
nealmcbre: the ec2 root password/sudo issue - is there a way to not have a password for the ubuntu user, and use the ssh credentials during a sudo to authenticate as root?00:35
nealmcbor kerberos, or something?00:35
* nealmcb hates being logged out and presented with an auto-generated password to manage00:36
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erichammondnealmcb: Please send your EC2 beta feedback to the mailing list so there is a record of it: ec2-beta@lists.ubuntu.com01:10
nealmcberichammond yeah - probably not enough people around now to chat here...01:11
erichammondnealmcb: FWIW, I'm not a fan of the current strategy, but it is difficult to be both secure and easy in the EC2 environment especially if you're trying to do things the Ubuntu way.01:12
erichammondNote that it is (currently) possible to simply ignore the ubuntu user and ssh back in as root :)01:12
erichammondYou could also pass in a startup user-data script which modified sudoers to allow sudo without a password (but don't tell the security guys I said so).01:14
* nealmcb puts on his security hat and looks around with upturned eyes01:16
nealmcbI think I was just asked for a mysql password no fewer than three times on install - a bit rude....01:19
nealmcb(I refused to set one each time)01:20
nealmcbaha - sudo via ssh-agent implemented for openbsd: http://www.usenix.org/event/lisa08/tech/full_papers/burnside/burnside_html/index.html03:14
nealmcbthat's what we need for ec203:16
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antdedyetdeploying a ubuntu server with kvm. :)05:34
antdedyetI haven't quite convinced the client of using ubuntu in the guests for some clients who are used to Other Distros(tm), but the host is hardy.05:35
antdedyetpretty plesant experience so far. cheers on kvm gui management tooks shaping up since last winter.05:36
LokinCan someone help me?06:12
LokinI can't seem to ssh to my server06:13
Lokinand my website isn't up....06:13
ropetinLokin: do you have local access to the box?06:14
Lokinjust grabbed a moniter06:16
LokinCrap. Ok never mind, How do I make my IP static?06:18
Lokinropetin ?06:19
antdedyetLokin: did you provide deem the IP static?06:19
jmarsdenLokin: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html06:19
LokinWhen I set up the DNS server I set the old ip but It changed...06:20
jmarsdenLokin: Do you mean the IP of the Ubuntu server, or your public IP as provided by your ISP?  You may need to use a dynamic DNS client if you want a server on a connection that has a dynamically assigned IP from your provider.06:22
Lokincurl whatismyip.org, That is my ISP ip right? and then would be the server IP?06:24
jmarsdenProbably.  So if the answer you are seeing from whatismyip.org is changing, you have an Internet connection from your ISP with a dynamic Ip address... so you need to use a dynamic DNS type solution.06:28
jmarsdenSee http://www.no-ip.org for example.06:29
Lokinjmarsden: I can't use this because my server is command line. Right?06:32
jmarsdenAre you sure??  I think their linux client doesn't need a GUI... checking...06:34
jmarsdenThe clietn is at http://www.no-ip.com/client/linux/noip-duc-linux.tar.gz and does not seem to need a GUI to me...06:35
LokinHow do I restart apache and ssh again?06:42
jmarsdensudo service apache2 restart && sudo service ssh restart06:44
Lokinjmarsden: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, for ServerName06:46
LokinTake it thats the dynamic IP messing things up?06:46
jmarsdenLokin: That's you changing the internal (LAN) IP of the server, probably.06:47
jmarsdenEdit /etc/hosts to sort that out.06:47
jmarsdenIt will probably "work" OK despite the warning, actually.06:47
LokinDoesn't work at all out side of lynx localhost06:48
jmarsdenOK, then edit /etc/hosts and put the actual static local IP of the server in there with the FQDN and hostname of the server and restart apache06:49
LokinThe static being an IP of the thing I would sign up for?06:50
LokinAt the moment I didn't think I had a static IP.06:50
