
nesyshi folks ... I need your help01:11
nesysI found on kubuntu 8.10 the same bug as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/27831801:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278318 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "video tearing with textured video on intel card" [High,Fix committed]01:11
nesysI've tryed to apply patches and new configs, but the problem is unsolved01:12
nesysany advice will be appreciated01:12
JontheEchidnaMight try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel, kubuntu doesn't really do any work in low-level components such as video drivers. (Plus we use the same ones as ubuntu)01:13
nesysah ok ... video drivers are the same01:13
nesysJontheEchidna thank you01:14
JontheEchidnayou're welcome01:14
JontheEchidnaScottK: maybe we should just won't fix all the kde-guidance bugs now?02:42
* JontheEchidna would do that02:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: Well there may be something SRU worthy for Hardy.04:25
ScottKAlso we should probably remove guidance-power-manager first to make sure we don't need to worry about moving any over.04:26
ScottK-laptopSo the only potential KDE4 IRC client I find is an svn snapshot of kvirc.04:57
ScottK-laptopIt might be worth a shot if someone wants to package it as kvirc-kde4.04:58
rgreeningScottK-laptop: Point me to the kvirc06:12
nixternalmade it home06:25
nixternalback to snow!06:25
jpdsnixternal: Woohoo, some of us are still @ hotel.06:33
nixternalthat sucks :)06:34
jpds....where some freaking Korean insurance company has moved in.06:35
nixternalI told my dog about Google, and he is pissed at me now for not taking the job there back in june06:35
rgreeningheya nixternal06:50
rgreeningnixternal: I may have a body to help out on the Doc team06:51
nixternalrock on, that will help a ton06:51
nixternalI am being conceited as hell right now and watching my Ubuntu Developers interview on youtube06:51
rgreeningyeah. He's a buddy of mine, and he uses Kubuntu06:51
=== glade88|ZzZ is now known as glade88
rgreening~twitter update I hate it when upstream forgets to update the examples and I get FTBFS all over06:53
kubotustatus updated06:53
nixternalhey, I want to be able to do that too06:53
nixternaland can we add an identi.ca setup for that as well?06:54
rgreeninghmm... not sure, the twitter goes to twitter.com06:54
rgreeningkubotu help twitter06:54
kubotutwitter status [nick] => show nick's (or your) status, use 'twitter friends status [nick]' to also show the friends' timeline | twitter update [status] => updates your status on twitter | twitter identify [username] [password] => ties your nick to your twitter username and password | twitter actions [on|off] => enable/disable twitting of actions (/me does ...)06:54
rgreeningnixternal: get a twitter account or ask if apacheloggercan get a kubotu script for identi.ca06:55
nixternal~twitter I can tweet from #kubuntu-devel - this is cool06:56
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help twitter'06:56
nixternaloh, forgot update06:56
nixternal~twitter update I can tweet from #kubuntu-devel - this is cool06:56
kubotustatus updated06:56
rgreeningnixternal: works wherever kubotu exists06:57
rgreening~twitter actions on06:58
* rgreening is tired and has a cough06:58
rgreening~twitter status06:58
kubotuis tired and has a cough (50 seconds ago via rbot)06:58
rgreeningnixternal: if you turn on twitter actions, all the / me actions get twitted06:59
buzi'm playing around with kde 4.2 and while it works pretty well on 8.10, i'm annoyed by the message grouping in kmail but cannot seem to find any way to get rid of it...09:23
buzah now09:24
buzvery nicely hidden :P09:25
Tm_Tapachelogger: so true09:51
apacheloggerkde bug 17764811:18
ubottuKDE bug 177648 in general "tiger C# plasma applet example failed to build" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17764811:18
apacheloggerjussi01: please don't recommend installing 4.217:48
jussi01apachelogger: ok.17:48
apacheloggerthere is a reason the ppa it is in is called kubuntu-experimental17:48
jussi01apachelogger: I guess I wasnt thinking :(17:50
apacheloggerjussi01: yeah, no cookie for you!17:50
* apachelogger hands Nightrose a cookie17:50
apacheloggerthat remidns me of king julien ;-D17:50
cbris the beta2 available somewhere?17:51
cbrin a ppa or smth17:51
apachelogger"now, who wants a cookie"17:51
* jussi01 sighs... everything so messed up right now...17:51
apacheloggercbr: http://kde.org/ no17:51
* Nightrose munches the cookie17:52
Nightrosewhat did i get it for?17:52
apacheloggerNightrose: for your broken system :P17:52
apacheloggerNightrose: also gmail sez amarok-nightly upload started17:53
smartercbr: beta2 will not be available until publicly announced on kde.org, and even then we can't guarantee it will be ready18:01
DaSkreechAnyone has any word on the latest for the "official" KDE3 for Ibex ?19:04
* DaSkreech likks lips19:07
NCommanderrgreening, ping20:18
apacheloggerfedora 10 got released20:27
apachelogger...half a month ago... :D20:27
DaSkreechYeah Downloading it now20:28
FireRabbitScottK: hey, what was the purpose of the kubuntu_02_mono_use_default_compiler.patch in kdebindings?21:31
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
stdinFireRabbit: "Switch to Mono 2.0 transition default compiler, 'csc'"21:45
FireRabbitso that's some debian thing?21:46
stdinlooks like an Ubuntu thing actually21:48
stdinlooks like it's added in 4:4.1.80-0ubuntu221:48
FireRabbithm ic21:55
NCommanderrgreening, I put my imagewriter-qt code on Bazaar22:14
JontheEchidnaRiddell: any reason why we aren't merging with exerimental for ktorrent?22:20
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
NCommanderrgreening, at some point, maybe you can explain Qt resource files to me :-)22:56
stdinNCommander: those are easy22:59
* NCommander just need to finish some GUI work, and then work out the specifics of packaging imagewriter-qt22:59

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