
xnoxHello! I'm trying to find Andrea Veri (bluekuja)00:10
xnoxHe is a MOTU but I think he is gone MIA00:10
Hobbseedoesn't seem to be online at the moment00:10
Hobbseealthough you've got the nick right00:10
Hobbsee[11:10] [Notice] -NickServ- Last seen  : Nov 18 20:55:39 2008 (4 weeks, 3 days, 03:15:05 ago)00:10
Hobbseeholidays, maybe?00:10
crimsunplease feel free to leave a message with hobbsee, who will poke with some stick or something.00:10
* Hobbsee suggests email00:11
* xnox emailed him as well as his Debian Sponsors00:11
xnoxBasicly his packages in Debian are in semi bad state00:11
* Hobbsee Please leave a message after the tone. <beep!>00:11
xnoxall uploads were in 200700:11
xnoxthere are a few new upstream releases not packaged and a few NMU and a few bugs with patches attached00:12
xnoxMe wants to take over =D00:12
Hobbseeafaik, go ahead.00:12
Hobbseeif he's mia, he's mia, and it seems he's not overly interested after a year00:13
crimsunintent to hijack!00:13
xnoxcrimsun: I'm not going to hijack I will contact debian mia team. and do everything as per debian reference / new mainteners guide / policy. Then I will hijack =D00:14
Hobbseexnox: i suspect he's forgotten about it, tbh.00:15
Hobbseemost people won't leave stuff for a year, if they remember it00:15
xnoxWhat does tbh mean? (English is my 3rd language)00:15
Hobbseeto be honest00:16
Hobbsee(yay for acronyms)00:16
xnoxok thanks00:16
xnoxI just hope he is alive =D00:16
xnoxWell his wiki/irc is the most recent. Last upload anywhere was on 3rd January 2008 for hardy00:17
xnoxThanks everyone. I will right him another email and then I'll go through MIA process to get packages uptodate.00:18
xnoxDo you do anything with MIA MOTU's or are you keeping that title forever for everyone who becomes one?00:19
Hobbseexnox: well, MOTU stuff is group maintained, so there's no maintainer lock like there is in debian.00:20
Hobbseethey do get the option to renew their MOTU rights every 2 years, and there's some discussion about what to do for inactive people00:21
crimsunhmm, eventually i'll have to reapply for motu00:22
xnoxHobbsee: thnx. I hope to become MOTU soon =D00:23
xnoxAnyone from UK or Latvia? I want to get my PGP key signed =D00:23
Hobbseexnox: you're welcome00:24
Hobbseexnox: plenty of UK people around00:24
Hobbseenot at this time of day, but around.00:24
xnoxok cool =D00:24
Hobbseego to a loco group, and look for people in ubuntu shirts, or wiht ubuntu stickers on their laptops, and say hello00:25
Hobbseeno idea on latvia00:25
xnoxLoco group I went to in Hull didn't do any programming or key signing. They were just drinking =D They are sysadmins and stuff.00:27
crimsunprogramming/drinking. one and the same.00:27
crimsunquite explains code quality, actually.00:28
Laneyballmer peak right?00:28
xnox=D Lol00:28
crimsunHobbsee: do you know what become of discussions to collapse this channel into -devel and have a general packaging one? (i presume it was nixed)00:29
xnoxIs there a map where I can find people with PGP keys?00:29
Hobbseecrimsun: beyond the plenary discussion?  I've seen nothing public00:29
Hobbsee(or private)00:29
crimsunHobbsee: ok00:29
Hobbseecrimsun: maybe there's internal stuff somewhere, but...*shrug*00:30
rrittenhouseI'm trying to look at DaD and how the merges work. Are there any documents on the Internet that might aid me in learning about this process?01:02
vorianrrittenhouse: did you check out the wiki page on merging?01:03
rrittenhousevorian, Not really. I'm looking around but I thought I should ask around.01:03
vorianrrittenhouse: it's full o' info on the process01:04
vorianrrittenhouse: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging01:05
rrittenhousevorian, Yeah I see that now. I guess I wasn't sure what to look under. I'm trying to familiarize myself with some of the packaging aspects. I made a patch that was sponsored in Universe and I just submitted one for main.. Pretty cool stuff!01:05
vorianthat's awesome01:06
rrittenhousewith the help of my mentor, bobbo :)01:06
vorianoh sheesh01:06
* bobbo sidles out whistling01:06
vorianrrittenhouse: if you want to be a motu, you will have to do the opposite of what bobbo says01:06
bobbovorian: oi! I'm a MOTU now!01:07
vorianna, Congrats man!01:07
bobbohehe, thanks :)01:07
voriani must have missed that!01:07
vorianbobbo: be careful with rrittenhouse, he's a blackberry lover01:08
bobbowe cant be having that rrittenhouse!01:08
bulletxtHi, I would like to add a software to Ubuntu's repository. Is there someone willing to do the job for me as i really don't have time? The sofware is AcetoneISO01:08
rrittenhousevorian, Better than that K word ;)01:08
vorianbulletxt: please file a "needs packaging" bug on launchpad01:08
rrittenhouseI'll be getting a G1 soon, is that any better?01:08
bobbobulletxt: you would need to file a Needs Packaging bug, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Requesting%20a%20new%20package%20for%20Ubuntu01:09
bobboG1 > Blackberry, easily01:09
rrittenhousevorian, your the one that has an iphone ;)01:09
rrittenhousegot KDE on that yet?01:09
bulletxtbobbo: vorian: this is why I'm asking in this channel:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2898301:10
* vorian looks01:10
* bobbo has looked01:11
bobbobulletxt: if you follow the instructions at the wiki link i posted, a developer might pick it up and package it for you01:11
