
szrhawaiidamn i never seen my computer so slow in my life except when i was using windows00:01
szrhawaiithis 8.10 is killing me00:01
inanimateAll right, done with damage control.00:01
inanimateNow about that home directory...00:01
pingvenoszrhawaii: I was having issues too. I had to disable the effects.00:02
inanimateAh! Found it.00:02
szrhawaiiwhich effects00:02
ugaI think he meant all effects00:02
inanimateuga: All right, mission accomplished. Thanks a lot.00:03
szrhawaiihow do i turn off the widget effects i dont even use them00:03
ugainanimate: just out of curiosity, it was under home?00:03
inanimateuga: Yeah.00:03
hallownameany bored persons wanting to test an artificial intelligence plasmoid should check: openbrain.sf.net00:03
ugaszrhawaii: right click on the window decoration->configure window behaviour...->uncheck "enable desktop effects"00:04
inanimateuga: Which makes sense, because it didn't install it with sudo, which means the only place it could have possibly put it was .kde.00:04
szrhawaiiwindow decoration00:04
ugaszrhawaii: yes, the window border00:04
ugathe one with title00:04
ugaon any application00:05
ugathe bar containing the buttons for maximize, minimize, etc00:05
szrhawaiidont got that option00:05
ugauhm... I believe it's been there since 4.100:05
DanuHello to all someone knows how to convert rmvb to vcd format?00:05
ugamaybe somebody else can help him?00:06
ugaI only got .200:06
inanimateuga: What's the question?00:06
ugainanimate: he's trying to find the option to disable/enable desktop effects00:06
e-headwhat samba version do you guys run?00:06
ugafor me it's under right click on the window decoration, configure window behaviour00:06
e-headSHould I install 3 or 4 you think?00:06
ugaand I have "Enable desktop effects"00:07
inanimateSystem Settings > Desktop > Desktop Effects00:07
szrhawaiithats where i just found it in00:07
ugaheh, true. I didn't think of system settings first =)00:07
inanimateBoth System Settings and Config Window Behavior use the same kcm part.00:08
szrhawaiiif i have compiz-fusion if i turn those effects off does that make compiz my primary effects manager00:08
inanimateSo two roads to the same destination.00:08
szrhawaiii can already see an improvement in speed00:09
inanimateszrhawaii: You should use compiz instead of KWin.00:09
szrhawaiimy window switcher and stuff for my compiz work fast00:09
inanimateThen you can use Compiz as your window manager instead of KWin if you like it better.00:10
szrhawaiii already have it set up00:10
szrhawaiithat helped out so much00:10
szrhawaiiit sucks cause i have to practically go in and manually turn everything off for comiz to run fast00:10
inanimateBut if you have Compiz and not KWin, then shouldn't Desktop Effects be useless?00:10
inanimate(I thought they were only for KWin.)00:10
szrhawaiididnt know that feature was there00:11
szrhawaiifor enabling effects00:11
szrhawaiii know where it is in the 3.5 but i dont really know where anything is in 4 right now00:11
inanimateThat was a new feature in KDE 4.00:12
szrhawaiiman my computer seems to be running as fast as it used to when i had kde 3.500:12
szrhawaiii have noticed a lot of things the added its just all over the place00:12
szrhawaiiits like finding needles in hay stacks now00:13
inanimateHeh... So what exactly does "Improved Window Management" mean?00:13
szrhawaiia better window management00:13
szrhawaiiif your talking about the standard window management for the system settings they did add alot of features they didnt have before00:14
szrhawaiithat allows you to do some stuff like in compiz but not compiz stuff00:14
inanimateThere is an option called "Improved Window Management", but I don't know what it does.00:15
szrhawaiiwhere is that at00:15
szrhawaiioh that thing00:15
szrhawaiinot sure00:16
szrhawaiimust be for certain effects that you can select on the all effects side00:16
beafhe how do you do00:16
SlugzzzzHi! Could someone give me some help?00:26
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:38
trappistwell that wasn't what I was looking for00:38
trappisthe's gone anyway00:38
trappistdon't mind me00:38
szrhawaiiSlugzzz you gotta ask what you need help with00:45
szrhawaiioh wow im late on that as well00:46
wersi want a fresh kde4 install. i'm on ubuntu so i dont mind removing those packages. how do i remove all kde4 apps?00:53
wersi suppose there's a single package that would remove all those00:54
JontheEchidnawers: kdelibs5 would do it00:57
JontheEchidna(yes, 5)00:57
wersthanks JontheEchidna :)00:58
wersJontheEchidna, i intend to reinstall kubuntu-desktop. would installing kdelibs5 do the job/ :)01:01
JontheEchidnayou would want to sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop01:02
JontheEchidnainstalling kdelibs5 would only reinstall kdelibs5 ;-)01:02
wersooh. nice. thanks. :D01:04
webbiI just installed kde4.0.301:08
webbihow can I add a new panel?01:08
webbianybody know where can i find help about kde4?01:11
zudoI need some help...01:11
sourcemakerI have configured kmail to add a custom signature from the input field below... but now when I compose a new mail... it starts with "--" + signature...?01:11
zudolot of people need help01:12
zudoI'll just throw it out there then:01:12
hectoralguien habal español01:12
zudoDoes anyone know how to install kubuntu to a usb drive's sub directory?01:12
zudoI've tried various automatic usb drive install, including netbootin, the pendrivelinux.com one, and the kubuntu automatic usb creator01:13
zudobut whenever I try to modify the syslinux.cfg to boot from a subdirectory it does not work01:13
szrhawaiiwhere is the screensaver setting01:15
szrhawaiiwhy cant i find the screensaver option01:18
=== paul__ is now known as werenerd
szrhawaiino one knows either huh01:19
szrhawaiii had it a little while ago01:19
mase_workhey guys, i am not sure what happened but my laptop no longer suspends, it doesn't auto configure the network or anything when a cable is plugged in. is there a way i can tell dpkg to restore everything to a default state ?01:20
=== Beazel is now known as Beazel_
szrhawaiii had that problem too01:21
szrhawaiitype in iwconfig and see if what it says01:21
szrhawaiiin terminal01:21
mase_workyeh i can do it all manually01:21
mase_worki just don't want to :)01:21
mase_worki've currently go a shell script which i run01:21
mase_workwhich does it01:21
mase_workbut yeh i want my partner to be able to use the laptop too01:22
szrhawaiido you got an application you use on top of terminal to configure your network01:23
szrhawaiior is it just scripting01:23
mase_workwell network manager is supposed to work :) but its just scripts01:23
mase_workand i know which one to run based on where i am01:24
mase_workbut yeh this was all working a while back01:24
szrhawaiiwhat about the simple manager tool for network manager01:24
szrhawaiidid you try netstat01:24
mase_worklike....it doesn't matter. i just want the whole thing reset01:24
mase_worki'm not trying to debug my issues one by one01:24
mase_worki just want to reset it01:24
mase_worki have had this version of kubuntu running on this machine in a fully working state before01:25
mase_worki tried another distro, and reinstalled kubuntu then upgraded01:25
=== mathieu_ is now known as NamShubX
DelvienCan someone take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/91282/ Its the dmesg from plugging in a USB and it mounting almost a minute later,01:49
cstonerDelvien: I assume it's FAT32?01:51
Delviencstoner yep01:51
cstonerCan you mount it under windows to do a fsck(or whatever it would be in win)?01:53
=== Delvien is now known as Delvien_away
Ghoulo boy again i can't connect to the net via wireless (dhcp) again, for no particular reason how hard can it be knetwork manager! {01:56
Ghoulmy frustration is the inability to pinpoint the problem; sometimes i restart and it works, sometimes it dosent01:57
Ghoulit stalls at 'Activation Stage: IP configuration started'01:57
cstonerAnyone here using project-neon?01:58
cstonerGhoul: Is your encryption set up right?01:58
Ghoulcstoner: encription, what do you mean?\01:58
Ghoulyes, wpa network..01:58
cstonerGhoul: Latest firmware on your router?01:59
Ghoulhmm that could be it.. although i'm living with some roommates and i can't touch it01:59
Ghouli'm just given the password02:00
Ghoulbut i don't think that's the problem02:00
Ghoulpreviously i used ubuntu02:00
Ghouland it was perfect every time02:00
Ghoulhad internet no matter how many restarts or whatever02:00
cstonerwhat are you using now?02:00
Ghoulproblems started with kubuntu02:01
Ghouli'm using a 2nd windows laptop :)02:01
cstonerare you using the 4.1 packages, then?02:01
Ghoulnope 8.0402:01
Ghoulhardy :/02:01
Ghoulmy other laptop is kinda weak.. 256 ram02:01
cstonerso is that kde3.5?02:01
cstonerI never had good luck with the knetworkmanager in 3.x02:02
Ghoulruns surprisingly well; it makes better use of the resources than xp ..02:02
cstonerCan you pick up roaming signals? There any open networks to connect to?02:03
Ghoulk, guess knetworkanager has some issues02:03
Ghoulhmm let me try again02:03
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon02:04
Ghoulnope; just can't connect to any wireless :(02:05
cstonerGhoul: You could always try to set it up manually with /etc/interfaces and then use ifup (way icky...)02:06
Ghoulcstoner: did that too.. ifconfig ath0 up/down and customizing all the things over and over02:07
cstonerno luck, i take it?02:08
Ghoulbut again that's not pinpointing the problem :/ stable internet connection i think is the top priority02:08
Ghoulthe internet was fins after some restarts and manual ifconfig up/downs02:08
Ghoulnow after another system start it disappeared just as strangely02:09
cstonerWhat does your /etc/network/interfaces look like?02:09
Ghoulhmm haven't added anything there02:10
Ghoulok, i'll add there ath0 (my wireless interface with the according settings and restart)02:11
cstonerGhoul: is normal NetworkManager available?02:11
Ghoulknetworkmanager stalls at assigning an ip02:12
=== Delvien_away is now known as Delvien
cstonerTry using just NetworkManager. It's the one from GNOME and it worked better under hardy for me02:13
wesleyx264 is cleary better then a xvid encode02:13
=== andrew_ is now known as Lokki
Ghoulcstoner: tried that also several times :) no luck either02:14
Ghoultrying it right now02:14
LokkiQuestion, why is it that even when set to automatically connect the network manager in 8.10 won't connect to a network with SSID broadcast off02:15
Lokki(but manually connecting works fine)02:15
Ghoulmy guess is that i dont' have the linux intuition yet :) i'm quite new ti this02:15
* Guest23104 hugs Ghoul02:15
Ghouli appreciate it Guest23104 :)02:16
mister-teaevery time I boot I need to fix x in recovery mode to boot. I have an intel 845 integrated vidieo chipset. I have read much about fixing on google and some say to remove usplash. When I try to edit usplash in kate , it's empty.????02:19
Ghoulalright; i edited /etc/network/interfaces lets see if some magic happens and i got some internet :)02:19
killermachhow do I update kubuntu from the command line?02:20
cstonerGhould: don't forget the sacrifice! There is no substitute for a *real* virgin02:20
Lokkicstoner: will that help me too?02:20
cstonerkillermach: "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"02:20
cstonerLokki: Only one way to find out ;)02:20
killermachcstoner: thanks.02:20
Ghoulsudo apt-get update && upgrade02:20
cstonerack! That one02:21
Lokkicstoner: does it have to be a virgin if you use KDE or only for GNOME?02:21
LokkiAlso, how many virgins do you need to quit VI?02:21
cstonerI dunno about the vi thing... I use goats for emacs02:21
LokkiWell Emacs is a lesser evil, so goats probably work fine there02:22
LokkiI ended up getting out of VI by opening another konsole window and killing the process02:23
cstonerreall? I "ESC ESC ESC :q!"02:23
Guest23104Lokki: shift ZZ02:23
Ghoulnope C-x c here :)02:24
Lokkicstoner:  and Guest23104: I don't know Vi02:24
LokkiI only know emacs02:24
inanimateWhat setting actually makes the panel transparent?02:24
Ghoulemacs looked good under windows; the ugly nix fonts are killing me here :)02:25
LokkiI'm used to ugly fonts :p02:25
inanimateIt has something to do with Desktop Effecs, but I can't find the specific effect that does it. (Only the fact that it isn't when they're disabled.)02:25
cstonerI only know very basic vi02:25
Ghoulthus giving kde a try.. the default fonts are way more usable :)02:26
cstonerinanimate: "Translucency" Under System Settings -> Desktop -> All Effects (tab)02:27
cstonerat least in 4.2beta202:27
inanimatecstoner: Hmm... That doesn't do it in 4.1. Maybe they changed it.02:28
inanimateOut of curiosity, does the configuration in 'Translucency' offer specific config for the panel?02:28
=== cstoner_ is now known as cstoner
cstonerfunny story... It isn't "translucency" at all. In related news, I'm pretty sure there's a race condition in the Effects plugin code02:32
=== miguel is now known as Guest57642
draikHow do I clear konqueror's cache?02:33
inanimatecstoner: Interesting... So you didn't find anything else, I assume. And what do you think the race condition is?02:38
mister-teanever mind I got the info I needed to fix my x problem from ubottu. Thanks ubottu. great bot!02:39
cstonerinanimate: I have NO idea. I turned off translucency and it temporarilly made my panel opaque. When switching quickly twice (off->on->off or whatever) it froze plasma (and with it my keyboard input)02:39
* cstoner attempts to reproduce...02:40
inanimateHeh... Oh.02:40
inanimateI feel like I could make KDE crash and burn by doing things like that. (Quickly enabling and disabling things. I'm pretty sure I did it earlier.)02:41
inanimateIn which case, maybe KDE is one huge race condition.02:41
cstonermost software is if you look hard enough :)02:41
aibanyone know where to get libopcodes?02:44
e-headI'm going to start a distro called "poisonbuntu" that uses ratpoison for it's window manager02:46
inanimatecstoner: Were you able to reproduce it?02:46
inanimateHmm... Well, I guess the panel will be arbitrarily transparent from here out...02:48
=== eric is now known as Guest41780
cstonerinanimate: From what i can tell, there is probably a "if (comp-enabled) then use-alpha-from-svg-file else no-alpha" somewhere02:51
cstoneryou could always look at the panel svg for the theme you're using02:51
Guest23104cstoner: What's up with translucency?02:53
cstonerthe plugin?02:53
cstoneror the panel translucency02:53
ectospasmI've got a problem with resolvconf...  when I start my vpn connection, it appears that resolvconf is only partially overwriting /etc/resolv.conf...02:54
ectospasmand it seems to be missing key information (namely, the "search" and "domain" lines in /etc/resolv.conf)02:54
cstonerGuest23104: There doesn't seem to be a way to toggle it other than completely enabling/disabling desktop effects02:54
Guest23104cstoner: Change your theme02:55
cstonerYeah, inatimate was just wondering if there was any other way to do it02:56
benbloomanyone use kkubuntu for vvideo  editing??03:04
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org03:05
cstonerhttp://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/?p=211 <-- W00T! I've been wondering about this03:05
killermachhmm.. cannot figure out how to fix this03:19
killermachvncpasswd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:19
killermachI get that error after "vncserver -V"03:20
killermachhmm.. how do I reinstall vnc-common?03:26
cstoneryou could always try a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure vnc-common"03:27
killermachcstoner: aah.. thanks.. I have used that to fix my xserver some time back03:27
* cstoner just realized how bad he should be out meeting girls instead of spouting random linux voodoo03:28
killermachusr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: vnc-common is broken or not fully installed03:28
