
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
R_RiosCan anyone give me some help? http://forum.kde.org/amarok-2-isnt-running-on-kubuntu-intrepid-t-20398.html01:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Anybody volunteer to work on Alpha 2 release notes while I was out?02:04
JontheEchidnanot that I saw02:05
jjessealpha2 arleady out?02:05
jjessewow that is so quick02:05
ScottKjjesse: No.  We need release notes.02:05
seelesounds like a documentation job to me02:05
* seele looks at nixternal 02:05
jjesseyes it does02:05
ScottKnixternal used to do them.02:06
* jjesse points at nixternal02:06
jjessei barely have my laptop running again02:06
ScottKjjesse: (or nixternal on the off chance he actually does something) The key points of which I'm aware are + KDE4.2 beta2 - Bluetooth is still broken and kmail/kdepim not on the CD (but can be installed from the archives). No amarok2 yet either.02:07
jjesseScottK let me see if i can get to it02:08
voriankonversation has been dropped to universe as well, right?02:08
jjesselike i said my laptop is barely running02:08
jjessetried to resume from suspend and it said insert windows disk for repair02:09
ScottKvorian: Dropped it to the dvd, not all the way to Universe02:09
jjessethis is on my work laptop and i'm in houston away from cds02:09
ScottKSo that's worth mentioning too.  No IRC client in the default install02:09
ScottKjjesse: Thanks.  I have to catch up on the $WORK I blew off earlier today to get stuff installable and (hopefully) fit on the CD.02:10
jjessegrumble vmware workstation is giving me fits on this ubuntu  build02:12
jjessei can't navigate in the boot menus of things, like suse server install or the ubuntu server install02:12
jjessethis sucks02:12
ScottKAnyone not working on release notes might want to consider working on libplasma2 -> libplasma3 transition.02:14
JontheEchidnawhoa, found a patch for porting plasmoid-quickaccess to kde 4.2's api on kde-look: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=84128&forumpage=802:19
JontheEchidnawonder if it works02:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: Great.  I kicked it off the CD until it got ported, so maybe we can put it back.02:20
* JontheEchidna gets cracking02:20
* JontheEchidna pbuilds new quickaccess02:28
vorianquickaccess ftl02:30
* vorian runs02:30
vorianquicklaunch would be nice02:30
* vorian finds02:30
JontheEchidnayarr, quicklaunch be distributed with kdebase-workspace in KDE 4.202:32
vorianhowd i miss tha02:32
JontheEchidnaftbfs. guess patches from kde-look can't be that good :P02:36
JontheEchidnaoh, unless I forgot to include a file in the patch >.>02:37
JontheEchidnaheh, the patch is still incomplete regardless02:40
JontheEchidnatrying again..02:48
ScottKDo we have packagekit packaged yet?02:52
nixternalare release notes completed already? if not I can work on them02:53
* Hobbsee is sure packagekit should package itself.02:53
Hobbsee!vistalover | to the rescue!02:53
ubottuto the rescue!: Oh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!02:53
nixternalhaha, packagekit should package itself...that is a good one :)02:54
ScottKnixternal: jjesse was taking a stab at them.02:54
nixternalok...spent most of the night at the car dealer trying to get my stuff fixed02:54
ScottKAt a car dealer in the most corrupt state in the country.  Must have been fun.02:54
JontheEchidnaScottK: success02:56
JontheEchidnashould I throw a debdiff your way?02:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: Great.  Builds success or builds and works?02:57
JontheEchidnabuilds successfully02:57
JontheEchidnaI suppose I should backport it02:57
JontheEchidnaso that I can test it02:57
ScottKJontheEchidna: There's a set of Alpha 2 images building right now, so I can't reseed it anyway, because I don't want to trigger another rebuild.  So I'd say go ahead and test it before we upload it.02:58
JontheEchidnatesting is always good02:58
ScottKBest way to have no bugs is to do no testing.02:58
ScottKThen break the bug tracker after release.02:59
JontheEchidna"no known bugs"02:59
JontheEchidnaScottK: Works fine from what I can tell03:08
ScottKJontheEchidna: debdiff me then.03:08
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/87493/03:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: Looks sane.  Will testbuild and upload if it builds03:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: Any other libplasma2 -> 3 stuff you want to send me I'll be glad to upload too.03:26
JontheEchidnaOk, it would probably be good to look at all the libplasma2 stuff in universe before the next alpha, so I'll put that on the TODO03:30
JontheEchidnanot that it would hold up the alpha or anything03:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: It'd be nice to get through it real soon and file bugs upstream so maybe they fix it.03:33
JontheEchidnamost of them are from kde-look and don't have bugtrackers. Submitting the patches to the upstreams would still be a very good idea03:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: Uploaded.  Thanks.03:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: If that one is in bzr, please make sure you update there too.03:36
JontheEchidnaI don't think it is03:37
JontheEchidnamaybe it should have a bzr branch, but not tonight03:38
* JontheEchidna will turn in soon03:38
ScottKapachelogger: Looks like kdeplasma-addons isn't in bzr.  I dunno how to set up a new one, so if you'd do it, I'd appreciate it.03:40
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* JontheEchidna out03:46