quadrisproanyone on bug #309875?01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309875 in isomaster "Please sync isomaster 1.3.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30987501:12
quadrisproI need an ACK :)01:12
bobboquadrispro: I'll have a look01:12
vorianbulletxt: do you have a link to your project page that works by chance?01:12
bulletxtvorian: do you mean official website? http://www.acetoneteam.org01:13
vorianah, great01:13
voriansomeone posted http://www.acetoneiso.netsons.org/01:13
quadrisprooh bobbo, congrats!01:14
quadrispro(it's late, I know :))01:14
bobboquadrispro: thanks alot :)01:14
bulletxtvorian: it was the old one but netsons domain went literally down01:14
vorianno biggie01:14
rrittenhouseNow I get to bug the heck out of him until I learn motu-tasks :D01:14
* bobbo cries as his JD is finished01:15
rrittenhousehaha i'll have to send you a bottle01:16
LaneyCan I 0-day merges now that we're close to DIF?01:16
vorianbug 10587301:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105873 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]AcetoneISO" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10587301:18
bobboquadrispro: in the .desktop we removed the categories AudioVideo and DiscBurning, but they exist in the Debian .desktop, is that ok? (Will it still fix the bug we created the delta with?)01:20
nhandler'collectd' has a versioned Build-Depends on libupsclient1-dev (>> 2.2.2-8ubuntu1). Should this change still be retained? Currently, libupsclient1-dev 2.2.2-10ubuntu1 is in jaunty01:26
quadrisprobobbo: yes, it's ok (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=507369)01:28
ubottuDebian bug 507369 in isomaster "isomaster's .desktop file is suboptimal" [Wishlist,Closed]01:28
bobboquadrispro: Ah ok, looks good :)01:30
bobboquadrispro: ACK'd01:31
quadrisprobobbo: thank you! and... if you aren't too busy, there's bug #309878 :)01:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309878 in postr "Please merge postr 0.12.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30987801:31
bobboquadrispro: is it a simple one? I'm pretty tired :P01:32
quadrisprobobbo: yes, it's very simple01:32
bobboquadrispro: right, looking at it now :)01:33
quadrisproI'm very tired too, in Italy it's 2 am here, but merging&syncing&fixing-in-general is like a drug :D01:34
bobboquadrispro: hehe, where abouts in Italy are you? (Also, upload an Ubuntu->Ubuntu debdiff and I'll upload, merge looks fine)01:35
quadrisprobobbo: Aprilia, near Rome01:36
bobboquadrispro: Wow, you're not far from where my Dad lives/works, in Latina01:37
quadrisproyes, Aprilia is in the province of Latina01:38
bobbonice one :)01:39
bobboI may have to drop by next time I'm in Latina :PP01:40
quadrisprobobbo: http://home.alessiotreglia.com/ -> I've added your key to the keyring, you can find the configuration instructions here http://home.alessiotreglia.com/dput_configuration01:47
bobboquadrispro: deb-o-matic server?01:48
quadrisproserver is mine, but it's maintained by DktrKranz01:48
bobbohehe, just wait until Luca releases my modules branch, its gonna be awesome :P01:49
quadrisproI'm going to sleep, I tell you the password in pvt01:49
bobboquadrispro: cool, Uploading that merge01:50
quadrisprobobbo: see you! bye ;)01:51
bobboquadrispro: bye!01:51
ScottKcrimsun: I'd say collapse the ML.  There's nothing MOTU specific on the MOTU ML that couldn't be on the MC list instead.02:17
CarlFKdh_install: libpostproc51 missing files (usr/lib/{,*/,*/*/}libpostproc.so.*), aborting  http://dpaste.com/100939/  last 100 lines of build03:02
CarlFKlone make maked, so it something in my dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b03:03
CarlFKI am building on x64 box03:03
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
RAOF_Who wants to make nouveau installable?  nouveau-kernel-source could do with a review: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=429704:08
* ScottK looks around for someone who knows stuff about kernels.04:16
ScottKspys persia ... Yep.04:16
* ScottK looks in the mirror ... Nope.04:16
cody-somervilleWhats the convention for naming tarballs of svn snapshots?04:21
* cody-somerville guesses and will upload to revu.04:26
ScottKcody-somerville: There are choices.04:27
cody-somervilleScottK, well, there hasn't been a release yet04:28
cody-somerville(if that makes a difference)04:28
ScottKIt can either be + the last release or ~ the next one.  In that case 0.0+svn is nice.  Then either date or svn commit.04:28
ScottKI like svn commit, but date it more common.04:28
cody-somerville(for the package version)04:30
CarlFKhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto  "sudo pbuilder build *.dsc"  - there is no mention of getting the .dsc file until later "Good places to look are http://packages.ubuntu.com ..."04:33
CarlFKis that the right place?04:33
RAOF_cody-somerville: That looks good to me.04:34
ScottKcody-somerville: Yes.04:34
cody-somervilleCarlFK, for dsc in the ubuntu archive yes04:35
cody-somervilleThe thing I hate about + and ~ is the double clicking in the terminal stops the highlight at those characters :/04:36
cody-somerville(so does tab)04:37
crimsunhopefully your terminal emulator allows you to set the regex delimiters =). at least rxvt-unicode does.04:38
* highvoltage guesses that cody uses xfterm404:39
* cody-somerville uses gnome-terminal :P04:39
* highvoltage too04:39
ScottKcody-somerville: It's not a problem in Konsole.04:40
highvoltageah yes. konsole brings up a paperclip that says "It seems like you're trying to select text. Should I include that + or ~ in your selection?"04:41
