
PalintheusI'm trying to understand why the stance on this bug is "deal with it" anyone provide some insight? bug 17389000:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install due to md5sum mismatch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389000:14
LaserJockPalintheus: in what way?00:19
Palintheus"Either way, anyone wanting to use the Ubuntu package is going to have to put up with the periodic breakage. So my point is that they can either wait for the package to go through the update process, or install it themselves."00:19
Palintheusif someone happens to install flash during one of the times it breaks they could dump ubuntu right there, it seems that the wait or do it yourself attitude shouldn't be the right thing.00:20
LaserJockPalintheus: that's just one person's opinion though, in that comment00:20
LaserJockPalintheus: I wouldn't take that as the "stance"00:21
Palintheusthe fact that it's not changed and marked fix released, yet it's currently broken makes me think different00:21
Palintheusthe package was just updated with a new md5sum, not really a fix imho00:21
LaserJockPalintheus: why would you think that?00:21
Palintheusbecause I'm talking to someone right now who is having the issue and is pretty irritated about it after they found that bug00:22
LaserJockPalintheus: sure, no doubt00:22
LaserJockit's a very irritating bug00:22
* Hobbsee mutters about propriatory software, and being annoying by default.00:22
LaserJockvery irritating to those of use who've had to deal with it00:23
wharpyes it is, it's a deal-breaker for a new user trying ubuntu00:23
LaserJockbut as far as I know there isn't a really good solution outside of Adobe naming their files differently00:23
LaserJockwhich I *think* somebody was talking to them about00:23
Palintheusor give the user the option to ignore the warning00:24
Palintheusnot as good, but a warning, you could break it do you still want to install00:24
wharpit's almost a dealbreaker for me and I've used ubuntu for 2+ years00:25
wharpI just decided to upgrade from hardy to intrepid and now I've got no flash00:25
LaserJockit's not particularly hard to install00:25
wharpthat's not the point though00:25
wharpfor a new user trying ubuntu the first time it would be00:26
LaserJockI realize that00:26
LaserJockbut it's not as if you can't get the software period00:26
PalintheusLaserJock: but then does it get updated with normal updates, and is it easy to switch to the deb?00:26
wharpbut more important than that is getting the issue resolved for other users00:26
LaserJockheaven forbid you have to go to Adobe to get their software00:26
wharpnot fixing it for myself00:26
macoPalintheus: no, and yes00:26
macoin that order00:26
PalintheusI figured ;)00:26
macoflash plugins never get auto-updated on $other_os either though00:26
* maco waits for libswfdec to get even more awesomer00:27
wharpyeah, I tried using gnash, which just didn't work period00:27
Palintheuswhether or not any other OS works the same way really isn't the issue though.00:27
wharpright, if Ubuntu wants to be noob-ready, this sort of thing can't happen00:28
LaserJockit does get a little irritating to get flamed when a service that other OSes don't provide breaks for a bit00:28
LaserJockwe push things through about as quickly as we can00:28
LaserJockthe breakage time sucks, no doubt, and it would be nice to figure out a better way to deal with it00:29
Palintheuswait what? I never "flamed" because of what another OS does that Ubuntu doesn't00:29
macoPalintheus: not you, others00:29
macoevery time this happens00:30
* Hobbsee wondesr why adobe doesn't bother getting their software into the partner repository00:30
LaserJockI've personally been pretty well jumped, even as I was pushing through an emergency update00:30
LaserJockHobbsee: it is00:30
LaserJockthere are two versions of flash in Ubuntu00:30
Hobbseeoh, is it?00:30
wharpbut, if we want to be better or as good as the rest, jsut because other OSes dont' have it shouldn't be relevant00:30
Palintheusok, back to my original question...if it's so irritating why mark the bug fixed, when people see that and they are experiancing the issue I'm sure they get irritated00:30
Hobbseeoh well, why is it still in multiverse then?00:30
macoPalintheus: it was fixed last time00:31
HobbseePalintheus: because it's installable again now.00:31
Palintheuswharp: is it?00:31