NCommanderScottK, you need you request a VCS import04:17
NCommander(to get it form VCS Debian)04:17
ScottKNCommander: Would you do it?04:18
* ScottK really doesn't care to learn.04:18
NCommanderapachelogger has it setup a little weird (since it doesn't seem the debian branches are owned by vcs-imports)04:19
ScottKOK.  I'll leave it to him.04:19
ScottKNCommander: Any idea why if lpia is listed as official, it's still on ports?04:19
NCommanderIts been like that for ages04:19
ScottKRight, it started there, but didn't move over.04:20
NCommanderTHat being said, some ISV's that ship LPIA have local copies of the lpia tree04:20
NCommanderNo need to bog down the mirrors with something ISV's are already handling04:20
ScottKMaybe it makes that easier.04:20
NCommanderw00t, kde4bindings is almost fully built on ARM04:20
* NCommander has been doing a fullr ebuild test to confirm there are no more fun things in hiding04:20
NCommanderit built PyKDE4 and the mono ****04:21
NCommanderit just needs to finish qyoto04:21
ScottKNow if we could just figure out where the hppa builds went.04:21
NCommanderScottK, I can attach debdiffs to the bug on Launchpad if you don't feel like bazaar hunting04:21
ScottKNCommander: That's not a problem since you linked the branches.04:22
* NCommander is good like that04:22
NCommanderdid Riddell get back to you on kde4bindings?04:22
ScottKWanna do some libplasma2 -> libplasma3 porting in the meantime?  It's all in Universe, so you can even upload it.04:23
NCommanderWhat sort of porting does it usually involve?04:23
ScottKThere's some API changes.04:23
ScottKNCommander: http://paste.ubuntu.com/87493/ is one example.04:23
* NCommander grabs kate04:24
NCommanderI got plasmoid-wifi04:30
ScottKPut that way I'm not sure if that's a disease or something you're working on.04:31
* ScottK wonders if he got it from kate?04:32
NCommanderkate was transitioned04:32
NCommanderI had to do an apt-get update04:32
ScottKYes, but you were recently seen grabbing kate, so who knows what else happened.04:32
seelekate is a dirty little whore04:32
* NCommander throws things at ScottK and seele04:33
* ScottK breaks out the autoclave.04:33
* NCommander just waits for plasmoid-wifi to finish pbuildering04:33
NCommanderIt builds fine against libplasma3 :-)04:33
ScottKUpload that sucker.04:33
NCommanderI'm waiting for pbuilder04:34
NCommander(I did a debuild -B since I expected to have to make changes)04:34
NCommanderScottK, whats the dpkg command to look at a package and print its dependencies?04:37
ScottKDunno.  I think debc would provide that among other things.04:38
ScottKI generally look in the .deb with ark or file-roller (since ark is currently somewhat deficient)04:38
NCommandercool, the depends look good04:38
NCommanderif it finishes pbuilder, its uploaded04:39
NCommanderScottK, kde4bindings made it to the install step!04:42
NCommanderuploading plasmoid wifi04:43
ScottKNCommander: Double cool.04:43
* NCommander grabs plasmoid-weater04:44
NCommanderweater needs a patch to build against the right Qt libraries04:50
NCommanderdh_install: qyoto-examples missing files (../../obj-*-linux-gnu/csharp/qyoto/examples/*), aborting05:06
NCommander(ARM build)05:06
NCommander../../obj-*-linux-gnu/csharp/qyoto/examples/* /usr/share/qyoto-examples/05:10
NCommanderTHat doesn't seem right ...05:10
NCommanderI see the problem05:12
NCommanderthe -gnu part is incorrect on ARM05:12
ScottKHad a similar problem on lpia.05:16
NCommanderplasmoid-weather transitioned05:21
NCommanderScottK, I just included yet another fix into kde4bindings (the one to fix csharp examples)05:33
ScottKOK.  Not uploading until after the alpha.05:34
NCommanderyeah thats fine05:34
NCommanderthat gives me plenty of time to rebuild anyway05:35
NCommanderand time to work out why krossruby didn't build ..05:35
NCommanderyay for FTBFS :-/05:37
NCommander-- The detected Ruby is too old for kross. A Ruby which has rb_hash_foreach is required. Upgrade to 1.8.2 or later05:39
NCommanderruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [arm-linux-eabi]05:39
NCommanderScottK, how do you do a list-missing with kde4.mk05:43
ScottKDunno.  One of apachelogger fancy scripts has a hook for it.05:44
ScottKSorry, distracted with trying to make the CDs fit.05:44
NCommanderfair enough05:46
NCommanderI think we have a ruby patch coming up next -_-;05:46
NCommanderconfirmed ruby bug05:51
* NCommander just can not win05:52
* ScottK ponders punting amarok05:58
* NCommander unconfirms the ruby bug05:58
NCommanderAnd now it works fine05:58
NCommanderWTF is going on05:58
ScottKIt's not amarok2, so no one will care.05:58
* NCommander wishes we had that librarian log05:58
NCommanderScottK, if you upload kde4bindings tommorow, please make sure you run the list-missing hook (I have a build going now, but I'm not sure I'm going to be awake for the end of it)06:08
ScottKNCommander: I'm not uploading it until you say go.06:09
NCommanderI'm in a good mood however since everything is building now06:10
ScottKnixternal: I just pitched amarok off the CD since I needed space and it's not amarok2.  Kubuntu-docs as well since they aren't updated.06:16
ScottKnixternal: For the release notes.06:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: I got plasmoide-quickaccess seeded again.  Thanks for fixing it up.06:17
ScottKOr however you spell that.06:18
ScottKNow I'm off to bed.06:18
* ScottK predicts Riddell will have fun getting the seeds straight when he gets back.06:18
* Riddell hugs ScottK, and NCommander, and anyone else who's fixing up alpha 206:28
