NCommander | hey apachelogger | 02:04 |
ScottK | NCommander: I'm sort of back now. | 02:06 |
NCommander | Oh good | 02:06 |
ScottK | Where are we on stuff ... | 02:06 |
NCommander | NEEDSPONSOR | 02:06 |
vorian | oh my | 02:07 |
ScottK | NCommander: OK. What first? python-qt4? | 02:08 |
NCommander | Yeah | 02:08 |
ScottK | Shoot me a link | 02:09 |
NCommander | But they can be uploaded in any order, the dependencies will sort themselves out | 02:09 |
ScottK | I feel pythonish at the moment. | 02:09 |
ScottK | NCommander: Did you make the launchpad-integration change in kde4libs we discussed earlier? | 02:09 |
NCommander | No, I haven't been home | 02:09 |
ScottK | OK. I'll get it. | 02:10 |
NCommander | ScottK, | 02:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 308814 in python-qt4 "Patches for kde4bindings to build it on ARM" [High,In progress] | 02:10 |
* NCommander hopes to still get the upload credit ;-) *gunshot* | 02:10 | |
ScottK | Test build started for python-qt4 | 02:17 |
NCommander | ScottK, it is all test built in my PPA ... | 02:17 |
NCommander | But yeah | 02:17 |
ScottK | NCommander: How much crap got uploaded as soon as the Alpha freeze got lifted and will it build now? | 02:18 |
NCommander | fair enough | 02:18 |
* ScottK isn't gonna get caught saying "I didn't test build it because $NOTACOREDEV told me a didn't have to ... | 02:19 | |
NCommander | fair enough ;-) | 02:25 |
jjesse-dell9 | evening | 02:31 |
rgreening | hey jjesse-dell9 | 02:42 |
mcasadevall | rgreening, ! | 02:42 |
rgreening | hey back mcasadevall | 02:43 |
mcasadevall | rgreening, feel like hacking :-) | 02:43 |
rgreening | heh, almost bedtime for me. The tranqs the doc has me on are real knockouts | 02:44 |
rgreening | what time you around tomorrow mcasadevall | 02:44 |
ScottK | NCommander: Building kde4libs too. | 02:45 |
mcasadevall | right | 02:45 |
ScottK | ... on battery. | 02:45 |
mcasadevall | you won't be able to build bindings without both of those | 02:45 |
mcasadevall | ScottK, er, upload to a PPA? | 02:45 |
mcasadevall | Probably faster | 02:45 |
ScottK | Trying to see if I can crush the maching. | 02:45 |
ScottK | I'm old fashioned. | 02:45 |
rgreening | you have fashion? | 02:46 |
ScottK | Definitely not. | 02:47 |
ScottK | I've been married 8 years and I still have clothes I bought before we got married that I connsider 'relatively new'. | 02:48 |
mcasadevall | o_o; | 02:48 |
mcasadevall | That and your 10 year old coffee | 02:48 |
ScottK | mcasadevall: Tossed them at a PPA too, just for completeness | 02:48 |
ScottK | mcasadevall: I'm fairly certain I still own underwear as old as you are. | 02:48 |
rgreening | ok, that disturbs me | 02:49 |
* mcasadevall has that weird feeling that looking at ScottK, I see my own future | 02:49 | |
ScottK | rgreening: Any idea how to make libnotify/dbus pop-ups look like Kubuntu and not Ubuntu. | 03:07 |
ScottK | The brown one is KDE, the other is QT : | 03:08 |
ryanakca | ScottK: here it's in KDE colors... *grabs a screenshot* | 03:33 |
ScottK | ryanakca: Using quassel and dbus? | 03:33 |
ryanakca | quassel, no. Just a ``notify-send "testing popus"'' | 03:33 |
* ScottK tries | 03:34 | |
ryanakca | ScottK: | 03:35 |
ryanakca | Well, closer to KDE colors than the icky orange | 03:35 |
ryanakca | ScottK: You can also change the theme with ``gconftool-2 -t string -s /apps/notification-daemon/theme <theme>'' | 03:37 |
ScottK | Hmmm | 03:38 |
ryanakca | ScottK: gconftool-2 -t string -s /apps/notification-daemon/theme standard for that theme... according to , options are standard, bubble and ubuntu. I'm guessing you're using the ubuntu theme | 03:39 |
ScottK | Sounds like. | 03:39 |
ScottK | It'd be nice for there to be a Kubuntu one in there too. | 03:39 |
ryanakca | *nod* | 03:39 |
