burner | ok, so my wallpaper shows for about 2 seconds while my panel is loading, then disappears and I'm left with whatever background color I set in the appearance preference... I'm stumped | 00:32 |
mahfiaz | burner, when you set wall paper again then nothing shows up? | 00:37 |
burner | nothing except changing the color to whatever color was set for the new wallpaper | 00:39 |
mahfiaz | take a look to ~/.xsession-errors, maybe there is useful information about crashes | 00:40 |
burner | (gnome-panel:6660): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.14.5/gdk/x11/gdkdrawable-x11.c:878 drawable is not a pixmap or window | 00:57 |
burner | could it be that? or possibly: | 00:58 |
burner | ** (nautilus:6663): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported | 00:58 |
mahfiaz | probably the second one | 01:02 |
mahfiaz | try killing all nautiluses and running one from terminal | 01:03 |
mahfiaz | no, this won't give you any information | 01:05 |
burner | killing nautilus and bringing it back doesn't even blip my wallpaper for the 2 seconds of it I see during logon | 01:13 |
burner | ah ha!!! | 01:15 |
* burner checked sessions and noticed remote desktop was enabled... the box was unchecked to remove wallpaper when someone connects remotely... i checked it.. logged in remotely.. and when I logged off, the wallpaper came back! yatta! | 01:16 | |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | sup pimps | 01:17 |
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=== mae is now known as elpargo | ||
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | yo wat sup? | 01:18 |
* burner shrugs | 01:20 | |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | yo why my thing going red when i try to put this in my computer? | 01:23 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | yo anyone in here | 01:29 |
mahfiaz | VLAD-DA-IMPAILER, you are a little unclear | 01:29 |
mahfiaz | we are not sure what is "your thing" which is going to red | 01:30 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | i try to install it, and i get red screen | 01:30 |
mahfiaz | is this just a blank screen or has it some text on it? | 01:30 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | it's some kind of error | 01:31 |
mahfiaz | then all I can say, is you are getting some error, which you may know already | 01:31 |
burner | lol | 01:32 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | when it gets to installing packages it throws an error , setup failed or sumtn | 01:32 |
burner | possibly a bad burn? run teh 'check cd for errors" thing? | 01:32 |
mahfiaz | but next time please read the error message carefully and write down, if needed | 01:33 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | no, but not a bad burn, ive had this on many different versions of kubuntu | 01:33 |
burner | so you're trying to install Kubuntu but can't? | 01:34 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | right | 01:34 |
burner | Kubuntu Jaunty alpha something? | 01:34 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | yup | 01:34 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | my friend said it was the best | 01:35 |
burner | you're just testing jaunty and it worked in intrepid for you? | 01:35 |
burner | if you're new to linux, i'd say wait on jaunty... it's alpha software. 8.10 "intrepid" was released in October and works pretty well | 01:35 |
mahfiaz | we could also say this was almost november | 01:36 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | well, actually i have those failures on all nvchipset mobos, but right now i have the new amd chipset | 01:36 |
mahfiaz | with intrepid too? | 01:36 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | yeah | 01:36 |
burner | try "ubuntu" ? | 01:37 |
burner | try from a USB installer? | 01:37 |
mahfiaz | and hardy? | 01:37 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | i've never done a setup from usb, any guides? | 01:38 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | havent try regular ubuntu, not a fan | 01:38 |
burner | yeah ok... kubuntu should be fine | 01:38 |
mahfiaz | ubuntu derivates make almost no difference, this cannot be the problem | 01:39 |
mahfiaz | As burner suggested, try intrepid again and ask on #ubuntu | 01:40 |