jmarsdenNo... hmm, I think you need some basic info on IP and NAT and how the Internet works??  Your server has a local and hopefully static IP address on your LAN.  I pointed you to the page of the Ubuntu Server Guide which describes that earlier...06:51
jmarsdenI said: Lokin: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html06:51
LokinK i'll...06:51
Lokinya read that06:51
jmarsdendid you do what that says to get a static IP for your server??06:51
LokinI need to get better in Unix....06:53
LokinOne sec I'm working on it06:53
Lokindoes the Static IP matter? and it has to be local right 192.168.x.x?06:55
jmarsdenIt has to be on your LAN.  It has to be unique within your LAN.06:57
jmarsdenOther that that you get to pick what number you want; if it was dynamically, you can use that...06:57
Lokinso thats set06:58
Lokiniface eth1 inet static06:58
jmarsdenOK, so edit /etc/hosts to match that and then restart apache06:59
Lokin192.168.0.107           UbuntuServer07:00
jmarsdenOK, now does apache restart cleanly?07:00
Lokinsame error but instead of 127.0.11 it now uses
LokinWhat is the fully qualified domain name??07:01
jmarsden servername.mydomain.com  (or whatever it really is!)07:02
jmarsdenYou write UbuntuServer in /etc/hosts, is that your hostname?07:02
LokinI mean I log into to alex@UbuntuServer07:03
Lokinso yes07:03
jmarsdenOK, so the FQDN is UbuntuServer.yourdomain.com (if your domain name is yourdomain.com)07:04
LokinWhere should the DNS be pointing to from the Domain registrar?07:05
jmarsdenOK.  So now as long as your router has port 80 open from the outside redirected to, you should be set.07:06
jmarsdenLokin: ?  I don't understand your question.  DNS host record for ubuntuserver.truehelix.com should point to whatever whatismyip.com says your public IP is.07:06
jmarsdenBut since you can't edit it every time it changs, you can use no-ip.org, sign up, and automatically update the DNS.07:07
LokinI set the DNS record from ixwebhosting07:07
jmarsdenOK.  You can do that.  As long as you chaneg ti every time your ISP changes your public IP :)07:07
Lokin:/ OK well how do I install somthing on a webpage via command line?07:08
Lokinbecause no-ip needs a download(of course) and I only have command line on my server07:09
ropetinLokin: wget is your friend07:09
ropetinman wget07:09
LokinOK now on to ssh :(07:10
LokinI can't connect anymore07:10
Lokineven via the new ip07:10
Lokinused to be able just not anymore07:11
ropetinif you ssh from the local box can you access?07:12
Lokinbut wait07:13
Lokinthe eth1 address is
Lokinwhereas the port fowarding is .1.10707:13
Lokinthat may be a problem....07:13
jmarsdenYes, it would be.07:13
ropetinYou can remove the word may from that07:14
Lokinindeeed, that be a problem.07:14
jmarsdenMore accurate, less gramatically correct ;)07:15
LokinSorry, needed a scon07:18
Lokinvar hungry07:18
LokinDamn this is really starting to piss me off07:20
jmarsdenThen it might be good to stop, do something else, and come back to it later?07:21
LokinI would but I need to sleep soon. School in the morning.07:22
jmarsdenYour call.  You could leave it for 24 hours... I doubt your web server is earning you $millions/hour or anything? :)07:23
LokinThis is true07:24
jmarsdenHave you edited the Ip addresses so the ones in your server agree with the router regarding your subnet?07:24
Lokinbut I want ssh working at least07:24
LokinI do a fair bit on it at school07:24
LokinI'm just wondering where else I would have to change then to
Lokinbtw, Don't browse thar07:24
Lokinits Var dangerous.07:25
jmarsdenedit /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts07:25
Lokinya got those07:25
LokinIs that for ssh also?07:25
jmarsdenYes.  Now restart networking, ssh and apache07:25
jmarsden(or just reboot the server)07:25
Lokinall restarted07:26
Lokinssh alex@
Lokinand nothin07:26
Lokinya just timed out07:27
jmarsdenAre you sure that is your current public IP?07:27
LokinI started iptables with the startup prints07:28
Lokinhow do I disable them?07:28
