saw my port is 32835 but I can't find it on netstat to determine which process uses this port, any help ? | 13:19 |
goog | jrib: because thats yet ANOTHER error messages that i never saw on any machine. which ubuntu version? | 13:19 |
WIGGMPk | nnull: i have never had a problem installing/using the one distributed with "ubuntu-restricted-extras" or just using "flashplugin-nonfree" by itself | 13:19 |
PeskyJ | jrib: WIGGMPk I want to try the 64-bit alpha to see if it gets on better | 13:19 |
jrib | goog: ah no. I copied what you pasted which had a typo. Let me try again | 13:19 |
_RadioHead | jrib: any solution? or best to use ftp? as upload/get and edit files? | 13:20 |
nnull | WIGGMPk¬ do you use compiz? | 13:20 |
WIGGMPk | nnull: since Fiesty Fawn | 13:20 |
goog | EVERYBODY with ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10: Could you please try "nautilus ftp://a:b@ubuntu.com" and tell me the result? Thanks. | 13:20 |
WIGGMPk | nnull: running Intrepid Ibex now amd64 build.. never had a problem | 13:20 |
goog | Is there somebody with ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10 here? Could you please try "nautilus ftp://a:b@ubuntu.com" and tell me the result? Thanks. | 13:20 |
jrib | goog: when I do 'nautilus ftp://a:b@ubuntu.com': Could not display "ftp://a:b@ubuntu.com/", because the host could not be found. Check that the spelling is correct and that your proxy settings are correct. | 13:20 |
WIGGMPk | nnull: flash is a fickle thing though.. I see many complain about it, and many not having a problem. | 13:21 |
nnull | WIGGMPk¬ ahh, well i found on 8.04.1 with flashnon-free it would sometimes be fussy on javascript fullscreen applets, and not load them properly | 13:21 |
mnel | sergenti: hrm, that might be tougher. It's been a while since I've had an ATI card in my linux box. There's some instructions for the commercial driver here: http://www.linuxine.com/2008/06/how-to-enable-dual-monitors-with-ati-diplay-card-in-linux.html | 13:21 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: the sourceslist | 13:21 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: what about it? | 13:21 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: the sources.list is alright... just the usual repos | 13:21 |
jrib | PeskyJ: uninstall flashplugin-nonfree and copy the libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ then | 13:21 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: ok....then now what? | 13:22 |
jrib | _RadioHead: I don't know if you can set permissions on samba like that. Try #samba | 13:22 |
PeskyJ | nnull: WIGGMPk: my kids like to play club penguin a lot and my son was just actually crying because on this machine (64-bit) he can't play it properly - I don't want them to have bad experiences with a free OS ;) | 13:22 |
serengeti | mnel, thanks | 13:22 |
WIGGMPk | goog: besides the GTK warning about my theme, i return the same result "...because the host could not be found." 8.10 amd64 here | 13:23 |
mnel | serengeti: actually, have you seen this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 13:23 |
goog | WIGGMPk: ok, thanks. | 13:23 |
_RadioHead | jrib: as i know no coz permissions works different on unix/like systems but thought any twik , i don`t want to tell them i can`t do this on linux coz they already have windows server ... | 13:23 |
WIGGMPk | PeskyJ: what flash did you have installed previously when they tried to play? | 13:23 |
jrib | goog: if I do 'nautilus ftp://a:b@ftp.ubuntu.com ', I am prompted for a password | 13:24 |
goog | jrib: aha! | 13:24 |
brianherman | i just use the standard flash player | 13:24 |
goog | jrib: so you cannot provide passwords via commandline anymore? hmmm... | 13:24 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: but since it is an upgraded system it might be a late consequence of some broken upgrade.... it's hard to tell what's wrong without access to your box. look in /usr/bin if there is a file 'firefox' | 13:24 |
mnel | serengeti: actually, never mind, that doesn't actually say anything about setting up dual head. | 13:24 |
serengeti | mnel, my card is a radeon m6 ly (something like radeon 7000) and it's not really supported by the newer drivers | 13:24 |
PeskyJ | WIGGMPk: it was the one installed by the Add/Remove tool - after enabling the non-free repos | 13:24 |
WIGGMPk | goog: i tried what jrib wrote and i get prompted for a pwd too | 13:24 |
serengeti | mnel, thanks anyway ;) | 13:25 |
goog | WIGGMPk,jrib: ok. in older versions of ubuntu it was possible to pass the username and password like i described. I wonder how its done nowadays. | 13:25 |
WIGGMPk | PeskyJ: that is most likely the same.. | 13:25 |
bingungaja | i can't update my openoffice, help me pls, http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/3951/update1vd7.th.png and http://img604.imageshack.us/content.php?page=blogpost&files=img84/4370/update2ah0.png | 13:25 |
jrib | goog: it's probably not implemented in gvfs yet. Check for a bug | 13:25 |
WIGGMPk | PeskyJ: try removing it and reinstalling it (but purge the config files) "sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree" | 13:26 |
Hisham | Chao everyone!! What is my USB drive named when i plug it in /dev?? | 13:26 |
mnel | serengeti: yeah, I used to have an old radeon for a while in my htpc. I eventually had to give up on it as the TV out mysteriously stopped working after an upgrade with no remedy. | 13:26 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: yes, there is a firefox file there... | 13:26 |
jrib | PeskyJ: there are several. You may not be using flashplugin-nonfree at all... | 13:26 |
goog | jrib: damn, so is there a way to revert back to an old version of nautilus? | 13:26 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: so when you explicitly run /usr/bin/firefox from a terminal? | 13:27 |
jrib | goog: no. My guess is it's not nautilus anyway but gvfs | 13:27 |
PeskyJ | jrib: when I right-clicked in it and did "about flash player 10" it would go to the adobe site.. does that mean it was the non-free version? | 13:27 |
jrib | PeskyJ: yes | 13:27 |
goog | jrib: yes, but it worked with ubuntu 7. and now i have no way to access ftp servers anymore :( | 13:27 |
kileymonster | Hi guys, just a little question, I have Windows on a seperate HD on my PC, I wanted to know if it was possible to boot in to this from say vmware or another program without actually rebooting my PC if that makes sence, not sure if its possible to do or not? | 13:27 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: "no such file or directory" | 13:28 |
jrib | goog: file -> connect to server or just input your password doesn't work? | 13:28 |
bingungaja | i can't update my openoffice, help me pls, http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/3951/update1vd7.th.png and http://img604.imageshack.us/content.php?page=blogpost&files=img84/4370/update2ah0.png | 13:28 |
balau | Hisham, I have it as another hard disk partition: /dev/sdc1. That's because I have already /dev/sda and /dev/sdb | 13:28 |
serengeti | mnel, I actually got tv out to work on radeon 7500 with the open source driver and intrepid, had to use some xrandr command I don't remember at the moment ;) | 13:28 |
Hisham | balau: hmmm.. But does it get any specific name as its a usb device?? | 13:29 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: quite strange .... i suspect this is not a firefox problem, but might indicate some other problem in your system | 13:29 |
djbeenie | anyone know of a good doc bar to install? | 13:29 |
goog | jrib: might work but would be a shitload of work. since i use many servers. its all automated via shellscripts that do "nautilus ftp://user:pass@host" | 13:29 |
vimix | djbeenie, try AWN | 13:29 |
balau | Hisham, it automatically mounts itself on /media/disk, but apart from that the new device files are /dev/sdc for the entire disk and /dev/sdc1 for the FAT partition | 13:30 |
mnel | serengeti: yeah, I screwed around with it for a while. It was a really odd card. It came out of an old gateway machine and the windows ATI drivers wouldn't recognize it because it was rebadged by gateway. | 13:30 |
vimix | djbeenie, did u mean dock bar? | 13:30 |
brianherman | kileymonster: you can use http://tinyurl.com/5jje7f | 13:30 |
kristian_ | i have ubuntu-desktop 8.10 + all updates. after a reboot/or whenever i switch my computer on, i have to manually login on the computer, i can't ssh to it, before i have logged in and then logged out again. the reason being it doesn't connect to wlan before manual login, is there a way to make it connect to added wireless on startup? i've tried editing the wireless, but it simply won't remember my settings, i read a bit on the inet and fou | 13:30 |
jrib | goog: well you can tell it to remember the password anyway. Let me see if I can find some info... | 13:30 |
Hisham | balau: hmmm thanx | 13:30 |
djbeenie | vimix, yes doc bar | 13:30 |
goog | jrib: remember the password? thats evil because i dont want passwords to fly around anywhere on my harddisk. | 13:30 |
mnel | seregenti: linux drivers didn't care so I was able to use it for a number of years, but eventually it just stopped being worth bothing with it. | 13:31 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: what does 'printenv | grep PATH' put out? | 13:31 |
jrib | goog: you have them in plaintext on shell scripts already... | 13:31 |
vimix | djbeenie, yes, as i said you can try awn (avant window navigator) | 13:31 |
goog | jrib: the scripts are in one place and that place is where all the sensitive data is. on an encrypted disk. | 13:31 |
ubuntu__ | hi, can anone help with dmraid pls? | 13:31 |
ubuntu__ | I have an intel fake raid with a 4 disk raid10 ntfs setup (containing 2 | 13:31 |
ubuntu__ | xp partitions) - | 13:31 |
kileymonster | brianherman: cheers mate, ill take a look at it :) | 13:32 |
djbeenie | vimix, thanks | 13:32 |
bingungaja | i can't update my openoffice, help me fix this pls, http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/3951/update1vd7.th.png and http://img604.imageshack.us/content.php?page=blogpost&files=img84/4370/update2ah0.png | 13:32 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg | 13:32 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: holdo n, i found something... | 13:32 |
vimix | djbeenie, ur welcome | 13:32 |
ubuntu__ | am trying to get a bare metal copy of the partition ie using dd to a single disk on another controller as backup secondly I would like to be able to mount the raid & access files from linux | 13:33 |
biotrox | serengeti, have u tried xrandr? | 13:33 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | the firefox file in usr/bin said it had a broken link, that usr/lib/firefox/firefox.sh didnt exist...i looked in usr/lib and found 2 folders, one for firefox, one for firefox 3.04. In firefox 3.04 if i run the firefox file, it opens firefox 3.04...not 2.14.. | 13:34 |
jrib | goog: you could always not use nautilus | 13:34 |
goog | jrib: i use lftp sometimes but a graphical filemanager has some benefits. i wonder where to go now. | 13:35 |
jrib | goog: you can still browse it with nautilus. Just don't mount it with nautilus | 13:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | !crosspost | bingungaja | 13:36 |
ubottu | bingungaja: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 13:36 |
goog | goog: how to browse it? | 13:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, which version of ubuntu are you using? | 13:36 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: 8.10 | 13:36 |
tood | hi | 13:37 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: as to your other request this is what i get: " | 13:37 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games | 13:37 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | WINDOWPATH=7 | 13:37 |
FloodBot3 | Blade_Wizard_Fal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:37 |
vinnie_ | im currently running PCLinuxOS with a seperate partition for /home. Can I install crunchbang on another partition and mount the same home directory without damaging it? | 13:37 |
Psi-Jack | crunchbang? | 13:37 |
tood | hay ppl i have a proplem | 13:37 |
vinnie_ | Psi-Jack: http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/about | 13:38 |
PeskyJ | well... results are in: Installing the 64-bit flash player does seem to improve things a little, however flash apps are sometimes still flickery | 13:38 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, close your update manage or package manager if it is open.. then go to "System > Administration > Software Sources" then go to Third-Party repositories and add this line without quotes "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main" | 13:38 |
tood | when i try to run dvd cd the cd room gives me cant mount | 13:39 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: yeah... i just looked on my system. it seems that the symlinks were not pointing right. there needs to be a symlink 'firefox' pointing to 'firefox-3.0' which in turn is a symlink to /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.4/firefox.sh ... adjust that and you should have a firefox 3 again | 13:39 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: i try it first | 13:39 |
PeskyJ | so should I just put it in all users' ~/.mozilla/plugins directory, ir is there somewhere global I can put it so that all users pick it up? | 13:39 |
AzizLight | im installing kubuntu on top of ubuntu in a seperate partition at the moment. I was wondering, can I use the same swap partition or I have to create a new one? | 13:39 |
ardchoille | Blade_Wizard_Fal: you're using proposed repos, that might be an issue | 13:39 |
vinnie_ | ok... let me refraze my question.... im currently running PCLinuxOS with a seperate partition for /home. Can I install ubuntu on another partition and mount the same home directory without damaging it? | 13:39 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, I am grabbing a cup of tea..wont be long :) | 13:39 |
Psi-Jack | vinnie_: I see, so not really Ubuntu. | 13:39 |
l337ingDisorder | Can anyone help me to get flash working in thunderbird? | 13:40 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | ardchoille: what can i do to fix that? | 13:40 |
Psi-Jack | vinnie_: But to answer your question. Linux is linux is linux. | 13:40 |
tood | any one know the reson of this eror when i play dvd in my cd room Unable to mount media | 13:40 |
Blade_Wizard_Fal | stefg: i adjusted my command to point to that file, and it works. Thank you! | 13:40 |
l337ingDisorder | I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 AMD64 so the flash plugin on the adobe site won't work | 13:40 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: yeah... i just looked on my system. it seems that the symlinks were not pointing right. there needs to be a symlink 'firefox' pointing to 'firefox-3.0' which in turn is a symlink to /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.4/firefox.sh ... adjust that and you should have a firefox 3 again | 13:40 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: erm, did you really mean "thunderbird" there? | 13:41 |
AzizLight | can I use the same swap partition for two linux distros that are on the same computer? | 13:41 |
l337ingDisorder | flashplayer-nonfree doesn't seem to work (installed it but firefox still says there's no plugin installed) | 13:41 |
tood | can any one help me plzzzzzzzzz | 13:41 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib, yeah sorry meant firefox | 13:41 |
biotrox | what is it tood? | 13:41 |
afief | AzizLight, as long as you don't run them at the same time there should be no problem | 13:41 |
stefg | Blade_Wizard_Fal: run sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser to make sure you have the right browser chosen | 13:41 |
AzizLight | afief: ok thanks :) | 13:41 |
afief | l337ingDisorder, did you try to restart firefox? | 13:41 |
biotrox | yup azizlight, afief is right as long as u don't run them at the same time it'll be ok | 13:42 |
l337ingDisorder | afief: many times | 13:42 |
vinnie_ | Psi-Jack: awhile back i installed another distro on a different partition, and mounted my current /home directory as /home and it gave me problems on the first distro | 13:42 |
zhjawe | l337ingDisorder:have you tried url:http://ubuntu:ubuntuftp@ftp.ubuntu.org.cn/home/dbzhang800/wiki/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb | 13:42 |
tood | well i always get this eror when i try to run dvd that i have burn it in windows vista when i try to use it here it gives me this massege any one know the reson of this eror when i play dvd in my cd room Unable to mount media | 13:42 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: pastebin the following: content of "about:plugins" when you enter that into your address bar, output of 'apt-cache policy flasplugin-nonfree; ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/; readlink -f /usr/bin/firefox' | 13:42 |
ardchoille | Are "proposed" repos recommended or discouraged? | 13:42 |
biotrox | vinnie in /home there are .directory that save profile for the old distro u're having | 13:42 |
kristian_ | asked this the other day, but couldnt figure it out. i have ubuntu-desktop 8.10 + all updates. after a reboot/or whenever i switch my computer on, i have to manually login on the computer, i can't ssh to it, before i have logged in (and then logged out again). the reason being it doesn't connect to wlan before login, is there a way to make it connect to added wireless on startup? i've tried editing the wireless, but it simply won't remem | 13:42 |
jrib | ardchoille: discouraged | 13:42 |
biotrox | so if u use the same /home for all of the distro | 13:43 |
=== dickydoo2 is now known as WelshDragon | ||
bingungaja | pad | 13:43 |
l337ingDisorder | zhjawe: downloading now | 13:43 |
vinnie_ | biotrox: ive never seen .directory | 13:43 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: the link source file u gave me already on my list .. | 13:43 |
tood | well i always get this eror when i try to run dvd that i have burn it in windows vista when i try to use it here it gives me this massege Unable to mount media | 13:43 |
zhjawe | OK,then install it. | 13:43 |
biotrox | try to use the same /home but different user | 13:43 |
tood | biotrox help plz | 13:43 |
ardchoille | Blade_Wizard_Fal: it seems the "proposed" repos are discouraged, not sure how to fix that, tho | 13:43 |
Bacta | How can I get that menu where I can reconfigure my screen resolution settings? | 13:43 |
tood | well i always get this eror when i try to run dvd that i have burn it in windows vista when i try to use it here it gives me this massege Unable to mount medi | 13:43 |
biotrox | hidden directory | 13:43 |
vinnie_ | biotrox: ok | 13:43 |
biotrox | . directory i meant | 13:43 |
tood | well i always get this eror when i try to run dvd that i have burn it in windows vista when i try to use it here it gives me this massege Unable to mount medi | 13:44 |
afief | kristian_, well if your wireless network is always the same I guess you *could* use some "iwconfig" commands to connect... I haven't used this stuff since network manager though | 13:44 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: don't download random code outside of the repositories when the repositories already do what you want... | 13:44 |
wreweertgfseadff | puntu | 13:44 |
=== wreweertgfseadff is now known as puntu | ||
KaZeR | hello there. i'm trying to play 'hd' content on my tv, but i get crappy results. can anyone help? | 13:44 |
tood | i am new to ubuntu i am windows user plz some help | 13:44 |
biotrox | tood, what software did u use to burn the DVD? | 13:44 |
puntu | could anyone tell me how to setup the gufw firewall to allow networking? | 13:44 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: you mean the .deb that zhjawe just pointed me to? | 13:44 |
Psi-Jack | KaZeR: Umm, on your TV? | 13:44 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: yes... | 13:45 |
tood | well i used windows vista software | 13:45 |
puntu | could anyone tell me how to setup the gufw firewall to allow SAMBA networking? | 13:45 |
KaZeR | Psi-Jack, yes, sony hdtv via hdmi | 13:45 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: u back ? | 13:45 |
biotrox | a movie or data? | 13:45 |
tood | data | 13:45 |
KaZeR | desktop display is fine (1920x1080) but videos kinda.. flicker ? | 13:45 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: hosted at ftp.ubuntu.org.cn, seems safe.. but it doesn't run anyway | 13:45 |
l337ingDisorder | says it's corrupted | 13:45 |
tood | it gives me eror that contain this word udf volume | 13:45 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, could you do "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal and pastebin the output | 13:45 |
Thunder_12291755 | hallo, ich hab mal eine frage, we kann ich ccf´s mit dem JL ziehen? | 13:46 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: right... | 13:46 |
PeskyJ | jrib: I tried putting the library in /usr/share/mozilla/plugins but firefox doesn't pick it up... it works fine in ~/.mozilla/plugins, but I'd rather have one place instead of installing it for all users separately | 13:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | !pastebin | bingungaja | 13:46 |
ubottu | bingungaja: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:46 |
quizme_ | does anybody use EC2 here ? | 13:46 |
tood | so | 13:46 |
zhjawe | Don't worry. | 13:46 |
=== puntu is now known as wos | ||
jrib | Paddy_EIRE: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ should work | 13:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | !de | Thunder_12291755 | 13:46 |
quizme_ | please PM me if you use EC2 | 13:46 |
ubottu | Thunder_12291755: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 13:46 |
biotrox | tood what did u use for the data...? iso? / joliet? | 13:46 |
kristian_ | afief : maybe, i will have a look, thanks for suggesting. | 13:46 |
jrib | PeskyJ: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ should work | 13:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 13:46 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: ok | 13:46 |
wos | could anyone tell me how to setup the gufw firewall to allow SAMBA networking? | 13:46 |
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disi | Do you know a page where I can browse the available packages for Ubuntu 8.10 Ibex? I am looking for the cifs-helper program... with aptitude or apt-get I cannot find it | 13:46 |
PeskyJ | jrib: ok, thanks :) bit of a mind-bend trying to work out where things should go sometimes | 13:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | !samba | wos | 13:47 |
ubottu | wos: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 | 13:47 |
djbeenie | whats the best app for gnome to change your cursor? | 13:47 |
tood | no not iso i burn it ordinary burn | 13:47 |
Muhammad_Saad_ | Hello, which packages do I need in order to use NFS shares? | 13:47 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: nothing in about:plugins for any kind of flash. CLI output: http://rafb.net/p/baPhDx67.html | 13:47 |
tood | its give me this massege | 13:47 |
tood | Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume' | 13:47 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: pastebin it please | 13:47 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: here u go ,.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/84782/ | 13:47 |
zhjawe | the url is safe,the url is ubuntu community in China. | 13:48 |
tood | any ideas biotrox | 13:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, ok | 13:48 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: sent you the pastebin url via /msg | 13:48 |
biotrox | tood what ubuntu r u using? | 13:48 |
ronny | again: what to do about application-menu entires that are left over even if the app is uninstalled | 13:48 |
tood | give me asecond | 13:48 |
vimix | djbeenie, if you want to change your cursor, you can change it from appearance setting | 13:48 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 13:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, could you do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y" in a terminal and pastebin any errors | 13:49 |
Bacta | How can I get that menu that lets me reconfigure my screen resolution? | 13:49 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: nevermind. I see I made a typo. Run: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree | 13:49 |
biotrox | tood, | 13:49 |
Bacta | Currently it won't let me go upto the full resolution | 13:49 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: ok wait a sec | 13:49 |
tood | its 4.0 | 13:49 |
tood | 2.6.20-15-generic | 13:49 |
biotrox | tood, i'm going to ask u to write with ISO format and use nero instead | 13:49 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: http://rafb.net/p/uznhIc35.html | 13:50 |
tood | so i wont be able to use this one | 13:50 |
Bacta | How can I get that menu that lets me reconfigure my screen resolution? | 13:50 |
tood | its my first day at linux i spend all my life in windows | 13:50 |
Paddy_EIRE | tood, use imgburn.. no complications there | 13:50 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: install flashplugin-nonfree from hardy-backports | 13:50 |
zhjawe | I don't find valid flash plugin in ubuntu resource. | 13:51 |
tood | oh | 13:51 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: mmmmkaaaayyyyy.... there a walkthrough on that anywhere? | 13:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | tood, that is if you are trying to burn an iso in windows | 13:51 |
ronny | anyone? | 13:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | tood, otherwise nevermind | 13:51 |
jrib | zhjawe: flashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse | 13:51 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: here u go http://paste.ubuntu.com/84785/ | 13:51 |
tood | so what about the dvds that i already burned in vista system i wont be able to open it in linux | 13:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | !anyone | ronny | 13:51 |
ubottu | ronny: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 13:51 |
ronny | ubottu: i allready asked the real one | 13:51 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:51 |
PeskyJ | jrib: hrm.. /usr/lib/firefox/plugins didn't seem to work - doesn't get picked up | 13:51 |
biotrox | i think it's a know bug tood | 13:51 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: just enable hardy-backports in Software Sources, install/upgrade flashplugin-nonfree | 13:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, do "sudo apt-get install -f" | 13:52 |
ronny | ***** bot | 13:52 |
biotrox | tood, check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616674 | 13:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, knock it off | 13:52 |
jrib | Paddy_EIRE: are you sure? What does "about:plugins" look like? | 13:52 |
tood | well ppl today is my first day in linux and i spend 3 days tryin to setup my drivers here in linux | 13:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, what seems to be the issue | 13:52 |
jrib | ugh | 13:52 |
jrib | PeskyJ: are you sure? What does "about:plugins" look like? | 13:52 |
ronny | again: what to do about application-menu entires that are left over even if the app is uninstalled | 13:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | jrib, I love you too :P | 13:52 |
=== root is now known as Guest47170 | ||
* jrib bans Paddy_EIRE as a workaround to his lazy fingers | 13:52 | |
Psi-Jack | Guest47170: You should never IRC as root. | 13:52 |
djbeenie | vimix, i dont see a setting for cursor under appearance | 13:52 |
differentreality | hey, I am using ubuntu 8.04 and I would like to use a projector. I have tried 3 different projectors so far and all of them work just fine since boot up to the point that the login screen appears. After that I cannot make the projector work. In screen resolution the button detect displays doesn't help :/ could someone tell me what I need to do so that the projector works properly? I have a presentation on Tuesday and I was hoping I | 13:53 |
differentreality | could get my projector to work. Thank you very much. | 13:53 |
ronny | basically i have a few dead entries and i have no idea about the propper way to get rid of them | 13:53 |
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia | ||
biotrox | tood, don't give up yet... | 13:53 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, use alacarte menu editor.. | 13:53 |
biotrox | :D | 13:53 |
PeskyJ | jrib: hehe.. you're having the same conversation... I checked that already and tools->addons->plugins | 13:53 |
tood | oh thx man | 13:53 |
jrib | PeskyJ: ok, but what does it say? Can you pastebin it? | 13:53 |
tood | really | 13:53 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, right click the gnome main menu and select edit menu | 13:53 |
tood | i heard that linux better than windows | 13:53 |
tood | and its open source | 13:53 |
vimix | djbeenie, click costumize button and u can find it on a tab | 13:53 |
biotrox | tood read this tooo http://ascending.wordpress.com/2008/06/14/howto-read-vista-burnt-udf-dvds-on-ubuntu-linux/ | 13:53 |
ronny | Paddy_EIRE: no automated way? | 13:54 |
mnel | Anyone here ever applied at Canonical before? | 13:54 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: ok done http://paste.ubuntu.com/84786/ | 13:54 |
jrib | mnel: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy. Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic? | 13:54 |
vimix | djbeenie, the tab called "pointer" | 13:54 |
goog | Im trying to access "bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520915" but it doesnt come up. Does it come up for somebody else? | 13:54 |
mnel | jrib: certainly. :) | 13:54 |
tood | man i already tried avery thing in ubuntu fourm it didnt helped me at all | 13:54 |
biotrox | tood, if this is your 3rd day using linux, than you'll have to spend a lot more time in linux | 13:54 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, not really... you can do "sudo apt-get autoremove" to clear out unneeded dependencies and the like | 13:54 |
tood | but thx u so much | 13:54 |
goog | oh, its there now. | 13:54 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, ok | 13:54 |
biotrox | right ppl...? | 13:54 |
ronny | Paddy_EIRE: but waht about menu enties of apps that ARE uninstalled? | 13:54 |
goog | Why are launchpad and bugzilla.gnome.org so overloaded? | 13:54 |
tood | so what do u think is it better than windows | 13:55 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: then what should i do ? :) | 13:55 |
djbeenie | vimix, ahh got it..but how do you change the theme? | 13:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, do "sudo apt-get autoremove -y" | 13:55 |
ronny | Paddy_EIRE: i have DOZENS if dead entires | 13:55 |
l337ingDisorder | brb | 13:55 |
tood | biotrox what do u think is it better than windows | 13:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, its easy with the menu editot | 13:55 |
Jeruvy | tood: this is a support channel, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 13:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | *editor | 13:55 |
Psi-Jack | Okay, time to destroy Windows and put on Ubuntu. | 13:55 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: done ... | 13:55 |
PeskyJ | jrib ok, http://pastebin.com/d26ca0a0 | 13:55 |
tood | oh ok sorry | 13:55 |
ronny | yikes | 13:55 |
goog | jrib: looks like this is the bug behind what we talked about: bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520915 | 13:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | ronny, you can either untick or delete the entry altogether | 13:55 |
biotrox | tood, OF COURSE UBUNTU.... | 13:55 |
biotrox | is better | 13:56 |
vimix | djbeenie, just choose one from the list | 13:56 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, ok now do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y" | 13:56 |
tood | biotrox ubuntu is better but its very diffcult man | 13:56 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: no luck, still says "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. " | 13:56 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, and that should be you :) | 13:56 |
biotrox | hey ppl, could u tell tood, why is linux ubuntu is better then windows? | 13:56 |
vimix | djbeenie, if you want more theme, you can find it on gnome-look.org | 13:56 |
tood | yeah plz cauz i m new here | 13:57 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree; ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ | 13:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | biotrox, google yourself | 13:57 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: hmmm still 10 (openoffice) not upgraded ,,,,, | 13:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | biotrox, this aint a chat room.. and we dont want potential flame wars | 13:57 |
biotrox | well tood, in my opinion ubuntu / any linux distro is better than windows | 13:57 |
djbeenie | vimix, right..i understand that..but i dont see an option to install new cursor theme | 13:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, hmm | 13:57 |
afief | biotrox, for some people it is for others it isn't | 13:57 |
biotrox | :P | 13:57 |
biotrox | yikes | 13:57 |
tood | so do u think that i should stick with it | 13:57 |
tood | its too diffcult | 13:58 |
Paddy_EIRE | !ot | TooAngel afief biotrox | 13:58 |
ubottu | TooAngel afief biotrox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 13:58 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: here u go http://paste.ubuntu.com/84788/' | 13:58 |
biotrox | suite yourself tood, i already being warned by paddy | 13:58 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: here u go http://paste.ubuntu.com/84788/ | 13:58 |
vimix | djbeenie, try drag the package to the window | 13:58 |
tood | ok thx man for ur help | 13:58 |
whynot | have you heard of NTLDR is missing message? | 13:59 |
l337ingDisorder | whynot: yep | 13:59 |
goog | Im thinking about switching from Gnome to KDE. Do you think I should stay with Ubuntu or try a distro that comes with KDE natively? | 13:59 |
djbeenie | vimix, nope :( | 13:59 |
whynot | My question is about restoring clonezilla image. | 13:59 |
biotrox | whynot, and what is NTLDR relate to ubuntu? | 13:59 |
l337ingDisorder | whynot: it's most likely caused by creating a partition on the disk Windows is installed on, before the windows partition (so the windows partition, which would have been, say disk 1 partition 1, is now disk 1 partition 2) | 13:59 |
tood | what is the meaning of this massege Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'. | 13:59 |
vimix | djbeenie, sorry i just guessing, i never done it before :D | 13:59 |
whynot | I'm using ubuntu&win2000 multi boot. | 14:00 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: your plugin is failing to install for some reason. Run this in a terminal: sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree | 14:00 |
l337ingDisorder | biotrox: the relation is that it's probably caused by the ubuntu installation | 14:00 |
djbeenie | vimix, hehe cool thanks though | 14:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 14:00 |
biotrox | tood the udf in vista version isn't supported by the linux kernell headers | 14:00 |
tood | ohhhhhhhhh | 14:00 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: ok | 14:00 |
vimix | djbeenie, ur welcome | 14:00 |
tood | now i get it | 14:00 |
tood | thx so much man | 14:00 |
jrib | goog: just mount ftp in some other way | 14:00 |
whynot | I backed up my ubuntu/win2000 disk using clonezilla and I restored the image. Grub is working, ubuntu too. But win2000 gave me that message NTLDR is missing. | 14:01 |
biotrox | tood. no problem | 14:01 |
Frogging101 | How do you make a network connection between 2 ubuntu computers with a crossover cable and have it work? | 14:01 |
Paddy_EIRE | Frogging101, yes | 14:01 |
Frogging101 | yes? | 14:01 |
biotrox | Froggin101 setup the IP in both ends | 14:01 |
n8tuser | Frogging101-> make sure they both have an ip address at both ends | 14:01 |
whynot | I know it's not ubuntu issue but I have nowhere to go to ask. | 14:02 |
tood | biotrox is ubuntu the best version of linux | 14:02 |
PeskyJ | Frogging101: you'll need to set DHCP up on one of them, or give them static IPs on the same subnet | 14:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | Frogging101, you wanna share your connection or network the computers with the crossover cable? | 14:02 |
tood | biotrox i mean thier is gentoo | 14:02 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: it did download the openoffice, but without verification, is it safe ? | 14:02 |
Frogging101 | yes, just between two computers | 14:02 |
Frogging101 | how would I do this using intrepid? | 14:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, yes | 14:02 |
Jeruvy | whynot: you should probably elect to run your ERD on your windows partition. First verify with grub that the partitions are ok. | 14:02 |
tood | biotrox thier is many others whats the diffrence | 14:02 |
whynot | l337ingDisorder/could you tell me what to do about it? | 14:03 |
biotrox | Frogging101 edit the /etc/networks/interfaces on both and | 14:03 |
biotrox | ends | 14:03 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: actually what happened ? why can't it update with usual way ? (in a short explanation) curious hahaha | 14:03 |
biotrox | tood if u wanna chat pv me | 14:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, you must be coming from hardy | 14:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, alas needing the dist-upgrade | 14:03 |
Frogging101 | Would I go to System -> Preferences -> Network Configuration? | 14:03 |
goog | jrib: when i do "nautilus ftp://u:p@host" - does it "mount" the ftp directory? It sounds like a hassle to change all the scripts to "mount stuff.. start filebrowser... unmount stuff" scripts. isnt it easier just to use a filebrowser that supports ftp? | 14:03 |
funbitz | hi. i just downloaded and installed ubuntu 8.10, and then the kubuntu-desktop package and runs really slow. the #kubuntu channel isn't helping. i have geforce 9400gt and version 177 of the nvidia acc drv activated. | 14:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, Basically a package could be kept-back because it involves system changing results. In other words, it would modify other parts of the system. To do a "full update" use this command: | 14:04 |
biotrox | Frogging101 yes u can do that also | 14:04 |
whynot | Actually, I'm in ubuntu. when I check out the windows partition, NTLDR is there. but I don't understand how come the message ntldr is missing | 14:04 |
tood | biotrox how | 14:04 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: Would I click "Add"? | 14:04 |
n8tuser | goog you can use wget or sftp for scripting | 14:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, ok.. anything else? | 14:05 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: what do u mean coming from hardy ? hmmm I'm not upgrading from hardy, i download the interprid, then reinstall my notebook ... | 14:05 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: actually that's all, thx very much | 14:05 |
goog | n8tuser: i only script the launch of nautilus. but that doesnt work anymore and the gnome people say they will probably not make it work in the future. | 14:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, the other reason would be more likely then | 14:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 14:05 |
goog | n8tuser: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520915 | 14:05 |
bingungaja | Paddy_EIRE: thx again | 14:06 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: What would I do in the network configuration box? | 14:06 |
rhalff | what's the easiest way to make a .deb ? I mainly want to group dependencies in a package and edit/move some configuration files. I don't need any compiling at all. | 14:06 |
Jeruvy | whynot, if the bootstrap cannot find the loader, then it fails. Likely the partitions have different assignments in BIOS now and it's confused. Without knowing how you backed up your images and restored them (not familiar with clonezilla, I prefer a decent image manager) I would suggest asking in a clonezilla support forum | 14:06 |
Paddy_EIRE | bingungaja, any time mate :) | 14:06 |
Edulix | hi! I've got an acer aspire one and I've followed the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne, and i get ath0 up, but it returns no scan results and it does't associate to my ap either. it's not working | 14:06 |
n8tuser | goog-> seems unwise to me anyways to be using nautilus in a script, because it will then require user interaction | 14:06 |
biotrox | Frogging101 just edit the auto eth0 | 14:06 |
biotrox | to match your setting in both ends | 14:06 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: What do I put for gateway? | 14:07 |
whynot | Jeruvy/ I couldn't find out clonezilla forum. Anyway I'll stop asking you about it. | 14:07 |
Misterjos | !newsgroups | 14:07 |
ubottu | There are Ubuntu newsgroups via NNTP at news.gmane.org | 14:07 |
biotrox | Frogging101 just 2 computers right, no need for setting a gateway | 14:07 |
goog | n8tuser: the script IS INTENDED to start user interaction. the script could be called "start nautilus at ftp://user:pass@somehost". so if a user wants to access the ftp server somehost, he starts the script. | 14:07 |
jrib | goog: gvfs mounts it using fuse afaik, yes | 14:07 |
jrib | goog: try it and look at ~/.gvfs/ | 14:08 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: It won't let me leave the dialog box without a gateway | 14:08 |
Jeruvy | whynot: its ok to ask, I just don't think anyone here can help. | 14:08 |
biotrox | Frogging101 just type the IP of the 2nd computer | 14:08 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: Okay do I do that on both computers? | 14:09 |
Jeruvy | whynot: maybe try the restore again, this time restore the windows partiton first and test. | 14:09 |
whynot | jeruvy/It's too much complicated for me to solve out that problem. I have no resort to rely on. | 14:09 |
biotrox | yes Frogging101 | 14:09 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: okay I think I've gotten somewhat to the bottom of this... Came up with the same results once more, so I did a 'ps aux | grep firefox' and there's a [firefox] <defunct> entry listed that I can't kill | 14:09 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: okay, sorry for being a total newb. | 14:09 |
goog | jrib: still, changing all scripts to "mount server, start nautilus, unmount server" sounds ugly to me. also - how do i know where to mount it? the script are used from different machines. much easier to rely on the filemanager to hanfle ftp correctly. | 14:09 |
l337ingDisorder | so I guess my next question is how do I kill a process that doesn't respond to kill -9 or kill -15 ? | 14:09 |
biotrox | Frogging101 ok no problem | 14:10 |
jrib | l337ingDisorder: ah | 14:10 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: I will tell you if it works | 14:10 |
=== disi is now known as whatever | ||
jrib | l337ingDisorder: but that does not explain why you have nothing in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ | 14:10 |
whatever | moa | 14:10 |
whynot | jeruby/what's the command to check the partition table in linux? ls -l ? | 14:10 |
=== whatever is now known as whatever999 | ||
biotrox | Frogging101 ok | 14:10 |
PeskyJ | whynot: man fdisk | 14:11 |
jrib | goog: you need to hack on gvfs/nautilus then | 14:11 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: What about DNS Servers and search domains, and routes? | 14:11 |
Jeruvy | whynot: I use gparted, | 14:11 |
whynot | nope. I didn't make my question clear. | 14:11 |
whynot | the command that list the whole devices ... | 14:11 |
whatever999 | can someone help me finding the script mount.cifs in the packages for Ubuntu Ibex 8.10? | 14:11 |
whynot | ls isn't it? | 14:11 |
l337ingDisorder | jrib: okay so in that case A) how do i kill an unkillable process? and B) what would the next step be to get flash working? it was working fine a week ago and I haven't installed any software, just updates from update-manager | 14:12 |
recon69 | whynot: lshw perhaps | 14:12 |
jrib | goog: maybe it respects ~/.netrc | 14:12 |
goog | goog: no, i dont want to hack. i just switch the clients to some sane distro that understands ftp URIs. | 14:12 |
PeskyJ | whynot: you can see mounted drives with df | 14:12 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: What do I put in for DNS Servers, search domains, and routes? | 14:12 |
zigovr3 | hi all, in ubuntu 8.04, I have firefox that keeps crashing, has anyone experiences this ? | 14:12 |
iminhell | What does it mean if i am only able to play a dvd by using this code "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" .... anytime I try to play by using a GUI all I get is a garbled mess ....? | 14:12 |
=== garrett88 is now known as garrettk88 | ||
whynot | thanks peskyj | 14:12 |
jrib | goog: it has nothing to do with the distro. GNOME switched to gvfs and gvfs does not support that URI scheme | 14:13 |
windmill | Why won't DVDs play for me in Totem in intrepid?? Anything I've missed? | 14:13 |
tood | can any one help me how to log as root ???? | 14:13 |
biotrox | Frogging101 if u only want to share or connect ur network in ubuntu, u won't need to fill in the DNS, the routes ,and the gateway, search domain, leave it blank... that's why it's more convinient to edit the interfaces file instead | 14:13 |
recon69 | zigovr3: run firefox from the command line and get the optput when it crashes would help a lot | 14:13 |
jrib | !root | tood | 14:13 |
ubottu | tood: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 14:13 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: okay | 14:13 |
goog | jrib: yes. so goodbye gnome. thats why i asked how to switch to kde. | 14:13 |
jrib | !kde > goog | 14:13 |
ubottu | goog, please see my private message | 14:13 |
goog | jrib: im open for other solutions as well. | 14:13 |
whynot | Something wrong....Before the list was 1,2,5,6 but now 6 disappeared. | 14:13 |
tood | oh thx very much | 14:13 |
jrib | goog: see if it repects ~/.netrc | 14:14 |
goog | jrib: yes, i know kubuntu. might give it a try. | 14:14 |
goog | jrib: what do you mean with "see if it respects ~/.netrc" ? | 14:14 |
jrib | goog: setup the password for some ftp in ~/.netrc and see if you are still prompted for a password | 14:15 |
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goog | jrib: i dont want to put passwords anywhere then in the data folder of the encrypted disk of our server. we have a "no data on the clients" way of thinking. | 14:16 |
jrib | goog: I have no idea what your setup is, but can't you put it on the server and link to it? | 14:17 |
whatever999 | itś smbfs to get mount.cifs -.- very helpful page: http://packages.ubuntu.com | 14:17 |
goog | jrib: yes. but thats all complicated. | 14:17 |
goog | jrib: i like to have one simple script for each task and thats it. "browse the xyz ftp server"? "use xyz_ftp.sh". Simple. Thats how we work. | 14:18 |
asc | Anybody finding that firefox refuses to load google? Other browsers work fine though. | 14:18 |
martin_ | How to find where is the file of groovy.jar? | 14:18 |
wos | can anyone tell me what ports to open so that my samba will work with my firewall? | 14:18 |
AzizLight | I have a question: Why does Kubuntu comes with OpenOffice preinstalled instead of Koffice???? | 14:18 |
LjL | goog, policies are policies, but just my two cents... what sense does it make to "protect" passwords in such complicated ways, when you're using a vulnerable protocol like FTP that anyone can just sniff into? | 14:18 |
LjL | AzizLight: that's not really a support question, better discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic | 14:19 |
mon^rch | what would be the proper syntax to recursively rename *.jpg to cover.jpg? | 14:19 |
LjL | AzizLight: but in a nutshell - koffice is crashy | 14:19 |
chiliblue | anyone use hellanzb here? | 14:19 |
jrib | mon^rch: umm, what happens if there is more than one jpg in a directory? | 14:19 |
LjL | mon^rch: you could use "find" and make it execute "mv" | 14:19 |
goog | LjL: to keep things simple. one task, one script. | 14:19 |
garrettk88 | hey guys, how come flash player likes to make mozilla crash? | 14:19 |
mon^rch | ummm | 14:19 |
jrib | garrettk88: what ubuntu version? | 14:19 |
garrettk88 | 8.04 | 14:19 |
dano | Hey all Im trying to create a shortcut on my desktop to open gnome-terminal and run a command and leave the terminal open, it keeps closing after it runs the command, is there anyway to keep it open? | 14:20 |
garrettk88 | firefox* if that makes a difference | 14:20 |
biotrox | Frogging101 try and read this for manually edit the interfaces file http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/ | 14:20 |
jrib | garrettk88: issue in 8.04. Should go away if you upgrade to 8.10 | 14:20 |
AzizLight | LjL: ok I have a support question: how can I completely remove OpenOffice from my computer? | 14:20 |
dano | Ive been using gnome-terminal -x uptime | 14:20 |
wos | >:-0 | 14:20 |
whynot | pesky/ thanks again. it was fdisk -l. and everything seems to be ok. | 14:20 |
garrettk88 | jrib: can i update using the live cd or is there another way to do it? | 14:20 |
AndreasMadrid | I need HELP! | 14:20 |
jrib | !upgrade > garrettk88 | 14:20 |
ubottu | garrettk88, please see my private message | 14:20 |
garrettk88 | thanks man | 14:20 |
mon^rch | all my cover art got renamed from cover.jpg to ver.jpg | 14:21 |
recon69 | jrib: makes a joke of LTS | 14:21 |
AndreasMadrid | my wireless card is no longer founf in iwconfig!!! | 14:21 |
wos | can anyone tell me what ports to open so that my samba will work with my firewall? | 14:21 |
biotrox | wos, open port 137 139 445 | 14:21 |
PeskyJ | jrib: FYI: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins worked in the end :) but confusing with both 'firefox' and 'mozilla' directories in /usr/lib and /usr/share, got the right one in the end though | 14:21 |
LjL | AzizLight: well, unless apt-get's "autoremove" function works with packages installed straight by the CD installer, and i don't think it does, that won't be entirely trivial. but "dpkg -l | grep openoffice" should list a very large percentage of packages that are OOo related | 14:21 |
biotrox | both ways | 14:21 |
martin_ | How to find groovy*.jar after install it by "sudo apt-get install groovy"? | 14:22 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: seef if "lshw -C networking" finds it | 14:22 |
KRF | martin_, dpkg -L groovy | 14:22 |
LjL | martin_: "dpkg -L packagename" will list all the contents of an installed package | 14:22 |
PeskyJ | wos: not sure you should use samba to share files over a firewall though... you might want to look into using scp (over port 22) instead | 14:22 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: "lshw -C network" maybe ! | 14:23 |
PeskyJ | wos: totally depends on your situation of course... just thought you should look into that as an alternative in case you're trying to go over an open network with it :) | 14:23 |
martin_ | OK, thanks | 14:23 |
goog | Can I install KDE by doing "apt-get install kde" and then somehow change to KDE? | 14:23 |
WIGGMPk | Im going to be installing Vista to my 2nd hard drive. I already have Intrepid Ibex installed on my primary hard drive. What steps do I need to take to preserve or restore GRUB as my boot loader?? website link? anything? | 14:24 |
AzizLight | LjL: ok thanks. what's the equivalent of synaptic in kubuntu? | 14:24 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69: networking showed something and then it disappeared and there was the prompt again. network showed my card, yes | 14:24 |
wos | peskyj im using a home network | 14:24 |
LjL | mon^rch: how about - and i *strongly* recommend trying this stuff on a test directory first - you do something like: find -iname 'ver.jpg' -exec mv {} cover.jpg \; | 14:25 |
wos | which is more secure from outside intruders? i dont care about inside people. | 14:25 |
dano | Hey all, I am trying to create a shortcut to a terminal app on my desktop. I have a launcher made with the command gnome-terminal -c command and it runs the command and then closes the window instantly, is there a way to tell the terminal to stay open? | 14:25 |
LjL | AzizLight: Adept | 14:25 |
LjL | AzizLight: but i personally just use apt-get from the command line | 14:25 |
biotrox | WIGGMPk it's better if u install windows first so the grub will take over the ntldr | 14:25 |
LjL | !kde | goog | 14:26 |
AzizLight | LjL: me too, but I think Adept might do a better job at removing openoffice, I might be wrong | 14:26 |
ubottu | goog: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4 | 14:26 |
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WIGGMPk | biotrox: right, I already know that, but in my situation... Ubuntu is installed already and im not going to reinstall Windows than Ubuntu... lol | 14:26 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: well, means at least it being detected, check what driver it's using, then look at ifconfig to see if its there | 14:26 |
LjL | AzizLight: you're wrong | 14:26 |
LjL | AzizLight: Adept doesn't do anything that apt-get doesn't do. they use the same backend. the one program that might do things differently is aptitude. | 14:26 |
biotrox | WIGGMPk stop using windows :P | 14:26 |
PeskyJ | wos: is your firewall between your file server and your internal machines? you probably don't need it there but between your whole network and the outside world | 14:26 |
wos | biotrox, that did not work :( | 14:26 |
WIGGMPk | biotrox: i would if i could, i need it for the school software I have to use.. | 14:27 |
wdh | i (re)moved the /etc/apache2 directory because I want to reconfigure it. However, reinstalling the 'apache2' package (or a dpkg-reconfigure), does not seem to put a new /etc/apache2 directory into place. Any ideas on this? | 14:27 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: I mean check ifconfig to see if the interface is there for the card not the driver | 14:27 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 network says UNCLAIMED; | 14:27 |
AndreasMadrid | ok | 14:27 |
wos | PeskyJ, the firewall is gufw. is that not for outside intruders? | 14:27 |
goog | LjL: yes, but i thought i could just install kde and not a whole new distro. | 14:27 |
iminhell | WIGGMPk: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htm ... should take care of you | 14:27 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 ifconfig doesn't show it | 14:27 |
whynot | wish me good luck. God damn clonezilla. ^^ | 14:27 |
jajo_ | pls, why did xmms disappear in intrepid? | 14:27 |
AzizLight | LjL: so what's the best way to completely remove openoffice in the end? I got a list of apps from the command you gave me earlier, I just pipe that to apt-get remove? | 14:28 |
LjL | goog, Kubuntu is not a "whole new distro", Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE instead of GNOME, nothing more nothing less | 14:28 |
jrib | wdh: purge and reinstall whatever package you get from the output of: apt-cache search -n apache common | 14:28 |
WIGGMPk | iminhell: thanks, i just found that myself.. was hoping it was just easier like reinstalling grub or something | 14:28 |
n8tuser | wdh-> try to see if dpkg-reconfigure apache2 would fix it | 14:28 |
jrib | wdh: actually, just install apache2 after you purge the above | 14:28 |
PeskyJ | wos: oh you mean a local one.. I thought you meant on your router - I don't use internal software firewalls at all at home, just the one on the router | 14:28 |
LjL | AzizLight: well, piping won't work because it's full of other cruft. either copy them manually or pipe something like: dpkg -l | grep openoff | awk ' { print $2 } ' | 14:28 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: all get a bit fussy for me from here, past the output from lshw -C network so we can all have a look | 14:28 |
biotrox | wos open one more 138 | 14:29 |
jajo_ | what do you use for playing music ?? | 14:29 |
goog | LjL: yes, i know. i wanted to say: for a quick test of kde it might be faster to do just "apt-get install kde" then to download and install kubuntu. | 14:29 |
LjL | goog: if you install other packages that aren't kubuntu-desktop ("kde" for instance), you'll very likely end up with something that's badly configured for most uses | 14:29 |
iminhell | What does it mean if i am only able to play a dvd by using this code "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" .... anytime I try to play by using a GUI all I get is a garbled mess ....? | 14:29 |
WIGGMPk | iminhell: this really doesnt do it for me anyway, because I have two separate drives.. would my boot loader even be affected you think?? | 14:29 |
AzizLight | LjL: I can copy them one by one but should I use apt-get remove or autoremove (or both one after the other) | 14:29 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95175/ | 14:29 |
n8tuser | WIGGMPk-> i would think when you install vista, you tell it to use the 2nd drive and ignore the first one | 14:29 |
LjL | goog: could be, but "kde" will also get things installed that most users wouldn't really want | 14:30 |
LjL | AzizLight: it doesn't much matter, you can always do autoremove later | 14:30 |
wos | biotrox still not working | 14:30 |
WIGGMPk | n8tuser: thats what im hoping.. but im using "restore" CD's that came with my laptop | 14:30 |
LjL | AzizLight: just pay attention at the list of packages it's going to remove, before hitting Y | 14:30 |
goog | LjL: why would they package stuff people dont want? | 14:30 |
AzizLight | LjL: kk, thanks a lot for the help. I'll feedback when im done | 14:30 |
WIGGMPk | n8tuser: im thinking I might take my ubuntu (primary) hd out to preserve it, and just add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.lst would that cover it? | 14:31 |
n8tuser | WIGGMPk-> using a restore, i dont know, it maybe expecting it on the 1st drive, so you are up the creek with that | 14:31 |
LjL | goog: look, i *use* Kubuntu. so i have kubuntu-desktop installed. if i type "sudo apt-get install kde", After this operation, 209MB of additional disk space will be used. | 14:31 |
