
EtFbActionParsnip: Might as well be.  They released a free-as-in-beer version called Turbo Delphi Explorer that isn't well supported (and of course the help files are typically Borland, ie crap) but it lets me produce Windows software for my users in a tenth of the time that Virus Studio would take, so... it'll do.00:00
EtFb(And when I say TDE "isn't supported", what I mean is: the company actively denies ever having released it and refuses to talk about it.  It's Orwellian...)00:01
ActionParsnipEtFb: fair point :)00:01
EtFbActionParsnip: So anyhow, your experience with KDE4 was basically: ugh.  And then you got rid of it?00:03
sillemeEtFb:  have been a pretty proficient and almost exclusive win xp user until i bothred breaking downand giving linux a try.  going only by screenshots, chose kubuntu feisty over most other versions of linux. also heard it was the most (GUI) friendly and a good run for a linux beginner.  also, hate to admit, layout was closest to that of windows as far as i know.00:06
ActionParsnipEtFb: yeah, although it was less offensive without kwin00:07
ActionParsnipEtFb: but not much00:07
lovredoes anyone have IEEE acount here?00:07
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EtFbsilleme: I used Gnome initially, but hated it because it felt too much like a toy.  KDE is much more configurable - you can change more things about it to suit your tastes.  But it's less well supported by the Ubuntu community.00:07
sillemeEtFb: what might the smoothest transition from feisty fawn jump be??00:08
EtFbsilleme: But the rule with Kubuntu is: if you don't like how it looks, there's an option in either a dialog box or a configuration file (or both) to let you change it.00:08
ActionParsnip!upgrade | silleme00:08
ubottusilleme: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:08
ActionParsnipsilleme: you will have to jump up one release at a time00:09
gh0s7hey guys anyone here to offer support?00:09
EtFbsilleme: Personally, I can't recommend upgrading to Intrepid, based just on what I've read.  Also, don't to an update; back up everything and then do a fresh install.  That is: reformat your HD and install from scratch.00:09
ActionParsnip!ask | gh0s700:09
ubottugh0s7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:09
ActionParsnipEtFb: its worth trying an upgrade, if it doesnt work do a clean install00:09
sakiYou know, I've grown accustom to GNOME, although KDE4.1 is starting to grow on me.00:10
EtFbActionParsnip: I always found it aggravating.  Maybe it's improved.  (Gotta hope so!)00:10
ActionParsnipEtFb: as long as you use official repos you will have zero issues00:10
EtFbActionParsnip: Really?  That's reassuring.  Maybe I'll try it when (if) I go to Intrepid.00:10
gh0s7forgive me, I was curious to know if there was any way I could make the KDE Pager function like Gnomes; that is, have the windows I have open on one desktop, show up ONLY on that one desktop (meaning the taskbar is clean if I have only windows open on desktop 1 and I move to desktop 2) any input is appreciated thanks!00:10
sakiEtFb: I back-up all my data to a home server so fresh installs are the way I go.00:10
EtFb... Though that seems like a way off, given the bad nears about KDE4.00:11
sakiKDE4's menu aggravates me, the desktop itself isn't bad, now.00:11
EtFbActionParsnip: Does "official" include Medibuntu?00:11
ActionParsnipEtFb: my hmoe is on an smbmounted folder00:11
ActionParsnipEtFb: yep00:11
EtFbActionParsnip: How does that work?  The home folder, I mean.00:12
ActionParsnipEtFb: so there is no user data on my local system00:12
ActionParsnipEtFb: its mounted at boot time with smbmount00:12
EtFbDoesn't that mean you can't get anything done without a network connection?00:12
ActionParsnipEtFb: well yeah but they are both desktops00:13
ActionParsnipplus my work laptops thunderbird / firefox also takes its config from the same share00:13
EtFbI'm thinking of making a separate home partition and never clearing it.  But a bit of spring cleaning every six months is good for the soul...00:13
gh0s7So is there anyway to hide windows open on another desktop? If I am on a different desktop? I would like KDE's pager to function like Gnome's.00:13
ActionParsnipso all my user data is in one place and backed up nightly00:13
EtFbActionParsnip: Clever!  Paranoia is the primary virtue, after all.00:14
ActionParsnipEtFb: its not paranoid, its just intelligent use of a network to access a shared resource00:14
COMMODORE64Ok.So far I downloaded the synaptic, so far so good.00:15
COMMODORE64downloaded and installed ndiswrapper00:15
ActionParsnipgh0s7: you can set plasma to only show the apps on the current deskrop00:15
sillemeAll! | i would always definately prefer and insist on clean instal for any of my pcs... as said, i dont nkow much to anything about linux, kde, gnome, to be able to make educated guess about what versions might by the friendliest for a win xp gone linux knucklehead.  anyone have any feedback about what version(s) may be the most configurable with options for the most functionable yet basic (no frills) layout??00:15
EtFbParanoia isn't a bad thing!  It's like laziness - an essential quality of a smart computer user.  It's been a couple of weeks since I rsync'd my home, usr, var and etc folders to my external HD...00:15
COMMODORE64and loaded my XP driver, it told me i'm missing the ndiswrapper.ko, so i download and reinstalled it.00:15
COMMODORE64and rebooted my laptop00:15
COMMODORE64and i have no net connection00:15
gh0s7ActionParsnip: plasma, how would I go about doing that?00:15
COMMODORE64so i disabled the free drivers00:15
ActionParsnipEtFb: the number of clowns who cmoe in here moannig they lost data due to drive corruption and its MEGA important but they have no backup is astounding00:15
ActionParsnipgh0s7: the black bar at the bottom of the screen is called plasma00:16
EtFbActionParsnip: Indeed.  My heart bleeds for the poor dears... bwahahahahaha!00:16
gh0s7silleme: depends on the computer I think due to the fact that kubuntu uses more video memory than ubuntu. Both are pretty user friendly00:16
COMMODORE64after i blacklisted the free drivers, i cannot identify my wireless adapter00:16
COMMODORE64Any idea?00:16
gh0s7ActionParsnip: How would I configure it to hide apps on a different desktop?00:16
EtFbAnyhow, I should do some work.  Bye, all!00:16
COMMODORE64oh and, my desktop continues to kick my KDE start menu off, so how can i keep the KDE start up menu widget to stay in one place on every restart or startup?00:17
ActionParsnipanyone want to blow their minds: http://blog.bepointbe.be/index.php/2008/10/19/30-a-bit-of-plasma-profiling00:18
gh0s7ActionParsnip: How do I configure KDE 4 to have it's taskbar function like gnome's where it will hide windows on different desktops?00:19
ActionParsnipgh0s7: not sure, let me websearch00:19
liamhow do u install java00:20
sillemegh0s7:  fairly decent box:  ~2.4 gh processor, 2 Gb ram, 256 mb video ram... pretty ok.00:21
aloneaok, am I going to have this touchpad problem in intrepid as well? I am talking to a friend and they have the same problem I do in hardy,00:21
liamhow do u install java?00:21
aloneaits like, it totally wiggy. while typing the cursor moves around and accidental pasting of text and opening applications on accident and its really difficult to use00:22
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: put it on and log off and on, it should save the session data00:22
ActionParsnip!java | liam00:22
ubottuliam: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper00:22
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad00:22
gh0s7Sorry guys, I think im switching to ubuntu lol00:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:22
COMMODORE64and about my finding of wifi adapter?00:23
ActionParsnipliam: if you are using 64bit i'd recommend iced-tea00:23
gh0s7COMMODORE64: what is your wireless card's manufacturer?00:23
cuzntaction pastebin from lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/88144/00:23
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: lspci / lsusb00:23
Cannolihey i created a folder in bash and downloaded a file using wget but i cant seem to see it in konqueror. any suggestions?00:23
gh0s7ActionParsnip: Could you find a link online on how to hide apps on a different desktop?00:24
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: i'd uninstall the ndiswrapper stuff and unblacklist the thing you blacklisted00:24
COMMODORE64it's Intel Pro Wireless 4965AGN. Been following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper and im stumped at 3.2.1 and
ActionParsnipgh0s7: try ni #kde00:24
COMMODORE64and how the heck can i unblacklist my blacklist thing?00:24
gh0s7ActionParsnip: thanks!00:25
COMMODORE64ActionParsnip how can i unblacklist my blacklist?00:26
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: just undo what you did to get where you are now00:26
COMMODORE64No ActionParsnip.00:27
COMMODORE64I don't know how to unblacklist what i did.00:28
COMMODORE64So can you explain how i can unblacklist on what i did?00:28
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ActionParsnip(00:16:29) COMMODORE64: after i blacklisted the free drivers, i cannot identify my wireless adapter00:29
ActionParsnipundo whatever you did for that step00:29
COMMODORE64I can identify my adapter, but after 3.2.1 the chipset ID doesn't match ( it was supposed to call for 104c:8400.00:30
COMMODORE64and the rest of steps also called for that, and i can't find it on lsusb.00:30
COMMODORE64How can I unblacklist of what i did? I can't edit the blacklist file00:32
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: you could also use a wired connection to get fully updated as well as install latest ndiswrapper from repos00:32
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: well you did something earlier as you said you blacklisted it, so you should be able to unblacklist00:32
gh0s7ActionParsnip: Its in Task manager settings under the checkbox: only show tasks from current desktop00:33
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:33
gh0s7ActionParsnip: thanks for your help anyway!00:33
ActionParsnipgh0s7: i use fluxbox ;)00:33
COMMODORE64I dont have the wired connection, so this is why i'm struggling to get better driver for my Wlan card.00:33
COMMODORE64and I'll try that.00:33
ActionParsnipCOMMODORE64: if you have a router it will have 4 wired connections on the back00:34
gh0s7ActionParsnip: hm maybe Ill try it!00:34
ActionParsnipgh0s7: my desktop: http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/desktop.jpg?t=122964687100:34
ActionParsnipgotta have some christmas :)00:35
gh0s7ActionParsnip: is fluxbox similar to blackbox for windows?00:35
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ActionParsnipgh0s7: blackbox for windows?00:35
gh0s7ActionParsnip: does the Kmenu show up when you right click on the desktop?00:35
ActionParsnipgh0s7: blackbox was originally for linux, fluxbox is based on blackbox code00:36
gh0s7ActionParsnip: sounds like the answer to all my prayers! Ill try it I dont know if it will work with my Dell we'll see00:36
ActionParsnipgh0s7: nope, fluxbox menu00:36
gh0s7ActionParsnip: so it is based off blackbox, hmm I used to use blackbox for windows lol00:37
ActionParsnipgh0s7: http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tr/contentPics/techrepublic_fluxbox_desktop.jpg00:37
ActionParsnipgh0s7: not heard of it for windows, only linux00:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blackbox00:37
ActionParsnip!info blackbox00:37
ubottublackbox (source: blackbox): Window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70.1-2.2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 235 kB, installed size 724 kB00:37
COMMODORE64ok thanks. I'll try that. No, I told you I don't have the wired connection.00:37
gh0s7ActionParsnip: thats exactly like blackbox for windows00:38
ActionParsnipi see, nice00:38
gh0s7thanks all! happy holidays!00:38
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=== raluksalut is now known as raluk
DivineSpectrumcan i eat a plasmoid?00:47
DivineSpectrumis there anyone?00:48
ActionParsnipeat a plasmoid?00:49
DivineSpectrumi'm hungry00:49
DivineSpectrumis nor commestible a plasmoid?00:49
DivineSpectrumthe swach00:50
DivineSpectrumswatch, for example00:50
DivineSpectrumsorry for my english00:50
DivineSpectrumLa_Maga: can i eat a plasmoid?00:51
ActionParsnipDivineSpectrum: this is ubuntu support. a piece of installed software is not consumable. please read the guidelines00:53
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DivineSpectrumActionParsnip: but i'm hungry..00:54
changturkeywoo just upgraded to 4.2 beta 200:55
ActionParsnipchangturkey: run it a while, see what you think00:56
DivineSpectrumchangturkey: really ''pornografic'' no?00:56
changturkeyreally blue actually00:56
ActionParsnipchangturkey: also, look at your ram use compared to 4.1 ;)00:56
DivineSpectrumthe problem is i can't eat a plasmoid.00:57
changturkeyseems more responsive00:57
changturkeybut i still get these artifacts when opening windows and such00:57
DivineSpectrumchangturkey: your are the best00:58
changturkeyhow so?00:58
White_PelicanI have a problem with virtual box. it seems incompatible with the newest kernel. any idea where I can get the kernel mudules for the current kernel?01:15
feijohi folks, who can help me with route problem// my main machine dont navigate01:20
COMMODORE64http://paste.ubuntu.com/88182/ I deleted many irrevelant lines and left the wireless name and the ID.01:22
COMMODORE64I'm stumped.01:22
radlipatkk ineed help plz01:23
radlipathow i format second hardrive?01:24
radlipatit still has windows stuff on it but idc01:24
radlipati only have 3 gig to work with right now01:24
feijohi folks, who can help me with route problem// my main machine dont navigate01:31
DaSkreechColonel_Panic: Ok back01:32
feijohi DaSkreech :) my problem continue!! I'm reading about manual network configuration01:33
DaSkreechfeijo: What's the current state?01:33
feijoDaSkreech: monday it simple worked, than since tuesday, stoped.  I returned from my trip today, I'm trying to config now.  It see my router with ip, there is only 1 default at route command, but dont navigate01:34
feijothe default have GW
DaSkreechfeijo: sudo route add default gw
feijonow I have 2 default, both without GW, one using eth0 other vmnet101:36
COMMODORE64http://paste.ubuntu.com/88182/ I deleted many irrevelant lines and left the wireless name and the ID.01:36
COMMODORE64I'm stumped.01:36
aloneahey, I had a problem with my touchpad when I had hardy, and when I upgraded to itrepid its fixed, however my friend when she installed intrepid from disk has the same touchpad problem I did01:40
aloneawe tried that with no luck. ksynaptics doesnt seem to exist and gysnaptics reports shm isnt enabled after we followed the isntructions01:41
wikkihaving multiple desktops installed is a little confusing01:41
keresmy new LCD widescreen monitor @ 1440x900 has a crazy latency01:41
wikkiwhat kind do you have?01:42
keresanyone help?01:42
kereswikki: me?01:42
wikkiyes you01:42
keresAPEX digital01:42
wikkihow do you know it has bad latency?01:42
keresi click on something, it takes ~3 seconds for the menu to appear01:43
wikkiis it your video card?01:43
wikkitry turning off desktop effects01:43
DaSkreechhi alonea01:44
aloneaDaSkreech: yeah, that crazy touchpad thing is fixed for me now, but not my friend. we can't seem to find any of these packages mentioned except for gsynaptics and xinput. and the xorg thing is all different in intrepid so there is no inout device section i can play with01:46
aloneaDaSkreech: and editing gksudo gedit /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi did not work. we are trying to follow this guide:01:46
aloneaDaSkreech: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig01:47
wikkiwhat is the kde system monitor?01:47
DaSkreechIf you put it in it will respect it so add it01:47
DaSkreechwikki: from ctrl+Esc you mean ?01:48
aloneaDaSkreech: ok. but when the instructions are to add shmconfig true, i am not positive how to do the rest of the section.01:49
aloneaDaSkreech: and whats this xinput thing??01:49
DaSkreechalonea: That I don't know let me look at it01:49
DaSkreechalonea: Did you follow the instructions in the topic?01:49
aloneaDaSkreech: yes, but in intrepid the xorg says we use HAL now and I think this xinput is the hal thing its talking about01:50
DaSkreechalonea: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-201:53
aloneaDaSkreech: you know anything about wow on wine? It runs now, but I still get no map in cities and icons are scrambled even though some people say that was fixed.01:54