CarlFKlooks like apt-get source bc gets it too04:42
cody-somervilleCarlFK, yup04:42
cody-somervilleCarlFK, but you have to have the deb-src lines in your sources.list for that to work04:42
CarlFKi normally use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b but that errored: http://dpaste.com/100939/ dh_install: libpostproc51 missing files (usr/lib/{,*/,*/*/}libpostproc.so.*), aborting04:44
CarlFKso I thought I would try the recommended way :)04:45
* cody-somerville goes to watch a movie, bbl04:47
ScottKSome rules just shouldn't have to be written down, but they do ....04:59
ScottKFrom Debian Policy 10.2: "Producing source packages that depend on unreleased compilers is also usually a bad idea."04:59
RAOF_scottK: Using debian-policy for some light bedtime reading?05:14
nixternaldo you people ever sleep?05:15
RAOF_Rarely at 2:15pm.05:16
RAOF_You look like a man who wants to review a nouveau kernel source package!05:16
crimsunhmm, i think i mentioned looking at that. oops. ok, so maybe in ... 16-17 hours after work05:17
nixternalmy "Effective Java" book has about put me to sleep...the mentioning of 'memory leaks', 'improper garbage-collection', 'unintentional object retentions', and 'obsolete references'...I can't take anymore of it tonight05:17
RAOF_crimsun: Was that aimed at me?  If so, cool.  I may have missed it with connectivity drops.05:18
crimsunRAOF_: yes, it was05:19
ScottKRAOF_: No.  Googling for something about -dev packaging landed me in that paragraph.05:34
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
StevenKRAOF: How is Fremantle?05:42
RAOFStevenK: It was nice.05:52
StevenKWas? Blink.05:53
RAOFIt turned out that we didn't actually want to buy anything, and rapidly ended up at Little Creatures.05:53
* RAOF is in Sorrento, Perth. Fremantle is some distance away.05:54
RAOFLittle Creatures is awesome.  There should be a UDS there sometime :)05:54
et3I updated the bug report on a new package and I need someone whom evaluates packages look over it.06:06
et3it can be found here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/30792806:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307928 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] md4sum hash utility requests to be added" [Wishlist,Incomplete]06:06
et3RAOF: yeah.  It's some other hashing style than md5sum.06:24
et3something for eDonkey or other...06:24
=== antoniac is now known as theseinfeld
cliffbreakerhi everyone. I want to create ubuntu package but standard methods can't be applied to a program I want to package. It has an install script and no configure or makefile. Can anybody please advise me how to do that?09:41
quadrisprohi! anyone on bug #309940?10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309940 in python-minimock "Please merge python-minimock 0.9-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30994010:17
sebnerquadrispro: you subscribed u-u-s 10 minutes ago so just wait ;) furthermore asking here is only ok if nobody sponsores it in the next days imho ;)10:27
quadrisprosebner: eheh, ok :D10:30
sebnerquadrispro: regardin uck and menu file. Of course ubuntu does not use menu files *but* we also want to get new package not only in ubuntu but also in Debian ;)10:31
quadrisprosebner: ah! ok10:32
quadrisprosebner: please, add a comment to REVU to remember me that10:32
sebnerquadrispro: sure10:33
DktrKranzquadrispro, uck is useful for Debian too?10:33
quadrisproI don't believe that...10:34
* sebner is deleting his comment10:34
sebnerquadrispro: you might want to wait with your merge btw, see bug #29646610:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296466 in python-central "[Sync request] Please sync Python-central 0.6.8 from Debian Lenny" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29646610:35
quadrisproah! sure10:36
RainCTquadrispro: openbox uses menu files by default10:38
RainCTeven on Ubuntu10:38
quadrisprook, if it's a problem, UCK will contain a menu file :)10:40
TheSheepHello, I was wondering how to use the https://launchpad.net/packaging10:47
TheSheepI can;t figure it out10:47
quadrisproRainCT, sebner:  what do you think about the note I've added to debian/copyright on the debian dir provided by upstream?10:48
quadrisproI've added it to both changelog and copyright10:49
HobbseeTheSheep: you'll probably have to talk to whoever imported it.  doesn't look like an ubuntu thing, as such?10:50
TheSheepI was hoping somebody here might be using it :)10:51
RainCTquadrispro: link?10:51
sebnerHobbsee: \o/10:52
sebnerRainCT: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=uck10:53
Hobbseeheya sebner!10:54
RainCTquadrispro: providing a get-orig-source rule in debian/rules would be better (unless you know that it won't be necessary anymore with the next version)10:54
sebnerHobbsee: mind sponsoring to things to main? (2 uploads, gnomelib rebuilds)10:54
RainCTis anyone here interested in dovecot?10:56
quadrisproRainCT: bhe, with the next version it will be unnecessary10:56
RainCTquadrispro: okay, I can live without a get-orig-source then ;P10:57
quadrisprooh, good for you! :D10:58
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elmargolIs there an easy way to include .deb files to pbuilder?11:21
elmargolI get this pbuilder problem any Ideas? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m61388dcf11:37
RainCTelmargol: you've to give it the .dsc, not the .changes11:43
elmargolRainCT: oops11:47
