ScottK | NCommander: Did your kdebase-workspace upload get done? | 04:13 |
NCommander | yes | 04:13 |
NCommander | It built | 04:13 |
NCommander | Now the rest of KDE FTBFS | 04:14 |
NCommander | woo | 04:14 |
ScottK | OK. One step at at time .... | 04:14 |
NCommander | at least the build-deps cleared | 04:16 |
ScottK | OK. I saw POX sponsored your python-qt4 changes to Experimental. | 04:17 |
ScottK | NCommander: Did you see if it got tagged in svn? | 04:17 |
NCommander | no idea | 04:18 |
ScottK | NCommander: Usually POX expects the sponsoree to tag it, so you might check. | 04:18 |
NCommander | Well, the changelog in SVN was set to UNRELEASED | 04:18 |
ScottK | If that's a problem for you, I can do it. | 04:18 |
NCommander | so he would have had to change that to sponsor it | 04:18 |
ScottK | OK. You gonna take care of it? | 04:19 |
NCommander | ScottK, I really don't know enough about pkg-python-modules to feel really confortable doing it | 04:28 |
ScottK | NCommander: I'll take care of it. | 04:36 |
ScottK | NCommander: It was tagged. Just checked, so it's all good. | 04:38 |
nixternal | glade88|AFK: keep on rockin' them blog posts...had no idea it was you :) | 04:38 |
nixternal | wasabi you freaks! | 04:38 |
nixternal | 23:13:44 [nixternal] drawing attention to the phone is not a good idea, especially when you are so small...some bigger person who is a complete idiot will notice it faster and come take it from you | 05:17 |
nixternal | 23:14:59 [ booboo] u can get a gel case or skin for ur blackberry! and if some big person wants to take it from me ill put dora on it | 05:17 |
nixternal | hahahahahahahhaha, my own 12 year old daughter just owned me | 05:17 |
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey | ||
colomar | hi | 12:15 |
colomar | I have a quick question: Does anyone happen to know which version of kpackagekit and libpackagekit-qt will be used in jaunty and how to get it? I will be evaluating kpackagekit's usability but I don't know if the version currently available in kde-apps (0.3) will be the one used. How can I find out who's in charge of the integration into kubuntu jaunty? | 12:19 |
Nightrose | colomar: i think either NCommander or nhandler packaged it | 12:21 |
colomar | Nightrose: Thanks. Since they're both here, I'll probably get an answer soon | 12:26 |
Nightrose | i hope so - and thanks for doing the review | 12:27 |
Riddell | colomar: did you e-mail Anthony Mercatante <tonio@ubun> ? | 12:35 |
colomar | Yes I did | 12:35 |
colomar | Didn't get an answer yet | 12:36 |
Tm_T | W: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/cache/pbuilder/build/1653/. mount -t proc proc /proc | 13:26 |
Tm_T | + echo 'pbuilder: debootstrap failed' | 13:26 |
Tm_T | hmmmm | 13:26 |
* NCommander returns to work on porting KDE 4.2 | 13:42 | |
NCommander | Riddell, maybe with a little luck I can finish the rest the core KDE modules today | 13:43 |
Riddell | NCommander: ARM stuff? think there's a lot to be ported? | 13:46 |
NCommander | Everything left is FTBFSing | 13:46 |
Riddell | fooey | 13:46 |
NCommander | But I having seen anything fendish | 13:46 |
NCommander | Such as the kde4bindings or kdebase-workspace | 13:46 |
NCommander | Just standard cast fixes | 13:46 |
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian | ||
cbr | so when will kopete support MSN again? | 15:11 |
Tm_T | cbr: it does | 15:12 |
delicowa | i wanna be a part of the kubuntu development team how doi start | 15:12 |
cbr | Tm_T: huh? | 15:12 |
cbr | in jaunty? | 15:12 |
cbr | i can't add an MSN account | 15:14 |
Tm_T | delicowa: #kubuntu-devel | 15:14 |
Tm_T | cbr: ah, there's no libmsn packaged, yet | 15:14 |
cbr | there is a libmsn0.1 | 15:15 |
cbr | has been there for a while | 15:15 |
cbr | but that doesnt change anything | 15:15 |
cbr | so i'm a bit puzzled about that | 15:16 |
Tm_T | cbr: hmmm, thats too old | 15:16 |
Nightrose | delicowa: what do you want to do? | 15:17 |
cbr | so kopete doesn't have msn support in 4.2 beta2? | 15:17 |
Tm_T | delicowa: sorry (:) | 15:17 |
Tm_T | cbr: it does if you build it yourself | 15:18 |
cbr | so the reason it doesnt in kubuntu is that the libmsn is too old? | 15:18 |
Tm_T | cbr: yes | 15:19 |
Tm_T | cbr: it must be libmsn-4.0-beta2 | 15:20 |
cbr | no ppa with the appropriate stuff or smth? | 15:20 |
Tm_T | not that I know | 15:20 |
cbr | aha | 15:21 |
cbr | it seems that it was released just monday | 15:22 |
Tm_T | cbr: oh, it's finally released? neat =) | 15:38 |
vorian | where is the new queue (link)? | 15:41 |
cbr | Tm_T: the beta2 | 15:45 |
cbr | not the final, it seems | 15:45 |
cbr | documentation on launchpad is very scarce.. no changelog etc | 15:45 |
cbr | not launchpad.. sourceforge | 15:45 |
Tm_T | cbr: yes, beta2, beta1 didn't help on this | 16:12 |
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez | ||
Tm_T | Riddell: bit tricky this Qt, because of its nature | 17:28 |
danimo | blizzzek: also @c3? | 17:46 |
danimo | Tm_T: how do you get to this conclusion? | 18:04 |
Tm_T | danimo: trying to make sure the patches I remove aren't needed and issues those fixes are fixed | 18:26 |
Tm_T | and because Qt is in so big role, it's not easy task, you know | 18:26 |
danimo | Tm_T: ah, so it's from a packaging POV | 18:28 |
Tm_T | danimo: indeed | 18:29 |
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz | ||
cbr | hmm.. it's rather confusing what you need to have in place to get gem/dri2 | 19:19 |
cbr | you need the .28 kernel | 19:19 |
cbr | you need a current intel driver for example.. | 19:19 |
cbr | now do you need the yet-to-be-released mesa as well? | 19:19 |
cbr | and the xserver 1.6? | 19:19 |
cbr | and can you even then get gem? since only UXA uses it and that and like phoronix also confirmed that's a failboat pretty much | 19:21 |
cbr | *-and that | 19:21 |
danimo | hi Czessi_ | 19:57 |
danimo | Czessi_: around? | 19:57 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
nixternal | Mez: yay mutt! irssi + bitlbee == love just so you know :) | 20:49 |
nixternal | I just reconfigured my send-hooks in mutt with new signatures | 20:50 |
* nixternal goes shopping | 20:50 |
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