bryce | ok, fleshed out more of | 01:37 |
bryce | (that one is getting rather long.....) | 01:37 |
jcristau | bryce: yeah, if it's filed upstream it's fine | 06:39 |
tjaalton | hmm, turns out that nouveau upstream does accept bugs, but not about 3D support just yet | 07:24 |
bryce | tjaalton: we're under 2000 bugs today | 07:39 |
tjaalton | bryce: rejoice! | 07:44 |
bryce | we're also about 2-3 bugs from getting -nv off | 07:46 |
tjaalton | I still don't know how to read that page | 07:47 |
tjaalton | ah, wikipage | 07:48 |
tjaalton | xorg shouldn't be on that list | 07:48 |
tjaalton | since the bugs are either just accumulated there because people are lazy or uneducated, or packaging bugs | 07:49 |
bryce | pretty much the three columns worth looking at are the ones under % | 07:52 |
bryce | the first one is % marked triaged, second is % with an upstream link, and third is % that have been reported upstream | 07:54 |
bryce | so the idea is you want to get all three to high values | 07:55 |
tjaalton | the second column counts every 3rd party project | 07:55 |
tjaalton | not just upstream | 07:55 |
bryce | yeah I know :-( | 07:55 |
bryce | I tried bringing that up in Jorge's talk at UDS but guess I didn't get my point across | 07:55 |
tjaalton | if packages had a single "real" upstream project linked to them, it would be easier to count I guess | 07:56 |
bryce | I'd like to make an Xorg-specific version of that page some day. Some day... | 07:57 |
tjaalton | that would be nice | 07:58 |
wgrant | Packages can have upstreams linked, but it's so rarely done that it's probably not useful for that page. | 08:06 |
lool | tjaalton: Could you wait a little longer before mass rebuilding Xorg modules next time? armel server wasn't built so I'll repush them again | 13:54 |
tjaalton | lool: I haven't pushed anything since Monday | 13:58 |
tjaalton | probably auto-rebuilds then | 13:58 |
lool | tjaalton: It's probably there since monday | 13:59 |
lool | It's just that we're noticing now :) | 14:00 |
tjaalton | there are a bunch of input-drivers which fail to build, but no-one uses them and they are in universe, so I'll get to them later | 14:02 |
jcristau | heh, | 15:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 304275 in libxi "[Intrepid] Recursive dependency for libxi-dev." [Undecided,Incomplete] | 15:13 |
jcristau | sometimes automated mails are not so helpful :) | 15:14 |
jcristau | also i'm guessing should be closed if the Replaces are in place | 15:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 304313 in libxi "libxi-dev and x11proto-input-dev conflict with same files" [High,Triaged] | 15:15 |
jcristau | and, it looks like should go back to gimp or gtk, which should detect when the device goes away | 15:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 289762 in libxi "crashes if I disconnect my drawing tablet while it is open" [Medium,Confirmed] | 15:17 |
lool | tjaalton: I'm preparing a pile of rebuilds for armel; perhaps they are also rebuilds for other arches; I'll send you a list of .changes I'll push just after alpha 2 so that we don't dup work | 15:18 |
lool | -tga ftbfses on all arches | 15:19 |
jcristau | unless you're planning on an alpha port, -tga should be removed | 15:19 |
lool | (I'll let this decision to bryce and tjaalton; I'm happy to do the actual changes to drop it) | 15:20 |
lool | xserver-xorg-video-vga also failed to build | 15:30 |
jcristau | it'd fail to work even if it built, so you can remove it... | 15:31 |
lool | jcristau: Is it being dropped upstream? | 15:31 |
jcristau | pretty much. | 15:32 |
lool | tjaalton: This is what I'll be pushing after alpha 2: | 15:33 |
lool | wacom-tools xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-nv xserver-xorg-video-r128 xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-v4l xserver-xorg-video-vmware | 15:33 |
lool | evtouch also failed to build | 15:39 |
lool | With the above, we should have input-all installable on armel | 15:40 |
lool | Ah I see evdev has a git branch | 15:42 |
lool | tjaalton: (I guess you don't commit simple rebuilds to the git tree since I don't see xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.1.0-0ubuntu2 in git, so I wont add the 1:2.1.0-0ubuntu3 rebuild either) | 15:44 |
pwnguin | sigh | 20:12 |
pwnguin | "I have updated the driver to support both Xorg 1.6 later and earlier. Does anyone have time to test it on your system? You'll need to build and install from the new linuxwacom package on your system. I prefer you have an Xorg 1.6 running. Please reply to me directly so I can email the package to you." | 20:12 |
pwnguin | how does someone run an open source project for years without experimenting with branching? | 20:13 |
pwnguin | (also is 1.6 even out? or just 1.5.99b3 | 20:14 |
bryce | pwnguin: he probably means 1.5.99b3 | 21:58 |
pwnguin | (is that in the jaunty repos?) | 22:01 |
pwnguin | ive not been paying a lot of attention lately -- new job | 22:01 |
bryce | ah congrats | 22:02 |
bryce | yep, entered jaunty last week | 22:02 |
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