jmarsdenTurn that back off07:28
jmarsdenDid you use ufw or something else ?07:29
Lokinservice iptables stop?07:29
Lokiniptables is unrecognized...07:29
jmarsdenHow did you start up your firewall on the server?07:30
jmarsdenWhat did you do?07:30
LokinNever had...07:30
jmarsdenHow did you start up iptables?07:30
LokinWell... I may have trying to ste up ip fowarding07:30
jmarsdenWhat command(s) did you type to start iptables/ip forwarding?07:31
LokinNot a clue.07:32
jmarsdenSigh... you did something on your server but you have no clue what you did??07:32
LokinCan't I just kill iptables07:32
jmarsdenIt is a kernel module not a service...07:33
jmarsdenwhat does service ufw status    say07:33
LokinWell It's vary likely when setting it up I just copy pasted shit off the interwebzzz...07:33
jmarsdenWell stop doing that.  Read and learn and take notes, you are now a server admin!07:33
Lokin*Firewall is not running07:34
jmarsdenOK.  Try     iptables -L  (and pastebin the output somewhere so I can look at it)07:35
LokinI once again need to point out It's command line...07:35
jmarsdenThere are command line pastebin scripts...07:36
jmarsdenBut never mind... I don't have time for that right now...07:36
LokinChain INPUT (Policy ACCEPT) \n target      prot opt spurce              destination07:37
Lokin3 of them but the other 2 instead of INPUT there is FOWARD and OUTPUT07:37
jmarsdenSounds like youy have no actual rules, so that's unlikely to be the issue.07:37
jmarsdenCAn you ssh to from anotehr PC on your local LAN?07:38
Lokinmac but I'll try07:38
Lokindoesn't look like it07:39
Lokinjust timing out...07:39
jmarsdenOK, what does      netstat -ntl | grep :22     output (should be just 2 lines)07:40
Lokin... k one sec07:40
Lokintcp      0            0*            Listen07:41
Lokintcp6           0           0  :::22                  :::*                Listen07:42
jmarsdenThat's all good.07:42
Lokinergg comp died07:45
Lokinmy bad07:45
jmarsdenWelcome back... OK.  What does   ifconfig eth1 | grep addr: | head -1   say?07:46
jmarsdenBTW why are you using eth1... what is on eth0?07:46
Lokinnot sure07:47
LokinJust said use eth107:47
Lokinon that link you sent one sec07:47
jmarsdenOK... we'd better check... you only have one wired network interface on the server, right?07:48
Lokinit's old07:49
Lokinno wireless either07:49
jmarsdenOK.  So does    ifconfig | grep ^eth    output just one line about eth1 ?  Or a line about eth0 ?07:49
Lokinone about eth007:50
jmarsdenThen that is the name of your interface.  So edit your config to to use that, not eth107:50
Lokineth0        Link encap:Ethernet     HWaddr  00:40:ca...07:50
jmarsdenMost likely just edit /etc/network/interfaces07:50
jmarsdenNow do service networking restart     and then   see what ifconfig |grep ^eth  says07:53
LokinHrmmmm duplicate files07:55
Lokinthere is now 2 things declaring eth007:55
Lokinauto eth007:55
Lokinand then iface07:56
Lokinone sec I'm gogin to comment out the old one07:56
Lokink that worked... and ssh....07:56
Lokinstill not going07:57
LokinTime out07:58
jmarsdenOK.  So now ifconfig eth0 | grep addr:    outputs a line containing ?07:58
Lokinfirst line is inet addr:
LokinBcast is
Lokinand mask is default07:59
jmarsdenThen your server is at .100 not .107, so you misconfigured something somewhere!07:59
* Lokin screams07:59
Lokinok well should I just change the port fowarding to .1.10007:59
Lokinfor tonight at least07:59
jmarsdenOK, sure...07:59
Lokinwill you be on tomorow?08:00
Lokinjmarsden: ssh guest@
jmarsdenPossibly... depends on real life stuff...  OK...08:01
Lokingo for it08:01
Lokinso far everyone has guessed the pass successfully.08:02
jmarsdenYou logged out of the server?08:03
jmarsdenOK, well, it works... go to sleep :-)08:03
Lokinam now I'm goign to bed08:03
Lokinbut just for if your on tomorow you can help me without me copying stuff over08:04
* Lokin wanders off to sleep08:04
miguel1234hello someone who can help me with a problem with my mail server?08:06
jmarsdenmiguel1234: Ask the question and find out ;)08:07