ScottKRiddell: I just pitched amarok off the CD for one.06:28
ScottKI figure it's not amarok2 yet, so no one will care.06:28
Riddellfair enough06:29
ScottKRiddell: I also pitched kmail and kdepim because with akonadi and mysql that saved us over 40MB.06:29
ScottKThat was almost enough.  Thus amarok.06:29
ScottKKonversation too.06:30
ScottKWe need to put KDE4.2 on a diet somewhere.06:30
ScottKNow really going to bed.06:30
NCommanderRiddell, we should talk about using lzma compression for our debs06:41
NCommanderIt should help save loads of space06:41
NCommander(at the cost of increasing package build times ...)06:41
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Tonio_hi there07:11
Tonio_Riddell: I've been able to use knetworkmanager-kde4 without the kde3 version installed....07:27
Tonio_Riddell: there is probably just one bug in fact, but a pretty annoying one.... it can write the settings and connections informations, but fails to read at some points...07:27
Tonio_Riddell: so you have to enter the connection informations everytime, but btw, it shouldn't be a problem getting something stable and working for jaunty :)07:28
Tonio_Riddell: as for the new powerdevil plasmoid.... works even better than guidance here, with 4.2 beta 207:28
NCommanderRiddell, do you know who did kde4bindings update?07:46
NCommanderRiddell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/87628/ - something seems wrong :-)07:47
NCommanderTHat's perfectly fine07:49
knusperfroschnixternal: updated to 4.1.85 today and noticed that kwin got worse (at least for me) ;)10:18
cbrworse in what way?10:25
knusperfroschi'll try to explain how it behaves10:26
knusperfroschi turn on my external monitor with xrandr --output VGA --auto;sleep 1; xrandr --output VGA --left-of LVDS10:27
knusperfroschscreen starts to flicker for a while, kwin crashes (like it did with 4.1.80)10:27
knusperfroschthen, windows arent repainted10:27
knusperfroschcouldnt see where the crashmanager was till i opened yakuake and the window border got painted10:28
knusperfroschthen i noticed that both displays show the same content, except for the mouse10:28
knusperfroschyou can handle a window only on the display where it _really_ is, but it gets painted on both10:29
knusperfroschquite weird10:29
knusperfroschthats my xorg.conf http://dpaste.com/100326/10:31
knusperfroschon intel 855gm10:31
knusperfroschthat's the crash: http://dpaste.com/100327/10:32
knusperfroschbut i think that one is already known10:32
knusperfroschshould be that one https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17301710:32
ubottuKDE bug 173017 in general "XRandR-related crashes" [Crash,New]10:32
cbrwtf.. kwin is using 80% cpu again11:26
cbrooh.. nice and opening a video hardfroze linux11:31
NCommanderScottK, on the topic of kde4bindings, it fully builds on ARM now (woo), but some of the csharp examples don't appear to be installed11:59
NCommanderScottK, I don't think its worth delaying the upload to fix once alpha 2 goes but ...12:00
apacheloggerScottK: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeplasma-addons/ubuntu12:26
apacheloggerScottK: maybe it is just missing from gypsy?12:26
apacheloggerno, it's also listed there12:27
ScottKapachelogger: No, I was at ubuntu/kdeplasma-addons not kdeplasma-addons.12:27
ScottKvorian: I think since you didn't look in bzr and thus missed apachelogger pending changes, you ought to merge the last two uploads into bzr.12:31
ScottKTime for Alpha 2 image testing.12:36
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Alpha 2 Testing | Candidate ISOs | Live CD -http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20081218.5/ | Alternate - http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20081218.2/ | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntySpecs | Merges! http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
ScottKRiddell normally tests most of these images, so since he's on vacation, we really need people to run the tests.12:48
* ScottK grumbles to nixternal about release notes too.13:00
davmor2ScottK: already running13:00
nixternalyou told me jjesse was working on them last night when I asked13:00
ScottKnixternal: He's not online, so I'm picking on you.13:01
ScottKnixternal: I thought maybe you and he were collaborating.13:01
ScottKdavmor2: Great.13:01
davmor2ScottK: I found one issue.  if you right click on the K menu and change the settings to slide on hover it doesn't13:02
davmor2amarok 1.4 is still in live too when will it be upgraded?13:03
JontheEchidnadavmor2: once we get mysql 5.113:08
davmor2JontheEchidna: Okay ta for the update :)13:09
ScottKdavmor2: Actually it's not on the live.  I took it off for space reasons.13:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^13:11
ScottKdavmor2: Please file a bug then.13:11
rgreeningOk, so I apparantly have a major ear and lung infection; doc put me on some huge horse pills plus a puffer. :(13:15
rgreeningUDS plague13:15
ScottKFortunately there's nothing wrong with your fingers or eyes, so you can do Alpha 2 ISO testing ...13:16
rgreeningyou are a real task master. need a whip?13:16
ScottKNo, need people to test ....13:16
* ScottK cheers the work davmor2 has already done.13:17
rgreeningI'll dl iso13:17
ScottKGreat.  Thanks.13:17
rgreeningnp. :)13:18
NCommanderoooh, rgreening, how are you feeling this morning?13:25
* ScottK kicks NCommander and hands him some iso tests for taunting the sick.13:34
* JontheEchidna could test a bit over lunch, he supposes13:39
