
y0315219what should i do if i want to add "show the desktop"ico to AWN ?01:24
jmediname prefers to use Ctrl+alt+d01:25
y0315219of course , i can use c+a+d01:26
y0315219and i want to add a launcher point to a location , but it didn't work01:28
* ScottK notes /topic and suggest this probably isn't the best channel for this.01:30
belzoradonwould anyone be able to look at my bind configs and tell me what ive done that would make bind fail?02:08
=== zoradon is now known as belzoradon
alex_21What is the command to run after installing Ebox? Please06:11
ghaleb_hello, I'm trying to use LDAP for authentication,  I get results from ldapsearch -x,   libnss-ldap.conf , ldap.conf and  nsswitch.conf configured this way:   http://rafb.net/p/m0iGQZ77.html07:14
Mal3koanyone still up?11:06
Mal3kodoes anyone know if a server with 8gb ram needs a 64bit os to fully utilize that amount of memory?11:08
Deepsyou can use PAE extentions to access anything above 4gb11:08
Deepshowever no process will be able to allocate more than 4gb11:08
Mal3kothat involves recompiling kernel?11:09
Deepsi believe PAE options are enabled in the stock kernel11:09
Deeps# grep PAE /boot/config-2.6.24-21-server11:09
Deepstis on mine11:10
Mal3koyea it's also CONFIG_X86_PAE=y here11:14
Deepsshould be all set then11:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #311152 in samba (main) "Segfault when trying to use ldapsam:trusted=yes option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31115212:21
AshTray-Hi guys. I have a little question. After I install and configure postfix, and install for example squirrelmail. Do I have anything else to do ?12:44
_rubensit back and watch the spam arrive12:51
AshTray-I wasn't talking about that.12:53
Chipzzread the documentation? :>13:10
Chipzzwhich would have told you you need an imap server like courier or dovecot :P13:11
AshTray-The squirrelmail in the repos is good ?13:13
AshTray-Or do i have to install it manualy from the official website ?13:13
AshTray-ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.13:17
AshTray-I've installed dovecot...13:17
zicadarepo one is good13:22
AshTray-I've made it... i wanted to send a mail.13:23
AshTray-<neardeathexp@yahoo.com>: connect to g.mx.mail.yahoo.com[]:25:13:23
AshTray-    Connection timed out13:23
AshTray-Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender :|13:23
zicadayour isp blocks port 25 out i bet13:23
zicadaits fairly common lately13:23
zicadameans you have to use your ISPs MX13:24
AshTray-Mhzzz.... i think it's from my router...13:24
zicadayou using postfix ?13:24
zicadadpkg-reconfigure postfix13:25
zicadaand set up your ISPs smtp13:25
zicadaso it sends via that, instead of acting as its own smtp13:25
zicadayou likely have a login/pass for it13:25
zicadaand another port13:25
zicadaeither ssl or some random number13:25
AshTray-I've send myself an e-mail and it worked...13:27
zicadayea thats internal13:27
_rubenor yahoo blocks your dynamic ip address13:27
zicadathey arent sent out13:27
zicada_ruben: it was google13:27
zicadaoh wait, yahoo sorry13:27
zicadathey dont block on the network level like that i think13:28
zicadaeasy to find out tho13:28
zicadajust try to telnet to an smtp that listens on 2513:28
zicada$10 says it'll fail13:28
AshTray-telnet blt.ath.cx 2513:29
AshTray-Do you guys see it ?13:29
zicadatry telnet www.alandfaraway.org 2513:29
zicadaif that doesnt work, ISP blocks13:30
AshTray-And trying...13:30
AshTray-I got to make a phonecall.13:31
zicadajust dpkg-recondigure postfix13:32
zicadayour isp wont unblock13:32
zicadawhy run a smtp from a homenetwork anyway13:32
zicadabetter to use your ISPs box for that13:32
AshTray-I'll ask them.13:33
zicadatrust me, they wont13:33
zicadathe callcenter youre getting wont even have the tools for that13:34