POXRainCT: (about screenruler) version in bzr repo and the one in Debian doesn't match12:09
POXI mean, except your patch12:10
POXf.e. the one in bzr has "Vcs-Browse:" field12:10
POX(missing "r")12:10
POXI will upload the Debian one with your patch taken from bzr12:11
RainCTPOX: is the "r" the only difference?12:11
POXalso: Section: utils, new dependency (libgconf2-ruby) and some changes in .desktop file12:13
RainCTyep, I'm seeing12:13
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
RainCTok, added all changes to bzr12:16
POXRainCT: btw, please add "RFS" tag in Subject if you want to have higher priority (procmail will move it to the Debian/RFS mailbox)12:22
POXsee http://people.debian.org/~piotr/sponsor A3 for more details12:22
RainCTPOX: okay, thanks12:23
POXlintian complains about NMU (you forgot to add your nick in the changelog)12:24
RainCTPOX: damn, I thought I had already changed the maintainer field everywhere.. please use this http://paste.debian.net/24086/12:27
RainCTPOX: thanks12:45
RainCTPOX: can I request the unfreeze now or should I wait until it's build?12:46
POXit's arch:all so you can request now12:48
RainCTPOX: and if it wasn't?12:48
POXyou could request it as well :) (it would not propagate to testing if one of architectures will be missing)12:49
POX(but I would wait for all architectures before bothering RMs)12:51
RainCTPOX: alright, send it :)13:01
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sebneremgent: \o/14:03
emgenthello sebner14:05
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sebneremgent: is utu down?14:30
emgentsebner: yaserver down14:35
sebneremgent: kay14:40
sebnernorsetto: \o/16:02
norsettosebner: \o/16:04
sebnernorsetto: btw, I've to admit that I'd have advocated uck before you've done your review. /me hides16:04
norsettosebner,  why should you hide? you have done well, next one you will do even better ;-)16:06
sebnernorsetto: sure but some more issues you found could have also been found by me :\  --> I know that nobody sees everything but this annoys me ^^16:08
norsettosebner, I'm quite sure I missed something too, 4 eyes always see better than two. Thats why is always good to let others check your work16:10
sebnernorsetto: sure but there are two class reviewers ;)16:14
* pochu waves at sebner and norsetto :)16:15
norsettosebner, too bad that got lost, otherwise I would have shown you my first package. scottk, persia and themuso shredded it to pieces :-)16:15
sebnerpochu: \o/16:15
norsettoHola pochu16:15
sebnernorsetto: ^^16:26
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
quadrisproDktrKranz: did you see my last change in uck?16:50
quadrisproDktrKranz: what do you think about the CC license that I've added to debian/copyright?16:50
nhandlerdoko__: ping17:00
sebnerquadrispro: do you still work on ynet?17:01
nhandlerDoes anyone know if we will be getting python-central 0.6.8 in jaunty?17:02
quadrisprosebner: i'have to prepare a debdiff for gutsy and dapper...17:02
quadrisprosebner: why?17:02
sebnerquadrispro: well, the last debdiffs are some days old and I thought you stopped maybe17:05
sebnernhandler: seems so17:05
nhandlersebner: Is there any estimated timeframe? I'm trying to decide if it is worth not uploading a merge where the only change is modifying the build-depends version for python-central17:06
quadrisprosebner: ah ok17:06
sebnernhandler: dunno, see last comments on bug #29646617:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296466 in python-central "[Sync request] Please sync Python-central 0.6.8 from Debian Lenny" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29646617:07
nhandlersebner: Ok, that comment was relatively recent. I'll tell the person to wait a few days and then request a sync17:08
sebnernhandler: \o/17:09
nhandlersebner: What should I set the status to for the merge? I was thinking of setting it to 'Incomplete' and telling them to convert it to a sync a request once the new python-central has been uploaded17:11
sebnernhandler: +117:11
sebnernhandler: and unsubscripe u-u-s meanwhile17:11
nhandlerYeah, I know that ;)17:12
quadrisprosebner: bug 29269617:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292696 in ytnef "ytnef missing package dependency" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29269617:16
sebnerquadrispro: I'm not a member of MOTU-SRU =)17:16
sebnerannoy DktrKranz :P17:16
quadrisprosebner: everything works fine, yes, I know17:16
cody-somervilleor me :]17:16
sebnercody-somerville: but I want to be nice to you :D17:17
* norsetto wonders if quadrispro has a weakness for packages which miss file as a deps :-/17:18
quadrispronorsetto: lol17:30
quadrisprobye folks!17:31
nhandlerIs there a script in one of the dev tools packages to fetch the source files from the Debian PTS other than manually getting the dsc url and using dget?17:43
jpdsThere's a wishlist bug for something like that in u-d-t.17:46
nhandlerjpds: I just made a basic perl script that should work.17:47
nhandlerThe only issue is, dget does not support piping it the URL of a dsc file. So right now, I have my script running dget inside the script itself17:47
iulianSee bug 289141.17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289141 in ubuntu-dev-tools "[wishlist] please add pull-debian-source script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28914117:48
sebnerwould be nice =)17:48
nhandlerI didn't even know we had a pull-lp-source17:49
