
Jimi__HendrixChipzz define bootstrapping...and i have till march to do this...so ive got plenty of time...00:41
slangaseklamont: hmm, why did bind9's binary packages all get fatter in jaunty?01:36
slangasekor should I be directing that question at kees/doko?01:36
lamontslangasek: define "fatter"01:42
slangaseklamont: bind9-host is 30% bigger in jaunty than intrepid, with no difference in file contents01:43
lamont  * dig: add -DDIG_SIGCHASE to compile options.  LP: #25768201:44
lamont  * enable largefile support.  Closes: #49704001:44
lamontotherwise, nfc01:44
slangasekthe package is only 61K in total so it's not a major issue by itself, but I'm trying to figure out if it's a local change or a sign of changes that are giving us fatter binaries in general01:44
slangasekok, thanks; time to test builds in a chroot01:44
lamontI haven't really looked01:44
Chipzzbug 25768202:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257682 in bind9 "dig compiled without -DDIG_SIGCHASE!" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25768202:01
lamontChipzz: yep.  that's the bug alright02:02
Chipzzlamont: wanted to take a look at it myself :P02:04
ChipzzI was just wondering, ubotu should probably generate those links automatically when someone says "LP: #xxxxx"02:05
Chipzzbug 49704002:07
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 497040 could not be found02:07
slangaseklamont: curiously, if I do a local rebuild, bind9-host comes out even larger...02:25
slangasekwith dpkg-buildpackage -B02:25
slangasekoh, langpack stripping maybe?02:26
lamontyeah - possibly02:26
slangasekhmm, no02:26
lamontChipzz: debian bug 49704002:26
ubottuDebian bug 497040 in bind9 "bind9: Log files limitited to 2GB" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/49704002:26
slangaseklamont: right, don't use 'du' to compare file sizes across systems with different block sizes :)02:27
Chipzzlamont: ah heh. fail on my part :P02:39
lamontslangasek: heh02:39
slangaseklamont: right, so rebuilding the intrepid package with the jaunty toolchain also gives a smaller package, so I guess one of the changed build options means a significant code size increase03:04
lamontslangasek: git clone git://git.debian.org/~lamont/bind9.git03:05
lamontslangasek: that has the entire history if you wanna bisect the changes... :)04:02
lamontthough there aren't really that many of htem04:02
* lamont sleeps04:02
bryceslangasek: btw for alpha-2 could you include in the release notes a known-issue with i8xx chips (bug #304871)04:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Jaunty,845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487104:21
bryceslangasek: we might be able to get a fix in for alpha-2, but I think i8xx gfx users should hold off on upgrading a bit until it's sorted out04:22
slangasekbryce: ok, noted04:53
slangaseklamont: apparently it's the DIG_SIGCHASE change that does it04:53
slangasekArneGoetje: FYI, the change in ttf-arphic-uming to select dpkg compression based on dist name doesn't work04:54
LaserJockanybody know offhand a page that clearly says what Ubuntu's security support policies are?04:55
slangasekArneGoetje: I'm not sure the buildds use ubuntu-minimal, which would mean lsb-release is only installed if you build-depend on it04:56
ArneGoetjeslangasek: so, your suggestion would be to build-depend on lsb-release?05:02
slangasekArneGoetje: yeah (just uploaded with that change)05:03
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ok, thanks05:03
slangasekArneGoetje: and I see we've deliberately dropped the lzma option for ttf-kochi, but ttf-kochi is still on the CDs - what binary packages should replace ttf-kochi-{gothic,mincho}?05:03
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ttf-sazanami-{gothic,mincho}05:04
slangasekah, already changed in the seed and just needs an upload :)05:06
dholbachgood morning07:18
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
tkamppeterpitti, hi08:15
pittiGood morning08:55
pittitkamppeter: hey08:55
loolHey pitti08:56
loolpitti: had a good trip?08:56
pittieveryone landed safely again? /me had a very broken trip08:56
loolwhat happened?08:56
pittilool: most improbable EVER08:56
pittilool: in our plane in SF, the door didn't close, which meant 4 hours delay; after 2 hours we left the plane again08:57
pittiand guess whom we ran into08:57
pittimvo, ogra, and the other dudes which took the other plane 40 mins earlier08:57
pittiwhose plane broke as well, in a much more scary manner08:57
pittiand then in Frankfurt I had to stand in line for 2.5 hours to get my ticket rebooked08:58
tkamppeterpitti, I have an SRU for bug 306125 and bug 288570. Can you improve the Intrepid tasks of these bugs?08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306125 in ghostscript "PostScript produced with particular eps file when using graphicx-psmin gives error in ghostscript" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30612508:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288570 in ghostscript "Ghostscript eats all hard drive space and prints errors when printing with 1200 dpi" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28857008:58
loolpitti: Sounds fun   :-/08:58
pittieww, wiki.u.c. down?08:59
loolpitti: Doesn't respond for me either08:59
pittiI get a 503 Service Unavailable09:00
loolI get a timeout; are you using a proxy?09:00
KoonI got a few 500 this morning.09:00
Koonand now it's a timeout.09:00
KoonNow I got 50309:02
pittitkamppeter: done09:02
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, will upload the new gs to -proposed. Please pass it through.09:03
tkamppeterpitti, new gs is uploaded. Can you pass it through, thanks.09:07
pittiwill process the queue later09:07
Chipzzwhere can I ask for some help with a udev problem? I know, #ubuntu for support, but I'm highly unlikely to get meaningfull help there on that subject :P09:24
StevenKpitti: Are you planning to do the libspe2 merge on main-manual?09:24
pittioh, I didn't even look at that; I touched libspe2?09:40
