theseinfeld | howdy stas | 14:02 |
stas | Hi guys, I'm an official member of ubuntu-ro team. I wanted to ask, what should we do to get a cloack for our team? | 14:02 |
stas | hi theseinfeld | 14:02 |
theseinfeld | LoCo team | 14:03 |
PriceChild | stas: Heya. At the moment ubuntu only gives ubuntu/member cloaks. | 14:03 |
theseinfeld | so, nothing for LoCo :D | 14:03 |
PriceChild | Not at the moment. | 14:03 |
theseinfeld | OK | 14:03 |
theseinfeld | Thanks... any ETA for the LoCo cloaks? | 14:04 |
PriceChild | I'm not aware of any plans to make them available, nevermind an eta? | 14:04 |
stas | PriceChild: will it be ok if we'll apply for a cloack using freenode's procedures? | 14:05 |
LjL | theseinfeld: having organized LoCo, however, is partly a way to create a structure for recognition of contributions in the context of one's own locality | 14:05 |
PriceChild | stas: unaffiliated? sure. | 14:05 |
LjL | ubuntu membership is eventually that recognition | 14:05 |
theseinfeld | LjL, yes.. | 14:05 |
theseinfeld | I think this has been a long discussion about the LoCo... I remember reading something somewhere... | 14:06 |
theseinfeld | It is not recent | 14:06 |
remix_tj | hi ops! | 14:10 |
LjL | ciao remix_tj | 14:10 |
remix_tj | LjL: te hai mai provato landscape di canonical? | 14:10 |
LjL | non ho idea di cosa sia | 14:11 |
stas | LjL, PriceChild : any chance to place the loco teams cloaks question at the next UDS? | 14:11 |
stas | :) | 14:11 |
PriceChild | stas: It doesn't need to wait at UDS, and I don't support the idea so won't be myself. | 14:11 |
PriceChild | *wait until UDS | 14:11 |
stas | PriceChild: :D, ok , thanks for chat | 14:11 |
LjL | stas: you can bring it up at a community council meeting i suppose, if you just have to. | 14:12 |
PriceChild | LjL: irc council...? | 14:12 |
LjL | PriceChild: maybe, though i was under the impression that the decision to only have member cloaks came from higher | 14:12 |
Pici | As did I. | 14:13 |
PriceChild | oh did it? | 14:13 |
stas | LjL: that might be an idea... | 14:13 |
LjL | PriceChild: "i was under the impression" | 14:13 |
PriceChild | LjL: was this before the irc council? | 14:13 |
Pici | Although I think that was before the IRCC existed. | 14:13 |
LjL | PriceChild: could always ask the dutchman | 14:13 |
* stas | 14:17 | |
Pici | stas: ? | 14:17 |
PriceChild | bwah? | 14:18 |
stas | Pici: sorry... wrong channel | 14:18 |
Pici | stas: #ubuntu-classroom isn't the right channel either. | 14:18 |
stas | Pici: I already said sorry... :( | 14:19 |
[NikO] | stats, that's a good idea in fact :) | 14:53 |
=== fenris_ is now known as e-jat | ||
apw | anyone know who runs the ubuntu bots? | 19:24 |
nizarus | apw, #ubuntu-locoteams | 19:25 |
Nafallo | nizarus: ehrm. for -kernel as well? :-) | 19:26 |
Nafallo | apw: this channel are mostly for the international channels :-) | 19:26 |
nizarus | | 19:26 |
Nafallo | nizarus: yea. -ops for the ubotto family :-) | 19:27 |
Nafallo | ^-- apw :-) | 19:27 |
nizarus | yes Nafallo :) | 19:28 |
apw | hrm, the wiki page points me back ehre | 19:28 |
apw | so, if one is missing in action from the #ubuntu-kernel channel, who would know how to kick it into life | 19:29 |
Nafallo | oh. right. I read that wrong :-) | 19:29 |
Pici | apw: I'm looking into it | 19:29 |
apw | thanks | 19:29 |
Pici | I should have the capability, but its not working. | 19:29 |
apw | sadly it seems there are about 5 of them with subtly different names, and i am not sure which one was on there | 19:29 |
apw | Pici, thanks for trying ... been mia a few days, so probabally properly sick | 19:30 |
Nafallo | 20:59 -!- ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has quit [Client Quit] | 19:30 |
