
^Alitai found a site wich compute the modeline line based on my parameters. now it works, at 16 bit depth. it's a great result00:05
^Alitathank you for the help00:05
^Alitaeven i on't know why it works... :)00:05
jimmacdonaldHey, I am trying to install xubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu install and keep getting errors and messages that it's not authenticated. can anyone help?00:46
juhlsNo not really...00:47
juhlsIt is missing some gpg keys?00:48
jimmacdonaldnot sure.00:48
jimmacdonaldI tried switching to the main repos.. lemme see if that helps.00:49
juhlsYou should have all the keys...00:51
jimmacdonaldyeah it's not a keys thing.00:57
jimmacdonaldI think it's a US mirror thing... I switched to the main, deleted the .deb's and reinstalled and that worked just fine.01:00
crimsunnah, that's symptomatic of a broken transparent proxy01:08
R1cochetis there any way to change the screenlock login screen when coming back from a screensaver01:11
R1cochetrunning xscreensaver01:11
cody-somervilleR1cochet, use gnome-screen-saver01:21
R1cochetnot as many options01:21
R1cochetand i do have gnome-screensaver on autostarted apps in order to get screenlock to work w/ xscreensaver01:23
cody-somervilleWhat version of Xubuntu are you using?01:26
cody-somervillegnome-screen-saver will be used if installed automatically01:28
R1cochetit was but i switched to xscreensaver01:31
anom01yhow can I use the usb floppy drive in my computer ? I have Kubuntu installed, and I get /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device01:41
djohngoCan anyone tell me where the graphic used for the splash screen is hiding?03:42
djohngoI'd like to use it for xdm as well, instead of the debian logo.03:42
Wick_How do I get rid of the icons in my desktop? Deleting them didn't work04:12
jmichaelxas of this evening, the volume control applet will no longer show up in my panel in xubuntu intrepid. i have tried rebooting, as well as simply killing xfce4-panel, and restarting it, but nothing i have tried has worked. any suugestions?04:13
balljmichaelx: did you try adding a new one?04:14
jmichaelxball, yes. the applet will not show up.04:14
balljmichaelx: does your sound hardware continue to work?04:15
jmichaelxyes, from what i can tell.... let me check again04:15
jmichaelxball: yes, sound is working fine04:16
balljmichaelx: I'm not sure then, sorry.04:16
balljmichaelx: out of interest, can you launch xfce4-mixer from the command line?04:17
jmichaelxi have never had this issue before. very strange04:17
jmichaelxball: i can try04:17
jmichaelxball: yes, xfce4-mixer works.... it is just the panel applet that doesn't work04:18
ballIs it an applet or a launcher?04:18
jmichaelxa launcher? for volume control?04:19
* ball nods04:19
ballI'm not sitting at the console, so my speaker icon launches xfce4-mixer04:20
ballI don't know what the console one does.04:20
jmichaelxno, i am just speaking of the regular old volume control applet that is always used in xfce, as far as i know04:20
balllittle speaker icon, top right?04:20
jmichaelxyes, if you click on it, it does launch xfce4-mixer.... but it is the only volume control applet i have ever seen anyone use in xfce04:21
ballIf you hover over it, do you get a slider?04:22
ball(for master volume)04:22
jmichaelxball: i am not sure what you're asking.04:23
jmichaelxthere is only one volume control applet in xfce404:23
ballIf you right click on the panel and choose "Add new item"04:24
ball...can you add xfce4-mixer?04:24
ballOh look.04:24
jmichaelxball: it does not give that option04:24
ballI get an "Add Items to the Panel" menu, and one of the things on that menu is "Volume Control"04:25
jmichaelxball: ..... yes, that is what i am referring to... i think it is the only thing i could be referring to04:25
jmichaelxis the applet itself xfce4-mixer/04:26
ballI think so.04:26
ballTry it.04:26
ballSo you don't have an "Add new item" option?04:26
jmichaelxball: i have already said two or three times that that is what i have already tried04:26
jmichaelxyes, i have the add new item option04:26
jmichaelxthe volume control applet, of xfce4-mixer, does not show up04:27
balljmichaelx: dunno then.04:28
jmichaelxi have tried killing the panel, killing the mixer.... restarting things.... rebooting.... i have used xfce for years, and am familiar with its basic workings. the problem is that it will not show up04:29
