
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
loolasac: Could you add a .bzr-builddeb/default.conf in xulrunner-1.9 branches?13:11
loolasac: With [BUILDDEB] on the first line and merge = True on the second13:11
loolasac: Just FYI:13:18
loolW: xulrunner-1.9 source: build-depends-on-1-revision build-depends: binutils (>= 2.17-1) [mips mipsel]13:18
loolJust add a ~ to that rev if you really need that rev13:18
lool(allowing backports to satisfy the bdep)13:19
loolasac: Pushing the package to the ubuntu-mobile ppa; thanks!13:20
asaclool: @default.conf ... we can add just Merge = true there ... just didnt see much use as i dont have a export-upstream branch for those13:42
asaclool: i assume that 2.17-1 is quiet old and shouldnt really make backports hard, but ok.13:43
loolasac: It's also needed when you use the tarball; e.g. "bzr bd -e" only gives me a tree with debian/, not mozilla/13:55
loolasac: I guess you're copying the debian dir manually when building?13:55
loolasac: Concerning binutils, it's only needed for dapper; feel free to drop it if you don't care :-)13:56
loolOpenGL support in vbox http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NjkzOA we might have a way to use vms for testing of clutter based apps in some future time14:14
asaclool: no ... we are just using bzr bd --merge .... which is the natural way of doing it when looking at bzr help bd ;)14:21
loolasac: Crap, I *looked* for the option, and skipped it14:26
asaclool: heh ... apparently you are new to bzr bd ;)14:26
loolasac: I found it really weird that I couldn't merge on the command line, but I can blah14:26
loolasac: Well I'm not using it regularly; usually the bzr packages I touch are completely in bzr, so a simple debuild works14:27
lool-i -I of course14:27
asaclool: yeah ... i never do that even for full source branches .... though bzr clean-tree is good ... but its handy to not use it ... you can change things without committing and still test without cluttering everything14:27
asacalso i can build on fast disk ;)14:28
asace.g. build-dir=/some/fastbuilddir14:28
loolasac: Q: firefox seems to require some particular xulrunner version range14:54
loolCould not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*.14:54
loolasac: But the deps only enforce the lower bound14:54
loolI'm doing a jaunty dist-upgrade, and it's been 20 minutes that firefox is broken during the upgrade with this message; I wonder why the dep isn't < 1.9.1 as well?14:55
loolasac: Absolutely not a critical use case, but I was just wondering :)14:56
asaclool: well ... xulrunner-1.9 is defined to be 1.9.0.* ;)14:57
asac1.9.1 is xulrunner-1.9.114:57
loolOh then I wonder why it broke14:58
loolI still have xulrunner-1.9 installed14:58
asachave to run to catch my train ... will try to be on there with 3g14:59
loolasac: Working again now; I wonder what broke it15:07
asaclool: not sure ... what it is looking for is the /etc/gre.d/ file15:36
asaclool: maybe conffiles get installed at a later stage?15:36
loolasac: Could be15:39
asaclool: can you paste the files you have in that dir=15:47
loolasac: I have and
loolThey look almost identical, with s/
loolThere's no /usr/lib/xulrunner- though15:49
loolI suspect a rm_conffile() is missing15:49
asaclool: yes we fix that ... i wondered if that fix has landed though causing the transitional issues15:50
asacbut apparently it didnt (as you still have
asacdoesnt hurt to have old stuff lying around though ... exscept a bit slower startup15:50
loolasac: Might be interesting to move it to /usr and allow /etc to override that15:51
loolWould make the package work at unpack15:51
asaclool: if thats really the case, yes. i thought about also adding a /usr/share/gre.d/ location or something15:54
asaclool: you already can override that in $HOME/.gre.conf15:54
asacor was it $HOME/.gre.d/ ... not clue ;)15:55
asacso order would be: look in $HOME/.gre.d/ , /etc/gre.d/, /usr/share/gre.d/15:55
asacany better directory?15:56
loolNo idea :-)15:58
thebishopAre any managers here.  I had some questions about the Mobile developer position on Canonical.com16:00
bizkutvista nga ubuntu nih jenis supo keto16:08
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cgreganbrianchid.....my poor IRC client is having problems keeping track of all your aliases!16:35
brianchidtab is your friend cgregan16:36
cgreganbrianchid: Nah..I prefer diet coke16:37
brianchidcgregan: touche16:37
cgreganbrianchid: New greasemonkey script for Payson testing is up16:48
brianchidcgregan: alright thank you16:48
cjwatsonFYI I'm fixing the apex FTBFS17:33
* ogra points to #ubuntu-arm :)17:35
cjwatsonoh, doh17:36
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ograsoo, looks like the umpc jaunty imge works 22:04
NCommanderthat's good news22:05
ograthough i'm testing on the jax10 ... cant tell if touchpad is fine 22:06
ograbut its booting and thats all that counts for now 22:06
playyaogra, i tested ubiquity-gtk on my eee and it is unusable. the window is 700x600 an my screen is 800x480 -> no next button visible22:27
ograwill get better in jaunty ... we had a session on that22:30
playyai thought about writing a hildonized one22:30
playyawith fullscreen22:31
ograwell, we dropped that intention22:31
ograbut will fix up the existing gtk one to fit on 800x48022:31
playyaand in jaunty contrain_y is set to false by default?22:32
NCommanderogra, well, it shouldn't be insanely difficult to cut ubiquity down to size22:32
ograwe wont have the umpc image in jaunty22:32
ograwe'll turn that into a netbook one22:32
playyathat causes some undefined behaviours22:32
ograwhich means no compiz22:32
ograsince it uses the netbook launcher22:32
ograwhich in turn is incompatible with compiz22:33
playyaand what about placing the panels onto the bottom and right22:35
ograthe netbook image ill have the UNR desktop22:35
ograonly one top panel22:35
playyai thought about this an touchscreen devices. if you want to click on sth you have your arm in front of the screen22:36
ograyeah, but apparenly touchscreen usage isnt the focus for jaunty ... we'll just make the UNR image 22:38
ograthere will be touchscreen centric changes to the UNR desktop at some point22:38
ograwhich we then will use 22:38
ograthe touchscreen centric desktop as you know it from umpc wont happen this time22:39
playyawhat was UNR again?22:40
ograubuntu netbook remix22:40
playyaah ok22:41
NCommanderso then what was umpc specifically?22:41
ograit was for touchscreen devices with bigger screens22:41
* playya needs a new project if there is no hildon installer22:41

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