mahfiaz | and DON'T forget to write the error message down | 01:40 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | oh, and im usually using the alternate versions | 01:40 |
burner | why not -desktop? | 01:40 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | i like to setup software raid | 01:40 |
* charlie-tca likes to try the live cd to make sure the system will work | 01:42 | |
mahfiaz | most likely your error is about your software raid :) | 01:43 |
burner | lol... indeed | 01:43 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | do u have a link to daily live kubuntu x64? | 01:43 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | no, im experienced with that | 01:43 |
mahfiaz | what you use the software raid for? RAID-0? | 01:44 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | raid0 most of the time | 01:44 |
mahfiaz | LVM aka logical volume management does this job more neatly | 01:45 |
mahfiaz | you could even attach newly connected drive to lvm and expand filesystem to it | 01:46 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | i could never understand that lvm thing, | 01:46 |
mahfiaz | imagine you have hotswap mobo one day :) | 01:46 |
mahfiaz | and instead of saying your customers that you have to go offline to add drives, you simply attach new one, live | 01:47 |
mahfiaz | see gentoo handbooks for lvm management | 01:47 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | why do u bring gentoo up? | 01:49 |
mahfiaz | I said see gentoo *handbooks* | 01:49 |
mahfiaz | these are superious, in my opinion | 01:50 |
mahfiaz | *superiour | 01:50 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | i know , but where did gentoo come from? | 01:50 |
burner | from the fact they have good lvm docs | 01:50 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | well, i don't need lvm, i do it by myself | 01:51 |
mahfiaz | yeah, thats the problem | 01:51 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | no, im quite capable of setting up a few drives | 01:52 |
mahfiaz | by the way, if one wants to get good linux-administrator experience, then gentoo is the one to run for some months | 01:53 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | damn it im gonna go do a screenshot | 01:53 |
mahfiaz | and then use debian or ubuntu for real work | 01:53 |
mahfiaz | that's good idea | 01:53 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | ok,ok, now help me figure out what the problem could be | 01:55 |
mahfiaz | did you get the screenshot? | 02:01 |
VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | well, no, cause id have to get off, and i didnt feel like leaving yet | 02:18 |
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VLAD-DA-IMPAILER | so, how do i install it from a usb drive? | 02:36 |
x1250 | calc, are you around? I think I've found a bug on openoffice. Try opening a PPT file, select another master page, save as ppt. It will result in a write error. Then choose save as odp, it will save as usual. :( | 02:43 |
x1250 | openoffice from intrepid's PPA, which I'm using on jaunty...... | 02:44 |
mahfiaz | VLAD-DA-IMPAILER: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick | 03:07 |
DanaG | I am so, so very glad I bought this laptop with AMT enabled. I resumed from suspend, and got a blank screen.... and somehow, the ssh server was not reachable. Yet, I was able to log into the serial console -- even with the OS networking down! | 04:40 |
DanaG | Heh, somehow NetworkManager is not getting the memo that says I've rfkilled the wifi. | 05:03 |
DanaG | weird dsdt... seems to have SQL queries! www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/elitebook-8530w-dsdt.dsl | 06:06 |
alka_trash3 | I'm sort of excited for Jaunty | 06:09 |
alka_trash3 | With am64 bit versions of Flash and Java with improvements in speed should be nice | 06:09 |
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia | ||
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ottoshmidt | when will alpha version be available? | 13:09 |
ikonia | ottoshmidt it already is | 13:20 |
ikonia | ottoshmidt: check the topic | 13:20 |
ottoshmidt | where? | 13:21 |
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (alpha) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty CD Images Available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/ | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support | ||
