
=== stoneymonster is now known as stoneymonster|aw
=== stoneymonster|aw is now known as stoneymonster
yotuxcan I do a lvm install from the livecd?02:20
ZinnSorry I don't know about lvm02:21
tritiumGood evening.02:41
culinarianhow do I go about editing my hosts file... get "Can't open file to write!" message when I try to save changes?03:43
hadsHow are you trying to edit it?03:45
culinarianI just dbl clk on the hosts file in the file mgr.03:46
hadsAnd I assume you mean /etc/hosts ?03:46
hadsPress Alt+F2 and type; gksu gedit /etc/hosts03:47
culinarian*slightly confused* did it just reopen the editor with permissions?03:50
hadsYes, that gave you root permissions, which you need to edit that file.03:51
hadsTry not to break things ;)03:52
culinarianshould I have closed the file previously and reopened it, if not, I still can't save03:52
culinarianhads? no luck.. :(04:01
hadsThat will work.04:01
hadsYes, you should have closed gedit04:02
culinarianI don't believe it's gedit... I think it's mousepad04:02
culinarianyup, mousepad04:03
hadsWhat is mousepad?04:03
culinariando I need to install gedit? apparently mousepad is the text editor for Xfce04:03
hadsOh okay, then do; gksu mousepad /etc/hosts04:04
culinarianit's the default open with for text and editable files04:04
culinarianok, I'll do that then04:04
hadsI don't use the mythbuntu desktop04:04
culinarianthis is a learning machine for me.. so if I break something.. I'll just wipe and reinstall04:05
culinariannothing vital on here04:05
hadsWhat are you trying to do in /etc/hosts?04:05
culinarianfollowing a how to for adding permanent shares at boot04:06
culinarianlike I said, learning as I go04:07
hadsSince you're learning; 'gksu' is a GUI frontend to 'sudo' which is a program to give you super user (root) privlidges. 'sudo' is Super User Do04:07
culinarianI guessed thats what the su was. how is it GUI though? or is it the fact that it allows you to launch GUI programs as su?04:08
hadsOK, no problem with adding a host to the hosts file. I only mentioned the breaking thing as if you edit the hostname of your local box you can potentially lock yourself out.04:09
culinarianyeah, I already found out there's no root on mythbuntu apparently but I haven't delved into the sudo stuff much yet04:10
culinarianthanks for the help. I'll be back when I break something :D04:10
hadsGUI as in it will pop up a GUI for you to enter your password. You also should use it rather than the command line 'sudo' when running graphical apps so that your environment is setup properly.04:10
hadsNo problem.04:10
* cann yawns07:14
Cool_NickIm new to mythtv.  I have a card that Xawtv and VLC work with.  Its 4 composites in using a bt878 chip.  I tried setting it up with a fake source and no source. backend complains about getting/setting channels.  (My card is composite, no channels)07:23
Cool_Nickwell, the new error is the same but also no sources07:56
Cool_Nickhmm go tit to the point where screen goes black and freezes08:22
Cool_Nickhmm, the machine now loads up to freeze as mythtv loads up automatically08:33
Cool_NickI think the only thing I changed that matterred was the external command for source, I set to echo08:34
Cool_NickI messed something up last night, and was wondering how to put settings to defaults (messed up as it freezes my machien now when software loads...which is on boot-up)14:10
jphillipCool_Nick should be able to purge the db and reinstall it14:14
jphillipcan do this either with dpgk or with synaptic, whatever you prefer14:16
jphillippackage should be mythtv-database, and it may remove some of the other mythtv packages, so backup anything you'd like to keep14:17
Cool_Nickdo you know how I can load it up with out the mythtv software loading.  when it loads the machien crashes14:40
Cool_NickHaving problems getting my bt878 card working.  It works for other programs not myth tv.  Ive set it up to either complain about not being able to set a channel or to freeze on a black screen with watch tv.15:22
Cool_NickBTW...My card does NOT have a tuner15:27
frink_myth assumes you have the card connected to something that DOES have a tuner15:41
frink_like a sat or cable receiver. It'd then use IR blaster to change channels on that.15:41
frink_So the external tuner will have channels and the bt878 card will be used to digitise that video and get it into myth.15:42
Cool_NickThen how do I find out what myths real problem is?15:43
Cool_Nick...with my card.  The onyl errors I saw were about the tuner15:43
ZinnHi $nick, how are you?  Something we can help you with today?16:10
