[18:57] bryce, you there? [18:58] or anyone that can help with bug 146706 [18:58] Launchpad bug 146706 in xorg-server "[Hardy] Live cd graphics fail with nvidia geforce4 440 go " [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146706 [19:01] I have the system this weekend for troubleshooting [19:34] alex_mayorga: one thing that might be nice is a log from running with Option "ModeDebug" [19:41] tormod, how do I get it? I just attached current Xorg.0.log to the bug report, FWIW [19:45] alex_mayorga: you add Option "ModeDebug" to the Driver section and restart the xserver. It will be a little bit more verbose about how it selects mode etc. But I didn't read the bug report thoroughly. Is the same mode selected as when it was working? [19:46] the output will still be in Xorg.0.log BTW [19:46] if the mode is correct, ModeDebug might not be so interesting. [19:49] tormod, there's no Driver section on my xorg.conf [19:49] sorry I meant Device section [19:50] OK, let me add that [19:54] tormod, I've added that line to xorg.conf, what now? [19:55] reboot? [19:55] it's enough to logout and in, because that will restart X [19:56] tormod, I have no gui, it's all garbled [19:56] let me reboot, I'm troubleshooting over ssh now [19:57] ctrl - alt -backspace should work [20:05] tormod, I've rebooted and I now have GUI, odd, only thing I did was to aptitude install read-edid [20:05] make sense [20:06] so read-edid solved the whole issue? [20:16] that was the only thing I did besides adding the line you suggested under Device, then sudo reboot and got video back, real odd [20:19] tormod, what can I provide for the bug, or was all user error? [20:21] try to make sure it was only the read-edid (remove the ModeDebug). Then attach two logs (working, with read-edid and failing, without) both with ModeDebug set. Attach both to the upstream bug. [20:22] AFAIK, read-edid is not supposed to be needed. [20:29] I'd try to do that