ikonia | tehre you go | 13:24 |
ikonia | there you go | 13:24 |
ottoshmidt | ;) | 13:26 |
ottoshmidt | what does not supported mean? | 13:27 |
ottoshmidt | no one will assist if any problems? | 13:27 |
ottoshmidt | (Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED) | 13:27 |
ikonia | pretty much | 13:28 |
ikonia | people will hlep out, but it probably won't be a big deal if it's broke as it's still in development | 13:28 |
ikonia | you may have to re-install your system a lot too | 13:28 |
ottoshmidt | :) | 13:29 |
ottoshmidt | and if I report bugs and help to make it better? | 13:30 |
ikonia | depends if they are valid bugs, or just a case of you can't use them | 13:30 |
ikonia | if they are valid, great | 13:30 |
ikonia | you need to be able to provide debugging information though | 13:31 |
ikonia | version information, compatability details, hardware, accurate discription of the problem, what you've done to try to resolve it, not just "it doesn't wokr" | 13:31 |
ottoshmidt | interesting | 13:33 |
ottoshmidt | but how do I know if it's not a valid bug in advance? | 13:33 |
BUGabundo_work | you will learn with time ottoshmidt | 13:35 |
BUGabundo_work | and ikonia I don't remember ever to reinstall a devel version | 13:35 |
BUGabundo_work | sure when LibC6 got broken it was a nightmare | 13:35 |
BUGabundo_work | and I had to use the LiveCD to fix it, but that was the worst that ever happened to me | 13:36 |
BUGabundo_work | luckly.... | 13:36 |
BUGabundo_work | I sure hope I never loose un-backuped data | 13:36 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work it depends on the breakage | 13:39 |
gnomefreak | broke libc6 is the worst that can happen other than kernel panic | 13:39 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work: just becaquse YOU have never re-installed doesn't mean others won't, it is quite a common thing to re-install the dev version after working through a problem to break point | 13:39 |
gnomefreak | everything depends on libc6 without it your system wont work if broken system wont behave right | 13:40 |
BUGabundo_work | that's why I said it was the worst it ever happened! lol | 13:45 |
BUGabundo_work | I need to discover a way to re-apply all my settings | 13:45 |
BUGabundo_work | for quick re-install | 13:46 |
BUGabundo_work | I don't do them as often 'cause it sucks to redo everything | 13:46 |
BUGabundo_work | I run a lot of services for personal usage and testing, and copying /etc aint always strait forward | 13:46 |
gnomefreak | is anyones gpg key broke? not really the key but the gpg is broken | 13:52 |
BUGabundo_work | humm | 13:52 |
BUGabundo_work | I'll have to test it | 13:52 |
BUGabundo_work | anything in specific gnomefreak? | 13:53 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: tbird trying to send email that you sign | 13:53 |
gnomefreak | i dont have tbid 2 atm so i cant test it | 13:53 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: on jaunty, I couldn't get it working about 2 weeks ago,. not tried after that | 13:55 |
BUGabundo_work | I use kmail, not tbird | 13:55 |
BUGabundo_work | but all my kmail emails are going signed | 13:55 |
gnomefreak | found this issue | 13:55 |
gnomefreak | its the password dialog that is failing to accept password im betting its gnugp-agent | 13:56 |
gnomefreak | cant sign a file either | 13:57 |
ottoshmidt | I was disconnected so if anyone wrote to me I missed :( | 13:58 |
ikonia | no-one did | 13:58 |
gnomefreak | damn its not gpg-agent causing this | 13:59 |
BUGabundo_work | naaa we're a bunch of quite people | 13:59 |
* BUGabundo_work takes a look at seahorse | 13:59 | |
BUGabundo_work | ahh what a lovelly error message I got from seahorse while trying to add a ssh key to a remote server | 14:02 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: do you have pinentry-gtk2 installed or pinentry-qt? | 14:06 |
* BUGabundo_work checks | 14:08 | |
BUGabundo_work | I have both | 14:09 |
BUGabundo_work | yeah seahorse is segfaulting but gdb aint catching it | 14:10 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work can you strace it ? | 14:10 |
ikonia | see the last hook it fails on | 14:10 |
BUGabundo_work | http://paste.ubuntu.com/87081 | 14:11 |
BUGabundo_work | can you take a look? | 14:11 |
ikonia | can do | 14:11 |
BUGabundo_work | and if anyone know what's causing those atk-bridge-WARNING let me know! | 14:12 |
