[00:22] moijk, apt-get install network-manager [00:22] sorry for kept you waiting. [00:28] I installed emerald, but how do I make it the default theme/window manager? [00:29] dnyy, you have to disable the option that makes xfce to manage the desktop [00:30] Where's that at? D: [00:30] nvm, i see [00:30] right button at desktop and desktop settings :D [00:30] now you can switch your emerald on, maybe you'll need to restart x. [00:31] how do I know if it's on? There's n o "set as manager" or anything in the emerald settings. :/ [00:32] hmm, try finding the option that makes it "on". i gotta go now, sorry i can't help you anymore [00:32] see you and good luck [00:32] that's fine, thanks. :) [00:33] foda-se [00:33] sou bicha [00:33] nevermind, that was my friend :( [00:36] well i got xfce to stay disabled, but still can't make emerald start ;( [01:13] so does anyone know of a fix to remove the panels when games are running? [01:14] Hey there! [01:14] I'm having trouble with the Xubuntu 8.10 alternate install [01:16] kaliree, what kind of problem? [01:17] ACPI: Invalid PBLK length[0] [01:17] Then it just keeps checking for "src1" and something about a block error. [01:18] The HDD is fine though. [01:18] Old, but fine. === Knightlust is now known as Igorot [02:22] Hi [02:22] can someone help me? [03:22] How do i make chmod apply to all folders and files? [03:38] well, i was about to answer him :( [04:33] Hello folks. I'm not sure of the etiquitte, but I'm in need of a bit of assistance. [04:37] ask away, if some1 can help they will [04:38] R1: Cool thanks [04:39] I'm having a problem getting GRUB to boot on some 'antique' hardware: An IBM Thinkpad i series (old p2 with 256mb of ram) [04:40] Have tried a few different installs which i'll outline [04:40] Install 1. Xubunu full CD - Chose guided partiioning using the full disc - Result : Grub hung at loading Stage1.5 [04:41] install2. Xubuntu full CD Manually partitioned created a 100mb /boot partition approx 29gb main partiition and 768mb swap [04:42] Result. GRUB loading1.5 hangs with error 15 [04:42] Install 3. Xubuntu alternative CD same manual partition as above, same result [04:42] Then I did a COMPLETE format to all 0's using a UBCD [04:43] Reinstalled like step 2 [04:43] now, I'm hanging at GRUB loading 2 [04:43] I've made a few 'super grub discs' one CD one Floppy. Both boot, but then are unresponsive [04:43] so, that's where I'm at. [04:45] From what I've googled, it seems like GRUB is having trouble figuring out the hard drive specs from the bios or something. [04:45] Xubuntu does load from the live CD okay. [05:14] Interestingly, a few other distro's live CDs (SLAX, Puppy) will not even load [05:14] I'm thinking that this system just doesn't like linux [05:15] I was just messing with it for a friend, so I guess I'm going to be giving it back to him with good ole Win98 [05:15] ouch [05:16] Too bad because I was bragging about 'how easy' linux for me was to install (on my less antique machines) [05:16] lol [05:16] £ãugh¡ñg Òut £öuÐ [05:16] §orry i have no idea [05:16] only been on linux for 4 months [05:17] Not a problem. I've tinkered with it for 8 years or so on and off. Ubuntu is by far the best (easiest) distro i've experienced [05:17] But this problem has me stumped, because i'm by no means an expert [06:25] I have a USB headset, i plugged it in, it doesn't appear to work at all. i'm on xubuntu 8.04.1. alist -l doesn't show it detecting the headset. where to start? [06:47] coldhak_: lsusb [06:49] it is detected in lsusb [06:51] lsmod | grep snd-usb-audio returns nothing [06:51] i think this might be the problem, but i don't know [06:53] !sound [06:53] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [06:54] Anyone here using emerald with xubuntu? [06:55] I'm having trouble getting it working. I've disabled xfce managing my desktop, but it still won't start. When I run 'emerald --replace' in terminal I get: [06:55] (emerald:6690): Wnck-WARNING **: Property _NET_WM_NAME contained invalid UTF-8 [06:56] :/ === wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla [07:00] hello anyone have success installing a Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express in intrpid [07:02] Odd-rationale, my xubuntu intrepid shows the cam when i lsusb but i cant seem to use it any ideas [07:42] Hello. [07:43] How do i extend my desktop to my 2d monoter? [07:43] moniter [07:43] hello? [07:44] .... [07:44] .... [07:44] FINE EGNORE ME [07:44] gosh. [07:45] hello [07:45] is anyone there? [07:45] HHHEEELLLOOOO? [07:46] hello [07:46] im here [07:47] where do i add user themes to get them to show up in the settings dialog? [07:47] add the files* [07:48] in ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes [07:49] ~/ being your home/username/ dir [07:54] thank you [07:54] and splash screens? [10:20] !ICS [10:20] If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php === R1coch3t is now known as R1cochet [11:07] hi, I have added another user, how can I install install staff for him [11:07] this user does not have priviliges to apt-get [11:08] can I just su kroiz and then do apt-get? [11:08] kroiz: add him to apropriate group in Users and Groups [11:08] 'admin' group or something like that [11:09] but I don't want him to be admin [11:09] you want him to be able to use sudo? [11:09] I don't want him to be able to mess things up. [11:09] then what do you want? I'm confused [11:10] I just want to install some basic things to get him going [11:10] like extra games [11:10] applications usually install globally, for all users [11:11] also I want to install lamp [11:13] maybe I should temporarly give him admin priviliges and after everything is set up take them away [11:20] is it ok to remove libgd2-noxpm? i went to install reconstructor and it said it needed to remove libgd2-noxpm [11:22] kroiz: you can do it just fine with su [11:22] kroiz: if you want to become someone else temporarily [11:23] but isn't becoming someone else means I take their env with me [11:23] ? [11:25] env? [11:25] applications are installed globally, not per user [11:33] TheSheep, ok thanks. [12:20] hello [12:20] just a quick one. what does sudo apt-get upgrade do ? [12:24] i am runnin hardy xubuntu, does that command upgrade all the programs? i mean, for hardy? or does it upgrade to 8.10 ? [12:24] it only upgrades programs for hardy [12:33] i got some application shortcuts in applications menu that i dont want how can i remove those? settings > settings manager > edit menu doest seem to work.. [12:38] you can uninstall those applications [12:42] TheSheep: i did but i quess i did it wrong ;x sudo apt-get remove --purge wine and i uninstalled the win32 application whitin wine. [12:43] TheSheep: now i still see wine and the win32 application in my applications menu [12:43] tingle: remove the .wine directry from your home directory [12:43] tingle: and .local/share/applications/wine/ [12:48] TheSheep: thank you that worked [12:49] TheSheep: what is .local/share/applications/ for a folder exaclty? [12:56] tingle: it hold modified copies of files form /usr/share/applications [12:56] tingle: your menu is built with them [13:46] TheSheep: thanks good to know. [14:00] question for the xfce-pkg-updates ppa, is there a reason xfdesktop4-data is not included since xfdesktop4 depends on it? === hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo [15:26] How can i promote Xubuntu? [15:29] Nikola-Xub: http://xubuntu.org/contribute/marketing [16:07] hello [16:09] i have a fresh install of xubuntu 8.04 hardy. i have just ran apt-get updathe te in the terminal... do i install all the stuff in update manager? it's about 200mb worth [16:12] i am only wonderoing [16:12] cus earlier, i ran apt-get upgrade, and installed everything and that seem'd to cock up!! [16:28] hi. anyone here? [16:30] no [16:31] only us, mice [16:43] :) [16:44] I have a silly question. [16:44] can anyone tell me how to change the keyring password? [16:44] I've searched the forums and google but can't find it. [16:56] hello, what's the "clean" way to change the default text editor in Xubuntu. [16:56] ? [16:57] fresh install of xubuntu hardy, have ran apt get update.. do