
MTecknologyWhat module does the fridge use to be able to add content?19:40
cody-somervilleI believe we use the content module20:10
newz2000hi, I need to disable login on the fridge for a bit, is now a bad time for anyone?22:28
Rinchencinders and ashes Thomas!22:28
Rinchengo for it newz200022:28
newz2000ok. Rinchen: I didn't know you too were a thomas the tank engine fan22:29
Rinchenwell bust my bumpers!  I have a little guy so there is no escaping it22:29
newz2000we've got quite a collection here22:30
newz2000that and rescue heroes22:30
newz2000Sorry, got delayed22:51
newz2000am starting now unless someone screams "stop"22:51
newz2000ok, access should be restored, ping me if you find differently23:04
newz2000I'm going to try and install the wysiwyg editor now23:04
newz2000wait, first must update drupal23:05
newz2000bummer, partial success, will need to wait until I have a few min with sysadmins23:14
newz2000step 1 of 3 done, finish rest tomorrow23:15
tycheboredandblogging: ping23:21
boredandbloggingtyche: yo23:40
boredandbloggingnewz2000: sweet!23:40
boredandbloggingtyche: gotta run, email me23:40
Rinchennewz2000, I'm on with Acquia now actually. Touch base with me tomorrow.23:57

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