
Hobbseeon what?00:01
ScottKarmel because kde4lib-dev is the new version, but the actual package isn't built on armel yet.00:06
Riddellannoying when that happens00:06
ScottKHobbsee: It's building now anyway.00:06
ScottKHobbsee: Would you please watch and retry kde4bindings again on armel after kde4libs finished?00:07
* ScottK is about to drive 1600KM for Christmas.00:07
* Hobbsee mutters00:07
Hobbseeyeah, assuming i remember to, and don't do other things simultaneiously ;)00:08
* ScottK ports mcasadevall to remind you.00:10
seeleScottK: where are you headed?00:20
Sputseele: a list of issues would be very welcome, as we could work on that during the coming days/weeks00:29
seeleSput: that is what i'm working on00:30
Sputthanks :)00:30
jjesseevening all :)00:30
seeleSput: what is "Choose random server for connecting" in the servers tab mean?00:30
* Sput is glad you didn't get a heart attack yet00:30
Sputseele: assuming you have a list of servers for a network (as some clients have), pick a random one rather than trying in order00:30
Sputthat only makes sense if we predefine server lists for common networks though00:31
seeleSput: why would you do that?00:31
Sputdunno, xchat does it :)00:31
Sputthey have like every single freenode server in a list, and you can choose connecting to anyone of them rather than round-robining00:31
* Sput wouldn't be sad to just hide that option00:32
seeledoes that make sense for a list the user creates themselves and can order?00:32
Sputin that case, no I guess00:32
SputI think it's really for those clients that have like 50 servers for a network00:32
Sputin a normal use case, irc.freenode.net should be sufficient anyway00:33
Sputseele: in general I think we could make the experience for users using the mono client much smoother, by hiding most of the options concerning remote cores and making them explicitly enable that somewhere if they need that00:34
Sputanyway, I need to go to sleep now... I welcome all your efforts to get quassel in shape, and I think we'll be willing to do our part to make it usable to unexperienced users :) thanks already00:38
ScottK-desktopryanakca: Sent01:39
crimsunspeaking of irc clients, how does one provide a sane ui for hundreds of channels/buffers? there just doesn't seem to be any sane way.01:46
* Sput thinks quassel's way of custom dockable views you can filter channels in goes a long way01:49
Sputwe lack shortcuts for navigation though :/01:49
Sputalso I should've been in bed 3 hours ago01:49
crimsuni don't particularly like irssi, but it's the only one that fits my workflow so far :/01:51
Riddellhi NamShubX01:54
ryanakcaScottK-desktop: thanks01:54
ScottK-desktopryanakca: Thanks for taking care of it.01:55
seeleis quassel qt4 or kde4libs?01:56
Sputseele: qt4 in your version, optionally kde4libs in my local kde branch :)01:57
seeleSput: ah, so youre porting it?01:57
Sput(which is work in progress and not really working yet)01:57
seeleok.. good to know01:57
Sputyeah, working on it01:57
Sputit'll always be optional though01:58
Sputwhich means, no KDE widgets for the most part... but stuff like colors, icons, knotify support, shortcut dialog will be integrated01:58
SputI expect basic KDE support to be merged into git master before 2009, if all goes well01:59
ryanakcaScottK-desktop: Woah. That really is long. I've started including some of them, but... maybe it would be better if it was placed on a wiki? That way everybody can update it as needed instead of having to poke a webmaster? I can stick a link on the page saying ``<h2>A question not answered here?</h2> Please see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KubuntuFAQ for more frequently asked questions, or ask a member of the Kubuntu community in <a ...02:17
ryanakca... href="/link/to/community/and/support">your native language</a>.''02:17
ScottK-desktopryanakca: Sounds good to me.02:17
NamShubXim not sure if its the proper channel but... is it normal / known or a local problem that the plasma-python stuff does not work in 4.2b2 ?03:03
mcasadevallwait what?05:03
nixternalBEAR DOWN CHICAGO BEARS!!!05:04
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
* NCommander did something really stupid05:53
NCommanderRiddell, or ScottK ping05:53
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
NCommandernixternal, ping?06:29
NCommanderhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-qt4/+bug/310806 - to whatever core dev sees this first06:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 310806 in python-qt4 "python-qt4 fails to upgrade to 4.4.4-2ubuntu2 if the dev package is installed" [High,Triaged]06:29
=== glade88|ZzZ is now known as glade88
flocatiif I create a package of a version of kdevelop and exit the new one, is easy to create the package of the new?07:05
flocatiapachelogger: If debian has a package, can I import it in kubuntu?07:12
Riddellwhat's up NCommander?09:25
NCommanderI blotched the Replaces: line on python-qt409:25
NCommanderdholbach was looking at sponsoring the fix09:25
hungerAnybody else having trouble logging into KDE in kubuntu/jaunty at this time? Gnome works fine.09:50
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
* ScottK-palm waves to vorian from I-70W in Ohio.11:05
Riddellwhat's I-70W?11:06
apacheloggerflocati: usually yes11:10
apacheloggerflocati: it depends on the package though11:10
gnomefreakRiddell: a highway11:11
flocatiapachelogger: is easy to import from the debian archive?11:11
apacheloggerflocati: yes, if we can do a straight sync11:12
apacheloggerif we need to keep ubuntu changes, a manual merge needs to be done11:12
apacheloggeror if we need to introduce changes we also need to do it manually11:12
flocatiapachelogger: no, we can do a straight sync, because that package there isn't in ubuntu11:13
apacheloggerwhat is "that package"?11:13
flocatiapachelogger: kdevelop411:13
apacheloggervorian: you are experimental again11:13
apacheloggerflocati: is the binary and source also called kdevelop4?11:13
flocatithe debian one?11:14
flocationly kdevelop11:14
apacheloggerwell, then it would replace the KDE 3 version which is not too good11:15
flocatithey have even merged a piece of svn :(11:15
apacheloggerI guess they did that for a reason11:15
flocatiapachelogger: http://kde42.debian.net/debian/pool/main/k/kdevelop/ <-- maybe I can try to apply the same diff to the last tag?11:15
flocatiapachelogger: yep, they took the previous beta11:16
apacheloggerflocati: most important is that you change the names to kdevelop4 or -kde4 (I would prefer the latter) and make it replace the KDE 3 kdevelop11:16
apachelogger=> lunch11:17
flocatimake it *NOT* replacing KDE3 kdevelop, isn't it?11:17
apacheloggersorry, bad wording11:27
apacheloggerflocati: the binaries ought to replace the KDE 3 ones11:28
apacheloggerso you can install kdevelop-kde4 even though kdevelop is installed, and vice versa11:28
flocatiapachelogger: than you can have both installed in the same time, isn't it?11:29
apacheloggerflocati: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-replaces11:31
flocatiok, I got it ;)11:32
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" by Bob Marley11:58
Riddellhow does that work?11:58
apacheloggerRiddell: last.fm11:59
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 31087212:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310872 in kopete-desklist "Please remove kopete-desklist source and binary from Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31087212:08
RiddellW: Unable to locate package kopete-desklist12:11
Riddelloh, binary is kopete-plugin-desklist12:12
Riddellapachelogger: done12:14