ScottKsmarter: I see you have packaging for a newer kde4-style-bespin snapshot in bzr.  Where is it, is it ready for upload, and does it work with libplasma3?13:59
davmor2ScottK: meh plasma Workspace Crashed fatal error bug it when I get back14:09
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-away
ScottKLive CD images are on the ISO tracker now so get your test results in ....14:26
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Alpha 2 Testing | Results - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all - Candidate ISOs: Live CD -http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20081218.5/ - Alternate - http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20081218.2/ | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntySpecs | Merges! http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
NCommanderI'll test the AMD64 alternative14:40
NCommanderQEMU had issues with the live one  last time I tried it14:41
ScottKNCommander: Any suggestions on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasmoid-toggle-compositing/0.2.1-0ubuntu2/+build/816832/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-armel.plasmoid-toggle-compositing_0.2.1-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:44
NCommanderdouble/qreal mismatch14:45
* NCommander winces14:45
JontheEchidnasince that plasmoid is basically an icon itself, it will probably need to have it's Plasma::Icon's changed to Plasma::IconWidget14:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: Already did that.14:47
JontheEchidnaoh, cool :)14:47
ScottKIt built anyway14:47
JontheEchidnaI think that one is in KDE playground14:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: Feel free to grab the updates source and see if I fixed it right.14:47
JontheEchidnacp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/debian/ktorrent.xpm': No such file or directory14:48
JontheEchidnameh :(14:48
* JontheEchidna is doing a ktorrent merge14:49
JontheEchidnalooking at the current diff between debian and my merge I cwy this wouldn't ftbfs on debian either14:50
JontheEchidna....can't see why, not cwy14:50
JontheEchidnaI think those plasmoid notifications stole keyboard focus :/14:51
JontheEchidnahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/87833/ <- debian to my merge14:52
ScottKJontheEchidna: Looking at lines 516/517, why do you add the Debian VCS stuff?14:55
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also, since it's in Main, it'll wait until after the Alpha is released (hint: Get testing)14:56
JontheEchidnastill downloading the iso14:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: We probably ought to have this one in bzr too, so instead of adding the Debian VCS sutff, maybe talk to apachelogger about adding it to ours ...14:57
JontheEchidnathat would make for a better changelog entry irt the vcs than what I have :P14:58
JontheEchidnaso .xpm files are used for menus?15:04
* JontheEchidna still has no clue why its failing15:04
JontheEchidnaooh, iso finished downloading, /me fires up k3b15:05
JontheEchidnammm, the cd burner isn't sounding too terribly... healthy15:07
* JontheEchidna afk to exercise dog15:08
JontheEchidnaScottK: the iso is too big15:08
ScottKJontheEchidna: Which one did you download?15:09
JontheEchidnai386 livecd15:09
JontheEchidnausing 700 MB media, k3b sez it won't fit15:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: I don't rember, can you tell it to try anyway?15:11
* JontheEchidna looks15:12
JontheEchidnanope, I can't see a way15:14
ScottKvorian: I fixed up kdeplasma-addons in bzr.15:14
* ScottK is downloading it.15:14
ScottKI'd have guessed that the oversize detector they have is accurate.15:15
ScottKJontheEchidna: What k3b are you using?15:15
* JontheEchidna afk for ~25 minutes for reals15:16
ScottKdavmor2-away: How did you burn the CD?15:16
ScottKAnd which one?15:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just change the vcs stuff using the pattern from core KDE and push to lp:~kubuntu-members/ktorrent/ubuntu15:16
ScottKapachelogger: Any ISO testing for you (please)?15:17
knusperfroschis there a test-checklist for the isos? or just play round and try to find bugs?15:17
ScottKknusperfrosch: The qatracker link in /topic has links to test procedures.15:17
ScottKknusperfrosch: But for an early Alpha like this we aren't too picky ....15:18
knusperfroschk i'll give it a try :)15:19
apacheloggerScottK: I can't... I am working on a top secret amarok project and will be offline for about 16 hours in a bit15:19
apacheloggercould do something tomorrow afternoon (utcish)15:19
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  If we aren't done by then....15:19
apacheloggerI'll try to get in the marketing meeting tomorrow morning @work, I should have plenty of time then15:22
apacheloggernot sure if that works out, since I spent half the week in meetings ;-)15:23
* NCommander runs the kubuntu alternate tests15:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: i386 fits just fine here using my ancient and crusty Dapper k3b 0.12.17 (Using KDE 3.5.5).15:26
NCommanderso far so good on the first alternate ISO test15:37
JontheEchidnahmm, wonder why k3b won't burn it...15:40
NCommanderso ... slow ...15:44
JontheEchidnabeta2 is officially released15:45
NCommandershouldn't all our 4.1.85 packaged stayed in the private PPA until the official release ;-)?15:46
JontheEchidnaTimezone mixup, I copied a bit early15:47
JontheEchidnaone concern about using the P3A for testing is that it limits the testing pool15:49