ryanakca | Or we could patch everything to use knotify :P | 03:40 |
ryanakca | What source package would have the themes? | 03:40 |
ryanakca | s/knotify/whatever KDE uses/g | 03:40 |
mcasadevall | ScottK, how goes python-qt4? | 03:41 |
ScottK | Good thing I threw it at the PPA. Hard drive ran out of room. | 03:42 |
ScottK | It was going great until then. | 03:42 |
ScottK | Python built | 03:43 |
* ryanakca => bed | 03:44 | |
ScottK | mcasadevall: Python-qt4 uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu. | 03:44 |
* mcasadevall waves | 03:45 | |
* mcasadevall pops open his draft emails | 03:46 | |
* mcasadevall waits for libs | 03:52 | |
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander | ||
ScottK | NCommander: kde4libs uploaded. Thank you for your contributionto Kubuntu. | 04:15 |
ScottK | rgreening: First less is kvirc-kde4_4.0.0~svn20081215-0ubuntu1, not kvirc-kde4_4.0.0+svn20081215-0ubuntu1. If there next release is 4.0, then you want a version number less than that. + makes it higher. | 04:45 |
ScottK | rgreening: debian/copyright needs to say the year of the copyrights. | 04:54 |
ScottK | Needs a thorough check for the new version. | 04:55 |
ScottK | I found one file that was GPL v1 or a later version ...., but upstream seems to be relying on GPLv2. | 04:55 |
ScottK | rgreening: debian/changelog should describe the actual changes in the packaging too (but you knew that). | 04:56 |
ScottK | rgreening: No need to include postinst/prerm that only contain the debhelper token. They'll be automagically generated. | 05:02 |
ScottK | kvirc-dev-kde4 postinst and prerm can be deleted. | 05:02 |
ScottK | rgreening: It looks to me like you've got usr/lib/*.so* in both kvirc-kde4 and the -dev package. | 05:03 |
ScottK | Doesn't that make the package conflict? | 05:03 |
* ScottK notes it's late and he's tired, so no guarantees these comments are correct. | 05:04 | |
ScottK | rgreening: Don't over-ride kvirc: binary-without-manpage kvirc. It's a PITA, but it's a valid warning. | 05:05 |
* ScottK thinks kvirc: menu-icon-missing /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kvirc.xpm | 05:06 | |
ScottK | ... is not such a great over-ride either. | 05:07 |
ScottK | that's where you tell it to look for it in your menu file. | 05:07 |
ScottK | rgreening: In kvirc-kde4.postrm, don't you want ldconfig on purge too? | 05:08 |
NCommander | hey ScottK | 05:26 |
ScottK | Hey | 05:33 |
ScottK | NCommander: .... | 05:33 |
NCommander | what did I do? | 05:34 |
* NCommander hasn't broken the archive. Yet. | 05:34 | |
ScottK | You said hey. I said hey back. | 05:34 |
NCommander | But then you ...'ed me! | 05:35 |
ScottK | Oh. I guess I should have ^^^ you. | 05:35 |
NCommander | I'll see your ^^^ and raise you a O_O; | 05:36 |
ScottK | NCommander: kde4bindings uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu. | 05:39 |
NCommander | lol | 05:41 |
ScottK | NCommander: I'm going to want to backport mlt soon I think. Any chance you could look into it's FTBFS problems on ports soonish? | 05:42 |
NCommander | ScottK, WTF is mlt? | 05:43 |
ScottK | Multimedia some thing. | 05:44 |
ScottK | Needed for Kdenlive. | 05:44 |
ScottK | Which now has a KDE4 version that people are clamoring for. | 05:44 |
NCommander | That build failure log looks miserable | 05:46 |
NCommander | ScottK, I can guess what's going on | 05:50 |
ScottK | Please. | 05:50 |
ScottK | NCommander: It's in Universe, so you can fix it right up ... | 05:50 |
NCommander | I said I know whats going on, I have no idea if I can fix it ;-) | 05:51 |
ScottK | I have a great deal of confidence in you. | 05:58 |
ScottK | rgreening: As predicted trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/', which is also in package kvirc-dev-kde4 | 06:02 |