LaserJockHobbsee: because it was in Multiverse first?00:31
wharpwell how do we go about getting the underlying issue fixed, not just the symptoms00:31
macoPalintheus: it breaks each time they change it.  so whichever time that bug was filed, the package was updated, and yay it was fixed. and then adobe re-broke it.00:31
HobbseeLaserJock: doesn't mean that it needs to stay there, though00:31
LaserJockwharp: I think by pushing Adobe00:32
Hobbseewharp: get people to use the partner repository, and get it from there, where adobe and canonical people can get it uploaded directly.00:32
macothat whole "convince adobe to change the darned name" idea00:32
LaserJockHobbsee: yikes, I don't know that00:32
LaserJock*about that00:32
macoLaserJock: why?00:32
LaserJockso far we've been faster than partner I believe00:32
HobbseeLaserJock: well, it depends if partner got added by default, or something.00:32
macoisnt that why the partner repo exists?00:32
macowait, really?00:32
LaserJockwe maintain Flash better than Canonical/Adobe I believe00:32
Hobbseewell, then poke the partner people.  They've got paid people to maintain it, they should maintain it.00:33
macoadobe makes their own debs, dont they?00:33
macowouldnt it just be a matter of dropping their deb into partner?00:33
LaserJockwe're faster ;-)00:33
Hobbseemaco: ubuntu doesn't take binaries, afaik.00:33
macoso people might get it a few days later, but there wouldnt be those few days of breakage in between?00:33
Hobbseebut it might be a source pulling the binaries, or...00:33
macoHobbsee: even for partner? you sure?00:34
LaserJockit might, I can't remember00:34
LaserJocklook at the .deb size00:34
LaserJockit's the full thing00:35
LaserJocknot like flashplugin-nonfree00:35
Hobbseemaco: i would expect so00:35
Hobbseemaco: id' be surprised if soyuz actually handled binaries uploaded, for anything.00:35
LaserJockin any case00:36
LaserJockit would be useful to find out if talks with Adobe ended up anywhere00:36
macoHobbsee: i didnt think the partner repo was done with soyuz. i thought they were just ftp'd up.00:36
LaserJockit *seemed* to me that they were fairly accomidating, but perhaps that got nixed00:36
macoLaserJock: they were at least accomodating to have debs now instead of only rpms00:36
PalintheusOK, then if it's in partner wouldn't it be worth it to delay the package a few days (or is it longer than that) rather than have the breakage?00:37
Hobbseemaco: new binaries from partner hit the new queue, so i don't think so.00:37
LaserJockPalintheus: there is *no* breakage if you use partner00:37
LaserJockPalintheus: in the partner repo the full binary is distributed00:37
LaserJockit doesn't use the same mechanism that flashplugin-nonfree uses to download from Adobe and install00:38
wharpbut, partner is not how everyone says to install it, and most people dont' have it enabled, or know about it00:38
LaserJockso I'd start enouraging people to use it, that's what it's there for00:38
Palintheusok then if you have partner and multiverse enabled which repo does it pull from/00:38
LaserJockand eventually we can phase out flashplugin-nonfree00:38
Palintheusor are they named differently00:38
LaserJockPalintheus: they have different names00:38
LaserJockpartner is adobe-flashplugin00:39
LaserJockwe *could* drop flashplugin-nonfree altogether and make people use partner00:39
LaserJockit's kinda "harsh" but would get people moved over00:39
HobbseeLaserJock: why harsh?00:39
HobbseeLaserJock: although handling upgrades would be a good idea00:40
LaserJockharsh in the sense that all those people out there reading "install flash by ..."00:40
wharpLaserJock: yeah, that does sound a bit harsh, but it sounds like the best idea to me00:40
LaserJockwill get dropped00:40
Hobbseeupdate the documentation, then00:40
wharptrue, but articles get updated all the time00:40
Hobbseereplace the package by "warning, this is now somewhere else, you need to use these steps"00:41
wharpits not jsut documentation, but hundreds of blog posts and articles across the web00:41
Hobbseein a gui00:41
LaserJockseems like last time I talked about this crimsun had a reason not to do it, but I could be remembering wrong00:41
wharpthat's what I was going to suggest Hobbsee but didn't know if that was possible00:41
LaserJockHobbsee: hmmm, not sure about that00:41
Hobbseewharp: can't see why not, as such.  firefox and such do information bubbles.00:41