killermachI tried dpkg deinstall vnc-common..   .. to remove it.. but it did not do the trick03:29
cstonertry "sudo apt-get remove vnc-common"03:29
killermachand dpkg-reconfigure gives error that the package is broken or not installed fully03:30
killermachNote, selecting vnc4-common instead of vnc-common03:31
killermachPackage vnc4-common is not installed, so not removed03:31
killermachsomething so simple has turned tragic03:31
killermachI've been using vncserver for years (many) but kubuntu is proving to be a struggle03:32
cstonerick! Maybe try an apt-get clean03:32
killermachhow do I tell what package installed this file ... /usr/local/bin/vncserver03:33
killermachtrying clean03:33
killermachno joy03:34
=== johnny_ is now known as Guest53568
cstonerLooks like a "dpkg-query -S vncserver" should let you know what installed it03:35
killermachthanks.. I'm steadily reading "man dpkg", I'm learning dpkg, past experience is rpm systems since 199803:36
killermachthanks for the help03:37
cstonerno problem... gives me an excuse to find out myself03:37
cstonerfish (the shell) helps a lot, too03:37
killermachhmm.. that found tightvncserver, so I removed it.. but still have vncserver on my path.. and running it gets03:42
killermacherror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:42
cstonertype "which vncserver" is it still the one in /usr/local/bin ?03:44
killermachhmm.. this is a tad irritating03:49
killermacha good ol' "rpm -f /usr/local/bin/vncserver" would find the package on an rpm system03:49
killermachfollowed by a "rpm -e --nodeps vncserver"  would remove it w/ no question or error03:50
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org03:52
cstoner/usr/local tends to be a place where non-apted stuff gets installed (manual/script install). Is there any other binaries there?03:53
benbloomanyone recommend a simple solution for video editing (mixed media photos, some avi and mp3) besides KDEnlive?03:53
killermachall vnc* files in /usr/local/bin/03:54
cstonerTry moving /usr/local to /usr/local_bak that should get them out of your path03:55
killermachah. ha.. looooook what I find in my history | grep vnc03:55
killermach tar xvzf /data/tech/software/utilities/remote_desk/realvnc/free/linux/vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.tar.gz03:55
cstonerthat is definately the culprit03:56
killermachok.. I have vncserver.. but what I'm looking to do is to connect to my already running kde desktop login04:05
killermachany clues?04:05
killermachactually I take that .. back.. I have recently rebooted from remote.. there is no local login on that box now04:07
dennister_hey channel, can someone pls tell me which package needs to be reinstalled to get System-settings-->Advanced -->System services module back?04:07
dennister_this is still a relatively new install, and the module disappeared/got orphaned after mythtv installation04:10
dennister_BluesKaj: how r u? long time no chat04:13
dennister_genii: r u busy by any chance? I've forgotten which app provides the system services module for kcontrol...it got orphaned somehow04:18
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:19
dennister_looking at kde-guidance, and of all the modules it lists, the only module that's not working here is system services04:19
dennister_hey channel, i could really use some help here...it's been awhile since I had a mythtv installation and things have changed a lot since then04:22
BluesKajhi dennister , how's things ?04:22
dennister_BluesKaj: hi :) i just tried to talk to you in the kubuntu channel...how's ur xmas season shaping up?04:23
BluesKajmythtv ..uhm ..scary :)04:23
dennister_lol...u pinged me from kubuntu04:23
BluesKajgood thx , andd yours ?04:23
dennister_not the greatest i'm afraid...my cat's dying and I still have to get this system out the door by tomorrow night04:24
BluesKajpinged ? not I04:24
dennister_never mind the pinging...my misunderstanding04:24
BluesKajsorry about your cat dennister_ ..bummer :(04:24
dennister_needless to say, what with the vet's bad news, I've been distracted and know already that I made one error in setting up the pc04:25
dennister_yeah...kidney failure...she's almost 14, and even though my son's paying the vet bill, we could end up putting her down any day04:25
dennister_but anyway...do u know the kde app that will restore system services module? it disappeared/got orphaned after the mytht software install04:26
BluesKaji has considered mythtv before i bought a tivo and discovered a python app called pytivo ..great software hack written for tivo serving and client side as well04:26
BluesKajnot the services manager in system settings ?04:27
dennister_i had one back when I still had cable and when data direct was still giving us the data feeds...i really loved it...04:27
dennister_yes, services manager in kcontrol is what got orphaned04:28
dennister_i want it back! lol04:28
BluesKajno clue I'm afraid , maybe use the find cmnd in terminal ..dunno for sure04:30
rtradamn, kde is great04:31
hadez2000hi ! does anyone know how to install my ZTE ZXDSL 852 usb modem with the use of ubudsl?04:32
dennister_hadez2000: not me i'm afraid04:33
=== keres is now known as keres`zZz
dennister_and now my amarok has stopped working, too...will only play one of 2 songs in the Music folder04:33
hadez2000oh..comone please guys !!!04:34
dennister_hadez2000: we would if we could...it's quieter than usual i here tonight, probably because most people have lives at christmas04:35
dennister_i could use some help myself04:35
hadez2000does anyone know wat ubudsl is?04:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubudsl04:37
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression04:43
BluesKajhadez2000, try this tutorial, http://neodil.blogspot.com/2007/03/usb-modem-zte-zxdsl-852-install-success.html04:48
BluesKajsacktime for me ..nite04:50
hadez2000got it thanks04:55
rtrawhat's the name of the menu that pops up on alt-tab ?05:01
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
Colonel_Panicwhy does my kde 4 panel have window decs around it, and how can I get rid of them?05:51
Colonel_Panicplasma seems to be extremely buggy/05:52
Colonel_Panicit crashes all the time. Is there a way to just turn it off? It's far more trouble than it's worth05:53
Colonel_Panicwhy does my kde 4 panel have window decs around it, and how can I get rid of them?06:02
Colonel_PanicKDE 4 is a piece of crap06:02
hyper_chColonel_Panic: you just can't handle it ;)06:03
Colonel_PanicI heh06:04
Colonel_PanicIf I wanted this much crap getting in the way of me using my mahcine, I'd be running Windows06:04
Colonel_PanicI'm going to switch to fluxbox06:04
Colonel_Paniceff this06:04
hyper_chwhatever you're happy with06:05
PSiL0Colonel_Panic:  hmm, yeah.. It usually takes two installs for fglrx to install correctly for me06:08
Colonel_Panictwo installs?06:08
Colonel_PanicI upgraded via apt, but something broke so I had to reinstall06:08
PSiL0Colonel_Panic:  If it immediately borks after starting up the first time, I just reinstall06:08
PSiL0hmm, what did you upgrade?06:09
Colonel_Panicyeah, well now KDE4 (especially this "plasma" piece of shite) keeps crashing and gives me other trouble06:09
PSiL0I must say that openoffice upgrade was a disaster.. easier to simply install the deb package from their website06:09
Colonel_PanicHardy -> Intrepid06:10
PSiL0hmmmm, intrepid is my first exposure to kubuntu06:10
snarksterhas anyone got the weather plasmoid to work?06:10
snarksteror is that still broken06:10
hyper_chI'd update to kde 4.206:11
snarksteris that for me?06:11
snarksterPSiL0: how do you like it so far?06:11
PSiL0snarkster:  It works great after successfully installing fglrx06:11
Colonel_Panicthe weather plasmoid won't connect to the weather feeds06:12
snarksterPSiL0: lucky you have an ati card.06:12
snarksterColonel_Panic: that what i was thinking.. so still broken.06:12
Colonel_Panicthere seems to be more stuff broke in this version than stuff that works06:12
hyper_chsnarkster: nah, that still seems not to work in 4.2... but why do you need that, can't you look outside?06:12
PSiL0hmm, I compiled one from kde-looks (weather plasmoid), and it connected to the weather server fine06:12
snarksterwhew thought I was the only one06:12
PSiL0then again, that was a few weeks ago06:12
Colonel_PanicKDE 4 sucks ass06:12
snarksterhyper_ch: yes I can look outside.. LOL but i wanted to get a forecast as Im traveling06:13
PSiL0snarkster:  well, I just have to know when to turn off desktop effects for certain apps (wine, google earth, etc)06:13
Colonel_Panicit's just as goofy as Vista with all the pointless features, and it's like 100 times as buggy06:13
hyper_chsnarkster: :)06:13
Colonel_Panicthat is NOT what I use Linux for06:13
PSiL0snarkster:  well, my ati card came with my laptop, so I didn't have a choice at the time..06:13
snarksterColonel_Panic: thanx for shareing that06:13
snarksterPSiL0: I had a choice and made the wrong choice06:14
Colonel_Panicheh well I'd prefer not to bitch06:14
PSiL0Colonel_Panic:  You would rather panic?06:14
Colonel_Panicbut I figure if I complain loudly enough then something might get domne about it06:14
snarksterso would the rest of us. LOL... just kidding dude06:14
snarksterthis is true06:14
hyper_chColonel_Panic: you could fix that06:14
hyper_chColonel_Panic: the source is there ;)06:14
snarksterdo they use ruby to make these guis?06:15
rtrawhat's the name of the menu that pops up on alt-tab ?06:15
snarksteror is it pure QT06:15
snarkstertask switcher06:15
rtrathanks snarkster06:16
snarksterits been called that for over 30 years06:16
snarksterin other os of course.06:16
PSiL0snarkster: kde's gui is derived from qt, no?06:16
Colonel_Panicit's for selecting among running apps06:16
snarksterwell yes the widgets are QT, but i didnt know about the rest of the window06:16
Colonel_PanicI have to say I'm really disappointed in KDE06:17
snarksterColonel_Panic: feel free to drop back to 3.5x06:17
Colonel_Panicit used to be fairly solid, and seemed to place a high priority on functionality06:17
Colonel_Panicthese days, it seems like they're trying to play "keep up with the joneses" with Microsoft06:18
snarksteri do have to agree with that, but kde4 is the future06:18
Colonel_Panicthe future of crap, maybe06:18
Colonel_Panicbut then crap hasn't changed much in millions of years06:18
hyper_chColonel_Panic: no one hinders you to continue using 23.506:18
snarksterand you my friend will be king of the sh** pile06:19
Colonel_Panicno, I'm going to check out the new Enlightenment06:19
Colonel_PanicI used to like that one, back in the day06:19
snarksteryah I have the VM.. its nice06:19
snarksterbut it has some issues as well06:19
snarksterbesides its gnome based06:19
Colonel_Panicmaybe I'll just use fluxbox06:19
snarksteryah i found out that XFCE is gnome based as well.. that was not a good ride06:20
snarksteris fluxbox gnome based?06:20
Colonel_Panicyeah... I don't really like GTK+ much06:21
rtraits based on blackbox06:21
snarksterthey cant seem to find a happy medium in the settings.. kde is ultra configurable, gtk is so dumbed down a rock could use it06:21
Colonel_PanicMy machine is plenty fast, but KDE4 is laggy, poorly-designed and broken06:21
PSiL0well, snarkster, kde lost a bit of its configurability with the release of 406:22
snarksterhmm my machine is ultra fast and kde is neather laggy nor broken most of the time06:22
snarksterright but kde 4.0 wasnt really ready for realse either06:22
PSiL0my laptop is over a year old and kde works fine, just video card issues with the fglrx driver06:22
Colonel_Panicmy desktop apps all worked fine before this last reinstall06:22
hyper_chmy machine isn't ultra-fast any kde 4 runs nicely06:22
PSiL0fglrx = good for 3D; radeonhd = good for everything else06:23
Colonel_Panichave you had any trouble with plasma crashing?06:23
snarksterwell this machine is like 5 months old.. not a bad machine other than the intel video card06:23
snarksteryah plasma has crashed on me several times..06:23
PSiL0snarkster: ouch.. I feel your pain (regarding your intel chip)06:23
Colonel_PanicI'm going to try restarting my computer06:23
snarksterdont restart shutdown and comes back06:24
Colonel_Panicliksten to me, I'm sounding like a Windows user06:24
Colonel_Panictalk to you all later06:24
snarksterbut i expect there to be bugs06:24
snarksterlater dude06:24
PSiL0it took kde 3 awhile before it became stable06:24
szrhawaiimine is running good now that i turned off the desktop effects06:25
snarksteryah I remember kde1..06:25
snarksteryah DE seems to cause a few issues..06:25
PSiL0I wish fglrx played nice with DE when it came to wine and 3D apps06:25
snarksterand things like googleearth dont work.. that doesnt make any sense06:25
hyper_chhe should update to 4.206:26
hyper_chbut gone he is06:26
PSiL0yeah, googleearth was like flickering death when DE was on..06:26
szrhawaiii rather just have compiz running then the desktop effects cause it takes less to run for some reason and the system runs fast after i turned that offf06:26
snarksterwell 4.2 beta 2.. 4.2 beta 1 caused me all sorts of issues06:26
snarksterthats a kwin problem06:26
PSiL0I wonder if I can program a keyb shortcut to turn off DE06:26
Parlottimutt keeps saving all sent messages to my home directory, how do I stop this?06:26
snarksterwhen i play wine games, kwin crashes06:27
hyper_chsnarkster: 4.2 beta 1 run fine, 4.2 beta 2 even better06:27
szrhawaiihey i forgot how to get to the damn screensaver option06:27
szrhawaiican someone point me in the direction06:27
snarksterremove mutt and use thunderbird06:27
PSiL0szrhawaii:  How is kde 4.1.x with compiz running?06:27
hyper_chszrhawaii: isn't that in the system control06:27
hyper_chsystem settings I mean06:27
szrhawaiii thought it was but i cant find it06:27
snarksteri do miss things like kcontrol panel06:27
szrhawaiiand compiz runs smooth with it06:27
szrhawaiibetter than the kwin06:28
snarksteryou could find anyhting in there easy06:28
szrhawaiiyeah i miss the kcontol myself06:28
snarksterbut with compiz running things like googleearth dont work06:28
szrhawaiinot sure about that06:28
hyper_chszrhawaii: system settings --> desktop06:28
szrhawaiii dont use that feature06:28
hyper_choff to work, cya06:29
szrhawaiiduh i so missed by that earlier06:29
szrhawaiimaybe i should read more careful huh hyper06:29
szrhawaiisnarkster what system you using06:30
szrhawaii3.5 or 4.106:30
PSiL0hyper_ch: shouldn't it be in system settings->advanced->session manager?06:30
snarkster4.2 beta 206:30
szrhawaiino he was right06:30
szrhawaiiits system setting>desktop>screen saver06:31
PSiL0ahh, I thought you were looking for compiz (4.1.3 here)06:31
PSiL0my bad06:31
snarkster4.1.85 here06:31
szrhawaiithat i know where it is06:31
szrhawaiii use that more than the basic kwin06:31
snarksterszrhawaii: what are you looking for again?06:32
szrhawaiii found it06:32
szrhawaiii keep overlooking some of the small features in here06:32
White_Pelicanevertime I launch kde 4.2 beta 2, I see a program called akonadi server06:33
White_Pelicanit always crashes06:33
White_Pelicanwhat is it?06:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonadi06:33
dilanhow can i install mp3 support in kubuntu 8.10?06:33
snarksterdilan if you install amarok it should do that for you06:34
White_Pelicanthanks anyway06:34
snarksterits a collaboration thingy06:34
szrhawaiiakonadi is a console06:34
White_PelicanI have to admit, kde 4.2 is looking a lot better06:34
szrhawaiisorry a personal information storage framework = Akonadi06:35
White_Pelicanstill isn't there yet, but getting closer06:35
snarksteryup not much more and itll be really nice06:36
White_PelicanI just saw the program kpatience06:38
White_Pelicancan't wait to try some more of my old favorites06:38
White_Pelicanbut will miss kpoker06:38
snarksterok im going to bed.. good night06:38