miguel1234thanks jmarsden :)08:07
jmarsdenThere's a bot command about that...08:08
jmarsden!ask | miguel123408:08
ubottumiguel1234: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:08
miguel1234now I have a server with postfix + + sasl2 dovecot postfixadmin + + clamsmtp + spamassasin08:08
miguel1234sucede q08:09
miguel1234apparently the smtpd-auth does not work08:09
jmarsdenOK.  Did it work when you first installed postfix?  Are you using postfix virtual domains, or...?08:11
miguel1234jmarsden, I telnet localhost to 25 and shows me the following08:11
miguel1234jmarsden, http://pastebin.com/m2cbfee08:11
miguel1234jmarsden, 08:12
miguel1234No I look at the 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN08:12
miguel1234apparently I do not support08:12
jmarsdenI think you need to tell postfix to support that... what is your backend user database going to be?08:13
miguel1234jmarsden,  my config postfix http://pastebin.com/m50f30bb508:13
jmarsdenSo... that's not the Ubuntu default... where did this config come from, and how do you know it works?08:15
miguel1234jmarsden, 08:16
miguel1234If you already defined in my smtpd.conf here http://pastebin.com/m6b0b12da08:16
miguel1234jmarsden, here http://doc.ubuntu-es.org/Postfix/configuraci%C3%B3n_de_un_servidor_incluyendo_Postfixadmin,_Mysql,_Spamassassin_y_ClamAv08:17
jmarsdenI can't easily debug a fully tweaked postfix config... you just plucked it off the Internet?  Do you understand it?08:18
jmarsdenIf you follow a guide like that and it fails, you can either get help from the person who wrote that guide, or understand every little detail of what they did...08:19
miguel1234I can receive emails but my problem is that I can not send them to other destinations such as external servers because the SMTP authentication does not work for me08:21
jmarsdenOK.  The whole way the guide does auth is not one I am familiar with; it would take me too long to debug this... it can probably be made to work... but not by me in any reasonable amount of time.08:23
jmarsdenDo you know someone else who has used this guide and got it fully working?  Maybe they can help you?08:24
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kinnazhello server admins, i was wondering the latest php for ubuntu is 5.2.4 but that seems to be affected by several buffer overflow exploits, does that suhosini patch protect from them or i should compile php from src to get them fixed ?09:41
kinnaz( compile from src to get 5.2.509:41
snekanybody have experience with setting up a 2 system cluster with a few VPS's on each machine?09:53
snekcurious about how to setup the mysql databases... either we could use a mysql db on each VPS or is it better to have mysql on the main installation instead of each VPS and sharding it to the other machine?09:54
kinnazyou could do mysql replication09:56
kinnazmysql "cluster"09:56
snekyeah i am aware of that, i plan on replicating between the VPS's as well09:57
kinnazah misread your question09:57
kinnaza little09:57
snekIF each VPS has mysql on it09:57
kinnazif you have ip for every vps then why not09:57
kinnazhave diffrent mysqls09:57
kinnazthou running one should be better performance wise i think09:58
snekdunno, looking at the performance i am not sure what would be better.. that's the problem a bit09:58
kinnazthou no real exp talking here, just logic09:58
snekalthough i guess having seperate mysql servers on each vps would be a bit more secure in terms of availability & taking care of system load09:58
kinnazin that terms indeed09:59
kinnazbut i think having alot of mysqls servers wont hurt you much09:59
kinnazbecause the mysql proccess itself doesnot take up much09:59
kinnazthe load makes it resource hungry09:59
kinnazbut if you have alot of mysql servers09:59
kinnazit's harder/impossible10:00
kinnazto replicate them all10:00
snekhmm ok, will have to look into that before i suggest the new setup10:00
kinnazthou i dont know how many mysql servers you would be running10:00
kinnazbut if you like 1010:00
