
directhexlots of manual requests, but does DIF make a difference to those?00:00
=== bobbo_ is now known as bobbo
Laneydirecthex: no00:21
ScottKMez: Thanks (ubuntu-backporters not expiring).02:55
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
Kalidarnsay i'm packaging a file which is just a single .c file do i really need a configure script?05:47
Kalidarnbecause there's not really anything to configure05:48
RAOFKalidarn: Why are you packaging a source file?05:48
Kalidarnwell im compiling it, but it's a single binary05:48
Kalidarnthat's all05:48
Kalidarnftp://borg.uu3.net/pub/unix/mktorrent/mktorrent-0.9.9.tgz ie, that05:48
Kalidarn(new to debian packaging)05:48
Kalidarncome from archlinux pkgbuilding/gentoo ebuilds & rpm spec05:49
RAOFWe don't add configure scripts, no.05:49
Kalidarnso i havn't really written a debian rules thingo before, i did read one of the documents on it05:49
Kalidarnand it indicated that you should have a configure file05:49
RAOFThat would be the common case.05:49
Kalidarnbut there's nothing to configure :P05:50
RAOFYou don't need a configure file.05:50
Kalidarnah thought so05:50
RAOFBasically, all you need is a "binary" target that builds the the binary and creates the .deb.05:50
Kalidarnin that case it would be mktorrent.c05:51
RAOFYou need more targets than that, but there are very few restrictions on what you do inside those targets.05:51
Kalidarnthere's a makefile already created05:51
Kalidarnhttp://rafb.net/p/EHgIVf65.html (makefile) http://rafb.net/p/fstIZT18.html (single .c file)05:52
Kalidarnso yea05:52
RAOFdebian/rules is also a makefile, which will generally call the upstream buildsystem.05:52
Kalidarnah okay so do i put the options from that makefile05:53
Kalidarninto the debian rules file?05:53
Kalidarnie cflags etc05:53
Kalidarnis there an example of a similar small binary that i could take a looksey at to get an idea05:53
RAOFI can't think of one offhand, sorry.05:55
KalidarnRAOF, if im doing a build dependency for it06:29
Kalidarnbut i don't know what version06:29
KalidarnBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 7) libssl-dev06:29
Kalidarnfor example, do i specify one06:29
Kalidarni think it will work with any version of libssl-dev06:29
Kalidarndoesn't have a configure file so i can't check, doesn't say anywhere either06:29
persiaKalidarn, Try unspecified first: only specify if you know a certain version is required.06:29
Kalidarnyeah but do i just say that like:06:30
KalidarnBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 7) libssl-dev06:30
Kalidarnit complained it was not formatted correctly.06:30
persiaIt might benefit from a comma06:30
persiaAlso, unless you're using debhelper 7 features, you shouldn't force 7.06:32
persia(although using debhelper 7 features makes it *much* easier)06:32
Kalidarnit automatically did06:38
Kalidarnthat was the default06:38
Kalidarnhttp://rafb.net/p/EHgIVf65.html (makefile) http://rafb.net/p/fstIZT18.html (single .c file)06:38
Kalidarnthat was the project i was building06:38
Kalidarni had this in my control files06:38
Kalidarni think i might have messed up a slight bit :)06:39
Kalidarni was following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete06:40
Kalidarnthe thing is also, i don't have a configure file, its just built and then the binary is moved to the binary directory ie /usr/bin06:40
persiaThat's really more a debhelper 5.x guide, but many of the essentials remain the same.06:40
Kalidarnwell if you can help me in the right direction ;)06:41
Kalidarni'd be happy to learn06:41
Kalidarnseeing as im using ubuntu more now these days than other distributions :)06:41
persiaI'd recommend reviewing the debhelper changelog.  Find the last version that changes something you think is important for your package, and require that version.06:42
Kalidarnyeah im not sure what version i should use06:42
Kalidarnversion 7 is just the default one06:42
Kalidarnit put there06:42
Kalidarnto be honest this is a simple package06:43
Kalidarni dont think it would use any of the newer features06:43
Kalidarnit's a simple C file, which is compiled with some simple options06:43
Kalidarnsingle c file goes in compiler, single binary comes out06:43
persiaWell, it's worth a read of the changelog.  You might get by with 5.  I wouldn't recommend going lower than that.06:43
Kalidarnis lower usually better?06:43
persiaWell, you're asserting that it cannot build unless you have at least debhelper 7.06:45
Kalidarnoh i see06:45
persiaThat doesn't appear to be correct.06:45
Kalidarn7 isn't the stable one06:45
persiaThe idea is to be correct.06:45
KalidarnStable     5.0.4206:45
Kalidarnyeah ill use that then06:45
persia7 is perfectly stable, you're just not using those features.06:45
KalidarnTesting     7.0.1506:45
Kalidarnit says is in testing06:45
Kalidarnwouldnt u use the stable version06:45
persiaIf you'd like to use debhelper 7, you'll find the rules file smaller: man dh to read about it.06:45
Kalidarnunless ur using the newer features06:45
Kalidarnmm i might do that then06:45
Kalidarnwhats the default in intrepid ibex06:46
