
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
tjaaltoncjwatson: should the gtk-frontend work yet? I get a DirectFBError when it tries to initialize the screen08:17
cjwatsontjaalton: that's known, thanks10:38
cjwatsontjaalton: gtk/directfb needs some work ...10:39
manzuri was banned from #ubuntu-es15:53
manzurhow can i fix it15:54
cjwatson(congratulations, now you're banned from another channel for trying to use it as a stunningly inappropriate escalation method)16:10
kirklandevand: hiya18:00
kirklandevand: i just tried the daily iso for encrypted home ... there's at least two issues18:01
kirklandevand: rtg is working on the kernel module issue18:01
kirklandevand: it seems that they need the kernel crypto modules as well as the ecryptfs filesystem module18:01
kirklandevand: he says that he's going to take care of that18:01
kirklandevand: additionally, however, ecryptfs-utils did not get installed, when I selected "encrypted home"18:02
kirklandcjwatson: why does the server iso boot a generic kernel?18:19
cjwatsonkirkland: too much effort to build a separate d-i for the server kernel, and relatively little value18:40
cjwatsonkirkland: I agree with apw that ecryptfs should be loaded outside the chroot if it's to be used in the installer, which means that it will need to be made available in a udeb18:41
cjwatsonkirkland: relying on modprobe in the target system from the installer is always wrong18:42
kirklandcjwatson: understood.18:42
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i'm struggling a bit in the installer, with the encrypted-home option18:46
cjwatsonkirkland: oh?19:39
kirklandcjwatson: i need to actually perform the ecryptfs mount in the chroot'd target19:40
kirklandcjwatson: such that the /etc/skel gets copied into the ecryptfs mountpoint19:40
kirklandcjwatson: that's proving to be more difficult than i though, with current iso's19:41
kirklandcjwatson: seems that the next kernel (-3) will have ecryptfs and aes built in19:41
kirklandcjwatson: hopefully that one will work better19:41
cjwatsonthe other option would've been to put the modules in the crypto-modules udeb19:42
cjwatsonthat would have been my suggestion, actually19:42
cjwatsonthen user-setup could anna-install crypto-modules and modprobe ecryptfs19:42
kirklandcjwatson: hmm, yeah, that one i didn't think of19:42
kirklandcjwatson: the server installer has the ecryptfs.ko19:42
cjwatsoncan you mention that alternative possibility to the kernel team?19:42
kirklandcjwatson: but the alternate does not19:42
cjwatsonwhere does it have ecryptfs.ko?19:42
kirklandcjwatson: /lib/modules/..../kernel/fs19:43
cjwatsonin the target system you mean?19:43
kirklandcjwatson: no19:43
kirklandcjwatson: in the installer /19:43
kirklandcjwatson: it's in -generic in the installer, but in -server in the target system19:43
cjwatsonwell, they're the same installer ...19:43
kirklandcjwatson: i pull today's server and alternate iso's19:44
kirklandcjwatson: find / | ecryptfs19:44
kirklandcjwatson: shows different results19:44
cjwatsonwell that's just bizarre19:45
cjwatsonin order for that to happen, ecryptfs.ko would have to be in some udeb19:46
cjwatsonand, according to the archive, it isn't ...19:46
CIA-61debian-installer: cjwatson * r1007 ubuntu/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Move mainline architectures to 2.6.28-3 kernels.19:48
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i'm seeing really different behavior between alternate and server iso's19:52
kirklandcjwatson: on alternate, i can't get past configuring-apt19:53
kirklandcjwatson: i dropped to a shell, chroot'd to target, and tried to apt-get install ecryptfs-utils, but it can't19:53
cjwatsonis this an unmodified system - i.e. one where I could reproduce the problem?19:54
cjwatsonyou should use apt-install in the installer for installing extra packages in /target, in general19:54
kirklandcjwatson: yes, very reproducible19:55
kirklandcjwatson: i'll try apt-install19:55
kirklandcjwatson: i would much appreciate your help, as I was sort of hoping for this to make alpha-219:55
kirklandi targeted all of the bugs/patches at alpha219:55
kirklandthat can be adjusted, i suppose19:55
kirklandcjwatson: so i'm running today's alternate 64-bit jaunty installer 41ce2c80ebd9ec94cfc44f19f0f4984219:57
kirklandcjwatson: default on all questions up to the username/password19:57
kirklandcjwatson: i select "Yes" for encrypt home, which does not succeed, however, the user is not warned19:57
kirkland(at least at that point)19:57
cjwatsonI'll be attempting it on i386 for practicality reasons19:57
kirklandcjwatson: fair enough19:58
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i just got through the user pages20:00
cjwatson(I'm waiting for jigdo to download all this)20:01
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i got a red-page failure, on "Select and install software"20:02
cjwatsoncheck syslog20:02
kirklandlibnewt0.52 doesn't exist20:03
cjwatsonok, the bustage has probably not got much to do with your changes20:03
kirklandright, so now i'll drop to a shell20:04
kirklandmount -o bind /dev /target/dev20:04
kirklandmount -o bind /sys /target/sys20:04
kirklandmount -o bind /proc /target/proc20:04
cjwatsonI guess20:05
kirklandwell, it seems it needs at least sys and proc20:06
kirklandchroot /target20:06
kirklandlsmod | grep ecryptfs = nothing20:06
kirklandmodprobe ecryptfs -> success20:06
kirklandmodprobe aes -> success20:07
cjwatsonright, not guaranteed though20:07
cjwatsonthat'll break in -server20:07
cjwatsonyou're just lucky this time20:07
kirklanddefinitely true20:07
kirklandcjwatson: well, in the server, i can do this outside of the chroot20:07
kirklandb/c those .ko's are available20:08
kirklandnot so in the alternate install20:08
kirklandi must do it in the /target20:08
cjwatson(a) I still don't see how that's possible with current images (b) kernel bug, those modules *should* be made available outside of the chroot, as I said above and on #kernel20:08
kirklandcjwatson: fair enough on that point -- it's something that will need to be worked around20:09
kirklandcjwatson: worked around, for now, as you said, "I'm lucky" ... can't rely on that20:10
kirklandcjwatson: so now, in the chroot /target, i need to install ecryptfs-utils20:10
kirklandapt-install -> command not found (only available outside the chroot?)20:10
kirklandapt-get install (doesn't work either, no installation candidate)20:11
cjwatsonapt-install is only available outside the chroot20:11
cjwatsonis ecryptfs-utils on the CD?20:11
cjwatsononly CD sources are available at that point20:11
kirklandcjwatson: yes on the server, no on the alternate20:11
cjwatsonok, seed change needed then20:12
kirklandcjwatson: okay, so for now, i'll scp them in20:13
kirklandcjwatson: okay, so now i've got the userspace utilities, and their (defined) dependencies20:17
kirklandcjwatson: trying a test mount within the target chroot fails, with the following in syslog:20:17
kirklandmount.ecryptfs: Error initializing the key module [/usr/lib/ecryptfs/libecryptfs_key_mod_gpg.so] ...  which is an error thrown inside the ecryptfs mount helper20:18
kirklandpossible a library is missing20:18
kirklandhmm, but that's odd....20:19
kirklandwe're using passphrase20:19
kirklandcjwatson: it seems that the kernel is very displeased when trying to initialize the aes cipher20:26
CIA-61debian-installer: cjwatson * r1008 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu521:38

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