goog | LjL: i only want to use a filebrowser to access an ftp server. since that doesnt work in gnome anymore i will give kde a try. | 14:31 |
biotrox | wos, have no idea anymore, as far as i know the samba as well as the windows sharing is using 137,138,139, and 445 have u check in your firewall for the hit count? | 14:31 |
n8tuser | WIGGMPk-> those recovery disk expects them on 1st drive i believe | 14:31 |
LjL | goog: why don't you just install Nautilus and Konqueror, for the time being, and try them out? | 14:31 |
AzizLight | LjL: when I think of it I can just use sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-* cant I? | 14:31 |
LjL | goog: if you want something to "quickly test", that would seem like the sanest thing to do | 14:31 |
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WIGGMPk | n8tuser: well its ASUS, so it might be more flexible | 14:32 |
LjL | AzizLight: yes you can | 14:32 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95176/ | 14:32 |
Frogging101 | biotrox: The network says it's connected, but the computers cant see each other! | 14:32 |
sorush20 | openoffice.org 3 crashes what can I do here is what I get in the terminal http://pastebin.com/ma25635c | 14:32 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, do you use hardy or intrepid? | 14:32 |
ardchoille | LjL , goog : I just tried ftp://blah in nautilus and it works fine (Intrepid here) | 14:32 |
LjL | AzizLight: if they all match that pattern, you can. put it inside quotation marks though (will not really matter unless you have files in the current directory that start with openoffice.org-, but) | 14:32 |
wos | i cant do that in gufw | 14:33 |
ardchoille | s/blah/my host/ | 14:33 |
LjL | goog: err when i said Nautilus and Konqueror, i meant to say Dolphin and Konqueror | 14:33 |
goog | LjL: apt-get "konqueror"? | 14:33 |
AndreasMadrid | Luks911 intrepid | 14:33 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: have a read of this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide, I am :) , I'll see if i can spot your trouble as well | 14:33 |
LjL | goog: no...? sudo apt-get install dolphin konqueror | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | hey all. I'm trying to use apt-file for a chuckle but when I run sudo apt-file updaet I get this error: Can't get http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/intrepid/Contents-amd64.gz | 14:33 |
goog | LjL: dolphin? | 14:33 |
LjL | !dolphin | goog | 14:34 |
ubottu | goog: To change the default application for a filetype, go to Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations" (KDE 3), or System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations (KDE 4). To change your default file manager, change the "inode/directory" and "inode/system_directory" filetypes. | 14:34 |
LjL | goog: Dolphin is the standard KDE file manager | 14:34 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, Luke911 I just know that it worked already | 14:34 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, so sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-intrepid | 14:34 |
thiebaude | !thunar | 14:34 |
ubottu | Thunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease | 14:34 |
goog | LjL: will dolphin look like its used under kde when i use it under gnome? will i be able to use it under gnome at all? | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | I've looked at /etc/apt/apt-file.conf but it makes very little sense, can anyone please assist | 14:35 |
jojo1224 | aptitude help -> This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers. | 14:35 |
wdh | jrib, thx.. that helped | 14:35 |
LjL | goog: any KDE application can be used in GNOME and vice versa | 14:35 |
biotrox | Frogging101, can it be ping already from both ends..? | 14:35 |
LjL | goog: it'll just, well, install most of the KDE libraries for you when you install the application. | 14:35 |
AndreasMadrid | -luks911 what does that do? | 14:35 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, then you will have a new driver in System>administration>hardware drivers | 14:35 |
LjL | goog: also - keep in mind i'm thinking of and using KDE 3. i'm completely unfamiliar with KDE 4. | 14:36 |
goog | LjL: and they look the same as in kde then? dont they rely on a trillion settings and skins and graphic stuff that comes with the window manager? | 14:36 |
jajo_ | !xmms | 14:36 |
ubottu | xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. | 14:36 |
DarkKnight | hey...how do we create a cd image in ubuntu | 14:36 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, that install de ath5k driver, which work with your wifi | 14:36 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: look like it's not finding the driver for you card | 14:36 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> you should not have both wireless and ethernet active at same time unless you know how to configure your route table (its advance knowhow) | 14:36 |
* goog apt-get installs dolphin just for fun... | 14:36 | |
LjL | goog: it won't necessarily look the same, no. it'll work the same. | 14:36 |
ardchoille | !audacious | jajo_ | 14:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about audacious | 14:36 |
ActionParsnip | !info mkisofs | DarkKnight | 14:36 |
ubottu | Package mkisofs does not exist in intrepid | 14:36 |
ardchoille | !info audacious | jajo_ | 14:36 |
ubottu | audacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-3ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 1133 kB, installed size 3848 kB | 14:36 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> so you decide, either wireless or ethernet only -- one at a time, not at same time | 14:37 |
goog | LjL: downloading 74 MB for dolphin... we will see ... | 14:37 |
iminhell | What does it mean if i am only able to play a dvd by using this code "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" .... anytime I try to play by using a GUI all I get is a garbled mess ....? anyone? | 14:37 |
DarkKnight | ActionParsnip; ?? | 14:37 |
LjL | ActionParsnip: should be just a warning, not an error | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | DarkKnight: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_beginner_books/unofficial_ubuntu_starter_guide/index_092.html | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | DarkKnight: or a gui guide: http://monmonja.com/blog/2008/11/make-iso-from-folders-files-in-ubuntu/ | 14:37 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser b4 i had both at the same time. yes. but now, if i unplug the cable, it doesn't show up either | 14:38 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> what does not show up? | 14:38 |
Photoguy | My 'start bar' (?) is trasnparent for some reason..any ideas? Ubuntu 8.10 32 bit. | 14:38 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser the wireless connections available | 14:38 |
DarkKnight | ActionParsnip; i have a ubuntu dvd....i wanted a create an image of it and then write more dvd's....i m checking out ur posts | 14:39 |
LjL | goog: look at this, go to my site http://apt.alturl.com/ , give Hardy, i386, put "ubuntu-desktop" as the metapackage, and then try putting "kde" first as the package and later "kubuntu-desktop". you'll see that "kubuntu-desktop" is much more lightweight than "kde", if you scroll down to check the size. | 14:39 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, you need the driver, i have the same card ;) | 14:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | DarkKnight easy enough to create an iso from a disk | 14:39 |
LjL | goog: in a nutshell, "kde" is Debian's full-fledged-everything-KDE-desktop, while "kubuntu-desktop" is actually the KDE metapackage that the Ubuntu developers made. | 14:39 |
AndreasMadrid | recon89 when i installed the driver with the help one om #ubuntu he told me i have to compile it again each time i have a kernel uptdate, but as far as i know i didn't have one. And still i tried make again | 14:39 |
ardchoille | Photoguy: right click the panel, choose Properties, go to the Background tab and tweak :) | 14:39 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> if you look at line 4 it says you have AR242x but on line 12, your config does not show you have the driver loaded, so load you ar242 compatible driver | 14:40 |
LjL | goog: "kde" comes with things, such as the first-startup wizard, that Ubuntu normally doesn't use at all. | 14:40 |
DarkKnight | Jack_Sparrrow; now how do i create an iso image | 14:40 |
AndreasMadrid | Luks911: i'm currently running the ocmmand you gave me | 14:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | DarkKnight dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/$USER/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k | 14:40 |
goog | LjL: i hate wizards :-) | 14:40 |
Photoguy | Oh. | 14:40 |
Photoguy | Thanks | 14:40 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: do what Luks911 suggests , he's got the same card and you are missing the driver | 14:40 |
engemec | hello! | 14:40 |
boy-stockholm | hi | 14:40 |
AndreasMadrid | Luke911 recon69 done | 14:41 |
LjL | goog: you're not the only one. especially those first-run wizards that give you that "oh my, now if i get anything wrong i'll be doomed forever" feeling | 14:41 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, well, then go to system>administration>hardware driver and enable a driver called something with "5xxx" | 14:41 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, and finally reboot | 14:42 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, Luks911 before i used this driver and it worked well madwifi-hal- | 14:42 |
naamloos | hello i try to find out how to program my micro processor an :P89LCP935... i reasearched and found out that p89 is the actual processor type and the LPC935 is defining that itll use the ICP900 protocol to flash it. can anyone confirm this? | 14:42 |
goog | LjL: i really really like the command line. and all this what happened today makes me think if i should use a gui for ftp/filebrowsing at all. | 14:42 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, yes, you also could recompile that driver | 14:42 |
bonhoffer | my volume, even when maximized, is very, very quiet on ubuntu 8.10 -- how can i change this? | 14:43 |
AndreasMadrid | Luks911 "this driver is activated but not in use" | 14:43 |
goog | LjL: unfortunately i never found a filebrowser for the terminal i liked. | 14:43 |
n8tuser | naamloos-> perhaps visit the nice folks at #embedded ? | 14:43 |
differentreality | anyone who can help me with my projector? I cant seem to be able to make my projector show all of my screen, there is always some of it missing :/ | 14:43 |
kevin123 | hello, how to boot windows if grub dont have an option? | 14:43 |
ardchoille | goog: have you tried gFTP ? | 14:43 |
DarkKnight | Jack_Sparrrow; okkk...i m running that command....but is it that i have to run the command each time i want to create an iso | 14:43 |
bonhoffer | i can't find any way to increase the volume in system --> prefs | 14:44 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: lets try the binary package and see if it works, much easer. you need to modprobe or reboot to activate it, dont know the modprobe command though | 14:44 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, try with sudo modprobe ath5k | 14:44 |
goog | ardchoille: i dont believe in switching the filebrowser just because i use a certain protocoll. | 14:44 |
h4writer | hi, got a problem with my wifi. Can I ask it here, how to solve it? | 14:44 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> or sudo insmod /path/to/ath5k | 14:45 |
ardchoille | goog: ok, I have nautilus doing ftp in intrepid, fwiw | 14:45 |
Lartza_ | why is my sony psp moutned write protected? | 14:45 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> what have you done to troubleshoot so far? | 14:45 |
goog | doplhin doesnt seem to support ftp://user:pass@host. or is it because it uses the underlying gnome file system gvfs? | 14:45 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, Luks911 sudo modprobe ath5k renders no error, but result still is: driver activated but not in use | 14:45 |
bjoern_ | i am using nv 7300gt: the linux driver v177 does not detect my screen connected by dvi cable. does anyone know such a problem? | 14:45 |
iminhell | Someone want to have a look over my issue and see what they make of it? -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 --- | 14:46 |
DarkKnight | Jack_Sparrrow; okkk...i m running that command....but is it that i have to run the command each time i want to create an iso | 14:46 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: I'm new to linux, dunno in what path it was saved now, but i know tha path to the madwifi-hal- | 14:46 |
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Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, and what do you get now with iwconfig? | 14:46 |
bonhoffer | how do i pick which device gets sound (i am using a plantronics headset) | 14:46 |
LjL | goog: can't help you there, i just use bash. but anyway can you restate your original problem? i joined late, i understood that there's something wrong with how gvfs handles ftp://, but that's about it | 14:47 |
goog | LjL: dolphin shows the same problem as nautilus when trying to open ftp uris. sure it doesnt use gvfs when used in gnome? | 14:47 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> follow Luks911 suggestion for now, we'll work on the compiling later | 14:47 |
AndreasMadrid | Luks911: lo eth0 and pan0 no wireless extensions | 14:47 |
LjL | goog: no, it will use kioslaves | 14:47 |
h4writer | n8tuser, not so much. I know my wireless exist (wifi 4965 AG, lspci). I know it should work (laptop reviews on internet, aspire 5920G), but I reinstalled networkmanager and now it doesn't do anything anymore | 14:47 |
=== jeff-02 is now known as jeff008 | ||
goog | LjL: gfvs doesnt interpret "ftp://user:password@host". | 14:47 |
h4writer | n8tuser, I'm just upgraded from gutsy to intrepid (everything worked on gutsy) | 14:48 |
LjL | goog: uhm, i'm pretty sure i've used that syntax in KDE, let me try... (have you installed the KDE 4 or the KDE 3 dolphin, anyway?) | 14:48 |
russell__ | ppa | 14:48 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> which pc are you using now to chat? same ? | 14:48 |
goog | LjL: kioslaves is a virtual file system? | 14:48 |
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h4writer | n8tuser, same | 14:48 |
boy-stockholm | hi anyone knows how to install DC++ on ubuntu ? | 14:48 |
h4writer | n8tuser, cable atm | 14:48 |
goog | LjL: i did "apt-get install dolphin" | 14:48 |
LjL | goog: sort of, yes. similar to gvfs, probably a bit more powerful | 14:48 |
LjL | goog: ok, are you on hardy or intrepid though? | 14:48 |
goog | LjL: i cant remember names. i can only remember numbers. i use ubuntu 8.04 | 14:49 |
boy-stockholm | hi anyone knows how to install DC++ on ubuntu ? msg me please | 14:49 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> i dont advise you having both wireless and ethernet enabled at same time, unless you are an advance user and knows how to configure your route table | 14:49 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid, sorry, but i have to go here you have a complete tutorial to compile madwifi, in spanish ;) http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/ar5007eg | 14:49 |
LjL | goog: then that's Hardy and you're using Dolphin for KDE 3, like me | 14:49 |
goog | LjL: but i heard that ubuntu 8.10 still has the same bug. | 14:49 |
bonhoffer | more precisely, i am trying to get my movie player to play through my headset | 14:49 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> your host will get confused as to which nic it will use to get out of your pc (wireless or ethernet) | 14:49 |
AndreasMadrid | Luks911: thanks, though my spanish ain't perfect, but I#ll try | 14:49 |
goog | LjL: so what does "doplhin ftp://u:p@ftp.ubuntu.com" do on your machine? | 14:50 |
h4writer | n8tuser, normally networkmanager handles everything fine. Before I tried to connect without cable (so only wifi) and it didn't work either | 14:50 |
recon69 | Luks911: when you do lshw -C network, what name is the driver , we can do a find -name "drivername" then insmod /path/to/driver | 14:50 |
LjL | goog: parses the username, but still asks me for a password in a window :( | 14:50 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> you decide, wifi or ethernet? only one at a time! | 14:50 |
ardchoille | LjL: Nautilus does ftp://user@host on intrepid , what is this bug I hear about? | 14:50 |
goog | LjL: ok, then maybe its a dolphin thing | 14:50 |
LjL | goog: yes, it seems to be | 14:51 |
goog | LjL: "konqueror ftp://u:p@ftp.ubuntu.com" seems to work. | 14:51 |
LjL | goog: install Konqueror, that one works for me | 14:51 |
LjL | ardchoille: ask goog, i don't use GNOME | 14:51 |
h4writer | n8tuser, indeed that's isn't the problem. My wifi doesn't want to give a list of available wifi's so I can't connect (and disconnecting my cable internet ;-)) | 14:51 |
h4writer | n8tuser, I don't want to use them at the same time !! | 14:51 |
boy-stockholm | hi anyone knows how to install DC++ on ubuntu ? msg me please | 14:51 |
goog | ardchoille: it doesnt do ftp://user:password@host | 14:52 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: if you lazy like me you can reboot and it should get loaded :) | 14:52 |
srx2002 | hi guys, quick question....I'm trying to get add some helper applications in Firefox so I may choose what I would like to do when downloading files.....where does the Linux ( Ubuntu ) store the actual files required to run certain programs..? | 14:52 |
lolren | boy-stockholm: sudo apt-get install linuxdcpp | 14:52 |
LjL | !directconnect | boy-stockholm | 14:52 |
ubottu | boy-stockholm: Direct Connect clients: Valknut (Qt), dcgui (GTK), dc-qt (Qt, alpha), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P | 14:52 |
ardchoille | goog: Ah, ok, I only do user@hots, not user:pass@host | 14:52 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> post your results of sudo lshw -C network | 14:52 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, ok, i'll reboot then now / now then | 14:52 |
goog | LjL: so i will try around with konqueror and see if i like it. | 14:52 |
srx2002 | so I may point to the said application | 14:52 |
boy-stockholm | thanks | 14:53 |
Ximal | is there any way for me to limit the bandwidth my pc is using on this network ? straight from the pc itself ? as i am wanting to make sure it's max or cap is 150 up and down | 14:53 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: or do a find -name "ath5k*" in the etc dir | 14:53 |
h4writer | n8tuser, http://pastebin.com/m2c3dea87 | 14:53 |
homy | Hi! Is there a simple possibility of doing a point to point chat with pidgin or sth like that? I.E., like ICQ or AIM, but without the need of registering anywhere. | 14:53 |
lorenabosso | alguém fala português? | 14:54 |
thiebaude | !pt | 14:54 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 14:54 |
srx2002 | anyone? | 14:54 |
Flynsarmy | Since upgrading to 8.10, VLC 0.9.4 has always stuttered every now and then when playing music/videos. This a common problem? | 14:54 |
AzizLight | when I use apt-get remove, can I exclude specific packages from being uninstaleld? | 14:54 |
lorenabosso | obrigada! | 14:54 |
LjL | goog: you might also try pcmanfm, it's a GNOME file manager that's pretty similar to Nautilus. it'll probably use the very same gvfs and so have the very same problem, but it's worth trying... (after all, both Dolphin and Konqueror use kioslaves, but still behave differently) | 14:54 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> what happens when you do a sudo iwlist wlan0 scan ? | 14:55 |
h4writer | n8tuser, wlan0 No scan results | 14:55 |
naamloos | n8tuser: thanks for the channel, sadly the only other user was the chanserve.... | 14:55 |
Vcoder | Hi. Please help me for a little question. | 14:56 |
n8tuser | naamloos-> maybe #hardware ? | 14:56 |
Vcoder | When I connect to "localhost", source IP is not but it is IP assigned to one of two physical interfaces. | 14:56 |
Vcoder | Is there a way to change IP from which connections to "localhost" are established? | 14:56 |
goog | LjL: thanks a lot! | 14:56 |
LjL | Ximal: "apt-cache search traffic shap" will give you some likely options | 14:56 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> you have your AP up and active? no neighbor AP that you can possibly detect? | 14:56 |
iminhell | Someone please? Is there a line I should be in or something or somewhere more technical I can ask? ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 would really like to make use of my DVD collection at some point. | 14:56 |
srx2002 | hi guys, quick question....I'm trying to get add some helper applications in Firefox so I may choose what I would like to do when downloading files.....where does the Linux ( Ubuntu ) store the actual files required to run certain programs..? | 14:56 |
h4writer | n8tuser, AP? | 14:57 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> can you also post your /etc/network/interfaces file | 14:57 |
h4writer | n8tuser, I got here a wireless network | 14:57 |
Flynsarmy | Since upgrading to 8.10, VLC 0.9.4 has always stuttered every now and then when playing music/videos. How do i fix this? | 14:57 |
AzizLight | LjL: if I remove openoffice, packages like aspell and language-support-* and dictionnaries are going to get removed as well. is that bad considering the fact that I already installed koffice? and if yes can I prevent those packages from being removed? | 14:57 |
goog | LjL: pcmanfm says "file not found" when feed with ftp uris. | 14:57 |
LjL | AzizLight: do they get removed with "autoremove" or even without? | 14:57 |
goog | LjL: and it doesnt look so stylish as konqueror :-) | 14:58 |
h4writer | n8tuser, not much in that file: http://pastebin.com/m325b9e72 | 14:58 |
recon69 | iminhell: you need libcssdvd installed to play DVD's | 14:58 |
srx2002 | nevermind ...got it | 14:58 |
LjL | goog: oh well. keep in mind that Konqueror, if used under GNOME, will suck up a bit of memory | 14:58 |
goog | LjL: well, thanks a lot for all your help. i learned a lot today. | 14:58 |
iminhell | read the thread, I have tried all that to no avail, it's more than a simple codec issue | 14:58 |
AzizLight | LjL: they get removed without autoremove, they get removed with just apt-get remove. I didnt remove anything yet tho | 14:58 |
goog | LjL: but it will free the mem when i close it, right? | 14:58 |
LjL | AzizLight: Hardy or Intrepid? | 14:59 |
LjL | goog: sure | 14:59 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> okay, then you need to a line iface wlan0 inet dhcp on that interfaces file | 14:59 |
AzizLight | LjL: Intrepid | 14:59 |
homy | IS there any point-to-point chat protocol in pidgin or another ubuntu app? | 14:59 |
jajo_ | !p2p | 14:59 |
ubottu | Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information | 14:59 |
LjL | AzizLight: well, i'm on Hardy, but let me have a look anyway if i find the culprit... did you use "openoffice.org-*" eventually? | 14:59 |
biotrox | !udf | 14:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about udf | 14:59 |
andre | hello everyone | 14:59 |
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goog | LjL: then it really doesnt matter if it takes up memory. | 14:59 |
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h4writer | n8tuser, and then? | 14:59 |
AzizLight | LjL: that is exactely what I used: sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-* | 15:00 |
Edulix | hi! I've got an acer aspire (AR242x rev 01) one and I've followed the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne, and i get ath0 up, but it returns no scan results... what can I do? | 15:00 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> sudo ifup wlan0; then you do a sudo iwlist wlan0 scan ? | 15:00 |
a_n_d_r_e | hello everyone | 15:00 |
jajo_ | !eDonkey | 15:00 |
AzizLight | LjL: oh you mean with the quotations? | 15:00 |
ubottu | eDonkey clients: aMule (GTK, stand-alone), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey) - See also !P2P | 15:00 |
n8tuser | Edulix-> post your /etc/network/interfaces contents | 15:00 |
LjL | AzizLight: no, i meant just whether you used that or manually specified packages | 15:00 |
Ximal | thanks Ljl | 15:01 |
LjL | !msg the bot | jajo_ | 15:01 |
ubottu | jajo_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 15:01 |
homy | jajo: I didn't talk about peer-2-peer filesharing, I asked about *chatting*. | 15:01 |
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txapimarian | hola | 15:01 |
a_n_d_r_e | I'm having issues capturing audio with xvidcap, istanbul, recordmydesktop etc... but not audacity... I believe the problem is either with /dev/dsp (OSS) or with pulseaudio, has anyone heard of this issue? | 15:01 |
AzizLight | LjL: well either way I also tried with the quotations and I got the same result | 15:01 |
LjL | AzizLight: sudo apt-get remove $(dpkg -l | grep openoff | awk ' { print $2 } ') will remove fewer packages | 15:01 |
wos | would anyone be so kind as to tell me how to configure gufw firewall for samba? | 15:01 |
jajo_ | LjL:thanks | 15:02 |
h4writer | n8tuser, I don't think it should give something like this (the ifup command): http://pastebin.com/m5bbb560b | 15:02 |
DRMacIver | Hi. I'm trying to get my wifi working on my laptop. I've never had much luck with the proprietary drivers Ubuntu provides for it, so previously I'd been using madwifi. Unfortunately this seems to have broken in the course of an upgrade (I don't know exactly when. I normally use wired), and I can't seem to get it to work again. | 15:02 |
LjL | AzizLight: the most conservative way seems to be: sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-base openoffice.org-common | 15:02 |
Edulix | n8tuser: what does it have to do with anything? I'm executing iwlist ath0 scan, and ath0 is up and in Managed mode | 15:03 |
LjL | AzizLight: try that first, then if you're not satisfied with what it removes, try something more drastic... | 15:03 |
h4writer | n8tuser, if I try the iwlist it still give "no scan results" | 15:03 |
funbitz1 | hi. i just downloaded and installed ubuntu 8.10, and then the kubuntu-desktop package (with synaptic) and kde runs really slow, gnome is much more snappy. the #kubuntu channel isn't helping. i have geforce 9400gt and version 177 of the nvidia acc drv activated, as I think its a video card problem... suggestions? | 15:03 |
wos | would anyone be so kind as to tell me how to configure gufw firewall for samba? | 15:03 |
n8tuser | h4writer-> the driver you have iwlagn seems to be incompatible, find the correct driver for your chip | 15:04 |
AzizLight | LjL: ok I will try that now | 15:04 |
homy | Does anybody know about a free point to point chat protocol that is available in ubuntu? | 15:04 |
LjL | funbitz1: it probably is a video driver problem indeed, especially if the slowness you're experiencing is mostly about resizing windows and scrolling | 15:04 |
DRMacIver | (According to lspci it's an Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) | 15:04 |
h4writer | n8tuser, ok ty :-D | 15:04 |
Edulix | DRMacIver: hey, same as mine | 15:04 |
n8tuser | Edulix-> can you drop that attitude? if you like my help that is.. | 15:05 |
wos | would anyone be so kind as to help me configure gufw firewall for samba? | 15:05 |
Edulix | DRMacIver: and you get no scan results when doing iwlist scan right? uhm same problem as mine | 15:05 |
jojo1224 | how do you install vmware server on ubuntu server? | 15:05 |
funbitz1 | LjL: yeah, when i resize a window, my core 2 duo 8200 goes nuts... | 15:05 |
LjL | funbitz1: i know that's definitely related to the nvidia drivers, but i don't really know the solution | 15:06 |
DRMacIver | Edulix: Indeed. Or rather I get eth0 and lo both of which don't support scanning (and with an iwconfig same but they don't have wireless) | 15:06 |
LjL | funbitz1: try harder in #kubuntu, someone almost certainly knows if you have some patience | 15:06 |
Edulix | n8tuser: sorry if I annoyed you with my attitude, I just don't see any relation between my card not receiving beacons with /etc/network/interfaces =) | 15:06 |
LjL | !vmware > jojo1224 (jojo1224, see the private message from ubottu) | 15:06 |
wos | would anyone be so kind as to help me configure gufw firewall for samba? | 15:06 |
iminhell | wos: ala Google --> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gufw-simple-gui-for-ufw-uncomplicated-firewall.html beats me otherwise | 15:06 |
DRMacIver | Yesterday after some futzing around with proprietary drivers and using an older kernel I managed to get it to at least see wireless networks, but I got 100% packet errors when trying to use them | 15:07 |
jojo1224 | k | 15:07 |
n8tuser | Edulix-> lack of information thats why, i can guess what you already have, so by asking you to provide those, will get closer | 15:07 |
Kenny | Is there a way an Ubuntu computer can instant message a WinXP computer on a local network?? | 15:07 |
wos | :( | 15:07 |
n8tuser | Edulix-> all you said in earliest post if you can not scan..so i require more info | 15:07 |
LjL | Kenny: smbclient -m | 15:08 |
Edulix | n8tuser: it contains two lines: auto lo\n iface lo inet loopback | 15:08 |
LjL | Kenny: smbclient -M i meant | 15:08 |
Kenny | LJL>>> Is that something I can get with apt-get or aptitude?? | 15:08 |
LjL | Kenny: of course | 15:08 |
LjL | Kenny: just type "smbclient" and you'll be told what package contains it | 15:08 |
funbitz1 | LjL: sorry my ignorance. does #kubuntu need a registered nickname to post as well? i'm using chatzilla in firefox and it doesn't tell me that my post isn't actually visible if a channel needs registration... | 15:09 |
AzizLight | LjL: I removed openoffice.org-common and base as you said, but some packages still appear when I use dpkg -l. what does the rc/ii that is in front of the package name means? | 15:09 |
LjL | funbitz1: it doesn't need any registration | 15:09 |
n8tuser | Edulix-> can you add a line on your interfaces file iface ath0 inet dhcp | 15:09 |
Kenny | Should I do it in a terminal or Package manager?? | 15:09 |
homy | point to point chatting (like icq)? | 15:09 |
LjL | AzizLight: rc means they've actually been removed, only the config files have been left (which are likely irrelevant). ii means it's still installed. | 15:09 |
a_n_d_r_e | I'm having issues capturing audio with xvidcap, istanbul, recordmydesktop etc... but not audacity... I believe the problem is either with /dev/dsp (OSS) or with pulseaudio, has anyone heard of this issue? | 15:10 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> follow along with what am advising Edulix | 15:10 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 it didn't work | 15:10 |
wos | would anyone be so kind as to help me configure gufw firewall for samba? | 15:10 |
LjL | Kenny: no difference, just your preference | 15:10 |
lawler | Hi guys - I'm setting up ubuntu for someone and am having a small problem with compiz. I want the widget layer to load automatically when he boots up (to avoid him having to remember to press F9) so he always has his screenlets but can't figure out how. Can anyone tell me how to do this? | 15:10 |
Kenny | Thank you LJL... greatly appreciated. | 15:10 |
Suede | ciao | 15:10 |
LjL | !it | suede | 15:10 |
ubottu | suede: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 15:11 |
Suede | !list | 15:11 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 15:11 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Sure. I'll just be a minut ethough. Sorting something else out. | 15:11 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: damn , well, lets try find your driver , goto the /etc/ dir and do find -name "ath5k*" | 15:11 |
DRMacIver | (Installing madwifi-hal rather than madwifi) | 15:11 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> can you see if the driver ar242 is anywhere in your /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless ? | 15:11 |
a_n_d_r_e | !ubottu | 15:12 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 15:12 |
AzizLight | well I guess the command ive used have been good enough. there are still packages like openoffice.org-base-core or help-* or l10n or even thesaurus but im afraid that if I removed them it might break something | 15:12 |
tood | hello | 15:12 |
LjL | AzizLight: you can try removing them one by one and see what they'd take away | 15:12 |
=== Kartagis is now known as suigeneris | ||
wos | would anyone be so kind as to help me configure my firewall for samba? | 15:13 |
AzizLight | LjL: that's the thing, they dont take away anything, that's why im afraid it might break some other packages | 15:13 |
a_n_d_r_e | !pulseaudio | 15:13 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 15:13 |
lawler | Hi guys - I'm setting up ubuntu for someone and am having a small problem with compiz. I want the widget layer to load automatically when he boots up (to avoid him having to remember to press F9) so he always has his screenlets but can't figure out how. Can anyone tell me how to do this? | 15:13 |
LjL | AzizLight: that would be a bug. really shouldn't happen. if they're needed by something else, then the something else really should depend on them, in which case apt-get would remove it for you. | 15:13 |
tood | boxitor | 15:13 |
homy | Is there any point to point chat protocol/programm in ubuntu? | 15:13 |
jojo1224 | lawler: just tell him to hit F9, its a easy button to press | 15:14 |
LjL | homy: ICQ clients are available. | 15:14 |
EdijusXP | I want to install windows, but I do not want to loose access to Ubuntu. How do I manage that? | 15:14 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser in modules there's only 2.6.27-7-generic and -9 generic | 15:14 |
srx2002 | command to list the contents of a directory beginning with a certain letter only? | 15:14 |
iminhell | !dual boot | 15:14 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 15:14 |
LjL | EdijusXP: i'm afraid you will have to restore your Ubuntu bootloader manually (using a live CD for instance) after installing Windows. unless you install it on a different hard drive. | 15:14 |
tood | ok have to go | 15:15 |
Ximal | hey guys... i installed the libapache2-mod-bw package and i'm wandering if there's a way for me to configure it ? i can't find the proper cli command | 15:15 |
Kenny | LJL>>> Snyaptic says it's already installed (green box). I can't find it in my applications?? | 15:15 |
LjL | srx2002: ls a* | 15:15 |
tood | r u here | 15:15 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> look in subdir of those, to see where that ar242 or whatever the name of it.. resides | 15:15 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 in /ecT theres nothing with ath | 15:15 |
wos | would anyone be so kind as to help me configure my firewall for samba? | 15:15 |
LjL | Kenny: what does "apt-cache policy smbclient" say? | 15:15 |
EdijusXP | LjL: Its good that I have Live CD. How do I edit bootloader? | 15:15 |
homy | LjL: and a point-to-point chatting program? So that my and my friend don't have to register anywhere or use a server or stuff like that? | 15:15 |
n8tuser | Ximal-> perhaps a visit to #apache channel? | 15:15 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: sorry , n8tuser know more than me, lib/modules is the correct place | 15:16 |
AzizLight | LjL: when I do dpkg -l | grep openoff is there a way to also output the size of the packages? | 15:16 |
Ximal | n8tuser: no such luck.. channel's dead this morning.. | 15:16 |
srx2002 | ls: cannot access M*: No such file or directory | 15:16 |
LjL | AzizLight: yes, hold on | 15:16 |
srx2002 | LjL: won't work | 15:16 |
LjL | srx2002: then there is no file starting with M | 15:16 |
n8tuser | Ximal-> that modules seems so customized, not many uses them? or try another net, like undernet.org #apache channel ? | 15:17 |
srx2002 | yup...there is...in my /usr/bin | 15:17 |
srx2002 | trying to list all files beginning with M | 15:17 |
biotrox | !generic | 15:17 |
ubottu | Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 15:17 |
LjL | AzizLight: dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size} ${Package}\n' | grep openoff | sort -nr | 15:17 |
umbi | ciao a tutti | 15:18 |
cylux | How do I make a tarball of my home directory and perhaps filter it to include only hidden files? | 15:18 |
LjL | srx2002: i'd be very surprised if there were any files starting with uppercase M in /usr/bin. | 15:18 |
LjL | !it | umbi | 15:18 |
ubottu | umbi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 15:18 |
cylux | When I say hidden, I mean starting with ',' | 15:18 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser can't find it | 15:18 |
cylux | '.'* | 15:18 |
n8tuser | cylux-> start with man tar and look for exclude options | 15:18 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: so do a 'uname -r' to see what kernel you running and go to that dir under /lib/modules/ | 15:18 |
LjL | !grub > EdijusXP (EdijusXP, see the private message from ubottu) | 15:18 |
Psi-Jack | Alrighty then! JFS seems to be a pretty kick butt filesystem! | 15:18 |
Kenny | LJL>>> [green box]-smbclient ... [white box]-libfilesys-smbclient-perl. There is nothing that says apt-cahce policy smbclient. | 15:18 |
cylux | n8tuser: Thanks | 15:18 |
srx2002 | LjL: I know...i see them when I do ls .....but I can't see a list of files only beginning with the letter M | 15:18 |
quizme__ | hi | 15:19 |
srx2002 | I must have the command wrong | 15:19 |
LjL | Kenny: i'm telling you to *type*, in your terminal, "apt-cache policy smbclient" | 15:19 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> then perhaps you have not installed it yet from that tarball? oh wait, have you even compiled it yet and make install ? | 15:19 |
quizme__ | does anybody know what the Total DNS section in your domain is for in GoDaddy? | 15:19 |
EdijusXP | LjL: Thatks, bro. Have a nice day ;) | 15:19 |
LjL | srx2002: hint: the Linux filesystem is case sensitive. "M" is not "m" | 15:19 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Ok. I'm getting things in iwlist and iwconfig now, but I'm not actually seeing any wireless networks in the network manager | 15:19 |
a_n_d_r_e | I'm having issues capturing audio with xvidcap, istanbul, recordmydesktop etc... but not audacity... I believe the problem is either with /dev/dsp (OSS) or with pulseaudio, has anyone heard of this issue? | 15:20 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: i had compiled it once and until yesterday it workd, but i was told i have to recompiled it every once in a while | 15:20 |
srx2002 | still not working | 15:20 |
recon69 | n8tuser: AndreasMadrid no he got a binary from backports | 15:20 |
Kenny | Installed: 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 | 15:20 |
Kenny | Candidate: 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 | 15:20 |
Kenny | Version table: | 15:20 |
Kenny | *** 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 0 | 15:20 |
Kenny | 500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/main Packages | 15:20 |
Kenny | 500 http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security/main Packages | 15:20 |
FloodBot3 | Kenny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:20 |
DRMacIver | (That's after the interfaces change) | 15:20 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> dont worry about network manager, what are the results of iwlist ath0 scan and iwconfig <-- post in pastebin please | 15:20 |
LjL | Kenny, i could do with the "installed" line... anyway, that does indeed mean it's already installed, so you can just, well, use it | 15:20 |
melch | Hi i am trying to use the repos to install the nvidia 177 driver for my 9500 gt card. Everytime I do X will not start because it says not screen is found | 15:20 |
srx2002 | what would be the correct command to list the contents of a directory beginning with the letter M while in that directory...in my case /usr/bin | 15:21 |
daNz_ajah | #NESTA | 15:21 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> what is the name of your wifi chip again? ar242 yes? | 15:21 |
biotrox | ls /usr/bin M* | 15:21 |
Kenny | from where... is it an app... cause there is nothing in my apps. | 15:21 |
=== irc is now known as Guest59777 | ||
DRMacIver | n8tuser: http://pastebin.com/f6ecc21ef http://pastebin.com/f3129e2b1 | 15:21 |
AzizLight | LjL: that's quit a command :) I love it! just one thing (I know Im being picky, sorry :S ) is there a way to output the result in human readable format (ie Mb and Gb) ? | 15:22 |
LjL | biotrox: are you sure? | 15:22 |
recon69 | n8tuser : the driver that lurk recommended to AndreasMadrid was ath5k | 15:22 |
srx2002 | brian@brian-laptop:/usr/bin$ ls M* | 15:22 |
srx2002 | ls: cannot access M*: No such file or directory | 15:22 |
srx2002 | brian@brian-laptop:/usr/bin$ | 15:22 |
umbi | ddere | 15:22 |
srx2002 | what am I doing wrong? | 15:22 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: dunno whta card, just that it's atheros, and that this driver had previously worked: madwifi-hal- | 15:23 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> then look for that ath5k somewhere in that /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ subdirs | 15:23 |
biotrox | ls /usr/bin/M* | 15:24 |
LjL | AzizLight: not that i know of (also, listing like that wouldn't allow you to sort) | 15:24 |
biotrox | cd /usr/bin | 15:24 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser and the ath5k and another "Support for atheros 802.11 wireless card" is also displayed in system-admin-drivers | 15:24 |
biotrox | ls M* | 15:24 |
LjL | srx2002: what you're doing wrong is that *THERE IS NO FILE IN /usr/bin STARTING WITH UPPERCASE M* | 15:24 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Ok. So actually reading the scan results rathe than treating them as noise, that does indeed to be properly seeing the neighbourhood wireless networks. :) But I'd quite like to get this working in the network manager if I could. | 15:24 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: CD to the /lib/modules dir and do file -name 'ath*' | 15:24 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> you live near me? i have that many AP to choose from too..lol. anyhow it shows you are associated, so just do dhclient wlan0 | 15:24 |
Kenny | LJL>>> sorry to bug.. my question is how do i start the program when it's not in my apps?? | 15:24 |
AzizLight | LjL: meh never mind, the command is cool enough as it is. Thanks a lot for all the help | 15:25 |
biotrox | ls -al /usr/bin | grep M | 15:25 |
LjL | Kenny, it's a console program. you type its name in a terminal. specifically, to use it to send messages, the syntax as i said is "smbclient -M hostname" | 15:25 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> rather sudo dhclient wlan0 | 15:25 |
srx2002 | ok...how about listing directories | 15:25 |
biotrox | ls | 15:25 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> rather sudo dhclient wlan0 or ath0 if your nic is ath0 | 15:25 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: look for the file ath5k | 15:25 |
biotrox | !ls | 15:25 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 15:25 |
srx2002 | ok...how about listing directories beginning with M | 15:25 |
Kenny | For sure... thanks a lot. Have a good one. | 15:26 |
bazhang | srx2002, what is your goal here | 15:26 |
biotrox | !ls | srx2002 | 15:26 |
ubottu | srx2002: please see above | 15:26 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 invalid option --a | 15:26 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> you are on which version? | 15:27 |
runpain2 | how do i stop an application from starting up when i login like windows has a folder to start stuff is there one in ubuntu like a start configureation file i can edit | 15:27 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> you are on which ubuntu version? | 15:27 |
biotrox | runpain, System-Preference-Session | 15:27 |
n8tuser | runpain2-> which app you wish to disable? | 15:27 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: sorry use " not ' | 15:28 |
a_n_d_r_e | I'm having issues capturing audio with xvidcap, istanbul, recordmydesktop etc... but not audacity... I believe the problem is either with /dev/dsp (OSS) or with pulseaudio, has anyone heard of this issue? | 15:28 |
jpjacobs | Hi! I'm using a dualscreen setup, but instead of using the laptop's internal LCD as primary monitor, it uses the external monitor. How can I change this? | 15:29 |
srx2002 | I have read the help and and man pages...I'm still having some trouble with this : I'm trying to list the contents of this directory /usr/bin BUT instead of doing just an ls..I'm trying to list only files beginning with the letter M....( when I do Ls...I can see PLENTY of files files beginning with M...so I know they are there....I just wanna list the files beginning with M | 15:29 |
srx2002 | I cant be any clearer | 15:29 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: At which point my wireless doesn't come up and my wired promptly dies to. :) What do I need to do next time to recover from that without rebooting? :) | 15:29 |
ZA8TU | hello are you there klauschris@freenet.de | 15:29 |
biotrox | jpjacobs user xrandr | 15:29 |
jpjacobs | srx2002, ls M* | 15:29 |
runpain2 | n8tuser, kdetv | 15:29 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: I'm on hardy heron | 15:29 |
bazhang | srx2002, why do you wish to do this is the question | 15:29 |
melch | Hi i am trying to use the repos to install the nvidia 177 driver for my 9500 gt card. Everytime I do X will not start because it says not screen is found | 15:29 |
bazhang | srx2002, what does this have to do with your ubuntu installation/troubleshooting | 15:30 |
jpjacobs | biotrox, how exactly (read the man page, didn't see that) | 15:30 |
srx2002 | bazhang: I'm trying to get used to using the command line.....?? | 15:30 |
bazhang | srx2002, this is not the place for that | 15:30 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95183/ | 15:30 |
onetinsoldier | srx2002: you can also do it like so... ls /usr/bin | grep '^m' | 15:30 |
srx2002 | I installed ubuntu, I really like it....I'm just tryig to better myself | 15:30 |
biotrox | jpjacobs, example xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 --output VGA --mode 1024x768 --below LVDS | 15:31 |
whynot | I succeeded to revive my windows2000 partition using clonezilla. Here goes another question. This is an ubuntu issue. | 15:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | srx2002 try a small M | 15:31 |
bazhang | srx2002, that is commendable, but outside the scope of this channel | 15:31 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> both interfaces dies on you? how do you know? are you using same host to chat with us now? | 15:31 |
bazhang | !rute | srx2002 | 15:31 |
ubottu | srx2002: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 15:31 |
runpain2 | hey Jack_Sparrow | 15:31 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: My IRC client lives on a server elsewhere. | 15:31 |
whynot | when I check out my disks with fdisk -l, gnome displays my usb ntfs hard drive as fat16. Why is that? | 15:32 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: agg, my brain has stopped working it find -name "ath5k" | 15:32 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: But I'm connected to that server from the computer I'm trying to get working, yes. | 15:32 |
biotrox | !partition | 15:32 |
runpain2 | Jack_Sparrow, how you been | 15:32 |
ubottu | For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap | 15:32 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: or better with the star find -name "ath5k*" | 15:32 |
biotrox | !fat16 | 15:32 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fat16 | 15:32 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: And I know because my ssh connection died and I couldn't reconnect to anything. :) | 15:32 |
ZA8TU | are you here klauschris@freenet.de | 15:32 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> using ethernet right? | 15:32 |
DRMacIver | Yeah | 15:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | runpain2 fine, but this isnt the place for chat thanks.. I am only lurking while building a couple of computers | 15:33 |
whynot | ubottu/you know much more than you think, but you're just bot. | 15:33 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:33 |
biotrox | whynot fat16 is 16 bit File Allocation Table | 15:33 |
runpain2 | !startup configuration | 15:33 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:33 |
jpjacobs | biotrox, hmmm it did something, however, it didn't change the primary display... | 15:33 |
biotrox | it's an old FAT filesystem | 15:33 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> one advised i said earlier, is do not have both wireless and ethernet enabled at same time, only one nic at a time | 15:33 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 ath5k.ko | 15:33 |
biotrox | u have to edit the xorg.conf | 15:33 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: That makes communication a little difficult. :) | 15:34 |
whynot | biotrox/it means? gnome displays wrong information? | 15:34 |
runpain2 | hey Jack_Sparrow how do i stop an application from starting up when i boot up | 15:34 |
onetinsoldier | whynot: i think a lot of times usb drives and memory sticks come formatted as fat16 | 15:34 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> it is indeed, your host does not know which nic to take, wireless or ethernet? unless you know how to configure your route table | 15:34 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: need to know the directory | 15:34 |
bingungaja | i got 1 usplash file downloaded named chrome-theme.so, what should I do to make it my usplash ? anyone can teach me pls | 15:34 |
whynot | onetinsoldier/ I formatted it as ntfs. | 15:34 |
runpain2 | i am using kubuntu 8.04 | 15:34 |
biotrox | u have to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf so it recognise there's another extended monitor | 15:34 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> where did you find that ath5k.ko ? the dir? | 15:35 |
Nay2 | hallo everybody | 15:35 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 ./2.6.27-9-generic/updates/ath5k.ko | 15:35 |
francisc1701 | hi, I'm getting "An installation step failed <bla bla>" while building chroot. I'm using the intrepid alternate cd -- both the image's and the cd's md5sum are ok. Any ideas? | 15:35 |
iminhell | (08:12:41 AM) iminhell: What does it mean if i am only able to play a dvd by using this code "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" .... anytime I try to play by using a GUI all I get is a garbled mess ....? | 15:35 |
onetinsoldier | whynot: hmmm, i see. try using gparted.. see what gparted says it is. the linux fdisk prog is old and probably not to be trusted | 15:35 |
whynot | onetinsoldier/ I formatted it as ntfs. Weird enough, when I check properties of the disk, it shows me correct file system, ntfs. | 15:35 |
francisc1701 | oh and i selected "install ltsp server" when I booted the cd | 15:35 |
biotrox | jpjacobs, http://navetz.com/v/132/Simple-dual-monitor-setup-with-XrandR-in-Ubuntu-Linux | 15:36 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Ok. But before disconnecting the ethernet I'd quite like to have sufficient information to get the wifi working, else it's not much good. :) | 15:36 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> try to remove your old iwlagn driver and then insmod /path/to/ath5k note no .so | 15:36 |
biotrox | whynot, backup u're usb flash and use makefs to turn it to FAT32 | 15:36 |
Nay2 | For me why that ubuntu 8.10 is not set even with live cd | 15:36 |
=== petrichor[a] is now known as petrichor | ||
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> paste your current route -n results | 15:36 |
jpjacobs | biotrox, thx for the info! | 15:37 |
badfish69 | anyone using pidgin? | 15:37 |
biotrox | jpjacobs no problem | 15:37 |
iminhell | I am right now | 15:37 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser remove or deaktivate onyl? | 15:37 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: http://pastebin.com/f1ead724a | 15:37 |
biotrox | !mkfs | whynot | 15:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mkfs | 15:37 |
ashutosh | Hi | 15:37 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> remove the iwlagn | 15:37 |
bingungaja | i got 1 usplash file downloaded named chrome-theme.so, what should I do to make it my usplash ? anyone can guide me the step tp do that pls | 15:38 |
ashutosh | df | 15:38 |
whynot | biotrox/it's not a flash. it's a usb hard drive. I don't have to re format it. | 15:38 |
biotrox | just use the FAT16 then | 15:38 |
biotrox | :D | 15:38 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser wat is the iwlagn? | 15:38 |
whynot | biotrox/u don't understand my question. | 15:38 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser i only have the ahteros drivers in system-admin-drivers | 15:38 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> make a note of that, you have one gateway, if you attempt to bring up your ath0 and adds another gateway, your box will get confused which gateway or interface even to take | 15:38 |
biotrox | whynot what is your question? | 15:39 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> sudo lsmod |grep iwlagn results? | 15:39 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: ok | 15:39 |
ashutosh | Will pasting all the files in the .iso file of ubuntu 8.10 on a flash drive and booting flash drive before hdd boot into ubuntu? | 15:39 |
whynot | biotrox/ubuntu terminal displays it as fat16, but when I check the properties of the disk, it shows me correct information, i.e. ntfs. | 15:39 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: So, should I bring down eth1 before I do the dhclient call or what? | 15:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | ashutosh no | 15:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !usb > ashutosh | 15:40 |
ubottu | ashutosh, please see my private message | 15:40 |
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib | ||
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser nothing | 15:40 |
=== pretto_ is now known as Pretto | ||
biotrox | whynot owh sorry | 15:40 |
biotrox | :D | 15:40 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> sudo lsmod |grep ath results? | 15:40 |
whynot | onetinsoldier is correct maybe. | 15:40 |
biotrox | whynot don't know | 15:40 |
biotrox | :D | 15:40 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> yes, bring down eth1 and ath0 then bring up ath0 alone | 15:40 |
bazhang | biotrox, please desist with the smileys | 15:41 |
b52ub | hi | 15:41 |
Razy | hi, i search gpaint but same paint.net for ubuntu ? | 15:41 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid : to remove old driver do "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and add then lines "blacklist ath_hal" and "blacklist ath_pci" also check to see if the is a line "blacklist ath5k" if there is change it to "#blacklist ath5k" | 15:41 |
b52ub | pplw modifying the network conf manually no longer works ! | 15:41 |
b52ub | ? | 15:41 |
gilles243156 | When I insert my MP3 player via usb, a media application is autostarted. How can I disable or change this behaviour? Ubuntu 8.04. Tried System/Preferences/Preferred applications. Tried System/Preferences/Removable Drives. | 15:41 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95184/ | 15:41 |
b52ub | i mean just editing the ip adress of my eth interface | 15:41 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: ok | 15:41 |
Kohlrak | Does anyone know how to disable middle click? | 15:42 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Hm. I'm being dim. Is the right way to do that not ifdown eth1? I'm getting "interface eth1 not configured" when I try. | 15:42 |
kristian_ | is there any command for iwconfig for making ubuntu connect to wlan automatic on startup? | 15:42 |
whynot | When someone gives me wrong information, I'll take him (her) my enemy. ^^ I'm not talking about biotrox. | 15:42 |
=== irc is now known as Guest85244 | ||
Nay2 | Мля здесь кто нить говорит по русски, или так и будем всякую хуйню писать? | 15:42 |
LjL | !ru | nay2 | 15:42 |
biotrox | heh...? | 15:43 |
ubottu | nay2: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 15:43 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> or perhaps eth0 ? know the names of your nics | 15:43 |
bazhang | Nay2, /join #ubuntu-ru | 15:43 |
whynot | biotrox/just kidding. | 15:43 |
bingungaja | i got 1 usplash file downloaded named chrome-theme.so, what should I do to make it my usplash ? anyone can guide me the step tp do that pls | 15:43 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> its not iwconfig, you enable it in /etc/network/interfaces with auto wlan0 or auto ath0 | 15:43 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: No, eth0 isn't there at all | 15:43 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> sudo ifdown eth1 | 15:44 |
quizme__ | does anybody know about godaddy? | 15:44 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: eth1 is the only wired interface ifconfig is reporting, and it does claim it exists | 15:44 |
whynot | but I think there are too many information on how to use ubuntu including wrong info. It's very confusing. | 15:44 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Yes, that's what I did | 15:44 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : alright, ill check that out, thanks for helping out. will see if i can get it to work. :) | 15:44 |
netsrot | Hi, I just pressed uninstall on pulse audio in synaptics and it said it will have to remove ubuntu-desktop also, is that a good thing? | 15:44 |
gnutron | bingungaja: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash following this guideline should work for you. | 15:44 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 ok, done. there was no blacklist for ath, but for eth1394 | 15:44 |
quizme__ | it seems like godaddy let's you set A records and CNAME records for your domain. Isn't that DNS stuff ? | 15:44 |
=== cs278^ktulu is now known as cs278 | ||
bingungaja | gnutron: thx | 15:44 |