i need *all these updates? i mean cus some of them say 2.6.24-22 kernel and hardy has the -19 kernel? im confused please help :) [16:58] the new updates (after your fresh install) contains also a kernel update. [17:00] oh so i should install the whole lot? [17:00] i am not really sure, I've made all the upgrades and nothing bad happened :) (i've had to restart the computer0 [17:00] :) [17:06] oke ta m8 [17:07] bbs [17:07] Is Xubuntu good for a home laptop?My family will use it too [17:08] I have Xubuntu 8.10 installed on my laptop (dell inspiron 1525) and it's performing very nice :) [17:08] Cool [17:09] I also plan on doing some programming. [17:09] what kind of programming ? [17:09] Java,Ruby,C, learning... [17:10] Well, you can use Eclipse or Netbeans [17:10] Cool! [17:10] I can't wait to try Xubuntu :D [17:10] Have you tested XFCE before ? [17:11] No. [17:11] Xubuntu is not as eye-candy as Ubuntu [17:11] I know, i watched the pictures. [17:11] it's more "minimalistic" [17:11] Cool! [17:11] I need something that will be light and fast [17:11] but is faster [17:12] I tried Kubuntu, but it run too slow [17:13] What's your laptop configuration ? [17:13] I don't know really, i got it a couple of weeks ago [17:13] Still new :) [17:14] Is it possible to write an Operating system in Ruby? [17:14] NO [17:14] :( [17:14] lol [17:14] you cannot write an operating system in Ruby [17:14] :) [17:15] Why [17:15] ? [17:15] it's an interpreted language [17:15] What's it's use? [17:15] you don't direct access to hdd resources [17:15] Ruby is used on Web Developing [17:15] :( [17:15] Darn lol [17:15] What about Perl? [17:16] No :) [17:16] Java? :O [17:16] No :)) [17:16] <_< [17:17] whois Nikola-Xub [17:18] I am lol [17:20] whois nomemory [17:56] hi there. I need to connect on a computer here in my local network, it is linux also, what software I need to have? Samba? [18:17] !Samba [18:17] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [18:17] !nfs [18:17] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [18:17] !networking [18:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about networking [18:18] !network [18:18] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [18:19] testing... [18:20] I have a xubuntu 8.04 question concerning sound [18:22] I'm assuming 56 folks are afk... and i'm new to irc so here goes... [18:23] I'm new too so... [18:23] I have a thinkpad 600 with xubuntu 8.04 ... the sound card is not being recognized (i think) any suggestions [18:24] Rootvonroot: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-68074.html [18:24] Someone found a solution on page 2 [18:25] thank you for the link - i'm checking it out now [18:25] :) [18:25] Beyond googlin' it, I have no idea. :p [18:26] In xubuntu, is there anything like Ubuntu's 'Connect to Server'? Or any other way to get SSH/SFTP location in a GUI? [18:27] diel: Yes [18:28] Thunar file manager -> Go -> Open location [18:29] charlie-tca: Done that, I'm faced with a location - is there particular syntax for ssh? [18:29] Anyone know how to get emerald working in xubuntu without compiz? I keep getting an error when trying to start it. :/ [18:30] I don´t use thunar for it, try "USER@IP_address" maybe. That works in terminal [18:30] (emerald:6690): Wnck-WARNING **: Property _NET_WM_NAME contained invalid UTF-8 (the error) [18:30] I don´t think emerald works without compiz, dnyy [18:31] ah, well dang. if i turned all the compiz effects off, would it hog much memory? [18:31] i'm trying to keep it light, but still want it to look nice ;p [18:31] no idea, I never install compiz [18:32] charlie-tca: nope, its not having anything but a local location. Its no biggie, scp works file I just to 'see' things! Thanks :) [18:32] sorry I could not help :( [18:32] no prob! [18:33] !xubuntu [18:33] Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [18:47] !xubuntu-channels [18:47] Support: #xubuntu | Developer Discussion: #xubuntu-devel | Offtopic chatter: #xubuntu-offtopic [18:55] permissions question - i'm trying to edit /etc/modules (with default program abiword) but i