LaserJockI can imagine getting a whole lot of "darn it I installed it and restarte firefox but now flash, WTF?!!"00:42
wharpshould a bug be filed on this?00:42
macoLaserJock: is it possible to make flashplugin-nonfree a dummy package that enables partner and pulls in adobe-flashplugin?00:43
macowharp: ill go post to my blog that adobe-flashplugin is the "right" way00:43
LaserJockI don't know that you can run apt from a postinst00:43
PalintheusLaserJock: if there is a way to inform people when installing that the package has moved I don't see it being as big of an issue as that00:43
macoLaserJock: shall i grab him and make him read my screen to respond? his X is hosed right now.00:44
LaserJockmaco: sure00:44
LaserJockmaco: I just can't remember what he said, but we went rounds about it I remember00:44
wharpobviously not enough rounds ;)00:44
macono, don't do anything with flashplugin-nonfree00:46
macoasac and I discussed this at uds00:46
macothere needs to remain an option for people to use 64-bit Flash alphas with nspluginwrapper00:47
macocanonical can't ship these alphas in partner until the final release00:48
macoeventually flashplugin-nonfree will be renamed (upon adobe's strong hint) to something along the lines of adobe-flashplugin-wrapped00:49
Palintheuswhat are the chances of flashplugin-nonfree going away and moving to adobe-flashplugin?00:49
macohowever, there is no guarantee that the native 64-bit version will ship in time for 9.0400:50
Palintheusso like wharp asked, what is the best way to handle this from a user like us? a bug, just poking randomly?00:51
maco(that was crimsun...i'm not that in-the-know)00:51
macothere's no good way00:52
wharpwell what's the best of the bad ways00:52
macoupdate flashplugin-nonfree (via SRU) again00:53
Palintheusso file a bug when it breaks, and wait00:53
Palintheusand just deal with the breakage and hope00:54
macoeventually flashplugin-nonfree will die (there will be a conflicts/replaces in adobe-flashplugin)00:54
Palintheusok, so eventually it will move to partner? not following the terminology00:55
macono, adobe-flashplugin will remain in partner and eventually offer native 32- and 64-bit plugins00:56
wharpwhat's SRU?00:56
macoit will C/R what was known as flashplugin-nonfree00:56
Palintheusok let me rephrase.00:57
Palintheuseventually there will only be the package in partner?00:57
macoflashplugin-nonfree's guts may end up as adobe-flashplugin-wrapped00:57
Palintheusso if that does happen the original issue will still be ther00:57
Palintheus(md5sum breakage)00:58
wharpno, the adobe-flashplugin does not download from their servers00:58
macoPalintheus: if and only if there is a package that explicitly depends on nspluginwrapper that also downloads the plugin00:58
Palintheusno, if -nonfree moves to adobe-flashplugin-wrapped00:58
macothe intent in the long term is to have adobe-flashplugin Suggest nspluginwrapper00:59
macothat way there is no more possibility of md5sum breakage00:59
PalintheusOk, so eventually the goal is to get away from the current scheme?01:00
Palintheusi'm really trying to follow this, but it's hard without knowing the normal process of packages, etc01:00
macoPalintheus: ys01:00
Palintheusand it's possible, but not likely to be done by 9.04?01:01
macook, here, it's probably clearer like this: for 9.04, still adobe-flashplugin & flashplugin-nonfree. for 9.10, probably only adobe-flashplugin01:01
Palintheusawesome, thanks so much for explaining maco01:02
maco(np. it's crimsun)01:02
wharpa blog post on this and the plan of action might help, if anyone has a chance01:03
Palintheusah, well thanks crimsun ;)01:03
LaserJocksorry, was afk01:03
LaserJockmaco: thanks for getting ahold of crimsun01:03
maconp, he's hogging my kitchen table trying to configure his keyboard in evdev01:04
LaserJockwharp: an SRU is a stable release update01:04
LaserJockwharp: it's the process by which packages end up in -updates01:04
LaserJockwharp: it normally takes no fewer than 7 days01:04
macowharp: well seeing as we dont knwo the actual timeline yet, i'm hesitant to post on my blog all that crimsun said, but i'll go post about using adobe-flashplugin to avoid those md5 headaches01:04
wharpmaco: gotcha, that makes sense01:07
wharpLaserJock: thanks!01:07
LaserJockwharp and Palintheus: the reason it can take time to do the update is because we need to test the new flash version01:12