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks .. bug 310873 ;-)12:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310873 in kcontrol-autostart "Please remove kcontrol-autostart source and binary from Jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31087312:14
Riddellapachelogger: done12:16
nixternalgood mornin'12:16
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 310874 I hope you don't have anything more important to do?12:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310874 in kat "Please remove kat source and binary from Jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31087412:17
apacheloggernixternal: good morning sunshine12:17
Sputdiese nacht blieb dir verborgen, doch du musst nicht traurig sein *sing*12:18
apachelogger"no women, no cry"12:18
apacheloggeroh dear, plasma crashed12:20
apacheloggerRiddell, nixternal: should I close bugs of software that got removed?12:21
apacheloggerthere is little chance it will get fixed anyway12:21
* nixternal says yes as he has done it in the past12:21
Riddellcan't see a point in leaving them open12:22
Riddellkat gone12:27
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 31087512:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310875 in kdmtheme "Please remove kdmtheme source and binary from Jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31087512:28
Riddellapachelogger: done12:32
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 31087812:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310878 in kbfx "Please remove kbfx source and binary from Jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31087812:32
apacheloggerRiddell: bu 31088012:34
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 31088012:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310880 in tastymenu "Please remove tastymenu source and binary from Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31088012:34
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 31088112:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310881 in baghira "Please remove baghira source and binary from Jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31088112:37
jussi01apachelogger: is there anything else you know of that I cann doto help quassels default client cause atm?12:42
apacheloggerjussi01: learn cpp/qt and help them meet our requirements ;-)12:43
jussi01apachelogger: hehe. so we have provided them with a list of requirements then?12:44
apacheloggerI don't think so. seele didn't make her review yet, but in general the first start process needs to be streamlined12:46
jussi01apachelogger: yeah, ok I thought that was the case. I guess the sooner we get specifics to them the better though12:47
apacheloggerseele wanted to do her review today IIRC12:48
jussi01ahh, excellent. :) hopefully she can find the time.12:48
Riddellapachelogger: done12:51
apacheloggerRiddell: have fun with bug 310888 ;-)12:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310888 in kwin-style-serenity "Please remove obsolete KDE 3 styles from Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31088812:54
tyfonhmm looks like the kubuntu website is slightly busted12:55
tyfonit downloads the .php file itself12:55
jussi01thats still not fixed?12:55
jussi01iirc someone was reporting a bug about that.12:56
tyfonah well its the webserver thats misconfigured :p12:56
* apachelogger thinks jussi01 should deliver the beating :P12:56
* apachelogger meanwhile finds out what /doc/ is supposed to contain12:57
jussi01apachelogger: ok :p12:57
apacheloggerhm, I am 2 years or something around and never knew we have the documentation online Oo12:59
* jussi01 huggles apachelogger :D12:59
Riddellit should be removed and put on help.ubuntu.com (was discussed at UDS)13:00
apacheloggersounds sensible13:00
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe also get help.kubuntu.org?13:00
* apachelogger rehuggles jussi0113:00
tyfonwell there is a need for kubuntu spesific docs13:01
tyfonlike what programs to use etc if comming from mac or windows13:01
tyfoni bumped into that because a friend asked me for a help website ;)13:01
Riddellapachelogger: bug 310888 done, know any way to mass close those?13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310888 in kwin-style-serenity "Please remove obsolete KDE 3 styles from Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31088813:03
apacheloggerRiddell: didn't dholbach give you a script last time we had a mass close?13:03
Riddellmaybe, don't recall13:03
apacheloggermaybe jussi01 could do it? :)13:03
jussi01apachelogger: do what?13:04
Riddelle-mail down to < 2000!13:04
apacheloggerjussi01: fix release all of bug 31088813:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310888 in kwin-style-serenity "Please remove obsolete KDE 3 styles from Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31088813:04
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
Riddelltime to move onto New queue, which hasn't been touched for three weeks13:04
apacheloggerRiddell: I still have stuff to remove :P13:05
* apachelogger subscribes ubuntu-archive13:05
jussi01apachelogger: I dont really want to touch anything even mildly sensitive atm, as I am under the infulence of prescription drugs, and well, accidents happen more with a cloudy head ;)13:06
apacheloggerworst thing that could happen is that you close it as invalid or wontfix, and I really wouldn't care as long as it is closed :P13:07
Riddellfreeflying: ping13:09
Riddellfreeflying: in sunpinyin what's pydict_sc.bin.be and pydict_sc.bin.le ?13:09
Riddellalso lm_sc.t3g.be and .le13:10
jussi01JontheEchidna: ping13:22
jussi01JontheEchidna: got a moment for apm?13:22
NCommanderrgreening, ping?13:28
seeleapachelogger: i just started on it last night.  i might finish the review today depending on how busy my work day is, but probably not until tomorrow13:47
* seele mumbles something about things take longer than a few hours to do the Right Way13:47
* jussi01 huggles seele and sends her a nice warm cuppa to enjoy :)13:48
seelethanks, i need it.  i just rolled out of bed13:50
* seele yawns13:50
apachelogger~order cookies, xmas seele13:50
* kubotu slides cookies, xmas seele down the bar to apachelogger13:50
apachelogger~order cookies, xmas for seele13:50
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of last year's, now all dry cookies, down the crappy decorated and totally falling apart bar to seele and shouts: Happy whatever -.-13:51
* seele tries to pat down stray hairs sticking out everywhere13:51
* apachelogger needs a coffee13:51
freeflyingRiddell: the are the pinyin data divided into two for le and be machines13:51
Riddellfreeflying: where does the data come from?  how is it modified?13:52
JontheEchidna~order chocolate, hot13:52
* kubotu slides chocolate, hot down the bar to JontheEchidna13:52
freeflyingRiddell: upstram has a tool to generate it, didn't upload13:53
Riddellfreeflying: to generate it from what?13:53
freeflyingRiddell: origin data were collected from internet13:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: try tea, earl grey, hot :P13:54
Sput~order captain for apachelogger13:55
* kubotu adds Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum and cola in a ice-filled pint glass, garnishes with a lime. Arrrr yer captain co-ho-hola apachelogger! But watch out that the captain doesn't let the apprentice navigate...13:55
Riddellfreeflying: are those files editable?  or are they generated from something else?13:55
freeflyingRiddell: from something else13:56
apacheloggerSput: latest trend: captain libre ;-)13:56
Sputhmmm, sounds interesting13:56
Riddellfreeflying: doesn't seem like they're "preferred modifiable form then", that's needed for the archive (unless we put them in restricted)13:57