Nay2 | keep out me on #ubuntu-ru | 15:45 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: http://pastebin.com/f1822638c is showing eth1 but not eth0, yet ifdown eth1 isn't working. It's very odd. | 15:45 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: thats ok, now it wont try load the old driver | 15:45 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> type the command sudo ifdown eth1 and paste the results | 15:45 |
whynot | I wrestled with clonezilla for more than 5 hours. (it's not an ubuntu issue) It makes me frustrated. Finally, I solved out the problem but I'm totall exhausted. Mentally drained. | 15:45 |
matisse | hi | 15:46 |
netsrot | will my computer be able to boot without ubuntu-desktop package? | 15:46 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: now try "sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/updates/ath5k.ko" | 15:46 |
bazhang | netsrot, yep | 15:46 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: I did. All it says is ifdown: interface eth1 not configured | 15:46 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, n8tuser: I just disbaled the wlan driver in hardware manually. and it says it's deactivated but still in user | 15:46 |
AndreasMadrid | use | 15:47 |
n8tuser | whynot-> you still have hair? hehehe | 15:47 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : so i would just add "auto wlan0" to the txt and i should work? | 15:47 |
lordmorgoth | guys, is there a way to install themes for amaroke while running it on ubuntu (gnome) | 15:47 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> assuming your nic name is wlan0 yes, then restart via sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 15:47 |
whynot | n8tuser/ I have some, I lost many many hairS. | 15:47 |
hebrsh | hi all, need help; how can I recover from an empty /boot partition. I have apt-get complaining about Internal Error: Could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic) which after an rm -r is obviously not there | 15:48 |
n8tuser | whynot welcome to the club of hair lossing system.. aka ubuntu...hehehe | 15:48 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Now that I think about it, I've noticed this behaviour on other machines running hardy too. I've just never bothered to figure out what's going on. Might be this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=900804 | 15:48 |
whynot | n8tuser/ what do you mean aka? | 15:48 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> let me google for what driver is used for yours | 15:49 |
whynot | aka stands for...? | 15:49 |
n8tuser | also known as | 15:49 |
gnutron | whynot: also known as = a/k/a | 15:49 |
hebrsh | The other thing involved there is the installation of grub that misserably fail on the same linux generic | 15:49 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Hm. ifconfig eth1 down works but then it immediately comes back up again without my doing anything. | 15:49 |
whynot | Thanks | 15:49 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser, recon69: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95185/ | 15:49 |
whynot | Actually, english is not my mother tongue. and there are too many abbreviations in english. | 15:50 |
lordmorgoth | guys, is there a way to install themes for amaroke while running it on ubuntu (gnome) | 15:50 |
whynot | Check this site. www.acronymfinder.com | 15:50 |
iminhell | I try to play a DVD with any of the programs in add/remove (Gxine, Mplayer, Totem, helix, VLC, etc) and all I get is a pixilated mess. This is even on a ripped/stripped/burned DVD (i.e. no CSS). I have all the good/bad/ugly/unstripped and libdvd codecs in place; have uninstalled and re installed several times with no change. I can get clean video to play via the terminal command "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://". ...... What | 15:50 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> contents of your interfaces file again? | 15:50 |
matisse | how do change in a textfile by script multiple space chars to 1 tab ? | 15:50 |
jrib | matisse: use sed | 15:50 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: you missing the / after modules, it should be the full path to the ath5k.ko file | 15:50 |
jrib | matisse: or tr | 15:51 |
olskolirc | hey guys how do I uninstall this kde4.2 upgrade or kubuntu all together and start over with what came with my intrepid please? command line? | 15:51 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: hello... having trouble? | 15:51 |
olskolirc | nobody is up at #kubuntu | 15:51 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> do not add the .ko just ath5k and see if it works | 15:51 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : will give it a shot, thanks for your time! :) | 15:51 |
gnutron | whynot: acronyms and initials are two different things, acronyms you can pronounce, initials you do not. | 15:51 |
LjL | !downgrade | olskolirc | 15:51 |
ubottu | olskolirc: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 15:51 |
mker | iminhell, with pixelated mess do you mean that you don't see anything or that the picture is "normal" but is shown as very small pixels (which makes it looks like crap) | 15:51 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> good luck | 15:51 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: insmod: can't read 'ath5k': No such file or directory | 15:51 |
AndreasMadrid | with or without .ko, but it's in there | 15:52 |
olskolirc | how do I take kubuntu out all together on intrepid please? | 15:52 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: andy@ubuntu:/lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/updates$ sudo insmod ath5k | 15:52 |
AndreasMadrid | insmod: can't read 'ath5k': No such file or directory | 15:52 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: big trouble :( gentoo != ubuntu | 15:52 |
whynot | gnutron/ that website will shows you aka as an acronym. | 15:52 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Looking at it it indeed doesn't contain eth1. http://pastebin.com/f7f45e09c | 15:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !puregnome > olskolirc | 15:52 |
ubottu | olskolirc, please see my private message | 15:52 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : umm, one last question, after auto wlan0 line if i add "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" what will it do, and should i add it? | 15:52 |
mker | olskolirc, I had to paste a big list of every package in KDE to do it. I don't remember the link but someone here gave it to me. | 15:52 |
iminhell | mker: pixilated as in not breaking the css, or similar to a graphics card overheating or like when satalite tv is weak signal | 15:52 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: cd to the directory and do "insmod ath5k" | 15:52 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> use the full path sudo insmod /pull/path/to/ath5k | 15:53 |
gnutron | whynot: technically is is not, but yes i'm sure it's there. | 15:53 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: little mistake with thr 'rm -r' command eh. well how about reinstalling that kernel? have you tried that? | 15:53 |
mker | iminhell, have you tried the dvd on other computers to see that the problem really is in that one? | 15:53 |
iminhell | The DVD plays just fine on the Windows side. | 15:53 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> i thought you already have it there, but if not yes add it in to make your wlan retrieve an ip address | 15:53 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: And trying to add it in seems to confuse everything (or at least I lose net access) | 15:53 |
iminhell | I've tried 200 some dvd's now. Same results for all. | 15:54 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: try apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic | 15:54 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: not mistake, i configured a 16MB partition but needed to resize it. if you can tell me how to reinstall grub/linux while evading the 'is not configured errors I get...' | 15:54 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95186/ | 15:54 |
gnutron | whynot: you don't say 'aka' as 'aw-kah' you say A, K, A. follow me. :) | 15:54 |
whynot | I need to go. I'm sleepy. enjoy ur ubuntu everybody. | 15:54 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: same errors :( | 15:54 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : nope it wasnt there, so i guess ill add it. ok, thanks for your time. :) i will give this a shot, hope it works! :) | 15:54 |
n8tuser | DRMacIver-> add your eth1 in and reboot | 15:54 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: look, the path is wrong. find the ath5k file and cd to that dir, do a "ls" to make sure its there and then "insmod ath5k" | 15:55 |
whynot | gnutron/guess what? I saw my boss(american) pronouncing A.S.A.P as eisep. | 15:55 |
melch | Hi i am trying to use the repos to install the nvidia 177 driver for my 9500 gt card. Everytime I do X will not start because it says not screen is found. This is my config file http://paste2.org/p/115411 | 15:55 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> you are missing a "/" after modules ...modules2.6.27.. | 15:55 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: what error do you get when you try apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic ? Internal Error: Could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic) ?? | 15:56 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, but it's there, i even changed into the path and i sthere when i do lsee it | 15:56 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: http://pastebin.com/m7b52a9c4 | 15:56 |
mker | iminhell, Just so you know I don't know if I have the answer, I'm just trying to help out so feel free to ignore my ideas :) It's possible that http://www.medibuntu.org/ could help you. | 15:56 |
olskolirc | how do I see my desktop menu without logging out - command line please? | 15:56 |
gnutron | whynot: that one is an exception to the rule actually. e.g. eh-sap = asap | 15:56 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, but it's there, i even changed into the path and i see it there doing ls | 15:56 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> you are missing a "/" after modules ...modules2.6.27.. | 15:56 |
whynot | gnutron/ I gotta go now. It's not important I think. let's drop it. | 15:56 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok, i will look at the pastebin, hang on | 15:56 |
francisc1701 | hi, I'm getting "An installation step failed <bla bla>" while building chroot. I'm using the intrepid alternate cd -- both the image's and the cd's md5sum are ok. Any ideas? | 15:56 |
francisc1701 | oh and i selected "install ltsp server" when I booted the cd | 15:56 |
AndreasMadrid | ah | 15:56 |
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recon69 | AndreasMadrid: my mistake then, you need the full path | 15:56 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i am an advanced linux user... but debugging ubuntu/apt-get is not my thing | 15:57 |
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AndreasMadrid | n8tuser even with / same error | 15:57 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok.. have you tried making the /boot directory? | 15:57 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: use pwd to get the directory | 15:57 |
hebrsh | there is boot and an empty /grub | 15:57 |
hebrsh | uu /boot/grub | 15:57 |
hebrsh | it even contains now the vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic etc | 15:58 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> paste the results of ls -la /lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/updates; sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/updates/ath5k | 15:58 |
iminhell | mker: Sadly they have tried, and failed. I keep getting the same responses everywhere, install XXX codec. lol Tried that more than a few times with no change. I'm lost. hey, you responded. More than i can say for some. ty | 15:58 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid: i'm back, the path should be ok, i have ath5k.ko there, did you install backports? | 15:58 |
edlv | i connected my usb hard drive,. but it is not recognised. any help, please? | 15:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | mker what flavor of ubuntu are you running | 15:58 |
mker | iminhell, very strange problem, dvds should play without problems. Do you get the same thing when trying to play a "normal" video? | 15:59 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok. what happens if you do dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic | 15:59 |
FFForever | any ideas on why my svideo out wouldbe black and white only | 15:59 |
FFForever | ? | 15:59 |
mker | Jack_Sparrow, Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64, are you sure you meant to ask me though? :) | 15:59 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic is broken or not fully installed | 15:59 |
=== irc is now known as Guest21288 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | mker our having the video issue right | 15:59 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: with -7 it works | 15:59 |
mker | Jack_Sparrow, that's iminhell | 15:59 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95188/ | 15:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | ah | 15:59 |
iminhell | mker: no. normal video (like downloaded from youtube) plays just fine, full audio perfect picture. Just strange. | 15:59 |
=== brian____ is now known as MrCollins | ||
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser, luks911 I tried again with .ko | 16:00 |
MrCollins | *sigh* | 16:00 |
iminhell | Jack: 8.10 | 16:00 |
iminhell | -7 | 16:00 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser, luks911 now it says there's an unknown symbol in module | 16:00 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok.. i know how to fix this with a sledg hammer... but it is psossible someone else might know a better way than me. if you want me to pull out the sledge hammer i will | 16:00 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: if hammer != reinstall give me the hammer | 16:01 |
mker | iminhell, if you're playing videos in youtube that's not the same since that plays in flash plugin (correct me if I'm wrong anyone). don't you have any movies that aren't in dvd format to try? | 16:01 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid: could you paste the error? | 16:01 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok.. here goes.. go into your /var/lib/dpkg dir | 16:01 |
AndreasMadrid | sure | 16:01 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: | 16:02 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: yes | 16:02 |
Walty | hello guys! I have a question .. I have now Ubuntu 8.10 and would like to install window xp as dual boot for gaming. If I install windows it will right the loader over grub right? Do I then have to boot up with the ubuntu 8.10 live cd and put ubuntu to the loader? | 16:02 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: then be certain to make a backup of the following file.. status | 16:02 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: yes | 16:02 |
iminhell | mker: one sec. Think I have one in my photobucket that is a .mov. That work? | 16:02 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: now open the status file with an editor, such as vim | 16:02 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: go on :( | 16:03 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: go on :) | 16:03 |
mker | iminhell, I don't know, maybe, I'm pretty much guessing by now :) | 16:03 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: and what the output of uname -r ? | 16:03 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok, one sec.. i don't want to go too fast here | 16:03 |
AndreasMadrid | luks911, recon69: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95190/ | 16:04 |
iminhell | mker: lol it's flash anyway. i have nothing on this machine though. It's a brand new install. | 16:04 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 2.6.27-9-generic | 16:04 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: my vim is standing by | 16:04 |
edlv | i am using ubuntu 7.10. I connected my usb hard drive,. but it is not recognised. any help, please? | 16:04 |
pumpkinseed | can someone help me install vlc 0.9.8a on my ubuntu 8.10 64bit installatio? | 16:04 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> try to use ath9k lets see if that makes a difference | 16:04 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: do a search on linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic ... keep searching on that until you get to the area that shows the actual status of the package. you will see a line for it like so, Status: install ok installed | 16:05 |
jojo1224 | edvl: upgrade to 8.10 or atleast 8.04 | 16:05 |
pumpkinseed | can someone help me install vlc 0.9.8a on my ubuntu 8.10 64bit installation? It seems like the only version I can get is 0.9.4 | 16:05 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser same result | 16:05 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: got it | 16:05 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: what does the status show for it... ? i'm just curious | 16:05 |
hebrsh | Status: install ok installed | 16:05 |
uman | Hey guys. I just wanted to know, if i create a vpn server in my ubuntu box with pptp using this guide: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=132029 ... will the data transfered be encrypted? (128 bit?) Thanks | 16:06 |
AndreasMadrid | n8tuser same result: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/95191/ | 16:06 |
edlv | jojo1224: i was using my drive till yesterday. but its not identified today. its just important. i cant wait to upgrade. | 16:06 |
n8tuser | AndreasMadrid-> well, your next alternative now is using ndiswrapper | 16:06 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: hmm, hang on. it seems to me that that is no what is should show | 16:06 |
onetinsoldier | not* | 16:06 |
mker | pumpkinseed, did you try http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html ? | 16:06 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: I have a link that may help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html | 16:06 |
klod | Bonsoir tout le monde :) | 16:06 |
=== sean is now known as Guest20640 | ||
Poring | Hello guys | 16:07 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69 thanks for the link | 16:07 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: is there a possibility to force the delete from the package manager and just reinstall it? | 16:07 |
AndreasMadrid | recon69, n8tun late for meser thank you for your help. I will read the page. but now i gotta go.... without having the problem solved. But it's gotte | 16:08 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: yes.. in that file you completely erase the area for that package... just that package only | 16:08 |
filipegatti | hello there! someone here uses ayttm? i'm using it as MSN client and everytime someone is chatting with me, the person's windows just freezes for some seconds. | 16:08 |
AndreasMadrid | thank you | 16:09 |
AndreasMadrid | bye | 16:09 |
Poring | You talking about atheros | 16:09 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: well good luck with it :) | 16:09 |
PrebenR | filipegarcia, have you tried pidgin=? | 16:09 |
AndreasMadrid | thx | 16:09 |
Poring | Wait andrea | 16:09 |
AndreasMadrid | thx, recon69 | 16:09 |
mker | filipegarcia, is there a reason for you using ayttm and not Pidgin which comes by default with Ubuntu? | 16:09 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: if there are like 15 lines describing that package, delete those 15 lines | 16:09 |
Poring | i got the same wireless just got it wrking | 16:09 |
Psi-Jack | Okay. For getting /FULL/ 3D acceleration support in Ubuntu 8.10, do I need to install the xorg-driver-fglrx package? | 16:09 |
Poring | working like a charm* | 16:09 |
AndreasMadrid | poring yes | 16:09 |
Psi-Jack | For an ATI Radeon X1600 Pro | 16:09 |
Poring | i'll give the link to walk through i used | 16:09 |
AndreasMadrid | poring thank you | 16:10 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: done now just an apt-get install? | 16:10 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: but make certain this is for the.... Package: linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic | 16:10 |
PrebenR | filipegatti, have you tried pidgin? | 16:10 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: yes.. try it | 16:10 |
Poring | http://home.roadrunner.com/~computertaijutsu/rhwireless.html | 16:10 |
Poring | it speaks of all distros\ | 16:10 |
filipegatti | mker, well, its lighter? :-D | 16:10 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: this make take some time... you may get more errors now from apt/dpkg | 16:10 |
filipegatti | PrebenR, the same, is lighter I guess | 16:10 |
a_n_d_r_e | if I want to install a new audio card, do I have to do anything in ubuntu or is it plug and play? | 16:10 |
AndreasMadrid | luks911, recon69, poring i just know that last time i had to do it, someone helped me and it icluded make and make isntall | 16:10 |
Poring | there is handy explanation for ubuntu as well\using wireless atm :) so fair to say its a good guide | 16:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Promille what card is that for | 16:10 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: linux-headers-generic: Depends: linux-headers-2.6.27-9-generic but it is not going to be installed | 16:10 |
PrebenR | filipegatti, you mean it freezes in pidgin too? | 16:10 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid: http://aqeeliz.com/2008/09/21/atheros-ar5007eg-on-linux/ another way | 16:11 |
JoVoa | . | 16:11 |
AndreasMadrid | luks911, recon69, poring i just know that last time i had to do it, someone helped me and it icluded make and make isntall | 16:11 |
mker | filipegarcia, if you really really need it being light maybe check out empathy or telepathy (I forget which is which) then. It's very basic. | 16:11 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: something is working now | 16:11 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: apt-get install --force-yes install linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic | 16:11 |
filipegatti | PrebenR, no, is as I said to the other guy, attym is lighter than Pidgin, that's why I prefer it. | 16:11 |
Poring | basicly u need to get aptitude install linux-backports-modules-hardy | 16:11 |
recon69 | AndreasMadrid: well, the unknown symbol make me think the driver you have is compiled again the wrong kernel, so a build would fix that | 16:11 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: do that only if needed! | 16:11 |
Poring | oops* | 16:11 |
Poring | change hardy with intrepid ofc | 16:11 |
AndreasMadrid | luks911, recon69, poring haha, ok, that's now three sites. hope one of them will be of help. thank you | 16:11 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid: in this case (http://aqeeliz.com/2008/09/21/atheros-ar5007eg-on-linux/) first disable all wifi drivers in use | 16:12 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i did the -f install option... and this brings me back to the same error as before :'( | 16:12 |
PrebenR | filipegatti, you should as at the attym mailinglist : http://ayttm.sourceforge.net/mls.shtml | 16:12 |
Poring | Guys i come with | 16:12 |
Poring | a question | 16:12 |
mker | Poring, Please keep your question in *one* message. It makes it easier for us to read and increases your chances of getting an answer. | 16:12 |
AndreasMadrid | luks911, recon69 ok, a new build next time i enter here i will ask how to do that, if none of the now four pages will help | 16:13 |
filipegatti | PrebenR, yep. I think i'm going over it, but I though someone could possibly just had the same problem. Thanks anyway. | 16:13 |
Psi-Jack | Anyone? ATI support in Linux/Ubuntu to get full 3D acceleration, does it need the xorg-driver-fglrx package for an ATI Radeon X1600 Pro? | 16:13 |
AndreasMadrid | luks911, poring, recon69 thank you again. bye | 16:13 |
PrebenR | filipegatti, there are also some ncurses clients | 16:13 |
Luks911 | AndreasMadrid: bye | 16:13 |
umar | hi i am unable to open usb HDD through ubuntu kindly suggest | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | Psi-Jack I thought that used aiglx.. not fglrx, bt then I have not used ati for awhile | 16:13 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: are you getting Package linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic is not configured yet. ? | 16:13 |
Miscc | hello is there some program or script to allow only some countries make connection into my server and prevent other countries from connecting to my server in deffirent ports ?? | 16:14 |
PrebenR | filipegatti, http://freshmeat.net/search?q=msn+client§ion=projects | 16:14 |
nicklas__ | yo | 16:14 |
hebrsh | hebrsh: yes... it happens after any install | 16:14 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: yes... it happens after any install | 16:14 |
Poring | i am having some problems with my video cad, SIS 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter, right now i got 1280x768 resolution with vesa driver, but i would like 3d support for my laptop, any one might know of a solution for this ? | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Miscc that isnt reall a ubuntu support qestion, perhaps ask in #apache or ubuntu-server | 16:14 |
Psi-Jack | Jack_Sparrow: Hmmm. Nor I, but I'm loaded up with Second Life and it's not allowing me full graphics options. | 16:14 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: are you getting the same exact errors as you put in the pastebin? | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Poring 3d on an sis.. not likel | 16:14 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: yes | 16:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Psi-Jack under wine or native under linux | 16:15 |
Psi-Jack | Jack_Sparrow: Native under Linux. | 16:15 |
PrebenR | I have a problem with umask 077. When multiple users should have rw access to files in a folder (f.ex) photos from a camera, I always end up with permission trouble. I'm considering changing umask to 007 unless there is a better way | 16:15 |
PrebenR | any ideas? | 16:15 |
Poring | Jack_Sparrow though as much from read the 1000 topics today, but this looked like my last hope to come and ask you guys, cause some peopel were secsefull but they did not post a "HOWTO" | 16:16 |
umar | its giving me error of unable to mount | 16:16 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Funny story. Adding that line to my interfaces almost killed my computer. Performance went through the floor and the fan was going like crazy. | 16:16 |
umar | nny solution dear | 16:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !patience > umar | 16:16 |
ubottu | umar, please see my private message | 16:16 |
Poring | Would a sis 2d driver change my user expiriece compared to using the vesa driver ? | 16:16 |
=== ogre_ is now known as ogre | ||
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Had to boot into recovery mode and edit the file to remove the line in order to get a usable system | 16:16 |
DRMacIver | n8tuser: Anyway, I've got to go now. Thanks for your help. | 16:17 |
=== ogre is now known as troyen | ||
lexrex | my screen (on external monitor for my eeepc 1000h) just went blank when i played some music -- i can't get my screen to show since i used xrandr to send all visual to the external monitor | 16:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Poring I would think if anyone really had it working the would post how they did it. | 16:17 |
lexrex | anything i can do to reset the display | 16:17 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: you need to look in the /var/dpkg/status file again... make 100% certain that you are at the correct package. whatever package is is giving the message... "is not configured yet." shold NOT show a status of -->Status: install ok installed ...it shold show as something else | 16:17 |
edlv | ubottu: umar, please see my private message. | 16:18 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:18 |
edlv | i asked the same help and i didnt get a help. | 16:18 |
onetinsoldier | shold = should | 16:18 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: shold = should | 16:18 |
Poring | Jack_Sparrow okay thank you , i will try and search for a solution another day. Have a good day gents | 16:18 |
lexrex | isn't there a hot-key to get my basic screen back | 16:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | lexrex try ctrl-alt-F2 and see if you get a term | 16:19 |
lexrex | or a hot-key to get to a terminal | 16:19 |
[Spooky] | How secure is the 8.10 without a firewall installed? | 16:19 |
lexrex | Jack_Sparrow, i might have a term, but i can't see it | 16:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | [Spooky] very, most users make things worse b tring to improve it | 16:19 |
Makdaam | hello, where's the PolicyKit file for HAL in Ubuntu? | 16:20 |
lexrex | i am blind | 16:20 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: i am pretty sure it show up as something like Status: install ok half-configured ...however i could be wrong. anyway, make sure you are at the correct package | 16:20 |
[Spooky] | Jack_Sparrow: Ah ok thanks. | 16:20 |
lexrex | but the sound is continuing | 16:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | lexrex boot up a live cd... and fix it, would be my first thought | 16:20 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i'm now trying if it installs after purge | 16:20 |
MindVirus | Hi. | 16:20 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok | 16:20 |
MindVirus | I already have Ubuntu, but I'd like to figure out for the future the best way to do this. | 16:21 |
lexrex | i can power down and all will be well -- but i had a lot of unsaved code open | 16:21 |
MindVirus | I want to split my / and /home. | 16:21 |
mker | MindVirus, Please keep your question in *one* message. It makes it easier for us to read and increases your chances of getting an answer. | 16:21 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: POSITIVE | 16:21 |
lexrex | plus i hate to power down ubuntu -- and the computer is running fine | 16:21 |
MindVirus | mker, sorry. | 16:21 |
mker | MindVirus, when you install and come to the partition stage you can do it there. really simple. | 16:21 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok, i read you | 16:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | [Spooky] it goes back to Windows thinking.. just not reall an issue | 16:21 |
MindVirus | mker, I know. | 16:21 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: so how can i get grub restalled | 16:21 |
MindVirus | mker, but I would like to know what's the best size ratio. | 16:21 |
lexrex | o.k., i was able to get a terminal with ctl+alt f2 | 16:21 |
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lexrex | no x | 16:22 |
umar | i have read the message | 16:22 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: what state is grub in? what does it show as if you do dpkg -l grub ? | 16:22 |
lexrex | if i run xrandr i get " can't open display" | 16:22 |
pumpkinseed | does anyone have the repository for the new version of VLC (version 0.9.8a)? A deb file for ubuntu 8.10 64bit would also do the trick. | 16:22 |
Psi-Jack | Anyone here using Linux with an ATI video card? I need specific details on it. | 16:22 |
pumpkinseed | does anyone have the repository for the new version of VLC (version 0.9.8a)? A deb file for ubuntu 8.10 64bit would also do the trick. | 16:22 |
Makdaam | MindVirus: / should have enough space for all your binaries and /home should have enough space for all documents, configs, logs, movies, music etc. | 16:22 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: | Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend | 16:22 |
MindVirus | Makdaam, thanks, but I know. What I don't know is "enough space". | 16:22 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: not that line tho | 16:22 |
MindVirus | I was thinking 32GB for / and the rest for /home. | 16:23 |
mker | MindVirus, /home is where you keep most of your stuff, / is used for the OS and the programs you install so it kind of depends on what programs you do install. I used to have 5 gb for /, maybe you need more, maybe you'll wase 1-2 gb on that. | 16:23 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i'm going to try the purge thing here too | 16:23 |
Makdaam | MindVirus: noone knows that :) depends on what you want to install | 16:23 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: the last line it gives you. and what about the kernel package problem. is it fixed yet? | 16:23 |
PrebenR | lexrex, was it the external that went blank? | 16:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | MindVirus how much total space on the drive for ubuntu | 16:23 |
lexrex | PrebenR, yes | 16:23 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: kernel seems to be fixed but the grub deps are not in /boot/grub yet | 16:23 |
MindVirus | Jack_Sparrow, you're asking how big my single Ubuntu partition is right now? | 16:23 |
recon69 | upgraded 8.04 to 8.10 got the video driver going for my nvidia 6600 , but it's slow , moving windows leaves trails of white behind , is this normal? | 16:23 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok, roger | 16:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !home > MindVirus | 16:24 |
ubottu | MindVirus, please see my private message | 16:24 |
PrebenR | do a: ps ux | 16:24 |
[Spooky] | Jack_Sparrow: Ok, is there a log over system events? | 16:24 |
PrebenR | lexrex in the teerminal | 16:24 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: is there somethting ubuntish for grub-install ? | 16:24 |
MindVirus | Holy crap. | 16:24 |
PrebenR | lexrex, then kill the music program | 16:24 |
lexrex | the external is blank -- but when i hit ctl+alt+f7 adn go to X, i hear the monitor going active (it is a crt) but it is all black | 16:24 |
Steven2 | hm | 16:24 |
MindVirus | I'm a programmer. I know how Linux works, very well. | 16:24 |
MindVirus | I'm looking for size advice. | 16:24 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: if the grub package is installed then you just run... update-grub | 16:24 |
PrebenR | lexrex, then try Ctrl-Alt-F7 | 16:24 |
danub | how can i tell how fast my wireless is connected? | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | MindVirus 30 is plenty for / | 16:25 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: update-grub doesn't put stage1/2 in there | 16:25 |
danub | i dont see the speed listed in the knetworkmanager | 16:25 |
rhalff | how to install a .deb file with dependencies ? | 16:25 |
mker | MindVirus, as I said it depends on what you plan on installing. 30gb sounds like *a lot* to me, but it might be right for you. | 16:25 |
pumpkinseed | does anyone have the repository for the new version of VLC (version 0.9.8a)? A deb file for ubuntu 8.10 64bit would also do the trick. | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | MindVirus if you have room to spare split out /var as well to keep debs off / | 16:25 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: do you have a /boot/grub directory? | 16:25 |
mker | pumpkinseed, did you try http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html ? | 16:25 |
rhalff | dpkg -i my.deb won't install dependencies, and apt-get install my.deb won't recognize the .deb | 16:25 |
jrib | rhalff: why aren't you using the repositories? | 16:25 |
ActionParsnip | rhalff: sudo apt-get install <deb file>; sudo apt-get -f install | 16:26 |
rhalff | jrgp, because I made my own package | 16:26 |
jrib | rhalff: double click on it | 16:26 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i mkdir'ed it | 16:26 |
danub | is there a command i can use to see the speed? | 16:26 |
MindVirus | Alright. | 16:26 |
rhalff | jrib, from the console | 16:26 |
MindVirus | So 30GB is enough. | 16:26 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: wiat.. i am actually much more used to plain debian, hang on | 16:26 |
lexrex | PrebenR, i launched aol radio from firefox -- so i killed firefox the music stopped but still no display for x | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | rhalff if it is from our repos and you are using apt-get aptitude or synaptic, they are handled.. if you go outside our repos, you get to chase them ourself | 16:26 |
lianimator | How do I make a local apache server accessible by other people outside my network (internet). I am behiind a router. I need to listen on port 8080.. correct path? | 16:26 |
pumpkinseed | mker: yes | 16:26 |
lexrex | when i hit ctl+alt+f7 | 16:27 |
pumpkinseed | mker: are you familiar with vlc? | 16:27 |
lexrex | (even though i do hear the monitor continuing to get a signal) | 16:27 |
mker | pumpkinseed, yes | 16:27 |
PrebenR | lexrex, ok | 16:27 |
MindVirus | Thanks, mker and Jack_Sparrow. | 16:27 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: doh... i don't have grub installed here... | 16:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | lianimator #apache or ubuntu-server channels can help | 16:27 |
PrebenR | lexrex, wait to think | 16:27 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: we are getting somewhere on this side | 16:27 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ahhh, good! :-) | 16:27 |
MindVirus | Another question: are /home, /var, and /etc all the places that user-modified files typically are? | 16:27 |
dexkent | i've installed the soundblaster x-fi driver but it doesn't appear in my sound preferences | 16:27 |
jrib | rhalff: gdebi | 16:27 |
MindVirus | At least, /var/www. | 16:28 |
PrebenR | lexrex, how do you switch to external display? | 16:28 |
lexrex | PrebenR, i think i might have overloaded resources . . . i am still playing a screencast with the default movie player | 16:28 |
lexrex | PrebenR, xrandr | 16:28 |
pumpkinseed | mker: they simply tell you to have the multiverse or universe repositories checked, but that is a crock of s**t. Even with those repositories on you only get version 0.9.4 | 16:28 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: and i just fu again... but i'll replay the log now | 16:28 |
rhalff | jrib, thanks :) | 16:28 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: after making the /boot/grub dir you cop the stage files over from the /usr/share/doc/grub-common or some such dir | 16:28 |
lexrex | i have a shell script that uses xrandr | 16:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ohmy > pumpkinseed | 16:28 |
ubottu | pumpkinseed, please see my private message | 16:28 |
lexrex | i have set_local.sh and set_external.sh | 16:28 |
PrebenR | lexrex, you do not have a shortcut to open an xterm or terminal in X? | 16:28 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i removed the wrong /boot/boot again | 16:29 |
pumpkinseed | i redacted the language | 16:29 |
PrebenR | lexrex, if you had you could have typed the xrandr command "blind" | 16:29 |
lexrex | PrebenR, not that i know -- i was trying to alt-tab and type in set_local | 16:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | pumpkinseed Still unacceptable | 16:29 |
dexkent | anyone using soundblaster? | 16:29 |
lexrex | i might have closed my terminal | 16:29 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: roger | 16:29 |
PrebenR | lexrex, what program did you use to code in? | 16:29 |
lexrex | emacs | 16:29 |
lexrex | and i could get into the shell in emacs -- but don't know how to ensure i am in that app | 16:30 |
[theron] | how do i change the write speed for my cd recorder using ubuntu 8.04? | 16:30 |
PrebenR | lexrex pity, if it was vim, you would have had a swap file to recover to | 16:30 |
pumpkinseed | you know what is unacceptable? repositories that have versions up to a year old and websites that tell you to get the program from the repositories. Its like a wild goose chase to get the newest version of a piece of software. | 16:30 |
PrebenR | lexrex, is it gnome desktop you use? | 16:30 |
lexrex | yes | 16:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | pumpkinseed you are offtopic... | 16:30 |
lexrex | with -- i forget the window manager | 16:30 |
mker | pumpkinseed, I guess you have to download the source and compile it yourself then. And it's not our fault, we're just here to get help ourselves and/or help others. | 16:30 |
=== melch is now known as melchmon | ||
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: are you having to try and put grub in /boot/boot ? it should only need to go into /boot/grub. | 16:31 |
Wickk | I keep getting an error when trying to compile Xchat that GTK+ is incorrectly installed and I don't know how to reinstall it. WHats the name of the lib I need? | 16:31 |
PrebenR | lexrex, I use xfce4 so not sure if you have some shortcut in gnome to run a command | 16:31 |
lexrex | if i run ps -aux | grep xterm i don't get anything | 16:31 |
matisse | whats the reqexp for more than 2 following whitespace elements ? | 16:31 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i used grub-install for it | 16:31 |
jrib | Wickk: why on earth are you compiling xchat? xchat is in the repositories | 16:31 |
PrebenR | lexrex, what about emac? | 16:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | pumpkinseed the repos will NEVER have the latest version, but they have a tested version that works | 16:31 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: ok, roger that. | 16:31 |
lexrex | yeah it is running | 16:31 |
Wickk | jrib: Because it doesn't show up when I search for it | 16:31 |
Brack101 | I'm trying to switch desktops with compiz while Terminal Server Client is full screen. I disabled "Legacy full screen support" in compiz and enabled "Enable Window Manager's Key Bindings" in the client... Now when I switch desktops, it just shows the same window on each desktop and I have to exit fullscreen for it to wok...anyone have any ideas? | 16:31 |
* Photoguy likes Ubuntu! :) | 16:31 | |
kasanki | how do i install emerald theme ? | 16:32 |
kasanki | in ibex | 16:32 |
pumpkinseed | mker: i understand. I am just wondering if anyone in here knows of the repositories for the newest version of vlc or a website with the debs for the newest version | 16:32 |
PrebenR | lexrex, you checked that the cable is ok? Not fallen halfway out? | 16:32 |
jrib | Wickk: so ask THAT question... Pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search -n xchat | 16:32 |
lexrex | yes | 16:32 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: i think i got it | 16:32 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: sweet | 16:32 |
lexrex | -- pulled out and put back in | 16:32 |
mker | pumpkinseed, there is none afaik. if you want the latest and greatest compile it. | 16:32 |
lexrex | not too worried about my code at this point -- more annoyed that i can't fix this | 16:32 |
PrebenR | what happens when you close the lid? | 16:32 |
PrebenR | have you set it up to do sth? | 16:33 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: moment of truth will be when you reboot tho.. hehe | 16:33 |
pumpkinseed | lol. linux is never going to get anywhere if it stays like this | 16:33 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: do you have an idea to by default have noapic in there... because i had issues with usb/apic too at boot | 16:33 |
melchmon | Hi i have a problem. After I install the nvidia 177 drivers my xorg can't find any devices | 16:33 |
hebrsh | but i'll reboot | 16:33 |
hebrsh | brb | 16:33 |
lexrex | PrebenR, closing the lid doesn't help | 16:33 |
qcjn | hi, is there an app like notepad c++, that yu can have multiple tab, an run under it ? | 16:34 |
Pupeno | Does anybody know if an AVI may contain the time and date when it was recorded and if so, how do I extract it? | 16:34 |
Pupeno | qcjn: gedit? | 16:34 |
PrebenR | lexrex, last resort | 16:34 |
qcjn | Pupeno: ok, thanks | 16:34 |
kristian_ | n8tuser (or someone else) : still around? i added 2 lines to "/etc/network/interfaces", "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp", and then i did "/etc/init.d/networking restart", then i lost connection (doing over ssh/wlan), so i check the machine and network manager is not running, i do a "reboot", and network manager doesn't seem to be running/finding my added wlan. so i removed the txt and rebooted and now network manager does the job | 16:34 |
lexrex | anyone know of a gnome shortcut to get terminal? | 16:34 |
gnu2it2 | what is a default video format for windows based OS? I have some mp4 my friend cant play | 16:34 |
PrebenR | lexrex, try to do a suspend from terminal (C-A-F2) and then disconnect external and then start machine | 16:35 |
recon69 | wee, going to rebuild my machine again :( | 16:35 |
lianimator | if anyone here has ever successfully set up an apache server from behind a router, and made it accessible publicly, please PM me. | 16:35 |
lutiusveratius | anyone free for a min? | 16:35 |
Psi-Jack | gnu2it2: Default? WMV. LOL | 16:35 |
sidhrt | i am not able to open my usb hard disk in ubuntu. please help. | 16:35 |
mker | lutiusveratius, just ask what yu want to know, if someone has an answer you'll get it. | 16:35 |
frenat_43v3r | server irc.knaqu.de | 16:35 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file | 16:36 |
lutiusveratius | I have to mount my hdd and gksu gedit command is not working for me | 16:36 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: you put the line in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file... on the line where it specifies the kernel you put in something like pci=noacpi or something. i'd have to read the docs. or there might be a separate line for kernel options where you put it | 16:36 |
PrebenR | lexrex, and make a script for turning off external and returning to laptop screen (safe resolutions) so in case it happens again you can recover. I should put thei script to be run from a shortcut | 16:36 |
gnu2it2 | what is a convert tool for mp4 to wmv ? | 16:36 |
mker | sidhrt, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB | 16:36 |
mker | gnu2it2, soundconverter | 16:36 |
Pupeno | gnu2it2: probably transcode can do it, but it's not trivial. | 16:36 |
lutiusveratius | mker : I have to mount my hdd and gksu gedit command is not working for me | 16:36 |
lexrex | PrebenR, good idea -- so i imagine i can create a shortcut key for a shell script? | 16:36 |
mker | gnu2it2, or maybe not, don't know if it can convert to wmv | 16:37 |
PrebenR | lexrex, sure | 16:37 |
mker | lutiusveratius, gksudo | 16:37 |
recon69 | lutiusveratius: what does it way when you "gksu gedit" | 16:37 |
lexrex | any guide on how to do that? -- i'll google in the meantime | 16:37 |
PrebenR | lexrex, at least you can in xfce4 | 16:37 |
jrib | matisse: use tr with squeeze option | 16:37 |
ZA8TU | are you here klauschris@freenet.de | 16:37 |
thelonecabbage | i'm having trouble with my joystick, any one have a clue about these things? | 16:37 |
PrebenR | lexrex, you need to make the script chmod 775 | 16:37 |
lutiusveratius | recon69 and mker : nothing...it doesn't do anything | 16:37 |
lexrex | i could have hit alt-f2 and run the script | 16:38 |
darnell | i need help installing a game. Age of mythology.. is there a linux program like Gamedrive? | 16:38 |
mker | lutiusveratius, what do you mean it doesn't do anything. show us exactly what you type and exactly what message you get | 16:38 |
almark1 | Hello, what can I do to enable sound with flash, I can't hear youtube videos, my sound works with dvd though. | 16:38 |
lutiusveratius | mker : I type gksu gedit /etc/fstab | 16:38 |
lutiusveratius | mker : and I don't get any message | 16:38 |
mker | lutiusveratius, type gksudo | 16:39 |
mker | almark1, do you have latest version of flash? (10 I think?) | 16:39 |
lutiusveratius | mker : done that too...and nothing | 16:39 |
Rods_Tiger | I've just installed Ubuntu netbook remix on my Acer Aspire One. | 16:39 |
recon69 | lutiusveratius: does a window pop up asking for your password? | 16:39 |
sidhrt | mker: its not getting identified. how to mount it then? | 16:39 |
Rods_Tiger | Although I note there's nobody in the netbook channel | 16:39 |
almark1 | Im sure I do let me look | 16:39 |
lutiusveratius | recon69 : no,nothing's happening | 16:39 |
mker | lutiusveratius, sudo gedit /etc/fstab ? | 16:39 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : paste.ubuntu.com/84834/ | 16:39 |
lexrex | so i ahve Metacity -- how do i assign a shortcut key to a script | 16:40 |
qcjn | Pupeno:In Gedit, how do i make it run, to see the result,i'm making an html | 16:40 |
mker | sidhrt, I don't know what filesystem you're using or anything. did you really read all of that wiki article in this short time? | 16:40 |
lutiusveratius | mker : sudo: gedit: command not found | 16:40 |
onetinsoldier | lutiusveratius: are you sure gksudo is installed? | 16:40 |
almark1 | its shockwave flash isn't it? | 16:40 |
mker | lutiusveratius, do you have a normal ubuntu system? | 16:40 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: it boots but still these terible -110 usb errors | 16:40 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : that is my etc/network/interfaces file. line 1 and 2 were there from before. i added line 3 (empty) and 4 and 5. | 16:40 |
Rods_Tiger | one question though - in unr, how do I make skype be in there? | 16:40 |
lutiusveratius | onetinsoldier : now I'm not so sure...how to check it? | 16:40 |
recon69 | lutiusveratius: you made any changes to your system lately? | 16:40 |
almark1 | I know its the non free ones | 16:40 |
lutiusveratius | mker : I have xubuntu | 16:40 |
almark1 | Youtube videos work so I donno | 16:41 |
onetinsoldier | lutiusveratius: locate gksudo | grep bin | 16:41 |
lutiusveratius | recon69 : yes,I have reinstalled it..when I was doing this last time,it was ok | 16:41 |
sidhrt | sidhrt: i dont understand most of it. the disk was working fine till yesterday. now when i plug it in, i cant open it. | 16:41 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: hmmm, not too certainhow much i can help with that | 16:41 |
lutiusveratius | onetinsoldier : /usr/bin/gksudo this is what I get | 16:41 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: you put the line in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file... on the line where it specifies the kernel you put in something like pci=noapic or something. i'd have to read the docs. or there might be a separate line for kernel options where you put it | 16:42 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/51458 | 16:42 |
recon69 | lutiusveratius: think gedit might not be installed, but i dont use xubuntu | 16:42 |
almark1 | mker: what should I have in about:plugins | 16:42 |
onetinsoldier | lutiusveratius: ok, it's installed then | 16:42 |
iminhell | I try to play a DVD with any of the programs in add/remove (Gxine, Mplayer, Totem, helix, VLC, etc) and all I get is a pixilated mess, compariable to satalite tv with weak signal/scrambled. This is even on a ripped/stripped/burned DVD (i.e. no CSS). I have all the good/bad/ugly/unstripped and libdvd codecs in place; have uninstalled and re installed several times with no change. I can get clean video to play via the terminal command "ex | 16:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | mker pleasee suggest gksudo for runing gui apps, sudo guiapp = bad idea | 16:42 |
lutiusveratius | recon69 : it's installed | 16:42 |
mker | almark1, don't know. go to flash home page and get latest flash there maybe | 16:42 |
onetinsoldier | lutiusveratius: on your command line... type in jobs | 16:43 |
iminhell | Just seeing if anyone new wants a crack at this | 16:43 |
onetinsoldier | lutiusveratius: you get anyting back....? | 16:43 |
mker | Jack_Sparrow, yes I know but gksudo didn't do anything for him. | 16:43 |
hebrsh | onetinsoldier: anyway thanks for the help | 16:43 |
recon69 | lutiusveratius: just try "gedit" on cmd line | 16:43 |
lutiusveratius | to type jobs in command line? | 16:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | mker then sudo nano would have been a better choice | 16:43 |
jopk | hi | 16:43 |
gnutron | lutiusveratius: as an alternative, open a terminal and use 'sudo pico /etc/fstab' backup a copy first. | 16:43 |
onetinsoldier | hebrsh: you're welcome. i will look at that url now | 16:43 |
MindVirus | How can I figure out the packages that I installed, rather than those that were installed as deps? | 16:43 |
mker | Jack_Sparrow, True. | 16:43 |
lutiusveratius | gedit wasn't installed guys... | 16:44 |
almark1 | mker: I have read that apt-get install nonfree ones get the new one, No sound is a real problem that I have read much about with Youtube and linux flash. but the remidy isn't there "shrugs" | 16:44 |
darnell | hello.. is there a gamedrive application for ubuntu? | 16:44 |
lutiusveratius | recon69 : you were right with gedit command | 16:44 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : paste.ubuntu.com/84834/ - that is my etc/network/interfaces file. line 1 and 2 were already there, line 3 (empty), 4 and 5 i have added. | 16:44 |
lexrex | i can't figureout in gconf-editor how to assign a metacity hot-key | 16:44 |
recon69 | lutiusveratius: if only all problems where so simple :) | 16:44 |
ZA8TU | are you here klauschris@freenet.de | 16:44 |
lutiusveratius | recon69 : Yeah,I know that... | 16:44 |
matisse | jrib: doesn't help me, cause now i still have the space chars | 16:44 |
jrib | matisse: what did you run? | 16:45 |
mker | almark1, ok so check which version you have installed and compare it to latest version on the official site. | 16:45 |
jopk | I've problems to play some dvds. (others work perfectly.) totem play says something about "could not connect stream" and vlc stops playing after 10 secs. any idea shy? | 16:45 |
matisse | jrib: cat 14-11-2008_3.txt | tr -s [:space:] > 14-11-2008_3.txt.neu | 16:45 |
jmsthing678 | can some one please help me I updated last night and when I turned my computer on this morning my desktop was all white | 16:45 |
almark1 | mker: It should work right from adobe then, install right from their site, no apt-get? | 16:46 |
iminhell | almarkl: I'm no tech but I had problems with pulseaudio to begin with I found these 2 threads quite helpful and now have complete working sound via pulseaudio, might help -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795525 | 16:46 |
ActionParsnip | jmsthing678: try restarting x | 16:46 |
mker | jopk, google medibuntu, that might help (css and such) | 16:46 |
matisse | jmsthing678: just make a new background image :) | 16:46 |
almark1 | iminhell: thanks :) | 16:46 |
jmsthing678 | thats not it everything was white | 16:46 |
jmsthing678 | no toolbars or menus or anything | 16:46 |
matisse | hmm | 16:46 |
mker | almark1, try iminhells tip first. but yes it should work if they have ubuntu package there. don't know if they do. | 16:47 |
lesshaste | hi all | 16:47 |
jmsthing678 | works fine in failsafe gnome | 16:47 |
almark1 | iminhell: I have a SB Audigy SE and its hard to find help with it, Sound works here and it does not there "weird" | 16:47 |
lesshaste | my system locks dead periodically now I have updated to intrepid | 16:47 |
lesshaste | can anyone help me debug this? | 16:47 |
amikrop_ | Hello. When I turn subtitles from ISO, to UTF-8, all Ά are turned to ´. Any ideas, please? | 16:47 |
bmeynell | what's that thing called that enables me to hit a key and a quick console will come up that i can execute a command with quickly? | 16:47 |
almark1 | mker: thanks for your help :) | 16:47 |
amikrop_ | With iconv. | 16:47 |
lesshaste | last time the caps lock key starting flashing | 16:47 |
bmeynell | like 'gamers console' or something like that? | 16:47 |
afief | join #libgd | 16:47 |
lesshaste | which was a new symptom | 16:47 |
jstew | that's a kernel panic, lesshaste | 16:47 |
jstew | Any text on the console? | 16:48 |
linny | does anyone know how to handle wildcards with files with spaces in them ? | 16:48 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : meh! seems like you have left! :( ill post it one more time in case your looking! paste.ubuntu.com/84834/ - that is my etc/network/interfaces file. line 1 and 2 were already there, line 3 (empty), 4 and 5 i have added. | 16:48 |
lesshaste | jstew, sadly I was in X so didn't see anything if it appeared | 16:48 |
lesshaste | jstew, is there something I can do so I can see any messages next time | 16:49 |
jrib | matisse: that's not what you wanted to do right? | 16:49 |
almark1 | mker: I another question, when I used UbuntuStuido update manager that says to you updates available, I updated right, but it made a new kernel generic one. Do I use that one or my rt kernel? | 16:49 |
mker | bmeynell, you mean like alt+f2 ? | 16:49 |
lexrex | in key binding commands + what is the <Alt> equivalent of the windows key? | 16:49 |
matisse | jrib: yes | 16:49 |
gnutron | lesshaste: in a terminal- tail -f ~/.xsession-errors | 16:49 |
mker | almark1, sorry no idea, wait and see if anyone else knows. | 16:49 |
olskolirc | what is the name of this kubuntu 4.2 beta that is in my repository so that I can uninstall kubuntu | 16:49 |
jrib | matisse: you want to change sequence of ' ' to '\t' | 16:49 |
almark1 | mker: ok | 16:49 |
bmeynell | mker: naw, i mean like 'F1' causes a little console to drop down, i can type a command quickly, then F1 sends it back up | 16:49 |
almark1 | iminhell: do you know the answer? | 16:49 |
jopk | mker, thx that helped :) | 16:49 |
lutiusveratius | guys thanks for help | 16:50 |
matisse | jrib: yes | 16:50 |
mker | bmeynell, err, keep a terminal open and alt+tab to it? :) | 16:50 |
jstew | unfortunately I don't use X much anymore since my main workstation is a mac :( | 16:50 |
linny | example im trying to $unzip unzip /home/linny/downloads/nds/*.zip but i get errors caution: filename not matched: /home/linny/downloads/nds/3048 - Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon, The (EU).zip on all the files ?? | 16:50 |
jrib | mker: so use ' ' and '\t' | 16:50 |
jstew | He cant do any of that when his kernel panics, guys | 16:50 |
linny | is it becase of the spaces ? | 16:50 |
lesshaste | gnutron, you mean have an xterm open permanently in view with that running? | 16:50 |
bmeynell | mker: bro... no.. you have to try this when i find it it's really useful | 16:50 |