fabbionesuperm1: wishlist request for mythvideo16:11
fabbionesuperm1: would it make sense to split mtd in a separate package with a proper init script?16:11
fabbionemtd being the transcode daemon stuff16:11
superm1fabbione, why?16:11
fabbionebecause I have a super fast machine to do encoding16:12
fabbionebut i don't want to install full frontend16:12
fabbioneonly what's required to encode16:12
superm1can it be configured/used though without the frontend?16:12
fabbioneno, but it can live on a separate machine16:13
fabbionefrontend don't need a lot of horse powers16:14
superm1seems like a corner case to be doing that for16:14
superm1especially since you need to use xinetd and all16:14
fabbionewell that's an example16:14
fabbionethere are tons of ways to do tcp tunnelling16:14
superm1but i mean the fact that you have to tunnel it16:14
fabbioneeven without xinet16:15
superm1that you can't just use a remote mtd from the UI16:15
fabbionethe UI is only missing the IP address part of it16:15
fabbioneso my idea was to just split mtd into its own package16:15
fabbioneso i can decide where to isntall it16:15
fabbioneand how to run it16:15
superm1sure. well if you want to propose a patch to the packaging to do so i wont be entirely opposed.  if/when upstream splits it out with options in the UI for remote, i'd split it myself in packaging then16:16
fabbionesuperm1: i am fine to wait for upstream. it was just a suggestion/wishlist :)16:18
fabbionebtw.. the packages in Intrepid looks really really shiny16:41
fabbionei have 2 backends and 2 frontends working here right now16:42
fabbioneonly glitch being a couple of kernel drivers that don't work properly yet16:42
fabbionebut i am fixing those :)16:42
superm1they're getting shinier in jaunty too.16:42
superm1trying to cover more corner cases during install16:42
fabbionei won't run jaunty for now16:42
fabbionenot on those machines16:42
superm1dont blame you :)16:42
fabbionekeep in mind i do raw install here16:43
superm1i only run it on one machine, and that's just because its a dev type of machine16:43
fabbionei don't use any of those tasks or live cd or anything16:43
fabbioneisntall bare server16:43
fabbioneapt-get isntall xorg16:43
fabbioneapt-get install mythtv-bits16:43
fabbionethat's ll16:43
fabbioneall the config is done manually16:43
superm1why?  you miss the nicer features that do config for you then?16:44
fabbionethere is no way on earth that you can hit what I have here16:44
fabbionei promise you that :)16:44
superm1well other than the ones that are more of frontends for debconf16:44
fabbionestuff like Live cd doesn't handle raid or lvm (unless they fixed that recently)16:44
fabbioneand with 8TB storage on the main backend, I can't just do single disks :)16:45
fabbionesuperm1: for instance.. does your "installer" etc. handle with dvb adapter renames?16:45
superm1unfortunately LVM and RAID still aren't entering for the jaunty live disks either.  it's not a priority for the foundations team (who does the core of the installer we use) until there are good tools for administering it off of command line16:45
superm1other than command line i mean16:46
fabbioneyeah i know16:46
fabbioneno worried.. i am not blaming you16:46
superm1dvb adapter renames?  you mean via udev rules?16:46
fabbionesuperm1: no.. for example I have 4 DVB-S and 3 DVB-T cards in one of my backends16:46
fabbione_often_ they all start as dvb-s1 dvb-s2... dvb-t1.. etc16:47
fabbionesometimes there is race at boot16:47
superm1oh yuck16:47
fabbioneand dvb-t1 becomes adapter016:47
fabbioneso all of that stuff requires manual work :)16:47
superm1so udev rules really would be a good idea for those things anyway16:47
fabbionei thought about it16:47
fabbionebut for now i am happy enough to do manual16:48
fabbioneplus that machine is not going to be rebooted any time soon for testing ;)16:48
fabbioneanyway.. thanks for the nice work guys16:49
fabbioneit's appreciated16:49
fabbionenow.. back to kernel dvb hacking16:49
fabbioneneed to fix 2/3 frontneds init race16:49
superm1have fun :)16:50
MythbuntuGuest38Hello, I just recently installed MythBuntu 8.10.  I have gui up and running however runing Applications > Mutltimedia > MythTV front end Gives, "No UpNP backends Found"  I have tried starting and stoping myslq/mythbackend and a combination of both.  Looking throught the forums it seems that some people have same issues but no direct respone.  THe "SOLVED" issues realating to this UPNP message is not from a fresh install. An16:56
ZinnSorry I don't know about permissions16:57