JontheEchidna~order tea, earl grey, hot13:57
* kubotu is replicating a hot cup of earl grey for captain JontheEchidna.13:57
apacheloggerSput: it is deadly, somehow that mixture leads to a state of constant drunkeness over a long period of time. .. I would imagine holding a ballmers peak using captain libre ought to be quite easy13:58
JontheEchidnareplicators rock13:58
apacheloggerthey sure do13:58
SputI prefer Zäpfle for Ballmerpeaking, it's more predictable... though it can also make you tired13:58
freeflyingRiddell: restricted is ok, anyway its hard to track back the original data collected from internet13:58
jussi01is this something we want in k/ubuntu? is it any good? or is it there and ive not found it? http://www.linux.com/feature/15592214:02
Hobbseejussi01: sounds like a whole lot of others trying to do the same thing (smart, packagekit, etc)14:05
apacheloggerthe first para makes it sound like one big workaround14:06
jussi01Hobbsee: ahh ok. just saw it there and wondered14:06
apacheloggerlike one gigantic big workaround14:06
apacheloggerepic one possibly14:06
apachelogger~facts about apachelogger14:06
kubotuI know nothing about apachelogger14:06
JontheEchidna~facts about batman14:07
kubotuI know nothing about batman14:07
JontheEchidna~facts about sand14:07
kubotuI know nothing about sand14:07
JontheEchidna~fact 214:07
kubotuplease select a fact number between 1 and 014:07
JontheEchidna~fact 114:07
kubotuplease select a fact number between 1 and 014:07
JontheEchidna~fact 0.514:08
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help fact'14:08
apacheloggerI really need to add more plugins :S14:08
apacheloggerjussi01: did you restart your server recently?14:08
jussi01apachelogger: no. but the dns went down last night and things got a little, err screwed up.14:09
jussi01we had to change the dns14:09
apachelogger~learn that the dns went down14:09
kubotuokay, learned fact #1: the dns went down14:09
kubotucan do!14:09
apachelogger~fact 114:10
kubotuplease select a fact number between 1 and 014:10
apacheloggerit will be good when rbot switched away from that ugly database14:11
freeflyingRiddell: http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2008/05/using-googles-n-gram-corpus.html http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-mentors@lists.debian.org/msg58968.html14:22
Riddellfreeflying: both LGPL and CDDL need source code so I don't think this can be distributed under the licence it uses14:37
apacheloggernote: KDE's managing dialog thingy looks better than GNOME's14:54
Riddellapachelogger: when we looked at it at UDS we were unconvinced it was very useful to most users14:55
apacheloggerIMHO most users shouldn't have to tweak their policykit settings14:56
Riddellyeah, we were thinking not to include it on the CD since it's of interest to sysadmins only14:57
apacheloggersounds sensible14:57
* apachelogger is wondering how to make it use a KDE dialog14:58
Riddellmake policykit use a KDE dialogue?14:59
Riddellit ought to just work when installed although I'm not convinced it does15:00
Riddellthe dbus service is kde-org.freedesktop.policykit or whatever which should mean it gets picked somehow when requested while KDE is running15:01
apacheloggermaybe a relogin helps15:02
apacheloggerRiddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot195.png15:07
apacheloggerlogin did the trick15:07
Riddelltalk to tonio if you're looking at packaging, I think he was working on it15:08
apacheloggerRiddell: did KDE decide on not including it?15:09
* apachelogger lost track of that discussion15:09
Riddellthey're still discussing it last I saw on release-team15:09
apachelogger*nod* not worth thinking about packaging it then15:10
apacheloggerRiddell: we should probably take a look at policykitifying systemsettings though, I guess it is unlikely that KDE will have that in 4.215:11
Riddellapachelogger: anything inpaticular?15:12
apacheloggerRiddell: no, just getting rid of kdesu all over the place15:14
apacheloggerI think only time&date and our root-required-kcm patch use it anyway15:14
Riddellwe have a root-required-kcm patch?15:24
apacheloggerRiddell: try to open the KDM kcm15:26
apacheloggerRiddell: kpackagekit doesn't have an update notifier?15:31
apacheloggernot the fastest15:33
apacheloggerbut I get a fancy policykit dialog :D15:33
NCommanderRiddell, can I get a favor?15:51
Riddellapachelogger: I believe it does although I havn't tried it16:08
RiddellNCommander: how about a favour?16:08
apacheloggerRiddell: it has, it's just a bit buggy IMO16:08
NCommanderRiddell, could you review the bug cody posted in devel?16:08
seeleis quassel 0.3.1 a development version?  there seems to be some stuff that doesnt work or is missing16:11
Riddelljjesse: a bit early :)16:26
seeleSput: are you guys using .ui files?16:26
Riddellseele: 0.3.1 should be a stable release if i read their website correctly16:27
RiddellI also see a git version packaged in our PPA16:28
seelehmm, ok.  just more notes to write i guess16:29
seeleRiddell: ScottK-desktop packaged me an intrepid version so i got it from him16:29
Riddellseele: plenty of .ui files in the source package16:30
nixternalyay, more snow \o/16:42
seelenixternal: did you see our flood?!16:42
seelenixternal: http://snipurl.com/919n516:43
nixternalI just heard about it from a coworker16:43
nixternalthat is insane16:43
seelenixternal: i find it funny that the flood on River Road is from a water main break and not the river :)16:43
nixternalyou know what I think about notifications? THEY ARE ANNOYING WHEN THEY ARE NOT USEFUL!16:43
nixternalie. when I select a link in Konsole to open, it pops up a notification telling me it is transfering the page16:44
nixternalthat is garbage imho16:44
seeleit's 28F too, so there's going to be a lot of ice :-/16:44
nixternalwhy would a URL to a site be transferring anything16:44
seelei think it is just a general notification.  more useful when you open a file directly like a PDF or JPG16:45
seelebecause then it shows download progress16:45
nixternalthat is an understandable notification no doubt16:45
seelealthough, that's one of the things that the app should take care of probably, not konsole16:46
seeleif you are loading a page in konq, then konq should give you the progress (or konq should send the notification to dbus) and give you the error if it times out16:47
nixternalthe only notification I like, is when someone highlights me on IRC...other than that, they annoy me16:47
seeleyou get a notification if someone highlights you on IRC?16:47
smarternixternal: report a bug, every kio job got it's notification atm, and the developer of the app has to specify if he doesn't want the notifications to be shown16:47
seeleoh.. you use konversation?16:47
nixternalI hate stupid coworkder16:48
nixternalcoworkers that is16:48
nixternalseele: no, I use irssi, but I have an ssh notify script with it that pops up notifications16:48
seelenixternal: ooooh gimmie!16:49
Nightroseseele: do you want visual or audio notifications?16:49
seeleNightrose: visual, i usually have my laptop on mute16:49
Nightroseah ok16:50
nhandlerAnyone up for reviewing a plasmoid on REVU?16:50
Nightrosei always use audio as i want to be notified when i am away from the pc16:50
seeleNightrose: you go away from your pc?16:50
apacheloggernhandler: in 5 minutes16:50
nhandlerThanks apachelogger16:50
Nightroseseele: *lol* i try not to but from time to time my bf demands some attention for example16:51
Nightroseand he gets grumpy if not16:51
seeleNightrose: haha..you don't need notifications for that case then, it just becomes distracting16:51
Nightrosenah but honestly16:51