zicadaits blocked on a central office somewhere, by people much higher up13:34
zicadaget the portnumber they use tho13:34
AshTray-Nobody is answering...13:38
zicadausually very little action in callcenters on xmas eve13:41
AshTray-If I change the port of SMTP ?13:45
AshTray-From 25 to another ?13:45
zicadaAshTray-: yeah14:03
zicadaAshTray-: but its easier to just act like an smtp proxy14:03
zicadaand just fwd all smtp to your ISPs smtp box14:03
zicadaon its port14:03
zicadaall you need is pop/imap right ?14:03
zicadayoure not gonna use the box as an smtp from other machines outside your net right ?14:04
zicadadpkg-reconfigure postfix14:04
zicadaand type in your ISPs smtp, and login/pass/port14:04
zicadaand youre golden14:04
AshTray-Except the fact I don't have an e-mail from my ISP :)14:05
AshTray-Can i use gmail? :))14:05
zicadadoesnt matter likely14:05
zicadatry telneting to your ISPs smtp box14:05
zicadamight not even require auth14:05
zicadasince your in their network14:05
AshTray-I don't have a clue how my ISP smtp server is called :|14:06
zicadayeah, you can use google, but they likely dont have an open port outside 25 that isnt ssl14:06
zicadatype 'dig MX your-isp-hostname.tld'14:07
AshTray-220 smtp.rdslink.ro ESMTP14:07
AshTray-RDS is my ISP...14:07
zicadacould you access it on port 25 ?14:07
zicadathey might allow that, since youre in their net14:07
AshTray-I can access it.14:08
zicadaapt-get install nmap14:08
zicadanmap smtp.rdslink.ro -P014:08
_rubencheck the docs made available to you by your isp on how to configure your email client .. those tell you which in/outbound servers to use14:08
AshTray-Starting Nmap 4.62 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2008-12-24 16:09 EST14:08
AshTray-My isp is crap ;)14:09
AshTray-The don't give you shit.14:09
zicadaP0 takes a while14:10
zicadaitll give you a port14:10
AshTray-I see.14:10
zicada587 is fairly common i think14:10
AshTray-I hope it's not password protected...14:10
zicadanmap scans every port14:10
zicadaand prints the open ones14:10
_rubenit doesnt (by default)14:10
_rubenit scans the most common ones14:10
_rubenby default14:10
zicadayeah <102414:10
_rubenalso >102414:11
zicadaoh yeah ?14:11
zicadadoubt an ISP will pick a >1024 for smtp tho14:11
zicadawhen blocking 2514:11
_rubeni doubt they use another port than 25 (except 465 which is ssl enabled smtp) .. they most likely just filter all port 25 traffic *except* the traffic to/from their own (monitored) mail server(s)14:13
zicada_ruben: its not uncommon to block 2514:14
zicadafor private ISPs14:14
zicadawe already know his ISP does that14:14
zicadaand he tried to telnet his own ISPs smtp on that port14:14
zicadaso they block for internal boxes too14:14
zicadahence, he needs to find the real port14:14
AshTray-A... i think i have a problem here. I found in my contract an e-mail account. It's @rdslink.ro with username and password. I tried to login and it didn't work...14:15
zicadawhats the smtp and port ?14:16
AshTray-Not written...14:16
_rubenzicada: the external inbound mail servers isnt necesarily the same as the internal outbound mail server14:16
zicadareally ?14:16
_rubenperhaps its webmail only14:16
zicada_ruben: i know, we did dig MX and got smtp.ispname.tld14:16
zicadapretty likely thats the smtp14:17
zicadaevery ISP provides an SMTP obv14:17
_rubenzicada: thats the external inbound mail server14:17
_rubenwhich hardly ever is the same as the internal outbound mail server which is to be used by subscribers14:17
zicadaINBOUND ?14:17
_rubenmx records are for inbound mail traffic, not outbound14:17
zicadaits an smtp server14:17
zicadalogically from the hostname, its the one to use14:18
_rubenit *could* be, but not necesarily14:18