szrhawaiidoes anyone know the file name for the ico converter to png is06:39
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szrhawaiii saw it once on the list then i forgot to download it when i was looking at it06:40
dilani'm stil here ..............waitiing to be answered !!!06:43
szrhawaiioh is that for amarok06:43
szrhawaiitheres a file06:43
szrhawaiiyou need06:43
szrhawaiidilan theres a file let me find out which one it is06:44
szrhawaiidilan do you have amarok06:47
szrhawaii<dilan> its called libmp3lame006:49
szrhawaiilibmp3lame0 is the file your looking for dilan06:49
szrhawaiianyone know of a good file to download for making iso files06:54
dilanhow can i install my sound card HDA Intel (ALC662 Analog)?06:57
szrhawaiiwhat you mean06:59
szrhawaiilike manually06:59
szrhawaiior software06:59
dilani jz wanna click a file & install the drivers07:00
szrhawaiidoes anyone know the name of the ico to png and png to ico converter07:00
szrhawaiiso your looking for a software tool07:00
tbr281this might not be the right place to ask but does anyone know if Amarok 2 supports portable media plays such as ipod's?07:05
szrhawaiiso your sound card isnt automatically hooking up dilan07:05
lolipopi know07:06
szrhawaiiread up on the file ipodslave tbr28107:07
szrhawaiisee if thats what your looking for07:08
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok07:08
PSiL0there's a #amarok07:08
dilanstarting sound comes but when i inserted an audio cd sound doesn't come07:08
tbr281already tried the amarok channel with no luck07:09
szrhawaiitbr281 try ipodslave in your package manager just read it before you do anything07:10
szrhawaiito see if thats what your talking about07:10
szrhawaiidilan what do you have 3.5 or 4.107:10
tbr281will ipod slave import my tunes with album cover?07:11
szrhawaiinot sure you might want to look up on it first07:11
tbr281ok thnx07:11
szrhawaiiit says enables kio aware linux apps like konqueror and amaork to acess music stored on an apple ipod. It further allows you to organize playlist and upload tracks. To have access to your IPOD mount (some distros do this automatically when the iPod gets unplugged in) and open the URL "ipod:/"07:13
szrhawaiitbr281 thats what it says07:14
szrhawaiiare you running kde 3.5 or kde 4.1 dilan07:14
dilani use kubuntu 8.10 i don't know the kde version07:15
szrhawaiiits 4.107:15
qsrvI installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu 8.10 system (to check it out)07:16
szrhawaiidoes your cd read the files dilan07:16
qsrvhowever, when I log into kde, the numlock key is on07:16
qsrvand I cant't find a place in the settings, where I could turn this off07:16
szrhawaiiyour num lock is a toggle not a software if im not mistaken07:18
szrhawaiihave you checked your system settings dilan07:21
tbr281anyone know of an app that would submit playlist to last.fm off ipod's?07:22
dilanwat settings07:22
szrhawaiisystem settings07:22
szrhawaiikmenu>system>system settings07:23
szrhawaiicheck sound and audio cds07:23
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szrhawaiitbr281 type in ipod in your package manager07:25
szrhawaiisomething should come up if you look07:25
szrhawaiiuse the synaptic one though07:25
szrhawaiithe adept one doesnt show all the files07:25
dilanthere's my soundcard07:26
szrhawaiiis it on all of them07:26
szrhawaiior just one07:26
Colonel_PanicIn KDE 4.2, how can I make my desktop contents be displayed on my desktop instead of confined inside a plasmoid?07:27
p_quarlesColonel_Panic: right-click on your desk, go to "appearance settings" and change the desktop to "Folder View"07:31
p_quarlesthat will make the desk essentially the same as with 3.507:31
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dilanwat should i do?07:40
szrhawaii_is it not working still play with the settings a little07:42
szrhawaii_dilan hey actually check kmixer first07:43
szrhawaii_if you have that07:43
szrhawaii_and look at the help book07:43
szrhawaii_see if kmix is working fine07:44
szrhawaii_then play with those other settings07:44
szrhawaii_sometimes its something small07:44
szrhawaii_or you are going to have to set your etc/cdrom007:44
werswhat's the scanner app for kde4?07:50
szrhawaii_did you download one wers07:52
wersok i found one07:53
wersinstalling kolourpaint07:53
szrhawaii_gimp is better just a preference07:54
szrhawaii_because the basic file set up is sane for scanners and it works with gimp easily07:54
szrhawaii_plus gimp does a lot of different things07:55
szrhawaii_or you could have just downloaded xsane07:55
wersso i'm better off with xsane07:55
wersthat's what i've been using07:55
szrhawaii_yeah or gimp07:55
szrhawaii_they all use sane07:56
wersyeah. i just miss kooka's nice interface07:56
szrhawaii_koulorpaint is alright07:56
szrhawaii_but its like a kids version07:56
wersbut it's interface isn't designed for scanning07:56
szrhawaii_nah i dont think it is07:57
szrhawaii_i like gimp because it gives you the everything package that you can do everything graphical with07:57
szrhawaii_but it uses the sane base package with gimp shell07:58
wersoh well. i'm best off with xsane07:59
szrhawaii_have you tried quiteinsane08:00
szrhawaii_it says its a scanner access now easy08:00
szrhawaii_or eikazo08:01
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werswhat's quiteinsane?08:02
szrhawaii_i guess its the simpler version of xsane08:02
JediatNightwhois jediatnight08:02
szrhawaii_check out the package manager details wers08:03
szrhawaii_it will tell you08:03
wersimma look for those apps08:03
szrhawaii_its a qt based x11 frontend for sane08:03
szrhawaii_they both use sane just like xsane08:04
szrhawaii_im still trying to find the ico to png converter in here forgot the name of the file does anyone know it08:04
rohanon (k)ubuntu 8.04 firefox 3.0.5 i am having a strange bug in wikipedia pages - the right border doesn't appear. can someone please reproduce the bug? http://bayimg.com/IaMKBAABJ here is a screenshot, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_scotia a sample page (see the Language table)08:06
nick_I just installed kubuntu-desktop on a normal ubuntu install, but my compiz effects don't work anymore08:13
szrhawaii_on which side nick08:14
szrhawaii_both or just the new one08:14
nick_on my kubuntu side08:14
szrhawaii_thats the session switch download huh08:14
szrhawaii_where you log in through the session manager08:15
nick_I'm not sure08:15
bennerwhere to submit kubuntu bugs?08:15
szrhawaii_try checking your settings to see if you see it in the settings08:15
nick_I'm a KDE newb08:15
szrhawaii_if not you might have to download it for that session also08:15
nick_download what?08:16
szrhawaii_unless you might need the kde-compiz08:16
szrhawaii_to work it08:16
nick_I should try that package08:16
szrhawaii_do you got gnome on the backend08:16
nick_what do you mean?08:16
szrhawaii_gnome is your base08:17
nick_and I downloaded compiz under GNOME08:17
szrhawaii_yeah then go back to that one and try downloading the kde extra settings for it also08:17
szrhawaii_so you can switch them08:17
nick_why can't I download it under gnome?08:17
szrhawaii_but check your kmenu>settings>desktop effects and make sure thats on in your new session08:18
szrhawaii_or your kde session08:18
szrhawaii_then if that doesnt work then check for the compiz settings in kmenu>settings>advanced settings08:19
nick_I don't see that08:19
nick_I mean, I don't see that path08:19
szrhawaii_because kde 4.1 doesnt come with desktop effects08:19
szrhawaii_you have to download the package on your session with kde08:19
nick_that's my problem then08:19
nick_so I have to download compiz again?08:20
nick_or is there some specific package for kde?08:20
szrhawaii_try doing the desktop effects in the package manager on your new session of kde first08:20
szrhawaii_are you on your kde session08:20
nick_I'm not following you08:20
nick_yes, I'm in KDE now08:20
szrhawaii_ok do you use terminal or package manager08:21
nick_depends on how i feel08:21
nick_usually terminal08:21
szrhawaii_ok well you need to download desktop-effects-kde08:21
szrhawaii_so sudo apt-get install desktop-effects-kde08:22
szrhawaii_then after check kmenu>settings>desktop effects and turn on08:22
szrhawaii_hopefully that will work08:22
nick_OK, that kmenu thing confuses me08:22
nick_what's that?08:22
szrhawaii_oh thats the menu button08:23
szrhawaii_it has a k on it08:23
nick_I don't see a "desktop effects" option08:23
szrhawaii_left hand bottom corner08:23
szrhawaii_did you download the file08:23
nick_oh! LOL08:23
nick_I'm such a newb. :P08:23
szrhawaii_yeah  thats the file for that08:23
* nick_ smashes his head into the wall08:23
nick_ok, i'll download that then08:24
nick_where is the "desktop effects" thing?08:24
nick_I mean08:25
nick_Where is the "settings" option?08:25
szrhawaii_have you downloaded the file08:25
nick_but i meant to say where is the "settings" option08:26
nick_I don't see it08:26
szrhawaii_application will be at the bottom of the menu with the same icon as the package manager08:26
szrhawaii_then highlight settings08:26
nick_I installed  that package and I still don't see the "desktop effects" option08:27
szrhawaii_oh my bad its in system08:28
nick_ok, that helps08:28
szrhawaii_im so used to kde 3.508:28
nick_there it is!08:28
nick_that explains it08:28
szrhawaii_i just upgraded to this this weekend08:28
szrhawaii_so everything is in some odd ball places still08:29
nick_It says that I have to install compiz engine08:29
nick_So I'll do that08:29
szrhawaii_yeah just click install08:29
nick_but this looks like I'mm on the right track then08:29
nick_if I have any more problems I'll bee back08:29
nick_thanks a lot! :D08:29
szrhawaii_worst case scenario you will have to download the whole compiz feature08:30
nick_I hope i don't08:30
szrhawaii_oh another hint nick08:30
nick_I'm on an Eee PC and I'm almost out of SSD space!08:30
szrhawaii_you need to turn off the desktop effects in another setting or it will conflict and slow it down08:30
szrhawaii_why didnt you just do virtual machine instead08:31
szrhawaii_that way you get a full os on like 10gb of space08:31
nick_Why  would I do that?08:31
szrhawaii_rather than a whole session08:31
szrhawaii_which is like 40gb if im not mistaken08:32
nick_I don't know what you're talking about08:32
nick_I don't have 40GBs of space on this thing08:32
szrhawaii_depends how much packages you download with it08:32
nick_YAYY!!!It works! :D08:33
nick_now I'll fiddle with Compiz08:33
nick_Thanks srzhawaii08:34
szrhawaii_you gotta turn off another setting or it will conflict and slow down your system08:34
szrhawaii_heads up08:34
nick_what do you mean?08:34
nick_"another setting"?08:34
nick_I don't get it08:34
szrhawaii_go to menu>system>system settings>desktop08:34
szrhawaii_if you dont turn this off you will slow your system and it will run slow08:35
szrhawaii_and then when you open and close windows will take forever08:35
nick_OK...now what?08:35
nick_i'm there08:35
szrhawaii_desktop effects08:35
nick_disable them?08:35
szrhawaii_enable desktop effects08:35
nick_that makes sense08:36
nick_I assume this is KDEs own compositing window manager08:36
szrhawaii_yeah cant have two desktop effects at the same time08:36
nick_seriously, thanks a lot08:36
nick_I never would have figured it out without you08:36
nick_gotta go, bye!08:37
szrhawaii_i had to figure that the hard way08:37
hackSome one know good dcpp client for kubunt?08:44
Mamarokhack: and dcpp would be? DriveCrypt?08:47
hackno dc++08:47
hackis kind of p2p08:48
Mamarokhack did you check for LinuxDc++?08:48
hackno... thx08:49
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Mamarokhack: see here: https://launchpad.net/linuxdcpp08:50
marek_hi anybody tried to use aoe?09:00
RurouniJonesAge Of Empire?09:00
marek_ata over ethernet09:01
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tdnI am trying to get an HP LaserJet P1005 to work in 8.04. I add the printer via CUPS admin. The printer seems to be added just fine. When I try to print a test page, it shows in the print queue, but nothing happens on the printer. After a while, the  print job disappears from the print queue, but I get no error or anything. How do I debug this?09:34
sorush20flash isn't working in firefox any help?09:42
RurouniJonessorush20: Well, give us some details09:44
RurouniJonesWe aren't psychic09:44
RurouniJonesDid it work before? Have you installed iet yet? What have you done recently that might have affected it09:44
sorush20I have firefox 3.0.5 it worked in firefox 3.0.4 I upgraded with apt and not flash sites do not work..09:45
marek_hi how can i change permissions, to allow normal user, not superuser to mount the devices?09:47
sorush20swfdec weorks but not fully09:47
RurouniJonesHow do the sites not work? Nothing? error?09:47
sorush20fps is low09:47
Guest7529flash       apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree    <- and flash work09:47
sorush20I just get a status message done on the status bar of firefox09:48
RurouniJonesTry uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin09:48
sorush20I'm doing that now09:50
sorush20I have disabled the swfdec for mozilla but now I don't get any flash content loaded09:51
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rtraupdated kubuntu and got kubuntu 4.1,,, is it possible to go back to 3.x?10:10
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rtraread kde ...10:10
roland_ich versuche gerade einen mediastramserver (mtpcenter) aufzusetzen10:11
roland_wenn ich ihn aber als virtuellen Host ind die Apache httpd.config eintrage kann ich nicht mehr aucf mein Mythweb zugreifen :-(10:12
roland_was ist also nun der Unterschied zwischen einträgen in der httpd.conf und einträgen im Verzeichniss "sites-available"10:13
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sorush20thats as much detail I can give you .10:18
rtrai don't know man10:19
rtralost some settings10:19
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ddphillipsHi.  I have a small problem turning off the backlight of my X41 laptop off.  When I run "xset dpms force off", the backlight is properly turned off, but about a second later, the backlight is turned back on, and the screen is pained black... Any ideas?11:07
ddphillipsI should probably ask this question in #ubuntu instead... sorry11:09
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Rasputinmy screen is auto detected as 900x600 but should be 1024x768, can i still put a line in xorg.conf and what would it be?12:23
wathekhey guys12:42
wathekany one can get qt4-assistant ?12:42
wathekcoz when I try to download qt4-assistant I get this :12:43
wathekit says that qt4-assistant doesn't exist anymore12:43
wathekhuh strange qt assistant seems to be installed !12:44
wathekit's ok I solved my prob thanx12:44
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guiterbsomebody here?12:47
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion12:48
guiterbwhat is compiz?12:48
guiterbi dot't understand12:49
Guest83762it wasnt for you actually..12:49
Guest83762I just want to see the chanel for compiz-fusion that's all12:49
Guest83762guiterb: I am very new on linux.. but, just for curiosity.. do you have any question?12:50
guiterbi have no question12:51
guiterbi'm new too12:51
guiterbi just want to built the platform of the arm-linux-gcc12:52
guiterbit have many wrong when i compile the kernel of the linux 2.6.2812:53
Guest83762I have never try to compile a kernel of linux.. :(12:53
ShishKababHi. Could anyone tell me what 'cat /etc/issue' returns in Kubuntu 8.10?12:53
guiterb<ShishKabab>Ubuntu 8.04.1 \n \l12:55
ShishKababguiterb: Ok. So that's the same as in Ubuntu. Thanks!12:56
guiterbi use the 8.1012:56
ShishKababguiterb: Oh. That's interesting....12:56
guiterbhave you  ever compile the linux kernel12:57
kyle__Hey Guys, Does any one here know the location of my desktop wallpaper in intrepid, ie: Blue Curl12:57
guiterbwho have ever used the bt312:57
