
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
langznI need some teaching Please21:05
langznI need to learn how to add a Repo21:05
langznIm trying to add the Xubuntu Repo to Ubuntu21:05
langznHow do i do that?21:06
SalzeI think you should try #ubuntu. According to the topic the next class is held in january.21:07
nizarusto got xubuntu there is nothing to add21:07
nizarusjust type21:07
nizarussudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:08
langznThanks Nizarus21:10
nizarusu r welcom langzn21:11
langznBut im trying to add the repo to ubuntu not install Xubuntu21:29
nizarusLaney, which repo ? any link ?21:30
nizaruslangzn which repo ? any link ?21:47

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