StevenKpitti: According to MoM, you did09:49
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS is still hanging in the -proposed queue (on bug 271350) and I have already two new bugs to SRU. How should we proceed?10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271350 in cups "pdftopdf filter on PowerPC corrupts data" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27135010:26
tkamppeterIn the bug one person reported that the patch works for him in Jaunty and I have the patched version on a normal PC and no regressions.10:26
pittitkamppeter: it's there for 19 days already; it should really get tested10:27
pittisome feedback about "still works for me"10:27
tkamppeterpitti, what do you mean with 'some feedback about "still works for me"'?10:30
pittitkamppeter: I won't move it to -updates without anyone saying "that version still works for me"10:30
* pitti upgrades his wife's computer to that version10:32
tkamppeterpitti, so I add the fixes for the two other bugs, creating a 2ubuntu5 and if the testers of the two other bugs are completely content, we put up 2ubuntu5.10:32
pittitkamppeter: yes10:53
pittitkamppeter: but before I'd like to move 4 to -updates10:53
tkamppeterpitti, the bugs which I want to fix with 2ubuntu5 are bug 286048, bug 300312, bug 244840, and bug 47649.11:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286048 in cups "RELEASE FREEZE EXCEPTION: When requesting n copies, n*n or even n*n*n copies get printed" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28604811:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300312 in cups "tagged PDF with rotation is not printed correctly" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30031211:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244840 in cups "Landscape PDF documents get printed portrait, truncated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24484011:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47649 in cups "Landscape PDF printed as portrait (and truncated)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4764911:00
tkamppeterpitti, it would be great if the reporters of these bugs could start to test now.11:00
pittitkamppeter: I might also have a fix for bug 237256 in time11:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237256 in cupsys "Audit failure in CUPS for Brother DCP-9045CDN" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23725611:01
tkamppeterpitti, great. How do you fix that one.11:01
tkamppeterpitti, can you approve the Intrepid tasks of the bugs I mentioned above?11:03
pittitkamppeter: replied to 23725611:04
pittitkamppeter: done11:05
tkamppeterpitti, you simply added "/usr/Brother/** Ux" to the AppArmor file?11:06
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for approving the Intrepid tasks.11:08
pittiKeybuk, kees: on whose plate is the d-bus (security/new version) update?11:09
Keybukit's not urgent, as far as we can tell there's no escalation you can get from it11:10
Keybukand the fix is as bad as the cure11:10
tkamppeterpitti, I think, if we put 2ubuntu5 into -proposed now, we once get a lot of other fixes tested and second, we get the patch of bug 271350 regression-tested by the reporters of the other bugs. WDYT?11:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271350 in cups "pdftopdf filter on PowerPC corrupts data" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27135011:11
pittitkamppeter: *shrug* WFM11:11
tkamppeterpitti, WFM? "Works for me"? "Wait for me"?11:15
pittitkamppeter: "works for me"11:15
DktrKranzdoko: when you have some spare time, mind looking/commenting at bug 254790? Thanks.11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254790 in binutils "strip segfaults on dietlibc-built executables" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25479011:17
tkamppeterpitti, so can you give me your fix for Brother then and I will upload 2ubuntu5?11:23
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
sorenKeybuk: I'm playing a bit around with some shared storage and I was wondering if you've given any thought to the problems that will inevitable arise when e.g. a virtual machine puts a raid superblock onto its block devices and these are e.g. shared over iscsi and appear on multiple hosts.11:34
Keybuksoren: what kind of problems are you expecting?11:52
sorenKeybuk: Each host will notice the raid superblock and configure the raid set... Right?11:53
Kanohi, what allows u to mount hd partitions without fstab entry?11:54
sorenKeybuk: Same problem with lvm. The lvm udev rules call "lvmchange -ay" (without naming the volume group). I'm not sure if that actually does anything or just marks it as active in the kernel.11:54
Keybukpitti: am tracking the d-bus issue on bug #3063211:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30632 in soyuz "Builder "Change mode" page should enable optional comment." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3063211:55
Keybukpitti: am tracking the d-bus issue on bug #30636211:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306362 in dbus "Default D-Bus system bus policy is allow" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30636211:55
Keybukthe issue is that just about every existing dbus policy file is wrong in some way11:56
Keybukso if we upload the "fixed" version of d-bus, every service will break11:56
Keybukand worse, services will break because *other* policy files are broken11:56
Keybuke.g. say that /etc/dbus-1/service.d/foo.conf has11:57
Keybuk  <policy context="default">11:57
Keybuk    <deny receive_interface="com.ubuntu.Frob"/>11:57
Keybuk  </policy>11:57
Keybukthat means11:57
Keybuk"by default, deny ANY SERVICE from receiving messages for the com.ubuntu.Frob interface11:57
Keybuk AND, since we have denied interfaces, deny ANY SERVICE from receiving messages _with_no_interface_set_"11:58
Keybuk(sending messages without the interface set is default for things like Python)11:58
Keybukassumedly what they really meant was11:58