jstew | The best he can do is hope for a dump of text on the console | 16:50 |
gnutron | lesshaste: correct | 16:50 |
=== benjamin_ is now known as benja | ||
almark1 | or when I installed lm_sensors a kernel was made but that isn't my rt kernel, will that kernel have rt built into it and so I don't have to use the one made before, its kinda a newbie question. just a Ubuntu newbie | 16:51 |
jmsthing678 | can someone please help me I cannot do anything unless Im in failsafe gnome everything goes white after i log in | 16:51 |
sketch_ | ola people | 16:51 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> add a http:// infront of it for easier click on my part | 16:51 |
sketch_ | como estan | 16:51 |
lesshaste | gnutron, the problem is that if it was ever written there wouldn't it still be there after a reboot? | 16:51 |
razaccour | how do i get embed code for protected online streams? | 16:51 |
bazhang | bmeynell, are you referring to tilda or yakuake | 16:51 |
lexrex | it is Super_L | 16:51 |
onetinsoldier | linny: the easiest way is to use tab completion | 16:51 |
recon69 | jstew: he could try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies , but thas all i know about kernel panics except that i get them to | 16:52 |
bmeynell | bazhang: tilda rings a bell! thanks =) | 16:52 |
sidhrt | mker: i dont understand most of it. the disk was working fine till yesterday. now when i plug it in, i cant open it. | 16:52 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : http://paste.ubuntu.com/84834/ | 16:52 |
mker | sketch_, this is a support channel, if you want to chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic, if you need help in spanish go to #ubuntu-es | 16:52 |
gnutron | lesshaste: i don't think so, then refer to /var/log/ logfiles. | 16:52 |
linny | <onetinsoldier> yes but i want to type one command and unzip loads of files hence the wildcard | 16:52 |
hasibullah | hi | 16:52 |
onetinsoldier | linny: ahh, i see | 16:52 |
bmeynell | mker: see bazhang's comment =) | 16:52 |
razaccour | how do i get embed code for protected online streams? | 16:52 |
mker | bmeynell, I'll check it out :) | 16:53 |
bmeynell | anyone else's intrepid slowwwwwww? or am I the only unlucky one? | 16:53 |
bmeynell | hardy was super fast | 16:53 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> are you planning to have both wireless and ethernet enabled at same time? I suggest you do not | 16:53 |
linny | <onetinsoldier> do you think its the spaces that are causeing the prob ? | 16:53 |
ZA8TU | are you here klauschris@freenet.de | 16:53 |
hasibullah | is there any one to talk to me i am new in this chat room | 16:53 |
sketch_ | how do i make my computer do that cool cube thing to change between apps using compiz fusion | 16:53 |
betel | is there a way of using jinput with joystick events without making /dev/input/event* readable? | 16:53 |
onetinsoldier | linny: try 'unzip /home/linny/downloads/nds/*.zip' with the single quotes included. i don't do this much myself so i'm not sure here | 16:53 |
kristian_ | n8tuser : um no, actually the machine only uses wireless. so should i remove line 1 and 2? | 16:53 |
linny | <hasibullah> just go ahead and ask your question someone will help | 16:53 |
ActionParsnip | hasibullah: just ask your question, the room will answer | 16:54 |
onetinsoldier | linny: oops | 16:54 |
jmsthing678 | is anyone listening to me Im feeling ignored | 16:54 |
darnell | HELLO.. | 16:54 |
darnell | daemon tools or poweriso for ubuntu? | 16:54 |
darnell | or is there another channel i can get my questions answered in? | 16:54 |
amikrop_ | .sub is a different file format from .srt or just different extension names of the same file format? | 16:54 |
onetinsoldier | linny: try unzip '/home/linny/downloads/nds/*.zip' | 16:54 |
hasibullah | i am listening to u | 16:54 |
jmsthing678 | -.- | 16:54 |
mker | sketch_, first make sure you have drivers installed in system -> administration -> hardware drivers. then go to appearance and desktop effects and choose "Extra" (or whichever is more than normal) | 16:54 |
linny | <onetinsoldier> ok thx | 16:54 |
amikrop_ | .sub is a different file format from .srt or just different extension names of the same file format? | 16:54 |
n8tuser | kristian_-> nope, you always must have lo -- what happens now when you do a networking restart? | 16:54 |
onetinsoldier | linny: letme know if that works | 16:54 |
razaccour | how do i get embed code for protected online streams? | 16:54 |
kbrooks | jmsthing678, hi | 16:54 |
hasibullah | how can i install antivirus | 16:54 |
betel | darnell, you can just mount the iso. mount -o loop -t iso9600 file dir | 16:54 |
gnutron | bmeynell: type 'top' in a terminal to see what is using your resources. you're not alone. | 16:54 |
darnell | betel... | 16:55 |
jmsthing678 | kbrooks are you able to help me? | 16:55 |
razaccour | how do i get the html code for protected online streams? | 16:55 |
darnell | ive successfully installed the game... | 16:55 |
mker | hasibullah, clamav is one antivirus for ubuntu, are you sure you need one though? ubuntu doesn't have a virus problem | 16:55 |
darnell | when i try to play.. it says insert disk one.. | 16:55 |
mker | darnell, Please keep your question in *one* message. It makes it easier for us to read and increases your chances of getting an answer. | 16:55 |
bazhang | razaccour, which ones and what is your goal | 16:55 |
kbrooks | jmsthing678, state your problem | 16:55 |
amikrop_ | .sub is a different file format from .srt or just different extension names of the same file format? | 16:55 |
darnell | obviously i kno whow to mount it.. it just keeps telling me to mount disk one | 16:55 |
sketch_ | mker ok i turned it on and I have plugins how to I use it now u know the hotkeys ? | 16:55 |
betel | darnell, then you need a crack I'd guess. wine often doesn't support DRM | 16:55 |
mker | amikrop_, I'm 90% sure they're different. google them if you really really need to know for sure | 16:56 |
onetinsoldier | linny: did that work? | 16:56 |
jmsthing678 | Whenever I log in instead of my desktop loading everything goes white. Everything is fine in failsafe gnome | 16:56 |
linny | <onetinsoldier> YAY it worked cheers | 16:56 |
mker | sketch_, ctrl+alt+left (or right to come back :) ) | 16:56 |
onetinsoldier | linny: cool :-) | 16:56 |
razaccour | bazhang, freestreamtv.com is what i'm tryin to get, i wanna put it on my website | 16:56 |
amikrop_ | mker: ok | 16:56 |
ZA8TU | are you here klauschris@freenet.de | 16:56 |
hasibullah | what is the best site to get the good and best pakages | 16:56 |
iminhell | alm...: Studio did the same for me. not sure why, doesn't seem to affect anything badly. side note, I installed -7 from a live cd, updated (auto) and in the boot menus I got -9 along with the -7. My guess is it has something to do with dependency. I was able to remove the unneeded ones via the synaptic, not really needed though. | 16:56 |
linny | now i just wait while it unzips 4000 files :) | 16:57 |
nicklas__ | !pidgin | 16:57 |
ubottu | The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 16:57 |
darnell | betel: i got this off a torrent. its 3 vcd images and i suspect its already cracked. it also game with gamedrive which i cant install on ubuntu. is there another program like it that will | 16:57 |
recon69 | jmsthing678: did you make any changes to you system before this started? | 16:57 |
jmsthing678 | i updated | 16:57 |
bazhang | razaccour, how does this relate to ubuntu support | 16:57 |
nicklas__ | !emesene | 16:57 |
mker | hasibullah, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/index.html read "Adding and Removing Software" | 16:57 |
ubottu | Emesene is an instant messenger for the WLM network. See http://emesene.org for more information. | 16:57 |
Happy | neophyte question: how do I search for directories named "jedit" or ".jedit"? | 16:57 |
darnell | betel: ive used these same images before on vista and it worked fine. | 16:57 |
razaccour | bazhang, i'm looking for software in which i can do this, software for ubuntu | 16:57 |
sketch_ | i don't have the cube thingy though do I need a specific plugin | 16:57 |
andycan | help, i can only install 8.04. All other versions (5.10/7.04/7.10) fail booting from live cd. They throw me to busybox initramfs prompt. 8.04 does not work for my system because lirc modules are broken in there. | 16:57 |
bazhang | razaccour, cracking software is not supported here | 16:58 |
betel | darnell, if you are using wine check tehir webpage. If they have the game in their AppDB, there might be some tips there | 16:58 |
recon69 | jmsthing678: well, what video card you got? | 16:58 |
ZA8TU | are you here klauschris@freenet.de | 16:58 |
osxdude|laptop | andycan, what about 8.10? | 16:58 |
razaccour | oh ok | 16:58 |
jmsthing678 | recon69: sapphire radeon x700 se | 16:58 |
darnell | betel, im using cedega games | 16:58 |
lesshaste | anyone got kexec/kdump to work in ubuntu? | 16:58 |
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_- | ||
hasibullah | how can i install yahoo messenger in my LP | 16:58 |
epswing | can anyone point me to a "how to USE compiz" tutorial/help page. there are 547238923 google results and they're ALL about how to setup compiz up. | 16:59 |
arktvrvs | ive installed flashplugin-nonfree but flash doesnt work, theres not even anything in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree | 16:59 |
mker | lesshaste, explain your problem and what you really want to know instead. if someone has an answer you'll get it. | 16:59 |
bazhang | hasibullah, use pidgin | 16:59 |
gnutron | Happy: try sudo find / -name '*jedit*' it will take awhile | 16:59 |
betel | darnell, ah. I'd try wine too | 16:59 |
MrCollins | !tweak ubuntu | 16:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tweak ubuntu | 16:59 |
arktvrvs | !flash | 16:59 |
lesshaste | mker, I need to find a way to debug these kernel panics I am getting in intrepid | 16:59 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 16:59 |
MrCollins | !tweak | 16:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tweak | 16:59 |
emilien | hasibullah, there are alternatives like pidgin "already install" | 16:59 |
kbrooks | <jmsthing678> Whenever I log in instead of my desktop loading everything goes white. Everything is fine in failsafe gnome # sorry cant help | 16:59 |
andycan | osxdude|laptop: 8.10 has same problem | 16:59 |
lesshaste | mker, it was suggest that kexec/kdump could be a way | 16:59 |
=== eric is now known as Guest84027 | ||
Happy | thanks gnutron | 16:59 |
bazhang | MrCollins, what are you looking for; please /msg ubottu | 16:59 |
alphaaa | hi | 16:59 |
almark1 | :iminhell pls say that again to me I want to cp it | 16:59 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : i did "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" over ssh, so i lost connection, and then i went to the machine (at home now), and i had to click the wireless connection again in network manager, so im connected again, nothing more happened that i can see. | 17:00 |
almark1 | iminhell: pls say that again to me I want to cp it | 17:00 |
MrCollins | bazhang: just looking for a way to tweak ubuntu/security harden my box | 17:00 |
kbrooks | epswing, What do you mean re using compiz? | 17:00 |
alphaaa | is ubuntu secure out of the box or do i have to configure some firewall stuff ? | 17:00 |
mker | lesshaste, I don't know the answer but hang in there. If you don't get any help here try the forums (or again a bit later). Good luck! | 17:00 |
osxdude|laptop | andycan, you did try redownloading and using the alternate CDs as well, right? | 17:00 |
mker | alphaaa, it's secure | 17:00 |
jmsthing678 | recon69: I have the proprietary drivers installed too so I dont think my graphics card should be the issue | 17:00 |
charkee | a | 17:00 |
=== Guest84027 is now known as Etherael | ||
hasibullah | hi | 17:01 |
kaiser101231 | anyone else have trouble with songbird from deb install? | 17:01 |
alphaaa | where do i go to configure which ports are open, forward them, etc ? | 17:01 |
Killer--Tux | hello | 17:01 |
idejmcd | hey people | 17:01 |
lesshaste | mker, ok.. is there a more hacky channel for people into kernel programming? | 17:01 |
idejmcd | i need some help, i am a complete nube | 17:01 |
kbrooks | lesshaste, #kernelnewbies | 17:01 |
pale-yafa | hi, my computer keeps restarting. is that a power supplier issue? | 17:01 |
andycan | osxdude|laptop: yes, i have 4 different disks, all of them have worked before but after i upgraded to 8.04 and tried fresh install, i keep having this problem | 17:01 |
idejmcd | want to make sure people are listening before i start talking | 17:01 |
almark1 | iminhell: thanks | 17:01 |
gnutron | jmsthing678: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log it sure looks like a video issue. | 17:01 |
MrCollins | pale-yafa: it could be a memory issue or a processor issue | 17:01 |
mker | lesshaste, don't think so, at least not an ubuntu specific channel. I'd try the forums if I were you | 17:02 |
osxdude|laptop | andycan, is the computer an older computer? And I mean old? | 17:02 |
bazhang | MrCollins, you may consider apparmor | 17:02 |
emilien | anyone know a ip blocker ? | 17:02 |
idejmcd | pale-yafa, run diagnostics on your machine | 17:02 |
lesshaste | mker, I see #ubuntu-kernel.. thanks | 17:02 |
MrCollins | !apparmor | 17:02 |
ubottu | For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor | 17:02 |
onetinsoldier | alphaaa: you have to learn how to use 'iptables' or use a front-end to iptables, such as firestarter or guarddog | 17:02 |
idejmcd | might be overheating, check to see that the system fan is working | 17:02 |
pale-yafa | idejmcd: how to run that? | 17:02 |
gnutron | emilien: incoming or out? | 17:02 |
MrCollins | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor | 17:02 |
hasibullah | how can we use Microsoft programs in ubuntu 8.04 | 17:02 |
recon69 | jmsthing678: your supposed to remove the graphic drivers before update, so they stuffed, I dont have ati so not familiar with the ati drivers , you probably need to backup and remove the /etc/X11/X11.conf file nad reinstall you drivers | 17:02 |
mker | idejmcd, we aren't listening unless you actually ask a question and ask it in one message because it's hard to follow with this many messages going past all the time. | 17:02 |
emilien | gnutron, both , its for torrents ;) | 17:02 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : i did "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" over ssh, so i lost connection, and then i went to the machine (at home now), and i had to click the wireless connection again in network manager, so im connected again, nothing more happened that i can see. | 17:02 |
Killer--Tux | i am looking for a anti virus program , am trying to see if i can clean a infected hdd (windows in it ) | 17:02 |
bazhang | hasibullah, check the appdb | 17:02 |
kaiser101231 | when i use songbird it runs sluggish is that normal and media doesnt work well | 17:02 |
bazhang | !appdb | hasibullah | 17:03 |
ubottu | hasibullah: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 17:03 |
emilien | Killer--Tux, try avast | 17:03 |
alphaaa | onetinsoldier: all ports blocked by default unless an application needs them ? | 17:03 |
hasibullah | what is that | 17:03 |
erUSUL | !info clamtk | Killer--Tux | 17:03 |
ubottu | clamtk (source: clamtk): graphical front-end for ClamAV. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.11-1 (intrepid), package size 85 kB, installed size 528 kB | 17:03 |
jmsthing678 | recon69: I have no idea how to do that because I had to haves omeone else basically install th drivers for me | 17:03 |
mker | hasibullah, with Wine, and these questions are really basic, I recommend you check out the wiki and do some searching instead of asking abot everything. You'll learn more that way too :) | 17:03 |
gnutron | emilien: incoming use iptables/ firewall, outgoing use the /etc/hosts file and redirect ip's to loopback or some 'safe' ip. | 17:03 |
Killer--Tux | emilien ok but does this asvat remove windows virus | 17:03 |
bazhang | hasibullah, check the link, it involves use of wine /msg ubottu wine for more info and a link | 17:03 |
n8tuser | kristian1-> i did not know you were trying to do this remotely. and it should work okay, i already advised you one at a time, ethernet or wireless, and you seem to insist on having them both active | 17:04 |
epswing | kbrooks: for example, how do i get this "cube" visualization? | 17:04 |
n8tuser | kristian1-> you have to decide, wireless or ethernet, not both at same time... | 17:04 |
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thelonecabbage | Joysticks, anyone tried to install? | 17:04 |
onetinsoldier | alphaaa: i don't think linux firewall front-ends automagically open up ports for apps that needs them. been a long time since i've used firestarter. it might have something of that nature | 17:04 |
Killer--Tux | emilien ok but does this asvat remove windows virus | 17:04 |
kbrooks | epswing, not hard | 17:04 |
kbrooks | !ccsm | 17:05 |
ubottu | To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 17:05 |
jmsthing678 | gnutron: what am I supposed to be looking for there? | 17:05 |
alphaaa | ok thanks | 17:05 |
emilien | Killer--Tux, yes | 17:05 |
bazhang | thelonecabbage, for use with which apps | 17:05 |
n8tuser | kristian1-> you also have to response quicker as am doing other stuff too | 17:05 |
gnutron | jmsthing678: anything suspicious. | 17:05 |
epswing | kbrooks: yes, i've installed the settings manager. | 17:05 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : im only using wireless on the ubuntu machine! im not using ethernet. | 17:05 |
Killer--Tux | emilien ok and how often does it updates ?!? | 17:05 |
kbrooks | epswing, OK, hang on. | 17:05 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : sorry about that! | 17:05 |
jmsthing678 | gnutron: its all a bunch of gibberish to me | 17:05 |
thelonecabbage | bazhang: for games. I'm able to get it all to work with jscalibrator, but in games only the buttons work | 17:05 |
onetinsoldier | alphaaa: i am going to install firestarter myself right now and see what happens | 17:05 |
n8tuser | kristian1-> so what are you saying about ssh into the box? | 17:05 |
kbrooks | epswing, system > prefs > ccsm | 17:05 |
thelonecabbage | bashang: the actual stick does not work | 17:06 |
bazhang | thelonecabbage, wine, dosbox, zsnes or other | 17:06 |
alphaaa | ok | 17:06 |
boy-stockholm | !directconnect | 17:06 |
ubottu | Direct Connect clients: linuxdcpp, dcgui (GTK), Valknut, dc-qt (Qt), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P | 17:06 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : im at the machine now, so it doesnt really matter, i can do it locally. | 17:06 |
idejmcd | i am trying to install iTunes using Wine, can anyone here help me? private message if you can | 17:06 |
thelonecabbage | bashang: Beyond the Red Line and gl-117 | 17:06 |
thelonecabbage | bazhang: n=onetinso@c-75-71-80-182.hsd1.co.comcast.net | 17:06 |
epswing | kbrooks: i'm there | 17:06 |
kbrooks | epswing, ccsm: category (on the left) > desktop > check both desktop cube and rotate cube | 17:06 |
n8tuser | kristian1-> okay, then do a restart, and you wireless should connect assuming its your AP is available and no encryption | 17:06 |
thelonecabbage | bahang: Beyond the Red Line and gl-117 | 17:06 |
bazhang | thelonecabbage, that doesnt really answer my question though | 17:06 |
thelonecabbage | bazhang: no | 17:07 |
MTecknology | http://pastebin.com/m514ef322 | 17:07 |
MTecknology | any of you guys use bzr enough to know what happened there? | 17:07 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : will do a restart brb! | 17:07 |
recon69 | jmsthing678: not very familiar with the ati cards, I'd try asking for "help reinstalling the sapphire radeon x700 se after 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade" someelse probable know better than me | 17:07 |
gnutron | jmsthing678: you need to reconfigure X video driver. i would bet on it. | 17:07 |
emilien | Killer--Tux, its up to date , http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-for-linux-edition.html , install deb , you also need to register for serial ( its free ) | 17:07 |
kbrooks | epswing, now click on "rotate cube" and expand 'rotate cube' on the bindings tab | 17:07 |
bazhang | idejmcd, wine and itunes is really almost unusable, you should consider alternatives available | 17:08 |
epswing | kbrooks: ahh, ok | 17:08 |
iminhell | Any new blood want to take a stab at this one? ---> I try to play a DVD with any of the programs in add/remove (Gxine, Mplayer, Totem, helix, VLC, etc) and all I get is a pixilated mess, compariable to satalite tv with weak signal/scrambled. This is even on a ripped/stripped/burned DVD (i.e. no CSS). I have all the good/bad/ugly/unstripped and libdvd codecs in place; have uninstalled and re installed several times with no change. I can | 17:08 |
gnutron | jmsthing678: first place to look is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf for settings. | 17:08 |
Killer--Tux | emilien thanks let me give it a try | 17:08 |
idejmcd | bazhang, i cannot because of some very rare DRM files that I use | 17:08 |
hasibullah | how can i get linux books | 17:08 |
thelonecabbage | bazhang: Beyond the Red Line and gl-117 | 17:08 |
Steven2 | ? | 17:09 |
kbrooks | epswing, see the first "initate" via uhh hang on | 17:09 |
thelonecabbage | bazhang: both native linux apps | 17:09 |
bazhang | idejmcd, wine and itunes does work but is very slow. just install the windows version of itunes via wine and ...wait | 17:09 |
idejmcd | i get an error | 17:09 |
kbrooks | epswing, the mouse | 17:09 |
kbrooks | epswing, Button1 represents left buttono | 17:09 |
epswing | kbrooks: gottcha. i can set the bindings here then | 17:09 |
epswing | kbrooks: much thanks | 17:10 |
kbrooks | epswing, np | 17:10 |
r0ny | hi i installed proftpd as a daemon(starting from inetd),can i revert it back as standalone? | 17:10 |
kaiser101231 | whats different with the i386 and i686 deb of a program | 17:10 |
insigne_ | yes | 17:10 |
Zambezi | Anyone with Logitech diNovo Edge Desktop who can say if the touchpad is good enough to entirely replace the mouse? | 17:10 |
n8tuser | r0ny-> yes you can, remove it from xinetd and launch it at boot or at will | 17:10 |
insigne_ | yes | 17:10 |
insigne_ | go the church | 17:11 |
jmsthing678 | gnutron: i have two things there but one is labeled ".1" | 17:11 |
kbrooks | epswing, edge flip pointer on the general tab can be enabled if you want to use the rotate flip left/right setting | 17:11 |
bazhang | insigne_, do you have a ubuntu support question? | 17:11 |
insigne_ | metalica | 17:11 |
r0ny | n8tuser: thanks | 17:11 |
insigne_ | yes | 17:11 |
bazhang | insigne_, then please ask it | 17:11 |
=== mitch_ is now known as Guest27585 | ||
shauno | kaiser101231: i686 may make use of optimizations that aren't guaranteed to be present on older processors. it might not work on older pentium pros, etc | 17:11 |
gnutron | jmsthing678: are you referring to /var/log/ files? | 17:12 |
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kbrooks | epswing, you can changge the virtual desktop setting by going to general settings and going to the desktop size tab | 17:12 |
jmsthing678 | no /etc/X11/xorg.conf except one has the file extension .1 added to it | 17:12 |
melchmon360 | I installed the new 177 nvidia drivers for my geforce 9500 gt card. When i startx it says no devices found. | 17:13 |
insigne_ | yes | 17:13 |
bazhang | insigne_, ?? | 17:13 |
kbrooks | epswing, it'll expand the cube | 17:13 |
insigne_ | no | 17:13 |
epswing | kbrooks: sweet | 17:13 |
iminhell | bazhang: I would say you are talking to a bot | 17:13 |
gnutron | jmsthing678: I would run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a terminal and restart x windows. | 17:13 |
insigne_ | alguem fala portugues | 17:14 |
bazhang | !br | insigne_ | 17:14 |
ubottu | insigne_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 17:14 |
onetinsoldier | alphaaa: firestarter seems to work pretty automagically. well, it allowed irc anyway | 17:14 |
Martinp23 | Does anyone else have an issue with firefox (3.0) crashing when a flash video is played for the second time since the brower loaded? | 17:14 |
bazhang | insigne_, /join #ubuntu-br | 17:14 |
Pupeno | Does anybody know if an AVI may contain the time and date when it was recorded and if so, how do I extract it? | 17:14 |
Photoguy | How do I send a highlighted message to someone? I don't mean PM. | 17:14 |
nowy | hello | 17:14 |
nowy | anyone knows something about BLENDER (3D modeller) | 17:14 |
nowy | ? | 17:14 |
bazhang | Photoguy, tab complete their nick | 17:14 |
Photoguy | I know about blender. | 17:15 |
Pupeno | nowy: I know it exists. | 17:15 |
Photoguy | Need some help? | 17:15 |
Photoguy | #blenderchat | 17:15 |
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onetinsoldier | Photoguy: is someone's irc client is configured to highlight a message anytime their nick is contained in a message, then it's automatic | 17:16 |
LjL | i thought the official Blender channel was #blender | 17:16 |
onetinsoldier | is = if | 17:16 |
Photoguy | ah. | 17:16 |
outofhismind | Anyone here have experience working with ALSA? | 17:16 |
Photoguy | Well #blenderchat aslo is good. | 17:16 |
nowy | im looking for Blender for Ubuntu (8.10) ....i can't find it.. | 17:16 |
outofhismind | I have a quite unique problem, no luck finding any info through google | 17:16 |
Photoguy | Get deb | 17:16 |
LjL | !info blender | nowy | 17:16 |
ubottu | blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.46+dfsg-4 (intrepid), package size 8348 kB, installed size 21868 kB | 17:16 |
mker | outofhismind, no one can solve it unless you tell us about it | 17:17 |
hasibullah | how can i download programs of MIcrosoft in my computer | 17:17 |
Photoguy | nowy http://www.getdeb.net/app/Blender | 17:17 |
LjL | hasibullah: with a web browser, most likely, at least the one that are freely available | 17:17 |
Photoguy | If you want the lates version try that. | 17:17 |
mker | hasibullah, Install Wine and then just double click the exe | 17:17 |
outofhismind | I know that, I first asked if anyone had experience with ALSA >.> | 17:17 |
bazhang | Photoguy, you should install via the repos | 17:17 |
outofhismind | Anyways here's the issue | 17:18 |
LjL | Photoguy: getdeb is not recommended | 17:18 |
Photoguy | Well, that worked for me. | 17:18 |
vitomax | hello | 17:18 |
bazhang | !wfm | 17:18 |
outofhismind | Basically, my sound works when I boot up | 17:18 |
ubottu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 17:18 |
outofhismind | and where it asks for my login credentials | 17:18 |
outofhismind | however once i log in, the sound doesn't work | 17:18 |
LjL | Photoguy: did he express the intention that he wanted to have the latest version? | 17:18 |
Photoguy | It's Blender it's the latest version, so it worked for me. | 17:18 |
outofhismind | but it's not that the sound quits completely | 17:18 |
kaiser101231 | anyone here use songbird it is running really slow on my laptop | 17:18 |
mker | outofhismind, you shouln't ask if someone knows or if someone has the same piece of hardware. you should just ask right away so we don't have to try to get the question out of you. and *please* keep it in one message, it's really hard to read when it's spread out over several messages | 17:18 |
vitomax | my sound doesnt work on my system either | 17:18 |
outofhismind | when i go to test my sound settings, it plays this really loud irritating beep in an infinite loop | 17:18 |
rainabba_ | You guys will love this... I know how to create a softlink with ln -s, but using Gnome, how do I create a shortcut to a folder on my desktop (using GUI only)? | 17:18 |
outofhismind | or when i play music it does the same thing | 17:19 |
nowy | aaha..thanks.. i thinking star to learn to use it.. i use SketchUp&3dstudio.... | 17:19 |
Photoguy | Well who wants the older version, the newer ones are updated with less bugs | 17:19 |
mker | rainabba_, right click and "make link"? or did I misunderstand? | 17:19 |
tasos | Allow everybody, I need some help from someone who has experience with lyx. I have problem with printing of Mathematics symbols | 17:19 |
LjL | Photoguy: that's very close to saying "who wants ubuntu", as ubuntu rarely has the latest version of anything, but rather aims for stability. | 17:19 |
outofhismind | I'll just find another channel, I get bad vibes from people here | 17:19 |
coppro | how do I turn off transparency for inactive windows in compiz? | 17:20 |
onetinsoldier | rainabba_: cd ~/Desktop then use the ln -s command | 17:20 |
Photoguy | Most everyone in the Blender community uses the lates version 2.48a | 17:20 |
rainabba_ | mker: Closest thing I see is "Make Lanucher" which includes a "Location" option, but I don't see how to actually "pick" a location. Each time choose a folder and "open" it navigates into it instead of selecting it. | 17:20 |
recon69 | outofhismind: you could try alsamixer and see if changing the setting there helps | 17:20 |
Photoguy | Because it has updated features. | 17:20 |
mker | rainabba_, right click the folder you want to link to | 17:20 |
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Photoguy | And, it's also quite stable. | 17:20 |
rainabba_ | onetinsoldier: That's my point. I know how to do it that way. There's not a way to create links (shortcuts) in the GUI? | 17:21 |
onetinsoldier | rainabba_: ahh, i see | 17:21 |
rainabba_ | mker: ahh, hadn't thought of that. | 17:21 |
outofhismind | I do want to note that the sound was working perfectly fine about a week ago, and I didn't make any updates before the problem occurred | 17:21 |
vitomax | i am getting apt-get error | 17:21 |
onetinsoldier | rainabba_: mker's suggestion work? | 17:21 |
mker | Photoguy, search for getdeb and see if they have the latest. Search for backport ubuntu and see if they have the latest. Check Blender home page and see if they have an ubuntu package for you. If not you'll have to compile it yourself. | 17:21 |
vitomax | looked on the forums and says it sucks | 17:22 |
rainabba_ | mker: Now I see the "Make Link" option. Now more specifically, I'm trying to create a link on my Desktop to my own home folder and "Make Link" is greyed out. Why is that? | 17:22 |
LjL | Photoguy: look, all i'm asking you is that when you think it's a good idea to suggest a package from unofficial places like getdeb, you make it clear it has the disadvantage of not being supported by ubuntu. | 17:22 |
uffo | i installed madwifi on ubuntu 8.10 but now i cannot get NM to display wifi anymore, do i have to again reinstall ubuntu or there is simple way to force restore it? | 17:22 |
mker | rainabba_, click places and drack your home folder to the desktop. Does that work? | 17:22 |
rainabba_ | mker: Nothing in "Places" will even drag. | 17:23 |
vitomax | <== first time using irc | 17:23 |
vitomax | dont really like it | 17:23 |
rainabba_ | Not the top group anyhow. Looks like the lower group does. | 17:23 |
vitomax | too much clatter | 17:23 |
LjL | !offtopic | vitomax | 17:23 |
ubottu | vitomax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:23 |
vitomax | ok | 17:23 |
tavish | #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:24 |
vitomax | ok | 17:24 |
rainabba_ | mker: Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos will drag, but File System, Networks Servers, etc... won't. | 17:24 |
tavish | \join #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:24 |
projekt | irc.technobase.fm | 17:24 |
Skinkie | onetinsoldier: I gave up on the USB issue... for today... too many people seems to have this issue | 17:24 |
mker | rainabba_, solved it! create launcher, choose "location" and in location you type /home/rainabba_ | 17:24 |
uffo | i installed madwifi on ubuntu 8.10 but now i cannot get NM to display wifi anymore, do i have to again reinstall ubuntu or there is simple way to force restore it | 17:25 |
onetinsoldier | Skinkie: roger that. no known solution eh? i didn't think i'd be able to help with that. | 17:25 |
yangfan | someone upgrade your system to ubuntu9.04? | 17:25 |
Stalker72 | With my Bose Companion 5 speakers (USB!), I only manage to get sound in audio players, not in Flash or in games using Wine. I'm so sick of this problem. I've had it since I moved to Ubuntu some months ago. Please help!!! | 17:25 |
rainabba_ | mker: You'd think. Go try and open that now :) | 17:26 |
onetinsoldier | Skinkie: but at least you have an installed kernel package! :-) | 17:26 |
mker | yangfan, no, we're not crazy :) if you do it expect your system to crash and burn. and don't do it to have the latest, only to test for bugs | 17:26 |
Skinkie | onetinsoldier: yes... but i still wonder how it is possible the livecd of (x)ubuntu are not affected | 17:26 |
Skinkie | it is a pure showstopper | 17:26 |
cheng | . | 17:26 |
cheng | + | 17:26 |
cheng | 23 | 17:26 |
yangfan | I know thanks! | 17:27 |
Stalker72 | With my Bose Companion 5 speakers (USB!), I only manage to get sound in audio players, not in Flash or in games using Wine. I'm so sick of this problem. I've had it since I moved to Ubuntu some months ago. Please help!!! | 17:27 |
mker | Stalker72, Be patient. If no one knows no one will answer. | 17:27 |
uffo | mker: my system do not crash but i cannot get wifi to work | 17:27 |
Skinkie | Stalker72: does it work if you type aoss firefox ? | 17:28 |
Stalker72 | Skinkie: Type it where? | 17:28 |
Slart | Stalker72: I think I've heard of people having this problem but with other kinds of soundcards... at least the problem with flash and sound | 17:28 |
mker | uffo, sorry don't know anything about wifi, I'm a cable guy :) | 17:28 |
Stalker72 | Slart: The sound card is inside the subwoofer. | 17:28 |
Skinkie | Stalker72: close firefox | 17:28 |
uffo | i installed madwifi on ubuntu 8.10 but now i cannot get NM to display wifi anymore, do i have to again reinstall ubuntu or there is simple way to force restore it | 17:28 |
Skinkie | Stalker72: start a terminal | 17:28 |
Stalker72 | Skinkie: I use Opera 10 alpha.. | 17:28 |
Skinkie | Stalker72: type: aoss firefox/opera | 17:28 |
Skinkie | Stalker72: (or opera) | 17:29 |
Stalker72 | Skinkie: It says that it's not installed and that I have to type sudo apt-get install alsa-oss | 17:29 |
Skinkie | Stalker72: then it explained what you should do | 17:29 |
* [gnubie] waves | 17:29 | |
rainabba_ | mker: I'm taking this to gnome. This is downright silly. | 17:29 |
Stalker72 | Skinkie: I use OSS though. | 17:29 |
mker | rainabba_, hey it works for me! you sure you chose "location" in the drop down menu ? | 17:30 |
Slart | Stalker72: does flash even do oss? | 17:30 |
[gnubie] | i am now running ubuntu 8.10 with compiz fusion.. but, how can i set my desktop in such a way that the desktop cube must have 4 sides? | 17:30 |
Slart | !cube | [gnubie] | 17:30 |
ubottu | [gnubie]: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » | 17:30 |
Stalker72 | Slart: I don't know, but the only option that works for me is "Bose Corporation Bose USB Audio USB Audio (OSS). | 17:30 |
mker | [gnubie], see the squares by the bin? bottom right corner. right click and preferences | 17:31 |
uffo | i installed madwifi on ubuntu 8.10 but now i cannot get NM to display wifi anymore, do i have to again reinstall ubuntu or there is simple way to force restore it - or ubuntu is really so hard to restore network, look windows how simple is to restore drivers | 17:31 |
uffo | or reactos.org | 17:31 |
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projekt__ | irc.quakenet.org /server | 17:32 |
[gnubie] | mker: what do you mean? where is it? | 17:32 |
[theron] | cdrecord is my new friend :) | 17:32 |
kattollikisd | Can someone just give me a minute to fix my question? I just had a problem installing the Flash Pluging Non Free http://paste.ubuntu.com/84675/ Someone send me last night this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/304969 there is a file called Dependecies.txt, if you open it you will see I list of package, it mean that If I install all that package, I fix the problem woth the Flash Pluging Non Free? | 17:32 |
mker | [gnubie], bottom right corner you see two little squares right? next to the trash icon? | 17:32 |
dfgas | how do i use fsck to scan for bad blocks and stuff on my ext3 partition? | 17:32 |
[gnubie] | mker: yes | 17:32 |
Stalker72 | Skinkie and Slart: Sound still doesn't work. | 17:32 |
mker | [gnubie], yes, right click and preferences | 17:32 |
dfgas | i would like to scan the whole drive | 17:32 |
[gnubie] | mker: that's the window preferences.. | 17:33 |
recon69 | dfgas: first i would backup any important files | 17:33 |
Slart | Stalker72: sorry, I'm next to useless when it comes to OSS... | 17:33 |
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mker | [gnubie], it's the workspace preferences. choose 4 columns instead of 2 | 17:33 |
dfgas | recon69, then? | 17:33 |
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[gnubie] | mker: ok, i got it.. thanks.. | 17:34 |
uffo | i installed madwifi on ubuntu 8.10 but now i cannot get NM to display wifi anymore, do i have to again reinstall ubuntu or there is simple way to force restore it | 17:34 |
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onetinsoldier | anyone have the ati fglrx driver working with kernel 2.6.27? | 17:34 |
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dfgas | i think the hard drive is the problem | 17:34 |
arsenal22 | Привет | 17:34 |
mker | dfgas, Hi I remember that I used badblocks instead of fsck not too long ago. Don't remember why I chose that now but you might want to read about that too. (just a tip) | 17:34 |
coppro | why are there no en-ca packages for OO.org? | 17:34 |
rambo298 | recommendations for MP# to CDA converter/burner? | 17:35 |
echod | hi, i installed ubuntu 8.10 on a usb stick, (sdc1:ext3 flag:boot)(sdc2, ext3) & (sdc3, swap) ..but my pc won't boot, bios supports booting from usb. any suggestions , tia | 17:35 |
dfgas | mker, doesn't that destroy anything on the hard drive? | 17:35 |
mker | rambo298, Brasero should handle that, no? | 17:35 |
rambo298 | standard pkg or i need to add it with synaptic? | 17:35 |
mker | dfgas, I don't think so but read the manual, I really don't want you to do something wrong because of me | 17:35 |
rambo298 | i see it | 17:35 |
mker | dfgas, I *think* I chose badblocks because it didn't destroy anything. But as I said, read the manual, don't trust me at all :) | 17:36 |
dfgas | k | 17:36 |
busfahrer | Excuse me, why does pressing space for pause sometimes not work in Totem player? | 17:36 |
[gnubie] | my next question is about the video card driver to use.. i feel like my x is slow.. or is it really my video chipset.. anyway, i am using ibm thinkpad x32 laptop here.. i think during installation, ubuntu have chosen radeon driver.. do you think using the fglrx will make this faster? | 17:36 |
neo644 | I need some help getting my acecad flair II tablet working in Intrepid. I have xserver-xorg-modules-acecad installed. The USB port supplies power and the light is on, but the cursor doesn't move. | 17:36 |
=== DASPRiD is now known as DASPRiD|off | ||
Stalker72 | Skinkie and Slart: Should I install PulseAudio Device Chooser, PulseAudio Volume Control, or something? | 17:37 |
recon69 | dfgas: same here, have destroyed my own HDD using fsck , it's not simple and can do damage if not done right. so reluctant to give advice | 17:37 |
anix72 | my PC is not reading DVDs anymore. i think this happened after recent upgrade to linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic. i use ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron. the drive is CD/DVD, CD still works. but DVD media is not mounted. problem occured yesterday first time. i rebooted with linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic, then DVD worked again. but today both versions don't read DVD. is this a problem with the libudf0 ? any idea? | 17:37 |
mker | [gnubie], have you checked system -> admministraTION -> hardware drivers ? | 17:37 |
neo644 | Also, is there a wiki page on how to install my tablet? | 17:37 |
Slart | Stalker72: if you're running OSS that won't matter | 17:37 |
Stalker72 | Slart: Ok.. | 17:38 |
Slart | Stalker72: I think pulseaudio uses alsa so without alsa pulseaudio won't work | 17:38 |
uffo | looks like only solution is to reinstall ubuntu, driver installation is soooo bad compared to windows | 17:38 |
[gnubie] | mker: yes, but it doesn't have any proprietary drivers | 17:38 |
coppro | anix72: have you tried manually mounting? | 17:38 |
recon69 | uffo: you could try blacklist the driver you installed | 17:38 |
=== DASPRiD|off is now known as DASPRiD | ||
recon69 | uffo: if you know hwat it's called | 17:39 |
uffo | recon69: i done that with this guide but now wifi gone forever http://probing.wikidot.com/ubuntu-intrepid-8-10-replacing-ath9k-by-madwifi | 17:40 |
uffo | recon69: driver install is so hard compared to windows and reactos | 17:40 |
recon69 | uffo: could you patebin the out put of "lshw -C network" | 17:41 |
anix72 | coppro: with "~$ sudo mount /media/cdrom0" i get " mount: No medium found" | 17:41 |
mker | uffo, that's really not ubuntus fault, you should blame your hardware manufacturer for not releasing free drivers | 17:41 |
coppro | anix72: try 'sudo mount /dev/dvd /media/cdrom0' | 17:41 |
uffo | ubuntu should have device manager like windows has | 17:42 |
anix72 | coppro: againi "mount: No medium found" | 17:42 |
coppro | hmm | 17:42 |
coppro | that tends to be a problem | 17:42 |
uffo | recon69: it shows 2 tables of something | 17:42 |
anix72 | (just to emphasize, i know there is a medium :) ) | 17:42 |
dmsuperman | How can I determine if an MP3 is vbr or cbr? | 17:42 |
uffo | recon69: that lshw thing i mean | 17:43 |
coppro | anix72: do you have a windows boot on that computer? | 17:43 |
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coppro | or an older kernel to try? | 17:43 |
anix72 | coppro: but why did it work yesterday with the other kernel, but today with both noth. | 17:43 |
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=== Ceres is now known as Gin | ||
anix72 | coppro: yes, i have all kernels since i installed. i think two older kernels | 17:43 |
coppro | anix72: so you have tried with two kernels? Do you have windows to try? Perhaps it's a hardware issue | 17:43 |
recon69 | uffo: dont tell me about it, cut and paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give me the link so i can see | 17:44 |
onetinsoldier | anyone have the ati fglrx driver working with kernel 2.6.27? | 17:44 |
anix72 | coppro: ok, i'll try with windows, but have to reboot. i'll report later in the channel. thank you. | 17:44 |
LL | ist jeman aus Deutschland ? | 17:46 |
uffo | recon69: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84858/ i am so angry to ubuntu now if i do not find how to hook madwifi then i return all my system to windows and wait more some year if ubuntu integrates simple driver installer like windows has 10 years | 17:46 |
onetinsoldier | !de | 17:46 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 17:46 |
LL | thx | 17:46 |
* [gnubie] waves | 17:46 | |
[gnubie] | gtg now | 17:47 |
[gnubie] | thanks.. | 17:47 |
acce245 | Can someone tell me how to launch a terminal and run a few lines of command from a text document (maybe I am asking how to create a launcher?) | 17:47 |
todo | is $190 a good price from a 4-processor 2.2 ghz xeon workstation? | 17:47 |
nicklas__ | uffo: why not another distro? | 17:47 |
SRazi | Hi, how can I share my dial-up internet on Wireless network? | 17:47 |
Law506 | anyone seen this before? I go to use Remote Desktop Viewer to connect to my Ubuntu Server 8.10 32-Bit and I get an error, I am using Ubuntu 8.10 64-Bit on my dektop. | 17:47 |
Law506 | Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve property `GtkStatusbar::shadow-type' of type `GtkShadowType' from rc file value "((GString*) 0x1223280)" of type `GString' | 17:47 |
dtcrshr | hi folks, im using ubuntu hardy, on a notebook with ati radeon vga hardware. Iv used envyng to install the driver, and everything goes fine. My regular user flickes on any 3d program i ran, but on my second user they go fine. how can i compare between both users, whats wrong | 17:48 |
dtcrshr | ? | 17:48 |
recon69 | uffo: go into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and remove "blacklist ath9k blacklist mac80211 blacklist cfg80211 " , no idea what the madwifi driver is called but it's not loading anyway so should not matter, reboot and you should be back to your old setup | 17:48 |
uffo | nicklas__: is there distro that is so simple like windows and reactos i dont think so | 17:48 |
SRazi | is there full HSF modem driver for ubuntu 8.10? | 17:49 |
acce245 | windows is hardly 'simple', and can anyone answer my question? Thanks! | 17:49 |
uffo | recon69: i blacklisted them because ath9k module gives so poor quality wifi | 17:49 |
onetinsoldier | acce245: make a file.. the top of it need to start with the following..... #!/bin/bash | 17:49 |
Slart | uffo: simple or "what I am used to".. many people mean the later | 17:49 |
acce245 | ahhh, # signs. | 17:49 |
acce245 | lemme try. | 17:49 |
mker | acce245, right click desktop and "create launcher" | 17:49 |
recon69 | uffo: well, one thing at a time. | 17:49 |
Slart | uffo: if you want a distro that is like windows you'll probably find that the best one is... windows.. =/ | 17:49 |
onetinsoldier | acce245: then put in you commands... then end it with exit 0 | 17:49 |
olskolirc | onetinsoldier, #!/usr/bin/bash makes an sh script correct? | 17:50 |
uffo | Slart: or reactos in future that i wait | 17:50 |
onetinsoldier | olskolirc: yes | 17:50 |
melchmon | Hi I just tried to install the nvidia 180 drivers. I can not boot into xserver now | 17:50 |
exodus_ms | uffo, Curious, why have you decided to try Ubuntu? You can post in #Ubuntu-Offtopic | 17:50 |
Slart | uffo: don't hold your breath.. I think reactos has many years left before it can replace windows on a normal desktop | 17:50 |
olskolirc | onetinsoldier, does #!/bin/sh make the same script? | 17:50 |
onetinsoldier | acce245: then chmod +x <filename> && ./<filename> | 17:50 |
acce245 | For example, if all I want to run is "cd ~/filename" and then in the next line "./filename" | 17:50 |
recon69 | uffo: did you have any error when compiling that madwifi driver? | 17:50 |
nicklas__ | uffo: http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=major | 17:50 |
Slart | uffo: but this is getting offtopic.. | 17:51 |
Slart | acce245: what was the question? | 17:51 |
ddggttff3 | hi. i was wonderin if someone could help me with my soundcard | 17:51 |
exodus_ms | !sound | 17:51 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 17:51 |
uffo | ubunu needs driver manager for ALL system then it comes to simple | 17:51 |
mker | uffo, we're not paid by ubuntu and you haven't paid for ubuntu. we don't care what you use, we're here to help eachother out, that's all. use what you want, no one will try to convince you otherwise. | 17:51 |
onetinsoldier | olskolirc: yes... i think that make it figure out what shell you using and use that shell. more than just bash is available as a shell | 17:51 |
boy-stockholm | !directconnect | 17:52 |
ubottu | Direct Connect clients: linuxdcpp, dcgui (GTK), Valknut, dc-qt (Qt), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P | 17:52 |
ddggttff3 | well i got a creative x-fi xtreme gamer sound card | 17:52 |
acce245 | For example, I want to run those two commands under terminal, and I want to simply doubleclick a text file and have it run. | 17:52 |
ddggttff3 | and the problem i have is with the drivers | 17:52 |
acce245 | such as 'run in terminal' | 17:52 |
uffo | mker: to you have then some gui tool to restore system components | 17:52 |
olskolirc | thanks onetinsoldier | 17:52 |
iminhell | Anyone new in here want to take a stab at a dvd playback issue? | 17:52 |
onetinsoldier | yw | 17:52 |
Slart | acce245: ok.. create a text file where the first line is "# /bin/bash" | 17:52 |
acce245 | got it. | 17:52 |
Slart | acce245: then you can write your commands after that.. one on each line | 17:53 |
nicklas__ | uffo: http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=major | 17:53 |
recon69 | uffo: lol, you just have to unblack list the drivers you blacklisted , cant see it being much simpler | 17:53 |
mker | uffo, I don't know, I've never messed my system up with madwifi. It's possible the guys in the madwifi channel or forum can give you more help though as they should know more about the problems their program creates. | 17:53 |
LjL | uffo: what do you mean "restore system components"? | 17:53 |
mker | uffo, why don't you do what recon69 suggests? | 17:53 |
Slart | acce245: sorry.. it's "#!/bin/bash" | 17:53 |
uffo | LjL: gui tool to reset wiwi drivers or load new driver (.so files etc) | 17:54 |
LjL | uffo: drivers are generally modules, not .so files. .so files are libraries | 17:54 |
uffo | LjL: like windows with left click update drivers | 17:54 |
acce245 | that makes the icon change to generic program, but how do I get it to open in a terminal? Do I need to change the filename? | 17:54 |
mker | uffo, why don't you do what recon69 suggests? | 17:54 |
* [gnubie] waves | 17:54 | |
LjL | uffo: i'm not a windows user, i have no idea how it works in windows | 17:54 |
recon69 | uffo: give me a year or two, I'll write one for you lol | 17:54 |
exodus_ms | !details | iminhell | 17:55 |
ubottu | iminhell: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 17:55 |
onetinsoldier | acce245: then chmod +x <filename> && ./<filename> | 17:55 |
[gnubie] | where is the X configuration file located? i used to be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf but when i checked that file, it doesn't have any content.. | 17:55 |
LjL | uffo: drivers here are modules, and modules in turn are either in the default Ubuntu install or in packages. if they are from packages, removing them involves removing the packages. | 17:55 |
Slart | [gnubie]: it's mostly detected at runtime these days | 17:55 |
badawi | how do i search for packages on the repos from the command line? | 17:55 |
Slart | [gnubie]: but that's the file alright.. if you put stuff there it will be dealt with | 17:56 |
mker | badawi, aptitude search *** (for example, you could use apt-get too) | 17:56 |
LjL | !packages > badawi (badawi, see the private message from ubottu) | 17:56 |
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: drop out of X..(ctrl+backspace) then run command Xorg -configure | 17:56 |
badawi | mker: thank you | 17:56 |
Slart | badawi: apt-cache search somethingtosearchforhere | 17:56 |
scientes | how can i run the live cd from a chroot? | 17:56 |
badawi | Slart: thank you too | 17:56 |
uffo | LjL: there should be tool to open module pack to install it like windows and reactos has open driver folder | 17:56 |
[gnubie] | i want to make use of the fglrx driver | 17:56 |
dtcrshr | me too | 17:56 |
dtcrshr | ivinstalled, but it flicks | 17:56 |
Bit_Breaker | hello all | 17:57 |
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: so do i! but i don't think it works with kernel-2.6.27... at least not yet | 17:57 |
nicklas__ | ey | 17:57 |
LjL | uffo, wait, are you telling us that you installed the madwifi drivers from a random package that you downloaded manually? | 17:57 |
Bit_Breaker | does anyone kno what has happen to pygame modules for python on Ubuntu | 17:57 |
acce245 | so, I am doing something wrong still... | 17:57 |
iminhell | exodus_ms: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 in a nutshell I can not play a dvd normally unless I use the following command, "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" btw i'v been in here since 8am, mker tried but he said he isn't really a video guy. | 17:57 |
acce245 | I apologize, I am new to this sort of thing. | 17:57 |
mker | uffo, recon69 helped you and you seem to refuse to do what he said. If you absolutely need a GUI app for this you can code one yourself and stop trolling. | 17:57 |
[gnubie] | onetinsoldier: ow? | 17:57 |
uffo | LjL: from madwifi website | 17:58 |
LjL | uffo: why did you do that? madwifi is *included* in a standard Ubuntu install. | 17:58 |
LjL | uffo: you really should ask the madwifi guy, because Ubuntu only supports the madwifi drivers that it *includes*. | 17:58 |
uffo | LjL: with this guide http://probing.wikidot.com/ubuntu-intrepid-8-10-replacing-ath9k-by-madwifi | 17:58 |
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: i can't say that i've tried it yet.. but you try to get it working if you want. | 17:59 |
LjL | uffo: ah well, no wonder things get messed up if you follow random unofficial guides | 17:59 |
[gnubie] | ok | 17:59 |
uffo | LjL: but why someone do not make binary driver packs like windows has that can be added | 18:00 |
Thuyner | Hi, I have RealVNC installed on my Win XP PC, and I want to see it from my Ubuntu computer. How do I do? | 18:00 |
=== _wendy_ is now known as Phantom__ | ||
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: after dropping ouot of X and running the command i listed.. you should have a more complete xorg.conf file. then you edit it to specify the fglrx driver | 18:00 |
onetinsoldier | out* | 18:00 |
LjL | uffo: because that's very much against the Ubuntu philosophy of things being provided in both source and binary form in the official repositories. | 18:00 |
eseven73 | you cannot compare windows to linux uffo, it dont work that way | 18:00 |
exodus_ms | iminhell, still reading... | 18:00 |
=== reinhold|away is now known as reinhold | ||
Bit_Breaker | does anyone kno what has happen to pygame modules for python on Ubuntu | 18:01 |
iminhell | exodus: that's fine, take all the time you need. | 18:01 |
[gnubie] | onetinsoldier: ok.. | 18:01 |
uffo | LjL: if i want source then i download but usually i need driver and just install it simple way with some driver install tool like it should be | 18:01 |
recon69 | LjL: uffo: and anyone else in this conversation that it to ubuntu-offtopic | 18:02 |
LjL | recon69: right, sorry | 18:02 |
Bit_Breaker | does anyone kno what has happen to pygame modules for python on Ubuntu | 18:02 |
crimsaq | I've tried installing flash TWICE now for firefox, downloaded the .deb from adobe and it isnt working... any ideas? | 18:02 |
uffo | oh well i reinstall system thats all | 18:02 |
nicklas__ | uffo: you need to open your mind, its not really that hard, linux is really easy to use nowadays, i think its easier than windows | 18:02 |
Kelen | How to copy files from mobile with bluetooth? anyidea here? | 18:02 |
mker | Bit_Breaker, If you want someone to help you just explain your problem, don't ask if someone knows what's happened. Happened with that? How? Nothing happened? | 18:03 |
Bit_Breaker | mker: gotcha | 18:03 |
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: if you get the flgrx driver installed and need to know how to specify the fglrx driver in the xorg.conf file, let me know | 18:03 |
LjL | Kelen: that depends on the mobile | 18:03 |
LjL | Kelen: on the PC side, you merely need to have bluetooth enabled | 18:03 |
uffo | nicklas__: yes it is for now quite simple but not complete, maybe after some year ubuntu has 100% gui system | 18:03 |
Bit_Breaker | ok i was attempting to import pygame in python, and i get " an undefined modules erro" | 18:03 |
Law506 | alright, I can connect to my Linux share using Windows via samba... how do I get to it through my linux machine? | 18:03 |
Law506 | seems like it would be easy | 18:04 |
Bit_Breaker | but they exist dont they? | 18:04 |
Kelen | LjL: mobile is Nokia 5310. is that possible for this mobile? | 18:04 |
LjL | Kelen: it's possible for any mobile that has bluetooth | 18:04 |
nicklas__ | doesnt ubuntu have 100% gui? | 18:04 |
bulio | How can I access a windows share on ubuntu? | 18:04 |
LjL | Kelen: but as to how it's done on your mobile - well, i'm sure it comes with an instruction manual... | 18:04 |
mDemocritus | Law506: look through the menus on the desktop... there's a connect to server option somewhere in there | 18:04 |
bulio | I installed smbfs and tried to put a line in /etc/fstab | 18:05 |
Law506 | yea, but its not working out so great :) | 18:05 |
exodus_ms | iminhell, I know you probably want to play the DVD from the optical drive, but have you tried to to rip the DVD to your hdd? Then if it plays from your hdd you can eliminate other problems maybe? | 18:05 |
mDemocritus | Law506: error messages? | 18:05 |
bulio | // /media/nas cifs credentials=~/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777 0 0 | 18:05 |
uffo | SECOND there is still not good support for portable software with own .so libraries, only i know blender rund portable but how about mplayer portable | 18:05 |
bulio | anyone see anything with that? | 18:05 |
Tefx__ | hey guys i got a wierd little problem im tryign to instal DTC panel to my ubuntu 8.04 box btu its complain that it cant fidn /sbin/lbconfig.real even tho it excists:S | 18:05 |
shubbar | can someone help me with Hardware Drivers? it disappeared. | 18:06 |
bazhang | uffo, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:06 |
joshwhat | I had a usb drive that auto mounted with the name "WDC Combo" at the location "/media/WDC Cobmo". I then right clicked it, chose Settings, and changed the Mount Point setting to "/media/WDCCombo". Now, when it tries to mount, it says "Cannot mount volume." and under details it says, "mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)" So, I thought it had saved this "mount point" information in /etc/ | 18:06 |
joshwhat | fstab, and I could go in there and change it back to what it was, but it wasn't in there. How can I recover from this if the drive won't even mount for me to change the setting? | 18:06 |
benj007 | hi | 18:06 |
bulio | and is smbfs the proper thing to install for cifs? | 18:06 |
iminhell | exodus: I'd try that but I haven't got that far yet. I'm only 3 weeks into this Linux thing and really not sure how to even rip a dvd yet. | 18:06 |
funbitz1 | anyone: I'm having problems with nvidia's proprietary driver, but if I deactivate it my resolution goes no higher than 800*600. Is there a way to set a higher resolution without activating the accelerated driver? | 18:06 |
LjL | bulio: yes | 18:06 |
Kelen | LjL: well, where is the manual about? | 18:06 |
nicklas__ | uffo: did you look at that link i gave you? | 18:06 |