LaserJockit's not *just* updating the md5sum and pushing it out the door01:12
Palintheuswhich is understandable, and that is why I want to get rid of the breakage, not fix it faster01:14
LaserJock... if Adobe would just not use the same file name for different versions ...01:15
PalintheusI realize that.01:16
LaserJockI wonder how many fresh installs we must have a day01:18
LaserJockI'm always amazed how many people hit that bug01:18
wharpwell this wasn't even a fresh install, but an upgrade to intrepid from hardy01:18
wharpand actually I was looking at another flash bug and the resolution was to reinstall01:18
LaserJockah, right01:18
macoLaserJock: lets please just not have that bug crop up within a week of a release! the screams of agony from the installfests would be heard round the world01:21
LaserJockmaco: not a lot we can do about it at this point01:23
Palintheushow possible is it to source it grabs from adobe until the new release is put through SRU?01:24
Palintheus*to cache the source01:24
LaserJockwe can't01:24
LaserJockwell, hang on01:25
LaserJockyou mean cache the source on the users machine?01:25
Palintheusno, grab it from adobe and host it somewhere static that would avoid the md5sum error util it can be updated01:25
LaserJockwell, we can't do that01:25
LaserJockthat's the whole reason we do it the way we do01:25
* Hobbsee notes that would probably violate adobe's licence.01:25
LaserJockhence why we had to get rid of Acrobat Reader as well01:26
macoi dont understand a desire for adobe acrobat readr01:26
macoevince loads in about 1/4 the time01:26
macoand doesnt have a 3 second lag while you wait for it scroll01:27
LaserJockacroread is still better for me01:27
LaserJockI use it much of the time over evince01:27
macowell ive never actually tested acrobat on linux01:28
LaserJockserious? :-)01:28
macoi just know it loads in about  the same time as OOo on windows01:28
Hobbseesometimes uni students have to use it, with interactive pdfs.01:28
macoand OOo isnt exactly filled with helium01:28
LaserJockI wouldn't be able to use Linux at Uni if it wasn't for acroread01:28
maco(there, chem joke for ya, LaserJock)01:29
LaserJockgotta run01:30
LaserJockit's been fun as always ;-)01:30
Hobbseehggdh: guess what02:41
hggdhHobbsee, surprise me02:44
hggdhhe is back?02:44
Hobbseehggdh: no idea.  but account suspensions relaly work now.02:44
Hobbseeor at least, they really work as far as i can tell, i can't seem to break them.02:45
hggdhcan we have multiple accounts mapped to the same email?02:46
hggdhgood, makes it a bit more time-consuming02:46
Hobbseecertainly can't have a team using an email attached to anything else in LP02:46
Hobbseeso i presume it can't for users too02:47
hggdhI am afraid to try, and find myself locked out02:47
Hobbseei created a test account02:47
Hobbseewasn't willing to do it on my normal account either02:47
hggdhand I really do not want to go through the hassle of creating Yet Another Email Account02:48
Hobbseedomain catchalls ftw!02:49
hggdhI thought of that, but I would have to set up my mail server (and Verizon, my ISP, gets a bit antsy with that)02:51
Hobbseegmail handles mail for domains, if you wanted to go that route02:51
hggdhdid not know that02:51
hggdhwill look at it02:51
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mrooneyanyone know if bug 309574 is in the right package? I would guess that should be flashplugin-nonfree, I have never seen the adobe-flashplugin package05:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309574 in adobe-flashplugin "Critical vulnerability in Adobe flash player" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30957405:36
macomrooney: adobe-flashplugin is the package adobe makes themselves and puts in the partner repo05:36
macoit actually includes the binaries05:36
macoflashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse, i think, and it just downloads adobe's tarball and compiles it05:37
mrooneyoh, interesting, okay05:37
macothe bug is actually in flash's stuff though, so i think it makes sense to put it in adobe-flashplugin. there's no software actually in flashplugin-nonfree05:37
anderskPresumably flashplugin-nonfree needs to be upgraded in order to make it download the newer version.05:38
macohas a newer on been released upstream?05:39
crimsunflashplugin-nonfree | | intrepid-security/multiverse | source, amd64, i38605:51
