
crimsunrepeating for continuity: all 3 tests [from mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker] pass for the ppa packages of firefox{,-3.0 where applicable} on dapper, hardy, intrepid, and jaunty07:38
aramorning all :)07:54
crimsunmorn' ara07:56
aramorning crimsun07:58
kaushalcrimsun, hi07:58
kaushalGood Morning07:58
kaushalI came to know that FF 3.0.5 can be installed using apt-build07:59
kaushalis there a documentation on it ?07:59
macoO_o why not use the PPA?08:00
macoit's in asac's PPA08:00
crimsunkaushal: for _testing_, see the topic of this channel08:01
kaushalcrimsun, Thanks08:02
davmor2Morning all.  Is there no testing today I haven't received any emails if there is?08:33
macodavmor2: there are some FF packages08:34
macofor 3.0.5 in asac's PPA08:34
crimsunyep, /topic08:34
aradavmor2: morning08:35
davmor2crimsun, maco: no iso testing wise you normally get emailed by the tracker08:35
davmor2slangasek: ping08:35
macooh, no, not iso testing, just package testing08:35
davmor2ara: Morning good uds?08:35
aradavmor2: indeed :)08:36
crimsuni don't think the alpha 2 isos are quite there yet, but tbh i've been buried in vbox08:36
davmor2the videos are up now too I think08:36
davmor2Meh videos are as quite as the icecasts :(08:59
davmor2Is anyone else still having issues with the iso dl script and kubuntu live?09:03
crimsunlast but not least, all 3 tests [from mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker] pass for the firefox ppa packages on gutsy09:09
* ara -> lunch12:49
aramorning cr315:18
cr3ara: hiya, how was the trip back to Malaga?15:22
aracr3: quite loooooooooong, but no issues :)15:23
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slangasekdavmor2: kubuntu live hasn't built yet for jaunty, fyi16:20
* ara takes a break before the qa meeting16:20
davmor2slangasek: Ta, I was wondering more of an eta for the traker16:23
slangasekas soon as I have a chance to confirm we have something that looks installable16:23
davmor2Cool :)16:23
slangasekwe're also still oversized on all images, but I'm going to throw them out for initial testing so we can at least get some feedback while working on getting the sizes sorted16:31
davmor2might not be around by then xmas bash in wolveslug land :)16:40
slangasekdavmor2: I have a few ubuntu images up for testing now18:00
davmor2slangasek: cool18:00
slangaseksmoketesting only; they still need fixes for size18:00
davmor2thanks for the info :)18:00
* schwuk goes to eat before the call18:12
davmor2bdmurray: my thinking behind the smoketesting is to catch issues before the main testing giving developers time to fix stuff that is broken.18:13
bdmurrayof the daily builds?18:13
davmor2just up-to-date.  ie do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  or  if your insane and love manual testing like me install from the dailies that work and test from there.  It all depends on the amount of time you have.18:15
bdmurrayfwiw everybody on the canonical platform team already runs the development release18:16
bdmurrayor are you talking about daily dist-upgrades?18:16
davmor2the idea behind it is that a whole bunch of people testing one or two apps completely will get a more accurate picture of bugs etc faster than one or two people testing just the basic features and moving onto the next desktop which is what currently happens18:18
slangasek"everybody" is a bit of an exaggeration, I think18:18
davmor2bdmurray: Dailies dist-upgrade as that would represent the image on the server.18:18
davmor2as near as damn it18:19
davmor2heno: did I manage to include everything in the wiki spec?18:19
henodavmor2: I'll help tighten it up a bit later18:26
henoneeds a bit more about the smoketesting process and result tracking IMO18:27
davmor2that was one thing I wanted to discuss was options for reporting.  I'm no coder so don't know what is possible and what isn't.  A basic wiki page that lists the apps and and tested by whom is about as much as I can muster but is there a better way to do it than that maybe?18:30
stgraberheno: I don't think we should mark the spec as high as it actually works, so it's not really release critical to have it fixed. So medium sounds good18:30
slangasekah, xubuntu alternate also posted, seems to already be right-sized18:31
davmor2right need to go talk to people soon to help thrash out the pplan abit more18:50
john330Is Firefox 3.05 going to be released today?19:36
* stgraber rsyncs ubuntu alternate amd6422:34
stgraberoh, looks like we have something that actually installs :)22:58
charlie-tcaCan I log tests for xubuntu alpha 2 now?23:03
stgraberhmm, I don't know if slangasek added xubuntu to the tracker23:04
charlie-tcaYes, it is in the tracker for the alternate cd only23:05
charlie-tcaand it worked23:06
stgraberok, so just go ahead, grab the ISO, test it and report your result23:06
charlie-tcathank you23:06

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