persiaDebian "stable" is just the name for the distribution that Debian released last time.  The "testing" distribution is expected to become "stable" in Debian real-soon-now.06:46
Kalidarnoh yeah06:46
Kalidarnthats right i forgot :)06:46
Kalidarnmm that changelog is long06:48
persiaSo just because a given version is in "testing" or "stable" doesn't mean anything regarding the stability of the software itself.  There's stuff in "stable" that is considerably less stable than stuff in "unstable": it's more a statement about the amount of variance one can expect in package versions than about the propensity for software to crash.06:48
Kalidarnits just the distribution of debian its in06:48
Kalidarnim aware of that i realize that now06:49
Kalidarnso is there an example of a rules file for version 7?06:49
Kalidarni'd ultimately like to be using version 7... if it makes things simpler06:49
persiaman dh06:49
Kalidarnah thx06:50
Kalidarnmight be of help :006:51
persiaYes, although there's an even shorter one embedded in the man page :)06:52
Kalidarnoh okay06:52
Kalidarnwhat rules.tiny?06:53
persiaYes, that would be the embedded one.06:53
Kalidarnhow much pkging have you done btw ;)06:54
persiaI've packaged one library.06:55
Kalidarnokay so i've got this: http://rafb.net/p/46wv5q46.html06:57
Kalidarni dont now need the make section do it06:58
Kalidarnim not passing any options to configure, because there is no configure script06:58
* slytherin stares at the phrase 'real-soon-now'. :-)06:58
persiaFirstly, you probably want the variable definitions above the rules.  Secondly, I suspect that dh expects there to be an upstream makefile, so you may want to start with simple rather than tiny, and rewrite much of the build rule.06:59
Kalidarnokay then can i get it to use the upstream makefile07:00
Kalidarnim just kind of confused :P07:00
persiadh ought to try to use the upstream makefile by default.07:00
persiaSince you don't have one, you'll want to rewrite the build rule to be different.07:00
Kalidarni do have an upstream makefile07:02
persiaOh, then you're all set.  Just put the variable definitions above the %: line, and try a build.07:06
iulianGood morning.07:18
NCommanderpersia, how's your perl?07:18
Kalidarni think my connection died out there07:20
Kalidarnhttp://rafb.net/p/6uwQgw47.html i wonder what's causing that error http://rafb.net/p/WX7cS276.html07:21
StevenKrm exits 1 if the files don't exist07:21
Kalidarnoops ignore the first link07:21
Kalidarnthe makefile removes the object code07:22
Kalidarnis that alright?07:22
StevenKrm -f *.o will exit 0 even if the files don't exist07:22
persia-rm -f *.o07:23
persiaNCommander, I can generally read it.  Why?07:23
NCommanderI was wondering if you were interested in helping me modify buildd :-)07:23
persiaOh.  Not so much.07:24
persiaWhat are you trying to get it to do?07:24
NCommanderautosign and autoupload packages07:24
Kalidarnah perfect07:25
persiaI though it's not doing that was widely considered a feature.07:25
Kalidarnit seems to be working now ;)07:25
NCommanderpersia, not if your emulating an Ubuntu build environment :-P07:25
KalidarniW: mktorrent source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.7.3 (current is 3.8.0)07:25
Kalidarn:P should i update that07:25
persiaKalidarn, Policy is in the debian-policy package.  Worth a read.07:25
persiaI'd recommend making your package comply with 3.8.0, and then declaring that.07:26
Kalidarni just changed it07:26
Kalidarnwhats the clean command07:26
Kalidarnto clean the shit up07:26
Kalidarnafter a debbuild07:27
persiadebian/rules clean might work.07:27
Kalidarnno i mean to clean up my package directory07:27
persiaYou'd do better to get in the practice of running debuild -S and then using sbuild or pbuilder to build.07:27
persiaYes, `debian/rules clean` is supposed to do that.07:27
persiaIf it doesn't, it's a bug, but if it's your first package, it could well be buggy.07:28
Kalidarnwhich do u recommend07:28
Kalidarnsbuild or pbuilder07:28
persiaI personally use sbuild.  Others use pbuilder.  Both are good.  qemubuilder, cowbuilder, and the like seem less popular.07:29
KalidarnNow signing changes and any dsc files...07:29
Kalidarn signfile mktorrent_0.9.9-1.dsc David C <dcecchin@gmail.com>07:29
Kalidarngpg: skipped "David C <dcecchin@gmail.com>": secret key not available07:29
Kalidarngpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available07:29
Kalidarndebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....07:29
Kalidarndebuild: fatal error at line 1250:07:29
Kalidarnthat's a load of rubbish07:29
Kalidarnmy secret key is too available07:29
Kalidarni always sign email with it07:29
persiaWhat's the identity on your secret key?07:30
persiaTry `gpg --list-keys F2FE93F8`07:31
Kalidarnit's in the keyserver07:31
Kalidarnyeah it shows it07:31
Kalidarnwhen i have the `07:31
Kalidarnit says pub not found07:31
persiaSure, but I suspect that the identity associated with it doesn't match " David C <dcecchin@gmail.com>"07:31
Kalidarnkalidarn@sanction:~/Desktop/mktorrent/mktorrent-0.9.9/debian$ `gpg --list-keys F2FE93F8`07:31
Kalidarnbash: pub: command not found07:31