crimsunit has already hit the archives05:51
crimsunthe corresponding fixes for partner are at: http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.0.15.3-1gutsy2.dsc http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.0.15.3-1hardy2.dsc http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.0.15.3-1intrepid2.dsc05:55
crimsunalexander has a testing version in his ppa for jaunty that pulls from partner instead of downloading from adobe. however, his version does not include the native 64-bit plugin; it's the nspluginwrapper-enabled 32-bit version for both 32- and 64-bit.05:56
crimsunmrooney: i've triaged that bug05:56
mrooneycrimsun: great, thanks!05:57
keescrimsun: the jaunty plugin pulls the 64bit plugin05:57
keeser, jaunty flashplugin-nonfree ...05:57
crimsunkees: not _his_ version. i know yours does.05:57
keesokay, right, cool.  I wasn't sure if anyone had noticed my upload yet.  :P05:58
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dholbachgood morning06:10
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macodholbach: hello06:16
dholbachhi maco06:17
macoX crashed, and i'm actually running a stable release -_-06:22
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BUGabundo_workgnomefreak: ping08:31
BUGabundo_workcan some one from QA take a look at bug 309483 and help the user collect the extra details he need to file? thanks09:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309483 in linux "Ubuntu 8.10 Shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30948309:28
BUGabundo_workHew: ^^^^^^^^09:37
HewBUGabundo_work: Ugh shutdown freezes.. I'm not sure, if the message is relevant then maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI will help? I think linux is the correct package so hopefully someone more knowledgeable will triage it.09:49
BUGabundo_worksince he mentioned acpi, I filed it against kernel09:56
Hewyea linux is correct I think, but ACPI problems are usually related to a refusal to boot, from my limited knowledge. I'm not good at triaging linux bugs :P09:58
HewBUGabundo_work: I added the DebuggingACPI comment just in case, perhaps acpi=off will fix the shutdown issue, who knows.10:00
BUGabundo_workbut now the website PT team will also be subscribed to it! nasty LP bug!10:04
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xubuntusdiciao a tutti12:46
xubuntusdianche in thunar non appaiono ho dovuto installare pcmanfm12:50
Hew!it | xubuntusdi13:26
ubottuxubuntusdi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:26
BUGabundo_workdidn't know we had a multi ling bot!13:28
BUGabundo_work!pt | me13:28
ubottume: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:28
BUGabundo_workPT != BR grrrrrrrrrr13:28
hacktick!pt_pt | me13:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pt_pt13:29
BUGabundo_workwill some teach him better!!13:29
hacktickI think its ok, the brazilian community is way bigger than the portuguese one BUGabundo_work :)13:30
BUGabundo_workI know13:32
BUGabundo_workbut with don't always get along13:32
BUGabundo_workat least with should list BOTH channels13:32
hacktickBUGabundo_work: ubuntu-de is used both by austian and german users13:44
xubuntusdisorry I need help I xubuntu 8.10 unfortunately I can not see the disk partitions in Thunar on the desktop or Places able to enter only after you install pcmanfm that? I can to view the partitions ...14:07
hacktickxubuntusdi: User support is in #ubuntu (or #ubuntu-it)14:14
xubuntusdiops sorry14:15
=== LimCore_ is now known as LimCore
MrKanisterHi. Can someone set the inportance of bug #304482 to "low" ? Thanks in advance14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304482 in evolution "Birthday reminder on wrong date" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30448214:25
HewMrKanister: Done, thanks for your help :-)14:36
MrKanisterHew: Thanks for helping me to help ;)14:37
Hewhehe no worries14:37
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=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
bdmurrayfjk: hi16:14
BUGabundo_workhi fjk16:15
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fjki have problem with run my nvidia-settings can i ask for help here ?16:25
pckchemAlthough the prefered channel is #ubuntu16:26
fjkwhen im trying to run nvidia-settings i recive:16:26
fjkThe error was 'BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length erro'.16:26