zicadatrue, not necessarily14:18
zicadabut, pretty good odds14:18
_rubenonly with small isps, larger ones seperate inbound and outbound over several server(farm)s14:19
zicadanot necessarily14:19
zicadaloadbalancing smtp.hostname.tld14:19
zicadais not that uncommon14:19
AshTray-wizard@metro:~$ telnet www.alandfaraway.org 2514:19
AshTray-Connected to www.alandfaraway.org.14:19
AshTray-Escape character is '^]'.14:19
AshTray-220 zic.darktech.org ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)14:19
AshTray-Same ISP, different account type...14:19
zicadayou had blocked 25 locally huh14:20
AshTray-It's another box.14:20
zicadayeah, so the first box blocks 25 out14:20
AshTray-No. It's on the same ISP, but my box it's on dynamic ip and that one has a static IP14:20
AshTray-For blt i pay 9 euros, for metro i pay 25 :)14:21
_rubenso still, there's to find out which outbound mail server you can use (as provided by your isp), which possibly might be none, as in no mail or just webmail only14:22
zicadaso put the box on static14:23
zicadaobv ips you get dealt from their dhcp are blocked at 2514:23
AshTray-Can't afoard :|14:24
zicadathen you need to find their smtp and port14:24
AshTray-Damn bastards14:24
zicadacall them again14:25
zicadademand smtp and port14:25
_rubenor search the help section on their website14:25
AshTray-I found on their website another smtp server... smtp.rdsmail.ro14:27
zicadathats the same one14:29
AshTray-And a phone number....14:29
zicadasee if you can connect to 25 on that from the dhcpd box14:29
AshTray-Only the rdslink works.14:30
zicadathen yer fucked :D14:30
zicadayou can connect to 25 on that ?14:30
zicadafrom then nonstatic one14:31
zicadaall you really need is to connect to any smtp that allows you to send14:34
zicadaeither by being inside their net, or by auth14:34
zicadathe smtp.rdsmail.ro one doesnt have anything14:37
zicadajust 2514:37
zicadafor smtp14:37
AshTray-Oh god...14:37
AshTray-What and idiot14:37
AshTray-He told me to login on my webmail account, and click somwhere to apply for a 25 port unblock14:39
zicadareally ?14:39
zicadayou can toggle 25block from your webmail interface ?14:40
AshTray-If I login :)) It smashes in my face "UMBLOCK SMTP"14:43
zicadanever heard of an ISP that did it like that tho14:44
zicadawhy block 25 when you can just do that14:44
zicadai guess they figure the njubs who are stupid enough to get horrible malware that spams port 25 arent clever enough to log into webmail14:45
AshTray-They is it's not necesarly to umblock the 25 port. I can use smtp.rdslink.ro14:45
zicadaah, figured14:45
AshTray-And they also say I have to give them a good motiv to umblock that port :)))))))))))14:46
Fenix|workzicada, AshTray- my home ISP blocks all port 25 connections to any mail server execpt their own...14:46
AshTray-Interesting ports on smtp.rdslink.ro (
AshTray-25/tcp open  smtp14:47
Fenix|work... I asked them 'why?' and their response was malware that tries to mass-mail with their own SMTP engines14:47
Fenix|workwhich is like... sooooo 90's :)14:47
AshTray-Anyway what's the point of mass-mailing ? Anyway most of the people don't read that shit....14:49
AshTray-Works now! :D14:50
AshTray-It's been a long that.14:50
AshTray-Now the spam-assasin shit...14:51
Fenix|workI like SPF... would just wish other mail admins would implement it faster14:54
Fenix|work... and configure their mail servers correctly... grrrr14:54
Fenix|worksay... anyone know how to ignore socket files with tar?14:55
Fenix|workI'm trying to do a backup of / with some excluded directories... but there are a couple of socket files that are in different places and I get emailed ... tar: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock: socket ignored14:56
Fenix|workreally a waste of an email from cron14:56
