
brycetjaalton: is there a workaround to get xserver to build?01:46
wgrantbryce: With the libdrm conflict?01:49
wgrantI downgraded it manually in my chroot, but I don't think there's any workaround for the buildds...01:50
wgrantOther than hunting kernel guys.01:50
brycemm, according to bug 308387 it *should* be fixed01:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308387 in linux "[Jaunty] trying to overwrite `/usr/include/drm/drm_sarea.h', which is also in package libdrm-dev" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30838701:52
bryceor worked-around at least01:52
wgrantAh, very recently.01:53
brycefunny my pbuilder chroot failed since I'd just updated it...  retrying01:54
brycewgrant: btw how was your flight home?01:54
wgrantIt was good - fairly uneventful, though we almost missed the Sydney->Melbourne connection.01:54
bryceit was perfect; eerily so.  01:54
bryceshort, no babies, no one in the seat next to me, no security line waits, etc.01:55
brycedpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy:01:55
bryce pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy depends on libdrm-dev (>= 2.3.1); however:01:55
bryce  Package libdrm-dev is not installed.01:55
brycedpkg: error processing pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy (--configure):01:55
bryce dependency problems - leaving unconfigured01:55
bryceSetting up bsdmainutils (6.1.10ubuntu3) ...01:55
wgrantOh, and the bus to the BART station didn't come, so we had to walk. That was inconvenient.01:56
bryceahh now it's going01:58
bryceportland got hit by a snowstorm a day after I arrived home; about 10cm in some places, and streets are iced over02:00
bryceit was cold but sunny today, with the roads passable, so  we were able to get out and go to the market this afternoon.  But another storm's coming tomorrow morning so I think that'll lock us in the rest of the week :-)02:01
superm1i just got sent back home because my flight from AUS->ORD got canceled because of some snowstorm at ORD (probably remnants of what you saw bryce :))02:01
brycesuperm1: wow02:01
brycesuperm1: hey btw, you'd mentioned something early last week about a touchscreen machine or something that I needed to look at?02:01
superm1bryce, yeah, BenC is supposed to give it to you02:02
superm1bryce, he was using it all week at UDS02:02
bryceah ok02:02
superm1it should have fully support by the kernel evdev driver.  the X driver is lacking though02:02
bryceI'm off next week, so probably won't get a chance to do much with it until january anyway02:03
bryce(unless it turns out to be something simple)02:03
superm1yeah that should be fine.  we're not rushing on it, but just want to make sure the support lands sometime by when jaunty is out since we'll have other products after jaunty using the same display02:03
* bryce nods02:03
superm1i looked at it a little bit and with a few hackish quirks it looks like you can get the pen moving, but i dont know the code that well, and just wanted to see if i could get it that far before handing the hardware off02:04
bryceI just had a call with one of our oem guys about this; sounds like we're going to give touch good attention for jaunty02:04
superm1yeah by fixing the evdev driver rather than hacking on wacom everything should start to just work :)02:04
superm1(that is for non wacom displays)02:05
* bryce nods02:05
superm1also whenever you've got it to a satisfactory functionality, mirco muller had an interest in it, so you'll be passing it on to him when it gets to that point probably02:07
brycetjaalton: ok fixed up the signal patch (bug 226668), and committed to git.02:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226668 in xorg-server "Xorg crashes do not work with apport" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22666802:58
pwnguinaww, nouveau is broke03:27
pwnguinwell, missing03:27
pwnguinthe modules thing is mia05:24
tjaaltonbryce: ok, excellent. I've now requested rebuilds of x86/amd6405:43
pwnguintjaalton: fyi, i think wacom works in jaunty05:43
tjaaltonpwnguin: nice05:44
pwnguini sent a mail to the list, lemme know if you think i'm wrong ;)05:44
tjaaltonI haven't tested it but if tom thinks it works.. :)05:45
tjaaltonbryce: you marked xorg-server for release, did you upload it?05:45
tjaaltonah there it is05:46
pwnguinon a scale from 0 to finished, does anyone know where nouveau in jaunty is at?05:51
brycepwnguin: 7E05:57
pwnguinmostly, I'd like to know whether I'm doing something wrong or it's just too early to expect installable packages06:01
brycewhat exactly is your question?06:02
tjaaltonit should be installable on jaunty06:02
pwnguinThe following packages have unmet dependencies: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau: Depends: linux-nouveau-modules but it is not installable06:02
pwnguinE: Broken packages06:02
tjaaltonhmm ok06:02
brycetjaalton: do you have an idea on that?06:09