fjk  (Details: serial 141 error_code 16 request_code 128 minor_code 17)16:26
fjkglxinfo: name of display: :0.016:26
fjkError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig16:26
pckchemfjk | !paste16:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:27
fjknvidi settings say that is bug16:27
pckchemTry this16:29
pckchemIt's from the forums, I'd have referenced you to the post but they are down and I used a cached version16:30
fjkbut i have glx module in xorg.conf and im think it is loaded16:31
fjkmy compiz works fine16:31
fjkbut im cannot luchn f.e. counter strike16:31
fjkim think there is some acceleration when compiz works16:32
fjkbut something mismatch with gdm librares.. ?16:32
pckchemIt's an interesting problem for sure and I'm reading a forum post by someone who has the exact same symptoms and circumstances.16:32
fjkim trying to install intel linux graphics drivers16:33
fjkcoz im have ubuntu on usb disk and using it in home (nvidia) and in work (intel)16:33
fjki think im uninstall almost everything except dmr module16:34
fjkerlier im trying to lunch opengl on intel graphics card16:34
fjkand from now i have troubles in home with nvidia-settings16:35
fjkit is clear ?16:35
fjkory for my eng16:35
=== brianchidester is now known as brianchid_
pckchemIt's fine, actually. I didn't notice.16:35
=== brianchid_ is now known as brianchidester
pckchemThe problem with these USB installations is that often times the specific kernel and settings for ubuntu is set according to the computer you installed it on first.16:36
fjkwanna some my logs ?16:36
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pckchemSo when you try to plug it into something with different hardware, things get a bit troublesome.16:36
fjkim using this usb system since three months and never have troubles16:36
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pckchemFrom what it sounds like, installing the intel drivers started this problem, yes?16:36
fjkim should not try instal this driver16:37
fjkyes im think that16:37
fjkyes that im think :)16:37
pckchemYes, I'm *thinking* that.16:38
pckchemClose :)16:38
fjki have proper resolution anc color depth....16:38
pckchemHave you tried reconfiguring the x server?16:38
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=== brianchid1 is now known as brianchidester11
fjkmanualy from console and automaticly from recovery kernel16:38
fjkmybe there is some problem with opengls libraries16:39
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pckchemIt could be. Are you using the proprietary NVIDIA drivers?16:39
=== brianchidester is now known as brianchidester11
fjkim alredy using its16:40
pckchemHave you tried reinstalling them?16:40
fjkim trying reinstall, and chanding from 177 to 17316:40
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fjknothing helps16:40
fjkwanna some logs  ?16:42
pckchemI can take a look at them, but since I'm not an expert I only tend to get a minimal amount of information out of them.16:42
fjkany other suggestions ?16:42
pckchemI'm combing my resources  right now, give me a minute.16:43
fjkmysbe im boot to ubuntu ?16:43
fjkok ill be back in few minutes16:44
fjkim going to boot ubuntu16:44
pckchemone second16:44
pckchemcan you pastbin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file16:45
pckchemhello again16:53
pckchemcan I also have your xorg.conf?16:55
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fjkbut, now there is no information in conf when im using automaticlu configuration :(16:56
fjki have my own config file16:56
pckchemwell post it anyways, that might be the problem.16:57
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fjkand this is my config file which im using when im in home http://paste.ubuntu.com/88619/16:58
fjkbut now my config is overwiritten by configuration from recovery mode16:58
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pckchemcan you run glxinfo|grep accel17:00
pckchemin terminal17:00
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pckchempastebin what comes out17:02
=== brianchidester1 is now known as brianchid
fjkbut glxinfo giving only :17:02
fjkError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig17:02
fjkillbe back in 2 minutse17:03
pckchemwhich computer are you on right now? Work or home?17:07
fjkwhen im trying install intel driver im install these components: drm, libdrm2.4.1, mesa and xf86 video intel17:07