Kalidarnkalidarn@sanction:~/Desktop/mktorrent/mktorrent-0.9.9/debian$ gpg --list-keys F2FE93F807:31
Kalidarnpub   1024D/F2FE93F8 2008-08-0707:31
Kalidarnuid                  dcecchin <dcecchin@gmail.com>07:31
Kalidarnsub   4096g/408F3186 2008-08-0707:31
Kalidarnthat' the email i entered07:32
persiaRight.  Put your name on the key.07:32
KalidarnDavid C is the name07:32
persiaBoth name and email have to match.07:32
Kalidarni use on the key07:32
persiaSee your paste.  The name is "dcecchin" on the key.07:32
Kalidarnoh yeah07:32
Kalidarnmm no it didn't like that either07:33
KalidarnMaintainer: dcecchin <dcecchin@gmail.com>07:33
Kalidarni tried Maintainer: David C <dcecchin@gmail.com>07:33
Kalidarnboth don't work07:33
persiaMaintainer doesn't matter.  It's only the last line in the changelog.07:34
persiaAnyway, you want to fix your key, not the package.07:34
Kalidarndidn't change that ;)07:34
NCommanderyou can force what key to sign with -k*keyid*07:34
Kalidarnokay that works07:34
persiaNCommander, Yes, but you *shouldn't*07:35
persia(except when sponsoring something for someone else)07:35
Kalidarnits not putting the binary anywhere07:39
Kalidarnit compiled it i obviously have to have something in my rules file07:39
Kalidarnto tell it07:39
persiaThat's the install rule.  By default, it just calls make install.07:39
Kalidarnto put ~/Desktop/mktorrent/mktorrent-0.9.9/mktorrent in /usr/bin07:40
Kalidarnoh it didn't ;P07:40
persiaTry putting something in debian/${package}.install07:40
Kalidarn#!/usr/bin/make -f07:40
Kalidarn        dh $@07:40
Kalidarnthat's all that's in my rule file07:40
Kalidarnthat is probably why07:40
persiaThat's correct.07:40
persiaCheck what your makefile does with make install07:41
persiaRight, then add a line to debian/${package}.install07:41
persiaman dh_install for the format07:41
Kalidarn$ cat /home/kalidarn/Desktop/mktorrent/mktorrent-0.9.9/debian/mktorrent.install07:47
persiaYou probably want something like mktorrent usr/bin07:48
Kalidarnhmm that doesnt seem right im guessing here from what i read in dh_install07:48
Kalidarnthats the format07:48
Kalidarnthe name of the ile07:48
Kalidarnthen location07:48
Kalidarn       Suppose your package’s upstream Makefile installs a binary, a man page, and a library into appropriate subdirectories of debian/tmp.07:49
Kalidarn       You want to put the library into package libfoo, and the rest into package foo. Your rules file will run "dh_install07:49
Kalidarn       --sourcedir=debian/tmp". Make debian/foo.install contain:07:49
Kalidarn         usr/bin07:49
Kalidarn         usr/share/man/man107:49
Kalidarnincluded files07:51
Kalidarn;) so there we go07:51
Kalidarnmy first deb file07:51
Kalidarn;) thankyou07:51
Kalidarnfor your help07:51
Kalidarnnow i'll have to practice making lots more ;)07:51
Kalidarnalso i built that with debuild07:52
Kalidarnit built an i386 one07:52
Kalidarnhow do i make it build a x64 one too07:52
Kalidarnor amd64 rather07:52
Kalidarnmy control file says 'any' for architecture btw07:53
KalidarnRAOF how do i build for another architecture08:01
Kalidarnit keeps building for i386 :) i want to build an amd64 version too08:01
Kalidarnor do i actually need that arch to do it08:01
Hobbseeyou need that arch, usually08:03
Kalidarnmmm someone in debian said it's possible to cross compile08:04
slytherinKalidarn: are you doing cross compilation?08:04
Hobbseeit is possible to cross-compile, yes.08:04
Kalidarnim on an i386 box, ive built myself a i386 binary that works nicely i want to make an amd64 one too08:04
Kalidarni didn't notice anything about cross compiling in the build doc08:05
Kalidarnthis gives me the impression i can only build i386 from a amd64 processor08:10
Kalidarnbut not the other way around08:10
RAOFKalidarn: That's generally correct, yes.08:11
Kalidarndamn it i don't have a 64 processor with ubuntu on it :P08:11
Kalidarnsuppose i can put the source pkg up somewhere08:12
Kalidarnhow does ubuntu deal with user contributed packages08:12
Kalidarnin archlinux we had AUR08:12
RAOFI believe it _is_ possible to cross-compile, too; I'm just not familiar with it at all.08:12
KalidarnArchLinux User Repository08:12
Kalidarnits basically a place where users who made binaries and stuff08:12
Kalidarncould upload08:12
Kalidarnfor other users08:13
RAOFHm.  We don't have something like that.08:13
RAOFNot officially, at least.08:13
Kalidarnthat sucks :P08:13
Kalidarnim just wondering where i can dump my files :P08:13
Kalidarnyeah i thought ppa was a user thing08:13
RAOFYou can use a PPA on launchpad to bulid a repository built for i386, x86-64, lpia.08:13
Kalidarnthat sounds like what i want08:14
huatsmorning !08:28
Kalidarnwith ppa09:10
Kalidarnu know how they have a special version scheme09:10
KalidarnHere, the tilde knocks the precedence of the package down to below whatever is in front of it. So, for now, this package counts as being a higher version number than myapp_1.0-1 but when Ubuntu releases myapp_1.0-2 that will supersede your PPA version.09:10
Kalidarnwhere do i edit that in my control09:10
Kalidarnand changelog09:10
Kalidarnbecause i had mktorrent (0.9.9-1) intrepid; urgency=low09:11