don't have persmissions... how can i edit that file? [18:56] Rootvonroot: sudo mousepad /etc/modules [18:56] thank you [19:01] hello [19:01] 'elo [19:01] owright lad [19:02] don't suppose you know how to get me flash workin on xubuntu 8.04? - i have installed flashplugin non free from synaptic but it doesnt seem to be working for youtube m8 [19:03] I'm not using 8.04, but have you tried downloading the restricted extras package? [19:03] mm no i haven't , i will look [19:03] it has the flash plugins, java plugins, and a few other things i can't think of atm [19:23] in this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188736 ... the part that says ... "Find the line that begins with "# kopt="... and append this to it: [19:23] Code:acpi=force pci=noacpi pnpbios=off pci=usepirqmask" ... do i replace everything after "# kopt=" or do I add "Code:acpi=force pci=noacpi pnpbios=off pci=usepirqmask" to the end of the default line associtated with "# kopt=" ? [19:30] i'm rebooting and can say whether or not 'appending' the appropriate code at the end of the default line (not replacing) has worked or not... [19:35] nope - broke my installation - not booting now [19:35] yea for me [19:41] well .. i do have comand line - might be able to fix it [19:41] oh oh - i've been editing files in mousepad - but i have no graphics support ... is there a text based editor i can use? [19:43] nano [19:44] thank you [19:45] You´re welcome. I´m glad I could help. Good luck [19:46] can i get nano to edit in root mode? [19:47] sudo nano [19:47] get root user [19:50] i used sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst and when i went to save it said "...read-only file system" [19:55] Rootvonroot: show the output of the 'mount' command. are you german? [19:59] hello [20:00] Hey Heapy [20:00] hiya Nikola [20:01] i'm american ... output of mount: [20:01] anything in partiulcar ... i can't copy and paste (the system is on another computer) [20:02] i am trying to make xubuntu run stable , but i seem to be having lockup problems, it happens on regular ubuntu also. i think it is something to do wiv the updates. and when the kernel changes, does this make any sense , cus im new to linux!!! [20:02] Rootvonroot: nopaste.com and paste there the ouput of mount [20:02] perhaps the filesystem ist read-only mounted [20:02] heapy: what do you mean lockup? [20:03] my xubuntu machine is running in command line mode only - how to i use nopaste.com on that machine? [20:03] well the system just freezes. no mouse movement, wireless drops, and no ctrl alt del, have to hard shutdown... it happens quite often, but random times [20:04] try and reinstall [20:04] Or update it [20:04] i'll just type it here on my dell ... stand by... [20:04] Rootvonroot: there are several command line internetbrowsers: w3m lynx and links [20:04] heapy: sounds like a hardware problem, did you look into the logs after such a restart? [20:04] i think thats the whole problem, when i update it... [20:05] try to install one of them (links is great) with apt-get install links [20:05] heapy: don't update it then... :D [20:05] hmm ... that's new (for me) - i'll check them [20:05] Reinstall then don't update it [20:05] i have looked at logs, but canny find much to help. nothing jumps out and shouts *this is the problem fix me, fix me* :) [20:06] lol [20:06] which one do you suggest for a super noob like me [20:06] reinstall then don't update it... [20:06] i thought it was the ram sheep, but i ran memtest for 13hrs without an error [20:07] heapy: since when do you have a ram and a sheep?I LOVE those 2 animals lol [20:07] gonna try to install through command line [20:07] yeah thats what i have done just now nikola, hope its stable [20:07] Rootvonroot: sudo apt-get install links2 [20:07] will do [20:07] or sudo apt-get install lynx [20:07] heapy cool, good luck [20:07] :) [20:07] bbbaaarrrr rrrraaammmm eeewwww [20:08] links2 and lynx both did not install [20:09] i have done a zillion re-installs this wkend.. im sure its a software conflict somewhere. & now i dont have sound! jeez im cursed [20:09] "not