benj007 | how are you guys ? | 18:06 |
Photoguy | Hmm, skype settings are messed up agin.. | 18:06 |
[gnubie] | # modprobe fglrx | 18:06 |
Law506 | bah, i'll have to get back later, got to run, thanks for the help | 18:06 |
[gnubie] | FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko): Cannot allocate memory | 18:06 |
LjL | Kelen: eh? | 18:06 |
Tefx__ | any ideas | 18:06 |
Photoguy | What should the sound settings be? | 18:06 |
bulio | LjL: then what could I be doing wrong | 18:06 |
jtaji | joshwhat: that dialog was actually asking for the part of the mountpoint after /media/, hang on... | 18:06 |
bulio | Ubuntu isnt mounting it | 18:06 |
LjL | bulio: don't know. does .smbcredentials exist and is readable? | 18:07 |
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: yeah, i'm not surprised | 18:07 |
bulio | LjL: yep | 18:07 |
[gnubie] | onetinsoldier: why? | 18:07 |
Kelen | LjL: The copy files from mobile manual? | 18:07 |
LjL | bulio: try mounting it manually with sudo mount // /media/nas -o username=whatever | 18:07 |
re98001 | Can anyone tell me why i cant hear sound when playing a cd but at the same time can stream a video on firefox just fine? | 18:07 |
LjL | Kelen: i'm talking about *your phone's user manual* | 18:07 |
bulio | LjL: its set to be only readable by sudo | 18:08 |
bulio | LjL: manually mounting works fine | 18:08 |
[gnubie] | anyway, brb | 18:08 |
onetinsoldier | [gnubie]: when newer versions of the linux kernel come out, then the ati driver usually needs to be updated to work with the newer kernel version. | 18:08 |
Photoguy | Hmm, skype settings are messed up again What should the sound settings be? | 18:08 |
Kelen | LjL: huh.. i lost it.. | 18:08 |
LjL | bulio: oh wait, duh, i know what's wrong of course... | 18:09 |
LjL | bulio: you put ~/.smbcredentials but what is ~ when root is reading fstab? | 18:09 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | hello | 18:09 |
joshwhat | Hello! | 18:09 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | how can I show my nsf shares under "Network" in Nautilus? | 18:09 |
exodus_ms | iminhell, install k9copy | 18:09 |
bulio | LjL: I assume my primary user? | 18:09 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | NFS* | 18:09 |
LjL | Kelen: well i'm sorry, search for it on google, we can't support mobile phones here | 18:09 |
LjL | bulio: no | 18:09 |
LjL | bulio: root has got its own home directory, /root/ | 18:10 |
re98001 | Can anyone tell me why i cant hear sound when playing a cd but at the same time can stream a video on firefox just fine? | 18:10 |
LjL | bulio: so it'll look for /root/.smbcredentials | 18:10 |
bulio | LjL: so I should move it there? | 18:10 |
jtaji | joshwhat: if you run gconf-editor, in gconf-editor under /storage/volumes/ you will see an entry for the device you modified, click the entry and you will see a mount_point key on the right panel, delete this key | 18:10 |
LjL | bulio: or you should specify a different path in fstab | 18:10 |
Tefx__ | hey guys i got a wierd little problem im tryign to instal DTC panel to my ubuntu 8.04 box btu its complain that it cant fidn /sbin/lbconfig.real even tho it excists:S | 18:11 |
Kelen | LjL: I think so.. lol.. any way, thank you advance first.. | 18:11 |
crimsaq | need help cant get flash working on firefox :\ | 18:11 |
ryan__ | Is anyone very familiar with xrandr? | 18:11 |
bulio | LjL: alright, I'll try that | 18:11 |
recon69 | re98001: it's a blank cd perhaps ;) | 18:11 |
Steven2 | hmm | 18:11 |
re98001 | lol nope, in plays in windows | 18:11 |
joshwhat | jtaji: Thank you, my friend! | 18:11 |
bulio | thanks a bunch! | 18:11 |
re98001 | th cd loads just wont play sound | 18:12 |
Photoguy | Hmm, skype settings are messed up again What should the sound settings be? | 18:12 |
recon69 | re98001: what app are you using to play sound, is the cd audio cd or data cd, are the files wave files? | 18:12 |
anix72 | croppa: i tested DVD with windows: OK. then booted with the only older kernel i have: 2.6.24-19-generic, was OK too! then booted again with 2.6.24-21-generic: Failed. then again with 2.6.24-22-generic, OK!? however, i have seen this error message during booting to the failed case. "sr0: CDROM (ioctl) error, command: Read TOC/PMA/ATIP 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00" - you want me pasted.com for error messages after that? | 18:12 |
onetinsoldier | ryan__: what is your real question? just ask your actual question about the utility. i'm not familiar with xrandr tho | 18:13 |
re98001 | rythmbox music player | 18:13 |
jtaji | no prob joshwhat | 18:13 |
iminhell | exodus: as we speak i am. I was also reading through this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6509 (iso guide of sorts I guess). got 10 minutes `til the DL finishes. | 18:13 |
re98001 | audio cd | 18:13 |
recon69 | re98001: can you play wav files from you hdd? | 18:14 |
luca__ | ciao ragazzi qual'è il s | 18:14 |
luca__ | la chat in italiano? | 18:14 |
jtaji | !it | luca__ | 18:14 |
ubottu | luca__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 18:14 |
crimsaq | can someone please help me? I cannot get Flash to work with firefox. I've tried everything I can think of., | 18:14 |
re98001 | i'm not sure, how do i find out? | 18:14 |
recon69 | re98001: try copy one off the CD | 18:15 |
re98001 | i think the files on cd are mp3 | 18:15 |
=== wreweertgfseadff is now known as that_cat | ||
that_cat | can anyone tell me if there is a way to monitor your bandwidth usage in UBUNTU? | 18:15 |
recon69 | re98001: then it's a data cd , did you install the mp3 codex into ubuntu, it in the cstream-10-ugly package | 18:15 |
re98001 | the app allows me to rip music to library but playing from library is the same problem - no sound | 18:16 |
ryan__ | I have an issue where the DVI out to my external monitor isn't working properly. The "Screen Resolution" utility in Ubuntu sees the external monitor (including its correct resolutions and refresh rate) but nothing appears on the external monitor's display. | 18:16 |
=== onat1 is now known as onats | ||
horstle | hi | 18:16 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: there are a few utilities that will do it. i like iptraf a lot | 18:16 |
exodus_ms | iminhell, Let me know if dd'ing works, i.e. dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso | 18:16 |
re98001 | alrite, i'll try that packge | 18:17 |
that_cat | onetinsoldier, any gui ones? | 18:17 |
recon69 | re98001: sorry package name is gstream0.10-plugins-ugly | 18:17 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: oh yes.. i forget right now but let me look around a sec | 18:18 |
Tefx__ | exec: 17: /sbin/ldconfig.real: not found whats that about | 18:18 |
Kelen | LjL: I got it. Thank you again.. :) | 18:18 |
Tefx__ | ldconfig.real excists | 18:18 |
badawi | !restricted | 18:19 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 18:19 |
exodus_ms | iminhell, btw, what video card are you using? | 18:20 |
re98001 | my package manager wont find the gstream0.10-plugins-ugly package | 18:21 |
manlymat_83 | I'm trying to rebuild my ipod shuffle using fdisk. In the diagram, it shows that the "shuffle" has 128 heads, while when I use fdisk to create a W95 FAT32 partition type, then do fdisk -l, it shows 32 heads. Does this mean I can't fdisk/format the ipod shuffle in linux and need to use windows? Or are there other options? | 18:21 |
DDT | Hello. Noob question - ubuntu have rpm packages or other? Thx | 18:22 |
recon69 | re98001: sorry again gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly | 18:22 |
reduz | I hate ubuntu networking | 18:22 |
reduz | can't in any way set static IP address, it gets ignored | 18:23 |
reduz | beautiful bug | 18:23 |
tim_dmole | Is it possible to make a 5TB logical volume? | 18:23 |
PriceChild | reduz: how are you trying to do it? works for me | 18:23 |
Tefx__ | DDT, ubuntu uses .deb files btu if u cant fidn it in apptitude it probably wont be supported here | 18:23 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: well. i recall now that eons ago i had trouble finding one for X, but i eventually found one. having trouble finding it now tho. but i am almost sure one exists | 18:23 |
Phantom__ | !autostart | 18:23 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 18:23 |
tim_dmole | DDT: ubuntu uses .deb but can use .rpm if you install the tool | 18:23 |
reduz | PriceChild, System -> Preferences -> Network Configuration, edit default connection, change to static IP | 18:24 |
reduz | PriceChild, nothing amazing, then just not works | 18:24 |
DDT | ok, thx people | 18:24 |
tim_dmole | DDT: apt-get is best | 18:24 |
Tefx__ | can soem oen give me a hand with a really anoyign problem | 18:24 |
that_cat | onetinsoldier, ok thanks though | 18:24 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: keep asking the question occasionally and someone else might know of one | 18:24 |
DDT | apt-get - for using rpm? | 18:24 |
bazhang | DDT, no | 18:24 |
tim_dmole | DDT: apt-get is for .deb | 18:24 |
bazhang | DDT, dont try to use rpm with ubuntu | 18:24 |
recon69 | reduz: is you router setup to give your computer a static address? | 18:25 |
exodus_ms | !details > Tefx__ | 18:25 |
ubottu | Tefx__, please see my private message | 18:25 |
DDT | ok, I will use deb. | 18:25 |
that_cat | onetinsoldier, how do you monitor total bandwidth usage of the network in iptraf? | 18:25 |
re98001 | yap, the package has been installed | 18:25 |
WIGGMPk | I have Windows Vista on another hard drive "/dev/sdb1" and I want to add the line to grub. Can anyone help | 18:25 |
Tefx__ | ive give deatil 3 time | 18:25 |
Tefx__ | no one reply | 18:25 |
exodus_ms | !grub | 18:25 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 18:25 |
recon69 | re98001: adn does the cd play?? | 18:26 |
tim_dmole | help with LVM anyone? | 18:26 |
Tefx__ | im tryign to install dtc panel on ubuntu i gkeep gettign thsi error for soem reason even tho the fiel excists | 18:26 |
Tefx__ | exec: 17: /sbin/ldconfig.real: not found | 18:26 |
Xero | !ubottu | 18:26 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 18:26 |
DDT | I am just asking to know what version VMWare server download - so now I know - deb. I have not installed ubuntu yet - but starting. Thx for help and see you later. | 18:26 |
mker | How can I share a folder (like /media/disk/mystuff ) with SFTP? I want the user to be locked in by using ChrootDirectory in sshd_config. So far I've only been able to share /home/sftpuser but as soon as I change the directory to something else I can't log in anymore. | 18:26 |
re98001 | no. the package been installed previously. should i reinstall it? | 18:26 |
reduz | recon69, yes my router is, because other computers need the dynamic address | 18:26 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: use the 'General Interface Statistics' option | 18:27 |
reduz | recon69, but it really shouldn't matter, if i want to use static IP, ubuntu should just not use DHCP | 18:27 |
WIGGMPk | exodus_ms: was that intended for me? | 18:27 |
dan_ | reduz are you also having internet connection issues? | 18:27 |
eseven73 | any vmware guru's available to answer why ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 guests i can move my mouse in and out of the vm window, but cant with ubuntu 6.06 guest | 18:27 |
reduz | dan_, no, internet works fine, i just want static IP | 18:27 |
Tefx__ | exodus_ms, did u see my detais | 18:28 |
recon69 | reduz: if you want a static IP you router need to know the mac address of you computer so it can give out the right address , as far as i know, been so long since i use a static ip address | 18:28 |
Soros | is there a switch within firefox so i can use the middle button to paste the url.. or is that a gnome thing ? so used to just copying a url and then middle clicking to load it | 18:28 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: use the 'General Interface Statistics' option, and you can configure options such as kbits/s or kBytes/s | 18:28 |
dan_ | ok - then we have different problems - i cant even get a proper ip - its stick on a private address | 18:28 |
Steven2 | hello! | 18:28 |
that_cat | onetinsoldier, and that shows the total throughput for all computers on the network? | 18:28 |
mker | Soros, about:config and search for middlemouse or similar, I think you should find something there if it doesn't already work | 18:28 |
reduz | recon69, nope, if i want static IP, i should use it and don't use DHCP, the router has nothing to do with this | 18:28 |
Soros | oh ya, lemme look | 18:29 |
=== hakr is now known as h[a]kr | ||
reduz | damn it, how can ubuntu have a bug as serious as this | 18:29 |
reduz | i don't get it | 18:29 |
Soros | yaa, there it is, thanks | 18:29 |
bandyo | hi guys! | 18:30 |
dan_ | Anyone know where to start with a connection issue where I can not get an ip address from my ubuntu? The router is working fine since I have 3 windows machines properly connected. | 18:30 |
sfire | has anyone here had trouble with losing sound in 8.10 ? | 18:30 |
reduz | let's try erasing the connection and the creating a new one.... | 18:30 |
mker | reduz, static ip is something your isp gives you | 18:30 |
recon69 | reduz: it cant(well pretty sure it cant ), if it did the whole internet would stop working | 18:30 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: hmmm, i only know about usage for my one lonely desktop system. fool around with it and watch and you will probably figure that out tho | 18:30 |
recon69 | reduz: you sure you router is setup correctly for static addresses | 18:31 |
rainabba_ | After I modify ~/.bashrc how do I implement those changes immediately? | 18:31 |
bazhang | reduz, do you have the launchpad bug number? | 18:32 |
usser_ | reduz, works for me just fine | 18:32 |
Kelen | How to review my message with IRC after i come back. | 18:32 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: i believe it will just show the usage of the system it's running on | 18:32 |
recon69 | reduz: why dont you explain why you need a static ip and how your network is setup | 18:32 |
tim_dmole | reduz: did you try this: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/319 | 18:32 |
=== tim_dmole is now known as dmole | ||
reduz_ | recon69, because i don't need to, I'm not a new user, I know perfectly well that if i want to setup a static IP, i should be able to have it, no matter the network/router setup | 18:33 |
eseven73 | anyone here use ubuntu 6.06 as a vmware guest? some reason i cant move my mouse in and out of the vm without doing 'ctrl + alt' where as with other ubuntu guests (8.04, 8.10) do not require that | 18:33 |
bazhang | reduz_, you have the launchpad bug number? | 18:33 |
bandyo | I want to connect my PDA via bluetooth to my desktop and then to Internet. So, I am IP forwarding through the PC. This works fine when ufw is disabled. I don't know how to set a rule to let my PDA's traffic pass through the Ubuntu box using ufw. Any help? Thanks. | 18:33 |
that_cat | damn do you know how to show the total usage of the network? | 18:33 |
bazhang | reduz_, if not you should file a bug report | 18:34 |
bazhang | !bugs | reduz_ | 18:34 |
ubottu | reduz_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 18:34 |
reduz_ | bazhang, cool, will do that | 18:34 |
|_steve_| | Can anyone (I've looked at all the options mentioned in !webcam - to the extent I understand) help me figure out how to send and receive video through the webcam in Skype and Kopete with Intrepid? | 18:34 |
dmole | reduz_: did you try this: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/319 ? | 18:34 |
|_steve_| | I have a Logitech Quickcam | 18:34 |
supercom32 | Is there any software for ubuntu that can catalog movies, covers, etc and let you play them when you click a link to it? | 18:34 |
|_steve_| | with 046d:08da | 18:34 |
malcom2073 | Question: does anyone know what ubuntu package contains the phonon headers for compiling qt-phonon based apps? | 18:34 |
hustlers | hey | 18:34 |
hustlers | hi | 18:34 |
flexo3105 | hi , anyone got the arsen-metacity theme ? no way to download it anywhere anymore | 18:35 |
recon69 | reduz_: sorry I asked then, you obliviously dont need my help then | 18:35 |
hustlers | who can help me about internet problem on ubuntu? | 18:35 |
reduz_ | dmole, i know how to do it from the shell, but i want to have faith that ubuntu works as it's suppoed to | 18:35 |
iminhell | exodus_ms: playback via .iso from the HDD is still scrambled (Jurassic Park), done using the command line. What now? | 18:35 |
hustlers | turk warmý bana yardým edýcekkkk | 18:35 |
dan_ | Needing help with what should be basic internet connection setup through a wired connection. It is not working and I have tried a numerous of things from the internet to no avail. I can only get a private IP - anyone have a place to start looking for more solutions? | 18:35 |
that_cat | bazhang, do you know how to monitor total network throughput ? | 18:35 |
mker | hustlers, no one unless you actually ask what you need help with | 18:35 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: perhaps you'd be interesed in this --> http://freshmeat.net/projects/bwmtools/ ?? | 18:35 |
anix72 | croppa: i found some ubuntu forum threads with that error message. i will try with booting randomly different kernels, but i think that it is a hardware error that randomly occur. | 18:35 |
hustlers | bana yardým edýcek olan war mýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý | 18:35 |
mker | hustlers, english only here | 18:36 |
dmole | reduz_: as in you did do that and your ip was not what you wanted? | 18:36 |
CHizzzER | hi everyone =) can somebody help me with sound in ubuntu 8.10? | 18:36 |
bazhang | !id | hustlers | 18:36 |
ubottu | hustlers: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 18:36 |
reduz_ | recon69, please don't take it as something aggressive (in case you did), at this point i think i know it's a bug in ubuntu, was just asking for help on how to workaround it | 18:36 |
anix72 | croppy: nevertheless, many thanks :) | 18:36 |
SuNDeC | hi | 18:36 |
mker | CHizzzER, just explain your problem, if someone can help you they will | 18:36 |
bazhang | oops | 18:36 |
bazhang | !tr | hustlers | 18:36 |
ubottu | hustlers: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 18:36 |
reduz_ | dmole, no it seems the bug is that i can't change an existing connection from dynamic to static, i had to erase it and create a new one for it to work | 18:36 |
bazhang | hustlers, /join #ubuntu-tr | 18:37 |
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi | ||
reduz_ | uh i have to register in launchpad.. :( maybe later then | 18:37 |
bluej | anyone know why urxvt has weird font width spacing? i.e. http://i35.tinypic.com/qsmp.png (DejaVu Sans Mono-8) | 18:37 |
malcom2073 | Anyone? what package contains qt-phonon headers? | 18:37 |
serg_ | malcom2073: phonon is KDE technology so look in KDE part | 18:38 |
that_cat | thanks onetinsoldier , gotta hit the hay | 18:38 |
supercom32 | Any software that can make a menu for selecting movies on HD? | 18:38 |
that_cat | will check that out tomorrow | 18:39 |
malcom2073 | serg_: yeah I'm finding nothing on phonon there | 18:39 |
|_steve_| | any commands to see the problem with webcams? | 18:39 |
bandyo | Can anyone help me with IP forwarding and ufw (gufw) please? | 18:39 |
|_steve_| | I have gspca | 18:39 |
|_steve_| | I have gspca-sources | 18:39 |
that_cat | onetinsoldier, are you one yahoo, msn or gtalk? | 18:39 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: roger. if you are looking for something really powerful, have a look at NetMRG | 18:39 |
dan_ | Needing help with what should be basic internet connection setup (Ubuntu 8.04) through a wired connection. It is not working and I have tried a numerous of things from the internet to no avail. I can only get a private IP . | 18:39 |
SuNDeC | anyone know how to read .prc file in ubuntu? | 18:39 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: no.. just here on this irc channel when I'm online | 18:40 |
W4nt3D | hi | 18:40 |
bandyo | .prc are palm executables, a palm emulator perhaps? | 18:40 |
SuNDeC | .prc is a format for ebook, in windows we use mobipocket reader to read | 18:41 |
SuNDeC | but i don't know the equivalent in ubuntu | 18:42 |
kristian1 | n8tuser : i'm sorry i had to help me dad with setting up the garage opener. i rebooted, and then i hoped the machine would automatically connect to wlan, but it didn't so i logged in, and network manager did not auto connect to added wlan, and when i tried to connect it wouldnt let me either, i removed the 2 lines from /etc/network/interfaces and rebooted again, and now network manager connects me automatically to wlan when i login, but n | 18:42 |
exodus_ms | iminhell, btw, what video card are you using? | 18:42 |
eseven73 | anyone here use ubuntu 6.06 as a vmware guest? some reason i cant move my mouse in and out of the vm without doing 'ctrl + alt' where as with other ubuntu guests (8.04, 8.10) do not require that | 18:42 |
mker | When I change the home directory of a user I can no longer log in for SFTP. I've written all about it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 would really appreciate if someone could take a look. | 18:42 |
serg_ | malcom2073: libphonon-dev google helped | 18:43 |
|_steve_| | Webcam help? | 18:43 |
serg_ | malcom2073: use google before posting ! | 18:43 |
malcom2073 | I installed that package, and it's still missing the phonon header file | 18:43 |
bandyo | sorry SuNDeC no help here. | 18:43 |
MTecknology | I';m having an issue with bzr, I try to add a directory and I'm getting this error - Format <RepositoryFormatKnit1> for file:///home/michael/Documents/LoCo/sdloco-5/themes/sdteam/.bzr/ is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance | 18:43 |
malcom2073 | Did that before I even came here heh | 18:43 |
mohbana | hi, why can't i view fonts in gnome? | 18:43 |
|_steve_| | thanks for all the help | 18:43 |
|_steve_| | bye | 18:43 |
bandyo | I want to connect my PDA via bluetooth to my desktop and then to Internet. So, I am IP forwarding through the PC. This works fine when ufw is disabled. I don't know how to set a rule to let my PDA's traffic pass through the Ubuntu box using ufw. Any help? Thanks. | 18:44 |
eseven73 | nvm somehow it fixed it self, disregard my question above :) | 18:44 |
SuNDeC | @bandyo: you can't, but others can? | 18:44 |
iminhell | exodus_ms: gforce 5500 pci 128mb ddr (is what the box reads). i know you're going to ask so, i tried both the drivers listed, 173 (recommended) and 96, same with either. | 18:44 |
lloyd | I am trying to get my acerscan 620u Scanner to work, but when I plug it in and open xsane, is searches for devices then gives me the error "failed to open device 'snapscan:libusb:005:005': Invalid argument | 18:45 |
bandyo | @SuNDeC may be... I am looking for help myself. | 18:45 |
serg_ | malcom2073: which file do u need ? | 18:45 |
that_cat | does anyone know how to monitor the total bandwidth usage of a network? | 18:45 |
malcom2073 | "Phonon" | 18:46 |
malcom2073 | the header | 18:46 |
droopsta915 | can I remote access from my machine to my Winxp laptop? | 18:46 |
droopsta915 | can I remote access from my machine to my Winxp laptop? I have Ubuntu 8.04lts | 18:46 |
serg_ | malcom2073: /usr/include/phonon/Phonon there is! | 18:46 |
serg_ | malcom2073: append -I/usr/include/phonon | 18:47 |
recon61 | that_cat: you could use wireshark , will tell you the total traffic | 18:47 |
epswing | i have a nas (DNS-323), i can browse it from File Browser by typing smb://mynas/afolder, i want to mount afolder at /media/afolder, but the mount command says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //mynas/afolder | 18:47 |
epswing | ubuntu 8.10 here | 18:47 |
recon61 | that_cat: but there is probably a better solution | 18:47 |
lloyd | I am trying to get my acerscan 620u Scanner to work, but when I plug it in and open xsane, is searches for devices then gives me the error "failed to open device 'snapscan:libusb:005:005': Invalid argument | 18:48 |
mker | Does anyone know what the best place for openssh support is? I've been trying to solve a problem with SFTP for almost two weeks (more info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 ) and no one has an answer. | 18:48 |
that_cat | define "total traffic" | 18:48 |
serg_ | malcom2073: does your program get compiled now ? | 18:48 |
epswing | command i'm using: sudo mount //mynas/afolder /media/afolder | 18:48 |
dtcrshr | j ubuntu-br | 18:48 |
that_cat | please | 18:48 |
onetinsoldier | that_cat: look around on http://www.freshmeat.net/ | 18:49 |
CHizzzER | hi) sorry about my english first. I have Ubuntu 8.10 installed and 2 soundcards: Audigy 2 and second integrated into my radeon 2600 XT called HDA ATI HDMI . The problem is - some system sounds do not work. I'm using Audigy 2, sound goes through alsa, but regardless which sound output i choose - the result is - not all system sounds can be played and also there is no sound in games and some applications. I've got ubuntu 8.04 with same problem, but there aft | 18:49 |
recon61 | that_cat: well, when I use it it captures all traffic on a device, and my firewall give me a running total , but very hackish | 18:49 |
serg_ | CHizzzER: i had the same problem | 18:50 |
onetinsoldier | recon61: have you ever used iptraf? i like it a lot | 18:50 |
serg_ | CHizzzER: google have the answer | 18:50 |
CHizzzER | serg_: and how do you solved it? | 18:50 |
kristian1 | problem : i got ubuntu 8.10 (fully updated) installed on my machine, when i reboot, i have to login at the machine to get wlan. this is no problem if im at the machine, but if im not there and i reboot it over ssh or if there is a power failure and someone has to start it for me, then i won't be able to ssh to the machine again, because i have to login first before getting wlan, which gives inet. so i'm looking for a solution that will gi | 18:50 |
malv | does folder sharing even work in 8.10? | 18:50 |
tdn | How can I rename every file in a folder, so that each file name becomes $isodate-$oldfilename, where $isodate is the last modification date for the file and $oldfilename is the file's original name; such that a file called foo.txt will be called 2008-06-23-foo.txt, if it was last modified on 23rd of june 2008. | 18:51 |
recon61 | onetinsoldier: no , but that_cat would be interested i think :) | 18:51 |
=== osxdude|laptop is now known as osxdude|l | ||
serg_ | CHizzzER: i have switched to my Audigy from console | 18:51 |
malv | i shared as the help guide instructed and when I try to open a shared folder in another machine I get "failed to mount" | 18:51 |
onetinsoldier | recon61: i told him about it... | 18:51 |
[c0re] | ghi | 18:51 |
serg_ | CHizzzER: google it and you will find | 18:51 |
SuNDeC | tdn: use the "rename" command | 18:51 |
recon61 | onetinsoldier: I have other network problems that i use wireshark to try workout | 18:52 |
CHizzzER | serg_: i already switched using comand asoundconf set-default-card, but no results | 18:52 |
onetinsoldier | recon61: roger that | 18:52 |
dan_ | having internet connection issues - anyone around that can help point me in the right direction? I can only get a private ip | 18:53 |
hischild | Good evening. | 18:53 |
lloyd | I am trying to get my acerscan 620u Scanner to work, but when I plug it in and open xsane, is searches for devices then gives me the error "failed to open device 'snapscan:libusb:005:005': Invalid argument | 18:53 |
onetinsoldier | hischild: howdy | 18:53 |
recon61 | dan_: you need to tell us more than that, like do you use a router? ect | 18:53 |
CHizzzER | serg_: паря чето ты не договариваешь) | 18:54 |
serg_ | CHizzzER: asoundconf list ; play with various options. it helped me | 18:54 |
Gnea | !scanner | lloyd | 18:54 |
serg_ | CHizzzER: goto ru | 18:54 |
dan_ | Sure - i use a router and have multiple computers currently working. I am trying to use a wired connection but for some reason I can not connect to the router. When I try to ping it says the host is unreachable | 18:54 |
ubottu | lloyd: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR | 18:54 |
eseven73 | whats the command to see what programs have been installed from apt-get? | 18:55 |
NarbeH | hi | 18:55 |
recon61 | dan_: paste the results of ifconfig | 18:55 |
CHizzzER | serg_: hehe i thought you russian too) i was there, but there nobody helped me, just like here | 18:55 |
NarbeH | how can i download lots of files with wget ? | 18:55 |
badawi | !flash | 18:55 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 18:55 |
hischild | dan_, on pastebin!!! (recon61) | 18:56 |
markvandenborre | hi! any suggestions as to the cleanest way of installing flashplugin-nonfree on 8.04? | 18:56 |
onetinsoldier | eseven73: dpkg -l | less | 18:56 |
eseven73 | ty | 18:56 |
markvandenborre | the package seems to point to an outdated link | 18:56 |
hischild | markvandenborre, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ? | 18:56 |
markvandenborre | for the tgz | 18:56 |
NarbeH | how can i download lots of files with wget ? | 18:56 |
markvandenborre | hischild: so obviously, that is not going to work | 18:56 |
dan_ | recon61 - sure be one second | 18:56 |
hischild | markvandenborre, why not | 18:56 |
yoggidm | how can i be a ubuntu retard? | 18:57 |
serg_ | CHizzzER: but u said the problem have been solved! | 18:57 |
=== lloyd is now known as ICCCY | ||
markvandenborre | hischild: I appreciate your help, but I just told you why: the flashplugin-nonfree package is a dummy that downloads a tgz from the adobe website | 18:57 |
NarbeH | how can i download lots of files with wget ? | 18:57 |
onetinsoldier | markvandenborre: are you using the am64 userspace? | 18:57 |
bcgrown | I have a samba share on an Ubuntu 8.04 and I am trying to mount it from a Mac running OSX 10.5.5. The Mac can see all of the shared folders, but when I try to mount it I just get a "Failed to mount" message. I believe I have properly set up the user accounts and file permissions. What else could be wrong? | 18:57 |
dan_ | how to i use the postbin? sorry pretty new to irc | 18:57 |
Octoroks | yoggidm, though the the magic of Disney | 18:57 |
joshwhat | Will changing the group membership of all the files on an mounted external usb drive cause any problems? I'd be changing it from the "root" group to my username "josh" group. | 18:58 |
markvandenborre | onetinsoldier: no, I'm using plain vanilla 32bit | 18:58 |
tdn | SuNDeC, I cannot see how "rename" can rename files to their modified date. Please explain how. | 18:58 |
markvandenborre | even with backports enabled, the problem is still there | 18:58 |
bazhang | dan_, paste.ubuntu.com in a browser and copy error messages there give us the url it generates | 18:58 |
dan_ | aha! | 18:58 |
hischild | markvandenborre, do the second most obvious thing, get the .deb from the adobe site. (go to youtube, follow their link and get the package. | 18:58 |
onetinsoldier | markvandenborre: ahh, roger. well. i think i might be able to help | 18:58 |
NarbeH | how can i download lots of files with wget ? | 18:58 |
ICCCY | Gnea: My scanner is supported | 18:58 |
iminhell | Can anyone pick up where exedos_ms left off, please? | 18:58 |
hischild | !repeat | NarbeH | 18:58 |
ubottu | NarbeH: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 18:58 |
jtaji | joshwhat: nope that's fine | 18:59 |
joshwhat | NarbeH: Do you have a list of files, or are all the files located with the same directory? | 18:59 |
SuNDeC | eseven73: may be this can help a little: $ history | grep install | 18:59 |
dan_ | recon61, here is the url of my ifconfig: | 18:59 |
dan_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/84883/ | 18:59 |
markvandenborre | and I don't like to add just another repo, nor get a package from adobe's website directly | 18:59 |
onetinsoldier | markvandenborre: but yeah, as hischild said, you can get a .deb from adobe that will install it automatically i believe | 18:59 |
kristian1 | problem : i got ubuntu 8.10 (fully updated) installed on my machine, when i reboot, i have to login at the machine to get wlan. this is no problem if im at the machine, but if im not there and i reboot it over ssh or if there is a power failure and someone has to start it for me, then i won't be able to ssh to the machine again, because i have to login first before getting wlan, which gives inet. so i'm looking for a solution that will gi | 18:59 |
NarbeH | joshwhat: all of them in the same dir | 18:59 |
ICCCY | Gnea: by something called uscanner, but I cannot fund anything else about it besides a list of the scanners it supports and an email to some freebsd domain | 18:59 |
zsquareplusc | NarbeH: wget has a nice !man page. you can give it multiple urls and yo can set it for recursive fetching. but that has its quirks, don't download the whole net ;-) | 18:59 |
SuNDeC | tdn: you want to do it automatically? | 18:59 |
tdn | SuNDeC, yes. | 19:00 |
NarbeH | zsquareplusc: plz | 19:00 |
[c0re] | hi | 19:00 |
hischild | markvandenborre, so just to understand it all correctly ... you can't understand it from the repo's, but you don't want to install it from their site ... then what do you expect from us? | 19:00 |
bazhang | [c0re], ?? | 19:00 |
joshwhat | NarbeH: Have you looked at the man pages for wget? | 19:00 |
NarbeH | joshwhat: yes | 19:00 |
hischild | markvandenborre, *you can't install* | 19:00 |
NarbeH | joshwhat: but i don't understand :( | 19:00 |
markvandenborre | onetinsoldier, hischild: I appreciate your help, it's just that I don't like adobe making things difficult for us | 19:01 |
markvandenborre | this is a laptop for a friend that needs to keep working | 19:01 |
IndyGunFreak | markvandenborre: difficult?... it takes like 5sec to install from their site... | 19:01 |
recon61 | dan_: you not getting any ip address , ignore eth1:avahi , now what version of ubuntu? and what did you put in network manager? | 19:01 |
hischild | markvandenborre, if everything in life went as smooth as we wanted it to, noone would be in this channel. | 19:01 |
drewbert1 | hey, did the command line calculator (which I think used to go by "calc") get moved to a different package? | 19:01 |
cabldevil | how do i tell if I have a x64 or x32 8.10 installrf | 19:01 |
cabldevil | installed | 19:01 |
onetinsoldier | markvandenborre: otherwise... cd~/.mozilla && mkdir plugins && tar -zxvf /path_to_file/filename_tar.gz -C . | 19:01 |
IndyGunFreak | cabldevil: in a terminal, ... uname -r i think | 19:01 |
dan_ | recon61, I am using 8.04 and i set it to automatically get an ip from dhcp | 19:01 |
drewbert1 | I tried sudo apt-get install calc and it said that it could not find the package, but that it was referred to by other packages | 19:02 |
cabldevil | IndyGunFreak: thanks ill try it | 19:02 |
IndyGunFreak | cabldevil: correction, uname -a | 19:02 |
cabldevil | IndyGunFreak: k | 19:02 |
NarbeH | joshwhat: ????????? | 19:02 |
parthbakshi | i updated my machine from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 | 19:02 |
jtaji | drewbert1: command-not-found magic is telling me it's in the apcalc package | 19:02 |
parthbakshi | and when i log into my machine it takes 45 secs to get my desktop | 19:02 |
markvandenborre | onetinsoldier: I do realise that this must sound really strange, and thank you for your hints | 19:02 |
markvandenborre | bye | 19:02 |
parthbakshi | how do i reduce that delay | 19:03 |
cabldevil | IndyGunFreak: That was it thanks! | 19:03 |
Gnea | ICCCY: and did the manual-setup section of the howto not work? | 19:03 |
Ben_Jackon | :-D | 19:03 |
IndyGunFreak | cabldevil: np | 19:03 |
* doodlewolfdude is away: http://www.twitter.com/doodlewolfdude | 19:03 | |
=== ryaxnb__ is now known as ryaxnbuh | ||
drewbert1 | jtaji: thanks | 19:03 |
NarbeH | how can i download lots of files with wget ? | 19:03 |
Gnea | !away | dooglus_ | 19:03 |
ubottu | dooglus_: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 19:03 |
nox-Hand | Greetings! =] | 19:03 |
Gnea | !away | doodlewolfdude | 19:03 |
ubottu | doodlewolfdude: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 19:03 |
recon61 | dan_: cable is plugged in? router light is on for that port?, and note you got 2 interfaces, did you setup the right one? | 19:03 |
Gnea | dooglus_: sorry. | 19:03 |
joshwhat | Well, under the Recursive Retrieval Options section, it describes how to download files recursively. Why don't you explain what you are trying to do.... | 19:03 |
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NarbeH | how can i download lots of files with wget ? | 19:04 |
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dan_ | recon61, yeah - the light is on both on my motherboard and on the router. My motherboard has 2 internet ports and I have tried both - neither working. | 19:04 |
nox-Hand | NarbeH: Repeating your question will NOT get people to magically know the answer :) | 19:04 |
joshwhat | NarbeH: If all the files are located in the same directory, you would use the -r option. | 19:04 |
nox-Hand | Is there a way to set a config file, so that my system connects to a specific Wi-Fi address at boot, independant of X? The system will not *ever* be moved, and I would like it to autoconnect without X to wifi | 19:05 |
IndyGunFreak | NarbeH: open lots of terminals and run wget url in each one? | 19:05 |
NarbeH | nox-Hand: come on men!!! i have serious problem. | 19:05 |
parthbakshi | i updated from 8.04 to 8.10 ..the booting upto the login screen is fast ...however when the time since i enter the username and password till the moment you get your desktop is quite a lot ..i guess it takes abt a minute ...how do i reduce that | 19:05 |
drewbert1 | jtaji: apcalc = best small project calculator in the computer world | 19:05 |
jedi06 | what is the ctrl+M character? | 19:05 |
nox-Hand | Narcisha: And what is the problem. Explain why you need it, what sort of place you need it from, etc. | 19:06 |
zsquareplusc | jedi06: carriage return, 13. it used in DOS style files. is it this you want to know? | 19:06 |
=== Kolby is now known as kolby | ||
jedi06 | how do i match it? | 19:06 |
dan_ | recon61, I also used to have windows on this machine and the ports did work when winxp was on the box. | 19:06 |
jedi06 | is that the same as \n | 19:06 |
zsquareplusc | jedi06: depends on what you use to "match"? regexp? what application? | 19:07 |
zsquareplusc | jedi06: no, it's \r | 19:07 |
jedi06 | ok that's what i needed | 19:07 |
cristi | hello, i am having trouble connecting to my wireless router | 19:07 |
cristi | can anyone give me a hand? | 19:08 |
recon61 | dan_: hmm, thinking, try a "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" and check if anything changes in ifconfig, and see if the light on the router blink for that port | 19:08 |
IndyGunFreak | cristi: is your wireless device working? | 19:09 |
nox-Hand | cristi: Got more information about the problem? Like, can you see the wireless router in your system, and is it just connecting to it that does not work, or can your computer not at all see Wifi systems? :) (( I likely cannot help, but by explaining, someone else might be able to)) | 19:09 |
hischild | recon61, i've noticed that windows seems to be handling cross cables between router and pc with more ease then ubuntu. It may be the wrong cable, just my thoughts. | 19:09 |
nowy | anyone can help , i need this DEB of modem driver, but www.linuxant.com web is offline! :( -> hsfmodem_7.68.00.14full_k2.6.27_9_generic_ubuntu_i386.deb.zip any other place to get it??? plz | 19:09 |
tattoodu91 | kikou | 19:09 |
_eXeCuTeR | how can i volume the microphone | 19:10 |
tattoodu91 | je me presente | 19:10 |
tattoodu91 | tattoodu91 | 19:10 |
_eXeCuTeR | or any other words, where are the microphone settings? | 19:10 |
hischild | !fr | tattoodu91 | 19:10 |
ubottu | tattoodu91: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 19:10 |
cristi | nox-Hand: well i can't see the wireless router because i set it not to be seen, however i can see other wireless networks, so the hard is fine | 19:10 |
eseven73 | can i safely remove unnessessary video drivers that i dont use like xserver-xorg-video-s3? | 19:10 |
hustlers | turk war mý bana yardým edebýlýcek | 19:10 |
onetinsoldier | recon61: yeah, i think one problem might be that /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't seem to bring eth0 back up. i noticed this in debian lenny anyway. have yet to try it in ubuntu | 19:10 |
hischild | eseven73, yes you can, but you'd also remove the overlying meta package. Better to just leave them, they hardly take space. | 19:10 |
iminhell | Anyone else have some time? --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 in a nutshell I can not play a dvd normally unless I use the following command, "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" btw i'v been in here since 8am, mker tried but he said he isn't really a video guy and exodus_ms was helping but left I guess - he said to try and copy a dvd to the HDD and play it that way. i did and I get the same results. vid | 19:10 |
dan_ | recon61, The light is blinking over on the router but for some reason it is not able to receive a dhcpoffer. No working leases in persistent database. | 19:10 |
_eXeCuTeR | where are the microphone settings in ubuntu???? | 19:10 |
IndyGunFreak | cristi: then log in to your router, and unhide your SSID, long enough to connect to it... | 19:10 |
eseven73 | ok ty hischild | 19:10 |
tattoodu91 | bonsoir jai un souci | 19:11 |
hustlers | who can help me about ethernet connection on ubuntu | 19:11 |
tattoodu91 | sun java doc 5 et 6 ne marche pas | 19:11 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
hustlers | who can help me about ethernet connection on ubuntu | 19:11 |
cristi | nox-Hand: the problem is that i can connect to the router only if re reconfigure the settings click ok and then deactivate the wired network ( even though i am not connected) and reload again | 19:11 |
tattoodu91 | comment faire | 19:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | tattoodu91 english in here please | 19:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 19:11 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 19:11 |
hustlers | who can help me about ethernet connection on ubuntu | 19:11 |
hustlers | who can help me about ethernet connection on ubuntu | 19:11 |
hustlers | who can help me about ethernet connection on ubuntu | 19:11 |
hustlers | who can help me about ethernet connection on ubuntu | 19:11 |
FloodBot2 | hustlers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:11 |
IndyGunFreak | lol, | 19:11 |
_eXeCuTeR | guys please help.............where is the microphone settings? | 19:11 |
tattoodu91 | i am desoled | 19:11 |
cristi | nox-Hand: i think it's some sort of a bug.. i can't have both running even if they have different gateways | 19:12 |
tattoodu91 | i am soory | 19:12 |
nox-Hand | cristi: Right, well, if you go to "Connect to other wireless", then you should be able to connect just fine. Sometimes (most of the time by my knowledge), people tend to accidentally choose the wrong WEP/WPA/WPA2 etc setting, and therefore it cannot connect. Other than that, I am not sure what to do :). | ah yes, that should also work. Make the network UNhidden, connect to it, and then hide it again. Your system should be able to connect now. Though | 19:12 |
nox-Hand | not sure. | 19:12 |
nox-Hand | cristi: Really not sure though. I am in here for help myself :) | 19:12 |
parthbakshi | i updated from 8.04 to 8.10 ..the booting upto the login screen is fast ...however when the time since i enter the username and password till the moment you get your desktop is quite a lot ..i guess it takes abt a minute ...how do i reduce that | 19:13 |
chenru | Anyone know Chinese? | 19:13 |
riotkittie | _eXeCuTeR: if you're using gnome, try right[left?] clicking on the volume icon in your panel and seeing if that brings the settings up. Otherwise, try poking around under the Preferences menu | 19:13 |
cristi | nox-Hand: it's not about it been hidden or not it works the same if it is visible | 19:13 |
Gnea | doodlewolfdude: if you have something to say, say it here. | 19:13 |
dan_ | recon61, not sure if it helps but it is trying to discover on when my subnet mask should be | 19:13 |
bazhang | chenru, /join #ubuntu-cn | 19:13 |
hischild | _eXeCuTeR, top right, right click the volume manager, then open volume control. Should be one of the channels. | 19:13 |
doodlewolfdude | Gnea, i was just trying to keep from interfearing with the flow of the help | 19:14 |
chenru | OK.I got you. | 19:14 |
hischild | dan_, thats nromal. is main broadcast address for dhcp, your subnet mask is something different. | 19:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | parthbakshi soulds like you have a large drive that is getting checked.. I have tb and same issue | 19:14 |
_eXeCuTeR | yeah, thanks! | 19:14 |
Gnea | doodlewolfdude: it's fine | 19:14 |
dan_ | hischild, ahhh Thanks! | 19:14 |
ryan-c | Does anyone know how to hot plug a sata drive? | 19:14 |
cristi | IndyGunFreak: uhm the problem is that i can't have both connections active, even though i am not even wired with the wired connection | 19:14 |
IndyGunFreak | cristi: i guess i don't understand the question, why would you want both active? | 19:15 |
kristian1 | problem : i got ubuntu 8.10 (fully updated) installed on my machine, when i reboot, i have to login at the machine to get wlan. this is no problem if im at the machine, but if im not there and i reboot it over ssh or if there is a power failure and someone has to start it for me, then i won't be able to ssh to the machine again, because i have to login first before getting wlan, which gives inet. so i'm looking for a solution that will gi | 19:15 |
joshwhat | If I want my external usb drive to mount under my uid and gid, could I include that in the "Mount options" section, under the Volume tab, under the drive properties, from the right-click menu? | 19:16 |
cristi | IndyGunFreak: i don't, just that u can't deactivate the wired connection, it somehow gets back on sometimes i don't know uhm | 19:16 |
mosburn | kristian1: try wicd | 19:16 |
recon61 | dan_: which interface do you want to use , and paste the contents of /etc/network/interfaces, I'm starting to get a bit lost , dont think network manager uses interfaces | 19:16 |
cristi | IndyGunFreak: it's in the manual configuration | 19:16 |
kristian1 | !wicd | 19:16 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wicd | 19:16 |
kusanagi_ | exist any well-known .deb and .rpm web, so i dont need to compile? Im looking for a well-known package that isnt in the repositories | 19:17 |
jtaji | joshwhat: you should be able to, if you make a mistake you'll have to delete a key in gconf again | 19:17 |
kristian1 | mosburn : will have a look, thanks! | 19:17 |
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kusanagi_ | does it* | 19:17 |
mosburn | http://wicd.sourceforge.net/ | 19:17 |
joshwhat | jtaji: would I just do uid=josh gid=josh? | 19:17 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: what package are you looking for? | 19:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | kusanagi_ Avoid Debs even if you intend to use alien to convert them | 19:18 |
dthacker | Hello, is there a french speaker in the channel who would be willing to help me with the prompts to EasyCam2, which are in French? | 19:18 |
SuNDeC | wicd rocks! :) | 19:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 19:18 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 19:18 |
kusanagi_ | gtkradiant onetinsoldier | 19:18 |
jtaji | joshwhat: a uid or gid is a number, you'll need to use that | 19:18 |
dthacker | Jack_Sparrow: do you *really* understand what I'm asking for? | 19:18 |
kusanagi_ | Jack_Sparrow, well, i dont know if they are rpm instead of deb :) | 19:19 |
kusanagi_ | i dont mind* | 19:19 |
jtaji | joshwhat: id command will tell you yours | 19:19 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok, if you needan rpm you can search here... http://rpmfind.net/ | 19:19 |
joshwhat | Thanks! | 19:19 |
dan_ | recon51, not sure as i am fairly confused trying to get this to work. Here is what is in my /etc/network/interfaces http://paste.ubuntu.com/84889/ | 19:19 |
hischild | dthacker, we do understand, but you need the french channel for that. | 19:19 |
IndyGunFreak | dthacker: google will turn up quite a few french/english translators | 19:19 |
joshwhat | jtaji: Thanks again! | 19:19 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok, if you need an rpm you can search here... http://rpmfind.net/ | 19:19 |
kusanagi_ | thanks onetinsoldier | 19:20 |
chris062689 | Hello world! :D | 19:20 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: you're welcome | 19:20 |
IndyGunFreak | why would anyone think of using alien.. sceery | 19:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | dthacker ou can find english speakers in the fr room as easil as ou can find a french speaker in the english channel.. Do you understand what I am saing | 19:20 |
dthacker | hischild: the french chalnnel has already invited me to leave | 19:20 |
hischild | dthacker, then you're stuck on the english language. | 19:21 |
IndyGunFreak | dthacker: then go to a french to english site, and translate it there.. its not that difficult. | 19:21 |
dthacker | Jack_Sparrow: they've already sent me back to the english channel | 19:21 |
marex_v21 | hi, I have a usb stick with ubuntu on it (done with usb-creator) and I want to upgrade an existing ubuntu installation from it (because I can't boot the usb stick). has someone an idea how I can do that? | 19:21 |
beni__ | hi guys. i have a lenovo 3000 n500 notebook and i'm using ubuntu 8.10. my notebook has a native screen resolution of 1280x800, but ubuntu uses 1024x768. how can i change that? | 19:22 |
IndyGunFreak | marex_v21: i think you can only do that with the alternate iso.. not 100% sure though. | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | dthacker find a translator page on the web, also note that there is easycam hardware that has nothing to do with easycam software, just a similar name.. | 19:22 |
joshwhat | jtaji: it is giving me an error "Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'WDC Combo'." | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !usb > mar | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !usb > marex_v21 | 19:22 |
ubottu | marex_v21, please see my private message | 19:22 |
joshwhat | jtaji: I just put in "gid=1000" without the quotes. Do I need more? | 19:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | beni__ sounds like yo are stuck in vesa mode and not using the correct driver | 19:23 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: i didn't find gtkradiant there, sorry. but that place has an incredible amount of rpm's, so that's why i thought they might have it | 19:23 |
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recon61 | dan_ : try this disable roaming in networkmanager and add "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp " to the interfaces file | 19:23 |
markvandenborre | onetinsoldier: turns out the cleanest solution is to enable Canonical's partner repository and install the adobe-flashplugin from there | 19:24 |
dan_ | recon61, should i reboot after adding those? | 19:24 |
jjlee | I'm sure I remember an option in the hardy installer to use encrypted root partition. Seems to be gone from intrepid? | 19:24 |
=== DASPRiD|off is now known as DASPRiD | ||
onetinsoldier | markvandenborre: ahhh, i see. | 19:25 |
recon61 | dan_: no do a "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" and check ifconfig | 19:25 |
kusanagi_ | ic onetinsoldier :) thanks anyway | 19:25 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/6132796/com/gtkradiant-1.5-8.1.x86_64.rpm.html | 19:25 |
beni__ | Jack_Sparrow, hmmm... i noticed that when i open system > preferences > screen resolution, there show up two monitors (mirrored). xrandr sais, that there is a VGA-monitor attached. probably this one causes the problem. how can i fix that? | 19:25 |
jjlee | I can't seem to find any reference to the encrypted root option on the net, which is odd | 19:25 |
MatBoy | man why are gentoo users so different than normal ones ? | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | beni__ I am very busy atm, just lurking and tring to point people in the right direction | 19:26 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, i dont like to install random .rpm i find in google, thats why i was looking for a trusted source | 19:26 |
Gnea | MatBoy: they have to wait a few days for their system to compile. | 19:26 |
jtaji | joshwhat: hmm not sure, maybe try user=usernmae instead of uid= | 19:26 |
kristian2 | i'm about to install wicd now, since network manager won't let me connect to wlan before i locally login. do/or dont do? | 19:26 |
beni__ | Jack_Sparrow, hm okay. thanks anyway | 19:26 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: i see. i don't blame you. well, i don't know then | 19:26 |
MatBoy | Gnea: indeed, and they still think their system is better than other distro's with the CPU powere these days | 19:26 |
beni__ | can anyone tell me how i can get the 1280x800 resolution? | 19:26 |
dan_ | recon61, sorry lost the window for a second - what was it that you wanted me to add to the /etc/network/interfaces? | 19:26 |
MatBoy | beni__: fill it in ? | 19:26 |
Gnea | MatBoy: sometimes it is, but it's all customized from their end. not worth worrying about. | 19:27 |
mschr | hello, anyone else have their sound broken by pulseaudio?? | 19:27 |
jtaji | joshwhat: btw here is the bug that you ran into with setting the mount point https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mount/+bug/218788 | 19:27 |
kusanagi_ | thanks anyway onetinsoldier :) | 19:27 |
beni__ | MatBoy, hm what do you mean? i can't fill in some values there, it's a dropdown menu | 19:27 |
Antonz | 哇哦。好多人哦 | 19:27 |
MatBoy | Gnea: yeah on sound you can get some better performance, but for the rest... | 19:27 |
recon61 | dan_: try this disable roaming in networkmanager and add "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp " to the interfaces file | 19:27 |
Gnea | mschr: yeah, i just shut pulseaudio off: sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove | 19:27 |
MatBoy | beni__: xorg.conf ;) | 19:27 |
bazhang | !cn | Antonz | 19:27 |
ubottu | Antonz: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 19:27 |
Gnea | MatBoy: uhm, the only thing that ever really helps sound is realtime | 19:27 |
joshwhat | jtaji: Thanks! I think I may have found the answer here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mount/+bug/178154 | 19:28 |
dan_ | recon61, thank you - and then im really sorry what was the command to restart the network? | 19:28 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: you know, you can download an rpm and unpack it manually | 19:28 |
bazhang | onetinsoldier, that is really bad advice | 19:28 |
joshwhat | jtaji: I just set the mount options to "quiet" and I now have the permissions I wanted! | 19:28 |
recon61 | dan_: do a "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" and check ifconfig | 19:28 |
mker | If anyone remembers my problem with SFTP I found the solution now thanks to hoxu in #debian. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1002948 if you're interested. | 19:28 |
MatBoy | Gnea: yes, I don't know why taht poor guy that I know is worrying about it.... I think because he is still on a P2 333 :D | 19:28 |
bazhang | onetinsoldier, you should never recommend rpm for ubuntu | 19:28 |
onetinsoldier | bazhang: i don't mean unpack it into your /usr/bin or /sbin or whatever dirs dirs | 19:29 |
dan_ | recon61, thank you - again it could not discover any dhcp offers. | 19:29 |
Gnea | MatBoy: okay, well, if you want to keep yammering on about it, go ahead and do so in #ubuntu-offtopic, please :) | 19:29 |
onetinsoldier | bazhang: i mean unpack into a safe place | 19:29 |
bazhang | onetinsoldier, never recommend it. it is a really bad idea. | 19:29 |
MatBoy | Gnea: yeah, ubuntu is just great, I feel sorry for these people ;) | 19:29 |
chazco | Hi... does anyone know how to use ffmpeg to create mpeg4 video in 8.10? ffmpeg -i input -vcodec mpeg4 output doesnt work (used to though on older Ubuntus) | 19:29 |
recon61 | dan_: turn off network manager totally, right click it and try restart again, then we need to check you cable and router | 19:30 |
Gnea | MatBoy: I don't, they have the right to enjoy their choice, as long as they're not putting down someone elses. | 19:30 |
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MatBoy | Gnea: indeed :) | 19:30 |
dan_ | recon61, sorry for my ignorance - how do i turn off the network manager | 19:31 |
MatBoy | why are so many people coming and leaving here all the time, that fills up my whole screen every time... | 19:31 |
MatBoy | I just think about it atm... | 19:31 |
dan_ | recon61, should i click off enable networking then try a restart? correct? | 19:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | MatBoy remoe parts and joins in your client config | 19:32 |
Gnea | MatBoy: do you have an ubuntu-related question? | 19:32 |
biouser | I want to change ownership of some files so that they are owned by root and the ls -l will give -rw-r--r--- | 19:32 |
bazhang | MatBoy, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 19:32 |
recon61 | dan_: just right click it and click enable netowrking, should stop networkmanager, then do the /sudo /etc/init.d/netowrking restart again | 19:32 |
MatBoy | Jack_Sparrow: yep I will, but I noticed already earlier that Ubuntu channels have this a lot... | 19:32 |
MatBoy | bazhang: yep, moving to there | 19:32 |
dan_ | recon61, thanks! It could not receive a dhcp offer again after doing this | 19:33 |
Gnea | biouser: chown root.root files* && chmod 644 files* | 19:33 |
ubunturos | the amd64 CD is applicable for any 64 bit processor? | 19:33 |
recon61 | dan_ : ok, you need to check you cable and router , it the cable in the right ethernet port , switch it and restart again | 19:34 |
Gnea | ubunturos: yes, it works on AMD and Intel 64 bit procs. | 19:34 |
ubunturos | Gnea: thanks. :) | 19:34 |
kristian2 | i'm about to install wicd now, since network manager won't let me connect to wlan before i locally login. do/or dont do? | 19:34 |
dan_ | recon61, I am switching the cable/port to one that I know is good - one second and I will let you know the results. | 19:34 |
zsquareplusc | kristian2: you checked the "system setting" checkbox for that connection in the network manager? | 19:35 |