Kalidarnoh hang on09:12
Kalidarni think the ~ppa09:12
Kalidarnis only needed if its being made of an official package09:12
Kalidarnbut in this case its not09:12
Kalidarnthe package hasn't been even put into the main repositories09:12
Kalidarnsays it uploaded09:15
KalidarnSuccessfully uploaded packages.09:15
Kalidarnyet i dont see any09:15
sorenUploading is almost always succesful. Whether the upload is accepted or not is determined afterwards.09:25
sorenkirkland: ^09:25
sorenkirkland: Sorry, not you :)09:25
sorenKalidarn: ^^09:25
sorenKalidarn: You should receive an e-mail with info about your upload09:25
Kalidarni did something silly09:26
Kalidarnits now successful09:26
Kalidarni upped a binary09:26
Kalidarnnot the source09:27
Kalidarnits compiling09:27
KalidarnStill building amd64 lpia i38609:27
KalidarnPublishing details09:27
Kalidarnmktorrent (0.9.9-1) intrepid; urgency=low09:27
Kalidarn  * mktorrent package i386 package for intrepid ibex.09:27
Kalidarn  * stable release09:27
Kalidarn -- dcecchin <dcecchin@gmail.com>   Fri, 26 Dec 2008 15:30:19 +103009:27
Kalidarn    * [NEEDSBUILD] amd6409:27
Kalidarn    * [BUILDING] i38609:27
Kalidarn    * [NEEDSBUILD] lpia09:27
KalidarnDownload files from Librarian09:27
Kalidarn    * mktorrent_0.9.9-1.dsc (751 bytes)09:27
Kalidarn    * mktorrent_0.9.9-1.tar.gz (6.7 KiB)09:27
Kalidarnsilly thing highlighted a lot of text invisibly.09:27
Kalidarn"Still building amd64 lpia i386"09:27
Kalidarnis what i meant to paste09:27
Kalidarnsoren, https://launchpad.net/~dcecchin/+archive09:29
Kalidarnppa rocks09:29
persiaYou really do want to fix your name on your key though09:29
Kalidarnwhat should it be09:30
persiaYour actual name.09:30
Kalidarnah yeah09:30
Kalidarni'd need to remake my keys though09:30
Kalidarnwouldn't i09:30
persiaNo, just update the key, self-sign the change, and publish the update09:30
Kalidarnmmm how might i go about doing that easily?09:31
persiaUse seahorse09:31
Kalidarnthats good i can do it with that ;)09:31
persiaJust don't add a comment.  The comment needs to do in the changelogs, and that's rarely what you want.09:32
Kalidarnalrighty in seahorse how do i do it :P09:32
KalidarnNames and Signatures?09:32
Kalidarnim guessing i add a name and delete the one that's there09:32
persiaThen self-sign it.09:32
persia(highlight the identity, and click sign)09:33
Kalidarnokay done09:34
persiaOne warning though: signatures apply to identities: if you have a lot of signatures already on that identity, just do the add, rather than the add ' delete.09:34
persiaOK.  Sign the new identity, and upload the key.09:34
Kalidarni only had one09:34
Kalidarni do Deactivated keys?09:35
persiaHrm? Probably not.09:36
Kalidarntrying to work out how to delete it09:37
persiaYou didn't create a new key, did you?09:37
Kalidarni didnt09:37
Kalidarnits the same key09:37
Kalidarnsame fingerprint09:37
persiaSo, You used "Add Name" to add the new identity, right?  In the Names and Signatures tab?09:37
Kalidarnand now it says my full name next to the email09:38
persiaNow, select the new identity, and click Sign09:38
Kalidarnyep i said "Very Carefully"09:38
persiaThen, if you don't mind losing the signatures, select the old identity, and click Delete09:39
Kalidarnand self signed it09:39
Kalidarni did that09:39
Kalidarnso the only identity there is my full name and my email09:39
persiaGreat.  Now, close that window, and go back to the main interface.09:39
persiaSelect your key from My Personal Keys09:39
persiaThen choose Sync and Publish keys from the Remote menu09:40
Kalidarnmm sync is greyed out :P09:40
Kalidarnpgp.mit is where i originally submitted it09:40
persiaclick "key servers" and select a key server09:40
Kalidarnya so i then can sync it there09:40
persiaYou probably have to change the preference at the bottom.09:41
Kalidarnokay all done09:41
persiaNow, wait a few hours, and check your key from one of the online repos.09:41
persiaAnd in the future, you can put your name in the changelog (as is intended)09:41
Kalidarnah okay09:42
Kalidarnill delete those packages09:42
persiaNo need.  Someone else needs to sign them to upload anyway.09:42
persiaJust next time you make a change, you can put the correct information in the changelog.09:42
Kalidarnyeah well nobody knows they are there09:42
Kalidarncept me ;)09:42
Kalidarnso i can delete them09:42
persiaWell, you can't really completely delete them, but you can at least make them hard to get.09:43
Kalidarnoh :P09:43
persiaAlso, there will be a record that you uploaded that version, so you'd need a new changelog entry and a new version to upload again anyway.09:44
persiaNo point to deleting them, really.09:44
Kalidarnah okay09:44
Kalidarnso ill have to bump it to a -209:45
persiaOr just leave it until someone reviews it, and you need to change things.09:45
persiaAnyway, in future, I'll recommend versioning it as -0ppaX where X goes from 1 up.09:46
Kalidarnah okay09:46
persiaThat way, users would be upgraded to -0ubuntu1 if it ends up in the repos.09:46
Kalidarnfair enough09:46
persiaOr to -1 if it ends up in repos that use that revision coding scheme09:46
Kalidarnmktorrent (0.9.9-2) intrepid; urgency=low09:46