Nightrosewhen learning i want to know when someone highlights me16:52
Nightroseor when cooking16:52
* Nightrose is soo happy it finally is implemented in quasel trunk16:52
Sputseele: we use .ui files for most things16:53
* Sput expects knotify support soonish16:53
* ScottK-palm congratulates NCommander on kde4bindings building. ilIs it a good build?16:59
NCommanderIt built?16:59
NCommanderwhen did that happen O_o?16:59
ScottK-palmI thought it did?17:00
NCommanderAnd the Final Fantasy Victory Theme just played in my playlist17:00
NCommanderI didn't see that it built17:00
NCommanderI stand in aw17:00
* ScottK-palm can't believe you didn't look.17:01
ScottK-palmDouble check me.17:01
NCommanderlast time I checked, it was pending build time was on Christmas17:02
NCommanderI thought I had a few days :-P17:02
* ScottK-palm looks at apachelogger to kick off some armel retries.17:05
NCommanderso kdebase-workspace is really broken17:07
NCommanderSO must for the dream of KDE 4.2 on ARM thus far17:07
NCommander(although at least we're making progress in the right direction)17:08
apacheloggeralways me17:11
apacheloggernhandler: playwolf good for upload17:22
nhandlerThanks apachelogger17:32
nhandlerI'll rename the patch and upload17:32
JontheEchidnaif playwolf is uploaded then plasmoid-am4rok can be dropped from the archives now since playwolf is its successor project17:43
* JontheEchidna files removal bug17:43
nhandlerJontheEchidna: I just uploaded it ;)17:45
RiddellJontheEchidna: poke me with bug number for quick processing17:50
RiddellNCommander: xfce update copied to intrepid-proposed17:50
JontheEchidnaRiddell: bug 31096117:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310961 in plasmoid-am4rok "Remove plasmoid-am4rok from the archives" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31096117:52
Riddellnew queue down to only 143 iteams17:52
RiddellJontheEchidna: done17:54
nhandlerRiddell: I don't think I ever noticed that you were on ubuntu-archive17:57
Riddelljudging by the length of New queue I seem to be the only one :)18:00
nhandlerRiddell: Since you just removed plasmoid-am4rok, want to accept plasmoid-playwolf?18:03
Riddellnhandler: been processing New queue all afternoon, hopefully I'll get to it18:03
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
NCommanderRiddell, why so high O_o;18:10
RiddellNCommander: hmm?18:10
NCommanderwhy so many items in the NEW queue?18:10
apacheloggerbecause Riddell was on vacation ;-)18:11
NCommandermakes sense18:11
NCommanderI'd like to see someone $FLUSH Debian NEW18:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: panelspacer is doing what?18:15
JontheEchidnawaiting for me to figure out rpath or whatever18:16
seelewow.. that water main break is a big deal.  the Fed is sending all its workers home and the DC area is on a water conserv18:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ask the google18:18
apachelogger~google file extension .pcs18:18
kubotuResults for file extension .pcs: 1. File Extension .PCS Details: http://filext.com/file-extension/PCS | 2. File Extension .PC Details: http://filext.com/file-extension/PC | 3. File extension PCS - Embroidery file format: http://www.file-extensions.org/pcs-file-extension18:18
nelleryDoes anybody have an idea for what is causing this build failure18:19
ryanakcaHmmm... for kde-style-qtcurve... I suppose I'd have to update it to KDE4 for Debian if we're keeping it?18:19
JontheEchidnanellery: that plasmoid is extremely old18:21
JontheEchidnait will only build with KDE 4.0.x18:21
apacheloggerRiddell: do you happen to know what the .kdevelop.pcs files are? and considering they are binary, should they be removed from source tarballs?18:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: more like a plasmold18:22
apacheloggerryanakca: pardon?18:22
Riddellapachelogger: something generated by kdevelop at a guess, assuming kdevelop can modify them it's fine in a source file18:22
nelleryJontheEchidna: I see... how old are they generally before they will have been updated?18:22
apacheloggerRiddell: thx18:22
* NCommander wonders if PPAs support multi-distro uploads18:23
JontheEchidnanellery: I don't understand your question18:23
JontheEchidnado you mean how new do they have to be so that they'll compile?18:23
nelleryJontheEchidna: that should work18:24
RiddellNCommander: ubuntu only I believe18:24
NCommanderRiddell, no, I mean uploading to jaunty/intrepid at the same time18:24
NCommanderala Debian18:24
RiddellNCommander: one at a time I'm pretty sure.  debian allows for more?18:25
NCommanderIts not really used much anymore18:25
RiddellNCommander: how?  what would go in the changelog?18:25
* apachelogger wished soyuz was able to do automated backports :(18:26
NCommanderYou put both releases18:26
NCommanderSo if you were uploading to unstable and frozen18:26
NCommanderIt would go18:26
NCommandernano (blah) frozen unstable; urgency=low18:26
JontheEchidnanellery: anything from page 1-8 of kdelook should compile18:26
JontheEchidnaer, 7, typo18:26
nelleryJontheEchidna: alright, thanks a lot18:27
JontheEchidnaand to be specific everything there should compile wiht KDE 4.1, unless it's too new and is made for KDE 4.2 :P18:27
apacheloggeryou know, if I make batbuild a bit more generic it would be a first class review tool18:29
ryanakcaapachelogger: the current kde-style-qtcurve package in both Debian and Kubuntu is for KDE3. I'm wondering if we should update it to the KDE4, submit it to Debian and then merge it back into Kubuntu, or drop it.18:31
Riddellryanakca: we have kde4-style-qtcurve18:33
apacheloggerdebian wouldn't accept kde-style-qtcurve for KDE 4 replacing the one for KDE 318:33
apacheloggerRiddell: I am going to rename it18:33
Riddelldebian would probably accept it into experimental18:34
apacheloggeronce all kde4-style-* stuff is renamed to kde-style-* we should be free of all KDE 3 styles muhahaha18:34
* apachelogger broke something in packagekit/policykit18:35
apacheloggerlook at that... I started kradioripper the very first time and in managed to open 3 windows18:36
apacheloggerand yet I always thought Amarok1's first run wizard was annoying18:36
JontheEchidna1740 bugs in Kubuntu: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs18:36
JontheEchidnait's gone down a few hundred, /me wonders how that happened18:36
apacheloggerwhat a buggy product18:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is the sysconfig printer stuff still valid?18:40
jussi01yeah, who would use that :P18:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: dunno18:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: find out then :P18:41
JontheEchidnaI asked if it was still a problem (if we're talking about the same bugreport)18:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: they valid ones should be moved to kdeadmin or utils or something18:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs-search?field.distribution=ubuntu&field.sourcepackagename=system-config-printer-kde&search=Search18:42
JontheEchidnaoh, the entire package18:42
apacheloggerdid get add to a core KDE module (no clue which one) - all valid bugs need to be moved - others closed - removal request for _source_ needs to be filed18:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we could abandon arts18:46
JontheEchidnain theory kde3 apps need it in Intrepid for notification. But jaunty on the other hand....18:47
apacheloggeramarok needs a cleanup18:47
* JontheEchidna is planning a mass invalidation for amarok on the arrival of 2.018:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am quite sure we could rebuild KDE 3 stuff without arts18:47
JontheEchidnahmm, true dat18:48
JontheEchidnait should die18:48
apacheloggerhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/arts all won't fix18:48
* JontheEchidna is cleaning up kopete source package currently18:48
apacheloggerNightrose: kde bug 150396 powerdevil?18:50
ubottuKDE bug 150396 in general "Amarok: Ability to pause on resume" [Wishlist,Resolved: wontfix] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15039618:50
=== nemphis_ is now known as nemphis
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: aRts now has 0 bugs19:16
=== Daskreech2 is now known as DasKrecch
=== DasKrecch is now known as DasKreech
* smarter is pretty sure arts has bugs :P19:17
JontheEchidnakonq crashed, grr19:20
JontheEchidna~karma konq19:20
kubotukarma for konq: -119:20
kubotukarma for JontheEchidna: 619:20
JontheEchidna~karma apachelogger19:20
kubotukarma for apachelogger: 319:20
JontheEchidnaapachelogger++ for his bug work19:21
kubotuDasKreech has neutral karma19:22
DasKreechI'm at balance with the world19:22
* DasKreech peers at seele_q19:26
DasKreechque quassel?19:26
seeleirc client we are looking at for jaunty19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karma19:30
kubotuNCommander has neutral karma19:30
NCommanderkubotu, poke?19:30
NCommanderoh well19:31
JontheEchidna~karma NCommander19:31
kubotukarma for NCommander: 119:31
DasKreechBooo Firefox19:32
NCommander~karma firefox19:33
kubotukarma for firefox: -119:33
DasKreechStupid pulling in all of Gnome bug19:34
kubotunhandler has neutral karma19:35
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Mekureta Orange" by 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ19:36
apacheloggerawesome song19:36
kubotukarma for nhandler: 119:36
* nhandler prefers his LP karam over that lonely 1 ;)19:37
* apachelogger doesn't like the way lp calculates its karma19:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 66362 MIR?19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 66362 in kdeedu "Equation Solver not enabled in Kalzium" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6636219:37
nhandlerapachelogger: Neither do I, but I still have more karam on LP than in here19:38
apacheloggerwell, here it is at least real karma :P19:38
DasKreechAnyone have keyboard shortcuts working in plasma ?19:38
nhandlerVery true apachelogger19:38
DasKreechFor the life of me I haven't been able to get them working in KDE 4.219:40
Nightroseapachelogger: about the hibernate bug: i really don't see anyone implementing this as mark said - this should be done on a system level imho - cause not only amarok makes sound19:41
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: aieeeee19:41
DasKreecheveryone sent their desktops to sabdfl ?19:41
* Nightrose did19:41
* seele snorts in an unladylike manner19:41
apacheloggerNightrose: it's not about sound en general19:41
apacheloggerit is about playback19:41
Nightroseapachelogger: but his usecase is a library - where all sounds are unwanted19:42
DasKreechseele: It's for usabilty purposes ^_^19:43
apacheloggerNightrose: your player supports that fdo spec for common dbus music player interface?19:47
apacheloggerconsidering that is even official fdo19:47
nelleryIf anybody is interested in reviewing, I just uploaded a plasmoid to revu - http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-stockquote19:47
seelenellery: you should submit that to kde-look under plasmoids so it shows up in GHNS19:48
apacheloggerNightrose: mpris doesn't support multiple players at once does it?19:49
Nightroseno idea19:49
apacheloggerit better does19:49
apachelogger<= wicked idea19:49
nelleryseele: will do19:49
apacheloggerNightrose: how about that: powerdevil gets a setting to pause playback on hibernation ... if it is set powerdevil does a dbus call to the mpris interface ... hopefully mpris somehow implements the case where multiple players are running and all of them are paused19:50
Nightrosesounds good19:51
nhandlernellery: They don't include a copy of the GPL license in the source19:51
apacheloggerNightrose: even if the mpris spec doesn't consider this case powerdevil could still pause the player which obtains lock on the mpris interface19:51
Nightroseshould be good enough in nearly all cases19:51
apacheloggerNightrose: can you please move the KDE bug to powerdevil?19:52
* apachelogger mvoes the lp bug19:52
apacheloggerif I find it  ^_^19:52
nellerynhandler: I see a file called LICENSE19:52
nellerycontaintain GPL v219:53
nhandlerlol, I missed that19:53
Nightroseapachelogger: want me to explain this ther? are you going to implement it?19:53
Nightroseor is moving enough?19:53
apacheloggerNightrose: just pasting what I wrote should be enough19:54
apacheloggerNightrose: and add http://www.mpris.org/ for reference on mpris19:54
madscientist159Hey, quick (nor not so quick!) question: one of the last packages I have to deal with for KDE3 is the openoffice integration.  Is there any way that package can coexist with the custom kdelibs4c2a (kdelibs4c2a-kde3)?  I overrode the dependency check on my test system and it worked OK, but obviously the end-users can't do that!19:54
apacheloggerNightrose: http://wiki.xmms2.xmms.se:80/wiki/MPRIS#D-Bus19:55
apacheloggerthat sounds like one could easily make it work for all supported palyers19:55
apacheloggerfor player in $interfaces do...19:55
Nightroseapachelogger: there doesn't seem to be a powerdevil product19:59
apacheloggerNightrose: kdebase?19:59
apacheloggeror kdebase-workspace?19:59
Nightrosehmmm no idea where it is19:59
Riddellmadscientist159: custom kdelibs4c2a?20:00
NightroseRiddell: do you know which product bugs for powerdevil go to in bugzilla?20:01
RiddellNightrose: source package is kdebase-workspace20:01
apacheloggerNightrose: drf probably would know20:02
RiddellNightrose: in bugs.kde.org it may not have an entry yet20:02
DasKreechKopete uses Qt3 for the friends list20:02
madscientist159Riddell: I was thinking of creating a "bridge" package, but was hesitant to do so--I have no idea of the remaining apps (other than openoffice) might have rpaths pointing to the non-KDE3 library locations20:02
madscientist159I wanted to consolidate all of KDE3 into one location for the future :)20:03
Riddellmadscientist159: non-KDE3 library locations?20:03
madscientist159Riddell: I moved the KDE3 libraries into /usr/kde3/lib rather than /usr/lib20:04
apacheloggerDasKreech: huh?20:04
apacheloggermadscientist159: that is invalid20:04
apacheloggermadscientist159: should be usr/lib/kde320:04
Riddellmadscientist159: aah, you're doing KDE 3 packages for intrepid, that's what I was missing20:05
madscientist159Riddell: Yup! :)20:05
apacheloggeroi vei!20:05
madscientist159apachelogger: Invalid??20:05
* apachelogger hands Riddell a cup of coffee20:05
Nightroseapachelogger: Riddell: solid is the right product20:05
DasKreechapachelogger: Random thought20:05
RiddellNightrose: hmm, that doesn't seem right (for the frontend stuff)20:05
Riddellmadscientist159: but kdelibs4c2a still exists, can't apps still use that if they want or are you making it conflict on your kdelibs4c2a-kde3 ?20:06
apacheloggermadscientist159: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard20:07
madscientist159Riddell: It conflicts.  My whole thought was to move all the KDE3 binaries into their own /usr/kde3 directory--that way nothing will conflict with it in the future20:07
apacheloggermadscientist159: the only sensible paths would be /opt/kde3 (the suse way) or /usr/lib/kde3/20:07
Nightroseapachelogger: done20:07
apacheloggermadscientist159: very good idea btw :)20:07
apacheloggerNightrose: thx20:08
madscientist159apachelogger: Thanks! ;)  Can we live with the non-standard binary location then?20:08