iuliannhandler: Well, there is no way to improve the script if you don't share it. ;)17:51
nhandleriulian: I'm going to improve my script so that it contains all of the features requested in the bug report. Right now, it only supports unstable. Then, I'll get it added to u-d-t17:53
norsettonhandler, do you use page scraping or dak queries to retrieve the debian version?18:08
nhandlernorsetto: Right now, I am using page scraping18:12
nhandlerI have no experience with dak queries18:12
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=== Amaranth is now known as bluesmoke
norsettonhandler, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi18:18
nelleryDktrKranz: Hi, are you planning on doing the jack-audio-connection-kit merge?18:19
DktrKranzhi nellery, please take it. Feel free to ping me for sponsorship (I'll be around for the next couple of hours).18:21
nelleryDktrKranz: alright thanks!18:22
* DktrKranz moves to dinner now... pizza time!18:22
nhandlernorsetto: That is for Ubuntu. The script I am making is for Debian18:25
iulianHmm, yummy yummy.18:25
iulianI... love pizza.18:25
iulianOh, sorry. This is really off-topic here.18:25
nellerynixternal: Hi, why does bug #309915 need to be acked and subscribed to ubuntu-archive, when it is a merge?18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309915 in babel "Please merge babel 1.2.0.dfsg-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30991518:26
ScottKnhandler: Look at requestsync if you want to see how to get package info out of Debian.18:27
nixternalnellery: probably because I was half asleep when I did that18:28
nhandlerScottK and norsetto: I think I'll stick with screen scraping for now. I can always modify it once I get a working script18:28
norsettonhandler: yes, so what? That gives you info on how to use it, then the debian url its just another one18:28
nixternalI was doing syncs at one point and grabbed that as it hit my inbox 10 minutes before passing out :)18:28
ScottKnhandler: Your work, so your call, but generally I find it works better to get the fundamentals right first.18:29
nellerynixternal: ah, well I just noticed that I forgot to include the bug number in debian/changelog18:29
nelleryupdating it now...18:29
nixternalupdate the patch and tell me and I will upload it for you :)18:30
norsettonhandler, just as an example: curl -s "http://qa.debian.org/madison.php?package=gnome-mplayer&a=source&c=&s=unstable&text=on"18:30
nelleryno problem18:30
cody-somervilleIs there a revu admin around?18:30
jpdscody-somerville: More or less, what's up?18:32
norsettonhandler, if you use perl there is no need to use curl of course, just use LWP::Simple (or LWP::UserAgent)18:32
cody-somervillejpds, I can't seem to merge my cody-somerville@ubuntu.com account with my new launchpad account18:32
cody-somervillejpds, and my launchpad account has me as a contributor18:32
nellerynixternal: updated with fixed changelog18:33
jpdscody-somerville: Hmm, I'm not sure how the merging stuff works.18:33
cody-somervillejpds, it says there is no account yet when I try to retrieve my password18:33
cody-somervillejpds, but my old account shows up on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/stats.py18:33
nixternalnellery: uploaded..thankss!18:36
nellerynixternal: thank you!18:36
nixternalerr, wrong window :)18:36
jpdscody-somerville: I think your best bet would be asking RainCT.18:38
cody-somervilleRainCT, ping18:39
RainCTcody-somerville: pong18:41
jpdsRainCT: Please see above.18:41
* RainCT has just come back and reads the log18:42
RainCTcody-somerville: so.. why doesn't it work? :P18:43
cody-somervilleRainCT, "[13:33] <cody-somerville> jpds, it says there is no account yet when I try to retrieve my password"18:44
RainCTyes, but I don't know why :P18:45
RainCTcody-somerville: it says you have no account or it says "incorrect e-mail address or password"?18:46
cody-somerville"There is no REVU account for "cody-somerville@ubuntu.com", yet."18:46
RainCTcody-somerville: that's in the password recovery?18:47
RainCTcody-somerville: OK, found the problem. You have 2 accounts with the same address, so REVU thinks there is something strange and aborts :P18:49
cody-somervillefun fun18:49
nelleryDktrKranz: Hi, I uploaded the jack-audio-connection-kit merge at bug #31003918:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310039 in jack-audio-connection-kit "Please merge 0.116.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31003918:50
cody-somervilleRainCT, can youz fix me?18:51
RainCTcody-somerville: Already fixed it... Once Launchpad decides to stop being slow I'll be able to update production :P18:51
RainCTcody-somerville: ok, try now18:51
cody-somervilleThere is no REVU account for "cody-somerville@ubuntu.com", yet.18:53
skorasaurushi, im building my first package and i'm trying to figure out how to verify what the required packages are.18:55
* skorasaurus is building this package from source18:55
RainCTah, missed something18:55
cody-somervilleWhile I wait, would anyone like to review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sion - it is a nifty gvfs mount manager! :)18:56
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as bluesmoke
RainCTcody-somerville: now it *does* work ;)18:57
cody-somervilleRainCT, "Incorrect e-mail address or password"18:58
RainCTcody-somerville: NEWS is empty, why do you install it?18:58
RainCTI'd also leave the README out18:58
cody-somervilleREADME isn't empty...18:59
