=== zsircusr1 is now known as ViTRon | ||
icarus | hello | 01:17 |
icarus | will xubuntu run well on an old computer? | 01:17 |
Genelyk | Hi | 01:17 |
zoredache | it depends on how you define well, and how old you mean | 01:17 |
zoredache | !lowmem | 01:17 |
ubottu | For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements. | 01:17 |
Genelyk | jojo | 01:26 |
Genelyk | xubuntu is slowww with 64mb ram | 01:27 |
cody-somerville | All computers are slow with 65mb of ram | 01:29 |
Genelyk | u.u | 01:32 |
Octoroks | heh | 01:34 |
robertMB | When ever I launch starcraft through wine the panels don't go away they are still on top any way to fix this? | 01:37 |
insan | hiiii evrybody | 01:38 |
cody-somerville | hiya | 01:40 |
insan | ermm | 01:40 |
mushroomcheeseom | what's the difference between ubuntu & xubuntu? | 03:31 |
forcesito | mushroomcheeseom: ubuntu use Gnome, and xubuntu use Xfce | 03:32 |
forcesito | !xfce | 03:32 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 03:32 |
mushroomcheeseom | i was advised to use xubuntu instead of ubuntu since my desktop freezes. does this make sense? | 03:36 |
charlie-tca | That depends on why it freezes. | 03:38 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu does use less RAM than Ubuntu | 03:39 |
mushroomcheeseom | that actually brings me back to my first question at #ubuntu "why does my desktop freeze on ubuntu"? | 03:39 |
mushroomcheeseom | i asked if it was due to my limited 256MB ram... | 03:39 |
mushroomcheeseom | but someone commented that if it just froze then it wasn't due to ram and might be due to heat issues | 03:40 |
ball | I've /just/ installed Xubuntu on a machine with 320 Mbytes of RAM. | 03:40 |
ball | I'll probably upgrade it to 512M this evening. | 03:40 |
charlie-tca | I think it´s possible. If you run programs that take all the ram, it will freeze. If it is due to heat, | 03:41 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu will freeze too. | 03:41 |
charlie-tca | You could try running memtest on it | 03:41 |
ball | charlie-tca: I plan to run that overnight. | 03:41 |
charlie-tca | Good idea. Had mushroomcheeseom asking why his system froze | 03:42 |
charlie-tca | Looks like he went away | 03:43 |
ball | Perhaps his machine froze | 03:43 |
charlie-tca | Maybe... | 03:43 |
charlie-tca | I just upgraded a P3 to 512MB. It does seem faster. | 03:44 |
ball | -8C here now... think /I'm/ going to freeze | 03:44 |
ball | I'm taking this RAM from one Pentium III box (800 MHz) and installing it in another (550 MHz) | 03:44 |
ball | ...the 800 MHz machine died. | 03:44 |
ball | memtest seems like a sensible precaution. | 03:45 |
charlie-tca | makes sense to me :-) | 03:45 |
ball | Can I safely replace Firefox with SeaMonkey? | 03:55 |
Odd-rationale | ball: yes. | 04:05 |
ball | Odd-rationale: Thanks. | 04:09 |
ball | Does Xubuntu default to 800x600, or was that detected somehow? | 04:10 |
ball | Bed time anyway. | 04:27 |
privet | how/where do I mount devices mapped with the "tifm" module? | 04:48 |
forcesito | :O | 05:02 |
forcesito | vivos | 05:02 |
kaliree | I have a question for all of you masters of the "nix"... | 07:17 |
romanov_ | **Hello, does anyone know if I can change the system font style | 09:12 |
TheSheep | romanov_: yes, in settings->setting manager->user interface | 09:14 |
romanov_ | **oh yes :) thanks ! | 09:16 |
bryan__ | so it seems that every time i hit the volume buttons on my laptop, i can't use my keyboard, right-click, or open any menus | 13:18 |
bryan__ | is there any fix for that/ | 13:19 |
bryan__ | ? | 13:19 |
romanov_ | bryan_: try to delete/insert it in the panel | 13:37 |
