
=== Rinchen`` is now known as Rinchen
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Foundation Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Dec 17:00: QA Team | 18 Dec 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Dec 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 18 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council
MootBotMeeting started at 09:57. The chair is robbiew.15:57
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:57
robbiewhello evand :)15:57
* robbiew starts early, so mootbot can grab all attendees15:58
robbiewhowdy [):-)16:00
* robbiew reads the onslaught of activity reports16:00
robbiewmvo, slangasek: here?16:03
* mvo waves16:04
* robbiew invokes the 5min rule...and begins meeting16:05
robbiewonly have a few agenda items...and I apologize for not sending it out16:05
robbiew[TOPIC] UDS...fill in those Specs!!!16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS...fill in those Specs!!!16:05
Keybukwhat's the deadline for that?16:06
robbiewheh...good question16:06
cjwatsonbefore the Christmas break if at all possible16:06
robbiewin an ideal world, I'd like them ready for some cozy reading over break16:07
cjwatsonthe feature development cycle is short enough as it is :-/16:07
* mvo nods16:08
cjwatsonalso a minor plea16:08
cjwatsonplease remember to set the status of the spec to something other than Discussion16:08
cjwatsonI was going through today looking for reviewable stuff and ended up just opening all the wiki pages16:08
cjwatsonwhile there actually were a few that were worth reviewing16:09
cjwatsonare there any session videos from UDS that I should particularly make an effort to watch? :-)16:10
liwhave any of the videos been made available yet?16:10
robbiewI doubt it16:11
cjwatsonsimple arithmetic suggests that all => about five weeks viewing time ;-)16:11
cjwatson(assuming I were to watch all the tracks, since not everything was on foundations ...)16:11
PiciSome of the videos are uploaded http://videos.ubuntu.com/uds/jaunty16:11
cjwatsoneven for just foundations I don't intend to spend a week watching them all ;-)16:11
evandDo note that there wasn't a video camera in every room.  The community rooms (where we held the Wubi and usb-creator discussions) did not have cameras.16:11
robbiewright...but those sessions were small enough, so that at least good notes should exist...somewhere16:12
evandAnd I don't recall there being one in the room next to Foundations, which is where we held the ubiquity session.16:12
evandindeed :)16:12
* robbiew assumes...which isn't always good16:12
* robbiew looks at videos16:13
robbiewhmm...too bad they don't stream16:14
robbiewin any case...I suppose we can move on16:14
robbiew[TOPIC] Holidays16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Holidays16:15
robbiewpretty simple...make sure you've spent your days :)16:15
robbiewI've just updated the Foundations google calendar16:15
KeybukI have two days spare16:15
robbiewwith what I have listed in the admin tool16:15
Keybukwell, one day of holiday spare16:15
Keybukand the swap day from Sunday@FOSScamp16:15
cjwatsonI have 1.5 I believe16:16
Keybukerr, Saturday@FOSScamp16:16
liwI should be all depleted16:16
* mvo should be ok now too16:16
slangasekrobbiew: hi, sorry16:16
robbiewhi..np, I didn't send an agenda16:17
robbiewso no worries16:17
robbiewjust covered getting spec in by christmas16:17
robbiewand onto making sure everyone fills in holiday requests16:17
* evand is running on empty holidays (aside from the ones set aside for the required Christmas holiday)16:17
Keybukactually, I think I snuck a couple of days extra off, but can't remember when16:17
Keybukso I might keep my spare holiday just in case Claire remembers <g>16:18
robbiewlol...well it's documented now16:18
robbiewthough I doubt she reviews mootbot logs16:18
robbiewthat's all I really have16:19
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB16:19
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:19
cjwatsondo we believe that there is somebody explicitly responsible for drafting every spec?16:19
cjwatsonI noticed a lot of them didn't have drafters set16:20
robbiewgood point16:20
cjwatson(sorry to bang on about specs ...)16:20
* robbiew has no problems randomly assigning >)16:20
evandI need to set myself as drafting on a few.16:20
mvoI will check the ones I'm involved with and make sure I'm drafter there16:21
robbiewI would assume that if you led the session, you should be the drafter...but I'm a newbie16:21
robbiewso that might not always be the case16:21
slangasekI was assuming that's the case for my sessions16:21
cjwatsonthat makes sense unless there was another secretary nominated16:22
robbiewno..we weren't that lucky16:22
robbiew[ACTION] All Specs ready by December 25th16:23
MootBotACTION received:  All Specs ready by December 25th16:23
Keybukthough it means sometimes the person who led the session can't remember what they said :p16:23
robbiewwell, I think the gobby session for boot performance has the main points from our session16:24
robbiewbut I can't say they all are that well written ;)16:25