Kalidarnis what i had so ill make it mktorrent (0.9.9-2~ppa1) intrepid; urgency=low09:47
persiaYou can't.  -2~ppa is lower than -209:48
Kalidarnoh hang on ;P09:48
Kalidarnyeah so it's mktorrent(0.9.9~ppa1)09:48
Kalidarnmy brain fuzzed on the syntax :P09:48
persiaAgain, no.09:49
persiaYou want 0.9.9-0ppaX09:49
Kalidarnoh yeah cos that 0 before ppa09:49
Kalidarnrepresents whether it came from debian or not09:49
Kalidarndoesn't it09:49
persiaThe hypen separates the version number from the revision number09:49
persiaYou want a very low revision number.09:49
Kalidarnand the ppaX represents rev number?09:49
persiaNo, the 0 just sorts less than 1, which is the first revision number in Debian.09:49
persia-0ppaX is nice because it also sorts lower than 0ubuntuX.09:50
persiaAll of "0ppaX" represents the revision number.09:50
Kalidarnmktorrent (0.9.9-0ppa1) intrepid; urgency=low09:50
persiaIt's just a very low revision.  Same sort of reason one uses 0.0.X for early versions of software.09:50
Kalidarnis what ill set it to then09:50
Kalidarnbecause i scrubbed what was in there09:51
persiaThat would be good, except you already uploaded something higher, so you can't upload that (it remembers)09:51
Kalidarnbecause i had dcecchin in other parts of it so i changed that09:51
Kalidarnnow my versions are all screwed up09:51
persiaIndeed.  PPAs are good for distributing software, but it's not easy to recover if you mess up.09:51
Kalidarnhaha can i delete my account?09:52
persiaOne way to work around it is to use something like 0.9.9+clean-0ppa1 as your version.09:52
persiaThen, when 0.9.10 comes out, you just upload 0.9.10-0ppa109:52
Kalidarnoh true09:52
Kalidarni might do that :P09:52
Kalidarnand i don't think u can delete accounts09:52
Kalidarnby the looks of it09:53
persiaYou can, but it's non-trivial, mostly because it breaks things, like the URL you asked someone to look at that is now logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com09:53
Kalidarnoh well ;)09:54
Kalidarnas long as the name isn't reserved i might do that as i've learnt from my lesson09:54
Kalidarnand i will create the same name after anyway09:54
Kalidarnso it wouldn't break it :P09:54
persiaThat's non-trivial.  Ask in #launchpad, but I suspect it's poorly staffed for the next week or so.09:54
Kalidarnah okay09:55
NCommanderpersia, once you delete, you can upload any version except for the last one if it has the extact same version string09:55
KalidarnNCommander, yeah i was going to delete my account and reopen it :P09:55
persiaNCommander, I was sure that got fixed so that you had to upload a version higher than the last distributed.09:55
NCommanderpersia, not as of last week09:57
persiaNCommander, Ah.  Is there an open bug filed about that?09:58
NCommanderNo, cause I didn't consider it a bug :-P09:59
persiaPlease file it.  For a while, PPAs were trying to be both a playground and a place for real distribution.  The decision was made to support real distribution, with the side effect of breaking some of the playground stuff.  That's a bug, because even deleted, the version could exist on some users' systems.10:01
Kalidarnpersia, killing accounts wouldnt kill uploads anyway10:02
Kalidarni doubt10:02
NCommanderpersia, but the same is true in the real archive10:07
NCommanderpersia, if an upload is killed, you can upload something with a lower version than it10:07
persiaNCommander, Only if it's killed before it's accepted.10:07
persiaAnyway, that's just dangerous.10:07
NCommander(and that has happened in Debian)10:08
persiaYes, I know.  It's still dangerous, and shouldn't be done.10:08
Kalidarnmm so i should just wait for my new identity to propergate the keyservers and then what10:10
NCommanderpersia, no, once an upload is killed, dak retains no memory of it in unstable10:10
persiaKalidarn, Try uploading 0.9.9-0ppa1  I think it shouldn't work, but there may be a bug that it does.10:10
NCommander(or should I say a package is killed)10:10
Kalidarnoh okay10:10
persiaNCommander, Right, but that doesn't mean it's not been distributed.10:10
NCommanderAnyway, that's why epoch's exist10:11
persiaRight, but an epoch is probably overkill for the current needs.10:11
persiaKalidarn, If that doesn't work, try -1ppa1 and go from there.10:11
NCommanderpersia, oh, I'm perfectly aware of the problem, and I know how bad it is, I'm just saying how things currently are10:15
persiaNCommander, Which is why I'm arguing with you when you say "I didn't consider it a bug"10:16
persiaIn the current situation, if -0ppa1 can be uploaded, it will be a good thing.10:16
Kalidarnim sorry i noobed it10:17
* NCommander turns --verbose on himself10:17
NCommanderI didn't consider it a bug because I didn't realize the full implications of the problem10:17
NCommanderpersia, :-P10:17
NCommanderBTW, anyone know how to switch vim from using tabs to spaces?10:18
persiaKalidarn, No need to apologise: we all have to learn once.10:18
* NCommander is hacking on dak and Ganneff hates tabs ;.;10:18
persiaNCommander, That's OK.  I'm happy to share implications anytime you're short a few :)10:18