apacheloggermadscientist159: well not /usr/kde3 :P20:08
DasKreechNightrose: http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/1406/amarokcs9.jpg20:09
apacheloggermadscientist159: I recommend usr/lib/kde3 since we used usr/lib/kde4 for KDE 420:09
DasKreechhow do you get that to happen?20:10
apacheloggerRiddell: would it cause problems if madscientist159 installs his -kde3 to usr/lib/kde3 when the official KDE 3 stuff is installed?20:10
NightroseDasKreech: kbuildsycoca420:10
madscientist159Riddell: That was one of my concerns20:10
Nightroseor fix your install if that doesn't help ;-)20:10
Riddellapachelogger: no, although I'd go for /opt/kde3 (we only used /usr/lib/kde3 because it's easier to get past archive admins for debian policy, but /opt follows FHS better)20:10
apacheloggermadscientist159: opt/kde3 please :)20:11
madscientist159apachelogger: /opt/kde3, /opt/kde3/bin, /opt/kde3/lib sound OK?20:11
DasKreechNightrose: Thanks. I'm still going to throw myself off a cliff though :)20:11
apacheloggermadscientist159: comes down to that20:12
madscientist159apachelogger: OK, just wanted to verify before recompiling all those packages, again... :)20:12
apacheloggermadscientist159: before you do that20:12
apacheloggeryou might want to checkout suse's KDE 3 configure switches20:13
apacheloggermaybe they have some tweaks20:13
madscientist159apachelogger: I'm already using the exec-prefix one quite heavily20:13
madscientist159apachelogger: Seems to do the job20:13
madscientist159apachelogger: Although, this still leaves me with the openoffice problem I think!20:14
apacheloggermadscientist159: oh, and make sure all files go to /opt/kde3 ... for kde-nightly I ran into the problem that sysconf (etc stuff) didn't want to follow the prefix setting by default20:14
apacheloggermadscientist159: what is the problem with openoffice?20:14
madscientist159apachelogger: I have been keeping the sysconf in etc to keep KDE3 integrated into the rest of the system as tightly as possible20:15
apacheloggeryou dee ess20:15
apacheloggermadscientist159: that shouldn't be necessary, plus to ensure nothing conflicts you will have to drop out of /etc20:16
* madscientist159 thinks for a minute20:16
NightroseDasKreech: ohnoes!20:16
DasKreechIt's ok I'll send you a nice pic of the clif first20:17
* DasKreech hugs Nightrose goodbye20:18
DasKreechNightrose ++20:18
apacheloggermadscientist159: if KDE 3 behaves as nice with sandboxing as KDE 4 does you really just need to let debian/rules generate .desktop files in /usr/share/applications so that the apps stay accessibile from outside KDE 320:18
* Nightrose hugs DasKreech20:18
madscientist159apachelogger: Well nothing conflicts in /etc, I made sure of that.  Not sure how nice KDE3 will play, I seem to remember some problems when I moved stuff out of etc in the past.20:19
madscientist159apachelogger:  Is there any way to get a secondary PPA that I can upload to out of the public's eye and then transfer over all the built packages once I am ready to replace the existing -kde3 packages?20:19
apacheloggermadscientist159: just create another user ... or group20:20
madscientist159apachelogger: I'm just not sure how much more time I can put into this :)20:20
* apachelogger learned that PPAs should always belong to a group at any point20:20
Riddellnixternal: most comedy computer http://www.flickr.com/photos/nixternal/3131663212/in/set-72157611565602504/20:21
apacheloggermadscientist159: the good thing is, since KDE 3 is not getting too much updates you don't have to do much work on maintaining it ;-)20:21
nhandlernixternal: Great photos20:21
madscientist159apachelogger I know ;-)20:21
Riddell"If she can only cook as well as a Honeywell can compute"20:21
* apachelogger sends nhandler review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-stockquote20:22
nhandlerRiddell: I just got to that photo in the slideshow ;)20:22
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: what should we do about katapult bugs?20:22
apacheloggerI started on that when nick posted the URL ... I am getting distracted too much20:22
nhandlerapachelogger: I'll look at it after the slideshow finishes20:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kill em20:22
madscientist159I think for now I'll just create that bridge package, then I'll worry about moving stuff to /opt/kde3...thanks for the assistance!20:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no katapult == no one is ever going to fix that stuff20:22
apacheloggernhandler: now! :P20:22
* madscientist159 goes to prepare for christmas20:23
* apachelogger mumbles .... watching slideshows...20:23
nhandlerapachelogger: Fine, fine. I'll pause the slideshow20:23
nhandlernixternal can wait20:23
* apachelogger continues the slideshow :P20:24
seelecan someone using the core option in quassel link a screenshot of their buffer list?20:26
jussi01seele: err, which buffer?20:27
seelejussi01: theres a list of buffers in a panel by default on the left side20:27
nixternalRiddell: ya, that one was hillarious20:27
nixternalthe Kitchen Computer!20:27
seelei dont know what it looks like when youre connected to a core vs using the internal core or if there is no difference at all20:27
jussi01seele: you can see my screen shot on the quassel site (the dark one on the left)20:27
jussi01seele: I believe its the same.20:28
seeleoh duh, that would be a good place to look20:28
ScottKseele: One of the tricky bits is that what's shown by default is the "All Buffers" list.  It's non-intuitive to me that you need to make your own list if you don't want to see absolutely everything.20:28
nixternalhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/nixternal/3131655630/sizes/l/in/set-72157611565602504/ - "5 Second Floppys by Antonio Mercatante"20:28
jussi01seele: mind, I have a custom setup, so I hope thats what you are looking for20:28
nhandlernellery: in debian/copyright, you want to use /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-220:28
ScottKRiddell: I-70W is Interstate 70 Westbound.  It's one of the major East - West highways in the US and runs through vorian20:29
nhandlernellery: I also am not seeing anything that says you can use "(at your option) any later version" of the GPL license.20:29
ScottK's home state of Ohio.20:29
RiddellScottK: sounds painful20:29
nixternalword to the wise in here: do not upset Riddell as he will attack with sugar packets!20:29
Riddelloh, I see :)20:29
* nixternal couldn't get the camera up quick enough for the sugar packet ninja in action20:30
ScottKYeah.  Well we got as far as western Indiana before the rain freezing to ice convinced us discretion was the better part of valour.20:30
seeleScottK: yeah, i didnt understand some of the buffer config options.  i assume that is for hard core IRC users20:30
Riddellnixternal: those were non-violent sugar packets20:30
nixternalScottK: you heading out towards me or something?20:30
ScottKnixternal: Heading to Kansas City.20:30
seeleScottK: it gets really confusing when you add a buffer for a certain channel, because then it shows up twice instead of just applying to the channel20:30
nixternalScottK: where are you right now?20:30
seelei would have expected it to just be a filtered view20:30
nixternalScottK: just so you know, I would travel now, as our roads will probably be closed down later this evening for a big storm coming in20:31
ScottKAbout 35 miles from Illinois in Indiana at a hotel just off I-7020:31
nixternalI would try and get through the chicagoland area as quick as possible to be honest20:31
ScottKTotally iced over here.20:31
nixternaloh, you are way south20:31
ScottKWe're waiting for tomorrow.20:31