slangasekKeybuk: you're in luck, there are also unintelligible videos that you can strain to listen to because no one was pointing the camera in the right direction! ;)16:25
robbiewyeah...I tried to in the small number that I recorded...but it was difficult16:26
robbiewviewer can get dizzy in the back and forth conversations across the room :P16:26
robbiewonly took me 3 days to discover that I should move the camera...duh16:26
robbiewThurs and Friday have better viewing angles...not sure about audio16:27
robbiewwhich is probably more important :P16:27
robbiewok...thinking we can end this one16:27
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:27.16:27
slangasekok, thanks16:27
liwI'm not sure the videos are worth the effort and the impact they have on people by their presence... audio would work much better if done via several mics and without video16:28
liwbut thanks for the short meeting :)16:28
cjwatsonthe audio was actually surprisingly good16:29
cjwatsononce the volume was turned up16:29
Keybukliw: the original idea was that by having the camera, you'd get good audio out of it16:29
cjwatsonI could follow that quite well remotely16:29
Keybukat less of a cost than live mixing multiple mikes16:29
mvoyeah, the mic on the camera was pretty amazing16:30
cjwatsonwas the mic on the camera what I was listening to over icecast?16:30
evandDoesn't jokosher do live mixing?16:30
Keybukyou'd need someone with a laptop, and the multiple mikes plugged into it, etc.16:31
liwKeybuk, I'm in over my head on this, but it should be possible to set the mics up so they're mixed automatically (for streaming), and recorded individually (for later editing, if necessary), but one good mic that covers the whole room would work too, I guess16:32
Keybukliw: the "one good mic" strategy has never worked for us16:33
Keybukmultiple mics just produce echo and distortion16:33
Keybukor everyone sounds equally bad16:33
Keybukhaving a directed mic actually seems to have been an improvement16:33
Keybukwith the disadvantage that someone has to point it at people16:33
robbiewand those who don't want to be filmed...cannot be heard16:33
Keybukyeah, the original plan wasn't to actually use the video feed16:34
Keybukthe camera was just so you could be sure who you were pointing it at (by looking in the display)16:34
Keybukbut jono went "ooh, camera, live streaming, RAH!"16:34
robbiewoh..didn't know that16:35
cjwatsonI thought Mark had asked for full video16:37
robbiewi wonder if we can get access to videos.ubuntu.com...I'd be happy to rename videos to sessions16:37
mvogood idea16:38
* robbiew checks to see if he can get access16:39
Keybukcjwatson: no, video was never a Mark requirement16:40
Keybukrobbiew: it's rookery, isn't it?16:41
robbiewI dunno16:41
robbiewchecking with Elmo now16:41
Keybukwarthogs seems to have write permission16:42
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Dec 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Dec 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 18 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council
pedro_hey hey17:00
* ogasawara waves17:01
henoara, sbeattie: ping17:01
henoI don't see ara on IRC17:03
henook, let's start17:03
MootBotMeeting started at 11:03. The chair is heno.17:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:03
henoJaunty spec review - All specs should have drafters and assignees by the end of the meeting and we should aim to have them drafted and approved by Dec. 24th.17:04
henoworking from http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/bavorr/17:04
schwukAre there any specs that didn't get covered at UDS?17:04
henoI want to check assignees, drafters, status (should be Drafting or better)17:05
henoschwuk: we should look for that too, at the end I think17:05
henoalso we should take a view on whether the priority is about right17:06
heno* qa-upstream-kernel-bugs17:06
* ogasawara is the drafter and assignee17:06
cr3I have just added myself as the assignee to: Elevate checkbox privileges with policykit17:07
henoand I guess some work has started, but it still needs some drafting?17:07
cr3bdmurray: you might like to have a look at: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-needs-packaging-bugs17:07
henocr3: thanks, and schwuk is drafter, makes sense17:08
ogasawaraheno: yes, I still need to clean up the spec/wiki17:08
henoin reality several people will coordinate the drafting and implementation of most of the specs17:08
cr3is it possible and/or does it make sense to have multiple drafters?17:09
schwukcr3: I think it's intentional to ensure responsibility17:09
henocr3: not in LP17:10
heno* qa-cert-testing-proposed17:10
henoI'll help draft that one ^17:10
henothough the responsibility lies with cr3 ;)17:11
cr3heno: one implication we might want to consider, perhaps for the future, is when hardware specific drivers are updated that systems matching that hardware should be tested17:11
henoogasawara has agreed to drive LP - can you set all these to drafting?17:11
ogasawaraheno: so I just looked at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/certify-web/+spec/qa-cert-testing-proposed and apparently I don't have the option to set the status17:12