NCommanderpersia, feel free to shoot down my core dev application :-P10:18
NCommanderalthough Steven already beat you to it10:18
* NCommander sighs10:19
NCommanderMy ping times are over a second10:19
* directhex pongs NCommander 10:21
Kalidarnbtw persia10:26
Kalidarnmy key is updated on the MIT server10:26
Kalidarni expect it is on others10:26
Kalidarnalthough i think the old identity exists10:26
persiaKalidarn, Cool.10:27
StevenKNCommander: Use xemacs' python-mode10:28
StevenKNCommander: And damn it, stop calling me Steven10:28
NCommanderok StevenK10:28
NCommander(unless you perfer Steve)10:29
StevenKWhich I do10:29
NCommanderSorry, I didn't realize you did.10:29
StevenKNCommander: If you can drive {x,}emacs, python-mode makes coding Python very simple. Hit tab, and it adds the correct number of spaces to go up an indent level, and if you backspace, it will go down an indent level10:30
NCommanderOooh, sounds handy10:30
* NCommander uses console emacs however10:30
NCommanderJust :set python-mode?10:30
* NCommander is using vi10:30
NCommanderdamn it10:30
StevenKIf your file ends with .py, emacs should just deal10:30
KalidarnUploading to dcecchin-ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net):10:31
Kalidarn  mktorrent_0.9.9-0ppa1.dsc: done.10:31
Kalidarn  mktorrent_0.9.9-0ppa1.tar.gz: done.10:31
Kalidarn  mktorrent_0.9.9-0ppa1_source.changes: done.10:31
KalidarnSuccessfully uploaded packages.10:31
Kalidarnnow we wait and see ;)10:31
Kalidarnman its taking ages10:36
Kalidarnpersia, havn't got a email yet10:55
Kalidarnwhether my commit was rejected or accepted10:55
slytherinKalidarn: your upload log has no mention of .diff.gz11:00
slytherinKalidarn: also there is no .orig.tar.gz11:01
Kalidarnhmm strange11:01
Kalidarnwonder why11:01
Kalidarni used debuild -S11:01
Kalidarnpersia, it doesn't seem to be building the orig files11:11
Kalidarnthat scheme11:14
Kalidarnisn't calling it orig11:14
Kalidarnis what it's getting called11:14
Kalidarnnot orig11:14
Kalidarnlike it should be11:14
persiaOh, no the scheme is correct, you just also need to have the orig.tar.gz file.11:14
Kalidarnyeah it is an orig file though11:14
Kalidarnpersia, if i use debuild -S11:17
Kalidarnit should build it11:17
KalidarnThis package has a Debian revision number but there does not seem to be11:17
Kalidarnan appropriate original tar file or .orig directory in the parent directory;11:17
Kalidarn(expected mktorrent_0.9.9.orig.tar.gz or mktorrent-0.9.9.orig)11:17
persiaYou need to construct the orig.tar.gz separately.11:17
Kalidarnit does say that though11:17
persiaPut all the upstream stuff in a directory, and tar it up.  Call this mktorrent_0.9.9.orig.tar.gz11:18
persiaThen put that in the directory under your build directory when you call debuild -S11:18
Kalidarni thought the orig file was done automatically11:19
slytherinKalidarn: usually the .orig.tar.gz file is just the upstream tarball renamed.11:20
Kalidarni had it in there11:20
Kalidarnnot renamed11:20
KalidarnSuccessfully uploaded mktorrent_0.9.9-0ppa1.dsc to ppa.launchpad.net.11:22
KalidarnSuccessfully uploaded mktorrent_0.9.9.orig.tar.gz to ppa.launchpad.net.11:22
KalidarnSuccessfully uploaded mktorrent_0.9.9-0ppa1.diff.gz to ppa.launchpad.net.11:22
KalidarnSuccessfully uploaded mktorrent_0.9.9-0ppa1_source.changes to ppa.launchpad.net11:22
Kalidarnthere we go ;)11:22
* Kalidarn waits for his email11:24
Kalidarnthe first time it accepted it11:25
Kalidarnwithout an orig file11:25
Kalidarni just checked the email11:25
Kalidarni think it might be that bug11:26
Kalidarnu talked about11:26
Kalidarnwhich is why it is ignoring me not rejecting or accepting11:26
Kalidarni might check back in a few hours11:35
handschuhsince it is revu-day, I would kindly ask to review a package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=h2database . thanks!12:21
slytherinhandschuh: what is the package about?13:00
handschuhslytherin: the h2 database lib13:01
handschuhslytherin: h2database.com13:01
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slytherinhandschuh: free enough?13:25
handschuhslytherin: yes13:27
slytherinhandschuh: can you please try compiling a package from debian for me? I want to file a sync request but don't have access to jaunty pbuilder.13:27
handschuhslytherin: sure!13:28
slytherinhandschuh: http://packages.qa.debian.org/libj/libjboss-web-services-java.html use 'dget <link_to_dsc_file>' to get the source and do a simple pbuilder --build *.dsc13:29
handschuhslytherin: ok13:29
nhandlerYou could also use pull-debian-source to get the source ;)13:31
slytherinnhandler: didn't know that. thanks. :-D13:31
nhandlerslytherin: It is in the ubuntu-dev-tools trunk bzr branch, but not in the repositories yet13:33
handschuhslytherin: it takes a few minutes13:34
handschuhslytherin: sorry for the long time it took, build was successfull13:55
handschuhslytherin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/93186/13:56
handschuhslytherin: does that satisfy you?14:02
handschuhslytherin: the content of the package: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/93194/14:07
slytherinhandschuh: thanks. It doesn't matter to me what the content is as long as it builts.14:09