RainCTcody-somerville: but it does only contain installation instructions (and the "how to run it" which is stupid :P)18:59
cody-somervilleRainCT, upstream ships it so I might as well install it, noes? :P18:59
RainCTupstream ships a source package, we a binary package19:00
RainCT"priority: extra" - any reason or did you just forget to change it?19:00
cody-somervilleAnd README is useful to the end user... it has his e-mail address so they can complain to him :P19:00
RainCTcody-somerville: it should be in debian/copyright as well19:00
RainCTand perhaps even in the manpage19:00
cody-somervilleRainCT, indeed19:00
cody-somervilleRainCT, just forgot19:02
RainCTcody-somerville: REVU complains: This package has no debian/watch file or get-orig-source rule.19:04
cody-somervilleRainCT, there can't be a watch file since I have no idea how he'll release his first tarball19:04
RainCTah, it's SVN19:04
RainCTso there could be a get-orig-source19:04
RainCTbut this does not really worry me19:05
RainCTcody-somerville: I think it's required to close a LP bug19:06
RainCTcody-somerville: beside those little things it looks fine to me on a first glance (and I wouldn't have expected less :))19:07
cody-somervilleRainCT, it isn't required to close an LP bug19:07
cody-somervilleWell thank you :)19:09
RainCTcody-somerville: «When the package clears the NEW queue it will automatically be set to Fix Released (debian/changelog must close the needs-packaging bug)»19:10
cody-somervilleRainCT, there is no needs-packaging bug19:10
cody-somervilleIf there were one, then I would be required to close it in the changelog19:11
RainCTthat's not what I've heard before19:11
RainCTbut I don't mind if there's a bug or not, neither ;P19:11
cody-somervilleWell, I'll file one just so I can get some karma then :P19:12
RainCTMaster ScottK, what do you say?19:12
cody-somervilleRainCT, I'm going to opt to leave NEWS in there so incase someone updates the package they don't have to remember to look and see if NEWS has content yet or not19:18
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=== bluesmoke_ is now known as bluesmoke
skorasaurushi, im building my first package and i'm trying to figure out how to verify what the required packages are.19:54
jpdsskorasaurus: You have to build it with pbuilder or something, and see where it fails.19:54
skorasaurusjpds, i'm building it from source right now.19:54
jpdsskorasaurus: Repeat until all build dependencies are met and it builds.19:55
* skorasaurus is following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete19:55
jpdsskorasaurus: With pbuilder?19:55
skorasaurusi'm using debuild19:55
jpdsYou should build it in a clean chroot environment with pbuilder.19:56
skorasaurusnot debuild ?!19:56
* skorasaurus is confused.19:56
jpdsskorasaurus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Intro/Pbuilder19:56
jpdsskorasaurus: And https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto is useful too.19:57
* jpds -> supper. Back soon.19:57
skorasaurusif i understand correctly, I could use either pbuilder or debuild to build a package, should i start over and use pbuilder instead then ?19:57
jmarsdenskorasaurus: Use both -- debuild runs using your local PC setup, pbuilder runs debuild but in a chrooted environemtn designed to make sure you have specified your dependencies correctly.20:12
skorasauruswell, i started out with debuild right now.20:13
jmarsdenskorasaurus: How long does your package take to build???20:13
skorasaurusthanks jmarsden, for responding. =)20:13
skorasaurusalmost a minute or two. then I receive a couple errors.20:13
jmarsdenOK, well, then its trivial to run debuild and then (when that works!) check it in pbuilder.20:14
skorasaurustrivial, that means, i should run debuild first, correct?20:14
jmarsdenOnce it works in pbuilder you can upload to your PPA and see if the build systems can build it OK there, too.  But don't do that until it defiitely builds OK in a pbuilder.20:15
jmarsdendebuild first only because ti is quicker to run than pbuilder, yes.20:15
skorasaurusbut i should have it successfully build in debuild first ?20:15
jmarsdenIt saves time waiting for pbuilder to find sily mistakes, so that's how I do it... either way works.20:15
skorasaurusthat's what i thought.20:15
skorasaurusand since im building from source, the directions for pbuilder required you to apt-get the source.20:16
skorasaurusand the package doesn't exist in the repositories yet.20:16
skorasaurus(but it is in response to a filed bug on lp, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10792720:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 107927 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gens" [Wishlist,In progress]20:17
skorasaurusso, right now, i'm trying to figure out what to replace Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} with.20:18
jmarsdenJust delete them, usually.20:18
jmarsdenThen if it fails you can figure out what should be there.  There may be a better way?20:19
skorasaurusi know that, what to replace them with though, shouldn't i put in the packages that it requires.20:19
jmarsdenYes, if you know what it depends on.20:20
crimsunit's generally a bad idea to rip out ${shlibs:Depends}20:20
skorasaurusjmarsden, but i wasn't sure what it depends on.20:22
skorasaurusfor example, the original developer's readme said it depends on sdl, but there are several sdl packages that i had already installed in the repository.20:22
CarlFKso if I am just building packages to install on my own system, dpkg-buildpackage is more appropriate then pbuilder, right?20:23