zicadabest mailserver i ever ran was this qmail+vpopmail one on an old gentoo box14:57
zicadawas up for like 3 years14:57
zicadanever had a single issue14:57
Fenix|workGentoo goodness ... compiling from source not so goodness14:58
nomingziwith VMware server 2.0 virtual machine created for Ubuntu Server 8.10 x86 and the installation no responding at "Configuring apt" with status of "Scanning the mirror"... http://picpaste.com/aaaaa.jpg - please advise, how to fix14:59
Fenix|worknomingzi, it's not VMware Server... it's actually scanning the mirror... and most likely a slow mirror... I always have the install hang at 20% 'Scanning the mirror' and have to wait for around 10 minutes15:02
Fenix|workafterwards, I switch to better mirrors :)15:02
nomingziFenix|work: My computer do not have any Mirror/RAID configuration.15:04
Fenix|worknomingzi, wrong type of mirror.  It's scanning the packages mirror somewhere on the internet.15:04
nomingziFenix|work: How do I change the mirror sites to a fast link, prior to the installation ?15:06
Fenix|workprior... I don't think you can...15:06
Fenix|workyou have to wait it out15:06
Fenix|workafterwards you can modify /etc/apt/sources.list to a more local mirror that is fast.15:06
nomingziFenix|work: oh...no... anyway, thanks for your guidance.15:07
Fenix|workhow long has it been 'Scanning the mirror'?15:07
nomingziFenix|work: I think now should be more than 15 minutes :-(15:08
zicadahehe sup AshTray-15:10
AshTray-Damn.. internet cracked :|15:31
AshTray-Off making food. Thanks zicada.15:33
zicadamarry xmas15:36
zicadamerry too15:37
zicadaoff to continue making foods15:37
LeeQHALP!! I broke my GRUB!17:36
LeeQI don't know how I did it, but not I am trying to fix it and grub is telling me that it can't mount my partition17:36
keithclark I seem to be having trouble sharing directories/files over samba.  I make the directory shareable and my other user on another computer can see the directory.  They are promted for a username and password and they use the ones that I set up on the host computer but it still does not allow them access.18:08
keithclarkNot sure what I'm doing wrong here.18:09
keithclarkOh yeah, these are both Ubuntu 8.10 machines18:09
sommerkeithclark: are the user's on the host computer setup for Samba?  if not you can use the "smbpasswd -a username" command to add the user's to the Samba database18:13
keithclarksommer, thanks, trying that now.18:15
keithclarksommer, thanks!  Perfect.  Still learning here.18:18
sommerkeithclark: np18:23
LeeQok, I'm getting a geub error 1718:35
LeeQ\when I boot from a live cd to fix grub18:36
LeeQit tells me it can't mount the drive18:36
LeeQand I am stuck18:37
danielm_mchow do you tell if ubuntu server needs a reboot after updating?20:11
Nafallodanielm_mc: https://launchpad.net/screen-profiles <-- that's coming soon :-)20:12
danielm_mchah, nice20:13
danielm_mclooks like top20:13
Nafallowell, yea. it is.20:13
danielm_mci just updated a server and nagios is still screaming that there are updates for it20:13
NafalloI was more about the rest of it ;-)20:13
danielm_mclol, nice20:13
Nafallothe colorful stuff at the bottom of the screen20:13
danielm_mcsmall picture20:14
Nafalloyea :-/20:14
Nafallohttp://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2008/12/ubuntu-server-includes-window-manager.html <-- danielm_mc20:14
danielm_mcoh nice20:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #311239 in network-manager (main) "network-manager does not set default route (dup-of: 307204)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31123920:16
MatBoywhat can be wrong when the nvidia X server settings don't see my second graphical card ?21:02

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