JontheEchidnameaning that I couldn't just go and ask for testing in #kubuntu-testers15:49
NCommanderyeah, but we're not supposed to release said source packages at all until that time has passed15:49
NCommander*/2 cents*15:49
ScottKNCommander: Agreed.  We're doing better about that though.16:01
NCommanderalt CD16:02
NCommandersuper slow16:02
NCommanderI'm only going to do one the test suites now16:02
NCommanderI need to get some sleep16:02
NCommanderI can do the other five on the alt amd64 when I wake up16:02
ScottKNCommander: Please mark it done on the ISO tracker before you sleep.16:02
NCommanderI plan to16:03
ScottKNCommander: Thanks.16:03
NCommanderDo we need full coverage before alpha 2 gains wings and flys away?16:03
ScottKNCommander: Probably not since it's an early one, but the more the better.16:03
NCommanderUsually once you have one successful alt installation, the other ones work fine16:03
NCommanderIt works16:09
ScottKNCommander: Thanks.16:10
NCommanderI'm debating if I have another test in me16:10
* NCommander can let it run while I sleep16:10
* ScottK rejoices at the non-zero status of testing.16:15
ScottKanyone else?16:16
NCommanderScottK, I removed the "DON'T UPLOAD" from the kde4bindings ARM fixes16:20
NCommanderSo feel free to throw those at the archive16:20
NCommanderI know the libs and python-qt4 fixes are fine, and I'm 99.9% sure on kde4bindings16:20
ScottKNCommander: OK.  After the Alpha release ....16:20
NCommanderthat's what I meant :-)16:20
ScottKNCommander: Thanks for testing.16:21
davmor2-awayScottK: is the version change the cause of the issues then?16:26
=== davmor2-away is now known as davmor2
ScottKdavmor2: Which issues?16:35
davmor2ScottK: plasma Workspace breakage etc16:36
smarterhey ScottK, it's pretty much ready to upload(haven't tested it against atm 4.2 but it's supposed to work according to the svn changelog)16:38
* smarter updates to today snapshot and testbuilds16:38
ScottKsmarter: Great.  I'm hoping we can get rid of libplasma2 soon.16:39
smarterI'm also working on an almost ready updated webkitkde :)16:39
ScottKdavmor2: Presumably.  Please file bugs so we can push them upstream and get stuff straight for 4.2.016:39
davmor2ScottK: just rsyncing my image to make sure I'm testing the right one and I'll try again and see if things are still the same :)16:40
ScottKdavmor2: great.  thanks.16:40
ScottKRemaining libplasma2 rdepends are plasmoid-xbar (smarter doing) plasmoid-system-status plasmoid-quicklauncher plasmoid-kepas plasmoid-flickr plasmoid-am4rok kmldonkey16:44
ScottKI think i bagged my quota for the day, so step right up ...16:45
smarterI maintain kepas too, I'll see if latest svn builds with plasma316:45
ScottKGreat.  Thanks.16:46
f4l3dpkg: errore processando /var/cache/apt/archives/kmouth_4%3a4.1.85-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb (--unpack):17:32
f4l3 tentata sovrascrittura di `/usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/apps/kmouth.svgz', che si trova anche nel pacchetto kde-icons-mono17:32
f4l3it seems kmouth creates some problems17:32
* NCommander checks off another test17:33
NCommanderand now time for bed17:34
NCommanderanother test done17:35
cbrlol.. i got a notice "compositing was too slow and was suspended"17:36
cbrafter clicking a link in firefox17:36
ScottKFYI there are apparently issues in Kubuntu ubiquity's manual partitioning, so best skip more testing of that for now.17:42
askewill be kde playground package available in 9.04?17:44
ScottKdavmor2: How far along are the installs you have in progress?17:48
ScottKdavmor2: AFAIK you're the only one to try actual installs off the Live, so it might be useful to let them finish (so we can find out what else mightb be broken sooner rather than later)17:49
davmor2ScottK: issues with ubiquity install on manual just trying to find out whether it's worth continuing if there is a re-roll required17:49
ScottKGiven what evand just said, I'd suggest continuing.17:50
davmor2will ldo17:51
davmor2will do even17:51
ScottKOddly enough I edited out the extra 'l' without noticing.17:51
davmor2ScottK: that just means you've been on irc too long :)17:52
davmor2ScottK: On a plus note tab on hover seems to be working now so it must of just been a glitch17:58
* Arby curses his lousy interwebs17:58
Arby130k/s on a '8M' service17:59
Arbyiso download may take a while17:59
ScottKdavmor2: Great.  Appreciate all the testing.18:02
smarterokay, bespin/plasmoid-xbar built fine with libplasma3(took me sometimes because I had to fix a bug in sbuild to make sure it worked :P)18:09
* smarter dputs18:10
bdgraueif i try to install an nvidia driver in jaunty, it will remove the complete xserver-xorg? any idea why? known problem? maybe a "feature"? :)18:18
davmor2should the taskbar cover the whole length of the desktop?18:25
davmor2on my all intel machine it's about 2 inches short18:26
smarterit's supposed to, yes18:26
DaSkreechdavmor2: it doesn't have to if you don't want it to18:26
davmor2smarter: DaSkreech: this is what I mean http://www.davmor2.co.uk/kde-fresh.png18:32
smarteryup, by default it should take all the screen length18:33
davmor2that's a standard install but on the nv based driver desktop it goes all the way across18:33
smarter(also it's called a panel, the taskbar is only the part with the windows names :])18:34
davmor2smarter: I just go for the most obvious name I can remember at the time :)18:34
=== Farmer is now known as RytmenPinne
Riddellthis page is pretty incomplete, what should be changed? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-218:41