Keybuk    <deny receive_destination="com.ubuntu.Frob"/>11:58
Keybuk    <deny receive_destination="com.ubuntu.Frob" receive_interface="com.ubuntu.Frob"/>11:58
Keybukthough if you have the former, you don't need the latter11:59
Keybukalso almost nobody allows people to receive their signals ;)12:00
sorenKeybuk: My only idea to prevent the raid (and similar) problems is to keep a list of uuid's that udev should just ignore and then figure out a way to export such a list from libvirt, but perhaps you have a more clever approach up your sleave?12:08
Keybukpitti: oh, and note that the D-Bus upstream stance is now to revert all the security fixes and go back to open with logging ;)12:12
Keybuksoren: why should udev ignore them?12:12
Keybukyou still want them in the udevdb and still want them in /dev surely?12:13
sorenKeybuk: Not really.12:13
Keybukwhy not?>12:13
KeybukI don't understand why you'd want a connected device which udev doesn't know about?12:13
sorenKeybuk: Well, I suppose it depends on what you refer to by "them". :)12:13
Keybukif it's in /sys, there's no reason it shouldn't be in /dev12:13
sorenI want to have access to the raw block devices, but not configure the raid sets or lvm vg's that might be on there.12:14
Keybukyou generally want a match between /sys/dev/block <=> /dev/block and /sys/dev/char <=> /dev/char12:14
Keybukah, I see what you mean12:14
Keybukyou want the top-level block device to appear, but don't want to run mdadm and/or lvm on it?12:15
Keybukwhat heuristic would you follow to decide that?12:15
sorenMy specificu use case is virtual machines, so exporting some sort of list from libvirt would be a good start.12:15
Kanosoren: can you tell me how the mounting works without fstab entry for hd partitions?12:17
Keybuksoren: if we have a blacklist, I'd use it to skip the entire "persistent" bit of the udev rules12:18
sorenlibvirt has a storage handling api. I'm expecting that people will use that to set up iscsi to get access to the shares.12:18
Keybuke.g. /dev/disk/by-*, mdadm, lvm, etc.12:18
Keybukeven better if we could generate that blacklist in the form of udev rules in the first place12:18
sorenKeybuk: Ah, good idea12:18
KeybukBLAH==BLAH, GOTO="symlinks_end"12:18
sorenKeybuk: The target of GOTO doesn't need to be in the same file?12:19
Keybuktype thing12:19
sorenThat's convenient.12:19
Keybukno, you can jump files with it12:19
Keybukhell, you may want to just do12:19
KeybukBLAH==BLAH, OPTIONS+="last_rule"12:19
Keybukto prevent any further processing, including hal12:19
Keybukin fact, I think last_rule is probably correct12:19
Keybukotherwise you may still get hal automounting12:19
sorenYeah, that would suck.12:20
sorenHm... It won't suffice for lvm, though.12:20
soren85-lvm calls "lvchange -a y" (with out the vg name), so next time it's triggered, any volume groups will be discovered and activated.12:21
Keybukah, true12:21
KeybukI'm still waiting for incremental LVM12:21
Nafallohow would that work?12:21
KeybukNafallo: instead of telling lvm "scan for new block devices and do what you want", you'd instead tell lvm "there's a new /dev/sda4 - do you want that?"12:21
emgent\sh: ping12:21
NafalloKeybuk: ah. in that sense. that makes sense :-)12:22
Keybukand lvm would only activate when it has all the pieces it needs12:22
sorenKeybuk: Scanning alone should be fine, I suppose. As long as it doesn't get activated, we should be golden, right?12:23
Nafallohmm. I have my lvms on raid ;-)12:23
Nafallobut I guess we can do the same for mdraid? :-)12:23
Keybukright, "I have /dev/dm-0, do you want it?"12:23
Keybuksoren: we activate everything12:24
sorenKeybuk: I realise.12:24
sorenI mean: If we can somehow change the lvm rules to make sure we don't activate certain vg's, we should be fine, even we can't prevent the block devices from being scanned.12:25
sorens/even/even though/12:25
Keybukwe don't have any ability to prevent activation12:25
Keybukunless lvm has a conf file for taht12:25
sorenvgchange -ay takes an argument.12:26
Keybukof the specific device you want to activate, right?12:26
Keybuknot a list of ones you do *not*12:26
sorenvolume group.12:27
Keybukso that would break things ;)12:27
sorenOk, I see where you're going.12:27
Keybukright now, lvm only works *because* we always activate12:27
sorenOk, what we need to do is to make vgscan ignore the relevant block devices altogether.12:28
sorenCool. I'll look into that.12:30
Keybukupstream is already working on something like that12:30
sorenKeybuk: Cool. I'll see if I can strike up a conversation with him.12:33
sorenKeybuk: Thanks for your input!12:33
KeybukI wouldn't expect it in this release12:34
sorenMy primary concern is really raid. I can imagine massive breakage from that. I don't see lvm as quite as high risk.12:35
soren...but should definitely be fixed.12:35
Keybukthere is mdadm incremental support upstream12:35
Keybukbut we don't use it yet12:35
Keybukso with mdadm, we scan and activate all devices on each new block device12:35
sorenI thought we did that incrementally.12:36
* soren needs to run out for an hour or so..12:36
Keybukit's on my TODO list12:36
Keybukbut there's a lot of things on my TODO list ;)12:36
Keybukif you want to take a stab, go for it12:36
Keybukbasically instead of calling mdadm within watershed, we would call mdadm --incremental for each block device12:37
Keybukneeds lots of code reading and testing to make sure it'll do the right thing12:37
lamontslangasek: interesting... still, having SIGCHASE is a good thing12:40
Keybukrandom thought of the day13:35
Keybukon server, instead of having six gettys on different tty1s...13:35
Keybuk...why don't we have just one tty/getty and run screen by default13:35
cjwatsonI have actually had a real use (fairly frequently) for being able to get to different ttys without going through userspace, on a server hammered by load13:36
cjwatsonmy mail server doesn't have a lot of memory and occasionally SA kills it ...13:36
Keybukttys are in userspace though?13:37
Keybukyou still have to go through login. pam, shell, etc.13:37