engemec | Hello | 14:46 |
engemec | i have a small memoty in my notebook | 14:47 |
engemec | memory | 14:47 |
vidd | ok | 14:47 |
vidd | define "small" | 14:47 |
engemec | So, how can i economy if i change ubuntu to xubuntu? | 14:47 |
engemec | little memoty | 14:48 |
engemec | memory | 14:48 |
TheSheep | how little | 14:48 |
vidd | ok...define "little" | 14:48 |
vidd | 256mg? | 14:48 |
vidd | 128MG? | 14:48 |
engemec | 512 | 14:48 |
vidd | pft...thats not small | 14:48 |
TheSheep | that's not little :) | 14:48 |
engemec | but i need to use virtualbox | 14:49 |
engemec | sometimes | 14:49 |
engemec | for examplo..... with ubuntu, the system use 310-330mb | 14:50 |
TheSheep | engemec: I got mine to 76MB at startup | 14:50 |
engemec | if i did change to xubuntu... | 14:50 |
engemec | puts | 14:50 |
TheSheep | engemec: but at some cost | 14:50 |
engemec | putz | 14:50 |
vidd | so add xubuntu-desktop, and log into an xfce session and comparer | 14:50 |
xxploit | has anyone else noticed an update for xfce 4.4.3 im guessing as of today? I installed it and it has removed the main menu applet and it is not available now. Anyone know in the inbetween uploading packages and there not all yet up? | 14:50 |
engemec | 76mb | 14:51 |
engemec | perfect | 14:51 |
engemec | and..... some programs...... gimp | 14:51 |
engemec | apache | 14:51 |
engemec | mysql | 14:51 |
engemec | php | 14:51 |
engemec | thuderbird | 14:51 |
TheSheep | engemec: they will take additional ram, at least the daemons | 14:51 |
TheSheep | engemec: apache and mysql | 14:52 |
engemec | thanks a lot | 14:52 |
engemec | i'll try it | 14:52 |
vidd | TheSheep, his definition of "small" and "little" are my definition of "huge" and "plentiful"! | 14:54 |
TheSheep | vidd: one of those days I will mail you some ram just so we can add more to xubuntu ;) | 14:55 |
vidd | TheSheep, hehe...im sure ill survive =] | 14:56 |
heapy | hello | 15:23 |
vidd | hello heapy | 15:23 |
heapy | alright lad | 15:23 |
heapy | listen, im having a few problems could you help out pleaes | 15:24 |
vidd | !ask | 15:24 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:24 |
heapy | hehe | 15:24 |
heapy | alright, hold tight... | 15:24 |
heapy | i have just got a dell laptop, and installed xubuntu 8.04 hardy. im having problems with constant freezing and lockups. i am sure its to do with the wireless i have been looking at all kinds of reasons for it, and this is the only one left! its a 4965 intel, it works "out of the box" - infact im using it right now. but after a white the system simply gives up and i have to hold down the power to turn off and restart.... | 15:26 |
heapy | its the same in regular ubuntu 8.04.1 | 15:26 |
vidd | what is your system load during the "freeze" and what apps are open when the freeze happens? | 15:27 |
heapy | i have been searchin the forums and some people use something called ndiswrapper, but it looks confusing.. im new to linux | 15:28 |
heapy | well the system monitor shows 15% cpu usage, 4.5% ram usage.. also, the freeze happens randomly,. and im only using word and firefox | 15:29 |
heapy | and pigon | 15:29 |
vidd | what is your firefox version? (in firefox click "Help->> About Mozilla firefox") | 15:30 |
heapy | it is real strange, i can work for an hour, or even 10 minutes and then it locks up | 15:30 |
* vidd suspects firefox | 15:30 | |
heapy | i ran a bunch of updates stright away by the way, d.loaded like 200mb of stuff | 15:30 |
heapy | firefox 3.0.4 | 15:31 |
heapy | kernel 2.6.24-22 | 15:32 |
* vidd was not aware that 3.0.4 was ported to hardy =\ | 15:32 | |
