
aramorning all :)07:04
davmor2stgraber: Happy Birthday Dude14:46
stgraberdavmor2: still two days to go, it's on the 25 :)15:11
davmor2stgraber: Oh well I'm a bit to early then damn skype for it's efficiency15:13
stgraberoh, /me goes look at his skype profile15:14
stgraberhmm, seems to be right there15:15
davmor2stgraber: it's correct it just flashed up when I booted up this morning, it's to give people time to get a card I guess :)  I didn't look at when I just assumed it was today :)15:15
stgraberhehe, ok15:15
arastgraber: then you are the perfect target for this song: http://www.goear.com/listen.php?v=126f61815:16
davmor2ara: that's so sad LOL15:18
aradavmor2, stgraber: yes, only 1 day for presents :D15:18
davmor2I'd complain till I got twice as many ;)15:19
davmor2Oh well as I doubt I'll be on-line on the 25th Happy birthday for then, then stgraber :)15:22
davmor2And a Merry Christmas to everyone else aswell :)15:22
aramerry xmas davmor2 :)15:35
stgraberdavmor2: thanks15:40
aramorning cr3, how's tricks?15:51
cr3ara: same ol' same ol'. and you, what's up in da hood?15:53
araI am leaving today for my hometown. you know 'driving home for xmas'15:54
davmor2cr3: Her hair normally ;)15:54
cr3ara: I thought malaga was your home town15:54
aracr3: nup, mine is a town also in andalucia, but wester15:55
* cr3 does the Ali-G sign for: west side15:56
* davmor2 Shot's cr3 for lack of taste but only blanks for it was amusing :D15:57
cr3davmor2: you're obviously from the east side then, so I understand the rivalry between our respective sides15:58
cr3we all know west side pwns east side15:58
arahome town: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=el+puerto+de+santa+mar%C3%ADa,+c%C3%A1diz&ie=UTF8&z=11&g=el+puerto+de+santa+mar%C3%ADa,+c%C3%A1diz16:00
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