kinnazit will be kind of pain in the ass10:01
kinnazto manage them all10:01
snekhmm i think it would be about 4 or 5 vps's.. mirrored to a 2nd machine10:01
snekbtw, is Xen supported by Hardy? or is another package recommended?10:02
snekneed to be able to give each vps each own amount of ram & cpu cycles10:02
kinnazsnek you need xen kernel for hardy i think10:05
kinnazotherwise it would be running okey10:05
stefgHi, i'm planning on setting up a file server in a virtual machine. The question i'm facing is wether to use a simple file or a raw partition for the samba shares. One one hand i#d like to keep it simple and have a simple file (which can easily be backed up by the hosting OS), OTOH i fear the performance hit. Experiences? Opinions?10:05
stefg... btw... kvm/qemu10:05
snekyou can use a single file to store all shares? i wasn't even aware of that..10:08
snekpersonally i setup a raid5 fileserver for a company which gets backed up each night using rsync to an offsite server.. about 700GB of video files & photoshop files.. works fine!10:08
snekworks with an Areca 8 port sata raid controller, pumps out about 400MB/s now :)10:10
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stefgI plan on simply adding a 300 GB file/partition to the virtual machine as second disk and mount it to serve... pretty straightforward. for rsync/rbackup it would be less hassle to simply use a file which contains all the samba shares, but surfing the net i find opinions that i/o performance is crap for simple file storage. i mean we're talking 30 users here... does it even matter ?10:12
snekcan't say i have much experience with that, but i know that reading from a single file costs you about 10 - 20% performance.. if that's still acceptable (lets say a hdd does 75MB/s in an ideal situation, then you'd do about 55 - 60MB/s but an 100mbit line can only handle 12MB/s) then i wouldn't worry too much about it)10:16
snekyour lan connection will most likely be the bottleneck, not the way you setup the share10:16
frippzstefg: have you looked at this article? http://www.howtoforge.com/virtualization-with-kvm-on-ubuntu-8.10-p410:17
stefgfrippz: not yet :-) thx for the link10:17
frippzstefg: have a look a this one as well. might be interesting regarding backing up LVM Partitions. http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm_snapshots10:18
frippzI will be doing something similar in january when our new rack server arrives at work, so I've been studying these articles thoroughly :)10:19
stefgfrippz: interesting read, although lvm snapshots are nothing i could use, and actaully i'd try to avoid the extra complexity of lvm... space requiremants are foreseeable, and i'm a fan of the KISS philosophy10:19
frippzstefg: not familiar with that philosophy10:20
* frippz hits up Google :)10:21
stefgKeep It Simple Stupid ... don't use fancy things for their own sake10:21
frippzstefg: heh, it just hit me :)10:21
frippzwell, that article mentions about I/O problems as well, so there might be something to it10:22
stefgbut snek is probably right... even if 5 users from 5 different 100MB segments access the server they'll not hit more than 50-60 MB/s i/o bandwith... the raid-10 can easily handle that, even if i loose 10-20% i/o performance by having a filesystem on a filesystem10:24
UyCaRumBaalguien que hable espaƱol ?10:24
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UyCaRumBabecause it shows ubuntu 8.10 non 250 AUTH LOGIN ?10:51
fevelan I use iptables instead of ufw?12:25
Deepsufw is just a frontend for iptables anyway12:26
Faust-Ci have a failed lvm volume that im trying to repair but when i run a lvm cmd i get a error about I/O13:30
soren"failed lvm volume"?13:31
Faust-Chmm how do i explain13:34
Faust-Cthe hdd was in another system but atm im using it as a external hdd to get the data off13:34
Faust-Cbut i cant due to the damn thing complaining about I/O13:34
frippzI'm trying to find out how much space BIND is taking up (zone files etc.). is there any other place than /etc/bind that I should look at?13:44