heapy | i dont know lad, what i did was apt get software updates and it dloaded all kinds of stuff, 200mb worth | 15:32 |
heapy | the kernel changed from 2.6.24-19 generic to 24-22 generic | 15:33 |
muibe | well, I installed xubuntu from the scratch, did necessary updates and result: xfdesktop4 was uninstalled and can't do anything to get it back because of the dependency - some of you may know what this is, right? | 15:38 |
heapy | i will be back soon | 15:43 |
vidd | muibe, what dependancy issue? | 15:45 |
muibe | it reads "xfdesktop4-data (=4.4.2-7ubuntu3) but 4.4.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is to be installed" | 15:50 |
vidd | muibe, did you add any "extra" repos? | 15:54 |
vidd | muibe, because i just updated my repos and 4.4.3 is not listed as available | 15:55 |
vidd | only 4.4.2-7 | 15:55 |
muibe | well i've put certain ones | 15:56 |
muibe | backports due to atheros driver | 15:56 |
vidd | comment out the backports for now.... | 15:57 |
vidd | then clear your cache | 15:57 |
vidd | and then update, | 15:57 |
vidd | you should then be able to install it | 15:57 |
muibe | how do i clear my cache? | 15:58 |
vidd | apt-get clear i think | 15:58 |
muibe | all rightt | 15:58 |
muibe | cheers vidd ! it worked :) | 16:03 |
vidd | muibe, well...of course it did | 16:04 |
muibe | well, one more thing.. i can't connect with ssh anywhere with my machine | 16:04 |
vidd | the new version of xfce (4.4.3) apparently is not fully ready yet.... | 16:04 |
vidd | you might want to post a bug for it | 16:05 |
vidd | what problem you having with ssh? | 16:05 |
muibe | it does ask passwd but even if i type it all correctly it isn't accepted | 16:06 |
muibe | "permission denied, please try again" | 16:06 |
vidd | muibe, the proper syntax for ssh is "ssh [user]@[ssh destination] | 16:07 |
filipegatti | hello there :-) does someone here uses ayttm? | 16:07 |
vidd | muibe, so if your user name on system "dud.com" is "joe", you would type "ssh joe@dud.com" | 16:07 |
vidd | muibe, does that help ya? | 16:08 |
vidd | !ayttm | 16:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ayttm | 16:09 |
muibe | vidd: well, i don't do anything expectional - i've got Xubuntu on my desktop machine too but it doesn't work on laptop | 16:09 |
filipegatti | :( | 16:09 |
muibe | even if i do it all similarly | 16:09 |
vidd | muibe, do you have ssh server installed on the destination machine? | 16:09 |
filipegatti | i'm using it as MSN client and everytime a person is talking to me, the person's window freeze for some seconds until the person stops writing. | 16:09 |
filipegatti | this freezing is pissing me off :-P | 16:10 |
vidd | filipegatti, then use pidgin to talk on msn | 16:10 |
vidd | since pidgin works just fine | 16:10 |
filipegatti | I really don't get used to pidgin. And ayttm is lighter. | 16:11 |
vidd | well....ayttm is not the default messanger client in *buntu.....so i dont know what to tell ya | 16:12 |
vidd | maybe you need more ram =] | 16:13 |
filipegatti | more? this is a fresh install of xubuntu in a 2gb ram laptop with 3gb swap :D | 16:13 |
vidd | well....then its the app and not your hardware | 16:14 |
Genelyk | wow 3gb swap | 16:14 |
Genelyk | My have 1GB ram with 1gb swap | 16:14 |
* vidd would rather use a slightly heavier, fully functional app as opposed to a buggy, lighter weight app | 16:15 | |
vidd | swap SHOULD = 2xram | 16:15 |
filipegatti | vidd, yep. I'm going to join their mailing list. I just wanted to try here first. | 16:15 |
vidd | so your system with 2GB ram,should have 4 GB swap | 16:15 |
filipegatti | not really vidd :-P | 16:15 |