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ShishKababWhen I do sudo aptitude install <package>, how can I check (in a Bash script) whether the packages successfuly installed?13:04
Mamarokkyle__: it's in /usr/share/wallpapers/13:06
kyle__thanks Mamarok13:06
MamarokShishKabab: look at your screen when you do the install, it tells you :)13:06
patriciais do eppa13:07
Mamarok!de | patricia13:08
ubottupatricia: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de13:08
Mamaroktoo late :)13:08
ShishKababMamarok: I want to automate some things in a Bash script and exit when the packages weren't successfuly installed.13:08
MamarokShishKabab: exit what?13:09
ShishKababMamarok: The execution of the script.13:09
MamarokShishKabab: well, sounds more like a bash 101 course problem than a support question to me13:11
ShishKababMamarok: The problem is that Aptitude always returns 0, whether it failed or not.13:12
Guest83762someone here knows about about svn??13:13
MamarokGuest83762: what do you want to know about svn?13:13
Guest83762mamarok: I have create a reposotiry in a server and know I wanto to make the first import.. I am using the follow command: svn import . svn+ssh://myacout@server/mypathdirectory -m  "initial import"13:14
MamarokShishKabab: sorry, sounds a bit too much to me, you can see if something installs on the screen, and get an error message when it doesn't what else do you need?13:14
MamarokGuest83762: do you have an svn account?13:14
Guest83762I get: no repository found13:15
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Guest83762mamarok: I didn't know I need a special svn account.. sorry13:16
Guest83762mamarok: I just connect with ssh to my account and create svnadmin create myrepository13:16
Guest83762mamarok: in my server acount13:16
MamarokGuest83762: what svn server are you talking about ?13:16
ShishKababMamarok: An accurate exit code. I just discovered that apt-get doesn't have the problem.13:17
Guest83762mamarok: is a server in the university for student13:17
Guest83762mamarok: I connect to the server with ssh and I did create a svn repository13:18
MamarokGuest83762: did you read the man page?13:18
Guest83762mamarok: no13:18
dennister_good morning channel....my system services module from kcontrol has become orphaned...anyone know the fix?13:19
MamarokGuest83762: it might be useful I'd say13:19
Guest83762mamarok: but is something wrong with the all idea??13:19
MamarokGuest83762: no, not wrong, but if you want to use svn you should document yourself a bit, and that's student homework, not a support question13:20
Guest83762well read a bit about it, there for I know this command, and it should work but I dont know why doesn't.. any way thanks you :)13:22
Guest83762*well I read13:22
MamarokGuest83762: have you seen that you have a dot in your command?13:22
Guest83762becouse I am in the current directory where the files to import are13:23
MamarokGuest83762: well, either there is no such repository or you don't have access rights13:23
schisteheya :)13:24
schisteI've just installed 8.10 and KDE 4.1 and... my burner is not working. In fact I doubt my cdrom is even detected/mounted. I'd need some help in here :)13:25
dennister_good morning channel....my system services module from kcontrol has become orphaned...anyone know the fix?13:25
gorgonizerdoes anyone know if there is a way to speed the operations of the SQL database underlying Amarok 2?13:25
Mamarokschiste: what buring app are you using, k3b?13:26
schisteyep Mamarok13:26
Mamarokgorgonizer: ask in #amarok please13:26
gorgonizerokay, cheers :)13:27
Mamarokschiste: you might have to configure it first, did you?13:27
schistek3b ? it doesn't detect any device :)13:27
schistehere is  /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0  my cat /etc/fstab if it's of any help13:28
Mamarokhm, strange... if you put a CD in the drive, does it show up in "recently plugged in devices"?13:29
schistejust tried with an audiocd13:29
krioi have the question of the year13:29
krioi want to download an old version of kubuntu, the 7.0413:30
Mamarokhm, scd0 doesn't sound like a cd reader but more like a scsi drive13:30
sitowhere is a kooka in kde4¿13:30
Mamarokkrio: second, I tell you the repo13:30
jussi01!info skanlite | sito, here is a replacement till kooka gets ported13:31
ubottuskanlite (source: skanlite): KDE 4 image scanning application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2-kde4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1185 kB, installed size 1608 kB13:31
Mamarokkooka? not in kde4, change it's name13:31
Mamarokjussi01: :)13:31
krioit comes whit all upgrade or i can't upgrade it because is no long support?13:32
Mamarokkrio: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/13:33
Mamarokkrio: but keep in mind that downgrading is not supported13:33
kriomamarok: so no repository is available for this version?13:34
Mamarokkrio: yes there is, but do you already run an earlier version?13:35
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Mamarokkrio: later version I mean13:35
krioi've got no hardwere13:35
Mamarokkrio: ?13:36
schisteok this is definitly weird, is there anyway so my computer detect my cdrom/dvd device and automount it13:36
krioold pentium 3 1 giga and 256 mb of ram13:36
schisteas it used to be for me on gutsy ^^13:36
Mamarokschiste: hm, sry, your fstab entry is correct, my bad13:38
schisteI'm looking here and there and can't find why it's not working13:39
Mamarokkrio: then I suggest you try Xubuntu instead of Kubuntu, as 256 mb ram is not much13:39
kriomamorok: i don't like the xface desktop13:39
Mamarokkrio: but use a current release, no use to take 7.0413:40
Mamarokkrio: upgrade your ram?13:40
kriono time to vaste to search the ram13:40
krioand if i find it comes to exoansive13:41
Mamarokkrio: well, prepare to run very slow then, or use xfce13:41
kriomamarok: sorry but i've installed on my computer a 7.04 and it run fine13:42
Mamarokkrio: and don't even try to use desktop effects, no way with so little ram13:42
kriothe problem is that i've mistake something because13:42
sitojussi01 -> thanks!!!13:42
kriowhen i try to upgrade whit sinaptic something13:42
kriogoes wrong13:42
jussi01sito: :)13:43
Mamarokkrio:  what did you change?13:43
Mamarokkrio: make sure all your sources.list entries point to feisty repositories13:43
krioi've used the bockports13:43
kriochecing it fron the windows of sinaptic13:44
Mamarokkrio: what error do you have then?13:44
loic-mHi. Could someone with a default Intrepid Kubuntu install + Firefox try and report if backported flash plugins work for them on i386 and/or amd64 using the packages at Bug #310061 https://bugs.launchpad.net/intrepid-backports/+bug/310061 ?13:44
dennister_jussi01: good morning :) can you help me with an orphaned kcontrol module?13:44
kriofour dependency or program is red because is not istall proprely13:45
dennister_it's system services that's not working...do u know which kde package needs to be reinstalled? or any other fix?13:45
Mamarokkrio: did you try running the following in command line: sudo apt-get -f install ?13:45
kriomamarok: thanks but i see the watch is too late i've got to work13:46
Mamarokkrio: try it later then :)13:46
kriocan i see late this night?9 or 10 o clock?13:46
caris_mereFor me Kpilot doesn't sync with kontact in KDE4, has anybody had any luck or know how to fix this?13:46
Mamarokwhat time is it now for you?13:46
Mamarokkrio: there almost always is someone, just be patient13:47
krio2.45 p.m.13:47
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dennister_should there be a symlink or something between /dev/cdrom and the other two devices (/dev/cdrom0 and /dev/cdrom1)? obviously only one drive is likely to be playing at a time, but a lot of the multimedia apps are configured to /dev/cdrom...which doesn't apply to either of my drives as of yet13:47
Mamarokditto here, so yes, I will probably be around13:47
kriook thanks a lot guy13:48
krioby.. by..13:48
Mamarokbye :)13:48
dennister_i mean, i had to change amarok's configuration from /dev/cdrom to /dev/cdrom1, but I'd like it to be able to play from /dev/cdrom0, too, whithout changing the configuration all the time13:50
wikkianyone done a kubuntu install to a usb disk?13:52
administratornot yet13:53
wikkipendrive linux.com has some stuff13:53
wikkibut not exactly what i'm looking for13:54
administratorhe guys, i have a little problem, i clicked wrong on my taskbar and now the system tray is stretched  out and when I minimize a program you   can't see it there ...13:54
Mamarokschiste: in your /media/, is there only one cdrom entry?13:54
Mamarokadministrator: what kde version?13:54
administratorthe newest i think 4.113:55
schisteMamarok: yep13:55
schistea /media/cdrom013:55
schistecan make a ln -s for cdrom if needed13:55
Mamarokschiste: normally you should have a symlink to cdrom, indeed13:56
administratorcan somebody help me please ? i don't want to install everything again :d13:56
peabodycan someone help me with an intrepid audio problem? My inital sound gets cut short, and then when I try to watch videos, I get like a skipping echo.. it's like every sound is played 4 times. so so so so words words words words sound sound sound sound like like like like this this this this this I hope that's descriptive enough13:56
dennister_anyone able to help me with any of these probs?13:56
Mamarokadministrator: click on the cashew in the right corner, there you can modify your settings for the taskbar13:57
dennister_BluesKaj: good morning :)13:57
BluesKajhey dennister_ :)13:57
Mamarokdennister_: patience!13:57
administratorcashnew  ?13:57
administratorit doesn't help, i've tried a couple of things allready13:58
Mamarokpeabody: you are talking about flash player videos?13:58
dennister_lol...been here 40 minutes and patient...only time i ever get anywhere these days is to remind pps of my patience!13:58
Mamarokadministrator: tried a right click on your taskbar?13:58
Mamarokdennister_: hey, we are all volunteers and not payed for what we do13:59
solenskinerhey, i need a pointer on how to make apps of different toolkit look the same. gtkapp-root, kde3app, kde3-root, and kde4app-root13:59
dennister_other people appear in channel, ask a question, and you in particular answer them right away13:59
Mamarokadministrator: edit pannel settings13:59
Mamarokdennister_: I answer what I know :)13:59
BluesKajpeabody, sounds like a loopback in your sound setup ..look at alsa mixer in the konsole and play some sounds and fool with the vol controls and check your settings in kmix13:59
dennister_yes, and i volunteer all the time...too13:59
administratorand then ?14:00
wikkidennister_: did you check #amarok?14:00
schisteMamarok: didn't changed a thing14:00
dennister_yes, and same non-results there...although one person at least answered me once :)14:00
Mamarokschiste: really strange, as the cd drive should be seen by default14:00
Mamarokdennister_: I'm sorry, I can't help you as I don't know how to fix your problem, so you either wait for another volunteer to drop in or get payed support, I'm really sorry14:01
schisteThat's what I don't understand. And that's why I came here^^ I usually come only when I can't find anything14:01
dennister_Mamarok: thanks14:01
solenskinercan i install kde3control center and use that to make kde3apps look as kde4?14:01
BluesKajdennister_, ok what probs are you having again ?14:02
dennister_am in amarok channel...have only 2 songs in collection and playlist, amarok plays one fine but not the other...looks like it's playing, but no sound14:03
Mamarokadministrator: if you choose edit panel settings, you can add/remove widgets14:03
peabodyBluesKaj: Nothing seems to help. I turned on every audio device in the mixer and tried to mute everything then unmute one at a time14:04
administratoryeah i know but how can i get the taskbalk for programs back ?14:04
dennister_BluesKaj: second problem with amarok is that i have two drives, had to change amarok's config from /dev/cdrom to /dev/cdrom0 for it to play my audio cd14:04
schisteok let's try a reboot14:05
peabodyThere's one device that has no mute or slider called Intmic14:05
schistewho knows...14:05
Mamarokadministrator: all the apps in the panel are widgets, so just add the taskbar again14:05
peabodyit's checked capture and will not uncheck14:05
dennister_shouldn't there be a symlink or something between /dev/cdrom and both optical drives so changing config of multimedia apps isn't necessary every time user switches drives?14:05
solenskinerhow can i make kde3 and 4 apps visually alike? change kde3theme and colors from withing kde4?14:06
Mamaroksolenskiner: you need the oxygen theme installed14:06
administratorok i have it, thanks!14:06
solenskineri have it, but disliked the colourscheme, so i changed it.. how can i change kde3 colourscheme?14:06
solenskinerMamarok: can i install the kde3control center?14:07
Mamaroksolenskiner: in the system settings too14:07
Mamaroksolenskiner: it should be installed by default14:08
solenskinerMamarok: it only effects kde4apps..14:08
Mamaroksolenskiner: so you talk about kde3 apps in kde4, do you?14:08
solenskinerMamarok: yes. sorry if im a bit unclear14:09
BluesKajdennister_, AFAIK /dev/cdrom0 is the deafault name for most drives , some are .dev/scd0 as well .14:09
administratornow i also have another question, i can't make my compiz effects work ...14:09
BluesKajerr /dev/scd014:09
Mamaroksolenskiner: if you use a global theme it should apply to all apps, except those that don't use Qt14:09
administratorand especially the cube doesn't work!14:10
Mamarokadministrator: system settings ->desktop -> desktop effects14:10
Mamarokadministrator: you need kde 4.2 beta for the cube14:10
solenskinerMamarok: yeah it should.. but it dosn't.14:11
Mamarokthere's no cube in 4.1.3 AFAIK14:11
schisteok, still not working14:11
administratorwhy is that :s14:11
Mamaroksolenskiner: what particular kde3 app are you talking about?14:11
Mamarokadministrator: guess14:11
solenskinerMamarok: konversation, amarok, kdevelop...14:12
Mamarokschiste: I'm really sorry, did you try to boot from your drive to check if it's working?14:12
schisteI installed ubuntu from a live cd yesterday :)14:12
solenskinerMamarok: can i install the kcontrolcenter from kde3 and use that to change colourscheme14:12
Mamaroksolenskiner: no, not a good idea14:13
schisteCan try, but don't see why it worked just fine yesterday, and doesn't today ^^14:13
Mamaroksolenskiner: konversation uses the oxygen colour scheme here....14:13
dennister_BluesKaj: yes, one drive is scd0; other is scd1, according to /dev/ directory both are linked to /dev/cdrom, but multimedia apps like amarok can't read the media unless soemthing other than /dev/cdrom is in the config14:13
administratorso compiz doesn''t work with this? can i do an update for kde 4.2 then ?14:13
solenskinerMamarok: ok.. i have scheme oxygen and colorsscheme obsidian coast, but kde3apps are the default colourscheme14:14
schisteok now it's REALY weird14:14
Mamarokadministrator: try kde 4.2 beta 2, it works fine here, or else be patient for the next release :)14:14
Mamaroksolenskiner: moment, I try this out14:15
dennister_BluesKaj: oops...let me correct myself: scd0 and scd1 are both in cdrom group...14:15
schisteIt works. And the only think I've done is plugging in a new hard drive14:15
administratorhow can i do that ? (i'm not used to linux yet)14:15
solenskinerMamarok: ok, and thanks for taking the time and energy :)14:15
schistenow it detects it as a cd burner but not as a dvd burner14:16
solenskinerMamarok: ill be back in 1014:16
Mamaroksolenskiner: I see what you mean, and no, there's no way to change that14:16
solenskinerMamarok: ok.. but thanks :)14:17
Mamarokschiste: did you trym to burn a dvd with k3b in simulation mode?14:17
schistecan't start14:20
ded_bonjour :)14:20
Mamarok!fr | ded_14:21
ubottuded_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:21
