
zhaowmIs anybody,here?02:55
Jpdotahey guys i'm working on packaging a java program i'm writing, and i was wondering how classpaths for jars are supposed to be handled?07:57
KoonJpdota: what does your app expect to find ? A directory with all the JARs it should load ?08:02
Koonor it uses a static per-file classpath definition ?08:02
Koonin first case, we often use symbolic links from the classpath lib dir to the installed JARs in /usr/share/java08:03
JpdotaKoon: it expects to find the JAR's in the standard java location, wherever that is i guess, should i create symbolic links from that location to /usr/share/java in the start script for it then?08:05
JpdotaKoon: or in the install part of the rules file08:05
Koonin the rules file (use dh_link for example)08:06
Koonlook at existing java packages and see how they do it08:07
JpdotaKoon: do you know an example of a relatively simple java package?  the only ones i know of are openoffice and eclipse which are huge and have a lot of extra stuff in their files08:08
KoonYou can look at tomcat608:08
Jpdotaalright thanks08:08
Koon(but I'm biased)08:08
Jpdotahaha did you package that?08:09
Koonyes :)08:09
Jpdotaah :)08:09
Jpdotathat's a pretty popular package isn't it?08:09
KoonI have no idea. I have little feedback on it, very few bugs posted08:10
Jpdotathat's probably a good thing!08:10
KoonSo sometimes I'm wondering if people don't continue to install it by hand08:10
JpdotaI would hope not, packaged programs are so much nicer!08:11
Koonyep :)08:12
Jpdotaat this point in the game with linux, if i have to compile anything i get annoyed :P08:13
Jpdotaand i've been using linux since the days of conectiva and red hat 808:13
Jpdotaso i know how to compile a program :P08:13
JpdotaKoon: if you just run dh_link it knows what to link?08:16
Koonno, you have to provide it with a links file08:16
Jpdotaah, that's the tomcat6.links file ok08:17
Koonor you can specify the link to create in dh_link command line08:17
Koonsee man dh_link08:17
Jpdotai see08:18
JpdotaKoon: do the settings you used survive switching JRE's?08:23
Jpdotafor example, using openjdk then switching to sun's jdk and vice versa08:24
Koonyes... what settings are you talking about ?08:24
Jpdotathe classpath settings08:24
Koonoh yes, they survive quite well08:25
Jpdotaah ok08:25
Jpdotaalright thanks for the help Koon im going to bed, i'll look at this some more tomorrow08:34
Kooncool, merry christmas then.08:35
Jpdotamerry christmas to you too08:35
Jpdotahello again everyone, i still haven't resolved my issue with the java classpath, even after looking at eclipse and tomcat.  my program has two library dependencies, and im trying to see how i would make it so the jarfile for the program can find the jars for two libraries it needs, even if the default jre of the user changes20:39
Jpdotadoes anyone know how to do that?20:49

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