dr_willisI would say check the wine app database for tips/problems with WoW01:54
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:54
DaSkreechalonea: #winehq is better for that they field like 14 WOW questions an hour I'll bet01:54
aloneaDaSkreech: probably01:55
aloneaDaSkreech: ^_^01:55
aloneadr_willis: when I look, it says there are no issues with intel, yet I am telling you there is. its fubar with all games so far.01:55
COMMODORE64http://paste.ubuntu.com/88182/ I deleted many irrevelant lines and left the wireless name and the ID.01:55
COMMODORE64I'm stumped.01:55
DaSkreechHey dr_willis I just got in try ing to feed dogs and self and change clothes while dealing with feijo and alonea can you at least look over her synaptics query? she's trying to find where to turn on shmConfig01:56
COMMODORE64Anyone can fricking help me with the wifi issues for ndiswrapper?01:56
DaSkreechWhat wifi chepset ?01:56
dr_willisDaSkreech,   For the touchpad? theres  a Ubuntu Wiki page on JUST taht topic I saw - let me check my bookmarks01:56
DaSkreechdr_willis: She's reading it I think. She can't follow it due to funky xorg config01:57
DaSkreechalonea: Is that correct?01:57
legodude_hi everyone, X seems to have forgotten my twinview setup exists, now it only spans across my two monitors01:57
legodude_it worked fine I believe until I installed some update, any ideas?01:57
COMMODORE64DaSkreech, read my pastebin.01:58
aloneaDaSkreech: yeah, and I read not that xorg isn't really even used, you make these xml .fdi files for xinput01:58
dr_willisDaSkreech,  the fix i saw did not invlove a xorg.conf tweak. it tweaked one of the hal config files01:58
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:58
legodude_my xorg.conf file hasn't changed in three weeks so I do not believe it is that01:58
aloneadr_willis: we tried one with no success01:58
aloneadr_willis: gksudo gedit /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi ???01:59
dr_willisIts worked for other people in here..01:59
wikkiis there a better way to make firefox look right other than installing the KFirefox theme?01:59
dr_willisor one can just cut/paste a whole section in the end of the xorg.conf I think and set it that way01:59
DaSkreechdr_willis: ok talk with alonea :)01:59
dr_willisIve said about all i know on the topic actually. :)01:59
COMMODORE64no no01:59
dr_willisthat gedit fix. worked for someone in here just the otehr day01:59
COMMODORE64I blacklisted broadcom02:00
COMMODORE64and moved to the next step02:00
aloneadr_willis: we did that. and I think she restarted. and its still crazy and gsynaptics says its not enabled02:00
aloneadr_willis: the touchpad is near unusable for her.02:00
COMMODORE64my problem is that I can't find my adapter in lsusb.02:00
feijoDaSkreech: why dhclient dont restore my net anymore//02:00
dr_willisalonea,  sounds like some other isssue then - then the one the docs address...02:00
aloneadr_willis: the thing is, I had this exact issue on my laptop pn hardy, but when I upgraded to intrepid, its fixed (finally). she just did a clean install of intrepid.02:01
dr_willisAll i know on the topic is what ive read at   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig - ive never had any troubles with mine.02:01
dr_willisIck. i gotta go to work in an hr. ;(02:02
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: it's in lspci ?02:02
COMMODORE64It is. I need to match with lsusb.02:02
COMMODORE64before proceeding to next step.02:02
DaSkreechfeijo: try a dhclient -r first to dump all your old stuff02:03
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: What are you following?02:03
feijoDaSkreech: than a simple dhclient/02:03
DaSkreechfeijo: yes02:03
COMMODORE64DaSkreech https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#Disable%20Free%20Drivers I was finished blacklisting the Broadcom02:03
COMMODORE64and moved to next step in 3.202:04
COMMODORE64read the step in 3.202:04
COMMODORE64and DaSkreech this is original log.02:04
feijoDaSkreech: whats wrong here: sudo route add -net default netmask gw dev eth002:05
geiseriis there a way to install all of the development packages for the shared libs on an installation?02:12
mellhengood "morning" @ all02:14
feijoDaSkreech: I ran dhclient -r, dhclient, route del default (3 times), route add default gateway dev eth0.  Now route return a good loking table with my correct default, and 3 vmware, but dont work :(02:15
mellhendoes any one have the problem with a notceonnected localhost to systemmonitor and plasma (monitor applet)`02:15
White_Pelicanwhat do I need to have installed to be able to see flac as an option when I open a Audio CD in Konqueror?02:16
NamShubare python plasmoid / data engine supposed to work?02:16
DaSkreechWhite_Pelican: Should be there by default02:16
dr_willisOther then checking the package manager for 'flac' and installing everything with flac in the name? :)02:17
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: maybe try the instructions for the lspci route ?02:17
White_Pelicanit isn't02:17
DaSkreechfeijo: you can see the gw ?02:17
COMMODORE64Just did.02:17
White_Pelicanwhat am I missing02:17
COMMODORE64Been following the steps until i reached to lsusb. I have to confirm the wifi is in lsusb02:17
feijoDaSkreech: yes, I can access my router web page02:18
COMMODORE64It was supposed to be at the form of 104c:840002:18
COMMODORE64Any suggestion, DaSkreech?02:23
DaSkreechfeijo: can you ping ?02:26
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: it is of that form02:29
COMMODORE64not what my log indicated of.02:29
COMMODORE64Yeah, that's one.02:29
COMMODORE64and it don't match with anything in lsusb.02:29
COMMODORE64did i miss something there?02:29
COMMODORE64or am i supposed to skip the step becuase of "lsusb" is meant for USB devices only?02:30
DaSkreechWhat? Which part are you following?02:30
feijoDaSkreech: network is unreachable02:30
COMMODORE64wasted my time.02:30
COMMODORE643.2.2. USB Wireless Adapter02:30
COMMODORE64Open a Terminal (Applications | Accessories | Terminal), type lsusb and press the return/enter key.02:30
COMMODORE64Look through the output of the lsusb command for an entry for your wireless adapter.02:30
COMMODORE64Once you have identified your adapter, note down the contents of the chipset ID, this will be in the form 104c:8400.02:30
DaSkreechfeijo: are you sure your router is plugged in?02:30
COMMODORE64USB wireless adapter.02:30
DaSkreechArgh don't paste in the chan!!!02:31
feijoDaSkreech: I'm talking to you :)02:31
COMMODORE64sorry for wastiing your time, DaSkreech02:31
DaSkreechfeijo: this is the same machine?02:31
feijoDaSkreech: yes, all vmware clients access internet, host dont02:31
feijoDaSkreech: host is confunsing vmware virtual devices and trying to use it, I guess02:32
DaSkreechfeijo: As I recall you said this happened before you made the vmware clients02:32
feijoDaSkreech: I belive it started after I updated vmware to 1.0.8 again, when kubuntu updates itself, the kernel maybe, it breaks vmware, vmware dont open until I run the install.pl again02:33
draikI'm trying to print and it goes to the kJobViewer or whatever it's called, then goes away. Both of my printers are on and ready to print, but nothing happens.02:33
feijoI ran it last week, and I belive after that, when I turned my machine on again, no internet02:33
feijoDaSkreech: I could remove vmware to test, but if I do that, I will lose my remote kubuntu, and if my host dont return, I will have no way to research or access IRC except eeepc from my girl, ugs :)02:34
feijoDaSkreech: and I need a virtual windows to run a app. to my girl, maybe I could try vmware 202:34
DaSkreechgenii: ping :)02:34
DaSkreechstdin: Ever heard of this?02:35
COMMODORE64well. I'll be back, hopefully i can get around of this stupid problem.02:35
draikI'm in my System Settings and have nothing for Printers02:36
draikWhat gives?02:36
wikkianyone know how to keep firefox from looking like crap?02:38
dr_williswikki,  thats a big vague.. It is themeable if thats what you want.02:40
dr_willisoops bit vague. :)02:40
wikkiwell, like the checkboxes are huge02:40
wikkiand don't match the background02:40
DaSkreechdraik: what version of kde  are you on?02:40
wikkithere is this kde4+firexox theme02:41
dr_williscant say  that ive noticed that issue wikki  -    Could be some kd4 vs firefox issue I guess...02:41
wikkiyoure on kde3?02:41
dr_willisI tend to just use the defaults.. but im not in KDE4 at this time  - or KDE at all. :)02:41
wikkihow do I take a screenshot?02:42
wikkii'll show you02:42
draikDaSkreech: KDE 4.1.302:42
* feijo need to sleep02:44
* feijo will try again tomorrow :) thanks DaSkreech02:44
DaSkreechfeijo: ok this is puzzling though02:44
DaSkreechwikki: ksnapshot02:44
DaSkreechdr_willis: Still on KDE3?02:45
feijoDaSkreech: I will go with my idea... remove vmware 1, test connection, if OK I will try use vmware 202:45
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:45
wikkii'll just stick with gnome02:45
wikkimaybe installing kubuntu-desktop on a 2 year old install was a bad idea02:46
DaSkreechfirefox has huge checkboxes?02:47
wikkiwhich isn't really a big deal, but they didn't match the background02:48
wikkiand were sometimes hidden and stuff02:48
DaSkreechDo you have gk-qt engine?02:49
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
Cannoliwhere would the .config for my kernel be?02:50
DaSkreechwikki: ok I guess lets see the screenshot02:50
DaSkreechCannoli: Hmm?02:50
wikki /usr/src/linux02:50
White_Pelicanis the new amarok 2 available in the kde 4.2 beta 1?02:51
wikkiif you compiled your own kernel02:51
wikkii'll mess with it later02:52
wikkiback to gnome for me02:52
Cannolii need help configuring my Processor type and features in the kernel. where can i find the settings for my cpu?02:53
dr_willisBeen using jwm+rox-filer lately :)02:54
draikHow do I gain access to the Printers tool within System Settings?02:56
draikIt is not listed.02:57
mister-teadraik: I set mine up from the k menu> system> printers02:58
draikmister-tea: Yeah, so did I, but it is no longer listed.02:59
draikmister-tea: I'm sorry, I have Printing there, but it doesn't let me make changes. It all seems greyed out for a strange reason.03:02
mister-teadraik I have two listings for printing... only one shows the config03:02
mister-teagreyed out would be related to permissions ...but I don't know why03:03
stevenNot sure how this works or if I'm butting in, but I'm experiencing a packaging error in the KDE Beta 2 packages in kubuntu-experimental03:07
stevenI think03:07
DaSkreechCannoli: Most features are compiled in already if yo uant a kernel for a particualr processor type just install it03:18
Cannoliso do i need to change the settings?03:19
szrhawaiinedd help with this problem anyone know how to fix everytime i go to close my filemanager screen i get this error { Unable to save bookmarks in /home/szrhawaii/.kde/share/apps/d#lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full drive. }This error messages shows up everytime i close out of my03:28
szrhawaiifile manager window but only for that window any clues on how to fix03:28
szrhawaii[19:28] <szrhawaii> nedd help with this problem anyone know how to fix everytime i go to close my filemanager screen i get this error { Unable to save bookmarks in /home/szrhawaii/.kde/share/apps/d#lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full drive. }This error messages shows up everytime03:30
szrhawaiii close out of my03:30
szrhawaii[19:28] <szrhawaii> file manager window but only for that window any clues on how to fix03:30
mister-teayou are denied permissions try to open your filemanager with sudo from konsole03:30
szrhawaiiok then what cause i can still use the filemanager like normal and it opens and closes fine earlier today it even locked all my folders for fun03:31
szrhawaiiwhat do i do when i sudo dolphin03:31
mister-teayou open it as the root user with full permissions03:31
szrhawaiishould i kdesudo or sudo03:32
mister-teakde for graphical03:32
szrhawaiisszrhawaii@szrhawaii-laptop:~$ sudo dolphin03:32
szrhawaiiError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-szrhawaii" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.03:32
szrhawaiiError: "/tmp/ksocket-szrhawaii" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.03:32
szrhawaiithats what i got03:33
mister-teathen idk I manage my files with kate and konqueror03:34
COMMODORE64Ok. still here DaSkreech?03:34
szrhawaiiim in root now03:34
DaSkreechCannoli: No03:34
* mister-tea doesn't like dolphin03:34
COMMODORE64I went ahead and followed the instructions03:34
COMMODORE64and at end, i still cant see the wlan0 on my networkl ist03:34
COMMODORE64any idea03:34
szrhawaiioh i can root it through the window so its not so bad03:34
szrhawaiiactually come to think of it that error didnt show up a minute ago03:35
szrhawaiiwhen i closed out03:35
mister-teadepending on the permissions of the file you are working with will depend on whether you will need to be root or not03:35
mister-teaif you look at the file properties and you see the owner is root then....03:36
DaSkreechszrhawaii: is your /home full ?03:38
szrhawaiiwhen i looked at it through a different view it had quit a few things on it03:39
szrhawaiibut i dont know about full03:39
* mister-tea my bad I assumed not03:39
DaSkreechszrhawaii: df -h03:40
szrhawaiiFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:41
szrhawaii/dev/sda1             146G   26G  113G  19% /03:41
szrhawaiivarrun                501M  104K  501M   1% /var/run03:41
szrhawaiivarlock               501M     0  501M   0% /var/lock03:41
szrhawaiiudev                  501M   44K  501M   1% /dev03:41
szrhawaiidevshm                501M     0  501M   0% /dev/shm03:41
szrhawaiilrm                   501M   39M  463M   8% /lib/modules/2.6.24-22-generic/volatile03:41
szrhawaiithats what it says03:41
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: I'm rereading the page03:41
COMMODORE64thanks :)03:41
DaSkreechszrhawaii: Please don't paste here03:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:42
szrhawaiiok doesnt look like im using much room for anything03:42
DaSkreechszrhawaii: What file is the error about?03:42
szrhawaiithe dolphin03:42
szrhawaii /home/szrhawaii/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml03:43
szrhawaiithats the error source03:43
szrhawaiiit doesnt show that thing when i go into root mode03:44
szrhawaiionly when i am in the other mode03:44
Lefodoes vnc viewer able to connect to remote sharing of kubuntu?03:44
* mister-tea aha03:44
DaSkreechszrhawaii: What's the permissons on  that? paste the output of ls -l  /home/szrhawaii/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml03:47
szrhawaiiso what do you want me to do with that03:47
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: The drver was installed correctly03:48
DaSkreechszrhawaii: It's one line you can paste it here03:48
DaSkreechtwo lines go to pastebin03:48
=== adam is now known as Guest77101
COMMODORE64I runs to modprobe ndiswrapper ( it dont display anything but next to new line )03:49
COMMODORE64well i mean returns to my command03:49
Lefohas anyone tried remote sharing, i am using vista to connect to it n it's very laggy03:49
COMMODORE64and the driver ( Ndiswrapper -l shows that my driver is installed properly03:49
Lefon both computers r in the same network03:49
=== Guest77101 is now known as Adola
szrhawaiibash: -l: command not found03:49
AdolaHi everyone!  I'm having trouble with Kopete and AmaroK's dBus function03:51
mister-teais that an L or or a pipe?03:51
DaSkreechls -l03:51
szrhawaiiit says its a root03:52
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: You did sudo depmod -a ?03:52
DaSkreechszrhawaii: Tha would be  the problem03:52
mister-teafull circle03:52
DaSkreechszrhawaii: sudo chown szrhawaii:szr  /home/szrhawaii/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml03:53
COMMODORE64Hang on03:53
DaSkreechszrhawaii: sudo chown szrhawaii:szrhawaii  /home/szrhawaii/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml03:53
COMMODORE64I even did sudo modprobe ndiswrapper03:53
szrhawaiiit doesnt give me an option to change the permission so i would have to g in as root and change the permission right03:53
COMMODORE64and when i did tail /var/log/messages it lists the something03:53
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: does lsmod show ndiswrapper ?03:53
COMMODORE64and the last one gave out when it has " Denied"03:54
DaSkreechszrhawaii: Just gave you the command03:54
COMMODORE64I dont know but I can go back and take the log for you, DaSkreech03:54
szrhawaiiit didnt work03:54
