=== tyche_ is now known as tyche | ||
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik | ||
Tumie | how's the UWN this week? | 19:40 |
tyche | Clost to done | 19:40 |
Tumie | say it when he's ready :) | 19:40 |
johnc4510-laptop | k | 19:40 |
LirazSiri | good evening fellow Ubunteros! | 20:12 |
johnc4510-laptop | hey, are you out of the edit now? | 20:18 |
johnc4510-laptop | :) | 20:18 |
johnc4510-laptop | LirazSiri: ^^^^? | 20:19 |
LirazSiri | no I'm in the middle of an edit | 20:19 |
LirazSiri | I'm rewriting the section on ubuntu-fr. It really needs the work | 20:19 |
LirazSiri | just a couple of minutes | 20:20 |
johnc4510-laptop | was just getting to that | 20:20 |
johnc4510-laptop | but go ahead | 20:20 |
LirazSiri | alright I'm out of the edit (reading and taking down notes for things to correct in my next edit session) | 20:25 |
johnc4510-laptop | k, i'm just starting on the proof reading now | 20:26 |
LirazSiri | The OpenSolaris bit "in other news" has nothing to do with Ubuntu. Ubuntu seems to be mentioned only as an artificial instrument to drum up interest... | 20:43 |
LirazSiri | I hate it when PR plants try to manipulate readership like that... | 20:44 |
LirazSiri | should we really be covering this? | 20:44 |
johnc4510-laptop | sorry, i'm not down that far yet | 20:49 |
johnc4510-laptop | and i really need to be in the edit to finish up if possibly | 20:50 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 20:50 |
LirazSiri | alright, I'm done | 20:50 |
johnc4510-laptop | k | 20:50 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 20:50 |
LirazSiri | gotta run, cheers | 20:50 |
johnc4510-laptop | cya | 20:50 |
johnc4510-laptop | Tumie: ping | 21:33 |
Tumie | thanks | 21:33 |
johnc4510-laptop | it's ready for you now | 21:33 |
johnc4510-laptop | np | 21:33 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx for your patients | 21:33 |
johnc4510-laptop | Tumie: btw, we won't be publishing an issue right after xmas | 21:34 |
johnc4510-laptop | next wk as usual, the following we'll skip | 21:34 |
Tumie | ok, | 21:34 |
Tumie | so,, next sunday, no issue :) | 21:34 |
johnc4510-laptop | no | 21:35 |
johnc4510-laptop | next sunday there will be an issue | 21:35 |
johnc4510-laptop | the following wk there won't | 21:35 |
johnc4510-laptop | ok? | 21:35 |
johnc4510-laptop | Tumie: ^^^^^^^^^^ | 21:36 |
Tumie | :P | 21:37 |
johnc4510-laptop | k | 21:37 |
Tumie | sunday the 28th,, no issue :p | 21:37 |
johnc4510-laptop | right | 21:37 |
johnc4510-laptop | :) | 21:37 |
Tumie | next sunday starts my christmasvacation,, so i wass a little confused.. | 21:38 |
Tumie | but it comes at the right time.. 30th december i have an operation.. | 21:38 |
johnc4510-laptop | ah, good luck with that | 21:41 |
johnc4510-laptop | hope it works out ok | 21:41 |
johnc4510-laptop | we'll be thinking of you | 21:41 |
Tumie | it's just something with my toe.. | 21:43 |
Tumie | it's my left big toe,, the right already had the operation and it's oke now :) | 21:44 |
Tumie | google translate says: "inflamed toe".. | 21:44 |
Tumie | but i'm going to sleep now.. | 21:44 |
Tumie | bye | 21:45 |
johnc4510-laptop | new issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue121 | 21:55 |
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik |
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