schistethe weird thing is, in the k3b conf, it's written the device can read and burn dvds14:21
Mamarokschiste: a hardware problem?14:21
ded_thank u ubottu14:21
schisteMamarok: could be... I hope not14:22
Mamarokneither do I14:22
schisteI'm gonne try to find a cd. See if it reads it14:22
BluesKajadministrator, Alt+F2 do : kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list , then add these repositories to your sources.list : and save , then do a sudo apt-get update : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-updates-testing/ubuntu intrepid main,  and , deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-updates-testing/ubuntu intrepid main14:25
BluesKajbummer just missed him14:26
BluesKajsome ppl just have no patience ..instant gratification is a prob these days :(14:27
Mamarok_how nice, just got a crash on my laptop :(14:28
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eagles0513875morning and greetings from texas Mamarok14:36
Mamarokhi eagles051387514:38
BluesKajMamarok , are you running the new amarok 2 ?14:42
eagles0513875BluesKaj:  i am14:43
eagles0513875just put  it on here this morning14:43
BluesKajjust curious about it's stablity14:43
BluesKajeagles0513875, did you just upgrade or totally reinstall ?14:44
eagles0513875BluesKaj: on the kubuntu.org page there is the link to the ppa14:44
eagles0513875that all i did it removed the 1.4 version that came with intrepid and installs 214:45
eagles0513875want me to get the link for ya BluesKaj14:45
BluesKajI'll find the the link14:45
BluesKajgotta do some errands for a few mins ..bbl14:45
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i got the link14:45
eagles0513875BluesKaj: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.0 had it open still form this am when i upgraded14:46
BluesKajok thx eagles051387514:47
schisteOk now it's just odd. My device is working fine.14:47
schisteAnd done anything to help it14:47
Mamarokschiste: wow, that really is great!14:48
MamarokBluesKaj: I run svn14:48
Mamarokso it's more like 2.0.1 :)14:48
MamarokBluesKaj: and it is very stable, never had a crash so far14:49
wikkisomeone take a look at this screen shot http://www.uploderx.net/x/31950/ is there a way to change how those buttons look?14:49
wikkiand the tabs at the top14:49
eagles0513875Mamarok: dont jynx yourself14:49
Mamarokeagles0513875: ?14:50
eagles0513875Mamarok: i have found when i say stuff like that the opposite usually happens14:50
Mamarokeagles0513875: I'm not superstitious :)14:51
eagles0513875Mamarok: just wait then you will be coming to me saying im right14:52
e-headgood morning.14:53
e-headanyone have any experience with xrdp?14:53
Mamarokwikki: try to adjust the zoom14:56
Mamarokalso, there are Qt-Themes available for Firefox, and we all await a Qt-version, hopefully soon14:57
wikkiI saw the qt theme, but that doesn't seem to do much14:59
wikkii'm trying the qt styles now14:59
wikkiah yes15:01
wikkithat did it15:01
wikkithat's a good post on the subject15:01
Mamarokwikki: I know, but it's still only a workaround till we have a real Qt-base Firefox15:05
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org15:06
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g_Hey I keep getting failed package downloads only on select package lists which are the US transaltions15:10
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Mamarokg_: you can ignore these safely, as there is no us-translation :)15:21
Mamarokus English is default15:21
Colonel_PanicIn KDE 4.2, how can I make my desktop contents be displayed on my desktop instead of confined inside a plasmoid?15:22
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juanantonioHello. I need some help to install Skype15:25
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype juanantonio15:27
juanantonioOk, thanks, man15:27
SSJ_GZColonel_Panic: Right-click Desktop -> Appearance Settings -> Desktop Activity -> Type -> Folder View.15:28
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eagles0513875enzo you looking for the italian channel15:39
* BluesKaj installs amarok-kde415:40
BluesKajenzo , salve magister :) ...see i remember some latin :)15:42
bazhanghe quit15:42
BluesKajoops too mant smilies15:42
eagles0513875are you kidding me who uses latin any more15:42
BluesKajheh, yeah we wondered about that 50 yrs ago too15:43
BluesKaj10th grade ...first yr studting latin15:43
BluesKajshudda studied computer science instead15:44
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RaidenovichHey, can someone tell me if i can chose different wallpaper for my virtual desktops?15:54
Raidenovichunder kubuntu 8.1015:55
bdizzlegah, I reallly need to write down this shortcut15:57
bdizzlehow do I view all processes and their ID's to do a kill process? from CLI?15:57
juanantonioRaidenovich, I think you can if not using Compiz as I am15:57
Raidenovichsorry, Compiz?15:58
schistebdizzle: and if it's one of your precesses you can use "top -u user"15:58
bdizzleeh, not the one I was looking for15:58
bdizzleah, okay15:58
schisteuser being your login ;)15:58
juanantonioYes, Compiz is another Windows manager used in Linux15:58
juanantoniobut Wall paper, I think so, left click on the desktop and you can tell Kubuntu to use this or that wallpaper for all desktops or not, though I have never used this option16:00
ecl_hola ?16:07
eagles0513875ecl_: do you need the spanish channel16:07
Mamarok!es | ecl_16:07
ubottuecl_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:07
ecl_nah- i dont even speak spanish16:07
eagles0513875lol Mamarok16:07
Mamarokwell, that was a hit and miss then :)16:07
eagles0513875Mamarok: thats why i asked lol before i did ! es16:08
ecl_i feel so piped16:08
snarksterim listening to slay radio on amarok, and i noticed it isnt saying what song is playing anymore.. is this an amarok issue or a radio station issue?16:09
eagles0513875ecl_: this is the support channel bro16:09
ecl_& i'm only here trying kubuntu on my mommas dell16:09
ecl_thanks eagles, i kind of knew that16:09
snarksterecl_: hows it working for you16:09
eagles0513875ok just checking taking the channel off topic kinda16:09
Mamaroksnarkster: that's from the station, depends what signal they send16:09
ecl_video is a little strange at times, like out of range or something16:09
snarksterMamarok: oh ok, well most of the stations dont show there names or songs anymore16:10
Mamaroksnarkster: what version?16:10
ecl_oh- the live version wouldnt run so i risked her dell & did the install within windows16:10
snarksterversion 2 of amarok, kde 4.1.8516:10
* Mamarok tries it out16:11
snarksteri have to say the internet radio feature of amarok 2 is just the most awesome thing ever.16:11
snarksterit reminds me of kderadio16:12
snarksterwhen that worked16:12
Mamaroksnarkster: it works here16:14
snarksterare you listening to slay radio?16:14
Mamaroknp: Mixer - Nemesis the Warlock [SLAY Radio]16:14
snarksterwhat ip address?16:15
snarksterwonder if it culd be my signal strength as Im wifi16:15
BluesKajhmm, I wonder what happened to the internet radio bit rates in amarok 2... anything under 128 is unlistable to me16:15
snarksteryah i noticed that as well..16:16
Mamaroksnarkster: http://relay4.slayradio.org:8000/16:16
snarksterdoes the song have a horn playing and a piano in the background?16:17
* Mamarok uses svn build16:17
Mamaroksnarkster: yes16:17
snarksterwell mine worked just fine about a week ago.16:17
Mamarokand that's a sax, not a horn16:17
snarkstersax, trumpet whateva. :D16:18
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snarksteri listen to this station all the time16:18
snarksterpretty good music16:18
cuznti have a usb out for my mini disc is there a porgram that lets me transfer my music files like that?16:23
juanantonioHello, I have some doubts concerning HDMI in Linux16:25
juanantonioI have a NVidia 7100 GS onboard and want to know if I can have some problems when I connect it to a monitor through HDMI? Any problem with the sound or the resolution optimal?16:27
BluesKajamarok 2 is crashing with compiz turned on16:27
MamarokBluesKaj: you use compiz in kde4?16:28
snarksterkwin crashes when playing Diablo 216:28
Mamarokyou should use desktop effects instead16:29
snarkstergoogleearth doesnt work with compize or DE16:29
BluesKajI use kwin mostly , Mamarok16:30
MamarokBluesKaj: still, you should remove Compiz if you are using DE, might only cause conflicts16:31
BluesKajnot using DE , Mamarok16:32
MamarokBluesKaj: you contradict yourself :)16:34
BluesKajMamarok, ?16:34
BluesKajDE is compiz AFAIK , so if I'm using kwin . compiz is turned off16:35
snarksterDE are cool really, but not really a productive thing, just eye candy.. I turn it on so people can see and get the ooooh aaaaahs then turn it off16:36
snarksterive been trying to figure out how to put DRI on a old laptop that I have the DRI for in this new xorg.conf file16:37
MamarokBluesKaj: no it's not, and what do you mean by "using kwin"?16:37
snarksterarent the effects in kwin just compiz16:37
Mamaroksnarkster: nope, it doesn't use the compiz package at all16:37
juanantonioSomeone can help me with the HDMI question¿?16:38
snarksteroh! but causes the same problems that compiz does..16:38
Mamarok!patience | juanantonio16:38
ubottujuanantonio: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about HDMI16:38
snarksterjuanantonio: try the forums if no one helps you.16:39
juanantonioThank you16:39
vlad!driver install16:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about driver install16:40
Mamarokvlad: what driver?16:40
snarkstervlad what driverf16:40
vladfrom bash doesent work16:41
Mamarokvlad, what upgrade are you talking about?16:41
snarksterare you using commercial driver?16:41
vladfrom kate error16:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:42
snarksterhope that helps16:43
vladhope to16:43
=== Bouib is now known as BouibHeuWay
* BouibHeuWay vous inquietez po, c est po la fin du monde !!!16:44
vladbecause te monitor does like a stobe16:44
MamarokBouibHeuWay: please turn your automatic messages off!16:44
snarksterima go smoke16:45
rodrigo__hola alguien de colombia16:48
Mamarok!es | rodrigo__16:50
ubotturodrigo__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:50
beritHey! I'm running Kubuntu 8.04, how to enable the "full upgrade option" in Adept? Its now greyed out...16:50
cuzntwhat is the lspci command for usb please?16:52
beritcuznt: lsusb16:52
Mamarokberit: do you run Adept with sudo rights?16:53
=== niall is now known as njhewitt
snarksterok im off.. have things to do16:55
beritMamarok: Oh, ye, thanks, kdesudo "adept_manager --dist-upgrade" did it :)16:55
snarksterwhy do they do that?16:56
Mamaroksnarkster: do what?16:56
njhewittCan I move the volume OSD to a corner of the screen? My laptop has a volume control wheel right on the front, it's very sensitive, and the OSD right in the middle of the screen is kind of annoying. Using 4.2 beta 2 on Intrepid.16:56
snarksterif they provide a button the button shouldnt work if there is no dist upgrade available16:56
Mamaroknjhewitt: go to the settings and move it16:56
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njhewittMamarok: i've been looking, can't find it in any settings.16:57
snarksterwhy should you need to type somehting in16:57
psi_hey guys, how can i configure the start-behavoirt of a starting window? it would a "remember last position"?16:57
Mamaroknjhewitt: settings ->configure Amarok -> on screen display16:57
Mamaroksnarkster: don't know what you are talking about16:58
snarksteri think he meant system16:58
snarksterthe kdesudo adept-manager --dist-upgrade thing16:58
njhewittMamarok: That's just Amarok though, I don't even have it running right now and there is a volume display showing.16:58
Mamaroknjhewitt: what else are you running that uses an OSD?16:59
njhewittMamarok: it stops if I quit KMix, but then I don't have any volume control at all.16:59
Mamaroknjhewitt: dont quit, just hide the mixer window16:59
snarksterthe OSD from kmix is in the middle of his screen17:00
Mamaroksnarkster: I understood, what I don't is what you are talking about :)17:00
snarksternot important17:00
njhewittThe OSD volume bar pops up whether the mixer window is shown or KMix is just docked in the status bar.17:01
* Mamarok has no OSD for Kmix...17:02
njhewittMamarok: perhaps it's new for 4.2?17:02
Mamaroknjhewitt: I run kde 4.217:02
njhewittvery strange17:03
e-headHey, do you guys know how I can change the default desktop environment?17:03
Mamaroke-head: you mean change in kdm?17:03
=== ubuntu is now known as jackdaxter
psi_hey guys, how can i configure the start-behavoirt of a starting window? it would a "remember last position"?17:05
snarksterbeen wondering if i can run gdm and get that guest account thing going.17:06
=== BouibHeuWay is now known as Bouib
* Bouib Attention MesDames et Messieurs, dans un instant, çà va commencer..... :))17:09
MamarokBouib: please turn off your automatic messages!17:09
snarksterok later chaps.. Im outta here17:09
* snarkster gives Mamarok a cuo if hit coffee17:09
Mamarokhuhu jono :)17:10
njhewittMamarok: people in #kde tell me that the OSD is a Kubuntu addition. I'll go file a bug report.17:13
Mamarokfunny, I use Kubuntu here and don't have it17:14
BluesKajhmm,  amarok 2 seems to knock me off IRC when streaming off the net...gotta reconsider this17:15
MamarokBluesKaj: that sounds weird, works fine here, I'm streaming all the time17:16
njhewittMamarok: It does react differently to different inputs. Only my laptop volume wheel triggers the OSD, mouse wheeling over the KMix icon doesn't bring it up. Perhaps your laptop sends a different kind of signal from its controls.17:16
Mamaroknjhewitt: seems so17:16
josh_how do i gain Su ( Status ) Within Kubuntu's GUI?17:17
Mamarokjosh_: start the app with kdesudo17:18
Mamarokor sudo from the command line17:18
josh_got it17:19
BluesKajit's not an improvement IMO Mamarok, nicer eye candy perhaps but the setup is goofy17:19
MamarokBluesKaj: what are you talking about?17:20
=== Ellana is now known as `Away`No`Pvs`
rushdisalut tt monde17:21
Mamarok!fr | rushdi17:21
ubotturushdi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:21
BluesKajI just use amarok for internet radio ...I don't play a lot of music with it17:21
MamarokBluesKaj: well, you seem to have strange settings with all the errors you get, are you using the Xine backend in Phonon?17:22
Mamarokgood :)17:23
BluesKajI'm gooing back to the stable version17:24
e-headMamarok: well, I suspect that when I pull gnome down via apt-get, it's going to set up gdm, and fiddle with whatever other X session files control the default wm/desktop (xsession, xinitrc).17:24
BluesKajI'll wait til 2 is ready for prime time :)17:24
e-headI usually connect to my computer via vnc, so the display manager isn't that important.17:24
MamarokBluesKaj: 2 *is* stable!17:25
loic-mjuanantonio I've got no problems with HDMI monitor with a 7900GS and nvidia drivers17:25
Mamaroke-head: you can choose when it's installing17:25
e-headBut, I've noticed when you pull down different desktops (kde, gnome, xfce), they almost invariable set up there own display manager and set the default desktop/wm to their own (when connecting via vnc).17:25
BluesKajwell, Mamarok ,not on my setup it isn't17:25
e-headDo you know if it's something in /etc/defaults?17:26
e-headOr if there is a tool you can run to switch em around, try em all out?17:26
MamarokBluesKaj: then it's your setup I'd say, I use it without problems17:26
e-heador a dpkg config or something?17:26
Mamaroke-head: as I sais, choose when it's installing, it will prompt you17:26
BluesKajI don't care for the interface either, i prefer to have the 1.4 style lists17:26
e-headRight. I followed you.17:27
e-headI was just thinking of switching them around, trying them all out.17:27
e-headI was just wondering the proper way to do this.17:27
