
NCommanderhey all00:44
jjessehey NCommander00:48
NCommanderScottK, you floating around?00:53
ScottKNCommander: Yes.  Please don't kill me ...00:53
NCommanderScottK, no, its not your fault kde4bindings is still FTBFSing :-)00:54
NCommanderI made one fatal flaw00:54
NCommanderpython-qt4 is arch all00:54
NCommanderBut its configuration file must be arch any00:54
NCommanderOops :-)00:54
DaSkreechanyone have plasma shortcuts working ?00:54
ScottKNCommander: OK.  What's your plan?00:54
NCommanderI just figured out what caused the failure, I think we simply need to split out python-qt4's configuration file00:55
NCommanderSo, I need advice00:57
NCommanderWhat should the arch-any part be called00:57
* NCommander confirmed his suspesion00:57
NCommanderhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/all/python-qt4-dev/filelist - see the first two files in the list00:57
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
NCommanderScottK, testbuilding the fix now01:09
NCommanderWow, when did PPA get build stats01:17
vorian<quote>It is semi-usable through Alt+F2, but the panel is completely fubar. Even after I deleted the .kde folder.</quote>01:25
DaSkreechthe panel is usable through alt+F2 ?01:26
vorianna, just some forum user complaining01:27
vorianthey update half way through the 4.1.85 builds01:27
knusperfroschanyone using bluetooth? kdebluetooth4 can't start because it seems to have a kde 4.1.2 dependency01:32
ScottKRiddell and lool: koffice uploaded.01:42
ScottKknusperfrosch: Kbluetooth is broken.01:43
ScottKAlso it's not on the Alpha 2 CD, so if you're upgrading using the CD, you'll need to update from the repos after.01:44
ScottKIs still won't work though.01:44
DaSkreechIs it expected to be working post jaunty ?01:44
ScottKIt's a question of when upstream finishes updating for the new bluez.01:44
knusperfroschi hope beta/final will ship kdebluetooth4 ?01:44
knusperfroschk, ic01:45
ScottKIt's currently broken in Intrepid too.01:45
NCommanderpython-qt4 is almost done building01:49
NCommanderand I got Debian to accept our python-qt4 changeset!01:49
NCommanderScottK, feel like sponsoring?01:57
ScottKLink me a debdiff.01:58
NCommanderScottK, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20606417/python-qt4_4.4.4-2ubuntu1_4.4.4-2ubuntu2.diff.gz01:58
NCommanderScottK, let me just confirm my fix worked fully first before sponsoring01:59
NCommander(I haven't test built on ARM but I don't think its really necessary)01:59
NCommanderAnd actually01:59
* NCommander just found a bug01:59
ScottKNCommander: Would you also look at the http://kde42.debian.net/ kdebindings package and see if Debian has any additional patches of interest.02:12
NCommanderkdebindings is staying on 4.1 for the time being02:12
ScottKNCommander: Not at http://kde42.debian.net/02:13
ScottKThey appear to have got it building without ripping Nepomuk bindings out.02:14
NCommanderDebian allows binary uploads02:16
NCommanderCircular build dependencies aren't the end of the world for them02:16
ScottKRiddell: Did we make a decision about demotion/removal for guidance-power-manager?02:16
ScottKRight.  That's how they did it.02:16
ScottKRiddell: Particularly since powerdevil can't be removed, my vote for guidance-power-manager is out of the archive.02:17
loolRiddell: ok, thanks05:23
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
ScottKHobbsee: In libkipi, you made the change: Change libkipi5 depend to libkipi6 (libkipi5 is NBS, and has been replaced by libkipi6) for libkipi0.  Unfortunately libkipi6 conflicts/replaces libkipi0, so the package is now uninstallable.08:21
ScottKIf there's some insomniac Ninja around who wants to solve that too, that'd be great.  See comments in Bug 298413 for other info.08:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298413 in digikam "Please sync digikam 2:0.10.0~beta2-1 from debian experimental" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29841308:24
Seregahi all08:54
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HobbseeScottK: oh, bloody hell.11:21
Hobbseewell, i guess it started as uninstallable as soon as libkipi5 stopped building, but that's still not good ;)11:22
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NCommanderhey ScottK14:24
Arbyhas anyone else noticed kate crashing when closing files if multiple files are open?14:41
Arbyin 4.2beta214:41
knusperfroschArby: i didn't14:45
Arbyhmm, happens everytime for me if I hit the close button in the toolbar14:45
Arbygoing File > close seems to be ok though14:45
JontheEchidnaI've noticed that14:51
JontheEchidnait's done that twice or so14:51
Arbyhappens almost every time for me14:55
ArbyI'm just installing the dbg package then I'll get a better backtrace14:56
Arbyand of course when I want it to crash it won't14:59
Arbyah, there we go15:00
ArbyJontheEchidna: this mean much to you?15:03
Riddell /win 3715:19
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=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
seeleScottK: one of my soc students from last year volunteered to look a kpackage kit and said he would do it over the holiday.  so hopefully we'll have reviews on that and quassel by the next kubuntu meeting17:58
Sputseele: I'd be thankful to get a copy of that :)18:06
Sput(the quassel review, that is)18:06
seeleSput: it will probably go up on the wiki18:08
ScottKseele: Great.  Did you see rgreening has a draft kvirc-kde4 package in his PPA (Jaunty only).  That should get reviewed too.18:09
seeleScottK: yeah, he sent me a link to his ppa18:10