crimsundpkg-buildpackage is almost always called regardless of tool20:23
crimsunskorasaurus: if it's that general, you should not touch ${shlibs:Depends}20:25
crimsunskorasaurus: if you have debhelper installed, please man dh_shlibdeps20:25
crimsun(otherwise you can just man dpkg-shlibdeps)20:26
skorasauruscrimsun, k20:30
nhandlerWhat are valid debian components for dak?20:32
CarlFKI can't find the 'setting up a local repo' wiki/help page I saw once.  anyone know it?20:32
CarlFKI am trying to fix someone elses, and I think I need to create Release.gpg but I am not sure what that should be20:33
nhandlernorsetto: ping20:33
CarlFKhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal good enough20:38
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=== Amaranth is now known as bluesmoke
serialorderanybody care to share their thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/30830220:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308302 in eclipse "Please merge eclipse 3.2.2-6.1 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,In progress]20:57
norsettonhandler, pong20:59
norsettonhandler, there are few ideas in my bash script that you may want to use btw21:00
nhandlernorsetto: This is what I have so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/89479/. I still need to do some more testing and clean up the code21:11
nhandlernorsetto: Slightly modified version: http://paste.ubuntu.com/89481/21:13
norsettonhandler, I'm going through it, you may want to add experimental to the list21:15
nhandlernorsetto: I knew I was forgetting something. Is there a codename for experimental?21:16
norsettonhandler, not that I know21:17
norsettonhandler, you need to escape any package name that contains a + sign (like gtk+2.0)21:17
norsettonhandler, you may want to predate dget instead of using it in a system call, its in perl21:21
norsettonhandler, I'm checking why it doesn't work btw, doesn't dget on my machine21:22
nhandlerHere is an updated version. I didn't change the dget stuff though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/89489/21:25
norsettonhandler, ok, looks good, but the error messages are quite cryptic21:27
nhandlernorsetto: What error message did you get? Most of them should never end up getting displayed to the end user21:28
norsettonhandler, for instance, I just typed "pds fuma testing" (real error, I wanted  pds duma testing) and I got "No madison Passed to getDSC:"21:29
norsettonhandler, you could change the if(!$releases{$release}) with an unless (I think more elegant)21:33
nhandlernorsetto: Changes made. You shouldn't get the No madison error any more. I also added the unless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/89495/21:37
CarlFKapt-get build-dep transcode...Package liba52-dev is a virtual package provided by:   liba52-0.7.4-dev 0.7.4-11ubuntu121:39
CarlFKis 0.7.4-11ubuntu1 really the package name?21:39
norsettonhandler, would't be better to use the basename instead of the whole path in the usage?21:42
nhandlernorsetto: It uses $0 to determine what is displayed. If you run it with the whole path, it will display the whole path. If you run ./pull-debian-source it will just show that21:44
norsettonhandler, yes, but I have it in my local bin, I invoke it with its name only and of course I get the whole path21:45
norsettonhandler, would do the same it if was in /usr/bin (reporting /usr/bin/pull-debian-source)21:46
nhandlernorsetto: Fine, I'll hard code the file name into the script21:47
nhandlerI just think it will look a little weird if you rename the script to foo and the script has bar coded into the message21:47
norsettonhandler, yes, thats why I said use basename() (you need File::Basename)21:49
jreinhardtHi everybody. I just went through the review (thanks nhandler) for my first package (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=pgfplots) and fixed all the things. Perhaps someone can look if I did everything right.21:51
norsettonhandler, you need to add libwwww-perl and perl-modules as deps of course21:55
nhandlernorsetto: Yeah, but I can't do that until I add this to u-d-t. I'm doing the basename part now21:56
nhandlerjreinhardt: I'll look at it again tomorrow. I want to get this script done before I leave for a holiday party21:56
jreinhardtand enjoy your party :)21:57
nhandlernorsetto: Here it is with File::Basename: http://paste.ubuntu.com/89502/21:58
norsettonhandler, cool, enjoy your party!21:58
nhandlerThanks norsetto. I still have at least an hour before I need to leave though21:59
* nhandler is going to create a u-d-t branch and add his script21:59
norsettonhandler, please do, its a cool script and a nice addition21:59
CarlFKsudo aptitude build-dep transcode did its thing. so why do I get: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libgtk1.2-dev liblzo-dev dpatch21:59
nhandlernorsetto: Should I just leave it in a branch, or should I push it to trunk?22:00
CarlFKthis is on a jaunty box... so that maybe the reason22:00
norsettonhandler, push it to trunk22:00
nhandlerDo you know if File::Basename is included with perl?22:02
norsettonhandler, its in perl-modules which is a dep of perl22:02
norsettonhandler, still, I like to have an explicit dep (same for LWP btw, its in libwww-perl which is a dep of devscripts)22:02
norsettonhandler, my golden rule is to never rely on other packages dragging in the deps I need22:03