BUGabundo_work | ikonia: am I meant to log strace too? | 14:12 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work wouldn't hurt, that seg faults isn't giving much | 14:13 |
BUGabundo_work | I know | 14:13 |
BUGabundo_work | strace -f seahorse > strace.log would do it? | 14:13 |
BUGabundo_work | I'm getting it echo to screen and not the log | 14:14 |
* BUGabundo_work opens a LP but to keep track | 14:14 | |
BUGabundo_work | ah | 14:14 |
BUGabundo_work | -o FILE | 14:14 |
BUGabundo_work | "couldn't read from seahorse-ssh-askpass: broken pipe" could be the reason for the bug | 14:17 |
BUGabundo_work | gnomefreak: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ is it related to yours? | 14:18 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work are you getting a prompt on screen | 14:18 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: most likely it is | 14:18 |
BUGabundo_work | I 'm ikonia | 14:19 |
BUGabundo_work | but all pop ups are UNDER pop ups | 14:19 |
BUGabundo_work | I have to move windows to reach them | 14:19 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: cant remember but im pretty sure seahorse only uses *-gtk2 but you can check your default one by changing/checking update-alternatives pinentry-x11 | 14:19 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: thats same bug | 14:19 |
BUGabundo_work | plus I have keep hitting the Pass field with my mouse to keep it selected | 14:19 |
gnomefreak | check also pinentry | 14:20 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: Bug 272390 was the one I was thinking off, maybe this is a new one. | 14:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 272390 in seahorse "seahorse crashed with SIGSEGV in strstr()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/272390 | 14:21 |
BUGabundo_work | I'm seeing way to many on LP | 14:21 |
BUGabundo_work | bug 126094 | 14:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 126094 in seahorse "seahorse crashed with SIGSEGV when adding a SSH key" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126094 | 14:22 |
gnomefreak | seahorse isnt crashing for BUGabundo_work | 14:22 |
BUGabundo_work | well it did to me twice | 14:22 |
BUGabundo_work | until I manage to enter the password on the under popup | 14:22 |
gnomefreak | its just not accepting passphrass. to chek if crashed look in /var/crash but i doiubt you will see it | 14:23 |
BUGabundo_work | ok | 14:23 |
BUGabundo_work | not crashing, segfaulting | 14:23 |
gnomefreak | segfault is a crash last i checked | 14:23 |
BUGabundo_work | no crashs there, just gwibber | 14:23 |
gnomefreak | segfault is interrupted running | 14:24 |
Hew | a segfault would trigger apport, yes | 14:24 |
Hew | although apport seems to be absent in Jaunty atm, perhaps it's just me.. | 14:25 |
BUGabundo_work | naa, I don't see it either Hew | 14:26 |
gnomefreak | Hew: mine works | 14:28 |
gnomefreak | Hew: try enabling it | 14:28 |
gnomefreak | IIRC its in /etc/default/apport change the 0 to a 1 | 14:28 |
Hew | gnomefreak: It is enabled | 14:28 |
gnomefreak | Hew: than its not absent | 14:29 |
gnomefreak | ;) | 14:29 |
Hew | .crash files are generated, but apport isn't triggered automatically. Not a big deal, I can navigate to /var/crash and run it manually when I need to :-) | 14:29 |
BUGabundo_work | uploading strace now | 14:29 |
gnomefreak | i crashed an app this morning and apport came up asking if i wanted to report it | 14:30 |
Hew | gnomefreak: Yes I know it's not absent, but it's just not triggering when it should :P | 14:30 |
Hew | ok good, well as long as it's not broken for everyone that's ok | 14:30 |
gnomefreak | it was gnome-app-install as i recall that i crashed | 14:30 |
gnomefreak | i guess i dont have to do any bug work since email is broken :) | 14:31 |
Hew | ah excellent, I just realised the gnome-panel applets aren't crashing anymore (such as five-a-day-applet) | 14:31 |
* gnomefreak has broken X and broken pinentry | 14:32 | |
Hew | gnomefreak: Congratulations :P | 14:32 |
* charlie-tca wondered who did that, gnomefreak | 14:32 | |
BUGabundo_work | ikonia: gnomefreak Hew https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/308985 (Mark as Private) | 14:32 |
BUGabundo_work | strace on its way still | 14:32 |
mphill | what is apport? | 14:32 |
ubottu | Error: This bug is private | 14:32 |