DaSkreechszrhawaii: are you using dolphin or d3lphin ?03:55
COMMODORE64I'll be back and pick up the log for you, DaSkreech03:55
COMMODORE64What commands you need me to run for you?03:55
szrhawaiidolphin but the error says d3lphin03:56
mister-teanight all03:56
szrhawaiiits wierd03:56
szrhawaiishould i make the whole file a read and write03:57
COMMODORE64right, all right ill be back again03:58
szrhawaiiok it works now03:59
szrhawaiii just gave the whole folder the ability to read and write thats all it was03:59
DaSkreechszrhawaii: dolphin in KDE3 ?04:00
DaSkreechszrhawaii: Bah :ok :)04:00
AdolaQSqlQuery::prepare: database not open04:01
AdolaI get this error when I try to send media info from AmarOK through Kopete.04:01
AdolaCan someone please help me with this?04:02
* chalcedony smiles04:05
steven2hi steven04:06
* Adola coughs04:06
DaSkreechAdola: What database are you using with Amarok ?04:06
* Adola looks up and waits.04:06
chalcedonyis there anything (document) that can help me set up kprinter to work with my two hp printers? (they both worked with my computer before, but not for a while)04:06
steven2steven: would you mind switching nicks please?04:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp04:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about priner04:07
chalcedonyDaSkreech :)04:07
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:07
DaSkreechchalcedony: I'm almost sure there is a HP specific section there ...04:07
AdolaDaskreech: I don't know.   I don't know what "Database" would even refer too.  I'm just wanting the "now listening" plugin for Kopete to work with AmaroK 2.04:07
chalcedonyi'm trying to figure out what to check04:07
DaSkreechare you using amarok 2 ?04:07
=== steven2 is now known as steven
COMMODORE64ok DaSkreech04:08
COMMODORE64Im pasting it on pastebin.04:08
AdolaDaSkreech: Yes, yes I am.  The latest version.  Along with the latest version of Kopete.04:09
derjenshello everybody04:09
DaSkreechAdola: It's a kopete issue that plugin needs to be rewritten04:09
chalcedony"Remote CUPS Server (IPP/HTTP)" or "Network Printer" or "Network Printer w/IPP (IPP/HTTP}" Repote LPD queue" ?04:09
derjensyou can tell me how to change my user password in kubuntu 8.10?04:09
chalcedonyi don't know what those are04:09
AdolaDaSkreech: Alot of people's works though.04:10
COMMODORE64(DaSkreech): http://paste.ubuntu.com/88262/04:10
derjensafter changing my password with the user manager i could not access my ~/Private dir04:10
derjensso how to change it safely?04:10
DaSkreechAdola: hmm none I've heard about04:12
DaSkreechAdola: #kopete is likely dead now #amarok may be helpful04:12
AdolaDaSkreech: There was a guy on here yesterday who's worked.04:12
AdolaBoth are dead.04:12
DaSkreechderjens: try passwd ?04:12
derjensDaSkreech, will i loose my private dir with passwd?04:13
DaSkreechderjens: I'm not sure. I've never tried it should work seamlessly04:13
COMMODORE64Take your time, DaSkreech, call me when you need my attention.04:14
derjensi will try it but i do not understand why passwd would work even when kde's integrated user manager breaks private dirs...04:14
chalcedonyi'm using kprint "Remote CUPS Server (IPP/HTTP)" or "Network Printer" or "Network Printer w/IPP (IPP/HTTP}" Repote LPD queue" ?04:15
chalcedonythe printers are on a lan04:15
chalcedonyso which do i pick?04:15
DaSkreechderjens: The directory is encrypted with a password as I understand it uses our current password to decrypt it I would think that changing your password changes the key04:16
derjensi will have a tr04:16
derjens* try04:16
derjensDaSkreech, thanks so far04:16
DaSkreechchalcedony: Is the printer standalone ?04:18
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: It's running04:20
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: You said it doesn't turn up? Where did you check ?04:21
COMMODORE64i can see my knetwork manager04:21
COMMODORE64i can see my eth0 but i saw my wlan0 before i started on this instructions04:22
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: try ifconfig04:22
COMMODORE64it came up as eth004:22
COMMODORE64but iwconfig shows that it wasn't configured04:22
DaSkreechsudo ifconfig -a doesn't show it ?04:24
COMMODORE64no i havent tried -a04:26
COMMODORE64Gimme a handful of commands you wanted me to run instead going back and forth on dual boots.04:26
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: sudo ifconfig -a or sudo iwconfig -a will show you all the cards disabled or not.04:28
DaSkreechsudo ifconfg wlan0 up will bring it up if it's disabled04:29
COMMODORE64Thank you. I'll try that.04:29
derjensDaSkreech, thanks for the hint04:31
derjenspasswd worked flawlessly04:31
derjensi don't know how but it changed my ecryptfs files...04:31
szrhawaiiwhats the terminal code to see the packages installed for a certain program04:32
chalcedonywhy does kprint list the Subnet as 127.0.1. * ? shouldn't it be 192.168.1 or so?04:34
chalcedonyit's not finding my printers04:34
derjensszrhawaii, do you mean the dependencies of a certain program?04:35
derjensapt-get build-dep kmines -fs04:37
derjensszrhawaii, this is not perfect but it works04:37
szrhawaiiok thanks04:37
derjensstill looking for the right option in `man apt-get`04:37
derjensdidnt found anything better. does it work for you, szrhawaii ?04:38
Doloi cant play mp4 files is there any way to convert it to mp3?04:38
derjensDolo, dont forget that mp4 can contain more than mp3 audio, e.g. movie data04:39
Doloderjens: its an audio book im trying to listen to04:39
derjensDolo, do you want to extract audio from mp4 file to an mp3 file?04:39
szrhawaiiits fine04:39
derjensszrhawaii, k04:39
szrhawaiianyone know what VPN stands for04:40
derjensvirtual private network04:40
szrhawaiiohh ok04:40
derjensDolo, try google mencoder04:40
Doloderjens:  I been trying to use vlc but not getting any sound from that one file so i thought there might be a converter so i can change it to a playable format04:40
szrhawaiiso if i add my virtual machines address to it then i should have access to the internet through it04:40
derjensit's part of mplayer package04:40
Dolou mean iriverter?04:41
derjensDolo, you have already installed non-free codecs? maybe not. then you will not be able to play mp3 anyway04:41
Doloi can listen to mp3 and avi just fine04:41
Dolothis audio book thought works on ipod not on my ubuntu04:41
COMMODORE64DaSkreech, i'm suspecting something wrong with ndiswrapper. http://paste.ubuntu.com/88280/04:41
derjensszrhawaii, VPN is for establishing a private network connection over an untrusted network. it looks like an ethernet cable but is actually a VPN connection through DSL dial-up or similar04:42
derjensDolo, http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_aac/mp4_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux04:43
szrhawaiiok so if i set that up then it would mean that i am firewalling my computer from the information coming and leaving in a way04:43
Doloderjens:  what should i do04:44
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: perhaps. You can't attach a wire to the computer?04:44
derjensDolo, do you have any experience using the console?04:44
=== devil is now known as OrcD3vil
COMMODORE64well i have working wlan on vista04:45
COMMODORE64is there something i can do offline installation?04:45
Dolooh ya04:45
Doloi just wanted to know if u have an ipod04:45
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: What do you mean?04:46
derjensDolo, i do not have an ipod04:46
Doloi also have a lil problem when i plug the ipod in and i browse for the music on ubuntu all the files have wierd 4 letter names04:46
OrcD3vilHow can I get Monitor Spanning on Kubuntu to work, right now on both of my DVI Monitors they are showing the same desktop04:46
OrcD3vilI've went into the monitor control and set the 1st one "Left of" and the second one "Right of" but that isnt working04:47
dennisterhey channel...installation (from mini-iso) has frozen system right after I chose to install the grub bootloader...second after chose the grub step framebufer came on and has stayed that way for 30 minutes...can't even budge the electronic kvm switch system is connected to,...even unplugged kvm and the light stays on!...will NOT go off, even though there's no power to said kvm04:47
derjensDolo, i know nothing about iPods04:48
Dolomy mplayer cant play the file04:48
Dolowill it be able to convert the file?04:48
COMMODORE64how can i do to fix the wireless problem without plugging the line in?04:49
dennisterlol...anyway, before I reboot two systems kvm controls...is there any way to rescue the install without grub installed and without doing everything all over again?04:49
derjensDolo, did you try faad? the wiki wrote about it04:49
Dolodoing that now brb04:50
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: You can but having net is easier I think04:50
COMMODORE64well, can you provide me the steps for doing without wire?04:52
COMMODORE64If not possible, ill ask and see if i can borrow a wire from landlord.04:52
derjensDolo, i'll be away for about 5 mins04:52
dennisterDaSkreech: do u have any ideas? alt-f4 doesn't even get me past the stationary framebuffer...definitely stuck/frozen04:53
chalcedony"Could not launch the KDE Help Center"  Could not find service "khelpcenter"04:54
chalcedonyCOMMODORE64: it's easier to debug your computer's problems if you have a secure network connection.04:55
Doloderjens:  its an m4b04:55
chalcedonybut i see it works on vista04:55
COMMODORE64fine, i'll ask for a wire tomorrow.04:56
chalcedonyCOMMODORE64: if you hang around someone else usually comes04:56
chalcedonyi'm trying to set up my two printers with kprint04:57
chalcedonywhich works very well for my husband04:57
chalcedonyso far, it doesn't seem to be ON my network.04:57
chalcedonywhy does kprint list the Subnet as 127.0.1. * ? shouldn't it be 192.168.1 or so?  it's showing some printer i don't have04:58
derjensDolo, back05:04
derjensDolo, did you succeed?05:04
COMMODORE64well ok, what can i do after i get a wire, DaSkreech?05:04
Dolonot even a little05:05
szrhawaiiis there a way to run the version of knetwork from kde 4.1 in kde 3.5 since they have significant amount of difference in available options05:05
DaSkreechCOMMODORE64: use eth0 :-)05:05
Psi-JackCurious. Anyone here do any C++ and work somewhat with hardware, or SDL, or X11 libs? I'm trying to find out how to get the actual amount of VRAM a video card has through proper methods than entrudging through the xorg.logs.05:06
Doloderjens: no05:06
szrhawaiior get a newer version of network manager from 0.6.6-0ubuntu5 to a newer version05:07
szrhawaiialso what plug-in or file should i install so i can run adobe flash, macromedia, and java properly on my konqueror browser or can i get the newer version that they have in kde 4.1 for kde 3.505:08
Doloderjens:  it didnt work dunno what to do05:09
Doloderjens:  its an m4b05:09
derjenslook at that doc05:10
derjensif that does not help, i don't know what to do as well05:10
derjensnever had to do with mp4 and all other formats work without probs for me05:11
COMMODORE64I wanted to fix my wlan005:12
COMMODORE64what can i do to fix it when i get my wire?05:12
szrhawaiifound the version for the network manager but anyone got a source for me to upgrade my konqueror to the newer version05:13
szrhawaiianyone know the ppa for konqueror upgrades05:18
jn20hey guys... I have a problem with kstars... Can't start the INDI server...05:21
jn20Can anyone help me?05:21
COMMODORE64DaSkreech, any idea what i can do when i get a line to fix my wlan?05:21
jn20Connection to INDI host at localhost on port 7264 encountered an error: The remote host closed the connection. is the error message...05:25
jn20how the heck can the remote host close the connection, on a virtual server???05:28
Doloanyone know how to convert an m4b file05:32
jn20ehm, its an audio book file right...05:35
Dolojn20: ya m4b05:35
jn20do you use the chapter function, because it will be lost when converting to mp3 or ogg or...05:36
Doloi dont care about the chapter thing i cant listen to it on ubuntu05:37
jn20actually you can... do you have vlc installed...05:37
jn20have you tried opening it with vlc???05:38
jn20http://www.fileinfo.net/extension/m4b list vlc as being able to open the format05:38
Doloi plugged the ipod into ubuntu05:39
Doloall the files have wierd 4 letter names05:39
Doloi dont mind that so much but the audio books no longer work05:39
Doloi use vlc almost all the time i tried installing amaraok and various other converting and programs and players05:40
Dolonot sure what im doing wrong05:40
jn20try to rename the file into .m4a05:40
jn20ithmm, does the file have drm?05:40
Dolowhats a drm05:41
jn20a little thing called "Digital Rights Management"... DRM.... it's a piece of software that controls the usage of a file...05:42
jn20did you buy it in itunes?05:43
Dolowas trying to dl it from my friends ipod05:44
Dolonot sure where he got it05:44
szrhawaiiwhat is the code for terminal to install a file from a location like /home is it sudo apt-get install ~/home <filename>05:45
dwidmannszrhawaii: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/filename05:45
stdinszrhawaii: sudo dpkg -i ~/package.deb05:45
Dolojn20:  ???05:46
szrhawaiiit says its not a debian package05:47
jn20ehm, dolo... try searching google for frm aplle and m4b... you have as much experience as ido on how to break drm...05:47
szrhawaiiits atually a shell script  installer05:47
jn20damn my spelling sucks today..05:47
szrhawaiiso what would the code be for that05:47
jn20apple drm m4b05:47
stdinszrhawaii: then you need to use "sudo bash ~/filename" to install (as root)05:47
Doloso what are u saying cuz of the drm it will only play on the ipod?05:48
jn20yes, and probaly only on your friends ipod...05:48
szrhawaiiok that sounds more like something i did before05:48
jn20but drm can be broken.05:48
jn20http://mostlysavingmoney.com/2007/06/how-to-break-itunes-drm/ here's alittle something to get you started05:49
stdinplease don't post information to illegal activities in here05:49
stdineven if DRM is evil05:50
Dolosry i didnt relize it was a legal thing05:50
COMMODORE64thanks jn20, much appreciated05:50
jn20depends on your country, I'm hosted in DK and here that is legal05:51
szrhawaiiso in other words it would be sudo bash ~/home/szrhawaii/Desktop/install_flash_player_10_linux/flashplayer-installer05:51
szrhawaiido i throw an install command in there too05:51
jn20besides giving out info is not illegal... even if that info can be used illegally...05:52
stdinszrhawaii: that command will work, but flash 10 is in the repositories05:52
szrhawaiinot for kde 3.505:52
COMMODORE64Canada here05:52
szrhawaiiits only 905:52
COMMODORE64its legal as long as you do it for yourself, not others.05:52
stdinjn20: showing someone how to make a bomb is not illegal, but you'd be partially responsible when they blow something up05:53
szrhawaiiunless you got the repo for the 1005:53
szrhawaiijust need a ppa05:53
jn20good luck with the breaking...05:53
stdinszrhawaii: hardy?05:54
jn20so it'sbassicly illegal to teach chemistry?05:54
jn20or to run a library05:54
stdindon't be difficult, just don't post those links here05:54
dwidmannszrhawaii: why not just grab the .deb off of adobe.com then?05:55
szrhawaiiit keeps saying cant find package05:55
jn20so next time just link google...05:55
szrhawaiido you know where its located on adobe05:55
stdinjn20: next time, just /msg them05:55
jn20fair enough, my bad05:55
stdinszrhawaii: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/05:56
stdinchoose ".deb for Ubuntu 8.04+"05:56
szrhawaiiit says install05:59
szrhawaiithanks stdin06:00
szrhawaiii didnt see that earlier06:00
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kkkyledoes anyoneknow if nUbuntu is anygood?06:04
stdinkkerwin: you should probably ask in #nubuntu06:05
stdinwe don't support it and it's not an official distribution06:05
kkkylei didnt think it was i looked kinda crappy06:06
szrhawaiido you know the package name to run flash players for the web browsers06:06
szrhawaiii meant java06:06
szrhawaiinevernind found it06:07
szrhawaiihey im getting a big circle with a play icon on all my player things on the web browser06:09
szrhawaiido i need to download anything else06:10
szrhawaiii did java and adobe06:10
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wtIs there a way to do the equivalent of "apt-cache search <word1> <word2>" with aptitude's search functionality?06:12
dwidmannwt: aptitude search <word1> <word2> ...06:17
wtdwidmann: it doesn't do the same thing06:18
wtdwidmann: it searches for each word separately06:18