superm1psh what's that one that Zinn says about /var/log/mythtv/16:58
ZinnMythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use Mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.16:58
superm1yeah.  odds are the tail of one of those logs will tell you16:58
superm1MythbuntuGuest38, so run mythbuntu-log-grabber16:59
MythbuntuGuest38ok its now posted16:59
MythbuntuGuest38the link is http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/f6e36583b17:00
superm1so something's wrong with your database17:01
superm1try dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database.  if you have a root mysql password be sure to enter it.  if you dont, then dont enter one :)17:01
MythbuntuGuest38ok i ran dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database17:05
MythbuntuGuest38ok that looks better mythtrv frount end is giving me main menu17:06
MythbuntuGuest38weird i wonder what happened, this was fresh install17:06
MythbuntuGuest38with pretty much defaults17:06
MythbuntuGuest38but thank you!17:07
superm1MythbuntuGuest38, did you have any non alphanumeric characters in your root mysql password?17:14
superm1if so, that might have been the root cause here, and i've got a solution for jaunty i'm trying out17:14
MythbuntuGuest38no they were all letters17:15
superm1hm so must have been something else17:15
superm1you installed from the live cd though?17:15
MythbuntuGuest38Correct, alhtough not from live enviroment17:18
superm1er so you used the alternate cd?17:19
superm1or the live cd17:19
MythbuntuGuest38Does the alternate cd have an option to boot into live enviroment?17:20
superm1no it doesnt.  but if you use the alternate (text installer), that's exactly why this came up17:20
superm1there's a bug with it that you have to manually do this step post install17:20
superm1we're getting rid of that alternate cd for the next release for that reason17:21
MythbuntuGuest38Ok yes than that was my issue, I only had the text install17:21
MythbuntuGuest38glad that will be fixed17:22
MythbuntuGuest38I didnt see that bug looking through fourms17:22
MythbuntuGuest38nor on a sticky or anythign17:22
superm1it might be in the documentation, if not, it should be :)17:24
MythbuntuGuest38Lol, well thank you17:25
linux-hdtvHi, is there a graphics card with mp4/mkv accelleration for linux ?17:53
superm1linux-hdtv, there is experimental support entering nvidia cards that will accelerate H26417:56
superm1but those are both containers you referred to17:56
superm1they may contain H264, xvid, divx, etc17:57
linux-hdtvthanks, superm1. is this a proprietary driver for new cards ?17:58
superm1linux-hdtv, yeah google for VDPAU and you can read a little more about it17:59
superm1it's only going to be supported in mythtv 0.22 and later (unreleased at this point)17:59
superm1currently though, alot of those same cards support mpeg2 acceleration that you can use with 0.21 and later17:59
linux-hdtvfor windows, support is already there, right ? ATI with UVD2 and Nvidia with VP2, accelleration for decoding and encoding.18:00
superm1i dont follow it on windows, sorry18:02
linux-hdtvhow are people watching compressed HDTV files ? with dedicated CPUs ?18:02
superm1according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU it's the same of DxVA on windows18:02
superm1at this point yes for third party files.  most people using myth record their files in MPEG2 however, and since MPEG2 is accelerated just keep them in that format18:03
linux-hdtvi see. i watch mostly files exchanged on p2p.18:04
linux-hdtvthe advantage is only one capper is needed, and much more space for an extended archive.18:06
linux-hdtvi guess you use TV displays mainly ?18:07
superm1this project is centered more around tv recording, whereas a project like xbmc or elisa probably makes more sense for you18:07
linux-hdtvi'm on the cheaper computer displays. problem is they mostly have the PSU integrated, and they make disturbing humming noises just in front of your face.18:09
linux-hdtvi wonder if it would be difficult to extract it and place it on the floor.18:09
culinarian1so if I tried to mount network shares with smb, cifs and then ssh, will they cause conflicts with each other?? the closest I got to getting a network folder to mount was with ssh but it returned "connection reset by peer" msg.19:31
Cool_NickIs it possible to use an input without a tuner card?  I can't seem to get around it.21:46
dashcloudhow would you get anything in without a tuner card?22:09
tgm4883_laptopCool_Nick, what input are you trying to use?23:08

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