ballSomeone in #xfce might know.04:29
jmichaelxi'm not sure what would have suddenly caused this04:29
jmichaelxi might have to try there..... i also have kde4.2 beta2 on this machine, and there were a lot of kde updates yesterday.... surely there is not some kind of interference?04:30
* ball shrugs04:31
ballI know nothing of KDE04:31
hobbscis there a way to get xubuntu to open links from the terminal in a new window in firefox, rather than a new tab?04:32
ballhobbsc: that's probably up to Firefox04:33
ballCheck your preferences.04:33
hobbscwill do04:33
ballpower cuts ftl04:56
Ultraputzjust ran the alsa-info.sh script -- problem is (hopefully) simple -- cannot get a regular simple desktop mic plugged into soundcard mic jack to record, with or w/o boost.06:27
Ultraputzrecording tool is audacity set to alsa default, 48k sampling rate.06:28
Ultraputzmic gain up.06:28
Sinister`whats that program that tells how fast your hard drive is running?06:50
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinister
jxanderhow could i hear the microphone input using pulseaudio?13:10
=== bas is now known as idzme
LetsGo67How do I play iTunes FairPlay media in Ubuntu?14:21
vinnlSounds like some evil DRM thing that you can only play in iTunes, but I've never heard of it so don't listen to me :P14:22
filipegattiyo, vinnl14:53
vinnlHey filipegatti14:53
ozgurgerillaHi all, I have a problem with my atheros wireless card.. When I do sudo iwlist scan it shows the card but doesn't work..15:53
ermovedcan you define "it doesn't work" a little better?15:58
g-hennuxhow do i install nvidia drivers in xubuntu 8.10?16:20
gabkdlly!nvidia | g-hennux16:33
ubottug-hennux: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:33
g-hennuxoh, hi gabkdlly :D16:34
gabkdllyg-hennux: hi, sometimes it takes a little while for someone to come around, but sometimes your patience is rewarded16:35
g-hennuxgabkdlly: i was just suprised to see you here :) know me? :)16:35
gabkdllyg-hennux: nope,sorry.  I know a Henning16:44
filipegattisomeone here know what package I need to install to make my eclipse CDT (C++ IDE) compile and run my code? I'm getting the error "Binaries not found".16:53
italomaiaHi! รถ/16:57
italomaiai need some help to connect my nokia cell phone through usb17:00
italomaiaubuntu detect's it normally, but xubuntu doesn't17:00
maslenCan someone help me with a video error of a sort?17:25
maslenI tried using the minimal isntall CD, but it was giving me problems, so I reinstalled using the alternate install CD. However, on its first boot it got a few errors:17:26
maslenusplash:Setting mode 640x480 failed17:26
maslenscreen init failed17:26
maslen19+0 rcords in17:26
maslen19+0 records out17:26
w00t_hey does anyone have or know where to get a pkg for the newest xfce 4.6?18:18
maslenhavent had a response here in over an hour waiting for one :(18:23
maslenCan someone help me with a video error of a sort?18:23
maslenI tried using the minimal isntall CD, but it was giving me problems, so I reinstalled using the alternate install CD. However, on its first boot it got a few errors:18:23
maslenusplash:Setting mode 640x480 failed18:23
maslenscreen init failed18:23
maslen19+0 rcords in18:23
maslen<19+0 records out18:23
Cew27hey can anyone tell me how to get my wireless mac adress on xubuntu18:27
g-hennuxis it possible that the "listen" program doesn't like mp3 files in its library?18:29
g-hennuxor ignores them?18:29
maslennobody's here :(18:32
maslennobody who knows it18:32
w00t_anyone know a repository for the newest xfce beta2 "hopper"?19:03
knomew00t_, i suppose there is no repository yet.19:11
w00t_thx knome19:20
w00t_im not really good enough to really build it so i'll wait19:20
knomew00t_, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2008-August/006494.html19:20
w00t_knome i saw hat, but its not updated for beta219:22
knomei know19:22
knomejust asked the guy who sent the email about beta219:23
lsssssssshello theregood day 2 u all19:24
knomelssssssss, you too. couldn't you find any more s's?19:24