ScottK | It built though ... | 06:02 |
ScottK | rgreening: Does it really need KDE4.2 or can the depends be relaxed and have it work with KDE 4.1 too? | 06:04 |
ScottK | That's my comments ... | 06:04 |
ScottK | apachelogger: When smarter appears, would you please point him at "[01:05:49] <slangasek> ScottK: kde4-style-bespin accepted; kwin4-style-bespin has a malformatted long desc, wanna fix? | 06:07 |
ScottK | Or anyone else for that matter. | 06:07 |
ScottK | didrocks and JontheEchidna: kdenlive uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu. | 06:09 |
ScottK | Now I'm going to bed. | 06:10 |
ScottK | Good night all. | 06:10 |
ScottK | Oh, one more thing ... | 06:13 |
nixternal | wasabi robotgeek! | 07:19 |
* nixternal goes and gets a dr. pepper | 07:19 | |
robotgeek | howdy nixternal | 07:20 |
nixternal | how have you been? | 07:22 |
nixternal | haven't talked to you in a while | 07:22 |
robotgeek | nixternal: pretty good. just busy with work and life. | 07:22 |
nixternal | ya, pretty much the same here | 07:23 |
robotgeek | submitting small patches to things i use (rockbox: rejected, working on new and sloccount) are a few recent ones | 07:23 |
robotgeek | have not even upgraded to kde 4 :) | 07:23 |
nixternal | ouch | 07:23 |
nixternal | gotta love that rockbox :) | 07:23 |
nixternal | you can at least use the amarok/kde4 theme for it if you have a sansa e260 :) | 07:24 |
nixternal | that's what I use now | 07:24 |
robotgeek | i actually use it :) | 07:24 |
nixternal | nice | 07:24 |
nixternal | you have a sansa or did the dev port it to other devices as well? | 07:24 |
robotgeek | the cover thing works, the cover plugin for amarok also works, which is neat. so i get album covers in rock box | 07:25 |
robotgeek | i have the same sansa. wooted it | 07:25 |
nixternal | ahh, I need to get that cover plugin | 07:25 |
nixternal | I forgot to install it last time I updated | 07:25 |
robotgeek | also joined the local makers | 07:25 |
robotgeek | keeps me busy. also 8 hours of writing code at work usually saps out motivation to sit in front of the computer and do stuff :) | 07:27 |
nixternal | oh man, I can totally relate there | 07:27 |
nixternal | though I got the boost I needed from UDS last week | 07:28 |
robotgeek | excellent. did you have a good time? | 07:28 |
nixternal | a very good time | 07:28 |
nixternal | a lot of community, motu/core-dev, and kubuntu stuff that week | 07:29 |
nixternal | as well as the google burritos that rocked! | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | heh :) | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | a lot of the google stuff rocked | 07:29 |
nixternal | especially those burritos! | 07:29 |
nixternal | and the lil doggies | 07:29 |
robotgeek | great! | 07:30 |
robotgeek | i have not done any work with kubuntu in a year and a half. i think about leaving the teams, but i am hoping i will get off my butt and do something :) | 07:31 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:31 |
robotgeek | i should probably document the setup i have with mythtv + nvidia + dual screen + remote. it worked out pretty nicely. was nasty to configure. | 07:34 |
robotgeek | nixternal: time for me to go away to bed. long day :). i'll catch up with you some other time | 07:36 |
robotgeek | have a merry christmas, and a happy new year! | 07:36 |
* robotgeek forgets this was -devel (sorry!) | 07:37 | |
nixternal | g'nite | 07:37 |
nixternal | no problem, we need to break the ice in here every now and then | 07:37 |
* Hobbsee grabs an axe | 07:38 | |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
* NCommander throws Hobbsee through the ice | 08:21 | |
apachelogger | ryanakca, ScottK: I don't think patching quassel to use knotify/ isn't too much work | 09:35 |