wtI want all package that have word1 and word2, not either word1 or word206:18
dwidmannwt: think that's as close as you're going to get short of just using apt-cache06:18
wtI like the output of aptitude better...that seems like a bit of an oversight. :)06:19
stdinwt: use grep?06:22
wtgrep won't search the long descriptions06:23
wti suposed that I could mangle the apt-cache output to look like aptitude, but that'd be kinda lame06:24
szrhawaiihow do i add the flash plug-in to firefox06:25
szrhawaiisince i downloaded it manually06:25
wtszrhawaii: aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree06:25
wtszrhawaii: why would you manually download it?06:25
p_quarleswt: the man page indicates that aptitude can understand some search patterns, but points elsewhere for further information06:25
p_quarleswt: so, I don't know how, but it doesn't look like you'll have to mangle the output manually -- you might have to track down some further reference material, though06:26
wtp_quarles: it's search pattern don't appear to include the concept of "look for any of these words in the package name, short description, or long description" directly that I could tell06:26
szrhawaiido have the latest version of flash on kde 3.5 but have flash 1006:27
szrhawaiithats why06:27
p_quarlesszrhawaii: the instructions are in the file you downloaded :)06:27
szrhawaiinah it was just a deb file06:28
wtszrhawaii: I am sure there is a howto somewhere06:28
p_quarlesszrhawaii: if it's a deb file then you install it with gdebi, or dpkg06:28
wtif it installs like the deb package into firefox's plugins, you probably just need to make KDE search for new plugins06:28
szrhawaiii installed it06:29
wtdid you make KDE search for the new plugins?06:29
p_quarlesthen like wt said, you go to Konqueror's plugin menu to ask for it to scan06:29
szrhawaiibut cant find it on firefox the only one i see is the 906:29
wtIt's in Konqueror's configuration for plugins06:30
szrhawaiii saw it in there06:30
szrhawaiibut not in the firefox one06:30
szrhawaiiits added in konqueror06:30
wtdo you see the directory where the plugin is installed in that configuration dialog?06:30
p_quarles??? are you sure that Firefox is using Flash 9?06:30
szrhawaiii just turned it off because it was blocking me from seeing apps06:31
p_quarleswhy are they both installed?06:31
szrhawaiiim trying to get rid of 9 i think all i need to do is uninstall the nonfree-flash right06:31
wtif you have two plugins servicing flash, they probably would conflict06:31
szrhawaiiyeah i turned one off i realized that after06:32
wtflashplugin-nonfree, I think06:32
p_quarlessudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree06:32
szrhawaiiso if i have the flas 10 plugin i dont need that one right06:32
wtp_quarles: you could also upgrade to Intrepid, It has flash 10 :)06:32
szrhawaiiits gone already06:32
szrhawaiinah i didnt like it cause of the issue i have with manipulation of the system06:33
szrhawaiiso i rather upgrade this one plus it runs faster too'06:33
szrhawaiithan the intrepid06:33
Cannolihey just to make sure. to isntall from a package, i extract the contents and type "./configure" then "make" then "make install" and thats it right?06:47
crimsunCannoli: if by "package" you meant "an Ubuntu binary package", then no. just double-click the package, or use dpkg -i06:48
Cannolisorry i meant a .tar.bz2 file06:49
vgeCannoli: if it's a tar paggage and include a configure file and the readme suggest you to do so, then do it06:49
crimsunCannoli: if by "source tar.gz/tar.bz2", then you should first check that the package isn't already in the Ubuntu repository. then, if it is not, you should proceed with compiling.06:49
vgebut ye, check first that it's not included in the repos :)06:50
Cannolialright. thanks alot06:51
jn20hey, does anyone here us INDI in kubuntu 8.10?06:57
jn20or Kstars06:57
jn20I think I have just encountered a bug06:58
jn20the bug should be really easy to replicate...06:59
jn20start up kstars, and choose the menu with the telescope wizard, INDI control etc... Choose "unit handling... sry don't know the english name... option nr. 3" select a telescope and chose run service... KStars chrashes...07:03
jn20It appears to be some sort of INDI related problem... some server that won't start... does anyone have any ideas?07:05
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ockonalHi allll08:14
ockonalCan u help me with some trouble?08:14
ockonali can't build nvidia-kernel during driver installation08:14
szrhawaiianyone know a page of a list of wireless files i would need so i can verify i have all the files to run this program since i upgraded the knetwork08:26
szrhawaiito the newer one08:26
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* Mamarok would like to have a 4.2 package of powerdevil08:41
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MamarokActionParsnip1: morning :)08:58
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo08:58
minus18_punditis it possible to use two dial-up connections at the same time?08:59
ActionParsnip1minus18_pundit: id imagine so09:00
minus18_punditi'm talking of using two mobile dialup connections at the same time09:01
minus18_punditif possible will it increase my internet speed?09:01
ActionParsnip1you could specify ip ranges to get from each line09:01
ActionParsnip1yes you will use both bandwidths09:02
minus18_pundithow can i use one for download and other for browsing?09:02
ActionParsnip1minus18_pundit: i dont think you can specify it that far, you need to add route rules so traffic goes down either link09:04
ActionParsnip1based on ip is usual09:05
minus18_punditwell, i shall give a try09:05
ActionParsnip1minus18_pundit: try: man route09:06
Cannoliis it possible to boot lilo from grub?09:06
ActionParsnip1Cannoli: no, lilo is an alternative to grub09:07
ActionParsnip1both are boot loaders09:07
Cannoliok but what if grub is on a seperrate partition from lilo?09:07
ActionParsnip1Cannoli: then you set your bios to boot the drive using lilo09:08
Cannoliok but isnt it possible that i can make a menu entry in grub so that it loads up lilo from another partition?09:09
ActionParsnip1Cannoli: what would be the point, just add the booting options you have in lilo to the grub boot09:09
Cannolioh i was just wondering if it is possiible09:10
ActionParsnip1i cant see why you'd wanna, it's kinda pointless booting a bootloader to load another boot loader09:11
Cannoliwell yea but i was just wondering if u can09:11
ActionParsnip1i'm sure you could09:11
ActionParsnip1its an OS after all09:12
Cannolii kinda wanna try it to see if i can XD09:12
ActionParsnip1Cannoli: sounds like a challenge09:12
ActionParsnip1Cannoli: if you ask in #gentoo they may be able to help09:12
Cannoliok cool thank you09:12
Cannolicheck that out there ActionParsnip109:18
Cannolithey are talking abt something called chainloading09:18
ActionParsnip1chainloading as far as i am aware is how you make windows boot in dual boot systems09:20
khaije1anyone knowif there is a relationship between enlightenment and fltk ?09:32
Mamarokkhaije1: not AFAIK09:33
khaije1mkay, i think some of the naming gave me the wrong idea09:34
=== nicola is now known as briseight
Kozeris My friend has problem: yesterday has kubuntu installing on slave hdd while master was xp and then smthng  messed with GRUB. He got grub error 25. Today we tried to disconnect xp and install master linux , and we got errorDISK BOOT FAILURE-Insert system disk and press enter. So whe connected Only XP ( removed ubuntu hdd) : all loading ok, then we connected additionaly slave ubuntu hdd,09:49
Kozeris its 4 times slower loada, but hdtune shows ok 50mbs both09:49
Kozerisand then if only linux hdd it loads veyr long GRUB, and then grub gives mys hown error09:49
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:49
bazhangcheck the first link Kozeris09:49
Kozerisok i am reading09:51
stmartinCan somebody tell me how to put background color of the text of the icons.09:58
Kozerisbazhang: btw before we installed ubuntu, we had ntfs10:04
Kozerisso it was ntfs[xp] + ntfs[slave,data]10:05
Kozerisand then winxp loades slow too10:05
Kozeriswhat can be problem10:05
Kozerisits like something with that data which is now ubuntu10:05
Kozeris\j harddisk10:05
ActionParsnip1bazhang: he's pasting identically in #ubuntu too10:09
Kozeriswhat's problem :(10:10
Kozerisjust i need problem, so i asking10:10
bazhangKozeris, use pastebin!10:10
bazhang!paste | Kozeris10:11
ubottuKozeris: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:11
bazhangKozeris, dont crosspost to two channels10:11
Kozerisok sorry, i'm writing situation in pastebin, i will write here in few mins, sorry for flood10:12
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Guest30096is there anywhere to use the adept application from the kubunt 7.10 on 8.1010:28
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Lou_Hello, I am actually Lou's son, not Lou himself. I am still a newbie in Kubuntu and Linux. I am using Kubuntu 8.04.1. I messed up my computer and I am hoping to find help here.10:31
Lou_The problem is:10:31
Lou_When I start my computer it boots fine, Kubuntu starts loading, and then about 1/4 of the way through the loading process it gives this message:10:31
Lou_init: Unable to execute “/bin/sh” for rc-default: Permission denied10:31
Lou_init: rc-default main process (4313) terminated with status 25510:31
ActionParsnip1Guest30096: i dont believe so10:32
Lou_Here is what I did that messed it up:10:32
Lou_2 days ago somehow I missed up my computer's USB flashdrive-detecting settings. I think it happened because I tried to get my wireless Internet connection working, but I don't know for sure what I did that could have missed up the USB part of my system.10:32
Lou_So, I checked the Ubuntu forms and I found this command:10:32
Lou_ls -l /dev/sd*10:32
Lou_which showed me that my computer was detecting the flashdrive, but just not mounting it (or, at least, so I thought).10:32
ActionParsnip1Lou_: can you give us the output of ls -la /bin/sh10:32
Lou_Now here is where the real problem came in:10:32
Lou_In an attempt to fix my USB, I went to “System Settings -> Advanced -> Disk & File Systems -> New” and I put “/dev/sdb1” for the device and “media:/” for the mount point and I checked the box to “Enable at startup.” Then I clicked “New” again and put “/dev/sdb” for the device and “media:/” for the mount point (at that time I didn't realize that you're not supposed to mount more than one thing on the same mount point) and I checked10:32
Lou_the box to “Enable at startup,” but the system said that “media:/” was already in use so I just left the Mount Point field blank and it mounted it as “/”. That is what my hard-drive (“/dev/sda1”, I believe) is mounted as (“/”). Again, when I boot up my computer it says:10:32
Lou_init: Unable to execute “/bin/sh” for rc-default: Permission denied10:32
Lou_init: rc-default main process (4313) terminated with status 25510:32
Lou_how do I do that?10:32
Lou_I think that /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb are trying to mount on the same mount point and that is what is causing the problem. I just don't know how to fix it. Please help if you can.10:33
ActionParsnip1Lou_: its a terminal command10:33
Guest30096I am trying to install the extra package of latex, but the new adept doesnt how me anything with latex packages..10:33
ActionParsnip1Lou_: you cant mount sdb10:33
Lou_ok. I'll be right back10:34
ActionParsnip1Lou_: ahh i see what you've done, youve mounted some usb thing as /10:34
ActionParsnip1Lou_: no need: sudo mount -a will sort you10:34
ActionParsnip1Lou_: lil tip, DONT mount to /media, mount to a folder WITHIN media10:35
Lou_Ok. Thank you. =o)10:35
ActionParsnip1Lou_: sudo mkdir /media/win or /media/wobble10:35
ActionParsnip1Lou_: then mount to those10:35
Lou_So I just type:  sudo mount -a ?10:36
ActionParsnip1Lou_: thats why the default mount for cdrom is /media/cdrom010:36
ActionParsnip1Lou_: yep in a terminal10:36
ActionParsnip1i personally have /media/iso for my iso mountings10:36
Lou_How do I get into the terminal without loading Kubuntu?10:37
Guest30096actionparsnip1: is there anywhere to see all the packages containing a specific word in the description??10:38
ActionParsnip1Guest30096: dpkg -l | grep <something>10:38
Guest30096thanks _)10:38
ActionParsnip1Lou_: so you get no boot at all?10:38
ActionParsnip1kev_: hi10:39
kev_im new to this10:39
Lou_ActionParsnip : The Kubuntu loading bar goes about 1/4 the way to the right, and then I get that error message I posted10:40
kev_wot is this program?10:40
kev_i know what ubuntu is thou10:40
ActionParsnip1Lou_: ok you will need to boot to root console (esc at boot then select recovery mode for your kernel)10:41
ActionParsnip1Lou_: then edit /etc/fstab to reflect your partitions10:41
ActionParsnip1kev_: this is an irc channel on irc.freenode.net10:41
ActionParsnip1kev_: the proram you are using to access it could vary wildly10:42
kev_oh ok, i just randomly click this10:42
tictrickev_: you are using a program called Konversation :)10:42
kev_im only learning ubuntu10:43
ActionParsnip1kev_: we all learn it some one day10:43
kev_i downloaded ubuntu ultimate edition coz i had problems in stalling xp10:43
tictrickev_: then you might go to #kubuntu or #ubuntu to learn more10:43
kev_yea i got a mate that reckons every1 should use ubuntu10:43
tictricoh, we are in #kubuntu :)10:43
bazhang!ultimate | kev_10:44
ubottukev_: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition10:44
kev_its 2.0 version aswell10:44
ActionParsnip1kev_: he's wrong10:44
bazhangkev_, get the real deal10:44
ActionParsnip1kev_: ubuntu isnt for everyone, just like windows isnt for everyone10:44
bazhangaccept no substitutes10:44
bazhangnot kidding10:44
kev_but this looks buzzy10:44
bazhangkev_, its not supported in #ubuntu / #kubuntu channels10:44
kev_i like how i can rotate the screen like a cube, lol10:44
ActionParsnip1kev_: you need to install video drivers and then compiz-fusion10:45
kev_im still lost, lol10:45
bazhangkev_, you using ultimate?10:45
kev_ok ill b straight up, im a 23 male that drinks alot and smokes and does cannabis, lol10:45
ActionParsnip1kev_: same here except im 2810:45
kev_ultimate edition 2.010:45
kev_is ur name astra?10:46
ActionParsnip1kev_: ultimate isnt supported here10:46
bazhangkev_, that is offtopic ; and ultimate is NOT supported10:46
kev_i get that its not supported her10:46
ActionParsnip1kev_: its not an official release10:46
kev_i was just sayin what i am using10:46
bazhangchat in #kubuntu-offtopic kev_10:46
Lou_ActionParsnip1 : I tried the "esc at boot" thing, but it won't let me select recovery. In fact, it won't let me select anything. I tried the arrowkeys and the keypad and tab, nothing...10:46
Kozerisfixed : http://www.paste.lt/paste/50109b59b084da5720169d30e330bd2410:46
tictricKozeris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot10:47
kev_im sooo lost10:47
ActionParsnip1kev_: you need to run lspci and that will tel you your video card, you can websearch from there but #kubuntu-offtopic is where ultimate is supported. if you want support, install the real ubuntu or kubuntu10:47
Kozeristictric, thank you, im reading it now10:47
kev_so what do u mean the real ubuntu?10:47
bazhangkev_, ultimate support channels for ultimate support; these channels for real support10:48
ActionParsnip1kev_: what bazhang said10:48
kev_im new and i dnt kno wot im doin i get that its not supported10:48
bazhangkev_, this is not the chat channel10:48
ActionParsnip1kev_: join #kubuntu-offtopic10:48
kev_im on it now10:49
ActionParsnip1then thats where folks will help you10:49
wesleyI like to know about the status from the intel gma bug10:50
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prestonanyone feel like talking for a sec about kde 4 and a couple monor issues10:50
wesleyyeah one is caused by Kubuntu and thats the intel gma bug10:51
kev_im new10:52
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kev_well thx guys for the support10:54
bazhangkev_, ??10:54
kev_i get told 2 goto #kubuntu-offtopic so i go there n no1 talks10:55
bazhangdownload there10:55
kev_download what?10:56
kev_like im not just goin 2 download the 1st thing u tell me without me knowing10:56
bazhangkev_, this is a support channel for that OS10:56
kev_how well does it show up on Links 2, lol10:57
kev_thats the only browser dat works10:57
mellheni would like to integrate my kde4.1.85 (intrepid) better. eg localhost isnt accessable any ideas?10:58
Lou_bazhang, How can I use the command line without loading Kubuntu?11:11
prestonanyone else get weird artifacts when minimizing or maximizing windows11:15