gnomefreak | !apport | 14:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apport | 14:33 |
gnomefreak | why would you | 14:33 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work I can't read it then if it's private | 14:33 |
BUGabundo_work | can't you ? | 14:33 |
BUGabundo_work | I thought most of you were in QA | 14:33 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work: hence the name private | 14:33 |
gnomefreak | mphill: its a crash collecter that allows you to report crash reports and it adds the strace and such | 14:33 |
ikonia | ha ha no | 14:33 |
BUGabundo_work | let me just upload the strace | 14:33 |
charlie-tca | BUGabundo_work: Is it in Jaunty? | 14:33 |
BUGabundo_work | and have hew take a look at it | 14:33 |
mphill | gnomefreak: thanks | 14:34 |
BUGabundo_work | so see if I manage to omit all stuff | 14:34 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: unless subscribed to the package bug is filed under or reported | 14:34 |
BUGabundo_work | charlie-tca: yes I'm on jaunty | 14:34 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: I can read it (Bug Control) | 14:34 |
BUGabundo_work | humm | 14:35 |
BUGabundo_work | can the strace be in targz? | 14:35 |
BUGabundo_work | I just noticed its 80MiBs of data | 14:35 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: You can set it to public yourself when you are comfortable. | 14:35 |
BUGabundo_work | its using all my BW and it aint gonna go so soon | 14:35 |
Hew | .tar.gz is fine | 14:35 |
gnomefreak | im in it | 14:35 |
gnomefreak | ** Message: could not grab keyboard | 14:36 |
BUGabundo_work | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/308985 (due to many family requests, is now public) | 14:36 |
gnomefreak | ** Message: could not grab keyboard | 14:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 308985 in seahorse "seahorse segfault when adding remote server ssh key" [Undecided,New] | 14:36 |
gnomefreak | that tells me its same bug | 14:36 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: you have no private data in bug so setting it public should be fine | 14:36 |
BUGabundo_work | gnomefreak: uploading now strace tar.gz | 14:37 |
BUGabundo_work | done | 14:37 |
BUGabundo_work | you guys should see it now | 14:37 |
BUGabundo_work | remove any private data you still see on it! | 14:37 |
gnomefreak | refreshing after smoke | 14:37 |
BUGabundo_work | I already munge user and pass | 14:37 |
gnomefreak | shoudlnt have any in strace | 14:37 |
* BUGabundo_work 80MiBs to 500k... uau tar.gz rules | 14:38 | |
BUGabundo_work | I could see them in there... | 14:38 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: I'm not sure what private data could be there, unless your private key snuck in there somehow? :P | 14:41 |
BUGabundo_work | uhhhh | 14:41 |
BUGabundo_work | that would be bad | 14:41 |
BUGabundo_work | forgot to look for it | 14:41 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: The Private feature is usually just for automatically submitted apport crashes. If you know what you're doing, you can just have a quick look yourself, no need to mark as private | 14:42 |
BUGabundo_work | grep can't find it | 14:42 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: It was a joke, I really doubt that is the case :P | 14:42 |
BUGabundo_work | I think I'm safe | 14:42 |
BUGabundo_work | don't scare me like that | 14:42 |
Hew | hehe sorry ;-) | 14:42 |
BUGabundo_work | brb | 14:43 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo_work: what is kde version of seahorse called? | 14:51 |
Hew | gnomefreak: kgpg? (just from a quick browse of the repositories, I don't use KDE so I'm not sure) | 15:06 |
* gnomefreak not sure either. he said he used kmail so i was hoping he would know | 15:07 | |
gnomefreak | Hew: what package is 5-a-day applet in? i cant find it anywhere | 15:08 |
Hew | gnomefreak: It's five-a-day-applet from the PPA | 15:09 |
gnomefreak | i thought it was in repos already | 15:09 |
Hew | gnomefreak: Unfortunately no, there's a bug open for it though. | 15:10 |
Hew | gnomefreak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day/Reporting | 15:10 |
gnomefreak | ah i thought it hit in intrepid | 15:10 |
gnomefreak | thanks Hew | 15:11 |