apachelogger | IIRC the visualnotify stuff is mostly compatible with libnotify, so one just would need to change some things and it should work | 09:36 |
* apachelogger goes shopping | 09:36 | |
didrocks | ScottK: thx :) | 09:40 |
apachelogger | | 11:11 |
apachelogger | :D | 11:11 |
NCommander | flamewar in 3 ... 2 ... 1... | 11:12 |
apachelogger | answer: because GTK is hell old and not even used by GNOME :P | 11:13 |
apachelogger | GTK+ ftw | 11:13 |
apachelogger | then again GTK+ was not really an option for KDE Uno... | 11:13 |
apachelogger | anyways, I am AFK for cooking | 11:13 |
NCommander | GTK was written for GIMP, and that was because Qt was non-free at the time, right? | 11:13 |
apachelogger | ~wp gimp | 11:26 |
kubotu | Results for gimp: 1. GIMP: | 2. Gimp (band): | 3. GIMP - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: | 11:26 |
kubotu | [1] GIMP 2.6.0 running on KDE. | 11:26 |
apachelogger | uhh that is a kubuntu snapshot, I tell you | 11:26 |
apachelogger | NCommander: the question is did they even know about it | 11:28 |
NCommander | apachelogger, I think the big reason GIMP wrote their own toolset is that until only a few years ago, Qt was non-free. That's what actually caused GNOME's existance | 11:29 |
apachelogger | NCommander: few years? | 11:30 |
apachelogger | >10 years IIRC | 11:30 |
* NCommander runs to wikipedia | 11:30 | |
NCommander | Qt was always "free" as in beer | 11:30 |
NCommander | But it was under the Q public license | 11:31 |
NCommander | it was only relicensed under the GPL about five years ago or so | 11:31 |
apachelogger | With the release of version 2.0 of the toolkit, the license was changed to the Q Public License (QPL), a free software license but one regarded by the Free Software Foundation as incompatible with the GPL. | 11:32 |
NCommander | oh, my mistake | 11:32 |
NCommander | sorry my memory gone a little fuzzy over the years | 11:32 |
apachelogger | see, were enough years to cloud your memory :P | 11:32 |
NCommander | I thought QPL wasn't a free license | 11:33 |
apachelogger | that would make the public kinda pointless though | 11:33 |
apachelogger | wikipedia-- | 11:33 |
apachelogger | the page on qt is a pita | 11:33 |
* NCommander points apachelogger to the edit button | 11:33 | |
* Hobbsee edits NCommander | 11:34 | |
NCommander | BTW, apachelogger, please retry kde4bindings on ia64 for me | 11:34 |
* NCommander deletes Hobbsee | 11:34 | |
* Hobbsee also pokes him in the ribs, and watches him fall off his chair | 11:34 | |
apachelogger | I wouldn't be reading that page if I knew precisely when qt become dual licensed :P | 11:34 |
Hobbsee | no, you can't delete any objects unless they're spawned from you, while you're editing yourself... | 11:34 |
apachelogger | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 11:36 |
apachelogger | libplasma-dev: Depends: libplasma3 (= 4:4.1.85-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 11:36 |
apachelogger | E: Broken packages | 11:36 |
apachelogger | NCommander: wouldn't that only happen if something declares an unversioned dep on libplasma-dev? | 11:36 |
* NCommander didn't touch that deps line | 11:37 | |
NCommander | Oh | 11:37 |
NCommander | d'oh | 11:37 |
NCommander | kde4bindings has an explicate build-dep on 4.1.85-0ubuntu2 or greater | 11:37 |
apachelogger | very weird | 11:37 |
NCommander | No, that was intentional :-) | 11:37 |
* apachelogger always thought the debs get populated all at once | 11:38 | |
NCommander | it also has one on python-qt4 | 11:38 |
apachelogger | NCommander: I mean that the build failed | 11:38 |
apachelogger | "This all became a moot point with the release of Qt 2.2. This and later versions of the free Qt are covered under a "dual" license." | 11:38 |