fjkmybe i must reinstal my whole desktop ?17:08
pckchemdont go that far yet :(17:09
macowait um...if you delete xorg.conf, doesnt that force it to re-detect everything so you can redo setup with xfix?17:10
pckchemUhh, no more than using the normal reconfigure command, I think. I'm not sure.17:11
fjkim think this is not problem with xorg.conf and other config files17:12
fjkxorg.log seems look ok too17:12
fjkthis is problem with som or these intel librairies....17:12
fjkpckchem, what do u thinking ?17:13
pckchemI'm out of ideas at this point. My gut instinct is that the problem is due to two sets of graphics drivers conflicting, but I don't know how to prevent it.17:14
fjkim dontknown too :)17:15
pckchemMy final idea would be to use synaptics to make sure all NVIDIA drivers are uninstalled. Then install the newest NVIDIA drivers from the NVIDIA website instead of the repos.17:16
fjkwhat happend when im completly uninstall  drm compiz gda and all these depending packages ?17:17
fjkcan i reinstall all these things >? :)17:17
fjkwithout reinstaling whole sys ?17:18
pckchemGDM is dependant upon the NVIDIA proprietary drivers?17:18
pckchemNo way.17:18
fjkwhen im treing to uninstall libdrm or libmesa  synaptic says tahat must unistall compiz gdla ald milions of libriaries and programs...17:19
pckchemDon't uninstall libdrm or libmesa. They are probably fine.17:20
pckchemlook for any packages with the nvidia prefix and uninstall those17:21
fjkin few minutes17:22
pckchemsystem->administration->synaptics package manager17:22
fjkim delete all nvidia17:37
fjkaln some more packages including compiz17:37
fjkstill the same :(17:37
pckchemIf you're uninstalling compiz you did something wrong and removed too many packages.17:38
fjkforget about compiz17:39
pckchemHave you tried reinstalling, but with the drivers from the NVIDIA website?17:39
fjk177 driver from packages17:40
fjkthis driver work fine eilier17:40
fjkthis is not driver problem... :(17:41
pckchemNo, but it may be a driver configuration problem, which installing using the nvidia configuration utilities might fix. It's the only idea I have at this point. Try asking on the forums if that doesn't help :(17:42
fjkasking on forums doesn't help :)17:43
fjkhow i can get some more info ? some debug ?17:43
fjkhere im find some post about this http://www.mail-archive.com/dri-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg34589.html ...17:44
pckchemI don't know. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334  is usually the best resource for these problems. Just be patient.17:45
marmutahi, under which source package should I file an xserver crash, xorg or xorg-server?17:52
marmutagreat, thanks17:53
chrisccoulsonno problem17:53
chrisccoulsonit doesn't matter really, because the same people will see it, and will reassign it if it's against the wrong package anyway17:53
bdmurraymarmuta: depending on the release of ubuntu using apport to file the bug will gather a lot of information for you17:53
marmutathanks, I think I have everything collected. just managed to get a backtrace too.17:57
chimpI just tried to file a bug report using ubuntu-bug and it sent me to a web page that doesn't exist, a bug in ubuntu-bug?18:08
bdmurraychimp: did it go to bugs.edge.launchpad.net or bugs.launchpad.net?18:08
bdmurraystick an edge in there so bugs.edge.launchpad.net ...18:09
chimpThat worked, so that Is a bug then?18:10
bdmurraychimp: I'm not certain but its on my list of things to look at18:10
chimpAfter filing it using ubuntu-bug do I still need to fill in my specific information in further info (version etc.) or has ubuntu-bug already submitted that?18:11
bdmurrayubuntu-bug has already done that18:12
bdmurrayThanks for asking!18:12
thekornrefreshing pages opened by apport or ubuntu-bug after a few seconds also helps18:14
thekornhi bdmurray18:14
LaserJockis pedro around?18:14
bdmurrayLaserJock: he is on Holiday it looks like18:16
LaserJockdoesn't seem to be stopping him from closing bugs ;-)18:16
LaserJockmaybe I'll send him an email then18:16
bdmurraythekorn: hey there!18:17
fjkthanks for helping18:24
=== maco_ is now known as maco
BUGabundoogasawara: ping19:18
ogasawaraBUGabundo: what's up19:34
BUGabundojust asking if there is any extra data/tests I can submit19:35
BUGabundoto bug 30818519:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308185 in linux "traceback on shutdown" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30818519:35