e-headI mean... I could make a .xsession or .xinitrc file I suppose, just for me... but is there a system wide way to set the default ?17:27
BouI got this message in Dolphin: KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kate'17:27
Bouwhen using -u parameter to launch kate17:28
Mamaroke-head: no idea how to do this once it's installed, sry17:28
e-headOr do you have to stop/start servers and fiddle with the /etc/rc files?17:28
e-headalright. thanks.  ;)17:28
Boulooks like a known issue, is there also a know work around ?17:28
BlueGI just upgraded to 8.10 and now get an error that ksmserver can't be started. .xsession-errors shows the NVIDIA OpenGL driver requires a CPU with SSE, which this machine doesn't have. Any suggestions on getting this machine working again?17:30
MamarokBou: could you be a bit more explicit on what you are doing exactly, launching Kate with Dolphin?17:30
BouMamarok: when clicking a text file from dolphin, it's opened by Kate with parameter -u (my config)17:32
BouMamarok: opening 1 file is OK, opening a second file opens it correctly, bu i get this error message in Dolphin17:32
MamarokBou: let me try that17:32
BouMamarok: I've been told on #kde that several people running Kubuntu reported same problem17:33
Mamarokhm, Kate is not default here, it's Kwrite...17:33
BouMamarok:you can reproduce it too?17:34
MamarokBou: not at all17:34
Mamarokit simply opens a second kate, but as I said, Kate is not set as the default text editor in my settings, and I can't launch it with options in Dolphin17:35
BouMamarok: yes, it only happens with option -u17:35
BouMamarok: i discovered this problem when turning this option on17:36
Mamarokoh, I see, it's not turned on by default then17:36
Boui've edited this option from kmenuedit17:36
MamarokBou: I use Kate as it is17:36
Boukate  --> kate -u17:36
Mamarokwhy do you need this option?17:37
Boubecause if i open several files to edit them from dolphin I get several Kate windows opened17:38
Bouwhich is less friendly than only one kate window17:38
Mamarokyep, makes sense, I open files in Kate though...17:39
Mamarokso I don't need to switch to Dolphin and then go back to my Kate window :)17:40
BouI know, i generally work as you17:40
Mamarokthat would be the woraround then :)17:41
Boubut i'm following some tutorial and dolphin is more friendly to navigate into an unknow tree for me17:41
Bouyes, that's not critical, I just hoped there was a wuick fix17:41
MamarokBou: sry, don't know of any17:41
BouMamarok: np, thanks for your time17:42
Mamarokyou're welcome :)17:42
BouMamarok: i should report it anyway, if not done17:42
MamarokBou: if it's a know problem you might not have to, but you should check launchpad for it anyway17:43
BouMamarok: it's a known problem17:48
=== `Away`No`Pvs` is now known as Ellana
=== Ellana is now known as `Away`No`Pvs`
MamarokBou: thx for checking :)17:49
balazse vreun roman peaici ?18:02
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro18:04
Bou!ro | balazs18:05
ubottubalazs: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro18:05
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
macjason0607 hi all .. when i try to put in a cd/dvd i get an error message .. error mounting /media/cdrom0 .. i did a ls /media when i put in a cd and there was no cdrom0 symlink18:09
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
kevin_anyone in this channel?18:37
* CoJaBo-Dell is here18:38
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Mamarokkevin_: yes, do you have a question?18:39
kevin_sry haven't used irc in a while18:39
kevin_Yes, are there any ubuntu apps that will support mounting smb shares from a windows server?18:40
=== olivier__ is now known as Copelia
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:40
kevin_thanks i'll go try that out.18:41
Mamarokkevin_: what do you mean by "supporting"?18:41
kevin_I'm trying to stream video from a windows server (WHS) and in most of the players i get an error18:43
kevin_I found on a forum they don't support smb convetions and need to be mounted18:44
Mamarokkevin_: most of the time it's a permission issue18:44
kevin_i log on to the folder from dolphin for example but when I click on a video and select the video to play it it errors out18:45
kevin_do apps have seperate authentication?18:45
Mamarokas I said, you need to have the permission to stream the content18:46
kevin_i gave read acces to everyone on the window server18:46
Mamarokkevin_: what errors do you get?18:48
kevin_from totem player i get there is no plugin to handle the location of this file18:52
Mamarokoh, then it's an encoding problem, you need the necessary codecs to play the video18:53
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:53
Mamarokkevin_: ^^ check those repos18:53
MamarokCopelia: do you need help?18:53
kevin_Ah ok i installed some extra codecs but maybe the wrong ones18:54
CopeliaMamarok, Sorry i'm dont in good chanel18:54
Copeliaand I'm speak French !18:54
Mamarok!fr | Copelia18:54
ubottuCopelia: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:54
CopeliaMamarok, Thank's very much !18:55
Copelia:), Bye Bye Good evening All. :)18:56
schisteis there command to search for a word in all the files of a specified directory ?18:56
schistea command**18:56
Salzeschiste: grep18:57
schisteok so I'm missing something as it's not working ^^18:58
Salzegrep -Ri <word> *18:58
trappistor grep -ri <word <directory>18:58
SalzeShould work for at least everything that does not start with a dot. I'm not sure about those.18:59
schisteok was missing the -ri :)18:59
trappist-r is recursive, -i makes the search case-insensitive18:59
Salzei is for non-case-sensitivity...don't know if you really want that.18:59
trappistegrep -r '\b<word>\b' to search for the word standalone, so if your word is apple it won't find snapple or apples19:00
schistenop I doesn't, I fact I need it to be case sensitive19:00
schisteOk I definitly have to read from a to z grep man19:01
schistethanks a lot anyway :)19:01
trappistschiste: read the grep manual, and get "Mastering Regular Expressions"19:01
trappistor just get a regular expression cheat sheet, for starters, but that book is awesome19:02
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
kevin_does the default video player use the gstreamer platform?19:10
CoJaBo-DellHow do I set a partition to mount automatically?19:15
=== Daskreech2 is now known as DasKrecch
=== DasKrecch is now known as DasKreech
DasKreech!fstab | CoJaBo-Dell19:17
ubottuCoJaBo-Dell: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:17
kevin_If I get a unable to open 'smb://....... in vlcplayer that is a permission problem correct?19:18
DasKreechNo vlc may not recognize smb://19:20
kevin_I guess my safest bet is to just mnt the share then19:21
DasKreechor use smbfuse19:22
kevin_ok thanks Das need to look that up ;)19:27
schisteshould grep -R Meta\ liens * work ?19:28
DasKreechschiste: If you are looking for two words then yes19:32
schisteI am19:32
schisteI want all the files containing "Meta liens"19:32
DasKreechThat would almost do it19:33
schistealmost ?19:33
schistewhat's missing ?19:33
=== Ekushey- is now known as Ekushey
schistestill not working19:34
schistethat's just odd...19:34
Pete_Trying to build xorg-server on 8.04 (sudo apt-get -b source xorg-server) but it dies  with "'GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_MESA' undeclared (first use in this function)" etc, any ideas?19:36
DasKreechschiste: Works fine here19:37
schisteDasKreech: well on my server it returns nothing19:38
DasKreechmaybe there is nthing withe Meta liens ?19:38
schistewell, there's a Meta liens link on my website19:39
schisteAnd in fact I added it few month ago19:39
schistebut just can't remember where19:40
DasKreechtry -i19:40
mhallhello, is there a recommended program for ripping dual layer DVDs in kubuntu to prevent wasting power on the optical drive on airplanes, car rides, etc?19:40
ubottuTo rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh19:40
=== `Away`No`Pvs` is now known as Ellana
kevin_I got it working........ Thanks all19:42
yosrii just want some info about piklab19:42
yosriis there so who know this appl19:43
DasKreech!info piklab19:43
ubottupiklab (source: piklab): IDE for PIC-microcontroller development. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15.2-2 (intrepid), package size 3761 kB, installed size 30620 kB19:43
yosridid u use it19:44
DasKreechyosri: No t has forums at http://sourceforge.net/projects/piklab/19:45
nicolas__i'm trying amarok 2, but it doesn't seems to work... I'm full screen and i've nothing but a simple player on top... did i miss something?19:46
mhallDasKreech: actually i think you found my answer indirectly19:47
mhallDasKreech: i started a /query with ubottu and started typing keywords related to dvds until i found something useful ;-)19:48
DasKreechmhall: thank you for querying the bot!!!19:49
DasKreechSo many people just start a flood in the main chan19:50
DasKreechIf the bot said anything rude to you in private chat let me know and I'll sort her out ;-)19:50
nicolas__how could i manage my collection in amorok 2?19:51
cllaudyui have a problem19:53
hyper_chcllaudyu: we all have... it's called lack of money19:53
hyper_chnicolas__: what do you mean by "manage"?19:53
cllaudyuno really?19:54
nicolas__at least see it.....19:54
hyper_chcllaudyu: so you ahve surplus money then? can I give you my bank details?19:54
cllaudyui can't see the text in menu and in this irc client19:54
hyper_chnicolas__: what do you mean?19:54
nicolas__i'm totaly lost, i can't find anything in this new xersion19:54
cllaudyuyeah why don't you want me 2 send you some money thru western uninon?19:55
nicolas__well i'm in full screen and i've nothing display but a simple player on top19:55
hyper_chnicolas__: make a screen shot19:55
cllaudyuheellloooo people why can't i see the text in  konversation an other programs19:56
cllaudyuit's flashing like crazy19:56
hyper_chcllaudyu: hmmm screenshot?19:57
cllaudyunow i see it now i don't19:57
nicolas__hum where can i post it?19:57
cllaudyuif i make screenshot how can u see it?19:57
hyper_chnicolas__: www.bayimg.org19:57
hyper_chnicolas__: thx goes to the TPB crew19:57
cllaudyuthe pirate bay?19:58
hyper_chcllaudyu: yes19:58
=== ubuntu is now known as Alan_Lockwood
nicolas__(don't pay attention to the song, A, first letter for the test :/)19:59
hyper_chnicolas__: I don't see it19:59
cllaudyuthis is a shit hole called kubuntu derivated from ubuntu or not is it free cause of the stupidity off people that can't make nothing work right?19:59
nicolas__damn me neither....20:00
hyper_chnicolas__: did you attach it?20:00
nicolas__png... i'll try something different20:00
cllaudyueverything crashes one second after another20:00
cllaudyuits the sign of perfection!!!20:00
DasKreechcllaudyu: press alt+shift+F1220:01
cllaudyuwhat thit i just do with pressing those ?20:01
=== Ellana is now known as `Away`No`Pvs`
cllaudyuit appeasr that i see the text now20:02
DasKreechcllaudyu: Thre you go20:02
mhallDasKreech: nope nothing bad20:02
cllaudyuthank you so verry much i would kiss you but your far away20:02
mhallDasKreech: querying the bot is a classic from my past use of debian20:02
hyper_chnicolas__: still online?20:03
geoffrey_hi every body , i'm new one kubuntu , i can't run dvd's , and it works on vista could somebody help me ?20:03
DasKreechcllaudyu: Send it in the mail20:03
cllaudyuthe kiss?20:03
cllaudyujust send it20:03
cllaudyuscuze me20:03
DasKreechcllaudyu: your driver is messed up press alt+F3 -> Window Behaviour -> desktop effects and disable desktop effects20:03
mhallnicolas__: link didnt work20:03
DasKreechcllaudyu: If you want to keep those around play with them taking off each one till it stops flickering20:04
nicolas__i know20:04
geoffrey_they all are disabled20:04
DasKreech!dvd | geoffrey_20:04
mhallgeoffrey_: just had to figure that out myself20:04
ubottugeoffrey_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:04
nicolas__i've upload it 3 times20:04
mhallgeoffrey_: that's the same bot fact i used20:04
nicolas__but i can't see it....20:04
cllaudyui dont need effects20:04
hyper_chnicolas__: then use some other service20:04
geoffrey_but i got ati radeon hd 340020:04
mhallDasKreech: does ubottu have  listkeys and listvals20:05
mhallDasKreech: or a web search or anything20:05
cllaudyubut everything changed in the font of text eh what the hell if everything works it's ok even if a bit its shitty20:05
DasKreechnicolas__: try imageshack.us20:06
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:06
nicolas__shold work20:07
cllaudyuDasKreech your a veteran user of kubuntu?20:07
DasKreechcllaudyu: Something like that20:07
cllaudyuDasKreech well... i was wondering since when do u use this OS20:07
DasKreechFor 2 and a half years20:08
nicolas__or this http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/1406/amarokcs9.jpg20:08
DasKreechnicolas__: Woah!20:08
cllaudyuDasKreech u know i was expecting that you would say that20:08
nashkis it possible to install firefox on 8.10 without the branding?20:08
DasKreechnicolas__: How did you get it to do that?20:09
cllaudyuDasKreech i think u know every bug by it's name...20:09
DasKreech!info abrowser20:09
ubottuabrowser (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the unbranded abrowser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB20:09
nicolas__I do have a pb right?20:09
DasKreechnashk: ^^^20:09
nicolas__hum sa simple install20:09
nashkDasKreech: ?20:10
nicolas__apt-get install amarok-kde420:10
DasKreech!info abrowser | nashk Firefox with no branding20:10
ubottuabrowser (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the unbranded abrowser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB20:10
nicolas__and that's it20:10
cllaudyuwhatever i'm gonna be back if i have any other problem bye all20:10
DasKreechnicolas__: try closing it and running  kbuildsycoca420:11
DasKreechcllaudyu: bye Hope it works out fine20:11
nashk!info abrowser20:11
ubottuabrowser (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the unbranded abrowser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB20:11
nashkDasKreech: Sorry, but I don't follow20:11
DasKreechnashk: That's the package you need to install20:11
mhallWhy can Ubuntu distribute Firefox as Firefox when Debian can't. Always found that strange.20:12
nicolas__i did it then restart amarok nothing changed20:13
DasKreechmhall: Debian doesn't agree with the licensing of the trademark and Mozilla's attitude around it Ubuntu has no problems with un free items20:13
DasKreechTry puge amarok and reinstall20:13
nicolas__ok i'll do that20:13
=== erwin_ is now known as vaiursch
angasuleI just updated my kubuntu dapper and can't log in through kdm, though I can log in in a virtual terminal, any ideas what's going on?20:14
=== carlos is now known as Guest23420
mhallangasule: video driver didnt get updated maybe20:15
mhallangasule: try temporarily changing nvidia driver in xorg.conf to nv20:15
mhallangasule: then run jockey-kde and re-enable the nvidia driver20:16
mhallangasule: had to do this myself when i just installed intrepid20:16
nicolas__sudo apt-get autoremove amarok-kde4 is it enough to clean everything?20:17
DasKreechangasule: check your ~/.xsession-errors20:17
angasulemhall: thanks, but kdm works fine?20:17
angasuleDasKreech: thanks, checking20:17
DasKreechnicolas__: Nope sudo apt-get remove amarok-kde4 --purge20:17
nicolas__strange, doesn't work, but when I reinstall it still my songs in memory...20:20
angasuledisk was full, trying again soon, I shouldn't let my sister near a computer :)20:20
nicolas__I'll uninstall again and reboot20:20
nicolas__i'll be back20:20
CoJaBo-DellWhy is Firefox interface horribly messed up under Kubuntu?20:21
angasuleCoJaBo-Dell: that's just how it looks? :) I don't see anything specially wrong20:22
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nicolas__re, done20:25
nicolas__so confirm to install I do: sudo apt-get install amarok-kde420:26