* NCommander shrugs | 11:38 | |
apachelogger | now I just gotta find out when 2.2 got released | 11:38 |
apachelogger | NCommander: retried | 11:38 |
NCommander | Thanks | 11:39 |
apachelogger | ah | 11:39 |
apachelogger | german++ | 11:39 |
apachelogger | | 11:39 |
NCommander | I don't read german | 11:39 |
apachelogger | compare that page to the english one | 11:39 |
apachelogger | a shame! | 11:39 |
NCommander | sorry | 11:39 |
apachelogger | NCommander: google can translate | 11:39 |
NCommander | :-P | 11:39 |
apachelogger | 7. Dezember 2000 2.2 | 11:39 |
apachelogger | "Controversy erupted around 1998 when it became clear that KDE was going to become one of the leading desktop environments for Linux." | 11:40 |
apachelogger | so it took TT 2 years to resolve that issue, I consider this fast movement for a company ^_^ | 11:40 |
apachelogger | uhhh | 11:44 |
apachelogger | memo++ | 11:44 |
apachelogger | smarter: read your memos :P | 11:44 |
smarter | hmm | 11:45 |
smarter | yup, the desc exceeds 80 chars, didn't thought it would be such a problem for an alpha :P | 11:46 |
* smarter will fix that | 11:46 | |
f4l3_ | I have seen the thing about konversation for jaunty | 11:53 |
f4l3_ | is not possible put a 'temporary' different client for IRC, based on kde4/qt4? | 11:54 |
apachelogger | Nightrose: checkOut() started with component: kdeedu | 11:55 |
apachelogger | f4l3_: sure, if there was a usable one :P | 11:55 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: If I'm able to find one? | 11:57 |
f4l3_ | I mean, we are still in time to make changes like this? | 12:01 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: btw, probably konversation will not be ready even for 9.10 | 12:07 |
|newbie| | ok | 12:14 |
|newbie| | apachelogger: I think I found one :) | 12:14 |
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi | ||
|newbie| | and it seems way better than konversation | 12:15 |
apachelogger | which one? | 12:17 |
|newbie| | apachelogger: KVIrc | 12:17 |
apachelogger | we agreed that it looks like ... | 12:18 |
=== |newbie| is now known as Fale_ | ||
Fale_ | apachelogger: what do you mean? | 12:19 |
apachelogger | Fale_: it's not exaclty looking sexy | 12:19 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: maybe a little bit of skinning? | 12:19 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: I mean, to me, it seems like we have three options | 12:20 |
Fale_ | - ship it w/out an IRC | 12:20 |
Fale_ | - ship it with konversation and with all the qt3 | 12:20 |
Fale_ | - ship it with a different client | 12:20 |
smarter | Fale_: we're investigating shipping Quassel | 12:20 |
apachelogger | we have a lot more options really :P | 12:21 |
apachelogger | 1) no IRC client | 12:21 |
Fale_ | smarter: I have tried it... it use a lot of RAM and CPU | 12:21 |
apachelogger | 2) no IRC client but write a tiny app to download&&install&&start konvi and all the qt3 bloat | 12:21 |
apachelogger | ship with kvirc | 12:21 |
apachelogger | with kvirc-kde4 | 12:21 |
apachelogger | or with quassel | 12:21 |
apachelogger | or with xchat | 12:21 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: my third covers all these... | 12:22 |
apachelogger | though I doubt the latter would save much space even though we have a core gtk anyway | 12:22 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: why we have core gtk? | 12:22 |
apachelogger | gtk-qt-engine | 12:22 |
apachelogger | and OOo as well | 12:23 |
Fale_ | oh, ok, I thought it wasn't by default on the cd | 12:23 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: OOo is based on gtk? | 12:23 |
Fale_ | I thought it was only C++ the backend | 12:23 |
apachelogger | no, it just happens to use it on linux | 12:24 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: btw the 'pure' theme for KVIrc is close to be acceptable, imho | 12:25 |