Hew | Bug 194372 | 15:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 194372 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] 5-a-day" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194372 | 15:11 |
Hew | yea I hope it hits Jaunty now, but new packages have a habit of taking forever | 15:13 |
BUGabundo_work | back | 15:13 |
BUGabundo_work | I'm on gnome gnomefreak. I just use a few kde apps | 15:14 |
BUGabundo_work | like kmail, konqueror , etc | 15:14 |
Hew | BUGabundo_work: welcome back | 15:14 |
gnomefreak | bullgard4: ah ok | 15:14 |
bullgard4 | gnomefreak: wrong nick. | 15:18 |
BUGabundo_work | lol | 15:18 |
BUGabundo_work | same 'bu' nick | 15:18 |
gnomefreak | oh sorry bullgard4 | 15:18 |
gnomefreak | well since i cant do anything with email and its too late to start work on anything else on my to do list im gone for a while ;) | 15:19 |
=== mgs is now known as doms | ||
mgs | Has anyone experienced their alt keys not working? Running Kubuntu, but can't really find a bug for it yet. | 16:24 |
BUGabundo_work | mgs: not here in ubuntu jaunty | 16:27 |
mgs | Guess I'll fiddle around a little more, and report a bug in the end if I cant find a solution, thanks. | 16:31 |
bhuvi | will jaunty alpha 2 live cd be released | 16:42 |
BUGabundo_work | yes bhuvi | 16:42 |
BUGabundo_work | !daily | 16:42 |
ubottu | Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 16:42 |
BUGabundo_work | but you can also use a daily | 16:42 |
bhuvi | but can it be upgraded | 16:43 |
BUGabundo_work | sure | 16:44 |
BUGabundo_work | any version can be upgrade to what ever comes next | 16:45 |
bhuvi | i remember havin installed daily image for intrepid it had no authentication i mean uname output was unknown | 16:47 |
BUGabundo_work | humm? | 16:48 |
BUGabundo_work | 1st time I read about thatr | 16:48 |
BUGabundo_work | maybe a wrong image? or a bad day to test it? | 16:48 |
Xsss4hell | hi | 17:17 |
Xsss4hell | a week ago or soo I was happy having Jaunty | 17:18 |
Xsss4hell | I would be still | 17:18 |
Xsss4hell | would | 17:18 |
Xsss4hell | I updated jaunty as usual | 17:18 |
Xsss4hell | Now it doesn't showup ANY dialog anymore | 17:18 |
Xsss4hell | The os is NOT usable.. | 17:18 |
Xsss4hell | but it was HIGHLY productive before the update | 17:19 |
Xsss4hell | Do you know that bug? | 17:19 |
Xsss4hell | Which logs do you need??? | 17:20 |
Xsss4hell | I very VERY VERY neeed this desktop working asap | 17:20 |
Xsss4hell | I'm in textmode now | 17:20 |
Pici | Xsss4hell: you shouldn't be using Jaunty if you need it to work. | 17:21 |
Xsss4hell | Pici you shouldn't use a computer if you want to work.. | 17:31 |
Xsss4hell | I know it's alpha, but it was very stable. until canonical released the latest update. | 17:32 |
Xsss4hell | something broke | 17:32 |
Pici | Xsss4hell: Ubuntu Alpha releases are not designed to be stable. Its a bit of an anomoly that it was stable for you for this long. | 17:34 |
Xsss4hell | I don't think so! | 17:34 |
Xsss4hell | I have it since alpha1 got released, without even a minor bug! | 17:35 |
Pici | The developers were waiting for UDS to happen and be finished before they had a good direction to go regarding changes. | 17:35 |
Xsss4hell | And I'm a developer, so I use many functions that go beyond normal user's desktop experience | 17:35 |
Pici | Er. Okay? | 17:37 |
TheInfinity | you need alpha software, you are a developer and you use it at your productive system? wow. | 17:38 |
TheInfinity | you *use alpha software | 17:38 |
TheInfinity | one of these points is wrong. i would say the 2nd point ;) | 17:40 |
Pici | The channel topic explains it pretty well. | 17:40 |
TheInfinity | Pici: no working xorg is no breakage in a bad way - this can get much worse ;) | 17:42 |
Pici | TheInfinity: Oh indeed. | 17:42 |
* genii sips a coffee | 17:42 | |
Xsss4hell | I'll reinstall ubuntu jaunty and do not apply updates | 17:44 |
Xsss4hell | but trying to find the bug.. | 17:44 |
TheInfinity | Xsss4hell: if you need ubuntu you should use no jaunty. | 17:45 |
Xsss4hell | nothing special appears in the logs | 17:45 |
Xsss4hell | then interpid.. but intrepid had more bugs than jaunty, at least in the begining | 17:45 |
Pici | Xsss4hell: Jaunty with no updates is nearly the same thing as Intrepid. | 17:46 |
Xsss4hell | I wish you had an update-policy like gentoo. -> fast forward & stable | 17:46 |
genii | All the intermediate releases of ubuntu have had some issues. This is normal. | 17:46 |
