=== islington is now known as Seal === Seal is now known as SealV [00:05] hello [00:25] <_MMA_> SealV: If you're lookin' for a general chat, it ain't gonna happen now. If you have a question, it's best to just ask. [00:27] ah.. okay then : I have been trying to figure out this workflow thingie, except its not working for me [00:27] it goes to processing the intruction layer, and then nothing [00:28] <_MMA_> Are you talking about the Breathe icon set? [00:28] specifically the workflow they are using [00:29] <_MMA_> I need more info to know what you problem is. [00:29] <_MMA_> What *exactly* are you doing? [00:30] k, I downloaded the svg template, and the render_bitmap.py from the trunk of Breathe Icon set [00:30] I imported my own artwork and centered it in layer above Plate. [00:31] no when I run ./render_bitmap.py: [00:31] *now [00:31] <_MMA_> render_bitmap.py works on the set specifically. You have to have the same dir structure. [00:31] <_MMA_> Did you grab trunk entirely? [00:31] Yup I set that up, even got it to chop up computer.svg into pngs [00:31] yes [00:33] hmm.. when I edit computer.svg(from trunk) with my own artwork, and resave it: it works [00:33] <_MMA_> Then you don't have some structure tight in your template. [00:33] <_MMA_> *right [00:33] <_MMA_> You're puttin' something in the wrong spot. [00:34] <_MMA_> Or... You havent edited the metadata correctly. [00:34] <_MMA_> The layer the art goes on has to be named correctly. [00:35] I have not managed to use the files at DIYMarketing to print cd covers. They seem to be uncompatible with Hardy's Inkscape and Scribus. Any suggestions? [00:35] <_MMA_> SealV: Looking at the wiki, template and or completed files should show you how the convention works. [00:35] <_MMA_> djolefol: Link to the covers? [00:36] the metadata might be the prob thanks _MMA_ [00:36] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing under 8.10, Desktop, wallet, eps and pdf. [00:36] <_MMA_> SealV: np [00:39] <_MMA_> djolefol: So what exactly is your issue? What does or doesnt happen? [00:41] I just have not managed to import the eps or pdf files for the cd wallet to Inscape and to Scribus to print them to A4 or A3 paper. Scribus gives error signal 11. [00:43] <_MMA_> Both PDF and EPS imported fine. I'd look into the "Recommended" packages for both apps. Maybe you're missing a filter. [00:48] Ok, thanks. I'll check that. === _MMA_ is now known as MetalMusicAddict [01:38] yay. it worked check out my shiny new folders [01:38] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/sealx/shiny.jpg [01:40] Ok, all recommended packages for Inkscape and Scribus are now installed in my Hardy. The wallet pdf does not import to scribus: Not in a recognised format. The second eps ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntu_wallet_810_part2.eps ) file is not imported to Scribus correctly (only three greyish titles and one dark bar...). The part1.eps seems not to be imported to Scribus at all - Scribus [01:49] MetalMusicAddict: The wallet pdf imports to Inkscape (as it did earlier also) but exporting to cairo-pdf leeds to some strange horizontal lines all over the image, which can be seen by zooming a bit in evince. I have not printer here to test it on paper. I would say the color glides get corrupted. When saved to eps, the resulting file seems fine at Nautilus, but cannot be imported to Scribus (my intention was to only save th [01:54] I mean do somebody have any hints how to produce Intrepid cd cover art easily? :) [02:07] Probably the files just are incompatible with Hard [02:10] ...in Hardy, as they have been created by Adobes software: 'Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition CD wallet artwork' at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing#8.10%20artwork. Going to sleep soon, but thanks for your attention. === MetalMusicAddict is now known as _MMA_ === _MMA_ is now known as MetalMusicAddict === MetalMusicAddict is now known as _MMA_ [13:55] http://www.logodesignlove.com/obama-08-logo-design-options [14:02] <_MMA_> nice === islington is now known as SealV [19:21] what program was used to make the default Ibex wallpaper? [19:22] <_MMA_> lianimator: Mostly GIMP I believe. [19:22] there is so much detail :) [19:23] I wonder how it was made [19:23] <_MMA_> What do you mean? [19:24] <_MMA_> The default is an evolution. Originally its made up of other photos. Made into a shape of an ibex. [19:36] the texture.. looks very detailed [19:42] _MMA_, no inkscape involved? [19:42] kwwii, how was your trip back? [19:42] luisbg: horrible! [19:43] luisbg: after a few hours we had to turn back to sanfransisco [19:43] <_MMA_> luisbg: I don't think so. Its just a big image. Easy to get detail. [19:44] kwwii, we were close to that but didnt have to go back [19:44] a girl seating close to me had very bad stomach ache since the moment we entered the plane [19:44] luisbg: we spent an hour flying in circles so that we could dump enough fuel to land again [19:44] when she was feeling better 4 hours into the flight [19:45] ouch [19:45] somebody of the crew talked to her and said "good, I was worried we had to turn back to chicago" [19:45] :S [19:45] this was the chicago - dublin flight [19:45] luisbg: did you fly directly to dublin or over london or so? [19:45] sfo - chicago - dublin [19:45] ahh, lay-overs are great :-) [19:46] mine was fine [19:47] the girl sitting besides me in the first flight was a googler [19:47] she noticed my laptop sticker and asked me if I was, so we started talking [19:47] hehe, and I sat next to a guy who works for mozilla [19:47] she also was flying to dublin, so we eat together in the lay over [19:47] the weird part is she worked for Sun 8 years ago [19:47] should have asked her to have sex in the bathroom :p [19:47] very coincidental [19:48] LOL [19:48] <_MMA_> hehe [19:48] <_MMA_> (|) [19:48] _MMA_ always appears when somebody mentions inflight sex [19:48] kwwii, did you knew the mozilla guy? [19:49] luisbg: nope, he was some QA person...nothing to do with ubuntu but he knew all about it [19:50] he thought that hardy heron was the current release though [19:50] bah humbug dell needs to offer an upgrade to ibex for its netbook [19:51] SealV: how is that an artwork issue [19:51] but I do agree :-) [19:51] wrong tab, my apologies [19:51] :) [19:52] artwork wise: thanks to MMA I figured out the workflow [19:52] everyone here uses gimp. yes?? [19:52] and inkscape. [19:53] inkscape yes, gimp:most of the time [19:53] how about a tablet? I plan to get one soon [19:53] I wonder how well it works with gimp. [19:53] lianimator: yes a tablet is a good idea [19:54] works alright in gimp [19:54] gimp has descent support for pressure and so on [19:54] <_MMA_> Wacoms work great with GIMP and Hardy. Intrepid no. [19:54] although to get the most out of it you still have to poke about with your xconfig [19:54] _MMA_: it will work in Intrepid :D [19:54] actually that tablet thing was gonna be discussed at the devel [19:55] <_MMA_> gaminggeek: As a mouse sure. Unless there's been a new development in the last week. [19:55] _MMA_: you just need to change some configs :) [19:55] _MMA_: what's wrong with intrepid + gimp? [19:55] lianimator: nothing [19:56] <_MMA_> Links are good. Otherwise the changes to HAL have stopped them from working correctly. [19:56] would I need to add some config to xorg.conf? [19:56] the change is in the way ubuntu handles the tablets [19:56] I couldn't, could it? [19:56] _MMA_: just move out the files :) [19:56] <_MMA_> "Links are good." [19:57] sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xserver-xorg-input-wacom.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xserver-xorg-input-wacom.rules.foo [19:57] that will make it stop autodetecting [19:57] I'll get a wacom anyway, *then* I'll worry about the configs. [19:57] I cant find the link to the developers conference [19:58] * _MMA_ tries on Intrepid box. Though, this is a band-aid and I wouldn't recommend wide-spread use as most users would remember they did this later. [19:59] I just leave it auto detecting because I only really NEED the stylus anyway [19:59] pressure works too [20:00] in intrepid with out config changes [20:00] <_MMA_> gaminggeek: So you say *stock*, pressure works in Intrepid? [20:01] indeed [20:02] <_MMA_> You're an odd case then. As it's broken for most. [20:02] it used to be back in the beta [20:02] they fixed it though [20:02] does tilt work? [20:02] you need to enable pressure in gimp though [20:02] jaunty will have a UI for wacom tablets :-) [20:02] tilt doesnt work out of the box [20:02] \o/ [20:02] there was a session at UDS on it [20:03] <_MMA_> nice [20:03] its about time they do something about the tablet problem :) [20:03] I drove the author to the airport, promising again and again to help test it [20:03] kwwii: and for tabletpc's too right? [20:03] <_MMA_> gaminggeek: Because we all pay so much for this stuff. ;) [20:04] SealV: yes [20:04] yea :) [20:04] kwwii, nice! I didnt knew that [20:04] maybe its time soon to get a tablet [20:04] well we do help out in the community :) [20:04] I was amazed when he started his talk..I had no idea [20:04] kwwii was it recorded? [20:04] there must be video online somwhere about it [20:05] gaminggeek: yes [20:05] its the one area I like opensuse [20:05] got a link or do I have to google ;) [20:05] gaminggeek, there will be a video but tony has _a lot_ of work to do with those [20:06] suse always did a good job with wacom tablets...when I worked there I would always bring markus schaefer my tablets shortly before release and say "make them work" [20:06] so its not up yet? [20:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid [20:07] <_MMA_> gaminggeek: "We"? How do you help the community? (honest question) [20:07] _MMA_: I help out on IRC when I can :) [20:07] that is something atleast :) [20:08] and submitted a few bug reports :) [20:09] gaminggeek: that's the spirit! [20:10] god, I just watched my interview on youtube...was I smoking crack? [20:10] link? [20:11] <_MMA_> I'm sorry. It's just rubs me wrong when people say things like "its about time" (and the like) when I have never heard of someone and in the grand scheme of things, seems has done very little to help a particular area. I'll hush about it now. [20:11] <_MMA_> kwwii: Like you weren't? :P [20:11] :) [20:12] <_MMA_> kwwii: Anything else interesting happen? [20:13] <_MMA_> Replacement for Usplash maybe? :P [20:14] * luisbg will be silent about the smoking crack comment [20:14] kwwii, almost all interviews where with tony standing up... looks weird to watch people on video looking up all the time [20:23] _MMA_: yes, we will have a PPA with the -29 kernel and the plymouth splash stuff (which will only work on intel cards with that kernel) [20:23] hopefully enough cards/drivers will support kms to have it default in +1 [20:23] <_MMA_> Oh. Kinda a bummer. [20:24] <_MMA_> Ill test on the lappy when I can. [20:31] if you get the current stuff it apparently only works on 4 ati radeon cards [20:32] <_MMA_> ATI? Gross. :P [20:34] open source [20:39] wow. kde 4.2 is pretty [20:42] "the Ibex and the heron weren't bad but if they come up with a deformed rabbit as a background this time I'll puke" [20:47] I was thinking something like a sticker, with a rabbit stikcer on a wood background and antlers taped on [21:54] this is what I meant: link coming up [21:55] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/sealx/Screenshot.jpg [21:59] lol I will post the svg if anyone wants it [22:05] <_MMA_> Fun