
bryceok, fleshed out more of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/OptionsEditor01:37
bryce(that one is getting rather long.....)01:37
jcristaubryce: yeah, if it's filed upstream it's fine06:39
tjaaltonhmm, turns out that nouveau upstream does accept bugs, but not about 3D support just yet07:24
brycetjaalton: we're under 2000 bugs today07:39
tjaaltonbryce: rejoice!07:44
brycewe're also about 2-3 bugs from getting -nv off https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport07:46
tjaaltonI still don't know how to read that page07:47
tjaaltonah, wikipage07:48
tjaaltonxorg shouldn't be on that list07:48
tjaaltonsince the bugs are either just accumulated there because people are lazy or uneducated, or packaging bugs07:49
brycepretty much the three columns worth looking at are the ones under %07:52
brycethe first one is % marked triaged, second is % with an upstream link, and third is % that have been reported upstream07:54
bryceso the idea is you want to get all three to high values07:55
tjaaltonthe second column counts every 3rd party project07:55
tjaaltonnot just upstream07:55
bryceyeah I know :-(07:55
bryceI tried bringing that up in Jorge's talk at UDS but guess I didn't get my point across07:55
tjaaltonif packages had a single "real" upstream project linked to them, it would be easier to count I guess07:56
bryceI'd like to make an Xorg-specific version of that page some day.  Some day...07:57
tjaaltonthat would be nice07:58
wgrantPackages can have upstreams linked, but it's so rarely done that it's probably not useful for that page.08:06
looltjaalton: Could you wait a little longer before mass rebuilding Xorg modules next time?  armel server wasn't built so I'll repush them again13:54
tjaaltonlool: I haven't pushed anything since Monday13:58
tjaaltonprobably auto-rebuilds then13:58
looltjaalton: It's probably there since monday13:59
loolIt's just that we're noticing now :)14:00
tjaaltonthere are a bunch of input-drivers which fail to build, but no-one uses them and they are in universe, so I'll get to them later14:02
jcristauheh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/+bug/30427515:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304275 in libxi "[Intrepid] Recursive dependency for libxi-dev." [Undecided,Incomplete]15:13
jcristausometimes automated mails are not so helpful :)15:14
jcristaualso i'm guessing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/+bug/304313 should be closed if the Replaces are in place15:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304313 in libxi "libxi-dev and x11proto-input-dev conflict with same files" [High,Triaged]15:15
jcristauand, it looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/+bug/289762 should go back to gimp or gtk, which should detect when the device goes away15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289762 in libxi "crashes if I disconnect my drawing tablet while it is open" [Medium,Confirmed]15:17
looltjaalton: I'm preparing a pile of rebuilds for armel; perhaps they are also rebuilds for other arches; I'll send you a list of .changes I'll push just after alpha 2 so that we don't dup work15:18
lool-tga ftbfses on all arches15:19
jcristauunless you're planning on an alpha port, -tga should be removed15:19
lool(I'll let this decision to bryce and tjaalton; I'm happy to do the actual changes to drop it)15:20
loolxserver-xorg-video-vga also failed to build15:30
jcristauit'd fail to work even if it built, so you can remove it...15:31
looljcristau: Is it being dropped upstream?15:31
jcristaupretty much.15:32
looltjaalton: This is what I'll be pushing after alpha 2:15:33
loolwacom-tools xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-nv xserver-xorg-video-r128 xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-v4l xserver-xorg-video-vmware15:33
loolevtouch also failed to build15:39
loolWith the above, we should have input-all installable on armel15:40
loolAh I see evdev has a git branch15:42
looltjaalton: (I guess you don't commit simple rebuilds to the git tree since I don't see xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.1.0-0ubuntu2 in git, so I wont add the 1:2.1.0-0ubuntu3 rebuild either)15:44
pwnguin"I have updated the driver to support both Xorg 1.6 later and earlier.  Does anyone have time to test it on your system?  You'll need to build and install wacom_drv.so from the new linuxwacom package on your system. I prefer you have an Xorg 1.6 running.  Please reply to me directly so I can email the package to you."20:12
pwnguinhow does someone run an open source project for years without experimenting with branching?20:13
pwnguin(also is 1.6 even out? or just 1.5.99b320:14
brycepwnguin: he probably means 1.5.99b321:58
pwnguin(is that in the jaunty repos?)22:01
pwnguinive not been paying a lot of attention lately --  new job22:01
bryceah congrats22:02
bryceyep, entered jaunty last week22:02

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