nhandlernellery: You should also say in debian/copyright "The Debian packaging is Copyright (C) 2008, Nick Ellery". The (C) really means nothing. You want to have the word "Copyright" in there20:31
nixternalScottK: the ice storm is supposed to end by tomorrow evening they are saying20:31
ScottKWe'll be going nearer you on the way back.20:32
ScottKFather-in-law lives in Duluth, MN.20:32
ScottKSo from there back to MD.20:32
ScottKI saw a mini-van go sideways in the road about 200 meters in front of me and then slide off the road down into the ditch between the sides of the road and then crash into an SUV that had gone off in the same spot.20:33
apacheloggernhandler: while you are at it... http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=4342 could also use a review ... or maybe nixternal wants to?20:34
nhandlerapachelogger: I'll look at it after nick's plasmoid20:34
ScottKFortunately I've got a lot of winter driving experience and got lucky.20:34
apacheloggernhandler: or you tell nixternal to do some real work so you can watch the slideshow20:34
apacheloggernixternals are made for work20:34
nhandlerapachelogger: I'm bored. I might as well do some work today20:35
* apachelogger likes that attitude20:35
nhandlerAlso, on an OT note, when is the next Kubuntu meeting? The wiki page has not been updated20:35
apachelogger3 weeks?20:36
JontheEchidnaWe need to do a meeting soon to discuss UDS-ish stuff20:36
JontheEchidnafor the benefit of those who weren't at UDS20:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that ought to be difficult, we should have done it last week probably20:36
nellerynhandler: thanks, I'll fix those right now20:36
apachelogger2nd week of january maybe?20:36
JontheEchidnasounds good20:37
apacheloggerRiddell: ^20:37
Riddellany time after Jan 2nd good with me20:37
nhandlernellery: You might want to wait a few minutes20:37
apacheloggerseele, nixternal, Nightrose, yuriy_ ^20:37
Riddelloh but before 5th January20:37
RiddellI have jury duty20:37
nhandlernellery: I'm still not done looking it over. I'm adding a comment on REVU20:37
seeleapachelogger: fine with me but should be eariler that 2nd week.  that only gives 3-4 weeks before feature freeze20:37
apacheloggerRiddell: you are way too busy :P20:37
Nightroseapachelogger: I'll be in berlin until 3rd20:37
Riddellhmm, that doesn't leave much20:37
DasKreechAnyone would like to help with an Amarok 2 issue in #kubuntu ?20:38
seeleare people available next week?20:38
seelebefore the end of the year?20:38
Nightrosedepends on which day20:38
Riddellcould do Mon 29th20:38
seelewhich days are not good for you?20:38
seeleNightrose: ^^\20:38
Nightrosehmmm 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st-3rd20:39
seelequassel's icon logo is kindof freaky.  is that supposed to be an eyeball?20:39
seeleNightrose: ok.. so monday is good for you?20:39
Nightroseit is20:39
nixternalapachelogger: next week would be great, as the end of january is going to be very busy for me preparing for the global bug jam and doing a few talks in january and february and preparing for those as well20:39
seeleanyone else.. is monday Dec 29th NOT good for you?20:39
Nightrosemonday should be ok20:39
apacheloggeryou lost me20:40
nixternalI can do the 29th20:40
jussi01seele: yeah, its an eye :D20:40
MezJontheEchidna: ping?20:40
seelejussi01: lol it's scary!20:40
JontheEchidnaMez: pong20:40
MezJontheEchidna: why did you mark those as "wont fix" - katapult is still a valid ubuntu package...20:41
jussi01seele: hehehe... its watching you... :P20:41
* nhandler is happy he will finally get to see a meeting of the ninjas20:41
Riddellapachelogger: lost you how?20:41
ScottKMez: Wasn't it removed from Intrepid/Jaunty?20:41
JontheEchidnaYeah, it was removed from both20:42
JontheEchidna15:22:22] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: what should we do about katapult bugs?20:42
JontheEchidna[15:22:28] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: kill em20:42
apachelogger_did my last message get through?20:42
JontheEchidna[15:22:40] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: no katapult == no one is ever going to fix that stuff20:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger_: last I saw was "you lost me"20:42
* Mez didnt realise it had been killed from the archive.20:42
apachelogger_EVERYONE PLEASE MARK THEY DAYS YOU CAN ATTEND A MEETING http://doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=bghyrc2f7m6a8zyp20:42
apachelogger_there we go20:42
Mezand katapult is being slowly portyed20:42
ScottKMez: Doesn't work on KDE4.20:42
Riddellno katapult in intrepid20:42
MezScottK: I've not had any issues ?20:43
apachelogger_Riddell, seele, Nightrose, yuriy, nixternal ^20:43
apachelogger_and everyone else20:43
apachelogger_Mez: I think the problems where caused due to patches introduced in hardy20:43
apachelogger_*were even20:43
* Mez shrugs20:44
apachelogger_application launcher stuff should have worked fine + Amarok (since we only had 1.4 anyway)20:44
apachelogger_Sput: ping20:44
Mezapachelogger_: yeah, and it does...20:44
Mezwhat wasn't working? I've had no reports...20:44
Xand3rhey apachelogger_ whats up? have a moment for me? please have a look in our query20:45
nhandlerIs it ok to upload packages with this lintian warning "W: plasmoid-stockquote source: quilt-build-dep-but-no-series-file plasmoid-stockquote20:45
nhandlerOr should we create an override?20:45
nixternalapachelogger: on mine, the dates I have marked as NO, I can make it to, but marked them no just in case as I will be in the office20:45
ScottKnhandler: An override is better.20:45
nixternalif you make them for say, 15:00 UTC on my pink days, I can make it, it is tougher if it is before or right after that20:46
nhandlerScottK: Ok20:46
apachelogger_Xand3r: nothing interesting int he query, is there20:46
* ScottK confesses he doesn't generally bother though.20:46
Xand3rok i ask here20:46
Xand3ror no, i cant ask in english20:46
jussi01JontheEchidna: get on your game, you havent triaged my bug yet! :P :P :P :D (I swear you triage every bug I report) :D20:48
* apachelogger_ read the bug but considered it triageunworthy :P20:49
apachelogger_ah, it appears the server gets a reboot20:49
* JontheEchidna thinks it's a possible dupe20:49
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: I think we only have such a bug about rars20:50
apachelogger_though TBH I didn't even know one could password protect zips20:50
* JontheEchidna wouldn't want to report that upstream for fear of being duped himself20:50
Riddellhmm, not looking so good for our meeting20:52
RiddellI could make it on Tue 30th before 19:0020:53
Riddellafter that I'm at the Dancin'20:53
Xand3rapachelogger_: again query please :D20:55
Riddellnhandler: .kdev4/playwolf.kdev4 probably shouldn't be in the plasmoid-playwolf tar (not worth changing the tar for, just something to ask upstream)20:57
smarterapachelogger_: the #kdegames may have found what causes bug #28526520:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285265 in kdegames "KPatience dies with ASSERT: "!pixmap().isNull()"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28526520:57
smarterapachelogger_: apparently it's an i18n issue, which may be related to the kpatrc file(and the one we ship) + bad code20:58
seele_qugh.. running out of steam.  should i bother with mockups or should i post this quassel review and see what they come up with on their own?20:58
apachelogger_EVERYONE NOW PLEASE MARK POSSIBLE TIMES PER DAY: http://doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=bud98cuf2muce685 KTHX20:58
Riddellbad code in kpat?  I'm not going to be the one to tell coolo :)20:58
apachelogger_smarter: sound like fun20:59