Fale_ | oh, I see | 12:27 |
Fale_ | apachelogger: but even OOo-kde is written in gtk? | 12:28 |
f4l3_ | bye | 12:32 |
NCommander | wooo | 12:33 |
NCommander | kde4libs built on arm | 12:33 |
NCommander | go bindings go! | 12:33 |
NCommander | apachelogger, - push retry please | 12:33 |
NCommander | (so it will get pushed quickly into the build queue) | 12:34 |
apachelogger | Fale_: ooo-kde is AFAIK just like gtk-qt-engine and uses different dialogs | 12:43 |
NCommander | apachelogger, please retry :-) | 12:44 |
apachelogger | NCommander: already did :P | 12:44 |
NCommander | woo | 12:44 |
milian | hi there | 12:47 |
milian | which package do I need to install to get debug symbols for kate/kwrite etc. in KDE 4.2 beta 2 ? | 12:47 |
milian | I installed kdebase-dev and kdelibs-dev | 12:47 |
milian | but cannot find kwrite / kate-dev | 12:47 |
apachelogger | milian: kdebase-workspace-dbg and kdesdk-dbg | 12:50 |
apachelogger | -dev doesn't really have anything to do with debugging :P | 12:50 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: that's not very cool (about the OOo-kde) | 13:17 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: is there a statistic of the space usage of the disk? | 13:19 |
apachelogger | f4l3_: no, feel free to make one ;-) | 13:22 |
apachelogger | but OOo probably eats most | 13:22 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: mmm use koffice instead of OOo? | 13:23 |
apachelogger | doesn't messure up right now | 13:23 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: and about the OOo's gui... I will think about that one day... but not today xD | 13:23 |
f4l3_ | messure = ? | 13:24 |
apachelogger | s/messure/measure | 13:24 |
* apachelogger is making up new words today :D | 13:24 | |
apachelogger | kde-nightly-kdeedu available to the public | 13:25 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: I think I haven't got your phrase... | 13:25 |
apachelogger | f4l3_: koffice doesn't have as many features as OOo and thus doesn't cover most use cases + it is a lot less table right now | 13:26 |
apachelogger | *stable even | 13:26 |
f4l3_ | apachelogger: ok, I got it | 13:28 |
runpain2 | I have Kubuntu 8.04 and have up graded 2.6.24 23 kernel i use gdesklets how can i use the desklets and not have the shell window popup when i boot up i want the desklets clock and quote of the day to load as i get to desktop | 14:03 |
apachelogger | runpain2: #kubuntu for support please | 14:11 |
milian | thanks apachelogger | 14:23 |
devfil2 | ScottK: any news about digikam-kde4? | 14:27 |
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian | ||
stdin | apachelogger: anyone can suggest a factoid change you know ;) | 14:32 |
apachelogger | stdin: there is no handbook, so I don't know :P | 14:32 |
stdin | !bot | 14:32 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu-devel's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 14:32 |
stdin | see the Usage info | 14:32 |
stdin | you just do "!factoid is something" or "!factoid is <reply> something else" | 14:33 |
stdin | !offtopic-#kubuntu-offtopic is <reply> #kubuntu-offtopic is the development channel for Kubuntu, please use #kubuntu for support questions and #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks | 14:39 |
ubottu | But offtopic-#kubuntu-offtopic already means something else! | 14:39 |
stdin | really? | 14:39 |
stdin | ah, yes. dumb me | 14:39 |
stdin | !offtopic-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> #kubuntu-offtopic is the development channel for Kubuntu, please use #kubuntu for support questions and #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks | 14:39 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, stdin | 14:40 |