Keybukwhich is harder work than opening a new screen pty and running the shell in it13:37
cjwatsonnot if you've anticipated this possibility and already have something logged in with a tail of syslog13:37
cjwatsonthen it's just kernelspace13:38
Keybukyou'd have a screen logged in with a tail of syslog?13:38
cjwatsonscreen would have to get scheduled in order to switch to it13:38
cjwatsonI wish this were a hypothetical problem for me :(13:38
Keybukhmm. that's a reasonable point13:38
cjwatson(tail has to get scheduled too, but that's fairly likely to happen at *some* point between the box tanking and me noticing - often this turns out to be the crappy wireless driver for that box exploding)13:39
Keybuktail's parent (the shell) has to be scheduled as well13:40
cjwatsonfor tail -f?13:40
cjwatsonsurely not13:40
slangasekdirecthex: tomboy appears to be the only app pulling a lot of mono 1.0 stuff into the CDs at present; is that something that's due to be "corrected"?13:40
Keybukcjwatson: sure13:40
Keybukif you kill your running tail13:40
Keybuktail has to be scheduled to receive SIGTERM and do something about it13:40
Keybukthen the shell has to be scheduled to receive SIGCHLD and call wait()13:41
cjwatsonoh, no, I just meant leaving tail -f running forever13:41
Keybukand assumedly scheduled enough to show the next prompt and allow you to run something else (nice generally :p)13:41
Keybukah, you only wanted to read the tail?13:41
KeybukI thought you meant having a handy logged-in-as-root shell somewhere that you happened to run tail in normally13:41
Keybukie. you switched, killed tail, then used that shell to rescue the box13:41
Keybukthough that also brings up an interesting point13:42
cjwatsonI want to find out whether the answer is "leave it a few minutes and it'll sort itself out" or "need to battle with a root shell to fix stuff" or "need to reboot box"13:42
cjwatsonor whatever13:42
Keybuksyslog is useful on servers, why *not* have it sent to a spare tty automatically?13:42
cjwatsonit's a fairly significant time-saver13:42
Keybukd-i style13:42
cjwatsonI've always thought that was a good idea; I run it on tty<high>13:42
SpadsI used to use tty2413:42
PiciSome might see it as a security breach to have a syslog taik setup automatically to a spare tty.13:43
cjwatsonsome might be wrong. if you have physical access then you have root13:43
cjwatsonobviously if the machine is specially locked-down then you'd want to disable it13:44
cjwatsonbut that's not the common case and already requires other work13:44
directhexslangasek, yes, definitely. it's just a long slog, unfortunately13:47
directhexslangasek, http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono20TransitionTODO shows current progress13:47
slangasekdirecthex: thanks, I'll read up; it would be nice to get rid of the 1.0 stuff over the next couple of days, since that one change should be enough to get our CDs back down to size13:48
directhexslangasek, couple of days, i don't think will happen. sorry. we're working as best we can, both at the debian & ubuntu ends13:48
slangasek(or at least, to within spitting distance)13:48
directhexthe *real* baddie is libgtk2.0-cil - but if we update that too early, it will break all untransitioned apps13:49
slangasekdirecthex: hmm.  I don't see an explanation on this page of what needs to be done to get tomboy from 1.0 -> 2.0?13:49
directhexslangasek, http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono20Transition13:49
tjaaltonslangasek: hey, as you've probably noticed, I've uploaded xserver 1.6beta3 to jaunty. now the problem is that some old & exotic input drivers fail to build. mind if I drop them from -input-all for alpha2 so that it'd remain installable?13:50
directhexslangasek, basically the libs used by it need to be 2.0, as well as tomboy itself13:50
slangasektjaalton: quantify "old and exotic" for me, please? :)13:51
tjaaltonslangasek: -summa for instance, no real changes to the code since 200513:51
slangasekdirecthex: so tomboy can't switch until gtk-sharp2 and gnome-sharp2 (and perhaps others) are transitioned?13:52
tjaaltonie. hardware that no-one using jaunty will miss ;)13:52
directhexslangasek, essentially, yes.13:52
slangasektjaalton: hrm, that one's already in universe though, so presumably isn't a dep of -all?13:53
slangasektjaalton: -input-all only depends on 6 input drivers, none of which look like they'd be a good idea to drop yet13:54
tjaaltonslangasek: oh, haha13:54
tjaaltonsilly me then13:54
directhexslangasek, Laney & james_w`  have been working hard in helping those of us in pkg-mono get as much done as quickly as possible13:54
tjaaltoncarry on..13:54
directhexslangasek, most of the remaining apps are waiting for sync, with a couple of exceptions (RainCT needs to poke gbrainy, monodevelop hasn't been done yet, nant & ndoc are exceptionally difficult to do, ikvm is the most evil package in all of creation)13:57
slangasekhave sync requests been filed?13:57
slangasekif so, I'll switch gears right now and take care of those13:57
pittitkamppeter: Brother fix> I asked the submitter for testing it13:57
directhexon most of them. i need to wait for mirror push on a couple of them, as requestsync is bitching that they aren't in the archive13:58
directhexslangasek, the ones i filed have been ack'd. i don't know what delay there is after someone says "ACK" though13:58
slangasek"until an archive admin does them"13:58
pittiKeybuk: lol, so in the end we don't need to do a security update at all? :-)13:59
cjwatsoncould somebody review base-installer, partman-target, and user-setup for hardy-proposed? I'd like to get a roll-up ubiquity upload in for 8.04.2, and it ought to include those pending installer changes I think14:02
directhexslangasek, let me see whether there are any main libs it's safe to transition early (i.e. packages with no untransitioned rdeps)14:03
fbondHi.  How can I tell which packages get security updates for the full five years in an LTS release?14:05