filipegatti | this works fine if you're dealing with a server. nowadays its recommended to do only 1x ram on machines 2gb+ ram | 16:16 |
filipegatti | it's unnecessary to have more. | 16:16 |
* vidd has no system with more then 512 MB ram...so | 16:17 | |
Genelyk | never use 100% swap with 4GB | 16:17 |
vidd | still sticking to the 2x rule from when i first started using linux =] | 16:18 |
filipegatti | actually you're right vidd. everybody with less than 2GB ram should use the 2x rule. Only now common machines are coming with 2GB+ ram. | 16:19 |
vidd | even if i had 2gb ram, id still stick to the 2x rule | 16:20 |
* vidd is so set in his ways....=] | 16:20 | |
heapy | hello | 16:20 |
filipegatti | After reading some stuff talking about this, I did some tests with my boss where I work, we deal only with Linux there. And for servers the rule should still be used, but if you're only using for desktop there is no need. | 16:20 |
filipegatti | hello heapy | 16:20 |
heapy | lads... | 16:20 |
vidd | ah...and all my machines have server componants...including the desktops =] | 16:21 |
heapy | i think i have cracked it.. xubuntu so far, fingers, toes, and eyes crossed my laptop is stable!! | 16:21 |
heapy | for some reason un known to me, ubuntu 8.04 kept freezing randomly after a while. & now i am using xubuntu instead, it *seems okay !! happy chappy | 16:22 |
vidd | cool | 16:22 |
filipegatti | now this is something funny... i tried synaptic and add/remove software... and haven't found Opera browser. | 16:22 |
filipegatti | xubuntu > ubuntu :-P | 16:23 |
vidd | you MAY want to consider uping your system to 8.10 | 16:23 |
heapy | me? | 16:23 |
vidd | heapy, you say that like its a BAD thing =] | 16:23 |
vidd | heapy, yes | 16:23 |
heapy | you want me to use 8.10 ? | 16:24 |
heapy | boss, i have only just installed xubuntu & got the damn thing stable (i hope!) im not about to change now haha :) | 16:24 |
vidd | makes no difference to me....but YOU might want you to use 8.10 | 16:25 |
heapy | tbh i was going to, but it just so happens that the dvd i wrote for it had 4 errors after doing the integrity test so i dloaded 8.04.1 hardy regular ubuntu and suffered mager lockups for no apparent resason. i narrowed it down to the wireless... but the exact same setup but on xubuntu seems to be okay.. strange huh | 16:27 |
vidd | heapy, no...not strange at all | 16:28 |
vidd | there are different apps between the two.... | 16:28 |
vidd | and now that you are up-to-date, you can run the "update-manager -u" | 16:28 |
* vidd thinks thats the right switch | 16:29 | |
vidd | its -d, not -u! | 16:29 |
heapy | what does that do vidd? | 16:30 |
heapy | im so new to this, im just glad it seems okay right now! | 16:30 |
vidd | that will let you upgrade easily from 8.04 to 8.10 | 16:30 |
heapy | ohhhh | 16:30 |
heapy | do you really think i should be using xubuntu 8.10? | 16:31 |
heapy | i have a m1530 xps laptop | 16:31 |
vidd | its entirely up to you..... | 16:31 |
vidd | i personally like having the latest and greatest | 16:32 |
heapy | im using the LTS version right now right? | 16:32 |
vidd | so i upgrade every 6 months | 16:32 |
vidd | yes,,,8.04 is the lts | 16:32 |
heapy | did you say the two versions (ubuntu and xubuntu) use different programs to handle the wireless? | 16:33 |
vidd | no...they use different apps.....i dont know if the app to handle wireless is different or not | 16:34 |
vidd | my systems are all relics....they barely start regular ubuntu, so i havent spent much time with that flavor | 16:34 |
heapy | im not complainin or owt, but my sys seems to like xubuntu and not regular ubuntu | 16:35 |