jussi01 | hehe | 14:40 |
jussi01 | stdin: I trust youll fix that? | 14:40 |
stdin | yes :) | 14:40 |
stdin | in /msg though | 14:40 |
jussi01 | hehe | 14:40 |
ScottK | apachelogger: The issue you run into with stuff like the kde4bindings that you retried last night is that the -dev package is arch all while the main package arch any and so the newer -dev is there before the main package on a slow arch. That makes the -dev uninstallable. If a build-dep is uninstallable, as opposed to mearly not present, sbuild will fail the build. | 15:13 |
ScottK | Oddly though if it's already depwait, and the -dev is uninstallable, it just leaves it depwait. | 15:13 |
ScottK | There are bugs filed on this. | 15:13 |
ScottK | Thanks for doing the retries. | 15:13 |
lool | Folks, koffice failed to build due to patches not applying; is anybody looking into this already? | 15:41 |
lool | bbiab | 15:43 |
jjesse-dell9 | morning | 16:05 |
ScottK-palm | Hobbsee: Would you please rescore the armel build of kde4bindings? | 17:09 |
* ScottK-palm will be back later. | 17:10 | |
lool | Hmm Debian has a newer koffice in experimental, 1.9.98 | 17:41 |
lool | Was koffice imported in a bzr branch? | 17:45 |
lool | Would someone be so kind to check and either commit it or ack it? | 17:52 |
* ScottK looks at Riddell ^^^ | 18:19 | |
ScottK | Perhaps hell grace us with a visit. | 18:19 |
ScottK | hell/he'll | 18:19 |
lool | Heh it's almost xmas | 18:23 |
seele | he's probably on holiday from his holiday. | 18:27 |
ScottK | Probably. | 18:27 |
nixternal | he is probably heading back home actually, as he stayed in sunnyvale for another week to travel via his brompton | 18:31 |
=== glade88_ is now known as glade88 | ||
Nightrose | apachelogger: yay @ edu *hug* | 20:09 |
jjesse | isn't there a package that provides extra plasmoids, kde-extras or something like that/ | 20:11 |
smarter | jjesse-dell9: kdeplasma-addons | 20:21 |
lool | ScottK: Do you know whether koffice is kept in bzr? If not would it be reasonnable to push this relatively small delta? | 20:31 |
lool | I tried looking for it, but only found an old import from 1998 | 20:32 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: rescored | 22:31 |
ScottK | lool: I don't know. I think Riddell has been mostly doing that himself, but I'm not sure. | 22:38 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: Thanks. | 22:38 |
ScottK | rgreening: Did you see my comments on kvirc-kde4? | 22:41 |
jjesse | hrmm anyone able to get the lcd weather plasmoid to work? for me it doesn't show any data sources to find cities | 22:54 |
ScottK | Would someone who is running Jaunty, please install kdenlive and see if it works without ffmpeg installed? | 23:02 |
ScottK | There are some conflicting reports about if it's needed for more than firewire capture. | 23:02 |
Riddell | evening | 23:05 |
ScottK | Good evening. | 23:05 |
ScottK | I think the only pressing issue for you is lool's question about koffice. | 23:06 |
Riddell | lool's patch looks fine | 23:07 |
Riddell | there's no bzr for koffice (that I know of) | 23:07 |
* ScottK looks at lool's patch. | 23:14 | |
nixternal | Riddell: you back home yet? | 23:17 |
ScottK | Riddell and lool: I'm test building the koffice update now and will upload it once it finished. | 23:35 |
Riddell | nixternal: yes, nice to have real internet again | 23:54 |
nixternal | hehe, I hear you there | 23:56 |
nixternal | I am at a LUG meeting now, but we are hacking on some google api stuff right now...pretty boring actually | 23:56 |
nixternal | but we have lots of beer and we are looking at ordering pizza | 23:56 |
DaSkreech | Does anyonehave working plasma shortcuts? | 23:59 |
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