lamontfrippz: /var/cache/bind13:45
lamontand potentially /var/lib/bind13:46
frippzlamont: thanks. another 12K there :)13:46
lamontfrippz: the most accurate answer is "see /etc/bind/named.conf et al, and what directories get referenced therein"13:47
frippzI'm guessing all the essential stuff resides in /etc (will be relocating BIND to another machine next year)13:48
Mal3kohow do i check if server is having a problem to cope with high cpu demanding process?13:56
sorenMal3ko: You look outside your office to see if there's a queue of users who are annoyed with your servers. If there isn't, you're fine.13:59
* soren is not kidding13:59
sorenThere's no single metric to check.13:59
Mal3komaybe like hard disk load?13:59
sorenIf people are happy with the service you're providing, you're fine. That's the only single, useful metric that always applies.14:00
kinnaz_hello server admins, i was wondering the latest php for ubuntu is 5.2.4 but that seems to be affected by several buffer overflow exploits, does that suhosini patch protect from them or i should compile php from src to get them fixed ?15:50
Deepswhich version of ubuntu are you using?15:56
Deepscuz heh, i see 5.2.3 in gutsy and 5.2.6 in intrepid, so i'm not sure where you're getting 5.2.4 from15:58
geniiDeeps: I think 5.2.4 may be in -backports16:01
Deepsi forgot to look at hardy, heh16:02
Deepsyou've still not mentioned which version you're using though16:02
Deepsgenerally, you'd wanna check the changelog or buglist of the package you're concerned about16:04
Deepssearch for it on packages.ubuntu.com16:04
Deepse.g., this is the changelog for php5 in hardy: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/p/php5/php5_5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3/changelog16:04
mgagneis there anyone here who has experience running Xen 3.3 backport in 8.04.116:25
mgagneMy networking is borked but I can see a peth0 device with a proper IP addres16:26
LordDicraniussimplexio: so, it's working now. I was using an live Ubuntu environment for the workstation. I just installed it to the hard drive and it worked right away haha16:34
amonhi guys, i have an apparmor questions16:44
amonits not server specific but the ubuntu homepage sent me here16:46
amonhow can i open links sent to me in skype in firefox, i tried to allow skype access to /usr/bin/xdg-open, but now it wants to access firefox.sh16:47
mib_zp4tvgxccan anyone help me or point me in the right direction ---> i moved my svn server laptop from college to home. when i try to update or commit, the svn is trying to access the college ip address, is there a way to switch it to point to my home address? --thanks17:33
Deepsmib_zp4tvgxc: svn switch --relocate17:37
mib_zp4tvgxcdoes it take params17:38
mib_zp4tvgxcor anything17:38
Deepsmib_zp4tvgxc: svn switch --relocate old-addr new-addr17:38
mib_zp4tvgxcthanks alot17:39
mib_zp4tvgxcon server box right17:39
Deepson your svn client17:39
mib_zp4tvgxcooh ok, thanks17:39
mgagneanyone here have experience with xen 3.3 and hardy?17:52
mgagnei have a networking question17:52
_jmedinamgagne: which one?17:52
mgagne _jmedina hardy 8.04.1 with xen 3.3 backport17:53
_jmedinaI mean the networking question17:53
mgagnewell i got the system to boot with the xen kernel, now i have 2 interfaces in ifconfig, lo and peth017:54
mgagnei added eth0 back to interfaces and it gets an ip as well as peth017:54
mgagnebut i cant ping google.com etc from dom017:54
mgagneit does work when i run "ip link set peth0 down"17:55
mgagnebut than peth0 grabs an ip again shortly after17:55
mgagneprobably because xend is doing something with it?17:55
_jmedinausing bridge networking?17:56
mgagnei believe so17:56
mgagnei changed very little about the xen configuration when i installed it17:57
_jmedinapeth0 is the real interface, eth0 is a virtual interface attached to the bridge port17:57
_jmedinabrctl show17:57
mgagneok it lists eth8 with an id, stp not enabled, and interfaces are peth017:58
_jmedinamgagne: could you paste bin it?17:58
