
=== johnc4511-laptop is now known as johnc4510-laptop
Rinchentyche, pong15:49
tycheRinchen: I appreciate the return, but the UWN is out, now.  We wanted to know as much information as is possible concerning the Launchpad opensourcing, for a splurb in the UWN.15:50
Rinchenah, ok.15:50
RinchenI guess you can use whatever is in the video15:50
beunotyche, I can get that for you for the next one  ;)15:51
tycheThe splurb was pulled for this week.  However, if someone could be convinced to write something up (so we could point to a URL to show that we're honest :-D  ) it would be appreciated.15:51
tychebeuno: Thanks.  I appreciate that.15:52
tycheBTW, how was UDS?15:52
beunotyche, AWESOME15:52
tycheHee hee.  Great.  I got much the same information from boredandblogging.15:53
tycheSomeday, when I'm rich, I'll have to see about attending one, myself.15:53
boredandbloggingbeuno: it was good to finally finally meet you16:05
beunoboredandblogging, same here. I'm kinda sorry I was so busy though18:59
boredandbloggingbeuno: don't worry about it19:00

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