using locking for read only lock file bla bla" "unable to wrtie to /var/cashe/apt/" " hte package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened" [20:09] youve got a read only root filesystem. reboot and mount it as read/write filesystem [20:09] for both lynx2 and lynx [20:10] heapy: turn sound speakears on? :D [20:10] you bugger you [20:10] haha [20:10] i can reboot easily enough, how to i mount as read/write filesystem? [20:10] & i cant install the nvidia drivers, it fails when attempting to get the restricted drivers, oh my life [20:11] heapy: you must be connected to internet [20:11] It happens to me too [20:11] lol [20:11] :D [20:11] you turnip [20:11] in /etc/fstab must have the rootfilesystem the option rw or defaults. if it hasnt, boot into a live CD and change it [20:12] i'll try booting into the live cd and changing it .. [20:13] bum [20:13] just tried to paste the msg, but it didnt [20:14] u need to do the following: copy it, then right click on this window and paste it [20:14] In linux, you can't press ctrl+v, it won't work [20:14] W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/nvidia-glx-new_169.12+ [20:14] 404 Not Found [20:14] thanks [20:14] can i boot from the live cd and then change the files on the hardrive back to the oriinal state? [20:16] i was told to use parted magic for playing with partitions and formatting easily if thats what you need to do like [20:19] gabkdlly doesn't like me, i ask him to help me with the most stupid things on linux, i swear down he must think im a numpty [20:20] i think i might just reinstal... [20:21] aka - i give up - but thank you for all your helps everyone ... take 2 [20:22] heapy: he what? [20:22] good luck lad, i been doin that loads lately [20:23] i have been having the worst time trying to get a stable ubuntu workin on this laptop. i thought it was to do with my wireless, i get lockups all the time. so i have been comming in here, and using the forums to try and find out if anyone knew what was causing it... gabk is good help [20:25] it's weird, now it seems stable (i havent done apt-get update) . but i canny install my video drivers, get flash to work, or have any sound! [20:27] when i did apt-get update and installed 200mb of 'updates' firefox changed from 3.0 to 3.04 or something, and the kernel changes also.. i think thats when i get the problems [20:29] I am making a Linux, and the base will be Xubuntu :D :D :D [20:29] * heapy can you make it idiot proof? [20:30] What? [20:30] dont worry :) [20:35] brb... [20:38] is it just me, or did an update yesterday break xubuntu desktop? [20:38] bbs [20:40] oh, I see - update to xfdesktop-data but not to xfdesktop4 yesterday breaks everything. Guess I'll not use my computer till someone updates xfdesktop4 to 4.4.3-0 [20:41] what version of xubuntu? [20:41] current [20:42] so, 8.10 or 8.04? I run 8.10 here and it´s working okay [20:42] 8.10 - have you done a full update? [20:42] xfdesktop-data should be at version 4.4.3-0 [20:42] Yes, ran one yesterday. [20:43] I've enabled all repos, but haven't added any new ones [20:44] I just did a fresh install on another system, completely updated it, and it´s working too [20:44] what is your version of xfdesktop-data? [20:46] 4.4.2-7ubuntu3 [20:46] and you have all your repos enabled? You should have gotten 4.4.3 unless they pulled it [20:46] on both machines! [20:47] xfdesktop4: [20:47] Depends: xfdesktop4-data (=4.4.2-7ubuntu3) but 4.4.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is to be installed [20:48] have you got proposed enabled? [20:48] I enabled all in my sources.list [20:49] I don't think proposed is one that was included (even disabled) [20:49] I know this is the Xubuntu channel, but I have been trying to find answers to a Puppy Linux question, and I didn't know if anyone might be able to help? [20:50] so I removed xfdesktop4-data (the one that's too current) and updated, hoping it was pulled and would have deprecated - but still no luck [20:50] Under updates in synaptic-package-manager -> repositories -> Updates [20:52] there we go - backports