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handschuhslytherin: ok great14:10
nhandlerIf we are touching an old Ubuntu package that is not in debian, should we bump the debhelper Build-Depends and debian/compat if they are less than 5?14:19
persianhandler, That would be a good idea.  Updating to current standards is also appreciated.14:20
persiaIn fact, if you want to do something like update to dh7 or other packaging experimentation, those packages are great candidates.14:20
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nhandlerpersia: I thought we were only meant to use dh7 ir the package really needed it because it made it difficult to backport14:21
NCommandernhandler, that was fixed14:22
persianhandler, That's the regular recommendation, but for the Ubuntu-local packages, if you want to experiment, go ahead, unless you think they ought be backported.14:22
NCommandernhandler, but its still recommended that you use the lowest possible dh version14:22
NCommanderpersia, we backported debhelper since the number of dh 7 packages kept increasing14:23
persiaOh, then it doesn't matter at all.14:23
NCommanderhey DktrKranz14:23
DktrKranzhey NCommander14:24
nhandlerThanks persia and NCommander14:24
* NCommander waits for REVU's source code to check out14:26
DktrKranzNCommander, is REVU broken sorting "updated packages"? I see packages already in the archives into "New packages" section.14:26
NCommanderI need its legal checker14:26
* NCommander ughs14:26
NCommanderQuite possibly14:26
persiaIsn't that just licensecheck?14:27
NCommanderI'm on dialup ATM, so I can't really check14:27
NCommander(REVU's source is taking forever to checkout)14:27
NCommanderI just learned something ;-)14:27
nhandlerNCommander: If you just want to look at the code, wouldn't it be faster to use the web interface on LP?14:27
Kalidarnthis is annoying its still not giving me any email14:27
Kalidarnof whether it accepted or rejected my upload14:28
Kalidarnalthough it says it uploaded successfully.14:28
nhandlerKalidarn: Where did you upload to?14:28
Kalidarnmy ppa14:28
Kalidarni made a boo boo the first time14:28
Kalidarnwith the naming14:28
Kalidarnand it accepted it14:28
Kalidarnso i tried fixing it14:28
Kalidarnnow i can't do anything14:28
* NCommander works on dropping licensecheck into dak.14:28
Kalidarnnobody knows about my ppa it'd be nice if some kind admin could scrub it14:28
persiaKalidarn, ppa admins are in #launchpad14:29
AnAntHello, why isn't gnome-python-extras sync'ed/merged from Debian ?14:30
persiaAnAnt, Have you checked for a merge or sync bug?14:31
NCommanderWe're past DIF AnAnt14:31
AnAntin Ubuntu it is 2.19.1-0ubuntu13, while in Debian it is 2.19.1-314:31
AnAntNCommander: I know, I'm wondering why the import wasn't done14:32
persiaAnAnt, Might be different orig.tar.gz files that mean it's hard to sync.14:32
AnAntI see14:32
AnAntpersia: no, I didn't check for a merge/sync bug14:33
persiaAnAnt, Well, that's the first place to check.  If there's no bug, then it's maybe worth looking at the last changelog entry in Ubuntu: if that doesn't include the fixes from the latest Debian upload, then if you feel it should be merged, prepare a candidate.14:38
Kalidarnwhat timezone are most of the canoical people around14:40
nhandlerNCommander: Do you have a list of the current REVU admins? The wiki page is out of date14:42
NCommandernhandler, ~revu-admins on Launchpad14:43
persiaKalidarn, All timezones, really.  This is just a bad week.14:43
Kalidarnfair enough :)14:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 309684 in exiv2 "Please sync exiv2-0.18 from Debian Experimental" [Undecided,New]15:21
pmjdebruijnanybody a clue if there a chance that will gets synced on time?15:21
persiapmjdebruijn, How do you mean "in time"?15:21
pmjdebruijnisn't the sync window closing today or tomorrow?15:22
pmjdebruijnwell "in time", for Jaunty...15:22
persiaautosync is closing.  Manual sync continues as long as is required.15:22
pmjdebruijnok, good :)15:22
handschuhmay i kindly ask for a review of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=h2database (java h2 database engine lib)? Thanks in advance16:01
slytherinis anyone facing problem filing syncrequest with requestsync --lp?16:25
persiaThere were reports earlier of it filing 5 or 6 bugs rather than one.16:26
slytherinI am getting this error - Maybe there is no product 'libjboss-web-services-java' in the distribution 'ubuntu'16:27
slytherinpersia: damn, it indeed files 5 bugs in my case even though I for the error16:27
persiaWhat does rmadison tell you?16:27
persiaYeah.  Either fix it, or file the bugs manually.16:28
slytherinpersia: I am now marking the bugs duplicate.16:29
loic-mIs today a REVU day?16:36
nhandlerYes loic-m16:36
nhandlerEvery Friday is a REVU day16:36
loic-mOh, every Friday. I though it was less often16:37
Adri2000slytherin: bug #311289 - my advice is 'do not use --lp, and trust email rather than python-launchpad-bugs magic' :p16:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311289 in ubuntu-dev-tools "requestsync --lp is crazy (opens multiple bug reports)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31128916:38