directhexslangasek, if you see slomo before i do, can you poke him and ask him which of his mono packages he's happy to pass to team maintenance? he's a bit of a bottleneck on some things right now14:06
slangasekdirecthex: ok.  also, can you point me at specific bug numbers for your outstanding sync requests?  nothing on my pending list looks mono-ish14:06
directhexfbond, do you have a gui on your system?14:06
fbonddirecthex: Sort of.  It's a pretty custom image with a light GUI that is deployed on digital signs.14:07
fbonddirecthex: That's why I asked the question the way I did.14:08
fbonddirecthex: Is there some kind of policy on this?  I keep getting heuristics from people.14:08
directhexfbond, "stuff in main"14:08
fbonddirecthex: Okay, thanks.14:09
cjwatsonno, that isn't accurate unfortunately14:09
cjwatson"stuff that's server-ish"14:09
directhexit's not?14:09
fbondcjwatson: I figured as much...14:09
cjwatsonI owe Nick Barcet some work to process the work he's been doing on defining this more tightly14:10
fbondcjwatson: Okay, sounds like I can only really count 3 years for my app.14:10
slangasekdirecthex: oh, perhaps the ones with '[mono2.0transition]' in the title ;)14:12
directhexslangasek, bug 308179, bug 307580, bug 307593, bug 307973, bug 30797014:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308179 in podsleuth "Please sync podsleuth 0.6.3-3 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30817914:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307580 in smuxi "[mono2.0transition] Please sync smuxi 0.6.2-4 from Debian Experimental" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30758014:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307593 in gnome-rdp "[mono2.0transition] Please sync gnome-rdp 0.2.3-1 from Debian Experimental" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30759314:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307973 in gfax "Please sync gfax 0.7.6-10 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30797314:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307970 in giver "Please sync giver 0.1.8-3 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30797014:12
slangasekdirecthex: got it - those will all be done shortly, then14:12
directhexand one more... 30818014:13
slangasekcjwatson: will have a look at those installer packages at the end of this sync run14:13
directhexFYI, the deps on ubuntu-dev-tools should be stricter. i get nasty errors running jaunty requestsync on hardy14:13
directhexi hope this newer python-launchpad-bugs fixes it14:14
slangasekdirecthex: gnome-rdp in ubuntu has a 0ubuntu5 version number but the bug doesn't discuss whether there are Ubuntu-local changes that we'll be stomping on with a sync?14:15
slangasek(bug #307593)14:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307593 in gnome-rdp "[mono2.0transition] Please sync gnome-rdp 0.2.3-1 from Debian Experimental" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30759314:15
directhexslangasek, according to the changelog, it should be synced now14:16
directhex"after Hardy this should be simply14:16
directhex      synced.14:16
directhex -- Sebastian Dröge <slomo@debian.org>"14:16
directhexslangasek, and given the debian packager is 1) one of the main pkg-mono people 2) upstream, i'm inclined to think it's worth syncing from now on14:17
cjwatsonslangasek: ta14:17
cjwatsonslangasek: any objection to me bumping base-files to 8.04.2 in preparation?14:18
slangasekcjwatson: feel free14:18
cjwatson(it's a build-dep of debian-installer, you see)14:19
directhexaha, alpha 2. THAT's where this talk of cd space came from14:19
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slangasekdirecthex: ok, syncs done except for gfax (since as dholbach notes, the tgzs don't match and a fake sync is needed)14:39
slangasekdirecthex: how far ahead does that move us? :)14:39
directhexslangasek, did you catch [14:13] <directhex> and one more... 308180 ?14:40
* directhex updates wiki14:40
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/140458/comments/33 any objection to me just doing that?14:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 140458 in wubi "Provide official Ubuntu metalink files on a public webserver" [Low,Fix released]14:41
cjwatsonslangasek: I assume I should edit the files in MirrorMetalink/templates/ ?14:41
apwsuperm1, hey when you were seeing the ACPI: EC: stuff which kernel was that with, it is looking here like it is probabally resolved on the kernels i am running14:41
directhexslangasek, with all of the above packages done, then only the ones i named remain. i'll need to assess the impact of starting on libs "early", which i'll do once LP has a green light against all the previous syncs14:43
slangasekcjwatson: no objection / yes14:43
slangasekdirecthex: sorry, which are the ones you named? I seem to have lost track14:43
directhex<directhex> slangasek, most of the remaining apps are waiting for sync, with a couple of exceptions (RainCT needs to poke gbrainy, monodevelop hasn't been done yet, nant & ndoc are exceptionally difficult to do, ikvm is the most evil package in all of creation)14:44
directhexi don't know how much we care about breaking ikvm, i think gbrainy should survive libs being done..... i don't know about nant & ndoc's impact if the libs are done early14:45
directhexhm, i think i forgot one14:47
Laneyoh, you win \o/14:50
directhexLaney, good guess! bug 30818914:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308189 in tangerine "Please sync tangerine 0.3.0+dfsg-3 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30818914:50
cjwatsondoko: are you planning a hardy upload for bug 288279? (8.04.2 is coming up soonish)14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288279 in openjdk-6 "Wrong path for dejavu fonts" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28827914:50
directhexslangasek, sorry for missing that one14:50
slangasekdirecthex: no worries, syncing now14:51