lssssssssi need some help can somebody tell me a page where i can find a step by step guide to install a Kyocera 650 on Xubuntu Intrepid? iam about to install it on my laptop, but firsti want to get info , something simple since i am brand new on this i want to switch to Xubuntu right now so pls any step by step guide to install kyocera 650????19:27
knomelssssssss, have you googled for it?19:27
knomehave you followed that thread?19:28
lssssssssthe think is that the lenguage is kinnda complicated and ... let me take a lokk at that one thxs19:28
knomeit's for 5.04, but i suppose many things will work automatically19:29
knomebut if not, the architecture should still be the same19:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.19:29
lssssssssok lets see it19:29
knomeyou can also search the forums19:30
lssssssssit says something about creating a dialer to verizon i believe that must be the service provider right?  in my case the provider is Iusacell so instead of verizon i should right iusacell right???19:34
maslenwait .... someones here!19:36
ElcMawrhi there. does a linux graphics driver exist for an ATI Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x chipset please? got a laptop with tiny screen size, so i guess we're not talking to the graphics chip properly. Available resolutions are only 800.600 / 640.480  :(19:48
forcesElcMawr, check ati web page19:53
ElcMawri did; nothing there... hoped someone might know what else to try20:02
forcesos[Linux 2.6.24-19-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.80GHz] mem[Physical: 438.9MB, 61.7% free] disk[Total: 1.9GB, 19.1% free] video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 6100 nForce 430] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]20:18
jdwpomDon't suppose anyone's seen any major issues after an update, recently, have they?20:24
jdwpomPkay, so, just me then.  Anyone willing to give me a quick list of what runs during startup?  We're looking at the 'just after you've logged in' section of things, just after it attempts to display a desktop.20:26
jdwpomOkay,cool, fantastic.20:28
* jdwpom sighs20:28
cmdbbqhello, i am getting ready to install xubuntu 8.04, but i did a disk check on the cd i burned and it had errors, before i burn another i want to check the ISO file, where can I gat an md5sum for the x86 image?21:12
crimsunthe alternate or the desktop image?21:12
crimsunok, check the MD5SUMS file at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/8.04.1/release/21:13
crimsunand please remember to grab 8.04.1 instead of 8.04 - although 8.04.2 will be out shortly =)21:14
cmdbbqyeah, i got it from the main site so it is 9.04.121:15
cmdbbqer 8.04.121:15
crimsunwhew, 9.04.1 =)21:25
jdwpomSo, being kind of new to linux in general, is there anything available that can show me exactly what's happening at startup? Something' killing my system at boot, and, well, I'd like to know what.21:37
TheSheepjdwpom: dmesg and /var/log/*21:38
TheSheepjdwpom: you can also press 'esc' at boot, select your linux, press 'e', select the kernel line, select 'e' again and remove the 'quiet' from it, then press 'b'21:38
jdwpomIt's happening after login - will that still be in the 'non-quiet' version of things?21:39
TheSheepit may be in .xsession-errors in your home21:40
NeffI get an error when i opten Synaptic that says E: The package conexant needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Intermal error opening cache (1). Please report.21:42
Neffand when i try to install it i get dependency errors21:43
jdwpomexcellent, cheers, sheep.  Will hunt :D21:44
Neffcould be that it wasn't mounted21:45
w00t_hello, i hear there is a patch to get xfce desktop to have transparent background on icons...anyone know where to get that?21:50
TheSheepw00t_: not really a patch, it's just a question of your gtk style21:54
TheSheepw00t_: just add this to your .gtkrc-2.0  http://paste.pocoo.org/show/96316/21:55
w00t_okay adding it, just paste at the bottom of the file?21:57
TheSheephen change the theme to something and back, and it should work22:01
w00t_worked thanks22:03
ElcMawrhello again... ATI Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x graphics driver remains unconfigurable... this is so unsupported!23:28
ElcMawrno wonder some laptops end up in the bin23:29
ElcMawrtoo tired, can't type, making mistakes, bye23:30
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville

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