nicolas__*so you confirm20:26
nicolas__reboot do20:29
nicolas__to reinstall i do sudo apt-get install amarok-kde4?20:30
CoJaBo-DellWhy is Firefox interface horribly messed up under Kubuntu?20:30
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DasKreechCoJaBo-Dell: Umm not sure did you install a gtk-qt engine?20:31
CoJaBo-DellDasKreech: Not sure, how would I check and how would I fix it?20:32
DasKreechUrk hold on20:32
DasKreechCoJaBo-Dell: install gtk-qt-engine20:33
nicolas__still the same pb20:33
nicolas__here's my install http://paste.ubuntu.com/91806/20:33
DasKreechCoJaBo-Dell: Install that package20:38
DasKreechnicolas__: Not sure can you check in #amarok if they have seen this happen?20:38
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CoJaBo-DellDasKreech: I get "gtk-qt-engine is already the newest version."20:39
Guest52177how can I select OSS as drivers instead of ALSA o??20:39
DasKreechCoJaBo-Dell: Booo what's the problem with Firefox?20:39
nicolas__ok thank you!20:39
CoJaBo-DellDasKreech: Tabs are really weird, scrollbars don't show up, backgrounds of controls dont match surrounding elements.20:41
Guest52177I have problem with my headphone, but I dont know how to select the OSS drivers instead of the ALSA20:42
Guest52177any help?20:42
DasKreechCoJaBo-Dell: That's not supposed to happen can you press alt+shift+F12 and tell me if that helps20:44
DasKreechGuest52177: Check in System Settings20:44
SalzeCan I configure when programs will be added to the quickstart plasmoid? (4.2 beta 2)20:44
Guest52177DasKreech: I already check, but I cann't find how to switch (under sound)20:46
CoJaBo-DellDasKreech: What is that supposed to do?20:46
SalzeI mean after how many starts. The quickstart plasmoid still only shows 3 entries, although 4 are allowed.20:47
DasKreechCoJaBo-Dell: Turns off compositing20:48
CoJaBo-DellNothing happened when I pressed it.20:49
DasKreechSalze: QuickLaunch?20:49
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SalzeDasKreech: Maybe the translation is wrong - Schnellstart in german. The one which is supposed to show the most used programs.20:51
DasKreechSalze: The closest I can find to that is quicklaunch but that is manual. it doesn't auto add things20:57
confreyhi everybody21:12
confreyI've just installed kubuntu8.10, but I can't install skype, it seems a libqt4-gui is missing21:13
hyper_chconfrey: how did you install skype?21:14
hyper_chconfrey: and you run 64bit?21:14
confreyand I can't see youtube's videos in konqueror... what can I do?21:14
confreyhyper_ch: no, I've a i386 installation21:15
confreyI tried with debian-ubuntu package, from skype site21:15
hyper_chno clue with 32bit21:15
hyper_chconfrey: use medibuntu21:15
confreyhyper_ch: what's medibuntu?21:16
hyper_chconfrey: http://www.letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=medibuntu21:16
SalzeDasKreech: Ok, thank you.21:18
DasKreechSalze: Good option though I'll see what the plasma team thinks of it :)21:19
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:19
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto21:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about DasKreech21:19
confreyok, many hanks, skype is installed and working21:30
confreywhat's about flash plugin in konqueror?21:30
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hyper_chuse firefox21:31
hyper_chit's like konqueror21:31
DasKreechconfrey: I have no idea it randomly works for me then stops working then works21:31
hyper_chbut different21:31
inanimateDoes anybody agree that the version of KNetworkManager in 8.10 really sucks?21:33
DasKreechinanimate: No21:33
DasKreechEveryone agrees21:33
confreyhyper_ch: I have always used firefox, but I'd like to change to a full K environment, and I like to use the same software for web and files21:33
inanimateDasKreech: All right. But then techically, 'anyone' would still agree =).21:33
DasKreechconfrey: That would be Konqui :) maybe look into the experimental webkit backend21:34
hyper_chkonqueror just has too much problems with javascript IMHO21:34
inanimateDo the KNM devs have any plans to actually fix it, or is it worthy of a fork?21:34
confreyhyper_ch: I've the same problem in slackware : there I've installed the adobe plugin and a plugin as .tgz, the libflash was present in correct directory, but konqueror does'nt find that plugin21:35
kriogood night for everyone21:36
DasKreechinanimate: There is a mis match of Knetwork manager and NM21:36
DasKreechmost distros are now shipping with an incomplete beta version of NM which means bugs in that as well as bugs in the GUI on top Leds to a non nice experience21:37
dennister_hey channel...having some probs with optical drives & sound vis a vis some multimedia apps...they all do work, but..,21:38
kriohi guys i have a problem whit sinaptic and repositery21:38
DasKreechconfrey: konqueror -> settings -> konqueror settings -> Plugings -> scan for new plugins21:38
DasKreechnight krio21:38
inanimateDasKreech: OK, well that's more comforting than it being a final release.21:39
krioif sinaptic check the repositery do not find 721:40
dennister_dvdrw is on scd1/cdrom1, cdrw on scd0/cdrom0...both are symplinked to /media/cdrom, but I have to tell amarok's config to use cdrom0 or cdrom1......21:40
krioand do not work21:40
DasKreechThey are chasing a beta trying to squash bugs in that then write a new GUI on top. Sometimes the Sabdfl one march song has promise21:40
dennister_telling amarok's config which physical drive to use each time a user switches is NOT the way it's supposed to be, if my memory erves21:41
inanimateDid they intend the GUI just to be able to squash bugs in NM?21:42
dennister_anyone know what's going on with this? the fix?21:42
DasKreechinanimate: No it's two layers of bugs. NM bugs and KNM bugs21:42
inanimateAh, OK.21:43
DasKreechBoth are "unstable"21:43
littleHey there, everyone. Is there a channel for Bash scripting?21:43
DasKreechobviously KNM has to wait for NM to release to have a stable release21:43
inanimateMakes sense.21:43
littleDasKreech: Thanks!21:43
DasKreech!commands | also little read this21:43
ubottualso little read this: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:43
littleubottu: Thanks, but I have a very specific wish. (:21:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zsh21:44
ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash21:44
dennister_can someone please help me get one of these drives to be able to read the audio cd? I know it can21:47
DasKreechdennister_: What does audiocd:/ in Konqueror do ?21:48
dennister_DasKreech:  An error occurred while loading audiocd:/: could not read .21:50
dennister_with amarok i have to go into config, change device from /media/cdrom to /media/cdrom1...then it will read and play the same cd21:50
dennister_however, when i do that, the other optical drive won't be functional :)21:51
DasKreechWhat is mounted on /media/cdrom1 ?21:51
dennister_DasKreech: the audio cd is in cdrom1 at the moment, when i put it in, the pop-up windows asked me what i wanted to do with it, i said play with amarok...then amarok couldn't read it21:53
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DasKreechdennister_: Maybe you need a better udev setup21:55
DasKreechHow many drives do you have?21:55
dennister_amarok starts, but can't read the audio cd...this is not true when i stick the same audio cd in the dvdrw drive, which is on /media/cdrom0....just two drives21:56
dennister_DasKreech: 2 optical drives that is, another 2 hdds21:57
dennister_DasKreech: could u help me with this 'better udev setup? user21:58
dennister_user's coming in a coupla hours for pickup21:58
DasKreechI don't know that's whats happeneing but that would be my guess21:58
DasKreechudev does hardware detection and assists HAL in mounting drives21:58
dennister_and i'm running out of time...and still have quite a bit of other stuff to do on this machine...dying cat has kinda screwed with my schedule and deadlines21:59
DasKreechIf you take the audio CD out and put it back in the CD drive it still doesn't work?21:59
DasKreechdennister_: That problem has a workaround fix other more crucial stuff21:59
dennister_for the audio cd to be readable/work in the cdrw drive and amarok, i have to change amarok's config from /dev/cdrom to /dev/cdrom122:00
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dennister_and that of course makes the audio cds unreadable by the dvd drive22:01
dennister_they should both be able to mount, read, play audio cds22:01
dennister_DasKreech: i have to run for 5 min...cat emergency22:02
dennister_DasKreech: i'm back...any ideas why they can't both do this...i'be never seen this before22:10
dennister_genii: r u busy? having some probs with dual optical drives I've never seen before22:14
Mamarokkrio: sorry, had to finish some work22:14
dennister_Mamarok: i assume you're an amarok lover :)22:15
Mamarokdennister_: I am indeed :)22:15
dennister_perhaps ur the best person to help me then? problem is 2 optical drives, both do work, but only one at a time can read media22:16
Mamarokhm, not sure I'm the right person for that, never used 2 optical drives22:17
DasKreechdennister_: #amarok22:17
dennister_i was in #amarok for hours this morning...seemed pretty dead, got no answers, and the problem is not limited to amarok, either22:17
dennister_as we saw when konqueror couldn't read the media in the other drive, either22:18
Mamarokdennister_: that's the time of the year, a lot of folks are off for holiday, visiting parents, etc22:18
dennister_gotta be a system issue...yeah, i know...and here i am nursing a dying cat and trying to get this system out the door in less than 2 hours22:19
DasKreechdennister_: What other problems are there?22:19
MamarokOo, poor kitty :(22:19
* Mamarok has two cats22:19
dennister_at the same time as i prepare dinners for 2 holiday occasions...yeah, my son is really taking it hard :( at least she's not in pain...22:20
DasKreechthat's good22:20
dennister_DasKreech: well, that konqueror can't read the other drive either...22:20
DasKreechhyper_ch: Awake?22:21
Mamarokdennister_: good,  as long as she doesn't suffer22:21
hyper_chDasKreech: maybe22:21
DasKreechdennister_: KDE 3 or KDE 4 ?22:21
Mamarokok folks, I'm off for tonight, another day work tomorrow22:21
dennister_so back to the system and the user picking up in less than 2 hours...kde322:21
DasKreechhyper_ch: Ever heard of KDE having preferences for an optical drive?22:21
dennister_night Mamarok22:21
hyper_chDasKreech: no clue what you refer to22:22
DasKreechhyper_ch: You put in a audio Cd and it can't be read by multimedia apps22:22
hyper_chDasKreech: haven't done that for ages :)22:22
DasKreechYou have to go and manually tell them not to look at a particualr drive but to look at the other one22:22
hyper_chDasKreech: are you sure it's not sony rootkitted?22:22
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DasKreechI don't think they play around with Linux that much unless they are doing marketting22:23
hyper_chDasKreech: but it's windows software on there that could pevent it being used22:23
DasKreechIt works fine when you switch the drive manually22:23
hyper_chDasKreech: as said, I don't know.. haven't had a audio cd in any drive for ages22:24
DasKreechIf you point juk/amarok/konqueror to the drive manually they see it fine22:24
hyper_chDasKreech: tried with kde 4.2?22:24
DasKreechhyper_ch: Well on a general case why would it prefer one drive over another ?22:24
hyper_chDasKreech: amarok nightly?22:24
hyper_chDasKreech: no clue22:24
DasKreechhyper_ch: it's dennister_ question :-)22:24
dennister_hyper_ch: and the popup asking which app to use works for both drives22:25
DasKreechdennister_: #kde as well though don't know the reception you'll hit in there.22:25
DasKreechI don't know why audiocd:/ woudn't work22:25
hyper_chdennister_: running kde 4.2?22:26
dennister_k...will try...that should be a lively channel, anyway, with so many pps complaining about kde4 :)22:26
dennister_nope...won't go to 8.10 either, 'cause i don't like kde422:26
DasKreechdennister_: you'll likely change your opinion by 9.10 :)22:26
dennister_DasKreech: let's hope so, heheheh22:27
hyper_chdennister_: tried kde 4.2?22:27
DasKreechWhat are your objections to it if I may ask?22:27
DasKreechAsk in #kde first22:27
OxDeadC0deanyone here use the ruby cpufreq selector applet in kde 4.1?22:27
DasKreechha ha don't ask for help fast in a volunteer support chan not likely to help22:28
OxDeadC0deif so there's a brand spankin new version that not only looks better but is better functionality wise, all the "bugs" fixed22:29
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: ruby cpufreq selector applet?22:29
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch right click on the desktop, add widget, install new, download from internet22:29
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: it's by you22:30
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch correct22:30
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: and what does it do?22:30
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch controls governor and cpu speed and displays current cpu speed in mhz and ghz22:31
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch it requires the cpufreq modules in the kernel22:31
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: errors in 4.222:32
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch you might not have the dependencies installed22:32
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: migth be22:32
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch Requires libkorundum4-ruby1.8 libqt4-ruby libqt4-ruby1.8 afaik, might need another one.. after installing those if it still doesn't work you can find out why in the console with "plasmoidviewer ruby-cpufreq"22:33
dennister_DasKreech: sorry for the lag...like kde3 better because it's closer to winblows for newbies...and 8.10 doesn't allow you to change your network config on eth022:34
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch and it would help me a great deal if you do, because if it does require something else i need to list it in the description22:34
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: install still errors22:36
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: despite those three packages22:36
OxDeadC0dethe install errors? oh.. crap.. what's plasmapkg -i cpufreq.plasmoid say? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=92573&vote=good&tan=10351920 for the direct download link22:37
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: where do you download there22:37
Koordinhi i have an annoying problem : i have to type 'sudo dhclient' in order to connect to internet and i have to retype it every minute in order not to be disconnected ; i'm on wifi ; does someone have an idea ?22:38
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch where it says "download", or this link http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=92573&id=1&tan=5867134322:38
hyper_chyeah, the download is well hidden22:39
OxDeadC0dethnx to my uber longer changelog and description ;)22:39
hyper_chhyper@xubi:~/Desktop$ plasmapkg -i 92573-cpufreq.plasmoid22:40
hyper_chInstallation of /home/hyper/Desktop/92573-cpufreq.plasmoid failed.22:40
OxDeadC0dethat's all? ugh22:40
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: yes22:41
OxDeadC0dethank you for reporting hyper_ch, i'll be working on it right now :|, i want that little bugger to work22:41
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: wait22:42
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: Error, You do not have the CPU Frequency modules running, please find documentation on setting up the cpufreq modules with the kernel appropriate for your cpu!22:42
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch Oh good, how'd you get it installed? :O22:42