tictricpreston: most probably in kde411:16
prestontictricyeah sorry im using 8.1011:16
Lou_Would anyone here happen to know how to get to a command line or terminal BEFORE/WITHOUT loading Ubuntu/Kubuntu?11:21
wesleypreston seems to be an intel gma bug in kubuntu11:22
wesleyi think its shamefull that such a bug is still in a stable release11:24
Lou_Please help. http://paste.ubuntu.com/88439/11:24
theseinfeldanybody working on bug 30556511:25
theseinfeldbug #30556511:25
theseinfeld!bug 30556511:25
theseinfeld Launchpad bug 305565 in gpgme1.0 "kleopatra complains that gpgme should be compiled with gpgconf support" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30556511:25
prestoncheck this out wesley11:27
prestonthat is the bug11:27
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:40
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de11:43
khaije1so why don't we see e17 in ubuntu?11:51
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.11:51
Guest30096I got problem with my notebook and headphone, if I plug in the cable, the notebook speakers still are working11:57
Guest30096I have try the using the kubuntu mixer but doesnt work..11:57
liami need help please12:06
liammy front usb ports dont work12:07
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NovitaAny good alternative for the Music player that comes in KDE i dont like the Jukebox Aproach.12:16
ilhamnovita: amarok12:16
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NovitaYes but that's jukebox kinda like ;-)12:17
piiilelike winamp12:17
piiileor audacious12:17
ilhamnovita: what you expect?12:17
piiilethat doent't come with KDE though12:17
NovitaOke piiile i will check that out, ilham winamp like is good for me. i just looking for an easy to use Mp3 player without too many bells and wistles12:18
piiileyou can use the console command "play" ;)12:19
piiileplay foo.mp312:19
Novitapiiile: hehe yeah thats a little too less tho haha. I think audacious will do good :P12:19
Novitatnx fellas ;-)12:21
piiileyou're welcome...12:22
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:23
vysonwhen i use the sudo -i command i get the error /bin/sh: /bin/sh: cannot execute binary file error what does trhat mean?12:26
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ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:27
piiilewhat does that mean?12:27
Lynx_Hey! I would like to use two mointors with my ATI card, open source driver. What is the best way to do that? I want one connected via DVI, one via VGA.12:36
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-neon12:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-nightly12:43
jussi01!neon | elwood12:43
Mamarok!neon | elwood12:43
ubottuelwood: The Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon12:43
elwoodi remember of it :) thanks jussi0112:43
newfeatshi... anyone know the settings for streaming music in Amarok?12:45
NovitaHey guys sorry to bother you again. But is there any way to improve my desktop graphics. I have a Nvidia GeForce 8600 GTS 512MB but moving windows scaling them is realy buggy.12:45
newfeatsNovita: you should try enabling the Video card drivers... a reboot would be needed.12:46
NovitaI enables Restricted Nvidia Drivers 177 newfeats and rebooted after12:46
newfeatswhat version of kubuntu?  i'm using hardy.  works ok.12:47
Novita8.10 newfeats12:47
Novitawith Kde 4.112:47
dr_williskde4 is still very much a work in progress in some areas its rough.12:48
dr_willisIt has gotten better over the last few updates. :)12:48
Novitayeah i notice it12:48
dr_willis4.2.??? is in the backports - it may work better for you12:48
NovitaI can live with the bugs but the graphic glitches is realy enoying for me specialy because i need a smooth desktop without the glitches sinds i have epilepsie12:49
elwooddr_willis: so to have de 4.2 i don't need neon-project but just intrepid backport?12:49
newfeatsNovita: that's normal.  it is kinda... slow.12:49
dr_willisNovita,  i wouls disable all non-needed e3yecandy then.12:49
hell_where can i see my processor speed ?12:50
elwoodhell_: all information are in /proc/cpuinfo12:50
hell_thx a lot12:50
NovitaI will try to fetch 4.2 from backports and if it does not improve i will go back to 8.04 for a wile12:50
dr_williselwood,  im not sure what version backports is. theres also the ppa versions that may be newer.. i dont try to keep up to date with kde412:50
randomcrashhow can  i change my resolution settings on kubuntu?12:51
elwoodrandomcrash: k menu systemsettings desktop12:51
hell_in the system configuration menu12:51
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo12:52
The-CompilerHow is the app called which gets executed when you press Alt + F2 in KDE4?12:52
hell_hi ActionParsnip112:52
hell_execute a command?12:52
ActionParsnip1The-Compiler: krunner?12:53
ActionParsnip1!info krunner12:53
ubottuPackage krunner does not exist in intrepid12:53
dr_willisalt-f2 is the 'run command' Im not sure if its a seperate command or bulit into kde412:53
The-CompilerActionParsnip1: saw it, thx12:53
dr_willisthere are alternatives if you want to call a similer thing12:53
anipyon 8.10 my system freezes suddenly (every hour or so). usually it is just not responding to keyboard or mouse button events any more. in rare cases i can see the mouse cursor moving, but no response on clicks. where can i start looking what is possibly causing this behavior? (this problems never occured with earlier versions of kubuntu on this hardware)12:55
ActionParsnip1anipy: id run an fsck and a ram check for starters12:56
elwoodanipy: i have the same problem. but not every hour12:56
hell_anipy check the log12:56
anipyelwood: well, if not doing much with it, it keeps running for few hours12:56
hell_in system logs viewer12:56
lothar_I have a question.I want use nvram and I have got installed but modprobe can't find the modul12:59
R1N0XBuenas tardes13:00
newfeatsyeah might as well.13:01
dr_willisive heard of people trying to play with nvram, but never heard what they try to do with it. :)13:01
dr_williswhat did you install to use nvram anyway?13:02
elwooddr_willis: to conquer universe13:02
gauzhi all13:02
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: its bios boot errors and hardware errors13:02
gauzi have installed ubuntu yesterday13:02
Lynx_How do I enable file sharing via samba? I installed samba, but don't know where to set it up. The 'configue file sharing' button in the file properties via Dolphin does nothing...13:02
gauznone of the video and audio embedded files work on firefox13:02
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209813:02
gauzthey just throw up a blank screen13:02
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: it can get really full sometimes and refuse to power the system on, so take the cmos battery out of the system and all power inputs and let the system drain for half an hour or so, then put it all back in13:03
gauzny person aware of this problem?13:03
gauzand its possible solution?13:03
ActionParsnip1gauz: do you mean flash ones or avi/mpeg ones?13:03
dr_willisLynx_,  thers several ways to 'share' stuff.. depends on what you want to do. I normally install the samba service, then edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf to the right workgroup. and set up where the users HOMES are shared. Then give the users i want to have access. samba passwords with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'13:03
lothar_dr_willis:I installed nvram by Synaptic13:03
gauzespecially ...youtube embedded stuff13:03
ActionParsnip1!flash | gauz13:03
ubottugauz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:03
dr_willis!info nvram13:03
ubottuPackage nvram does not exist in intrepid13:03
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: its a piece of hardware on the motherboard13:04
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: watch your pc boot, itll say "checking nvram"13:04
dr_willislothar_,  it may be the module was built into the kernel, and you installed some extra tools.13:04
gauzi am working on it13:04
Lynx_dr_willis: ok, thanks. I just thought there would be a way do do it via the KDE system settings.13:04
dr_willisLynx_,  proberly is.. but by the time i would look in the menus.. id allready have the job done.. :)13:04
dr_willisof course ive been doing it this way Lynx_  for 10+ years.. :P13:05
dr_willisif you are learning samba for the first time - the samba-doc package has some good books on the topic.13:05
dr_willis!info samba-doc13:05
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 (intrepid), package size 7768 kB, installed size 15976 kB13:05
lothar_The answer was event not found13:05
edi_99Hi guys does anyone know how to make creox work?13:06
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: I can give you MY smb.conf, its simple to setup13:06
dr_willis Samba has some really really neat tricks it can do. :)13:06
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: thanks, I'll try it on my own first, I bet I'll learn stuff ;)13:07
dr_willisthe 'using samba' book in that samba-doc package is very good reading..13:07
Lynx_Another question: Do I still have to do lots of Xorg.conf editing to get a dual monitor setup to run?13:07
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: if you look at the existing file it tells you a lot13:07
dr_willisLynx_,  what video card?13:07
ActionParsnip1!dualhead | Lynx_13:08
ubottuLynx_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:08
Lynx_dr_willis: an older ATI card, open source driver13:08
dr_willisLynx_,  that may or may not be possible. Never tried it with ati. Just nvidia13:08
dr_willisIts easy with nvidia :)13:08
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: with xorg.conf smarts its easy with any card ;)13:08
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: i'd work on one thing at a time dude13:09
dr_willisif the ati driver supports it...13:09
Lynx_so in short, it's complicated ;)13:09
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: it can be13:09
dr_willisNow with 2+ seperate video cards.. it can get complex  :)13:09
ActionParsnip1well as long as they sing together, its not too complex13:10
Lynx_Actually samba and the dual montior thing are related ;). My graphics card seems to be broken, so I can either watch videos on the second monitor, or i have to use my windows box and have to get the files from the linux one...13:10
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: id get the dual head up first then13:12
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: whats complex but fun is making 2 pcs out of one system with 2 monitors + 2 mice + 2 keyboards13:12
edi_99hi, where can I find [Applications -> Audio & Video] from 8.04 in 8.10?13:13
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: I could never get the binary ATI driver to work, and I got so frustrated with that stuff I'd rather not start again trying to do anything with video again ;(13:13
ActionParsnip1edi_99: its multimedia13:13
ActionParsnip1!ati } Lynx_13:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ati } Lynx_13:13
ActionParsnip1!ati | Lynx_13:14
ubottuLynx_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:14
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: I never want to see that page again, at least for a while13:14
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: theres the xserver-xorg-ati driver13:14
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: its open source13:15
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: thats what I'm using13:15
mooperdHi, How do I share the internet connection on my laptop with a PC connected to the eth port?13:33
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:34
mooperdIm using 7.04 ( I think)13:34
ActionParsnip1mooperd: lsb_release -a will tell you13:41
runpain2God Day All13:42
mooperdActionParsnip1: tell me what?13:44
runpain2 tried to boot and only get to the tty cause some thing about kdm and gdm wont load how do i fix it13:44
mooperdActionParsnip1: ah, version13:44
ActionParsnip1mooperd: what release of ubuntu you are using13:44
mooperdHow do I persuade knetwork manager to keep the wired connection open when I turn on the wifi13:45
ActionParsnip1mooperd: if you are sharing connection i'd make the internal interface static ip13:45
mooperdI did allready13:46
mooperdsudo ifconfig eth0
mooperd$ sudo ifup eth013:46
mooperdIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.13:46
runpain2could i reinstall and kept all the packages i installed before13:48
ActionParsnip1mooperd: i'd read the !ics thing above13:48
ActionParsnip1!clone | runpain213:48
ubotturunpain2: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:48
gauzwhois gauz13:49
gauzi tried to reinstall the flash driver from adobe13:51
gauzno success13:51
gauzdoes gnash gives probs13:51
ActionParsnip1!flash | gauz13:52
ubottugauz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:52
ActionParsnip1gauz: you on 64bit or 32bit?13:53
gauz32 bit13:53
ActionParsnip1sudo ap-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:53
gauz2 min13:53
gauzif i want to paste the output ..wat shud i do???13:54
gauzi dnt want to flood the channel13:54
ActionParsnip1!pastebin | gauz13:56
ubottugauz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:56
gauzplz check the output13:57
gauzthe file was already up-to-date13:57
ActionParsnip1gauz: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:58
gauzlet me try a youtube vid13:59
gauzthe vid doesnt load still14:00
gauzthe placeholder shows blank14:00
gauzjst whiteness!14:00
gauzflash pludin was installed properly though14:02
gauzi even tried to disable and enable the gnash plugin14:02
gauzof firefox14:02
ActionParsnip1gauz: let me search my /14:02
gauzi feel something is wrong in that14:03
ActionParsnip1gauz: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so; killall firefox; firefox &14:04
xp-killerin ktorent how do u put ta download to start after one hadve finish?14:04
ActionParsnip1xp-killer: they usually run concurently14:04
JontheEchidnaxp-killer: I think there is a setting somewhere in the configuration dialog thta can limit the amount of downloads to 114:05
gauzi did as suggested14:05
xp-killerJontheEchidna:  ive been looking n trying but nothing14:05
gauzpasting the output14:05
xp-killeri found it i tink14:06
ActionParsnip1gauz: thats fine, its firefox dying14:07
gauzit died for a while14:07
gauzand was restarted14:07
gauzand ..i again tried to view a video14:07
gauzto no avail14:07
ActionParsnip1gauz: you also wanna uninstall gnash or its gonna get confused14:07
gauzi want to unistall14:07
ActionParsnip1gauz: you cant have 2 flash plugins installed or tey fight14:07
gauzany idea how to uninstall gnash extension?14:07
ActionParsnip1gauz: sudo apt-get --purge remove gtk-gnash14:08
COMMODORE64HERE YOU ARE ActionParsnip1!14:08
gauztheres only the option to disable or enable trough firefox14:08
BluesKajthere's a flashpugin-nonfree upgrade available today if you do a sudo apt-get update14:08
gauzworking on it14:08
ActionParsnip1COMMODORE64: i guess so14:08
COMMODORE64Been trying to find a help, and one staff isn't being very helpful wiht my wlan0 problem.14:08
COMMODORE64DaSkreech, i'm suspecting something wrong with ndiswrapper. http://paste.ubuntu.com/88280/"v14:09
COMMODORE64well. clicky the linky please.14:09
ActionParsnip1COMMODORE64: try lshw -C network14:09
BluesKajgauz, check adeptnotifier,if you have it activated, for updates to flashplugin-nonfree14:09
COMMODORE64what does it do, action?14:10
BluesKajthat shoulf solve your video prob on FF14:10
ActionParsnip1COMMODORE64: lists all network hardware14:10
COMMODORE64will do that soon14:10
ActionParsnip1BluesKaj: he's got gnash installed which will fight with it, he needs that off first14:10
ActionParsnip1COMMODORE64: it will also say if it has a driver installed for it14:10
runpain2ActionParsnip1,what i mean is because i screwed up my KDM or GDM loading up if i reinstalled on this machine14:12
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ActionParsnip1runpain2: can be a good thing as a newb. I broke my installs loads playing with stuff14:13
COMMODORE64i used ndiswrapper -l and it listed my driver there..14:14
cumulus007hi, I'm trying to install koffice 2, but dpkg says this:14:14
ActionParsnip1cumulus007: if itsmore that 2 lines, use pastebin14:15
cumulus007trying to overwrite /usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/object-ungroup.png, which is already in kde-icons-oxygen14:15
runpain2i tried changing the file for the display manager in the .x11 configuration ththats what messed it up14:15