heapy | hay vidd lad, do you know of some good forums for xubuntu? | 16:38 |
vidd | is there something your looking for help with? | 16:39 |
vidd | most ubuntu forums work just fine for xubuntu stuff | 16:39 |
heapy | im just trying to get my head around something | 16:40 |
heapy | ubuntu and xubuntu are the same except for the desktop? gnome and xcfe? | 16:41 |
heapy | so all programs that run on ubuntu run on xubuntu? | 16:41 |
vidd | yes | 16:42 |
heapy | like open office for instance | 16:42 |
vidd | well...they WILL run | 16:42 |
vidd | anything that CAN run on ubuntu can run on xubuntu | 16:42 |
vidd | the only difference between the two is the default aps | 16:42 |
heapy | the apps that come pre-installed? | 16:43 |
vidd | exactly | 16:43 |
heapy | ohhh | 16:43 |
heapy | mm so how the hell is my computer loving xubuntu, no lock ups and it would of done by now in regular ubuntu?! | 16:44 |
vidd | possibly an app conflict | 16:44 |
heapy | vidd, i ran memtest86 for 13 hrs last night cus i thought it maybe the ram.. but that came back wiv zero errors | 16:45 |
heapy | 18 pass's or something | 16:45 |
vidd | nope....looks like one (or a few) ubuntu-standard apps caused some conflict and xubuntu uses different apps =] | 16:46 |
heapy | that can only be right!! | 16:46 |
vidd | it could also be that an app had some glitch....and installing ubuntu right now could have no issue anymore either !+} | 16:47 |
heapy | do u use some kind of d.load manager for ur large downloading? | 16:47 |
vidd | like what? | 16:47 |
heapy | well on windows i had download accelerator i think | 16:48 |
vidd | you mean like if i wanted to download som 5 gig file from a web site? | 16:48 |
heapy | yeah | 16:48 |
heapy | or even a p2p program | 16:48 |
vidd | nope...i usually use firefox's built-in download manager.... | 16:49 |
heapy | !! i didn't know it had one | 16:49 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:49 |
vidd | i also use gftp for transfering files between my systems | 16:49 |
heapy | just realised something , on ubuntu my hdd was making some strange clicky noise quite regular... on xubuntu its not | 16:50 |
vidd | i find that very useful so that all 5 machines i use regularly have all the same look and feel | 16:50 |
vidd | how much ram your system use? | 16:51 |
heapy | 3gb ddr | 16:51 |
vidd | well...it should NOT be swapping out that much ....dunno | 16:52 |
heapy | thats the total installed, do you mean how much xubuntu actually uses? | 16:53 |
vidd | hard drives clicking may be an indication of hardware failure | 16:53 |
vidd | no...i meant total | 16:53 |
heapy | i will bbs lad | 16:57 |
filipegatti | vidd, do I need to install this synaptic package flashplugin-nonfree to have flash working? | 17:13 |
vidd | that is the package i would recommend | 17:14 |
filipegatti | its asking me to install +120mb software only to have flash working? | 17:14 |
vidd | there are other apps that will play flash | 17:15 |
filipegatti | i remember in others distro to use this flashplugin-nonfree | 17:15 |
filipegatti | but i'm almost sure that it wasn't needed +120mb to install it | 17:16 |
vidd | ubuntu started requiring "recommds" to be installed | 17:16 |
vidd | i personally disabled that | 17:17 |
filipegatti | so what do you use to be able to watch flash videos? | 17:17 |
vidd | i use flashplugin-nonfree | 17:17 |
filipegatti | ah | 17:17 |
filipegatti | got it | 17:17 |
vidd | but i installed it without all the "recommended" apps | 17:18 |
filipegatti | and it works ok? | 17:18 |
vidd | works fine...especially since none of the bloatware gotr installed with it | 17:18 |
filipegatti | :D | 17:19 |