slytherinAdri2000: The email setup never worked for me before. But I will try again.16:38
nhandlerloic-m: Nope. Every Friday. On REVU, in the top right, it will also display the date of the next REVU day16:38
loic-mnhandler, thanks16:39
Adri2000slytherin: if it doesn't work, check that you can connect to fiordland.ubuntu.com on port 2516:40
slytherinAdri2000: connect as in ssh?16:41
Adri2000no, telnet fiordland.ubuntu.com 2516:41
Adri2000it should say 220 fiordland.canonical.com ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)16:42
NCommanderwhat's fiordland?16:42
loic-mCan somebody review ecm package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ecm ?16:42
Adri2000NCommander: the default smtp server used by requestsync16:43
Adri2000err, sorry16:43
slytherinAdri2000: I can connect. I will check if it works next time I file a sync request.16:43
jpdsAdri2000: No idea where the 5 bugs filed problem came from... but then again I never use the --lp flag.16:54
slytherinjpds: I never had problem with --lp till today.16:55
jpdsslytherin: Odd..16:55
slytherinso probably it is something wrong in LP side16:55
jpdsNCommander: fiordland is where the @ubuntu, etc mail goes through.17:03
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slytherinDo I need to add command dh_installchangelog in debian/rules for upstream changelog to get installed?17:42
ScottK-palmcody-somerville or NCommander: Would you please arrange to have somone test the proposed backport in Bug 310061 under Xubuntu.  I'd like to make sure we don't break anyone.18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310061 in intrepid-backports "Please backport flashplugin-nonfree to Intrepid (at least for amd64)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31006118:00
NCommanderScottK-palm, er, wasn't the last time this was tried, things went very very badly?18:00
ScottK-palmNCommander: That was Intrepid - Hardy and was a bit diifferent.18:02
* NCommander winces18:02
NCommanderbut flashplugin-nonfree is a transitional package in jaunty18:02
NCommanderor it will be soon18:02
ScottK-palmNCommander: That is why I'm asking for testing on i386 and amd64 using all 3 major DE.18:03
NCommanderI'm not running intrepid, and cody is running Hardy ...18:03
NCommanderYour best bet would be asking knome, who hangs out in #xubuntu-devel, he runs intrepid18:03
ScottK-palmOK.  Surely someone is.18:03
ScottK-palmNCommander: I'm on the road with limited internet.  Would you, please?18:04
NCommanderI'll poke him for you, but ATM, I can't downgrade18:04
ScottK-palmSounds good.  Thanks.18:05
ScottK-palmNCommander: Do you still have a KDE upload needing sponsorship?18:06
NCommanderNot at the moment18:06
NCommanderI can't download source packages ATM18:06
ScottK-palmOK.  Off for now then.18:07
directhexlooks like yesterday's wiffle problems are driver-specific. wifey's laptop connected fine to father in law's wifi under intrepid18:07
leonelsebner: what's to do for the  cherokee 0.11.6 merge ??19:25
sebnerleonel: nothing, it's a sync O_o19:26
leonelsebner: this for bug 31159819:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311598 in cherokee "Please sync cherokee 0.11.6-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31159819:26
leonelsebner: ok so just wait ?19:26
sebnerleonel: yep, I already subscribed ubuntu-archive so you don't have to wait for sponsorship (I'm MOTU)19:26
leonelsebner: great19:27
sebnerleonel: np19:27
loic-mI'm trying to learn a bit more about packaging by reviewing some packages on REVU, and I'd like to know if they're all supposed to build ok with debuild -S -uc -us21:55
loic-mBecause a few I tried don't21:56
Adri2000that should build the source package indeed21:57
loic-mSo if they don't, how can i check it's not my setup?21:58
LaserJockloic-m: if you pastebin the error we can have a look21:59
loic-mIt's a simple error - all packaes around cdemu have a line that pose problems : include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make22:00
LaserJockloic-m: apt-get install quilt then22:01
loic-mLaserJock: thanks. I thought it should have been handled by the package dependencies22:03
loic-mLaserJock: http://pastebin.com/d2551716322:03
LaserJockloic-m: quilt should be in the build dependencies22:04
LaserJockloic-m: but there aren't really source package build dependencies22:04
LaserJockgenerally though if you have dpatch, debhelper, cdbs, and quilt installed you'll not run into many problems22:04
loic-mLaserJock: so the repositories and PPA all have quilt installed?22:05
LaserJockloic-m: no22:05
LaserJockloic-m: but building a source package is different then building the binary packages22:06
loic-mLaserJock: ok, now I understand22:06
loic-mLaserJock: so as long as pbuilder is ok afterwards, this kind of errors aren't a problem22:07
loic-mLaserJock: thanks22:07
Laneyloic-m: To build a source package, dpkg-buildpackage runs the clean target of the debian/rules file22:08
Laneyso you have to have installed anything that's run there22:08
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