
tjaaltonbryce: nice pics :)07:11
brycetjaalton: did you see this?  http://q-funk.blogspot.com/2008/12/xf86-video-geode-2110-last-call.html08:35
tjaaltonbryce: yeah, I did08:38
bryceheya tseliot08:39
tseliothey bryce08:40
pwnguinand the ever classic snow canyon09:31
albert23grr, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2008-December/041805.html17:14
albert23tested on intrepid and jaunty17:14
albert23I just wonder how many tests may have been affected by bug 30601417:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306014 in hal "HAL does not apply ACL on DRM device" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30601417:15
albert23In my experience X in Jaunty is faster then intrepid17:16
Q-FUNKhow do we deal with Incomplete bugs that expired?17:28
tjaaltonwe close them as invalid17:29
tjaaltonif there's no info as requested17:29
Q-FUNKin all those cases, neither the reporter or the me-too's ever provided the additional info.17:29
tjaaltonalbert23: yeah, looks like it's without dri. my 'x11perf -aa10text' run shows a 3x increase intrepid->jaunty (965GM). still only 5% of what my GF 8600GT with the blob can manage, but still..17:31
albert23tjaalton: indeed, I am seeing benchmarks go 3 or more times faster as well17:33
tjaaltonQ-FUNK: yeah feel free to close them17:33
albert23only the kernel 28-3 took some 25% down again17:33
Q-FUNKtjaalton: ok17:42
tjaaltonQ-FUNK: they can reopen them when there's more info17:43
Q-FUNKtjaalton: btw, why is geode 2.9.0-1ubuntu2.5 still in hardy-proposed?  is anything missing to get it into updates?17:50
pwnguinafaik, geode is over19:02
pwnguin< crweb> pwnguin, i'll give you $50 to package ati 8.12 display driver  the "ubuntu way" so i can just drop in the packages to a repo.19:03
tjaaltonfglrx already has ubuntu packaging19:56
tseliotpwnguin: you might want to bug superm1 ;)20:51
tseliot(about fglrx)20:51

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