brycedoes -nouveau depend on kernel stuff?06:10
tjaaltonsure, it needs newer drm stuff, so there's a package which builds those06:10
tjaaltonI'm not sure which source package provides that though. the package description suggests to use module-assistant first06:16
tjaaltonpwnguin: grab the package, drop the dep and test :)06:17
tjaaltonhmm no, the kernel doesn't have any version of the module06:18
tjaaltonoff to work ->06:19
pwnguinso was i really supposed to fiddle with the package and test again?06:43
brycepwnguin: yeah06:56
brycefwiw, -nouveau is not officially supported by us yet (we won't triage bugs against it this release for example)06:57
brycewe'll accept and upload fixes of course, but at this stage it's considered completely experimental06:57
tjaaltonpwnguin: it'll refuse to work without the drm module07:05
tjaaltonraof should know the state of the package, but he's not online atm07:07
pwnguinthats what i figured; i'll ping him later07:49
brycetjaalton: bug 308410 could use your attention08:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308410 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Latest Xorg removes nvidia driver ... conflicting xserver-xorg-video-4" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30841008:26
tjaaltonbryce: expected, and rebuilding those wouldn't help much, since they don't work with the new xserver without force08:27
brycetjaalton: could you comment on the bug about this?08:27
bryceheh, no more ctrl-alt-backspace on my dev box08:31
tjaalton-retro ftw!08:31
brycefwiw, with all of today's updates my eaglelake box is working much better08:38
tjaaltonbryce: heh, good move to delete the comments :)08:53
tjaaltonfrom the spec08:53
brycetjaalton: I moved them to the wiki page08:54
brycewhiteboard != forum08:54
brycewe're going to get a *lot* of comments about this once people become aware of the change08:55
tjaaltonsure, let them come09:00
looltjaalton: Is there an upstream bug for intel not building against linux' drm headers?09:10
tjaaltonlool: I don't know09:10
tjaaltonalthough I could file one09:13
looltjaalton: Well they might not be aware of this if they still use libdrm's headers09:19
tjaaltonthey are aware, airlied is trying to persuade intel to get their act together09:19
tjaalton2.6rc1 fails to build as well, using libdrm master09:29
tjaaltonfreedesktop bug 1913209:34
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19132 in Driver/intel " fails to build using drm headers from 2.6.28" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1913209:34
tjaaltonsame error as with 2.5.109:34
pwnguinare we finally dispensing with control-alt-bksp?09:36
pwnguincleverly hidden09:39
pwnguini gotta say, blueprints is confusing as hell09:44
tjaaltonin general or this particular one09:59
tseliottjaalton: is the new intel driver available now?10:10
tseliotthe one with the fix to my problem10:10
tjaaltontseliot: it was a bug in the server10:10
tjaaltonand it's available10:10
tseliotok, thanks :-)10:11
looltjaalton: thanks10:14
tseliotseb128: I gave mvo all the patches you need and he merged them. Now you can push gnome ;)11:24
seb128tseliot: ok thanks!11:25
jcristaulool: upstream knows about it, they'll probably fix up the kernel headers at some point. until then just build against libdrm?11:50
tseliottjaalton: 3D effects (Compiz or Kwin) are very slow with the Intel driver now12:36
tseliotbut hey, at least X starts now12:36
tjaaltontseliot: check the permissions on /dev/dri/card012:39
tseliottjaalton: crw-rw---- 1 root video 22612:41
tjaalton..and if you're not on video-group -> fail12:41
tjaaltontseliot: btw, are you on linuxwacom-discuss?12:42
tseliottjaalton: no, where is it?12:42
tjaaltonthe mailing list?12:43
tseliottjaalton: aah, ok12:43
tseliotI'll post there soon12:43
* tseliot > lunch12:44
tjaaltonwell, alexia death has looked into using dbus for hotplugging12:44
tjaaltonand looks like it's possible to write a callout script which does things once you plug a tablet12:45
tjaaltonso, wacom hotplug should be around the corner, but there still are issues about where to store the config options etc.12:50
looljcristau: Yup just what we're doing13:12
tseliottjaalton: that would be interesting14:04
tseliottjaalton: compositing is so slow that even KWin noticed and told me that it was better to disable it14:11
tjaaltontseliot: well, did you fix the permissions then?14:12
tjaaltonyou need to have rw-access to /dev/dri/card014:12
tseliottjaalton: I added myself to the video group14:12
tjaaltonand logged out & in?14:13
tseliottjaalton: I restarted Ubuntu14:13
tjaaltondunno what's wrong then14:13
tseliotand I get direct rendering14:14
tseliottjaalton: can you enable dbus in the xserver?14:16
tjaaltondone in git14:23
jcristautjaalton: it's called enable-config-dbus14:27
tjaaltonjcristau: hah, so it is14:31
tseliottjaalton: that will allow me wacom hotplug14:46
tseliotallow me to do14:46