filipegatti | I'll install it without the recommended apps. | 17:19 |
vidd | you will want to use the cli | 17:19 |
filipegatti | i think so | 17:20 |
vidd | let me check the MAN pages for the proper syntax | 17:20 |
filipegatti | yay, thank you ;-) | 17:21 |
vidd | sudo apt-get install [package] --no-install-recommends | 17:22 |
vidd | see if that dont drop the size of the installed files =] | 17:24 |
filipegatti | let me check! | 17:27 |
filipegatti | vidd, http://pastebin.com/d1c1a453f :( | 17:29 |
vidd | they are all needed (i believe) | 17:31 |
vidd | most of that is flash itself | 17:32 |
vidd | but you could try gnash instead.... | 17:33 |
vidd | i dont know how well it works with flash apps | 17:34 |
filipegatti | 121mb would break my legs | 17:35 |
filipegatti | let me see gnash | 17:35 |
filipegatti | 8880kb will be used | 17:37 |
filipegatti | well, sounds good. | 17:37 |
vidd | then have at it..... | 17:37 |
vidd | but like i said....i dont know how well it works | 17:37 |
filipegatti | its ok, i can remove it later :P | 17:38 |
vidd | if 210 MB is killing ya....ya might want to get some more HD space..... | 17:39 |
vidd | maybe add a second drive and move your /home directory or /var directory (or both!) there | 17:39 |
filipegatti | actually i have something about 120gb free | 17:39 |
filipegatti | i just want to make xubuntu the lighter possible | 17:40 |
filipegatti | (thats why im using ayttm and alsaplayer, ie) | 17:40 |
forces_ | hi! | 17:40 |
vidd | well...hd sp-ace is not the concern | 17:40 |
filipegatti | hello forces_ | 17:40 |
forces_ | filipegatti: o7 | 17:41 |
=== leche is now known as welt | ||
nateisen | Hello people! | 19:23 |
Psychlo | um ppl, anyone had such a problem? i configure my netwrok connection, but it doesn`t work, i go to the connection editor, but my netmask is malformed... I correct it do it all aggain | 19:31 |
Psychlo | nothing works | 19:31 |
Psychlo | and the netmask is malformed again | 19:31 |
Psychlo | is anyone actually here atm? | 20:25 |
Shaba1 | yes | 20:26 |
Psychlo | (21:31:16) <Psychlo> um ppl, anyone had such a problem? i configure my netwrok connection, but it doesn`t work, i go to the connection editor, but my netmask is malformed... I correct it do it all aggain | 20:26 |
Psychlo | (21:31:17) <Psychlo> nothing works | 20:26 |
Psychlo | (21:31:24) <Psychlo> and the netmask is malformed again | 20:26 |
Shaba1 | But I am an xubuntu newbie. | 20:26 |
forces_ | 8:O | 20:30 |
Nalk | hello | 20:57 |
Nalk | i want to make a menu where are only all games, not the menu 'system' ... how i can make this ? | 20:57 |
Nalk | cannot find where this mernu 'system' is comming from | 20:57 |
filipegatti | Nalk | 21:01 |
Nalk | yes | 21:01 |
filipegatti | do you mean the panel? | 21:01 |
filipegatti | the one you have top and bottom? | 21:01 |
Nalk | yes, in the panel | 21:01 |
filipegatti | or you are talking about the xfce button which opens all software options? | 21:02 |
Nalk | there i made an xfce-menu, and there i can change some stuff with the menu-editor | 21:02 |
filipegatti | yes | 21:02 |
Nalk | but there is only one place for all programms, an include system | 21:02 |
Nalk | in the menu.xml | 21:03 |
Nalk | and i hope to change it. that only games are be found there | 21:03 |
filipegatti | just click the + button :P | 21:03 |
filipegatti | and you can enter a submenu | 21:03 |
Nalk | but how i can make a submenu with all games (dont want to put them one by one ...) | 21:04 |
filipegatti | do you want it to auto-detect your gamesw | 21:05 |
filipegatti | ? | 21:05 |
Nalk | i only want to see the games there, nothing else | 21:07 |