Gnea | kristian2: 8.04 or 8.10? | 19:35 |
jtaji | kristian2: network manager in 8.10 is supposedly able to connect before a user logs in | 19:35 |
biouser | Gnea awesome, you could give me a clue as to how to chmod everything in the directory that has a '.' in it, could you? Alternately, everything in the directory that is not directory... | 19:35 |
recon61 | dan_: the one you know is good? | 19:35 |
dan_ | recon61, i switch out the cable and port with a computer that is currently connected to the internet | 19:36 |
Gnea | biouser: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; | 19:36 |
kristian2 | zsquareplusc : yes i did but it wont remember it!!! :-( | 19:36 |
dan_ | recon61, still not able to get a dhcp offer though | 19:36 |
kristian2 | Gnea : 8.10 (+ fully updated) | 19:36 |
kristian2 | jtaji : i tried system setting option but it wont remember it! :-( | 19:36 |
jtaji | kristian2: I haven't tried it yet | 19:37 |
recon61 | dan_: no , I mean that you have two ethernet ports on the computer you trying to connect, I dont know with one I'm setting up , so try the other port on the computer we working on | 19:37 |
dan_ | recon61, ahhh ok - doing that now as well | 19:37 |
Gnea | kristian2: if you edit your wlan connection, there should be a little checkbox next to 'System Setting' | 19:37 |
kristian2 | jtaji : ok, if you do some time, please pm me if you get it to work. | 19:37 |
dan_ | recon61, i have swapped and done a restart of the network - same result. | 19:38 |
kristian2 | Gnea : yes, i checked that one, then i click OK and then i go edit again to check if its checked, but its not. so it doesnt seem to work. :( | 19:39 |
recon61 | dan_: ok, look like the router is the problem , can you get you router setup open in a browser | 19:39 |
dan_ | recon61, I can but it involves having to reset the router. Will you be around in 5 minutes when i get back? | 19:40 |
kristian2 | Gnea : have you managed to do it? | 19:40 |
recon61 | dan_: you should not have to reset the router , just put you gateway address into a browser | 19:41 |
Gnea | kristian2: it was working at one point, but i haven't done any wireless in awhile | 19:41 |
A[D]minS | just question | 19:41 |
dan_ | recon61, yea - the problem is my brother changed the password on me so i can not log into the router | 19:41 |
kristian2 | Gnea : ok. damn it, i want it to work! :-P can it be done in terminal? | 19:42 |
A[D]minS | can i download Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop with the latest updates | 19:42 |
A[D]minS | without doing apt-get upgrade after i install it | 19:42 |
recon61 | dan_: you going to reset the router filmware, starts to get nerves , you going to have to set the whole thing up again | 19:42 |
iminhell | Anyone else have some time? --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 in a nutshell I can not play a dvd normally unless I use the following command, "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" btw i'v been in here since 8am, mker tried but he said he isn't really a video guy and exodus_ms was helping but left I guess - he said to try and copy a dvd to the HDD and play it that way. i did and I get the same results. vid | 19:42 |
Gnea | kristian2: hopefully... checking to see if there's a solution | 19:42 |
recon61 | dan_: recommends you ask you brother what the new passwor is | 19:43 |
Bit_Breaker | cat dpkg | 19:43 |
kristian2 | Gnea : will do! | 19:43 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 19:43 |
recon61 | dan_: restarting the router wont clear the password anyway | 19:43 |
Gnea | kristian2: have you read through this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ | 19:43 |
dan_ | recon61, he is out of the country unfortunately. And yes i would have to return the router to default settings - which is where it is at anyway | 19:43 |
recon61 | dan_: but to you know all your isp settings , password user name ect? | 19:44 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: hello. what if you were to get the source for gtkradiant and compile it? | 19:45 |
dan_ | recon61, yes - however I may be able to have my isp reset the password remotely. Calling them now | 19:45 |
amaranth | hi! people, tell me pls, program with can capture my desktop? recordmydesktop very slow on resolut. 1280 1024 | 19:45 |
kusanagi_ | im trying onetinsoldier | 19:45 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok, roger that | 19:45 |
kusanagi_ | but i miss lot of dependencies.... | 19:45 |
recon61 | dan_: douth it, the password is normally one you create on the router | 19:45 |
bazhang | onetinsoldier, compile? why would he need to do that? | 19:45 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, i miss a lot of dependences with i cant find at the repositories either | 19:46 |
kusanagi_ | witch* | 19:46 |
dan_ | recon61, probably so unfortunately. | 19:46 |
recon61 | dan_: have you tried a different cable? you migh have the wrong type | 19:46 |
onetinsoldier | bazhang: because unpacking a binary rpm is dangerous? | 19:46 |
dan_ | recon61, yes i have and actually this cable and ethernet port worked yesterday when i have winxp on the box | 19:46 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: what are a couple of them? | 19:47 |
djolefol | Where could I find b | 19:47 |
kusanagi_ | lmhash for example | 19:47 |
bazhang | onetinsoldier, for which package? | 19:47 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok, i'm looking | 19:47 |
onetinsoldier | bazhang: kusanagi_ wants the following... gtkradiant | 19:48 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant/GtkRadiant/branches/1.5/COMPILING list of dependences here | 19:48 |
recon61 | dan_: very strange, is the other computer setup with dhcp? | 19:48 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok, going to look at that | 19:48 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, but i cant find in the repositories those dependences either | 19:48 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, thanks! | 19:49 |
dan_ | recon61, it connected automatically through windows using dhcp yes | 19:49 |
dooglus_ | Gnea: no worries | 19:49 |
djolefol | Where could I find a better file for Intrepid cd cover/wallet than in here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntu_wallet_810.pdf ? This has some surplus white lines on the cover image. | 19:50 |
bazhang | kusanagi_, this is for nexuiz? | 19:50 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: what version uf ubuntu are you using? | 19:51 |
onetinsoldier | of* | 19:51 |
kusanagi_ | bazhang, for open arena, and many others :) | 19:51 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, 8.10 | 19:51 |
Killer--Tux | how do i join a channel on a diffrent server | 19:51 |
kusanagi_ | do this Killer--Tux /server name of server and then /join #channel | 19:52 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok... apt-cache search libmhash libmhash-dev and libmhash2 are there. did youj install them? | 19:52 |
todger | Hello | 19:52 |
* todger is playing Return To Zork | 19:52 | |
=== Guest10435 is now known as WelshDragon | ||
todger | any idea how I get dosbox to resize the dos window to take up all of the screen? | 19:52 |
ActionParsnip | Killer--Tux: which client? | 19:52 |
kitty_ | i'm experiencing difficulties installing grub on an usbdrive, i keep getting "/dev/sdb1" does not have any corresponding BIOS drive." | 19:53 |
todger | when I go fullscreen, the window is small and it has a lot of black space around it | 19:53 |
Killer--Tux | xchatr | 19:53 |
Killer--Tux | xchat | 19:53 |
recon61 | dan_: do sudo ifconfig eth0:avahi down and restart networking | 19:53 |
ActionParsnip | todger: add --fullscreen to the command | 19:53 |
mohbana | hi, why can't i view fonts in gnome? | 19:53 |
mohbana | hi, why can't i view fonts in gnome? | 19:53 |
mker | How can I list all files in a folder in an FTP server? I tried gFTP "save directory listing" but it gives me a lot of extra info that I don't want/need. I just want a list of all folders and files and files in folders. | 19:54 |
Slart | mohbana: you see no fonts at all? no text whatsoever? | 19:54 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, i couldnt find them last time i checked... but now they are there... i guess i had some typo or sumthing :) thanks... im keep trying | 19:54 |
King | hello i need some help compiling game, I'm getting a configure: error: Package requirements were not met | 19:54 |
mohbana | no, i'm talking about font preview when i click a .ttf or .otf, say | 19:54 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: ok, let me know what you are missing next, if anything | 19:54 |
recon61 | dan_: other than that i'm stumped , seems ok, it asking for a ip address just not getting one | 19:54 |
ActionParsnip | !fonts | mohbana | 19:54 |
ubottu | mohbana: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 19:54 |
Slart | mohbana: probably because you don't have any programs installed that can show you previews of fonts | 19:54 |
King | gtk+-2.0 gtkglext-1.0 glib-2.0 | 19:54 |
dan_ | recon61, yeah - still for some reason not accepting any dhcp offers. | 19:55 |
ActionParsnip | !info gfontview | mohbana | 19:55 |
ubottu | Package gfontview does not exist in intrepid | 19:55 |
kitty_ | ok, i guess i just figured it out :D | 19:55 |
kusanagi_ | onetinsoldier, thanks ;)!!!! | 19:55 |
onetinsoldier | kusanagi_: :-) | 19:55 |
recon61 | dan_: more like it's not getting any | 19:55 |
kolby | !irssi | 19:55 |
ubottu | Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. | 19:55 |
mohbana | ActionParsnip: and how was taht helpful? | 19:55 |
todger | ActionParsnip: thanks...but on the dosbox I have, it is -fullscreen already | 19:55 |
dan_ | recon61, it keeps telling me that no working leases in persisten database - sleeping. | 19:55 |
todger | ActionParsnip: the problem is, the graphic window does not take up the whole screen when in fullscreen | 19:56 |
todger | it is not being enlarged :* | 19:56 |
ActionParsnip | !info gnome-specimen | mohbana | 19:56 |
ubottu | gnome-specimen (source: gnome-specimen): Simple font preview and compare application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-2 (intrepid), package size 60 kB, installed size 568 kB | 19:56 |
recon61 | dan_: paster bin the output for networking restart | 19:56 |
King | no pakage 'gtkglext-1.0' found | 19:56 |
mohbana | ActionParsnip: thanks | 19:56 |
ActionParsnip | todger: hmm, thats all i can recommend, you could maybe try alt+enter | 19:56 |
dan_ | recon61, ok give me 1 second to transfer the output over to this computer. | 19:57 |
King | hello i need some help compiling game, I'm getting a configure: error: Package requirements were not met | 19:58 |
RyeBrye | I've got a motherboard with onboard audio that has drivers in 2.6.28 but not in 2.6.27 - is there an easy way to use a prebuilt kernel from jaunty on ibex? | 19:58 |
King | no pakage 'gtkglext-1.0' found | 19:58 |
dcider | a little off topic bu....out of the blue evolution has decided to open ppt files with a text editor, how do i change this??? | 19:58 |
Quadrescence | Anyone have any idea why for every new window I open, the theme of the window is the default ugly gray gnome? I can go and switch the setting globally, and it changes the window as well, but I have to repeat that. Moreover, the window /decoration/ is fine for ever new window. | 19:58 |
kitty_ | i am having problems mounting a vista partition in ubuntu, can i talk it out with people? | 19:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | King chasing dependencies on programs from outside our repos will always be an issue and beyond the scope of ubuntu support.. | 19:58 |
onetinsoldier | King: try installing libgtkglext1-dev | 19:59 |
King | Jack_Sparrow: ohh ok thanx | 19:59 |
dayzman | hi | 19:59 |
King | onetinsoldier: it is installed | 19:59 |
dayzman | how do i check which version of ubuntu i'm using? | 19:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | King we are happy to help you get the tools to compile etc.. | 19:59 |
Gnea | dayzman: lsb_release -a | 20:00 |
dayzman | thanks | 20:00 |
onetinsoldier | King: roger that, i'm thinking... | 20:00 |
RyeBrye | Can you do a dist-upgrade to an alpha release? like could I do an upgrade to the jaunty alpha or do I have to reinstall from a CD? | 20:00 |
ActionParsnip | !ntfs-3g | kitty_ | 20:01 |
ubottu | kitty_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 20:01 |
mschr | heya can anyone might identify for me, which step in configuration im missing? the OSS /dev/dsp works with snd-pcm-oss loaded, but i cannot direct anything to /DEV/snd/pcm*... | 20:01 |
King | onetinsoldier: sorry it wasn't install | 20:01 |
mschr | im getting some filedescriptor error | 20:01 |
King | it was one similar to that one i checked | 20:01 |
SwissPhoenix | Hi folks, I can't figure, if it is possible to flush and load a chain in iptables within a transaction - AFAIKS does iptables-restore reset the whole iptables thingy.... ? | 20:01 |
ActionParsnip | dayzman: lsb_release -a | 20:01 |
Gnea | SwissPhoenix: yes. | 20:02 |
blob | /server irc.efnet.pl | 20:02 |
mschr | cat /dev/urandom > /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p | 20:02 |
mschr | cat: fejl ved skrivning: File descriptor in bad state | 20:02 |
mschr | mschr@mschr-laptop:/proc/asound$ | 20:02 |
onetinsoldier | King: does this thing use Qt? | 20:03 |
naranha | is there a way to revert all packages back to their repository versions? (i installed some 3rd party debs that harmed my system ;)) | 20:03 |
King | onetinsoldier: it worked thanx compile complete | 20:03 |
dan_ | recon61, just 1 more second sorry - the transfer didnt work properly | 20:03 |
onetinsoldier | King: ok! cool :-) | 20:03 |
King | onetinsoldier: Qt? | 20:03 |
SwissPhoenix | Gnea: yes? Is it possible to iptables-restore a single chain or will it reset the whole iptables thing? | 20:03 |
onetinsoldier | King: nvm the Qt question now | 20:03 |
King | onetinsoldier: im still a noob | 20:03 |
onetinsoldier | Qt is a widget library | 20:03 |
jhambo___ | I'm using kwifimanager. My connection get dropped several times a day. After the connection is dropped, the only way I can get it back is to restart the computer. recommendations? | 20:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | naranha Nope, that is one of the reasons we tr to keep people from going outside to get some new version that is untested. | 20:04 |
King | onetinsoldier: k thanx for the help | 20:04 |
onetinsoldier | King: yw | 20:04 |
ActionParsnip | naranha: uninstall them then reinstall, the one from the repo will then be used | 20:04 |
kitty_ | i get the error "NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. in the first...." and i can't mount the partition | 20:04 |
Gnea | SwissPhoenix: yes, it will reset the whole firewall (iptables thing) | 20:04 |
dan_ | recon61, here is the link for you http://paste.ubuntu.com/84897/ | 20:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | ActionParsnip that wont help if he has trashed his dependencies. | 20:04 |
naranha | bad thing is i don't know the names, but i will look them up shouldnt be too difficult | 20:04 |
Steven2 | http://sbd.dynalias.org:8080/42BC7/_ | 20:05 |
Antonz | WOW? | 20:06 |
ActionParsnip | Jack_Sparrow: true but its worth a go, apt-get -f install will fix them but it could get messy | 20:06 |
Antonz | WHAT HAPPEN | 20:06 |
ikonia | Antonz: nothing | 20:07 |
mohbana | ActionParsnip: that's not exactly what i had in mind. in ubuntu 8.04 and 7.10 i could just double click a font the preview would popup, where is that program | 20:07 |
bazhang | Antonz, no caps | 20:07 |
Antonz | 04:06:13 AM) Steven2 left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). | 20:07 |
Antonz | (04:06:15 AM) naranha left the room (quit: Client Quit). | 20:07 |
Antonz | (04:06:30 AM) erikja left the room (quit: "Leaving"). | 20:07 |
Antonz | (04:06:39 AM) jimmygoon left the room (quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). | 20:07 |
Antonz | (04:06:39 AM) Devastatorius left the room (quit: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). | 20:07 |
FloodBot2 | Antonz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:07 |
ikonia | Antonz: people left the channel, nothing more | 20:07 |
Antonz | - -!WOW. I'm ghost | 20:07 |
dfgas | hello? | 20:07 |
Ben_Jackon | dddddd:-D | 20:08 |
ActionParsnip | !netsplit | Antonz | 20:08 |
ubottu | Antonz: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 20:08 |
ikonia | Antonz: please calm down and stop using caps lock | 20:08 |
Gnea | Antonz: hi, could you please not do that? | 20:08 |
ikonia | !give a test | 20:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about give a test | 20:08 |
Antonz | OK.I'm Sorry | 20:08 |
mohbana | ActionParsnip: u get that | 20:08 |
dfgas | how do i play normal dvds on here, they all error out and i have the ubuntu restricted things package installed | 20:08 |
Slart | !dvd | dfgas | 20:09 |
ubottu | dfgas: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 20:09 |
mker | How can I list all the contents (files and folders) of a folder in an ftp server? gFTP "save directory listings" gives too much info, I just want a simple list that I can give my friend to show the contents. | 20:09 |
Antonz | Mount | 20:09 |
Antonz | !dvd|dfgas | 20:09 |
ubottu | dfgas: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 20:09 |
BoSJo | Hi all, whats wrong with : dd if=/mnt/sda1/shift-vista-recovery.bin of=/dev/hda2/ bs=16384 skip=2244480 | 20:09 |
ikonia | Antonz: someone just did that, he didn't need to see it again | 20:10 |
garcho | i have a c-media CM8738 and no sound in ubuntu. can anyone tell me how to get it working? | 20:10 |
Ben_Jackon | anybody know about n61g??? | 20:10 |
BoSJo | gives 0+0 records both in and out | 20:10 |
dfgas_ | how do i play normal dvds on here, they all error out and i have the ubuntu restricted things package installed | 20:10 |
Ben_Jackon | is it use??that freebsd 7.1-rc1 for n61g?? | 20:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | dfgas_ please read the link provided | 20:10 |
ikonia | Ben_Jackon: ls on the recovery.bin file | 20:10 |
ActionParsnip | !dvd | 20:10 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 20:10 |
Mathie | im a newbie ..... can anyone maybe help me, i have followed a guide on howtoforge on howto setup a mail server with Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail. everything went fine and no errors on anything, all tests in the guide passed but i cant get any mails on that account thats been sent to me ... the clients thats sends the mails wont get any return-mails with errors ... and i can send FROM the account with no errors but they wont reach | 20:10 |
Ben_Jackon | what ???????????? | 20:10 |
Slart | BoSJo: is the skip number correct? it doesn't just skip the entire file? | 20:10 |
bazhang | Ben_Jackon, you should ask in the freebsd channel not here | 20:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | ActionParsnip why do that when it was still on the screen | 20:11 |
ikonia | Mathie: are you running this on a home broadband connection ? | 20:11 |
Ben_Jackon | oh .got it | 20:11 |
mohbana | ActionParsnip: u get that | 20:11 |
recon61 | dan_: the computer your using on the net, what are it's network settings? | 20:11 |
Ben_Jackon | thanks !!!sorry | 20:11 |
BoSJo | Slart: thats what im not sure of, howdo i ensure that bs and skip match? | 20:11 |
garcho | i have a c-media CM8738 and no sound in ubuntu. can anyone tell me how to get it working? | 20:11 |
mohbana | ActionParsnip: that's not exactly what i had in mind. in ubuntu 8.04 and 7.10 i could just double click a font the preview would popup, where is that program | 20:11 |
Slart | BoSJo: hmm.. I'm not even sure what you are trying to do | 20:11 |
Slart | BoSJo: did you find that command somewhere? | 20:12 |
nox-Hand | Is it possible to get my WEP Wifi to connect at bootup, independant of X? | 20:12 |
ActionParsnip | Mohammad[B]: you can associate font files with that program and it will view | 20:12 |
nox-Hand | ALWAYS the same WiFI by the way, the system will NEVER be moved. | 20:12 |
E-XtraCt | how do I add items to the "Places" menu ? | 20:12 |
=== erle64- is now known as erle- | ||
ActionParsnip | nox-Hand: you can edit /etc/network/interfaces and configure wifi there | 20:12 |
dan_ | recon61, http://paste.ubuntu.com/84901/ | 20:12 |
rainabba_ | I'm running 8.04 LTS with Gnome on a Q6600, 4GB RAM, Linux RAID5 over 4 SATAII Seagate drives and things feel consistantly laggy compared to when this sytem was running Vista. For example when I click the launcher to open Firefox, I see nothing for 5-10 seconds, then I get the "busy" cursor, then 10-20 secconds later the browser comes up. What's up with that? | 20:13 |
\Kira | webmin is taking forever to backup. It just stays at the password prompt after I select backup now. If I ssh into that machine and run top, I can see the ssh dameon is running, but its only using 2% cpu? The harddrives dont appear to be doing much on either machine. Anyone got any ideas? | 20:13 |
BoSJo | mpim trying to recover a dump that been dumped with dd from another HD | 20:13 |
Slart | BoSJo: a short reading of "man dd" might give you some useful info | 20:13 |
ikonia | \Kira: webmin is not supported | 20:13 |
bazhang | \Kira, /msg ubottu ebox | 20:13 |
ActionParsnip | nox-Hand: then it will be configured with X or not, however, network config apps will not work as the file overrides their settings | 20:13 |
Slart | !webmin | \Kira | 20:13 |
ubottu | \Kira: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 20:13 |
Mohammad[B] | ActionParsnip: what ? | 20:13 |
\Kira | okay, thanks | 20:13 |
nox-Hand | That's excellent -- though, no idea how to configure it. Currently has two lines | 20:13 |
tayfun | hey people i need help i used ubuntu and i know little about ubuntu but now i have a new computer with better configutration and everything so when iinsttall ubuntu again i have problem about the screen resolution | 20:13 |
iminhell | Anyone have some time for some dvd playback help? | 20:13 |
BoSJo | Slart: ok, but the dump has been dumped with the same numbers, shouldent it be recovered with the same numbers then | 20:14 |
tayfun | what should i do? | 20:14 |
ActionParsnip | Mohammad[B]: set the font file type to open with the font view program and it will show you what it looks like, or am i reading this wrong? | 20:14 |
tayfun | my computer dont let me change the screen resolution like i want there is just 2 option 800 600 and something but not more | 20:14 |
rainabba_ | tayfun: nVidia card? | 20:14 |
tayfun | i have a nvidia geforce 9500 gs | 20:14 |
tayfun | and a lg 26 monitor | 20:14 |
Slart | BoSJo: it's 34 GB of data in that file? | 20:15 |
rainabba_ | tayfun: Google "Ubuntu nvidia 9500" | 20:15 |
tayfun | is there nothing what i could type in terminal? | 20:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | tayfun ou will get better help if ou keep our qestions responses to one long line and not hit enter after ever cople words | 20:15 |
Ben_Jackon | there so many people here.can anyone learn anything??? | 20:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ben_Jackon aparently thousands do | 20:16 |
exodus_ms | tayfun, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 | 20:16 |
bazhang | Ben_Jackon, yes, though people chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 20:16 |
tayfun | jack i know sorry but i m so nervous right now i m trying ubuntu 4th time and everytime give me this problem with screen resolution i wanna have it again like before | 20:16 |
E-XtraCt | how do I add items to the "Places" menu ? | 20:16 |
Ben_Jackon | oh...very good.... | 20:16 |
Ben_Jackon | very good | 20:16 |
BoSJo | Slart: the disk is 40GB in total, factory delivered with 2 partisions where one 3GB holds the vista recovery partision. The dump holds the vista partision | 20:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | tayfun look up our video card and make sure our monitor available resolutions are identified if it isnt picking them up | 20:17 |
RonPaul | anyone kno RAID ARRAY? | 20:17 |
Mohammad[B] | :-? | 20:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid | 20:17 |
ubottu | raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 20:17 |
SwissPhoenix | Gnea: thanks :) | 20:17 |
Slart | BoSJo: setting bs=16834 means dd will work with chunks of 16384 bytes.. skip 2244480 means to skip 2244480 such chunks at the start of the file... that's an awful lot of data to skip | 20:17 |
exodus_ms | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 20:17 |
Slart | BoSJo: so you | 20:17 |
Slart | BoSJo: so you're skipping the first 34 GB's of the file.. if the file is less than 34 GB then you won't copy anything | 20:18 |
iminhell | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 in a nutshell I can not play a dvd normally unless I use the following command, "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" btw i'v been in here since 8am, mker tried but he said he isn't really a video guy and exodus_ms was helping but left I guess - he said to try and copy a dvd to the HDD and play it that way. i did and I get the same results. video card is a geforce fx 5500 pci 1 | 20:18 |
Mathie | im a newbie ..... can anyone maybe help me, i have followed a guide on howtoforge on howto setup a mail server with Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail. everything went fine and no errors on anything, all tests in the guide passed but i cant get any mails on that account thats been sent to me ... the clients thats sends the mails wont get any return-mails with errors ... and i can send FROM the account with no errors but they wont reach | 20:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !lamp > Mathie | 20:18 |
ubottu | Mathie, please see my private message | 20:18 |
Slart | BoSJo: how big is the file? | 20:19 |
BoSJo | Slart: Ahhhhhh, so the recovery dump is currently only about 3GB, abd i shouldent skip anything | 20:19 |
BoSJo | Slart: http://pof.eslack.org/blog/2008/04/22/how-to-dump-and-restore-the-vista-recovery-partition-on-htc-shift/ | 20:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mathie we also have #ubuntu-server , #apache and others that are better sited to your qestions | 20:19 |
dan_ | recon61, have i missed a message sorry? Lots of scroll and not sure if you are waiting for me | 20:19 |
recon69 | dan_: sorry , my connection just flaked out | 20:20 |
wydd | How to get nvagp instead of agpgart in intrepid? Tried NvAGP 1 in xorg.conf but default agpgart is still loaded (even if blacklisted). I read about the bug and its eventual fix but it's still happening to me. | 20:20 |
dan_ | recon69, ahhh no worries | 20:20 |
Kattollikisd | can someone just fix my question? Last night I had a problem trying to install the Flash Plugin Non free (Here is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/84675/ ) someone send this URL https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/304969 the is a file called "Dependencies.txt" If you open it, there is a list of package, It mean that If I install all that Package, I fix the problem with the Flash Pluging Non Free? | 20:20 |
=== onetinsoldier is now known as onetinsoldier_ | ||
Slart | BoSJo: I can't really say if that's correct or not.. and I'm not sure how to restore it properly | 20:20 |
Ben_Jackon | how can i learn C language in ubuntu???????? | 20:20 |
BoSJo | Slart: ahhh shit i just realise that he wrote seek=2244480 and not skip=.... for the recovery | 20:21 |
Ben_Jackon | how to use gcc for c language?? | 20:21 |
Slart | BoSJo: ahh.. that would make more sense | 20:21 |
Ben_Jackon | :'( | 20:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ben_Jackon join a programming channel | 20:21 |
bazhang | Ben_Jackon, there are channels for that. | 20:21 |
zsquareplusc | kattollikisd: no, that file doesn't help | 20:21 |
Slart | Ben_Jackon: first of all.. you'll need patience.. patience means not asking twice in ten seconds and then giving up | 20:21 |
Ben_Jackon | oh! where please?? | 20:21 |
BoSJo | Slart: damm, sometimes one really needs to read and not just assume :-) | 20:22 |
ActionParsnip | Ben_Jackon: gcc file.cpp | 20:22 |
recon69 | dan_: but have no ideas , the setup on the ubuntu machine seems fine , it's asking for a ip address on 255,255,255,255. which it should, just not getting an offer back. maybe rebooting the router might help, but I dont think resetting it will help unless you sure you can set it up again | 20:22 |
wydd | Ben_Jackon: apt-get instal gcc gcc-doc libc-doc and get C book (maybe online) | 20:22 |
Slart | Ben_Jackon: if I were you I'd get a good book.. find a programming channel and ask there | 20:22 |
ActionParsnip | Ben_Jackon: obv, change file.cpp with the filename containing your code | 20:22 |
Mohammad[B] | how to i can create a administrator user in terminal ? | 20:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !pm > Mathie | 20:22 |
ubottu | Mathie, please see my private message | 20:22 |
Slart | BoSJo: =) | 20:22 |
bazhang | http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist Ben_Jackon please check this link | 20:22 |
Kattollikisd | zsquareplusc, ohh | 20:22 |
Ben_Jackon | :-Dok ok... | 20:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !sudo > Mohammad[B] | 20:22 |
ubottu | Mohammad[B], please see my private message | 20:22 |
nowy | anyone can help , i need this DEB of modem driver, but www.linuxant.com web is offline! :( -> hsfmodem_7.68.00.14full_k2.6.27_9_generic_ubuntu_i386.deb.zip any other place to get it??? plz | 20:22 |
ActionParsnip | nowy: have you tried websearching for the file name? | 20:23 |
Slart | nowy: I think altavista used to have a file search .. don't know if it's still there though | 20:23 |
nightcrawler | Hej | 20:24 |
Slart | !se | Nightwalker- | 20:24 |
ubottu | Nightwalker-: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 20:24 |
Slart | oops | 20:24 |
andresmh | what would be the aptitude command to update the flash plugin? | 20:24 |
Slart | !se | nightcrawler | 20:24 |
ubottu | nightcrawler: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 20:24 |
wydd | How to get nvagp working in Intrepid. Just NvAGP 1 in xorg.conf seems no to work. | 20:24 |
andresmh | i tried sudo aptitude update flash-plugin but obviously that is wrong | 20:25 |
dan_ | recon69, i can always try that | 20:25 |
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bazhang | andresmh, you have the most up to date version, it will get updated when ubuntu has a new release most likely | 20:25 |
SuperID | I'm driving my line in with an audio source and I'm using the capture device to record it. I want to also have the input play on the speaker but it's not. I have every device in my mixer unmuted and at max volume but I never hear the input. | 20:26 |
recon69 | dan_: also check that the cable is in a ethernet port on the router and not a uplink port(if your router has one) | 20:26 |
=== Martin_ is now known as kane77 | ||
dan_ | recon69, it does but the cord is connected to an ethernet port | 20:26 |
third3ye | Hey! My internet is almost as slow as 56k :S I think it's due to the rt2500usb driver -- I'm having serious problems just surfing my way to the solution | 20:26 |
andresmh | bazhang, thanks. I think adobe might have released a new version and youtube might not be working well with the old one | 20:27 |
Phantom__ | ubuntu 8.10 doesnt have ¨removable drives and media preferences¨? | 20:27 |
andresmh | anyone else having issues playing flash videos? | 20:27 |
third3ye | It's Wifi, USB, and it's not that slow :P | 20:27 |
bazhang | andresmh, that is outside the packaging system and you are on your own (ie not supported) if you choose that route | 20:27 |
amortvigil | hey when i install ubuntu from the desktop cd how much stuff will it download? | 20:27 |
ActionParsnip | !flash | andresmh | 20:27 |
recon69 | dan_: scratches head and makes monkey sounds :) | 20:27 |
ubottu | andresmh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:27 |
jhambo___ | I'm using kwifimanager. My connection get dropped several times a day. After the connection is dropped, the only way I can get it back is to restart the computer. recommendations? | 20:27 |
R0b0t1 | How can I make a file of all installed packages? I've seen it somewhere, before... | 20:27 |
Slart | Phantom__: I don't think so.. where did you last see it? in 7.04 or someting like that? | 20:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | third3ye but if there are no native drivers for linux, you wont be running as fast as it shold | 20:28 |
ActionParsnip | amortvigil: you'll install about 2 or 3 gb | 20:28 |
Slart | !clone | R0b0t1 | 20:28 |
ubottu | R0b0t1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 20:28 |
dan_ | recon69, thats where i am as well! Confused - let me restart the modem and I will be right back | 20:28 |
zsquareplusc | dan_: do you have activated a firewall on your box? | 20:28 |
amortvigil | ActionParsnip: will it download all of this? | 20:28 |
Phantom__ | Slart: im reading a book and it mentions it, ubuntu unleashed | 20:28 |
ActionParsnip | amortvigil: all of what? | 20:28 |
Slart | amortvigil: depends.. you can have a default install without downloading anything if you want | 20:28 |
dan_ | zsquareplusc, all i have done is install ubuntu 8.04 and the network connectino did not wok | 20:29 |
recon69 | zsquareplusc: it's a dhcp request , should make it through a standard ubuntu firewall | 20:29 |
dan_ | work | 20:29 |
amortvigil | ActionParsnip: all of the 3gb? | 20:29 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ modem, you get your ip form your ISP? | 20:29 |
amortvigil | Slart: what do you mean by a default? | 20:29 |
ActionParsnip | amortvigil: yeah, theres a tonne of fluff you can carve out like video drivers you dont need | 20:29 |
Slart | Phantom__: well.. some stuff changes between versions.. there used to be something for configuring drives and such but I haven't seen it in a while | 20:29 |
dan_ | yes, i am on a machine with that modem currently, but will be right back after reset | 20:29 |
Slart | amortvigil: default is the system you have if you just complete the install | 20:29 |
Phantom__ | ok thanks! | 20:29 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ because some ISPs remeber the MAC address of the computer. so if you change the network hardware or PC, you might need to reboot the modem, yes | 20:30 |
tayfun | people i still need help i tried everything i have problem with my ubuntu and computer even i have a good nvidia card he dont see it and he dont change the screen resolution i cant change it help me pls????? | 20:30 |
third3ye | Jack_Sparrow: Ah, crickey! Sorry for the slow reply ^^; | 20:30 |
Slart | amortvigil: the regular normal, live cd install | 20:30 |
zsquareplusc | recon69: probably. but you can filter that too if you want | 20:30 |
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\Kira | Is there ANY easy way to perform networked backups??? I thought webmin was a gift from god untill I leanred it doesnt even work.... Any alternatives? I dont have a GUI, and dont want to learn how to use cron... | 20:30 |
iminhell | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009052 in a nutshell I can not play a dvd normally unless I use the following command, "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" btw i'v been in here since 8am, mker tried but he said he isn't really a video guy and exodus_ms was helping but left I guess - he said to try and copy a dvd to the HDD and play it that way. i did and I get the same results. video card is a gforce fx 5500 pci 12 | 20:30 |
Slart | !backup | \Kira | 20:30 |
ubottu | \Kira: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 20:30 |
tayfun | everytime when i go to screen resolution he shows me just 800 600 option as a resolution and he dont shows me more i dont know what to do ? | 20:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | nowy https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant | 20:30 |
kitty_ | familiar with dell inspiron 1525 ?? I am having problems with mounting vista partition (keep getting error about inconsistency of disk) | 20:30 |
\Kira | thanks, i guess ill look into that | 20:31 |
amortvigil | Slart: yes ive got a live cd | 20:31 |
Slart | \Kira: there are lots of tools.. some are meant for enterprise level backups, some for desktop/home use.. you'll have to look around a bit to find what suits you | 20:31 |
ActionParsnip | iminhell: do other players work ok? | 20:31 |
kitche | \Kira can you chnge your nic since just typing your name won't work | 20:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | kitty_ can ou get into your vista partition and scan/defrag it from there | 20:31 |
iminhell | nope, not a single player works correctly, tried them all too. | 20:31 |
\Kira | kitche: ? | 20:31 |
kitty_ | i have i ran chkdsk /f and /r from the recovery console | 20:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | kira Drop the slash | 20:32 |
wydd | nvidia and hibernation issue, need help plz | 20:32 |
tayfun | i have nvidia and screen resolution problem can somebody help me ? | 20:32 |
Slart | kitty_: this is a channel for ubuntu support.. we don't do vista | 20:32 |
R0b0t1 | "Unrecognized option 'disable columns'. | 20:32 |
kitche | I can't just type \kira since some irc clients think it's a coommand due to the slash | 20:32 |
kitty_ | Slart: can you help me with this ignore command ? | 20:32 |
Slart | kitty_: or you meant mounting from ubuntu? | 20:32 |
Phantom__ | is there a way to manage removable devices? | 20:32 |
postmaster | help | 20:33 |
\Kira | kitche: well, kira is already taken. And the slash for command is the other way. Sorry, but I like this name :) | 20:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | kitty_ but to confirm, ou cant get into our vista install either right | 20:33 |
kitty_ | i try to mount from ubuntu, it says it is inconsistent, here let me pastebin it... | 20:33 |
postmaster | can someone tell me if i can repair linux | 20:33 |
postmaster | HELP | 20:33 |
kitche | \Kira umm slash is both ways | 20:33 |
postmaster | i have error in GNome power managment | 20:33 |
postmaster | GNome bug | 20:33 |
postmaster | NFS | 20:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | kira it is simple.. if you want help.. lose the slash | 20:34 |
conb123 | Hi does anybody know what the font is called thats being used for the text 'Damien's PC' in this screenshot and also does anybody know where i can get that wallpaper | 20:34 |
\Kira | kitche: opps, sorry, then.... I dont really want to register a new nic and stuff. | 20:34 |
conb123 | http://images.maketecheasier.com/2008/10/conky-screenshot.jpg | 20:34 |
Ben_Jackon | good bye ! i`l be back! | 20:34 |
postmaster | someone | 20:34 |
eseven73 | you can group your nick so that way you dont have to re register it | 20:34 |
postmaster | GNome BUg | 20:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > postmaster | 20:34 |
ubottu | postmaster, please see my private message | 20:34 |
kitche | \kira well I m just gonna ignore you for now since I can not support you until you fix your nickname | 20:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kitche best choice | 20:35 |
\Kira | kitche: okay then....... | 20:35 |
tayfun | can somebody pls help me or not | 20:35 |
postmaster | !enter > Jack_Sparrow | 20:35 |
ubottu | Jack_Sparrow, please see my private message | 20:35 |
postmaster | fuck off | 20:35 |
eseven73 | O.o | 20:35 |
tayfun | i need to know what is the command for to get out info about nvidia geforce if its installed or not in terminal | 20:35 |
ocRob | lspci | grep -i nvidia | 20:35 |
conb123 | Hi does anybody know what the font is called thats being used for the text 'Damien's PC' in this screenshot and also does anybody know where i can get that wallpaper http://images.maketecheasier.com/2008/10/conky-screenshot.jpg | 20:36 |
kitty_ | http://pastebin.com/d62554073 | 20:36 |
tayfun | and i need to know the command if nvidia driver not install how to install right driver for my graphic card | 20:36 |
kitty_ | jack or slart ? | 20:36 |
lexvegas | !language > postmaster | 20:36 |
Slart | kitty_: nope.. no ideas | 20:36 |
recon69 | \Kira: you dont need to register a new nick just do "/nick anothernick" | 20:36 |
tayfun | fuck u all people i thought here i could get some help and answers | 20:37 |
kitty_ | i can't get vista to boot, but i can run the "command line" from recovery console. and i can't run the "update/repair" install from the cd | 20:37 |
iminhell | tayfun: I've been in here since 8am, get in line | 20:37 |
kitty_ | so i'm really getting pissed off at it | 20:37 |
Thuyner | Hi, What's the default password for Root? | 20:37 |
ompaul | !root | Thuyner | 20:38 |
ubottu | Thuyner: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 20:38 |
kristian2 | problem : i want ubuntu 8.10 to automatically connect to wlan after reboot (without logging in). i've tried to edit the setting of the wireless and tick the "system setting" and then clicking OK, but it will not remember my setting. please, please help! :( | 20:38 |
kitty_ | why not just chroot into it and set your own password? | 20:38 |
\Kira | recon69: But then that nic could be used by anybody. Im not going to change my name. If a couple people dont want to help me because of it, its not a big deal. This is the first complaint ive heard since I started using IRC, about 6 months ago... And ive been on this channel alot before then | 20:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | kitty_ dont suggest setting a root password thanks | 20:38 |
Thuyner | Ok thanks ubottu. | 20:38 |
Slart | iminhell: no luck with playing those dvd's? | 20:38 |
recon69 | Thuyner: there is no default , should use the password you setup when installing | 20:38 |
\Kira | recon69: sorry, not before then. I meant to say in that time :) | 20:39 |
iminhell | slant: none what so ever. I'm lost | 20:39 |
Slart | iminhell: I suppose you've seen the !dvd factoid several times by now | 20:39 |
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pino | hay | 20:39 |
lexvegas | iminhell: did you download libdvdcss? | 20:39 |
iminhell | lol yes waaay to many | 20:39 |
dle1 | HI. What is the correct command to reconfigure my sound system after changing soundcard? | 20:40 |
rainabba_ | With Ubuntu, where are source files typically stored? (eg /usr/src/) | 20:40 |
dan__ | recon69, are you there? | 20:40 |
recon69 | dan__ : just about | 20:40 |
ActionParsnip | !sound | dle1 | 20:40 |
ubottu | dle1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 20:40 |
arquebus | kristian2-thats kind of advanced, maybe youll have more luck in #linux | 20:41 |
dan__ | recon69, after restart i am still not having internet connection - if you would like i can now get into the router if that will help? | 20:41 |
wydd | nvidia agp problem, help needed | 20:41 |
trailbrain | I've got an install problem........... Mouse appears on the oragne/brown screen but now menu--keyboard will not allow for numlock--help | 20:41 |
Slart | iminhell: well..not a lot I can help you with.. you've tried just uninstalling deccs and try from the beginning? | 20:42 |
recon69 | dan__ : sure, open it up and lets see if its receiving that dhcp request | 20:42 |
iminhell | lexvegas: more than a few times I have, no change. I'm only 3 weeks into this linux stuff. if I knew some of the commands to get data from what its doing may help, or more info on where that libdvdcss2 goes and how it's used may help ... ? | 20:42 |
Slart | iminhell: it's a regular dvd? you've tried more than one? | 20:42 |
recon69 | dan__ : what the model of router? and is dhcp enabled on it? | 20:43 |
iminhell | slart: I've uninstalled the whole shebang and started fresh, nothing. Yes tried about 200 different dvd's now, all the same | 20:43 |
dan__ | recon69, I am using a netopia 3000, and dhcp is enable and currently using 2 of the over 200 available leases | 20:43 |
vazdyk | hi, i have a problem with my webcam. It shows a correct image from "Cheese", but on skype it shows a lot of coloured points. What to do_ | 20:44 |
vazdyk | ? | 20:44 |
lexvegas | iminhell: I am fairly new too, so im afraid I probably won't be much help, but i have noticed that DVD's play better on VLC than Totem | 20:44 |
recon69 | dan__: look for the log and see if it received and requests for an ip address | 20:44 |
filipegarcia | poker hands | 20:44 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ when its your private network, you could use ipconfig ans set a static IP. then with that test ping etc. to check if the connection really works or if its a dhcp issue. | 20:44 |
Slart | iminhell: you're running intrepid? 32 bit? | 20:45 |
iminhell | Slart: explain to me what this command does that may change things --> "export DVDCSS_METHOD=title && mplayer dvd://" -- because using that I can get it to play correct, no clue why | 20:45 |
almark1 | Hello all, would the envyNG program fix my ati graphic problems, I know Ubuntu is using mesa so I need to know if envyNG will fix it | 20:45 |
Slart | iminhell: that export command sets an.. enviroment variable that mplayer reads.. | 20:45 |
iminhell | Slart: yes 8.10 -7 studio | 20:45 |
trailbrain | Can anyone help me? I've only got a couple hours left to work this. | 20:45 |
Slart | iminhell: have you tried vlc? I'm not sure if it does these things by itself | 20:46 |
dan__ | zsquareplus, i have tried to just assign it an ip that i know it is not using, and i still could not ping even my gateway | 20:46 |
Slart | trailbrain: just ask your question | 20:46 |
iminhell | Slart: vlc is the same | 20:46 |
dan__ | zsquareplus, rather an ip that is not in use. | 20:46 |
n2diy | I'm trying to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper, but neither synaptic or apt-get will play with the CDROM, do I have to boot the CD to upgrade? | 20:46 |
Slart | iminhell: tried messing with all the options in vlcs configuration? | 20:46 |
hischild | Slart, vlc can read dvds without external codecs if thats what you're talking about. | 20:46 |
Slart | hischild: does it have its own decss library? | 20:47 |
hischild | Slart, decss? the decrypt libs for dvd's? | 20:47 |
trailbrain | Ubuntu installed (8.10) no issues. It wont get to any functional boot. I get a mouse that moves on an orange background and nothing else | 20:47 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: it sounds like a low level hardware problem. if you run sudo mii-diag. is it reporting errors, it the cable type correct? | 20:47 |
Slart | hischild: yes | 20:47 |
iminhell | Slart: well I haven't played with all the controls, just the deinterlace, the video frame rates and stuff I don't want to mess with | 20:47 |
trailbrain | What did I do wrong? What can I do to fix it? | 20:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | n2diy ou cant jump releases and those are very old, save our /home and get a supported release. | 20:48 |
Slart | trailbrain: no idea.. never had that happen to me | 20:48 |
kristian2 | arquebus : um, how is that advanced, im only using gui, not terminal? | 20:48 |
hischild | Slart, can't say for sure, but i'm able to play all dvds (including encrypted ones) without installing additional packages using just vlc. | 20:48 |
trailbrain | I'm thinking it might be the automatic login---can I shut that off getting into a command prompt somehow? | 20:48 |
chadwickofwv | hello, i'm looking for a media player for ubuntu 8.10 which has a library management system, anyone have any suggestions | 20:48 |
eseven73 | is there anyway to tell unison to exclude a folder from syncing? (im using the GUI unison) | 20:49 |
dan__ | recon69, I am not sure if it is in the log, but i am not seeing anything about the dhcp requests | 20:49 |
almark1 | Should I keep using mesa drivers, Blender crashes my computer. | 20:49 |
arquebus | kristian- you mentioned that you want it to connect after reboot? or something, so is it a normal connection? I just think you will have better luck with network settings questions on #linux | 20:49 |
dan__ | zsquareplus, it says Operation not supported | 20:50 |
hischild | chadwickofwv, audio? | 20:50 |
chadwickofwv | video | 20:50 |
trailbrain | I'm going to do a clean install w/o importing etc. It's just too weird. I've done several installs and never seen this happen | 20:50 |
xp_prg | how do I see what ubuntu version I am running? | 20:50 |
zsquareplusc | trailbrain: ctrl+alt+F1 gives you a text console (F7 is back to gui). if you want to terminate the gui you can run /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 20:50 |
hischild | xp_prg, lsb_release -a | 20:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | lsb_release -a | 20:50 |
xp_prg | awsome it worked!!!! | 20:51 |
hischild | xp_prg, of course it did | 20:51 |
chadwickofwv | hischild, thanks | 20:51 |
xp_prg | my upgrade to 8.10! | 20:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | yea, congrats | 20:51 |
pisse | Hi! I'm trying to install JXplorer (for LDAP) and I'm downloading the .tar.bz2 file from their site. This contains a dir called JXplorer with lots of stuff in it.. where do I put this? Or should I install it some other way? | 20:51 |
SuNDeC | xp_prg: $ cat /etc/issue | 20:51 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ most IRC clients cann complete names with the <TAB> key. that way you dont have to full name :-) (you got mine wrong and i almost miss your lines) | 20:51 |
=== warren_ is now known as htrejh | ||
Jack_Sparrow | pisse look for instructions on the site supplying you the program | 20:52 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc: O wow i didnt know that! | 20:52 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: you ran that with root rights? i.e. "sudo mii-diag"? | 20:52 |
Slart | iminhell: ok.. got a nice commercial dvd here.. going to try vlc.. see what it says about it | 20:52 |
zigovr3 | hi all, how can you disable in ubuntu 8.04 the thing that make , when you start X and it fail with current xorg.conf, that it erase the config file and tries with a new "safe" one (but not doing a backup of the original one :/) | 20:52 |
recon69 | dan__: have a look at Other lan options and tell us what the setting are | 20:52 |
n2diy | Jack_Sparrow, I thought 5.10 to 6.06 wasn't a jump? My system is resource challenged, and I can't install the latest ver. from scratch, so I was hoping I could upgrade one release at a time to become current. I have a /home partition, and it is backed up. | 20:52 |
hischild | chadwickofwv, for? | 20:52 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, correct | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | n2diy D E F Missing Edg | 20:52 |
Flannel | n2diy: You can upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06, yes. | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | y | 20:52 |
dan__ | recon69, other lan options in the network manager? | 20:52 |
chadwickofwv | oh were you taking to someone else, i was looking fot the last thing you said | 20:52 |
iminhell | Slart: what name, I'll see if I have the same, apples to apples and all | 20:53 |
recon69 | dan__: no in the router | 20:53 |
Tetracomm | Hello. | 20:53 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ but its a normal PCI network card or an onboard one, not USB or wireless? | 20:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | n2diy Or did I read that wrong.. | 20:53 |
Tetracomm | Does anyone know of any form of open source translation software? | 20:53 |
Flannel | n2diy: Is it not possible to upgrade over the internet? Do you have the dapper alternate CD? | 20:53 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, it is an onboard nic | 20:53 |
n2diy | Flannel, I'm trying to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper, but neither synaptic or apt-get will play with the CDROM, do I have to boot the CD to upgrade? | 20:53 |
Slart | iminhell: Star Wars, episode.. 1 I think.. | 20:53 |
Flannel | n2diy: No, you don't boot to the CD | 20:53 |
Slart | iminhell: The phantom menace | 20:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | n2diy what does lsb_release show you | 20:54 |
n2diy | Jack_Sparrow, 5.10 to 6.06 | 20:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !badger | 20:54 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details. | 20:54 |
Flannel | n2diy: Do you have the alternate CD of dapper? | 20:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | n2diy NP, my mistake | 20:54 |
dan__ | recon69, not sure what you are wanting with the other LAN options | 20:54 |
Wald1 | Trying to change my main menu icon. How do I find the icon-theme.cache file to delete it? | 20:54 |
n2diy | Jack_Sparrow, na | 20:55 |
iminhell | slart: got it and in the drive now, gimme some commands | 20:55 |
dan__ | recon69, if it helps i have a lease period of 1 hour on all leases | 20:55 |
n2diy | Flannel, Dapper and the Alt | 20:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Flannel It has been so lond I didnt remember if dapper had an alt.. :) | 20:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | long | 20:55 |
Slart | iminhell: well.. when I put it in I got a nice popup asking me what to do.. I chose to start vlc and it started playing | 20:55 |
nimbus | I have a question about terminal commands. | 20:55 |
Flannel | Jack_Sparrow: Dapper was the first release with an alternate | 20:55 |
nimbus | This doesn't seem to do what I think it should do find / -name 'Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt' -exec rm {} \; | 20:56 |
nimbus | where did I go wrong? | 20:56 |
Flannel | n2diy: Alright, stick it in, and `sudo apt-cdrom add` does that work? | 20:56 |
recon69 | dan__: not sure myself, just worth looking at. but the router seems ok, might want to add the second Ethernet card to the interfaces file | 20:56 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, i just tried again - and i get the same thing " SIOCGMIIPHY on eth0 failed: Operation not supported" | 20:56 |
Nalk | hello | 20:56 |
Slart | iminhell: "mplayer dvd://" works just fine too | 20:56 |
iminhell | Slart: I get "playback failure: VLC cannot set the dvd's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire dvd, yay | 20:56 |
dan__ | recon69, sure seems to make sense - adding it now and will try to restart the network again | 20:56 |
Slart | iminhell: ok.. let's check for libdcss | 20:57 |
iminhell | slart: shoot | 20:57 |
* kolby is bored | 20:57 | |
n2diy | Flannel, yes, it worked, now apt-get dist-upgrade? | 20:57 |
almark1 | I'm beginning to think one can't install xmms in Ubuntu, apt-get install xmms doesn't work, what do i need to do? | 20:57 |
pisse | I'm trying to install a program and get this error: "Could not create the Java virtual machine." I just installed the java packages.. do I need to reboot or something? maybe run java? | 20:57 |
hischild | !java | pisse | 20:57 |
ubottu | pisse: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 20:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | almark1 I thought xmms was dropped | 20:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !xmms | 20:58 |
ubottu | xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. | 20:58 |
ActionParsnip | !xmms | 20:58 |
webas | is there to make black keyboard as white? buttons :) for notebook | 20:58 |
almark1 | I always liked it | 20:58 |
Slart | iminhell: I just have to find my file first.. | 20:58 |
almark1 | Could I compile it then? | 20:58 |
ActionParsnip | pisse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=653331 | 20:58 |
almark1 | what is xmms2 like? | 20:58 |
Flannel | n2diy: Well, before we did this, I should have made sure you were up to date with Breezy, and had the following packages installed: ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-desktop (if its a desktop), and also the proper kernel package (linux-686-smp or whatnot) | 20:58 |
recon69 | almark1: install audacious instead | 20:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | almark1 read the bug files first | 20:58 |
almark1 | installed | 20:58 |
third3ye | Hey -- again | 20:58 |
almark1 | ok | 20:58 |
almark1 | thanks | 20:59 |
badfish69 | how does intrepid compare to windows 95 in terms of resource usage | 20:59 |
n2diy | Flannel, I believe I am up to date, | 20:59 |
Nalk | i want to make a menu where are only all games, not the menu 'system' ... how i can make this ?cannot find where this mernu 'system' is comming from(xfce) | 20:59 |
jasongol | hi i am wondering how to install .bin /.exe files | 20:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | badfish69 Wrong room for discussions like that, this is the support room | 20:59 |
Flannel | n2diy: alright, those packages make upgrades... not hell. So make sure you've got them. And then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:00 |
Slart | iminhell: have you install libdvdread3 ? | 21:00 |
Slart | !info libdvdread3 | 21:00 |
ubottu | libdvdread3 (source: libdvdread): library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-11ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 61 kB, installed size 208 kB | 21:00 |
dan__ | recon69, or zsquareplusc, would it make sense to try and force the ip again? I may have done it wrong the first time around | 21:00 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: yea, i got that too without sudo. but maybe your network card is not supporting this operation. the tool would have helped to determine if the cable type and speed is correctly negotiated between pc and router/switch. | 21:00 |
pisse | "install either the openjdk-6-jre package or the sun-java6-bin package" <-- which one should I use? :S | 21:00 |
schnauzer | badfish69: It is significantly greater; if you want a lightweight Linux, try Damn Small Linux. | 21:00 |
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n2diy | Flannel, ok, thanks. | 21:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | jasongol How to run a .sh file? Run script with the command ./file.sh or .bin , it must be set executable, chmod u+x file | 21:00 |
Slart | iminhell: ie.. run this and see what it says "sudo apt-get install libdvdread3" | 21:00 |
eseven73 | jasongol: for the .exe you need WINE, what sort of .exe are you trying to install? | 21:01 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: yea, why not. "sudo ifconfig eth0" for example. with an IP from the private range you use | 21:01 |
SuNDeC | schnauzer, may be arch linux a better choice? | 21:01 |