cumulus007so I'm trying to edit the deb package, but I don't know how14:15
runpain2so i boot live cd and re did it14:15
runpain2amd it works14:15
runpain2but i want to change the from gdm to kdm how i do that14:16
cumulus007sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm14:17
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: Can I see your samba.conf :). I thing I have everything correct, but can't connect to the share from windows...14:21
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: np bro14:23
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: http://pastebin.com/f13322aba14:23
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: you only need to read the bottom 20 lines or so14:24
cuznthmmmm my klauncher is not working14:24
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: the thing in the brackets is the share name, the rest is self explanatory14:24
cuzntwell it 1/2 is14:24
adnanbildiçözünürlüğü ayarlamak için system settings ten display e girince donuyor neden acaba14:25
runpain2got it fix ActionParsnip114:27
runpain2!kdm to gdm14:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm to gdm14:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm14:27
ActionParsnip1!info kdm14:28
ubottukdm (source: kdebase-workspace): KDE Display Manager for X11. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu13 (intrepid), package size 841 kB, installed size 2556 kB14:28
runpain2!info kdm to gdm14:28
ubottuto is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'medibuntu', 'partner']14:28
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: hmm, still not working, I think it must be something else, smbclient -L Till-desktop on the linux box works14:28
Lynx_wher Till-desktop is the linux machine14:28
runpain2!info change kdm to gdm14:29
ubottukdm is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'medibuntu', 'partner']14:29
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: oh well, have to got, thanks for the help114:29
Picirunpain2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm14:29
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: dont forget sudo smbpasswd <your username>14:30
ActionParsnip1Lynx_: and use the same password14:30
runpain2ok ok thanks Pici14:31
Lynx_ActionParsnip1: yeah, I did that14:31
byteme_I have not been getting update notifications for about 3 weeks now14:38
byteme_I have 8.04...... is that why?14:38
ActionParsnip1hardy is still supported14:39
ActionParsnip1byteme_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade14:39
Koordini have a problem with apt-get when i try to upgrade : http://rafb.net/p/pMqSCK67.html14:39
ActionParsnip1Koordin: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.1.85-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get update14:40
KoordinActionParsnip1: same problem14:43
ActionParsnip1Koordin: exactly the same?14:43
KoordinActionParsnip1: i think so yes14:43
ActionParsnip1oh ive seen something like this when someone was upgrading to kde 4.214:45
ActionParsnip1Koordin: try: sudo mv /usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/plasma-add-shortcut-to-menu /usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/plasma-add-shortcut-to-menu_old14:45
wrightthis is interesting...14:45
Koordinbut i'm already on kde 4.2, i was just doing to upgrade of every day ; ok i'll try14:45
byteme_thanks!! Koordin14:46
ActionParsnip1Koordin: if its no good, mv it back14:46
=== venom_ is now known as kuvenom
Koordinthere is no such file14:47
ActionParsnip1Koordin: well I copied that from your pastebin14:47
ActionParsnip1Koordin: i think theres some force options you can use14:47
Koordinyes i see that 'trying to overwrite'14:47
Koordinls -a /usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/ | grep plasma : this as no output14:49
Koordinbyteme_:  ?14:49
Koordini'll come back14:52
guidopugliesequali codec posso scaricare?14:53
Pici!it | guidopugliese14:53
ubottuguidopugliese: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:53
ActionParsnip1sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.1.85-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb14:53
ActionParsnip1Koordin: try that14:53
Koordin-does someone have another idea ?14:55
ActionParsnip1Koordin-: that will force the install of the funny deb14:57
Koordin-ActionParsnip1: that ? i was disconnected, can you resend me your command ?14:58
ActionParsnip1sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.1.85-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb14:58
randagioqualke italiano?14:59
ActionParsnip1i gotta split guys14:59
Koordin-thanks this worked14:59
ActionParsnip1Koordin-: after you run that, sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --force-yes upgrade15:00
Koordin-ok thanks15:00
randagiochi mi può aiutare?????15:00
Pici!it | randagio15:01
ubotturandagio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:01
randagiograzie mille15:02
randagiovolevo solo sapere come fare un flv to avi..15:02
jarekhello all ;]15:18
owl_i jsut got 8.10 installed got compiz up installed emerald but cant get my themes to take. what am i forgetting15:19
Psi-JackOkay, WHY in the hell is "NetworkManager" replacing MY resolv.conf settings I put in?!15:19
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* BouibHeuWay vous inquietez po, c est po la fin du monde !!!15:28
=== BouibHeuWay is now known as Bouib
* Bouib Attention MesDames et Messieurs, dans un instant, çà va commencer..... :))15:28
Pici!fr | Bouib15:28
ubottuBouib: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:28
Bouibi speak english too15:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.15:34
COMMODORE64I was asked to run lshw -C network15:35
ville-vi just installed kubuntu, but sounds are not working, what can i do for it?15:45
COMMODORE64I was asked to run lshw -C network15:48
COMMODORE64Any idea on bringing my wlan online?15:48
Ahmuckis there a kubuntu poster similar to ubuntu highway poster i could print and hang up?15:49
COMMODORE64Ahmuch should be.15:58
Psi-JackI installed Ubuntu 8.10, and then installed kubuntu-desktop, but NetworkManager stuff has stopped working proper.15:58
COMMODORE64Same here psi.16:00
COMMODORE64I had to grab latest ndiswrapper to get it working properly -_-16:00
COMMODORE64and i think you means Knetworkmanager.16:01
cumulus007why is the koffice-kde4 package broken?16:01
Psi-JackYes, it stopped working, both nm-applet, from Gnome, and knetworkmanager,  no longer properly utilizes NetworkManager.16:01
cumulus007it refuses to install16:02
COMMODORE64No can't help you there16:03
COMMODORE64cumulus007 you might want to reinstall it16:03
Psi-JackWell, I don't use gnome., That's why I installed kubuntu-desktop. :p16:04
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COMMODORE64Hold on16:05
COMMODORE64if you are using KDE, why are you using nm-applet?16:05
Psi-JackI'm not.16:05
COMMODORE64.:11·01·58:. «Psi-Jack» Yes, it stopped working, both nm-applet, from Gnome, and knetworkmanager, no longer properly utilizes NetworkManager.16:05
Psi-JackIt USED to work, but it too, fails, like knetworkmanager fails.16:05
COMMODORE64well, i'm waiting for someone to take a look at my wlan problem ^^16:06
Psi-JackBoth fail to actually do anything besides tell me eth1 is active.16:06
rafael_somebody uses kurumin  NG16:24
OxDeadC0dehey so I killed a locked up xorg durring an adept update, it was installing packages when it crashed, afterwards apt-get etc told me to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to fix problems, so when I do that, i get "dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed." any idea how to debug this?16:27
Psi-JackHere's my problem now.16:29
Psi-JackI got nm-applet to work, but I hate nm-applet, it's Gnome...16:29
Psi-Jackknetworkmanager is not working at all.16:29
COMMODORE64I was asked to run lshw -C network16:32
COMMODORE64Any idea on bringing my wlan online?16:32
Psi-JackI don't do wireless, myself.16:32
stefanjrklbchecking for GLIB - version >= 1.2.2... no16:44
stefanjrklb*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found16:44
stefanjrklb*** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in16:44
stefanjrklb*** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the16:44
stefanjrklb*** full path to glib-config.16:44
Pici!paste | stefanjrklb16:44
ubottustefanjrklb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:44
stefanjrklbwhat to do with this?16:44
stefanjrklbi install glib which i download :)16:45
Picistefanjrklb: glib is part of the base system, its wise to not mess with the version that comes with Kubuntu.16:45
stefanjrklbok i understand16:45
Picistefanjrklb: What are you compiling and have you installed the build-essential package?16:45
stefanjrklbbut i want to install xmms and i need it16:46
Picistefanjrklb: xmms is no longer supported, I suggest that you not install it.  There are other media players that are similar, such as audacious.16:47
stefanjrklbok I didin't know that :)16:47
stefanjrklbThx Pici :)16:47
Pici!software > stefanjrklb16:47
ubottustefanjrklb, please see my private message16:47
stefanjrklbI install audacious16:50
stefanjrklbbut when I put my songs into playlist and when i press play16:50
stefanjrklbmusic is not playing :/16:50
stefanjrklbdo you know what to do with this16:51
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:51
=== john is now known as ghone
stefanjrklbbut which codecs i need to install ?16:53
geniistefanjrklb: What format is your music in?16:54
stefanjrklbmostly in mp316:54
mozahello, i would really appreciate if somebody could give me a hint about what packages to intall/remove to downgrade from kde4 to kde316:57
geniiApologies on lag, work needed me16:57
thefishanyone know if there are isues with the alpha-2 cd images for jaunty?16:58
geniistefanjrklb: Usually something like libxine1-ffmpeg   or  from the medibuntu repository: w32codecs16:59
geniithefish: Ask in #ubuntu+1 please16:59
geniimoza: Are you in 8.04 or 8.10 ?16:59
mozai am in intrepid ibex, which should be (i'm looking right now)17:00
geniimoza: In 8.10 there is currently no kde3 which to install17:00
moza:( ok17:00
hell_go back to 8.0417:01
mozathat's really bad... but thanks for the info17:01
geniimoza: There may later be a ppa for it, but currently no17:01
hell_moza i agry, i'm on 8.04 only for that17:01
geniimoza: You're welcome17:01
mozawhat is a ppa?17:01
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:02
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mozaok, thanks17:02
bazhangfor Open Office 3 for example17:03
* genii hands bazhang a coffee17:03
bazhangthanks genii !17:03
Anpu_hello all17:04
Anpu_i have problem17:04
Anpu_i m kubuntu user17:04
Anpu_and i cant see any hdd from windows nymore17:04
Anpu_any idea how to fix it?17:04
mozathanks for all, i go back to my 8.04 have a good evening/day17:05
Psi-JackI installed mysql-server stuff, and I imported my own mysqldump'd SQL, but because I did that, debian-sys-maint and mysql have problems now starting and stopping.17:05
hell_Anpu_ sure17:06
hell_mount them17:07
Anpu_ok, but i ve no idea ids of hdds17:08
hell_Anpu_ install disk manager17:08
Anpu_and command was mount (id number)?17:08
Anpu_aha ok17:08
Anpu_hm it ll last 1h to upgrade all. ok hell_ when i install it, i can see there ids and then execute mount for each? and how to set that they mount on every os start automatically?17:12
hell_disk manager will show you all your partition17:12
hell_and allow you to mount them17:12
hell_you juste need to launch it as root17:13
hell_(sudo disk-manager)17:13
Anpu_ok. thanks a lot!17:13
hell_and for the auto mount i don't know in kde 3.5 i know we can do it17:13
hell_in kde4 i donno17:13
Psi-JackHow do I get kbluetooth working proper?17:13
Psi-Jackkbluetooth4(7742) Solid::Control::ManagerBasePrivate::loadBackend: Backend loaded:  "BlueZ"17:14
Psi-Jackkbluetooth4(7742) KBlueTray::offlineMode: offline Mode17:14
Anpu_i ll try google it then for kde 417:14
Psi-JackIt just goes right to offline mode, and no system tray icon for it.17:14
geniiPsi-Jack: If this is in 8.10, bluetooth is currently broken17:18
Psi-JackWorked in Gnome. :p17:18
Psi-JackDespite the fact I don't like Gnome too much.17:19
geniiPsi-Jack: If you require bluetooth, maybe keep Gnome around til kbluetooth is fixed17:19
Psi-JackSo it's kbluetooth4 that's broken?17:19
geniiPsi-Jack: From what I understand, aye17:19
Psi-JackI'm now suddenly tempted to completely frack everything, and install Linux Mint 5. heh17:20
Psi-JackOr go grab Kubuntu 8.04 anyway.17:20
geniiPsi-Jack: Won't do much good for Mint or other *buntu derivatives, since the problem is futher up in the packages17:20
Psi-JackThere's just tooooo many problems in 8.1017:20
Psi-JackFor example, I installed Ubuntu 8.10 itself..17:21
Psi-JackThen added kubuntu-desktop.17:22
Psi-Jackknetworkmanager doesn't work 100%17:22
Psi-Jacknm-applet works fine, but not knetworkmanager.17:22
geniiPsi-Jack: It's an intermediate release between long-term support releases, so they are always messing with stuff that will eventually find it's way into the next LTS. So this tinkering is in it's early stages since first intermediate release since 8.0417:22
COMMODORE64Any idea on bringing my wlan online?17:23
COMMODORE64I was asked to run lshw -C network17:23
geniiPsi-Jack: If you need stability, stick to 8.04 for now17:23
Psi-Jackgenii: So, what are you saying? LTS is always going to be more stable than other releases?17:23
geniiPsi-Jack: Exactly17:23
Psi-JackBut, LTS also incorporates older software, correct?17:24
geniiPsi-Jack: Yes. Stable older software17:24
Psi-JackOr does LTS keep fairly current on major versions of that?17:24
Psi-JackLike, does 8.04 come with KDE 4.1.3?17:24
geniiPsi-Jack: There are backports17:24
Psi-JackOr is it older?17:24
Psi-JackSupported /stable/ backports, or unsupported?17:25
geniiPsi-Jack: backports are supported. the -proposed repo is not, however17:25
Psi-JackOkay. So, then I ask: If I went to install 8.04, for stability purposes. Would I still be able to get KDE4?17:26
geniiPsi-Jack: Yes. Install kubuntu-kde4-desktop17:26
Psi-JackComes standard with kde3?17:27
geniiPsi-Jack: Yes, 8.04 has kde3 standard17:27
* Psi-Jack nods.17:27
Psi-JackBut, kde4 would still have the bluetooth issue, wouldn't it? ;)17:27
geniiPsi-Jack: You'd have to check, but probably yes I would think so17:28
geniiWork requires me, AFK a few17:29
Dr_LinkI'm running the alternate, text based CD install, and for some reason, during the install, it's stalled at "Select and install Software"  "6%" "Please wait..."17:42
Dr_LinkThere is a lot of CD activity but no progress being shown on screen.17:42
Tm_TDr_Link: did you check cd?17:42
Dr_Linkoh, wow.17:42
Dr_Linkit just jumped to 18%17:42
hyper_chI'm back17:42
Psi-JackFor things like Kopete and KMail, how do I stop having to enter my password for KWallet... The whole point of storing passwords is so I don't have to keep entering the blasted thing17:43
geniiDr_Link: So just let it run17:43
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COMMODORE64I was asked to run lshw -C network17:58
COMMODORE64Any idea on bringing my wlan online?17:58
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greencookie<3 :). Kubuntu > ubuntu18:07
wesleyAre more people having the problem? when you miniminze a Window that the taskbar flickers ? ( When using only on open window in kde4 ) ( special effects )18:07
wikkiwell that sucks, installed kubuntu on a usb disk and it wacked the MBR on my main drive18:11
COMMODORE64i was going to try and remaster knoppix tonight and move it to USB :)18:13
COMMODORE64I was asked to run lshw -C network18:14
COMMODORE64Any idea on bringing my wlan online?18:14
Reformer81Ever since I started using Amarok 2, it has given an error when starting that my "audio playback device does not work."  But I could always here the music anyway.  Now, after installing an Amarok update today, I don't get any sound.  What gives?18:17
DaSkreechThey fixed the error not working as it should18:21
DaSkreechwillis__: Hell ?18:23
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pronoy!kde 4.218:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde 4.218:28
pronoyis kde 4.2 out ?18:28
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde418:28
ubottuKDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 Beta 1 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/node/58 | Support in #kubuntu18:29
agapitoquale la chat italiana?18:30
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:30
pronoykde 4.1.2 is the official de for intrepid right ?18:30
DaSkreechpronoy: Yes18:30
pronoyhow do i make all windows open up in default maximized state rather than to maximize them after opening them?18:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:33