had an update to xfdesktop4-data which conflicted with xfdesktop4 [20:53] brb - restarting x [20:54] all is well in the world [20:55] :-) [20:57] thanks for the help - guess I gotta watch out for updates to backports [21:01] hello [21:02] anyone using xubuntu 8.04 hardy, could you tell me what kernel version you are using please? [21:03] heapy: 2.6.24-22-generic [21:04] That is on a 32-bit system [21:05] mmm [21:05] is that the hardy version charlie? [21:06] Yes. Xubuntu 8.04.1 [21:06] all updates as of this morning [21:06] My 64-bit is not up to date [21:06] mm i just done the updates too, mine is using 2,6.24-19 generic.. [21:07] and it completed the updates? Maybe the internet connection failed [21:08] yeah it done the lot [21:08] i just had to check the cd again to make sure it was 8.04.1 [21:08] My 64-bit is 2.6.24-21 [21:08] and it is not up to date [21:09] to get the updates to show in the update manager, do i do.. apt-get updates ? [21:09] sudo [21:09] I do that in terminal, then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to get it to fully update [21:10] the only thing it asked me was if i wanted to keep the existing grub menu.lst or change... [21:11] did you keep it? [21:11] yeah [21:11] i think! [21:11] you have to go to /boot/grub and update it manually now. It won´t show 22 if you told it not to update [21:13] what should i of chosen? to use the other menu? [21:13] title Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic [21:15] alright thanks for the help, will bbs :) x [21:15] Yeah, to let it replace it. [21:37] I've got a dell inspiron 3200, with xubuntu 7.10 on it, and my audio doesn't work, it's a cs4237b chipset, i've done googled all i can and found solutions, but still no sound [21:38] i've tried modprobe snd-4236(there's no 4237 module) [21:39] lspnp picks it up, but not lspci(it's ISA) [21:40] i would like to use alt+1 alt+2 ect in xterm for a irc application called irssi. i cant by default i remember you have to tweak something in a xterm config file.. can someone help me out? [21:40] i'm lost. I'm so used to windows, where i just download a driver and install [21:46] Whit1: it should find and ask you to istall new drivers if it sound work out of the box.. not sure how you can check your specs though.. [21:47] it works in windows [21:48] but windows xp runs real slow on here, so i get audio of stability and speed? [21:49] audio or stability and speed* [21:49] Whit1: hm there are no garentees.. you can try the live cd to check it before you install it on your hd [21:49] Whit1: but im almost certain that it will run [21:51] i've run kubuntu 8.10, xubuntu 7.10 and freespire live CDs they all work, but the audio doesn't on any of them [21:51] and xubuntu 7.10 is instaled and fully updated [21:51] good so you already installed it [21:51] yes, but no audio [21:52] what card do you have? [21:52] i'd have tried slackware, but kde doesn't work on there [21:52] slackware is a bit more complicated xD [21:52] from what i've read i have a crystal cs4237b [21:53] yes but slack is much more robust(3 cd's vs 1, many more programs and drivers) [21:55] Whit1: http://www.linux-laptop.net/hosted/xubuntu-thinkpad770e.html [21:55] Whit1: this might help a howto on xubuntu and crystal cs4237b try it and find out [21:55] Whit1: google is your friend ;x [22:19] helloa [22:25] can someone help me to get sound on xubuntu 8.04 please? i have some kind of intergrated intel, on a dell m1530xps laptop. im unsure what to do. [22:27] according to dell's website the card is a SIGMATEL STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio [22:34] bbs === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [23:33] Hi guys, I get a "ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused" when I try to VNC to my file server, any tips? I installed vncserver. Server is running xubuntu and I am running ubuntu 8.04 [23:42] hi from spain [23:51] does any one know how to enable desktop effects in xubuntu [23:52] !compiz | linuxman410 [23:52] linuxman410: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [23:52] thanks