mgagne_jmedina: sure17:58
=== _jmedina is now known as jmedina
mgagnejmedina: http://pastebin.com/de79dcbf18:00
mgagnejmedina: I had to type it out because the system with Xen is not able to get on the network reliably18:01
mgagnebut its character for character what im seeing18:01
mgagnejmedina: if you need anything else paste binned I can use my usb stick though18:02
jmedinamgagne: ok, then show your xend-config.sxp18:05
jmedinaegrep -v '^#|^$' /etc/xen/xend-config.xsp18:05
jmedinayour /etc/network/interfaces18:05
jmedinathe output of ethtool eth0 and ethtool peth018:05
mgagneok will do, give me a min18:06
mgagnejmedina: here it is  http://pastebin.com/m27136fd918:12
mgagnejmedina: when i ping google.com it resolves an ip but i get Destination Host Unreachable18:19
jmedinamgagne: I forgot about ifconfig -a and route -n18:20
NafalloDNS and routing is different things :-)18:21
jmedinamgagne: can you ping your default gw?18:21
mgagnejmedina: ok ill paste bin those, lemme check18:22
slofgrenmgagne: sounds like lack of a default gw being assigned18:22
mgagnei believe i can ping the gateway18:26
mgagnelemme get the command output18:26
mgagnejmedina: http://pastebin.com/m7f72289018:30
jmedinamgagne: you have two default gateways18:31
jmedinaeth0 and peth0 are in the same segment18:31
jmedinadid you configure peth0 with a IP addr?18:31
jmedina0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 peth018:31
jmedina0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth018:31
mgagnenope, I didn't try to manually configure anything but eth0 in interfaces, I was hoping I could get away with dhcp18:32
jmedinamgagne: try to remove the IP from peth018:34
mgagnejmedina: I am guessing I can't just use ip link set peth0 down right?18:34
jmedinamgagne: nop, that will disable the interface18:35
jmedinait is with ip del addr18:35
mgagnejmedina: just give it the interface than?18:35
mgagnejmedina: ip addr del peth0 says it needs the inet prefix, where do I get that value18:37
jmedinamgagne: did you try: ip address del dev peth018:39
mgagnejmedina: I can ping google now18:40
jmedinanow you need to resove why peth0 gets that address18:41
mgagnejmedina: is peth0 half-configured? should it not be pulling its own ip?18:41
jmedinaI dont know if you used dhclient peth0 or something18:41
mgagnehmmm, the only networking items I might have changed were in the configs I posted18:43
mgagnethis was a fresh install as of about 5 hours ago18:43
mgagnejmedina: thanks for the help so far, I spent quite a while on Google prior to this with no success :)18:45
mgagnejmedina: so basically I need to figure out why peth0 is getting an address, and then permanently prevent it?18:45
jmedinamgagne: I have not used 3.3 only 3.2 not sure if the network-bridge script configs you interfaces automagically18:45
mgagneis it worth trying to disable it?18:46
mgagnejmedina: have you dealt with the libc warning you get with Xen in Ubuntu?18:48
mgagne-> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/DebianTlsLibcDiversion18:48
mgagnejmedina: just curious18:48
jmedinamgagne: that doesnt affect ubuntu18:48
jmedinait is for debian/etch18:48
jmedinahardy already has a xen-friendly libc18:49
mgagneok, even though i get the warning18:49
mgagnesorry I meant that as a question18:50
toehioI just installed ubuntu server 8.1 and was wondering how I should set-up my users.19:08
toehioI currently have a user as my own name, 'toehio'.19:09
toehioShould I make seperate users for webservers, voip and games?19:09
r00tintheb0xAnyone using bacula that has email messages working?19:29
Oliberi've got a minor headache with NFS & Heartbeat, when the NFS server is running on the active node (2 node cluster with drbd/etc) only the primary IP address on the machine has all of the RPC services listed, the virtual IP gets portmapper and status19:49
Oliberdo i need to use another NIC and use IPAddr over IPAddr2?19:49
axisyshow to convert a desktop to a server?19:54
axisysI dont any of the desktop craps19:55
axisysi dont want to re-install with a server cd now19:55