iminhell | Slart: yes I have. Any code I can put in terminal to display what codecs I have installed? | 21:01 |
roelof | hello | 21:01 |
schnauzer | SuNDeC: Yeah, that too - never used it myself, though | 21:01 |
Slart | iminhell: I have install w32codecs from medibuntu, have you? | 21:01 |
dle1 | ActionParsnip: Thanks. Still no joy, although everything appears fine. I just can't hear anything. | 21:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | schnauzer zsquareplusc I just told him this was the wrong room for those discussions.. thanks | 21:01 |
bjohnmer | ¿what do I need to administrate a server remotely? | 21:01 |
Slart | bjohnmer: ssh works nicely | 21:02 |
Flannel | bjohnmer: a ssh server on that connection | 21:02 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, so now it tells me that my inet has the ip specified, but i can still not acess the internet | 21:02 |
iminhell | Slart: installed w32 already. the read3 just comes up with 0 upgraded, 0 new and 0 removed; already had it | 21:02 |
pisse | After installing Java.. do I need to start it or something? I get an error: "Could not create the Java virtual machine." | 21:02 |
eseven73 | its really a shame that webmin doesnt work on ubuntu really, are there any plans for a fix? | 21:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | eseven73 No | 21:03 |
recon69 | dan__: I got to go eat , so just want to say good luck, and you might want to start network manager up again, I just turned it off as it might have been interfering. | 21:03 |
eseven73 | thats too bad | 21:03 |
Slart | iminhell: ok, try this "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2" | 21:03 |
dan__ | recon69, thank you for all of your help! Hopefully i get it figured out soon | 21:03 |
davy | There are some threads on the web that talk about permissions problems for playing dvd's, | 21:03 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: does the LED on the router blink if you do a ping of some IP? | 21:03 |
davy | i'm having the same problem | 21:03 |
davy | is anyone aware of a solution? | 21:04 |
zsquareplusc | Jack_Sparrow: you told dan_ that he is OT or someone else? | 21:04 |
davy | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/10550 | 21:04 |
iminhell | Slart: same, 0 new 0 removed 0 upgraded; I already had it | 21:04 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, yes but i keep getting that the Destination Host is Unreachable | 21:04 |
almark1 | I would like to install lm_sensors but I know it creates another kernel, Will it break my other modules that were made for say a rt kernel? | 21:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | zsquareplusc I told badfish69 | 21:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | pisse is this a real ubuntu install or some other vm option | 21:05 |
Slart | iminhell: ok.. try running this in a terminal "vlc dvd://" you can copy the output to pastebin | 21:05 |
recon69 | dan__: he just whats to check the cable, even if the host is unreachable the router light should blink | 21:05 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ that's OK. it happens when the ip is wong or the gatway is not specified for external addresses (and it isn't set now) | 21:05 |
zsquareplusc | Jack_Sparrow: ok, but i wasn't talking to him | 21:05 |
dan__ | recon69, ahhh; zsquareplusc, i have used the port and the cable in a different cable (running windows vista) and it appeared to work fine. | 21:06 |
Slart | iminhell: here's my output, if you want to compare | 21:06 |
nimbus | Will find . -type f -name "FILE-TO-FIND" -exec rm -f {} \; delete all files with a certain name? | 21:06 |
pisse | Jack_Sparrow: I'm trying to install JXplorer for a graphical LDAP browser.. | 21:06 |
Slart | iminhell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84919/ | 21:06 |
badfish69 | thx schnauzer | 21:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | pisse That did not anser m question | 21:06 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ was that with on the same PC or the same cable on a different box? | 21:07 |
Slart | nimbus: it looks like that's what it will do | 21:07 |
pisse | Jack_Sparrow: ok, then I don't understand your question | 21:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | pisse is this a real ubuntu install or some other vm option | 21:07 |
Slart | nimbus: can't say for sure though... rm is a horrible operation to make a mistake with | 21:07 |
iminhell | Slart: pasted, i think | 21:07 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, sorry i just realized i didnt make sense there. I have used this cable and port on the router on a different pc with no problem. I have also used this computer with a winxp where it worked without connection issues | 21:07 |
davy | libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.2 from http://dvd.sf.net | 21:07 |
davy | libdvdnav: DVD Title: A_BEAUTIFUL_MIND | 21:07 |
davy | libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 2ccbbb24 | 21:07 |
davy | libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): | 21:07 |
davy | libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/davy/.dvdnav/A_BEAUTIFUL_MIND.map' | 21:07 |
FloodBot2 | davy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:07 |
davy | *** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1678 *** | 21:07 |
Slart | iminhell: ok, you've got the url? | 21:08 |
nimbus | yes I know, Slart. that is why I asked for confirmation | 21:08 |
iminhell | http://paste.ubuntu.com/84920/ | 21:08 |
Slart | !pastebin | davy | 21:08 |
ubottu | davy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 21:08 |
nimbus | Well it didn't work anyway. | 21:08 |
Slart | nimbus: try running it with some other command.. echo or something | 21:08 |
xp_prg2 | I am searching for django | 21:08 |
xp_prg2 | can't find it | 21:08 |
nimbus | I am new to unix environments and dont know how to do that | 21:08 |
xp_prg2 | apt-cache search django | 21:08 |
xp_prg2 | I am on ubuntu 8.10 | 21:08 |
xp_prg2 | where is it? | 21:08 |
FloodBot2 | xp_prg2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:08 |
davy | i'm sorry guys | 21:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > xp_prg2 | 21:08 |
ubottu | xp_prg2, please see my private message | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | !info django | 21:09 |
ubottu | Package django does not exist in intrepid | 21:09 |
davy | pastebin looking it up | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | !django | 21:09 |
ubottu | django is a high level python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. - see http://www.djangoproject.com | 21:09 |
almark1 | ls | 21:09 |
almark1 | oops | 21:09 |
xp_prg2 | django exists on 8.10 | 21:09 |
xp_prg2 | version 1.0 | 21:09 |
davy | don a past bin :) | 21:10 |
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik | ||
davy | (sorry again) | 21:10 |
soccer_hawk10 | hey there, can anybody help me with this problem: i just installed ibex 64 and everything runs fine with the exception of compiz which is a little strange. i installed the restricted driver for my video card (ati x1200) and now when i turn the cube with 3d windows on, it flickers with triangles. same problem if i try to drag a window around the cube. any ideas? | 21:10 |
pisse | Jack_Sparrow: I read what you asked.. I don't know what vm option is (I guess virtual machine option, but don't know what that is either). All I know is that I need a Java virtual machine running to install JXplorer.. and I don't know what you mean with "real ubuntu install". I'm using Ubuntu and downloaded JXplorer from jxplorer.org. Is that real? :S | 21:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | pisse What version of ubuntu, and how was it installed | 21:10 |
zsquareplusc | xp_prg2: do you have universe repositories enabled? | 21:11 |
Slart | iminhell: I'm googling a bit for more info on your problem.. I'll get back to you | 21:11 |
davy | lol thx | 21:11 |
inman | good response zsquare | 21:11 |
n2diy | how can I check my current version of Ubuntu? | 21:11 |
vega | n2diy: lsb_release -a | 21:11 |
Slart | iminhell: some people seem to think it's a region code problem.. | 21:11 |
mker | Is it possible for users to share home directory? | 21:12 |
badfish69 | n2diy: or in gnome, system, about ubuntu | 21:12 |
soccer_hawk10 | i just installed ibex 64 and everything runs fine with the exception of compiz which is a little strange. i installed the restricted driver for my video card (ati x1200) and now when i turn the cube with 3d windows on, it flickers with triangles. same problem if i try to drag a window around the cube. any ideas? | 21:12 |
iminhell | Slart: if they are purple i already looked at them, lol. I did the region set already, region 1 | 21:12 |
N3oXid | n2diy: # cat /etc/issue | 21:12 |
iminhell | Slart: my other drive is still region free, same thing though | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | soccer_hawk10 Please hold down on the repeats, every couple minutes is plenty in a busy channel | 21:12 |
vega | soccer_hawk10: you don't need to re-ask every 2 minutes.. people will answer if they answer | 21:12 |
pisse | Jack_Sparrow: it's the latest version. I updated it from hardy | 21:12 |
inman | crap gotta go sorry | 21:12 |
inman | /exit | 21:13 |
CelticLord | le peuple :) | 21:13 |
jacksonmills | pisse: By "real Ubuntu install" I think Jack Sparrow means "are you running Ubuntu in a virtualized environment" | 21:13 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: hm.. well. if the LED on the router and PC is blinking on network traffic it would be a sing that the hardware has a connection. i've seen cases where auto negotiation failed so that router and network card could not communicate | 21:13 |
Slart | iminhell: you've run this too? sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh | 21:14 |
goose_ | /server irc.irchighway.net | 21:14 |
mrprowse | anybody notice that there's no /feisty folder at archive.ubuntu.com? I'm trying to apt-get update and I get errors no matter how I setup my sources.list | 21:14 |
Slart | !feisty | 21:14 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details. | 21:14 |
eseven73 | goose_: theres a few ircops in here, i wouldnt do that. | 21:14 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, is there any place i can read up on work arounds for that? | 21:14 |
goose_ | /server irc.irchighway.net | 21:14 |
pisse | jacksonmills: I don't know how to run ubuntu in a virtualized environment.. so don't know what to answer.. I don't think I am. | 21:14 |
Slart | mrprowse: end of life.. october 19th 2008.. that's probably why | 21:14 |
mrprowse | OK, but why is there still a dapper subfolder? | 21:15 |
=== robot is now known as olga | ||
Jack_Sparrow | mrprowse Feist is dead.. as in end of life and no longer supported | 21:15 |
Slart | mrprowse: isn't dapper a lts release? | 21:15 |
Slart | !dapper | 21:15 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details. | 21:15 |
jacksonmills | jacksonmills: Then I think your answer is "I'm running real Ubuntu" | 21:15 |
jacksonmills | lol! | 21:15 |
jacksonmills | er | 21:15 |
Slart | !lts | mrprowse | 21:15 |
ubottu | mrprowse: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 21:15 |
iminhell | Slart: that's the one with the good, bad and ugly in it right, if so ya done that one too ...? | 21:15 |
jacksonmills | pisse: Then I think your answer is "I'm running real Ubuntu" | 21:15 |
pisse | jacksonmills: ok thnx :P | 21:15 |
Slart | iminhell: I can't even remember =) | 21:15 |
pisse | Jack_Sparrow: yes, I'm running real ubuntu. | 21:15 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ i just know mii-tool for that. that also shows infos when run with sudo. but it can also modify the connection parameters | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | pisse I am not gong to be able to help, I am out of time | 21:16 |
almark1 | How can I get my ati radeon 8500 to work properly with Ubuntu 8.10 fglrx etc. | 21:16 |
pisse | Jack_Sparrow: too bad.. =/ thnx anyway | 21:16 |
mrprowse | Gotcha. So the updates just stop working, and I need to upgrade? This is only a problem because I run a class on Feisty, and stopping everything to upgrade will be a real PITA | 21:16 |
soccer_hawk10 | almark1: i think i have a similar problem | 21:16 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, right now i have version 8.04 installed. Would it help to move ti 8.10. | 21:16 |
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Slart | iminhell: would you mind running that command again? just to make sure.. it fixed the problems of some people, apparently | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | almark1 I thought fglrx was 9550 and above | 21:16 |
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eseven73 | is it possible to download older versions of ubuntu than 6.06? On the downloads page i only see 6.06 as the oldest one you can download | 21:16 |
mrprowse | Can I download the feisty folder from somewhere to host on a local mirror maybe? | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | mrprowse there are the old repos | 21:17 |
Lasiv | how can I reinstall a package? | 21:17 |
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Liviu` | check it now wWw.E-ChaT.Tk or type /server irc.sidenet.org -j #ChaT if you feel like chating :) | 21:17 |
almark1 | It is jack_sparrow :( | 21:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ | 21:17 |
pisse | I'm trying to install JXplorer and get this errormsg: "Could not create the Java virtual machine." I've just installed Java and don't know what to do..? | 21:17 |
iminhell | Slart: which, the "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh" one, if so I already did for good measure, no change | 21:17 |
DDT | Hi. Need Wmware server. It is only rpm and tar images there. Will tar work in Ubuntu? Thx | 21:17 |
Lasiv | apt-get reinstall packagename - doesn't seem to work | 21:17 |
mrprowse | Thanks Jack-- I'll give that a shot. | 21:17 |
eseven73 | DDT: yes tar will work | 21:18 |
zsquareplusc | dan_ i don't think so. the driver for your card may be updated in the new kernel. you could try a live cd before you upgrade | 21:18 |
Slart | iminhell: yes, that's the one.. hmm.. so no change.. | 21:18 |
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almark1 | is there a way to use my ati card fully with 8.10?\ | 21:18 |
DDT | eseven73 - ok thx | 21:18 |
soccer_hawk10 | have there been problems with fglrx in intrepid 64? i'm having trouble. getting strange flickerings at times | 21:18 |
soccer_hawk10 | almark1: are you using intrepid 64? | 21:18 |
almark1 | Jack_Sparrow: The thing works but | 21:18 |
eseven73 | yw, just dont ever use rpm | 21:18 |
almark1 | soccer_hawk10: no sorry, 32bit | 21:18 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, i have the 8.10 release on cd already - i will go ahead and boot up in live first to try it out | 21:18 |
iminhell | Slart: hold on a sec, I got something. I'm going to restart and see if it holds. Be back in a minute or two. | 21:19 |
Slart | iminhell: ok | 21:19 |
soccer_hawk10 | ah, just wondering. 64 is giving me troubles | 21:19 |
jacksonmills | pisse: Let me see | 21:19 |
almark1 | Jack_Sparrow: Blender crashes compiz works also but do I need to get those drivers for my ati card? | 21:19 |
miksu | any1 seen astraljava in few days | 21:19 |
andresmh | um, how do I check what version of flashplugin i have? | 21:19 |
zsquareplusc | anders_: about:plugins in FF address bar | 21:20 |
soccer_hawk10 | andresmh: i know you can do that by looking at semantic | 21:20 |
trailbrain | broken installation---please help | 21:20 |
pisse | jacksonmills: http://pastebin.com/m2bda027 | 21:20 |
zsquareplusc | anders_: sorry, wrong nick | 21:20 |
andresmh | soccer_hawk10, semantic? what is that? | 21:20 |
almark1 | soccer_hawk10: Do you use Blender? | 21:20 |
trailbrain | after going through the login screen I have a blank screen with the circular "thinking mouse" icon. I can move it but can't do anything else | 21:21 |
soccer_hawk10 | oops, semantic... lol. it's the package manager | 21:21 |
trailbrain | CTRL+ALT+F1 yeilds nothing | 21:21 |
trailbrain | Please help | 21:21 |
soccer_hawk10 | almark1: what's blender, my friend | 21:21 |
almark1 | soccer_hawk10: free 3d package | 21:21 |
zsquareplusc | andresmh: "about:plugins" in FF address bar | 21:22 |
andresmh | is anyone else having issues playing YouTube videos in firefox? is it just me? | 21:22 |
andresmh | thanks zsquareplusc | 21:22 |
soccer_hawk10 | almark1: is it an alternative to xgl or aiglx or something? | 21:22 |
almark1 | soccer_hawk10: I have compiz and my gui working but Blender crashes 3d objects moving this and that, It has to do with DRI enabled | 21:22 |
trailbrain | Anyone seen this issue before? | 21:22 |
dnyy | Does anyone else get proxy errors a lot on ubuntuforums? | 21:22 |
almark1 | soccer_hawk10: I haven't heard of those | 21:22 |
soccer_hawk10 | almark1: that's okay. lemme google the blender | 21:23 |
keepsake | trailbrain: afaik it's not a default shortcut =S | 21:23 |
jacksonmills | pisse: It seems like your just entering in an option incorrectly.. | 21:23 |
eseven73 | dnyy: never gotten those errors on ubuntuforums, but they always load really slow for me | 21:23 |
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jacksonmills | pisse: Oh, that is called by a script./ | 21:24 |
trailbrain | what should I do. I've just turned a friends computer into a paperweight. :-( | 21:24 |
Liam0101 | howdy | 21:24 |
dnyy | eseven73: Hm, then. I get proxy errors about 30% of the time i'm browsing. :/ | 21:24 |
keepsake | trailbrain: Alt+F1 shows the apps panel, but Alt+Shift+F1 is not set a default shortcut =S | 21:24 |
iminhell | Slart: seems to be back to the same. If i use the terminal to open with the VLC command it's fine. Open under the GUI and it's garbled. What in the world? | 21:24 |
pisse | jacksonmills: ok..? not following :P | 21:24 |
Slart | iminhell: well.. at least it works in the terminal now =).. | 21:24 |
xp_prg2 | apt-cache search python-django shows nothing on my 8.10 installatin | 21:24 |
eseven73 | dnyy: and i have a 25 mb/s cable line too :/ | 21:24 |
trailbrain | ALT+F1 yeilds zilch as well | 21:24 |
xp_prg2 | what am I doing wrong? | 21:24 |
Lasiv | where do I put something to load on startup? | 21:25 |
almark1 | what is an alternative to getting ati radeon 8500 working in Ubuntu 8.10. I can't use the normal drivers card too old. | 21:25 |
Lasiv | my google-fu is failing me :( | 21:25 |
Slart | iminhell: I have no idea why it's different when running it from the gui | 21:25 |
zsquareplusc | xp_prg2: you need to enable "universe" repository | 21:25 |
Slart | !boot | Lasiv | 21:25 |
ubottu | Lasiv: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 21:25 |
iminhell | Slart: but why? lol I got a bum deal i tell ya | 21:25 |
dnyy | eseven73: ha, jesus. that is so much faster than mine. :( | 21:25 |
Lasiv | thank you | 21:25 |
xp_prg2 | ok thanks zsquareplusc :> | 21:25 |
Slart | !session | Lasiv | 21:25 |
ubottu | Lasiv: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 21:25 |
trailbrain | It's like gnome isn't loading or something | 21:26 |
Liam0101 | eseven73: i have a 1mb/s cable :( | 21:26 |
eseven73 | ouch | 21:26 |
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trailbrain | Anyone got an idea--Can't break this thing anymore than I already have | 21:26 |
keepsake | trailbrain: What are you trying to do? | 21:27 |
Slart | iminhell: I have no idea... I've stopped asking myself "Why?" when it comes to computers =) | 21:27 |
dnyy | trailbrain: I think I get about 1.5MB down, on a good day | 21:27 |
jacksonmills | pisse: 1 second | 21:27 |
kristian2 | problem : i want ubuntu 8.10 (+ fully upgraded) to automatically connect to wlan after reboot (without logging in). i've tried to to tick the "system setting" for my wireless and then clicking OK, but it will not remember my setting. (im not sure this will do the job, i was told by someone else) please, please help! :-( | 21:27 |
Liam0101 | disable roaming mode | 21:28 |
roelof | when i install a application I get a Gnome-WARNING **: invalid gnome config path '=/section/key' | 21:28 |
trailbrain | keepsake: I'm trying to run ubuntu 8.10---no errors on install but all I see is the "loading mouse" icon, I can move it around the screen, but the screen is black--nothing else | 21:28 |
keepsake | trailbrain: Weird, have you tried recovering from a boot disk? | 21:29 |
roelof | and a lot more errors how can I get rid of it | 21:30 |
soccer_hawk10 | almark1: you still here | 21:30 |
trailbrain | I've tried the package repair feature, but no luck | 21:30 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, 8.10 seems to be much the same as 8.04, if i try to force a static - it will connect but i dont seem to be able to even ping my gateway | 21:30 |
Liam0101 | trailbrain: faulty install or faulty hdd i had the same problem | 21:30 |
almark1 | soccer_hawk10: uh huh | 21:30 |
trailbrain | How can it be a faulty hdd? It was running just fine---- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 21:31 |
andresmh | I am confused. When doing about:plugins in FF I see I have Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115, however sudo apt-get install tells me I already have the newest version, which is supposed to be according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/flashplugin-nonfree | 21:31 |
jacksonmills | pisse: I can't even install JXPlorer for some reason...I'm not sure I can help you. | 21:31 |
zsquareplusc | trailbrain: disk full? did it work once? | 21:31 |
andresmh | what I am doing wrong? | 21:31 |
=== forkz is now known as forkzi | ||
Susie | Can I get some help with an S-video problem? | 21:32 |
nety350 | join /#ubuntu-fr | 21:32 |
trailbrain | Hasn't worked at all, disk was whiped during install. | 21:32 |
pisse | jacksonmills: :( do you know another program that graphically can browse ldap servers? | 21:32 |
nety350 | join #ubuntu-fr | 21:32 |
Slart | nety350: /join #ubuntu-fr | 21:32 |
trailbrain | It gets to this stage and then just quits | 21:32 |
soccer_hawk10 | is anybody on here familiar with compiz, fglrx, and this triangle flicking problem? | 21:33 |
pisse | jacksonmills: I'm trying to figure out how LDAP works.. so a GUI would be nice :] | 21:33 |
vega | andresmh: you could have an older version in your $HOME/.mozilla/plugins | 21:33 |
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trailbrain | I ran a check on the install CD and it came back with no errors--and I've reinstalled 2 times now, I really don't know what to do | 21:33 |
jacksonmills | pisse: Not off the top of my head, no :( | 21:33 |
vega | andresmh: if you ever have installed it outside the ubuntu repository, just a thought | 21:34 |
bpat1434 | I'm running an Ubuntu server which is sharing /sandbox. I have my Vista box trying to mount the share. When I mount the share using "Map Network Drive" if I create a folder, it sets the user and group as a string of numbers. Is there anyone that knows how to fix this, or what I need to search for? | 21:34 |
andresmh | you're totally right vega! | 21:34 |
mchelen | can anyone recommend an mpeg4 encoder? | 21:34 |
andresmh | there is a libflashplayer.so in that directory | 21:34 |
pisse | jacksonmills: thnx anyway | 21:34 |
overshard | mchelen: ffmpeg? | 21:34 |
vega | andresmh: ok, then delete that and restart ff | 21:34 |
roelof | when i install a application I get a Gnome-WARNING **: invalid gnome config path '=/section/key' can somebody help | 21:34 |
vega | andresmh: and see that about:plugins now says | 21:34 |
iminhell | Slart: all the players work from the command line. least I can watch them now. I'll post the bug to the thread I started on the launchpad. | 21:35 |
vega | that=what | 21:35 |
xp_prg2 | anyone know a good vncserver for ubuntu 8.10? | 21:35 |
Slart | iminhell: do that.. perhaps it's some weird hard-to-find bug | 21:35 |
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Susie | Anyone here know about S-video? | 21:35 |
keepsake | !ask | Susie | 21:35 |
eseven73 | xtightvncserver | 21:35 |
ubottu | Susie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:35 |
gimpscape | I noticed that themes installed locally by user are not used by apps run with "gksudo" or "sudo". Is there any other way around than installing themes in /usr/share/themes? | 21:35 |
Liam0101 | will wine (+ubuntu 8.10) support crysis? | 21:36 |
mchelen | overshard, ffmpeg is installed but vlc thinks there are no mpeg4 encoders | 21:36 |
Slart | Liam0101: check the application database for wine.. | 21:36 |
Slart | !appdb | Liam0101 | 21:36 |
ubottu | Liam0101: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 21:36 |
gimpscape | i tried puting them in /root/.thems, but this hasn't worked | 21:36 |
overshard | mchelen: oh, just learn to use the ffmpeg command line | 21:36 |
overshard | mchelen: i never get vlc to convert stuff properly | 21:36 |
Slart | Liam0101: but I'm pretty sure the answer is no | 21:36 |
andresmh | vega, um, about:plugins still says "Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115" | 21:36 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, any last help you can give? About to give up for today. | 21:36 |
iminhell | How do I find my version? | 21:37 |
Slart | iminhell: lsb_release -a | 21:37 |
Slart | iminhell: and uname -a for kernel info | 21:37 |
mchelen | overshard, it is for streaming, need to use vlc :) | 21:37 |
krizalid | Can I set different startup apps for gnome and kde? KDE seems to start even the disabled applications in gnome's 'sessions' settings | 21:37 |
andresmh | vega, actually i see Shockwave Flash listed twice on the about:plugins page, one is Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115 the other is Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12 | 21:37 |
andresmh | puzzling | 21:37 |
Susie | Okay. I am trying to clone my desktop to a TV using an S-video cable, but I'm getting nothing. I've scoured the web and all the changes that they recommend to make to my xorg.conf don't work and actually mess up my laptop screen as well. I'm using an Intel 855GM graphics card. Is there a good fix for this? I really don't want to go back to dual-boot. | 21:37 |
overshard | mchelen: oh... well then... i have no clue x.x sorry | 21:38 |
zsquareplusc | dan__: not really.. did you search google? maybe with the PCI-id (lspci gives you that one) of the card and linux or ubuntu as keywords? | 21:38 |
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andresmh | youtube vids are still not playing well :-/ | 21:38 |
_wendy_ | !dmesg | 21:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dmesg | 21:38 |
vega | andresmh: hm okay, other places that come to mind are the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 21:38 |
Walty | !emesene | 21:39 |
ubottu | Emesene is an instant messenger for the WLM network. See http://emesene.org for more information. | 21:39 |
mchelen | overshard, oh well thanks anyway :) | 21:39 |
_wendy_ | ! dmesg | 21:39 |
vega | andresmh: firefox is loading plugins from many different places :/ | 21:39 |
eseven73 | firefox is a mess | 21:39 |
vega | yes | 21:39 |
eseven73 | Opera is the win :) | 21:39 |
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dan__ | zsquareplusc, yeah i have been doing that without much luck which is why i was going to try here. I might just pull a nic out of a separate computer to try | 21:39 |
Walty | why wont firefox clean the history bar even when I done it right | 21:39 |
Liam0101 | is Google chrome any good? | 21:39 |
keepsake | Liam0101: no =P | 21:39 |
xchatlap | Susie: I would recommend using the vga input on your tv, if present | 21:39 |
andresmh | vega, interesting, so where is the place where flashplugin is installed when installing it via apt-get install ? | 21:39 |
vega | well, you can live with firefox if you restart it every once in a while | 21:39 |
Slart | Susie: have you seen this? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_Extreme_Graphics_2 | 21:40 |
eseven73 | Chrome is windows only isnt it? | 21:40 |
Liam0101 | wine | 21:40 |
iminhell | Slart: think they will need to know anything else? | 21:40 |
andresmh | vega, should i just remove the plugin from all those directories | 21:40 |
Slart | eseven73: for now I think it is | 21:40 |
vega | andresmh: you can see that with dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree | 21:40 |
Susie | Yes, I've seen that Slart, thanks, but it just messed up my display. | 21:40 |
keepsake | eseven73: It's not, it's being developed for Linux too. | 21:40 |
vega | andresmh: well not the new one.. :) | 21:40 |
Slart | iminhell: not sure.. aren't there any instructions for reporting bugs? | 21:40 |
Liam0101 | eseven73: but i think they might be releasing a linux version soon | 21:40 |
rainabba_ | Turns out there is a Flash 10 plugin for x86_64 :) | 21:40 |
_wendy_ | how do i see how much space is left in my harddrive? | 21:40 |
eseven73 | cool | 21:40 |
Susie | My TV does not have a vga input. :-( | 21:40 |
Slart | _wendy_: df -h | 21:40 |
dan__ | zsquareplusc, thanks a lot for your help - ill have to tackle this agian tomorrow. Have a good one. | 21:40 |
andresmh | vega, how can I tell what the new one is by just looking at the file name? | 21:40 |
guntbert | usb external HD, I want to know, where the default permissions for the mountpoint (usually /media/<Label>) are set | 21:40 |
vega | andresmh: also check dpkg --list | grep flash to see if you have any other flash packages than flashplugin-nonfree | 21:40 |
keepsake | rainabba_: There is? I though you had to use a wrapper with the 32bit version | 21:41 |
Jampiter | Hi | 21:41 |
andresmh | dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree returns a lot of directories | 21:41 |
trailbrain | wendy: apps->extensions->disk useage | 21:41 |
iminhell | Slart: got me. I've never sone this remember, lol. Here is what I got in there so far --> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/54351 | 21:41 |
Slart | keepsake: there's a beta of the 64-bit flash plugin available from adobe | 21:41 |
trailbrain | apps accessories | 21:41 |
iminhell | *done | 21:41 |
Jampiter | How do I make Ubuntu with Xsane detect my Epson Stylus DX6000 scanner? It detects the printer fine. | 21:41 |
=== cheat is now known as lahori | ||
Miscc | can any one give a guide how to patche current iptables version to 1.4.0 ?? | 21:41 |
vega | andresmh: ah true, i think it was so that flashplugin-nonfree is only a "downloader" | 21:41 |
keepsake | Slart: Didn't know about it, I might be running that, or maybe I'm running a wrapped 32bit. | 21:41 |
_wendy_ | how i know which is my hard drive lol | 21:41 |
keepsake | Slart: =S | 21:41 |
zsquareplusc | vega: yes it is. | 21:42 |
rainabba_ | keepsake: Google for libflashplayer-10.0.d20.7.limnux-x86_64.so.tar.gz and hit the first link for a shell script that will do all the work for you. | 21:42 |
Slart | keepsake: unless you've installed it yourself I think you're still running the 32-bit one | 21:42 |
trailbrain | wendy: what do you see? | 21:42 |
keepsake | keepsake: it was more or less a custom installation | 21:42 |
rainabba_ | keepsake: After running it (took 1 minute), both Opera and Firefox have flash working (only tested with YouTube though). | 21:42 |
keepsake | LOL msged myself | 21:42 |
keepsake | rainabba_: The one I have works for me, so I'll leave it be =P I've had problems before. | 21:42 |
vega | andresmh: the actual file is /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so but then there is the debian "alternatives system" that messes this still up a bit more.. | 21:42 |
andresmh | vega, both of the directories you asked me to check are listed in dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree | 21:43 |
jumcore | hey, I only get direct rendering activated when I start "glxinfo | grep direct" as root, as normal user not. has someone an idea? | 21:43 |
keepsake | Slart: It was a custom installation. | 21:43 |
Slart | iminhell: it looks fine to me.. make sure you check back to see if someone wants more information | 21:43 |
_wendy_ | trailbrain: pastebin? | 21:43 |
vega | andresmh: yeah, the package creates links from there to the actual files | 21:43 |
Susie | Slart: Yes I have seen that, but it did not help me. Only messed up my laptop's display. | 21:43 |
iminhell | Slart: will do, bookmarked. Thanks | 21:43 |
vega | andresmh: ie. you should check those two dirs for other links/files that are NOT links to /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so | 21:43 |
andresmh | should i just remove it somehow then do a find . -name for flash, delete whatever i find and reinstall? | 21:43 |
_wendy_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/84929/ | 21:44 |
jacksonmills | pisse: I actually installed it.. | 21:44 |
Susie | xchatlap: My TV does not have vga input | 21:44 |
jacksonmills | pisse: Let me see .. | 21:44 |
vega | andresmh: did you check dpkg --list | grep flash, do you get more than one package? | 21:44 |
andresmh | vega, dpkg --list | grep flash returns only one package | 21:44 |
Jampiter | Anyone? | 21:44 |
vega | andresmh: that's ok then | 21:44 |
andresmh | i think... | 21:45 |
andresmh | dpkg --list | grep flash | 21:45 |
andresmh | ii flashplugin-nonfree Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 21:45 |
Slart | Susie: well.. that was what I found while googling.. | 21:45 |
eseven73 | vega: i have 2 flash packages can you see if this is ok or not? http://pastebin/f215f3354 | 21:45 |
andresmh | the ii part throws me off | 21:45 |
_wendy_ | trailbrain: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84929/ | 21:45 |
andresmh | seems like one single line but i am not sure now | 21:45 |
vega | andresmh: yeah, that's fine | 21:45 |
andresmh | um, so, i am lost now :) what was i supposed to check? | 21:46 |
function1 | anyone know what package the binary 'hex' is in ? | 21:46 |
Susie | Slart: I have googled for solutions and search all over the ubuntu forums, but I can't find any solution that works. And I don't know why it doesn't work either. | 21:46 |
vega | andresmh: copypaste output of ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ to pastebin.com | 21:46 |
eseven73 | vega: i have 2 flash packages can you see if this is ok or not? http://pastebin/f215f3354 | 21:46 |
=== mephisto_ is now known as RoflCopter | ||
vega | eseven73: "Unknown post id, it may have expired or been deleted" | 21:46 |
eseven73 | hmm works for me hang on vega | 21:46 |
Flannel | function1: hex | 21:46 |
pisse | jacksonmills: I actually just found another program called Luma.. seems alright | 21:46 |
function1 | :S | 21:47 |
zsquareplusc | eseven73: you missed to put a domain name in the url | 21:47 |
Jampiter | ....Anyone at all... | 21:47 |
Slart | !info hexcat | function1, perhaps in this one? | 21:47 |
ubottu | hexcat (source: hexcat): HEX dumping utility. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 6 kB, installed size 56 kB | 21:47 |
n8tuser | who was asking about scanner? use sudo sane-find-scanner | 21:47 |
vega | zsquareplusc: yeah, but still result is the same.. | 21:47 |
andresmh | vega, http://paste2.org/p/115547 | 21:47 |
Susie | xchatlap: Would it still be easier if I used a VGA to S-video cable? | 21:48 |
jacksonmills | pisse: Ok, JXplorer seems to be working for me, not sure what your problem was.. | 21:48 |
Slart | !info hex | function1, this one has a file called /bin/hex, | 21:48 |
ubottu | hex (source: hex): hexadecimal dumping tool for Japanese. In component universe, is extra. Version 204-17 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB | 21:48 |
Slart | function1: sorry.. /usr/bin/hex | 21:48 |
eseven73 | dang i cant get it to pastebinit, how do i output dpkg --list | grep flash to pastebinit? | 21:49 |
vega | andresmh: seems ok, what about ls -l /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin | 21:49 |
function1 | meh, not the same thing i was using earlier, but these work thanks | 21:49 |
hischild | eseven73, pipe it to a file, cat the file to pastebinit? | 21:49 |
pisse | jacksonmills: ok.. strange.. hopefully I'll be able to work with this new program then.. again thnx for your help :] | 21:49 |
eseven73 | ok ty | 21:49 |
andresmh | http://paste2.org/p/115548 | 21:49 |
andresmh | vega, http://paste2.org/p/115548 | 21:49 |
kristian2 | problem : i want ubuntu 8.10 (+ fully upgraded) to automatically connect to wlan after reboot (without logging in). i've tried to to tick the "system setting" for my wireless and then clicking OK, but it will not remember my setting. (im not sure this will do the job, i was told by someone else) please, please help! :-( | 21:50 |
vega | andresmh: no problems there either.. do a: find ~/.mozilla -name '*flash*' | 21:50 |
jacksonmills | pisse: :) | 21:50 |
Jampiter | Can no-one help me? | 21:50 |
pretender | Does anyone know if MYOB will work under WINE? What is the best way to run MYOB in Ubuntu | 21:50 |
Atreides | with what | 21:50 |
Atreides | Jampiter whats your question | 21:51 |
palomer | hrmph | 21:51 |
andresmh | vega, it doesn't find anything | 21:51 |
Walty | Jampiter: what 's the problem? | 21:51 |
palomer | someone remind me what's the term for iterating over a tree | 21:51 |
Atreides | recursion | 21:51 |
duvnell | vaxius: you here right now? | 21:51 |
Atreides | ? | 21:51 |
Atreides | you mean like a binary search tree? | 21:51 |
Susie | Would VGA be easier to use when cloning my desktop to a TV than S-video would? Just in general? | 21:51 |
andresmh | vega, what if i unistall flash completely and then reinstall it? | 21:51 |
andresmh | how would i do that? | 21:51 |
Jampiter | Atreides: Walty: How do I make Ubuntu with Xsane detect my Epson Stylus DX6000 scanner? It detects the printer fine. | 21:51 |
eseven73 | vega: http://pastebin.com/f75e33120 | 21:51 |
Atreides | Jampiter: one sec | 21:52 |
Jampiter | Ok | 21:52 |
Walty | Jampiter: does it say no device available? | 21:52 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
vega | andresmh: apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree | 21:52 |
Jampiter | Walty: Yes | 21:52 |
vega | andresmh: you could try that.. i'm running out of ideas :) | 21:52 |
Slart | pretender: check the application database | 21:52 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: if your TV has a VGA input it will be better than s-video. the later is restricted to rather small resolutions. but many TVs do not have a VGA input | 21:53 |
vega | eseven73: dunno where you got that package from, it's not in intrepid repository | 21:53 |
=== _wendy_ is now known as Phantom__ | ||
duvnell | I ended up wiping my 320GB drive, installing XP first on a 100gb partition it created, then installed ubuntu on to a logical partition I created during ubuntu setup.. when when I choose XP from grub, it gives me an UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME blue screen even before the XP logo.. I remembered someone talking about a potential grub problem in intrepid??? if I run the ubuntu updates will that fix it? | 21:53 |
vega | eseven73: flashplugin-nonfree is the one in ubuntu repository | 21:53 |
Jampiter | No, but I'll look now. Thanks :) | 21:53 |
eseven73 | vega: from flash's site | 21:53 |
norty | Question: I am running ubuntu 7.04 and when I plug my camera into the usb, I can't seen to find the pictures, I've looked under "Computer" and an external drive isn't there and I've looked under /media/ and it's also not there... where can I find my pictures that are on the camera? | 21:53 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: I mean, would it be easier to get working? That is what I am most concerned with. | 21:54 |
eseven73 | vega: the flash .deb file on flash's website is where i got that | 21:54 |
keepsake | Question, which file do I edit to make two of my drives mount at startup? Is it fstab? | 21:54 |
hischild | keepsake, yes | 21:54 |
Slart | keepsake: /etc/fstab | 21:54 |
andresmh | vega, that worked!! | 21:54 |
keepsake | hischild, Slart: thanks! | 21:54 |
Jampiter | Atreides: Yes | 21:55 |
vega | andresmh: weird, well good then i guess :) | 21:55 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: if you TV has a VGA input yes. but as most TVs don't, you would need to get a VGA to S-video or CVBS converter | 21:55 |
andresmh | for some reason if I have Last.fm running then I got to see a Flash video on FF the sound doesn't play. | 21:55 |
vega | eseven73: didn't know adobe also provides one.. i'd just the one provided by ubuntu | 21:55 |
vega | anyway, gotta go | 21:55 |
andresmh | even if i quit Last.fm, the sound doesn't play | 21:55 |
eseven73 | ok | 21:55 |
keepsake | What do I set as "dump" and "pass" in fstab? | 21:56 |
Lasiv | there is no BitchX package?? blasphemy! | 21:56 |
danst | does anyone know howto make the picture frame plasmoid reload the picture folder? right now i am using "kquitapp plasma" which is not so nice... | 21:56 |
peleg | Do you know how to clean Evolution's temporary files? | 21:56 |
keepsake | 0 and 0? | 21:56 |
=== h[a]kr is now known as hakr | ||
eseven73 | ty for checking vega | 21:56 |
peleg | Evolution keeps more than one gig of data in my .evolution folder | 21:56 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: Yeah, I would need to get the converter, because I don't have a vga input. But since the configuring problems are with the computer, that would be an easier option than just plan S-video right? | 21:57 |
Jampiter | Atreides: Thanks for the help :) | 21:57 |
Antonz | !join #Chinese | 21:57 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about join #Chinese | 21:57 |
Thisdude | arg neone have ne experiance with dlink wireless adsl routers?, i've allready got a adsl router that is working, but i want to put my dlink wireless router on the network just as a switch | 21:57 |
Slart | !cn | 21:57 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 21:57 |
Jampiter | Atreides: Thanks :) | 21:57 |
aboucher | how can i update my sources.lst | 21:57 |
guntbert | keepsake: yes, but have a look at man fstab in any case :) | 21:57 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: I ask because I find numerous questions about S-video problems and very few for VGA problems | 21:57 |
Thisdude | the manual is conpletely useless | 21:57 |
Antonz | Thanks | 21:57 |
keepsake | guntbert: Okay, thanks! | 21:57 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: not sure. these adapters are not always working well. if you haev an s-video output i'd try to get it working. you probably need to set the desktop resolution to 1024x768 or 800x600. | 21:58 |
aboucher | how can i update my sources.lst | 21:58 |
eeexception | Hi, I have one a little question. I have a dispute about it with my girlfriend=) So could you tell me why you could like Russia, if you like it? | 21:58 |
Flannel | eeexception: Please take it elsewhere | 21:59 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: and for for many graphic cards haev a tool that helps configuring the output. atitvout exitsts for example IIRC | 21:59 |
stvcc | en francais | 21:59 |
keepsake | guntbert: What should I put under "options"? | 21:59 |
Slart | !fr | 21:59 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 21:59 |
stvcc | !fr | 21:59 |
keepsake | guntbert: Can I put none? | 21:59 |
Antonz | !fr | 21:59 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: I am aware of the atitivout tool, but I'm using an intel graphics card | 21:59 |
guntbert | keepsake: one moment please | 21:59 |
Slart | stvcc: type "/join #ubuntu-fr" | 21:59 |
Thisdude | eeexception: making it off of black markets dealing in everyday items | 21:59 |
stvcc | ok sorry | 21:59 |
Slart | stvcc: no worries =) | 22:00 |
eeexception | Flannel: I know that this channel is not for such questions, but I do not know anywhere places where I could meet people from other different countries | 22:00 |
ganeshredcobra | hai | 22:00 |
stvcc | ubuntu Fr it realy a another server or just another channel ? | 22:00 |
ganeshredcobra | any one dr | 22:01 |
Slart | stvcc: it's just another channel | 22:01 |
ganeshredcobra | whats this | 22:01 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: I know my resolution is currently higher than 1024 x 768. Do you think simply changing it to a lower resolution would solve the problem? | 22:01 |
stvcc | slart ok tanck | 22:01 |
stvcc | .. | 22:01 |
aboucher | ihow do i update my sources.lst | 22:01 |
stvcc | tanks | 22:01 |
Slart | stvcc: you're welcome | 22:01 |
Flannel | aboucher: What do you need to update? | 22:01 |
Slart | aboucher: with a text-editor? | 22:01 |
Thisdude | arg neone have ne experiance with dlink wireless adsl routers?, i've allready got a adsl router that is working, but i want to put my dlink wireless router on the network just as a switch | 22:01 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: possibly. i would at least try that | 22:02 |
keepsake | aboucher: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst? | 22:02 |
jron | I'm using a BCM4312 wifi card and b43-fwcutter to install it. I've removed network manager (because it SUCKS). now, lshw -C network shows my wifi card as "UNCLAIMED" can anyone help me out?! The forums are killing me!!! =) | 22:02 |
moDumass | morning all, anyone skilled in xorg.conf ness? ive made adjustments to try and enable 1440x900@60 but its doesnt seem to be recognised | 22:02 |
keepsake | aboucher: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, sorry | 22:02 |
aboucher | how do i update the sorces.lst | 22:02 |
aboucher | *sources | 22:02 |
Flannel | aboucher: What are you trying to change? | 22:02 |
keepsake | aboucher: type "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" in Terminal, then make the changes. | 22:03 |
aboucher | just trying to update them | 22:03 |
zsquareplusc | aboucher: update to what? do you want to upgrade your install to an other release? | 22:03 |
funbitz1 | hi. my system monitor doesn't "rest" ever, I mean the processor is always at 20% a core and about 10% the other (core 2 duo 8200). is the monitor itself eating resources?! | 22:03 |
eeexception | Thisdude: thanks, unusual and supper answer=) | 22:03 |
Flannel | aboucher: What do you mean update? | 22:03 |
Rew | can anyone tell me how to see my cpu's operating frequency? | 22:03 |
aboucher | you can update your sources i just forgot what the command was | 22:03 |
Professor_K | how can I switch workspace using the keyboard in kubuntu please? | 22:03 |
keepsake | Rew: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" | 22:04 |
Flannel | aboucher: "update" doesn't make any sense in relation to sources.list, what are you trying to change in it? | 22:04 |
guntbert | keepsake: none is not ok, use at least the "type of mount", eg rw (for read-write) | 22:04 |
keepsake | guntbert: ah, okay, thanks! =) | 22:04 |
zsquareplusc | aboucher: i dont think so. what you can update is the package list with apt-get update. that uses sources.list but isn't changing it | 22:04 |
aboucher | thats what i eant package list sorry | 22:04 |
aboucher | * meant | 22:04 |
Rew | keepsake: that doesn't say the operating frequ | 22:04 |
Flannel | aboucher: sudo apt-get update | 22:04 |
aboucher | thank you | 22:05 |
pianoboy3333 | Is there a reason an iPod Touch won't mount on my computer? and how come gtkpod can't write to it | 22:05 |
guntbert | keepsake: yw :) | 22:05 |
eeexception | Professor_K: Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow or right does they work? | 22:05 |
exodus_ms | aboucher, This might help in the future --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=781352 | 22:06 |
BellinXFelon | how do i burn a dvd from an .avi file in xubuntu 8.04 | 22:06 |
keepsake | Rew: Isn't the frequency just CPU MHz? | 22:06 |
idejmcd | anyone know anything abuot audible.com drm files? i want to beable to play them in rythmbox | 22:06 |
andresmh | is XVidCap supposed to be the "recommended" screencapture software for Ubuntu? | 22:06 |
Professor_K | eeexception: that's how I used to do in ubuntu but for some reason it doesnt work in kubuntu | 22:06 |
ciput | hi | 22:06 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
keepsake | andresmh: I think PrtScrn above Insert is the ideal =P | 22:06 |
ciput | ollllllo | 22:06 |
andresmh | keepsake, hehe, i meant screen capture as in creating a video of what's happening on the screen, not still image | 22:07 |
pataca | alguien en español | 22:07 |
Flannel | !es | pataca | 22:07 |
ubottu | pataca: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 22:07 |
kleedrac_work | Is there any way to change the Windows XP virtual memory settings from an ubuntu live disc? | 22:07 |
keepsake | andresmh: Oh, haha, my bad. | 22:07 |
exodus_ms | !es | 22:07 |
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Rew | keepsake: yeah... i think i figured it out thanks, I needed to do some math :) | 22:07 |
kifo | hello hello | 22:08 |
BellinXFelon | how can i burn dvds in xubuntu from avi files? | 22:08 |
kifo | BellinXFelon: get a dvd burner | 22:08 |
kifo | ? | 22:08 |
aboucher | how do i check what version of ubuntu i have | 22:08 |
Guest12128 | hi, do you know if nvidia propietary driver 180 version will be incluided in ubuntu 9.04 ? | 22:08 |
keepsake | aboucher: uname -a | 22:08 |
eeexception | Professor_K: so I am not sure but in KDE there is keyboard shortcat manager. | 22:08 |
aboucher | ok | 22:08 |
kleedrac_work | Bellin: Easiest to transcode them first using mplayer | 22:08 |
zsquareplusc | aboucher: lsb_release -a | 22:08 |
BellinXFelon | ok transcode then burn | 22:09 |
kleedrac_work | Bellin: You should be able to google that easily enough anyhow ;) | 22:09 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: Okay, I tried some different resolutions. It did not help, but when I click the Detect Displays button in the resolution dialog box, I can at least get the tv to flicker | 22:09 |
keepsake | aboucher: If you meant like, 8.04 or 8.10 or something in those lines, then it's lsb_release -a like zsquareplusc said | 22:09 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: At one point it even detected "unknown" on the side of my laptop monitor, but I can't seem to get it to do that again. | 22:10 |
andresmh | anyone, what is a good replacement of Camtasia for Ubuntu? | 22:10 |
eseven73 | andresmh: i dont think one really exists | 22:10 |
Professor_K | eeexception: yeah I just found it and set the appropriate shortcuts. Thanks for the help tho | 22:10 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: the tv can not really be auto detected, it may be to detect that a tv is present but not its capabilities | 22:10 |
andresmh | eseven73, so how do people create those videos of Ubuntu? | 22:11 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: So...what should I do then? | 22:11 |
eseven73 | there are screen capturing software, but nothing like Camtasia studio lol | 22:11 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: did you try the tool from the i855-crt package? | 22:11 |
andresmh | eseven73, what is the popular screen capturing software in ubuntu then? :) | 22:12 |
peleg | How much time should take a kino import? I am trying to import to kino a 170MB .mov file, and it's "importing" it for more than 5 minutes now; also, it does not take more than 4% cpu, I don't know why. Any idea? | 22:12 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: I don't think so. How do I get this package? | 22:12 |
andresmh | XVidCam is not working for me, hopefully you suggest a different one :) | 22:12 |
guntbert | usb external HD, automounted. I want to know, where the default permissions for the mountpoint (usually /media/<Label>) are set, I think hal manages that now | 22:12 |
eseven73 | i'd like to know that myself andresmh :) but intil theres one even close to camtasia, im not even gonna bother | 22:13 |
andresmh | eseven73, sad | 22:13 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
keepsake | guntbert: I think it's "rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev" | 22:13 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: if you have intrepid, its probably i810switch. use synaptic, system->admin->packages menu or sudo apt-get install xxx | 22:14 |
keepsake | guntbert: wait, I think I'm wrong, give me a sec | 22:14 |
guntbert | keepsake: you misunderstood, I want to know the config-file, where the default permissions are set :) | 22:14 |
keepsake | guntbert: oh, I see | 22:15 |
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Susie | zsquareplusc: Okay. I found it. Should I try i810switch crt on? | 22:15 |
RezPhreak | I have a box that after I reboot won't let me VNC into it. It also doesn't like the monitor being disconnected from it, which I'd like to be able to do as well. 8.04LTS Desktp Edition. | 22:16 |
eseven73 | andresmh: this is kinda a lot of homework way of doing it, but you could try to look up like "Compiz" on youtube, and look in the comments of those vids, usually someone will ask "OMG!! ZOMG! What did u use to make this video?!11oneone" and see what they use LOL | 22:16 |
eeboy | What is the name of the remote desktop application (VNC) that comes standard with 8.04? | 22:16 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: i don't know. i neither use TV out nor do i have an intel. maybe there is a !man page | 22:16 |
Lasiv | hrrm, I installed Kismet and now I can;t access any wireless networks | 22:17 |
RezPhreak | eeboy vinagret I believe. | 22:17 |
keepsake | guntbert: aha, found it. "gksudo gconf-editor" then system -> storage -> default options | 22:17 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: All right. I'll give it a try anyway then...I guess... | 22:17 |
keepsake | guntbert: or at least that seems like where the options are | 22:17 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: the worst thing that can happen is taht you switch off your current screen ;-) but that should not be permanent, just for the current session | 22:17 |
Turl | anyone tried devede? | 22:17 |
anasmar | Hola a tod@s. | 22:17 |
eeboy | RezPhreak: Hmmm... I did a whereis on vinagret and don't come up with anything.... any other suggestions? | 22:18 |
Turl | eeboy: try which | 22:18 |
Turl | which vinagret | 22:18 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: Yeah, it only says "Enabling CRT display..." then nothing happens still | 22:18 |
Turl | or run a "updatedb" and then check | 22:18 |
eeboy | Turl: Nothing... | 22:19 |
Susie | zsquareplusc: I have to be going anyway now. I'll work more on it later. Maybe I will try a VGA adapter too at some point. Thank you so much for your help! | 22:19 |
zsquareplusc | Susie: the term ctf usually refers to the analog VGA port. it may haev a different name for the tv out | 22:19 |
guntbert | keepsake: thx, but alas that seems to apply only to the filesystems mentioned there | 22:19 |
TravisD | Hi, I'm running Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro 4,1. I've looked around on the internet to hopefully resolve the following issue, but anything I have found is either outdated or too technical. Anyways, I'm able to connecto to unsecure wireless networks, and also WEP encrypted wireless networks. The university I am at uses WPA-2 TTLS-PAP authentication, and I am unable to connect to this network. Is anyone willing to help me with this problem? | 22:19 |
eseven73 | 'locate vinagret' might work too | 22:19 |
Turl | find / | grep vinagret | 22:19 |
Turl | try that eeboy | 22:19 |
keepsake | guntbert: What kind of fs are you trying to modify? | 22:20 |
RezPhreak | I have a box that after I reboot won't let me VNC into it. It also doesn't like the monitor being disconnected from it, which I'd like to be able to do as well. 8.04LTS Desktp Edition. | 22:20 |
deftop | how can I set the port number to use with x11vnc? | 22:20 |
zsquareplusc | TravisD: TTLS-PAP? not AES or TKIP? | 22:21 |
TravisD | zsquareplusc: I'm not sure if I understand the question. I believe it uses TTLS-PAP, haha. Are AES and TKIP alternatives? | 22:21 |
eseven73 | RezPhreak: i use xtightvncserver and xtightvnc have you tried those? | 22:21 |
RezPhreak | no I havent | 22:21 |
eseven73 | there in the repos :) | 22:21 |
eseven73 | they're* | 22:21 |
zsquareplusc | TravisD: these two are encryption methods usually used with WPA2 | 22:21 |
RezPhreak | I may have to try those. | 22:22 |
TravisD | zsquareplusc: Ah, well, I guess our univeristy maybe has a strange setup then -- do you have some tips as to how I might dig to the bottom of my problems | 22:22 |
eeboy | Turl: It took a while... but nothing.... I am guessing vinagret is not the app installed eh? | 22:23 |
guntbert | keepsake: its nothing urgent, of course I can chmod the mountpoint after the mount happened, but out of curiosity I wanted to know where those things are set (in this case its a simple ext3fs) | 22:23 |
zsquareplusc | TravisD: heh, no, not really. i'm happy when i don't have wireless problems :/ | 22:23 |
Turl | eeboy, then it isn't in your system :p | 22:23 |
eeboy | Turl: But I am using it... | 22:23 |
Turl | or maybe vinagret is mispelled (?) | 22:23 |
guntbert | eeboy: its vinagre :) | 22:23 |
TravisD | Haha. Do you know how to use wpa_supplicant? I've heard some people say they can connect with that, instead of using NetworkManager | 22:23 |
Turl | TravisD, NetworkManager uses wpa_supplicant afaik | 22:24 |
eeboy | Turl: guntbert: It is indeed vinagre! | 22:24 |
jpjacobs | TravisD, that's the backend | 22:24 |
Killer--Tux | hello | 22:24 |
Turl | try Wicd TravisD | 22:24 |
pete_ | has anyone got Flash sound to work on 8.10? | 22:24 |
zsquareplusc | TravisD: no, i have WPA2 with TKIP/AES and that worked with hardy and intrepid default install | 22:24 |
Turl | pete_, it works by default | 22:24 |
eseven73 | RezPhreak: also x11vnc is good too, i use x11vnc as the server i just type 'x11vnc -display :0' and on the client computer i type 'vncviewer' | 22:25 |
eseven73 | very easy | 22:25 |
Killer--Tux | i recently installed ubuntu 8.10 and want to install comp | 22:25 |
pete_ | Welll i can't get it to work on either 710 or 804 | 22:25 |
TravisD | Turl: I connected successfully _once_ with Wicd, but I do not know if it was just fluke-chance or if I simply cannot repeat the steps that I took that time (I don't really know what happened) | 22:25 |
guntbert | eeboy: of course :), you can find such things in the menu-editor, btw | 22:25 |
eyp810 | ?hey eny one how can help whith mythtv HDTV? | 22:25 |
Turl | pete_, 8.10 brings flash 10 which solves the sound issue | 22:25 |