ra_Hi, so I have just started using KDE.  Obviously, it will take a bit of time to get used to, I like things efficient, any ideas on making KDE a little more simple and efficient18:33
wesleyhow can i safely upgrade to jaunty ?18:34
DaSkreechwesley: install it from the cd I would think. You have a breakable box ?18:35
DaSkreechra_: That depends on your idea of simple of course18:35
Psi-JackFor things like Kopete and KMail, how do I stop having to enter my password for KWallet... The whole point of storing passwords is so I don't have to keep entering the blasted thing18:35
DaSkreechPsi-Jack: Empty password I think18:36
sourcemakerwhere is the configuration file located which contains the font settings in kde?18:36
Psi-JackDaSkreech: Okay.. How do I erase the password of an existing wallet, then? ;)18:36
wesleyDaSkreech i know that but, they still dont have fixed the intel gma bug18:36
COMMODORE64here you are DaSkreech18:37
COMMODORE64actionparsnip runs off on me18:37
wesleyAnd they probably wont fix the bug in intrepid18:37
COMMODORE64he asked me to run lshw -C network18:37
COMMODORE64appearing my wlan0 is offline for very strange reason18:37
DaSkreechwesley: Well if they haven' fixed it in Jaunty why are you running to it?18:38
wesleyBigger change they fix it there ???18:38
ra_DaSkreech, true.  I used to run Gnome, but I wanted too the other major desktop as KDE is used on many other distros as default.  Just looking to make it easier to work.  Is there a launch bar or something I could use.  Also, adept seems a little clumsey as opposed to synaptic any ideas18:38
DaSkreechwesley: Yes true but you can find that out without breaking your computer18:39
Psi-JackWhen I run kwalletmanager, nothing ever happens.18:39
DaSkreechra_: Yes long story behind that18:39
DaSkreechra_: Well you may want to update to KDE 4.2 as in the topic18:39
wesleyDaSkreech indeed thats true, but its a shame the bug exist, its making kde4 look bad18:39
COMMODORE64DaSkreech can you take a look at it sooner?18:40
DaSkreechKDe4 would say it makes X look bad18:40
cyfalhas the bluetooth-bug in jaunty been fixed? i'm thinking about upgrading18:40
DaSkreechbut that's semantics I guess18:40
DaSkreechWhat's with everyone upgrading to Jaunty?18:40
ra_DaSkreech, will that help.  Is KDE 4.1 a bad representation of KDE?18:40
wesleyMaby desperate ? Because 8.10 seems to have many problems ( KDE 4.1 is not bad )18:41
DaSkreechra_: 4.2 is better18:41
DaSkreechwesley: Honestly asking how to upgrade to Jaunty probably excludes you from running Jaunty18:41
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ra_DaSkreech: Glad to see the linux world moving forward.  Would is alievate some of my objections?18:42
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wesleyI dont run Jaunty and i wont upgrade if there no safe way18:42
DaSkreechra_: I don't know what your objections are18:42
Reformer81Ever since I started using Amarok 2, it has given an error when starting that my "audio playback device does not work."  But I could always here the music anyway.  Now, after installing an Amarok update today, I don't get any sound.  What gives?18:42
DaSkreechwesley: There is a safe way but Jaunty itself is not safe It's assured to break18:42
ra_DaSkreech:  Need of a launcher, Adept not as great as synaptic (a bit clumsey)18:43
cyfalso you would recommend not to upgrade to jaunty? i just would like to get the newest kde and amarok version18:43
DaSkreechra_: What kind of launcher? Krunner isn't good ?18:43
DaSkreechcyfal: Read the topic18:43
wesleyI just hope Ubuntu does fix that Intel bug, because i always though: With intel you have the best Linux desktop experience18:43
ra_DaSkreech: Don't Know didn't know it existed.  Trying to get around in KDE18:44
wesleyMan need to get to the super market18:44
DaSkreechcyfal: Kubuntu normally has the latest packages availe fr at least the last release18:45
ra_DaSkreech:  Here is something to.  So Now I want to install Krunner, In Synaptic, I would search for Krunner.  But if I do that in Adept, I seem to miss it18:45
DaSkreechwesley: You can track that wouth out installing Jaunty I wouldn't recomend it befre at least the 2 or 3rd beta18:45
DaSkreechra_: Adept has a bug when you ad a repo it drops the xapian database18:46
wesleyJust need to find the correct bug, thney nominated it, but i dont know how the process on the bug is18:46
DaSkreechra_: Feel free to use Synaptic. Adept was a gret effort by one man to be out in time for the release of 8.10 but that brings in bugs sadly18:46
ra_DaSkreech: I hate that crossing of GTK into the KDE.  It bothers me so.18:47
DaSkreechra_: :-) feel free to use the command line as well18:47
ra_DaSkreech: True18:48
DaSkreechwesley: Takes a short time to learn and would be well worth it as you become a better open source helper18:48
wesleyi help time to time, but i feel a bit useless because none off the bugs i find are fixed18:49
DaSkreechwesley: what type of bugs ?18:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gambas18:50
wesleysmall bugs, look a feel, mostly regression, stuff like that, what a normal user would see,18:50
pronoyhey can anyone tell me what gambas is ?18:50
cyfalDaSkreech: oh sorry, I got confused with the names. Actually, I meant Hardy, not Jaunty. The newest kde-version isn't available for Hardy so I'm thinking about an upgrade to 8.1018:51
DaSkreechwesley: regression bugs are good candidates to report18:51
DaSkreech!info gambas18:51
ubottuPackage gambas does not exist in intrepid18:51
ra_DaSkreech: Do you know the package?  Sudo apt-get install krunner doesn't work18:51
DaSkreechcyfal: oh you can follow the Intreprid notes18:51
delilazhello room, when upgrading kubuntu to hardy via konsole a window showed up stating that I must restart the display manager manually, kdm, vdm and mdm need to be restarted for the new version of libpum???18:51
DaSkreech!upgrade | cyfal click on the 8.10 instructions. May want to try the server upgrade18:52
ubottucyfal click on the 8.10 instructions. May want to try the server upgrade: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:52
DaSkreechdelilaz: RIght18:52
delilazHow do I do that???18:52
wesleyAlso hardware issius did i report, the AR5007 orso i did report it before 8.04 did release it, i know the fix even, but its still not into kubuntu18:53
cyfalI don't worry about the upgrade, have done that several times. I just wanted to know if the bluetooth bug in Hardy is already solved.18:53
DaSkreechdelilaz: When you are ready to do so sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart This will kill your GUI so save anything you have open and make sure processes are not running. You can also logout and on the login screen press ^E then log back in18:53
DaSkreechwesley: Wait you know the fix? bug a MOTU18:54
DaSkreechcyfal: No18:54
wesleyYeah i know the fix for a athereos wireless lan card ( that doesnt work out off the box )18:54
Armagguedesdoes anyone know if there is any mobile phone compatible with Kaddressbook?18:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:55
cyfalDaSkreech: Hm, pity. But thanks for the answer.18:55
DaSkreechArmagguedes: If you can get Bluetooth working in Kubuntu any bluetooth phone would work18:55
DaSkreechcyfal: working on it though :) it's listed as fix for Jaunty18:55
delilazDaSkreech: how can processes not be running??18:55
ArmagguedesDaSkreech, i'm talking about contact synchro between KAB and the phone18:56
DaSkreechdelilaz: If you have something installing or copying etc. Anything that is in progress will be killed so wait until things calm down18:56
Armagguedeswhether its via USB or bluetooth18:56
delilazDaSkreech: Ah ok, no prob, thank you!!!18:56
wesleyhttps://launchpad.net/~velroy1  thats me DaSkreech18:57
DaSkreechGreat name :)18:57
cyfalDaSkreech: Great. :) Can you tell about how long it will take to fix it? I'd really like to upgrade to Hardy so that I can install KDE 4.1.3 and Amarok 2. ;)18:58
DaSkreechcyfal: Ok I'm confused. Where are you now?18:58
DaSkreechwesley: You do a lot of bug filing. You may want to hang out in #kubuntu-devel :)18:59
cyfalDaSkreech: I'm still with the bluetooth bug. Just mentioned my motivation to upgrade to Hardy. (Useless info, I know. ;) )19:00
wesleyDaSkreech, yeah i do indeed, but last time i didnt fill any report, but i read every new reply19:00
Armagguedeshas the nvidia graphics driver for 8.10 been improved already?19:00
DaSkreechcyfal: I thought yo uwere on hardy. I didn't know of a bluetooth bug in hardy19:01
DaSkreechArmagguedes: For some metric of improved19:01
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Guest58475I am trying to install the flash player for firefox but I have been unsuccessful19:03
Guest58475any help19:03
ArmagguedesGuest58475, add the medibuntu repositories19:04
Armagguedesi believe the flash player is in there19:04
Armagguedes(or is it .com?)19:04
wesleyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/213318/comments/7  here i already filled the fix19:04
DaSkreechGuest58475: install flashplayer-nonfree19:05
wesleyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/213318/comments/7 this the bug where i found the fix for19:05
Guest58475daskreech: I have try that but doesnt work..19:06
DaSkreechGuest58475: What does doesn't work mean?19:06
DaSkreechwesley: Ah! That kind of fix would not get in19:06
DaSkreechPossibly a backport but you would have to argue it19:07
wesleyI going release the fix, but its bad it wont get in it ( i have no idea how to backport that, but i hope madwifi will do it )19:08
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:08
pronoyhey can anyone help me in setting up tor ?19:09
Guest58475daskreech: is flashplayer-nonfree or flashplugin-nonfree?19:11
caris_mereI get kpilot to sync with kde4, but kontact never shows the information19:11
Guest58475because I only have the second option on my list.. flashplugin-nonfree19:11
DaSkreechGuest58475: plugin that's correct19:12
Guest58475daskreech: I solve the problem.. thanks.19:14
Ahmuckis there a poster like ubuntu highway poster for kubuntu i can download19:14
Guest58475daskcreech: I have another issue.. when I use the konsole, I have serious problems with the refresh.. only after I move the scroll can I see what is going on.. I am using compiz at the same time.. is that the problem? (sorry for my bad english)19:15
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DaSkreechAhmuck: No but that poster is CC attribution you can make a Kubuntu one from it and attribute it to him19:15
DaSkreechGuest58475: I'm not sure what version of KDE are you using?19:16
vlad_!how do i change the sudo password19:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:16
vlad_!sudo password change19:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:16
DaSkreechvlad_: Change your passowrd19:16
vlad_how can i change my sudo password from bash?19:17
Guest58475daskreech: making : kde-config --version -> kde 3.5.10 kde.config 1.0 qt 3.319:17
DaSkreechvlad_: Change your normal password it's the same password You can do that with the command passwd19:17
jordi_hi everyone19:17
DaSkreechGuest58475: Possibly Compiz Konsole in KDE3 was pretty solid19:18
gh0s7vlad_: in terminal type sudo passwd <account name>19:18
DaSkreechgh0s7: wrong19:18
DaSkreechvlad_: don't use sudo19:18
DaSkreechjust normal passwd19:18
DaSkreechgh0s7: Oh wait <account name> :)19:18
Guest58475daskreech: any recomendation to solve this problem?19:18
DaSkreechvlad_: No with a username that would work as well :)19:18
DaSkreechGuest58475: If you have fake transparency turned on in konsole turn it off it clashes with compiz19:19
jordi_i'm using kubuntu hardy and experiencing some lag-related problems when i use vlc, kaffeine or mplayer. The sound comes 1 second later or so than the picture. Has anybody experienced this?19:19
jordi_it doesn't matter if it's an avi file, .mpeg file o dvb-s/t19:19
jordi_it's always the same19:19
gh0s7jordi_: is your problem related to the video or is it related to the amount of memory consumed by your computer?19:19
jordi_it's not defenetly the computer itself, as i'm monitoring it through snmp and the processor never gets busier than 40%19:21
jordi_even when i'm playing video o watching dvb-s19:21
gh0s7jordi_: im at a loss19:21
gh0s7jordi_: sorry19:21
jordi_and i don't think it has to do with the player, as it happens with vlc, kaffeine or mplaer19:21
N8-D0Ghi all19:22
delilazok I'm back, I did the "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm" then all I get is this line: Usage: /etc/init.d/kdm {start|stop|reload|force-reload}19:22
jordi_gh0s7: hehe ,don't worry.19:22
PhilRoddelilaz: you need to give it one of those options - I guess you probably want 'restart'19:22
DaSkreechdelilaz: I said /etc/init.d/kdm restart19:22
delilazIs that all that's suppose to happen???19:22
jordi_may be some codec-related problem?19:22
gh0s7delilaz: "/etc/init.d/kdm restart" is the same as ctrl alt backspace isnt it?19:22
jordi_i've got all the codecs installed and updated19:22
delilazoops ok, I'll try that then :)19:23
delilazjordi: I have no clue lol19:23
gh0s7jordi_: have you tried #ubuntu ?19:23
gh0s7jordi_: oops or maybe #kde ?19:23
jordi_i was about to ask over there :)19:23
DaSkreechgh0s7: no19:24
DaSkreechgh0s7: same effect not the same thing19:24
padiwicd 1.5.6 : suddenly after the last update in kubuntu intrepid, my wireless network client says: "encryption must be enabled" when I try connecting to my WPA encrypted WLAN. ...?19:24
padibefore it worked charmingly19:24
gh0s7DaSkreech: thanks for the confirmation19:24
DaSkreechgh0s7: alt+ctrl+bkspace is more abrupt but still a clean safe shutdown of X19:24
delilazNow I got: kdm not runningkill: 194: Operation not permitted... do I have to exit konversation to do this?19:25
DaSkreechkdm shutdown sends a signal that can be reacted to by apps19:25
DaSkreechdelilaz: Do it the other way logout and on the login screen press Ctrl+E then log back in19:25
padithe exact sentence was: "tnis network requires encryption to be enabled"19:26
Guest58475daskreech: the problem with the console is still there.. I will try later but thanks19:26
delilazDaSkreech: ok thanks19:27
Guest58475any expert here can help with this please -> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3100371.019:28
delilazI've logged out, pressed ctrl+e, logged in, How do I know if it worked???19:31
DaSkreechdelilaz: I don't know what you were trying to do19:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:36
delilazDaSkreech: restarting the display manager19:36
DaSkreechdelilaz: Then that worked19:37
delilazduring upgrade it stated I must restart display manager before further M logins would be possible...19:37
DaSkreechdelilaz: Did you login ?19:37
DaSkreechMission accomplished!! Cake for everyone!!19:37
delilazbut I did that before without restarting the display manager..... weird lol19:38
DaSkreechMagic!! More cake for everyone!!!19:39
delilazhaha, thanks again for all the help DaSkreech!19:39
delilazpeace everyone19:39
DaSkreechSure thing19:39
DaSkreechYa'll come back yu hear?19:39
wesleyCake :) what did happen ?19:40
delilazthat's a given :)19:40
wesleySo i have used my dutch budget calculator XD19:40
DaSkreechwesley: You are on the internet therefore the cake is a lie19:40
wesleyA shit, i though ubuntu was going ship free cake19:41
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:41
wesleyi meant to say chips19:42
wesley( learned that one on school )19:42
wesleymay i bug about kde4.2?19:43
DaSkreechThat's the point of it being available19:43
wesleyBut they ask not to do that19:44
wesleyon kubuntu19:45
DaSkreechOh yes don't file bugs against kubuntu (unless it's obviously a kubuntu bug) file it again bugs.kde.org19:46
gh0s7hey guys whats your amarok radio station of choice?19:46
wesleyoh like that ( the intel bug is obviously a kubuntu bug ? )19:47
DaSkreechSHHHH.com the sounds of Silence (The Golden years)19:47
DaSkreechwesley: It is19:47
jussi01gh0s7: that question is better in #kubuntu-offtopic ;)19:47
gh0s7jussi01: oops thanks19:47
wesleyDaSkreech which Grafische card do you have ?19:52
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DaSkreechATI 960019:52
wesleyDoes it work good with kde4 ?19:53
DaSkreechWorks fantastic for me there is a bug with the shadows but I'm not that fussy19:55
wesleyHave you ever worked with a Via pc ?19:57
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wesleyVia c720:00
DaSkreechNot recently20:00
wesleyi am wondering will that work okay? they say via uses not much energy and is very cheap20:00