hyper_chit failed becase I still had that failed install through the widget menu22:43
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: so I uninstalled it and then installed it through the cli again22:43
Koordinhi i have an annoying problem : i have to type 'sudo dhclient' in order to connect to internet and i have to retype it every minute in order not to be disconnected ; i'm on wifi ; does someone have an idea ?22:44
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch what kind of cpu do you have? ^^, intel, amd, model22:45
hyper_chKoordin: use a static ip22:45
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: intel22:45
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: http://www.sjau.ch/hardware.html22:45
isaacj87is there a fix for kbluetooth4 yet?22:47
hyper_chisaacj87: there is something wrong with kbluetooth4?22:48
isaacj87hyper_ch: it doesn't start on kde 4.2 beta 222:48
hyper_chisaacj87: no clue22:48
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: found it?22:49
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch is it p4, or newer? if it's p4 you need "p4-clockmod" if it's anything else, you need "acpi-cpufreq" , then cpufreq-ondemand, cpufreq_powersave, cpufreq_stats, cpufreq_userspace, cpuferq_conservative . Those are kernel modules, so modprobe each first, then for future reboots add to /etc/modules22:50
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: I gave you the link to my total hardware22:51
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: http://www.sjau.ch/hardware.html22:51
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch ya I saw, but i don't know what family Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2220 is in :P22:51
hyper_chneither do I know ;)22:52
hyper_chit's 64bit if that helps ;)22:52
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch so try modprobe acpi-cpufreq first (and all the governors, ondemand to conservative)22:52
hyper_chhyper@xubi:~/Desktop$ sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq22:52
hyper_ch[sudo] password for hyper:22:52
hyper_chSorry, try again.22:52
hyper_ch[sudo] password for hyper:22:52
hyper_chFATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq (/lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko): No such device22:52
OxDeadC0dedmesg | tail22:53
OxDeadC0deanything about it? :|22:53
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: nope22:54
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch looks like acpidump is the next step (probably need to install it :|)22:56
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: installed22:56
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: what now?22:58
OxDeadC0derun acpidump, pastebin the output22:58
NintendoWhy does kubuntu do sighup after 3 hours of using?22:59
ngirardHi all. After upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 I can't access my cd writer (formerly /dev/hdd) any longer. Any thoughts ?22:59
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: any preferred pastebin?22:59
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/91871/23:00
Koordinhyper_ch : i've changed my /etc/network/interfaces to this : but i still have to write 'sudo dhclient' to be "really" connected : http://paste.ubuntu.com/91870/23:01
hyper_chKoordin: nameserver does not belong in there23:01
hyper_chKoordin: that belongs in /etc/resolv.conf23:01
hyper_chKoordin: did you restart networking after editing?23:01
psycho_sonici've got a quick question regarding knetwork manager23:02
psycho_sonichow do i manually enter the ssid/password of my network?23:02
psycho_sonicwhenever I click on "manual configure" it just sends me to Network Settings23:02
Koordinhyper_ch : i have this when i restart : http://paste.ubuntu.com/91873/23:03
hyper_chKoordin: no clue...23:03
hyper_chKoordin: try to reboot23:04
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: I prefer WICD over knetwork manager23:04
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch what happens when you try "sudo modprobe p4-clockmod"23:05
psycho_sonici tried wicd, but it won't let me connect to either wep or wpa23:05
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: module not found23:05
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: works with wep and wpa23:05
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch try with P instead of p, P4-clockmod23:05
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: wicd works with wep and wpa and wpa223:06
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: module not found23:06
psycho_sonici know, but it isn't for me23:06
psycho_sonicit tells me to have security enabled23:06
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch well, according to forums posts, they say the latest intel hardware is only supported by the acpi module, but some of the newer hardware needs bios updates :|23:07
OxDeadC0dehyper_ch and it looks like you might be one of those cases unless you can enable/disable power management via an option in your bios23:07
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: not sure23:07
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: tun off wep :)23:07
Koordinhyper_ch : i think this worked ; let's hope so23:07
psycho_sonicwhat do you mean?23:08
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: turn off wep and wpa and wpa223:08
psycho_sonicyou mean on my card?23:08
psycho_sonicor on the router?23:08
moDumassmorning all, um, noobish quetion, i innitially struggled with how to place things on the desktop panel, all sortred now, however i cant fiund the :4 virtual desktops widget that used to sit on my desktop23:08
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hyper_chpsycho_sonic: on the router23:08
moDumassany ideas how to get the 4 desktops widget or panel notifier?23:08
psycho_sonic...but then i'll have no security23:09
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: security from?23:09
psycho_sonicanyone else using my router23:09
hyper_chhaving no encryption makes me more secure23:09
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: very simple: I have fully encrypted my system23:10
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: if anyone ever confiscats my stuff, nothing can be proven23:10
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: by running an open wifi I can shift blame on someone else23:10
hyper_chpsycho_sonic: as I can't be held liable for running an open wifi23:10
psycho_sonici just don't want people using my internet and slowing me down23:10
psycho_sonici don't have qos23:10
psycho_sonicon my router23:10
psycho_sonicand this router doesn't support tomato or dd-wrt23:11
hyper_chand legislation might be different for you23:11
hyper_chwell, it's one suggestion23:12
OxDeadC0de hmm hyper_ch you're making me want to install a wifi card in my server and use it as a slow open AP23:12
hyper_chanother one would be to get a more compatible card23:12
hyper_chOxDeadC0de: well, I don't know where you're from and what legislation is for you there23:12
see-ghyper_ch: unfortunately, legislation in here in Germany is quite clear: If you're running an open wifi, you're to blame for not making sure it's not being abused23:12
OxDeadC0deusa here, no idea either23:13
hyper_chsee-g: only hamburg is different from rest-germany23:13
psycho_sonicwell, thank you for your help23:13
hyper_chsee-g: frankfurt and berlin I think judged differently23:13
see-g(and a few months ago, we had the first case of someone being caught and sentenced for using someone else's wifi AP)23:13
hyper_chsee-g: using without consent?23:14
hyper_chthat's something else23:15
hyper_chcan't compare that23:15
see-gI did not mean comparing "running an open access point" and "using someone else's AP without consent"23:17
hyper_chsee-g: sounded like it23:18
hyper_chsee-g: I use my open wifi AP to protect me23:18
hyper_chsee-g: fully encrypted system, no proof23:19
hyper_chsee-g: other viable users that could have been connected23:19
see-ggreat if that works for your country's legislation :)23:19
hyper_chsee-g: so I can't be held responsible23:19
hyper_chsee-g: it does23:19
hyper_chsee-g: an IP address cannot identify an individuum23:19
crimsunlikewise, neither can MAC address23:20
hyper_chmac addresses wont' get transmitted through a NAT router23:20
crimsunnope, but if someone makes the argument that you can deduce on the same lan segment, that's bunk23:21
hyper_chcold boot attack is the only reasonable attack vector23:21
hyper_chmacs are as meaningless as a public IP23:21
see-g(german legislation) an IP address can identify the access point which has been used, there is a person responsible for running every access point ever set up; this person is also responsible for ensuring that its AP can not be abused23:21
hyper_chsee-g: that's wrong23:21
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hyper_chsee-g: if a person can be hold responsible for having an access point23:22
hyper_chsee-g: then this person would require a licence to operate one23:22
hyper_chsee-g: as an access point would be required to be regarded as inherently dangerous23:22
hyper_chsee-g: as it is the case for cars and why you require a licence there23:22
Guest40614has kopete the feature to speak with microphone with my contacts??? because if yes, where is it :-p23:22
hyper_chGuest40614: I think it has23:23
hyper_chGuest40614: but it will probably depend on the underlaying protocol to be used23:23
see-ghyper_ch: you don't need a licence to operate an access point, you need an ISP to assign you an IP address (well, that's how it goes for 99% of us)23:23
hyper_chsee-g: if you could be hold responsible because you are the one who runs an AP23:23
hyper_chsee-g: then it's the same situation as in driving a car23:23
Guest40614hiper_ch: I am using messenger.. it shoud be there right?23:24
Salzehyper_ch: No, it's not - because there are different forms of "danger".23:24
hyper_chsee-g: if you can be held responsible just for doing that a state permissions is required23:24
=== hunter_ is now known as strixv
hyper_chSalze: where are you from?23:24
hyper_chSalze: ;)23:24
see-ghyper_ch: no, there is no state permission required to run an access point - you're just required to ensure that nobody's messing with it23:24
hyper_chsee-g: see, that's where it's wrong23:24
see-ghyper_ch: securing it by means of wireless transmission does not qualify as security measure in this case23:25
hyper_chsee-g: if you are required to ensure that nobody is messing around with it23:25
hyper_chsee-g: then legal ratio would be to grant a permission for those who are capable of doing so23:25
hyper_chsee-g: and hence they can be hold liable if they violate basic things23:25
see-ghyper_ch: I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't see anything wrong with someone driving safely without licence either...23:25
hyper_chsee-g: it's the same principle as with driving a car23:26
see-ghyper_ch: you don't think that "ratio" applies to politicians, do you?23:26
hyper_chsee-g: no, but luckily language is always inadequate and there's still legal ratio by judges ;)23:26
Salzehyper_ch: That's absolutely not the same principle. There's a big difference in putting lifes at risk to putting material values at risk.23:26
hyper_chSalze: you make a difference there23:27
hyper_chSalze: the legal framework on the liabilty is the same23:27
see-ghyper_ch: judges in germany usually follow the idea of "you run the AP, you're responsible for what's being done using it so either point out someone who has done it or face the consequences yourself"23:27
Salzehyper_ch: I do, and the law does.23:27
hyper_chsee-g: only in Hamburg23:27
hyper_chSalze: gefährungshaftung vs. kausalhaftung23:28
see-ghyper_ch: really? AFAIK this applies to all of Germany23:28
hyper_chSalze: it doesn't matter what other legal goods are at stake23:28
hyper_chsee-g: OLG Frankfurt decided differently from Hamburg23:29
hyper_chand I think Berlin did also23:29
see-gI haven't been in the country for two years, though, and spent another one not being allowed messing in this kind of thingy23:29
hyper_chthere was another one23:29
see-gso I basically missed the last three year's development23:29
hyper_chsee-g: I follow it closely :)23:29
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
see-gI just set up access points and don't leave a clue that they've been set up by me23:31
Salzehyper_ch: Not close enough I guess. Try your arguement before any court, that a knife cannot be a harmful tool, since no license is required.23:31
hyper_chSalze: you know the difference between Gefährungshaftund and Kausalhaftung?23:31
Salzehyper_ch: Probably not as good as you do.23:32
hyper_chSalze: and for this discussion this differntiation is essential23:33
hyper_chSalze: this differntiation explains why you need a licence to operate a car23:33
Salzehyper_ch: No, not in the sense that it is the only important point.23:33
hyper_chSalze: and why you would equally require a licence to operate an access point according to the view in hamburg23:33
hallownameanyone want to try an artificial intelligence plasmoid? AIML interpreter plasmoid... u need kde trunk and qt trunk. it's at openbrain.sf.net23:33
hallownameanybody know how to get my code into playground?23:34
Salzehyper_ch: No, cause you don't need licenses for knife, too...independent of the city.23:34
hyper_chSalze: without knowing this difference there is no point in disucssing it23:34
hyper_chSalze: the same as differntiating between: Mord, vorsätzliche Tötung, fährlässige Tötung, Todesfolge, ........23:34
hyper_chSalze: those are essential concepts to understand legal classification23:35
Salzehyper_ch: That, too, might be interessting in itself - but has nothing to do with your comparison between cars and APs.23:35
hyper_chSalze: everything has to do with it23:35
hyper_chit's all about liability and for that you need to understand this differentiation23:36
Salzehyper_ch: The most basic understanding of those things is enough to understand the flaw in the comparison between cars and APs.23:37
hyper_chSalze: if you don't understand this differntiation then you are in no position to say there's a flaw in comparision ;)23:37
Salzehyper_ch: I didn't say I don't understand the difference. Read more closely, please. ;-)23:38
hyper_chSalze: please explain it then to me23:38
Salzehyper_ch: I said that I probably don't understand it as good as you do. But to see the flaw in your comparison, no deep knowledge is necessary. Basic knowledge is enough.23:39
hyper_chSalze: how can you judge a thing you don't understand and declare something does not apply?23:40
hyper_chSalze: there's no point discussing this further23:40
Salzehyper_ch: I repeat: I did not say I don't understand it.23:40
hyper_chSalze: what you said is enough to conclude you don't understand the difference23:41
Salzehyper_ch: That might be true - cause you seem to be unable to see the difference of an absolute to a relative statement.23:41
SalzeYes, whatever - I'll go locking for my license to operate my knife, now. ;-) I'm hungry. :-D23:42
=== nicholas_ is now known as tacosarecool
see-ggrml ... they could have told me...23:46
see-g...I've been trying to figure out what happened to my dad's printer for an hour or so and they said they did not do anything; actually they unplugged it from the USB and plugged it into the parrallel port...23:47
see-g...noticing that, it took me half a minute to fix :)23:47
wesleyGuys i like to know what is a free alternative to autocad23:52
bernd_i know qcad23:52
hallownamewesley: yea qcad ain't so bad... blender? inkscape?23:53
wesleyalso i going build a mini itx pc, is it okay to use a normal psu ? because those special ones are not cheap23:54
wesleyi going design my own wooden mini itx case23:58
cwiedelhi. I need some help. My down arrow doesnt work23:58

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