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exodus_ms | Killer--Tux, Do you mean 'Install completely?" | 22:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mythtv | 22:26 |
ubottu | mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv | 22:26 |
pete_ | thanks thurl I'll try again | 22:26 |
Killer--Tux | no install compiz | 22:26 |
neosisani | hi, what does console in ubuntu look like? I have to go to friend's place tommorow to fix X, and i'm wondering if i can run stuff like irssi, finch, lynx, links, vi... | 22:26 |
keepsake | Killer--Tux: Isn't compiz installed by default? | 22:26 |
exodus_ms | !compiz | 22:26 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 22:26 |
ocRob | neosisani: just a bash shell | 22:26 |
raylu | neosisani: it's just a standard tty | 22:26 |
eeboy | guntbert: Where is the menu editor? | 22:27 |
raylu | neosisani: by console, do you mean terminal or shell? | 22:27 |
Turl | neosisani, surely you can | 22:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ccsm | 22:27 |
ubottu | To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 22:27 |
neosisani | shell and stuff you get by default with ubuntu | 22:27 |
zsquareplusc | neosisani: you can. some of these might need to be installed, but they are all available. at least a vim vim minimal and w3m should be there by default | 22:27 |
j0nr | evening all | 22:27 |
keepsake | eeboy: Right click on Application or something, and it's right there | 22:28 |
neosisani | ok thanks, if i have more problems i'll come here somehow and ask | 22:28 |
j0nr | can any one help me get server edition connected to the network please? | 22:28 |
eeboy | keepsake: Thanks! | 22:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Killer--Tux it should have beeninstalled but if your video hardware was not recognized you are in vesa 1024x768 mode and will not show effects' | 22:28 |
Turl | j0nr: ethernet? | 22:28 |
guntbert | eeboy: right-click on the ubuntu-icon / Edit menus, choose an entry, right-click/properties | 22:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | j0nr /j #ubuntu-server wold be a better choice | 22:29 |
Turl | you should ifup eth0 (replace eth0 with your device) and then dhclient eth0 | 22:29 |
peleg | it's more than 20 minutes now... still kino tries to import my 170MB .mov file. What can I do? How much time should it take? | 22:29 |
j0nr | Turl: yes, ethernet | 22:29 |
Killer--Tux | ok i see | 22:30 |
Turl | try what I said | 22:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !who > Turl | 22:30 |
ubottu | Turl, please see my private message | 22:30 |
j0nr | Jack_Sparrow: will try that if needs be. | 22:30 |
j0nr | Turl: is that a string of commands? | 22:30 |
Turl | j0nr, run ifconfig eth0 | 22:31 |
Turl | and then dhclient eth0 | 22:31 |
Turl | remember to replace eth0 | 22:31 |
Turl | s/ifconfig/ifup | 22:31 |
* raylu thinks j0nr should reconsider using server edition | 22:31 | |
TravisD | Can I download a wicd package for ubuntu 8.10 so that I can put it on a thumb drive and restart in ubuntu to give it a whirl? | 22:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | j0nr To get good help requires a good question with the facts needed like what hardware/chipset ou have (network) and what flavor of ubuntu and how it was installed etc and if it is in a vm or a real install etc | 22:32 |
raylu | TravisD: wicd? unetbootin is probably what you want | 22:32 |
aero1 | can someone please help me with a sound problem? | 22:32 |
j0nr | Jack_Sparrow: apologies for lack of detail, i'm still learning | 22:32 |
raylu | !sound | aero1 | 22:32 |
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ubottu | aero1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 22:32 |
bpat1434 | Anyone mount an nfs share in Vista and know how to fix the uid/gid issue? | 22:32 |
TravisD | raylu: what is unetbootin? | 22:32 |
Turl | TravisD, try downloading the packages and install them on ubuntu | 22:32 |
graft | hiya, i got me a nippon labs SATA/IDE to USB2 adaptor, hooked it up to my IDE drive; ubuntu seems to recognize the disk, but no partitions - i am unable to mount it as an ext3 drive. | 22:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | j0nr no, just ring to get ou the help ou need | 22:32 |
Turl | aren't them on the CD? | 22:32 |
raylu | TravisD: what is wicd? google for unetbootin, please | 22:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | trying | 22:32 |
graft | anyone got a clue what i can do? | 22:32 |
raylu | graft: show the errors from mounting | 22:33 |
Turl | raylu, he needs wicd, not unetbootin | 22:33 |
eseven73 | ubuntu server is probably NOT the correct distro to learn on, no GUI and what not | 22:33 |
TravisD | Turl, I am on campus now, and do not have wireless internet in Ubuntu. I'm in MacOS right now | 22:33 |
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raylu | Turl, TravisD: oh...misunderstood | 22:34 |
Wald1 | Anyone know how to change the Menu Bar icon in 8.04? All the tutorials I've found are for earlier versions and don't work | 22:34 |
graft | raylu: the usual, "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, etc." | 22:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | TravisD see aptoncd or burn var/cache/apt/archives after a dl on a dif box | 22:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptoncd | 22:34 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 22:34 |
* raylu afk | 22:34 | |
Jack_Sparrow | Wald1 If you mean the one with the ubuntu logo, we wont help you with that in here | 22:34 |
cyber_cop | hi channell | 22:35 |
Turl | TravisD, -> http://apt.wicd.net/wicd_1.5.6_all.deb | 22:35 |
cyber_cop | I'am Turkish ubuntu user | 22:35 |
cyber_cop | ubuntu 8.10 video converter please ??? | 22:35 |
Turl | TravisD, idk if it depends on something else though | 22:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | TravisD the deb is one thing, the dependencies are another | 22:36 |
TravisD | Turl thanks! | 22:36 |
Wald1 | Eh, not a well-looked-upon mod, huh? | 22:36 |
cyber_cop | all formats | 22:36 |
Turl | cyber_cop: ffmpeg | 22:36 |
cyber_cop | video converter | 22:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wald1 No | 22:36 |
TravisD | I could also wait to install it later. I would just like to see if it works first haha | 22:36 |
gawd | Hello, World! | 22:36 |
cyber_cop | Turl: all formats converter ?? | 22:36 |
j0nr | Turl: Thanks! That did it. | 22:36 |
TravisD | Its frustrating. I want to make the switch to Ubuntu (I'm a CS student, and its an incredibly nice environment), but without the luxuries I have running other OS's, its hard | 22:36 |
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c40s | /server irc.virtualife.com.br | 22:37 |
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Turl | cyber_cop: yes | 22:37 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, i need help, what i want to do is set it up so Picasa pops up when i plug in my Camera (rebel XSi/450d).. F-spot used to come up, but for some reason they dont see my camera anymore | 22:37 |
ToddEDM | would anyone care to help? | 22:37 |
cyber_cop | Turl: thank you very much | 22:38 |
Turl | cyber_cop: no problem ;) | 22:38 |
graft | huh... if i try fdisk /dev/sdc, it says "Unable to read /dev/sdc" | 22:38 |
deftop_ | I've connected remotely to my ubuntu machine with VNC | 22:38 |
raylu | graft: sudo | 22:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | graft sudo fdisk -l last letter is l | 22:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | L | 22:38 |
graft | raylu: i'm root | 22:38 |
deftop_ | but I can't launch any programs on it | 22:38 |
ToddEDM | i see my camera when i goto PLACES, but nothing in picasa or F-spot | 22:39 |
raylu | Jack_Sparrow: that's not the problem | 22:39 |
deftop_ | it always says "Starting <program name>..." in the taskbar, disappears after a bit, and never launches the program | 22:39 |
deftop_ | what could this be? | 22:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !root > graft | 22:39 |
ubottu | graft, please see my private message | 22:39 |
raylu | deftop_: can you start a terminal? | 22:39 |
deftop_ | nope | 22:39 |
raylu | Jack_Sparrow: again, not the problem | 22:39 |
deftop_ | tried starting firefox, terminal, even calculator | 22:39 |
deftop_ | nothing works | 22:39 |
deftop_ | the programs that are already open work fine | 22:40 |
graft | Jack_Sparrow: i sudo -i'd... also fdisk -l won't list /dev/sdc | 22:40 |
moDumass | 1440x900? anybody got that res working on 8.10? if its lcd can i plz see your xorg.conf file because mine wont go | 22:40 |
raylu | deftop_: strange. do you need to vnc into an existing session | 22:40 |
legine | Hello there. I got a problem with upgrade ubuntu from dapper to hardy. The Upgrade app says I have no ubuntu-desktop packet installed. synaptic says there is no such package in repository. Anyone clues? I am very unfamiliar with ubuntu :P | 22:40 |
raylu | deftop_: or is starting a new one an option? | 22:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | raylu him running as root is a problem if he set a root password. | 22:40 |
raylu | Jack_Sparrow: why would that be? | 22:40 |
zsquareplusc | graft: fdisk only works if the disk has a partition. flash memory SD, CF, USB is often formated without one | 22:40 |
deftop_ | raylu: I'm in an existing session right now... not sure how I'd make it do a new one | 22:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | raylu read the link | 22:40 |
deftop_ | raylu: I set up the server over ssh | 22:40 |
deftop_ | and I'm using x11vnc | 22:40 |
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raylu | deftop_: well, it's easier if you just use x11 forwarding over ssh and start a gnome session | 22:41 |
raylu | deftop_: than using vnc. the only disadvantage is that you can't vnc into an existing session | 22:41 |
c_newbie | hi, i want to build my own php5*deb because the 64bit problem with stream_select(), how to make sure the compilation under the right patter cflags "-O1" | 22:41 |
legine | deftop have you tried useing commandline? | 22:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | graft fdisk -l should show all recognized drives, if it doesnt see a usb drive that is a dif matter | 22:41 |
deftop_ | raylu: I tried using x11 forwarding over ssh but couldn't get it working cause of the DISPLAY variable | 22:41 |
deftop_ | legine: how so? I'm connected via ssh | 22:42 |
raylu | c_newbie: how are you building it? make? | 22:42 |
raylu | deftop_: what ssh client? | 22:42 |
deftop_ | raylu: putty | 22:42 |
graft | Jack_Sparrow: oh wait i think i might know the problem, the disk might need to be in master mode rather than slave... | 22:42 |
raylu | deftop_: connection > ssh > x11? | 22:42 |
smacfarl | the amarok people just sent me over here to find out who in Ubuntu land builds amarok 2.0 | 22:42 |
legine | Ohh so you on a win machine going through putty on a linux server? | 22:42 |
deftop_ | legine: yeah | 22:43 |
deftop_ | raylu: one moment | 22:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | graft some have a stand alone setting as well if needed | 22:43 |
moDumass | aaargghh so "screens and graphics" is not around in 8.10, which is great if it worked, but it hasnt recognised my lcd and i cant make it change, any ideas? | 22:43 |
raylu | smacfarl: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/amarok | 22:43 |
deftop_ | raylu: oh I didn't even know these options were here... heh.. I'll try enabling x11 support ;) | 22:43 |
legine | deftop_ and now you want to start firefox by forwarding it to your windows? | 22:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | smacfarl wrong room for that.. perhaps -motu | 22:43 |
aboucher | what should i use for dvd ripping | 22:43 |
deftop_ | legine: yeah | 22:43 |
legine | ahh. | 22:43 |
raylu | er... | 22:43 |
raylu | legine, deftop_: no | 22:44 |
deftop_ | do I have to set an x11 display location? | 22:44 |
raylu | he wants to start it on the remote machine and forward the entire screen to windows | 22:44 |
deftop_ | yeah that | 22:44 |
=== slashme is now known as slash | ||
=== Jguy2 is now known as Jguy | ||
Turl | for the amarok guy, http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/amarok | 22:45 |
=== slash is now known as meslash | ||
zsquareplusc | deftop_: did you run a gui app with sudo instead of gksu? | 22:45 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, i need help, what i want to do is set it up so Picasa pops up when i plug in my Camera (rebel XSi/450d).. F-spot used to come up, but for some reason they dont see my camera anymore...i see my camera when i goto PLACES, but nothing in picasa or F-spot | 22:45 |
raylu | zsquareplusc: not even close. read scrollback please | 22:45 |
meslash | If xorg.conf is now empty, where am I supposed to put config settings for my touchpad? | 22:45 |
legine | I dont think that works with putty | 22:45 |
zsquareplusc | raylu: i did and it can be a problem | 22:46 |
raylu | meslash: i believe intrepid leaves it empty for X to figure out | 22:46 |
deftop_ | raylu: what should I set X11 display location to? | 22:46 |
raylu | zsquareplusc: not even close to _his_ problem. again, read scrollback | 22:46 |
meslash | Yep, but can I still put config settings in? | 22:46 |
raylu | deftop_: leave it blank | 22:46 |
deftop_ | not working then =/ | 22:46 |
raylu | meslash: maybe. i'm not sure | 22:46 |
deftop_ | still says no display specified | 22:46 |
raylu | deftop_: did you start an x server? | 22:46 |
zsquareplusc | raylu: using x11 instead of fixing his vnc session isn't close either ;-) | 22:46 |
deftop_ | I did this: | 22:46 |
deftop_ | ssh -f -T -X derefed@Ubuntu-Vaio firefox | 22:46 |
raylu | zsquareplusc: but i'm giving him a better solution :D | 22:47 |
meslash | Hmm. OK, thx raylu. | 22:47 |
raylu | deftop_: wait, wtf? | 22:47 |
deftop_ | ? | 22:47 |
raylu | deftop_: i thought you were using putty? | 22:47 |
legine | Anyone knows the ubuntu-desktop package? | 22:47 |
deftop_ | yeah | 22:47 |
deftop_ | I'm following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto#Running%20GUI%20Programs | 22:47 |
deftop_ | in putty I typed that command | 22:47 |
eseven73 | !wtf | 22:47 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:47 |
raylu | deftop_: but that's assuming you're using the unix ssh client | 22:48 |
deftop_ | oh | 22:48 |
deftop_ | in that case, how do I do it from putty? | 22:48 |
high-freq | can't say wtf anymore? | 22:48 |
zsquareplusc | raylu: x11 forwarding isn't better if the other end is windoze. i did that and its slow. X11 over internet is also slow. vnc works better if the network has higher lattencies | 22:48 |
raylu | deftop_: echo $DISPLAY | 22:48 |
ruslan | test | 22:48 |
deftop_ | raylu: it shows nothing | 22:48 |
raylu | zsquareplusc: perhaps. but i also have no clue what is wrong | 22:48 |
raylu | deftop_: did you run an X server on your windows machine? | 22:48 |
deftop_ | zsquareplusc: I don't care about speed I just need access to firefox from this machine for like 5 mins | 22:48 |
deftop_ | raboo: no =/ | 22:49 |
outoftime | hi all - does anyone have a favorite browser to use with E17? | 22:49 |
andresmh | how do i know if i have compiz fusion? | 22:49 |
deftop_ | raylu* | 22:49 |
andresmh | or just compiz | 22:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | high-freq No, and saying again after the factoid is really pushing your luck | 22:49 |
raylu | deftop_: in that case, i think you want the "links" package | 22:49 |
legine | raylu deftop_ putty is only a commandline thingy. You need some other app to make the connection | 22:49 |
high-freq | what is wrong with saying it? | 22:49 |
legine | so far I know | 22:49 |
deftop_ | raylu: is that a text-based browser? | 22:49 |
moDumass | hey please help me with this, google has so far not spat out a workable answer, i have a 1440x900@60 19 inch lcd, in the past i would select generic 19 inch lcd with that res from screens and graphics but there is no screens and graphics, any ides? | 22:49 |
raylu | deftop_: yep | 22:49 |
zsquareplusc | deftop_: you have an x-server on the wondows box? like xming? | 22:49 |
legine | deftop_ yes | 22:49 |
deftop_ | can't use text-based | 22:49 |
deftop_ | already tried those | 22:50 |
raylu | deftop_: ? why? | 22:50 |
deftop_ | see I screwed up my router and I've been trying to get in to fix it | 22:50 |
graft | nope, that in't it | 22:50 |
high-freq | weird that they can say all sorts of stuff on tv and radio but u can't say that | 22:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | high-freq Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly | 22:50 |
deftop_ | but my router apparently outputs bad HTML that the text-based browsers won't display properly | 22:50 |
raylu | high-freq: in the US, perhaps :P | 22:50 |
Terrasque | deftop_: ssh tcp port tunneling | 22:50 |
Turl | moDumass, screen resolution? see in prefs menu | 22:50 |
deftop_ | so I can never hit the submit button on forms because they are never rendered | 22:50 |
raylu | deftop_: i still think you should spend 60 seconds and give links a shot | 22:50 |
deftop_ | I already tried lynx, w3m, and elinks | 22:51 |
deftop_ | they all didn't work | 22:51 |
raylu | oh :( | 22:51 |
moDumass | Turl, yhe its not one of the options i can select in prefs.. its in xorg.conf, but hasnt translated across. its also not in nvidia-settings | 22:51 |
aero1 | Hi everyone, can someone help me with sound issues? My sound card is detected, sound modules loaded, alsa selectec (I did everything that link asked me to check my system) | 22:51 |
aero1 | short of recompiling new sound drivers | 22:51 |
raylu | in that case, you're back to setting up an X11 server. i recommend Xming | 22:51 |
aero1 | my sound card used to work (I have T61 thinkpad) | 22:51 |
deftop_ | I'd be willing to setup this X server thing on windows... is xming pretty straightforward to get going? | 22:51 |
Terrasque | deftop_: ssh port forwarding, either directly to router:80 or set up a vnc server and port forward to that, connect, and start firefox. | 22:51 |
raylu | deftop_: extremely | 22:51 |
aero1 | I reinstalled ubuntu (same version), upgraded, and no sound | 22:51 |
deftop_ | k I'll give it a shot brb | 22:52 |
deftop_ | wait | 22:52 |
deftop_ | Terrasque: ssh port forwarding? how can I do that? | 22:52 |
Terrasque | deftop_: what client do you use to ssh? | 22:52 |
aero1 | someone help me with sound issues? | 22:52 |
deftop_ | putty | 22:52 |
bre4kbeat | where are my fonts in 8.04? | 22:53 |
Terrasque | deftop_: Putty configuration -> Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels | 22:53 |
hischild | !fonts | bre4kbeat | 22:53 |
ubottu | bre4kbeat: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 22:53 |
smacfarl | raylu: SO I am looking at the source package page for amarok http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/intrepid/amarok Do I go the the debain source package repository to get all the headers I need to build this? | 22:53 |
bre4kbeat | where is the physical folder | 22:53 |
robb_m | bre4kbeat, it should be /usr/share/fonts iirc | 22:53 |
Terrasque | deftop_: source port is port on local machine, destination is ip:port | 22:53 |
bre4kbeat | thanks | 22:53 |
vampirefrog | hi. I'm trying to run my monitors at 100Hz, now they both run at 85Hz... any ideas? it works in windows, they both run fine at 100Hz | 22:54 |
Terrasque | deftop_: so source 8080, then destination router_ip:80 - then connect to localhost:8080 | 22:54 |
vampirefrog | also i doubt it has to do with the fact that it's a dual head setup | 22:54 |
bre4kbeat | do i put the.ttf fonts in the font folder or in truetype? | 22:54 |
deftop_ | okay | 22:54 |
rs-friends | hello | 22:54 |
rs-friends | i got a problem with alsamixer and volumcontrol, when i starte i a get error, coul coul not finde devoice | 22:55 |
soccer_hawk10 | hey all. i resolved my video problem by installing 32 bit instead of 64 bit. is my computer somehow slowed down by this decision? like, does it still utilize both cores and whatnot? | 22:55 |
Terrasque | deftop_: some web interfaces does "clever stuff" that break the forwarding (hard code url in links for example), and then you'll need to use vnc instad. | 22:55 |
rs-friends | what can i do? | 22:55 |
robb_m | bre4kbeat, in truetype | 22:55 |
deftop_ | Terrasque: so once I log in through ssh I can open a browser on my local machine and point it to localhost:8080? | 22:56 |
legine | Terrasque isnt vnc a linux app? | 22:56 |
Terrasque | legine: vnc is a protocol | 22:56 |
Terrasque | deftop_: yes, if port tunnel is set up correctly :) | 22:56 |
legine | does windows understand vnc? | 22:56 |
rs-friends | i got a problem with alsamixer and volumcontrol, when i starte i a get error, coul coul not finde devoice | 22:56 |
Terrasque | legine: there are windows clients that connect to vnc, yes | 22:56 |
robb_m | legine, if you install a program for vnc it does.... | 22:57 |
bre4kbeat | robb_m, hey man how to i set the permission to allow me to move it there? | 22:57 |
Terrasque | legine: its a bit like asking "does windows support mp3?" - well, yes, if you install a program that play mp3's it does :) | 22:57 |
legine | Yea sure. But not nativly | 22:57 |
deftop_ | Terrasque: It worked!!! | 22:57 |
deftop_ | wow | 22:57 |
deftop_ | thank you | 22:57 |
deftop_ | this is exactly what I needed | 22:58 |
FloodBot2 | deftop_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:58 |
legine | mp3 support is shipped by microsoft these days :P s | 22:58 |
rs-friends | i got a problem with alsamixer and volumcontrol, when i starte i a get error, coul coul not finde devoice | 22:58 |
legine | great. I am astonished | 22:58 |
lahori | i want help installing my wireless drivers for (Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG) on ubuntu 8.10 | 22:58 |
robb_m | sudo mv path/to/font /usr/share/fonts/truetype i think....bre4kbeat | 22:58 |
exodus_ms | !wifi | 22:58 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 22:58 |
Terrasque | deftop_: good :) and remember that ssh port tunneling is a very useful tool, for a lot of stuff :D | 22:58 |
bre4kbeat | its gonna give me an error | 22:58 |
deftop_ | indeed | 22:58 |
* robb_m doesnt quite remember sorry... | 22:59 | |
zsquareplusc | bre4kbeat, robb_m you can install fonts in your home too. ~/.fonts iirc | 22:59 |
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robb_m | zsquareplusc, yeah, i just thought of that too.... | 22:59 |
bre4kbeat | zsquareplusc, i was just dragging and dropping | 22:59 |
robb_m | zsquareplusc, you have to manually create that folder.... | 22:59 |
bre4kbeat | but i dont have permission | 22:59 |
spenney | I' | 22:59 |
mnemonic76 | I have a problem with the tooltips in gtkpod disappearing almost instantly! | 22:59 |
Terrasque | deftop_: as a bonus it's encrypted, so no snooping on the stream too. You can even make it work as a socks proxy. It's all kinds of awesome, and one of the reasons for why ssh is my #1 favorite tool | 23:00 |
robb_m | bre4kbeat, run gksudo nautilus then try it again.... | 23:00 |
zsquareplusc | robb_m: creating a folder in your own home shouldn't be too difficult ;-) | 23:00 |
spenney | I've recently run into problems updating ubuntu. It can't find a bunch of my repositories. | 23:00 |
spenney | Is there any reason that a bunch of the repositories would stop working? | 23:00 |
wcdl | is anyone having problems with skype? | 23:00 |
mnemonic76 | I read a post from some guy with the same problem in Fedora 8, but can't find anyone else with my problem in Hardy. | 23:00 |
bre4kbeat | whats that? | 23:00 |
bre4kbeat | i just want to unlock it so i can paste it | 23:00 |
wcdl | is anyone having problems with skype? | 23:00 |
bre4kbeat | set permission | 23:00 |
Terrasque | legine: http://www.tightvnc.com/ - just for the record :) | 23:00 |
bre4kbeat | idk how | 23:00 |
AzizLight | I have a set of aliases in .bash_aliases. everytime I use them I can't use auto-completion anymore, but if I use the full commands auto-completion works again. How can I enable auto-completion for my aliases please? | 23:01 |
legine | Ahh ty will read it :) | 23:01 |
rs-friends | i got a problem with alsamixer and volumcontrol, when i starte i a get error, coul coul not finde devoice | 23:01 |
mnemonic76 | Tooltips work in other programs, but they are only up for like one second in gtkpod. Is there a way to fix that short of hacking the source and recompiling? | 23:02 |
legine | and bookmarked ... :) | 23:02 |
exodus_ms | !sound | 23:02 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 23:02 |
kane77 | wcdl, I only have issues with their proprietary protocol so I don't use it ;) | 23:02 |
bre4kbeat | ok the owner of the folder is root, so im not the owner...how can i swap over to root and set the permission on folders....anyone please? | 23:03 |
exodus_ms | !sudo | 23:03 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 23:03 |
wcdl | Kane, i mean sound problems | 23:03 |
andresmh | is there a way to check the signal strength of a Mobile Broadband Connection? Currently I can only connect/disconnect from the system tray but I don't know how to check the signal strength | 23:03 |
legine | back to my problem, where can I get ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop or eubuntu-desktop? | 23:03 |
Juniper | www.ubuntu.com | 23:03 |
Juniper | @_@ | 23:03 |
wcdl | i can hear other people but they can't hear me | 23:03 |
legine | haha. | 23:03 |
kane77 | wcdl, do you have audio recording device set properly? | 23:04 |
ryxxed | i want to install ubuntu 8.10 over kubuntu 8.10 | 23:04 |
mnemonic76 | legine get a torrent from ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu | 23:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info ubuntu-desktop | 23:04 |
ubottu | ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.124 (intrepid), package size 26 kB, installed size 52 kB | 23:04 |
ryxxed | what would be the best way of doing this with losing least amount of data | 23:04 |
lahori | in order to install the WLAN drivers for my (Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG) .. I need to compile the following package ieee80211-1.2.18.tgz... but am facing some problem while compiling it.. some kind of error.. could somebody please guide me | 23:04 |
wcdl | yes | 23:04 |
legine | No I have ubuntu installed I just want to upgrade, and the upgrade app is complaining those packages are missing... | 23:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | legine sudo apt-get ubuntu0desktop should do what ou want .. from a term of course | 23:04 |
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exodus_ms | !details | lahori | 23:04 |
ubottu | lahori: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 23:04 |
mnemonic76 | How can I install another version of Ubuntu alongside my main Hardy? | 23:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | legine sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop | 23:05 |
exodus_ms | i.e. what is the error? | 23:05 |
Juniper | My wireless stopped working without any real reason to. I think I know the root of the problem and how to fix, but I'm having some questions. See here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne#WIRELESS: | 23:05 |
Terrasque | Jack_Sparrow: sudo apt-get *install* ubuntu-desktop :) | 23:05 |
legine | it says no such package | 23:05 |
zsquareplusc | mnemonic76: dual boot, chroot, virtual machine. whatever you like | 23:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | mnemonic76 install the other version in it's own partition | 23:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | Terrasque thanks | 23:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !netsplit | 23:06 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 23:06 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 23:06 |
mnemonic76 | Yeah, dual boot is the ticket. | 23:06 |
rdw200169 | mp | 23:06 |
Xcerca | is there a chan for ubuntu programing ? | 23:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !netsplit | 23:06 |
bre4kbeat | sudo mv /home/clint/Desktop/arfmoochikncheez.ttf /usr/share/fonts | 23:07 |
bre4kbeat | does not work | 23:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Xcerca there are channels for most programming languages, but not necessarilly for ubuntu | 23:07 |
bre4kbeat | can find the file | 23:07 |
mnemonic76 | Just make another root partition and let the installer put it in there? The installer should know to use the existing swap partition right? | 23:07 |
usser_ | wth?? | 23:08 |
usser_ | reverse netsplit? | 23:08 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, i need help, what i want to do is set it up so Picasa pops up when i plug in my Camera (rebel XSi/450d).. F-spot used to come up, but for some reason they dont see my camera anymore...i see my camera when i goto PLACES, but nothing in picasa or F-spot | 23:08 |
bre4kbeat | net split | 23:08 |
bre4kbeat | sudo mv /home/clint/Desktop/arfmoochikncheez.ttf /usr/share/fonts | 23:08 |
mnemonic76 | thanks, later | 23:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | ToddEDM does picassa see it now if run manually | 23:08 |
dabadan | hey, what kind of proxy can i use to connect to irc? | 23:08 |
dabadan | iam not interested in psybnc, i mainly want it to just hide my host | 23:08 |
Xcerca | Jack_Sparrow , how do you see the source for all of these programs ? any general way ? | 23:09 |
lahori | exodus_ms: I am using ubuntu 8.10, WLAN card (Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG).. I am following the step-by-step guide at http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/INSTALL ... the problem occurs when i "make" ieee80211-1.1.14 ... | 23:09 |
lahori | the error is | 23:09 |
lahori | /home/atif/Desktop/ieee80211-1.2.18/ieee80211_module.c: In function ‘ieee80211_init’: | 23:09 |
lahori | /home/atif/Desktop/ieee80211-1.2.18/ieee80211_module.c:268: error: ‘proc_net’ undeclared (first use in this function) | 23:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | dabadan offtopic... try #freenode and ask about a cloak | 23:09 |
therealnanotube | dabadan: you could sign up on freenode for a hidden ip (it's called a "cloak"). | 23:09 |
breta | Hi, does anyone try to set runlevel in which tha machine boots in bootloader? I tried howtos for another distros, but without success... | 23:10 |
riegersn | is the nvidia driver issue fixed for intrepid and the new xorg version ? i'm dying to upgrade the distro! | 23:10 |
lahori | and it gives few more errors like that and stops | 23:10 |
happy_mart | #django | 23:10 |
nrb | hi | 23:10 |
therealnanotube | dabadan: but it will of course, only work on freenode, not on any other irc servers :) | 23:10 |
moDumass | morning all, i cant get my res working, this is my xorg.conf file http://pastebin.com/d70f78e22 ive tried so many ways to get this going, please look it over and if the flaw is stuoid please point it out becuase i well, just dont know enough | 23:10 |
breta | * has anyone tried | 23:10 |
dabadan | Jack_Sparrow, therealnanotube, i can host host on a friends dedicated server | 23:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | !django | 23:10 |
ubottu | django is a high level python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. - see http://www.djangoproject.com | 23:10 |
dabadan | i used psybnc until now, but what i want is just a "cloak", maybe socks proxy are right for me? | 23:11 |
AzizLight | is it a good idea to install kubuntu-restricted-extras or is there a better way to install the codecs to be able to listen to mp3,wav,aac and watch avi,xvid,wmv,mp4 etc? | 23:11 |
therealnanotube | breta: on ubuntu, runlevels 2-5 are all the same, so there's really no need... why do you want to do that? | 23:11 |
anthony_ | I'm trying to watch a dvd for the first time, "Dogma", 8.10, tried Kaffine and Totem, Hints? | 23:11 |
Xcerca | AzizLight the restrited extras is fine | 23:11 |
hischild | anthony_, vlc? | 23:11 |
NemesisD | can anyone confirm to me if the latest ubuntu livecd has any ruby packages on it by default? | 23:12 |
mchelen | hey i have a cheap usb webcam, what do i do after plugging it in? | 23:12 |
therealnanotube | Xcerca: what program's source code do you want to see? | 23:12 |
dabadan | how can i tell ubuntu to play xvid files with vlc instead of video player? default application? | 23:12 |
dabadan | i always choose "play file with", then select vnc, its a bit annoying | 23:12 |
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ToddEDM | Jack_Sparrow: no picasa does not see the Camera | 23:13 |
zsquareplusc | dabadan: open properties of one of the files and set vlc in the open with tab | 23:13 |
therealnanotube | dabadan: right click file -> properties -> open with | 23:13 |
Xcerca | therealnanotube say for gedit or pidgin, those are open source right ? | 23:13 |
HelgeS | Anyone there programming in Haskell, who knows how to install cabal? | 23:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | ToddEDM ou should re-phrase our question to reflect that.. | 23:13 |
Setebos | Hello, is there a way for me to limit the size of a folder? | 23:13 |
therealnanotube | Xcerca: easiest way is to "apt-get source gedit", e.g. | 23:13 |
Xcerca | therealnanotube just to see how stuff works | 23:13 |
dabadan | zsquareplusc, therealnanotube thanks | 23:13 |
ToddEDM | Jack_Sparrow: sorry i gotta step away for a bit can you help me later? | 23:13 |
ToddEDM | kids crying | 23:14 |
AzizLight | Xcerca: what does it install exactly, does it just install the codecs or does it install other stuff too? | 23:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | ToddEDM Kinda busy with my own thing here | 23:14 |
ubuntu008 | dabadan: agree with therealnanotube | 23:14 |
therealnanotube | Xcerca: or you can go to the project's websites and get the source archive, too. | 23:14 |
legine | is there a lightweight chatclient other then chatzilla. It is eating my system :( | 23:14 |
eseven73 | xchat | 23:14 |
ryxxed | pidgin | 23:15 |
Xcerca | therealnanotube , when i do apt-get source then can i open it in code blocks or the like | 23:15 |
ubuntu008 | legine: irssi | 23:15 |
legine | not in repository. | 23:15 |
legine | xchat I mean | 23:15 |
ubuntu008 | legine: i'm using irssi right now | 23:15 |
eseven73 | yes it is | 23:15 |
saxin | *gjesp* | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | ryxxed pidgin is not a very good nor light irc client | 23:15 |
Setebos | legine: Not sure how lightweight it is but I use opera for email, browser, and chat | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | legine yes it is.. | 23:15 |
Xcerca | AzizLight , it installs codecs and some other restricted packages | 23:15 |
ryxxed | it's not that bad | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info xchat | 23:15 |
ubottu | xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 840 kB | 23:15 |
eseven73 | get irssi though, takes awhile to get used to but its well worth learning it. | 23:16 |
ubuntu008 | !info irssi | 23:16 |
ubottu | irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-4ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1056 kB, installed size 2908 kB | 23:16 |
legine | well not on this machine | 23:16 |
legine | brb | 23:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | legine enable universe to get xchat | 23:16 |
quackquack | hi everybody | 23:16 |
zigot | hi guys and gals | 23:16 |
anthony_ | hischild: not quite sure of how to use it, no gui? | 23:16 |
quackquack | i have a problem with vsftpd 2.0.7 | 23:16 |
zigot | what is the proper way to raise a question here? | 23:16 |
zsquareplusc | !ask | 23:16 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:16 |
anthony_ | zigot: ask it | 23:16 |
hischild | anthony_, ofcourse it has a GUI. Check under applications - video and audio | 23:16 |
zigot | cool | 23:17 |
anthony_ | hischild: I suspect I just failed on the install. | 23:17 |
zigot | I was wondering if there is a way to change default file type icons in ibex? | 23:17 |
ubuntu__ | jj | 23:17 |
cheeps | I cant get my lirc working, could someone with more skills look at my post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6363463 | 23:17 |
AzizLight | Xcerca: is there a way to install just the codecs? I'd like to install the other restricted packages alone. Or at least I dont want to install the extra fonts that restricted-extras install | 23:18 |
julien | #Rebel-Fansub sur Fansub-irc | 23:18 |
eseven73 | almost everything has a gui in ubuntu, and if not theres usually "Front ends" (GUIs) you can install seperately, like grsync for rsync, gnome-schedule for cron stuff, ETC | 23:18 |
Xcerca | AzizLight , well i'm sure you could do it one by one if you wanted to , check out the forums | 23:18 |
flak | I have a problem with weird corruptions in my window decorations. It's like a line through it and it only occurs when a window doesnt have focus: http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m7/FlakMonkey42/lines.png | 23:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Andrew`_ It is a bad idea to be logged as root and on the web.. | 23:20 |
zigot | flak have you tried finding better graphic drivers? | 23:21 |
Andrew`_ | When installing ubuntu-xen-server with apt it doesn't seem to create a xen kernel in /boot/ like all the tutorials suggest | 23:21 |
=== onetinsoldier_ is now known as onetinsoldier | ||
Andrew`_ | haha oops | 23:21 |
joska | phew feeling noob again | 23:21 |
joska | haha | 23:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | Andrew`_ Just trying to help keep you safe | 23:21 |
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=== joska is now known as legine | ||
Andrew`_ | yeah cheers Jack_Sparrow :-) | 23:22 |
flak | zigot, I'm using the latest | 23:22 |
flak | shout I try another | 23:22 |
flak | should* | 23:22 |
julien | /msg [Rebel]Kuchiha xdcc send #35 | 23:22 |
Andrew`_ | so why wouldn't the xen install create kernel images? | 23:23 |
zigot | flak, changing the drivers worked for me with a similar (compiz related) issue | 23:23 |
berilio | is it possible to put some kinda equaziler o some animations while playing song on elisa? | 23:23 |
flak | alright, Ill give it a shot | 23:23 |
eseven73 | virtualbox or vmware is prolly an easier option than Xen | 23:23 |
flak | thank | 23:23 |
flak | s | 23:23 |
julien | irc://irc.Fansub-IRC.eu/Rebel-Fansub | 23:23 |
riegersn | is the nvidia driver issue fixed for intrepid and the new xorg version ? i'm dying to upgrade the distro! | 23:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | julien What are you tring to do? | 23:23 |
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* cyber_mesgul #pardusgeyik kanalında işim var. | 23:24 | |
Andrew`_ | he's trying to download tv probgrams :) | 23:24 |
legine | would reinstalling ubuntu-base drag ubuntu-desktop into the install too? | 23:24 |
khafra | When I stop xwindows, when running from the livecd, the whole thing reboots | 23:24 |
khafra | How do I make it let me go to cli only, but be able to restart gnome? | 23:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Andrew`_ I should have asked, why is he trying to do that in here.. :) | 23:25 |
Andrew`_ | haha fair enough | 23:25 |
therealnanotube | khafra: ctl-alt-f2 will switch you to a console virtual terminal. | 23:25 |
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khafra | therealnanotube: I know how to switch, but the nvidia driver won't install unless I halt X | 23:26 |
therealnanotube | khafra: f1-f6 give you these. f7 is where k is running. | 23:26 |
therealnanotube | khafra: aha, well, once you ane in the vty, run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 23:26 |
therealnanotube | khafra: that will stop x. | 23:26 |
khafra | ahhh, cool | 23:26 |
calton | efneet | 23:26 |
khafra | I'll assume gdm start will fire it back up? | 23:26 |
ubuntu008 | khafra: sudo nvidia-setting | 23:26 |
therealnanotube | khafra: indeed it will. :) | 23:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | khafra hit clt-alt-f2, login. run sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if neede | 23:26 |
julien | Fansub-irc | 23:28 |
therealnanotube | Jack_Sparrow: hm, i suppose invoke-rc.d is the "sanctioned way" to access init scripts? | 23:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | yep | 23:28 |
julien | irc://irc.Fansub-IRC.eu/Rebel-Fansub | 23:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | julien Please dont do that in here | 23:28 |
khafra | Thanks! I'm now a fan of crystalline carbon pirates. | 23:28 |
hischild | julien, stop the random chatter. | 23:28 |
eseven73 | in virtualbox theres a way to have it send the ctrl+alt+backspace key to guest OS, but im not seeing any such option on vmware server (web gui) | 23:28 |
therealnanotube | Jack_Sparrow: hm, cool. now besides not having to type the full path to the script, does it do anything different? | 23:28 |
therealnanotube | Jack_Sparrow: just so i know. :) | 23:29 |
riegersn | is the nvidia driver issue fixed for intrepid and the new xorg version ? i'm dying to upgrade the distro! | 23:29 |
BoredBoring | hi everybody | 23:29 |
therealnanotube | BoredBoring: hi | 23:29 |
BoredBoring | i have a problem with my new notebook | 23:30 |
BoredBoring | i installed ubuntu 8.10 on it and everything works rather well | 23:30 |
BoredBoring | :) | 23:30 |
eseven73 | in vmware i can get 8.10 to full resolution :) maybe try ubuntu 8.10 in vmware riegersn , at least until theres a fix | 23:30 |
BoredBoring | however | 23:30 |
BoredBoring | i cannot configure the mouse | 23:30 |
BoredBoring | (the touchpad) | 23:30 |
BoredBoring | and my xorg.conf file is empty | 23:30 |
riegersn | eseven73, so thats a no ? | 23:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > BoredBoring | 23:30 |
ubottu | BoredBoring, please see my private message | 23:30 |
therealnanotube | BoredBoring: what's wrong with your touchpad that you want to configure it? | 23:31 |
anthony_ | Well, smplayer knows that a DVD exists, none other have gotten that far. oc, it crashes. is there an easy mode? | 23:31 |
eseven73 | riegersn: im assuming there is no fix yet, given that im in here about 12 hours a day and still see people complain bout Nvidia + ubuntu 8.10 xorg server issues | 23:31 |
BoredBoring | well | 23:31 |
BoredBoring | it is very slow | 23:31 |
BoredBoring | i want the poiner to move faster | 23:32 |
anthony_ | system > preferences > mouse | 23:32 |
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BoredBoring | yes | 23:33 |
* cyber_cop bak yine geri geldim | 23:33 | |
BoredBoring | i set the sensitivty to the maximum level | 23:33 |
BoredBoring | it still is very slow | 23:33 |
anthony_ | "I painted it red, but the fan still doesnt work." | 23:33 |
legine | test | 23:33 |
BoredBoring | ??? | 23:33 |
legine | <-- is there the name legine? | 23:34 |
Draceee | Im unable to install Java...any help? | 23:34 |
BoredBoring | which setting should i change if sensitivity is the wrong one? | 23:34 |
zsquareplusc | BoredBoring: if it is a touchpad, gsynaptics may help | 23:34 |
BoredBoring | zsquareplusc: i installed it, but i cannot run it | 23:34 |
zsquareplusc | legine: yes there is, go test in a less noisy channel please | 23:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | BoredBoring May I have a word with ou please | 23:35 |
BoredBoring | Jack_Sparrow: sure | 23:35 |
Draceee | Any help installing java? | 23:35 |
legine | sry. I was just wondering. | 23:35 |
eseven73 | Draceee: have you installed all the "JRE 6" packages? theres like 6 of them in synaptic | 23:36 |
psilocyde | hey folks o/ trying to install a package from source by way of ./configure, make, sudo checkinstall but i seem to be having a problem creating the .deb. | 23:36 |
Draceee | synaptic? | 23:36 |
eseven73 | synaptic package manager | 23:36 |
crapo_jaune | Hi could someone please upload his /etc/sudoers file to pastebin? Mine is totally broken :( | 23:36 |
kitche | Draceee: aptitude apt-get you can use either | 23:37 |
eseven73 | system>administration>synaptic | 23:37 |
danopia | how much RAM can i use on my ubuntu desktop? | 23:37 |
danopia | i konw windows XP is ~3-3.5 GB | 23:37 |
kitche | danopia: up to 4 GB on x86 past 4 GB for amd64 | 23:37 |
Draceee | it says apt-get is already running | 23:37 |
zsquareplusc | danopia: depends if you run the 32 bit or 64 bit version then | 23:38 |
danopia | 32bit | 23:38 |
BoredBoring | danopia: if you have a 64bit system, more ram than you can afford ;) | 23:38 |
danopia | kitche, so if i have 4GiB accessable and functinign on 32bit? | 23:38 |
Setebos | I need to limit the size of a folder on a second internal hard drive. How can I accomplish this? | 23:38 |
kitche | danopia: on x86 it's like 3.5 but 4 gb is the size of the ram | 23:38 |
danopia | BoredBoring, i heard 2TB | 23:38 |
legine | hmm is it dangerous to use the server upgrade method on a client system or is it just the same on commandline | 23:38 |
psilocyde | mkdir is haveing a problem writing to /usr/local/share or some such. paste bin enty here http://pastebin.com/m1674705b | 23:38 |
eseven73 | Draceee: close all the synaptic managers or update managers first | 23:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | danopia same | 23:38 |
Draceee | how so? | 23:38 |
moijk | Good evening. I netinstalled ubuntu and then xubuntu desktop. but the wireless gui-stuff didn | 23:38 |
moijk | come with. how do I get that because it was very easy to configure the network with it | 23:38 |
eseven73 | Draceee: do you see any app in your tray? | 23:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | danopia to get all 4 you would need the server kernel.. else you get 3.5 +- | 23:39 |
danopia | kitche, so it's 3.5GB usable on both xp and ubuntu 32bit? | 23:39 |
therealnanotube | moijk: you probably mean the "network-manager" ? | 23:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 23:39 |
Draceee | what tray :-$ | 23:39 |
crapo_jaune | could someone please upload his /etc/sudoers file to pastebin? Mine is totally broken | 23:39 |
moijk | therealnanotube: it says i should choose system - administration - network, but i dont have that choice | 23:39 |
eseven73 | Draceee: on the bottom or top of your screen | 23:39 |
kitche | danopia: roughly | 23:39 |
danopia | Jack_Sparrow, what are the [dis]advantages to the server kernal otehr than that? | 23:39 |
eseven73 | panel, tray whatever | 23:40 |
Draceee | just mirc | 23:40 |
danopia | such as will i be able to run flash, 64bit linux don't like flash much afaik :P | 23:40 |
therealnanotube | crapo_jaune: here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/84957/ | 23:40 |
Draceee | The error is "unable to get extensive lock" | 23:40 |
therealnanotube | crapo_jaune: fresh one, i haven't touched it since installed intrepid :) | 23:40 |
crapo_jaune | Wow! Thank you, therealnanotube! | 23:40 |
Draceee | when trying to run synpetic | 23:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | danopia Best to stick to generic.. | 23:40 |
crapo_jaune | Puhh! :D | 23:40 |
therealnanotube | crapo_jaune: no prob :) | 23:41 |
crapo_jaune | therealnanotube you've saved my cold, dark night :) | 23:41 |
crapo_jaune | byebye | 23:41 |
therealnanotube | crapo_jaune: :) | 23:41 |
psilocyde | mkdir is haveing a problem writing to /usr/local/share or some such. paste bin enty here http://pastebin.com/m1674705b can i get some help? | 23:41 |
BoredBoring | my problem: i have a notebook and the tocupad is too slow for me. i installed gsynaptics to fix it. however, gsynaptics only tells me that shmconfigure has to be set on true in the xorg.conf. when i open my xorg.conf it is completely empty and i have no clue what to do. i would appreciate any help! :) | 23:41 |
Draceee | Hmm? | 23:41 |
therealnanotube | moijk: try "sudo apt-get install network-manager" | 23:42 |
Flannel | psilocyde: What's wrong with the pekwm in the repos? | 23:42 |
DASPRiD | http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/2051/pic17713wd9.jpg | 23:42 |
Flannel | DASPRiD: #ubuntu-offtopic is a much better place for that, thanks | 23:43 |
faildog | Installing new xchat, brb. | 23:43 |
\Kira | if im backing up /etc/, is there any files I shoudlnt backup inside /etc/? | 23:43 |
Draceee | Any help with java? | 23:43 |
Flannel | \Kira: Anything you've made changes to. Everything else is in the packages | 23:43 |
Flannel | \Kira: that is, those are the only ones in /etc you need to save | 23:43 |
\Kira | Flannel: so, only backup things Ive changes, the rest is pointless? | 23:44 |
Flannel | \Kira: right, because the default stuff gets installed when you install the respective packages | 23:44 |
\Kira | Flannel: okay, thanks | 23:44 |
kitche | \Kira: hmm much better now I m not on my Windows machine right now :) | 23:44 |
Draceee | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 23:45 |
Draceee | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 23:45 |
Draceee | " | 23:45 |
\Kira | kitche: lol | 23:45 |
psilocyde | Flannel: idk just wanted new i guess, still i need to sort why im getting those errors with checkinstall | 23:45 |
Draceee | When trying to do sudo apt-get install | 23:45 |
Draceee | it says | 23:45 |
Draceee | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 23:45 |
gauteh | hey guys.. im the developer of gnome-schedule, and right now im trying to help somebody set up cron and at | 23:45 |
Draceee | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 23:45 |
yeahbuddy | can anyone help me with a x problem? I tried to install ATI drivers but now i just have 800x600 res.. i've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it only asks about the keyboard | 23:45 |
ryxxed | are you updating already? | 23:45 |
FloodBot3 | Draceee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:45 |
gauteh | does anyone have know of a tutorial, howto for these things? | 23:45 |
\Kira | kitche: you mean the thing with my name, earlier, right? | 23:45 |
Draceee | Didnt meant to | 23:45 |
ryxxed | Draceee : are you updating ubuntu? | 23:45 |
gauteh | and how is the daemons started (note, im not using ubuntu myself - so im just gonna pass the info on) | 23:45 |
Draceee | Not that im aware of | 23:45 |
kitche | \Kira: yes seems like the script I was using in mirc has a \ to look at the logs | 23:46 |
gauteh | are* | 23:46 |
ryxxed | you can't have two aptitude's running | 23:46 |
therealnanotube | psilocyde: hey, i got the same problem with checkinstall the other day when using it | 23:46 |
ryxxed | or apt-gets | 23:46 |
Draceee | I dont see any other ones open | 23:46 |
Draceee | shall i restart? | 23:46 |
ryxxed | or whatever you're doing to install packages | 23:46 |
therealnanotube | psilocyde: don't know what is wrong with checkinstall, but i just kept "sudo mkdir -p" the stuff it couldn't make, manually, and it worked. | 23:46 |
ryxxed | did you do apt-get | 23:46 |
ryxxed | and close the terminal? | 23:46 |
therealnanotube | psilocyde: so... there's a workaround for you :) | 23:46 |
Draceee | Before yes | 23:46 |
ryxxed | it's gotta be still doing | 23:46 |
ryxxed | look in the tray | 23:46 |
psilocyde | therealnanotube: thanks ill try | 23:46 |
gauteh | just the names of the init scripts for atd and crond would help | 23:46 |
ryxxed | is there a grayish icon there | 23:46 |
ryxxed | more like silver | 23:47 |
\Kira | kitche: I see. Well, glad your not mad at my anymore :D | 23:47 |
therealnanotube | psilocyde: give it a whirl. :) | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot \Kira | 23:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ot \Kira | 23:47 |
\Kira | !ot | 23:47 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:47 |
Spoom | hi folks, i'm on intrepid amd64 and am experiencing a delay in sound on the flash 10 64-bit beta; i've looked around and all solutions i can find seem to have to do with flash 9 (which was notoriously unstable and unusable for me), any ideas? | 23:47 |
Draceee | I dont see anything in tray | 23:47 |
=== marcelo_ is now known as Marques_Estudio0 | ||
kern | !newsreader | 23:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about newsreader | 23:47 |
=== Marques_Estudio0 is now known as Marques_Estudio | ||
kern | !pan | 23:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pan | 23:47 |
usser_ | Spoom, well its beta | 23:47 |
Draceee | Just MIRC | 23:48 |
eseven73 | !fishing | 23:48 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 23:48 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: all the init scripts live in /etc/init.d, and are linked to from /etc/rc2.d/ (which is the default runlevel) | 23:48 |
ryxxed | uh well, it's gotta be doing something | 23:48 |
Spoom | usser_, yeah, i was worried that would be the only response i'd get | 23:48 |
usser_ | Spoom, try the ubuntu's flashplugin-nonfree package its flash 10 | 23:48 |
ryxxed | do you have add remove open | 23:48 |
test|bomb | transmission says that my bittorrent port is closed even though i have the port forwarded on my router to my ip and i have the port allowed from any host on my local firewall | 23:48 |
Spoom | unfortunately it's the only thing that works here | 23:48 |
ryxxed | or something else | 23:48 |
onetinsoldier | yeahbuddy: leave x-windows and make sure you have shut x down(invoke-rc.d gmd stop -or- drop out with ctrl+backspace) then run Xorg -configure | 23:48 |
ryxxed | a package manage | 23:48 |
ryxxed | r | 23:48 |
FloodBot3 | ryxxed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:48 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: that includes crond and and atd. | 23:48 |
Spoom | usser_, that involved running nsplugin-wrapper, which creates a whole new problem (namely, grey boxes starting to appear where flash is supposed to, as the plugin has crashed entirely) | 23:48 |
psilocyde | therealnanotube: whirl I will, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :) | 23:49 |
Draceee | no...shall i just restart? | 23:49 |
therealnanotube | Spoom: try gnash? :) | 23:49 |
usser_ | Spoom, oh yea i used to have that on amd64 box, switched to gnash | 23:49 |
therealnanotube | psilocyde: heh | 23:49 |
Spoom | is gnash even usable now? | 23:49 |
usser_ | Spoom, but gnash will not work half the time either | 23:49 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: thanks.. does he have to put the setuid bit on /usr/bin/crontab ? (or for at) | 23:49 |
yeahbuddy | onetinsoldier: k | 23:49 |
lazukars | The Taskbar-- How do you increase it's height? | 23:49 |
onetinsoldier | yeahbuddy: sorry,, that should invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 23:49 |
usser_ | Spoom, plays youtube which is enough for me | 23:49 |
RatPackSopra | hello guys, I'm looking to get the inside of my cube hollow at the moment it had a mild olive color to it | 23:49 |
RatPackSopra | oops wrong channel | 23:49 |
Spoom | meh | 23:50 |
Spoom | maybe i'll head back to windows land for the time being | 23:50 |
Spoom | thanks anyway | 23:50 |
onetinsoldier | yeahbuddy: that's if your are using gdm.. if you are a kde user then it kdm | 23:50 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: i have crontab with suid on mine, so i'm guessing that means yes. :) | 23:50 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: ok, thanks :) | 23:50 |
yeahbuddy | onetinsoldier: i'm using gnome.. back in a minute | 23:51 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: hm, actually, it seems to be sgid, and is owned by "root:crontab". to be precise. | 23:51 |
onetinsoldier | yeahbuddy: ok... gl | 23:51 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: yeah.. he sent me the output of ls -l, and it seems like its already been set | 23:52 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: he probably just have to start the daemon - is it started by default? | 23:52 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: whats the proper, user friendly, way to do that? system -> preferences -> services ? | 23:52 |
eseven73 | Draceee: do 'sudo killall aptitude && killall apt-get' in a terminal then try opening synaptic again | 23:53 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: depends on how he installed it. if he installed manually from source, then probably not started, has to start manually. if installed from the repos, it would start the daemon after installing. | 23:53 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: why not just do a "ps ax |grep cron" and see if it's running. :) | 23:53 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: he did, and it doesn't :) but just wondering how i can get him to activate it | 23:53 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: hmm, proper user friendly way... probably "sudo invoke-rc.d crond start" | 23:54 |
gauteh | (he is the one that should be in here thou :)) | 23:54 |
happy_mart | mattmc : using a get_absolute_url, the linke view on this site points to example.com | 23:54 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: ok - i'll tell him that | 23:54 |
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ToddEDM | Jack_Sparrow: you still around?? | 23:55 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: ok :) | 23:56 |
gauteh | therealnanotube: thanks! | 23:56 |
\Kira | Whats a command that would cause a GUI popup displaying a message I choose? | 23:56 |
\Kira | in kde, if that matters | 23:56 |
therealnanotube | gauteh: no prob. :) | 23:56 |
ToddEDM | ok, so my problem is.. i want to have Picasa open automatically when i plug in my Camera, anyone know how to do this? | 23:57 |
therealnanotube | \Kira: try "zenity" | 23:57 |
\Kira | therealnanotube: thanks | 23:57 |
therealnanotube | \Kira: not sure if it's installed on kubuntu by default, if not, google for "kde zenity" and you'll find kde's equivalent | 23:57 |
\Kira | therealnanotube: Im just looking into it :) | 23:58 |
therealnanotube | \Kira: ah, "kdialog" | 23:58 |
AzizLight | I tried to install klinkstatus-kde4 and apt wanted to uninstall quanta kommander and a bunch of other apps, is that normal? | 23:58 |
\Kira | therealnanotube: thanks | 23:58 |
therealnanotube | \Kira: yw :) | 23:58 |
Draceee | I restarted | 23:58 |
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psilocyde | therealnanotube: yeah that worked, thanks man. | 23:59 |
eseven73 | ok Draceee try opening synaptic now and search for "JRE" you want the jre 6 stuff (get them all) | 23:59 |
Draceee | rnow when i open synaptic | 23:59 |
therealnanotube | psilocyde: excellent. now... only remains to figure out how to fix checkinstall. :) | 23:59 |
=== jscinoz_ is now known as jscinoz | ||
Draceee | it says dprk was intururpted | 23:59 |
Draceee | dpkg sorry | 23:59 |
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