Nalk | want to know which file is included in this line from menu.xml <include type="system" style="simple" unique="true" legacy="true"/ ... where i can found it ... and ... is there a way to change it to games or something like it :) | 21:11 |
=== forces__ is now known as forces_ | ||
heapy | hello | 21:40 |
forces_ | hi! | 21:42 |
heapy | just a quick question, i have just installed xubuntu 8.10, and done the updates. the prob i have is i cant 'right click' on the desktop, and there isn't any icons on the desktop either.. whats goin on lads? | 21:42 |
Genelyk | not icons in desktop ¿? | 21:42 |
heapy | not one | 21:42 |
forces_ | you have to permit at xfce manager your desktop | 21:42 |
heapy | how do i do that (this is my first experience of linux)!! | 21:43 |
Genelyk | aplicatiions-configure-settiings configure - desktop | 21:44 |
Genelyk | check first square | 21:44 |
heapy | your a star, that worked a treat :) | 21:45 |
heapy | i have just one more q: i have parted magic on a cd. i ran it to do some partitions. what i would like is to try another linux like standard ubuntu.. and dual boot. but what i really need is a partition for media files music and videos that can be accessed by both operating systems. how do i go about that lad? | 21:47 |
Shaba1 | I am not a linux expert at all | 21:48 |
Shaba1 | but I do not think you can do that easily | 21:48 |
Genelyk | create one partition Fat32 for linux and windows | 21:49 |
Shaba1 | I can access my windows partition from xubuntu all the time | 21:49 |
Shaba1 | Just cannot use any of the program files | 21:49 |
heapy | i was wondering what file system to use for the partition | 21:49 |
Shaba1 | just the data like .jpg .png .gif .mpg e.t.c | 21:49 |
heapy | ex3 or ntfs or fat32 etc | 21:49 |
Genelyk | reifers is goob for files litles | 21:49 |
Shaba1 | ah well that you would have to ask one of the experts | 21:49 |
Shaba1 | but just a guess | 21:50 |
Shaba1 | if you want that partition to be read by both windwos and linux | 21:50 |
Shaba1 | make it ntfs | 21:50 |
heapy | thanks Shaba1 | 21:50 |
Shaba1 | Someone PLEASE correct me if I am giving him/her bad info. | 21:50 |
heapy | don't worry m8, its cool :) | 21:52 |
Shaba1 | I just hate people giving out wrong information on here. | 21:52 |
Shaba1 | I will preface my statments if I am not absolutely sure of what I am saying | 21:53 |
Shaba1 | so you try it at your won risk | 21:53 |
heapy | well that makes sense, but im not going to use windows so maybe a ex3 partition for media would be best.. i will check out on the forums to make sure lar | 21:53 |
heapy | i will be back soon , will let you know how i get on :) | 21:55 |
filipegatti | hmm | 22:04 |
filipegatti | i think i know what happened to heapy | 22:04 |
R1coch3t | does "matrixview" screensaver work in xscreensaver? | 22:12 |
nomemory | hello | 22:38 |
nomemory | has anyone of you is regularly using "mc" (midnight commander) under Xubuntu ? | 22:39 |
moijk | Good evening. I netinstalled ubuntu and then xubuntu desktop. but the wireless gui-stuff didn | 23:38 |
moijk | Good evening. I netinstalled ubuntu and then xubuntu desktop. but the wireless gui-stuff didn | 23:38 |
moijk | come with. how do I get that because it was very easy to configure the network with it | 23:38 |
filipegatti | moijk, actually if you install xubuntu 8.10 from live cd you get NetworkManager applet installed by default. | 23:46 |
filipegatti | if you don't have it, I recommend trying Synaptic it or apt-get | 23:47 |
moijk | filipegatti: network manager applet? package name? | 23:48 |
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