Pici | Nafallo: It hasn't gone as ubotu for quite a while. | 19:30 |
Nafallo | Pici: grep ubot irclogs/FreeNode/#ubuntu-kernel.log :-) | 19:31 |
Nafallo | Pici: so yea. the bot haven't been there for quite a while ;-) | 19:31 |
serkan`c | hello | 19:37 |
Garfeild | hi | 19:39 |
serkan`c | we have a problem here about a log file in our local channel, is there anyone can help? | 19:40 |
Pici | serkan`c: What sort of problem? | 19:41 |
serkan`c | we had a complaint about removing a name from a log file | 19:42 |
Pici | serkan`c: The bot that logs loco channels is administered by the ubuntu-eu team. You can reach them by emailing | 19:45 |
serkan`c | i emailed | 19:45 |
serkan`c | they respond me but after a few mail they stopped it | 19:45 |
serkan`c | we couldnt solve the problem, so why i am here :) | 19:46 |
Pici | serkan`c: They control that bot, so there isn't much that I can do. | 19:48 |
serkan`c | ok, thank you anyway | 19:48 |
Pici | serkan`c: I'll send an email to the address though, just to see if I can get them to respond back to you again. | 19:49 |
serkan`c | ok thank you so much, i think they remember me. I sent emails them from | 19:49 |
serkan`c | Matthias Urlichs responded me a few times | 19:50 |
Pici | Was he able to help? | 19:50 |
serkan`c | he asked me a few question about translation a part from log and i did | 19:51 |
serkan`c | iirc, he said maybe we can delete that part | 19:52 |
serkan`c | i think he was not sure if logs can be deleted | 19:52 |
serkan`c | then he stopped writing to me, after i that i sent two emails to him but couldnt get help | 19:52 |
Pici | serkan`c: Do you want it to consitantly remove data about one user, or just remove something from the past? | 19:54 |
serkan`c | just some part of the log | 19:54 |
serkan`c | one ore two sentences iirc | 19:54 |
[NikO] | serkan`c, a log is log, i mean alter it, it s not the good choice | 19:55 |
serkan`c | [NikO]: i understand that but the guy who is complaining about that dont | 19:55 |
[NikO] | when people join if they are notice about channel is log, i think that the only warn to tell | 19:55 |
Pici | serkan`c: does #ubuntu-tr tell people that they are being logged? | 19:56 |
serkan`c | [NikO]: we talked this before with you i think :) | 19:56 |
[NikO] | which sentence is ? | 19:56 |
serkan`c | Pici: until that complaint no | 19:56 |
serkan`c | locobot is not warning people | 19:56 |
[NikO] | wait, i hl the bot owner | 19:56 |
serkan`c | but this is not the issue | 19:56 |
Pici | apw: You have ubot3 now. :) | 19:57 |
serkan`c | the guy complaining about that was not in the channel on that time | 19:57 |
Pici | serkan`c: hes complaining about what someone else said? | 19:57 |
serkan`c | Pici: exactly | 19:57 |
serkan`c | we told him "this is a channel and how can we prevent such a thing?" | 19:58 |
* [NikO] prefer stop fud :) | 19:58 | |
serkan`c | he doesnt want to understand | 19:58 |
[NikO] | can we have 2 sentences in cause ? | 19:58 |
serkan`c | he told us he ll sue us :D | 19:58 |
[NikO] | and date | 19:58 |
serkan`c | | 19:59 |
serkan`c | ok checked, just one sentence | 19:59 |
serkan`c | <decafbad> ömer faruk büker gelirse sövüyorum | 19:59 |
[NikO] | serkan`c, ok, i forward request to bot owner | 20:01 |
[NikO] | currently afk | 20:02 |
[NikO] | but i come back to you when there is an answer | 20:02 |
serkan`c | thank you so much [NikO] | 20:02 |
serkan`c | i may leave but will be back here | 20:02 |
[NikO] | ok | 20:03 |
[NikO] | just hl me when you come agin | 20:03 |
serkan`c | ok thanks again | 20:03 |
apw | Pici, thanks | 20:04 |
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