
Cool_Nicktgm, you there?00:05
Cool_Nicktgm4883_laptop,  you are correct.  the recording went fine....00:06
tgm4883_laptopCool_Nick, yea i'm in and out today00:12
Cool_Nickif it records fine, then what is my true problem?00:12
tgm4883_laptopSo if the recording recorded fine, sound like a frontend problem rather than a backend problem00:12
tgm4883_laptoptough to say, you have a SIP error, but I don't think thats related00:15
tgm4883_laptopI would try activating the mythtv service in MCC and using your private IP address00:16
tgm4883_laptopbut thats just based on the info given in your logs00:17
Cool_Nickmy private ip?  I thought I was using
Cool_NickMCC = Myth Control Center?00:19
tgm4883_laptopthats localhost, your private ip is probably something like 192.168.x.x00:27
Cool_Nicksame thing00:30
Cool_Nicknow its talking about the connection to the master server has gone away for some reason.. Is it running?00:30
Cool_NickIt is the correct ip (
tgm4883_laptopit's the ip address given to you by your router00:33
hadsNot many people use 172.1600:33
Cool_Nickyep, thats it00:33
Cool_NickI use it...wanted a proper class B address00:34
hadsWell, you can do that with 192.168 or 10.0 so that's not really a reason :)00:34
Cool_Nickstandards wise... 10 is class C and 192 is supposed to be class A00:35
Cool_Nickand no one else uses 172...which leaves it free for me (school uses 10 and a lot of people use 192)00:35
Cool_NickI think my problem is that mysql is only listening to the localhost00:36
Cool_NickIll have to try to remember how to have it listen to everything00:36
hadsAvoiding address space conflicts is a real reason.00:37
hadsYou have your classes mixed up too.00:39
Cool_NickMysql is/was accessible remotely00:40
Cool_Nickhads: real reason why I wanted a proper 255.255.x.y ip.  I use vpn with friends and I wanted x to decide friends networks and y for their computers,  while having broadcasts work for everyone00:41
Cool_Nickand I connect home from school/work where their ips are 10.00:42
hadsAs I said, that's a valid reason. Though you could have done that with 10. or 192.00:43
Cool_Nick10 would conflict with school and work00:43
* hads goes back to work00:43
Cool_Nick192.168.x.x isn't suppsoed to be00:43
Cool_Nicka subnet of (although it works)00:43
Cool_Nicktgm4883_laptop, not sur ehow to get it going with the local ip00:46
Cool_NickI tried the setup->general options it put local host to the private ip but I get that message (Ill try closing and reopening the frontend again)00:47
davez0rhas anyone seen this message after upgrading to 8.10?  NVP: Couldn't find a matching decoder for:  /storage/recordings/1102_bignumber.mpg00:51
davez0r(i made up the big number bit obviously...)00:52
davez0ri've googled around and seen a few references, but no fixes00:53
schmoopi am looking to set up a mythbuntu box and was curious if the current installed version of mythtv in the distribution will do dlna with playstation 3 and xbox 360?00:56
davez0ryou want to use a ps3 or a 360 as a full frontend?00:58
davez0rafaik either can use UPnP, but won't run mythfrontend00:59
schmoopit would be nice... but if i just could get movies and music i'd be happy00:59
schmoopit shouldn't need mythfrontend... isn't that the point of the unPn protocol01:00
schmoopof dlna or whatever they are calling it01:00
davez0ryeah, give this a read01:00
schmoopthat is what i was looking at01:01
schmoopi guess i was looking for other experinces... and the xbox360 looks like it needs a specific build and i don't know what come on mythbuntu01:02
hadsIt should work with the PS301:02
hadsI've had a frinds PS3 here and when it was plugged into the network is automatically showed videos and recordings from myth01:02
schmoopthat is all i really was hopping for... was that over wireless or wired connection?01:03
hadsThat was wired, didn't try wireless.01:03
schmoopthanks for the info hads:  i will try it with the xbox360 and if it works will go buy a ps301:05
abarbacciaso i have a diskless client setup with nfs to mount the videos and pictures directories from the server. problem is, when the system starts, it attempts to mount prior to the network connection being started. they sit and then time out before continuing to boot. they never actually automatically mount. what is the best way to reorder them and is there an argument to put in your fstab to have them skip?01:05
hadsschmoop: No probs01:06
hadsabarbaccia: noauto will skip mounting on boot. Not sure why you would see that though.01:06
davez0rso, noone's seen this after upgrading to 8.10?  NVP: Couldn't find a matching decoder for:  /storage/recordings/1102_bignumber.mpg01:07
abarbacciahads: they are diskless clients and i don't believe the network connection is started early enough01:08
hadsabarbaccia: I mount NFS from fstab on my diskless clients01:08
abarbacciaokay back to debugging...01:09
hadsabarbaccia: Where is the mount points?01:10
abarbacciai think im finding the real source of the errors01:10
abarbaccia access denied by server while mounting
hadsAh, okay then :)01:11