CarlFKnorsetto: so when packages get consolidated... i get to figure out why there is a dep that no longer exists... *grumble*22:05
norsettonhandler, btw, if you don't succeed in predating dget, remember that the system call should have separated arguments22:05
norsettoCarlFK, no, so that when somebody else f* it up, my packages are not affected22:06
nhandlernorsetto: What error do you get when it tries to run dget?22:06
norsettonhandler, no error22:06
norsettonhandler, its fine now, after you changed from ftp.de though22:07
CarlFKso it breaks when things are ok, but not when thing's are broken.. um... that 'might' be good...22:07
norsettoCarlFK, what is it that break?22:07
CarlFK"when somebody else f* it up,"22:08
nhandlerOk. One last question, should I add a changelog entry to debian/changelog? Or will the person who pushes it to the repos add an entry?22:08
norsettoCarlFK, no, "when  things are ok" !?22:08
norsettonhandler, add it in your name and you keep the suite as UNRELEASED22:09
CarlFKI just had to figure out why there was no ibex version22:09
nhandlernorsetto: What about the version?22:10
norsettonhandler, bump it22:10
norsettonhandler, btw, you might as well use an exec instead of a system22:14
nhandlernorsetto: What is the difference?22:15
* nhandler is working on adding a manpage22:15
norsettonhandler, you don't need to fork and wait22:16
cody-somervilleDoes anyone want to quickly review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sion before I upload?22:24
norsettocody-somerville, priority for the dbg package should be extra (thx lintian)22:34
cody-somervilleah, good catch. I forgot to run lintian against the dbg package22:36
norsettocody-somerville, comment in desktop file is not in accordance with the Gnome GUI22:36
cody-somervillenorsetto, I'll be sure to file a bug with the upstream22:37
norsettocody-somerville, I think you should add gnome-icon-theme as a dep since your package requires the gtk-network icon to be present22:38
norsettocody-somerville, a watch file would be nice of course22:39
cody-somervillenorsetto, okay.22:39
cody-somervillenorsetto, I dunno why gnome-icon-theme isn't named gtk-icon-theme22:39
nhandlernorsetto: I pushed it to my branch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nhandler/ubuntu-dev-tools/nhandler. It should show up in a little bit. I'll push it to trunk when I get back from the party22:39
cody-somervillenorsetto, ah, its supplied by tango as well22:40
cody-somervilleand tangerine22:40
cody-somervilleand a number of icon themes22:41
cody-somervilleI think gtk-network is just a standard icon name22:41
norsettocody-somerville, it is, but how to make sure that there is at least one?22:41
cody-somervillenorsetto, if you don't have an icon theme installed, can it not be assumed you don't want icons? ;]22:42
cody-somervillenorsetto, plus, adding that as a dependency or recommends or w/e could result in me pulling in icon themes into Xubuntu I don't want22:42
norsettocody-somerville, thats the case in my case :-) But I'm quite sure somebody will issue a bug report complaining that the entry in the menu doesn't have an icon .....22:42
ScottKcody-somerville: Is there a xfce icon theme you could have as an alternate recommends?22:43
cody-somervilleScottK, Sure but I don't think its standard practise to depend on specific icon themes because a package's desktop file uses a fd.o complaint icon name22:44
cody-somervilleInfact, I think the whole point is to that we can assume it'll Just Work (TM) as long as the icon theme you are using fully supports the fd.o standard.22:44
* ScottK wonders if there should be some icon theme virtual package along the lines of mail-transport-agent.22:45
norsettocody-somerville, any way you can superseed the gtk2.0+.pc file which drags tons of not needed depends?22:45
cody-somervillenorsetto, Although it isn't using those libs yet, I imagine they are going to as the the README specifies them as dependencies22:46
norsettocody-somerville, ahhhh, its some kind of pre-alpha stuff ... hmmm22:47
cody-somervilleScottK, like a: Provides: free-desktop-icon-theme or something?22:47
norsettocody-somerville, *cough* are you sure we absolutely need it *cough*22:47
ScottKYes.  Something like that.22:47
ScottKDunno though.  Just a thought.22:48
cody-somervillenorsetto, need the package or the dependencies?22:48
norsettocody-somerville, the package22:50
cody-somervillenorsetto, Absolutely. Its a specification targeted for Jaunty :)22:51
* ScottK grumbles the last time he heard that it was for cruft cleaner.22:51
cody-somervilleAnyhows, I'm going to push to jaunty now with your catch norsetto about the priority of the dbg package22:52
norsettocody-somerville, the makefile reports the version as being 0.0.1 btw (not that it is important)22:53
cody-somervillenorsetto, yup22:53
* cody-somerville does one last test build before uploading.22:54
* ScottK would also (generically, haven't looked at this package) on last grep -ir copyright * over the source too.22:54
* norsetto thinks he will glide toward his bed soon22:57
* norsetto also thinks that reading debian m.l./planet debian is much better than watching soap operas (and there is less publicity too)23:01
* norsetto leaves for good23:16
* ScottK hopes he means for today only.23:21
serialordermy ppa is broken =( anyone know who I should contact?23:27
Hobbseeserialorder: #launchpad23:29
Hobbseeserialorder: you're welcome23:29

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