wesleya motherboard with a via c7 and 1 gb memory for only € 6920:01
DaSkreechIt should You can hit the kubuntu or Kde forums to chat some more20:01
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bushwhacker_where can i find the mac80211 for kernel ?20:09
DaSkreechThe what?20:13
bushwhacker_i remembered i tried to install the mac80211 for wifi, it failed because my kerner is not compatible on older mac8021120:13
athlon1Any of you know a prgram for controlling linux with a mobile like bluepad? I'm unable to do bluepad to work with kubuntu 8.04...20:16
SensaeThis is ridiculous. Fresh install of Kubuntu, Grub error 1720:17
COMMODORE64someone booted me off.20:17
caligula__hey guys20:17
COMMODORE64anyway did you said something after me saying the incompatibility at old version of mac8021120:17
caligula__anyone here any good with setting up a mail server?20:17
^peter^I installed Kubuntu 8.1   and mostly works fine.  But no password was aasked for root in installation.  WHEN i use su command, it will not accept the password I put in for log-in20:23
Mamarok^peter^: there is no root password, but the first user gets sudo rights by default20:24
^peter^Mamarok   Ah ok, but it does not let me use my password which works ok to log in (I am the only user).20:25
Pici^peter^: don't use su, use sudo.20:26
Pici!sudo | ^peter^20:26
ubottu^peter^: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:26
^peter^But perjaps I have assumed that you can be su, but it then allows sudo for each command ?20:26
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^peter^Yes I did not try sudo   thanks I will go back to that20:27
^peter^ubottu  thanks for that link.  I see the problem now.   I just have not used linux for quite some time, and times change.20:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
^peter^oh  !!!!20:30
^peter^Thanks Pici20:32
Pici^peter^: sure :)20:32
DaSkreechSensae: Yeha I had the same problem20:33
DekansIs quickacces available with KDE 4.2 ?20:34
DaSkreech^peter^: no you are right there is a su Ubuntu has made the choice to disable it.20:35
DaSkreechDekans: Yes it's installed by deafult20:35
DaSkreech^peter^: Somethings don't really change :)20:35
wesleythe Intel GMA 950 is that a good /20:36
wesleywould run kubuntu fine on this system ?20:38
Psi-Jackwesley: Looking.20:38
Psi-JackOh, definately.20:38
wesleyIts the Intel atom ( duo )20:39
wesleyI wanna build a costum mini pc20:39
Psi-JackUbuntu with KDE4.1.3 I'm running now, is only an AMD Athlon XP 32-bit 2800+, and runs it fine.20:39
wesleyDid you ever hear of Via C7 ?20:40
Psi-JackNot me.20:40
wesleyThats very cheap processors, but its only 1200 mhz20:41
Psi-JackI only deal with AMD or Intel.. AMD > Intel.20:41
Psi-JackVIA CPUs suck.20:41
Psi-JackFor conventional use.20:41
antiroachheh amd is gonna go bankrup20:41
Psi-JackNo they ain't.20:41
wesleyThat atom is intresseting because its a low comsuming processor20:42
Psi-JackVIA CPU's are okay for embedded systems, which is exactly what they are geared for.20:42
wesleyThe Atom is defitely better with 2 cores :)20:43
wesley1600 x 220:43
wesleywondering if i can get them cheap in the netherlands20:45
DekansDaSkreech: thanks20:45
DaSkreechDekans: alt+F2 -> Click on the Wrench -> Change to command mode I think.20:45
DaSkreechantiroach: They can't20:46
milemistI'm trying to install some proprietary drivers with the "Hardware Drivers" application, but several packages seem to be missing. Do I need to install those one by one? could someone tell me?20:46
Picimilemist: Why do you think packages are missing?20:49
BluesKajdrivers for what , milemist ?20:49
Psi-JackHow do I get OSS devices listed in KDE4.1's sound settings Audio Capture listing to actually show up using the gstreamer backend?20:49
DaSkreechDekans: Alt+F2 -> Click the wrench -> user Interface -> Task oriented20:49
milemistWhen I try to activate the drivers, while installing them, it says "sorry, package "XXXX" failed to install or upgrade!20:51
milemistthe drivers are for a broadcom card20:51
milemistand an ATI graphics driver20:52
Guest58475I am usign kde 3.5 should I upgrade to 4.1??20:53
CTShadowhow do i remove entries from kmenu in kde4.1?20:53
Psi-JackWhat's a KDE4 recording program?20:55
Psi-JackCTShadow: Right click the menu button, Menu Editor20:56
DekansDaSkreech: ah ok, I understood quickaccess was on the board out of the box20:56
Dekansthank you20:56
CTShadowPsi-Jack: thank you very much, i should have thought of that myself20:56
Psi-JackYeah, a lot of KDE is pretty much common sense these days. ;)20:57
DaSkreechDekans: Board?20:57
Psi-JackAlways has been really, but it's even more so in the 4 series than ever before.20:57
DaSkreechGuest58475: I have no idea. If KDE 4.1 works for you then yes if it doesn't then no20:57
Psi-JackUnlike Gnome, hiding everything in gconf crap.20:57
antiroachPsi-Jack k3b20:57
Psi-Jackantiroach: k3b is a CD burning program.20:57
Psi-Jackantiroach: I need audio recording.20:58
antiroachi know20:58
antiroachwhat do you mean by recording ?20:58
antiroachah ok gotcha.20:58
antiroachmaybe audacity does it ?20:58
DaSkreechkdenlive  ?20:58
antiroachor krecorder heh20:58
DaSkreechWhat level of Audio recording?20:58
Psi-JackRight now? Simple microphone stuff.20:58
DekansDaSkreech: what's the name for kicker in HDE 4 ?20:59
torerogive me please cannel from Russia20:59
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:59
Psi-JackBut, I don't see krecord.20:59
antiroachsudo aptitude install krecord ?20:59
Psi-JackE: Package krecord has no installation candidate20:59
Psi-JackPackage krecord is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source21:00
antiroachhmm ya thats strange21:00
CTShadowPsi-Jack: Jeah, you'r right. But when you are working with Windows all your life you forget common sense :)21:00
DaSkreechCTShadow: Praise be. Someone else sees the insanity21:00
Psi-JackCTShadow: Not really. Besides Window's registry, most of the basic functions are still common sense21:00
Psi-JackWhich is exactly what Gnome seems to be copying, Window's errors with registery. ;)21:01
DaSkreechPsi-Jack: No a lot of Windows is crazy when trying to explain it to someone who has no clue21:01
Psi-JackI never had a problem.21:02
DaSkreechLinux is bad but at least it focuses on teaching you core concepts and building on them21:02
DaSkreech WIndows is purely random21:02
CTShadowDaSkreech: yeah, and in my opinion it is awful that nearly everyone grows up with windows and often doesn't even know that there are also other, even better, operating systems21:03
DaSkreechCTShadow: Only you can change that!!21:05
DaSkreech*cough* and thousands of programmers artists organizers and supporters21:05
DaSkreechOnly you!!21:05
Dekanskde3 apps icons don't go in the systray21:06
Dekansbut KDE 4.2 seems pretty cool =)21:06
=== pavel_ is now known as pavelmorbid
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde4.221:09
Psi-JackOkay. In Firefox 3, since I initially installed Ubuntu, not Kubuntu, Firefox wants to use Evolution for mail, but I don't want to use Evolution for mail, instead, I use Kmail (for now):  How do I properly configure Firefox to use kmail, as it's not listed as an action in the dropdown list?21:09
DaSkreechGuest58475: Read the topic21:09
DekansPsi-Jack: in firefox preferences21:10
Dekansthere's an applications tab21:10
Psi-JackI'm there now.21:11
Dekansyou should sut it up here21:11
Psi-JackAs I said, kmail is not listed in the drop-down list. ;)21:11
Psi-JackGMail and Yahoo Mail are, or Other, which I presume is what I'd need to do.. But..21:11
DaSkreechyou can do other and put in the output of which kmail I think21:11
* Psi-Jack tilts his head.21:11
DekansPsi-Jack: you can find kmail21:12
Dekansin /usr/bin/kmail21:12
camdna97hey guys, is there a documented way to install kubuntu using a floopy boot disk and the image on a usb drive?21:13
Psi-JackOkay, cool. I wasn't sure that'd be all there need to do.21:14
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:15
camdna97ok, tring to get it installed on a laptop that the cd-drive is bad21:16
sourcemakerwhere is the configuration file located which contains the font settings for kde?21:16
jtismecamdna97, hold on i may have the url21:21
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jtismecamdna97, here is one i know about http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:22
robinrThe upgrade instructions for 8.04-8.10 says: kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel"21:24
robinrbut I have no kdesu21:25
Psi-JackDaSkreech: Heh, that URL you gave earlier, doesn't seem to want to work. ;)21:25
DaSkreechi gave lots of urls21:25
Psi-JackDaSkreech: I double-click a file in the download list, in this case, a tar.gz, it opens it, immediately.21:25
Psi-JackDaSkreech: The one about Firefox. ;)21:25
antiroachrobinr sudo aptitude install kdesu21:26
antiroachor maybe not :(21:26
antiroachrobinr sudo aptitude install kdesudo21:27
DaSkreechrobinr: kdesudo21:28
DaSkreechMight not be symlinked correctly21:28
robinrand the rest? I have not kdesu and no adept_manager21:30
antiroachyour distro is fucked up heh21:30
robinrthis page btw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades21:30
antiroachkdesudo should make kdesu for you21:30
antiroachwhat are you upgrading from21:30
antiroachsudo aptitude install adept21:31
robinrforget it...21:32
DaSkreech!ohmy | antiroach21:32
ubottuantiroach: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:32
robinrit says I have 8.10, i could swear it was 8.0.421:32
antiroachDaSkreech haha sorry21:33
robinrthanks anyway21:33
DaSkreechrobinr: You are on Ibex21:35
robinrDaSkreech: Codename:       intrepid21:37
robinrit says21:37
robinrRelease:        8.1021:37
DaSkreechrobinr: you are up to date21:37
robinrso kde 4.2 is not included, ok21:37
DaSkreechrobinr: 4.2 doesn't exist yet21:38
Dr_LinkKDE > GNOME > Xfce > Fluxbox.21:46
sourcemakerdo I need a std.vcf file resource... if I use akonadi?21:49
sourcemakerkde 4.2 b221:49
DaSkreechsourcemaker: you can if you like21:50
sourcemakerDaSkreech: I am not sure... but do I need both?21:56
DaSkreechsourcemaker: no21:58
sourcemakerDaSkreech:  in system settings... I can define the akonadi resource for my contacts... this is a std.vcf file21:58
sourcemakerDaSkreech: but in kresource... I can also define this...21:59
sourcemakerDaSkreech: ok... I understand now... wow... :-)22:00
yotuxis there a way to make websites think that I am using firefox when I am using konquerer22:09
DaSkreechyotux: tools menu22:10
yotuxI am new to KDE and willing to give it a try22:10
geniiyotux: An oldie but goodie http://forum.soft32.com/linux/Konqueror-User-Agent-ftopict282046.html22:11
Dekansdoes someone know how to have a notification only for the first message ssend by a contact in kopete22:11
Dekansand note the 3 or 4 lines in a column of notifications at one time22:11
yotuxdo you guys use konquere more than firefox?22:11
geniiyotux: Not me22:11
DekansI tried to 'enqueue' messages but it's not that22:12
Dekansyotux: nope22:12
yotuxgenii: what do you use?22:12
avihaybyotux: about 10% of the sites I use don't preform well on knoq22:12
yotuxsafe to assume you are using firefox?22:12
geniiyotux: Firefox, generally. But also elinks since I'm ssh-ing a lot22:13
avihaybit is. but I was thinking seriously of switching to chromioum22:13
yotuxchrome is coll was not aware there was a nix version yet.  Use it a work where there are only windows clients22:14
DaSkreechDekans: It only shows the first one22:14
Psi-JackOkay, Screw it. How do I upgrade KDE to 4.2 beta, but /just/ KDE?22:14
yotuxFor me firefox is really slow with gmail22:14
geniiPsi-Jack: The 4.2 beta link is in the /topic :)22:15
Psi-JackOh.. Well..22:15
avihaybI had lot's of problems with firefox on this 8.10 release. untill I change the QT4 engine or renderer or whatever it's called22:15
yotuxyou have a like for that ?22:16
DaSkreechPsi-Jack: What?22:16
DekansDaSkreech: not for me :(22:16
geniiWell, I gotta leave work and go home. I'll be /away now.22:16
Psi-JackI'm good. Looking at KDE4.2beta222:16
yotuxdrive safe genii22:16
DekansI have several messages at one time in notifications22:16
DaSkreechDekans: Use a message queue and check queue unread messages22:17
avihaybanyone can hint me as to how I can get my display adapter to behave? intel 965 kubuntu 8.1022:17
Psi-JackWhy does adept suck so much though? I find myself using synaptic more, because it's interface has more to it, more informational.22:17
DekansDaSkreech: it's what i did22:17
DekansI don't think I have to restart kopete22:18
DaSkreechPsi-Jack: The authour wrote it in a very short time period as a favour to get it there in time for Kubuntu 81.0 release22:18
DaSkreechDekans: You don't. It will queue up a bunch of stuff22:18
avihaybPsi-Jack: My theory is that adept was designed by aliens for aliens useing dead alien parts, but thats just a theory22:18
DaSkreechDekans: Press ctrl+Shift+I and it will jump to the first message and dequeue the rest22:18
DaSkreechAs long as you have the window focused you will get no more notifications22:19
DaSkreech when it's not focused it will queue up the first one again with a trail22:19
Dekansbut when the window doesn't have22:19
Dekansif I receive 5 lines of message22:19
DekansI have 5 notifications22:19
Dekansand I 'enqueue' messages :/22:20
DaSkreechDekans: ctrl+shit+I should remove all of them22:20
avihaybI find adept so counter intuituve, that I can't use it for more then 30 sec at a time in fear of major headakes22:20
DaSkreechavihayb: It's dead. The Authour blogged it two days ago22:20
DekansDaSkreech: It's not a good solution, I wanna have one single notification for one contact chating22:20
Dekansbut it's not very important22:21
avihayblonk live synaptic!22:21
DaSkreechDekans: Yeah it used to work like that but ironically it drove me crazy22:21
DaSkreechDekans: You can suggest a solution in #kopete or code a new option22:21
avihaybok, here is one for you: How do I stop my system from changeing the numlock status while shift is pressed?22:22
Dekanscoding would take me a lot of time, and I don't have it for now :(22:23
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
Koordin-hi, does someone here have a little time to spend for me ? i have a sound that has a very bad quality, could someone help me to turn it right ? i tried with audacity, but without sucess ... http://www.partage-facile.com/148434-partie_1.wma.html  please i need someone's help22:27
avihaybyotux: well, seems codeweavers just made chromum compatible with wine, so it's not a reasonable browser solution22:30
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de22:36
denis_Hello, I have problems installing Amarok 222:38
denis_I added the source but Adept doesn't show me the amarok-kkde package22:39
bahromg this kde thing is really totally different than my old windows thingy :-o22:52
DaSkreechbahr: ha ha :-)23:03
mr_clarkHi guys. Upgraded to Openoffice.org 3. When I start it I get a message about recovering a file, it crashes and the only error I see on the command line is:23:03
mr_clarkASSERT: "slOpt" in file /build/buildd/kde4libs-4.1.2/kdeui/kernel/kstyle.cpp, line 331423:04
mr_clarkI did a google search and found some others with the same problem but no solution. Any ideas?23:04
wvmac_mr_clark: same problem here, haven't looked for a solution yet23:05
mr_clarkHoping I can easily downgrade. just trying it now. Very frustrating.23:07
mr_clarkEvery other distro seems to have 3 included.23:08
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DaSkreechmr_clark: There is a PPA with KDE323:13
geniiDaSkreech: It may or may not be up right now23:13
DaSkreechgenii: Curses23:14
DaSkreechAnyway I'm off23:14
geniiThe kubuntu devs asked the guy to make sure it doesn't break anything first, previously he had been distributing it from his own website23:15
* genii gives DaSkreech a parting gift23:16
sigma20can someone please post me a screenshot of the kmail message view  from beta 2?23:17
mr_clarkDarkriftX, I don't want to go back to kde 3.23:29
mr_clarkoops. sorry.23:29
mr_clarkThat was for DaSkreech23:29
Psi-JackDoes the kubuntu 8.10 installer allow you to define and setup LVM stripes?23:30
Psi-JackOr LVM at all? (but hopefully defining striping, not just concat)23:31
bob_can you "share" a mount point like you can a windows share?23:42
=== Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack
PsyrixI just installed KDE for Ubuntu 8.10, and i log in, and the text is so small....i can't tell what i am doing, can anyone help me?23:55
geniibob_: For linux-linux machine sharing, you mean? Or some other thing23:57

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