abarbacciaah found it. i need to specify the full mount path from the serve01:11
abarbaccia"videos" is not enough - i need the whole thing. whoops01:11
hadsI was going to say if they are below /var or /usr then they are special cased.01:11
hadsAnd yeah, you got it.01:11
abarbacciaso what about permissions01:12
abarbacciacan a user on a different system be in a group on the server?01:12
hadsI don't quite get your question. NFS works by uid and gid matching across systems01:14
abarbacciak, got it01:18
abarbacciastill getting the "Waiting for /var/lib/mythtv/videos..." on boot01:19
hads14:11:46 < hads> I was going to say if they are below /var or /usr then they are special cased.01:44
hadsabarbaccia: Try putting it below /mnt to test01:44
abarbacciahads: what do you mean? mount the dirs in /mnt instead?01:45
hadsYeah, try it, see if that fixes it.01:46
abarbacciahads: i can't see why it would though. doesn't a script just run through fstab and execute them down the row?01:46
hadsOr don't try it :)01:46
abarbacciayou have NFS mounts currently in your fstab on a pxe client01:46
abarbacciai will - im watching a show and enjoying the manual mount right now ;-)01:46
hadshehe fair enough :)01:47
hadsYes, I do have NFS mounts in my fstab01:47
hads(on a diskless client)01:47
ZinnSorry I don't know about mode202:41
yotuxdoes mode2 not work to test lirc?02:41
yotuxanyone offer some help with lirc02:45
zetheroohow do I know if lircd is running or not?04:46
map7zetheroo, check your processes with: 'ps -wax | grep lirc'05:11
hadsThere shouldn't be a - in that argument05:30
map7It's just a force of habit, it works with or without the '-'05:53
hadsmap7: It will give you a warning though, see; http://procps.sourceforge.net/faq.html07:45
Cool_NickWhats the Username/Password for full access in the mysql database?10:06
jphillipCool_Nick root?14:00
jphilliphow does everyone deal with xfs defragging, I have mine set to optimize daily but they both managed to get fragmented up to 9x% and are all full of good recordings now14:44
yotuxcan anyone offer some hep in getting Us-Uirt to work or test14:49
diblasioHi I am wondering if there is any reason that a clean install of mythbuntu set the default video folder to /var/lib/mythtv/video, but the default location set for the script to scan is  /var/lib/mythtv/videos? It is an easy thing to correct, but I was pulling my hair out for a few minutes.16:02
diblasiothis was on 8.1016:02
Cool_Nickjphillip, thanx...I for some reason didn't think root would work (thought there would have been a password)16:09
jphillipCool_Nick there is only a password if you told there to be one when mysql installed16:10
jphillipby default root can only login locally as well16:10
Cool_Nickjphillip, not sure if you can help me on this, but what do I do if I can record but not watch?16:11
jphillip!blank% | Cool_Nick16:13
ZinnCool_Nick: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory16:13
jphillipcheck that first16:13
Cool_NickI just gave it a 777 now for good measure16:16
mr_machave a few questions about mythbuntu's streaming setup16:20
MythbuntuGuest45I'm having trouble with mytharchive17:12
MythbuntuGuest45i'm trying to copy dvd to hd17:12
MythbuntuGuest45i have set up tmp directory in mytharchive settings17:13
MythbuntuGuest45when i try to import dvd it just says, "No jobs and nothing else to do. you could rip a dvd."17:13
MythbuntuGuest45it has a "new rip" button but i cant click on it so i have to esc out17:14
MythbuntuGuest45my lots are at: http://mythbuntu.pastbin.com/f4877c2fb17:14
lagathat's not mytharchive, that's mythvideo :)17:16
laga19:32:06: ISO DVD image copy to: /var/lib/mythtv/videos/BOURNE_IDENTITY_001of17:17
laga19:48:15: job thread finished copying ISO image17:17
laga19:48:17: job finished successfully: job dvd 1 1 -1 0 -1 /var/lib/mythtv/videos/BOURNE_IDENTITY17:17
lagalooks like it worked?17:17
lagasorry for the messed up paste17:18
MythbuntuGuest45no problem, but i dont see anywhere that I can access it...17:19
lagain  /var/lib/mythtv/videos/ ?17:20
MythbuntuGuest45ok yes i see it there as .iso17:22
MythbuntuGuest45to view it to i need to use mythvideio or mytharchie/17:24
jphillipjust browse to it first, in order to see it in mythvideo you need to run the video manager in setup17:24
tgm4883_laptopIMO, shouldn't ripping a DVD auto insert that into your mythvideo?17:25
MythbuntuGuest45ok so I actullay had to go to video manager and then i saw the metadata populated17:27
MythbuntuGuest45and then Media Library > Watch videos was correclty populated after that. Now i can see the dvd iso inthere17:28
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest45, yes thats how it works17:28
jphilliptgm4883_laptop no it doesn't happen17:29
tgm4883_laptopjphillip, mythvideo-bulk-updater might help alliavate that, but some people say it doesn't work but I can't reproduce the problems17:35
jphillipIIRC I've seen words on the mailing list about how to do it17:35
jphillipbut I prefer to add it myself anyways17:35
jphillipA LOT of dvd's fail to rip17:36
jphillipand this way you know if something went bad17:36
* sabhain finds ddrescue the only way to rip17:36