jtechidnaoh, the install instructions disappeared18:42
DaSkreechjtechidna: Yeah :-P18:44
* ScottK grumbles about Alpha 2 release notes and where is jjesse ...18:45
jtechidnathe install instructions got commented out :/18:45
* smarter notes he's not even noted in the packagers :P18:46
jtechidnawha? I'm sure I added you18:47
* jtechidna suspects tampering18:47
DaSkreech /topic18:50
* jtechidna can't set the topic18:50
DaSkreechcan a topic setter set the topic in #kubuntu18:51
jpdsDaSkreech: Now you can.18:52
smarterjtechidna: still not in the credits, thought it doesn't really matter since I only did kdeedu18:53
* smarter hopes he'll be able to do moar of rc118:53
jtechidnasmarter: just wait for the cache to update18:53
* ScottK notes that the KDE 4.2 beta announcement mentions there's a quicklaunch plasmoid now. Does that mean our plasmoid-quicklauncher package can die?18:53
jtechidnaScottK: I thought plasmoid-quicklauncher never made it out of revu18:54
jtechidnaand yes, that is essentially the same plasmoid18:54
ScottKapt-cache rdepends libplasma2 ... plasmoid-quicklauncher18:54
jtechidnaoh, it got uploaded to jaunty18:55
jtechidnait can die18:55
DaSkreechWait quicklaunch is back?18:55
DaSkreechit was broken really badly in Beat 118:55
jtechidnayeah, quicklaunch got added in beta118:55
jtechidnait was really crashy in beta1 though18:56
jtechidnamuch better in beta218:57
jtechidna[13:56:43] <boom1992> aseigo: hey! I just noticed that beta2 was released ;) So, I wanted to ask about policykit-kde, what are we gonna do with it for now? I thought it was supposed to move in for beta2 (I'm one of the devs btw ;))18:57
jtechidna^looks like we might not need a new package/MIR hassle for policykit-kde?18:58
ScottKRemoval bug files.18:58
smarterokay, kepas builds and work, uploading18:59
davmor2ScottK: when you removed amarok why didn't the favourite entry for it go too?19:01
ScottKdavmor2: It's not removed from the archive, just temporarily off the CD.19:02
ScottKYou can still sudo apt-get install amarok19:02
DaSkreechAnd anyone wanting reviews of KDE 4.2 Beta 2 can sit in #kubuntu and watch the wackiness proceed :019:03
davmor2ScottK: but now you have an entry in favourites that doesn't link to anything and has a ? as an icon it just looks wrong, or is that just me being picky?19:03
ScottKSince it's a temporary change, I'll say you being picky.19:03
ScottKdavmor2: Appreciate all the testing.19:04
davmor2:) Fair enough19:04
ScottKIf we were close to release and it was going to stay this way, I'd agree with you.19:04
ScottKDown to 4 packages for libplasma3 transition ...19:06
ScottKplasmoid-system-status plasmoid-flickr plasmoid-am4rok kmldonkey19:06
davmor2ScottK: no contact either?19:08
ScottKplasmoid-system-status has a new upstream version too19:08
ScottKdavmor2: ?19:08
davmor2ScottK: sorry is there no Kontact either?19:08
ScottKdavmor2: No.  In the repos, not on CD19:09
davmor2np's then19:09
* ScottK had to kill off about 50MB of stuff in one evening.19:09
DaSkreechWait quicklaunch wasn't what I was thinking of wasn't there a plsmoid in 4.1 that gave you a listing of a dir you could fly through and open in dolphin ?19:09
jtechidnaDaSkreech: QuickAccess19:09
DaSkreechRight thatone that got broken What happened to it?19:10
jtechidnaScottK: I can take am4rok, I think19:10
ScottKjtechidna: Great.19:10
davmor2ScottK: what are you doing about IRC client?19:10
jtechidnaDaSkreech: I updated it for KDE 4.2 and put it in the ppa19:10
ScottKdavmor2: Dunno yet.19:10
davmor2fair enough19:10
DaSkreechjtechidna: how do I get it?19:11
jtechidnasudo apt-get install plasmoid-quickaccess19:11
ScottKAlso in the archive for Jaunty19:11
jtechidnaassuming you have the kubuntu-experimental repo added19:11
ScottKjtechidna: I did sneak that back onto the CD last night.19:11
davmor2ScottK: everything else seems to look okay haven't gone into each app much so I can carry on with the install tests19:12
ScottKdavmor2: Great.  The main focus for ISO testing is installs and basic functionality.19:12
ScottKInstall tests is what we need.19:12
davmor2I know I've been doing it for a while :)19:12
ScottKRiddell normally handles begging for testers, so I don't know who normally does it.19:14
davmor2oem next lets see if that works19:14
davmor2ScottK: I normally test just about everything :)19:14
ScottKGreat.  I'm glad someone is ...19:14
* ScottK looks around at the rest of you ....19:15
* Arby is 8min from the download finishing19:15
ScottKArby: Which?19:15
ArbyScottK alternate i38619:15
ScottKArby: Perfect.  We've had no testing of that yet.19:16
ArbyI checked the iso tracker first :)19:16
ScottKplasmoid-system-status (including new upstream version) plasmoid-flickr kmldonkey still looking for someone to love them.19:17
* ScottK AFK for a bit.19:17
jtechidnakmldonkey is extragear. Don't know if we want to take an upstream snapshot or not19:17
ScottKjtechidna: Maybe a rebuild is enough.19:18
ScottKOK.  Now afk.19:18
* jtechidna testbuilds new plasmoid-am4rok19:19
jtechidnaoh, upstream changed the name to "playwolf"19:21
smarterjtechidna: congrats! you just winned the right to go throught the procedure to change a source package name :P19:23
jtechidnaactually it might as well be new software19:23
jtechidnathe plasma-am4rok page says "this project is discontinued I rewrote this as PlayWolf"19:24
jtechidnacould I still get away with renaming it?19:24
* DaSkreech makes a cookie necklace for jtechidna. THanks I love this thing. Why is it broken upstream? is this committed in KDE svn ?19:28