jcristauyou can't do wacom hotplug with config/hal?14:47
tjaaltonjcristau: only one device (stylus/eraser/..)14:47
tjaaltonto fully use wacom you need to set up at least three devices14:47
jcristaui thought NIDR was exported just for that reason?14:48
tjaaltonwell I don't know what the details are14:48
jcristautseliot: the function that creates a new input device14:48
tseliotjcristau: ok but does the wacom driver work with it?14:49
jcristaudunno. that's not the point though. if it doesn't, it can presumably be made to work14:49
tseliottjaalton: I replied to her14:50
tseliotbtw do you know why I get this is my Xorg.0.log? Failed to set tiling on front buffer rejected by the kernel14:51
tseliotit says the same about back and depth buffer14:52
tjaaltonnope, no idea14:53
tseliotthe full log ^^14:54
tjaaltonupgrade your kernel14:58
tjaaltoncheck dmesg for segfaults14:58
tseliottjaalton: upgrade my kernel to which version?15:09
tjaaltonto the latest one, yours is -2 while there is -3 available15:15
tseliottjaalton: I can't see it in the repository15:19
tjaaltonthen change your mirror, preferably to just archive.u.c15:20
tjaaltongone ->15:20
tseliothmm, it doesn't seem to solve the problem15:41
tseliotalso I can't switch to vt without corrupting the screen15:53
tjaaltondisable usplash15:54
brycesuperm1: erf, ATI is changing the bug escalation rules again17:29
brycesuperm1: now they are no longer accepting new bugs once we've reached 5 (non-feature) EPR's17:30
loolHi folks17:42
crevettesalut lool17:43
loolOn ATI R500 I had screen corruption all over the place until I forced EXA17:43
loolI'm using compiz17:43
loolShould we make EXA the new default for ati?17:43
brycelool: yep17:48
brycelool: in fact I've a blueprint open on doing exactly that... probably post-alpha2 I'll switch us over17:48
bryceI'd have done it already by now, but just been busy17:49
loolbryce: ok cool18:03
brycetjaalton, tseliot, should bug #308410 get a mention on the alpha-2 release notes?18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308410 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Latest Xorg removes nvidia driver ... conflicting xserver-xorg-video-4" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30841018:51
geeksquadhow do you restore the icons folder in /usr/share19:19
brycegeeksquad: wrong channel.19:21
geeksquadwhitch is the right channl19:21
geeksquadother than #ubuntu19:22
brycethis channel is only for X.org in ubuntu though.19:23
geeksquadoh maybe #gnome will work19:24
tjaaltonbryce: just mention that blobs don't work. jockey doesn't offer them anymore20:53
brycetjaalton: I think once alpha-2 is out, I'm going to pull a new -ati git snapshot and flip EXA on by default20:55
bryce*hopefully* that will be Friday20:55
tjaaltonbryce: yeah20:55
tjaaltonso, alexia tells me that she (?) managed to get wacom hotplug working using the dbus-script as a hal callout-script like debian-setup-keyboard is21:00
tjaaltonthe driver is a bit buggy so that some options are wrong, and of course no user settings are set, but that can be fixed while the device is plugged in21:01
tseliotyes, I talked to Alexia and I think we can work together21:02
tseliotbryce: do you know what can make my 965 slow when using 3D effects in Jaunty?21:04
tseliotbryce: log: http://pastebin.com/m4606b1d921:05
tseliotvideos have no tearing any more though21:21
brycetseliot: mm, in your log I see some errors about tiling buffers rejected by the kernel21:24
bryce(WW) intel(0): Existing errors found in hardware state. <-- doesn't sound good either21:25
brycehowever, I'm not familiar with these errors yet so don't know their significance21:26
brycetjaalton: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys has a 'should be' diagram there now too.  let me know if there are any inaccuracies in it22:19
tjaaltonbryce: nice pics, looks good so far :)23:26
tjaaltonbtw, now my laptop (965) refuses to start X properly :)23:26
brycetjaalton: what did you run into?23:27
bryceI'm doing another ->intrepid upgrade on another 965 system (my laptop)23:28
bryceafter alpha-2 I think I'm going to try a from-scratch reinstall23:28
tjaaltonthe display just goes blank, flashes a couple of times before that23:28
tjaaltonmaybe it didn't like me booting into xp to update my phone & remote23:28
brycetjaalton: run intel_reg_dumper to collect the register settings while it's blank, then again when you get it working with vesa or a livecd or something, and send both to jesse23:30
brycemm, could windows have left the gfx card registers in an inconsistent state for linux?23:31
tjaaltonor just the fact that I have master snapshot of libdrm23:31
brycetjaalton: btw I got confirmation that we are *not* doing KMS for jaunty.  That rumor we heard friday was apparently just a rumor23:32
tjaaltonbryce: ok23:33
tjaaltonyeah, downgrading libdrm helped23:34

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