heno* qa-needs-packaging-bugs17:12
henoah, iz a checkbox project17:13
cr3heno: in the case of qa-cert-testing-proposed, should we make an exception and leave the status to "Started"17:13
henofor implementation status, yes - for definition status it should be Drafting17:14
ogasawaracr3: can you flip that from Discussion to Drafting?  Since apparently I don't have the permissions.17:15
cr3done for both definition and implementation status17:15
henoschwuk/cr3: can you drive status on the checkbox specs?#17:15
schwukheno: sure17:15
cr3schwuk: just so that we don't step on each other's feet, mind if I set the status of all checkbox blueprints to drafting?17:15
henowe should move those over to be Ubuntu specs IMO17:16
henothat will simplify tracking too17:16
schwukheno: I'm fine with that17:16
henoschwuk: ok, please go ahead with that17:17
heno* qa-needs-packaging-bugs17:18
bdmurrayI believe its all set17:18
ogasawarayup, looks good17:18
henono approver though17:18
cr3heno: you volunteering? :)17:19
henoI'll volunteer ;)17:19
henoJauntySchedule isn't a spec17:19
henoshould have been just a UDS 'discussion' session17:20
heno* qa-expand-checkbox-coverage17:20
henolooks fine17:20
henoas does qa-portal17:21
cr3should qa-expand-checkbox-coverage somehow be linked as a dependency on the policy-kit spec?17:21
cr3err, "add dependency" I mean17:21
heno* jaunty-regression-management needs work17:21
henocr3: makes sense17:22
cr3qa-checkbox-policykit is returning a page not found for me17:22
cr3both on edge and non-edge, someone renamed it?17:23
henoschwuk: can you update the wiki links too?17:23
sbeattieheno: right, that was mostly a discussion session, I tried to roll action items from that into the regression-tracker spec, but I'm double-checking our notes to see if there's anything there that should be separate.17:23
cr3weird, the url for qa-checkbox-policykit has changed from being under the "checkbox" project to the "launchpad" project. schwuk, did you change anything?17:24
henosome parts might go on the package spec too, but I think we need an overview spec17:24
henothe LDTP-checkbox spec is similar17:25
henothey can be 'informational' specs17:25
schwukcr3: launchpad is being stupid - I retargeted the specs to ubuntu as requested by heno, and lp has attached them to Launchpad instead.17:25
cr3"add dependency" doesn't seem to find qa-checkbox-policykit :(17:25
henoit's useful for tracking our progress even if there is little code implementation to be done17:26
schwukcr3: Probably because it's been moved.17:26
cr3schwuk: I'm using the "choose" menu, it should still find the keywords "checkbox" and "policykit"17:26
schwukcr3: retargeted them to checkbox until I figure out what LP is doing wrong.17:27
heno* apport-retracer-maintenance is pitti's I guess17:28
schwukcr3: you can't add dependecies outside of a project - until they are targetted to ubuntu, we won't be able to link them17:28
cr3schwuk: launchpad still can't seem to find it. not a huge deal, we'll survive without the dependency link17:29
cr3schwuk: ah, subtle, thanks for the insider info17:29
heno* package-status-pages17:29
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Dec 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Dec 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 18 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council
ogasawaraDefinition should probably change from Discussion to Approved?17:30
henobdmurray: ^ ?17:30
henoare all the changes speced and agreed upon?17:31
bdmurrayDrafting again I think -> the discussion from UDS isn't there17:31
ogasawaraah true, I'll go through our gobby notes and update17:31
bdmurraynor the prioritization17:31
henoogasawara: sorry ;)17:32
heno(we recycled the spec so it will need some updating)17:32
heno* qa-jaunty-regression-tracker17:33
sbeattieneeds a priority17:33
sbeattiedo you want jaunty-regression-management to depend on this?17:33
henosbeattie: yes17:33
bdmurrayThen this one should probably be essential?17:34
henosbeattie: can I set you as drafter?17:34
sbeattieheno: I've set that17:34
henoessential> I would agree17:35
heno* qa-bug-patch-workflow17:35
henoI'll be approver17:35
heno* qa-gnome-desktop-testing17:36
henoHigh IMO17:36
araheno: I am already the drafter, I think17:37
bdmurrayhigh sounds good17:37
bdmurraywho is this mentor person?17:37
arabdmurray: no idea, he has 0 karma17:37
henodoes CheckboxTestDefinition have an LP entry?17:38
cr3a blueprint?17:38
cr3hm, that blueprint needs lots of info. shall I assign myself as the drafter and assignee, heno as the approver?17:39
henocr3: please do17:40
heno* x-testing-infrastructure is bryce's17:41
heno* qa-checkbox-bug-filing17:41
arayes, i was thinking that too17:42
cr3heno: can I be the assignee for that one?17:42
cr3I'd be inclined towards high priority, but I'm biased :)17:42
ogasawaraschwuk, cr3:  can one of you set the Priority17:43
araheno, btw, the qa track was unofficially called the checkbox track :D17:43
henoso I've been told :)17:43