ogasawaraBUGabundo: the 2.6.28 kernel is still seeing a lot of churn - so continual testing and updates to the bug will help19:35
BUGabundoupgrading now to .28.3.319:36
BUGabundothere goes my uptime19:36
BUGabundo19:36:29 up 1 day, 19:30,  5 users,  load average: 1.54, 1.53, 1.3519:36
BUGabundoUSER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT19:36
BUGabundobugabund tty7     :0               Thu00   43:30   2:26   0.04s /bin/bash /usr/19:36
BUGabundobugabund pts/0    :0.0             Thu00   37:15m  0.61s  0.61s bash19:36
BUGabundobugabund pts/1    :0.0             Thu07   36:52m  0.85s  0.85s bash19:36
BUGabundobugabund pts/2    :0.0             11:19    4:30   0.32s  0.32s bash19:36
BUGabundobugabund pts/3    :0.0             15:05    2:15   0.25s  0.25s bash19:36
BUGabundoby the way19:37
BUGabundoany one here know where I can find devs working on power optimization?19:37
BUGabundoI have a question about the power needed to keep a laptop on suspend19:37
* BUGabundo is afraid new kernel will stop supporting again suspend and hibernate!19:38
Rocket2DMnHey guys, do we support bugs filed in languages other than english?20:58
nhandlerRocket2DMn: I think they are allowed, but we try and get them translated into English21:00
Rocket2DMnnhandler, I've seen a few, but I don't think they are well supported21:01
Rocket2DMnA user asked to translate my bug filing guide into spanish for the LoCos21:01
Rocket2DMnI was going to include a note about filing in English, unless there was support for other languages that I was unaware of21:01
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Most of the Developers speak English. As a result, bugs filed in other languages probably will not be fixed as quickly. However, I haven't read anything saying they are not allowed21:02
Rocket2DMni've seen a few, but not many21:02
nhandlerI think I've translated the bugs to English using online translators. That way, we at least have a partial translation21:02
Rocket2DMnI've responded to a few questions and bugs in spanish before21:03
Rocket2DMni just havent been able to get a solid answer as to whether we support them21:03
xubuntusdihi !!!!21:09
bdmurrayRocket2DMn: There isn't an official policy regarding non-English bug reports21:12
hggdhRocket2DMn, we usually accept them, ask to be translated to English, or they wait for somebody fluent to work on it21:12
Rocket2DMnthanks bdmurray , i didnt expect there was since i wasnt able to find any documentation about it21:12
Rocket2DMni have run across a few bugs/questions in spanish which i have dealt with, i just wanted to see if anybody knew more than i did about the subject21:13
hggdhbdmurray, we could include a blurb on the standard responses about that21:13
Rocket2DMni like that idea21:14
hggdhsomething in the line of "the official language is English, please report in English, or please wait for somebody fluent to translate/work on it"21:14
nhandlerhggdh: I'm pretty sure that some wiki page suggests using something like Google Translator to translate them into English21:15
Rocket2DMnhggdh, do you want to create a separate page about it with the response translated into the primary languages we see?21:15
Rocket2DMnlike on the Bugs/Responses page, have the english response, then a link for triagers to a differnet page where it is translated21:16
LaserJockit would seem to be a bit odd to have a canned English response tell the reporter to translate into English :-)21:16
hggdhnhandler, I think so, but auto translators are not as good on generic translation (I have seen some quite horrible ones from French, English, Spanish, and Portuguese to sames21:17
bdmurrayDoesn't that depend on the triager recognizing the foreign language?21:17
Rocket2DMnbdmurray, yes, but at least its an improvement over ignoring the bug.  i think the majority of langauges are easy to recognize21:17
hggdhyes, it does. But we could -- with a bit of effort -- have some common languages pre-translated21:17
LaserJockwhat if you had a language tag?21:17
LaserJockand then work with LoCos to have people translating21:18
hggdhand point on a link if the triager is unable to identify21:18
nhandlerhggdh: I know, but a bad English translation imo is still better than nothing21:20
nhandlerUsually, you can at least partially understand them21:20

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