directhexhttp://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono20TransitionTODO looks a lot greener than it did an hour ago14:53
slangasekand gbrainy is not yet ready to sync?14:53
slangasekor is it?14:53
directhexnope. rainct wanted to ask upstream for a new version w/ minor fixes14:54
directhexyou'll have to ask him - it's not a team-maintained package so we can't upload it willy nilly14:54
directhexslangasek, what does a fakesync involve, WRT gfax?14:56
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slangasekdirecthex: manually applying the Debian diff to the Ubuntu tarball, signing and uploading14:56
slangasekyes, blame whoever diverged the tarball :)14:58
cjwatsonthis is why I was banging on about making sure the core stack tarballs are the same :)14:58
directhexcjwatson, they are! or i think they are14:59
directhextoo lazy to md5sum them by hand, but we certainly coordinated that14:59
cjwatsonwasn't saying they weren't14:59
cjwatsonjust saying that this is the problem I was trying to make sure we didn't encounter there as well14:59
directhexwell, any volunteers to do the gfax fakesync? can you think of anyone, Laney?15:00
slangasekI can take care of it15:00
* directhex checks whether any untransitioned apps will die from transitionedlibitis15:02
Keybukpitti: we need to do something, but that something involves an audit of every single d-bus using package15:03
directhexgfax is the only 1.0 app remaining15:04
directhexwell. the only one using libs outside the core mono stack, anyway15:04
slangasekdirecthex: ok, what next then? :)15:07
directhexslangasek, well, for minimizing delays? 0ubuntu1 the entire third third of the todo wiki15:08
superm1apw, i can give it a test if you've got a link to what you're running15:08
slangasekdirecthex: oh; that doesn't sound fun. :)15:09
slangasekdirecthex: how much of that needs to be done before tomboy benefits? most/all?15:09
directhexslangasek, what about f-spot?15:09
apwsuperm1, sure, i guess i should upload exactly what i have installed15:10
slangasekdirecthex: I don't know - how much does converting f-spot buy us in terms of CD space?15:10
apwtho. are you using 32 bit, i gues syou are15:10
directhexslangasek, tomboy, looks like gtk-sharp2, gnome-sharp2, mono-addins, ndesk-dbus, ndesk-dbus-glib15:10
directhexbut that's scaning by eye15:10
superm1apw, yeah15:10
apwok ... then any of the -11 kernels is basically the same, ie. contains the acpi fix that seems to fix me15:11
directhexf-spot needs libflickrnet and gnome-desktop-sharp2 in addition15:11
directhexi think that's it15:11
apwsuperm1, the ones here are worth testing: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apw/webcams1/15:11
superm1apw, okay i'll take a look in a little bit15:12
apwsuperm1, thanks for that15:12
pittitkamppeter: do you think https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/printer-sharing is still relevant? it's one click in s-c-p now15:23
slangasekdirecthex: which order should those lib packages be done in? in the order you listed them?15:28
directhexslangasek, doesn't matter. as long as gfax is done, then there's no danger caused by the order, as the executable which gets executed determines which runtime mono tries to use (i.e. even if one of its deps becomes 2.0 whilst it still remains 1.0 itself, a lib will be 2.0ified at runtime if the app using it is 2.0)15:29
tkamppeterpitti, for Linux networks it is all perfect and easy. If you set up a print queue and it works locally, after activating sharing in s-c-p, the printer works as well on remote CUPS clients.15:30
pittitkamppeter: right, as I thought; I updated the blueprint accordingly15:30
tkamppeterpitti, only thing which could be improved is sharing a printer to Windows clients. To make it really easy one would need the CUPS driver for Windows, which is not free and there is also not much development done on it.15:32
slangasekdirecthex: I'm quite certain I don't understand that, but ok :-)15:32
directhexyou earnt a LOL, that's all that matters15:32
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Keybukyup, nvidia-glx-180 breaks everything15:45
superm1Keybuk, curiosity: what's the context of that?  i've just switched to it and not seen any oddities yet...16:11
Keybuklots of repainting issues16:12
directhexooh, a 180 driver? with vdpau goodness?16:12
Keybukesp. with gnome-terminal, where it simply won't be repainted at times16:12
Keybukand suspend/resume utter fail16:12
superm1ah probably only when compizified with the repainting issues.16:13
superm1yup they sure are there when i turn it on16:13
ion_(offtopic "http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/ubuntu-checklist/")16:17
superm1apw, well it's starting in polling mode a lot sooner this time, but still seeing that GPE storm16:17
superm1apw, and still "missing confirmation, switch off interrupt mode"16:18
apwsuperm1, can you email me the whole dmesg please16:19
superm1apw, sure16:19
apwthanks a lot ...16:19
apwsuperm1, can you also suspend and resume the machine, i found that had an effect on the poll/interrupt mode16:24
superm1apw, i did so at the end of it16:25
superm1it's in the same dmesg already16:25
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slangasekdirecthex: so none of the gtk-sharp2 binary packages require a renme for the mono 2.0 transition?16:47
directhexslangasek, nope. nothing needs to go to NEW16:48
slangasekdirecthex: gtk-sharp2 uploaded, then; do the other libs all need to be uploaded at roughly the same time?16:51
directhexslangasek, there's really no time limit for it. at your leisure16:51
directhexnow if you'll excuse me, i have a bus to catch16:51
* slangasek waves16:52
directhexerm, a car to drive home. /me needs more sleep16:52
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Fenix|workGreetings... Would someone be so kind as to tell me how to make a static library version of bash so I can chroot on a 64 bit system?17:39
DRebellionFenix|work, I'm not sure about the static bash compilation, but you may be interested in debootstrap to create a minimal chroot.17:41