jtechidnaI'm guessing the author hasn't had time to port it to 4.2 yet19:29
jtechidnaand I don't think it's in KDE's svn either19:29
DaSkreechwell diff him and let him know it's really one of my favourite plasmoids19:30
jtechidnaI found the patch in the comments of the project's page :P19:30
jtechidnaon kde-look19:31
jtechidnaHmm, I will have to make a new package for playwolf, it has a lower version19:31
ScottKjtechidna: How about patch the current one then and then work on the new package once libplasma2 is dead an buried?20:05
jtechidnasounds good20:06
rgreeninganyone know if kdevelop 4 will be ready/released in time for Jaunty?20:09
Arbyhmm, clean install of alpha2 I get 2 update icons telling me there are software updates20:12
Arbyonce from adept, one from update notifier (I think)20:12
Arbyis that supposed to happen?20:12
rgreeningone from kpackagekit20:12
Arbyfair enough20:12
rgreeningI believe kpackagekit may be installed (can you verify)20:12
* DaSkreech wants to play with kpackagekit20:13
ScottKrgreening: As I understand it kdevelop 4 is pre-alpha and pretty much a complete rewrite.20:13
ScottKI'm guessing: No.20:13
rgreeningRiddell was going to update update-notifier-kde I believe so it never showed the icon if kpackagekit was used (it has its own)20:14
Arbyhmm, it seems it's not kpackagekit, it's complaining about incomplete language support20:15
rgreeningoh... hmmm20:15
Arbydidn't we have this with intrepid20:15
Riddellthat's pretty common, it wants to install the gnome language pack20:15
ScottKplasmoid-quicklauncher is dead.  Yeah!20:15
Arbyso I just ignore it?20:16
RiddellArby: yes20:16
rgreeningI wish there were decent/comprehensive KDE4 tutorials/books... :(20:17
rgreeningfor programming20:18
jtechidnaScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/88003/ Testbuilt and testran20:18
rgreeningmuddling through the apidocs is horrible20:18
Arbyis amarok not included on the CD?20:18
Riddellwaiting on amarok 220:18
ScottKrgreening: If your still working on your klamav killer, you might want to look at the logs for #ubuntu-devel about an hour and a half ago when Keybuck was drooling about fsnotify().20:19
rgreeningklamav is moved way to back burner for now.20:20
rgreeningIm trying to port the flash installer patch to kde4, and it's not turning out to be a very easy task.20:21
ScottKjussi01: Earlier today apachelogger asked in #quassel about how to patch in #kubuntu as a default channel.  He got a lot of very uncertain responses..20:21
ScottKSeemed to me not a question they'd considered before.20:21
jussi01ScottK: were either of the devs around at the time?20:22
ScottKI think so.20:22
ScottKWho are the devs?20:22
ScottK(checking my scrollback)20:22
jussi01Egs and Sput20:22
ScottKjussi01: Yes.20:23
jussi01there are others, but they are the main 220:23
ScottKIt basically got a, "Hmmm, in theory maybe you could ...., but I'm not sure if we can do that" response20:24
jussi01ScottK: ok, I can try prod a better response if its somethign that could go somewhere20:25
seelehas anyone started a poll for the next kubuntu meeting?20:26
* seele looks at nixternal 20:26
ScottKjussi01: Dunno.  Need to see what kvirc-kde4 looks like first.20:26
jjessei love it how we all look at nixternal whenever something needs to get done ;)20:26
ScottKHey.  It's jjesse.20:26
ScottKSpeaking of stuff ....20:27
* jjesse ducks20:27
ScottKjjesse: How are Alpha 2 release notes coming?20:27
jjesseScottK: didn't get any chance to work on them and probablly won't get a chacne until staturday to do much of antyhing20:27
jjesseout of town with work and super crappy internet20:27
jjessei know20:27
jjesseand still having computer issues20:28
ScottKnixternal: ^^ No release notes in progress.20:28
* ScottK looks for a volunteer ...20:28
* DaSkreech blames nixternal20:30
davmor2ScottK, Riddell: you might want to take a look at oem install on user install side of things.  White outlined cross on a black background again.  I don't know what was done to fix it in intrepid but it's back20:32
ScottKdavmor2: Me neither.  Please file a bug if you haven't ....20:32
ScottKDaSkreech complained, so he can do it.20:32
ScottKDaSkreech: Release notes are really easy.20:33
jussi01ScottK: just fyi:20:33
jussi01[22:31:07] <Sput> for that feature, we'll have to wait a bit for EgS' big push, he'll move identities into the db20:33
jussi01[22:31:18] <Sput> then it should be possible to pre-init the db probably20:33
DaSkreechWhen did I complain? I don't even know what the release notes are for :)20:33
ScottKYou were blaming nixternal20:33
ScottKFor Kubuntu Jaunty Alpha 2.20:33
DaSkreechOh That's a knee jerk reaction someone says nixternal I blame him for something20:34
ScottKRight and since you're from Chicago too by the community propery of Kubuntu work, you need to do it since he hasn't.20:34
DaSkreechWhen the hell? I've been in Chicago once to throw a snowball at nixternal and got snowed in the airport20:35
DaSkreechFor which I blamed nixternal :)20:36
ScottKDaSkreech: OK, how about Illinois then?20:36
DaSkreechI'm barely in that hemisphere20:37
ScottKOdd.  Total misremebering on my part then.20:37
ScottKDaSkreech: Do it anyway?20:38
DaSkreechI guess I have 1 hour 15 minutes20:38
DaSkreechIs there a listing of changes?20:38
ScottKDaSkreech: So you grab the last one off the wiki and update it for the new features/problems.20:38
ScottKDaSkreech: The major thing to mention is KDE4.2 Beta 220:44
DaSkreechWhat are the new problems?20:45
DaSkreechOther than no amarok20:45