Oliber"apt-get remove" the packages you don't want19:55
axisysOliber: is there a bundle pkg that can remove all desktop stuff?19:55
Oliberi don't know, if you remove X11 it'll probably want to take most of the GUI apps with it19:56
Oliberi havn't done it personally19:56
refnumzxI have a bit of a complex question.  I would like to virtualize a couple of samba boxes using the built in KVM tools in ubuntu 8.10.  I am going to buy an external storage box with 4 disks inside each 500 GB and connected with an E-SATA connection. If I want to mount different partitions on the same disk to different virtual machines, will these cause problems?19:58
jmedinarefnumzx: nop, that is a normal situation20:12
jmedinajust make sure you dont use the same partition on more than 2 guests20:12
Faust-Cfinally i got something accomplised21:55
antdedyetand there was much rejoicing. ;)21:55
Faust-Cgot gallery2 working (just need to figure out how to play movies thru it), nagios working, and soon RT22:11
Faust-Chmm im assuming that pkg 'net-snmp' will get me Net::SNMP22:28
Faust-Ctrying to get everything i need to centreon22:28
_45h_hi. my ubuntu+xen everytime crashes into kernel panic with hard filesystem errors. its bug or easter egg?22:29
_45h_i cant find any error messages in logs about it22:30
_45h_after 1-2 days of work FS crashes fully22:31
_45h_Superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired22:32
_45h_since both primary and secondary copies are corrupt.22:32
_45h_its fsck log after first day of work22:33
jmedina_45h_: I have about 5 xen servers running hardy without problemas, each host with about 10 guests22:33
jmedina_45h_: you can recover the super block, I doubt you only have 2 copies of the superblock22:33
jmedinabut that could be a hardware problem22:34
_45h_raid1 fully functional22:35
_45h_and tested many times22:35
jmedinahardy? intrepid?22:35
_45h_tryed both. now i have debian 4.0 + jfs22:36
jmedinaprobably jfs i the problem22:36
_45h_first time it was ext322:36
jmedinanever had such problems22:36
_45h_jfs works fine22:36
jmedinaand I have been working with xen since dapper22:36
_45h_show me your manual22:37
jmedinamy manual?22:37
_45h_howto :)22:37
jmedinaI dont have manual, only apt-get install ubuntu-xen-server xen-tools22:37
jmedinaguest runing on image files, partitions, lvm22:38
jmedinaall the machines created with xen-tools22:38
_45h_are you using image files or partitions?22:38
_45h_for guest systems22:39
jmedinaimage files, partitions and LVM22:39
jmedinaonly ext322:39
_45h_ext3 sucks. first crash after 14 hours of work22:39
_45h_jfs work more 24 hours )22:40
jmedina_45h_: that is a serious problem22:40
jmedina_45h_: did you try fat32?22:41
jmedinajust kidding22:41
_45h_haha )22:41
jmedina_45h_: so have you tried with another hardware?22:41
_45h_fat12 ))))))22:41
_45h_and partition for each file )22:41
jmedinafat12 longs 12 hours22:41
_45h_hardware works fine22:42
_45h_before i used this serv about 1 year22:43
_45h_best hardware that i have22:43
hadsSo "it used to work fine"22:43
jmedinahardware fails22:43
jmedina_45h_: and what about with a normal kernel? not the xen22:44
_45h_hardware errors with empty logs?22:44
_45h_not tested22:45
_45h_jmedina, are you using generic kernel? or xen?22:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #309160 in openssh (main) "openssh public key auth broken if one has many keys but only in X11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30916022:46
_45h_i found this bug on ubuntuforums22:49
_45h_some peoples reporting this problem22:52
_45h_kernel panic22:52
jmedinawhich bug?22:53
_45h_kernel crash )22:53
jmedinais it a registred bug?22:54
_45h_only some forum messages22:55
_45h_2.6.18-xen is too old? )22:59
jmedinaeven dapper has 2.6.1923:00
jmedina# uname -r23:00
_45h_anyway 810 also died as this debian23:00
ScottKNo, Dapper is 2.6.1523:01
jmedinathis is gutsy23:03
jmedinarunning dapper as guest23:03
jmedinaohh, it is feisty23:03
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