Fenix|workI'll take it17:41
cjwatsonFenix|work: sudo apt-get install bash-static17:41
Fenix|workalso, while I'm here... how do I fix a f-up that my jr. did to my box... chmod -R 644 * from /17:41
Fenix|workcjwatson, bash-static is not abailable, but is referred to by another package.  This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source17:42
cjwatsonFenix|work: it's available (in universe) in every release since at least dapper17:44
Fenix|workcjwatson, for amd64?17:44
Fenix|workjust uncommented out some of the lines17:45
Fenix|work(from /etc/apt/sources.list)17:45
Fenix|workcjwatson, is the binary called bash, or something else?17:49
cjwatsonFenix|work: yes, for amd64.17:53
Fenix|workcjwatson, I installed it, but still no joy... once I'm in the chroot... everything is Permission denied.... even ls17:53
cjwatsonFenix|work: /bin/bash-static (use packages.ubuntu.com)17:53
Fenix|workbash-static: /bin/ls: permission denied17:54
cjwatsonsure, bash-static doesn't magically make other executables work17:54
cjwatsonwhy not fix stuff up from outside the chroot? chmod will work perfectly well from outside17:54
Fenix|workcjwatson, the permissions are mostly fixed... unless I've messed up the permissions on the libraries17:55
cjwatsononce you have enough fixed to run basic commands, get a list of all the packages you have installed and feed it to 'apt-get --reinstall install'17:56
Fenix|workcjwatson, would you be kind enough to help me get the main files/directories straightened out permissions wise?17:57
cjwatson'chmod +x /path/to/chroot/bin/*' and the same for /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin ought to take care of most of it. Don't actually try to boot into the system or grant remote access to it until you've reinstalled all the packages, though, as set-id bits and any limited permissions will be wrong18:00
cjwatsonthis really isn't a development topic ...18:00
Fenix|workwhat about libaries?  I've set them to 64418:01
cjwatsonlibraries don't generally need to be executable, so that's fine18:02
Fenix|workok... chmod a+x'd all those directories and still get bash-static: /bin/ls: Permission denied when I chroot in18:03
Fenix|workI also have bound /dev /proc and /sys to my mounted volume18:03
cjwatsonmake sure that directories are executable, otherwise the runtime linker will get EACCES when looking for libraries18:09
cjwatsone.g. /lib and /usr/lib but also everything else. creative use of find and xargs will be useful18:09
cjwatsonI have to go and cannot help you further. Please continue on #ubuntu18:09
Fenix|workone thing I've noticed when doing ldd on /mnt/bin/ls ... linux-vdso.so.1 isn't pointing to anything ... all the other libs point to files and their permissions are ok.18:10
Fenix|worklinux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffa9dff000)18:11
cjwatsonthat's normal. it's a virtual library provided by the kernel.18:11
Fenix|workthey don't match18:12
Fenix|worklinux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff959ff000) ... is the one on the livecd18:13
Fenix|workcould this be my dilema?18:13
directhexit's a virtual lib, pointing to a memory address specific to the running kernel18:15
directhexso it's normal enough18:15
cjwatsonyou still need to check the permissions on *directories* as well as files. If a directory is not executable then it isn't possible to use files in it18:16
cjwatsondo that before inventing problems for yourself :)18:16
Fenix|workcjwatson, I've essentially done the following... find /mnt/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; ... then furthermore did find /mnt/lib -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; && find /mnt/usr/lib -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;18:18
Fenix|workas well as changing chmod a+x /mnt/bin /mnt/sbin /mnt/usr/bin /mnt/usr/sbin18:19
Fenix|workso if I've missed something... I'd like to know18:21
Fenix|work( as an aside, I've also fixed the permissions in /etc as well )18:22
Fenix|workcjwatson, problem solved... a couple of libraries need x permissions18:32
imachineHi, I've had issues with building nvidia drivers on updated 8.04 (updated it to 8.10 yesterday).18:33
imachineI'm trying to pin-point the problem, perhaphs together we can sort it out?18:33
imachinedkms fails spewing out nvidia build cannot determine kernel version.18:33
imachineI've searched on generic linux forums, and it seems that it's caused by the lack of asm-i386 dir (or symlink) in the 'include' dir in the kernel headers, or sources, dir.18:34
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directhexbuilding nvidia drivers? ubuntu has packaged nvidia drivers18:43
directhexand breaking your own system is not a #ubuntu-devel topic18:43
directhexonly breaking everyone's systems via package production18:44
imachinedirecthex, it was broken by someone else18:46
imachinedirecthex, since I'm using the standard packages ;-)18:46
imachineand dkms fails ;)18:46
imachineI joined -devel since I thought it'd be a better place to sort the error out.18:47
imachinethis is the envy output http://pastebin.com/m632026718:47
imachine http://pastebin.com/m1fb153eb and heere's the make.log18:47
imachineso if anyone has any ideas... be my guest, I want this sorted, for me, and for anyone in the future ;]18:48
directhextseliot is elsewhere right now. he's the guy to talk to about envy18:49
imachineyeah so I heard18:50
imachineit's not really an envy issue tho18:50
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imachinedirecthex, http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=328232#p328232 seems this mentioned some sort of fix19:01
imachineso it looks like ubuntu version of drivers are not compatible with the new 8.10 kernel...19:02
imachinefor some reason..19:02
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ScottK-laptopimachine: Those posts were about 2.6.24 (which is the kernel we have in Hardy, not Intrepid).  If it's something to do with envy, ask tseliot when you see him around.19:11