henocr3: I'm fine with assigning it to you; we'll let schwuk draft it though17:44
henoand I think Medium is fine17:44
cr3heno: agreed and priority set to medium17:44
heno* qa-jaunty-isotracker17:45
henobroken LP link as well17:45
henostgraber: around?17:46
henohe should be drafter and assignee IMO17:47
henoI can approve17:47
henoMedium priority17:47
henostgraber: shout later if you disagree :)17:47
bdmurrayheno: Medium really?17:47
bdmurrayThe isotracker hasn't seen any updates in quite a while17:48
bdmurrayand some of the functionality discussed is rather important17:48
henobdmurray: right, but it still works fairly well already17:48
araon-progress feature!17:48
araI am going to make a t-shirt17:49
bdmurraythat doesn't change the priority of the improvements though17:49
henoHm, let's get stgraber's view it - I'd be happy with High also17:50
heno* qa-hardware-test-result-publication17:51
henoschwuk: should this be assigned to you?17:52
henoIt builds on the reporting work you did17:52
schwukheno: yes17:52
henook, thx17:52
heno* qa-checkbox-hardware-reporting17:52
cr3schwuk: (by the way, heno and I had an idea that the report should provide a link to a directory where information dumps should as dmidecode should be made available. just something to keep in mind)17:53
henoschwuk: drafter and assignee for qa-checkbox-hardware-reporting as well?17:54
schwukcr3: which spec was that in relation to?17:54
schwukheno: please17:54
cr3schwuk: qa-checkbox-hardware-reporting17:54
heno* qa-sru-process-streamline17:55
schwukcr3: got you17:55
henoI've asked pedro to draft this and sbeattie to implement17:55
henoshould be High priority (at least)17:55
pedro_heno: agreed, i'll set the priority if no one else object17:56
cr3heno: agreed on the "at least" part too17:56
heno* hardware-certification-kvm-access17:57
schwukThe re-targeting to ubuntu problem has been determined to be a bug, and filed accordingly. I'm subscribed to it, and I've subscribed heno as well: https://bugs.launchpad.net/blueprint/+bug/30904817:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309048 in blueprint "Cannot retarget to ubuntu" [Undecided,New]17:58
henoshould also be High IMO17:58
heno* qa-testscase-wiki17:59
henopriority of that - Medium?17:59
araheno: high? we have the wiki already, we need to start moving testcases and get people used to the new one18:00
henook, I can be persuaded of that too :)18:01
henothat's it for the scheduled list!18:01
henothere are also a few others18:01
henopedro_, you are assigned to some on the community track?18:01
henoand we've mentioned the LDTP spec18:02
henois that it for QA specs?18:02
heno(community track>making bug jams rock)18:03
pedro_heno: no that i know, but i'll follow up with dholbach since he was in charge of that session18:03
bdmurrayhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/smoketesting ?18:04
davmor2bdmurray: I was about to brink that one up :)18:04
henoexcellent - I can be approver there too18:05
henolet's work on drafting this week and next for those who are around18:05
bdmurrayShouldn't the smoketesting one have some discussion?18:05
henoI'll approve between bites of Xmas turkey :)18:05
davmor2bdmurray: yes18:06
henoon the qa list perhaps18:07
davmor2although I hope I have explained it well enough for it to be a yes or no discussion18:07
henodavmor2: can you mention it there and ask for feedback?18:07
davmor2heno: no probs but I need to dash soon xmas bash18:08
henoany other business?18:08
pedro_just one18:09
pedro_from me at least18:09
bdmurraydavmor2: If you could clarify whether you mean install from daily images or just running the devel release that would be helpful.18:09
pedro_jcastro just announced (few mins ago) the second Ubuntu Global Bug Jam: http://castrojo.wordpress.com/2008/12/17/announcing-the-next-ubuntu-global-bug-jam/18:09
pedro_it's going to happen between the 20 and 22 of February18:10
heno(should be installing from images)18:10
henopedro_: cool!18:10
pedro_so start to contact your Loco Team and collect some ideas (easy tasks) for that day18:10
pedro_we're collecting easy bug lists here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/EasyTasks/18:10
davmor2either if you have the time install from scratch if you don't a quick-ish update was my thinking as long as before you run the test it is the latest daily release as a minimum18:11
pedro_feel free to start adding more there, it will be reflected on the GBJ page18:11
henoI guess this makes your spec 'started' :)18:11
henolet's wrap up the meeting18:12
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:12.18:12
henothanks everyone!18:12
pedro_thanks you18:12
arasorry all about being late18:13
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Dec 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Dec 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 18 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Dec 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Dec 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 18 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council

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