smarterapachelogger_: tsdgeos just said he had a patch20:59
smarterlet's hope we get something for .420:59
apachelogger_well, even if it is only ifxed in 4.2 it is already something21:00
apachelogger_smarter: tell him that he is my hero21:00
* apachelogger_ is crippled by irssi and can't do it :P21:00
seeleirssi > *21:00
smarteryou're on irssi?21:00
smarterquassel br0ke?21:01
Riddellseele_q: post it and ask if they'd be interested in mockups?21:01
apachelogger_no, the quassel server had a meltdown21:01
apachelogger_german servers always do that... like when KDE SVN was down :P21:01
* smarter bbl21:01
Xand3rapachelogger_: i have forgotten how much fun i had with packaging^^21:03
apachelogger_tell me about it :(21:03
* apachelogger_ is spending most of his time on bug fixing21:03
apachelogger_and KDE release packaging21:03
apachelogger_which is pretty boring TBH21:03
Xand3rapachelogger_: thats why i have ppa21:03
Xand3rfor it i dont need to make a man21:04
Xand3ri make what i want21:04
Xand3ri am my master^^21:04
apachelogger_stop that blasphemy21:04
apachelogger_it causes bad karma21:04
nhandlerRiddell: I'll talk to upstream about getting that change for plasmoid-playwolf implemented21:05
Riddellnhandler: shouldn't plasmoid-playwolf depend or recommend on amarok?21:12
Riddellnew queue is empty!21:13
apachelogger_IMHO playwolf should be generic and use mpris21:13
devfil2Riddell: if you will review digikam-kde4 on revu and say that it is ok I will reload the new queue :)21:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger_: imo energy should just be spent improving the nowplaying applet KDE haz21:15
apachelogger_seele, ScottK, nixternal, nhandler, yuriy: don't forget to enter your times http://doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=bud98cuf2muce68521:15
* apachelogger_ is off 21:15
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: that too ;-)21:15
nellerynhandler: is it okay to create debian/patches/series, rather than creating and override?21:16
nellery(for http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-stockquote)21:16
nhandlernellery: I just tried that. I would have thought it would work, but it didn't for me21:16
nellerynhandler: ok21:17
nelleryI've never created an override with lintian, would you mind explaining how it's done?21:18
Riddellnhandler: why depend on quilt at all?21:18
nhandlerRiddell: Me? Or nick?21:19
nhandlerRiddell: Doesn't kde.mk need quilt?21:20
nelleryYes, that was what I assumed21:20
Riddellfair point21:21
* nhandler is learning ;)21:22
nelleryjust did a testbuild without quilt21:23
nellery/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde4.mk:3: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk: No such file or directory21:23
* nhandler goes to finish watching nixternal's slideshow21:26
nixternal^^ woot, awesome Kubuntu wallpaper made by request21:30
nixternalI asked him yesterday for one, and today he provided21:30
DasKreechnixternal: Damnit if it wasn't for Wade's art!21:32
nhandlernixternal: That wallpaper is really awesome21:32
nixternalI love street style wallpapers and have forever wanted a Kubuntu/KDE one...my wish came true today :)21:33
nhandlerand I finally finished going through your UDS photos21:33
nixternalya, most of the time I had 2 or more bottles of beer in my hands, so it was difficult to take pictures :)21:34
* DasKreech tries not to imagine what nixternal was using to press the button21:34
Riddelldevfil2: going for a canoe while it compiles away21:34
nhandlerSo did we agree on a meeting date? If so, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings should probably be updated22:05
Nightrosenhandler: apachelogger will set the date when he gets up i think22:06
nhandlerOk Nightrose. I didn' notice him go to bed22:07
nixternalhrmm, openoffice writer is extremely broken for me22:29
jussi01Happy birthday Riddell! :D22:29
nhandlerSo, who brought the cake?22:30
jussi01nhandler: you didnt?22:30
nhandlerjussi01: Nope, I guess I didn't get that memo22:30
* NCommander throws a cake into the channel22:33
NightroseHappy Birthday Riddell \o/22:33
Nightrosekubotu: order party22:34
* kubotu gives everyone a party hat and a hand full of conffeti.22:34
* kubotu turns on tha most funky party music as well as the all shiny disco ball.22:34
kubotuNightrose: wanna dance with me? :-)22:34
* kubotu starts shaking her tight ass22:34
claydohok its official, you devs are now required to monitor kubuntu-users now22:34
claydohkubotu is a bit too naughty :)22:35
Nightroseclaydoh: are they? :P22:35
claydohaccording to one of the regs you should be :)22:36
* Nightrose only checks subjects latelxy tbh22:36
Nightroseand read the whole mail when it sounds like i should read it22:37
claydohit has been almost nice in there recently actually22:37
Nightroseyea that was my impression as well22:37
claydohsubjects don't match content much22:37
Nightrosehehe yea22:37
Nightrosebut i don't have the time for more :(22:37
seeleNightrose: it's not his birthday for another hour and 20 minutes :)22:39
Nightrosehey somewhere it already is ;-)22:40
Nightroseasnd he is casnoing anyway i think22:40
jussi01@now helsinki22:42
ubottuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: December 24 2008, 00:43:45 - Next meeting: Foundation Team in 17 hours 16 minutes22:42
* DasKreech puts some oil on kubotu's ass to stop the squeaking22:44
jpdsAnd I thought a Facebook person asking permission to post job postings to Ubuntu mailing lists would be the weirdest thing I'd see today.22:49
jussi01jpds: let me remind you... you are on #kubuntu-devel... ;)22:51
jpdsjussi01: True. ;-)22:51
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
JontheEchidnafinally: http://blog.uninstall.it/2008/12/23/changes-in-kdeartwork/23:04
Riddellit's beautifully calm out there, not a creature is stirring23:15
Riddellaww you guys remembered, if a bit early, hugs to jussi01, Nightrose, nixternal23:16
nhandlerDid you see the cake that NCommander tossed in?23:16
* NCommander drops a second one on Riddell 23:17
NCommanderkde4bindings compiled :-)23:17
Riddellyum, cake23:17
NCommanderWe need the Still Alive theme23:17
nixternalRiddell: are we a day off?23:17
nhandlernixternal: A few hours early23:17
seelenixternal: 40 minutes off23:17
nixternalerr, ya, it is the 23rd, I remember at UDS you saying xmas eve23:18
Riddellwhat to do with my last minutes of youth and innocence?23:19
nhandlerRiddell: How old are you turning?23:20
NCommanderRiddell, duct tape party!23:20
NightroseRiddell: do something childish of course ;-)23:20
Nightrosemake bubbles23:20
Nightroseesat lots of chokolate23:20
Riddellnhandler: guess :)23:21
nixternalRiddell: send an email to another project praising it and then saying it would be great to have this or that in it, maybe you can get some more work that :p23:21
nhandlerRiddell: I have no clue. 30?23:22
* nhandler has never seen Riddell in real life23:23
Riddellnhandler: not yet23:23
Riddellold enough to lose my young persons railcard23:23
crimsunomg he's turning 79!23:24
nixternalRiddell: 26!23:25
Riddellnixternal: been there, done that23:25
Riddelltime to move on23:25
Riddellgive it half an hour :)23:26
nixternalyou lose your rail card in your mid twenties I thought23:26
nixternalactually, you should have already lost it23:26
Riddellrenewed it a week before my 25th birthday, so it's just gone :(23:27
NCommanderrail card?23:56
NCommander^- nixternal & Riddell23:56
* Riddell returns with waffles and chocolate sauce23:57
RiddellNCommander: gets you cheap(er) train travel23:57
Riddellmakes trains almost competitive with more polluting forms of transport23:58

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