
tycheI am currently proofing the UWN.  For the next half hour or so, it would be appreciated if other contributors would hold their editing until I am finished, as I am in and out constantly.  I will let everyone know when I'm done.  Thanks12:02
tyche"This concludes a test of the emergency . . . "  Oops, no.  I'm out of the edit now.  Thank you for your consideration.12:31
tychethe wiki is slower than molases in January, in the Arctic Circle16:08
tycheThe Forums just gave me a Proxy Error16:09
johnc4510-laptopnew issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #122 is out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue12220:24
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville

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