jphillipand then rip them the slow way17:36
tgm4883_laptophonestly, I don't even use it myself, rip everything on my desktop17:36
jphillipI do myth first, then gddrescue after that17:36
tgm4883_laptopi've meant to take a look at that17:36
tgm4883_laptopwork well?17:37
jphillipyou just ddrescue /dev/dvd ISONAME.iso ISONAME.iso.log17:37
sabhain4 of 5 that fail with mythrip tend to go through with ddrescue without errors for me17:37
jphillipthen you can ^C it and resume later17:37
jphillipsabhain only ones I've ever had problems with were ones that just didn't play well with the internal player or xine to begin with17:37
sabhaini've only found a handful of dvds that can't be ripped that way .. I have more  .. you beat me to it17:38
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991 was telling me about that17:38
jphilliptgm4883_laptop if you do gddrescue it skips over propblem spots and comes back later17:38
tgm4883_laptopi'm dl that now17:38
sabhainI've had more that just don't play than that don't rip .. I'm really ticked about "UNBREAKABLE"17:38
jphillipon some sony dvd's it will choke on those problem spots for a long time and you can just ^C it then and the iso should work fine17:38
sabhaindoes horrible things to my front end.17:38
jphillipI had a problem with vantage point recently17:38
jphilliphad to rip that on my windows box17:38
jphillipand some old music dvd's that I just think weren't to spec17:39
jphillipbut other than that everything works great17:39
jphillipsabhain I own unbreakable, I'll have to see if that gives me problems17:39
jphillipmight be different releases of it or something?  cause thats an older one I'd think it would work well now17:40
sabhainjphillip .. what is this "windows" thing you reffered to?17:40
jphillipheh sabhain17:40
jphillipI meant "gaming box"17:40
tgm4883_laptopjphillip, you mean xbox 360?17:40
sabhainoh  .. I see, don't got one of those17:40
jphilliptgm4883_laptop I have one of them too17:41
jphillipbut I have a box that dualboots for work/gaming still17:41
sabhainjphillip .. when you try unbreakable .. keep your finger on the MUTE button for your TV when you start it .. I've tried all the tricks .. like skipping forward immediately .. nothing works for me.17:41
jphillipsabhain what player do you use, internal?17:41
jphillipI normally fire up a dvd and hit menu and jump to the dvd menu right away17:42
sabhainjphillip .. yes .. because of the menus and all of that stuff.  I think that one of the others worked on a desktop .. but don't remember which.17:42
* sabhain would watch unbreakable weekly if it were in the rotation17:42
jphillipsabhain try that ^17:43
jphillipif it works you can make a fake extension for ones that work well with it compared to the internal player or something17:43
jphillipI find internal works very well for dvds anymore though17:43
sabhaininternal has been good for me.17:44
sabhainI'll check that out .. so you can specify a player for an individual troublesome ISO?17:44
jphillipyou can specify players for extensions17:44
jphillipso I dunno what happens if you make iso.117:45
tgm4883_laptopDaviey, FYI, thats how you do it ;)17:49
sabhainIf I want to rebuild / relocate a backend and maintain the setups & recordings.  Is there anything other than the database that needs to be restored?  are there any text files that need to be preserved?18:56
sabhainmy recordings / videos are on separate drives.18:56
sabhainthinking of reformatting / upgrading to 64 bit.18:56
ZinnSorry I don't know about backup19:38
dennisterhey channel...it's been awhile since I installed mythtv, so i'm rusty...used to using this method: install ubuntu-server, then kubuntu-desktop, then one at a time configuration of the lamp stack21:05
dennisteram now on hardy, and about to start a new pc installation...how/what is the avisability of using the ubuntu-mthtv method through the mini.iso?21:06
sabhaindennister, I did a mini.iso install a while back (both 7.10 and 8.04) and I had luck with just doing an install of mythbuntu-desktop .. brought it most everything I needed.21:20
dennistersabhain: thx...didn't see your reply right away...like using the mini.iso method 'cause I do a very minimal one, don't have to do tons of updates, and then add different desktops once i've rebooted into xubuntu installation21:29
dennisterbut i know from experience, too, that some methods are better than others :)21:30
sabhainI just did the mini CLI install and the following:  update / upgrade .. then install mythbuntu-desktop .. that's it ..21:41
sabhainnow if you're using the system as a full PC, i'd guess there's more .. but my example is for a standalone frontend.21:41
dennisteryeah, the user (not me for a change) is a linux noob, so she needs a full pc first, mythtv second, so it'll be both a front end and back end...like a media centre xp machine21:44
dennisterthat's what she's used to, xp anyway...21:45
dennistergott go, thx for the info21:45
sabhainI'd just do the standard install then ..21:45
sabhaingood luck21:45

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