ScottKIn the bad news department: Do not use the manual partioner on the Live CD as it will cause cute kittens to die.20:45
ScottKdavmor2 can give details.20:45
ScottKDaSkreech: Aslo no Kmail or Kontact or Konversation on the CD (these and Amarok) are all available from the repositories though.20:46
ScottKDaSkreech: All but Konversation will be back once we put Kubuntu on a bit of a diet.20:46
DaSkreechWow that's a lot of space saving When was the last time anyone spoke to Sho?20:46
DaSkreechWhat on the CD still uses KDE3 libs ?20:47
ScottKDaSkreech: Also worth a mention that the amarok in the repos is still Amarok 1.20:47
ScottKDaSkreech: Currently also k3b, but we expect that to change.20:47
davmor2yes if you have existing partitions you wish to use if you hit edit you can't do anything with it cause an apport report on ubiquity.  You can't format a partition either not sure about deleting though20:47
ScottKjtechidna: plasmoid-am4rok uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.  Where's your MOTU application?20:53
jtechidnaI haven't started on it yet. I suppose I really should20:54
Nightroseyes you should!20:54
davmor2ScottK: bug 30948220:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309482 in oem-config "jaunty: Kubuntu OEM enduser setup fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30948220:56
ScottKdavmor2: Great20:56
davmor2ScottK: I'm hazarding a that the oem version on alternate will also die in the same place21:00
DaSkreechScottK: Ok back Where are the release notes for alpha 1 ?21:01
ArbyI can check that when I finish my current test21:01
davmor2s/a/a guess21:01
ScottKDaSkreech: Doesn't look like we had  any.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/Alpha5/Kubuntu is the most recent example I could find.21:04
RoccoLordWhere is best place to report problems with kde 4.2 beta 2?21:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:28
RoccoLordWell I'm not sure it it's a packaging bug or upstream problem, but kopete crashes when connecting to msn.21:29
RoccoLordundef symbol21:29
jtechidnacould you paste the error?21:37
jtechidnain pastebin of course :)21:37
jtechidnaor not21:39
DaSkreechare we doing policykit in Jackalope ?22:00
DaSkreechScottK: I guess no pretty pics ?22:04
=== glade88 is now known as glade88|ZzZ
jtechidnayou could use my cube pics :P22:09
jtechidnastealing them from the KDE 42. release announcement is always an option22:09
Arbydavmor2: curious, oem install seems to work ok on alternate22:10
davmor2Arby: I did I guessed :)22:10
davmor2Arby: are you testing in vm22:11
DaSkreechjtechidna: What ever :)22:11
Arbyanswered all the questions and started up no problem :)22:11
Arbydavmor2: yes22:11
* jtechidna steals from the kde announcements all the times22:11
jtechidnaI do try to get some original pics from time to time though :P22:11
DaSkreechIs it CC licensed :-P22:11
DaSkreechWhat's the mindset behind using kpackagekit ?22:12
DaSkreechOther than it being packagekit22:13
davmor2Arby: I'm on hw here so that maybe the issue I'm doing an ubuntu alt oem install now so I'll soon know if it is oem fullstop or just kubuntu live22:13
ScottKDaSkreech: Not unless you can find someone to get them from.22:13
jjessethere was quite the discussion at UDS if i recall correctly22:13
Arbydavmor2: ok22:13
DaSkreechI just need to know if I should be talking up packagekit or kpackagekit22:13
ScottKDaSkreech: Neither for Alpha2.  We're still using Adept.22:15
DaSkreechSo no packagekit is installed?22:15
ScottKNot AFAIK.22:17
Arbyapt-cache show kpackagekit said not on my earlier test22:18
DaSkreechjtechidna: Using the Beta1 foto in the meantime22:24
jjessesorry gusy that i can't get to it this time barely have internet access22:24
ScottKjjesse: You owe DaSkreech $BEVERAGE_OF_CHOICE next time you see him ...22:25
jjesseyou are right i do22:25
DaSkreechWhoops that's the full foto not the thumbnail erk22:27
DaSkreechWas powerdevil installed in Ibex ?22:32
jtechidnadefinitely not by default22:33
jtechidnait's in universe though22:33
ScottKDaSkreech: Yes, we've dropped guidance-power-manager to Universe and have powerdevil by default now.22:44
ScottKGood catch22:44
ScottKAmazing I forgot that.  Guidance has been the bane of my existance for the last year.22:45
DaSkreechanyone wants to say anything about Wine by default ?22:53
jjesseis it actually been included by default?22:53
jjesseik now there was some discussion on ubuntu-devel22:53
DaSkreechYeah they are making a submission it be in Main and there are a list of changes that need to be done for it bo included of course they are all Gnome changes and once that's done it's advertised as ready22:55
=== yuriy_ is now known as yuriy
homunqOK sorry to bother you here but I need expert help and I'm only going to ask this once. Please respond in pm if you can help me, I don't want to clog here. I am stuck in this konversation window. Can type and click here, can get to text-mode terminal, but can't switch windows. Seen this bug feisty, hardy, intrepid; kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu. Right now I'm in xubuntu (xfce). Looking for help using the terminal to diagnose. One person suggested it23:01
homunqcould be stuck keys, best theory so far.23:01
Arbyok 4/6 tests completed on alternate i38623:19
Arbymanual and expert still left if anyone has time23:19
ArbyI have to go now23:19
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaRiddell, apachelogger, vorian, ScottK: I plan to apply for MOTU, so as my sponsors here's a heads-up :)23:51

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