ScottKOK.  Great.18:10
seelesince i'll probably do quassel i can do both18:10
ScottKDon't install the -dev package as it stands.  The rest should be fine.18:11
seelejust quassel-client?18:11
seeleer.. oh right, from your ppa18:11
* seele is still waking up18:11
ScottKseele: quassel, not quassel client.18:12
ScottKqt4-x11 4.4.3-2ubuntu1 building on every single arch at the same time ....18:12
nixternalfrom what I have seen, I think Quassel would be the better choice due to its simplicity when compared to kvirc... ScottK what do you think on that?18:16
nixternalI used to use kvirc, so I am a fan of it18:16
nixternalthough to me, kvirc is our mirc18:16
ScottK-desktopI haven't used kvirc yet.18:17
nixternalit is a really good client, with a lot of options...if you have ever used mirc and irssi, you will probably get a better hold of it18:18
seelenixternal: the problem with quassel is getting connected to irc. how would anyone know they have to set up the node thing in order to subscribe to a channel?18:19
nixternalcouldn't we provide a default config that would give them something generic?18:19
ScottKseele: They are making some changes shortly that should make it possible for us to patch it to include a default channel.18:20
ScottKnixternal: Not right now, but shortly.18:20
seeleit still seems superfluous to have to do that instead of just have a normal client18:20
ScottKseele: If you install quassel (not quassel client) you get a monlithic IRC client.18:22
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JontheEchidnaArby_: oh, I forgot you pinged me. I'm not really a kate expert...18:25
Arby_no worries18:25
Arby_I still haven't figured out exactly what triggers the crash18:25
=== Arby_ is now known as Arby
danimoCzessi__: ping?21:13
jjesseholy cow its freaking freezin outside21:45
nixternalOMG IT IS FREEZING!!!22:04
jjesse-15 F with the wind22:04
nixternal-20C outside w/o the wind, or -3f22:05
jjessesustained wind of 20mph w/ gusts of 35 for us22:05
nixternalour windchill right now is -34f, or -36c22:05
jjessei think i heard as of midnight we had 42 inches of snow and got another 10 last night22:05
jjesseor something sick like that22:05
nixternalI just went out to ship off my xmas presents....that's it, no more going out!22:05
nixternalwe only got a dusting last night22:05
jjessei ordered all my gifts from amazon22:05
nixternaldoes amazon gift wrap?22:06
nixternalif so, call me an idiot!22:06
jjesseyes they do22:06
jjesseif you mark it as a "gift"22:06
nixternaldamn, then I will do amazon only for the rest of my life...it is to cold out there for me22:06
jjessemy poor dog had to pee so i took him outside and he looked at me like wtf can't i just go inside?22:07
nixternalget the pee pads and put them in the garage, or somewhere warmer than outside22:08
jjessedetached garage :(22:08
jjessenext house that is a must22:08
jjessemultiple deaths in benton harbor on highway22:09
nixternaljjesse: drive by shooting? :p22:15
jjessemassive car crash22:15
jjessei think i heard 3 fatalities22:15
nixternalI just drove past a really bad accident when I was out...they had one of the drivers walking the line and sticking his leg out in front of him22:15
nixternalwow, a plane kind of crashed in denver...nobody died which they are saying is a miracle22:18
crimsungeez, two coworkers have died of cardiac arrest->lack of oxygen in the past 72 hours22:18
nixternalumm, it is time to leave the office then crimsun22:19
crimsunthis is some holiday :/22:19
crimsunnixternal: unfortunately it means i have to work over the holidays22:19
nixternaloh, I was thinking something happened at work22:19
crimsunah, not _that_ type of sequence, no =)22:20
nixternalOne person is dead after a crash involving 12 semi-trucks and around 30 other vehicles near St. Joseph22:22
nixternal12 semi-trucks and 30 other vehicles22:22
nixternalthat is nuts22:22
crimsunman, i miss cold weather and wind22:23
nhandlercrimsun: Come to Chicago. We have plenty of it22:24
nixternalwe have way to much of it!22:24
crimsunnhandler: i grew up in minnesota and wisconsin, so cold+wind ain't no thang22:24
crimsunthis "tropical" near-freezing doesn't cut it22:25
ScottKcrimsun: Don't worry.  We're overdue for our generally regular every 3 years snowstorm that drops 3 feet of snow on the area.22:26
jjessewe have a poop loud of snow here in west michigan22:26
ScottKThose are fun around here where they are totally unprepeared.22:26
crimsunScottK: i totally don't look forward to the roads during such an event22:27
jjessei am amazed how many people "forget" how to drive in a snowstorm22:28
jjessei mean they happen all the time22:28
crimsunjjesse: kinda like forgetting how to drive in any sort of inclement weather22:28
crimsun"it's pouring rain, lemme drive 95 mph!"22:29
jjesseor its pouring rain lemme drive 1022:30
nixternalor its pouring rain lemme get 2 more beers before driving 95mph!22:32
jjessethats just how you drive nixternal22:32
nixternalgood point22:33
sebasRiddell: seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/310228 this one?23:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 310228 in xorg "patch 107_fedora_dont_backfill_bg_none.patch causes video garbage in KDE 4 (dup-of: 254468)" [Undecided,New]23:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 254468 in xorg "[KDE4] momentary video garbage upon drawing new objects" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:32

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