Fenix|workcjwatson, when doing apt-get --reinstall install ... should I consider placing ubuntu-minimal in the list?19:16
Fenix|work(or maybe even ubuntu-standard)19:17
asacpitti: there? #291417 ... shall i verify that trivial fix so we can get that out of -proposed?19:24
pittiasac: please19:26
imachineScottK-laptop, it's not really. I had no prblems on hardy. on intrepid (after upgrading from hardy) they appeared. I will indeed talk to tseliot :)19:29
YokoZarhmm there appears to be a pitti and a martin-pitt on launchpad19:30
pittic'est ne pas moi19:30
pittiI don't know "Marty Pitt"19:31
YokoZarI'm trying to subscribe you to a bug (inspired by your UDS presentation) and I'm not sure which name to use ;) ...then I found your wiki page is empty19:32
pittimartin-pitt has 0 karma, pitti has a proper LP homepage and lots of karma :)19:32
asacpitti: done19:33
YokoZarI suspect martin-pitt was autocreated long long long ago19:34
asacpitti: i think I will do the same for the two outstanding -needed tags in nm19:34
pittiasac: as long as you are using the actual debs from intrepid-proposed, that's fine (compilation errors, wrong linked libs, and all that)19:35
asacpitti: sure. i am on intrepid still19:35
pittiasac: nm and nm-applet look good, I'll move that to -updates unless you heared anything bad about it?19:38
pittiasac: (I'm just at SRU mangling anyway)19:39
pittiScottK-laptop: any chance you could test the packages in bug 278075?19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278075 in spamassassin "DSBL is gone and needs to be removed from SpamAssassin" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27807519:40
ScottK-laptoppitti: Since I uploaded the fix, does my testing count?19:41
pittiScottK-laptop: if you use the actual binaries from the archive, it's much better than no testing at all19:41
pittiScottK-laptop: and the bug looks like being actively detrimental, so it seems to me that this should move to -updates soon19:42
ScottK-laptoppitti: OK.  I was hoping the reporter would test it, but let me see what i can do.19:42
asacpitti: no nm should be fine ... let me go thorugh the SRU bugs swiftly again19:45
pittiasac: just checked -gnome, looks fine; 3/4 verified19:45
pitti(tested by me, too, no apparent regressions)19:45
LaserJockpitti: do rebuild-only SRUs need to go through the same SRU procedure as everything else?19:47
pittiLaserJock: yes19:47
asacpitti: ok ... lets move them then.19:48
pittizul: please upload the fix for bug 282518 to jaunty19:52
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 282518 in lsscsi "error messages from lsscsi" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28251819:52
zulpitti: np19:54
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pittidoko: python-lxml now seems to b-dep on cython, didn't do that in intrepid; not described in the changelog, can it build without it, or does it need a MIR?20:16
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DimStarGood evening everybody.. I'm an author of the library libproxy and a ubuntu user reported an issue with compiling the lib, linking against mozilla-js on Ubuntu 8.10. Libproxy uses pkg-config in order to identify the location of include files, but apparently on Ubuntu 8.10, this seems not to reflect the reality. Is something like this known to you?20:38
ebroderAny backporters around who could ACK on #305001 or #301283?20:58
calcpitti: suitesparse has been in main before so can it be promoted without a new MIR?21:14
paulproteusDimStar, Yo21:19
DimStarHi paulproteus21:19
paulproteusI'm not aware of that issue, but do you know about the lib*-dev convention in Debian and Ubuntu?21:19
paulproteusDimStar, On Debian and Ubuntu you'll find that you need lib<package_name>-dev to get the right headers and pkg-config information.21:20
DimStarpaulproteus: not really.. I'm myself openSUSE packager and participate in the libproxy project... and we were informed that this problem exists...21:20
DimStarmaybe you can follow up all what we know so far:21:21
calcisn't suse like foo-devel for the same things?21:21
paulproteusRight, exactly - it's that same concept as foo-devel.21:21
DimStaryes... the user apparently has the .pc file on his system (so I assume he has the -dev package)21:21
* paulproteus nods21:21
DimStarbut the .pc file point in the --cflags to a location different from where he actually finds the jsapi.h file on his system21:22
paulproteusI see that, yeah.21:22
DimStarand not knowing all the background behind an ubuntu system I assumed it would be best to get some advice for this issue from you :-)21:22
directhex#ubuntu-mozillateam for mozilla oddities21:23
DimStarfrom 'my side' it looks like a werid packaging issue21:23
DimStardirecthex: I can gladly bring it to the next channel... if this is the best way to go.21:24
calcDimStar: or perhaps ping asac but he probably isn't around now (he is in germany)21:25
DimStarcalc: then he is only a few km away :-)21:25
calcDimStar: ah heh21:26
DimStar10:30pm here21:26
asaccalc: thanks took over in #ubuntu-mozillateam21:53
* NCommander really hopes restore and backup get better with Jaunty22:37
NCommanderRestoring is a PITA22:37
dokopitti: it *does* have a MIR. see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cython/+bug/29987022:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299870 in cython "MIR for cython" [Undecided,New]22:43
directhexdoes anyone know why nant and ndoc are in main?22:58
Hobbseethey look to be directly seeded, but i don't have copies of the seeds here22:58
directhexHobbsee, ndoc needs nant to build - but i'm not sure what uses ndoc these days22:59
* StevenK updates his seed lists23:00
Hobbseeand the docs23:01
directhexHobbsee, ndoc is a tool for converting .net xmldoc format to other things (e.g. indexed html). i don't see what it serves by being in main in this day & age23:03
directhexit might've been used once upon a time instead of monodoc, but i'm guessing23:03
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