dimebar | Xsss4hell: maybe if you stopped crying and installed something stable you'd be more productive | 17:47 |
genii | Since the purpose of the intermediate releases are to test and incorporate chanegs which will be in the next long-term release | 17:47 |
Xsss4hell | I've set up, ssh, apache, ldap, ftp, any many more on that machine, damn it.. that damn error must be fixable | 17:47 |
TheInfinity | you installed an SERVER at an alpha OS? wow. you are really crazy ... | 17:48 |
Xsss4hell | TheInfinity: I'ts for personal use | 17:49 |
Xsss4hell | not publicly available | 17:49 |
Xsss4hell | I've programmed applications that interact with ldap auth etc. | 17:50 |
Pici | If you're aiming for stability I highly suggest that you use a non-alpha version of Ubuntu. If you don't like Intrepid then use Hardy or earlier. | 17:52 |
Xsss4hell | the dekstop show up, everything seems normal, dialogs coming up, but the content of it is not displaying, so nothing is really usable, altough there | 17:55 |
Xsss4hell | Isn't any bug similar to that in launchpad? If you know it there should be a fix, instead of telling me to install another OS | 17:56 |
Pici | Xsss4hell: I don't know. You probably will have to look for yourself. | 17:57 |
=== vonkleist__ is now known as vonkleist | ||
BUGabundo | is it just me, or is the new FF update messing things? | 18:18 |
BUGabundo | most pages won't even load.. | 18:18 |
BUGabundo | I know I'm not on the fastest net connection, but it aint that bad! | 18:18 |
charlie-tca | seems okay here. Anything specific? | 18:25 |
BUGabundo | yeah, pages not loading | 18:27 |
BUGabundo | and gwibber also blank | 18:27 |
BUGabundo | I suspesct bad webkit upgrade | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | Maybe. I got 5 tabs open, and pages are loading fast. | 18:29 |
BUGabundo | really strange then | 18:31 |
BUGabundo | both FF3.0.4 (just upgrade to .5) and FF3.1 won't open almost any page | 18:32 |
BUGabundo | gmail did open, but took a few retries | 18:32 |
BUGabundo | pidgin or UM are working great | 18:32 |
TheInfinity | hmm. archive.ubuntu.com for jaunty seems to be down atm? | 18:35 |
BUGabundo | it was up a few minutes ago, when I did my updates | 18:37 |
burner_ | anyone know if nvidia drivers work in the latest dist-upgrade? It wants to remove my nvidia-glx-177 but I don't see an alternative driver get installed | 18:44 |
BUGabundo | guys get ready to be on Mark's screen shots | 18:45 |
burner_ | http://ubuntuweblogs.org rules! :) | 18:45 |
AnRkey | may i ask an off topic question quick? | 18:47 |
BUGabundo | I guess AnRkey | 18:47 |
AnRkey | configure: error: *** wxWidgets resource compiler not found - unable to build GUI components *** << what in the name of all that is good is this thing looking for? | 18:47 |
burner_ | AnRkey: you compiling? maybe it's a -dev package of wxwidgets? | 18:48 |
AnRkey | hmm | 18:48 |
AnRkey | brb | 18:48 |
burner_ | try libwxgtk2.8-dev | 18:49 |
AnRkey | already installed | 18:49 |
* AnRkey starts getting emotional | 18:50 | |
AnRkey | i get this when i try compile | 18:51 |
AnRkey | checking for wxrc-gtk2-2.8... no | 18:51 |
AnRkey | configure: error: *** wxWidgets resource compiler not found - unable to build GUI components *** | 18:51 |
AnRkey | it finds almost everything else | 18:51 |
AnRkey | thanks anyway chaps | 18:55 |
burner | lo siento | 19:00 |
blueyed | KDE on Jaunty is currently borked, correct? (e.g. kickoff menu displays only a box with black borders, the same for krunner). window decorations look strange/old, too.. | 19:17 |
charlie-tca | I believe you are right, blueyed | 19:21 |
blueyed | Thanks for confirming, charlie-tca. | 19:21 |
charlie-tca | no problem. | 19:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | fix your connection already | 21:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | as he leaves YET again | 21:19 |
mphill | how lame | 21:30 |
genii | Makes you feel like smacking them around some | 21:34 |
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG | ||
neztiti | hi guys - can some on help me with ATI 1250 card to work with tvout with any driver??? | 22:05 |
neztiti | hi guys - can some on help me with ATI 1250 card to work with tvout with any driver??? | 22:45 |
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG |
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